Internal Flow: General Considerations: Sections 8.1 Through 8.3

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Internal Flow:

General Considerations


Incropera F. P., DeWitt D. P., Bergman T. L., Lavine A. S. Principles of Heat and Mass Transfer, 7th Ed., Wiley, 2013 1
Chapter Map
8.1 Hydrodynamics Considerations

8.2 Thermal Considerations

8.3 The Energy Balance

8.4 Laminar Flow in Circular Tubes: Thermal Analysis and Convection Correlations

8.5 Convection Correlations: Turbulent Flow in Circular Tube

8.6 Convection Correlations: Noncircular Tubes and the Concentric Tube Annulus

Recommended to read:

8.7 Heat Transfer Enhancement

8.8 Forced Convection in Small Channels

- Microscale convection in Gases (0.1 μm ≤ Dh ≤ 100 μm)

- Nanoscale Convection (Dh ≤ 100 nm)

Entrance Conditions

Entrance Conditions
• Must distinguish between entrance and fully developed regions.
• Hydrodynamic Effects: Assume laminar flow with uniform velocity profile at inlet of a circular tube.

– Velocity boundary layer develops on surface of tube and thickens with increasing x.
– Inviscid region of uniform velocity shrinks as boundary layer grows.
 Does the centerline velocity change with increasing x?
– Subsequent to boundary layer union at the centerline, the velocity profile becomes parabolic and invariant with x. (Called
hydrodynamically fully developed)

Mean velocity
– The Reynolds number for flow in a circular tube is defined as
um = ?

– The critical Reynolds number corresponding to the onset of turbulence is

–The flow is either laminar or turbulent from the beginning.

The Mean Velocity
Absence of well-defined free stream conditions, as in external flow, and hence a reference
velocity (u∞) , dictates the use of a cross-sectional mean velocity (um) for internal flow.

• The relation between mean velocity to mass flow rate:

m  u m Ac
Ac u  r , x  d Ac
m  Ac u  r , x  d Ac  u m 
Use m  u m Ac

 Ac

• For incompressible flow in a circular tube of radius ro ,

 0 u  r , x  r dr
um 

Entry Lengths

Hydrodynamic Entry Lengths

• Entry lengths depend on whether the flow is – Onset of turbulence occurs at a critical Reynolds
laminar or turbulent, which, in turn, depends on number of
Reynolds number.
u m D h Re D ,c  2300
Re D 

– Fully turbulent conditions exist for
The hydraulic diameter is defined as
Re D  10,000
Dh  u
P • Hydrodynamic Entry Length 0
in which case,
Laminar Flow: x fd ,h  0.05 Re D  D
u m D h 4 m
Re D   Turbulent Flow: x fd ,h  10D
 P

For a circular tube,

u m D 4m
Re D  
 D

Fully Developed Flow

Fully Developed Conditions

• Assuming steady flow and constant properties, hydrodynamic conditions, including the velocity profile,
are invariant in the fully developed region.
• The pressure drop may be determined from knowledge of the friction factor f, where;

f 
f 
dp / dx  D Re D
Laminar flow in a circular tube

u m2 / 2
f   0.790 1n Re D  1.64 
Turbulent flow in a smooth circular tube

Pressure drop for fully developed flow from x1 to x2:

u m2
p  p1  p 2  f x 2  x 1 
2D h

The pumping power requirement

p m
  p  

Thermal consideration
• Thermal Effects: Assume laminar flow with uniform temperature,T  r ,0   T i , at
inlet of circular tube with uniform surface temperature, T s  T i , or heat flux, q s .

• Thermal Entry Length

Laminar Flow: x fd ,t  0.05 ReD  D  Pr
Turbulent Flow: x fd ,t  10 D

– Thermal boundary layer develops on surface of tube and thickens with increasing x.

– Isothermal core shrinks as boundary layer grows.

– Subsequent to boundary layer merger, dimensionless forms of the temperature

profile  for T s and q s  become independent of x.
Conditions are then said to be thermally fully developed.
 Is the temperature profile invariant with x in the fully developed region?  T s  x  T  r , x  
  0
x  s   m    fd ,t
T x  T x

Mean Quantities (cont.)
The Mean Temperature
• Relation of mean temperature to thermal energy transport associated with flow through a cross section:
E t  Ac uc pT dAc  mc pT m
 Ac uc pT dAc
Tm 
m cp
• For incompressible, constant-property flow in a circular tube,


 u  x , r T  x , r  r dr
Tm  0
u m ro2

• Newton’s law of cooling for the Local Heat Flux:

q s  h T s T m 

• Requirement for fully developed thermal conditions:

 T s  x  T  r , x   Recall
k f T y
  0 y 0

 T s  x  T m  x   fd ,t
x h 
T s T 
Mean Temperature (cont.)

The energy balance

dT m q sP P
q s  P dx   h T s T m  P dx . Show in whiteboard:   h T s T m 
dx mc p mc p

• Special Case: 8.3.2 Uniform Surface Heat Flux • Special Case: 8.3.3 Uniform Surface Temperature

dT m q sP q sP d T s T m 
  f x  T m  x   T m ,i  x d Tm
 
h T s T m  Integrating from x=0 to
dx mc p mc p dx dx mcp any downstream location,

T s T m  x   PL  1 L
 exp   hL  where; hL   h dx
T s  T m ,i  mcp  L 0
Total heat rate:  
For the entire length:
q conv  q s PL T o T s T m ,o  PL   h As 
  exp   h   exp   
T i T s T m ,i  mcp   mcp
   

Total heat rate:

q conv  mc p T m ,o T m ,i 
qconv  hAs Tlm
T o  T i
T lm 
ln  T o T i 

Mean Temperature (cont.)

• Special Case: Uniform External Fluid Temperature

   
T o T  T m ,o U As 1
  exp     exp   
T i T  T m ,i  mc   mc R 
 p   p tot 

T m
q  UAs T m 
R tot

T m  T s replaced by T  .

Note: Replacement of T  by Ts,o if outer surface temperature is uniform.

Example 8.2

Example 8.3
Steam condensing on the outer surface of a thin-walled circular tube of diameter D = 50 mm
and length L = 6 m maintains a uniform outer surface temperature of 100oC.
Water flows through the tube at a rate of 0.25 kg/s, and its inlet and outlet temperatures are
Tm,i = 15oC and Tm,o = 57oC. What is the average convection coefficient associated with the
water flow?
(For water at Tm = 36 oC): cp = 4178 K/kg . K

q conv  mc p T m ,o T m ,i 

q conv  hA s T lm

h  755
m 2 .K

Internal Flow:
Heat Transfer Correlations

Fully Developed Flow

Laminar Fully Developed Flow of Circular Tube

The local Nusselt number is constant throughout the fully developed region, but its value
depends on the surface thermal condition. (for incompressible & constant fluid properties )
– Uniform Surface Heat Flux (q s) : – Uniform Surface Temperature (T s ):

Nu D  hD  4.36 (8.53) NuD  hD  3.66 (8.55)

k k
Special cases: (Entry Region Effect) Average Nusselt Number for Laminar, Circular Tube, Uniform Ts:
I. Thermal boundary layer is still developing while velocity BL is fully developed:
L  xh L  x th
Where Graetz number:
All properties should be evaluated at Tm,=
II. Both boundary layers are still developing: (Tm,i+Tm,o)/2 L  xh L  xth



Turbulent Fully Developed Flow of Circular Tube
• In the turbulent flow regime, the length of the pipe is usually much longer than the hydrodynamic and thermal entry length.
• Remember that xfd,h and xfd,t are just 10 times the diameter of the pipe.
• Thus, fully-developed correlations are generally valid if L > 10D.
• For a smooth surface and fully turbulent conditions (ReD < 10,000), the Dittus – Boelter equation may be used as a first
Nu D  0.023ReD4/5 Pr n n  0.3 T s  T m  (8.60)
n  0.4 T s  T m 

• For flows characterized by large property variations, the following equation, due to Sieder and Tate, is recommended:

 
Nu D  0.027Re D4/5Pr 1/3  
 s 
• The effects of wall roughness and transitional flow conditions (ReD < 3000), may be considered by using the Gnielinski

Nu D 
f / 8  Re D  1000  Pr
 Pr  1
1  12.7  f / 8 
1/2 2/3

Laminar Turbulent


Nu D  0.023Re D4/5Pr n

FF FE n  0.3 T s  T m 
n  0.4 T s  T m 

𝑁𝑢𝑥 = 1.3 𝑅𝑒 𝐺𝑧𝐷



Problem 8.19

Fully Developed Flow (cont.)
Noncircular Tubes: Laminar
• Use of hydraulic diameter as characteristic
Dh 
• Since the local convection coefficient varies
around the periphery of a tube, approaching
zero at its corners, correlations for the fully
developed region are associated with
convection coefficients averaged over the
periphery of the tube.
Laminar Flow:
• The local Nusselt number is a constant
whose value (Table 8.1) depends on the
surface thermal condition (Ts or q’’s ) and
the duct aspect ratio.

Annulus Extra case for internal flow:
The Concentric Tube Annulus
• Fluid flow through region formed by concentric tubes.
• Convection heat transfer may occur from or to inner surface of
outer tube and outer surface of inner tube.
• Surface thermal conditions may be characterized by constant T
or uniform q”.
• Convection coefficients are associated with each surface, where

q i  hi T s ,i T m  qo  ho T s ,o T m 
𝐷ℎ = 𝐷𝑜 − 𝐷𝑖
• What is Dh in this case?

hi D h
Nu i 

ho D h
Nu o 

Fully Developed Flow (cont.)
Noncircular Tubes: Turbulent
• Use of hydraulic diameter as characteristic length:
Dh 
• Since the local convection coefficient varies around the periphery of a tube, approaching zero at
its corners, correlations for the fully developed region are associated with convection coefficients
averaged over the periphery of the tube.
Turbulent Flow:
• As a first approximation, the Dittus-Boelter or Gnielinski correlation may be used with the
hydraulic diameter, regardless of the surface thermal condition:

n  0.3 T s  T m 
Nu D  0.023Re 4/5
D Pr n
n  0.4 T s  T m 

- Recommended example to be solved is Problem 8.62 in Incropera textbook

Example on Ch. 8 and Ch. 7

 
Pr     5.83 ReD  4780
 k  c p 

Re D  37229 Nu D  0.193ReD0.618 Pr1 3  32.2

ho  96.6 W
Nu D  0.023Re Pr 4/5
 177 2
m K

h  10854 W 0.023ReD4/5 Pr 0.4 k

m K h  12950 W
m K

Ts  Tm,o  Ah  T  Tm,o  AU 
 exp   s   Tm,o  33 C
 exp   s   Tm,o  50.3 C

Ts  Tm,i  mcp T  Tm,i  mcp

    21

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