Offshore Rope Testing
Offshore Rope Testing
Offshore Rope Testing
cranes on board
Steel ropes are used on seagoing vessels for any of a number of purposes. They are,
for instance, fitted to cranes to hoist and move loads. They may be used on winches
below deck to lay pipe and for construction work in deepwater fields.
In the latter case the ropes are usually several kilometres long. Every effort has to be
taken to avoid having to replace the rope while the project is in progress and to prevent
early, non-scheduled discards due to rope failures. You can avoid such situations by
employing magnetic rope testing (MRT) in due time.
This testing procedure makes it possible to identify damage in the form of wire breaks, wear and corro-
sion in ropes up to 150 mm in diameter. The inspection findings are used to determine the condition of
the rope in terms of its load bearing capacity. Regular testing helps to compile a damage register and,
based on the known real lifting performance, the results can be used to predict the remaining service
life and to schedule rope changes.
Our services cover a rope’s entire life cycle. determine the reason for the breakdown: faulty
We can begin by monitoring manufacturing opera- material, improper use and nearly every incident a
tions, using mechanical testing at up to 20 MN rope can experience.
breaking load, and continue with on-site NDT Electromagnetic rope testing equipment was
inspections with the rope installed and in place. first developed in the 1930s, at our Rope Testing
We can even conduct damage analyses for ropes Centre. In the many years since those early days
that have failed. we have continuously refined and developed
Here we track down damage and dismantle the electromagnetic and magneto-inductive test
rope, studying each single wire, the lubricant situ- equipment.
ation, and the corrosion and wear status. Thus we This is what sets us apart from the rest!
Magnetic testing
on rope in the field
Recorded tracings
Dinnendahlstr. 9
44809 Bochum