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Measure of Central Tendency

Math is like a puzzle

Find a missing number
It’s like a princess Rapunzel
Who tried the best way; like math,
To find the best answer

Math is full of surprises,

It’s like playing lottery
You can win and you can lose
But the most important thing
Is it brings you knowledge and lesson

A single measurement is all you can see.

Mean is everything, finding mean
Is by adding and dividing
All the numbers seen.

Median is like the ocean; it meets you in the middle

Good ambiance; while playing the fiddle
But it just simply the number of the middle
So don’t confuse with the median.

Mode is a range between mean and median

It is best to put the numbers in order
It’s like a pot of gold,
The number that appears the most it will hold.

This is great to know since it tells you whether

Two things you measure tend to line up together.

But there are terrible threats

For any student who ever forgets

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