An Analyses and Meta-Synthesis of Research On STEM Education

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Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.

ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.34, 2016

An Analyses and Meta-Synthesis of Research on STEM Education

Faculty of Education, Depertment of Mathematics and Science Education, Muş Alparslan University, Muş
49000, Turkey

The purpose of the current study is to draw an outline of empirical research studies conducted on STEM
education with a focus on student achievement, in addition to their creativity and problem solving skills,
attitudes and interests towards STEM subjects. After an initial screening of several articles, papers and
dissertations on STEM education, 33 studies are selected according to their fit into our research framework.
These selected studies are exposed to analysis and synthesis processes in line with the stages of meta-synthesis
research method to specify and present findings under the specified themes. The findings include the strong
alignment between STEM education principles and international comparison studies, such as PISA/TIMSS, as
well as a positive impact of STEM education on student achievement at school and on their attitudes towards
individual STEM disciplines. There is also evidence to support that interventions that follow STEM education
principles reinforce students’ problem solving and creativity.
Keywords: STEM education, meta-synthesis studies, science and mathematics education

1. Introduction
Development in science in recent years increased the need for individuals who are well-equipped in their fields
and who can add innovation to their expertise. Infact, 21st century economies needed such individuals with
expert competence in their own fields with a good understanding of other Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Although the need for individuals with sufficient knowledge in these areas
increased, current education system fell short at this point to raise such people (Yıldırım & Selvi, 2015). Besides,
Quality Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education is vital for the future success of
students (Stohlmann, Moore & Roehring, 2012). For all these reasons, many countries tried and are still seeking
to improve quality of the education given in subjects such as science, technology engineering and mathematics
(Yıldırım & Selvi, 2015).
Although the STEM acronym is coined up as the first letters of Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (Jayarajah, Saat & Abdul Rauf, 2014), several researchers believed that STEM covers a larger and
more comprehensive understanding than these individual disciplines. For example, some researchers claimed that
STEM education included the knowledge, skills and beliefs that are collaboratively constructed at the intersection
of more than one STEM subject area (Corlu, Capraro & Capraro, 2014). According to Meng, Idris and Eu (2014)
STEM education should be understood as an interdisciplinary approach with a strong emphasis on community
created by those who conduct it; either at the workplace by scientists or at the school level; either by teachers
working together or by students working on interdisciplinary projects (Corlu, 2014). On the other hand, some other
researchers claimed that there was no standard definition for STEM education and different interpretations were
possible (Longdon et al., 2011; Koonce, Zhou and Anderson, Hening and Conley, 2011; Zhou, 2010).
STEM education includes the knowledge, skills and beliefs that are collaboratively constructed at the
intersection of more than one STEM subject area (Corlu, Capraro & Capraro, 2014). The word "science", the first
letter of which formed one of the letters in the abbreviation "STEM", contains a more comprehensive meaning than
science (Yıldırım & Altun, 2014). Science had a broader meaning including all disciplines and STEM has a
broader meaning which includes not only physics, biology, chemistry, engineering and computer engineering but
also behavioral sciences (psychology) and social sciences (Breckler, 2007; Green, 2007). Although, legislative
efforts to improve STEM education focus on STEM fields, which consist of natural sciences (biology, physics,
chemistry et al.), technology, engineering, and mathematics (Kuenzi, 2008). STEM education should be able to
provide wider opportunities for students to develop their competencies in not only Science, but also Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics and its related areas (Osman & Saat, 2014).
STEM education is an interdisciplinary area of study that bridges the four disciplines of science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM gets it philosophy from four important basic disciplines (Meng,
Idris & Eu, 2014). STEM rose with the power it took from these four basic disciplines. Knowledge that is obtained
since the emergence of STEM was revealed under the light of these disciplines. All these disciplines were
developed by being filtered through education. According to STEM the main goal of education is to prepare a
person for life and ensure that he lives competently (Moore et. al, 2014). A competent life is only possible with
living an educated life.
Today STEM education in many countries, especially in countries like United States, Korea, China and
UK focus on STEM philosophy. STEM philosophy ensures that countries, in which it is applied, maintains their

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.34, 2016

current economic and technological leaderships. On the other hand, it is also used to increase countries success in
international examinations such as PISA and TIMSS. These examinations are considered as podiums on which
counties put appearances. At this point, STEM has an important place for countries.

1.1. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to draw an outline of empirical research studies conducted on STEM education with
a focus on student achievement, in addition to their creativity and problem solving skills, attitudes and interests
towards STEM subjects. The following questions were tried to be answered within the framework of this
1. Does STEM Education influence students' academic success, attitudes and problem solving skills? If
any, what kind of effect does it have?
2. Does STEM Education influence students' motivation and scientific process skills? If any, what kind
of effect does it have?
3. What do Teachers think about STEM Education?

2. Holonic Manufacturing System (HMS)

2. Research Methodology
2.1 Study Design
"Meta-synthesis", which is a qualitative study design, was used in this study. Meta synthesis is a method which
research studies and investigates the results of several studies and tries to interpret the data obtained as a result of
this investigation (Finfgeld, 2003). According to Sondelowsky and Barrose, (2003), the main objective of meta
synthesis is to interpret the studies that were investigated, ensure that a detailed interpretation is formed and to
remain loyal to the interpretations of every study.

2.2 Collection of Data

Screening and selection processes were determined by the researchers in order to determine the studies to be
included to the meta-synthesis study. The researcher firstly determined the search included using ERIC
(EBSCO), ProQuest Digital Dissertations, JSTOR, Scopus, and Google Scholar which include the studies about
STEM education, and used the studies published between 1996 and 2016 by start from these data resources.
Field experts were consulted while determining the keywords and the researches made in this area were
investigated and searching under the terms STEM Education, STEM, Integrative STEM Education, STEAM
Education, STEAM, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. Research from approximately 70 studies
articles was accumulated to write a larger review of STEM education. 34 articles reports and theses that might
benefit the purpose Of the study were taken into the scope of the study as a result of the scan.
The measures determined for including and excluding the studies:
1. Whether or not they are studies in which the effect of STEM education was investigated
2. Whether or not they are conducted in primary, secondary or high schools
3. Whether or not they are articles, reports and theses
4. Whether or not the titles of articles, reports and theses include the keywords
5. Whether or not studies are national or international

2.3 Coding Method

Under the light of information obtained from articles, reports and theses, the themes were investigated according
to qualitative and quantitative findings and codes Were formed in order to provide easy interpretations from
analyses (See Table 1). Studies taken into the scope of this study was sorted according to features and their
publication years and coded as “X1, X2, ...” for convenience. Interpretations and analyses were made according
to this coding. (See Table 2).
Table 1. Codes of Meta-synthesis
Themes Theme Contents
Academic Success SAS- STEM’s Effect on Academic Success
Problem Solving SPS-STEM’s Effect on Problem Solving
Creative Thinking SCT-STEM’s Effect on Creative Thinking
Attitude SA-STEM’s Effect on Attitude
Interest / Motivation SIM-STEM’s Effect on Interest and Motivation
Scientific Process Skills SSPS-STEM’s Effect on Scientific Process Skills
Teacher Views STV-Teacher Views with regard to STEM

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.34, 2016

2.2.1 Studies included in Meta-synthesis

The code, author, publication year and type, method and theme code of each study included in this study are
given in the following Table (see Table 2).
Table 2. The Studies found as a Result of Literature Review and their codes
Code Author(s) Year Type of Method The Theme
Publication Measurement Code
Tool Employed
X1 Shin, Y.J. & Han, S.K. 2013 Article It is a qualitative study. 93 teachers took Survey STV
part in the study. Frequency and SPT
percentage were calculated.
X2 Kim, G.S. & Choi, S.Y. 2012 Article It is a quantitative study. 38 people Survey Attitude SPS
participated in the study. The SA
experimental group included 18
individuals, while the control group
included 20 people. The data was
analyzed with t-test and ANOVA.
X3 Lee, J.W, Park, H.J. & 2013 Article It is a qualitative study. 101 teachers took Survey STV
Kim, J.B. part in the study. Frequency and SPT
percentages were calculated.
X4 Park, S.J. & Yoo, P.K. 2013 Article It is a quantitative study in which 52 Interest and SIM
people participated. 26 individuals were motivation scale
in the experimental group and 26 were in
the control group. Data were analyzed
with t-test and ANOVA.
X5 Elliott, B., Oty, K., 2001 Article It is a quantitative study. 211 students Glaser Critical SA
Mcarthur, J & Clark, B. took part in the study. Attitude scale was Thinking SPS
used. Data were analyzed with Chi-square Appraisal scale
and t-test.
X6 Judson, E. 2014 Article It is a quantitative study. The students Success Test SAS
attending STEM focused schools and
students attending schools that are not
STEM focused were examined. To this
end, four schools were chosen. Various
numbers of students from these four
schools participated the study;
respectively 70, 53, 89 and 77 students.
Data were analyzed with ANCOVA and
X7 Şahin, S., Akbulut, B., 2014 Notification It is a qualitative study. Pre-school Observation and STV
Hascadan, B., Özgenol, teachers took part in it. Survey
Y. & Güley, A.
X8 Olivarez, N. 2012 PhD It is a quantitative study. 176 people Success Test SAS
Dissertation participated the study. 73 were in the
experimental group and others made up
the control group. The data collected were
interpreted based on MANOVA and t-
test results.
X9 Erdoğan, N., Capraro, 2013 Notification It is a quantitative study. 53 people took TOSRA scale SA
M.M., Capraro, R.M. & part in the study. The correlation between (Test of Science
Öner, A.T. attitude and gender, and other elements Related
was examined. Data were examined with Attitudes)
X10 Seong-Hwan, C. 2013 Article It is a quantitative study. 40 people took Attitude and SA
part in the study. 19 of them were in the interest scale SIM
experimental group while 21 are in the
control group. The data were analyzed
with t-test.
X11 Kim, D.H, Ko, D.G., 2014 Article It is a quantitative study. 141 people took Interest and SIM
Han, M.J. & Hong, S.H. part in the study. While 69 of them were Creativity Scale SCS
in the experimental group, 72 were in the
control group. The data collected were
interpreted based on t-test results.
X12 Cotabish, A., Dailey, D. 2013 Article It is a quantitative study. It was conducted Scientific SAS
Robinson, A. & on primary school students. Scientific Processing, SSPS
Hunghes, G. Process Skills, Knowledge and concept Aptitude and
knowledge of the students were Concept test
measured. The data collected were
interpreted based on t-test results.
X13 Wang, H.H. 2012 PhD It is a qualitative study. 77 teachers Interview form STV
Dissertation participated in the study. The data
collected were submitted to content

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.34, 2016

X14 Egli, S. 2012 Master Thesis It is a qualitative study. 17 teachers took Interview form STV
part in the study. The data were collected
from only 11 of the teachers.
X15 Ross, J.A. & Gray, A.H. 2012 Article It is a quantitative study. 53 teachers, 973 Attitude and SAS
students took part in the study. Data were Motivation SIM
interpreted with based on ANOVA and t- SA
test results.
X16 Irwın, R. 2013 Research Paper It is a quantitative study. 21 students took Achievement SAS
part in the study. Data were interpreted Test
based on t-test.
X17 Sullivan, F.R. 2008 Article It is a quantitative study. 26 people took Scientific SSPS
part in the study. In the study, Scientific Process Skills
process skills and thinking skills were
examined. Data obtained were submitted
to t-test and interpreted accordingly.
X18 Nugent, G., Barker, B., 2014 Article It is a quantitative study. 147 people took Attitude and SAS
Grandgenett,N. & part in the study. Academic achievement Success Scale SA
Adamchuck, V.I. test and attitude scale were used. The data
collected were interpreted based on
ANOVA, ANCOVA and t-test results.
X19 Vollstedt, A.M., 2007 Notification It is a quantitative study. 20 people took Attitude and SPT
Robinson, M. & Wang, part in the study. Attitude scale and Achievement SA
E. Physics test were used. The data were Scale
interpreted after they were submitted to
Mann Whitney-U test and t-test.
X20 Choi,S.H. 2013 Article It is a qualitative study. 40 people Attitude and SA
participated in the study. Attitude and Interest Scale SIM
Interest scale were used. Data were SPT
interpreted based on t-test results.
X21 Choi, Y. & Hong, S.H. 2013 Article It is a quantitative study. 136 people took Achievement test SAS
part in the study. 69 of these students SSPS
made up the experimental group and 67
of them made up the control group. Their
scientific process skills and academic
success were examined.
X22 Kong, J., Ju, E., J. 2013 Article It is a quantitative study and 48 people Achievement test SIM
&Jang, S. took part in the study. 24 of them made and motivation and SA
up the experimental group while the rest Interest scale SPT
made up the control group. The data
collected were interpreted with t-test and
f frequency statistics.
X23 Song, J. Shin, S. & Lee, 2010 Article It is a quantitative study and 56 people Attitude Scale SA
W. took part in the study. While 28 made up SPT
the experimental group, 28 made up the
control group. The date were interpreted
based on t-test results.
X24 Kwon, S.B., Nam, D.S 2012 Article It is a quantitative study. 80 people took Creativity test or SCT
& Lee, T.W. part in the study. While 40 of the m were scale
in the experimental group, the other 40
were in the control group. Data were
interpreted with t-test.
X25 Lee, H. et al., 2012 Article It is a qualitative. 251 took part in the Interview Form STV
study. Data were interpreted based SPT
frequency and percentages.
X26 Hsu, M.C., Purzer, S. & 2011 Article It is a quantitative study. 192 people took Survey STV
Cardella, M.E. part in the study. The data collected based
on Mean, SD, Mann-Whitney test,
Bonferroni test.
X27 Owens, D. B. 2014 PhD It is a quantitative study. 12 people took Interviews, STV
Dissertation part in the study. document
analysis, and
field notes
X28 Sahin, A., Ayar, M.C. & 2014 Article It is a quantitative study. 146 people took Observations, SIM
Adıguzel, T. part in the study. In this case study, data field-notes, and
were collected through observations, interviews.
field-notes, and interviews.
X29 Kong, Y.T. & Huo, S.C. 2014 Article It is a quantitative study. 50 people took Questionnaire of SA
part in the study. While 25 of the were in scientific attitude
the experimental group, the other 25 were
in the control group. Data were
interpreted with t-test.

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.34, 2016

X30 Thomas, A.T. 2014 PhD It is a mixed study. 181 people took part Receptivity to STV
Dissertation in the study. Data were interpreted with Integrated STEM
ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U, t-test, post Education in the
hoc test. Elementary
Grades Survey
X31 Wang, H.H., 2011 Article It is a qualititative study. 3 teachers took Classroom STV
Moore, T.J., part in the study. Data were interpreted Observation,
Roehring, G.H. & Park, with comparative method. A semi structured
M.S. Interview
analysis of
X32 Yıldırım, B., & Altun, Y. 2015 Article It is a quantitative study. 83 people took Learning level SAS
part in the study. Data were interpreted test
with t-test.
X33 Gülhan, F. & Şahin, F. 2016 Article It is a quantitative study. 55 people took STEM SA
part in the study. Data were interpreted Perception Test,
with t-test. STEM Attitude
X34 Yıldırım, B. 2016 PhD It is a mixed study. 78 people took part in STEM Attitude SA,
Dissertation the study. The data were interpreted based Scale, SAS,
on ANCOVA and t-test results. Achievement SIM,
test, Motivation STV
Scale, Interview

Table 3. Distribution of Methodologies employed in STEM Education Studies

The Method used in the Study f %
Quantitative 24 70,58
Qualitative 7 20,58
Mixed 3 8,82
Total 34 100
The findings regarding the method distribution about the published articles, reports and theses on STEM
education were given in the table above. When the findings were investigated, it was determined that quantitative
studies were published more (24) while qualitative studies (%70,58) had an important percentage in total
percentage. Also, it was determined that 20,58 % of the studies were conducted by using the qualitative method
while 8,82 % of them were conducted by using the hybrid method.

Type of Studies That Were Conducted

Figure 1. The Type of Studies Conducted by Using STEM Education

Information about the type of studies that were conducted on STEM education was given in the table and
figure above. 24 of these studies were articles, while 6 of them were theses and 4 of them were Research Paper and

2.4 Data Analysis

Analysis of data is being investigated under 7 topics in meta synthesis (Nobit and Hare, 1998: Cited by: Cite:
Aküzüm & Özmen, 2013):
First stage: Deciding on what the study will be conducted and beginning the study: this stage forms the first step
of the study area that will be synthesized. The area selected for this study is "STEM/STEM Education".
Second stage: This is the stage at which the studies to be used in relation to the selected area will be decided. A
literature scan is made for the studies needed for this study. The studies to be used in this study will be selected
during the literature scan. Articles, reports and theses were specified according to the criteria that were
determined in this study.
Third stage: This stage is about reading the data that is collected.

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.34, 2016

Fourth stage: This stage is about determining that data is interrelated. At this stage, it is aimed to reveal the
difference and similarities between the studies by listing and comparing keywords, expressions, ideas and
concepts. General features of the studies to be used in this study are specified in (Table 2). In addition to that,
information obtained from reports, articles and theses are protected as much as possible and tables were formed
for expressions and concepts (See Table 4).
Fifth stage: This stage is about the conversion of data.
Sixth stage: This is the stage during which a high-level abstraction was made as a result of including the data
obtained in the studies.
Seventh stage: This stage is about making a synthesis by starting from the data that was obtained. Data was
synthesized by using the above-mentioned stages in this study.

2.5 Validity Measures of The Study

Three validity types should be taken into consideration to ensure validity in meta synthesis works. These are
(Sandelowski and Barroso, 2007):
Descriptive validity: This is the type of validity that includes describing the data that was obtained based
on facts. Data was obtained by adhering to the articles, reports and theses in question in this study. For this reason,
it can be said that this study has descriptive validity.
 Interpretive validity: This validity is about researchers representing their interpretations completely and
 Institutional validity: This type of validity applies the reliability of interpreting the findings. This means
adhering to the method used for interpreting the data while combining the information (Aküzüm and
Özmen, 2013).

3. Findings
In addition to general expressions given regarding the studies made on STEM education (see Table 2), provided
that the expressions in the study dimensions regarding STEM education are protected by adhering to the steps of
the meta synthesis study method, similar expressions were grouped and specified in Table 4. Thus, general
findings of the study (see Table 2) were supported by qualitative and quantitative data. A large amount of
findings regarding the themes were obtained by starting from these contributions.
Table 4. Key Expressions and Concepts with Regard to Themes
Themes Expressions and Concepts with Regard to Themes f %
It does not have a significant effect on students’ academic 4 11,76
The effect of STEM education success or on the improvement of their academic knowledge.
Academic Success or on Increase in It has a positive effect on students’ academic success or on the 4 11,76
Academic Knowledge improvement of their academic knowledge
It does not have a significant effect on the increase in students’ 2 5,88
The effect of STEM education on interest and motivation.
Interest and Motivation It has a positive effect on the increase in students’ interest and 9 26,47
It does not have a significant effect on the development of 1 2,94
The effect of STEM Education on problem solving skills of students.
Problem Solving Skills It has a positive effect on the development of problem solving 1 2,94
skills of students.
It does not have a significant effect on the development of the - 0
The effect of STEM Education on students’ creative thinking
Creative Thinking Skills It has a positive effect on the development of the students’ 3 8,82
creative thinking.
It does not have a significant effect on the development of 2 5,88
The effect of STEM Education on students’ attitude.
Attitude It has a positive effect on the development of students’ attitude. 8 23,52
It does not have a significant effect on the development of 2 5,88
The effect of STEM Eduction on scientific process
Scientific Process Skills It has a positive effect on the development of scientific process. 1 2,94
The relation between STEM and PISA The way to success on international exams like PISA and TIMSS 8 23,52
and TIMSS exams passes through education in the fields of STEM.

When Table 4 in which the results of studies on STEM education is examined, it is seen that 34 studies
reached indicate:
1. In 23,52% of the studies the effects of STEM education on students’ academic success or academic
knowledge were examined. In 11,76% of the studies, it was found out that that STEM education
increased students’ academic success and 11,76% of the studies found that it did not have positive

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.34, 2016

2. In 35,29%, the effect of STEM education on students’ interest and motivation was examined. 8,82% of
them found that STEM education was not influential in increasing students’ interest and motivation, and
26,47% found that it had positive effect.
3. In 8,82% of the studies, the effect of STEM on students’ critical thinking skills was examined. In 4,41%
of these studies, it was revealed that STEM education did not have positive effect on students’ critical
thinking skills and had positive effect in 4,41%.
4. In 5,88% of these studies examined the effect of STEM education in problem solving skills. In 2,94%
of the studies, it was found that STEM education did not have effect on problem solving skills of
students and 2,94% found that it had positive effect.
5. In 29,41% of the studies examined the effects of STEM education on students’ attitudes towards the
lesson, STEM fields or towards STEM. In 5,88% of the studies, it was found that STEM education did
not have effect on students’ attitudes and 23,53% of them have positive effect on their attitudes.
6. In 8,82% of the studies, the effect of STEM education on students’ scientific process skills. In 5,88% of
these studies, it was found that STEM education did not have students scientific process skills and in
2,94% it was found that it has positive effect.
7. In %23,52 of the studies, it was revealed that there was a relation between PISA and TIMSS exam
Table 5. Key Expressions and Concepts with Regard to Teacher views
Themes Expressions and Concepts with regard to Teacher Views F %
STEM education is necessary 10 29,41
STEM education can be particularly effective in primary schools
STEM education is an alternative teaching and learning method
Teacher views regard to STEM Education

There is not enough time to do activities related to STEM

It has a positive effect on students (Interest, Motivation, Attitude etc.)
A program and materials are to be available to teachers for STEM
STEM enables students to understand science and use the science
concepts they have learnt in new fields.
Engineering design process is necessary and important for students
It helps students to solve problems
As there is not enough accumulation of information about integrated
STEM education, it is used very rarely in the classes
Even if there is not enough accumulation of information about integrated
STEM education, it can be compensated via in-service training
Integrated STEM education is a problem-solving approach
Integrated STEM Education is an interdisciplinary approach
When Table 5 in which the results of studies on STEM education is examined, it is seen that 34 studies reached
1. In 26,47% of the studies, teachers views of STEM education were examined. As a result of
examination of the studies, it was determined that teachers are not adequately knowledgeable about
STEM education; however, they have positive views about STEM education.
In this context, it was determined that STEM education increased students’ academic success, enhanced
students’ attitude, interest and motivation, and contributed to their critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Besides, it was found that STEM education contributed to scientific process skills. In the other two studies, it
was found that it did not have positive effect. In addition, it was determined that teachers do not have adequate
knowledge and skills related to STEM education. Beside this, it was determined in interviews that STEM
education was beneficial.

4. Discussion
When the results of 34 studies made on STEM education were examined, the following points were determined
as outstanding points. Similar results were obtained in studies carried out on similar subjects (Becker & Park,
When the expressions regarding the effect of STEM Education on academic success or the academic
knowledge were examined, it was determined that students, who received STEM education, learned better and had
better academic success compared to the one who did not received such education (Yıldırım & Altun, 2015). When
the statements regarding the effect of STEM Education on problem solving and critical thinking skills were
examined, it was determined it had a significant effect on the problem solving skills of students (Cotabish, Dailey,

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.34, 2016

Robinson & Hunghes, 2013; Kwon, Nam & Lee, 2012; Kim, Ko, Han, & Hong, 2014; Kim & Choi, 2012;
Abdullah, Halim & Zakaria, 2014; Park, Nam, Moore & Roehring, 2011). However, there were only a few number
of studies that could support the these results (Choi and Hong, 2013; Park and Yoo, 2013).
It was determined to have positive effect on students’ improvement of their creative thinking skills and
attitudes. When statements regarding the effect of STEM Education on attitude, interest and motivation were
examined, it was determined that it improved the attitude, interest and motivation of students (Riskowski, Todd,
Wee, Dark & Harbor, 2009; Sahin, Ayar &Adıguzel, 2014; Kong & Huo, 2014). When statements regarding the
effect of STEM Education on scientific process skills were examined, it was determined that STEM had a
significant effect on the development of scientific process skills. In spite of this, it was concluded during the pre-test
and post-test that there was a significant development as a result of the application.
When teachers' opinions regarding STEM Education were examined, it was detemriend that teachers did
not have sufficient knowledge and experience regarding STEM education and they could not use STEM disciplines
together as a result of this. Teachers agreed that in-service training to be provided about STEM education would be
useful (Thomas, 2014; Egli, 2012; Wang, 2012; Lee, Park & Jim, 2013). On the other hand, it was determined that
there were positive opinions suggesting STEM would be effective for the improvement of students and it should be
used during the courses. In addition, Integrated STEM Education is an interdisciplinary approach (Wang, Moore,
Roehring & Park, 2011; Jacobs, 1989; Lederman & Niess, 1997).

5. Conclusion and Suggestions

This meta synthesis study was conducted as a guiding study for the studies to be made on STEM education in the
future. Accordingly, qualitative, quantitative and hybrid methods were used and the studies that were conducted
were examined. The following suggestions were given by starting from the data obtained as a result of the
It will be useful to utilize STEM education including different disciplines in different subjects and
lectures. One of the most important roles of STEM education is that it ensures teachers to be researching,
questioning and criticized individuals. Teachers can develop themselves in these areas thanks to this. They can set
goals according to this. Teachers working on STEM education will contribute the development of their researcher
identities. Besides, sending teachers abroad for STEM education by using their own means and government
support may contribute their development in this area.
Improvement and development might be ensured in this area by giving in-service education to teachers.
However, rather than theoretical knowledge, the in-service education to be given must include applications based
on problem-solving which are about project preparation and how STEM education will be used during lectures.
Teachers' effectiveness in terms of STEM education depends on the sufficiency of their content knowledge,
occupational knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. For this reason, multi-directional education programs should
be prepared and these programs should be checked by receiving feedback.
Developments in STEM education and the technological developments occur in parallel with each other.
Effective results are obtained in determining problems and achieving solutions thanks to these technological
developments. For this reason, teachers should be encouraged to have interactions that will facilitate sharing of
information about STEM education and their self-improvement in terms of STEM education.
To sum up, for teachers to be knowledgeable and skillful about STEM education, STEM pedagogical
content knowledge (STEM PCK) for teachers is to be constructed. With the help of STEM PCK, teachers can be
given adequate knowledge and competencies about STEM education. Therefore, STEM PCK constructed for
teachers can be given to teachers and prospective teachers in pre-service and in-service teacher education.

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