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A Chronology

of Dolby Laboratories
May 1965-May 1998
A Chronology
of Dolby Laboratories
1965 May 1965 November 1967
Dolby Laboratories founded in London New York office established for U.S.
SW6 by Ray M. Dolby, American physicist, distribution of professional Dolby equip-
with staff of four. ment.

Summer 1965 1967-68 1968

Development of prototype audio and video B-type noise reduction developed.
noise reduction systems.
International network established for
November 1965 distribution of professional equipment in
Dolby Laboratories, 1965: top
floor at 590 Wandsworth Road, Dolby A-type noise reduction system for Europe, Japan, and Australia.
London SW6. professional music recording demonstrated
to Decca Record Company, London. June 1968
The first licensed
First consumer product equipped with consumer product with
1966 January 1966 Dolby B-type, KLH Model 40 open-reel Dolby B-type NR, the
KLH Model 40 recorder.
After system tests, Decca orders first nine tape recorder, released in U.S. under first
A301 professional noise reduction units. license agreement (exclusive until 1970).

April 1966 November 1968

First production A301 units delivered to Move to London premises at 346 Clapham
Dolby Laboratories’ first Decca at £700 ($2,000) each. Road, SW9. Dramatic increase in orders for
product, the A301 A-type noise Model A301, due to price reduction from 346 Clapham Road, London:
reduction unit.
May 1966 £700 to £560 resulting from improved company headquarters until
1976, European headquarters
First commercial recording session production facilities. until 1992.
employing Dolby A-type, Vladimir
Ashkenazy playing Mozart piano concer- 1968-69 1969
tos. Investigation of high-performance Com-
pact Cassette by combining Dolby B-type
November 1966 noise reduction with quality cassette
First LP from master tapes made with recorders. Concept demonstrated to high
Dolby A-type released by Decca (London fidelity industry using optimized The Dolby Model 505 was
supplied to potential licensees
The first LP released from Records in the U.S.), Solti conducting Harman-Kardon CAD-4 recorder and for demonstrating the effects
Dolby Model 505 B-type noise reduction of B-type NR with consumer
master tapes recorded with Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 (SET 3256). tape recorders.
Dolby A-type NR.
unit developed for demonstration pur-
1967 Winter 1966-67 poses.
Introduction of A-type NR in U.S. with
first sales to CBS, RCA, MCA, Vanguard, 1969
and several independents. Increased Increased need for Dolby A-type as
coverage of Dolby NR by audio and music recording industry’s switch to multitrack
industry press. formats results in higher noise levels. By
year’s end, majority of London pop music
April 1967 studios equipped with Dolby noise
Liaison with first consumer hi-fi manufac- reduction. By 1972, 42 16-track recorders
turer, Henry Kloss of KLH in Cambridge, in London alone equipped on all tracks.
Monitoring an early recording MA, to explore possibility of simplified
session using Dolby A301 NR noise reduction circuitry for home equip- October 1969
ment. Negotiations begun on licensing High-performance cassette concept
Early multitrack installation
Dolby noise reduction for consumer demonstrated at Audio Engineering with Dolby A301 units.
applications. Distinction now made Society (AES) convention in New York.
between A-type (professional) and B-type Presentations made to Advent, Fisher, and
(consumer) systems. Harman-Kardon consumer hi-fi companies.

October 1967
Further production facilities added in
London SW8.

1 ©1998 Dolby Laboratories Inc. S98/11615/12094

Dolby, AC-3, Pro Logic, Time Link and the Double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
All other trademarks are the proper ty of their respective owners.
1970 1970-72 December 1971
Extensive travels by Dolby staff in U.S., A Clockwork Orange, first film to use
Europe, and Japan to introduce high Dolby noise reduction on all pre-mixes and
fidelity cassette concept to more consumer masters, released (with conventional optical
equipment and tape manufacturers. soundtrack).
Add-on consumer noise reduc-
tion units like the Advent 100
convinced “audiophiles” that February 1970 February 1972 1972
Dolby B NR really worked.
First add-on consumer Dolby B-type noise Introduction of Dolby Model 364 cinema
reduction unit, Model 100, introduced by unit for decoding mono optical sound-
The Model 364, for
second Dolby licensee, Advent Corpora- tracks encoded with A-type noise reduc- decoding mono 35 mm
optical soundtracks
tion. tion. Distributed outside U.S. by Rank encoded with A-type NR,
Film Equipment. was the first Dolby
product designed
June 1970 specifically for the cinema.
Introduction of Dolby Model 320, B-type March 1972
Dolby Model 320 B-type
encoder for pre-recorded
unit for encoding pre-recorded cassettes. Full-time FM broadcasts encoded with
cassettes. Extensive work begun with Ampex Stereo Dolby B-type noise reduction begun in
Tapes in the U.S. and Decca in the U.K. to New York by WQXR.
produce pre-recorded cassettes encoded
with B-type noise reduction. Summer 1972
Results of using Dolby A-type with
Summer 1970 experimental 16 mm stereo optical
Arrival in the U.S. of first high fidelity soundtrack format reported by Eastman
cassette recorders incorporating Dolby Kodak.
One of the first licensed B-type (Advent, Fisher, and Harman-
cassette decks with Dolby
B-type NR, the Harman- Kardon), all manufactured in Japan by September 1972 The first Dolby multitrack
Kardon CAD-5. noise reduction unit, the
third Dolby licensee, Nakamichi. Dolby M Series multitrack A-type units M Series, took full advantage
introduced at AES convention in New of the compact Cat. No. 22
A-type module.
September 1970 York.
Launch of second-generation Dolby A-type
units, Model 360 Series, with identical January 1973 1973
The slim new Dolby 360 Series characteristics to Model A301 but in Samples of first B-type IC, Signetics
A-type noise reduction unit smaller format better suited to multitrack NE545, sent to licensees for evaluation.
was better suited to multitrack
installations (below) than the installations.
A301. June 1973
Fifth company, Revox, signs license Proposal by Dolby Laboratories for
Signetics’ B-type IC made it
agreement. combining B-type noise reduction and 25 easier to incorporate Dolby
microsecond pre-emphasis in FM broad- NR in consumer products.
November 1970 casting published in Journal of the Audio
First B-type pre-recorded audio cassettes Engineering Society.
released independently by Ampex and
Decca. September 1973
Dolby Model E2 Cinema Equalizer
Investigation of application of A-type noise introduced for use in theatres to comple-
reduction to cinema sound results in first ment A-type noise reduction techniques for
Multitrack installation with tests with excerpts from a production film, film soundtracks.
Dolby Model 361s.
Jane Eyre.
October 1973
1971 January 1971 Philips, inventor of Compact Cassette,
Japanese licensing liaison office established signs license.
in Tokyo with Continental Far East, Inc.
February 1974 1974
May 1971 Dolby FM system combining B-type noise
Agreement negotiated with Signetics for reduction and 25 microsecond pre-
development of first Dolby B-type IC. emphasis demonstrated to Federal Com-
munication Commission (FCC).
June 1971
Beginning with the 360 Series, First experimental FM broadcasts using May 1974
the Dolby Cat. No. 22 A-type
module was incorporated in Dolby Model 320 B-type encoder unit, by Callan, first film with optical soundtrack
Dolby products for nearly two WFMT in Chicago. (mono) encoded with A-type noise
decades; more than 90,000
modules have been reduction, shown at Cannes film festival.
manufactured. Summer 1971
Increased licensing activities result in 30 June 1974
licensees by end of year, including Sony, 25 microsecond Dolby FM broadcasts
Matsushita, and JVC. approved for U.S. by FCC.

July 1974 October 1976
First 35 mm stereo optical recorder Introduction of Dolby CP50 Cinema
commissioned by Dolby Laboratories at Processor, economical theatre unit for
EMI Elstree Studios, England. Milestone reproduction of 35 mm Dolby Stereo
in development of stereo variable area optical releases.
(SVA) soundtrack format now widely
associated with Dolby Laboratories’ January 1977 1977
involvement with film sound. Establishment of Dolby Laboratories
Licensing Corporation with responsibility
October 1974 for all licensing activities.
Dolby Models 330 and 334 introduced for
The Dolby Model 330 tape pre-recorded cassette duplication and May 1977 The economical Dolby CP50
duplication unit (pictured) and Dolby FM broadcasting. Opening of Star Wars in 46 U.S. theatres Cinema Processor for stereo
Model 334 FM broadcast unit optical releases.
featured the new slim format equipped for Dolby Stereo, plus release of
of the 360 Series. November 1974 Close Encounters of the Third Kind later in
35 mm Dolby Stereo optical soundtrack year, greatly increase public awareness of
format introduced at SMPTE convention Dolby Stereo and trigger further theatre
in Toronto using specially re-mixed section installations.
of Stardust. Advantages include per-
formance comparable to older 35 mm December 1977
magnetic process at considerably less cost Twelve films released with Dolby Stereo
to producers, distributors, and exhibitors. soundtracks in 1977, bringing to 30
number of films with A-type encoded
1975 February 1975 soundtracks.
Dolby CP100 Cinema Processor intro-
duced for reproduction of Dolby Stereo April 1978 1978
magnetic and optical soundtracks. First Star Wars (1977) is first of 18 films in a
units installed for London premiere of film row with Dolby encoded soundtracks to
Tommy in March. win Academy Award® for Best Achievement
in Sound.
The first Dolby Stereo cinema
processor, the CP100. August 1975
100 U.S. stations broadcasting in Dolby December 1978
FM. Superman, 50th film with soundtracks
encoded with Dolby A-type NR, opens
September 1975 simultaneously in over 200 theatres; also
First feature film for general release with used in first experiments with 70 mm
Dolby Stereo optical soundtrack, stereo surround.
Lisztomania, completed.
April 1979 1979
October 1975 Dolby Laboratories receives Scientific and
Dolby FM broadcasting approved for Engineering Award for “improved film
Canada by Canadian Department of sound recording and reproduction system”
Communications. from Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
1976 January 1976 ®
New headquarters in San Francisco June 1979
Beginning with this
opened; original New York facility closed. Dolby HX headroom extension for cassette Scientific and Engineering
London continues with manufacturing and recording introduced to audio industry at Award in 1979, Dolby
Laboratories’ contribu-
international sales, while San Francisco Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in tions to film sound have
handles company administration, research Chicago. been recognized six times
by the Academy of Motion
and development, new market develop- Picture Arts and Sciences.
ment, licensing, and North American sales. July 1979
731 Sansome Street,
San Francisco: corporate Dolby applications engineers permanently Manufacturers of VHS video recorders
headquarters, 1976-1986. located in Hollywood and New York. licensed to incorporate B-type noise
reduction in video cassette machines.
Spring 1976
Second 35 mm stereo optical recorder Summer 1979
commissioned in Hollywood by Dolby Introduction of Dolby Cat. No. 55,
Laboratories and RCA. compact A-type module for general design
applications in Dolby noise reduction units.
First 35 mm Dolby Stereo optical film with
encoded surround effects, A Star Is Born, September 1979 The compact Dolby
Cat. No. 55 A-type module
released. Hair, first Dolby Stereo film dubbed in a enabled new kinds of NR
language other than English, released in units, including a new family
of modules for use within
Germany. professional VTRs.

First continental Dolby Stereo mix, Don First Japanese Dolby Stereo mix, Rengo
Giovanni, completed in France. Kantai (The Grand Fleet), completed by
Toho Films.
Autumn 1979
Number of professional tracks equipped 2,000th U.S. theatre equipped with Dolby
with Dolby A-type noise reduction surpasses Stereo processor (Fox Westroads, Omaha).
Elephant Parts, first pre-recorded VHS
First stereo VHS video cassette recorder video cassette with stereo soundtracks
with Dolby B-type noise reduction intro- encoded with B-type noise reduction,
duced by JVC in Japan. released by Pacific Arts.

November 1979 July 1981

Apocalypse Now is first Dolby Stereo 70 mm Joint development of first Dolby C-type IC
film exhibited commercially with stereo announced by Pioneer, Hitachi, and Dolby
surround (in 15 theatres). Laboratories. With more than 750
elements, new chip is most complex linear
1980 January 1980 IC ever, and includes B-type characteristic
First cassette deck incorporating Dolby HX for compatibility.
introduced by Harman-Kardon at CES in
Las Vegas. Summer 1981
Total number of consumer products
April 1980 manufactured with Dolby B-type NR
Dolby Cat. No. 155 introduced, first in surpasses 100 million.
series of A-type noise reduction modules for
inclusion within professional 1" C-format August 1981
video recorders. Dolby Stereo film festival at Magic Lantern
Theatre, Bridgton, Maine, screens 22
May 1980 Dolby Stereo titles in three weeks.
First installations of Dolby CP200 Cinema
Processor, comprehensive theatre unit Music Television (MTV), first full-time
incorporating for the first time Optical Bass cable television service with stereo sound
Extension and format programming. encoded with Dolby B-type noise reduc-
tion, begins nationwide.
Autumn 1980
Dolby C-type noise reduction introduced to September 1981
The CP200, the most advanced licensees; 24 companies announce plans for Production samples of first Dolby B-type/
and comprehensive Dolby
cinema processor to date. equipped products. Six models exhibited at C-type IC, Hitachi HA10238, sent to
Tokyo Audio Fair in October. licensees for evaluation. First C-type
prerecorded cassettes announced by
1981 December 1980 to March 1981 Desmar Records, New York.
Dolby C-type demonstrated to audio press
in U.S., U.K., and Germany. First product Autumn 1981
with C-type, Sony TC-FX6C cassette deck, Number of Dolby C-type processors
reaches Japanese market. manufactured surpasses one million, only
nine months after introduction of first
April 1981 product with C-type noise reduction.
Dolby Cat. No. 221, two-channel A-type
audio noise reduction module for Sony October 1981
BVH 1100 and 1000 professional VTRs, Dolby SP Series professional noise reduc-
Dolby Cat. No. 221 two- introduced at National Association of tion unit introduced at Los Angeles Dolby SP Series multitrack
channel A-type NR module for NR unit.
Sony BVH 1000/1100 Broadcasters (NAB) convention. SMPTE and New York AES conventions.
professional VTRs.
Spring 1981 January 1982 1982
Cassette duplicators in the U.S., Japan, and First consumer cassette deck with Dolby
Europe supplied with new Dolby Cat. No. HX Pro headroom extension introduced at
219 C-type encoder modules for evaluation. Winter CES by Harman-Kardon.

April 1982
June 1981 Dolby Cat. No. 226, two-channel audio
Thirty-four products with Dolby C-type noise reduction module for Ampex VPR-2
exhibited by licensees at CES in Chicago. and Marconi MR-2 professional VTRs, Dolby Cat. No. 226 two-
channel A-type NR module for
First headphone portable cassette player introduced at NAB convention. Ampex and Marconi VTRs.
with Dolby B-type introduced by Infinity.

Investigation underway of delta modula- First headphone portable cassette units
tion techniques for storage and transmis- with Dolby C-type introduced, Sony
sion of high-quality audio. WM-D2C and WM-D6C.

July 1982 April 1984

Introduction of first low-voltage B-type IC Dolby Model 380, two-channel noise
by Rohm Corporation facilitates incorpora- reduction unit for Ampex VPR-3/RCA
tion of Dolby B-type noise reduction in TH-900 professional VTRs, and Cat. No.
headphone portable cassette players. 235 interface module for Ampex VPR-80/ Dolby Model 380 noise
reduction unit for Ampex
RCA TH-400, introduced at NAB. VPR-3VTR.
First high-speed cassette duplication
equipment incorporating Dolby HX Pro May 1984
announced by Electrosound. Release of 500th Dolby Stereo film, The
Karate Kid.
Betacam ENG/EFP equipment with Dolby
C-type noise reduction on VTR sound- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
tracks introduced by Sony. released with more than 1,500 Dolby
Stereo prints in U.S. alone.
November 1982
Dolby demonstration film, listen . . ., September 1984
introduced at SMPTE convention. Australian Broadcasting Corporation
adopts Dolby AC-1 for direct broadcast
December 1982 satellite use beginning in 1985.
First licensed decoder with Dolby
Surround circuitry introduced by January 1985 1985
Surround Sound Inc. Second MTV channel, VH-1, begins
operation in U.S. using Dolby AC-1 for
1983 March 1983 satellite distribution.
Paper detailing investigation into delta
modulation for audio storage and transmis- February 1985 Dolby CP55 cinema processor,
replacing the CP50, provides
sion presented at AES convention in Dolby CP55 35 mm cinema processor with automation features and higher
Eindhoven. automated features introduced at ShoWest performance.

in Las Vegas.
April 1983
Dolby Cat. No. 234, two-channel noise March 1985
reduction module for Sony BV 2000 First AC-1 encoding unit, Dolby DP80,
professional VTR, introduced at NAB manufactured in San Francisco.
Dolby Cat. No. 234 two- Summer 1985 Dolby Laboratories’ first
channel A-type NR module for digital product, the DP80
Sony BV2000 VTR. San Francisco manufacturing facility First video disc and cassette software issued Dolby AC-1 encoder.
opened. with Dolby Surround trademark.

May 1983 October 1985

Introduction of Dolby Model 372, Dolby AC-1 incorporated into AUSSAT 1,
portable two-channel professional A-type Australia’s direct broadcast satellite.
noise reduction unit.
Cost-effective Dolby XP Series multitrack
Dolby Model 372 portable Ray Dolby becomes chairman of Dolby A-type noise reduction unit introduced at
A-type noise reduction unit. Dolby XP Series multitrack
Laboratories, appointing Bill Jasper AES in New York. A-type noise reduction unit.
company president.
January 1986 1986
June 1983 San Francisco finance and administration,
Capitol Records releases first prerecorded engineering, licensing and manufacturing
cassettes produced with Dolby HX Pro. consolidated in refurbished warehouse at
100 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco.
1984 February 1984
100 Potrero Ave., San
Production of Dolby Cat. No. 248, Dolby Twelve products with Dolby Surround Francisco, company head-
HX Pro module for Otari MTR-10/12 decoding introduced at CES in Las Vegas. quarters since January 1986.

series cassette mastering recorder.

March 1986
March 1984 Dolby SR (spectral recording) introduced
Dolby Soundlink ADM, later known as at AES in Montreux. Dolby Cat. Nos. 280
Dolby AC-1, adopted by General Instru- (single-track) and 431 (multitrack)
ment for direct broadcast satellite and cable modules shown.
television applications.
Spring 1986 July 1987
Dolby SR introduced in U.S., UK, First Dolby Stereo SR films released,
Germany and Japan. Innerspace and Robocop.

July 1986 March 1988 1988

Dolby London adds new factory on Union Opening of San Francisco facility’s
Road, Clapham. Presentation Studio; includes theatre for
film and concert presentation, projection
August 1986 room, and audio control/recording room.
Number of professional tracks equipped
with Dolby A-type surpasses 100,000. Otari introduces MTR 100A multitrack
recorder with switchable SR/A-type OEM
September 1986 module at AES in Paris. Presentation Studio, San
Francisco headquarters.
Studer introduces A-820 multitrack audio
tape recorder with SR or A-type built-in. April 1988
Dolby Laboratories receives Academy
Autumn 1986 Award for Technical Achievement for
First delivery of Dolby Cat. No. 280 SR Dolby Cat. No. 43 playback-only back-
Dolby Cat. No. 280 SR
modules could be substituted modules. ground noise suppressor.
for Cat. No. 22 modules in
existing Dolby NR units.
Dolby Stereo SR 35 mm optical format October 1988
demonstrated to the Academy of Motion Introduction of Dolby Model 363, low-
Dolby Cat. No. 43 noise
Picture Arts and Sciences. cost 1U two-channel unit incorporating suppressor, widely used in the
Cat. No. 300 switchable SR/A-type film industry to clean up
soundtrack elements, wins
October 1986 modules. Academy Award for Technical
Agreements completed with first three
consumer licensees in People’s Republic of November 1988
China. Studer introduces revised A-820 multitrack
audio recorder using Dolby Cat. No. 300
November 1986 modules.
Model 363 two-channel NR
Release of 1000th Dolby Stereo film, unit providing switchable SR
Heartbreak Ridge. December 1988 and A-type NR.

Sanyo releases LA2770, first Dolby Pro

1987 January 1987 Logic IC.
First Dolby Pro Logic directional enhance-
ment surround decoder shown at CES. March 1989 1989
Ray Dolby and Ioan Allen awarded Oscars®
CBS broadcasts Super Bowl XXI in Dolby for “continuing contributions to motion
Surround. picture sound through the research and
development programs of Dolby Laborato-
March 1987 ries” by Academy of Motion Picture Arts
Sony BVH-3000 C-format VTR with and Sciences. Ioan Allen (l.) and Ray Dolby
switchable SR/A-type OEM module (r.) were presented their Oscars
by Angie Dickenson.
introduced at NAB. June 1989 ®©A.M.P.A.S.

Dolby Model 400, software controlled

Spring 1987 SR/A-type unit, introduced at APRS,
Production quantities of Cat. No. 431 SR London.
modules manufactured. Model 400, the first software-
The Cat. No. 431 SR module
was designed for use in Dolby First consumer product to incorporate controlled Dolby NR unit.
SP and XP multitrack NR Joint effort with Graham Patten Systems to Dolby Time Link digital delay introduced.
supply Australian independent TV stations
with video/audio distribution system September 1989
incorporating DP85s. Ray Dolby wins Emmy for “outstanding
achievement in engineering development
May 1987 for audio noise reduction systems for
Release of first Dolby Stereo film mixed in professional television tape recorders” by
China, The First Woman in the Forest. National Academy of Television Arts and
Concord Records releases the first com- ®N.A.T.A.S.

mercial recording prepared with Dolby SR, First Dolby Surround music-only record-
the 1987 Dave Brubeck Quartet’s Blue ing, The Home Video Album, released on
Rondo. CD and audio cassette by RCA Victor.

October 1989 February 1991
Dolby S-type, new consumer noise Development of Dolby Digital, with
reduction system derived from Dolby SR, compatible SR•D 35 mm prints providing
DP500 Series codecs were the
first to utilize the Dolby AC-2 demonstrated to Far Eastern licensees and both digital and analog optical sound-
algorithm. press in Tokyo. tracks, announced at ShoWest in Las Vegas.
New format is first application of Dolby
Dolby Model 500 Series AC-2 digital AC-3 multichannel digital audio coding.
codecs, and software-controlled Dolby
MT Series multitrack SR/A-type unit, April 1991
introduced at AES in New York. First demonstrations of Dolby Digital for
film industry held in San Francisco.
Among other features, the November 1989 Further demonstrations in Los Angeles,
software-controlled MT Series Dolby S-type demonstrated to European New York, London, Paris, Madrid, Munich
multitrack SR/A-type unit
provides automatic alignment. licensees and press in London. and Milan during summer and autumn.

1990 January 1990 Skywalker Sound begins using Dolby AC-2

Dolby S-type demonstrated to U.S. press digital coding to transmit high-quality
at CES in Las Vegas. Five licensees exhibit audio over T1 link between facilities in
prototype consumer products incorporat- Marin County and Los Angeles.
ing new system.
August 1991
April 1990 Introduction of Dolby CP65 Cinema
Dolby 3 Stereo for stereo television sets Processor for playback of all 35 mm analog
introduced. optical formats and interface with new
Dolby Digital format. The CP65 became the best-
June 1990 selling Dolby cinema processor
Release of 100th Dolby Stereo SR film, September 1991
Robocop 2. Dolby DP5500 Series DSTL™ system,
world’s first all-digital studio-to-transmitter
August 1990 link, demonstrated at NAB Radio ‘91 in
Demonstration in San Francisco of San Francisco.
advanced NTSC television system
combining Dolby AC-2 stereo digital First STACE Award, in memory of Dolby
The Dolby DP5500 Series
audio and Faroudja Research Enterprises’ Laboratories’ long-time National Sales DSTL™ system, the world’s
SuperNTSC video. Administrator Stacey Rehm, presented by first all-digital studio-to-
transmitter link.
Theater Equipment Association to Sam
Sanyo releases LV1000, first IC incorpo- Feldman of National Amusements,
rating Dolby Time Link digital delay. honoring “commitment to advancement of
technology in film exhibition.”
September 1990
Dolby Model 422 B/C/S encoder October 1991
The Dolby Model 422 provides
tape duplicators with S-type as introduced at AES. Dolby 430 Series background noise
well as B-type and C-type NR. suppressor, based on modified version of
November 1990 Dolby SR, introduced.
First 1" 24-track recorders with Dolby Dolby Cat. No. 430
background noise supressor,
S-type, Tascam MSR-24S and Fostex December 1991 based on Dolby SR.
G24S, introduced. TV2 Denmark is first European broad-
caster to produce Dolby Surround pro-
December 1990 gramming regularly, beginning with Victor
First production cassette decks with Borge New Year’s Eve concert.
Dolby S-type shipped, Harman-Kardon
TD4600 and TD4800. January 1992 1992
Lower-cost A-type/SR multitrack unit,
Dolby Technologies: How They Work, Dolby SRP Series, announced.
consumer information laser disc, released.
Video cassette version follows in 1991. April 1992
Dolby DP90, all-new AC-1 encoder,
1991 January 1991 introduced at NAB convention in Las
HBO announces expanded use of Dolby Vegas. Lower-cost SRP Series
Surround on original programming, brings multitrack Dolby
SR within reach of smaller
including all music specials. May 1992 studios.
First Dolby DSTL system installed at
WWKX FM, Providence, RI.

June 1992 September 1993
First film released in Dolby Digital, First single-chip processor (ZR38000)
Batman Returns, premieres in ten U.S. capable of Dolby AC-3 coding/decoding
theatres equipped with new DA10 Dolby made available by Zoran. Application-
The Model DA10 Dolby Digital processor and Cat. No. 699 digital specific AC-3 ICs announced for second
Digital adapter and Cat. No.
699 digital soundtrack reader. soundtrack reader. quarter of 1994.

Dolby Model 740 Spectral Processor, new Autumn 1993

The Dolby Model 740 intro- type of dynamic equalizer, introduced at Premier Television in Germany is first Zoran introduces first single-
duced recording and broadcast APRS in London. European satellite broadcaster to transmit chip processor capable of
engineers to a new kind of Dolby AC-3 digital audio
dynamic EQ. live sports programs in Dolby Surround. coding and decoding. First
used in second-generation
Granada Televison becomes first UK DA20 Dolby Digital film
broadcaster to produce original Dolby October 1993 sound adapter.
Surround programming. Digital HDTV Grand Alliance selects
Dolby AC-3 to provide digital surround
July 1992 sound for U.S. HDTV system.
BMG Classics announces all new pre-
recorded audio cassettes to utilize Dolby First rock recording mixed in Dolby
S-type beginning in October. Surround, “Pictures at an Exhibition,”
released on Emerson, Lake & Palmer CD
NBC uses Model 430 background noise The Return of the Manticore.
suppressor for location broadcasts of
Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona. November 1993
First ISDN transmission utilizing Dolby
August 1992 AC-2 coding (Burbank, CA to London).
Zoran Corp. to develop Dolby AC-3 ICs
for implementing consumer format based January 1994 1994
on Dolby Digital film format. First shipments of DA20 adapter and Cat.
No. 700 soundhead, streamlined second-
1993 January 1993 generation hardware for playback of Dolby
Dolby European headquarters relocated Digital films.
from London to new facility in Wootton Second-generation DA20
Dolby Laboratories’ new Dolby Digital adapter and Cat.
Bassett, Wiltshire. Dolby DSTL™ digital studio-transmitter No. 700 soundtrack reader
European headquarters,
Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, link with twice the power of the original reduce cost to equip theatres
England. for Dolby Digital playback.
Stalingrad, first non-U.S. Dolby Digital model introduced.
production, opens in ten theatres equipped
for Dolby Digital playback in Germany, March 1994
Austria, and Switzerland. Dolby Fax™ for linking worldwide facilities
with digital audio begins U.S. sales.
February 1993
WEA announces all new prerecorded audio DP521 and DP522 AC-3 digital encoders
cassettes to utilize Dolby S-type beginning and decoders introduced.
in summer. Dolby Fax system for
transmitting high-quality audio
May 1994 over ISDN lines introduced.
March 1993 First Direct Broadcast Satellite service with
World’s first Dolby Surround video game, Dolby AC-3 digital audio, DMX for
King Arthur’s World, released in Europe. Business, begins.
Two-channel DP521 Dolby
AC-3 digital encoder and
April 1993 France Supervision launches Dolby DP522 decoder for
HRH The Princess Royal (Princess Anne) Surround programming with broadcast of applications such as DBS and
cable systems.
officially opens Dolby Laboratories’ new Roland Garros tennis championship.
European headquarters at Wootton Bassett.
August 1994
Princess Anne officially opens
the new Wootton Bassett May 1993 Fox Network begins broadcasting entire
facility. First French Dolby Digital productions, NFL season in Dolby Surround.
Ma Saison Préférée and Toxic Affair, 3375 Barham Boulevard, Los
screened at Cannes Festival. Hollywood Film Division relocates to Angeles, new home to Dolby
Laboratories’ Hollywood Film
expanded facilities at 3375 Barham Division.
August 1993 Boulevard, Los Angeles.
First 35 mm soundhead capable of reading
both analog and Dolby Digital optical October 1994
New DP523 encoder (upper
tracks introduced by Cinemeccanica. Model DP523, two-channel digital audio unit) supports Dolby AC-2
encoder supporting AC-2 and AC-3 at as and AC-3 (shown with
companion DP524 decoder
many as four data rates, introduced. introduced Spring 1995).

November 1994 CP500 digital cinema processor introduced
Interview with the Vampire is 100th Dolby at ShowEast in Atlantic City, combining
Digital release. More than 120 foreign playback electronics for both analog and
language versions of Dolby Digital titles digital Dolby encoded soundtracks. Dolby CP500 digital cinema
released to date. processor.

November 1995
Screening room completed at European FCC’s ATSAC recommends adoption of
New screening room at
European headquarters. headquarters in Wootton Bassett. ATSC digital TV system with Dolby AC-3
audio as U.S. digital TV standard.
1995 January 1995
First Dolby Digital consumer products and Introduction of licensing program for
laser discs utilizing Dolby AC-3 announced Dolby Surround Multimedia.
at CES.
First MGM/UA Dolby Digital release,
Toshiba and Time Warner demonstrate Goldeneye.
prototype DVD with Dolby Digital AC-3
audio. December 1995
Dolby Digital prints struck worldwide in
February 1995 1995 estimated at 400,000; 40,000 in
Ray Dolby awarded Technical Grammy for circulation globally at any given time.
Dolby Digital AC-3 audio mandatory for
BBC broadcasts first radio production in NTSC countries, optional elsewhere, in
Dolby Surround (Bomber, BBC Radio 4). final DVD specifications.

Technicolor London records its 100th January 1996 1996

Dolby Digital soundtrack, Nell. Lower-cost CP45 analog cinema processor
introduced at 2nd annual CineAsia
March 1995 convention in Singapore.
Lower-cost Dolby CP45
West Coast Live becomes first live U.S. processor enables smaller
radio show regularly broadcast in Dolby 21 consumer products with Dolby Digital theatres to equip for repro-
duction of Dolby A-type and
Surround. decoding shown at CES, Las Vegas; 11 SR soundtracks.
manufacturers display DVD-Video
New U.S. manufacturing facility opens in products.
Brisbane, CA, near San Francisco.
February 1996
Speed (1994) first film with Dolby Digital Theatres worldwide equipped for Dolby
soundtrack and 18th consecutive film in a Digital playback top 4,000; released and
New U.S. manufacturing Dolby format to win Academy Award for announced Dolby Digital film titles surpass
facility in Brisbane, CA, just
south of San Francisco. Best Achievement in Sound. 400.

Spring 1995 March 1996

20th Century Fox announces all future Dolby Laboratories receives Scientific and
releases to be in Dolby Digital. Technical Award from Academy of Motion
Picture Arts and Sciences for Dolby Digital
DP524 two-channel digital decoder film sound system.
supporting both AC-2 and AC-3 intro-
duced; offers bit rates from 56 to April 1996
384 kb/s. Dolby and Microsoft sign letter of intent to
jointly develop PC surround sound
June 1995 technologies and specifications supporting
Dolby World Wide Web site opens on use of Dolby Digital AC-3 and Dolby
Internet—www.dolby.com. Surround Pro Logic.

July 1995 Dolby and Digidesign® announce joint

Paramount chooses Dolby Digital as effort to ensure interface between upcom-
primary release format. ing Dolby Drive and ProTools® and
AudioVision workstations; Dolby also to
September 1995 develop Dolby Surround encoder/decoder
Warner Bros. announces that all future Plug-in.
titles will be in Dolby Digital.
May 1996
October 1995 Dolby Drive, all-digital, disk-based
Record 3,500 analog and 2,100 digital replacement for classic 35 mm mag film
cinema processors sold in fiscal 1995. soundtrack dubber, previewed at AES
Convention, Copenhagen.
New DP503 encoder featuring Dolby February 1997
DP503 encoder provides AC-2, Dolby AC-3 and MPEG-1 LII First combination laser disc/DVD-Video
MPEG Layer II coding as well coding also previewed at AES convention. players delivered to U.S. retailers.
as both Dolby AC-2 and
Dolby AC-3. The first DVD video discs and
June 1996 March 1997 players, which feature Dolby
Digital audio, were delivered to
First cinema multiplex in Latin America The English Patient (1996), released U.S. retailers in the first quarter
with Dolby Digital on all screens, Cinemex exclusively in Dolby Digital, wins Academy of 1997.
Loreto, opens in Mexico City. Award for Best Achievement in Sound.

NBC broadcasts opening and closing First PAL DVD-Video with 5.1-channel
ceremonies of 1996 Olympic Games in Dolby Digital soundtrack, German-
Dolby Surround. language version of 12 Monkeys, released in
September 1996
100th laser disc with 5.1-channel Dolby First software Dolby Digital decoder using
Digital audio, Twister, released. MMX™ technology announced by Intel.

Fall TV season opens in U.S. with 13 new First DVD-only video players delivered to
shows produced in Dolby Surround, U.S. retailers.
bringing current total to more than 50.
April 1997
First European NTSC laser disc in Dolby Dolby DP562 reference decoder with
Digital, French-language version of Judge 5.1-channel Dolby Digital and digitally
Twister, the 100th laser disc Dredd, released. implemented 4-channel Pro Logic
released with a Dolby Digital Dolby DP562 Reference
soundtrack. decoding introduced at NAB Convention, Decoder provides 5.1-channel
October 1996 Las Vegas. Dolby Digital and 4-channel
Pro Logic decoding.
Record 3,500 Dolby Digital processors
sold in fiscal 1996 ending September 30. First DVD-Video disc titles go on sale in
seven U.S. markets.
500th Dolby Digital theatrical film, Shine,
screened at ShowEast, Atlantic City. May 1997
Ray Dolby named by President Clinton as
November 1996 recipient of National Medal of Technology.
Dolby Surround Tools TDM Plug-Ins for
Digidesign Pro Tools workstations Dolby Digital is only digital format played
demonstrated at AES Convention, Los at the Cannes Film Festival, including
Angeles. opening and closing films, The Fifth
Element and Absolute Power.
Dolby Surround Tools Plug- Dolby Net, low bit-rate version of Dolby
Ins provide Dolby Surround Digital, introduced for low-bandwidth June 1997
encoding and Dolby Pro Logic
decoding (pictured) for use on applications such as real-time streaming Dolby DP561B Dolby Digital encoder
Pro Tools workstations. Internet audio. introduced featuring lower cost and
compliance with European CE specifica-
First DVD-Video players delivered to tions for RF emissions and susceptibility.
retailers in Japan.
July 1997
December 1996 Sales of Dolby Digital cinema processors
FCC adopts digital TV standard for U.S. top 10,000; released and announced Dolby
with Dolby Digital as multichannel digital Digital film titles surpass 940 with more
surround-sound coding of choice. than 1,000 foreign-language versions.

January 1997 DVD Spectacular, first music-only DVD-

First automobile surround-sound system Video title, released by Delos International
with Dolby Pro Logic introduced by Volvo with 5.1-channel Dolby Digital audio. Dolby DP561B 5.1-channel
Dolby Digital encoder features
at Detroit Motor Show. lower cost and CE compliance.
British Academy of Film and Television
Arts (BAFTA) presents Special Technical
Virtual Dolby Surround and Virtual Dolby Award to Dolby Laboratories “for out-
Digital, enabling surround-sound effect standing achievement in film sound.”
from PCs with just two speakers, intro-
duced at CES, Las Vegas. August 1997
Ray Dolby named recipient of American
Electronics Association’s Medal of Achieve-

September 1997 development and implementation of Dolby
Dolby DP567 two-channel Dolby Digital CP500 Digital Cinema Processor.
encoder introduced at AES Convention,
New York. Ioan Allen receives B.J. Sturdivant Award
given annually at ShoWest film exhibitors’
November 1997 convention to “an individual who through-
Canada and South Korea adopt ATSC out their career has demonstrated a
digital broadcast TV system with Dolby dedication to the exhibition industry and
Digital audio. its causes.”

December 1997 March 1998

Scientific and Technical
Academy Award presented
Dolby Digital classified as mandatory audio More theatres worldwide (13,037)
to Dolby engineers “for coding for PAL/SECAM DVD-Video equipped for Dolby Digital than any other
the design, development
and implementation of the discs, same as NTSC discs, enabling digital film sound format.
CP500 Digital Cinema worldwide release of discs with only Dolby
Digital soundtracks. May 1998
DIRECTV announces first broadcasts with
1998 January 1998 Dolby Digital 5.1-channel audio, DDS
Number of Dolby cinema sound processors transmissions of Dolby Digital feature films
sold surpasses 50,000 worldwide. commencing July 1.

February 1998 Number of theatres equipped for Dolby DIRECTV announces

Dolby engineers Kirk Handley, Ray Digital tops 14,000 worldwide. DDS transmissions with
5.1-channel Dolby Digital
Meluch, Scott Robinson, Wilson Allen and audio.
John Neary presented with Scientific and 1,380 feature films with Dolby Digital
Technical Awards by Academy of Motion soundtracks, plus 1,700 foreign-language
Pictures Arts and Sciences for design, versions, released or announced to date.

Dolby Laboratories Inc.

100 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone 415-558-0200 • Fax 415-863-1373 • E-mail: info@dolby.com
Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire SN4 8QJ, England
Phone (44) 1793-842100 • Fax (44) 1793-842101 • E-mail: info@dolby.co.uk


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