Absence Quota Generation Steps
Absence Quota Generation Steps
Absence Quota Generation Steps
Absence quota:
Here, first you need to do PSG grouping for Attendances & Absences.
Here find the Absence Type that you have created. Click on Magnifying
glass or Ctrl+Shift_F2.
Here, by specifying the screen number for attendance type and absence
type, you determine which screen is to be used for entering, displaying and
maintaining records. Select screen number field and press F1.Give screen
number that suits your requirement.
Here, select your PWS and give counting class range 01-09.
Counting classes: Counting classes for PWS are used to evaluate absences&
attendances. Use different counting classes for PWS with long DWS &many
Dayoff’s.When you maintain a counting class you must define a separate rule
for each Counting class.)
Here select you Employee group & Group Employee sub groups for Time
Quotas give number ranging from 1-9.
Here select your & Group Personnel sub areas for Time Quotas give number
ranging from 01-99.
Definition of Absence quota: Here we define valid absence quota types with 2
digit code (entitlement to time off & leave types) for your employee group&
personal sub area’s grouping for time quotas. Why we define Absence quota,
because, in this we define unit of time measurement whether you want the
entitlement to time off to be maintained in Hours or in Days.
Here we define, to transfer the left absence quota for next year or not.
Select the Absence quota and click “No generate” (Radio button).
Here we give one 2 digit code (01-99) for quota type selection, that what we
mention in QUOMO feature.
Select Base Entitlement for Absence Quota Generation and Click on “Choose:
We define Validity & deduction periods, as you want to define as per calendar
year, Accrual period etc.
Select “Define deduction Rules for Absence Quotas” and Click on “Choose”
Select your personnel sub area and give the 2digit code, for grouping and
give the same digit for Personnel Sub area grouping’s for Time Recording.
While creating the Attendance /Absence type.
Run Absence quota: The Transaction code to run Absence quota is SE38.In
SE38 we generally use to run the SAP Reports.
01 For the CL > Accural Period Tab you have to select Time
Evaluation Period, and in Transfer Time Tab select Calendar Period.
02 For EL > Accural Period Tab you have to select Time Evaluation
Period and in Transfer Tab select other period and give six months ,
for this Six months you have to Define Period Parameter and assign
For Leave Carry forward , copy the Rule TQTR and use VARSTCURMO
& VARSTREDY Operation to carry forward the Leaves once in a six
Quota Compensation
IT0416 (0416) is a Quota compensation Infotype
2. from all absence quotas of one type, which are deductible on the
compensation key date
IMG Menu
Automatic compensation
In Automatic compensation, the quota compensation is controlled by
the Customizing settings, depending on the specified subtype. You
only need to enter the value to be compensated. Depending on the
quota type used for the deduction, the number specifies a value in
days or hours.
Free compensation
Automatic compensation
The R/3 System first deducts from the quota whose deduction period
expires next
In this case, the R/3 System selects the quotas whose deduction
period next expires from all the quotas of this type.
Manual compensation
Suppose, your client has two types of leaves, say, casual leave and
sick leave which are applicable to the same employee sub groups
and personnel subareas. So you want to know how to generate these
two quotas in this situation using the report RPTQTA00, right.
5. You have to define two different absence quota types for casual
leave and sick leave, say, 90 and 91. (Both measurement units as
6. Set the "no generation" radio button for both the quotas 90 and
91in the node 'permit quota generation with out time evaluation'.
(As you wish to generate them both by RPTQTA00)
7. Set the feature QUOMO with a default value, say, 10 for your
country grouping.
8. Set the base entitlements separately for both the quotas, say, 25
days for casual leave (constant, calender period) and 5 days for sick
leave (constant, calender period).
Please make sure that the rule for base entitlement is different for
the quotas, say, 001 for casual leave and 002 for sick leave.
9. Determine the validity and deduction periods for both the quotas
10. Create two different generation rules with these two different
base entitlements.
11. Create only one deduction rule, say, 999 for both the quotas. You
can type the two absence quota types one by one sequentially.
12. Create only one counting rule for both the absences if the
conditions for absences are the same, and assing the deduction rule
to this counting rule. (If you want the absences to be counted
differently then you can go for two different counting rules).
13. Assign this same counting rule to these two absence types,
casual leave and the sick leave separately.
14. Set Perosnnel Subarea groupings for time recording. (We often
tend to forget this node.)
You must get both the quotas in the screen, i.e., 25 days for casual
leave and 5 days for sick leave.
Time Management-scenario1
Scenario. 1
Implementation steps
Set Up Leave Type – Education Leave as Unpaid leave and PL
Solutions Description
Table : V_T554S
Table : V_554S_O
Att/Abs Indicator A
Att/Abs Indicator A
Table : T556C
Rounding Rule ZA
Rounding Rule ZA
Table : T556C
Table : V_T556A
Table : V_556A_B
Table : V_T555A
Table : V_T559E
Table : V_T559D
Table : V_T559L
Accrual Entitlement
Table : V_556R_B
Table : T556C
Table : V_T554L
01 Paid Leave
02 Unpaid Leave
Group Absences for Valuation
Table : V_554S_G
Table : V_T554E
01 Paid Leave
02 Unpaid Leave
Table : V_T554C
01 01 01 Check it 100%
Rule ZI01:
This rule is written to compute the Unpaid absence days and store
the same in Time type 9P35. In this context whenever an employee
avails leave under leave type 0401 these leave days are stored in
time type 9P35.This rule should be called by the function PTIP.(Refer
Scenario 1)
Opn 2
Rule ZI02
Opn 2
Rule ZI06
This rule is written to compute and Populate the time type 9P01 (PL
Quota Multiplier). If period Balance of 9P35 and 9P36 is less than or
equal to 10, the rule should move 1 to 9P01 else move 0 to 9P01
Opn 2