Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India: A.P.Pradeepkumar and E.Shaji (Ed.s)
Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India: A.P.Pradeepkumar and E.Shaji (Ed.s)
Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India: A.P.Pradeepkumar and E.Shaji (Ed.s)
Zones and Crustal
Blocks of Southern India
vol 3
and E.Shaji
Department of Geology
University of Kerala Supported by UGC, New Delhi
Trivandrum, India & University of Kerala
Shear Zones and Crustal
Blocks of Southern India
vol 3
A.P.Pradeepkumar and E.Shaji (ed.s)
Department of Geology
University of Kerala
Trivandrum, India
ISBN 978-8-1923-4495-9
Edited by
A.P.Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji
Editorial assistance
Rajesh.S., Dhanil Dev.S.G., Prasanth.R.S., Manuraj.R., Anoop.S., Dhaneesh.K.J.
Proceedings of the 3rd UGC SAP DRS II (2013 – 18) Seminar
talks of the Current Trends in Earth System Sciences (CTESS2015) invited lectures
15 – 16 February 2016
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India
ISBN 9788192344959
Typeset, printed and bound by Prasanth Printers, Kazhakuttom, India
Table of contents
1. A critique of sutures in the Neoarchean Dharwar craton, southern India
R. Srinivasan 1
2. Neotectonic evidences associated with shear zones of south India
Biju John, Yogendra Singh, E. Praseeda 2
3. Definition and tectonic evolution of the Biligiri Rangan Block, southern India
R.T. RatheeshKumar 10
4. Study of mesoscopic structural features along the margins of Cauvery Suture
Zone, southern India D. P. Mohanty 14
5. Ophiolites of the IndoMyanmar Orogenic Belt, Northeast India:
Petrogenesis and Geodynamic implications A. Krishnakanta Singh 24
6. Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility: A Comparative Analysis of Lava Flow
and Sediment bed load fabrics based on some case studies S. J. Sangode 26
7. Continental crustal blocks and reactivated structural lineaments of Laccadive
Ridge, SW continental margin of India K. K. Ajay and Chaubey A. K. 27
8. The Southern Granulite Terrane of India: Shear Zone Systems and crustal blocks
T.R.K.Chetty 28
9. Mantle heterogeneity during early Earth history: clues from 146147 Sm – 142143Nd studies
on komatiites Rajneesh Bhutani, Maya J.M., Balakrishnan S 31
10. Crustal structure across Periyar Plateau, Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT):
Inferences from Gravity data P. Ajayakumar and K.R. Baiju 33
11. High grade metamorphism and subduction related arcmagmatism in the
Mercara Shear Zone, southern India T. Amaldev, K.R. Baiju, M. Santosh,
T. Tsunogae, M. Satyanarayanan 38
12. Geology and petrography of major rock types from Madras Block, southern India
P.V. Thanooja, C. IshwarKumar, K. Sajeev 44
13. Fluid Inclusion Study on the Wynad and Attappadi Gold mineralization
in Southern Granulite Terrain, India Manju Narayanan, T. Pradeepkumar,
Saju Varghese, Rajagopal Krishnamurthi, K.R. Baiju 46
14. Tectonic and metamorphic evolution of Nagercoil block through insitu trace element
studies on accessory minerals Sajna S and JK Tomson 51
15. Miarolitic cavities in Granitic Pegmatites of Nagamalai–Pudukottai area,
Madurai district, Tamil Nadu, India R. Manu Raj and S. N. Kumar 52
16. The structural anatomy of Cuddapah basin – a Proterozoic fold thrust belt
from Peninsular India Abdul Matin 57
17. Museums – Vistas of Knowledge Suraj Kumar Parcha 58
18. A chemicomineralogical study of granites of Perinthalmanna area,
Malappuram District, Kerala, India Remya J. and Kumar S.N. 60
19. Petrology and geochemistry of mafic granulite dyke within the
metasedimentaries of Trivandrum block, South India
E Shaji, M Santosh, A P Pradeepkumar & S G Dhanil Dev 69
The Department of Geology, University of Kerala established in 1963, is one of the pioneering
educational institutes, imparting studies in earth system sciences, in Kerala, India. The
department has entered the third year of the UGCSAPDRS (University Grants Commission
Special Assistance ProgramDepartmental Research Support) Phase II (2013 to 2018) with the
thrust area of research being 'Shear zones and crustal blocks of south India with special
emphases on fluid inclusions and tectonics'. The Southern Granulite Terrain is composed of a
collage of blocks exposing mid and lowerlevels of the continental crust, dissected by crustal
scale shear zones among which the PalghatCauvery Shear Zone (PCSZ) in the north and the
Achankovil Shear Zone (ACSZ) in the south have been interpreted as suture zones. The faculty of
the department have been part of the research that established the existence of the Coorg
Under this project detailed investigations have been carried out on the metamorphic
rocks, shear zone rocks, kinematics of shear zones and the tectonics of the crustal blocks on the
basis of petrography, geochemistry, fluid inclusions. As part of the ongoing research initiatives,
the first UGC–SAP– DRS Phase II conference was held on 29 March 2014 and the second on 31
March 2015. It brought together experts in the thrust area leading to very vibrant presentations
and discussions. In this third edition of the seminar series, supported by UGC and also the
University of Kerala through the funding for the lecture series under 'Current Trends in Earth
System Sciences (CTESS)' wellknown experts as well as budding geoscientists from various
scientific organizations/universities/research centers in petrology, tectonics and geochemistry
have come together to present their research work. Additionally, the University of Kerala is
building a new museum of geology, and a session of the seminar is devoted to discuss how
geological museums can be built up. It is hoped that the outcome and deliberations of the
conference would give a strong foundation for the department to go forward with the phase II
research program as well build a geological museum in a wellplanned and systematic manner.
We are extremely happy to bring out this volume, which contains the full papers and abstracts of
the papers presented in the conference. The contributions received from the experts and the
students are greatly appreciated and acknowledged. The financial support received from the
University Grants Commission has helped this department aspire for excellence in research
and this is gratefully acknowledged. The department is on the anvil of building up a strong
petrological and fliud inclusion lab with the UGC SAP financial support. This will benefit the
students and faculty of this University as well as neighbouring ones and will be open to all
researchers of this country.
E. Shaji A. P. Pradeepkumar
Dty coordinator, UGCSAPDRS II Coordinator, UGCSAPDRS II
UGC SAP DRS II 3rd yr seminar and CTESS2015 with Museum Session
Felicitations Dr VM Tiwari
Director, NCESS
11:30 Invited lecture 1 Biju John, Yogendra Singh, E. Neotectonic evidences associated with shear zones of
Praseeda NIRM south India
11:50 Invited lecture 2 R.T. Ratheesh-Kumar Definition and tectonic evolution of the Biligiri Rangan
IISc Block, southern India
12:20 Invited lecture 3 DP Mohanty Study of mesoscopic structural features along the
Uni Pune margins of Cauvery Suture Zone, Southern India
13:00 LUNCH
14:00 Keynote lecture 2 Ernst Hegner Geological clocks for dating the pace of crustal assembly
LMU Munich
15:15 Invited lecture 4 A Krishnakanta Singh Ophiolites of the Indo-Myanmar Orogenic Belt, Northeast
WIHG India: Petrogenesis and Geodynamic implications
15:45 UGC SAP Keynote Satish Sangode Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility: A Comparative
Lecture 1 Uni Pune Analysis of Lava Flow and Sediment bed load fabrics
based on some case studies
16:25 Invited lecture 5 G.R. Ravindra Kumar Arrested charnockite formation in southern India
16:50 Invited lecture 6 Ajay KK & Chaubey AK Continental crustal blocks and reactivated structural
Govt College, Nattakom lineaments of Laccadive Ridge, SW continental margin
of India
10:00 Keynote lecture 4 TRK Chetty The Southern Granulite Terrane of India: Shear Zone
Day 2 NGRI Systems and crustal blocks
10:45 Invited lecture 8 Rajneesh Bhutani, Maya JM Mantle heterogeneity during early Earth history:
Day2 & Balakrishnan S clues from 146-147Sm-142-143Nd studies on komatiites
Pondicherry Uni
11:45 Invited lecture 9 P Ajayakumar & KR Baiju Crustal structure across Periyar Plateau, Southern
Day 2 CUSAT Granulite Terrain (SGT): Inferences from Gravity data
12:00 UGC SAP PhD talk 1 Amaldev T High grade metamorphism and subduction related arc-
Day 2 CUSAT magmatism in the Mercara Shear Zone, southern India
12:15 UGC SAP PhD talk 2 P.V. Thanooja, C. Ishwar-Kumar, K. Geology and petrography of major rock types from
Day 2 Sajeev IISc Madras Block, southern India
12:25 UGC SAP PhD talk 3 Manju Narayanan Fluid Inclusion Study on the Wynad and Attappadi Gold
Day 2 CUSAT mineralization in Southern Granulite Terrain, India
12:35 UGC SAP PhD talk 4 Sajna S Tectonic and metamorphic evolution of Nagercoil block
Day 2 NCESS through in-situ trace element studies on accessory
12:45 UGC SAP PhD talk 5 Manu Raj R Miarolitic cavities in Granitic Pegmatites of Nagamalai –
Day 2 Uni Kerala Pudukottai area, Madurai district, Tamil Nadu, India.
13:00 Lunch
Afternoon session
14:00 UGC SAP Keynote Abdul Matin The structural anatomy of Cuddapah basin --- a
Day 2 Lecture 2 Uni Calcutta Proterozoic fold-thrust belt from Peninsular India
14:40 Introductory remarks 2 K Sobha Plan and progress of the geological museum, U Kerala
Day 2 University Engineer
A critique of sutures in the Neoarchean Dharwar craton, southern India
R. Srinivasan
CAOS, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012
Dharwar craton which was considered as a single terrane based on geological mapping and
structural studies was suggested to be composed of more than one terrane based largely on
geochemistry and geochronology. Initially individual schist belt Kolar schist belt was suggested
to be an Archean suture. Later it was suggested that crustal scale fault along the eastern margin of
the Chitradurga schist belt constitutes a suture that juxtaposes the Archean nucleus in the west
and Early Proterozoic mobile belt on the East.These two terranes have come to be known as
Western Dharwar craton and Eastern Dharwar craton . Recently based on SHRIMP Zircon UPb
age data, it has been suggested that the Mercara massif in the SW Karnataka and North Kerala is
an exotic palaeoarchean (Haedean) terrane to which the Ca.3.33.6 Ga Dharwar craton was
sutured (Santosh et al., 2014). Similarly based on SHRIMP and laser ablation UPb
geochronology it has been proposed that the Dharwar craton is actually a patchwork of four
terranes, not two.
The southern boundary of the Dharwar craton has also been controversial. The Palghat
Cauvery lineament was proposed as a terrane boundary between the Archean craton and the
Proterozoic mobile belt of sothern Tamilnadu and Kerala. However based on model Nd ages and
zircon geochronology the boundary between the two terranes was shifted far to the south of
Palghat Cauvery lineament to KarurKambhamPainavavuTrichur shear zone. High pressure and
high temperature metamorphism in the Kambham region is presented in support of this zone
being a suture.
The structural unity in the Dharwar craton, Laser ablation zircon lead isotopic
geochronology, unpublished SHRIMP UPb ages of zircons from felsic volcanic rocks of the
Dharwar Sequence with the author , provide evidence for similar structural evolutionary history,
similar antiquity and coeval felsic volcanism in the WDC and EDC. These observations are not
compatible with the division of the Dharwar craton into two or three terranes. Further the
sedimentary volcanic assemblages in the Dharwar craton provide evidence for accumulation in
magmatic arc and backarc, not a setting for a suture. Accidental discovery of a Haedean zircon in
Mercara massif and their nondiscovery in other regions cannot be adequate evidence for erecting
a new terrane. Zircon geochronology on Dharwar craton is only in initial stage and more data
base is essential to propose or deny new terranes in the craton on the basis of geochronology.
There is a major structural and metamorphic break across the PC lineament a few
kilometres south of Namakkal, which could be a terrane boundary between Archean and
Neoproterozoic terrane. Structural studies show that the NS fabric seen in the amphibolite facies
gneisses south of the lineament, is absent in the Archean granulites north of the lineament. In the
contact zone between the granulites and gneisses coinciding with the lineament, granulites are
retrogressed to amphibolite facies rocks. The sense of movement along the fault although is
oblique slip, has a large dipslip component and smaller strikeslip component. Kinematic
indicators show that the northern granulite block is thrust over the southern amphibolite block.
Remelting of the southern subducted block has apparently given rise to the chain of potassic
granitoids in the northern granulite terrane, between Bhavani and Coimbatore.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 1
Biju John et al. Neotectonic evidences associated with shear zones of south India
Neotectonic evidences associated with shear zones of south India
Biju John1,2, Yogendra Singh1,2, E. Praseeda2
National Institute of Rock Mechanics, Champion Reef P.O., Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka 563117, India
Centre for Disaster Mitigation and Management, VIT University, Vellore 632 014, India
The southern granulite terrain is composed of a collage of Precambrian crystalline terrains which are
separated by shear zones. All thermotectonic events in these terrains occurred well before the split of
Gondwana around 120 Ma. However, the studies on active tectonics in Peninsular India indicate a
north directed movement of Indian plate and the plate interior is experiencing compression. In
continuation with the ongoing studies, this paper reports observations from the southwestern part of
PalghatCauvery shear zone and southeastern end of Achankovil shear system, interms of tectonic
The EW trending Palghat Gap, which follows PalghatCauvery shear zone, is one of the most
significant geomorphic discontinuities in Westerm Ghats. The EW trending main trunk of
Bharathapuzha River is considered as influenced by the structures related to this shear zone. The NW
SE trending Desamangalam fault, which is identified as active, changes the Bharathapuzha River
course near its vicinity. The studies also identified continuity of NWSE trending Periyar lineament
into the EW trending PalghatCauvery shear zone which is influencing the drainage system of the
area. A recent study considered Periyar lineament as a part of another shear zone.
The NWSE trending 1520 km wide, Achankovil shear system is identified as prominent structural
and geomorphic features in Western Ghats. The studies found that the geomorphic and structural
signatures of the lineaments associated with this shear zone are extending further into the flat land
east of Western Ghat. The traces of these are identified as multiple slip planes with varying style of
brittle deformation. The slip planes observed in this area are mostly dipping south. These observations
suggest that these shear zones may be week and the discrete faults with in them are responding to the
present stress regime.
Key words: PalghatCauvery shear zone, Achankovil shear system, tectonic geomorphology, Brittle
1.0 Introduction
The Southern Peninsular India consists of high grade Precambrian crystalline terrains which are
separated by shear zones. These terrains are well studied to understand the various thermo
tectonic events that occurred (Santosh et al., 2003; Ghosh et al., 2004). The youngest of the
events was occurred around 550 Ma which were associated with the pegmatite intrusions (Soman
et al., 1990). The shear zones play an important role in the reconstruction of the East Gondwana
and are identified based on discontinuities in lithologic and structural units, metamorphic PT
conditions, and geochronology and are considered as of PanAfrican origin. Though the origin and
kinematics of some of them are still debatable, they are associated with distinct geomorphic
features. Some of these structures are also associated with seismicity (Fig.1).
This region, however, is considered as stable (Stable Continental Region) in the context of
earthquake occurrences (Johnston and Kanter, 1990). The sparse occurrence of seismicity
however indicates that the Peninsular India is under compressional tectonic regime owing to the
northward movement and can generate moderate earthquakes (Gowd, et al 1996 and Rajendran,
et al 1992). Studies in various stable continental regions indicate that the earthquakes are
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 2
Biju John et al. Neotectonic evidences associated with shear zones of south India
occurring in preexisting zones of weakness (e.g. Sykes, 1978; Crone et al., 1997; Rajendran et al.,
The active fault identification studies in Peninsular India are mostly based on regional geomorphic
and local fault zone evaluation (e.g. John and Rajendran 2008; John and Rajendran 2009;
Ramasamy et al, 2011, John et al., 2013; Praseeda et al., 2015). These studies show that the
regional geomorphic analysis can identify anomalies induced by active faults. The geologically
young deformation/faulting are identified based on the textural variations, deformation processes
and rheology (John and Rajendran 2009; Praseeda et al., 2015; Singh et al., 2016). A crustal
scale fault is dominated by brittle deformation that involves cataclasis and frictional sliding and
produces incohesive breccias or gouge at shallower levels (Fig.2) and cohesive cataclasis at
greater depth (Scholz1988; Sibson 1977). This paper reports observations from the southwestern
part of PalghatCauvery shear zone and southeastern end of Achankovil shear system, which can
be considered as neotectonic.
2.0 Observations from Western terminus Palghat Cauvery shear zone
The PalghatCauvery Shear Zone (PCSZ) is an E–W trending shear zone following the Palghat
Cauvery Lineament extending from the east coast to the west coast of India (Drury and Holt,
1980; Ramakrishnan, 1993; GSI and ISRO, 1994). The 1900 (M=6.0) and 1975 (5.5) Coimbatore
earthquakes are two important events occurred within this shear zone. The 1994, Wadakkancheri
earthquake (M=4.3) promoted several studies in the epicentral area. The area, which continued
to experience tremors intermittently, lies around the Bharathapuzha and Chalakkudi Rivers and
northern half of it is a part of the PCSZ (Bhaskar Rao et al 1996)
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 3
Biju John et al. Neotectonic evidences associated with shear zones of south India
2.1 Structural and geologic setup
The local geology is dominated by a metamorphic suite of charnockite and khondalite group of
rocks (GSI, 1992). The charnockitic suite of rocks (consisting of granular quartz, feldspar and
hypersthene) forms the basement in the area, and is characterized by welldeveloped foliation, at
many places, striking NWSE with a southward dip of 30°50°. Quartzofeldspathic gneiss, pink
granite and hornblende biotite gneiss are the other major crystalline rocks in the region (GSI,
The Periyar river lineament, which controls the course of the Periyar River for a longer
distance (Rajendran et al 2009), is also enters through the southern part of the study area. Ghosh
et al (2004) considered this as a Precambrian structure and named it as Karur KambamPainavu
Trichur Shear Zone (KKPTSZ), which suffered more than one phase of shearing and granitic
activity. According to them the KKPTSZ is a Vshaped shear zone extending from south of Karur in
the east, with a NE–SW trend to just north of Kambam and with a sharp turn towards Painavu and
trissur in the NW direction.
2.1 Observation on neotectonism
The Bharathapuzha River sourced at the Western Ghat and its tributaries constitute the drainage
network in the gap area, which is generally controlled by E–W trending lineaments. However, the
Desamangalam fault and the Periyar lineament influence the drainage network of the area. Both
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 4
Biju John et al. Neotectonic evidences associated with shear zones of south India
these structures also show association of seismicity and brittle deformation.
2.1.1 Desamangalam fault. The Desamangalam fault controls the main trunk of Bharathapuzha
River downstream from Desamangalam (John and Rajendran 2008). The fault follows an
elongated hill ridges and created a waterfall with a board upstream valley and a narrow
downstream valley. The isoseismal elongation of 1994 earthquake is also coinciding with this
fault. The evidence of brittle faulting was obtained from a quarry section exposed in the WNW–
ESEtrending hillock within the seismic source zone (Fig. 3a). This brittle fault zone was
developed by the progressive incorporation and amalgamation of newly formed and preexisting
subsidiary shears and fractures of varying size and orientation (John and Rajendran 2009).
Detailed morphological, textural and mineralogical studies indicate episodic nature of fault
growth where the major displacement imprinted on the quartz grains within the loose gouge is
dated at around 430 ka (Rao et al., 2002).
2.1.2 Periyar Lineament. The drainage system of the area is also controlled by the NWSE
trending lineaments corresponding to Periyar lineament that enters into PalghatCauvery shear
zone. Singh et al., (2016) identified that these lineaments are segmented and have induced
drainage anomalies in the area. Their studies identified subtle landform modifications induced by
ongoing tectonic adjustments in the area. Southeastern end of this lineament is associated with
seismicity (e.g. 1988 Idukki M=4.5 earthquake). Signature of the NWSE trending lineament is
traced as faults at three locations viz., Erumapetti, Tayyur and Mannuthi (Fig. 3b,3c,3d). The
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 5
Biju John et al. Neotectonic evidences associated with shear zones of south India
brittle deformation exposures are associated with damage zone, gouge formation and slickensides.
The vertical and lateral extend of the fault zone display variations in thickness of damage zone. It
is also noted that all of them dipping southwest.
3.0 Observations from South eastern terminus of Achankovil shear zone
The Achankovil shear system is one of the major crustal scale structures in Peninsular India. This
NWSE trending shear zone stretches across the Western Ghats for a strike length of 120 km. This
feature is identified as a shear zone based on the change in rock types to the north and south, and
by the sharp change from NE trending structures north of the shear zone to NW trending
structures within and south of the zone (e.g Rajesh and Chetty, 2006). The northern boundary of
the shear zone is considered to be coinciding with the straight course of the Achankovil River
while the Thenmala fault is confined to a long narrow valley passing through the Thenmala
village. Chacko et al. (1987), Ramakrishnan (1993), Rogers and Mouldin (1994), Braun and
Kriegsman (2003), Kumar et al. (2009) considered these two boundaries as two individual shear
zones viz., Achankovil Shear and Thenmala Shear, and the region bounded by them as Achankovil
Unit. A number of parallel lineaments demarcate this 1520 km wide shear zone. Gravity
signature across the Achankovil shear characterized by sharp velocity contrast indicates that the
shear is a crustal scale zone of deformation reaching up to midcrustal level (Sunil et al., 2010).
3.1 Structural and Geologic Set up
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 6
Biju John et al. Neotectonic evidences associated with shear zones of south India
Achankovil shear zone represents a number of parallel lineaments within Western Ghats.
Thenmala fault forms the SW boundary of this ~ 1520 km wide shear system (Rajesh and Chetty,
2006). In Seismotectonic Atlas of India and Its Environs (SEISAT) there are two faults (one
named as Thenmala and another unnamed) marked south of Achankovil shear zone (GSI 2000).
The present paper further describes the unnamed fault as Thenmala south fault. Even though
these faults were demarcated in hilly terrain of Western Ghats, its expression into the plain area
east of the mountain terrain were not identified during the earlier studies.
3.2 Observations on neotectonism
The present study identified the Thenmala fault as a prominent lineament in the Western Ghats
and is demarcated by the straight course of Kallada and Chendurni rivers (west of the present
study area). At the southeastern end within the hill ranges it shows discontinuous features (Fig.4).
The signature of this fault is further traced in the plain area based on the tonal change observed
in the Landsat image. Closely spaced parallel drainages observed as drainage anomay northwest
of Ambasamudram (Fig. 4a). The straight course of Karamaniyuar River between Nanguneri and
Vijaya Narayanam (Fig 4c) is along this lineament.
The study also identified Thenmala South Fault as a discontinuous feature within the
Western Ghats. It passes through NW trending reservoir of Karayar Dam (Hope dam). The
southern fault is matching with an enechelon pattern in the plain area after slight offset where it
shows a left stepping of lineaments (Fig.4). It also forms part of two parallel flowing tributaries of
Nambiyar River (Fig. 4c). Active erosion within the vicinity of these lineaments may indicate
neotectonic adjustment (Fig. 4d).
3.2.1 Thenmala fault. Field observations were made about 50 km in to the plain area around the
Thenmala fault. The faults are identified at several locations along the lineaments. A wide range
of faulting, characteristics to brittle deformation, are observed in different exposures. The dip
amount of the NWSE trending fault/slip planes also changes from place to place.
A brittle fault trending N 3000 dipping 450 southwest is exposed near Thiruviruthanpuli
(Fig.4a). Here the gneissic rock appears to have over raided on calcareous rock. The hanging wall
(gneissic rock) is highly jointed and the slip plane is demarcated with open cracks (Fig. 4a).
Multiple slip planes are observed in the hanging wall. In nearby area relatively thick calcareous
deposit is observed over the basement crystalline rocks. The footwall is highly crushed and it is
difficult to determine the original rock structure.
3.2.2 Thenmala South fault. The faults are identified at several locations along this lineament. A
wide range of fault related damage pattern are observed in different exposures. The dip amount
of the NWSE trending fault/slip planes also changes from place to place. The area around
Anikulam shows badland topography due to intense erosion Fig. 4d. This could be due to the local
base level change induced by the neoteconic movement along the lineament.
The fault observed near Kadamboduzazhu appears as thick crushed zone separating the
faulted blocks (Fig.5). The movement across the slip plane is evident from the distinct joint
pattern observed on either side of the fault. Vertical joints are observed in the hanging wall
whereas inclined joints are observed in footwall. None of these sets of joints continued across the
slip plane, suggesting an appreciable slip. The cross cutting relationship may indicate that the
faulting is the youngest deformation.
4.0 Concluding remarks
PCSZ and AKSZ are two major shear zones in Peninsular India. Some recent studies consider
Periyar lineament as a part of KKPTSZ. Some part of these shear zones show geomorphic
anomalies. Some of them are associated with seismicity. The faults in these areas are identified as
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 7
Biju John et al. Neotectonic evidences associated with shear zones of south India
brittle deformation zones and must be geologically young and formed in the shallow levels. Three
types of lithologies can also be distinguished in each of the fault exposures, namely, 1) protolith
or host rock 2) damage zone, and 3) a fault core (e.g. Caine et al 1996; John and Rajendran,
2009). Protolith is the undeformed host rock surrounding the fault rock and the damaged zone.
The damage zone consists of a network of fault related subsidiary structures that bound the fault
core. The fault related subsidiary structures in the damaged zone include small offsets, veins,
fractures and cleavages (Bruhn et al 1994). Fault core is the portion of a fault zone where much of
the displacement is accommodated (Caine et al 1996).
The association of geomorphic anomalies, brittle deformation and seismicity in the shear
zones may indicate that these structures are week and the discrete faults within them are
responding to the ongoing compressional tectonic regime of Peninsular India. Thus a relook at
these shear zone is important in the context of active tectonics.
We thank the Director NIRM for his support, encouragement and the facility provided for the
study. We also thank the financial assistance from DST SERC project award no SR/S4/ES
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A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 9
R.T. RatheeshKumar Definition and tectonic evolution of the Biligiri Rangan Block, southern India
Definition and tectonic evolution of the Biligiri Rangan Block, southern India
R.T. RatheeshKumar
Centre for Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India
The Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) in India is a collage of crustal blocks ranging in age from
Archean to Neoproterozoic. This study investigates the tectonic evolution of one of the least studied
terrain in the northern part of the SGT comprising Biligiri Rangan (BR) – Male Mahadeshwara (MM)
Hills domain (Fig. 1), which was previously considered as the part of the Salem Block. A
multidisciplinary approach has been implemented for this study that integrates field relations,
petrography, mineral chemistry, thermodynamic modeling of metamorphic PT evolution, and LA
ICPMS UPb and LuHf analyses of zircons on representative rocks from the BR HillMM Hill domain
together with crustal thickness model derived using gravity inversion and flexure inversion
geophysical techniques. The results suggest Meso to Neoarchean tectonic evolution of this terrain as
a discrete crustal block, and we name this terrain as Biligiri Rangan Block (BRB).
The BRB is identified as one of the ancient highgrade granulite terrains of southern India,
characterized by distinct lithology and geochemical and isotopic signature. The block is bounded by
the EWtrending MoyarAttur shear zone in the south, in the west by NNEtrending Kollegal shear
zone against the Western Dharwar Craton (comprising the maficultramafic suites and metasediments
of the Sargur Group), and in the east by the NEtrending Mettur shear zone against the Eastern
Dharwar Province (comprising the Shevaroy Block). Systematic field investigations (Fig. 1) have been
carried out in and around the BRB that reveals Charnockite as the major rocktype that are in
association with mafic granulite, granites and metapelites. The westernmost periphery of the BRB,
adjacent to the Kollegal shear zone, is characterized by the occurrence of enclaves and lenses of
ultramafics, gabbro and amphibolites oriented along the Kollegal shear zone. Metasedimentary rocks
including quartzofeldspathic gneisses, quartzite and banded iron formation (BIF) are exposed in
several localities in and around the Kollegal shear zone. Representative samples from the BRB
selected for the present study including the charnockite, pink granite and garnet bearing gneiss
samples (exposed within the terrain), quartzite and metagabbro samples (from the Kollegal shear
zone), and mafic granulite sample (from the Mettur shear zone).
Zircons in the quartzite from the Kollegal shear zone show a wide range of ages between
3315±24 and 2972±20 Ma. The data indicate different zircon populations with a wide range of
εHf(t) values from negative to positive (6.4 to 5.1). The distribution in age and Hf isotope values are
suggestive of multiple sources of both juvenile and reworked components. Zircons in the garnet
bearing gneiss (sample BR5) show upper concordant age at 3207±22 Ma and lower concordance at
2806 Ma (Fig. 2d). The spread in ages may suggest a sedimentary protolith for this garnetbearing
gneiss. The age ranges obtained from this sample can be correlated with the similar age range yielded
by the zircons in quartzite (sample BR1). This may indicate that both the garnetbearing gneiss and
the quartzite represent contemporary sedimentary units, with detritus derived from the continental
crust that existed during Mesoarchean. The age of TTG (31003360 Ma) reported from this region
(Peucat et al., 2013) and the high positive εHf isotope values of the zircons from quartzite ( εHf(t) ~
+5.1) and garnetbearing gneiss (εHf(t) ~ +2.7) obtained in the present study are suggestive of a
primitive juvenile continental crust with ages between 3100 and 3400 Ma. The LAICPMS analysis of
a charnockite sample (BR22) yield an upper intercept age of 2650 Ma and lower intercept at ca.
2500 – 2550 Ma (Fig. 2c). The age data from charnockite reveal 2600 Ma as the age of charnockite
formation and 2513±5 Ma as the granulitefacies metamorphism in the BR Hill. The age estimates of
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 10
R.T. RatheeshKumar Definition and tectonic evolution of the Biligiri Rangan Block, southern India
other samples including pink granite that yields an upper intercept age of 2490±13 Ma, and the
mafic granulite (BR35) that shows a wide range of discordant ages between 2632 to 2498 Ma are
also broadly consistent with the age range obtained from zircons in the charnockite, suggesting that
the protoliths of these rock types are cogenetic (at. ca. 2600 Ma) and witnessed a common
metamorphic event (at ca. 2500 Ma).
Fig. 1. Geological map of the Biligiri Rangan Block (BRB) showing general tectonic setting and sample distributions
(filled circles). The filled red squares (BR1, 4, 5, 22, 241c, 35) are the samples selected for the present study. The
inset map shows location of the present study area. (RatheeshKumar et al., Precambrian Research, In Press).
The occurrence of quartziteiron formation intercalation as well as ultramafic lenses along the
western boundary of the BRB is interpreted to indicate that the Kollegal structural lineament is a
possible paleosuture. Phase diagram computation (using mineral chemistry data and thermodynamic
modeling) of a metagabbro from the western periphery of the Kollegal suture zone reveals a
clockwise PT path with a peak pressure~18.5 kbar and temperature~840 °C (Fig. 2e), clearly
suggest highpressure granulite facies metamorphism in a subduction setting, and subsequent
exhumation. Based on these results, this study proposes a new tectonic model for the evolution of the
BRB (Fig. 2b) that envisages eastward subduction of the Western Dharwar oceanic crust beneath the
BRB along the Kollegal suture zone resulted in the arc magmatism during the Neoarchean. This
model better explains existing chaos in the plume model (Jayananda et al. (2000) and westward
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 11
R.T. RatheeshKumar Definition and tectonic evolution of the Biligiri Rangan Block, southern India
subduction of the Eastern Dharwar Craton beneath the Western Dharwar Craton as proposed by
Chadwick et al. (2000) and Chardon et al. (2008).
Fig. 2(a) Crustal thickness map showing the subduction polarity of the western Dharwar oceanic crust beneath the
BRB and Nilgiri Block along the KollegalMoyar suture zone and the resulting highcrustal thickness patterns (b) A
schematic tectonic model depicting the subduction of the Western Dharwar Oceanic crust and associated slab melting
and arc magmatism in the BRB (c) Age of the charnockite indicating the age of arc magmatism (d) Age of the garnet
bearing gneiss indicating Meso Archean primitive crust in the BRB (e) PT phase diagram showing the highpressure
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 12
R.T. RatheeshKumar Definition and tectonic evolution of the Biligiri Rangan Block, southern India
(1819 kbar) and medium temperature (~840˚C) metamorphic evolution of metagabbro in the Kollegal suture zone.
(RatheeshKumar et al., Precambrian Research, In Press)
This model assumes Mesoarchean crust in the BRB which probably built the core of this crustal block,
as inferred from the 3100 to 3300 Ma emplacement ages from magmatic zircons in the garnet
bearing gneiss. After ca. 2970 Ma, eastward subduction of the Western Dharwar oceanic crust
beneath this Mesoarchean continent occurred along the Kollegal suture zone. The subductionrelated
slab melting and underplating of the basaltic magma beneath the lower crust of the BRB, and
associated partial melting of the Mesoarchean crust generated charnockitic rocks at ca. 2650 Ma. This
crustal reworking can be inferred from the negative εHf isotope values (8.2 to 4.7) of the zircons in
the charnockite. The ages obtained for the mafic granulite (ca. 2550 Ma) and the positive εHf isotope
values suggest predominantly juvenile crustal addition simultaneously with the arc magmatism. The
spatial variation of crustal thickness (Fig. 2a) (computed using gravity inversion and flexure
inversion techniques) reveal a comparatively high crustal thickness beneath the Nilgiri Block (~41
km), and in the western part of the BRBlock (~38 km). We attribute this anomalously high crustal
thickness patterns in Nilgiri and in BRB as a more competently thickened crust resulted by the
subduction of the western Dharwar crust. Earlier studies proposed Moyar shear zone as a suture zone
along which the Nilgiri Block was thrust onto the Dharwar Craton, synchronous with the arc
magmatism in the Neoarchean. The correlation of the timing of arc magmatism (ca. 27002500 Ma),
connectivity of the Moyar and Kollegal suture zones, and high crustal thickness patterns suggest the
possibility that both the Nilgiri and BR Blocks accreted on the western Dharwar Craton during
Neoarchean. However, the variation in crustal thickness, structural deformation trends, and
lithological variations may indicate difference in subduction polarities of the western Dharwar
oceanic crust that caused a steeper subduction in the Nilgiri Block, and a shallow subduction in the
Biligiri Rangan Block.
Thus, the evolutionary models presented in this paper revise the existing ideas on the tectonic
framework of the Archean terranes of southern India. The accretionary tectonics of the Biligiri
Rangan Block and Nilgiri Block presented in this study suggest that the Western Dharwar Craton
acted as a continental nuclei on to which different crustal blocks including the Coorg and Karwar
Blocks, were amalgamated to form the present tectonic framework.
Chadwick, B., V. N. Vasudev, and G. V. Hedge (2000), The Dharwar craton, southern India, interpreted as the result of Late Archaean
oblique convergence, Precambrian Res., 99, 91– 101.
Chardon, D., Jayananda, M., Chetty, T.R.K., Peucat, J.J., 2008. Precambrian continental strain and shear zone patterns: South Indian
case. Journal of Geophysical Research 113,, M., Moyen, J.F., Martin, H.,
Peucat, J.J., Auvray, B., Mahabaleswar, B.,2000.Late Archaean (2550–2520 Ma) juvenile magmatism in the eastern Dharwar
craton, southern India: constraints from geochronology, Nd–Sr isotopes andwhole rock geochemistry. Precambrian Research 99,
Peucat, J.J., Jayananda, M., Chardon, D., Capdevila, R., Fanning, C.M., Paquette, J.L., 2013. The lower crust of the Dharwar Craton,
Southern India: Patchwork of Archean granulitic domains. Precambrian Research 227, 4–28.
RatheeshKumar, R.T., Santosh, M., Yang, QY., IshwarKumar, C., Chen, NS., Sajeev, K. Archean tectonics and crustal evolution of
the Biligiri Rangan Block, southern India, Precambrian Research, In Press,
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 13
D. P. Mohanty Mesoscopic structures at margins of Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India
Study of mesoscopic structural features along the margins of
Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India
D. P. Mohanty
Department of Geology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
Suture zones are the collision boundaries connecting two continental plates having miscellany of
former oceanic lithosphere in them and are intensely deformed by the tectonic movements of the
two continental blocks. These are also zones of occurrences of high grade metamorphic rocks
associated with ophiolitic suits. Such assemblages are considered to be well preserved in case of
Phanerozoic age orogenic belts. However, there are also occurrences of oceanic remnants which
are of Precambrian ages. Cauvery Suture Zone (CSZ) of Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) is an
excellent example of such types of tectonic settings. The marginal parts of the suture zone are
very interesting to study in terms of structural aspects as the rocks show excellent exposures of
megascopic as well as mesoscopic features. Mesoscopic structures include small scale shear zones,
SC fabrics, deformed boudins, liftoff folds, deformed sheath folds, small scale faults etc. have
been studied from different localities of marginal parts of CSZ. These features are very important
to determine the deformation stages and sense of shearing of the major shear zones. Such typical
structural geometry has helped to understand the subductioncollisionaccretion tectonics of
southern India and its tectonic implication of Gondwana amalgamation.
Keywords: Southern India, Cauvery Suture Zone, Shear Zones.
The first steps in the study of geological structures are largely geometrical and this concern for
geometry includes the methods of describing and illustrating the form and orientation of
geological structures, and the solution of various dimensional aspects of these structures (Ragan,
2009). Scale is a very important parameter in case of structural geological investigations.
Evaluating the mesoscopic structures, especially in high grade rocks, are very significant as they
were formed at deep crustal levels. Since dislocation creep, diffusion creep and grain boundary
migration are dominant in these conditions, the flow in deep crust affecting highgrade rocks may
be partitioned less and on a larger scale than in the upper crust al scales. These structures of
between one meter and hundreds of meters scales are important for a variety of applications viz:
ore deposits, rheological/mechanical behavior of folds or faults, tectonic implication of the region.
The mesoscopic structures examined include centimeter to hundred meter scale folds, faults,
fractures and veins. These types of structural features often demonstrate remarkable complexities
when they are reactivated in the reverse sense of kinematics leading to contradictory
Mesoscopic structures analyzed from the study area include disharmonic folds, SC fabrics,
liftoff folds, inclined folds, superposed folds, small scale faults, nano duplexes, deformed sheath
folds, centimeter to meter scale shear zones, riedel shears etc. (Mohanty and Chetty, 2014). The
distribution, density, and orientation of outcropscale structures have been investigated from
northern as well as southern margins of CSZ, related to the subductioncollisionaccretion
mechanism in Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT), an exhumed ancient trace of the Gondwana, in
order to determine the structural and tectonic evolution of the region.
Suture zones in southern India
Southern India has been divided into different crustal blocks which are experienced with multi
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 14
D. P. Mohanty Mesoscopic structures at margins of Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India
Cauvery Suture Zone. Cauvery Suture Zone (CSZ), the most important tectonic feature within
the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT), separating the Archean Dharwar craton to the north and
the Proterozoic granulites to the south. The MoyarBhavaniSalemAttur Shear Zone (MBSASZ)
marks the northern boundary while the PalghatCauvery Shear Zone (PCSZ) the southern
boundary of the CSZ. The CSZ has been variously described and interpreted by different
researchers as: (i) A collision zone and cryptic suture, with remnants of probable ophiolitic
sequence (Gopalakrishnan, 1994), (ii) A dextral shear zone as exemplified by the deflection of
north–south Archean fabrics to near east–west disposition along the MoyarBhavani Shear Zone
(MBSZ) (Drury et al., 1984; Chetty et al., 2003), (iii) An analog of the central part of the Limpopo
mobile belt (Ramakrishnan, 1993), (iv) The Archean–Proterozoic Terrane boundary (Harris et al.,
1994), (v) A zone of Palaeo and Neoproterozoic reworking of Archean crust (Bhaskar Rao et al.,
1996; Raith et al., 1999), (vi) A Neoproterozoic dextral–ductile transpressive tectonic zone
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 15
D. P. Mohanty Mesoscopic structures at margins of Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India
(Meissner et al., 2002; Chetty et al., 2003; and (vii) Neoproterozoic crustalscale ‘flower
structure’ (Chetty and Bhaskar Rao, 2006b). Structural features at the marginal parts of the CSZ
are more interesting with migmatisations, mylonitisation and retrogression of the granulite facies
From the review on the published geochronology, it is clear that the rocks from CSZ vary from
3010 Ma (Archean) to 550Ma (Neoproterozoic) in age. The rocks dated by different workers
include charnockites, gneisses, granite gneisses, migmatites, Plageogranites, quartzites,
trondjhemaites, gabbro anorthosites, felsic gneisses etc. from different parts of the CSZ. In the last
one decade, there has been a steady increase in the accumulation of age data from different
localities of CSZ, through various dating techniques, reflecting the complexity of crustal evolution
of the CSZ. Geochronological, metamorphic and isotope evolution studies have brought out that
the region, south of CSZ, has a geological history distinctly different from that of the Dharwar
craton. From the study of different age data, it is shown that the crustal growth of northern part
of the CSZ has occurred predominantly during Neoarchaean (~ 2500 Ma) (Clark et al., 2009;
Sato et al., 2011b; Yellappa et al., 2012; Ram Mohan et el., 2013). The SGT might have witnessed
several cycles of metamorphism, the most pervasive and youngest being the 550Ma PanAfrican
granulite facies event as constrained by isotopic systematics (Sato et al., 2011a; Santosh et al.,
2012; Plavsa et al., 2014).
Fig. 2: Foliation trajectory map of eastern part of Cauvery Suture Zone showing locations of field observations (star marked)
(Modified after Chetty and Bhaskar Rao, 2006a).
Northern margin
Northern margin of the CSZ is marked by eastwest trending Salem MoyarBhavaniSalemAttur
Shear Zone (MBSASZ) (Fig. 2). Along this trend a number of closed circular hills are present
aligning the shear zone. These hills are associated with bounding shear zones and form the
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 16
D. P. Mohanty Mesoscopic structures at margins of Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India
kanjamalai hills, is such an excellent example, located at the northern margin of the Cauvery
Suture Zone (CSZ), Southern India, is characterized by the high grade metamorphic rocks
exhibiting strong foliations in them. The entire Kanjamalai hill is enveloped by mylonitic fabrics.
The shear zones are, in general, characterized by a wide range of well developed mylonites and a
variety of shear sense indicators such as SC fabrics, C’type of shear band cleavages, asymmetric
porphyroclasts and rigid rock fragments, and micro, to mega scale deflection of foliations, which
indicate dextral sense of movements. Recently, a detachment zone has been reported from the
northwestern margin of the hill near Elampillai village (Mohanty and Chetty, 2014). The well
developed fold structures at the foothill regions are very significant in understanding the
mechanism of the detachment fold zone. The foliated rocks at the foot of the hill vary in thickness
and are represented by parasitic folding and penetrative strain. These might be the reflections of
the differences in mechanical stratigraphy, relative thicknesses of the competent and incompetent
units, and structural relief of the underlying basement. This zone spatially coincides with growth
of a mylonitic foliation and associated mineral stretching lineation in the lower part, while the
early fabrics are still persistent in structurally higher units. The post peak cooling path of the high
grade metamorphic rocks from Kanjamalai which might characterize the exhumation tectonics
associated with the Neoarchaean tectonic event in the sourthern margin of the Dharwar craton.
Recent studies about the Neoarchaean subduction tectonic processes within the CSZ and the PT
data from Kanjamalai rocks provide insights into the reconstruction models of preGondwana
events in the region.
In Fig. 3, representative field photos from Kanjamalai and its surrounding are presented to
show the mesoscopic structural behavior of the different rock types. Fig. 3a & 3b are from the
felsic gneisses of Kanjamalai Hills, showing Stype fold geometry (fig. 3a) of the competent bands
with intense foliations. In fig. 3b, well developed crenulation cleavages and extension cleavages
can be seen in the felsic gneisses which can is reported here as microlithon type structures. Garnet
bearing pyroxene granulites (mafic granulites) in this area are very well deformed as well.
Rotation of garnet clasts and banding of garnet and pyroxenes are observed to be showing open
folding patters. Fig. 3c shows ellipsoidal blocks of garnet rich segregations within the granulite
rocks showing reactions with pyroxenes in the form of rims where as the fig. 3d is from Noack et
al, 2013 which is interpreted as a megacrystic garnet aggregate and melt segregation within the
strongly garnet pyroxene granulites. Not only the gneissic rocks, but also the Banded Magnetite
Quartzites (BMQs) show intense foliations and complex structural patterns. The BMQs in this
area marks the shear zones with well developed mylonitic foliations within them. (Fig. 3e & 3f).
Complex fold styles and centimeter scale shear zones are observed and reported in the small
boulders, as shown in the fig. 3e. Developments SC fabrics and Extension Crenulation Cleavages
(ECC) with sinistral kinematics can be studied very well in these outcrops (fig. 3f).
The surrounding regions to these hills, in the northern margin of CSZ, are mostly bounded
by shear zone networks. This can be studied with the investigations on the basement gneisses
which are mylonitised in most of the places. The basement gneisses are mainly of compositions
Quartzo feldspathic gneisses, Charnockites, BiotiteAmphibole gneisses and Mylonites. The qartzo
feldspathic gneisses from the basements of northwestern part of Kanjamalai hills, which is
interpreted as a detachment zone by Mohanty and Chetty (2014), show typical structural
geometries like, Liftoff folds, plunging inclined folds, small scale faults, flow of matters, refolded
sheath folds and nanoduplexes. The fig. 4 shows some deformational features within the
basement gneisses from the northern part of the CSZ.. Fig 4a shows the occurrences of mafic
boudins within quartcofeldspathic gneisses which are deformed and sheared by the mesoscopic
shear zone along the hammer. There are ductile shear zones of dextral kinematics are common in
this region (fig. 4b). The fig. 4c shows that there are also brittle shearing occur in these localities
with diverse trend which are much younger in age to the ductile shearing.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 17
D. P. Mohanty Mesoscopic structures at margins of Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India
Fig. 3: Field photos from northern margins of Cauvery Suture Zone: A. Felsic gneisses showing Stype structures , B. Microlithon
type structures within granite gneisses, C. Ellipsoidal blocks of garnet rich segregations within the granulite rocks showing
reactions with pyroxenes in the form of rims, D. Megacrystic garnet aggregate and melt segregation in a strongly garnetiferous
mafic granulites (photo from Noack et al., 2013), E. BMQ boulder showing refolded isoclinals folds with shearing effect, F.
Sinistral kinematics within the bands of BMQs.
Southern Margin
The Southern margin of the CSZ is marked by the EW trending Palghat Cauvery Shear Zone
(PCSZ) (see fig. 2). This margin of the CSZ is very important and have been studied extensively
by researchers from different parts of the world. Occurrences of ophiolites of two distinct ages:
Neo Archean Devanur Ophiolite Complex (Yellappa et al., 2012) and Neo Proterozoic Manamedu
Ophiolite Complex (Yellappa et al., 2010; Santosh et al., 2012) are the most important findings in
the recent past from this region. There are also occurrences of circular hills like in northern
margin which have been studied and interpreted in different way. Manamedu Ophiolite Comples
(MOC) (Yellappa et al., 2010; Santosh et al., 2012) and Devanur Ophiolite Complex (DOC)
(Yellappa et al., 2012) are the most important findings in the recent few years from this region.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 18
D. P. Mohanty Mesoscopic structures at margins of Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India
Mahadevi hills from this region has been reported as a Mega Sheath Fold by Chetty et al., 2012 is
an very important finding to understand the accretion tectonics of the CSZ. The mesocopic
structures has been well studied from these areas. There are occurrences of migmatites,
qartzofeldspathic gneisses, biotite amphibole gneisses and mylonites all along the southern
margin of CSZ. These rocks show excellent outcrop patterns showing complex structural
Fig. 4: Field photos of the basement gneisses in the northern margin of CSZ; A. Mafic boudins within the quartzofeldspathic
gneisses showing deformations, B. Ductile shear zone within the mylonites with dextral behavior, C. Brittle shearing with
sinistral kinematics.
Fig. 5 shows few field photos showing mesoscopic structural geometries from the SE part of the
CSZ. Fig. 5a shows an excellent example of ductile shear zone within the migmatites exhibiting
dextral sense of shearing. Within these migmatites there are different fold patterns could be
observed. The tight isoclinals folds (F1) (fig. 5b) are refolded by a second generation of folding
(F2) giving rise to interference fold patterns. Along this margin there also occurrences of calc
gneisses which show intense foliation patterns and gentle to open folding within them (fig. 5c).
Banded gneissic rocks are common in the marginal parts often show annealed mylonitic foliations
(fig. 5d; Yellappa et al., 2014). Competency contrasts within the mafic and felsic layers can be
well examined in this area. Fig. 6a&b shows bukling effect of the felsic band (competent layer)
showing development of asymmetrical fold patterns and flow nature of the mafic materials
(incompetent layer) best explaining mechmanism of folding.
Discussions and Conclusion
The geological investigation in this paper presents the complexities in structural geometry in the
marginal parts of CSZ, are mainly based on the field structural interpretations in mesoscopic
scales. CSZ is a focal point for all geoscientists working in the field structural geology,
metamorphic petrology, geochronology and geochemistry, has been studied and analyzed in
different aspects and interpreted in different ways. Gondwana amalgamation, major shear zones,
subduction tectonics, Precambrian ophiolites, suture zones are the key terms which draw
attention to the researchers. Drury and Holt, 1980 were the first to give the northward subduction
of the entire SGT into the Dharwar Craton, which is now been updated by the subsequent
researchers saying the southward subduction. Santosh et al., 2009, considering the ‘flower
structure’ model of Chetty and Bhaskar Rao, 2006, suggested the closure of the Mozambique
Ocean and the subduction of Dharwar Craton along the CSZ. The CSZ is also marked by the
collision of the Archean Craton to create a Himalayantype Cambrian orogenic belt and
accompanied by regional high grade metamorphism. The final stage of subduction is marked by
postorogenic extension and emplacement of minor late stage intrusive granitic and alkaline
plutons widely occurring in various blocks and shear zones. Postcollision Barrovian hydration is
also widely noticed, particularly in the PCSZ with the development of lower grade assemblages
dominated by hydrous minerals.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 19
D. P. Mohanty Mesoscopic structures at margins of Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India
Recently, the results from the study of Kanjamalai Hills (Mohanty and Chetty, 2014) at the
northern margin of CSZ, indicate the existence of well exposed detachment zone at Elampillai,
which can be regarded as a classic example of detachment zone in a Precambrian high grade
terrane. It is also pertinent to note that the detachment feature is not an isolated feature
connected to the development of Kanjamalai Hills, but is also related to the evolution of the CSZ,
in particular, and the SGT in general. The lithological characteristics and the broad structural
form of Kanjamalai Hills can be correlated with the mega sheath fold structure (MSF) of
Mahadevi Hills, located in the SE part of the CSZ (Chetty et al., 2012) implying their significance
in understanding the accretionary tectonics in the region. From their results obtained from the
two study areas (one from northern and one from southern margin of CSZ) in conjunction with
the available structural, petrological, geochemical and geochronological data, they had also
proposed an improvised tectonic model (Fig. 7) for the evolution of the CSZ as well as the SGT.
The detachment surface from at the northern margin is exposed in the frontal thrust zone of the
crustal scale ‘flower structure’ model suggested by Chetty and Bhaskar Rao (2006b) where as the
MSF of Mahadevi Hills lies in the back thrust zone.
Structural styles from northern margin of CSZ are best described as the rotation of rigid
balls, rotation of garnet crystals within the high pressure rocks (Noack et al., 2013; Anderson et
al., 2012). The granitoids and felsic gneisses show mylonitic foliations and typical stuctural
geometries like SC fabrics, microlithons. The BMQs show the mylonitic fabrics and developments
of extensional crenulation cleavages within them. The shearing patterns within them are dextral
which follows the trend of SalemAttur Shear Zone.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 20
D. P. Mohanty Mesoscopic structures at margins of Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India
Fig 6A&B: Field photo and sketch showing buckling effect of competent layers and parasitic folding with the development of Z
& Stype folds.
Fig. 7: Tectonic model suggesting the southward subduction of Dharwar Craton into the SGT, implicating accretionary tectonism
displaying the detachment surface at the north and ophiolite bodies (AOC, DOC &MOC) in the central and southern part of the
CSZ: AOCAgali Ophiolite Complex, DOCDevanur Ophiolite Complex, MOCManamedu Ophiolite Complex, UHTUltra High
Temperature and HPHigh Pressure. (After, Mohanty and Chetty, 2014)
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 21
D. P. Mohanty Mesoscopic structures at margins of Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India
Cambrian Gondwana supercontinent involving subductionaccretioncollision history.
This work is from international collaborative programs of Dr. TRK Chetty, NGRI, Hyderabad and
partial financial support is taken from ongoing BCUD project of DPM at Pune University. Prof. A.P.
Pradeepkumar, Head, Dept. of Geology, University of Kerala is thanked for his invitation. The
author is also thankful to the authorities of Pune University for allowing publishing the paper in
this seminar volume.
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Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 22
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A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 23
A. Krishnakanta Singh Ophiolites of the IndoMyanmar Orogenic Belt
Ophiolites of the IndoMyanmar Orogenic Belt, Northeast India:
Petrogenesis and Geodynamic implications
A. Krishnakanta Singh
Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun – 248001, India
Crustal rocks and mantle sequence of the ophiolites of IndoMyanamr orogenic belt in Northeast
India have been studied to understand their petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution. Mantle
peridotites consist mainly of lherzolites with lesser amounts of Cpxbearing harzburgites and
characterized by high contents of low Cr# of Crspinel (0.11–0.27); low Mg# of olivine (Fo 90) and
high Al2O3 in pyroxenes (3.71–6.35 wt.%). They have very low REE concentrations and display
LREEdepleted patterns (LaN/SmN = 0.14–0.45) with a flat to slightly fractionated HREE segments
(SmN/YbN = 0.30–0.65). Mineral and whole rock major and trace element compositions of
peridotites are generally comparable to those of abyssal peridotites that represent mantle residues
produced by partial melting beneath mid ocean ridges. Thus evaluation of mineralogical and
petrological characteristics of these peridotites suggests that they represent the residual mantle
section left after partial melt due to decompression of mantle in the spinel stability field in a mid
oceanic spreading environment. Correspondingly most of the mafic volcanic rocks also show
tholeiitic normal midocean ridge basalt (NMORB) type characteristics, showing almost flat REE
patterns with slightly depleted LREEs [(La/Sm) N = 0.62–1.03]. Petrogenetic modeling suggests
that ~20% partial melting of depleted mantle within spinel stability facies zone (shallow depth) is
responsible for generation of these NMORB tholeiites. However, few mafic volcanic samples
exhibit plume induced ocean island basalt (OIB) character. They have very high TiO 2 (1.7–3.5 wt.
%) concentrations as compared to NMORB samples (TiO 2 = 0.6–1.6 wt.%). These alkaline OIB
type samples are also characterized by highly enriched LREE pattern as compared to their HREE
[(La/Sm)N = 2.27–3.44, (Sm/Yb)N = 2.56–3.29]. It is also evidenced that 5–10% partial melting
of enriched mantle or plume material at garnet facies stability zone (deeper depth) is responsible
for their production. There are also another group of mafic volcanic rocks that show moderate
enrichment in LREE [(La/Sm)N = 2.83–2.95] which is the typical composition of PMORB.
Considering these three different sets of basalt composition, it is strongly suggestive that mafic
volcanics of the ophiolites of IndoMyanamr orogenic belt were derived from chemically
heterogeneous mantle sources. Depleted source at shallow depth gave rise to NMORB samples at
the spreading zone. Enriched/plume source at deeper depth gave rise to OIB samples that was
formed at the proximity of the spreading axis. Mixing of these two melts was responsible for
production of PMORB.
Further this ophiolite complex also hosts both the refractory grade highAl chromitites and
metallogenical grade highCr chromitites. The Cr# varies from 0.46 to 0.59 and Mg# from 0.55 to
0.72 in the highAl type chromitites. Such compositions and estimated Al2O3 parent melt value
(14.0016.34 wt.%) for the highAl type are consistent with tholeiitic melt that form at the mid
oceanic ridge tectonic environment through partial melting. In contrast, the highCr chromitites
have high Cr# (0.770.79) and low Mg# (0.44 and 0.71) with Al2O3melt (10.6211.22 wt.%) and
FeO/MgOmelt (0.581.54 wt.%), which may reflect the crystallization of highCr chromitites from
boninitic magmas in suprasubduction zone (SSZ) environment, which could be possible when the
Tethyan MORB slab of the Indian plate underwent subduction initiation underneath Myanmar
plate and generated boninitic magmas within the mantle wedge. After the removal of boninitic
melt, extensively depleted mantle was left behind, and the highCr chromitites crystallized from
the melts. The distinct gap observed between the chemical compositions of highAl and highCr
chromitites, together with the estimated compositions of the parental magmas for highAl
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 24
A. Krishnakanta Singh Ophiolites of the IndoMyanmar Orogenic Belt
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 25
S. J. Sangode Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility in Lava Flow and Sediment bed load fabrics
Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility: A Comparative Analysis of Lava Flow
and Sediment bed load fabrics based on some case studies
S. J. Sangode
Department of Geology, University of Pune, Pune 411 007, India
The lava flow as well as the fluvial channel bedload both representing nonnewtonian and
hyperconcentrated flows can have several similarities in the flow dynamics. Fabrics developed
after the solidification can be characteristic of the processes experienced by these two physical
conditions. The ferrimagnetic compounds act as indicator minerals developing the fabrics that can
be accurately detected by using the advanced and precise method of Anisotropy of Magnetic
Susceptibility (AMS) and is attempted here for the comparative evaluation of both these
conditions using geological records in order to test its future utility for determination of the lava
flow direction, rate of transport (/effusion) as some of the significant aspects in the Deccan
Volcanism of the Indian Subcontinent. Oriented samples were collected from various localities in
the Deccan Volcanic Province of Maharashtra (representing pahoehoe), the Siwalik fluvial
paleochannel sandstones of Uttaranchal and the MiddleUpper Bhuban deltaic paleochannel
sandstones of Mizoram, all comprising dominantly ferromagnetic mineralogy. The
pāhoehoe type flow shows planar to oblate fabrics without any preferred orientation
depicting crystal settling (of magnetic grains) as the primary mechanism of magnetic fabrics
formation. The rubbly pahoehoe type flow showed prolate fabrics with well clustered maximum
susceptibility axis (K1 = σ1) within horizontal planes probably governed by viscosity shear.
The dykes across lava flows showed well clustered K1 axis parallel to the plane of dyke controlled
by contractional cooling planes. The typical fluvial channel sand shows the K1 parallel to the flow
direction in contrast to K3 parallel to flow in the piedmont type flow regime depicting that the
fabrics in channel are formed by a delicate equilibrium amongst gradient, grainsize and stream
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 26
Ajay & Chaubey Continental crustal blocks and reactivated structural lineaments of Laccadive Ridge
Continental crustal blocks and reactivated structural lineaments of Laccadive
Ridge, SW continental margin of India
K. K. Ajay1 and Chaubey, A. K.2
Department of Geology, Government College Kottayam, Nattakom 686 013, Kerala, India.
National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula 403 004, Goa, India.
Laccadive Ridge is a major aseismic ridge along Southwest Continental Margin of India (SWCMI)
evolved as a result of rifting between India and Madagascar during the Late Cretaceous (~88 Ma)
under influence of the Marion Hotspot, and subsequent activity of Réunion Hotspot which
emplaced numerous igneous intrusives and extrusives during Early Tertiary (~65 Ma). Analysis
of 2D MultiChannel Seismic (MCS) reflection profiles across the ridge reveal numerous structural
and tectonic features, associated with the sediment units as well as underlying basement, formed
as a result of the rifting, hotspot episodes and reactivation of structural lineaments. Density of
faults and horstgraben structures in the seismic profiles indicate heavily faulted and uplifted
crystalline basement beneath sediment cover of the ridge. A zone of well developed horstgraben
structures associated with numerous faults and tilted crustal blocks, interpreted from a seismic
profile of southern part of the Laccadive Ridge, suggests that sediments deposited in the pre
Middle Miocene are more intensively affected by those complex structures rather than the post
Middle Miocene sediments deposited more or less continuous with least disturbance by later
subsidence. The structural zone characterized by intensively faulted preMiddle Miocene
sediment, and coincides with offshore extension of the Bhavani Shear zone, indicates reactivated
structural lineaments as a result of hard collision of India with Eurasia in the MiddleMiocene
raising Himalayas. Seaward Dipping Reflectors (SDRs), identified from the seismic profiles, along
the western flank of the Laccadive Ridge suggest incipient volcanism during IndiaMadagascar
rifting episode, and occurrence of oceanic crust of the Arabian Basin to the west of the ridge.
Although the ridge is characterized by relatively positive but subdued freeair gravity anomalies,
correlation of high amplitude freeair gravity anomalies over the ridge indicates more or less NNE
SSW trending structural lineaments intruded by numerous igneous intrusives. The Steep fault
scarp and SDRs interpreted along western flank of the Laccadive Ridge, subdued freeair gravity
anomalies, gravity anomaly lineaments more or less parallel to the Precambrian structural trends
of the Peninsular India, and offshore extension of major inland structural trends affirm
continental affinity of Laccadive Ridge.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 27
T.R.K.Chetty The Southern Granulite Terrane of India: Shear Zone Systems and crustal blocks
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 1
T.R.K.Chetty The Southern Granulite Terrane of India: Shear Zone Systems and crustal blocks
The Southern Granulite Terrane of India: Shear Zone Systems and crustal blocks
CSIRNational Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad500 007, India
Shear zone systems are the controlling factors for any mineralization, igneous activity,
migmatization and retrogression and that they represent ‘key laboratories’ for understanding the
geological processes and ultimately the earth’s history. Geological observations and geophysical
signatures suggest that large scalestrain of the continental lithosphere is accommodated by
networks of relatively narrow shear zones in the upper crust and much wider zones in the deeper
parts of the crust. The middle to deep crustal shear zones are being increasingly recognized only
in the last 23 decades from several high grade metamorphic terrains. The structural and
metamorphic relationships in such deep crustal shear zones are more complex due to the possible
interactions of high temperature fluids with high grade tectonics during their formation. The
resulting finite strain field is heterogeneous, large variations in strain are possible and complex
kinematic patterns may occur. Multiscale structural analysis from satellite scale to outcrop scale
studies offer a comprehensive understanding of the evolutionary history of the shear zones and
associated geological processes in any high grade terrane. We discuss here about the distribution,
geometry and kinematics of the shear zones of the Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) with
typical examples and emphasize their significance in terms of their geodynamic implications.
The Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT), an important part of the Proterozoic orogens of
India, occurs at the southern tip of the Indian shield. Being at the intersection of two global
orogenies of East African Orogen and the Kuunga orogeny, the SGT is crucial not only in
understanding the geodynamic history of the orogens, but also central to many reconstruction
models of Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinents. The SGT has been one of the most intensely
studied orogen in the last two decades by several national and international groups encompassing
all aspects of geology and geophysics. Innumerable publications have brought out large volumes
of data with several modern concepts and innovative ideas, but with variable and contradicting
interpretations. However, many of the controversial topics still remain debatable even today,
despite the accumulation of significant amount of geological, geochemical, geochronological and
geophysical data. The debatable points include: the definition of SGT and its extensions;
transition zone where the low grade tonalitic and granitic gneisses gradually transformed into
granulite facies metamorphic charnockitic rocks; division and extensions of different tectonic
blocks, suture zone/ shear zones and their kinematics; existence of terrane boundaries; timing of
subduction, accretion and collisional processes and so on. The plethora of these contrasting
interpretations and the evolution and subdivision of crustal blocks within the SGT are a direct
consequence of limited field observations, lack of field and structurally constrained
geochronological data, limitations of accessibility to high elevated and densely vegetated areas .
Considering the recent developments and significant advances, the SGT can be divided
into five distinct crustal/tectonic units based on lithological assemblages, structural styles,
geochronological characteristics and geophysical signatures. From north to south, they are: (i)
Northern Granulite Block (NGB) (ii) Cauvery shear/suture zone (CSZ), (iii) Madurai Granulite
Block (MGB), (iv) Achankovil shear/suture zone (AKSZ), and (v) Trivandrum Granulite Block
(TGB) (Fig.1).
In the present discussion, I would be highlighting some of the characteristics of these
tectonic elements and their geodynamic significance. I shall also discuss some of the basic
geological issues as described below that need to be attended by future researches:
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 28
T.R.K.Chetty The Southern Granulite Terrane of India: Shear Zone Systems and crustal blocks
Fig 1. Digital elevation model of the southern granulite terrane showing shear zone systems and crustal blocks: NGB Northern
Granulite Block; CSZ Cauvery shear zone; MGB Madurai Granulite Block; AKSZ Achankoil shear zone; TGB Trivendrum
Granulite Block;EDC Eastern Dharwar craton; WDC Western Dharwar craton; CG Closepet Granite; FL Fermor’s Line; MTSZ
Mettur shear zone; KMSZ KasargodMercara shear zone; MSZ Moyar shear zone; BSZ Bhavani shear zone; CNSZ Chennimalai
Noil shear zone; SASZ SalemAttur Shear Zone; CTSZ CauveryTiruchinapalli shear zone; DSZ Dharapuram shear zone; DKSZ
Devathurkallimandayam shear zone; KOSZ Kodaikanal Oddanchathram shear zone; SSZ Suruli shear zone; TMSZ Theni
Madurai shear zones
There is a strong need for detailed field based studies of suture/ shear zones involving
modern mapping techniques with the current tectonic perspectives before we embark on the
advanced and sophisticated laboratory studies.
Detailed studies regarding structural and kinematic analysis of shear zones together
with interpretative structural cross sections would provide insights into geodynamic implications.
Integrated geological, structural, petrological and geochemical characteristics and
isotopic signatures of ophiolites are essential in understanding the spatial and temporal patterns
of Wilson cycle.
In view of the recently published abundant data of Zircon geochronology and their
conflicting interpretations pertaining to the Madurai block, the following suggestions are
proposed to resolve some of ambiguities and complexities: (i) Multiscale structural analysis of
Madurai block to obtain a comprehensive map of structural architecture, (ii) The existence, nature
and the geometry of the KKPT shear zone and its linkage with the Suruli shear zone warrant
detailed field based investigations.
The answers to the following queries related Madurai block would lead to exciting
possibilities: (i) Are the High land massifs of Charnockites large scale nappes?, (ii) Do the
migmatites in Low land areas represent the zone of thrusting and the structures in migmatites
reflect synmetamorphic or pre thrusting?, (iii) Is the Kadavur Dome , a ‘true structural dome’ or a
deeply eroded and thrust related antiformal fold structure exposing the basement?, and (iv) Do
the sedimentary packages of Kadavur dome represent a nappe complex?.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 29
T.R.K.Chetty The Southern Granulite Terrane of India: Shear Zone Systems and crustal blocks
Chetty, T.R.K. (2015) The Cauvery Suture zone: the map of structural architecture and the recent advances, Journal Geological
Society of India, 85, 3744.
Mohanty, D. P. and Chetty, T.R.K. (2014) Possible Detachment Zone in Precambrian rocks of Kanjamalai Hills, Cauvery Suture
Zone, and Southern India: Implications to accretionary tectonics Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 88 , 50–61.
Chetty, T.R.K. and Santosh, M. (2013) Proterozoic Orogens in Southern Peninsular India: Contiguities and Complexities, Journal
of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 3953
Chetty,T.R.K., Mohanty, D.P., and Yellappa, T (2012) Mapping of Shear Zones in the Western Ghats, Southwestern Part of
Dharwar Craton, Journal Geological Society of India, 79, 151154.
Yellappa, T., Santosh, M., Chetty, T.R.K. Sanghoon Kwon, Chansoo Park, Nagesh, P.,Mohanty D.P, Venkatasivappa, V., (2012) A
Neoarchean dismembered ophiolite complex from southern India: Geochemical and geochronological constraints on its
suprasubduction origin, Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/
Chetty, T.R.K., Yellappa, T., Nagesh, P., Mohanty, D.P., Sivappa, V.V., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., (2011) Structural anatomy of a
dismembered ophiolite suite from Gondwana: New results from the Cauvery suture zone, southern India. Journal of Asian
Earth Sciences,42, 176190
Chetty, T.R.K., Bhaskar Rao, Y.J., (2006a). Strain pattern and deformational history in the eastern part of the Cauvery shear zone,
southern India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 28, 4654
Chetty, T.R.K., Bhaskar Rao, Y.J., (2006b). The Cauvery shear zone, Southern Granulite Terrain, India: a crustalscale flower
structure. Gondwana Research, 10,7785.
Chetty, T.R.K., Bhaskar Rao, Y.J., (2006c) Constrictive deformation in Transpressional regime: field evidence from the Cauvery
shear zone, Southern Granulite Terrain, India. Journal of Structural Geology, 28, 713720
Guru Rajesh, K., Chetty, T.R.K., (2006). Structure and tectonics of the Achankovil shear zone, southern India. Gondwana
Research, 10, 86
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 30
Rajneesh Bhutani et al. Mantle heterogeneity during early Earth history: clues from 146147Sm142143Nd
Mantle heterogeneity during early Earth history: clues from
Sm142143Nd studies on komatiites
Rajneesh Bhutani, Maya J.M., Balakrishnan S.
Department of Earth Sciences, Pondicherry University, Puducherry 605014, India
Sm is a shortlived, and now extinct, radioactive isotope (Half life estimates range from 68 Ma
to 103 Ma, Kinoshita et al, 2012) whose presence can be inferred from a slight excess in its
daughter 142Nd compared to the normal (chondritic) abundance. Chondrites represent the
undifferentiated starting composition of the Earth and provide reference for estimating the extent
of differentiation. During the differentiation, Nd being slightly more incompatible than Sm gets
enriched in melt leaving a residue of higher Sm/Nd ratio. With time, residual solid would have
higher ratio of 143Nd/144Nd due to decay of longlived isotope of 147Sm (half life 106 Ga) and
higher ratio of 142Nd/144Nd if the differentiation occurred within lifetime of 146Sm.
The studies looking for this excess 142Nd, a positive anomaly in 142Nd/144Nd ratio with
respect to sample formed after decay of 146Sm, targeted the oldest rocks present on the Earth and
demonstrated it successfully in Isua greenstone belt of 3.8 Ga age (Caro et al., 2003). This excess
is interpreted to indicate that source of Isua rock has undergone a differentiation event during the
lifetime of 146Sm, i.e., within 30100 Ma of formation of the Earth. Boyet and Carlson (2005) re
measured 142Nd/144Nd ratios in chondrites with technologically advanced massspectrometers and
showed that chondrites ratios are actually, 18 ± 5 ppm lower than the terrestrial samples. This
means that all terrestrial samples today are sourced from an early depleted reservoir formed,
within 30100 Ma of Earth’s formation, due to global differentiation of the silicate Earth. This
discovery has given rise to the search for a complementary early enriched reservoir with negative
Nd/144Nd anomaly (Rizo et al., 2012; Upadhyay et al. 2009). Early enriched reservoir has been
hypothesized to be either hidden near the coremantle boundary and has not been tapped by
mantleplumes, or lost from the Earth by collisional erosion during early history of the Earth in
events similar to the moonforming impact (Jellinek and Jackson, 2015). Recently, it has also
been suggested that during anoxic environment core could accommodate Nd leaving mantle with
superchondiritc ratios of Sm/Nd (Wholers and Woods, 2015).
Besides the implications for the traceelements’ budget, a related question is about the
preservation of early heterogeneities as evidenced by higher anomaly in the Isua source at 3.8 Ga.
Even younger rocks, such as ~2.8 Ga old Kostomuksha komatiites are reported to have preserved
anomaly in 182W which is a product of 182Hf with a half life of 8.9 million years (Touboul et al.
2012) . On the other hand, studies with longlived isotope systems such 176Lu176Hf and 147Sm
Nd, have shown that mantle has been homogenously depleted in Archean though the depletion
decreased with time (Blicherttoft and Puchtel, 2010).
It is in this context that we studied komatiite samples of Sargur group, collected from near
Banasandra, that are known to be the oldest in Dharwar craton. The wholerock 147Sm143Nd
results yielded an age of ~3.14 Ga consistent with earlier studies, with an initial εNd of +3.5. We
also carried out high precision measurements of 142Nd/144Nd using newgeneration Thermal
Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) and found no detectable anomaly in these rocks compared
to a terrestrial standard. However, these results when taken together, provide constraints on the
nature and evolution of the mantlesource of these komatiites. No anomaly in 142Nd/144Nd ratio
indicates the source of these rocks would have formed after the decay of 146Sm, i.e. younger than
~4.3 Ga, but has been depleted to +3.5 εNd at ~3.14 Ga. These boundary constraints help
calculate timeintegrated Sm/Nd ratio of the sourcemantle which turned out to be higher than
that of contemporary mantlesources. We, therefore, propose that these results indicate
preservation of spatial heterogeneities in the Archean mantle which have arisen due to more than
one differentiation events, either local or global in nature.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 31
Rajneesh Bhutani et al. Mantle heterogeneity during early Earth history: clues from 146147Sm142143Nd
BlichertToft, J., Puchtel, I. S., 2010. Depleted mantle sources through time: Evidence from Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd isotope systematics
of Archean komatiites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 297, 598606.
Boyet, M., Carlson, R. W., 2005. 142Nd evidence for early (>4.53 Ga) global differentiation of the silicate Earth. Science 309, 576–
Caro, G., Bourdon, B., Birck, J. L., Moorbath, S., 2003. 146Sm–142Nd evidence from Isua metamorphosed sediments for early
differentiation. Nature 423, 428–432.
Jellinek, A.M.,and Jackson, M.G. 2015. Connections between the bulk composition, geodynamics and habitability of Earth. Nature
Geoscience 8, 587593.
Kinoshita, N., Paul, M., Kashiv, Y., Collon, P., Deibel, C. M., DiGiovine, B., Greene, J. P., Henderson, D. J., Jiang, C. L., Marley,
S.T., Nakanishi, T., Pardo, R. C., Rehm, K. E., Robertson, D., Scott, R., Schmitt, C., Tang, X. D., Vondrasek, R., Yokoyama, A.,
2012. A shorter 146Sm halflife measured and implications for 146Sm142Nd chronology in the solar system. Science 335, 1614
Rizo, H., Boyet, M., BlichertToft, J., O’Neil, J., Rosing, M. T., Paquette, JL., 2012. The elusive Hadean enriched reservoir
revealed by 142Nd deficits in Isua Archaean rocks. Nature 491, 96100.
Touboul, M., Puchtel, I. S., Walker, R. J., 2012. 182W evidence for longterm preservation of early mantle differentiation products.
Science 335, 10651069.
Wholers, A., and Woods, B.J. 2015. A Mercurylike component of early Earth yields uranium in the core and high mantle 142Nd.
Natue 520, 337 340.
Upadhyay, D., Scherer, E. E., Mezger, K., 2009. 142Nd evidence for an enriched Hadean reservoir in cratonic roots. Nature 459,
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 32
Ajayakumar and Baiju Crustal structure across Periyar Plateau: Inferences from Gravity data
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar, Dept of
Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 80
Ajayakumar and Baiju Crustal structure across Periyar Plateau: Inferences from Gravity data
Crustal structure across Periyar Plateau, Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT):
Inferences from Gravity data
P. Ajayakumar and K.R. Baiju
Department of Marine Geology and Geophysics, School of Marine Sciences
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi682016, India
Significant geological problems in a Precambrian terrain are metamorphism, magmatism and tectonism.
The interrelationship of these three can be elucidated to a great extent by detailed gravity analysis. A
gravity anomaly results from the inhomogeneous distribution of density, dimension and depth of the
anomalous body beneath. The study region forms the western part of the Madurai block (southern
block) and shares several lithological characteristics of the Proterozoic exhumed South Indian Granulite
Terrain (SGT). Based on the detailed gravity observations a Bouguer anomaly map of the region has
been prepared and shows a prominent gravity low along the Periyar plateau, it coincides with Munnar
granites. A crustal structure across the Periyar plateau has been modelled and the crustal models
indicate that the upper layer containing exhumed lower crustal rocks (2.76 gm/cc) is almost
homogeneous, most part of the gravity field resulting from variations in intracrustal layers of
decharnockitised hornblendic gneisses and granite bodies. Below it, a denser layer (2.85 gm/cc) of
unknown composition exists with Moho depth ranging from 36 to 41 km. This crustal model, which can
be expected to be a major heterogeneity in the overall crustal structure of the terrain.
Key words: Gravity anomalies; Crustal structure; Periyar plateau; Southern Granulite Terrain;
1. Introduction
Geophysical methods play an important role in understanding the subsurface geology and solving the
related problems. Gravity and magnetic methods are the most effective tools among them that can be
used to study the regional geology, crustal structure, nature of large scale geologic/tectonic features,
sedimentary basins and problems related to engineering geology. The gravity anomaly map can be used
to understand the spatial variations of the gravity field and their correlation with the surface and
subsurface geology. Subsurface mass distribution can be inferred by a qualitative analysis of the trend,
amplitude and wavelength of freeair and Bouguer anomalies. Krishna Brahmam and Kanungo, (1976);
Subba Rao, (1988); Krishna Brahmam, (1993) have carried out gravity studies of the south Indian shield
on a regional basis. The present study brings out the broad geological features of the region in more
detail than ever before. In order to understand the nature of crust and the attendant tectonics, we
carried out detailed gravity surveys in the Periyar plateau and the adjoining areas.
2. The Geological framework of the Study Area
The Periyar Plateau is a horst like regional feature at an elevation of 500 m above MSL in the Southern
Granulite Terrain (SGT) bounded by the EW trending PalghatCauvery lineament (PCL) in the north,
and the NWSE trending AchankovilThenmalai lineament (ATL) in the south. The NESW trending
Kambam lineament delimits the region to the SE and to the west is bounded by West Coast fault which is
related to late Phanerozoic rifting and Deccan magmatism. The area falls in the western part of the
Madurai Granulite Block. The major geological formations in the area comprise members of charnockite
suite with minor bands of leptynites, corderite granulites, garnetfree mafic granulites, migmatitic
gneisses, garnet corderite gneisses, garnet corderite sillimanite gneisses and quartzites (Fig.1.).
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar, Dept of
Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 33
Ajayakumar and Baiju Crustal structure across Periyar Plateau: Inferences from Gravity data
Fig.1. Geological map of the study area (after GSI, 1995). Lines AA ′ show the location of the regional gravity profile
considered for modelling. The south Indian geology map and present study area shown with in the rectangular as inset.
The most prominent structural features of the Periyar Plateau are the steeply dipping Periyar and
Idamalayar faults (often reported as lineaments) with the Periyar lineament trending NWSE and the
Idamalayar lineament trending NNWSSE. The Periyar lineament/fault system is traceable over a length
of 90 km between NE of Angamali and SE of Udumbanshola and the Idamalayar lineament is traceable
over a length 80 km between NW of Vadakancherry and SW of Valparai. The southeastern part of the
Periyar plateau is sharply dissected by the Vaigai River draining the area along a prominent NE trending
valley well known as Kambam valley. This is the most significant NE trending geomorphic feature in the
area and also in the southern Indian Shield.
3. Gravity data analysis and its derivates
A Lacoste–Romberg (Model G) gravimeter with an accuracy of 0.01 mGal was used for the data
acquisition and nearly 1200 gravity measurements were made at an average station spacing of 1–2 km in
the study region. The measurements were made utilising already available base stations and by
establishing additional secondary base stations. The elevation data has been considered from spot
heights, benchmarks and toposheets. The 1930 international gravity formula and the surface rock
density of 2.67 gm/cc were used for the purpose of gravity data reduction. The density and magnetic
susceptibility of various rock types of the region were determined by collecting a good number of rock
3.1. Bouguer anomaly map
There are many approaches to interpret the gravity anomalies, which are explained in Dimri (1992,
1998), Blackly (1995), Dimri et al. (2012), Bansal et al. (2006) and Chamoli et al. (2006) etc. The
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar, Dept of
Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 34
Ajayakumar and Baiju Crustal structure across Periyar Plateau: Inferences from Gravity data
Bouguer anomaly map prepared for the study region at a contour interval of 5 mGal is shown in Fig. 2.
In the figure, regions of Bouguer high and low are clearly demarcated. Detailed interpretation of
Bouguer anomaly map over this region has already been presented in Ajayakumar et al., (2006). The
Bouguer contour map shows good correlation with the surface geology and the minor geological
structures of the area. The anomaly map suggests that the gravity field in the NE of Periyar lineament is
distinctly different from that of SW part. It separates a strong gravity gradient tending to be positive
towards the coast from the significant gravity lows ranging from 85 to as low as 150 mGal covering a
larger part in the Periyar plateau.
Under the general assumption that no lateral in homogeneities exist below the Moho, the
Bouguer anomalies would generally reflect the variation in the crustal thickness, the intracrustal
structures and lithologic changes, the near surface geological structures and changes in surface geology.
The Bouguer anomaly map shows some major trends as follows.
Fig.2 A generalized map depicting gravity and magnetic (both total field and analytic signal) anomaly trends and patterns
in the study area. Details are discussed in the text. PPGL1, 2 & 3 are small gravity low closures in the Periyar plateau
(Ajaykumar et al., 2006).
The Bouguer anomaly values in general range from 0 to 155 mGals
A series of negative closures of ≥ 120 mGals (Periyar Plateau Gravity Low, PPGL1, PPGL2 and
PPGL3) coincides with the Munnar granitic region.
Two isolated anomalies 85 mGal closures in the southern most central part of the map are
correlated with the small granite bodies.
The Bouguer anomaly map shows a gravity gradient across the Periyar lineament. The Periyar
lineament (LM1) is oblique to the gravity trends and runs NWSE. It broadly separates a region of
gravity low in the NE from one of gravity high in SW. The gravity signature of this fault is one of a
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar, Dept of
Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 35
Ajayakumar and Baiju Crustal structure across Periyar Plateau: Inferences from Gravity data
moderate to sharp gravity gradient. The Idamalayar lineament (LM2) marks a region of gravity low but
has no expression otherwise. The Kerala lineament (LM3) runs oblique to the anomaly contours and has
therefore a poor expression. The LM4 runs parallel to positive gravity gradients between Kottayam
AngamaliTrichur. It is noteworthy that KottayamAngamaliTrichur lineament (LM4) has also been
inferred from the earlier magnetic map. It limits a broad gravity high increasing from 35 to 0 mGals at
AGH Alleppey Gravity High (which falls just outside the study area) in the southwestern portion of the
map and may be the boundary of a distinct gravity field.
4. Gravity modelling and Model Implications
In order to obtain the crustal structure in the region, 2D modelling was carried out using the SAKI
program of USGS (Webring, 1985). A representative gravity modeling results along a section across the
Periyar Plateau (profile AA’) is shown in Fig.3 (Ajayakumar et al. 2006).
(a )
A A '
-2 5 O b s e rv e d
C a lc u la te d
-5 0
A n o m a ly in m G a l
-7 5
-1 0 0
-1 2 5
-1 5 0
0 20 40 6 0 80 100 120 140 km
P e r iy a r L i. Id a m a la y a r L i.
2 .6 7 2 .6 7 2 .7 3
2 .2
-1 0
2 .7 6 2 .7 6
D e p t h in k m
-2 0
-3 0 2 .8 5
2 .8 5
-4 0 M oho
U p p e r M a n tle 3 .3
Fig. 3. Interpreted crustal model along profile AA' in the Periyar plateau region.
Considering the average densities for the surface rocks and the midtolower crustal exhumation in the
SGT, a twolayer crustal model consisting of high density lower crustal rocks (charnockites 2.76 g/cc) as
the upper crustal layer and a 2.85 g/cc density lower crustal layer below it. The upper mantle below
these two layers is assigned a density of 3.3 g/cc. This twolayer density model for the crust is consistent
with the simplified twolayer crustal model proposed for the SGT based on velocity–density relation of
the major rock types (Ramachandran, 1992). In addition to these two layers, the other surface rock
exposures become a part of the crust as localised bodies or as thin layers. Gravity modelling along the
profile AA’ (Fig.3) in the region reveal crustal thickness of the order of 40–41 km below the Periyar
plateau and a tendency to thin up to 34–37 km along the fringes of the plateau bounded by rift zones of
different ages. The models show that the thickness of the lower crustal layer (dominated by
charnockites) is different on either side of the Periyar lineament. An interesting feature is the presence of
localised highly weathered surface rock extending down to a depth of 500 m in the area between
Idamalayar and Periyar lineaments bringing out a steep gravity low. A granitic body with a small outcrop
length extending down to a depth of 8 km has been inferred below it. Towards northeast of the profile,
hornblende gneisses extend down to depths of 4–8 km as a top layer. The upper crustal layer consisting
of charnockites extends down to a depth of 27 km in SW part of the profile and 21 km in NE part of the
profile and shows an irregular wavy layered shape. The Moho depth extends to 34 km in the SW part of
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar, Dept of
Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 36
Ajayakumar and Baiju Crustal structure across Periyar Plateau: Inferences from Gravity data
the profile and deepens down to 41–42 km in the central part of the profile and again thins to 39 km in
the NE part of the profile.
6. Conclusions
The following broad conclusions have been arrived from interpretation of gravity field in the Periyar
The Periyar lineament more or less defines the NE limit of the strong gravity gradient tending to
be positive towards the west coast; it is bounded by a region of low gravity gradient covering a larger
part of the Periyar plateau.
Three near domical high gradient negative anomalies (PPGL1, PPGL2 and PPGL3) emerge out
of the broad negative Bouguer field over the Periyar plateau. The above three localised gravity lows are
due to the Munnar granite massif in this province.
The positive gravity anomaly gradient towards the coast near Alleppey (AGH, just outside the
study area) in the southern part of the study area can be attributed to the crustal thinning and a unique
coastal structure.
Deep weathering of the rocks (< 300 m) inferences the gravity field giving rise to sharp local
negative anomalies.
Trichur–Udumbanshola province in the NE and (ii) the Trichur–Ernakulam–Kottayam province
in the SW. A prominent NW–SE trending belt of magnetic low separates the two provinces of magnetic
The results presented in this paper underline the fact that the SGT, though comprising largely of
exhumed lower crust of the Indian Shield in the Proterozoic, comprises segments, which have been
affected differentially by tectonic and magmatic events of both the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic that
have brought about distinctive continental structure below the Periyar plateau.
Ajayakumar P, P.John Kurian, S.Rajendran, M.Radhakrishna, C.G.Nambiar, T.M.Mahadevan. 2006. Heterogeneity in crustal structure
across the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT): Inferences from an analysis of gravity and magnetic fields in the Periyar plateau and
adjoining areas. Gondwana Research, 10, 1828.
Diana Plavsaa, Alan S. Collins a, John F. Fodena, Louise Kropinskia,M. Santoshb, T.R.K. Chetty, Chris Clark (2012) Delineating crustal
domains in Peninsular India: Age and chemistry of orthopyroxenebearing felsic gneisses in the Madurai Block. Precambrian Research
198– 199 (2012) 77– 93
Ghosh JG, De Wit, MJ and Zartman RE (2004). Age and tectonic evolution of Neoproterozoic ductile shear zones in the Southern
Granulite Terrain of India, with implications for Gondwana studies. Tectonics 23(TC3006)
Harikumar, P., Mita Rajaram and Balakrishnan, T.S., 2000. Aeromagnetic study of Peninsular India. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet
Sci), V.109, No.3, pp. 381391.
Krishna Brabmam, N. and Kanungo, D.N. 1976. Inference of granitic batholith by gravity studies in south India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India., v.
17, pp. 4553.
Krishna Brahmam, N. 1993. Gravity in relation to crustal structure, palaeosutures and seismicity of southern India. Geol. Soc. India.
Memoir, v.25, pp. 165201.
Ramachandran, C., 1992. Pwave velocity in granulites from South India: implications for the continental crust. Tectonophysics, v.201,
pp. 187198.
Sönke Brandta,∗, Michael M. Raithb, Volker Schenka, Pulak Senguptac,C. Srikantappad, Axel Gerdes (2014) Crustal evolution of the
Southern Granulite Terrane, south India:New geochronological and geochemical data for felsicorthogneisses and granites. Precambrian
Research 246 (2014) 91–122
Subba Rao, D.V. 1988. Density structure of the Indian continental lithosphere Gravity modelling, NGRI technical report 34.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar, Dept of
Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 37
Amaldev et al. High grade metamorphism and subduction related arcmagmatism in the Mercara Shear Zone
High grade metamorphism and subduction related arcmagmatism
in the Mercara Shear Zone, southern India
T. Amaldeva*, K.R. Baijua, M. Santoshb, c, T. Tsunogaed, e, M. Satyanarayananf
Department of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Lakeside Campus, Kochi16, India
Center for Tectonics, Resources and Exploration, Department of Earth Sciences, University of
Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences Beijing, 29 Xueyuan
Road, Beijing 100083, China
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki
3058572, Japan
Department of Geology, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park 2006, South Africa
CSIR National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad 500007, India
Mercara Shear Zone is sandwiched between the Western Dharwar Craton and Coorg Block,
marked by steep gravity gradients interpreted to suggest the presence of underplated highdensity
material in the lower crust. Here we present a synoptic view about the metamorphism and related
events from Mercara Shear Zone, Southern India. Geochemical data on the magmatic suite
suggests formation through subductionrelated arc magmatism, whereas the metasediments
represent volcanosedimentary trench sequences. Phase equilibrium modeling of mafic granulites
and metapelites from the Mercara Shear Zone suggests that the rocks undergone highgrade
The process of stabilization or cratonization of continental blocks/mobile belts includes juvenile
crustal growth, deposition of supracrustal rocks and orogenic processes normally at the continent
margins, anorogenic plutonism and deposition of platform sediments in the associated
sutures/shearzones. Thus the identification and recognition of new shear zones and
understanding their geometry and kinematics provides critical information on regions of large
strain and reactivation, locale of igneous intrusions and important economic mineral deposits
which in turn is helpful for paleogeographic correlations between discrete crustal blocks. The
elucidation of PTt path (pressure and temperature variation with time) of crustal plates or
cratons on either sides and within the associated sutures would provide new insights on the
timing of magmatic and metamorphic events, magma sources and crust mantle interactions,
whereas the geochemical systematics can constrain petrogenetic mechanisms of the material
underwent subduction and exhumation.
Geological Setting of the Mercara Shear Zone
The Southern Indian Shield comprises the Archean granite–greenstone terrains of Dharwar Craton
in the north and the highgrade granulite facies crustal blocks of the Southern Granulite Terrain
(SGT) in the south (Fig. 1). The Mercara Shear Zone is a curvilinear transpressional shear zone
exhibiting dextral displacements, sandwiched between the southwestern part of Dharwar Craton
and Coorg Block in the Southern Granulite Terrain (Fig. 2). The shear zone having a strike length
of more than 100 km and with a width of 2030 km extending from the western coast of southern
India and converging with the Moyar Shear Zone in the east (Chetty et al., 2012; Santosh et al.,
2015, 2016). Major rock types in the shear zone include charnockite, TTG (tonalite trondhjemite
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 38
Amaldev et al. High grade metamorphism and subduction related arcmagmatism in the Mercara Shear Zone
Fig. 1. Generalized geological and tectonic framework of southern India showing major crustal blocks and intervening
shear/suture zones. The Mercara Shear Zone is marked as box and shown in Fig. 2. (after Santosh et al., 2015, 2016)
Detailed field work was carried out in and around Mercara shear zone and samples were
collected. Polished thin sections were prepared for all the samples collected for detailed
petrographical study. Mineral chemical analyses were carried out using an electron microprobe
analyser (JEOL JXA8530F) housed at the Chemical Analysis Division of the Research Facility
Center for Science and Technology, the University of Tsukuba, Japan.
The stability of mineral assemblages in pelitic gneiss and metagabbro was constrained
using THERMOCALC 3.33 software. The pseudosection calculations were undertaken in the
systems Na2OCaOK2OFeOMgOAl2O2SiO2H2OTiO2Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO) for pelitic rocks
and Na2OCaOFeOMgOAl2O2SiO2H2OTiO2Fe2O3 (NCFMASHTO) for metagabbro. Bulk rock
compositions for the rocks were determined by FUSICP/MS at Activation Laboratories, Canada.
Whole rock geochemistry including the major, trace and REE data were obtained. Major
elements were analysed using a Phillips® MagiX PRO Model 2440, Xray fluorescence (XRF)
spectrometer (Philips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) and the trace elements including rare earth
(REE) and high field strength elements (HFSE) were analysed by PerkinElmer® Model ELAN®
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 39
Amaldev et al. High grade metamorphism and subduction related arcmagmatism in the Mercara Shear Zone
DRCTM II, ICP mass spectrometer (PerkinElmer, Inc., Shelton, CT, USA) at the CSIRNational
Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India.
Fig. 2. Geological map of the Mercara Shear Zone (Modified after Chetty et al., 2012; Santosh et al., 2015)
Results and Discussions
Major rock types in the shear zone includes metaigneous suite corresponding to arc magmatic
rocks (charnockite, TTG gneisses, metagabbros, mafic granulites) and metasediments (Kyanite
sillimanite bearing metapelites, leptinite gneiss, garnet biotite gneiss, quartz mica schist)
representing volcanosedimentary trench sequences accreted onto the continent.
The metapelites contains prograde to peak mineral assemblage of Grt + Bt + Ky + Kfs +
Pl + Qtz + Rt, from which P–T is estimated as 5.5 kbar to 10 kbar and 600°C to 800°C
respectively (Fig. 4). The Retrograde temperatures calculated based on garnetbiotite assemblages
in metapelite ranges between 600610°C and garnethornblende assemblage in mafic granulite at
600620°C. The metagabbro which contains peak mineral assemblage of Grt + Opx + Cpx + Opx
+ Hbl + Pl + Qtz + Rt suggests a wide P–T range of 10 kbar at 700°C and 12 kbar at 900°C. The
peak PT condition was further constrained by temperature calculation based on the GrtCpx
geothermobarometry of Ellis and Green (1979) for a mafic granulite as 760780°C and 10.311.2
kbar, which corresponds to upper amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism. Similar
temperatures were also obtained from hornblendeplagioclase assemblage of metagabbro (740
780°C) and the peak PT condition of 760780°C and 10.311.2 kbar. One of the most notable
aspects that can be highlighted from the petrography, mineral chemistry and PT estimates is that
the rocks represent a deeply eroded zone of paleosubduction and collision.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 40
Amaldev et al. High grade metamorphism and subduction related arcmagmatism in the Mercara Shear Zone
Fig. 3. Representative field photographs of the major rock types in the Mercara Shear Zone
Fig. 4. Representative photomicrographs (a) Two pyroxene bearing mafic granulite comprises clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene +
biotite + plagioclase + quartz assemblage (b) Wellfoliated kyanite + sillimanite + garnet + quartz assemblage in the
The whole rock geochemistry (major, trace and REE) of the metaigneous suite of rocks from the
area suggest magma generation in a convergent margin setting (Fig 5a5d). In order to
differentiate the petrogenetic mechanisms of the charnockites and granitoids from Mercara, we
compare our data with those on the Mesoarchean charnockites of Coorg Block (Santosh et al.,
2015), Mesoarchean TTG rocks of the adjacent Dharwar Craton to the north (Naqvi et al., 2009)
and also the world average TTG data compilation of Martin (1994).The charnockites and gneisses
show typical calcalkaline nature whereas mafic granulites were plotted in the field of arc
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 41
Amaldev et al. High grade metamorphism and subduction related arcmagmatism in the Mercara Shear Zone
tholeiites (Fig. 5a). In the basalt discrimination diagram after LeBas et al. (1986) (SiO2 Vs
Na2O+K2O), the mafic granulites plot within the field of basalt to andesite and classifies the
protolith of this rock as basaltic to andesite type magma (Fig. 5b). The magmatic parentage for
the charnockite and gniesses is evident from the chemical features including the metaaluminous
nature, lower K2O/Na2O ratios, similarity to high BaSr granitoids, and plots confined to the
igneous field of K2O/Al2O3 vs. Na2O/Al2O3 diagram (Tarney, 1976) (figure's not shown). The
charnockites, granitoids and mafic granulites from the Mercara zone fall in the subduction field
(Thieblemont and Tegyey, 1994) (Fig. 5c) suggestive for subuction related arcmagmatism. In the
geotectonic environment discrimination diagram of Wood (1980), all the magmatic rocks from
Mercara plot within the field of Arc basalts and plot within the field of EMORB and OIB in the
Th/Yb–Nb/Yb diagram of Pearce et al. (2005) (Fig. 5d). The chemical characteristics based on the
major and trace element systematics and key isotopic ratios are consistent with their evolution in
active convergent margin setting.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 42
Amaldev et al. High grade metamorphism and subduction related arcmagmatism in the Mercara Shear Zone
An integration of geochemistry, petrology and geochronological data from the Coorg Block and
the Western Dharwar Craton suggest that the derivation of Mesoarchean charnockites and TTG's
from a subducting geodynamic setting (Santosh et al., 2015, 2016; Shaji et al., 2014; Samuel et
al., 2014; Jayananda et al., 2015). The Mercara Shear Zone welds the Coorg Block with the
Dharwar Craton to the north and is marked by steep gravity gradients interpreted to suggest the
presence of underplated high density material in the lower crust (Sunil et al., 2010). A near
vertical conductive structure extending from the lower crust into the upper mantle was identified
in magnetotelluric study by Abdul Azeez et al. (2015), which coincides with the geologically
marked transition zone between the Coorg Block and the Western Dharwar Craton confirming
that this zone is a suture between two Archean terrains. Our present study also defines Mercara
Shear Zone as a possible suture formed as a collisional event between the Coorg Block and
Western Dharwar Craton.
The geochemical signatures of the magmatic suites within the Mercara Shear Zone show features
typical of subduction related arc magmas in a convergent margin setting and the occurrence of
arc magmatic rocks together with high P/T metasediments, represent the deeply eroded zone of
subduction. Thermodynamic modeling by pseudosection calculations indicates that the
metapelites and mafic granulies from the Mercara Shear Zone had undergone high grade
T. Amaldev acknowledges University Grants Commission for the financial assistance as Junior
Research Fellowship (UGCRGNF) to carry out the work.
Abdul Azeez, K.K., Veeraswamy, K., Gupta, A.K., Babu, N., Chandrapuri, S., Harinarayana, T.,2015. The electrical resistivity
structure of lithosphere across the Dharwar craton nucleus and Coorg block of South Indian shield: Evidence of collision
and modified and preserved lithosphere, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 120, doi:10.1002/2014JB011854.
Chetty, T., Mohanty, D., Yellappa, T., 2012. Mapping of shear zones in the Western Ghats, Southwestern part of Dharwar Craton.
Journal of the Geological Society of India 79, 151154.
Jayananda, M., Chardon, D., Peucat, J.J., Tushipokla., Fanning, C.M., 2015. Paleo to Mesoarchean TTG accretion and continental
growth in the western Dharwar craton, Southern India: Constraints from SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronology, wholerock
geochemistry and NdSr isotopes. Precambrian research
Martin, H., 1994. The Archean grey gneisses and the genesis of the continental crust. In: Condei, K.C. (Ed.), The Archean Crustal
Evolution. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 205–229.
Naqvi, S.M., Mohan, M.R., Prathap, J.G.R., Sarma, D.S., 2009. Adakite–TTG connection and fate of Mesoarchaean basaltic crust
of Holenarsipur Nucleus, Dharwar Craton, India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 35, 416–434.
Pearce, J.A., Stern, R.J., Bloomer, S.H., Fryer, P., 2005. Geochemical mapping of the Mariana arcbasin system: Implications for
the nature and distribution of subduction components. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 6 (7)
Samuel, V.O., Santosh, M., Liu, S., Wang, W., Sajeev, K., 2014. Neoarchean continental growth through arc magmatism in the
Nilgiri Block, southern India. Precambrian Research 245,146173.
Santosh, M., Yang, Q.Y., Shaji, E., Mohan, M.R., Tsunogae, T., Satyanarayanan, M., 2016. Oldest rocks from Peninsular India:
Evidence for Hadean to Neoarchean crustal evolution. Gondwana Research 29, 105–135
Santosh, M., Yang, Q. Y., Shaji, E., Tsunogae, T., Mohan, M. R., Satyanarayanan, M., 2015. An exotic Mesoarchean
microcontinent: The Coorg Block, southern India. Gondwana Research 27, 165195
Shaji, E., Santosh, M., He, X.F., Fan, H.R, Dev, S.G.D, Yang, K.F., Thangal, M.K.,Pradeepkumar, A. P., 2014. Convergent margin
processes during Archean–Proterozoic transition in southern India: Geochemistry and zircon U–Pb geochronology of gold
bearing amphibolites, associated metagabbros, and TTG gneisses from Nilambur. Precambrian Research 250, 6896.
Sunil, P., Radhakrishna, M., Kurian, P., Murty, B., Subrahmanyam, C., Nambiar, C. G., Arts, K., Arun, S., Mohan, S., 2010. Crustal
structure of the western part of the Southern Granulite Terrain of Indian Peninsular Shield derived from gravity data. Journal
of Asian Earth Sciences 39, 551564.
Tarney, J., 1976. Geochemistry of Archean highgrade gneisses with implications as to the origin and evolution of the
Precambrian crust, in: Windley, B.F. (Ed.), The early histroy of the Earth. Wiley, London, pp. 405417.
Thieblemont, D., Tegyey, M., 1994. Geochemical discrimination of differentiated magmatic rocks attesting for the variable origin
and tectonic setting of calcalkaline magmas. Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie II 319, 8794.
Wood, D. A., 1980. The application of a Th–Hf–Ta diagram to problems of tectonomagmatic classification and to establishing the
nature of crustal contamination of basaltic lavas of the British Tertiary volcanic province. Earth and Planetary Sci. Ltrs 50, 11–
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 43
Thanooja et al. Geology and petrography of major rock types from Madras Block, southern India
Geology and petrography of major rock types from Madras Block, southern India
P.V. Thanooja, C. IshwarKumar, K. Sajeev
Centre for Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India
Southern part of Dharwar Craton represents a college of crustal blocks transected by several deep
crustal shear zones. This includes Coorg, Nilgiri, Namakkal, Madras, Madurai, Trivandrum and
Nagercoil. Each of these blocks has distinct lithology, age and tectonothermal histories. These
differences among them show that it is important to explore each of these blocks separately to
reconstruct their tectonic evolution. In this Madras Block, southern India represents a significant
exposure of lower Archean crust. This block is present towards the southeast of Dharwar Craton
and northeastern margin of southern granulite terrane. This block is demarcated by Nallamalai
shear zone in the west and SalemAttur shear zone in the south. A preliminary field work has
been done to identify major rock types in this block. Field observation revealed that major rock
types in this block are charnockite, felsic orthogneiss, granite, migmatite and twopyroxene
granulite. Charnockite represents the major rock type in this terrain which is widely exposed in
the north, south and west. This charnockite is closely associated to Felsic orthogneiss along the
western margin. Another major rock type in this terrain is migmatite which is mostly present
towards the central to eastern margin. We have also observed granitic outcrops in between
charnockite and migmatite. Following this petrographic analysis of all the rock types is done. The
major rock type charnockite is mainly made up of orthopyroxene + Biotite + plagioclase + K
feldspar + quartz ± garnet (Fig. 1B). Orthopyroxene and biotite defines the foliation in these
samples. Both primary and secondary biotite is present in these charnockite samples. Secondary
biotites are common along the pyroxene boundary. In some samples garnet is absent and
clinopyroxene is present as a major mineral. Quartz is mostly subhedral in the matrix and rarely
platy in nature. In some areas quartz has myrmekitic texture shows exsolution of plagioclase in
them. Plagioclase is characterized with polysynthetic twinning. Sulfide minerals like pyrrohotite,
chalcopyrite and pyrite are common in the collected charnockite samples. A variety, Oscillation
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 44
Thanooja et al. Geology and petrography of major rock types from Madras Block, southern India
texture can be seen in the pyrrhotitie. Oxides like ilmenite and cubical magnetite are also present
in the rock samples. Major accessory minerals in charnockite are zircon and apatite. Previous
geochemical studies carried out on the charnockites indicate that, they consist mainly AI2O3 –
K2O – FcO – MgO – SiO2 – H2O, where SiO2 can be taken as an excess component. (Howie,
1955, Subramanian, 1959, Sen, and Sahu, 1970, Sen, 1970, Sen, et al., 1970). Previous
geochronology studies show that these charnockite formed and metamorphosed in the
Precambrian age. St. Thomas mount charnockite has an age of 1650Ma (Poornachandra Rao et
al., 1999). Ages from the shear zones signify Neoproterozoic to Cambrian reworking during the
assembly of Gondwana supercontinent (Santosh et al., 2009, Meert et al., 1997, Roy, 1999, Braun
et al., 2003, Collins et al., 2014, Yoshida et al., 1996). Adetailed petrographic, geochemical and
geochronological studies can give vital clues on Gondwana congregations.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 45
Manju Narayanan et al. Fluid Inclusion Study on the Wynad and Attappadi Gold mineralization
Fluid Inclusion Study on the Wynad and Attappadi Gold mineralization
in Southern Granulite Terrain, India
Manju Narayanan1, T. Pradeepkumar2, Saju Varghese3,
Rajagopal Krishnamurthi4, K.R. Baiju1
Department of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Lakeside Campus,
Fine Arts Avenue, Kochi – 16
PPOD Laboratory, Geological Survey of India, Bangalore 560070, India
Geological Survey of India, DK Block, GSI Complex, Karunamoyee, Salt Lake, Kolkata700091, India
Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247667, India
The Wynad Gold Field (WGF) and Attappadi Province are the main gold prospects in Southern
Granulite Terrain, India. Gneisses are the predominant rock type in these areas and auriferous
veins intruded within the country rocks. Fluid inclusions in vein quartz are abundant in these
areas. The present work including fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry of
auriferous quartz veins in different parts of Wynad and Attappadi. Fluid inclusion studies of vein
quartz gives an idea of the nature of the ore forming fluids and fluid involved in gold
mineralization is of low saline and aqueouscarbonic in composition and quite similar to the
orogenic lode gold deposits reported worldwide. Microthermometric data indicates fluid
immiscibility (phase separation) during trapping of fluid inclusions and this must have played an
important role in gold deposition.
1. Introduction
Majority of the gold occurrences in India are concentrated in the peninsular part of India,
especially around shield areas of south India, Bastar in central India, Rajasthan and Singhbhum of
eastern India Terrain (Biswas and Gangopadhyay, 2009; Krishnamurthi, 2012; Krisnamurthi et
al., 2014). Important gold deposits are located in Eastern Dharwar Craton (Kolar, Hutti and
Ramagiri) and in Western Dharwar Craton (Kempinkote, Gadag, Ajjanahalli, Chinmulgund and
Ganajur area (Krishnamurthi et al., 2010). The Southern granulite terrain, south of Dharwar
Craton hosts numerous gold occurrences such as Wynad, Malappuram and Attappadi provinces.
Records of ancient mining activities (Radhakrishna andCurtis,1999), illegal gold mining by local
people and, ongoing research work related to gold mineralization and geotectonic context of SGT
by number of workers (Binu Lal et al., 2003; Krishnamurthi et al., 2010; Santosh et al.,
2013)gives an indication of new discoveries in this part of the country. This paper focuses on fluid
inclusion characteristics of vein quartz of WGF and Attappadi to provide evidences of ore forming
fluid about genesis of deposit.
2. Geological setting
The SGT is one of the Proterozoic orogens in southern Peninsular India, comprising high grade
metamorphic rocks like charnockite, khondalite and migmatite invaded by younger pegmatite
intrusives (Chetty and Santosh, 2013). The terrain is transected by four regional shear zones such
as the Moyar (MSZ), Bhavani (BSZ), PalaghatCauvery (PCSZ) and Achankovil (ASZ) shear
zones (Drury and Holt, 1984) (Fig 1).
WGF is located immediately south of the MSZ. The area comprises mainly migmatitised
hornblende gneiss, amphibolite, biotite gneiss, garnet–biotite–sillimanite gneiss, pyroxene
granulite, magnetite quartzite and talctremolite actinolite schist (Binu Lal et al., 2003; Pruseth
et al., 2011). This sequence is intruded by pegmatites and quartz veins. The veins generally strike
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 46
Manju Narayanan et al. Fluid Inclusion Study on the Wynad and Attappadi Gold mineralization
along NESW direction and cut the regional trend of foliation. The dominant sulfide minerals
associated with auriferous quartz veinsare pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite.
Attappadi is located in the western termination of BSZ. Gneisses are the predominant rocks in
Attappadi. All rock types of Attappadi other than supracrustals could be categorized into seven
broad types. They are charnockite, hornblende gneiss, migmaititic amphibolite, quartz biotite
gneiss, quartzfeldspathic gneiss, biotite granite gneiss, and pegmatite. Metavolcanics and
metasedimentary rocks designated as the “Attappadi supracrustals” are found as enclaves and
remnants within the gneisses.the auriferous quartz veins are confined to a 25 km long and 10km
wide, NE trending regional shear zone within the gneiss and amphibolite. The associated sulide
minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, covellite and malachite.
Fig 1: Generalized geological map ofSouthernGranulite Terrain(modified after Santosh etal.,2012). BSZ—Bhavani Shear Zone,
CSZ—Cauvery Suture Zone, MSZ—Moyar Shear Zone, PCSZ—Palghat Cauvery Shear Zone. b. Map of the Cauvery Suture Zone
(CSZ. Map showing gold occurrences in the Southern Granulite Terrain: 1. Manantody; 2.Tariyod; 3.Chundale; 4.Vayittri;
5.Meppadi; 6.Maruda; 7.Nadugani ; 8. Rousdenmalai ; 9. Glenrock ; 10. Kotagiri; 11. Kadannamanna and Mankada ; 12.
Valambur ; 13.Kappil; 14. Attappadi. The boxes represent three gold provinces: 1 to 10 are in Wynad Nilgiri province, 11 to 13
are in Malappuram province and 14 is in Attappadi province. (Krishnamurthi et al., 2010)
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 47
Manju Narayanan et al. Fluid Inclusion Study on the Wynad and Attappadi Gold mineralization
Fig.1 (continued).
3. Fluid inclusions
Samples for fluid inclusion study were collected from the two deposits. Samples showing
evidences of deformation and recrystallization were avoided. Only primary inclusions (5–15 μm)
were studied to understand the nature of mineralizing fluid. Microthermometric measurements
on the fluid inclusions were carried out using a Linkam THMSG 600 HeatingFreezing stage
fitted on a LV 100 Pol Nikon microscope at the Department of Earth Sciences, IIT Roorkee. The
unit operates in the temperature range of 196°C to + 600°C. The stage was periodically
calibrated by synthetic pure CO2inclusions (triple point = 56.6°C) in quartz.
3.1 Fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry
3.1.1 Wynad Gold Field. Three different compositional types of fluid inclusions are
distinguished: H2OCO2 (Type I), CO2 (Type II), and aqueous (Type III) inclusions based on
the combination of petrography at room temperature and phase transition observed during
microthermometric investigations.
Type I inclusions are composed of H 2O and CO2 phases. At room temperature, the Type
I inclusions consist of two phases i.e., water and liquid CO 2, but during freezing a new phase
appears with in the liquid CO 2 and becomes an assemblages of three phases i.e., H 2O, CO2 and
gaseous CO 2. Inclusions of this type exhibit rounded tubular or irregular shapes and are 5
15µm in size. These are the most abundant variety of primary inclusions observed in the
doubly polished wafers.
Type II inclusions appear as monophase at room temperature but gas bubble appears
during freezing. Fluid inclusions with in this group are generally between 210µm in size and
show rounded, elongated or irregular morphologies. This type of inclusions is as abundant as
Type I inclusions.
Type III inclusions are biphase with a gas bubble in aqueous phase. These inclusions are
varying in size from 412µm and show oblate or spheroidal morphologies.
Melting temperature of CO2 (Tm CO2) for TypeII and TypeI inclusions occurred between 55.5°C
and 60°C which indicate the presence of other gases like CH 4 and N2. The homogenization of the
carbonic phase (ThCO2) occurs always to the liquid state in a wide range of temperature, from
4°C and 28°C indicates bulk densities between 0.64 g/cm 3 to 0.95 g/cm 3. The first melting of ice
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 48
Manju Narayanan et al. Fluid Inclusion Study on the Wynad and Attappadi Gold mineralization
(Tfm ice) in TypeI and TypeIII inclusions occurred between −18 °C to −27 °C. Final melting of
ice (Tm ice) in TypeIII inclusions fall in a temperature range of −1 °C to −5 °C. Based on these
freezing data, the salinity values of fluids present in TypeIII inclusions have been found to be of
the order of 2 to 8 wt.% NaCl equivalent (Fig 3). For type I inclusions, clathrate dissociation
temperatures (Tmcl) were recorded between 2°C to 8°C and salinity deduced from such clathrate
melting is within 4 to 14 wt% NaCl equivalents (Fig 3). The total homogenization temperature
(Th TOT) of TypeI inclusions range from 200° C to 300° C whereas TypeIII inclusions show a
range of 180°C to 290°C. TypeIII inclusions homogenize in liquid state, whereas TypeI inclusions
homogenize in both liquid and vapour state.
The intersecting isochores method was used to estimate the P–T condition of fluid
entrapment, as the coexistence of TypeI and TypeII inclusions is common in the samples and
estimated temperature and pressure condition ranges from 240 to 330 °C and 1.4 to 2.4 kbar
Fig 3: Histograms of primary inclusions obtained during freezing Salinity v/s frequency (Type I and Type III inclusions)
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 49
Manju Narayanan et al. Fluid Inclusion Study on the Wynad and Attappadi Gold mineralization
It was observed that type1 and type2 inclusions do not coexist in auriferous quartz samples and
so the intersecting isochore method was not followed to estimate the P–T condition of entrapment
of fluid inclusions. Due to lack of geothermobarometric data, the maximum temperature of
homogenization (~300 °C) has been considered as the minimum temperature of entrapmentof
fluid inclusionsand mineralization.
4. Summary
Gold mineralization at WGF and Attappadi of SGT is associated with a subparallel quartz vein
system. The fluid inclusion study indicates the fluid was subjected to immiscibility (or phase
separation) within temperature and pressure range of 240 to 330°C and 1.4 to 2.4 kbar. Gold
along with other constituents could have precipitated in response to phase separation of the
ore fluid. The phase separation of original homogeneous gold bearing ore fluid could be due to
drop of pressure and temperature as it entered the fractures developed during the late phase of
Neoproterozoic (PanAfrican) deformation event.
In Attappadi area, the fluid inclusions can be classified into four different types, aqueous
carbonic (type 1), carbonic (type 2), aqueous inclusions with daughter minerals (type 3) and
aqueous inclusion (type 4). The type1, type2 and type3 inclusions are primary with respect to
formation of quartz in auriferous veins. However, the type3 inclusions are considered to have no
direct linkage with gold mineralization in the Attapadi prospect as they are restricted to the
samples of only one area. As the auriferous veins in this area are proximal to pegmatite bodies,
the type3 inclusions could be related to the fluids released from the pegmatites. In Attappadi, the
maximum temperature of homogenization (~300 °C) has been considered as the minimum
temperature of entrapment of fluid inclusions and mineralization. The fluid involved in gold
mineralization is of low saline and aqueouscarbonic in composition and quite similar to the
orogenic lode gold deposits reported worldwide.
Binu Lal, S.S., Sawaki, T., Wada, H., Santosh, M., 2003. Ore fluids associated with Wynad gold mineralization, Southern India:
evidence from fluid inclusion microthermometry and gas analysis. J. Asian Earth Sci. 22 (2), 171–187.
Biswas, S.K., Gangopadhyay, K.K., 2009. Geological domain for gold exploration in India: abstract. National Seminar on Gold
Industry in India. Bangalore, pp. 1–3.
Chetty, T.R.K., Santosh, M., 2013. Proterozoic orogens in southern Peninsular India: contiguities and complexities. J. Asian Earth
Sci. 78, 39–53
Drury, S.A., Harris, N.B.W., Holt, R.W., ReevesSmith, G.J., Wightman, R.T., 1984, PreCambrian tectonics and crustal evolution
in South India. Journal of Geophysics 92, 3–20
Krishnamurthi, R., 2012. Current understanding on the genesis of lode gold
Krishnamurthi, R., Sen, A.K., Pradeepkumar, T., Sharma, R., 2010. Gold mineralization in the Southern Granulite Terrane of
Peninsular India. In: Deb, Mihir, Goldfrab, Richard J. (Eds.), Gold Metallogeny. India and Beyond. Narosa Publishing Company
House PVT Ltd., pp. 222–233.
Krisnamurthi, R., Ravikant, V., Pruseth, K.L., Varghese, S., 2014. Nature and evolution of fluids and genesis of gold mineralization
in Southern granulite Terrain: evidences from petrological, fluid inclusion and geochemical studies. Ind. Mineral. 48 (2), 151–
Radhakrishna, B.P., Curtis, L.C., 1999. Gold inIndia. Geological Society of India, Bangalore, p. 307
Santosh, M., Shaji, E., Tsunogae, T., Ram Mohan, M., Satyanarayanan, M., Horie, K., 2013. Suprasubduction zone ophiolite from
Agali hill: petrology, zircon SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology, geochemistry and implications for Neoarchean plate tectonics in
southern India. Precambrian Res. 231, 301–324.
Pruseth, K.L., Ravikant, V., Varghese, S. and Krishnamurthi R., 2011, Mantlederived carbonate fluid alteration and gold
mineralization in southern Granulite Terrain, Wynad, India. By R.K.Srivastava, Dyke Swarms: Keys for Geodynamic
Interpretation SpringerVerlag, Berlin Heidelberg pp.125139
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 50
Sajna S and JK Tomson Tectonic and metamorphic evolution of Nagercoil block through insitu trace element studies
Tectonic and metamorphic evolution of Nagercoil block through
insitu trace element studies on accessory minerals
Sajna S and JK Tomson
NCESS, Aakkulam, Trivandrum, India
The proposed study is mainly focused on Nagercoil Block, one among the discreet terrains
(blocks) in Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT). Unlike the other blocks in SGT, the Nagercoil Block
at the southernmost tip of the Indian peninsula has received comparatively little attention and its
role and significance in the evolution of the region are uncertain. The area predominantly consists
of massive charnockitepyroxene association, together with igneous intrusives of norite and
syenite. The main goal of the study will be to constrain tectonometamorphic evolution of the
Nagercoil Block through analysing accessory minerals such as Garnet, Zircon, Monazite, Apatite,
Ilmenite etc. The results expected to be derived from systematic field and laboratory work will
1) structural and petrological observation of different rock types.
2) PT conditions of peak and retrograde metamorphism is derived via forward modelling
of phase equilibria.
3) Quantitative constraints on the timing and duration of crustal metamorphism (t) will
be derived by insitu UPb dating of accessory minerals using LAICPMS coupled with trace
element analysis of these accessory phases.
4) These data will be used to constrain pressuretemperaturetime (PTt) evolution of the
Nagercoil Block and place the findings within the context of the geological evolution of southern
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 51
R. Manu Raj and S. N. Kumar Miarolitic cavities in Granitic Pegmatites of Nagamalai –Pudukottai area
Miarolitic cavities in Granitic Pegmatites of Nagamalai –Pudukottai area,
Madurai district, Tamil Nadu, India
R. Manu Raj and S. N. Kumar
Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Kariavattom
The Atype granites of the Nagamalai Pudukottai area lie within the Madurai block of Southern
Granulite Terrain. Pegmatites in this area are closely associated with granites and are of two
typesgray feldspar bearing and pink feldspar bearing. Field investigation reveals the presence of
mineralised cavities in these pegmatites. This paper is based on a preliminary investigation of the
miarolitic cavities and associated mineralization in these granitic pegmatites. Although the two
varieties of pegmatites of the area contain mineralised pockets, the cavities in the gray feldspar
bearing pegmatites are larger, and richer in mineral diversity. The important minerals present in
these cavities include quartz, feldspar, calcite, beryl (?), and sulphides. The miaroles in the
granitic pegmatites can be interpreted as resulting from separation of fluid bubbles through melt
crystallisation enriched in volatile components within the pegmatite bodies. From the presence of
miarolitic cavities and related mineralization, it is inferred that the granitic pegmatites of the
study area, as per depth classification, comes under the miarolitic NYF type pegmatites.
The study area is a part of the Madurai Block of Southern Granulite Terrain. The Madurai Block is
located between the Palghat Cauvery shear zone in the North and Achankovil shear zone in the
South (Fig.1). The Madurai block is typically a highgrade CharnockiteKhondalite terrain
comprising of granulite facies rocks (Mohan, 1996). Several granite bodies of Late Proterozoic to
Early Palaeozoic age have been reported from Madurai block (Subramanian et al., 2001).
Study area
Fig.1. Simplified geological map of South India (After Sajeev, et al..2006)
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 52
R. Manu Raj and S. N. Kumar Miarolitic cavities in Granitic Pegmatites of Nagamalai –Pudukottai area
The major rock types identified in the study area are gneisses, quartzites, charnockites, granites,
pegmatites and dolerite. Quartzites form continuous hills whereas the gneisses and charnockites
mainly cover the plains.
The granites in the study area occur as small isolated hillocks. Based on colour they can be
grouped into two: gray granites and pink granites. These granites lie close to the NWSE Vaigai
lineament/fault zone. The granites are essentially made up of alkali feldspar, quartz and biotite.
Accessory amounts of zircon, apatite and opaques are also noticed. Migmatized zones are seen
associated with the granites at places. The geochemical data of these granites point to their Atype
nature ( Remya,2011) and RbSr geochronological dating have given them an age of 837±34Ma
(Pandey et al., 1994).
The term ‘Pegmatite’s is given to any exceptionally coarse grained phase of rock and when
these bodies have an association with granite, they are of greatest interest by means of their
various geological aspects. One such important feature is the presence of miarolitic cavities. These
are cavities of irregular shapes, bordered with idiomorphic crystals of quartz and feldspar which
project into vacant spaces and occur in some granites and granophyres. The spaces represent
places where pockets of residual magma highly charged with volatile fluxes remained after the
bulk of the rock had crystallized. From these mobile liquors, good crystals grew out from the walls
and by the escape of the final remnant of liquid or vapour, the interstitial cavities which they
originally occupied, were left (Holmes,1930).According to Sinkankas (1969), the term miarolitic
pegmatites are used to describe the pegmatitic granitic rocks more or less honey combed by gas
openings. Berry et al. (2004) feel that miarolites are cavities formed by the late stage
crystallisation of magma. Recently Kurosawa et al., (2010) opine that miarolitic cavities are
typically associated with granitic pegmatites and are formed due to the entrapment of mineral
rich fluids which have segregated by vesiculation of granitic magma during its final stage of
crystallization. Miarolitic cavities typically contain granitic as well as rare minerals resulting from
the concentration of traceelements by hydrothermal activity (Johnsan, 2014).
A few granitic pegmatites in the area belong to the miarolitic type pegmatites and the
cavities in these rocks are diverse in their mineral assemblages. In this study, an attempt is made
to understand the nature of these miarolitic cavities and their origin.
Miarolitic Pegmatites of the study area
The pegmatites in the study area are closely associated with the granites. These pegmatites
contain mainly feldspar, quartz and biotite. Based on the colour and abundance of feldspars, the
granitic pegmatites of the study area can be divided into two gray feldspar bearing and pink
feldspar bearing pegmatites. Miarolitic cavities are found in both the pegmatites [Fig. 2(A) and
The cavities in the gray feldspar pegmatites are comparatively larger. They range in size
from 15cm ×5 cm. The void area is large enough to carry a 35cm sized crystal. Most of the
cavities in these pegmatites are partly filled. The minerals present in the miarolitic cavities are
mostly coarse and euhedral. Quartz, feldspar, calcite, beryl (?) and associated sulphides are the
most important minerals present in these cavities. Quartz in the cavities is of different types
euhedral quartz with typical prisms, milky quartz, and smoky quartz and amethyst crystals.
Quartz crystals show well developed rhombohedral faces and prisms. Twinned amethyst crystals
as per Japan law with twin plane ( 11ˉ2 2) is noted. Rarely anhedral quartz is also present. Many
quartz crystals show horizontal striations. Feldspar in the cavities appear to be colourless to gray
and mostly anhedral. Calcite crystals present are euhedral and prismatic; rhombohedral forms are
rare. Growth layers are seen on the surface of the calcite crystals. The sulphides include pyrite,
chalcopyrite, bornite and pyrrhotite (Manu Raj and Kumar, 2015). Typical euhedral pyrites and
chalcopyrites are seen on quartz and calcite crystals [Fig. 3 (A) and (B)].
The miarolitic cavities in pink feldspar pegmatites are smaller in size and lesser in
number. The cavities are almost completely filled with quartz, feldspar, calcite and sulphides. The
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 53
R. Manu Raj and S. N. Kumar Miarolitic cavities in Granitic Pegmatites of Nagamalai –Pudukottai area
minerals present within these cavities are subhedral to anhedral and medium to fine grained.
Sulphide crystals are rare and when found, are very small.
Fig. 2. (A). Miarolitic cavities in Gray feldspar pegmatite. Note the comb shaped euhedral granitic and sulphide minerals. (B).
Small miarolitic cavities in Pink feldspar Pegmatites. Note the subhedral to anhedral mineral grains.
Fig.3. (A). Sulphides on the surface of quartz crystal. Note the typical cubic crystals of form of pyrite. (B) Prismatic crystals of
sulphides separated from miarolitic cavities.
Discussion and Conclusion
In pegmatites, primary cavities may result from trapping bubbles of an exsolved gas phase inside
the parent magma. The term ‘miarolitic is used as an additional characteristic of granitic
pegmatites, when they contain mineralised cavities. The conditions under which miarolitic cavities
form in granitic pegmatites have not been fully understood. According to Jahns and Burnham
(1969), the miaroles can be formed during the accumulation of fluid phases in pegmatite
chambers during the crystallization of melts enriched in volatile components. This concept is
widely accepted among petrologists. Miaroles have been inferred to form from vapours released
from granitic magma (Candela, 1997). Vapour (superficial fluid) bubbles form as locally water
saturated magma rises and crystallizes in response to decompression, which causes vapours to
escape. This decreases the concentration of water in the melt, which raises its liquidus
temperature and effectively undercools the melt. The result is a fine grained granite with
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 54
R. Manu Raj and S. N. Kumar Miarolitic cavities in Granitic Pegmatites of Nagamalai –Pudukottai area
granophyric intergrowths. At the same time crystals grow in the cavities by precipitating from the
vapour phase (Vernon, 2004).Recent studies point to the presence of immiscible silicate melts and
large fluid segregations of various compositions in granitic magmas that lead to the formation of
miaroles in granitic pegmatites (Peretyazhko, 2009). The miarolitic pegmatites of the study area
indicate the presence of abundant volatiles in the parent magma and associated fluids with
varying compositions.
One of the most widely accepted classification scheme for pegmatites is by Cerny (1991)
and it is more or less related to the depth of formation. In this classification, the different
pegmatite classes are grouped into five based on their order of increasing depth and they are
miarolitic, rareelement, muscovite, rareelement muscovite and abyssal. The miarolitic pegmatite
class is subdivided into families, in which one family is called the NYF family NYF stands for
Niobium, Yttrium and Fluorine (Cerny, 1991; Simmons et al. 2003, Rakovan, 2008). These NYF
type pegmatites are of poorly mineralised and gemstock. Typical elements associated with these
pegmatites are Be, Y, REE, Ti, U, Th, U, Zr, F, Nb>Ta. Pandey et al. (1994) have reported rare
earth and rare metal mineralization represented by similar pegmatites in the nearby areas.
Rakovan, (2008), feel that the NYF type pegmatites of miarolitic class form under shallow to
subvolcanic PT conditions. The NYF type pegmatites represent anorogenic tectonic settings
(Wise, 1999). The granites of the area belong to the Atype category (Pandey et al., 1994) and the
major minerals in the pegmatites associated with granites are similar indicating anorogenic
settings. Thus the miarolitic pegmatites of the study area may be classified under the NYF family.
The detailed field and petrological studies of the granitic pegmatites of the Nagamalai
Pudukkottai area have shown the presence of miarolitic cavities. The miaroles indicates the
abundance of fluid phases during the last stage crystallization of the volatile rich pegmatites. The
divergent mineral assemblage in the miaroles points to the compositionally different fluid
segregations. The occurrences of sulphides in the cavities convey the hydrothermal activity in the
mineralized cavities. Based on the occurrence and mineralogical characteristics, the Nagamalai
Pudukottai granitic pegmatites may be fitted into the NYF type of miarolitic pegmatites.
Further detailed chemical analysis of the pegmatites and associated minerals will provide
more insights into the origin of miarolitic cavities and nature of mineralization.
Berry, L.G., Mason, B. and Dietrich, R.V. (2004). Mineralogy Concepts, Description and Determinations, CBS publishers and
distributors, New Delhi, pp.1011.
Candela, P.A., (1997). A Review of shallow, ore related granites: Textures, volatiles and ore metals. Jour. Petr. v.38, pp.1619
Cerny, P. (1991). Rareelement granitic pegmatites. Part I: Anatomy and Internal evolution of pegmatite deposits. Part 2:
Regional to global environments and petrogenesis. Geoscience Canada, v.18, pp.4981.
Holmes, A. (1930). Petrographic methods andCalculations. Thomas Morby & Co. New York, pp.363364.
Jahns, R.H. and Burnham, C.M. (1969). Experimental studies of Pegmatite Genesis. I. A Model of the Derivation and
Crystallization of Granitic Pegmatites. Econ.Geol., v.64, pp.843864.
Johnson,T. (2014). Mineralogy and Genesis of Miarolitic Cavities in Altered Andesitic Dikes on West Spanish Peak, Colorado,
USA. Undergraduate honours thesis, University of Colorado.
Kurosawa, M., Ishii, S., and Sasa, K. (2010). Traceelement compositions of single fluid inclusions in the Kofu granite, Japan:
Implications for compositions of granitederived fluids: Island Arc, v. 19, p.40 59.
Manu Raj, R and Kumar, S N (2015). Characterisation of selected sulphides associated with the granitic pegmatites of Nagamalai
Pudukottai area, Madurai district, Tamil Nadu, India. Jour. Appl. Geo., v.17, pp.444450.
Mohan, A. (1996). The Madurai Granulite Block, Gondwana Research Group Memoir3, The Archean and Proterozoic Terrains of
Southern India within East Gondwana, pp.223242.
Pandey, U.K., Chabria, T, Krishna,V. and Krishnamurthy P.(1994). RbSr ge ochronology of late Proterozoic Atype granites in
parts of Madurai district, Tamil Nadu: implications on uranium and rare metal exploration.Jour.Atm.Min.sci.,v. 2, pp.7987.
Peretyazhko, I.S. (2010). Genesis of Miarolitic Cavities (Miaroles) in Granitic Pegmatites and Granites. Petrology, v.18,pp.183
Rakovan, P. (2008). NYFType Pegmatite. Rocks and Minerals, v.83, pp.351353.
Remya, J. (2011). Petrological study of granulites and geochemistry of granites of Karadipatti area, Madurai district, Tamil Nadu.
Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, University of Kerala, Kariavattom(Personal Communication).
Sajeev, K. and Santhosh, M. (2006). An unusual high Mggarnettspinel orthopyroxene from Southern India: evidence for
ultrahigh temperature metamorphism at high pressure conditions. Geological Magazine, v.143, pp.923932.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 55
R. Manu Raj and S. N. Kumar Miarolitic cavities in Granitic Pegmatites of Nagamalai –Pudukottai area
Simmons,W., Webber, K., Falster, A.U. and Nizamoff, J. (2003).Pegmatology:Pegmatite mineralogy, petrology and
petrogenesis.New Orleans, LA:Rubellite Press.
Sinkankas (1969). Mineralogy, IN.D.Ten Broeck for Affiliated EastWest press Pvt. Ltd.
Subramanian, K. S. and Selvan, T.A. (2001). Geology of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, Geo.Soc.Ind. , pp. 103108.
Vernon, R.H. (2004). A Practical Guide to Rock Microstructure. Cambridge University press, U.K. pp.162165.
Wise, M.A. (1999). Characterization and classification of NYFtype pegmatites. Canadian Mineralogist, 37, pp.802803.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 56
Abdul Matin The structural anatomy of Cuddapah basin
The structural anatomy of Cuddapah basin a Proterozoic foldthrust belt
from Peninsular India
Abdul Matin
Department of Geology, University of Calcutta
35 Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata 700019
Identification of Precambrian foldandthrust belt is challenging due to deep incised erosion of the
belts. The Proterozoic Cuddapah Basin of Peninsular India, which hosts the Cuddapah Supergroup
and the Kurnool Group of rocks, represents the frontal part of a larger fold–thrust belt, formed in
response to the Neoproterozoic orogenesis in East Antarctica and India that led to the
amalgamation of northern Prince Charles MountainsRayner complex of Antarctica with the
Krishna Province of India along the present eastern coast of India with the development of ~990
900 Ma old fold thrust belt. Therefore, the intercratonic deformation now preserved in the
PalaeoproterozoicNeoproterozoic Cuddapah Basin is related to the collision of the Indian shield
to the Antarctic block during the amalgamation of the Rodinia Supercontinent. The Cuddapah
fold–thrust belt (CFTB), bounded by the Nellore–Khammam schist belt and Eastern Ghats terrane
in the east and Peninsular Gneissic complex of the Dharwar Craton to the west, includes two
frontal thrusts and foreland of an orogen. The frontal Nallamalai thrust structurally separates the
Cuddapah basin into two blocks – the eastern Nallamalai fold belt and the western foreland. The
CFTB, forming the frontmost segment of a larger orogen associated with the intercratonic
deformation related to the formation of the Rodinia Supercontinent, is the result of fault
propagation folding, forming an overturned anticline–syncline pair at the tip of the propagating
Velikonda thrust which later cuts through the common limb of the fold pair. The CFTB includes
two frontal thrust sheets carried by the eastern Velikonda and the western Nallamalai thrusts,
along with a part of the undeformed foreland. It constitutes part of a larger foldthrust belt now
fragmented and separated in different continents of Gondwanaland. CFTB is dominated by quasi
plastic deformational structures, representing exhumed deeper level faultpropagation folding
related to the Velikonda thrust, while the Nallamalai thrust represents the foreland word thrust of
the CFTB dominated by elasticofrictional deformation structures.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 57
SK Parcha Museums Vistas of Knowledge
Museums Vistas of Knowledge
Suraj Kumar Parcha
Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, G.M.S. Road, Dehra Dun 248001, India
The word museum owes its origins to the Greek ‘mouseion” meaning ‘seat of muses’, and was
used to denote a philosophical institution or a place of contemplation. It was used for the first
time by Ptolemy for the great museum created by him in the third century at Alexander. It was
only in the 17th century that the term extended all around Europe to describe collections of
One can associate the primary idea of museum to human desire for knowledge. People
have always been interested in understanding the nature, environment and the people those with
whom they are associated. One of the most motivating methods to achieve this is to study the
objects everyone creates. Traditionally, the beginning of acquiring and displaying objects of
inquisitiveness and scholarly importance can be traced to the Renaissance in Europe in the
fourteenth Century. Since it was the period when the whole world was becoming more accessible
with the opening of new routes from Europe to other parts of world. The idea of acquiring objects
from these regions came up. People now started purchasing and getting objects for demonstration
at home and in their parks, thus laying the foundation for private collections, which eventually led
the creation of museums. These collections also ascertained to be an appealing and satisfying
means of learning about the world. The desire to spread knowledge to the public through private
collections took shape in 1523 when the Grimani brothers donated their collections to the City of
When one visits a museum and looks at substances exhibited within the glass showcases,
some observing you with a desolate expression, you might have wondered how they came there
and who is responsible for picking these samples of such beautiful objects and choosing how to
display them? No one might have imagined that a small text was adequate to describe them? Who
thought first about the wooden cabinets of display and then glass showcases. When the idea of a
museum took shape in India.
In India the European idea of the museum peculated in 18 th century. In 1784 Sir William
Jones, a British historian formed the Asiatic Society at Kolkata then (Calcutta) in order to study
and disseminate the India’s sociocultural and historical heritage. It was the turning point were
from the idea gave birth to have a permanent space dedicated for exhibiting objects. It was after
that the Asiatic Society members in 1796 accepted the suggestion to start a Museum. In this way
India’s first museum was set by Asiatic Society in 1814 at Kolkata (Calcutta) which was named as
‘Imperial Museum’, later on renamed as Indian Museum which is still one of the largest museums
in India.
A museum is an institution that cares for collection of artifacts and other objects of
scientific importance or other objects of artistic, cultural and historical importance and makes
them available for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or temporary.
Museums have varying aims, ranging from serving researchers and specialists to serving the
general public. It is one way of scientific outreach programme. The goal of serving researchers is
increasingly shifting to serving the general public to make them aware about the nature,
environment and about the universe and other things. Science museums are institutions of
authoritative incontestable knowledge, places of collecting, seeing and knowing, places where
anyone can come and see the evidences of science.
The museum also serves the repository of mineral, rocks, fossils. It promotes India’s
mineral, fossil heritage and equally promotes its importance. It aims to inspire scientific curiosity
through education and research while encouraging appreciation of the earth and responsibility for
its mineral, fossil, mining and other treasures. The many exhibitions of the Geological museum
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 58
SK Parcha Museums Vistas of Knowledge
relate to the importance of Geology in all details, large and small. From the beginning of universe
to fossilisation, drifting of continents and mountain building and the origin of life etc.It is a
learning centre that provides a valuable resource for the students of schools and colleges research
workers enthusiastic with an interest in or desire to learn about geological processes. The museum
of geology supports teaching and research in the earth sciences and natural history. The fossil
collections are important both scientifically and historically to understanding the origin and
evolution of life. Similarly the collection of different rock types minerals among them are some
are rare and of economic importance which fascinates the students and public.
Museum planning involves planning design the actual mission along with the planning is
the space that the collection of the material of the museum will be housed in. Museums need to
be planned according to the need of the students, researchers and public since it is a knowledge
hub. The museums are planned and designed according to the collection they house, with the
displays and exhibits easily accessible to the public. Museums are being made more accessible to
the public by resorting to open storage which elicits more public interest. Modern museums now
include contents in the form of images, audio and visual effects and interactive exhibits. Virtual
Museums have gained importance in the current online era, wherein photogalleries of minerals,
fossils, rock types and other scientific achievements can be viewed by the people living far away
using their internet capable devices. Museum planning process must include feasibility study,
analysis of comparable facilities, resources and interpretive plan.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 59
Remya J. and Kumar S.N. A chemicomineralogical study of granites of Perinthalmanna
A chemicomineralogical study of granites of Perinthalmanna area,
Malappuram District, Kerala, India
Remya J.* and Kumar S.N.
Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Trivandrum695 581, India
The Kerala region, forming part of the South Indian Precambrian terrain, preserve major units of
the Archean continental crust, such as granulites, granites, gneisses, and greenstones. The study
area, forming part of the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) is pierced by a number of plutons.
Acid plutons are the dominant among them. Detailed studies of a few granite bodies like that of
Chengannoor, Munnar, Ambalavayal and Kalpatta areas have been carried out. In the present
study a comprehensive account of field relations, petrography and geochemistry of Perintalmanna
granite, a small granite bodylocated in Malappuram district, is attempted. Granite in the study
area has concordant relationship with the country rocks indicating its igneous parentage and
some structural control in its origin. It is devoid of deformational structures or textures. Mainly
two types of granites are found viz. pink and gray, the former being the dominant one. The
texture, structure and field relations of the two granite variants show their postkinematic nature.
The mineralogical characteristics support Atype and peraluminous nature, alkalicsubalkalic
character and withinplate origin. The study indicates that the two variants of Perintalmanna
granite had probably formed by the partial melting of granulites in the lower crust by mantle
derived volatiles.
Keywords: Southern Granulite Terrain, Achankovil Shear Zone, granite variants, Atype granite.
The Kerala region is an important segment of the South Indian Precambrian terrain, where major
units of the Archean continental crust, such as granulites, granites, gneisses, and greenstones are
preserved (Fig.1). The Precambrian granulite terrain of this region is pierced by a number of
plutons. Granite plutons are dominant among them. Postcollisional alkaline magmatism with
PanAfrican affinities has been reported in a number of locations in the Southern Indian Granulite
Terrain (SGT) (Santosh and Drury, 1988; Rajesh et al. 1996).Several alkali granite and syenite
plutons intrude the South Indian shield that preserves evidence of prominent felsic magmatic
events (Santosh and Drury, 1988). Most of these plutons are spatially associated with major Late
Proterozoic lineaments (Ratnakar and Leelanandam, 1989; Santosh et al. 2005; Ratnakar, 2006).
These intrusives are considered to represent anorogenic Atype magmas generated in rift related
environments of high heat flow and abundant volatile activity.
Detailed studies of a few granite bodies in Kerala, like that of Chengannoor, Munnar,
Ambalavayal and Kalpatta areas, have been carried out in the late 1980's and 1990's (Santosh and
Nair, 1983; Nair et al., 1983; Santosh et al., 1986; Satish Kumar and Santosh, 1994; Kumar et al.,
1998). These plutons are generally considered to be anorogenic or post orogenic (Rajesh, 2000).
The present study aims to give a comprehensive account of field relations, petrography and
geochemistry of Perintalmanna granite, a small granite body located in Malappuram district.
Geology of the Area
An area of about 40 km 2bounded by 10˚59'40'' and 11˚0'N latitudes and 76˚11'50'' and
76˚15'57''E longitudes,was studied for deciphering the extension of Perintalmanna granite
body(Fig.2). Biotite gneiss (BG) is the most widespread rock type in the study area, followed
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 60
Remya J. and Kumar S.N. A chemicomineralogical study of granites of Perinthalmanna
by hornblende biotite gneiss (HBG),charnockite, dolerite and hornblende biotite schist (HB
Schist) in abundance. The pervasive gneissic banding in the rock, ranging in width from <1
cm to 25 cm, is defined by the alternate quartzfeldspar rich and ferromagnesian minerals
rich layer(Fig.3a).The general trend of the most prominent foliation is NWSE with steep dip.
Relict foliation is also observed on weathered surfaces. Augens of feldpars and enclaves of
biotite are noticed at places. Pegmatite veins, bearing pink feldspar and quartz, parallel the
foliation. Charnockite, which is seen as a massive and well jointed rock, is cut across by
pegmatite veins. Large abandoned quarries of charnockite are acting as water harvesting
structures in many parts of the area(Fig.3b). Dolerite dykes are exposed as boulders trending
NWSE. The occurrence of HB schist is very much limited.
Fig.1. Geological map of Kerala (After GSI, 1973 & 1995)
Perintalmanna Granite
Granite of the area occurs as small hillocks. They area are of two typespink granite and grey
granite. Among the two, the pink variety predominates over the other. These massive rocks,
showing grain size variation from fine to medium, have sharp concordant contact with BG, HBG
and charnockite. These contacts are mostly parallel to the general NWSE foliation trend in
gneisses and gneissic charnockite. The granites exhibit crude gneissosity and foliation near the
contacts. The granites, which are well jointed, are cut across by feldspar + quartz pegmatite
veins, ranging in width from 15 cm to 50 cm, at many places. Enclaves of ferromagnesian
minerals are noticed in granite(Fig.3c).
Field relations and texture clearly establish the presence of two variants of the granite. However
these two varieties exhibit many textural and mineralogical similarities. Both are light coloured,
holocrystalline, hypidiomophic, nearly equigranular and free of deformation. However the content
of potash feldspar and opaque are more in pink granite compared to that in grey granite. The
biotite content of pink granite is less than in the grey granite. The magmatic nature of the granite
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 61
Remya J. and Kumar S.N. A chemicomineralogical study of granites of Perinthalmanna
variants is revealed by the subhedral to euhedral form of plagioclase and biotite and the anhedral
to subhedral character of Kfeldspar and quartz (Pitcher, 1993).
Fig.2. Geological map of the study area
Grey granite
The presence of abundant grey feldspar imparts grey colour to the rock. The rock is essentially
made up of perthite, orthoclase, plagioclase, quartz and minor amounts of biotite and hornblende.
Zircon and opaques are also found in very small amounts. The most abundant mineral present in
the rock is perthite. Orthoclase grains, which are subhedral, show the effects of sericitisation.
Myrmekitic intergrowth is noticed in some sections(Fig.3d).Quartz grains, which are anhedral, are
seen both as independent grains and as inclusions in perthite (Fig.3e).Biotite is strongly
pleochroic(light yellow to brown). Hornblende grains exhibit strong pleochroism. Zircon grains
are nearly elliptical. Zircon inclusions with pleochroic haloes are noticed in perthite (Fig.3f).
Opaques, mainly reddish brown rutile, are of various size and shape.
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 62
Remya J. and Kumar S.N. A chemicomineralogical study of granites of Perinthalmanna
Fig 3. a. Well foliated and well banded hornblende biotite gneiss (plan view);b.Abandoned charnockite quarry used as water
harvesting structure;c.Enclave of ferromagnesian minerals in weathered granite;d.Myrmekite in grey granite (crossed nicol,
10X);e.Inclusion of quartz in perthite in grey granite(crossed nicol, 10X);f.Zircon inclusion in perthite in grey granite (crossed
Pink granite
These are leucocratic, fine grained rocks with well developed joints. The essential minerals
present in pink granite are similar to that in grey granite. The content of potash feldspar and
opaque are more in pink granite compared to that in grey granite.
The magmatic nature of the granite variants is revealed by the subhedral to euhedral form
of plagioclase and biotite and the anhedral to subhedral character of Kfeldspar and quartz
(Pitcher, 1993). The perthitic intergrowth is mostly controlled by cleavages and fractures. This
may be due to feldspar fluid interaction at subsolidus temperature (Parson, 1980; Yund and
Ackermand, 1979) that leads to the replacement of albite at the margin of perthite. The
development of myrmekite in both variants may be due to the subsolidus reaction that had taken
place during the cooling stage of magma. The close association of zircon and apatite with biotite
suggests early crystallization of biotite around apatite nuclei from a melt (Schermerhorn, 1956).
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 63
Remya J. and Kumar S.N. A chemicomineralogical study of granites of Perinthalmanna
The texture and mineralogy of the granite variants of Perintalmanna area indicate a
common source of magma. They may be considered as products of polyphase late magmatic
The major and trace element content of five representative samples of the granite, which were
analysed by Xray Fluorescence (XRF) in the laboratory of Centre for Earth Science Studies,
Thiruvananthapuram,is provided in Table 1.
Table1:Chemical Analysis of Granite Samples
Sample No. RE 24(grey) RE 51(grey) RE 22(pink) RE 41(pink) RE41(2)(pink)
SiO2 (%) 71.027 74.232 70.17 74.382 72.239
TiO2 0.369 0.102 0.324 0.125 0.227
Al2O3 13.516 13.688 14.135 13.76 13.838
MnO 0.02 0.024 0.026 0.009 0.014
Fe2O3 2.935 1.768 2.01 0.97 1.422
CaO 2.299 0.602 2.137 1.412 1.848
MgO 1.363 0.092 1.076 0.438 0.885
Na2O 2.585 3.311 3.013 2.795 2.778
4.751 5.352 5.143 5.451 5.201
P2O5 0.255 0.009 0.129 0.035 0.073
Total 99.12 99.18 98.163 99.377 98.525
Co(PPM) 5 3 3 1 2
Ni 14 6 8 9 11
11 16 13 18 15
Rb 99 94 99 105 124
Sr 974 309 476 0.11% 0.15%
37 181 ND ND ND
0.27% 0.11% 935 0.28% 0.34%
La 26 64 11 ND 11
39 103 25 ND 3
3 7 3 1 2
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 64
Remya J. and Kumar S.N. A chemicomineralogical study of granites of Perinthalmanna
Fig.4 a. K2ONa2OMgO diagram (after Andreoli, 1984); b. K2ONa2OCaO diagram [Na2O/K2O=1.5 line (after Babock;1979),Calcalkaline trend (after Longstaffe;1980),Naalkaline trend (after Barker and Arth,1976)]; c. Na2OCaOK2O
The CIPW norm for the granites is given in table 2. All the samples are quartz normative showing
the high silica content. The normative corundum in all the samples point to their
peraluminuous nature. The Differentiation Index (DI), after Thornton and Tuttle (1960), ranges
from 81.792.4 for the granites. The high DI points to the salic nature of the rocks. The Larsen
Index for the granite variants range between 23.51 and 28.64.
Table 2: CIPW Norm for Perintalmanna Granite
QUARTZ 31.3 32.9 27.4 33.6 31.3
ORTHOCLASE 28.4 31.7 30.6 32.2 30.6
ALBITE 22 27.8 25.7 23.6 23.6
ANORTHITE 9.5 3.1 8.6 6.95 8.3
CORUNDUM 0.6 1.3 0.4 0.71 0.6
HYPERSTHENE 3.7 0.7 2.8 1.23 2.2
MAGNETITE 2.3 1.4 1.6 0.7 1.2
ILMENITE 0.8 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.5
APATITE 0.7 0.7 0.3
In AnAbOr normative diagram (Fig.5a) all the samples are confined to the granite field. In
SiO2vs total alkali variation diagram (Irvine and Baragar, 1971)(Fig.5b) the gray and pink
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 65
Remya J. and Kumar S.N. A chemicomineralogical study of granites of Perinthalmanna
granites are located both in the alkalic and subalkalic fields. The calcalkaline nature of the
Perintalmanna granite is evident in AFM diagram (Fig.5c).Here all the plots are located in the
calcalkaline field.
Fig.5 a. AnAbOr normative diagram; b.SiO2vs total alkali variation diagram (Irvine and Baragar, 1971); c.AFM diagram.
Thus the major element content and ratios indicate that the Perintalmanna, granites are
peraluminous and strongly potassic. The various discrimination diagrams point to the overall
granitic nature of rocks.
The granites have high content of Ba and Sr. In SiO 2vsRb diagram, all the granite plots fall
in the withinplate field (Pearce, 1984)(Fig.6a).The depth of formation of granite is between 15
and 30 km as is shown in log Rbvs log Sr diagram (Condie, 1973) (Fig.6b). The overall content
and ratios of the trace elements support the magmatic and A type character and within plate
setting for Perintalmanna granites.
Fig.6 a. SiO2vsRb diagram (Pearce, 1984); b. log Rbvs log Sr diagram (Condie, 1973)
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 66
Remya J. and Kumar S.N. A chemicomineralogical study of granites of Perinthalmanna
Discussion and conclusion
The rocks of Perinthalmanna area do not preserve any primary planar structures due to high
grade metamorphism undergone by them. The secondary planar structures observed in the
gneisses and charnockite are deep penetrating foliations and welldeveloped joints. The fabric of
the rocks, except that of granite and dolerite, reflect intense deformation and metamorphic
recrystallization. Biotite gneiss, hornblende biotite gneiss and hornblende biotite schist are
characterized by deep penetrative foliations, well developed gneissosity and schistosity.
Granite in the study area has concordant relationship with the country rocks indicating its
igneous parentage and some structural control in its origin. The rock does not exhibit
deformational structures or textures pointing to the postorogenic nature. Mainly two types of
granites are found viz. pink and gray, the latter being the dominant one.The holocrystalline,coarse
grained and interlocking grains suggests igneous origin. The texture, structure and field relations
of the two granite variants show the postkinematic nature of Perintalmanna granite. The
mineralogical characteristics also support Atype character.
The major element data of gray and pink granites have strong geochemical similarities.
The DI values are also similar. Both granites have low CaO, MgO and high FeO/MgO values
indicating their Atype character. The high SiO 2 and alkali content, Na2O/K2O ratio, weak
peraluminous nature and subalkalic character of the two variants are similar to that of many A
type granites. Thus the major element characters show the postorogenic, magmatic and calc
alkaline to alkaline nature and Atype affinity of Perintalmanna granites.
The trace element content and ratios of gray and pink varieties of Perintalmanna granite
show magmatic differentiation to be a major process in their formation. The high Ba/Sr ratios are
typical of early crystallization of plagioclase. The high K/Rb values suggest Rbdepleted source.
High Sr and low Rb show that they have not evolved from sedimentary rocks. The discrimination
diagrams indicate that the granites belong to the withinplate type and the depth of formation is
between 15 and 30 km. The concentration and ratios of trace elements indicate the Atype
character of the two variants.
A number of models are suggested for the formation of Atype granites. The most popular
genetic model is the formation of magmas by partial fusion followed by fractional crystallization.
Metasomatism, fractional crystallization and partial melting are the possible theories on the origin
of alkali granites (Whalen et al., 1987). Sylvester (1989) and Eby (1990) suggest the formation of
anorogenic granites from primary magmas produced by partial melting of dry lower crustal rocks.
Mantle derived volatiles rich in CO 2 might have driven hydroxyl minerals and fused the lower
crustal rocks resulting in the generation of granite magmas. Perinthalmanna granite is located in
an area of thick continental crust with granulites. Here the Atype granite magma might have
formed by the partial melting of granulites by the influx of CO 2rich fluid. The most probabale
mechanism of melting in plate interior is by mantle upwarping producing rapid decompression
melting. Crustal distension might have led to mantle degassing and localized melting of lower
crust (Bailey,1974; Harris and Marriner, 1980; Whalen et al 1987; Sylvester, 1989).
Perunthalmanna is located in a region of thicker continental crust. It may be concluded that the
two variants of Perintalmanna granite had formed by the partial melting of granulites in the lower
crust by mantle derived volatiles.
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A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 68
E Shaji et al. Petrology and geochemistry of mafic granulite dykes of Trivandrum block
Petrology and geochemistry of mafic granulite dyke within the
metasedimentaries of Trivandrum block, South India
E Shaji1 , M Santosh2, A P Pradeepkumar1 & S G Dhanil Dev1
Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Kariyavattom Campus, Trivandrum, 695 581, India
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Mafic granulite dykes occur widely as dismembered units within the metasedimentary units of
Trivandrum block, southern India. Field relations, petrology and geochemistry of these rocks were
studied. The dykes occur as boudinaged layers, bands and enclaves within the gneissic units.
Mineralogically two distinct domains are observed in the mafic band. (1) darkcoloured fine
grained core consists of equigranular mosaic of xenomorphic grains of ortho and clinopyroxenes,
plagioclase feldspar, hornblende, ±biotite and quartz; and (2) medium grained rim with
orthopyroxene, garnet, plagioclase , biotite and quartz. Petrological studies revealed that mafic
granulite shows relict ophitic texture, the pyroxenes enclosing laths of plagioclase and the
presence of twopyroxenes suggest peritectic segregations. Geochemical studies show that these
rocks have an igneous protolith and were derived from sub alkaline tholeiitic magma. These dykes
were emplaced into the accretionary sequence of the khondalite belt and metamorphosed during
the final collisional stage of Gondwana assembly. Zircon UPb age data show the dykes were
emplaced during late NeoproterozoicCambrian during the tectonics associated with the final
assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent.
Key words: mafic granulites, Trivandrum block, twopyroxene granulites, Gondwana
Shaji E 2011 Petrology and geochemistry of pyroxene granulites within the metapelites of Trivandrum Block, south India . Indian
Mineralogist, 45/2,3147
A. P. Pradeepkumar, E.Shaji (eds) Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India vol.3 Proc UGCSAPDRS II & CTESS seminar,
Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, India, 1516 Feb 2016, 69p ISBN 978-81-923449-5-9 69
Current Trends in Earth System Sciences (CTESS 2015)
Shear zones
zones && crustal crustal Current Trends in Earth System Sciences
(CTESS 2015) Lecture Series
India Dept of Geology, University of Kerala
UGC SAP DRS Phase II (2013–18)
UGC SAP DRS Phase II (2013–18)
Feb 15,
15, 2016
2016 logy
Ge o um s
Geochemistry/ Mus on
s s i
Geochronology Petrology
Mineralization Tectonics
Tectonics Geoparks
Geoparks &
& Museums
Fluid inclusions
inclusions Geophysics
Confirmed speakers
The UGC – SAP DRS Phase II conference will bring together experts in petrology, tectonics,
fluid inclusions, geochemistry, geophysics to a common platform where the latest research in
Dr R Srinivasan Current Science the area will be discussed. Outstanding research questions would be identified and newer
Dr TRK Chetty NGRI methodologies discussed to tackle them. CTESS2015 will have a session on Geology Museums
Dr M Satyanarayana NGRI
Dr VJ Rajesh IIST which can help in the moulding of the new museum that is about to be set up within the
Dr GR Ravindrakumar NCESS University of Kerala
Dr Sajeev Krishnan IISc
Dr Rajneesh Bhutani Pondicherry University
Dr Abdul Matin Univ of Calcutta Please e-mail your full papers/extended abstracts before 8 Feb 2016 to esnure publication in an
Dr Satish Sangode Univ of Pune ISBN volume, to:
Dr Biju John NIRM
Dr Ernst Hegner LMU Munich Dr.A.P.Pradeepkumar, Coordinator, UGC-SAP DRS II & Organizing Secretary, CTESS2015
Dr Krishna Kantha Singh WIHG; 9895 24 5380
Dr SK Parcha WIHG Museum
Dr RT Ratheeshkumar IISc Dr.E.Shaji, Dty coordinator, UGC-SAP DRS II
Dr R Bhaskaran GSI; 9447 47 9798
Dr DP Mohanty Pune University
Dr SG Viladkar Ahmedabad
ISBN 978-8-1923-4495-9
Current Trends in Earth System Sciences (CTESS 2015)
Shear zones
zones && crustal crustal Current Trends in Earth System Sciences
(CTESS 2015) Lecture Series
India Dept of Geology, University of Kerala
UGC SAP DRS Phase II (2013–18)
UGC SAP DRS Phase II (2013–18)
Feb 15,
15, 2016
2016 logy
Ge o um s
Geochemistry/ Mus on
s s i
Geochronology Petrology
Mineralization Tectonics
Tectonics Geoparks
Geoparks &
& Museums
Fluid inclusions
inclusions Geophysics
Confirmed speakers
The UGC – SAP DRS Phase II conference will bring together experts in petrology, tectonics,
fluid inclusions, geochemistry, geophysics to a common platform where the latest research in
Dr R Srinivasan Current Science the area will be discussed. Outstanding research questions would be identified and newer
Dr TRK Chetty NGRI methodologies discussed to tackle them. CTESS2015 will have a session on Geology Museums
Dr M Satyanarayana NGRI
Dr VJ Rajesh IIST which can help in the moulding of the new museum that is about to be set up within the
Dr GR Ravindrakumar NCESS University of Kerala
Dr Sajeev Krishnan IISc
Dr Rajneesh Bhutani Pondicherry University
Dr Abdul Matin Univ of Calcutta Please e-mail your full papers/extended abstracts before 8 Feb 2016 to esnure publication in an
Dr Satish Sangode Univ of Pune ISBN volume, to:
Dr Biju John NIRM
Dr Ernst Hegner LMU Munich Dr.A.P.Pradeepkumar, Coordinator, UGC-SAP DRS II & Organizing Secretary, CTESS2015
Dr Krishna Kantha Singh WIHG; 9895 24 5380
Dr SK Parcha WIHG Museum
Dr RT Ratheeshkumar IISc Dr.E.Shaji, Dty coordinator, UGC-SAP DRS II
Dr R Bhaskaran GSI; 9447 47 9798
Dr DP Mohanty Pune University
Dr SG Viladkar Ahmedabad