2P91 Fall21 Syllabus Tentative1

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OPER 2P91 – Operations Management (on-line, asynchronous mode)
Fall Term 2021 D2 (Section S3)


Textbook (recommended):
Heizer, J., Render, B., Munson, C., Griffin, P., Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply
Chain Management (3rd edition; Canadian). (In this course, I do not use the MyLab feature of the

Dr. Eugene Kaciak; E-mail: ekaciak@brocku.ca

Note: Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, this course will be offered on-line only in the
asynchronous mode, i.e., outside the scheduled class time. For this purpose, I will be uploading course
materials on the Sakai platform in the form of separate chapters in the PowerPoint format with my pre-
recorded narration (voice recording). Once you download a file from Sakai, select the tab “Slide Show”
and then select the tab “From Beginning”. If, for whatever reason, the slides do not switch
automatically, press “Esc” key and then “PgDn” key.
Before each week (most likely on the preceding Friday or Saturday), starting from Week 1 (Sep 08 –
Sep 10), I will be uploading the relevant chapters, according to the Class Schedule outlined below in this

Note: I am offering a possibility to meet with students on-line via MS-Teams for consultations (other
means, such as Zoom, Lifesize, etc., are not possible). Practically, I will be available during the term
almost any reasonable time for a meeting. If you (or your group) need a meeting, please email me in
advance to find out what time would be convenient for all of us. Then, you will be responsible for
setting up the MS-Teams meeting and inviting me to it.
The contact by MS-Teams is NOT OBLIGATORY; it is only an option to choose if you want it. You
can ALWAYS email me, WHENEVER you like, and I will respond to your email as well.

Course Assignments and Grading:

Possible Points
Group Home Project 1 (GHP1; Case1) 15
Group Home Project 2 (GHP2; Case2) 15
Take-Home Individual Midterm Project (Case3; Case4) – Midterm Exam 25
Take-Home Individual Final Project (Case5; Case6; Case7) – Final Exam 45


Note: The grading scheme presented above will NOT be altered under any circumstances.

Group Home Projects (GHPs)

Sometime during the first week of classes, I will assign randomly each of you to a group of app. 7
people. I will email you your group number (Grxx) together with email addresses of your group
members. This means that it is ABSOLUTELY NOT possible to select your own group members for
whatever reason (please do NOT email me in this regard).
Should you decide on your own to join another group (without my clear permission), you will
receive a mark of 0 (zero) for this group project with no chance for a makeup project.
If you register at a later date, please email me and let me know that you have no group yet. I will
either assign you randomly to one of the existing groups or will create a new group (depending on how
many new students I will have).
Each group will be responsible for two GHPs. Each project will involve solving a business case,
based on the material presented in the relevant power point files on the Sakai (you have to decide which
files are relevant for each case). I will be uploading the relevant cases sometime during the term. The
deadlines for the home projects are listed below:
GHP1: Case1 – due date: October 09, 2021 (no later than 23:59 i.e. 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time). It
must be submitted in one email only from one designated person, on behalf of the entire group.
Please DO NOT send more than one email from the group. Please attach the case solution as a pdf

Email subject line: OPER2P91_Grxx_GHP1 (e.g., OPER2P91_Gr07_GHP1). Attach a pdf file

titled: Grxx_Case1 (e.g., Gr07_Case1).
Note: Please do not send your file as document shared in the cloud. Just attach it directly to your

GHP2: Case2 – due date: October 30, 2021 (no later than 23:59 i.e. 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time).

Email subject line: OPER2P91_Groupxx_GHP2

Each group project should have the following format:

1. Title page: the number of the case (e.g., Case1), your group number (e.g., Grxx), the group members
in the alphabetical order by the LAST name, followed by the first name (please do NOT provide student
ID numbers).
2. On the subsequent pages, provide the solution of the case (e.g., all your results, explanations,
discussion, conclusions, implications, etc.). I am not offering any specific guidelines here. Your choice.
Just make sure that you have solved the problem described in the case and answered all possible
questions that emerge from the case. I do not restrict the number of pages nor suggest a desired number
of pages.
3. On the final pages, provide all exhibits such as calculations based on specific formulas, Excel’s
computer printouts wherever applicable, graphs, tables, and the like.
4. The text, calculations, etc. should be type-written (whenever possible), and neatly presented, SINGLE
line spacing, one sided, (any font type of your choice size 10). Try to use the Excel’s computational and
graphical capabilities as much as possible. Avoid/minimize hand writing/drawing. Use only when
absolutely necessary.
5. No additional literature review is needed. If you include one, it will NOT be evaluated. Use only the
information provided in the case and in the relevant power point files on the Sakai.
6. Each project has to be type-written, any relevant exhibits/computer printouts/etc. included, and then
everything converted into a pdf file (this applies to the remaining projects as well; NO Word files
please!)), and emailed to me: ekaciak@brocku.ca
as an attachment (again, please no cloud-sharing).

I need one email only, from one and only one group member (the group has to decide who will send it),
on behalf of the entire group. I will not be confirming a receipt of your email; just please wait patiently
for the project’s evaluation, typically within one week from the deadline.
Very important: Whenever you send an email to me on behalf of the entire group, please make
sure that this email will be sent to ALL your group members as well. Always use “Reply all” mode
when answering my emails to you.

Individual Home Projects

1. Take-Home Individual Midterm Project (Midterm Exam).

The midterm project will include two cases: Case3 and Case4. I will be uploading them sometime
during the term.

The due date for the 2 midterm exam cases to be submitted at the SAME time (in one email only),
with two pdf files (one file per case) included as two separate attachments (named
Case3_YourLastName and Case4_YourLastName): November 13, 2021 (no later than 23:59 i.e.
11:59 p.m. Eastern Time). Examples: Case3_Kaciak; Case4_Kaciak

Email subject line: OPER2P91_Midterm

Note: Do not include your name in the subject line.

The midterm exam is individual in nature. The format will be the same as for the group projects. The
exam must be submitted in the same way as your GHPs. Each case solution has to be type-written, any
relevant exhibits/computer printouts/etc. included, and then everything converted into a separate
pdf file, and emailed to me.

Note: I cannot provide any assistance concerning the midterm exam questions. If in doubt, please do
NOT email me in this regard. If necessary, make an assumption (based on what you have learned from
the power point files) and justify it as best as you can.

2. Take-Home Individual Final Project (Final Exam).

The final project will include three cases: Case5, Case6, and Case7. I will be uploading them
sometime during the term.

The due date for ALL 3 final exam cases to be submitted at the SAME time (in one email only),
with three pdf files (one file per case) included as three separate attachments (named
Case5_YourLastName, Case6_YourLastName, and Case7_YourLastName): December 17, 2021
(no later than 23:59 i.e. 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time). Examples: Case5_Kaciak; Case6_Kaciak;

Email subject line: OPER2P91_Final

Note: Do not include your name in the subject line.

The final exam is individual in nature. The format will be the same as for the group projects. The exam
must be submitted in the same way as your GHPs. Each case solution has to be type-written, any

relevant exhibits/computer printouts/etc. included, and then everything converted into a separate
pdf file, and emailed to me.

Note: I cannot provide any assistance concerning the final exam questions. If in doubt, please do NOT
email me in this regard. If necessary, make an assumption (based on what you have learned from the
power point files) and justify it as best as you can.

Note: If you submit an assignment (group/individual) in a format/way different from the above, I will
deduct up to 5% points from the assignment’s mark.

Note: If you submit after the deadline (but no longer than 7 days), I will deduct 5% points per day for
each day (24 hours) an assignment submission is late (maximum 35% deduction). Submissions later
than 7 days will not be accepted.



Academic Integrity:
Because academic integrity is important to the well-being of the academic community, Brock University
takes academic misconduct very seriously. Academic misconduct includes plagiarism, which involves
presenting the words and ideas of another person as if they were your own, and other forms of cheating
such as copying answers or using crib notes during a test. The penalties for academic misconduct can be
very severe. A grade of 0 may be given on the assignment or on the course, and a second offence may
result in suspension from the University. Students are urged to read the section of the Brock University
calendar that pertains to academic misconduct. See http://www.brocku.ca/academicintegrity/policy.php
for more information on the University’s policies.
There are many resources available on campus to help students understand the rules and develop
the skills they need to be academically successful.
Learning Skills Services
 Essay Writing Workshops
 Exam Preparation Workshops
 Time Management Workshops
 Citation Style Workshops
 Plagiarism Workshops
The Library
 SMART Start Library (Orientation Sessions) 
 InfoSkills PLUS (Certificate program)
 RefWorks (Web-based bibliographic management program)
 Researching a specific topic?  (Contact a Library Subject Specialist to help you focus your
Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities:
As part of Brock University's commitment to a respectful work and learning environment, the University
will make every reasonable effort to accommodate all members of the university community with
disabilities. If you require academic accommodations related to a documented disability to participate in
this course, you are encouraged to contact Services for Students with Disabilities in the Student
Development Centre (4th floor Schmon Tower, x. 3240). You are also encouraged to discuss any
accommodations with the instructor well in advance of due dates and scheduled assessments.

Academic Accommodation due to Religious Obligations:
Brock University acknowledges the pluralistic nature of the undergraduate and graduate communities
such that accommodations will be made for students who, by reason of religious obligation, must miss
an examination, test, assignment deadline, laboratory or other compulsory academic event. Students
requesting academic accommodation on the basis of religious obligation should make a formal, written
request to their instructor(s) for alternative dates and/or means of satisfying requirements.

Other Services and Assistance:

Students are encouraged to contact the Student Development Centre for additional resources and
assistance, such as academic aid, learning skills, leadership, or counselling (Schmon Tower - ST400,
Phone: 905-688-5550 x3240 or x5484; Fax: 905-688-7260; http://www.brocku.ca/sdc/).

Medical Exemption Policy:

The University requires that a student be medically examined in Health Services, or by an off-campus
physician prior to an absence due to medical reasons from an exam, lab, test, quiz, seminar, assignment,
etc. Student Health Services will provide medical documentation only if:
Medically warranted (i.e., a simple cold is not medically warranted).
The student presents him/herself to Health Services before the exam.
The student is seen in our office the day of the exam, lab, etc.
If your medical condition requires special consideration for academic activity (e.g., missed seminars or
labs, assignment extensions, or examination/test rescheduling) and is on a day or at a time when Health
Services is not open, then you must go to another medical facility to obtain the necessary written
medical documentation, which is the completion of Brock University's Medical Certificate.
The Medical Certificate can be found at http://www.brocku.ca/health-services/policies/exemption

Below, please also find this additional information from the Brock University website:


F. Required Medical Documentation

The University endeavours to accommodate students whose studies become interrupted, or who may be unable to
complete academic work, due to an incapacitating medical condition. In these situations, the student must complete
the Brock University, Student Health Services 'Medical Certificate' and include any relevant medical documentation to
support his/her request for academic accommodation based on medical grounds. The University may, at its discretion,
request more detailed documentation in certain cases.

Last day to withdraw without academic penalty: November 02, 2021

Week 1: Sep 08-10
a. Operations and Productivity. Ch1

Note 8: Each Power Point file is presented in two versions: audio (*.pptx) and regular (*.ppt). The files for a given
week will be uploaded on Sakai on the preceding Friday or Saturday at latest. The audio versions are for you to study

at your own pace. The regular file is just for a quick perusal of the content.

b. Operations Strategy in a Global Environment Ch2


Week 2: Sep 13-17

Project Management Ch3
Week 3: Sep 20-24
Linear Programming Ch_B1

Week 4: Sep 27-Oct 01

Linear Programming (cont’d) Ch_B2
Week 5: Oct 04-08
Transportation Models Ch_C_1_2
Week 6: Oct 18-22
Location Strategies Ch8
Week 7: Oct 25-29
Waiting-Line Models Ch_D
Week 8: Nov 01-05
Statistical Process Control Ch06S
Week 9: Nov 08-12
Layout Strategies Ch9
Week 10: Nov 15-19
Inventory Management Ch12_1_2
Week 11: Nov 22-26
Inventory Management (cont’d) Ch12_2_audio
Week 12: Nov 29-Dec 03
Short-Term Scheduling Ch15

Final Exam: Please note that the date for the final exam has been provided in this Syllabus (see p. 3).

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