Rahman/Mohammed Jillur Mr. has a roundtrip flight itinerary from Bahrain to Dhaka, Bangladesh from May 31, 2019 to August 26, 2019 using Emirates airline. The itinerary includes flights from Bahrain to Dubai, Dubai to Dhaka, a domestic flight from Dhaka to Sylhet, and returning flights from Sylhet to Dhaka and Dhaka to Bahrain with confirmed economy class seats.
Rahman/Mohammed Jillur Mr. has a roundtrip flight itinerary from Bahrain to Dhaka, Bangladesh from May 31, 2019 to August 26, 2019 using Emirates airline. The itinerary includes flights from Bahrain to Dubai, Dubai to Dhaka, a domestic flight from Dhaka to Sylhet, and returning flights from Sylhet to Dhaka and Dhaka to Bahrain with confirmed economy class seats.
Rahman/Mohammed Jillur Mr. has a roundtrip flight itinerary from Bahrain to Dhaka, Bangladesh from May 31, 2019 to August 26, 2019 using Emirates airline. The itinerary includes flights from Bahrain to Dubai, Dubai to Dhaka, a domestic flight from Dhaka to Sylhet, and returning flights from Sylhet to Dhaka and Dhaka to Bahrain with confirmed economy class seats.
Rahman/Mohammed Jillur Mr. has a roundtrip flight itinerary from Bahrain to Dhaka, Bangladesh from May 31, 2019 to August 26, 2019 using Emirates airline. The itinerary includes flights from Bahrain to Dubai, Dubai to Dhaka, a domestic flight from Dhaka to Sylhet, and returning flights from Sylhet to Dhaka and Dhaka to Bahrain with confirmed economy class seats.
0 0 9 73 17212125 RAHMAN/MOHAMMED JILLUR MR speedbird@speedbh.co m
DEPARTURE: FRIDAY 31 MAY Please verify flight times prio r to departure
BOEING 777-30 0 ER EK 084 0 BAHRAIN, BAHRAIN DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMI JET Duratio n: Departing At: Arriving At: Distance (in Miles): 30 2 1hr(s) 10 min(s) 5:50pm 8:00pm Sto p(s): 0 Class: Terminal: Terminal: Meals: Eco no my No t Available TERMINAL 3 Meals Status: Co nfirmed
Passenger Name: Seats: eTicket Receipt(s):
» RAHMAN/MOHAMMED JILLUR MR 14 A / Co nfirmed 176 36 4 519 3380
DEPARTURE: SAT URDAY 01 JUN Please verify flight times prio r to departure
BOEING 777-30 0 ER EK 0582 DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMI DHAKA, BANGLADESH JET Duratio n: Departing At: Arriving At: Distance (in Miles): 220 2 4 hr(s) 4 0 min(s) 2:00am 8:40am Sto p(s): 0 Class: Terminal: Terminal: Meals: Eco no my TERMINAL 3 No t Available Meals Status: Co nfirmed
SYLHET, BANGLADESH DHAKA, BANGLADESH Status: Co nfirmed Departing At: Arriving At: 9:00pm 3:30am DEPARTURE: MONDAY 26 AUG Please verify flight times prio r to departure
BOEING 777-30 0 ER EK 0583 DHAKA, BANGLADESH DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMI JET Duratio n: Departing At: Arriving At: Distance (in Miles): 220 2 4 hr(s) 50 min(s) 10:15am 1:05pm Sto p(s): 0 Class: Terminal: Terminal: Meals: Eco no my No t Available TERMINAL 3 Meals Status: Co nfirmed
Passenger Name: Seats: eTicket Receipt(s):
» RAHMAN/MOHAMMED JILLUR MR 29 A / Co nfirmed 176 36 4 519 3380
DEPARTURE: MONDAY 26 AUG Please verify flight times prio r to departure
BOEING 777-30 0 ER EK 0839 DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMI BAHRAIN, BAHRAIN JET Duratio n: Departing At: Arriving At: Distance (in Miles): 30 2 1hr(s) 20 min(s) 4:10pm 4:30pm Sto p(s): 0 Class: Terminal: Terminal: Meals: Eco no my TERMINAL 3 No t Available Meals Status: Co nfirmed