Why Do People Bully?: Think About The Following Questions
Why Do People Bully?: Think About The Following Questions
Why Do People Bully?: Think About The Following Questions
In a culture that is fascinated with winning, power, and violence, some experts
suggest that it is unrealistic to expect that people will not be influenced to seek power
through violence in their own lives. Researchers point to the World Wrestling Federation
(WWF) as glorification of bullies in the name of entertainment and point out that the high rate
of domestic violence means that many young people grow up expecting that violence is an
acceptable way to get what one wants.
Institutional Causes
If the institution at which bullying takes place - whether the home, the school, or the
workplace - does not have high standards for the way people treat each other, then bullying
may be more likely and/or prevalent and have an influence on why people bully.
Social Issues
The fact that one gets more social recognition for negative behaviors than for positive
ones can also contribute to reasons why people bully. Situation comedies and reality
television, as well as real life situations in schools, for example, show that acting out is
more likely to get noticed than behaving oneself civilly and courteously. Jealousy or envy
and a lack of personal and social skills to deal with such feelings can also be reasons why
people bully.
Family Issues
Families that are not warm and loving and in which feelings are not shared are more
likely to have children who bully, either within the family home or in other locations in which
the children meet others. Another home environment that is prone to producing bullies is
one in which discipline and monitoring are inconsistent and/or a punitive atmosphere exists.
Children who experience social rejection themselves are more likely to "pass it on" to
others. Children who experience academic failure are also more likely to bully others.
Having Power
Some research indicates that the very fact of having power may make some people
wish to wield it in a noticeable way, but it is also true that people may be given power
without being trained in the leadership skills that will help them wield it wisely. Either situation
can contribute to why people bully others.
Provocative Victims
People who are condescending and annoying to others and/or aggressive verbally,
or in other ways that are not picked up by those in authority, may contribute to the dynamic
that can be characterized as bullying by one individual but actually grows out of provocation
by another individual.
Unreliable Reports
So, why do people bully? There are many reasons. But, one thing is clear regardless
of why people bully, any type of bullying needs to come to an end.
, www.ag.ndsu.edu,www.worktrauma.org