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They provide new and certified pre-owned equipment. They offer fast shipping, tens of thousands of in-stock items, equipment demos, support for hundreds of manufacturers, leasing/rentals, and secure asset services. They also buy used equipment from customers.

The user manual covers an introduction, system configuration, product specifications, installation and wiring, CPU operation and memory, instructions, testing and troubleshooting, and appendices with communication protocols, special I/O functions, and a pocket editor.

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User’s Manual

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Copyright Cutler-Hammer, Inc. 1998. All rights reserved.

Catalog Number D50SA122

P/N 01-00478-00

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Preface i

Welcome to Cutler-Hammer’s D50 PLC User's Manual. This preface describes the contents of this
manual and provides information on Support Services.

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ii D50 PLC User's Manual

About This Manual

This manual focuses on describing the D50 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).

What’s Inside
This manual is organized in the following way:

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: System Configuration
Chapter 3: Product Specification
Chapter 4: Installation and Wiring
Chapter 5: CPU Operation and Memory
Chapter 6: Instructions
Chapter 7: Testing and Troubleshooting
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting Noise Problems
Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication Protocol
Appendix B: Special I/O Functions
Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor

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Preface iii

Support Services
It is Cutler-Hammer’s goal to ensure your greatest possible satisfaction with the operation of our
products. We are dedicated to providing fast, friendly, and accurate assistance. That is why we offer
you so many ways to get the support you need. Whether it’s by phone, fax, modem, or mail, you can
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iv D50 PLC User's Manual

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Table of Contents v

Table of Contents
Preface I
About This Manual ................................................................................................................................................ii
What's Inside ..................................................................................................................................................ii
Support Services....................................................................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents v

Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Overview of the Manual......................................................................................................................................... 2
Features of the D320 PLC...................................................................................................................................... 2
Self Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Large Program Memory................................................................................................................................. 3
Integrated 700mA Power Supply ................................................................................................................... 3
Battery-Free Program Backup........................................................................................................................ 3
I/O Module Support ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Peripheral Support.......................................................................................................................................... 4
System Installation Considerations ........................................................................................................................ 4
Environmental Considerations ....................................................................................................................... 4
Preventing PLC System Malfunctions ........................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2: System Configuration 5
D50 PLC System Components............................................................................................................................... 6
D50 PLC Product List............................................................................................................................................ 7
D50 PLC Expansion Configurations...................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 3: Product Specification 11
Environmental Operating Ranges ........................................................................................................................ 12
CPU Performance Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 12
Electrical Specifications....................................................................................................................................... 13
Power Supply Specifications........................................................................................................................ 13
24VDC Input Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 14
115VAC Input Specifications ...................................................................................................................... 15
Relay Output Specifications......................................................................................................................... 16
Transistor (24VDC) Output Specifications .................................................................................................. 17
SSR (115VAC) Output Specifications ......................................................................................................... 18
Name and Function of Controller Components.................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 4: Installation And Wiring 21
System Design Considerations............................................................................................................................. 22
Power Supply Wiring................................................................................................................................... 22
Interlock Circuit and Emergency Stop Circuit (Safety measures in system design) .................................... 22
Momentary Power Failure and Voltage Drop .............................................................................................. 23
System Installation Guidelines............................................................................................................................. 23
Environmental Usage Conditions................................................................................................................. 23
Control Panel Installation............................................................................................................................. 24
System Wiring and Installation Procedures ......................................................................................................... 26
Installation Dimensions................................................................................................................................ 26

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vi D320 PLC User's Manual

DIN Rail Mounting...................................................................................................................................... 26

Unit Installation Height ............................................................................................................................... 27
Expansion Cable Connection....................................................................................................................... 27
Power Supply Wiring .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Power wiring................................................................................................................................................ 28
Grounding.................................................................................................................................................... 28
Chapter 5: CPU Operation And Memory 29
Terminology ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
Overview of CPU Operation Mode ..................................................................................................................... 31
What Is the CPU Operation Mode? ............................................................................................................. 31
Run Mode (operating).................................................................................................................................. 31
Stop Mode ................................................................................................................................................... 31
Error Mode .................................................................................................................................................. 31
CPU Processing Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 32
Program Processing Procedure .................................................................................................................... 32
Introduction to Registers...................................................................................................................................... 33
Internal/External Address Designation ................................................................................................................ 33
Expression Example ............................................................................................................................................ 35
Double Mode Address Designation ..................................................................................................................... 36
Absolute Address Designation............................................................................................................................. 37
I/O Address Designation...................................................................................................................................... 38
Digital I/O Address Designation.................................................................................................................. 38
Analog I/O Address Designation ................................................................................................................. 38
Special Internal Addresses................................................................................................................................... 39
Timer/Counter (TC0-255) ................................................................................................................................... 44
Chapter 6: Instructions 47
Basic Instructions................................................................................................................................................. 48
Timer/Counter Instructions.................................................................................................................................. 49
Comparison Instructions ...................................................................................................................................... 50
Substitution, Increment/Decrement Instructions.................................................................................................. 50
Arithmetic Instructions ........................................................................................................................................ 51
Logic Instructions ................................................................................................................................................ 52
Rotation Instructions............................................................................................................................................ 52
Word Conversion Instructions ............................................................................................................................. 53
Bit Conversion Instructions ................................................................................................................................. 54
Transfer Instructions............................................................................................................................................ 55
Block Processing Instructions.............................................................................................................................. 56
How to Read the Description of Instructions....................................................................................................... 57
Instruction.................................................................................................................................................... 57
Ladder.......................................................................................................................................................... 57
Description................................................................................................................................................... 58
Example ....................................................................................................................................................... 59
Basic Instruction Details...................................................................................................................................... 59
STR, STN .................................................................................................................................................... 59
AND, ANN, (ADN)..................................................................................................................................... 60
OR, ORN ..................................................................................................................................................... 61
OUT, SET, RST........................................................................................................................................... 62
NOT............................................................................................................................................................. 63
STR DIF, STR DFN, AND DIF, AND DFN, OR DIF, OR DFN ............................................................... 64
ANB, ORB................................................................................................................................................... 65
MCS, MCR.................................................................................................................................................. 66

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Table of Contents vii

Timer/Counter Instruction Details........................................................................................................................ 67

TIM, SST ..................................................................................................................................................... 67
UC, DC......................................................................................................................................................... 69
UDC ............................................................................................................................................................. 71
Comparison Instruction Details............................................................................................................................ 73
=, <>, >, >=, <=, < ....................................................................................................................................... 73
Substitution, Increment, Decrement Instruction Details ...................................................................................... 74
LET, DLET .................................................................................................................................................. 74
INC, DINC, INCB, DINCB ......................................................................................................................... 75
DEC, DDEC, DECB, DDECB..................................................................................................................... 76
Arithmetic Instruction Details.............................................................................................................................. 77
ADD, DADD, ADDB, DADDB .................................................................................................................. 77
SUB, DSUB, SUBB, DSUBB...................................................................................................................... 79
MUL, DMUL, MULB, DMULB ................................................................................................................. 80
DIV, DDIV, DIVB, DDIVB ........................................................................................................................ 81
ADC, DADC, ADCB, DADCB ................................................................................................................... 82
SBC, DSBC, SBCB, DSBCB....................................................................................................................... 84
ABS, DABS, NEG, DNEG, NOT, DNOT ................................................................................................... 86
Logic Instruction Details...................................................................................................................................... 87
AND, DAND ............................................................................................................................................... 87
OR, DOR...................................................................................................................................................... 88
XOR, DXOR................................................................................................................................................ 89
XNR, DXNR................................................................................................................................................ 90
Rotation Instruction Details ................................................................................................................................. 91
RLC, DRLC ................................................................................................................................................. 91
RRC, DRRC................................................................................................................................................. 92
ROL, DROL................................................................................................................................................. 93
ROR, DROR ................................................................................................................................................ 95
SHL, DSHL.................................................................................................................................................. 96
SHR, DSHR ................................................................................................................................................. 98
Word Conversion Instruction Details................................................................................................................... 99
BCD, DBCD, BIN, DBIN............................................................................................................................ 99
XCHG, DXCHG ........................................................................................................................................ 100
SEG ............................................................................................................................................................ 101
ENCO, DECO ............................................................................................................................................ 102
DIS, UNI .................................................................................................................................................... 104
Bit Conversion Instruction Details ..................................................................................................................... 106
BSET, BRST, BNOT, BTST ..................................................................................................................... 106
SUM........................................................................................................................................................... 108
SC, RC, CC ................................................................................................................................................ 109
Transfer Instruction Details................................................................................................................................ 110
LDR, DLDR............................................................................................................................................... 110
STO, DSTO................................................................................................................................................ 112
MOV, FMOV............................................................................................................................................. 114
BMOV, BFMV .......................................................................................................................................... 116
Block Processing Instruction Details ................................................................................................................. 117
FOR, DFOR, NEXT................................................................................................................................... 117
JMP, LBL................................................................................................................................................... 119
JMPS, JMPE .............................................................................................................................................. 120
CALL, SBR, RET ...................................................................................................................................... 122
WAT .......................................................................................................................................................... 124
END ........................................................................................................................................................... 125

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viii D320 PLC User's Manual

Chapter 7: Testing And Troubleshooting 127

Test Precautions................................................................................................................................................. 128
System Checks................................................................................................................................................... 128
Testing Procedures............................................................................................................................................. 130
Correcting Errors ............................................................................................................................................... 132
System Check ............................................................................................................................................ 132
Power Supply Check.................................................................................................................................. 133
Run Check ................................................................................................................................................. 134
Error Check................................................................................................................................................ 135
I/O Check................................................................................................................................................... 136
Troubleshooting, Maintenance and Inspection Tables....................................................................................... 138
Periodic Inspection and Preventive Maintenance ...................................................................................... 141
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting Noise Problems 143
Noise Occurrence............................................................................................................................................... 144
Types of Noise........................................................................................................................................... 144
Electrical Noise Fundamental Definitions ................................................................................................. 144
Sources of Noise ........................................................................................................................................ 145
Advised Installation Practices............................................................................................................................ 146
Shield the PLC........................................................................................................................................... 146
Proper Cable Selection .............................................................................................................................. 146
Ground the PLC......................................................................................................................................... 146
Isolation and Filtering Techniques..................................................................................................................... 147
Isolation ..................................................................................................................................................... 147
Filters ......................................................................................................................................................... 148
Methods of Handling Large Voltage Spikes Such as Lightning........................................................................ 149
Surge Absorber .......................................................................................................................................... 149
Burying Wire ............................................................................................................................................. 149
Shielding Cabling .............................................................................................................................................. 150
Methods to Handle I/O Inductive Loads............................................................................................................ 151
Warning ............................................................................................................................................................. 153
Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................................. 154
Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication Protocol 155
Communication Rules ....................................................................................................................................... 156
Communication Environment.................................................................................................................... 156
Communication Protocol ................................................................................................................................... 156
Step 1Query (Q)..................................................................................................................................... 156
Step 2Query Acknowledge (QA)........................................................................................................... 156
Step 3Response Request (RR) ............................................................................................................... 156
Step 4Response (R)................................................................................................................................ 156
Step 5Repeated Response ...................................................................................................................... 157
Communications Delay.............................................................................................................................. 157
Example ..................................................................................................................................................... 157
CPU ID ...................................................................................................................................................... 158
Function Codes Included in the Query ...................................................................................................... 158
Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC) ........................................................................................................ 159
The Structure of the Communications Frame .................................................................................................... 160
Read Bits.................................................................................................................................................... 161
Write Bits................................................................................................................................................... 162
Read Words ............................................................................................................................................... 163
Write Words .............................................................................................................................................. 164

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Table of Contents ix

Read Bits and Words.................................................................................................................................. 165

Write Bits and Words................................................................................................................................. 166
Communication Program Example .................................................................................................................... 167
Appendix B: Special I/O Functions 173
Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 174
High Speed Counter ................................................................................................................................... 174
Configurable Input Response Delay........................................................................................................... 174
Pulse Catch Input ....................................................................................................................................... 174
Pulse Output............................................................................................................................................... 174
Special I/O Function Registers........................................................................................................................... 175
High Speed Counter ........................................................................................................................................... 176
Register Descriptions ................................................................................................................................. 176
Bit Registers............................................................................................................................................... 177
Programming Procedure............................................................................................................................. 178
Configurable Input Response Delay................................................................................................................... 179
Pulse Catch Input ............................................................................................................................................... 180
Pulse Output....................................................................................................................................................... 181
Register Descriptions ................................................................................................................................. 181
Pulse Mode Programming Procedure......................................................................................................... 183
PWM Mode Programming Procedure........................................................................................................ 184
Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 185
Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 186
Specifications ..................................................................................................................................................... 186
Part Descriptions ................................................................................................................................................ 187
Instruction LED’s....................................................................................................................................... 187
Status LED’s .............................................................................................................................................. 187
Register LED’s........................................................................................................................................... 188
Address/Data LED Display........................................................................................................................ 188
Instruction Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 188
Function Keys ............................................................................................................................................ 189
Operating Procedures ......................................................................................................................................... 190
Clear Program ............................................................................................................................................ 191
Add Instruction........................................................................................................................................... 192
Monitor Program........................................................................................................................................ 193
Edit Program .............................................................................................................................................. 197
Error Checking ........................................................................................................................................... 200
Monitor I/O ................................................................................................................................................ 201
Run/Stop PLC ............................................................................................................................................ 204
Instruction Codes ............................................................................................................................................... 205
Basic Instructions ....................................................................................................................................... 205
Advanced Instructions................................................................................................................................ 206
Programming Examples ..................................................................................................................................... 208
Example 1 – Basic Instructions .................................................................................................................. 208
Example 2 – Timer Instructions ................................................................................................................. 210
Example 3 – Counter Instructions .............................................................................................................. 211
Example 4 – Comparison/Advanced Instructions ...................................................................................... 213

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x D320 PLC User's Manual

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Chapter 1: Introduction 1


Welcome to the D50 PLC User's Manual. The D50 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a small
application industrial controller, designed to provide maximum flexibility at a minimum cost. This
manual will give you a complete understanding of how to install and program the D50 PLC. It also
includes complete product specifications, and a description of the various products that work with the
D50 PLC.

This chapter contains:

• An overview of this manual

• The features of the D50 PLC
• System installation considerations

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2 D50 PLC User's Manual

Overview of the Manual

This manual contains the following information:

• Chapter 1 introduces the D50 PLC by describing its features and discussing installation
• Chapter 2 discusses various system configurations and products that can be used with the D50
• Chapter 3 gives performance specifications and operating ranges of the CPU and the D50
series products.
• Chapter 4 describes installation and wiring guidelines and procedures including system design
considerations, wiring the power supply, and connecting the PLC to a PC.
• Chapter 5 introduces many concepts you need to know to program the D50 PLC including
terminology, how the registers are used, different types of address designations, and the CPU
processing procedure.
• Chapter 6 presents detailed information on the Instruction Set that is used by the D50 PLC.
• Chapter 7 discusses testing and troubleshooting procedures.
• Chapter 8 describes electrical interference or noise and the ways you can reduce its influence.
• Appendix A gives rules and procedures for D50 PLC communication.
• Appendix B details the configuration and operation of the integrated special I/O functions of
the D50 PLC, including High Speed counters, Pulse Output, and adjustable inputs.
• Appendix C describes mnemonic programming and the use of the D50 Pocket Editor.

Features of the D50 PLC

The D50 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a versatile and dependable industrial controller,
designed to handle a wide range of small control applications to improve productivity and reduce
operating costs. This “micro” or “brick” PLC provides high-speed processing of user control programs,
and comes with a complete line of expansion I/O modules, including digital and analog. These features
combine to provide the right solution for a multitude of applications.

• The D50 PLC is designed for small-sized control applications that require from 1 to 56
control points, high-speed count or analog capability, and advanced functionality.
• The D50 PLC is built to simplify operation, maintenance, and repair with its modular design.
• I/O flexibility is achieved through the wide variety of available digital and analog modules,
covering a broad range of voltage and current ratings.
The D50 PLC has many additional features that combine to make it the ideal choice for many control

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Chapter 1: Introduction 3

Self Diagnostics
When placed in the Run mode, the D50 PLC performs startup self-diagnostics and error-checking on
the processor, control program, and I/O system. Error status information is stored internally, providing
for quick and easy troubleshooting of system and programming errors.

Large Program Memory

Sufficient program capacity is furnished for even the most demanding applications. Internal program
memory handles up to 2048 separate control steps.

Integrated 700mA Power Supply

The AC-powered D50 PLC controller provides up to 700mA of 24VDC output power. This can
eliminate the need for an additional power supply for standard 24VDC control power requirements.

Battery-Free Program Backup

An EEPROM is used to provide battery-free permanent program and data storage.

I/O Module Support

The D50 PLC I/O expansion module line includes complete coverage of all major standard I/O
requirements. Digital inputs can be of 24 VDC or 115 VAC type, while digital outputs can be 24 VDC
transistor, 115VAC SSR, or relay type. Analog support is available for voltage and current A/D and

Peripheral Support
The D50 PLC has two program loader software packages available for use on standard PCs: the DOS-
based GPC5, and the Windows-based WinGPC. These packages provide advanced programming,
monitoring, editing, and troubleshooting for the D50 PLC. A dedicated hand-held programmer is also
available for harsh environments. Cutler-Hammer also offers a complete line of Operator Interface
products and HMI software packages compatible with the D50 PLC.

Note: When this manual uses the term GPC, either GPC5 or WinGPC can be used.

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4 D50 PLC User's Manual

System Installation Considerations

Environmental Considerations
The D50 PLC system should never be installed under the following environmental conditions:

1. Ambient temperature outside the range of 0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F).

2. Direct sunlight.
3. Humidity outside the range of 20% to 90%.

4. Altitudes greater than 10,000 ft. (3,000 m).

5. Corrosive or dusty air.
6. High voltage, high magnetics, or high electromagnetic waves.
7. Locations subject to direct impact greater than 10G or vibrations greater than 1G @ 57-2000

Preventing PLC System Malfunctions

1. Use an isolation transformer and line filter on the incoming power to the PLC when in the
vicinity of equipment using or producing high current, high voltage, or large magnetic fields.
2. Separate the main PLC power line ground from all other power grounds. Always use triple-
3. Do not exceed the current and power rating of the external 24 VDC provided by the D50
power supply.
4. Avoid system faults due to programming errors by reading and fully understanding this
system manual and the PLC instruction set.
5. Perform regular preventive maintenance on installed systems, checking devices and wiring for
potential breakdowns and failures.

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Chapter 2: System Configuration 5

System Configuration

This chapter provides information on the various products that are available for the D50 PLC. It
includes diagrams that show the D50 PLC system components and expansion configurations.

This chapter contains:

• Information about the D50 PLC system components

• Descriptions of the line of D50 PLC products
• The D50 PLC expansion configurations

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6 D50 PLC User's Manual

D50 PLC System Components

Programming Cable

RS232/485 GPC5/WinGPC
Adapter Program Loader
D50CPM485 Software

DC 24V C 0 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 7 DC 24V C 0 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 7 +24VDC 0


D50 Programmable Controller D50 Programmable Controller D50 Series

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5
STOP 0 1 2 3 4 5

Cutler-Hammer Cutler-Hammer Cutler-Hammer

C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5 NC NC C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5 I G I G V G V G

D50 Controller Digital Expander Analog Expander

(up to 3) (up to 2)

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Chapter 2: System Configuration 7

D50 PLC Product List


Name Catalog # Product Description Remarks

Controller D50CR14 115/230VAC Power, 24VDC Inputs, Relay Outputs All controllers
D50CRA14 115/230VAC Power, 115VAC Inputs, Relay Outputs have 8 digital
inputs and 6
D50CD14 115/230VAC Power, 24VDC Inputs, 24VDC Outputs digital outputs.
D50CAA14 115/230VAC Power, 115VAC Inputs, 115VAC Outputs
D50DCR14 24VDC Power, 24VDC Inputs, Relay Outputs
D50DCD14 24VDC Power, 24VDC Inputs, 24VDC Outputs

Digital I/O Expansion

Name Catalog # Product Description Remarks

Digital D50ER14 24VDC Inputs, Relay Outputs All expanders
Expander D50ERA14 115VAC Inputs, Relay Outputs have 8 digital
inputs and 6
D50ED14 24VDC inputs, 24VDC Outputs digital outputs.
D50EAA14 115VAC inputs, 115VAC Outputs

Analog I/O Expansion

Name Catalog # Product Description Remarks

Analog D50AIM410V 0-10VDC, 0-5VDC, or 4-20mA Analog Inputs 4 Channels
Expander D50AOM210V 0-10VDC, 0-5VDC, or 4-20mA Analog Outputs 2 Channels

Analog/Frequency Converters

Name Catalog # Product Description Remarks

A/F Converter 48160-450 Convert Analog 0-10VDC input signal to 0-10kHz Maximum of 2 may
Frequency input to D50 PLC be used per D50
F/A Converter 48160-480 Convert Pulse output from D50 PLC into a 0-10VDC Maximum of 1 may
or 4-20mA analog output signal be used per D50

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8 D50 PLC User's Manual

Programming Equipment

Name Catalog # Product Description Remarks

Write, edit, monitor program (mnemonic only) Does not include
Handheld Memory BACK-UP function cable
Program D320PGM500 Also supports the
Loader Backlit LCD screen
D300/D320 PLC’s.
Supports RS-232C/485 communication

Name Catalog # Product Description Remarks

Write, edit, monitor program (mnemonic only) Includes cable
Pocket Editor D50PGM10
Supports RS485 communication

Name Catalog # Product Description Remarks

GPC5 (DOS) D50CCS35 Software for computer which provides programming, For MS-DOS
WinGPC D50WINCS35 monitoring, uploading, downloading, online editing, For Windows 3.1,
(Windows) error checking, PLC status monitoring, and other 95, 98, NT
troubleshooting and diagnostic features.
Note: When this manual uses the term GPC, either GPC5 or WinGPC can be used.

Programming Cables

Name Catalog # Product Description Remarks

RS232C/485 D50CBL10 Handheld Program Loader (PGM500) 6 ft (2 m)
Cable For IBM-PC communication (GPC)


Name Catalog # Product Description Remarks

D50 Hardware D50SA122 Installation and programming manual for the D50 Must be ordered
Manual PLC. separately
Analog Expander D50SA495 Configuration and operation manual for the Must be ordered
Manual D50AIM410V and D50AOM210V analog I/O. separately
GPC5 Manual D50SA464 Software Instruction manual for GPC5
WinGPC Manual D50SA467 Software Instruction manual for WinGPC

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Chapter 2: System Configuration 9

D50 PLC Expansion Configurations

• All digital I/O modules, both controller and expander, contain 14 I/O points – 8 digital inputs,
and 6 digital outputs.
• Up to 3 digital expansion units can be added to the controller.
• Up to 2 analog expansion units can be added to the controller. These can be either two analog
input modules, two analog output modules, or one of each.
• Any type of digital and analog expansion unit can be mixed and matched as required for the
• The digital and analog expansion units may be added in any order.
• A maximum of 56 digital points and 8 analog channels are available. This is achieved by
using three digital expansion units, and two analog input expansion units.

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10 D50 PLC User's Manual

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Chapter 3: Product Specification 11

Product Specification

This chapter outlines the environmental conditions for D50 PLC operation and the performance
specifications and component functions of the controller.

This chapter discusses:

• The environmental operating ranges for the D50 Series products

• The performance specifications of the controller and expansion modules
• The name and function of the controller components

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12 D50 PLC User's Manual

Environmental Operating Ranges

Item Specifications
Ambient Operating temp. 0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F)
Storage temp. -10 to 75°C (14.0 to 167°F)
Ambient Operating 20% to 90% RH (Non-condensing)
Storage 10% to 90% RH (Non-condensing)
Breakdown voltage Between AC external terminal and earth, AC 1500 V for 1 min.
Insulation resistance Min. 20Mohms, between AC external terminal and earth, 500 VDC.
Vibration resistance 16.7Hz, amplitude 3 mm, each direction of X, Y, Z for 2 hours.
Impact resistance 10G for 2 hours, X, Y, Z each direction.
Noise resistance 1500 Vp-p pulse width 50 ns, 1 µs (according to noise simulator method)
Usage condition No corrosive gas or severe dust conditions.

Controller Performance Specifications

Control method Program storage, Repeat calculation method
External I/O Digital Onboard 14 points; Max. 56 points
Analog Max. 8 Input Channels, or4 Output Channels, or 4 In/2 Out
Basic instruction 25 types
Instruction Application instruction About 130 types
Process Basic instruction 2 to 4 µS/step
Program capacity 2k steps (1 step = 1 word) (1k step = 1,024 steps)
Local I/O (R) R000.0 to R03.7 (32 Input); R015.0 to R18.5 (24 Output)
Special I/O (R) R004 to R14; R19 to R29
Internal contact (M) M000.0 to M31.15 (512 points, 32 words)
Retentive internal K000.0 to K15.15 (256 points, 16 words)
contact (K)
Memory System flags (F) F000.0 to F001.15 (32 points)
capacity Timer/Counter (TC or 256 channels (timer + counter), set point: 0 to 65,535
TIM) Timer: 0.01 second: TC000 to TC015 (16 channels)
0.1 second: TC016 to TC255 (240 channels)
counter: TC000 to TC255 (256 channels)
Data word (W) W0000 to W255 (256 words)
System registers SR000 to SR255 (256 words)
(W, SR)
High-speed Counter 2 channel (24bit up/down; single phase 10kHz, dual-phase 5kHz)
Special Pulse Output 1 point (20Hz to 5kHz); 24VDC Transistor output units only
functions Input Delay 0 to 64msec adjustable
Pulse Catch Input 150µsec minimum width
Comm. Port Interface RS485 Multidrop at 9600bps

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Chapter 3: Product Specification 13

Electrical Specifications

Power Supply Specifications

Internal Circuit Diagram


85-264V Internal


Wiring Diagram

24VDC Out

DC 24V C 0 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 7

D50 Programmable Controller

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 STOP

C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5

85-264VAC In


Voltage Input AC Models: 85-264VAC; DC Models: 20-28VDC

AC Frequency 47-63Hz
Current Consumption Max. 0.6A
Output Power 24VDC @ 700mA max.

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14 D50 PLC User's Manual

24VDC Input Specifications

Internal Circuit Diagram


Wiring Diagram

Current Current
Sinking Sourcing
Devices Devices

+ - - +

DC 24V C 0 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 7


Rated Voltage 12 to 24VDC

Operating Voltage Range 9 to 30VDC
Input Resistance 3.3 kΩ
Off  On Less than 10ms
Input Delay Time
On  Off Less than 10ms
Number of Inputs 8 points
Points per Common 4 points/common
Isolation Photocoupler

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Chapter 3: Product Specification 15

115VAC Input Specifications

Internal Circuit Diagram


Wiring Diagram


DC 24V C 0 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 7


Rated Voltage 110VAC

Operating Voltage Range 85 to 132VAC
Input Current 5mA to 14mA
Min. On 85VAC
Operating Voltage
Max. Off 30VAC
Off  On Less than 12ms
Input Delay Time
On  Off Less than 12ms
Number of Inputs 8 points
Points per Common 4 points/common
Isolation Photocoupler

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16 D50 PLC User's Manual

Relay Output Specifications

Internal Circuit Diagram



Wiring Diagram


C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5






Rated Voltage 110/220VAC; 30VDC

Operating Voltage Range 85 to 132VAC
Electrical Life 200,000 operations @ rated current
Mechanical Life 10M operations
Per Output 2A
Max. Load Current
Per Common 4A
Min. Load Current Per Output 30mA
Off  On Less than 10ms
Output Delay Time
On  Off Less than 10ms
Number of Outputs 6 points
Points per Common 2 Isolated, 1 group of 4 points/common
Isolation Photocoupler

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Chapter 3: Product Specification 17

Transistor (24VDC) Output Specifications

Internal Circuit Diagram


Wiring Diagram


C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5

- - -





+ + +


Rated Voltage 24VDC

Operating Voltage Range 5 to 27VDC
Per Output 0.5A
Max. Load Current
Per Common 4A
Min. Load Current Per Output 10mA
Off  On Less than 1ms
Output Delay Time
On  Off Less than 1ms
Number of Outputs 6 points
Points per Common 2 Isolated, 1 group of 4 points/common
Isolation Photocoupler

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18 D50 PLC User's Manual

SSR (115/230VAC) Output Specifications

Internal Circuit Diagram



Wiring Diagram


C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5







Rated Voltage 110/220VAC

Operating Voltage Range 85 to 132VAC
Per Output 0.5A
Max. Load Current
Per Common 3A
Min. Load Current Per Output 50mA
Off  On Less than 5ms
Output Delay Time
On  Off Less than 12ms
Number of Outputs 6 points
Points per Common 2 Isolated, 1 group of 4 points/common
Isolation Photocoupler

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Chapter 3: Product Specification 19

Name and Function of Controller Components

DC 24V C 0 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 7

D50 Programmable Controller

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Status LED’s

0 1 2 3 4 5 STOP

I/O Expansion Port

C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5

Mode Switch

RS485 Communication Port

The mode switch has the following settings:

State Function
RUN CPU set in Run or Stop/Program Override mode.
PROG. CPU set in Stop/Program mode.

The Status LED’s provide the following information:

LED Color Function

On when the CPU is in Run mode.
RUN Green
Flashing when the CPU is in Stop/Program mode.
ERROR Red On when CPU has an error.

The I/O Expansion Port supplies a 10-pin connector for adding digital and/or analog expansion
modules to the base controller.

The RS485 Communication Port supports an RS485 connection for programming, configuring, and
monitoring the PLC. For communication with most RS232 peripherals, such as a personal computer,
an RS232/485 converter must be used. When placed on an RS485 network with other D50, D300, or
D320 PLC’s, the ends of the network should be properly terminated with 120 Ohm resistors to prevent
communication errors due to noise and reflections on the transmission line.

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20 D50 PLC User's Manual

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Chapter 4: Installation and Wiring 21

Installation and Wiring

This chapter provides considerations and information on installing and wiring the D50 PLC.
Diagrams are included to illustrate the installation procedures.

This chapter contains:

• System design considerations

• System installation guidelines
• System wiring and installation procedures

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22 D50 PLC User's Manual

System Design Considerations

Power Supply Wiring

Physical and Electrical Isolation of Power Supplies

When wiring the PLC, external control I/O, and large power equipment such as motors, each system
should be electrically separated as shown:

Main power Power

source Device

I/O device


Isolation transformer

Interlock Circuit and Emergency Stop Circuit (Safety measures in

system design)
In any PLC application, abnormal and potentially dangerous operation can occur. These system
malfunctions may result from power surges, brownouts, blackouts, shorted or opened I/O devices, or
any type of system component failure. Any errors of the PLC, the external power source, and/or
external devices can cause a system malfunction. The potentially dangerous effects of these errors on
the whole system can be prevented with proper safety precautions. The use of properly designed safety
circuits external to the PLC will protect against both equipment damage and human injury.

Interlock Circuit
An interlock circuit can control and prevent problems such as those caused by unexpected or reversed
operation of a motor. Install the interlock circuit external to the PLC control wiring and circuitry.

Emergency Stop Circuit

Every industrial control application involving electrical or moving parts should be wired with an
emergency stop circuit. The emergency stop circuit turns off the power immediately to all output
devices in the system. The emergency stop circuit should provide independent power cutoff from the
PLC system.

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Chapter 4: Installation and Wiring 23

Power-Up Sequence
In a properly designed control system, the default Off state of the system is the safe state, in which no
machinery is operating. Before the PLC is powered-up, line power and control power are applied to the
system. Once the system is powered up in the safe/default state, the PLC is powered up and begins
system control. As necessary, the control system should be modified to ensure the proper delayed
startup to prevent problems on power-up.

For example: 1) Run the PLC after turning on the power

2) Use an external or internal timer to delay the operation of the PLC.

Momentary Power Failure and Voltage Drop

Momentary Power Failure

The D50 PLC will ride through momentary power failures of 10 msec or less. The PLC will stop and
turn off its outputs if a momentary power failure greater than 20 msec occurs. For momentary power
failures between 10 msec and 20 msec, the PLC's operation depends on circumstances at that time, and
is not defined. The control system should be designed specifically to ensure safe operation for these
potential power-loss conditions.

Voltage Drop (Brownouts)

The PLC will stop and turn off its outputs if the PLC 's power supply voltage drops below the
allowable fluctuating voltage range (see specifications for power supply units).

CAUTION: Steps should be taken to prevent damage to the PLC system through fluctuating
voltages, brownouts, blackouts, shorts, ground faults, or other power supply
failures. For example, you may need to apply an isolation transformer before the
incoming PLC power supply and/or I/O control wiring.

System Installation Guidelines

Environmental Usage Conditions

Avoid the Following Environments:

• Ambient temperature outside the range of 0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F).
• Humidity levels outside the range of 20% to 90%.
• Abrupt temperature variations which lead to the formation of dew.
• Presence of corrosive or flammable gases.
• Presence of dense dust, salt, and iron concentrations.
• Presence of corrosive solutions such as benzene, thinner, alcohol, ammonia and caustic soda.

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24 D50 PLC User's Manual

• Locations subject to direct impact greater than 10 G or vibrations greater than 1 G @

57-2000 Hz.
• Direct sunlight.
• Presence of water, oil, and other chemicals.

Electrical Noise Considerations

• Do not install near high-tension wires, high-voltage devices, power cables, power devices,
and other devices which generate large power surges or electromagnetic fields when starting
and stopping.
• Do not place near wireless communications devices with transceivers, such as walkie talkies,
cellular phones, or shortwave radios.

Control Panel Installation

• Leave enough space at the top of unit from other devices or wiring ducts to allow ventilation
space and easy replacement and wiring of the unit (see the following diagrams).
• Do not mount the PLC system rotated vertically, or facing up or down. This will prevent
proper air cooling of the PLC CPU, which will cause abnormal overheating inside the PLC
(see the following diagrams).



C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5

Programmable Controller















IN 100-240V
DC 24V

Incorrect: Horizontal Mounting

Incorrect: Vertical Mounting

• Avoid installation over heat generating equipment such as heaters, transformers, and power
• Avoid radiation noise by leaving a minimum distance of 4 inches (100 mm) from the surface
of each unit to the power cable, and the noise-generating device (motor starter, solenoid, etc.).

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Chapter 4: Installation and Wiring 25

Wiring Duct, device,

or cabinet wall

At least 2 in. (50mm)

DC 24V C 0 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 7 DC 24V C 0 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 7 DC 24V C 0 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 7 DC 24V C 0 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 7


D50 Programmable Controller D50 Programmable Controller D50 Programmable Controller D50 Programmable Controller
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 OUT OUT OUT
STOP 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Cutler-Hammer Cutler-Hammer Cutler-Hammer Cutler-Hammer

C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5 NC NC C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5 NC NC C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5 NC NC C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5

At least 2 in. (50mm)

Leave at least 2 inches (50 mm) from the duct or other devices:

• To prevent overheating.
• For easy replacement and wiring of the unit.

When installing the PLC in a cabinet or enclosure:

• Leave 4 inches (100 mm) or more from the front surface of unit.
• This area in front of the PLC helps to avoid the effects of emission, noise, and heat.
• The additional space also allows for easier connection to the programming port as needed.

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26 D50 PLC User's Manual

System Wiring and Installation Procedures

Installation Dimensions
0.197“ (5mm) Dia.
2 Holes






DIN Rail Mounting

Attachment Removal


2 1

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Chapter 4: Installation and Wiring 27

Unit Installation Height

The depth of the D50 PLC is 3 inches (76 mm) when the unit is installed on DIN rail. When the
communication cable is connected and the unit is installed in an enclosure, additional space is required.
The minimum installation sizes are given in the following diagram.

Expansion Cable Connection

Connecting the Expansion Cable

• The expansion cable is connected between the I/O expansion ports on the controller and
expander units.
• The expansion cable is keyed to prevent incorrect wiring, with Pin 1 at the top of the
• The connector can be up to 12” in length for mounting the expansion unit above, below, or
farther away from the controller. A 2.5” cable is included with each expansion unit. The
following table lists the parts required to construct a longer cable.

Expansion Cable Components

Part Description
AMP #746286-1 10-socket socket connectors (2)
AMP #499252-5 Strain relief connectors (2) for socket connectors above
Ribbon cable 28AWG stranded wire, 0.050 spacing 10 conductor w/ PVC insulation, 105deg. C, wire #1

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28 D50 PLC User's Manual

Power Supply Wiring

Power wiring

• When connecting the power cable:

To reduce power loss in the wiring, use at least 14 AWG (2 mm) cable.
To reduce the effect of noise, use twisted, shielded cable.
• An isolation transformer can be used to further reduce noise and to prevent failures from
power problems such as ground faults.


• In normal low-noise environments such as closed-room control cabinets, it is possible to

operate the PLC without frame grounding. However, it is necessary to ground the PLC for
noisy environments, and is recommended for all installations regardless of electronic noise
• For the frame ground, use a cable of at least 14 AWG (2 mm) in size. The ground should be
exclusive to the PLC. Sharing the ground connection with other devices can cause problems
due to ground loops and current feedback.

PLC Other PLC Other

device device

Right Wrong

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Chapter 5: CPU Operation and Memory 29

CPU Operation and Memory

This chapter provides you with information about memory addresses and the CPU operation. It
includes a terminology section and an overview of registers.

This chapter discusses:

• The terminology used in the D50 PLC manual

• CPU operation and processing
• Internal/external address designation
• Special function internal addresses

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30 D50 PLC User's Manual

This section introduces some terminology you should know.

1. Address (register)
Address refers to the location of memory being used. It can refer to the external input/output
module or internal memory. An address is categorized into 1 bit, 16 bit (word), or 32 bit
(double word).
2. Bit
A bit is the minimum unit required for calculation. It can be either On (1) or Off (0).
3. Byte
A byte is made up of 8 bits. It can hold data values from 0 to 255. In base 16, or hexadecimal,
a byte can be expressed as 0 to FF. You cannot have a value greater than 255 when using one
4. Word
A word is made of 16 bits. It can hold data values from 0 to 65,535. In base 16 a word can be
expressed as 0 to FFFF.
5. Double Word
A double word is made of 32 bits. It can hold data values from 0 to 4,294,976,295. In base 16
a double word can be expressed as 0 to FFFFFFFF. In the D50, a double word is made up of
two consecutive word addresses.
6. Scan Time
The CPU follows a procedure in which it 1) reads the inputs, 2) processes the ladder program,
and 3) updates the outputs. It continually repeats this process. This 3-step process is called a
“scan,” and the time it takes to complete this process is the “scan time.” In a typical PLC
application, most of the scan time is used to process the program. When programming, keep
in mind that the scan time will increase as you increase the number of inputs and outputs
and/or the size of the program.
7. Edge
An edge is defined as the point when an input changes state. For example, a rising edge
occurs during the very first scan after the input has changed from Off to On. A falling edge
occurs after the input has changed from On to Off.
8. Hex (Hexadecimal)
A hexadecimal number is a value expressed in Base 16. Base 16 values consist of digits from
0 to F. In a byte, word, or double word, each set of 4 bits corresponds to a single hex digit.
For example, the binary value 01001111 would correspond to the hex value 4F, and a decimal
value of 79. A hex value is designated by the use of the symbol “$” in front of the value (i.e.
$4F is the hex value 4F).
8. BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)
BCD is used to express a decimal digit (0 to 9) using 4 bits. Conversion of BCD values can be
done in hexadecimal calculations. For example, the BCD representation of decimal 27 would
be two sets of 4 bits: 0010 0111.
EEPROM is electronically erasable and programmable memory that retains its data even
through loss of power. The PLC program is stored in EEPROM and will be retained when
power is off.

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Chapter 5: CPU Operation and Memory 31

10. GPC
Graphic Programming Console. Cutler-Hammer offers two program loader software packages
for programming, monitoring, and configuring the D50 PLC. The DOS-based package is
GPC5, the Windows-based package is WinGPC. In this manual, GPC is used to refer to
either of these programs.

Overview of CPU Operation Mode

What Is the CPU Operation Mode?

The CPU has an external RUN/STOP switch. The PLC performs a system check that determines the
position of the switch. The switch position determines which operating mode the PLC is in. It can be in
Run, Stop, or Error mode.

Run Mode (operating)

The D50 PLC reads the external input signals and executes the user program stored in RAM. The
external outputs are updated every scan according to program results. When the switch is in Run
Mode, the user can also use the GPC program loader software to switch between the RUN and STOP

Stop Mode
The user program is stopped and the external outputs are turned Off. In the Stop mode, you can
correct, delete, and transfer the program.

Error Mode
The Error mode occurs when the D50 PLC finds an error after running the self-diagnostics. When an
error occurs, the CPU stops program operation and turns off all external outputs. When the Error mode
occurs, do one of the following:

• Check the error code and take appropriate measures, then change power from Off to On.
• Switch the mode switch back to the STOP position. When the switch is returned to RUN the
program and data are re-initialized (excluding the retentive data).

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32 D50 PLC User's Manual

CPU Processing Procedure

Program Processing Procedure

1. Mandatory
2. Process 1 scan
input/output time
3. Watchdog
time → 0
4. Program
5. Peripheral device
signal processing

The diagram above indicates the PLC program processing procedure. The CPU regularly repeats
procedure 1 through 5. This cycle is called 1 scan time.

1. Mandatory input/output processing

The internal force table is applied to internal/external I/O, turning forced I/O On or Off.
2. Input/output processing
Preserves the On/Off state of the external I/O and uses it as input in the next scan. (For
accurate processing, input should continue for more than 1 scan time.) The processed program
outputs are sent from the internal memory to the external modules.
3. Watchdog time initialization
The watchdog elapsed time value is set to 0. This value is the watchdog calculation point until
the next scan.
4. Program analysis
Executes the program from its first step to its final step and stores the internal/external output
in the working RAM.
5. Peripheral device signal processing
Stores data from communications module or peripheral device in the internal memory.

The following illustration shows the difference between the relay board and PLC sequence processing.
The relay carries out all sequences simultaneously while the PLC processes sequentially throughout
the program.

LS1 LS2 R0.1 R0.2

X1 (OUT)

X1 M0.0
TIM CH = 0
T1 V = 100

T1 TC0

Processing of relay sequence Processing of PLC program

(parallel process) (serial process)

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Chapter 5: CPU Operation and Memory 33

Introduction to Registers
The D50 PLC has a series of registers for storing data. Different registers store different types of data.

1. R (Relay) register (Can be bit, byte, or word)

Indicates the internal memory address which is directly linked with the real-world external
input/output module. The address and number of R registers are predefined for the controller
and expansion module I/O.
2. M (Memory) register (Can be bit, byte, or word)
An internal bit memory address which supports relay logic operations. Can also be used as a
byte or word variable for general calculations and programs. M Registers are non-retentive—
when the power of the PLC is Off or the CPU has stopped, the register value is reset to 0.
3. W (Word) register (Can be byte or word)
Used for general calculations, data storage, and recipe values. Values are cleared after the
power is turned off, or by new program download.
4. K (Keep) register (Can be bit, byte, or word)
Same usage as M registers. The K Registers are retentive—the value is preserved when the
power is turned off.
5. F (Flag) register (Can only be bit)
These bit registers provide special application specific functions to the programmer of the
PLC. They are also used as diagnostic and system control bits, providing Run/Stop control of
the PLC and other system conditions.
Each type of register is used for a variety of purposes. The register used will be determined by the type
of function being performed.

1. When a calculation or input value exceeds 255 ($FF), use double mode instructions which can
store and calculate values up to 65,535 in the K, M, R, and W registers..
2. When a value needs to be stored even through a loss of system power, use the K area. The K
area is preserved unless specifically erased. The W area is erased by program downloads or
loss of power.
3. For bit operations, such as setting, resetting, shifting, or rotating use the M, K, or R registers.
You cannot perform bit operations on W registers.
4. The Set Value of timers and counters is stored in a special area of the W registers, W2048 to
W2303. These values can also be addressed using register type SV. The Set Values are then
referenced as SV000 to SV255.
5. The Present Value of timers and counters is stored above the Set Values in the W registers,
from W2304 to W2559. These values can also be addressed using the PV designation, PV000
to PV255. The Present Values for channels 0 to 16 are maintained in the Stop state. It is also
retentive—the value is maintained through loss of power.

Internal/External Address Designation

• The memory address designation types are R, L, M, K, F, W, SV, PV, SR, and TC.
 Types F and TC can only be used to designate bits.
 Types W, SV, PV, and SR can only be used to designate words.

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34 D50 PLC User's Manual

 Types R, L, M, and K can be used for either bits or words.

• A bit address is composed of a character (R, L, M, K, F), a three digit word address (000 to
127), a decimal point, and a bit address (0 to 15). The timer/counter contact is represented by
the TC label followed by three digits. The three digits indicate the channel number of the
timer/counter (TC000 to TC255).
• A word address is composed of a character (R, L, M, K, W) and a four digit number (i.e.
W0000 to W0255). Special areas of word memory have alternate designations. For example,
words W2560 to W2815 are also referred to as the System Registers, and can be represented
as SR0000 to SR0511.
• The bit address indicates an On (1) or Off (0) state. The byte address is composed of 8 bits
that holds data values of 0 to 255. The word address is composed of 16 bits that holds data
values of 0 to 65,535.

D50 Memory Addresses

Type Scope Features

External I/O Area R000.0 to R003.7 Local I/O memory area.
R015.0 to R018.5 56 points, 8 words
Special I/O Area R004 to R014 Configuration register for High-speec counters,
R019 to R029 Pulse Output, Input delay, and Pulse catch.
Internal Contact M000.0 to M031.15 Internal auxiliary contact memory area.
512 points, 32 words
Retentive Contact K000.0 to K015.15 Retentive internal auxiliary contact memory area.
256 points, 16 words
System Flag F000.0 to F001.15 Special internal contact memory area.
32 points, 2 words
Timer/Counter TC000 to TC255 256 channel common use.
Set Value: W2048 (SV000) to TC is contact signal or “Done” bit.
W2303 (SV255) SV is Set Value, PV is Present Value.
Present Value: W2304 (PV000) to SV can hold values from 0 to 65535.
W2559 (PV255)
Data Word W0000 to W0255 Word value memory area.
Used for tables, data storage, and math operations.
Cannot be designated with a bit.
System Register SR000 to SR255 Special internal data area for CPU status.

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Chapter 5: CPU Operation and Memory 35

Expression Example

M 012 . 12
Bit number
• 2 digits, range is 0 to 15.

Word number
• When used with bit number, 3 digits (000 to 127) are used.
• When used for word number only, express in 4 digits (0000 to 3071).

Register Type
• R, L, M, K, F, or W indicates address type.
• The W memory contains the data area (W0000 to W0255), the timer Set Value
area (W2048 to W2303 = SV000 to SV255), the timer Present Value area (W2304
to W2559 = PV000 to PV255), and the System Register area (W2560 to W2815 =
SR000 to SR255).

Note: The basic contact and coil instructions require a bit designation and use the 3.2 bit address
format. Comparison and application instructions most often use word parameters, and are
expressed using the 4 digit word address.

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36 D50 PLC User's Manual

Double Mode Address Designation

• Words are composed of two bytes put together. The designation for a word is exactly the
same as the designation for the byte, consisting of a one character register type and a 4 digit
word address. Bytes hold 8 bits of data, words hold 16 bits of data.
• The type of instruction used determines whether the register is processed as a single byte or a
word. For comparison instructions (>, <, ==, etc.), the programmer must be in “Double
Mode” to enter a word comparison (refer to program loader manual for details). For
application instructions, those instructions that start with a D in front of the related instruction
are word instructions, and process the data as 16-bit words instead of bytes.

Example 1:

LET W0 is processed as 8 bit (1 byte) data (0 to

D=W0 255).
S=250 S is processed as a value from 0 to 255.

Word DLET Word W0 is processed as 16 bit (1 word) data

D=W0 (0 to 65,535).
S=2500 S can be a value from 0 to 65,535.

Example 2: Comparison Instruction

W0005 The example shows comparison instructions being used in the single mode
=<M0003 of GPC. The parameters W0005 and M0003 represent only 8 bits of data.
The high 8 bits are NOT used as part of the comparison.

D W0005 In this example, GPC is in double mode and comparison instructions are
used. The comparison is performed on 16 bits of data. All of word W0005
and M0003 will be compared.

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Chapter 5: CPU Operation and Memory 37

Absolute Address Designation

In LDR, DLDR, STO, DSTO instructions, the absolute address is used to perform indirect memory
operations using pointers. The absolute address is also used by the D50 program loader port protocol
for reading and writing memory areas.
Register Absolute Address Register Absolute Address
Address Address
Dec. Hex. Dec. Hex.
R0000 0 0000 W0000 512 0200
R0001 1 0001 W0001 513 0201
External R0002 2 0002 Data W0002 514 0202
I/O : : : Words : : :
R0028 28 001C W0254 766 02FE
R0029 29 001D W0255 767 02FF
M0000 192 00C0 SV000 512 0200
M0001 193 00C1 T/C Set SV001 2560 0A00
M0002 194 00C2 Value : : :
Contact : : : SV255 2815 0AFF
M0030 222 00DE PV000 2816 0B00
M0031 223 00DF T/C PV001 2817 0B01
K0000 320 0140 Value : : :
K0001 321 0141 PV255 3071 0BFF

Internal K0002 322 0142 SR000 3072 0C00

Keep K0003 323 0143 SR001 3073 0C01
Contact System
: : : : : :
K0014 334 014E SR254 3326 0CFE
K0015 335 014F SR255 3327 0CFF

When accessing a bit absolute address using the program loader port communications protocol, the bit
address (0 to 15) is kept separate from the word address (as shown below).
15 4 3 0
1 word display Word absolute address bit number

For example, the absolute bit address for K012.12 internal contact is $14CC (hex).
(word absolute address = $014C + bit number = $C = $14CC)

Refer to the appendix for a detailed explanation of the communications protocol.

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38 D50 PLC User's Manual

I/O Address Designation

Example I/O Addressing Configuration

Module No. 00 01 02 03 06 07
I/O Points 14 14 4 words 14 2 words 14
Word No. R0, R15 R1, R16 W240 – W243 R2, R17 W248, W249 R3, R18
R0.0 – R0.7 R1.0 – R1.7 - R2.0 – R2.7 - R3.0 – R3.7
Bit No.
R15.0 – R15.5 R16.0 – R16.5 R17.0 – R17.5 R18.0 – R18.5

Digital I/O Address Designation

• The CPU assigns addresses to the digital inputs in sequential order, starting at address R0.
Each module uses 8 bits of the address for the 8 inputs.
• The CPU assigns addresses to the digital outputs in sequential order, starting at address R15.
Each modules uses 6 bits of the address for the 6 outputs.
• A maximum of 3 digital modules, of any mix of voltage I/O type, may be added.

Analog I/O Address Designation

• The first analog input module uses data words W240 to W243 for its four analog input
channels. Each word contains the 12-bit representation of the analog input signal for the
channel. The second analog input module is assigned words W244 to W247. These
assignments are independent of the position of the module in the chain, or whether an analog
output module is present.
• The first analog output module uses data words W248 and W249 for its two analog output
channels. The 12-bit representation to be output as an analog signal on the channel must be
placed in these words. The second analog input module is assigned words W250 and W251.
These assignments are independent of the position of the module in the chain, or whether an
analog input module is present.
• A maximum of two analog modules, input and/or output, may be added.

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Chapter 5: CPU Operation and Memory 39

Special Internal Addresses

F0.0 to F0.15 (F0 word register) System/Diagnostic Functions

Address Function Details Remarks

F0.0 System check When power is applied, the system runs self- Normal: Off
diagnostics. Should any fault exist, the error lamp is
turned on. Output and operation are halted.
F0.1 CPU ROM check When power is applied, the system self-checks the Normal: Off
ROM. Should any faults exist, the error lamp is
turned on. Output and operation are halted.
F0.2 CPU RAM check When the power is applied, the system self-checks Normal: Off
the RAM. Should any faults exist, the error lamp is
turned on. Output and operation are halted.
F0.3 User program memory If the user program memory is damaged or the Normal: Off
error program is faulty, the error lamp is turned on.
Output and operation are halted.
F0.4 Program check The CPU initially runs and checks the user Normal: Off
program's syntax. In the case of an error, the error
lamp is turned on. Output and operation are halted.
F0.5 Not Used
F0.6 Module change error On when an I/O module is removed/added/fails Normal: Off
while the system is running. The error lamp is
turned on, and output and operation are halted.
F0.7 Module type error On when module information that is stored in the Normal: Off
CPU and module that is installed are different types.
The error lamp is turned on and operation stops.
F0.8 Input data control Off when the running CPU input module's data is Normal: On
not updated. (Input update is turned Off.)
F0.9 Output data control Off to suspend updating of the output modules while Normal: On
the CPU is in the run state. (Output update is turned
Off.) The outputs are maintained in their last valid
state prior to update being disabled.
F0.10 All outputs OFF Turns all outputs off while CPU is in the run state. Normal: On
(Outputs are disabled.)
F0.11 Not Used
F0.12 Not Used
F0.13 Not Used
F0.14 Program changes during On when error-checking the program while in run Normal: Off
run mode. If there are syntax errors, the CPU is
F0.15 Run state control On when the CPU is in the run state. Off when Normal: On
stopped or paused.

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40 D50 PLC User's Manual

F1.0 to F1.15 (F1 word register) Special Application Functions

Address Function Details Note

F1.0 First single scan Maintain On state for first single-scan period, when
the CPU changes its status from Stop to Run.
F1.1 Scan clock Cycle On/Off state for each scan during the
program. (1Scan On, 1Scan Off)
F1.2 0.02 sec. Clock 10 ms: On, 10 ms: Off

10ms 10ms 10ms

F1.3 0.1 sec. Clock 50 ms: On, 50 ms: Off

50ms 50ms 50ms

F1.4 1 sec. Clock 500 ms: On, 500 ms: Off

500ms 500ms 500ms

F1.5 Instantaneous interrupt On when power is off for over 20 ms. Maintained
F1.6 Execute status On when the CPU is in the run state.
F1.7 Keep error display On when the K retentive data is destroyed and/or
changed on power loss.
F1.8 Carry Flag On in the event of carry when performing math
instructions (ADD, SUB, etc.)
F1.9 Division by zero error On when the denominator of division commands is
F1.10 Range designation error On when the absolute address used in LDR and
STO instructions exceeds the specified range.
F1.11 Reserved System use. Do not use.
F1.12 Reserved System use. Do not use.
F1.13 Reserved System use. Do not use.
F1.14 Reserved System use. Do not use.
F1.15 Reserved System use. Do not use.

Note: The 16 bits in the F1 address provide the CPU's special function and self diagnosis result. They
are used for status contacts only, and are not used to modify or control the PLC. Only the F1.5
instantaneous interrupt display contact should be used as an output contact by the user, to be
turned off after power loss indication.

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Chapter 5: CPU Operation and Memory 41

System Registers SR0 to SR255

Address Function Detail

SR000 CPU address Indicates the CPU ID number in the lower 8 bits. 0 to 223 are the
valid user-defined values, 255 is the default value.
SR001 CPU status Indicates current CPU information state. (stop/remote control
mode/run mode/error)

MSB 03 02 01 00

Error = 1
Run control (same as F15)
CPU switch RUN, Remote Stop = 1
CPU switch RUN = 1
CPU switch STOP = 0
SR002 User watchdog Indicates the user program watchdog time. (unit: msec)
SR003 Scan time Indicates the scan time when executing a program. (unit: msec)
SR004 Max. scan time Indicates maximum value of scan time when executing a program.
Initialized as zero when the program mode changes from the stop
state to the run state.
SR005 to Reserved System Use – Do not use.
SR017 System error information Gives result of self-check by CPU. Indicates error content when
F0.0 turns On.
MSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Watchdog time error

Undefined instruction
during run state
Peripheral device fault
Misc. faults
Logic circuit fault
Microcomputer fault
SR018 Location of undefined Indicates the location of the instruction (the step number) that
instruction caused an undefined instruction error during program execution.
SR019 Reserved System use.
SR020 Multiplication Stores high order 8 bit values upon executing 16 bit multiplication
SR021 Remainder – Low Stores the remainder after a division instruction has been
executed (low order 16 bits).
SR022 Remainder – High Stores the remainder after a division instruction has been
executed (high order 16 bits).
SR023 to Reserved System use.

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42 D50 PLC User's Manual

Address Function Detail

SR030 Syntax Error information Stores syntax error information when the user program fails the
system diagnostic check. Each bit in the word indicates a different
error condition. See table below.
SR031 Reserved System Use.
SR032 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 0 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR033 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 1 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR034 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 2 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR036 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 4 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR037 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 5 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR038 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 6 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR039 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 7 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR040 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 8 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR041 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 9 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR042 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 10 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR043 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 11 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR044 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 12 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR045 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 13 of word
SR030 is turned On.
SR047 Error Step # Contains step number where error occurred when bit 15 of word
SR030 is turned On.

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Chapter 5: CPU Operation and Memory 43

Syntax Check Data (16 bits of SR30)

Indicates the result of the automatic check on user program syntax when the programmer or GPC
executes a syntax check, and when operation mode is switched from the Stop state to the Run state. If
the value of SR30 is not zero, F0.4 turns On. The error lamp also turns On.

There are two error correction methods:

Method 1: Find the error in the CPU online mode, then correct the program.
Method 2: Use the syntax checking function, then correct the program.

Word Bit Detail

0 On if the I/O number range of bit process instruction is beyond the specified range or
designates an external contact/output module which is not installed.
1 On if the channel number of the timer or the counter exceeds 255 or is duplicated.
2 On if the bit or word number in the application program is beyond the specified range or if it
designates a module which is not installed.
3 Not used.
4 On if an undefined instruction exists.
5 On in the event of a user program memory error.
6 On in the event of miscellaneous errors.
7 On if the user program memory is destroyed.
8 On if an external I/O register address is improperly used within the program.
For example, OUT R0.1 is used in the program, and R0.1 is an input.
SR30 9 On if the label numbers of the JMP or CALL instructions exceed 63, the corresponding
instruction (LBL, SBR) does not exist, and/or the corresponding LBL/SBR instructions exist
prior to JMP/CALL instructions.
10 On if the label number of the LBL instruction exceeds 63 and/or is duplicated.
11 On if the JMPS/JMP instructions are mistakenly combined and/or used.
12 On if the FOR/NEXT instructions are mistakenly combined and/or used more than five
times. (Loop)
13 On if SBR/RET instructions are not combined and/or used and/or the SBR instructions
overlap or exceed 63.
14 Not used.
15 On if no END instruction exists.

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44 D50 PLC User's Manual

Timer/Counter (TC0-255)
The table below gives the alternate Word address for the timer/counter Set Value and Present Value

0 W2048 W2304 40 W2088 W2344 80 W2128 W2384
1 W2049 W2305 41 W2089 W2345 81 W2129 W2385
2 W2050 W2306 42 W2090 W2346 82 W2130 W2386
3 W2051 W2307 43 W2091 W2347 83 W2131 W2387
4 W2052 W2308 44 W2092 W2348 84 W2132 W2388
5 W2053 W2309 45 W2093 W2349 85 W2133 W2389
6 W2054 W2310 46 W2094 W2350 86 W2134 W2390
7 W2055 W2311 47 W2095 W2351 87 W2135 W2391
8 W2056 W2312 48 W2096 W2352 88 W2136 W2392
9 W2057 W2313 49 W2097 W2353 89 W2137 W2393
10 W2058 W2314 50 W2098 W2354 90 W2138 W2394
11 W2059 W2315 51 W2099 W2355 91 W2139 W2395
12 W2060 W2316 52 W2100 W2356 92 W2140 W2396
13 W2061 W2317 53 W2101 W2357 93 W2141 W2397
14 W2062 W2318 54 W2102 W2358 94 W2142 W2398
15 W2063 W2319 55 W2103 W2359 95 W2143 W2399
16 W2064 W2320 56 W2104 W2360 96 W2144 W2400
17 W2065 W2321 57 W2105 W2361 97 W2145 W2401
18 W2066 W2322 58 W2106 W2362 98 W2146 W2402
19 W2067 W2323 59 W2107 W2363 99 W2147 W2403
20 W2068 W2324 60 W2108 W2364 100 W2148 W2404
21 W2069 W2325 61 W2109 W2365 101 W2149 W2405
22 W2070 W2326 62 W2110 W2366 102 W2150 W2406
23 W2071 W2327 63 W2111 W2367 103 W2151 W2407
24 W2072 W2328 64 W2112 W2368 104 W2152 W2408
25 W2073 W2329 65 W2113 W2369 105 W2153 W2409
26 W2074 W2330 66 W2114 W2370 106 W2154 W2410
27 W2075 W2331 67 W2115 W2371 107 W2155 W2411
28 W2076 W2332 68 W2116 W2372 108 W2156 W2412
29 W2077 W2333 69 W2117 W2373 109 W2157 W2413
30 W2078 W2334 70 W2118 W2374 110 W2158 W2414
31 W2079 W2335 71 W2119 W2375 111 W2159 W2415
32 W2080 W2336 72 W2120 W2376 112 W2160 W2416
33 W2081 W2337 73 W2121 W2377 113 W2161 W2417
34 W2082 W2338 74 W2122 W2378 114 W2162 W2418
35 W2083 W2339 75 W2123 W2379 115 W2163 W2419
36 W2084 W2340 76 W2124 W2380 116 W2164 W2420
37 W2085 W2341 77 W2125 W2381 117 W2165 W2421
38 W2086 W2342 78 W2126 W2382 118 W2166 W2422
39 W2087 W2343 79 W2127 W2383 119 W2167 W2423

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Chapter 5: CPU Operation and Memory 45

Timer/Counter Word addressing

120 W2168 W2424 166 W2214 W2470 212 W2260 W2516
121 W2169 W2425 167 W2215 W2471 213 W2261 W2517
122 W2170 W2426 168 W2216 W2472 214 W2262 W2518
123 W2171 W2427 169 W2217 W2473 215 W2263 W2519
124 W2172 W2428 170 W2218 W2474 216 W2264 W2520
125 W2173 W2429 171 W2219 W2475 217 W2265 W2521
126 W2174 W2430 172 W2220 W2476 218 W2266 W2522
127 W2175 W2431 173 W2221 W2477 219 W2267 W2523
128 W2176 W2432 174 W2222 W2478 220 W2268 W2524
129 W2177 W2433 175 W2223 W2479 221 W2269 W2525
130 W2178 W2434 176 W2224 W2480 222 W2270 W2526
131 W2179 W2435 177 W2225 W2481 223 W2271 W2527
132 W2180 W2436 178 W2226 W2482 224 W2272 W2528
133 W2181 W2437 179 W2227 W2483 225 W2273 W2529
134 W2182 W2438 180 W2228 W2484 226 W2274 W2530
135 W2183 W2439 181 W2229 W2485 227 W2275 W2531
136 W2184 W2440 182 W2230 W2486 228 W2276 W2532
137 W2185 W2441 183 W2231 W2487 229 W2277 W2533
138 W2186 W2442 184 W2232 W2488 230 W2278 W2534
139 W2187 W2443 185 W2233 W2489 231 W2279 W2535
140 W2188 W2444 186 W2234 W2490 232 W2280 W2536
141 W2189 W2445 187 W2235 W2491 233 W2281 W2537
142 W2190 W2446 188 W2236 W2492 234 W2282 W2538
143 W2191 W2447 189 W2237 W2493 235 W2283 W2539
144 W2192 W2448 190 W2238 W2494 236 W2284 W2540
145 W2193 W2449 191 W2239 W2495 237 W2285 W2541
146 W2194 W2450 192 W2240 W2496 238 W2286 W2542
147 W2195 W2451 193 W2241 W2497 239 W2287 W2543
148 W2196 W2452 194 W2242 W2498 240 W2288 W2544
149 W2197 W2453 195 W2243 W2499 241 W2289 W2545
150 W2198 W2454 196 W2244 W2500 242 W2290 W2546
151 W2199 W2455 197 W2245 W2501 243 W2291 W2547
152 W2200 W2456 198 W2246 W2502 244 W2292 W2548
153 W2201 W2457 199 W2247 W2503 245 W2293 W2549
154 W2202 W2458 200 W2248 W2504 246 W2294 W2550
155 W2203 W2459 201 W2249 W2505 247 W2295 W2551
156 W2204 W2460 202 W2250 W2506 248 W2296 W2552
157 W2205 W2461 203 W2251 W2507 249 W2297 W2553
158 W2206 W2462 204 W2252 W2508 250 W2298 W2554
159 W2207 W2463 205 W2253 W2509 251 W2299 W2555
160 W2208 W2464 206 W2254 W2510 252 W2300 W2556
161 W2209 W2465 207 W2255 W2511 253 W2301 W2557
162 W2210 W2466 208 W2256 W2512 254 W2302 W2558
163 W2211 W2467 209 W2257 W2513 255 W2303 W2559
164 W2212 W2468 210 W2258 W2514
165 W2213 W2469 211 W2259 W2515

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46 D50 PLC User's Manual

Note: Channel: The inherent number of the timer and the counter.

Set Value (SV): The designated value for the timer (to turn On) and the counter (number of
times On) to start operation.

Present Value (PV): Current processing value of the timer (elapsed time) and the counter
(number of counts).

Note: When using GPC software, the above W registers can be represented as follows.

Ch Set Value (SV) Present Value (PV)

0 W2048 = SV0 W2304 = PV0
1 W2049 = SV1 W2305 = PV1
: : :
255 W2303 = SV255 W2559 = PV255

Where SV is Set Value and PV is Present Value.

CAUTION: Be sure you understand the programming of the timer/counter thoroughly. If you
change the above registers while the program is running or program them
incorrectly, errors or damage may occur.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 47


This chapter contains all of the instructions that are used with the D50 PLC. The instructions are
grouped by function, and then explained in detail.

This chapter discusses:

• The instructions that are used with the D50 PLC

• How to read the descriptions of the instructions
• Detailed information concerning the usage of the instructions

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48 D50 PLC User's Manual

Basic Instructions
Mnemonic Command Ladder Symbol Description
STR Start Start NO contact.
STN Start Not Start NC contact.
AND And NO contact series circuit.
ANN (ADN) And Not NC contact series circuit.
OR Or NO contact parallel circuit.
ORN Or Not NC contact parallel circuit.
OUT Out (OUT) Relay output.
SET Set (SET) Turn On output.
RST Reset (RST) Turn Off output.
NOT Not Invert logic result.
STR DIF Start Differential R Start rising edge contact ( ).
STR DFN Start Dif. Not F Start falling edge contact ( ).
AND DIF And Dif. R Rising edge series connection ( ).
AND DFN And Dif. Not F Falling edge series connection ( ).
OR DIF Or Dif R Rising edge parallel connection ( ).
OR DFN Or Dif. Not F Falling edge parallel connection ( ).
ANB And Block Circuit block series connection.

ORB Or Block Circuit block parallel connection.

MCS Master Control Set (MCS) Start batch processing block.

MCR Master Control Reset (MCR) End batch processing block.

Note: NO = Normally Open

NC = Normally Closed

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Chapter 6: Instructions 49

Timer/Counter Instructions
Mnemonic Command Ladder Description Remarks
TIM On Delay Timer TIM
T CH = 10 Turn on after set Time Base: Ch 0-15: 0.01s
SV = 500
delay time from Ch 16-255: 0.1s
input on. Setting range: SV = 0-65535
input Done Contact: TC + channel no.

SST Single Shot Timer SST

T CH = 12 Turn off after set Time Base: Ch 0-15: 0.01s
SV = 500
delay time from Ch 16-255: 0.1s
input on. Setting range: SV = 0-65535
input Done Contact: TC + channel no.


UC Up Counter UC
U CH = 13 Up counter Range of channel: Ch 0 to 255
SV = 5
input (Shared with timer)
R present set
value value Setting range: SV = 0-65535
reset Done Contact: TC + channel no.
DC Down Counter DC
U CH = 14 Down counter Range of channel: Ch 0 to 255
SV = 5
input (Shared with timer)
R present set
value value Setting range: SV = 0-65535
Done Contact: TC + channel no.

UDC Up-Down Counter UDC

U CH = 16 Up/down counter Range of channel: Ch 0 to 255
SV = 3
input U (Shared with timer)
D input D
present set value Setting range: SV = 0-65535
R value
output Done Contact: TC + channel no.

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50 D50 PLC User's Manual

Comparison Instructions
Mnemonic Command Byte Word Description
On if A(C) value and B(D) value are
AND = AND = = B = D the same.
OR = OR =
On if A(C) value and B(D) value are
AND <> AND <> <> B <> D different. <> means the same as ≠.
OR <> OR <>
On if A(C) value is greater than B(D)
AND > AND > > B > D value.
OR > OR >
On if A(C) value is greater than or
AND >= AND >= >= B >= D equal to B(D) value.
OR >= OR >=
On if A(C) value is less than or equal
AND <= AND <= <= B <= D to B(D) value.
OR <= OR <=
On if A(C) value is less than B(D)
AND < AND < < B < D value.
OR < OR <

Substitution, Increment/Decrement Instructions

Note: Application instructions that operate in double mode on whole words (16-bit) are designated
with a “D” in front of the single mode instruction. For example, DINC refers to double mode
word decimal increment, DDEC refers to double mode word decimal decrement, etc.

Mnemonic Command Byte Word Description

LET Let (Substitution) LET DLET Store value of designated register S
D= D=
(DLET) S= S= into D.

INC Decimal increment INC DINC D value increased by 1 whenever

D= D=
(DINC) input is On.

DEC Decimal decrement DEC DDEC D value decreased by 1 whenever

D= D=
(DDEC) input is On.

INCB BCD increment INCB DINCB D value increased by 1 (BCD)

D= D=
(DINCB) whenever input is On.

DECB BCD decrement DECB DDECB D value decreased by 1 (BCD)

D= D=
(DDECB) whenever input is On.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 51

Arithmetic Instructions
Mnemonic Command Byte Word Description
ADD Decimal addition ADD
D =
D =
D = S1 + S2
(DADD) S1 = S1 = (Decimal operation)
S2 = S2 =

SUB Decimal subtraction SUB

D =
D =
D = S1 - S2
(DSUB) S1 = S1 = (Decimal operation)
S2 = S2 =

MUL Decimal MUL

D =
D =
D = S1 × S2
(DMUL) multiplication S1 = S1 = (Decimal operation)
S2 = S2 =

DIV Decimal division DIV

D =
D =
D = S1/S2
(DDIV) S1 = S1 = (Decimal operation)
S2 = S2 =

ADDB BCD addition ADDB

D =
D =
D = S1 + S2
(DADDB) S1 = S1 = (BCD operation)
S2 = S2 =

SUBB BCD subtraction SUBB

D =
D =
D = S1 - S2
(DSUBB) S1 = S1 = (BCD operation)
S2 = S2 =

MULB BCD multiplication MULB

D =
D =
D = S1 × S2
(DMULB) S1 = S1 = (BCD operation)
S2 = S2 =

DIVB BCD division DIVB

D =
D =
D = S1/S2
(DDIVB) S1 = S1 = (BCD operation)
S2 = S2 =

ADC Decimal addition ADC

D =
D =
D = S1 + S2 + CY
(DADC) w/carry S1 = S1 = (Decimal operation, include carry)
S2 = S2 =

SBC Decimal subtraction SBC

D =
D =
D = S1 - S2 - CY
(DSBC) w/carry S1 = S1 = (Decimal operation, include carry)
S2 = S2 =

ADCB BCD addition ADCB

D =
D =
D = S1 + S2 + CY
(DADCB) w/carry S1 = S1 = (BCD operation, include carry)
S2 = S2 =

SBCB BCD subtraction SBCB

D =
D =
D = S1 - S2 - CY
(DSBCB) w/carry S1 = S1 = (BCD operation, include carry)
S2 = S2 =

ABS Absolute value ABS

D =
D =
D = |D|
(DABS) (Absolute value operation)

NEG Negative NEG

D =
D =
Store the 2’s complement of D in D
(DNEG) (2’s complement) (1’s complement + 1).


D =
D =
Store the 1’s complement of D in D.
(DNOT) (1’s complement)

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52 D50 PLC User's Manual

Logic Instructions
Mnemonic Command Byte Word Description
WAND Bitwise AND (logic AND DAND Store AND of S1 and S2 in D.
(DAND) multiply) D = D =
S1 0 0 1 1
S1 = S1 =
S2 = S2 = S2 0 1 0 1

D 0 0 0 1

WOR Bitwise OR (logic OR DOR Store OR of S1 and S2 in D.

(DOR) sum) D = D =
S1 0 0 1 1
S1 = S1 =
S2 = S2 = S2 0 1 0 1

D 0 1 1 1

XOR Exclusive OR XOR DXOR Store exclusive OR of S1 and S2 in

(DXOR) D = D = D.
S1 = S1 =
S2 = S2 = S1 0 0 1 1

S2 0 1 0 1

D 0 1 1 0

XNR Exclusive OR NOT XNR DXNR Store exclusive OR NOT of S1 and

(DXNR) (equal circuit) D = D = S2 in D.
S1 = S1 =
S2 = S2 = S1 0 0 1 1

S2 0 1 0 1

D 1 0 0 1

Rotation Instructions
Mnemonic Command Byte Word Description
RLC Rotate left without RLC DRLC Rotate contents of designated
(DRLC) carry D = D = register D to the left N times.
N = N =
F1.8 15 ...D... 0

RRC Rotate right without RRC DRRC Rotate contents of designated

(DRRC) carry D = D = register D to the right N times.
N = N =
15 ...D... 0 F1.8

ROL Rotate left ROL DROL Rotate (shift) to the left N times.
(DROL) D = D = (lower→higher)
N = N =
(Input F1.8 value for low bit)
15 ...D... 0 F1.8

ROR Rotate right ROR DROR Rotate (shift) to the right N times.
(DROR) D = D = (higher→lower)
N = N =
(Input F1.8 value for high bit)
15 ...D... 0 F1.8

SHL Shift left SHL DSHL Shift value of designated register D to

D = D =
(DSHL) N = N = the left N times. (Input 0 for low bit)
F1.8 15 ...D... 0 0

SHR Shift right SHR DSHR Shift value of designated register D to

(DSHR) D = D = the right N times. (Input 0 for high bit)
N = N =
0 15 ...D... 0 F1.8

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Chapter 6: Instructions 53

Word Conversion Instructions

Mnemonic Command Byte Word Description
BCD Binary Coded BCD DBCD Convert binary number of S to BCD
(DBCD) Decimal D = D = and store in D.
S = S =
S ...... 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 =63

D ...... 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 =$63

BIN Binary BIN DBIN Convert BCD of S to binary number

(DBIN) D = D = and store in D.
S = S =
S ...... 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 =$39

D ...... 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 =39

XCHG Exchange XCHG DXCHG Exchange D1 and D2.

(DXCHG) D1 = D1 =
D1 .. 0 1 0 1 D1 .. 0 0 1 1
D2 = D2 =

D2 .. 0 0 1 1 D2 .. 0 1 0 1

SEG Segment SEG Convert the low-order 4 bit value of S

D = to 7-segment display pattern and
S =
store in D.
S ... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 f b
D ... 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 e c
g f e d c b a d

ENCO Encode ENCO Store the location of the highest set

D = bit in S in D.
S =
15..8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
S 0..0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

D iable 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 6+1=7

DECO Decode DECO Convert the low-order 4 bit value of S

D = to a power of 2 (2 ) and store in D.
S =
S ..... x x x x 0 1 0 1 =5

D 0..0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
15..8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DIS Dissemble DIS Separate Sr into Nd+1 units of 4 bits

D = each, and store in the low 4 bits of
Nd =
Sr = words starting at D. (N = 0-3)
Sr $ 7 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1

D $0000 0 1 0 1
D+1 $0000 1 1 1 0
Nd=3 D+2 $0000 0 1 0 0 4
D+3 $0000 0 1 1 1 7

UNI Unify UNI Combine the low 4 bits of Nd+1

D = words starting at Sr, and store in D.
Sr =
Nd = (Nd = 0-3)
Sr $ 0 1 0 1
S+1 $ 1 1 1 1
Nd=3 S+2 $ 1 0 1 0
S+3 $ 0 1 0 0

D $ 4 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1

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54 D50 PLC User's Manual

Bit Conversion Instructions

Mnemonic Command Byte Word Description
BSET Bit Set BSET Set Nth bit of D to 1.
D =
N = D ...... 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

N=5 1

BRST Bit Reset BRST Reset Nth bit of D to 0.

D =
N = D ...... 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0

N=3 0

BNOT Bit Not BNOT Reverse state of Nth bit of D.

D =
N = D ...... 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
D ...... 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

BTST Bit Test BTST Set carry bit F1.8 to the state of the
D = Nth bit of D.
N =
D ...... 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
N=6 F1.8

SUM Sum SUM Store the number of bits in S that are

D = 1 in D.
S =
S $00 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 ON(=1)s

D 0..0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 D=4

SC Set Carry SC Set carry bit (F1.8) to 1.

1 F1.8

RC Reset Carry RC Reset carry bit (F1.8) to 0.

0 F1.8

CC Complement Carry CC Reverse carry bit (F1.8).

F1.8 F1.8
1 0
0 1

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Chapter 6: Instructions 55

Transfer Instructions
Mnemonic Command Byte Word Description
LDR Load D←(Sr) LDR DLDR Store value at absolute address Sr in
(DLDR) D = D = D.
Sr = Sr =
Register Absolute Data
Value Address Value
Sr = X
? X Y
D= Y

STO Store (D)←Sr STO DSTO Store Sr in register at absolute

(DSTO) Sr = Sr = address D.
D= D=
Register Absolute Data
Value Address Value
Sr = X
D= Y
? Y X

MOV Move MOV Copy Ns words from Sr to D.

D =
Sr = Sr ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Ns = Sr+1 ...... 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Sr+2 ...... 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
D ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
D+1 ...... 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
D+2 ...... 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

FMOV Fill Move FMOV Repeatedly copy the value V, Ns

D = times to words starting at D.
Ns =
V = V value ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
D ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
D+1 ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
D+2 ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
D+3 ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

BMOV Bit Move BMOV Move Ns bits from bit address Sb to

Db = bit address Db.
Sb =
Ns = Sb ...... 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0

If Ns=4

Db ...... 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0

BFMV Bit Fill Move BFMV Repeatedly copy the bit value V, N
Db = times to bit address Db. (V = 0,1) (Ns
Ns =
V = = 0, 1,…, 15).
Db ...... 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

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56 D50 PLC User's Manual

Block Processing Instructions

Mnemonic Command Byte Word Description
FOR For Loop FOR DFOR Begin execution of instructions
(DFOR) D = D = between FOR and corresponding
NEXT. Repeat execution D times.

NEXT Next NEXT Decrease D of FOR instruction by 1.

If not zero, repeat from FOR

JMP Jump JMP Jump to LBL instruction L.

L =
(L = 0 to 63)

LBL Label LBL Position jumped to by JMP

L = instruction.
(L = 0 to 63)
JMPS Jump Start JMPS Jump to JMPE instruction.

JMPE Jump End JMPE Position jumped to by JMPS


CALL Call Subroutine CALL Call subroutine Sb.

Sb =
(Sb = 0 to 31)

SBR Subroutine Start SBR Start subroutine.

Sb =
(Sb = 0 to 31)

RET Subroutine Return RET End subroutine. Returns execution to

instruction after CALL.

WAT Watchdog Timer WAT Clear watchdog elapsed value.

END END END End program. This instruction is

automatically added by GPC.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 57

How to Read the Description of Instructions

Each instruction is explained in three parts: the instruction itself, its ladder diagram, and a description.
This section explains how to read the instructions.

Sample Instruction

Mnemonic Substitution Formula Range

(Assignment expression)
LET Direct substitution of number  Bit
DLET (direct output of number) ■ Byte
■ Word

Explanation of Codes
 = unavailable option
■ = available option
$xx indicates a hexadecimal number.

Explanation of Table
• Mnemonic—A byte (single mode) instruction, D designates word (double mode) instruction.
• Assignment expression—Description of the instruction.
• Range—Size of data that can be used by this instruction.

Sample Ladder

D: Destination
S: Source
Example: S = M0, and M0 is 123
D = R17, and R17 is 45
Before execution: M0 = 123, R17 = 45
After execution: M0 = 123, R17 = 123

Explanation of Ladder
The ladder diagram shows the structure of the instruction as it is displayed. Additional text typically
gives an example and explains the processing structure.

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58 D50 PLC User's Manual

Sample Description
Range: LET: 0 to 255
DLET: 0 to 65,535
1. Either a register (R, M, K, L, or W) address or a constant number can be assigned for S.
2. When S is a register address, copy the data of the register to D.
3. When S is a constant number, copy the value to D.
4. This operation occurs on every scan for which the input condition to the instruction is true.

Explanation of Description
The description provides details of the instruction.

Sample Example
Program Expression Time Chart
R000.2 LET R000.2
D = M0000 R000.3
S = 123 0000 0123 0123
0000 0100 0100
LET M0001
0000 0000 0123
D = M001 R0017
S = 100
R D = R017
S = M0000

Explanation of Example
The example shows an application of an instruction as programmed in GPC. The time chart
demonstrates how the instruction operates with respect to time and the changing input conditions for
the example. The results of the operation may also be shown as part of the example.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 59

Basic Instruction Details


Mnemonic Start of the Circuit Range

STR Start rung with NO contact ■ Bit
STN Start rung with NC contact  Byte

( ) Used for the start of a circuit.
B ( ) STR: Start NO (normally open) contact
STN: Start NC (normally closed) contact (STR NOT)
A: Circuit started with NO contact→STR
B: Circuit started with NC contact→STN

1. Every rung in the ladder program begins with either a STR or STN.
2. Every rung will contain one or more contacts.
3. Every rung will end in one or more output coils or application instructions.
4. When programming a ladder with NO and NC contacts, GPC will automatically use the
proper contact instruction (STR, STN, AND, ANN, OR, ORN).

R000.2 R015.2
(OUT) Start of circuit: R000.2, R000.3
R000.3 R015.3
(OUT) End of circuit: R015.2, R015.3


Program Expression Time Chart

R000.0 M000.0 R000.1
R000.1 M000.1
(OUT) R000.1
M000.2 M000.1
(OUT) M000.2

M000.0 has the same logic as R000.0

M000.1, M000.2 have the opposite logic as R000.1

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60 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Series Connection Range

AND Series connection ■ Bit
ANN  Byte
(ADN)  Word

AND: NO (normally open) contact series connection.
ANN: NC (normally closed) contact series connection.

1. AND and ADN (AND NOT) indicate a series connection of each contact.
2. The number of ANDs and ADNs used within one branch (rung) is unlimited.
R000.3 R000.4 M010.15

3. M010.15 is On only when contact R000.3 is On and contact R000.4 is Off. M010.15 is Off
for all other cases.


Program Expression Time Chart

R000.1 R000.2 M000.0 R000.1
M000.0 M000.1
(OUT) M000.0

Contact M000.0 is On only when R000.1 is On and R000.2 is Off. M000.0 is Off for all other cases.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 61


Mnemonic Parallel Circuit Range

OR Parallel connection ■ Bit
ORN  Byte

OR: NO (normally open) contact parallel connection.

ORN: NC (normally closed) contact parallel connection.

1. OR and ORN (OR NOT) indicate parallel connection of each contact.
2. The number of ORs and ORNs used within a branch is unlimited.



Program Expression Time Chart

R000.1 M000.1
R000.2 R000.2


Contact M000.1 is On if contact R000.1 is On or contact R000.2 is Off.

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62 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Output Range

OUT Relay output ■ Bit
SET On output  Byte
RST Off output  Word


(OUT) OUT: Relay coil turns On or Off based on the state of the input conditions.
(SET) SET: Relay coil turns On when the input conditions are true.
(RST) RST: Relay coil turns Off when the input conditions are true.

For an OUT instruction, you cannot use the same address twice.
OUT, SET, and RST instructions must be connected to the right bus and not in the middle of the
1. OUT—Use for external I/O (R), internal (M), and retentive (K) contacts. On or Off according
to status of the input condition.
2. SET—Use for external I/O (R), internal (M), and retentive (K) contacts. The same address
can be used more than once. When the input conditions are true, the coil is turned On and
stays on unless turned off by a RST. The output is turned Off in the Stop mode.
3. RST—Use for external I/O (R), internal (M), and retentive (K) contacts. The same address
can be used more than once. When the input conditions are true, the coil is turned Off and
stays off unless turned on by a SET. The output is Off in the Stop mode.
4. When using retentive coils (K) in OUT, SET, or RST, the state is maintained. It will remain
On or Off even after placed in the Stop mode and power is turned off.

Program Expression Time Chart
R001.1 M000.4
(OUT) R001.1 R002.2

R002.2 M000.5 R002.2

M000.4 M000.5
R002.3 M000.5

M000.4 follows contact logic for R001.1 input.

When R002.2 contact is On, M000.5 output is On.
When R002.3 contact is On, M000.5 output is Off.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 63


Mnemonic Reverse Range

NOT Reverse the previous status of the ■ Bit
logic.  Byte


A B Reverse the logic result of the input conditions before A at B.

Reverse the previous On/Off state and transfer to the next input.
The results of the NOT execution:
Before After
A (On)→ B (Off)
A (Off)→ B (On)


1. The instruction cannot be connected directly to the busit must come after a contact or set of
2. The instruction directly inverts the result of the input conditions before it. The instruction can
be used for verification of the circuit or in the test stage.

On On Off
A B (OUT) Off On On
On Off On
Off Off On

Program Expression Time Chart
R000.0 R000.1 R015.0


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64 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Edge Contact Range

STR DIF Contact which is On for one scan ■ Bit
STR DFN at the up or down point of contact  Byte

DIF R DIF: On at the rising edge ( ) (Off→On) for one scan.
DFN: On at the falling edge ( ) (On→Off) for one scan.

1. The DIF and DFN instructions may be used more than once in the ladder program for any of
the bit addresses (R, L, M, K, F, and TC).
2. The DIF instruction is a contact which is On for the first scan after the signal has changed
from Off→On. The contact is Off for all other scans, when the signal has not changed from
Off or On.
3. The DFN instruction is a contact which is On for the first scan after the signal has changed
from On→Off. The contact is Off for all other scans, when the signal has not changed from
Off or On.
4. Both DIF and DFN can be used on the same bit address in a single scan.

Program Expression Time Chart
R001.4 M002.4
R (OUT) R001.4
R001.5 R001.5
F 1scan 1scan 1scan


Contact M002.4 is On if contact R001.4 changes from Off→On or contact R001.5 changes from

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Chapter 6: Instructions 65


Mnemonic Block Circuit Range

ANB Connect circuit by block ■ Bit
ORB  Byte

A block
R000.0 R000.2 R015.0
(OUT) R000.0 R000.2 R015.0
R000.1 R000.3
R000.1 R000.3
A block B block
B block

ANB: block in series ORB: block in parallel

1. Block in series:
 Series connection of more than two contacts.
 Starts with STR or STN.
 Ends with ANB.
2. Block in parallel:
 Parallel connection of more than two contacts.
 Starts with STR or STN.
 Ends with ORB.
3. When programming in ladder, GPC will automatically add the proper ANB and ORB
instructions as required by the contact connections.

Program Expression (ANB) Program Expression (ORB)

R000.0 R000.2 R015.0

(OUT) R0.0 R0.2 R15.0
R000.1 R000.3
R0.1 R0.3

A block B block

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66 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Master Control Set (Reset) Range

MCS Execute block circuit using the  Bit
MCR specified conditions.  Byte


condition (MCS)
MCS: Enable processing of the following block of instructions.
MCR: End block of instructions enabled by MCS.
circuit block


1. MCS (Master Control Set)—Marks the start of a conditional block of instructions. When the
input conditions to the MCS are false, the block of instructions that follow are executed as
false. Must be used with MCR.
2. MCR (Master Control Reset)—Marks the end of a conditional block of instructions. Must be
used with MCS.
3. Up to seven MCS/MCR blocks can be nested.

MCS.. Loop 1
MCS.. Loop 2
MCS.. Loop 3


4. If you use eight or more MCS/MCR nested blocks, a syntax error will occur.

Program Expression Time Chart
F0.15 R15.0
(SET) R00.0
R000.0 R15.0

(MCR) The circuit block R15.0 bit is reset (0) by R000.0.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 67

Timer/Counter Instruction Details


Mnemonic Timer Range

TIM On delay timer ■ Bit
SST Single shot timer  Byte

T CH = In t seconds (t = SV × time base) after the input is On, the output is On.
SV =
If the input is Off, the output is Off.
Valid channel numbers: Ch 0 through Ch 255 (256 channels)
Done contact: TC + channel number
SV set range: 0 to 65,535
T CH = For t seconds (t = SV × time base) after input is On, the output is On. At
SV = the end of t seconds, the output is Off.
If the input is Off, the output is Off.
Valid channel numbers: Ch 0 through Ch 255 (256 channels)
Done contact: TC + channel number

1. Ch 0 to Ch 15: Time base = 0.01 sec (10 msec)
Ch 16 to Ch 255: Time base = 0.1 sec (100 msec)
Input t sec



2. The output done contact of the timer is TC + channel number.

3. The channel number can only be used once. It cannot be reused by other timer or counter
instructions (UC, DC , UDC).
4. To change the Set Value or Present Value of the timer while the program is running, modify
registers W2048 to W2559. In GPC, you may also reference these registers using the PV or
SV designation.
5. The Present Value (PV) is reset to zero when the input is Off, in Stop mode, or when power is

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68 D50 PLC User's Manual


R000.0 TIM
T CH = 12
SV = 70 R000.0

0.7 sec
R000.1 SST TC12
T CH = 200
SV = 70

TC012 R000.1
M11.5 7 sec
TC200 M22.5

Program Expression Time Chart

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Chapter 6: Instructions 69


Mnemonic Timer (I) Range

UC Up counter ■ Bit
DC Down counter  Byte

UC Example of UC with SV = 3.
U CH =
SV =  Whenever count input condition (U input) turns On, PV
3 increases by 1. When PV and SV are the same, the output
(OUT) TC done contact is On. When the reset input condition (R
input) is On, the output contact is Off.
(condition 1)  While the count input pulses On, the PV will continue to
count up to a maximum of 65,535. When the reset input is
(condition 3)
4 On, the PV is reset to a value of 0.
2 Set Value
1 1 (SV)
Present 0
Value (PV)

D CH =
Example of DC with SV = 3.
condition R
SV =
 Whenever count input condition (D input) turns On, PV
decreases by 1. When PV is 0, the output TC done contact
is On.
(condition 2)  When the reset input condition (R input) is turned On, the
(condition 3) TC done contact is turned Off, and the PV is set to 0.
Set Value
Present 2 0 0 0 2
Value (PV)

1. The timer/counter channel can only be used once. It cannot be reused by other timer or
counter instructions (TIM, SST , UDC). A maximum of 256 channels (Ch 0 to
Ch 255) can be used.
2. The output done contact is displayed as TC + channel no. in the counter.
3. The elapsed value (PV) of the counter is maintained in case of a power failure and for
retentive purposes.
4. When SV is 0, the output contact (TC) turns On if one pulse of input occurs.
5. SV can be specified from 0 to 65,535.

CAUTION: Each input condition to the counter should be on its own line of the rung. They
should not share a common contact or be connected in any way.

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70 D50 PLC User's Manual


Program Expression Time Chart

R000.0 UC
U CH = 0 R000.0
R000.1 SV = 3

TC000 R000.1
M0.0 counter
(OUT) time value 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1

Output TCO

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Chapter 6: Instructions 71


Mnemonic Up/Down Counter Range

UDC Up/Down counter ■ Bit

UDC U input
U CH = (condition 1)
SV = D input
S (condition 2)
condition Reset
R (condition 3) Set Value
Present (SV)
Value (PV)
Output (TC)

1. When the up count input (U input) turns On, the Present Value (PV) increases by 1. When the
down count input (D input) turns On, PV decreases by 1. When PV is greater than or equal to
the Set Value (SV) or is reduced to 0, the output done contact turns On.
2. In the following cases, the output done contact changes from On to Off:
 When the reset input is turned On.
 When the PV is decreased below the SV by the down count pulse input.
 When the PV increases from 0 to 1 by the up count pulse input.
3. If the reset input (R input) is On, the output is Off. In this state, the up/down counter input
pulses are ignored and the Present Value stays reset to 0.
4. When the up count input pulse and the down count input pulse occur at the same time, the PV
does not change.
5. When the PV is 0, if the down count pulse is input, the Present Value does not change, and
the output is On. When the Present Value is 65,535, if the up-counter pulse is input, the
Present Value is reset to 0.
6. When the counter Set Value is 0, if the reset input is On then the output is Off. If up or down
is input while the reset input is Off, the output changes to On.
7. The timer/counter channel can only be used once. It cannot be reused by other timer or
counter instructions (TIM, SST, UC, DC). The number of channels available is 256 (Ch 0
through Ch 255).
8. The SV can be set to a maximum value of 65,535.

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72 D50 PLC User's Manual


Program Expression Time Chart

R000.0 UDC
U input (R0.0)
U CH = 64
R000.1 SV = 5
Down Input (R0.1)
TC15 R

Reset Input (TC15)

TC64 M1.0
(OUT) Present Value (PV64) 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 0

Output (TC64)

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Chapter 6: Instructions 73

Comparison Instruction Details


Mnemonic Comparing the Value Range

= A = B (A is equal to B)  Bit
<> A <> B (A is not equal to B)
> A > B (A is greater than B) ■ Byte
>= A >= B (A is greater than or equal to B)
<= A <= B (A is less than or equal to B) ■ Word
< A < B (A is less than B)

A or B: Constant value 0 to 65,535 or a word address (R, L, M, K,
A W, PV, SV, SR).
= B
D is displayed when words are input. When using GPC5 to
A program, change the mode to double (Ctrl+T) and then enter the
<= B
comparison command.

<> Y

1. The comparison functions as a contact, whose On/Off state is determined by the result of the
comparison of A and B. If the comparison is true, the state is On.
2. Each comparison instruction can be used with the STR, AND, and OR instructions (GPC will
automatically use the correct instruction).
3. Double mode comparison instructions can process up to 16 bits of data (0 to 65,535).


Program Expression Time Chart

= = K12
M21 M0.5
<= K12 (OUT) M21 0 100 400

R001.0 M0.6 K12 100


<= 300

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74 D50 PLC User's Manual

Substitution, Increment/Decrement Instruction Details


Mnemonic Substitution Formula Range

LET Direct substitution of number  Bit
DLET (direct output of number) ■ Byte
■ Word


LET D: Destination
S= S: Source
Example: S = M0, and M0 is 123
D = R17, and R17 is 45
Before execution: M0 = 123, R17 = 45
After execution: M0 = 123, R17 = 123

Range: LET: 0 to 255
DLET: 0 to 65,535
1. Either a register (R, M, K, L, or W) address or a constant number can be assigned for S.
2. When S is a register address, copy the data of the register to D.
3. When S is a constant number, copy the value to D.
4. This operation occurs on every scan for which the input condition to the instruction is true.


Program Expression Time Chart

R000.2 LET R000.2
R D = M0000 R000.3
S = 123 0000 0123 0123
0000 0100 0100
LET M000.1
D = M0001 0000 0000 0123
S = 100
R000.3 LET
R D = R0003
S = M0000

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Chapter 6: Instructions 75


Mnemonic Increment Range

INC Increment (INC, DINC)  Bit
DINC BCD increment (INCB, DINCB) ■ Byte
INCB ■ Word

R D = D + 1: Decimal number increment

R D=
D = D + 1: BCD increment

1. INC and DINC increase D in decimal by 1 when the input is On.
2. INCB and DINCB increase D in BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) by 1.
3. INC and INCB are byte instructions for processing 8 bit data.
4. DINC and DINCB are word instructions for processing 16 bit data.


Program Expression Time Chart

R000.1 INC Input (R0.1) M0005 (decimal) M0008(BCD)
R D = M0005
D = M0008 0 ...... 0 0 0 0 0 ….. 0 0 0 0 0

1 ...... 0 0 0 0 1 ….. 0 0 0 0 1

2 ...... 0 0 0 1 0 ….. 0 0 0 1 0

9 ...... 0 1 0 0 1 ….. 0 1 0 0 1

10 ...... 0 1 0 1 0 ….. 1 0 0 0 0

11 ...... 0 1 0 1 1 ….. 1 0 0 0 1

Max $FFFF $9999

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76 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Decrement Range

DEC Decrement (DEC, DDEC)  Bit
DDEC BCD decrement (DECB, DDECB) ■ Byte
DECB ■ Word

DEC D = D - 1: Decimal decrement
R D=

R D= D = D - 1: BCD decrement

1. DEC and DDEC decrease D by 1 down to 0 when the input is On.
2. DECB and DDECB decrease D by 1 in BCD to 0 when the input is On.
3. Byte instructions (DEC, DECB) process 8 bit data, word instructions(DDEC, DDECB)
process 16 bit data.


Program Expression Time Chart

R000.1 LET R0.1 R0.2 M10 (decimal) M12 (BCD)

R D = M10
S = $11
...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
D = M12
S = $11
...... 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
R000.2 DEC ...... 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
R D = M10

DECB ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

D = M12

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Chapter 6: Instructions 77

Arithmetic Instruction Details


Mnemonic Addition Range

ADD Decimal addition (ADD, DADD)  Bit
DADD BCD addition (ADDB, DADDB) ■ Byte
ADDB ■ Word

ADD D = S1 + S2
R D =
S1 =
S2 =
Decimal: S1 = 21, and S2 = 22
Hexadecimal: S1 = $15 and S2 = $16
R D = ADD Example:
S1 =
S2 = Decimal: 21 + 22 = 43

ADDB Example:
BCD: $15 + $16 = $31

1. Add the data in the S1 and S2 addresses, then store the result in the D register.
2. When using ADD and ADDB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 S2: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 D: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
3. When using DADD and DADDB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 S2: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 D: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
4. If the result exceeds the range of calculation, a carry occurs. The carry flag (F1.8) is changed
to On.
5. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

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78 D50 PLC User's Manual


Program Expression Operation Results

R0 ADD Initial conditions:W0 = 00017 = $0011
R D = W10
S1 = W0
W1 = 00001 = $0001
S2 = W2 W2 = 00025 = $0019
DADD W3 = 00250 = $00FA
D = W11
S1 = W0 Operation results: W10 = 00042 = $002A
S2 = W3 W11 = 00267 = $010B
ADDB W12 = 00048 = $0030
D = W12
S1 = W0
S2 = W2

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Chapter 6: Instructions 79


Mnemonic Subtraction Range

SUB Decimal subtraction (SUB, DSUB)  Bit
DSUB BCD subtraction (SUBB, DSUBB) ■ Byte
SUBB ■ Word

SUB D = S1 - S2
R D =
S1 =
S2 =
Decimal: S1 = 34 and S2 = 19
Hexadecimal: S1 = $22 and S2 = $13
R D = SUB Example:
S1 =
S2 = Decimal: 34 - 19 = 15

SUBB Example:
BCD: $22 - $13 = $09

1. Subtract the data in S2 from S1, then store the result in the D register.
2. When using SUB and SUBB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 S2: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 D: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
3. When using DSUB and DSUBB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 S2: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 D: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
4. If the result exceeds the range of calculation, a carry occurs. The carry flag (F1.8) is changed
to On.
5. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.


Program Expression Operation Results

R0 SUB Initial conditions:W0 = 00016 = $0010
R D = W10
S1 = W0
W1 = 00520 = $0208
S2 = W2 W2 = 00007 = $0007
DSUB W3 = 00384 = $0180
D = W11
S1 = W1 Operation results: W10 = 00009 = $0009
S2 = W3 W11 = 00136 = $0088
SUBB W12 = 00003 = $0003
D = W12
S1 = W0
S2 = W2

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80 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Multiplication Range

MUL Decimal multiplication (MUL,  Bit
MULB BCD multiplication (MULB,
■ Word

D =
D = S1 × S2
S1 = Decimal: S1 = 3 and S2 = 7
S2 =
Hexadecimal: S1 = $03 and S2 = $07
R D = MUL Example:
S1 =
S2 =
Decimal: 3 × 7 = 21

MULB Example:
BCD: $03 × $07 = $21

1. Multiply the data in the S1 and S2 addresses, then store the result in the D register.
2. When using MUL and MULB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 S2: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 D: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
3. When using DMUL and DMULB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 S2: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 D: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
4. If the result exceeds the range of calculation, a carry occurs. The carry flag (F1.8) is changed
to On. The high word of the result that exceeds the range of D is automatically stored in
5. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.


Program Expression Operation Results

R0 MUL Initial conditions:W0 = 00002 = $0002
R D = W10
S1 = W0
W1 = 00030 = $001D
S2 = W2 W2 = 00006 = $0006
DMUL W3 = 00500 = $01E4
D = W11
S1 = W1 Operation results: W10 = 00012 = $000C
S2 = W3 W11 = 15000 = $3A98
MULB W12 = 00018 = $0012
D = W12
S1 = W0
S2 = W2

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Chapter 6: Instructions 81


Mnemonic Division Range

DIV Decimal division (DIV, DDIV)  Bit
DDIV BCD division (DIVB, DDIVB) ■ Byte
DIVB ■ Word

D =
D = S1 ÷ S2
S1 =
S2 =
Decimal: S1 = 18 and S2 = 3
Hexadecimal: S1 = $12 and S2 = $03
R D = DIV Example:
S1 =
S2 = Decimal: 18 ÷ 3 = 6

DIVB Example:
BCD: $12 ÷ $03 = $04

1. Divide the data in S1 by S2, then store the result in the D register.
2. When using DIV and DIVB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 S2: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 D: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
3. When using DDIV and DDIVB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 S2: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 D: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
4. The quotient is stored in the D register, and the remainder in special register SR22.
5. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.


Program Expression Operation Results

R0 DIV Initial conditions:W0 = 00024 = $0018
R D = W10
S1 = W0
W1 = 01024 = $0400
S2 = W2 W2 = 00004 = $0004
DDIV W3 = 00128 = $0080
D = W11
S1 = W1 Operation results: W10 = 00006 = $0006
S2 = W3 W11 = 00008 = $0008
DIVB W12 = 00004 = $0004
D = W12
S1 = W0
S2 = W2

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82 D50 PLC User's Manual


Command Addition with Carry Range

ADC Decimal addition with carry (ADC,  Bit
ADCB BCD addition with carry (ADCB,
■ Word

ADC D = S1 + S2 + carry
R D =
S1 =
S2 =
Decimal: S1 = 21, and S2 = 22
Hexadecimal: S1 = $15 and S2 = $16
R D =
Carry Flag: F1.8 = On
S1 =
S2 = ADC Example:
Decimal: 21 + 22 + 1 = 44
ADCB Example:
BCD: $15 + $16 + $1 = $32

1. Add the data in the S1 and S2 addresses. If the carry flag F1.8 is On, add 1, otherwise add 0.
Then store the result in the D register.
2. When using ADC and ADCB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 S2: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 D: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
3. When using DADD and DADDB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 S2: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 D: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
4. If the result exceeds the range of calculation, a carry occurs. The carry flag (F1.8) is changed
to On.
5. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 83


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 Initial conditions:W0 = 00017 = $0011
R SC W1 = 00025 = $0019
Operation results: W10 = 00017 + 00025 +1 = 00043
W11 = $0011 + $0019 + 0 = $0030
R0.0 ADC
R D = W10
S1 = W0
S2 = W1


R D = W11
S1 = W0
S2 = W1

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84 D50 PLC User's Manual


Command Subtraction with Carry Range

SBC Decimal subtraction with carry  Bit
SBCB BCD subtraction with carry
■ Word

SBC D = S1 - S2 - carry
R D =
S1 =
S2 =
Decimal: S1 = 34 and S2 = 19
Hexadecimal: S1 = $22 and S2 = $13
R D =
Carry Flag: F1.8 = On
S1 =
S2 = SBC Example:
Decimal: 34 - 19 - 1 = 14
SBCB Example:
BCD: $22 - $13 - $01 = $08

1. Subtract the data in S2 from S1. If the carry flag F1.8 is On, subtract 1. Then store the result
in the D register.
2. When using SBC and SBCB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 S2: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
 D: 0 to 255 (0 to $FF)
3. When using DSBC and DSBCB, the calculation ranges are as follows:
 S1: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 S2: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
 D: 0 to 65,535 (0 to $FFFF)
4. If the result exceeds the range of calculation, a carry occurs. The carry flag (F1.8) is changed
to On.
5. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 85


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 Initial conditions:W0 = 00016 = $0010
R SC W1 = 00002 = $0002
Operation results: W10 = 00016 - 00002 - 1 = 00013
R0.0 SBC
W11 = $0010 - $0002 - 0 = $0008
R D = W10
S1 = W0
S2 = W1


R D = W11
S1 = W0
S2 = W1

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86 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Absolute Value, NEG and NOT Range

ABS ABS: Absolute value  Bit
DABS NEG: 2's complement ■ Byte
NEG NOT: 1's complement ■ Word

ABS ABS: Take the absolute value of D, and store it in D.
R D=

NEG: Take the 2’s complement and store it in D.
R D= NOT: Take the 1’s complement and store it in D.
R D=

1. For the ABS (absolute value) instruction, if the highest bit (MSB) is 1, take the 2’s
complement. If the highest bit is 0, leave it as it is.
 For example, the absolute value of $9A52 (=1001 1010 0101 0010) is $65AE (=0110
0101 1010 1110). The absolute value of $7A52 (=0111 1010 0101 0010) is $7A52.
2. The NEG (2’s complement) instruction is expressed as the 1’s complement + 1.
 For example, DNEG of $7A52 (=0111 1010 0101 0010) is $85AE (=1000 0101 1010
3. The NOT (1’s complement) instruction is performed by reversing each bit.
 For example, DNOT of $7A52 (=0111 1010 0101 0010) is $85AD (=1000 0101 1010
4. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.


Program Expression Operation Results

R0 0 DABS Initial conditions:W0 = $9A52
R D = W0 W1 = $7A52
DABS W2 = $7A52
D = W1
W3 = $7A52
D = W2 Operation results: W0 = $65AE
W1 = $7A52
D = W3 W2 = $85AE
W3 = $85AD

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Chapter 6: Instructions 87

Logic Instruction Details


Mnemonic Bit AND Operation Range

WAND Bit AND operation  Bit
DAND ■ Byte
■ Word

WAND Process each bit of S1 and S2 in bit AND operation and store the
R D =
S1 = result in D.
S2 =
S1 S2 D
R D = 0 0 0
S1 =
S2 = 0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

1. Process the values of the S1 and S2 bits (byte/word) in bit AND operation and store the result
in D.
For example: S1 = $00FF (hex)
S2 = $3333 (hex)
D = $0033 (hex)
S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
S2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

2. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

Program Expression Operation Results
Initial conditions: W0 = $00FF
R D = W2 W1 = $3333
S1 = W0
S2 = W1 W2 = $XXXX
Operation results: W0 = $00FF
W1 = $3333
W2 = $0033

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88 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Bit OR Operation Range

WOR Bit OR operation  Bit
DOR ■ Byte
■ Word

WOR Process S1 and S2 in bit OR operation and store the result in D.
R D =
S1 = S1 S2 D
S2 =
0 0 0
R D = 0 1 1
S1 =
S2 = 1 0 1
1 1 1

1. Process S1 and S2 (byte/word) by bit OR operation and store the result in D.
For example: S1 = $00FF (hex)
S2 = $3333 (hex)
D = $33FF (hex)
S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
S2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

D 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 DOR Initial conditions: W0 = $00FF

R D = W2
S1 = W0
W1 = $3333
S2 = W1 W2 = $XXXX
Operation results: W0 = $00FF
W1 = $3333
W2 = $33FF

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Chapter 6: Instructions 89


Mnemonic Bit Exclusive OR Operation Range

XOR Bit exclusive OR operation  Bit
DXOR ■ Byte
■ Word

XOR Process S1 and S2 in bit exclusive OR operation and store the
R D =
S1 = result in D.
S2 =
S1 S2 D
R D = 0 0 0
S1 =
S2 = 0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

1. Process S1 and S2 (byte/word) by bit exclusive OR operation and store the result
in D.
For example: S1 = $00FF (hex)
S2 = $3333 (hex)
D = $33CC (hex)
S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
XOR (Exclusive OR)
S2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

D 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

2. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 DXOR Initial conditions: W0 = $00FF

R D = W2
S1 = W0
W1 = $3333
S2 = W1 W2 = $XXXX
Operation results: W0 = $00FF
W1 = $3333
W2 = $33CC

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90 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Bit Exclusive NOR Operation Range

XNR Bit exclusive OR NOT operation  Bit
DXNR ■ Byte
■ Word

XNR Process S1 and S2 in bit exclusive OR NOT operation and store
R D =
S1 = the result in D.
S2 =
S1 S2 D
R D = 0 0 1
S1 =
S2 = 0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

1. Process S1 and S2 (word/double word) by bit exclusive OR NOT operation and store the
result in D.
For example: S1 = $00FF (hex)
S2 = $3333 (hex)
D = $CC33 (hex)
S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
DXNR (Exclusive OR NOT)
S2 0 01 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

D 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

2. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 DXNR Initial conditions: W0 = $00FF

R D = W2
S1 = W0
W1 = $3333
S2 = W1 W2 = $XXXX
Operation results: W0 = $00FF
W1 = $3333
W2 = $CC33

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Chapter 6: Instructions 91

Rotation Instruction Details


Mnemonic Rotate to the Left Without Carry Range

RLC Rotate specified address to the  Bit
DRLC left (low to high) ■ Byte
■ Word

RLC D = Register address
R D=
N= N = Number of bits to rotate

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
carry C p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a

1. Order:
 Shift by N bits to the left (from low-order bit to high-order bit).
 Fill the carry bit (F1.8) with the MSB (most significant bit).
 Shift the MSB to the LSB (least significant bit).
2. Shift the register specified as D to the left by N bits. Each bit will move one bit position
higher in the register.
3. The D register is either a byte or a word. For RLC (byte), N = 0 to 7. For DRLC (word), N =
0 to 15.
4. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 RLC Initial condition: M0000 = $0F0F

R D = M0000
N =1
M0001 = $0F0F
Operation results: M0000 = $0F1E
D = M0001 M0001 = $3C3C
N =2

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

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92 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Rotate to the Right Without Carry Range

RRC Rotate the specified address to the  Bit
DRRC right (high to low) ■ Byte
■ Word

RRC D = Register address
R D=
N= N = Number of bits to rotate

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a C carry

1. Order:
 Shift N bits to the right (from high-order bit to low-order bit).
 Fill the carry bit (F1.8) with the LSB (least significant bit).
 Shift the LSB to the MSB (most significant bit).
2. Shift the register specified as D to the right by N bits. Each bit will move one bit position
lower in the register.
3. The D register is either a byte or a word. For RLC (byte), N = 0 to 7. For DRLC (word), N =
0 to 15.
4. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 RRC Initial condition: M0000 = $0F0F

R D = M0000
M0001 = $0F0F
Operation results: M0000 = $0F87
D = M0001 M0001 = $C3C3

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

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Chapter 6: Instructions 93


Mnemonic Rotate to the Left Range

ROL Rotate the specified address to  Bit
DROL the left with the carry flag ■ Byte
■ Word

ROL D = Register address
R D=
N= N = Number of bits to rotate

MSB 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB
carry C p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a

1. Order:
 Shift N bits to the left (from low-order bit to high-order bit) including the carry bit.
 The MSB (most significant bit) moves to the carry bit (F1.8).
 Input F1.8 (carry bit) in the LSB (least significant bit).
2. This instruction is different from the RLC instruction because it sends the MSB to the carry
bit and the carry bit moves to the LSB. The input to the LSB can be changed by setting or
clearing the carry bit.
3. The D register is either a byte or a word. For ROL (word), N = 0 to 7. For DROL (word), N =
0 to 15.
4. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

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94 D50 PLC User's Manual


Program Expression Operation Results


R0.1 ROL R0.1

M0 $00 $01 $03 $06 $0D
…1 1 0 1 1 C

…0 1 1 0 0 C

… 0 0 1 1 1 C

…0 0 0 1 1 C

C 0 0 … 0 0 0 0

 If N = 1, the bits shift by one, and the LSB is always

input from F1.8.
 If N = 2, the bits shift by two. The bits are shifted one
position, and the first data input to the LSB is F1.8.
The original MSB is stored in F1.8. The bits are
again shifted one position, with the LSB being set by
the new F1.8, and F1.8 being changed to the state of
the last MSB.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 95


Mnemonic Rotate to the Right Range

ROR Rotate the specified address to  Bit
DROR the right with the carry flag ■ Byte
■ Word

ROR D = Register address
R D=
N= N = Number of bits to rotate

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a C carry

1. Order:
 Shift N bits to the right (from high-order bit to low-order bit) including the carry bit.
 Input the carry bit (F1.8) to the MSB (most significant bit).
 The LSB (least significant bit) moves to the carry bit (F1.8).
2. This instruction is different from the RRC instruction because it sends the LSB to the carry
bit, and the carry bit shifts to the MSB. The input to the MSB can be changed by setting or
clearing the carry bit.
3. The D register is either a byte or a word. For ROR (byte), N = 0 to 7. For DROR (word), N =
0 to 15.
4. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 F1.8

R0.1 ROR R0.1

R D = M0
$4000 $1400
N=2 $0000 $5000
C 0 0 0 0 1 0 1…

C 1 0 1 0 1 …

C 1 0 1 0 0 … 0 0 C

0 0 0 0 …

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96 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Shift to Left Range

SHL Shift to left (high-order bit) by N ■ Bit
DSHL bits  Byte
Lowest bit becomes 0

SHL D = Register address
R D=
N= N = Number of bits to rotate

MSB 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB
carry C p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a 0

1. Order:
 Shift N bits to the left (from low-order bit to high-order bit) including the carry bit.
 The MSB (most significant bit) moves to the carry bit (F1.8).
 The LSB (least significant bit) becomes 0.
2. Shift the register specified as D to the left by N bits. Each bit will move one position higher in
the register.
3. The D register is either a byte or a word. For SHL (byte), N = 0 to 7. For DSHL (word), N = 0
to 15.
4. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 97


Program Expression Operation Results

D = MO R0.0
R0.1 $FFF0
R D = M0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

 Regardless of N, the MSB moves to the carry bit

(F1.8) and the LSB always becomes 0.
 The R0.0 input is the initial condition, used to set the
initial value of M0 to $FFFF.

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98 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Shift to Right Range

SHR Shift to right (low-order bit) by N  Bit
DSHR bits ■ Byte
The highest bit becomes 0
■ Word

R D=
D = Register address
N = Number of bits to rotate

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 po n m l k j i h g f e d c b a C carry

1. Order:
 Shift N bits to the right (from high-order bit to low-order bit).
 MSB (most significant bit) becomes 0.
 Fill the carry bit (F1.8) with the LSB (least significant bit).
2. Shift the register specified as D to the right by N bits. Each bit will move one bit position
lower in the register.
3. The D register is either a byte or a word. For SHR (byte), N = 0 to 7. For DSHR (word), N =
0 to 15.
4. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

Program Expression Time Chart
R D = M0 R0.0

R D = M0 $FFFF $7FFF $3FFF
N=1 M0

0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

 Regardless of N, the MSB moves to the carry (F1.8)

and the LSB always becomes 0.
 The R0.0 input is the initial condition, used to set the
initial value of M0 to $FFFF.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 99

Word Conversion Instruction Details


Mnemonic BCD Conversion, Range

Binary Conversion
BCD BCD: Convert binary to BCD  Bit
DBCD BIN: Convert BCD to binary ■ Byte
BIN ■ Word

R D =
BCD: Convert the S value from binary into BCD and store in D.
S =

R D = BIN: Convert the S value from BCD into binary and store in D.
S =

1. BCD: Convert S, which is expressed in binary (byte /word), into BCD and store in D. The
range is as follows:
Byte conversion: S = 0 to $63 (hex) = 99 (decimal)
D = 0 to $99 (hex) = 153 (decimal)
Word conversion: S = 0 to $270F (hex) = 9999 (decimal)
D = 0 to $9999 (hex) = 39321 (decimal)
2. BIN: Convert S, which is expressed in BCD (byte /word), into binary (binary code) and store
in D. The range is as follows:
Byte conversion: S = 0 to $99 (hex) = 153 (decimal)
D = 0 to $63 (hex) = 99 (decimal)
Word conversion: S = 0 to $9999 (hex) = 39321 (decimal)
D = 0 to $270F = 9999 (decimal)
3. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

Program Expression Operation Results
Initial conditions: W0 = $07CC = 1996 (decimal)
R D = W2 W1 = $1996 = 6550 (decimal)
S = W0 W2 = $XXXX
D = W3
N = W1 Operation results: W0 = $07CC
W1 = $1996
W2 = $1996 = 6550 (decimal)
W3 = $07CC = 1996 (decimal)

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100 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Data Exchange Range

XCHG Exchange registers of D1, D2 with  Bit
DXCHG each other ■ Byte
■ Word

R D1 =
Exchange registers D1 and D2 (byte /word) with each other.
D2 =
D1 => D2, D2 => D1
DXCHG D1 .. 0 1 0 1 D1 .. 0 0 1 1
R D1 =
D2 =
D2 ... 0 0 1 1 D2 .. 0 1 0 1

1. Exchange registers D1 and D2 with each other (byte/word). For example:
Byte operation: D1 = $1234 (hex) D2 = $1278 (hex)
D1 = $5678 (hex) D2 = $5634 (hex)
Word operation: D1 = $1234 (hex) D2 = $5678 (hex)
D1 = $5678 (hex) D2 = $1234 (hex)
2. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

Program Expression Operation Results
R0.0 XCHG Initial conditions: W0 = $1234
R D1 = W0
D2 = W1
W1 = $5678
W10 = $5678
D1 = W10 W11 = $1234
D1 = W11 Operation results: W0 = $1278
W1 = $5634
W10 = $1234
W11 = $5678

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Chapter 6: Instructions 101

Mnemonic 7-Segment Decoder Range
SEG Convert the low-order 4 bits of S  Bit
into 7-segment display format and ■ Byte
store in D

SEG Convert the value in the low-order 4 bits of address S (0 to 15) into
R D=
S= the proper format for display by a 7-segment display and store in
D. In the converted format, if a bit is 1, the segment is illuminated
(= active high output).

1. Convert the value in the low-order 4 bits of address S into SEG display format, and store it in
D. The high-order 8 bits of D do not change. The 8th bit of the D register, used with many 7-
segment display cells as the decimal point, is not affected by this instruction.
For example: S = $XXX5 (hex)
D = $XX6D (hex)

f b S ... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 f b
g g
e c D ... 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 e c
d dp g f e d c b a d

2. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

Program Expression Operation Results
R0.0 SEG Initial conditions: W0 = $8765 (hex)
R D = W1
S = W0
W1 = $1234 (hex)
Operation results: W0 = $8765 (hex)
W1 = $126D (hex)
The 8th bit of W1 does not change.

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102 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Decoder and Encoder with 8421 Range

ENCO ENCO: 8421 encoder  Bit
DECO DECO: 8421 decoder ■ Byte

R D=
ENCO: Inspect the S register. If there is a bit in the On state, encode
S= it (on bit n) and store it in the low-order 8 bits of D. If there are two
or more bits in the S register that are in the On state, only the highest
D =
bit will be processed. The higher 8 bits of D do not change.
S = DECO: Interpret the lower 4 bits of the S register and store in D.

1. ENCO: Set D to the value of the bit number of highest bit in S that is On (0 to 16). If there are
two or more On bits in S, use the location of the highest bit. The high-order 8 bits of D do not
2. DECO: Set the bit location (0 to 15) in D pointed to by the value in the low 4 bits of S. All
other bits in D are reset to 0.
15..8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 S ..... x x x x 0 1 0 1 =5
S 0..0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

D 0..0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
D iable 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 6+1=7 15..8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ENCO $0000→$00 $0020→$06 $0800→$0C

$0001→$01 $0040→$07 $1000→$0D
$0002→$02 $0080→$08 $2000→$0E
$0004→$03 $0100→$09 $4000→$0F
$0008→$04 $0200→$0A $8000→$10
$0010→$05 $0400→$0B
DECO $0→$0001 $6→$0040 $C→$1000
$1→$0002 $7→$0080 $D→$2000
$2→$0004 $8→$0100 $E→$4000
$3→$0008 $9→$0200 $F→$8000
$4→$0010 $A→$0400
$5→$0020 $B→$0800

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Chapter 6: Instructions 103


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 ENCO Initial conditions: W0 = $0070 (hex)
R D = W2
S = W0
W1 = $1235 (hex)
W2 = $5678 (hex)
D = W3 W3 = $9ABC (hex)
S = W1
Operation results: W0 = $0070 (hex)
W1 = $1235 (hex)
W2 = $5607 (hex)
W3 = $0020 (hex)
The high-order 8 bits of W2 do not change.

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104 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Dissemble by 4 bit units/ Range

Unify by 4 bit units
DIS DIS: Dissemble by 4 bit units  Bit
UNI UNI: Unify by 4 bit units ■ Byte

DIS DIS: Separate Sr into Nd+1 units of 4 bits each, and store in the
R D =
Nd = low 4 bits of words starting at D.
Sr =
UNI: Combine the low 4 bits of Nd+1 words starting at Sr, and
R D =
store in D.
Sr =
Nd =

1. DIS: Separate the word value in register Sr into Nd+1 units of 4 bits each, and store these 4
bit units in sequence into registers starting at D. The 12 remaining high-order bits in each
register become 0.
2. UNI: Combine the low-order 4 bit units from Nd+1 registers starting at Sr, and store in D.
Sr $ 7 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
Sr $ 0 1 0 1
D $0000 0 1 0 1 If Nd=3 Sr+1 $ 1 1 1 1
Nd+1 Sr+2 $ 1 0 1 0
If Nd=3 D+1 $0000 1 1 1 0
D+2 $0000 0 1 0 0 4 Sr+3 $ 0 1 0 0
D+3 $0000 0 1 1 1 7
D $ 4 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1

3. Nd + 1 represents the number of 4-bit segments to dissemble or unify. The range for Nd is
Nd = 0 to 3.
4. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 105


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 DIS Initial conditions: M0 = $74E5 (hex) W0 = $1111 (hex)
R D = W0
Nd = 3
W1 = $2222 (hex)
Sr = M0 W2 = $3333 (hex)
UNI W3 = $4444 (hex)
D = M10
Sr = W10
W10 = $0123 (hex) M10 = $ABCD (hex)
Nd = 3 W11 = $456F (hex)
W12 = $789A (hex)
W13 = $7654 (hex)
Operation results: M0 = $74E5 (hex) W0 = $0005 (hex)
W1 = $000E (hex)
W2 = $0004 (hex)
W3 = $0007 (hex)
W10 = $0123 (hex) M10 = $4AF3 (hex)
W11 = $456F (hex)
W12 = $789A (hex)
W13 = $7654 (hex)

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106 D50 PLC User's Manual

Bit Conversion Instruction Details


Instruction Bit Set, Reset, Reverse, Test Range

BSET BSET: Nth bit set  Bit
BRST BRST: Nth bit reset  Byte
BNOT BNOT: Nth bit reverse ■ Word
BTST BTST: Nth bit test

D= D=
BSET: Set the Nth bit in the D register
N= N= (X→1).
BNOT: Reverse the Nth bit in the D
register (0→1, 1→0).

BRST: Reset the Nth bit in the D
N= N= register (X→0).
BTST: Copy the Nth bit to the carry bit
in the D register (X→F1.8).

1. BSET: Set the Nth bit of register D to 1.
2. BRST: Reset the Nth bit of register D to 0.
3. BNOT: Reverse the state of the Nth bit of register D.
4. BTST: Set the carry bit F1.8 to the state of the Nth bit of register D.
5. These instructions are useful when it is necessary to perform bit-level operations on word-
only memory addresses, such as W, PV, SV, and SR.

BSET D ...... 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 BNOT D ...... 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0

if N=5 1 if N=4
D ...... 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

BRST D ...... 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 BTST D ...... 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0

if N=3 0
if N=6 F1.8

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Chapter 6: Instructions 107


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 BSET Initial conditions:M0 = 0001 0010 0001 1100 (binary)
R D = M0
M1 = 0011 0100 0101 1100 (binary)
M2 = 0101 0110 0111 0100 (binary)
D = M1 M3 = 0111 1000 0111 0100 (binary)
N=3 F1.8 = 0 (Off)
D = M2
Operation results: M0 = 0001 0010 0011 1100 (binary)
N=4 M1 = 0011 0100 0101 0100 (binary)
BTST M2 = 0101 0110 0110 0100 (binary)
D = M3
M3 = 0111 1000 0111 0100 (binary)
F1.8 = 1 (On)

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108 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Count Number of On (= 1) Bits Range

SUM Count On (= 1) bits in the S  Bit
register ■ Byte

SUM: Count the number of On (= 1) bits in the S register and store
S= the result in the D register.

1. Count the number of On (= 1) bits in the S register and store the result in the D register.

S 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Number of On(=1) is 11

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 D=$000B=11 (Decimal)

2. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

Program Expression Operation Results
R0.0 SUM Initial conditions:M0 = 1110 0111 1011 0011 (binary)
R D = W0
S = M0
W0 = $XXXX (hex)
Operation results: M0 = 1110 0111 1011 0011 (binary)
W0 = $000B (hex) = 11 (decimal)

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Chapter 6: Instructions 109


Mnemonic Carry Bit (F1.8) Set, Reset, Range

SC SC: Set carry bit  Bit
RC RC: Reset carry bit  Byte
CC CC: Reverse carry bit  Word

SC: Carry bit set (F1.8: X→1).
R RC: Carry bit reset (F1.8: X→0).
CC: Carry bit reverse (F1.8: 0→1, 1→ 0).

1. The carry bit (F1.8) is a special internal flag that holds the result of various types of
mathematical and bit shift operations. When rotating, shifting, adding, or subtracting with a
carry, the operation depends on the state of the carry flag, as well as changes the state of the
carry flag. The above instructions are useful for setting the state of the carry flag as needed for
these types of operations.
2. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 SC
R R0.0

R0.1 RC
R R0.1
R0.2 CC
R R0.2


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110 D50 PLC User's Manual

Transfer Instruction Details


Mnemonic Load Absolute Address Range

LDR Store value at absolute address  Bit
DLDR Sr in D, D←(Sr)
■ Byte
■ Word

R D = Store the value located at the absolute address pointed to by Sr into
Sr = register D.
R0 word absolute address: 0
R D = M0 word absolute address: 192
Sr =
W0 word absolute address: 512

1. This instruction is useful in transferring data patterns stored sequentially in memory, to a
single output register location. For example, if the register addresses W100 through W199
contained a set of 100 control patterns (P0 to P99) that needed to be transferred to theoutputs
of a module (address R015), the LDR instruction can be used to load the data from the
absolute addresses of W100 to W199 (absolute addresses 612 to 711) into the destination
register R015.
2. In the example below, register W0 is used as the Sr (source) register, which contains the
absolute address of the data patterns to be loaded. Initially, W0 contains 612, which is the
absolute memory address of register W100. As W0 is incremented, it successively points to
the next higher W register to load data from.
3. See Chapter 5, Absolute Address Designation, for a complete table of absolute addresses.
Control Register Register
Pattern (Absolute Value
Transfer the data of
P0 W100 (612) $22 W100-W199 ($22, $10,
P1 W101 (613) $10 $33,..., $05, $85)
P2 W102 (614) $33 registers in sequence
into R015. See the
: : : following example.
: : :
P98 W198 (710) $05
P99 W199 (711) $85

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Chapter 6: Instructions 111


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 INC Initial conditions: W0 = 611
R D = W0

LDR R0.0 (bit)

D = R15
Sr = W0 data of data of data of data of data of
W100 W101 W102 W198 W199

611 612 613 614 710 711

R2 (word) $22 $10 $33 $05 $85

process output

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112 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Store Absolute Address Range

STO Store Sr in register at absolute  Bit
DSTO address D, (D)←Sr
■ Byte
■ Word

STO Store the data contained in the Sr register into the register pointed
R Sr =
D = to by the absolute address contained in register D.
R0 word absolute address: 0 (decimal)
Sr =
M0 word absolute address: 192 (decimal)
D = W0 word absolute address: 512 (decimal)

1. This instruction is useful in storing data patterns from a single input register to a sequential
table of registers in memory. For example, if the process measurements (D0 to D99) from an
input module located at address R001 needed to be stored in register addresses W100 through
W199. The STO instruction can be used to load the data from the source register R001 to the
absolute addresses of W100 to W199 (absolute addresses 612 to 711).
2. In the example below, register W0 is used as the D (destination) register, which contains the
absolute address of the locations to store the process measurements. Initially, W0 contains
612, which is the absolute memory address of register W100. As W0 is incremented, it
successively points to the next higher W register to store data.
3. See Chapter 5, Absolute Address Designation, for a complete table of absolute addresses.
Process Register Register
Measurement (Absolute Value
Store the process
D0 W100 (612) $34 measurement data ($34,
D1 W101 (613) $25 $25, $88,...,$17, $09)
D2 W102 (614) $88 you get from inputs at
001 in sequence into
: : : W100-W199. See the
: : : following example.
D98 W198 (710) $17
D99 W199 (711) $09

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Chapter 6: Instructions 113


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 INC Initial conditions: W0 = 611
R D = W0

R0.0 (bit)
Sr = R1
D = W0

R1 $34 $25 $88 $17 $09

(word process

W0 611 612 613 614 710 711

Store in Store in Store in Store in Store in

W100 W101 W102 W198 W199

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114 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Duplicate Word, Duplicate the Range

Same Word
MOV MOV: Copy a block of words  Bit
FMOV FMOV: Fill a block of words with  Byte
the same value
■ Word

R D =
MOV: Copy Ns words from Sr to D.
Sr =
Ns =

R D = FMOV: Repeatedly copy the value V, Ns times to words starting at
Ns =
V =
register address D.

1. MOV: Copy a total of Ns registers from registers starting at Sr word into registers starting at
D. This instruction is used for mass duplication of blocks of registers.
2. FMOV: Copy the constant number V, Ns times into registers starting at D. This instruction is
useful for initializing the internal and external memory of certain areas when initializing a
Sr ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 V value ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Sr+1 ...... 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Ns=4
Sr+2 ...... 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 D ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
MOV Ns=3 FMOV D+1 ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
D ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 D+2 ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
D+1 ...... 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 D+3 ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
D+2 ...... 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

3. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 115


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 MOV Initial conditions:M0 = $12AA (hex) W0 = $XXXX (hex)
R D = W0
Sr = M0
M1 = $340F (hex) W1 = $XXXX (hex)
Ns = 3 M2 = $56F0 (hex) W2 = $XXXX (hex)
FMOV K0 = $XXXX (hex) K2 = $XXXX (hex)
D = K0
Ns = 4
K1 = $XXXX (hex) K3 = $XXXX (hex)
V = $55AA
Operation results: M0 = $12AA (hex) W0 = $12AA (hex)
M1 = $340F (hex) W1 = $340F (hex)
M2 = $56F0 (hex) W2 = $56F0 (hex)
K0 = $55AA (hex) K2 = $55AA (hex)
K1 = $55AA (hex) K3 = $55AA (hex)

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116 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Copy Bit, Copy the Same Bit Range

BMOV BMOV: Copy a block of bits ■ Bit
BFMV BFMV: Fill a block of bits with the  Byte
same bit value

R Db =
BMOV: Copy Ns bits from bit address Sb into bit address D.
Sb =
Ns =

R Db = BFMV: Copy the V bit (0 or 1) into bit address D, Ns times.
Ns =
V =

1. BMOV: Copy a block of Ns bits starting at bit address Sb to bit address D. This instruction is
useful for moving large blocks of bits at one time, or for copying sections of bits within a
word without copying the entire word.
2. BFMV: Fill a block of Ns bits starting at bit address D with the value of V (0 or 1). This
instruction is useful for initializing a set of bits to 0 or 1 at the start of a program or process.

Sb ...... 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 If V=1
If Ns=5
BMOV If Ns=4 BFMV Db ...... 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

Db ...... 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0

3. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

Program Expression Operation Results
R0.0 BMOV R2 before 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
R Db = R2.3 operation
Sr = R2.1
Ns = 4
R2 after 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
BFMV operation
Db = R3.2
Ns = 5
V =1 R3 before
operation 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0

R3 after
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

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Chapter 6: Instructions 117

Block Processing Instruction Details


Mnemonic FOR-NEXT Loop Range

FOR FOR (DFOR): Start loop  Bit
DFOR NEXT: End loop ■ Byte
NEXT ■ Word


FOR FOR: Begin execution of instructions between (D)FOR and
D =
corresponding NEXT. Repeat execution D times.
NEXT: Decrease D of FOR instruction by 1. If not zero, repeat from FOR
NEXT instruction.

1. The FOR/NEXT instructions are used to perform a block of instructions inside a ladder
program repeatedly. The parameter D of the FOR instruction is a value indicating how many
times the block of instructions is to be performed.
2. Branch instructions such as JMP and CALL can be made inside the FOR/NEXT loop.
3. The number of loops to execute (D value) can be changed inside of the FOR/NEXT loop. This
can be used to dynamically increase or decrease the number of loops performed while
processing the loops.
4. If the D register is 0 before the FOR instruction, the instructions between the FOR and NEXT
instructions will NOT be executed. Instead, the program will jump directly to the instruction
following the NEXT.
5. As the FOR/NEXT loop occurs within a single program scan, a large value of D will lengthen
the scan time of the program considerably.
6. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

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118 D50 PLC User's Manual


Program Expression Operation Results

R0.0 Initial condition: W0 = 10
R D = W0 M0 = 0
INC Operation results: W0 = 0
D = M0
M0 = 10
When the R0.0 contact changes from OffOn, execution
of the FOR/NEXT loop occurs. At the FOR instruction,
the value of W0 is evaluated. If W0 is not 0, then the
instructions between the FOR and NEXT (INC D = M0)
is performed. At the NEXT instruction, 1 is subtracted
from the value of W0, and execution returns to the FOR
instruction. This is repeated 10 times, until the value of
W0 is 0. When this occurs, execution goes directly the
instruction following the NEXT instruction.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 119


Mnemonic Jump by Pointer Range

JMP JMP: Jump by pointer  Bit
LBL LBL: Specify the pointer  Byte


L =
JMP: Jump to the LBL instruction L (L = 0 to 31).

L = LBL: Position jumped to by the JMP instruction.

1. This instruction is used to conditionally perform a set of instructions in the program. When
the input condition to the JMP instruction is true, execution will jump over the following
instructions, directly to the corresponding LBL label. When the input condition is false, the
instructions following the JMP will be executed normally, and no jump occurs.
2. The range of L is 0 to 31, allowing 32 jumps to be used.
3. The given L label may only be used once in a program. It may not be duplicated.
4. For a given JMP with parameter L, there MUST be a corresponding LBL with the same L
value. Also, the LBL instruction must come after the JMP instruction in the program. If either
of these two conditions is not satisfied, an error will occur preventing execution of the
5. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.


Program Expression Operation Results

 When contact R0.0 turns On, JMP 1 occurs, and
R L =1 execution jumps directly to LBL 1—the instructions
between the JMP and LBL are not executed.
JMP  When contact R0.1 turns On, execution of the
R L =3
program jumps directly from JMP 3 to LBL 3.

L =3

L =1

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120 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Jump Range

JMPS JMPS: Start jump  Bit
JMPE JMPE: End jump  Byte


JMPS JMPS: Jump directly to the corresponding JMPE instruction.

JMPE: Position jumped to by JMPS instruction.

1. The JMPS and JMPE instruction function identically to the JMP and LBL instructions, but do
not require the use of a label. Additionally, the JMPS/JMPE pair may be used more than once
in a program.
2. This instruction is used to conditionally perform a set of instructions in the program. When
the input condition to the JMPS instruction is true, execution will jump over the following
instructions, directly to the corresponding JMPE. When the input condition is false, the
instructions following the JMPS will be executed normally, and no jump occurs.
3. For the JMPS instruction, there MUST be a corresponding JMPE. Also, the JMPE instruction
must come after the JMPS instruction in the program. If either of these two conditions is not
satisfied, an error will occur preventing execution of the program.
4. The JMPS/JMPE instructions may NOT be nested—after each JMPS instruction, there must
be a JMPE instruction before the next JMPS instruction may be programmed.
5. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 121


Program Expression Operation Results

By executing a JMPS:
 When contact R0.0 or R0.1 turns On, execution of
the program jumps directly from the associated JMPS
JMPE to its corresponding JMPE.



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122 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Call Subroutine Range

CALL CALL: Call subroutine  Bit
SBR SBR: Start subroutine  Byte
RET RET: End subroutine  Word

R Sb =
CALL: Call subroutine Sb (Sb = 0 to 31)

Sb = SBR: Start Subroutine

RET: Return from Subroutine


1. The subroutine instructions are used when a block of instructions needs to be called more than
once, or called with different values, from the main program.
2. The subroutine to be called is specified by the Sb parameter in the CALL and SBR
instructions. The CALL instruction causes execution to jump to the specified SBR instruction.
After executing the instructions between SBR and RET, program execution is returned to the
instruction following the CALL instruction that called the subroutine.
3. The subroutine defined by the SBR and RET instructions must come after the associated
CALL instruction. All subroutines must be defined and programmed at the end of the control
program. A total of 64 subroutines are available (Sb = 0 to 31).
4. The same subroutine (SBR Sb) can be called by multiple CALL instructions. However, each
subroutine number may only be used once by an SBR instruction.
5. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 123


Program Expression Operation Results

When contact R0.0 and/or R0.1 turns On, the CALL Sb =
R Sb = 3 3 instruction is executed and the instructions between
SBR Sb = 3 and RET are executed. After executing this
subroutine, the program returns to the next instruction
R Sb = 3 after the CALL.

Sb = 3


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124 D50 PLC User's Manual


Mnemonic Clear Watchdog Time Range

WAT WAT: Clear watchdog time  Bit


WAT WAT: Clears the watchdog timer while executing the program.

1. This instruction clears the watchdog timer within the CPU module to prevent the program
from stopping even if the scan time exceeds the maximum watchdog time. The default
watchdog time is 3 seconds.
2. Under normal operation, the PLC executes the following process:
 Read external inputs.
 Process the control program.
 Update the external outputs.
One execution of this process is termed a scan. When the time it takes to process a single scan
(the scan time) is excessively long, abnormal results may occur caused by the delay in reading
inputs and updating outputs. For this reason, a watchdog time is set by the PLC which, when
exceeded, indicates that an error has occurred. When this happens, the PLC stops the program
to prevent abnormal operation.
3. Under certain circumstances, extremely lengthy scan times may be allowable. The WAT
instruction allows the user to reset the watchdog timer to prevent the PLC from automatically
going into the error condition and stop mode when the watchdog time is exceeded.
4. This operation will occur on every scan for which the input condition is true (On). To perform
the operation only on a change of input condition, use the rising/falling edge contact.


Program Expression Operation Results

M0.0 WAT In certain applications, the user program may contain
loops which cause lengthy scan times. In the example,
turning on M0.0 prevents the PLC from stopping when
the watchdog time (maximum of 3 sec) is exceeded. For
normal PLC control applications, this instruction should
not be used.

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Chapter 6: Instructions 125


Mnemonic End Control Program Range

END END: End control program  Bit
(Inserted automatically)  Byte



1. This instruction indicates the end of the control program.
2. This instruction is automatically added by GPC. It is not programmed by the user.

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126 D50 PLC User's Manual

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Chapter 7: Testing and Troubleshooting 127

Testing and Troubleshooting

This chapter provides information on testing and troubleshooting the D50 PLC.

This chapter discusses:

• Testing procedures for the D50 PLC

• How to troubleshoot the D50 PLC

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128 D50 PLC User's Manual

Test Precautions
When checking the system:

CAUTION: Always turn off the power whenever you install or remove a module.

1. Check the module more than one time before exchanging the part.
2. Include a complete description of the symptoms when you return a defective module for
3. When you suspect that a contact may be defective, it might only need cleaning. Clean the
contact using a clean cotton cloth and alcohol. Then retest the module.
4. Do not use thinner to clean any of the parts.

System Checks
Before installing the I/O wiring of the PLC and supplying power, check the following items.

Check the connection

of the power cable

Check the connection

of the I/O expansion
module cables

Check the grounding

Verify proper wiring of

the emergency stop

Check the power


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Chapter 7: Testing and Troubleshooting 129

Item What to Check

The connection of the power • Check that the wiring is secure and intact.
cable and the I/O expansion
• Check that the terminal screws are tightly fastened.
• Check that I/O module is firmly fixed.
• Check that the power cable connection is secure.
• Check that the cable size is correct.
Grounding • Check that the grounding is triple grounded and
separate from other device grounds.
Emergency stop circuit • Check that the emergency stop circuit for problems
external to the PLC is wired accurately, and will
IMMEDIATELY disconnect power on demand.
Power source • Check that the power and voltage sources are within
For 110/220 VAC (85 to 264 VAC)
For 24 VDC (20 to 28 VAC)
• Check that the voltage to AC-type I/O is within

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130 D50 PLC User's Manual

Testing Procedures
When the PLC has been installed and wired, begin testing in the following order.

Supply Power

Initialize Memory

Check I/O Wiring



Correct Program

Store Program


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Chapter 7: Testing and Troubleshooting 131

Item What to Check/Do

Power source • Check that the input voltage to the power supply is within specification.
• Check that the control voltage to the I/O is within specification.
• Turn on the power source.
• Check the LED display on the controller.
Initialize memory • Initialize the PLC module using GPC. (This clears the program in the PLC.)
Check I/O wiring • Check the LEDs of the input modules and use the monitor function of GPC after
testing the input device.
• Check the wiring of the output by turning the output On/Off using the monitor mode of
GPC (set PLC to Run mode).
Programming • Check the program.
• Download the program into the CPU module.
Testing • Check the Run LED for illumination by setting the mode switch of the controller to
• Check for the proper operation of the program.
Correct • Correct any program errors.
• Program is stored.
Store program • Store the program onto a floppy disk or similar storage device and place in a secure
• Record the PLC type, program capacity, name of installation, and date for the
recorded program.
• Print the program (ladder, mnemonic) and store it in a secure place.

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132 D50 PLC User's Manual

Correcting Errors

System Check
Refer to the system check flow chart when you encounter problems during startup and testing.

System Check Flowchart

Is RUN LED No Go to the Power Supply

ON or Flashing? Check flowchart


Is PLC in Run No Go to the RUN

(RUN LED On)? Check flowchart


Is ERR LED Yes Go to the Error

illuminated? Check flowchart


Are I/O modules No

Go to the I/O
operating normally? Check flowchart


Replace the faulty module/

Correct the program

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Chapter 7: Testing and Troubleshooting 133

Power Supply Check

Power Supply
Check Flowchart

Is power being No
applied to the Supply power



On or Flashing?

Is the voltage No Adjust voltage within

within the specified the specified range



On or Flashing?

Are the terminal No Tighten the

screws loose? terminal screws



On or Flashing?

Replace the controller END

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134 D50 PLC User's Manual

Run Check

RUN Check Flowchart

Is the controller No
mode switch set Set mode switch to RUN
to RUN?



Place in Run
using GPC - Is RUN END


Is the ERR Yes Go to the Error

LED illuminated? Check flowchart


Set the controller mode

switch to STOP

Clear the PLC program

using GPC*

Set the controller mode

switch to RUN

Is the RUN LED No Is the ERR LED No

Replace the controller
illuminated? illuminated?

Yes Yes

Check the PLC program, Go to the Error

and reload Check flowchart

*Be certain to save the program before clearing the PLC program so it is not lost.

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Chapter 7: Testing and Troubleshooting 135

Error Check

Error Check Flowchart

Are any
of the bits from Yes F0.0 = 1 System Error -
F0.0 to F0.7 in the Resupply Power
ON state?

No F0.1 = 1 System ROM Error -

Resupply Power

F0.2 = 1 System RAM Error -

Resupply Power

F0.3 = 1 User program Error -

Download the program

F0.4 = 1 Program Syntax Error -

Correct the program, and
download again

F0.6 = 1 Module Change Error -

Resupply Power

F0.7 = 1 Module Error -

Resupply Power

Are any
No of the bits from
F0.0 to F0.7 in the
ON state?

Yes K Register Error -

Is bit F1.7 Clear K registers, or
in the ON state? Resupply Power


No Is bit F1.7
in the ON state?

Yes Yes
Is the ERR LED


Go to the System Replace the controller

Check flowchart

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136 D50 PLC User's Manual

I/O Check
This page presents an example of a troubleshooting procedure to follow when errors are encountered
with the external I/O. In this example, two of the inputs on the controller are used to control an output
on the controller. This flow chart is based on the following circuit, and assumes that the error
encountered is that the output connected to R15.0 is not turned On when it should be.

R0.2 R0.3 R15.0


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Chapter 7: Testing and Troubleshooting 137

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138 D50 PLC User's Manual

Troubleshooting, Maintenance and Inspection Tables

The following tables list some common problems and troubleshooting procedures for the PLC system
in the event of faulty operation. Additionally, a table is provided which covers the routine maintenance
procedures to be followed to ensure long life of the PLC system with minimum downtime and
maintenance cost.

System Operation

Symptom Expected Cause Troubleshooting

Run LED will not illuminate. Program errors Correct the program.
Power line defect Replace the CPU module.
Output will not turn to On state during Run. Short or open circuit Replace the CPU module.
I/O Modules above a certain address will not operate. I/O bus error Check I/O expander cable.
Not all points on an I/O module operate properly. I/O bus error Check I/O expander cable.

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Chapter 7: Testing and Troubleshooting 139

Digital Inputs

Symptom Expected Cause Troubleshooting

No inputs on the module will No external input power Supply power.
turn On (LEDs are not Low external input voltage Make sure full voltage is being
Terminal screw is loose/ Tighten screw/
Defective contact Reconnect the module
Inputs will not turn to On state Defective input circuit Replace the module.
(LEDs are illuminated).
One or more inputs on an I/O Device connected to input module is Replace the input device.
module will not turn On. defective.
Loose input wiring Reconnect the input wiring.
External input time is too short. Adjust the input device.
Terminal screw is loose/ Tighten screw/
Defective contact Reconnect module
One or more inputs on an I/O Defective input circuit Replace the module.
module will not turn Off.
Input changes On/Off state Low external input voltage Make sure full supply voltage is being
erratically. input.
Noise error Troubleshoot for noise.
Terminal screw is loose/ Tighten screw/
Defective contact Reconnect module
Input display LED will not LED error Replace the module.
illuminate (input is On in PLC).

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140 D50 PLC User's Manual

Digital Outputs

Symptom Expected Cause Troubleshooting

No outputs on the module will No external input power Supply power.
turn On. Low external input voltage Make sure full voltage is being
Terminal screw is loose/ Tighten screw/
Defective contact Reconnect module
I/O contact connection Replace the module.
Defective output circuit Reconnect the module.
One or more outputs on an I/O Output circuit error Replace the module.
module will not change to On
or Off state.
Output on an I/O module will Output time too short Correct the program.
not turn Off (LED is not Defective output circuit Replace the module.
Output on an I/O module will Incorrect output load Replace the output load.
not turn Off (LED is Loose output wiring Reconnect the output wiring.
Terminal screw is loose/ Tighten screw/
Defective contact Reconnect module
Output contact error Replace the module of the relay.
Defective output circuit Replace the module.
Output on an I/O module will Output contact error Replace the module of the relay.
not turn On (LED is Leakage current to low-current load Apply leakage current protection
Output on an I/O module will Defective output circuit Replace the module.
not turn On (LED is not
Output changes On/Off state Low external input voltage Make sure full supply voltage is being
erratically. input.
Noise error Troubleshoot for noise.
Terminal screw loose/ Tighten screw/
Defective contact Reconnect module
All outputs on a module with Common terminal screw loose Tighten the screw.
the same common operate Defective contact/ Reconnect the module.
incorrectly or identically. Terminal connector
CPU module error Replace the CPU module.
Output display LED is not on LED error Replace the module.
(output is On to field device).

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Chapter 7: Testing and Troubleshooting 141

Periodic Inspection and Preventive Maintenance

The D50 PLC Series requires regular inspection and maintenance for proper operation. The following
items should be checked every six months.

Item What to Check Criteria Test

Supplied Does the voltage measured within the Voltage must fall within the power Voltmeter
Power power terminal fall within the module input voltage specifications.
specified range?
Environment Does the temperature fall within the 0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F) Thermometer
specified range?
Does the humidity fall within the Humidity levels below 20% RH. Hygrometer
specified range?
Is there any dust present? No dust. Visual
I/O Power Does the control voltage supplied to Control voltage must fall within the Voltmeter
the I/O modules fall within the input and output modules
specified limit? specifications.
Module Are all of the modules secure? All should be firmly secured. Screwdriver
Mounting and Is the connection cable secure?
Is the external wiring screw loose?

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142 D50 PLC User's Manual

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Chapter 8: Troubleshooting Noise Problems 143

Troubleshooting Noise Problems

This chapter outlines the various causes of noise that affect the D50 PLC system. Installation tips and
troubleshooting methods for identifying noise problems are also provided.

This chapter discusses:

• The causes of noise

• Installation tips for avoiding noise
• Methods to identify and resolve noise problems

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144 D50 PLC User's Manual

Noise Occurrence

Types of Noise

• Radiation noise is transmitted in the form of a magnetic wave. The amplitude of the magnetic
wave is measured in Gauss.
• Conduction noise is transmitted through a direct path such as signal wiring or ground
connections as a strong, high-voltage surge. This type of noise is measured as voltage,
current, or power.
• Normal mode (single ended developed) noise can come through the power and/or the signal
cables. This type of noise is not equally distributed across the PLC input terminals.
• Common mode noise can come through the power and/or the signal cables. In this case the
noise is close to the same amplitude thus the term common on both leads of the cable.
• Impulse noise is electrical or magnetic energy that has less than a 200 msec pulse duration.
• Surge noise is electrical energy that has a pulse duration of 200 msec to 2 sec.
• Transient noise is electrical energy that has an extremely short duration usually lasting only a
few nanoseconds (1 x 10-9).

Electrical Noise Fundamental Definitions

• Isolation means to physically separate the connection between areas. Isolation is effective for
common mode noise.
• Filters are effective against conduction noise such as impulses. Filtering is used to remove
normal mode noise and common mode noise that has been imprinted onto the signal or power
cables. A low-pass filter passes only low frequency signals. Low-pass filters are classified as
either LC (L = inductor and C = capacitor) filters or RC (R = resistor and C = capacitor)
filters, according to the electrical parts that form the filter.
• Surge absorbers are devices that protect electronic equipment by clamping down extremely
high voltage spikes (lightning strikes) in power cables to a safe level.
• Charge is an excess or deficiency of electrons in an object. When an object becomes charged,
a magnetic field forms around the object and can radiate noise as the amplitude of the charge
is varied.
• An inductive load is a device which creates a large magnetic field that opposes any change in
the voltage applied across the device. Devices that act as inductive loads are relay coils, motor
coils, starter coils and actuator coils.
• Stray capacitance and inductance is created during the installation of an electrical system.
When excess cabling is left wound up this creates stray inductance in the form of a coil. All
cabling inherently has a capacitive rating (so many picofarads per meter). Excessively long
cable runs or untrimmed cable lengths or poorly specified cable types can add large levels of
stray capacitance.

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Chapter 8: Troubleshooting Noise Problems 145

Sources of Noise
There are three main sources of noise. Some of these sources generate large noise amplitudes. The
occurrence time can be very short (impulse type) or continuous (power line induced). Some noise
levels can damage the D50 PLC components and peripheral devices.

1. Noise Generated by Electronic Equipment

All electronic devices radiate noise in the form of a magnetic field. The magnetic field is
created around the printed circuit board or the wiring of electronic devices due to the flow of
electrical current. The amplitude of the magnetic field changes over time due to changes in
the flow of the electrical current. The magnetic field strength increases as the amount of the
electrical current flow increases.

As a device crosses the magnetic field, electrical currents will be induced. The induced
current could be summed vectorially with the normal electrical currents. In some cases this
could cause cancellation of electrical current flow (essentially shutting down the circuit). In
other cases this could create large surge currents that cause severe damage to the circuit. In
most cases the summation of the currents cause errors in readout and control values. Some
sources of this kind of noise are relays, magnetic contactors, inverters, computer monitors,
and motors.
2. Noise from Power Cables
When various loads are connected to a single power source the current draw conditions and
impedance imbalance can cause unwanted noise. The noise created by these sources can
affect other devices connected to the power source, via spikes, sags, reflected high speed
switching noise, and ground pulse. This is the most frequent cause of noise in a PLC’s
3. Noise from Natural Causes and Work Practices
Lightning, welding, shared cable trays, “grandfather’d plant wiring,” and static electricity can
also be sources of noise.

In the first case, the noise is caused within the equipment and is called internal noise. In the second
case, the noise is caused by external factors and referred to as external noise. These two types of noise
may also be referred to as artificial system noise.

The noise caused by natural occurrences can not be prevented, but can be controlled. Precautions such
as good grounding techniques, surge suppressors, and burying cables underground can help minimize
the affect. This type of noise may be referred to as natural noise.

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146 D50 PLC User's Manual

Advised Installation Practices

Shield the PLC

The most common method of shielding, is to install the PLC inside a grounded steel enclosure.

Proper Cable Selection

Use twisted, shielded-pair cable for the power cable and field wiring. Properly terminate the shields of
all cables to a single-point high-quality ground. (See section on shielding.)

Ground the PLC

The purpose of grounding the PLC is to protect the electronic equipment from electric shock and
harmful noise.

To ground the PLC, connect a 12 to 16 gauge wire from the frame ground terminal strip screw of the
controller to a high quality earth ground (less then 2 Ω). Since electrical currents always take the path
of least resistance, the noise currents induced by a magnetic field will flow through the PLC frame
ground terminal screw to earth ground. This essentially draws the noise away from the PLC modules.

The most effective method of grounding the PLC frame is to ground the PLC independent of other
equipment. Avoid grounding the PLC through a daisy chain of wire connections with other equipment.
See figures below for good and bad examples:

PLC Others PLC Others PLC Others

The length of the ground cable should not exceed 65 feet (20 m). For best results, the resistance of the
ground cable should be less than 2 Ω.

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Chapter 8: Troubleshooting Noise Problems 147

Isolation and Filtering Techniques

There are several methods of isolation:

• Attach an isolation transformer between the PLC power supply and the VAC source to help
remove noise that flows in the power cable. Try to attach the isolation transformer as near to
the PLC power supply input terminal strip as possible.
• Some isolation transformers come with a shield that can be grounded. This shield, when
properly grounded, enhances the transformers ability to remove unwanted spikes.
• Be certain to size the isolation transformer to handle the necessary power rating required by
the system. A good practical rule in specifying an isolation transformer is to multiply the
required load capability by 1.35 (35% additional deliverable power). This allows expansion of
the PLC system at a later date without the immediate need to upgrade the isolation

I Transformer PLC

AC power AC input

Triple ground (Less than 2 Ω of

ground resistance)

• When heavy noise is expected, also use an isolation transformer on the AC control power to
the I/O modules and devices. A cost-effective way of specifying the isolation transformer for
this requirement would be to specify a transformer with multiple primary and secondary
windings and wiring the PLC as shown below. Again, be certain to size the isolation
transformer to handle the necessary power required plus a 35% surplus and additional
windings to allow for future expansion of the system.

Breaker Breaker Isolation Transformer

PLC power
AC power

PLC input

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148 D50 PLC User's Manual

Filters should be used to suppress high frequency noise.

When using a low-pass filter specify one that is designed for power line applications. Many different
types are available from simple modules to complex units.

A single device is not necessarily the most cost-effective device for all applications. In specifying the
proper filter one must take into account the amplitude/power level of the noise and how often the noise
is present.

When the proper device is selected it is best to place the device as close to the PLC power supply
connections as possible. Below is an example of how to install a filter. The chart lists a typical
midrange power line filter for reference.

Filter PLC

AC power AC input


Triple ground (Less than 100 Ω

of ground resistance)

For installation and application details, refer to the manufacturers manuals.

Model Name Manufacturer Remarks

PQI-3120N12 Superior Electric, DANA/ Used for 120 V power
Warner Electric Division
PQI-3220N12 Superior Electric, DANA/ Used for 240 V power
Warner Electric Division
The PQI-3120N12 and PQI-3220N12 come in a NEMA 12 rated enclosure.

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Chapter 8: Troubleshooting Noise Problems 149

Methods of Handling Large Voltage Spikes Such as Lightning

Surge Absorber

• A surge absorber reduces the electrical shock to the PLC by taking high-voltage spikes to
ground. Attach a surge absorber in the power line in front of the PLC to prevent damage from
lightning. The surge absorber will clamp the unwanted high voltage and prevent it from
flowing to the PLC power supply. When specifying a surge absorber, the present wiring
system must be carefully reviewed. Some surge absorbers are designed to be placed into the
main power distribution panel while others are designed to be installed in the field close to the
PLC. It is always best to place the surge absorber as close to the PLC as possible.
• Surge absorbers can consist of either series resistors with capacitors that will couple the spike
to ground, or Zener diodes that safely clamp the high voltage spikes or MOVs (Metal Oxide
Varistors). Some surge absorbers will need replacement after they have suppressed a spike
(similar to a fuse). Others can be reset. In specifying a surge absorber consider how often the
surges are occurring and the maximum amplitude in volts or joules.

Main breaker PLC

Breaker Transformer
AC power AC input

Surge Absorber Ground


Special ground (Less than 2Ω Triple ground (Less than 2Ω

of ground resistance) of ground resistance)
It is needed to prevent high voltage
noise such as lightning

Some typical surge absorbers are listed in the following table. For actual installation and
application details, refer to manufacturers manuals.

Model Name Specifications Manufacturer Remarks

CHSA 470 V Cutler-Hammer 120/240 V power
CHSA01 490 V Cutler-Hammer 120/240 V power

Burying Wire

• Cabling that is strung from pole to pole in free space is an antenna for lightning. When
possible bury the cable underground. The earth acts like a shield and absorbs most if not all of
the lightning induced noise signals before they are able to reach the cable.

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150 D50 PLC User's Manual

Shielding Cabling
• When the wiring for the I/O module is more than 165 ft (50 m), shield the wire by installing it
in ferrous (steel) conduit and use shielded wire. Attach the conduit/shield to the ground at the
PLC ground terminal as shown below.


Use shield wires,
or shield the wire Ground (ground resistance
less than 2 Ω)

• Separate the input and output module wiring, and power circuit cables. Make sure to properly
ground the shields of each cable directly to ground. Do not create a daisy chain of ground
jumpers over several feet and then pigtail one end lead to ground. This method allows
multiple ground current paths to exist and can induce noise.

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Chapter 8: Troubleshooting Noise Problems 151

Methods to Handle I/O Inductive Loads

Several methods exist for handling I/O inductive loads.

DC Input Module
Attach a diode in a reverse biased direction parallel to the inductive load, as close as possible to the

DC input module

Inductive Flywheel
load diode

DC power COM

AC Input Module
Attach an RC network parallel to the inductive load.

AC input module


Handling Long Cable Runs

When a long cable run is needed to attach the AC input module to an external input device attach a
surge suppressor parallel to the input module. When possible, convert the application so a DC input
module can be used instead of the AC input module. The input circuitry of DC input modules
inherently have filters that suppress noise and therefore are less affected by the noise from inductive
loads and stray wiring capacitance.

AC input module
wiring is long

In case of AC power

Protecting Against Arcing

When a relay output module switches an inductive load, a surge voltage measured in thousands of
volts is generated across the relay contacts. This causes arcing (an electrical discharge between two
contact points that can vaporize the contact material) and shortens the contact life of the relay.
Eventually this arcing can destroy the relay contacts. Below is a chart of some methods to protect the
relay contacts.

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152 D50 PLC User's Manual

Countermeasures Application Characteristics Selection of Parts

Load Load
Attach a surge   If the load is a relay or a solenoid, For a contact voltage of 1 V and a
suppressor: the load is slow to return to the contact current of 1 A, use the
Relay output normal status. When using a DC following C and R values:
Inductive load module
OUT power source, place the surge C: 0.5-1.0 µF
suppressor across the inductive
load. R: 0.5-1.0 Ω
When using an AC power source, Another example; for a contact
place the surge suppressor across current of 0.5 A and a contact
the switching relay contacts. voltage of 200 VAC use the
following C and R values:
C: 0.25-0.5 µF
The example shows how to connect
the surge suppressor for a DC R: 100-200 Ω
power source For DC circuits use a minimum of a
250 V rated capacitor. For AC
circuits use a minimum of a 1000 V
rated capacitor.
Attach a flyback ×  The diode connected in parallel Use diodes with low reverse
diode: allows the energy accumulated in leakage current and with a reverse
Relay output
the inductive load to flow back into voltage value that is at least three
Inductive load module the inductive load in the form of an times greater than the nominal
electrical current. The energy is applied voltage. Verify the diode
then dissipated as heat based on has the proper power rating.
the resistance of the inductive load. The steady state current that flows
The time required to return to the when the inductive load is turned on
normal status is longer than the should be greater than the current
surge suppressor method. produced when the inductive load is
turned off.
Attach a varistor:   A varistor functions as a voltage To specify the varistor do the
Relay output clamping device. When the applied following:
Inductive load module
voltage exceeds the rated voltage Chose a maximum continuous
value of the varistor, the varistor voltage rating just above the
turns on, creating a short circuit expected applied voltage.
connection across the inductive
COM load. Chose a varistor that can handle
the energy level that will be
This method has a slow recovery generated by the inductive load
time. BUT avoid overspecifying. As the
When using a DC power source, varistors energy level capability
place the varistor across the goes up so does the capacitance
inductive load. which will slow down the response
When using an AC power source, time of the system.
place the varistor across the
switching relay contacts.

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Chapter 8: Troubleshooting Noise Problems 153

The following two protection methods should be avoided. Each of these methods can be effective in
removing the sparks when power to the inductive load is turned off. However when power is turned on
to the inductive load there will be a high inrush current applied across the relay contacts as they are
mating. Since all relay contacts have some bounce while mating, arcing will occur and potentially melt
the relay contact points. This is the reason for having the resistor in the RC network described earlier.

Inductive load
Inductive load



• Transistor Output Module—it is best to attach a flyback diode parallel to the inductive load,
as close as possible to the load. In this configuration output switching frequency should be
held to less than 20 times per minute.

Transistor output module

Inductive load


• SSR Output Module—attach a surge suppressor parallel to the inductive load, as close as
possible to the load. In this configuration output switching frequency should be held to less
than 20 times per minute.

SSR output module

Inductive load



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154 D50 PLC User's Manual

• Noise from magnetic fields induced by other electrical/electronic equipment onto the PLC can
be avoided by relocating the PLC during the design process, installing the PLC in a grounded
steel enclosure, or attaching a filtering or suppression shield/circuit to the device which is
generating the magnetic field.
• Noise from power cables can be corrected by using a different ground for the PLC, an
isolation transformer, attaching a line/ground filter, or changing the power wire connection of
the PLC so that it is closer to the source of the power, therefore lowering the power source
• Noise from lightning should be suppressed by use of surge suppressors that are specifically
designed to protect electronic equipment from lightning.
• Whenever welding near an electronic device, care must be used to avoid connecting the
ground cable of the welder to a ground of the electronic device. One method of protecting the
PLC is to disconnect the PLC from power and lifting all power and ground connection. An
alternate method is to establish two separate grounds, one for electronic equipment and one
for welding. Test the ground separation carefully before having electronic equipment up and
running while welding.
• The quickest way to avoid noise from shared cable trays is to have two cable tray runs. One
for power and power control cabling and the other for electronic equipment and low level
control wiring. Proper cable selection with good shielding properties in some instances will
allow both types of cabling/wiring to co-exist in the same tray system.
• “Grandfather’d” plant wiring has to be analyzed on a case by case basis. The best approach is
to always install new cabling, conduit, and cable tray runs. Though this may not always be
practical, it removes the surprise of high noise and system problems during system startup.
• Static electricity suppression requires good grounding practices throughout the plant. Static
electricity is a potential difference developed on a material surface due to the loss of protons
or electrons. Since rubbing action can cause the build up of static electricity, the best
protection is to have the electronic equipment enclosed in a grounded housing that requires
the user to first make contact with a safe discharge path. In high static environments like
styrofoam manufacturing or glass manufacturing, electronic equipment should always be
protected from static electricity.

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Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication Protocol 155

Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication


The D50 PLC communication protocol provides a simple, yet complete method of communications
between the Cutler-Hammer program loader software (GPC) and the PLC. Using the open protocol
outlined in this appendix, the user can quickly and easily expand the capabilities of the overall PLC
system by communicating to the PLC using a variety of peripheral communications equipment such as
operator interfaces and computers. Additionally, the communications protocol allows for multiple
Cutler-Hammer D50, D300, and D320 PLC’s to communicate to a central computer on a single
network using RS-485, at distances of up to 4000 ft (1.2 km).

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156 D50 PLC User's Manual

Communication Rules

Communication Environment
The D50 PLC communications protocol uses the following settings:

• Half Duplex Asynchronous

• No Parity
• 1 Stop bit
• Communication method: RS485
• Communication speed: 9600 bps
• Number of PLCs on a single network: Maximum of 32 (communicating 1:N using RS485)
• Maximum communication delay time: 3 sec

Communication Protocol

Query (Q)
Step 1

Set the network ID number for the PLC to communicate with and send a Q signal from the peripheral
device to the PLC.

Query Acknowledge (QA)

Step 2

A QA signal is sent from the PLC to the peripheral device, indicating that the Q signal from the
peripheral device was received.

Response Request (RR)

Step 3

An RR signal goes from the peripheral device to the PLC, indicating that the QA signal from the PLC
was received, and requesting the final data response. This signal is sent when Q→QA is normal.

Response (R)
Step 4

When the PLC receives the RR from the peripheral device, it sends an R signal which gives the results
of the original Q signal sent by the peripheral device. The communication cycle for one function code
ends when the PLC sends the R.

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Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication Protocol 157

Repeated Response
Step 5

Once the original Q has been sent to the D50 PLC, the R message containing the requested data for
that query can be repeatedly received by sending only the RR message again.

Communications Delay
The D50 PLC will return a signal after receiving a Q or an RR within a specific time. However, due to
errors in the communications network, CRC values, and communication speed flux, there are
occasions when the PLC will not receive the signal from the peripheral device. The peripheral device
should allow up to three seconds for a response from the PLC. If there are no responses to the Q or the
RR message, the communication is considered to have failed, and the Q or RR should be sent again.

1. No communication error.
For the internal processing of the PLC CPU
send RR at least 5 msec after receiving QA.
Peripheral device


2. When QA is not received.

3 sec
Peripheral device


3. When R is not received.

3 sec
Peripheral device


4. Repeated Response communications.

Peripheral device


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158 D50 PLC User's Manual

All devices connected to the network need a network ID number for communication. There is an
available range of 0 to 191 network ID numbers. Redundancy is not permitted. When a single PLC and
a peripheral device are connected, usually 0, 1, or 255 is assigned as the network ID number to the
PLC. When the peripheral device wishes to communicate to a connected PLC regardless of its
programmed network ID number, it can use global network ID number 255, to which any PLC will
respond. When several CPU modules are connected to one communication network, they must use
individual ID numbers from 0 to 191. The PLC’s network ID number is configured using the GPC
program loader software.

Function Codes Included in the Query

• Each function code is 1 byte. When the PLC receives a query (Q), the function code of the
final response (R) is formed by adding $80 (hex) to the function code sent by the query.
• The function code of the R message can be used by the peripheral device to verify that the
correct Q message has been received by the PLC.

Communication function
* $ notes hexadecimal notations

Communication Function Query Function Code Response Function Code

Read Bits $01 $81
Write Bits $02 $82
Read Words $03 $83
Write Words $04 $84
Read Bits and Words $05 $85
Write Bits and Words $06 $86
Read Program $07 $87
Write Program $08 $88
Read Instruction $09 $89
Change Instruction $0A $8A
Change Parameter $0B $8B
Insert Instruction $0C $8C
Delete Instruction $0D $8D
Find Instruction $0E $8E
Find Parameter $0F $8F
Delete Section $10 $90
No Service $00 $00

Note: Function codes $07 to $10 are used for programming and system control functions, and are
beyond the scope of this manual. Please contact Cutler-Hammer technical support for more
Note: The bit/word address assignment uses the absolute address method for reading memory
locations. (See Chapter 5 for memory map.)

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Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication Protocol 159

Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC)

• The CRC is a 2-byte checksum that is calculated from the data of every message and then
attached to the end of the message by the sender. It is used as an error-checking device to
prevent loss or corruption of data during transmission of the message.
• The sender of the message calculates and attaches the CRC when it generates and sends the
message. The receiver should also calculate the CRC from the data of the message and
compare the calculated value to the CRC that was sent. If the calculated CRC does not match
the CRC received, an error has occurred in the message during transmission.

CRC Calculation Range

DA SA Function Length Information CRC L CRC H

CRC Calculation Range 2 Bytes

The following subroutines illustrate the program code required to calculate the CRC for a message.
The initial value of the CRC (CRC_Sum) is set to 65535 ($FFFF). Then one of these subroutines
would be called once for each byte (data) of the CRC calculation range shown above.

CRC-16 Calculation Subroutine (BASIC)

CRC_Sum: CRC-16 reserve code after the calculation (CRC content to be sent at end of message)
Data: CRC-16 Data input to be calculated (Byte Data from message)
1000 CRC_Sum = CRC_Sum XOR Data
1010 FOR I=1 to 8
1020 CARRY=CRC_Sum AND 1
1030 CRC_Sum=CRC_Sum SHR 1
1050 NEXT I

CRC-16 Calculation Subroutine (PASCAL)

Procedure CRC16(Data : Byte)
Var i : Byte;
CRC_Sum := CRC_Sum x or Data;
for i : 1 to 8 do
if((CRC_Sum and 1)=1) then CRC_Sum := (CRC_Sum shr 1) xor $A001;
else CRC_Sum := CRC_Sum shr 1;

CRC-16 Calculation Subroutine (C)

void Crc16(unsigned int Data) {
unsigned int i;
Crc=Crc^(Data & 0x00FF);
for(i=0;i<=7;I++) {
if((Crc & 0x0001) == 0x0001) Crc=(Crc>>1)^0xA001;
else Crc=Crc>>1;

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160 D50 PLC User's Manual

The Structure of the Communications Frame

Query and Response Frame

DA SA FC Length Information CRC L CRC H

Length of the
information field (byte) CRC-16 code
1-255:1-255 byte (2 byte)
0:256 byte

Function Code

Sender ID Number

Receiver ID Number

The frame is sent from the source address (SA) by the sender to the destination address (DA), the
receiving device. For the query (Q) and the response request (RR), the SA is the address of the
peripheral device, and the DA is the address of the PLC to which the message is being sent. For the
query answer (QA) and the response (R), the PLC becomes the sender of the message, and so the PLC
address is the SA and the peripheral device’s address is the DA.

Query Acknowledge Frame

DA SA $80 01 00 CRC L CRC H


Response Request Frame

DA SA $00 01 00 CRC L CRC H


Response Frame for an Error

DA SA $8X 01 Error CRC L CRC H

Error #1 Wrong communication

function code
Error #2 Out of range
Error #3 Wrong frame structure
Error #4 CPU did not perform
Error #5 Frame too long

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Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication Protocol 161

Read Bits
The following can be read:

• Bits stored in the absolute address (R, L, M, K, or F).

• N consecutive bit contents (On/Off).

Query (Q) frame

Base CRC
DA SA $01 $03 L H N L H

Length of Number of bits to be read

information (bit)
Absolute bit address
Function Code (address of first bit to read)
For example:
K12.12 (address K12’s 12th bit)
Peripheral Device Absolute bit address = $14CC


Response (R) Frame

Base+0 Base+1 Base+N-1 CRC

DA SA $81 N Bit value Bit value … Bit value L C

Bits that are On are represented by the

one byte value $FF. Bits that are Off have
a value of $00.

Length of information (number of bytes)

from the length to the next CRC.

Response code ($80 added to the

original function code).

PLC ID (CPU ID) For the response, the PLC is the sender
and the PC the receiver, so the DA and SA
Peripheral Device ID (PC ID) are reversed from the Q message.

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162 D50 PLC User's Manual

Write Bits
Writing bits allows you to:

• Modify the contents of the bits stored in the absolute address (R, L, M, K, or F).
• Change the bit state between On/Off.
• Change multiple consecutive bytes.

Query (Q) Frame

BASE Base+0
BASE Base+1
+0 BASE +1 Base+N-3
DA SA $02 N L H Bit value Bit value .… Bit value L H

To turn On the desired bit value from the base,

enter $FF. To change to Off, enter $00.

Absolute bit address (starting address)

Response (R) Frame

DA SA $82 $01 $00 L H

Fixed Completion Code

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Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication Protocol 163

Read Words

• Read the content of the words (R, L, M, K, F, or W) assigned to the absolute address.
• Read n consecutive words.

Query (Q) Frame

Base CRC
DA SA $03 $03 L H N L H

Number of words
to be read.

Word absolute address

(starting address)
For example: K27
Word absolute address = $014C
Base L = $4C, H = $01

Response (R) Frame

Base + 0 Base + word value Base + N word values CRC

DA SA $83 L L H L H … L H L H

N word values from the base

words requested by the Q.

Length L = N×2

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164 D50 PLC User's Manual

Write Words

• Changes the content of the words assigned to the absolute address (R, L, M, K, F, or W).
• Can change n consecutive word contents.

Query (Q) Frame

Base Base+0 word values Base+N word values CRC

DA SA $04 L L H L H … L H L H

N word values from the base

words requested by the Q

Length L = N×2+2

Response (R) Frame

DA SA $84 $01 $00 L H


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Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication Protocol 165

Read Bits and Words

• Reads the bits and/or word contents of the specified absolute addresses.
• Can read bits and words regardless of their order and location in memory.

Query (Q) Frame

DA SA $05 L L H L H … L H L H

Methods of assigning bit/word abs. address Assigning absolute address for bits
15 14 13 0 Abs. address for the K12 12th bit = $14CC
Ax = 0001 0100 1100 1100
Absolute Address Ax L = $CC, H = $14
Assigning absolute address for word
0 0 Bit Address Abs. address for the K12 word = $014C
0 1 Word Address Ax = 0100 0001 0100 1100
1 x Not Used Ax L = $4C, H = $41
Ax = A0, A1,…, An Dx = D0, D1,…, Dn

Response (R) Frame

DA SA $85 Lx DO L H … L H L H

For the A0, A1,…, An requested by the Q, the content D0, D1,…, Dn of
the word/bit is returned.
If Ax denotes a bit address, the Dx data is 1 byte (On = $FF, Off = $00),
The size and location of the and if Ax denotes a word address, the Dx data is 1 word (2 bytes).
returned data depends on the
combination of bit/word
addresses requested. The Lx
parameter should be checked to
verify data size.

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166 D50 PLC User's Manual

Write Bits and Words

• Changes the content of the bits or words at the specified absolute addresses.
• Words and bits may be modified regardless of their order and location in memory.

Query (Q) Frame

DA SA $06 L L H D0 L H D0 … L H

Methods of assigning bit/word absolute address

Assigning abs. address for bits
15 14 13 0 Ax = 0001 0100 1100 1100
Absolute Address Ax L = $CC, H = $14
When structuring the Assigning abs. address for word
outgoing frame, be aware 0 0 Bit Address Abs. address for the K12 word = $014C
that the Dx of the Q 0 1 Word Address Ax = 0100 0001 0100 1100
changes according to the 1 x Not Used Ax L = $4C, H = $41
bit/word Ax type, and the L
(information length)
changes as well. The Dx If Ax denotes a bit address, the Dx data is 1 byte (On = $FF, Off = $00),
will be either 1 or 2 bytes. and if Ax denotes a word address, the Dx data is 1 word (2 bytes).

Response (R) Frame

DA SA $86 $01 $00 L H


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Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication Protocol 167

Communication Program Example

The following program is an example program written in C code to demonstrate the D50 PLC open
communications protocol. This program consists of a header, the main program, and various
subroutines. The buffers and a few variables needed to store the communication data are set as global
variables, so that the main function and the various functions may have access. Notes are provided
alongside the main program to help explain the exact purpose and function of the individual parts of
the program. This particular program was written for the Cutler-Hammer D320 PLC, and so uses
register addresses beyond the D50 limits. For use with a D50, adjust the register addresses used in this
program (M000 to M127 and K000 to K127) to within the D50 range.

Note: This program is provided for illustrative purposes only. It is left to the responsibility of the
user/programmer to ensure that any programs written based on, and using the information
contained in this program, satisfy the requirements of their particular application.

Program Notes
#include <stdio.h> This program was written in Borland
#include <stdlib.h> C++. It uses the peripheral device
#include <dos.h> (PC) to read the M000 to M127
#include <conio.h> words, and stores them in the K000 to
K127, and then compares the two
registry values and indicates the
#define PC_ID 0xE2 results on the screen using the OK or
#define Time_limit 28 the FAIL notation. The user may read
#define retrial_limit 2 or manipulate the various
#define TRUE 1 communication function codes and
#define FALSE 0 the information sent to control the
#define lower_byte(x) (unsigned int) ((x)& 0x00FF) PLC in various ways.
#define upper_byte(x) (unsigned int) (((x)& 0xFF00)>>8)
This program consists of a header, the
main program and various functions.
typedef int BOOL; The buffers and variables needed to
unsigned int PORTADD,DIVISOR,sending_delay, receiving_delay; store the communication data are set
unsigned int sending_frame[262],receiving_frame[262]; as global variables, so that the main
unsigned int Crc; and various other functions may
unsigned int card,i,ix,iy,smode; reference them.
unsigned int port_number;
unsigned int PlcID,OldID; By using the COM1 and COM2 ports
BOOL Success; of the computer, serial
unsigned int data,JobID,retrialC; communication is possible. By using
unsigned int Old,New,receiving_Index_max,sending_Index_max,index,watchdog; the GPU-300 card, parallel
unsigned int M[128],K[128]; /* Example Register */ communication is also enabled
(NOTE: The GPU-300 card is not
currently offered by Cutler-Hammer).

void RR_occurring(void); The Qs, QAs, RRs, Rs are handled in

void Trsport(unsigned int); the job functions. If there are
unsigned int Recport(void); communication errors or a frame
BOOL sending_occurring(void); breakdown, retry 3 times, then issue a
BOOL receiving_occurring(void); communication error.
void Crc16(unsigned int);
void Job(void); The procedure of the communication,
unsigned int communication(void); according to the JobID is:
void Mword_reading(void); 1. Q sending
void Kword_writing(void); 2. QA receiving
3. RR sending
4. R receiving
When an error occurs in a frame, a
retransmission should be made.

Major operations of the program

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168 D50 PLC User's Manual

1. Adjusts the initial communication

port and the board rate for
communication. Then initializes the
2. Using the communication function
codes, reads the data of the M field,
reads the word values of the M0 to
M127 area and stores them in the K0
to K127 word area. The K registers
are the retentive registers.
3. Uses the communication code to
read the data of the K area.
4. Compares the values of the M area
and the values of the K area, and
indicates OK when the values are the

void main(void)
unsigned int i;
/* Selection of communication port */
printf("PORT : COM1[1]/ COM[2]/ GPC-232[3]/GPC-485[4]/ GPC-Parallel[5] = "); Beginning of the main program
scanf("%d",&port_number); Select the port of the peripheral
if ((port_number < 1) || (port_number > 5)) port_number=5; device for the communication:
/* Selection of Baudrate for Serial communication */ Serial 9 PIN, 25PIN
sending_delay=10; Parallel GPU-300 parallel
if (port_number != 5) port
printf("GPC «å BAUD-RATE : 9600[1]/ 4800[2]/ 2400[3] = "); Select board rate:
scanf("%d",&i); 9600 bps (max)
if ((i < 1) || (i > 3)) i=1; 4800 bps
if (i == 3) i=4; 2400 bps
if ((port_number == 1) || (port_number == 2)) DIVISOR=12 * i; Set the communication environment
else DIVISOR=40 * i; (delay time) for the selected ports.
receiving_delay=3 * i + 1;

/* Initialization of GPC card */ GPC-300 card Setting (8255chip

if(port_number == 1) PORTADD=0x3F0; setting):
if(port_number == 2) PORTADD=0x2F0; Uses the communication card that is
if ((port_number >= 3) && (port_number <=5)) connected, and sets the environment
{ according to the PLC communication
PORTADD=0x300; spec., so that communication is
outportb(0x303,0xC0);/* Mode=2 of 8255 */ possible. Not currently offered by
outportb(0x303,0x05);/* PC2=1 of 8255 :Disable IRQ2 */ Cutler Hammer.
outportb(0x301,0xFF);/* PB0=1 of 8255 :sending Enable RS-485*/
outportb(0x303,0x01);/* PC0=1 of 8255 :Serial Input Enable*/
if(port_number == 3) outportb(0x303,0x02);/* PC1=0 of 8255 :Select RS-232 */
if(port_number == 4) outportb(0x303,0x03);/* PC1=1 of 8255 :Select RS-485 */
if(port_number == 5) outportb(0x303,0x00);/* PC0=0 of 8255 :Disable SerialInput*/
else outportb(PORTADD+0x09,(inportb(PORTADD+0x09)&0xF0));/*Disable
/* Initialization of USART-Chip : 8250 */
if (port_number != 5)
outportb(PORTADD+0x0B,0x80);/* Set of DLAB=1 */
outportb(PORTADD+0x09,0x00);/* Set of High Byte DIVISOR */
outportb(PORTADD+0x08,DIVISOR);/* Set of Low Byte DIVISOR */
outportb(PORTADD+0x0B,0x03); /* parity=None/Stop=1/ Length=8 */
/* Processing communication of Read & Write */
for( ; ; )

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Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication Protocol 169

printf("----------------\nPLC-ID (CPU ID) :"); CPU-ID: Input PLC ID (0 to 255)

Mword_reading(); Read the register value for the M area
Kword_writing(); (M0 to M127)
} Store the value for the M area in the
else K area (K0 to K127)
void RR_occurring(void) RR (Request Response) request
{ function.
void Trsport(unsigned int data) Sends data to the communication
{ port.
if (port_number == 5) outportb(PORTADD,data);
else outportb(PORTADD+0x08,data);
unsigned int Recport(void) Reads the received data from the
{ communication port.
unsigned int dt;
if (port_number == 5) dt=inportb(PORTADD);
else dt=inportb(PORTADD+0x08);
BOOL sending_occurring(void) Outputs the data when a send event
{ occurs.
BOOL tf;
if (port_number == 5) tf=((inportb(PORTADD+0x02) & 0x80)==0x80);
else tf=((inportb(PORTADD+0x0D) & 0x20)==0x20);
BOOL receiving_occurring(void) Inputs the data when a Receive event
{ occurs.
BOOL rf;
if (port_number == 5) rf=((inportb(PORTADD+0x02) & 0x20)==0x20);
else rf=((inportb(PORTADD+0x0D) & 0x01)==0x01);
void Crc16(unsigned int data) CRC Calculation:
{ Encodes the communication data in
unsigned int i; the byte stream. When one
Crc=Crc^(data & 0x00FF); communication function is complete,
for(i=0;i<=7;i++) it is attached to the most recent frame,
{ or is compared with the attached CRC
if((Crc & 0x0001) == 0x0001) Crc=(Crc>>1)^0xA001; /* 0x0001 : mult-nominal to check for data errors.
expression */
else Crc=Crc>>1;

void Job(void) Communication sequence

/* JobID=0 : Change to sending-Mode for Serial port */
Job ID=0~4 Q,QA Frame handling
/* JobID=1 : Transmit sending-Frame */
Job ID=5~9 RA,R Frame handling
/* JobID=2 : Change to receiving-Mode for Serial port */
/* JobID=3 : Address Polling of ACK from CPU */
/* JobID=4 : Receive ACK from CPU */
/* JobID=5 : Change to sending-Mode for Serial port */
/* JobID=6 : Transmit RR-Frame */

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170 D50 PLC User's Manual

/* JobID=7 : Change to receiving-Mode for Serial port */

/* JobID=8 : Address Polling of RES from CPU */
/* JobID=9 : Receive RES from CPU */
/* JobID=10 : Success communication Processing */
case 0: case 5:if (port_number != 5) JobID 0,5:
{ A frame sends the data from the
if (port_number == 4) outportb(0x301,0xFF); peripheral device to the PLC. It resets
else outportb(PORTADD+0x0C,(inportb(PORTADD+0x0C) | 0x02)); the watchdog and the CRC.
delay(sending_delay); Use a delay after the send to avoid
} errors due to communications delays.
if (JobID == 5) RR_occurring();
watchdog=0; index=0; sending_Index_max=5; Crc=0xFFFF; JobID++;
case 1: case 6:if (receiving_occurring()) data=Recport(); JobID 1,6:
if (sending_occurring()) Sends the Q and RR data.
{ When there are no errors, it resets the
if (index<sending_Index_max-1) watchdog and proceeds on to the next
{ sequence.
if (index==3)
if (receiving_frame[3]==0) sending_Index_max=256+5;
else sending_Index_max=receiving_frame[3]+5;
else if (index==sending_Index_max-1)
else if (index==sending_Index_max)
Trsport(receiving_frame[index]); watchdog=0; JobID++;
}; index++;
case 2: case 7:if (port_number != 5)
A sequence that senses the sending of
the QA and R data to the peripheral
if (port_number ==4) outportb(0x301,0x00);
device after the completion of the
else outportb(PORTADD+0x0C,(inportb(PORTADD+0x0C) & 0xFD));
functions that are received by the
PLC from the previous frame.
case 3:
case 8:if (receiving_occurring())
Handles the received data, and
calculates the CRC of the received
Crc=0xFFFF; index=1; receiving_Index_max=5;
receiving_frame[0]=data; Crc16(data); JobID++;
case 4:
Stores the received data in the
case 9:if(receiving_occurring())
internal receivable buffer and
compares the CRC value sent by the
PLC to the calculated CRC value. It
notifies the system that a successful
communication is made when the two

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Appendix A: D50 PLC Communication Protocol 171

if(index==3) values match, and proceeds on to the

{ next sequence.
if(receiving_frame[3]==0) receiving_Index_max=256+5;
else receiving_Index_max=receiving_frame[3]+5;
else if(index==receiving_Index_max-1)
if(receiving_frame[index]!=lower_byte(Crc)) JobID=(JobID & 0x05);
else if(index==receiving_Index_max)
if(receiving_frame[index]==upper_byte(Crc)) JobID++;
else JobID=(JobID & 0x05);
}; index++;
case 10:Success=TRUE; JobID=10:
} Receiving

unsigned int communication(void) If the frames that were sent have no

{ response within 3 seconds, assumes it
struct time t; failed communication, and retransfers
unsigned far *tm; the data.
int ret; The time from the sending and
Success=FALSE; receiving is counted using the
receiving_frame[0]=PlcID;receiving_frame[1]=PC_ID; retrialC=retrial_limit; watchdog timer. Reset the watchdog
watchdog=0; JobID=0; index=0; sending_Index_max=5; Crc=0xFFFF; timer when a retransfer is being
do made. No response after 3
{ retransmissions indicates a
tm=(unsigned far *) 0x046C; communication error. (Normal return
New=*tm; value = 0, Abnormal return value = 1)
watchdog=0; retrialC--;
JobID=(JobID & 0x05);
if(!(((Old^New) & 0x02)==0))
}while((retrialC!=0) && (Success==FALSE));
if(retrialC==0) ret=1;
else ret=0;
void Mword_reading(void) Reading Function of the register M.
{ Uses the communication function
/* Example of Read-Register */ code number 3 (reading N
int i; consecutive words) to read the M
receiving_frame[2]=3;/* EXAMPLE READ WORD(M000-M0127) */ area.
receiving_frame[3]=3;/* Number Of Byte For Information = 3 */ Note:
receiving_frame[4]=0xC0;/* BASE(M000=$00c0) */ Sending frame[4] = The lower byte of
receiving_frame[5]=0;/* BASE HIGH */ the abs. address of the words to be
receiving_frame[6]=128;/* Number Of Byte M000-M127 */ read.
if(communication() == 0) Sending frame[5] = The upper byte of
{ the abs. address of the word to be
printf("READ M0000-M0127 OK - "); read.
for(i=0;i<=127;i++) M[i]=receiving_frame[i*2+4] +receiving_frame[i*2 +5]*256;
} Abs. address of the M0 = 0x0C0

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172 D50 PLC User's Manual

else printf("communication error\n"); Note:

} Sending frame[6] = The number of
words to be read.
Sends a function code requesting to
read the M area, and stores the
received data in the buffer.

void Kword_writing(void) Writing Function of the K Register.

{ Uses the communication function
/* Example of Write-Register */ code 4 (writing N consecutive words)
int i; to store the specified value in the
receiving_frame[2]=4; /* EXAMPLE write WORD(K000-K063) */ K000 to K063 word.
receiving_frame[3]=130; /* Number Of Byte For Information */ Note:
receiving_frame[4]=0x40; /* BASE(K000=$0140) LOW */ Abs. address of K0 = 0x0140
receiving_frame[5]=1; /* BASE HIGH */
receiving_frame[i*2 +6]= lower_byte(K[i]);
receiving_frame[i*2 +7]= upper_byte(K[i]);
if(communication() == 0) printf("WRITE K0000-K0063 OK\n");
else printf("communication error\n"); Writing Function of the K Register.
receiving_frame[2]=4; /* EXAMPLE write WORD(K064-K0127) */ Uses the communication function
receiving_frame[3]=130; /* Number Of Byte For Information */ code 4 (writing N consecutive words)
receiving_frame[4]=0x80; /* BASE(K000=$0180) LOW */ to store the specified value in the
receiving_frame[5]=1; /* BASE HIGH */ K064 to K127 word.
for(i=0;i<=63;i++) Note:
{ Abs. address of K64 = 0x0180
receiving_frame[i*2 +6]= lower_byte(K[i+64]);
receiving_frame[i*2 +7]= upper_byte(K[i+64]);
if(communication() == 0) printf("WRITE K0064-K0127 OK\n");
else printf("communication error\n");

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Appendix B: Special I/O Functions 173

Appendix B: Special I/O Functions

The D50 PLC provides several special functions through the I/O built into the D50 controller. This
appendix details the configuration and operation of the integrated special I/O functions, including the
high-speed counters, pulse output, pulse catch input, and selectable input response delay.

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174 D50 PLC User's Manual

The D50 PLC provides several additional functions through the integrated I/O on the base unit. These
special I/O functions expand the capabilities of the D50 PLC to allow for use in a variety of specialized
applications. This appendix details those capabilities, and provides instructions on configuration,
application, programming, and operation of the special I/O. Four types of advanced operation are
available, as listed below.

Note: These special functions are only available on the controller units. They are not available
through any of the digital expansion modules, only on the base module.

High Speed Counter

The D50 PLC provides two separate high-speed counter inputs. Each counter accepts 2 phase inputs to
allow for up, down, up/down, quadrature, and ring count modes. The counters provide a 24-bit count
for signals up to 10kHz (5kHz in 2-phase mode).

Configurable Input Response Delay

The eight inputs on the base unit can be configured to delay their response to an input signal. By
programming a delay time on a digital input, input signals can be “de-bounced” to prevent false or
multiple input signals where not desired.

Pulse Catch Input

In certain applications it is necessary to be able to detect a very high-speed, short duration pulse input.
The Pulse Catch input will latch On for at least one scan any input signal of 150µsec or more.

Pulse Output
The D50 also provides one configurable output supporting two modes of pulse operation. The first
mode allows the user to send out a configurable number of pulses, at a desired frequency (Pulse
Mode). The second mode allows the user to set the output to continuous pulses at a given frequency,
with a configurable duty cycle (PWM Mode).

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Appendix B: Special I/O Functions 175

Special I/O Function Registers

To handle the requirements of configuration and operation of the special function I/O, the D50
provides 21 special I/O function registers. These registers are assigned to the various functions, and
are programmed and edited by the user in the D50 PLC ladder program. The purpose of each
individual register is outlined below.

Special I/O Function Registers

Register Register Special I/O Function Description

Address Name
R004 H0MODE Configuration register
R005 H0STRL Low word of the 24-bit start value
R006 H0STRH High word of the 24-bit start value
High-speed Counter
R007 H0ENDL Low word of the 24-bit end value
Channel 0
R008 H0ENDH High word of the 24-bit end value
R009 H0PVL Low word of the 24-bit present value
R010 H0PVH High word of the 24-bit present value
R011 PMODE Configuration register
R012 PFREQ Pulse frequency (20Hz to 5kHz)
Pulse Output
R013 PSV Pulse start value/PWM Duty cycle
R014 PPV Pulse present value
R019 H1MODE Configuration register
R020 H1STRL Low word of the 24-bit start value
R021 H1STRH High word of the 24-bit start value
High-speed Counter
R022 H1ENDL Low word of the 24-bit end value
Channel 1
R023 H1ENDH High word of the 24-bit end value
R024 H1PVL Low word of the 24-bit present value
R025 H1PVH High word of the 24-bit present value
R026 HFLAG High-speed Counter Comparison flags for both HSC channels
R027 FTIME Input Delay Delay time for digital inputs
R028 PCATCH Pulse Catch Configuration register for pulse catch inputs

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176 D50 PLC User's Manual

High Speed Counter

The D50 PLC provides two 24-bit, 10kHz high-speed counters (on the DC-input units only). Each of
the two counters functions identically to the other. Each has a set of 7 registers allocated for its
configuration and operation, plus an additional comparision register that they share. High-speed
counter channel 0 uses registers R4 to R10, while channel 1 uses register R19 to R25. Register R26 is
a shared comparison register that is used by both channels. The purpose of each register is described
in greater detail below.

Register Descriptions

MODE (R004, R019)

The mode register is used to turn on the high-speed counter, configure which mode it will be operating
in, and enable or disable the inputs used by the counter. Each bit in the low byte of the MODE register
is used to turn On or Off a feature of the high-speed counter channel.

STR (R005/6, R020/21)

The STR registers are a pair of registers that the user places the START value for the counter channel
into. When the register is configured for Ring Count Mode, or when the counter is reset using the
Preset bit or the Preset input, the START value is loaded into the present value of the counter. Since
the counter is a 24-bit value, two registers are required – the first holds the low 16 bits of the value,
and the second holds the high 8 bits.

END (R007/8, R022/23)

The END registers are a pair of registers that hold the Set Value for the high-speed counter. When the
present value is counting, bits are set in the comparison register that indicate when the counter is
below, at, or above the END value (see FLAG below). The END value is also a 24-bit value requiring
two registers, and is set by the user.

PV (R009/10, R024/25)
The PV registers are a pair of registers that hold the Present Value for the high-speed counter. The PV
registers hold the actual counting value of the inputs coming into the PLC. Like STR and END, PV is
a 24-bit value.

FLAG (R026)
The FLAG register provides comparison bits between the high-speed counter Present Values (PV) and
End Values (END). Each counter channel has three bits in the FLAG register that indicate whether the
PV is greater than (>), less than (<), or equal to (=) the END value. Since the equal to comparison is a
latched bit, a fourth bit is provided to reset the = bit.

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Appendix B: Special I/O Functions 177

Bit Registers
Three of the configuration registers used by the high-speed counters are bit registers – each bit in the
register serves a different purpose. The three bit registers and the individual bit meanings are
described in further detail below.

H0MODE – Mode Register R004

Bit #: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Name: RUN UD/2 RING PRST - R2 R1 R0 Description
Enable R0.0 as Up/Ph. A count input
Enable R0.1 as Down/Ph. B count input
Enable R0.2 as Preset input
Not Used
Preset Counter (STR  PV)
Enable Ring Counter mode
Enable Up/Down or 2-phase mode
Run/Stop – Turn on Counter

H1MODE – Mode Register R019

Bit #: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Name: RUN UD/2 RING PRST - R6 R5 R4 Description
Enable R0.4 as Up/Ph. A count input
Enable R0.5 as Down/Ph. B count input
Enable R0.6 as Preset input
Not Used
Preset Counter (STR  PV)
Enable Ring Counter mode
Enable Up/Down or 2-phase mode
Run/Stop – Turn on Counter

HFLAG – Comparison Register R026

Bit #: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Name: EQ1D GT1 LT1 EQ1 EQ0D GT0 LT0 EQ0 Description
PV = END on channel 0 (latched)
PV < END on channel 0
PV > END on channel 0
Unlatch EQ0 bit (PV = END)
PV = END on channel 1 (latched)
PV < END on channel 1
PV > END on channel 1
Unlatch EQ1 bit (PV = END)

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178 D50 PLC User's Manual

Programming Procedure
The high-speed counter is very easy to use, and requires very little programming. The following steps
outline the standard programming procedure to set up, turn on, and use the D50 high speed counter.

1. Configure the type of counter to be used by turning on the necessary mode bits in the MODE
register. To set the counter up for 2-phase or Up/Down mode, set bit 6 (UD/2). To configure
the counter as a ring counter, set bit 5 (RING). If the counter uses only a single input, and is
not a ring counter, leave both bits off.
2. Enable the inputs required by the counter to count. On channel 0, set bit 0 (R0) of its MODE
register R4 if the input on R0.0 will be a count input. Likewise set bit 1 (R1) if the input on
R0.1 will be a count input (for example, for a down-counter or 2-phase counter). On channel
1, set bit 0 (R4) and bit 1 (R5) of its MODE register R19 based on which inputs, R0.4 and
R0.5, will be used as count inputs. The Preset bits PRST are should be set if an external input
will be used to reset the counter value.
3. Set the start value STR and the end value END for the counter, based on the application. The
STR value will be used to reset the counter, while the END value is used by the comparison
register HFLAG.
4. Turn on the counter channel. This is done simply by setting the RUN bit, bit 7, of the MODE
register for that channel.
5. Use either the comparison register (HFLAG) or the D50 PLC’s comparison instructions (>, <,
=, >=, <=, <>) on the present value (PV) of the counter in the program, based on the

The following ladder program illustrates the above 5-step procedure for a simple counter application.
For this example, a standard Up Counter is programmed, with an end value of 100. At the count of
9000, the program turns on the D50 PLC’s first output R15.0, and at the count of 10000, the second
PLC output R15.1 is turned on. Since this is an Up Counter, the first input of channel 0 is used to
count input pulses.

F1.0 R4.6
(RST) Turn OFF 2-phase mode
(RST) Turn OFF Ring Count mode
F1.0 R4.0
(SET) Turn ON Up input 0 (R0.0) for up count
(RST) Turn OFF Down input 1 (R0.1)
(RST) Turn OFF Preset input 2 (R0.2)

D = R5 Set the Start Value (STR) to 0

D = R7 Set the End Value (END) to 10000
S = 10000

F1.0 R4.7
(SET) Turn ON the high-speed counter

D> R15.0
D = R9 (OUT) Turn ON R15.0 at 9000 counts
S = 9000

R26.0 R15.1
(OUT) Turn ON R15.1 when PV = END

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Appendix B: Special I/O Functions 179

Configurable Input Response Delay

The special I/O function register FTIME (R27) controls the amount of time that an input must remain
on before the input state is changed in the PLC I/O map. This amount of time is called the “Input
Response Delay”, and affects all eight inputs on the controller module (R0.0 to R0.7). This time is
user-configurable from anywhere from 0 to 64ms in length. This allows the user to avoid false input
signals due to contact bounce, input noise, or false signals of short duration. The delay is applied
equally both to the turn On, and turn Off, of the input signal, as shown in the diagram below.

Note: Any of the eight inputs that are used for either high-speed counter or pulse catch are not
affected by the Input Response Delay setting.

Input Response Delay

0 to 64ms

Input Signal

Modified Input R0.0

The Input Response Delay is automatically set for all the inputs when the new time value is loaded into
the FTIME register, R27. The ladder example below illustrates setting the Input Response Delay time
to a value of 25ms.

F1.0 LET
D = R27 Set the Input Response Delay
S = 25 register (FTIME) to 25ms

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180 D50 PLC User's Manual

Pulse Catch Input

In many types of high-speed applications, such as products moving along a conveyor belt, the input
signal to the PLC is of very short duration, often less than the scan time of the PLC. To allow the user
program to detect those types of short-duration input signals, the D50 allows any or all of the digital
inputs on the controller to be configured as “Pulse Catch” inputs.

When configured as a pulse catch input, any input signal of 150µsec or more is latched On for the next
I/O scan. The input remains On for at lease one I/O scan, and turns Off on the next scan after the input
signal has turned off.

Scan Scan
PLC Scan


Input Signal

Modified Input R0.0

The PCATCH special I/O function register determines which of the eight inputs on the controller are
configured for pulse catch inputs, and which operate normally. Each bit in the PCATCH register R28
represents one of the eight inputs. If the bit is set On, then the corresponding input on the controller is
configured as a pulse catch input. The logic required to set the PCATCH register R28 is shown below.
In this example, inputs 1, 3, and 7 are set for Pulse Catch Inputs.

F1.0 LET
D = R28 Set Inputs 1, 3, and 7 as Pulse Catch
S = $8A Note: 8A hex = 10001010 binary

Pulse Catch

DC 24V C 0 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 7

D50 Programmable Controller

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 STOP



C 0 C 1 C 2 3 4 5

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Appendix B: Special I/O Functions 181

Pulse Output
The D50 PLC provides two modes of Pulse Output on the first output contact of the controller. The
first mode, Pulse Mode, sends out a given number of pulses at a user-defined frequency. The second
mode, PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Mode, sends out a continuous stream of pulses, at a user-
defined frequency and duty-cycle. Both modes use the same set of special I/O function registers (R11
to R14). The mode used by the D50 is determined by the configuration of the PMODE register, R11.

Register Descriptions

The mode register is used to turn on the pulse output, configure which mode it will be operating in,
enable the output used, and set up the pulse count. Each bit in the low byte of the PMODE register is
used to turn On or Off a feature of the pulse output, as shown below.

PMODE – Mode Register R011

Bit #: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Name: RUN FUNC OUT PRST - - - CMP Description
Pulse Output completed.
Not Used
Not Used
Not Used
Preset Pulse Counter (PSV  PPV)
Enable Output R15.0 for Pulsing
Mode: Pulse = 0, PWM = 1
Run/Stop – Turn on Pulse Output

PFREQ (R012)
The PFREQ register sets the Pulse Frequency, from 20Hz to 5kHz, of the output. Whether in Pulse
Mode, or PWM Mode, the output pulses will be sent at this rate.

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182 D50 PLC User's Manual

PSV (R013)
The PSV register is defined by the Mode of operation. In Pulse Mode, the PSV register holds the total
number of Pulses to be sent out, from 0 to 65,535. When set to 0, the pulse output is continuous. In
PWM Mode, the PSV register holds the duty cycle of the pulse, from 0 to 100%.

The Duty Cycle of the pulse is defined as the width of the pulse, from 0 (no pulse) to 100% (constant
On). For example, a 100Hz pulse will generate 100 pulses every second, or 1 pulse every 10ms. If the
duty cycle of the pulse is 75%, the pulse is ON for 75% of that 10ms, or for 7.5ms. It is OFF for the
remaining 25%, or 2.5ms. This is illustrated by the diagram below.

Pulse Frequency: 100Hz

Duty Cycle: 75%



PPV (R014)
The PPV register holds the Present Value of the Pulse Output when in Pulse Mode. The Present value
counts down from the initial value, set by the PSV register. When the PPV register reaches 0, the
pulses stop. In PWM Mode, the PPV register should always be 0.

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Appendix B: Special I/O Functions 183

Pulse Mode Programming Procedure

Programming the pulse output for Pulse Mode is a very simple procedure. The following steps allow
the user to set the pulse output to send out the exact number of pulses required by the application.

1. Configure the pulse output for Pulse Mode by turning Off bit 6 of the PMODE register R11.
2. Enable the pulse output R15.0 by turning On bit 5 of the PMODE register R11.
3. Set the Pulse Frequency PFREQ (R12) for the pulses to be sent out.
4. Set the initial Pulse Value PSV (R13) for the total number of pulses to be sent out.
5. Turn on the Pulse Output by turning On bit 7 of the PMODE register R11.
6. Begin the Pulse Output by turning on the Preset bit (bit 4) of the PMODE register R11. This
will move the total number of pulses into the Present Value register, and begin pulsing the

The following ladder program illustrates the above procedure by configuring a Pulse Output on the
D50 PLC. The Pulse Output is set to send out exactly 200 pulses at a frequency of 50Hz, when the
PLC is first placed into RUN.

F1.0 R11.6
(RST) Turn OFF PWM mode
(SET) Turn ON Pulse Output R15.0

D = R12 Set the Frequency (PFREQ) to 50Hz
S = 50

D = R13 Set the Start Value (PSV) to 200
S = 200

F1.0 R11.7
(SET) Turn ON the Pulse Output

F1.0 R11.4
(OUT) Begin Pulses by setting the PRST bit

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184 D50 PLC User's Manual

PWM Mode Programming Procedure

Programming the PWM Mode is similar to the Pulse Mode. Rather than setting an initial value and
triggering the PRST bit, the PWM mode simply requires the user to set the Frequency and Duty cycle.
The following procedure should be followed to properly set and use the PWM Mode.

1. Configure the pulse output for PWM Mode by turning On bit 6 of the PMODE register R11.
2. Enable the pulse output R15.0 by turning On bit 5 of the PMODE register R11.
3. Set the Pulse Frequency PFREQ (R12) for the pulses to be sent out.
4. Set the Pulse Duty Cycle PSV (R13) for the width of the pulses, from 0 to 100%.
5. Turn on the Pulse Output by turning On bit 7 of the PMODE register R11.

The following ladder program illustrates the above procedure by configuring a PWM Output on the
D50 PLC. The PWM Output is set to continuously send out pulses at a frequency of 50Hz and a duty
cycle of 25%, when the PLC is first placed into RUN.

F1.0 R11.6
(SET) Turn ON PWM mode
(SET) Turn ON Pulse Output R15.0

D = R12 Set the Frequency (PFREQ) to 50Hz
S = 50

D = R13 Set the Duty Cycle (PSV) to 25
S = 25

F1.0 R11.7
(SET) Turn ON the PWM Output

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 185

Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor

The D50PGM10 pocket editor provides a simple, convenient method of troubleshooting, monitoring
and editing a D50 PLC on the shop floor. This appendix describes in detail the various functions of
the pocket editor, and how to use them.

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186 D320 PLC User's Manual

This appendix describes in detail the use of the D50PGM10 pocket editor for programming,
monitoring, and troubleshooting the D50 PLC. The Pocket Editor provides mnemonic-only program
loader support for the D50 PLC in a heavy-duty, light-weight industrial package. The various
functions of the pocket editor are presented in a step-by-step procedural guide to simplify the use and
operation of the editor.


Operating Specifications
Item Specification
Supported PLCs D50
Power Supply 5VDC supplied from connected PLC
Indicator LED’s and 7-segment display
Capacity 22 LEDs; 5-digit 7-segment display
Keypad 20-key multifunction keypad





K/7 F/8 W/9 FUN


M/4 5 6 AUX CHK (80mm)

R/1 2 3 ADR RD




3.45in 1.0in
(88mm) (25mm)

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 187

Part Descriptions
The pocket editor is comprised of 13 Instruction LED’s, 3 Status LED’s, 6 Register LED’s, a 5-digit
Address/Data LED Display, and 20 keys that operate as instruction keys, number keys, and function
keys. The diagram below points out the individual features of the pocket editor.

Status LED’s

PGM-10 LED’s
NOT DIF RST SST Address/Data
LED Display
K/7 F/8 W/9 FUN


M/4 5 6 AUX CHK


R/1 2 3 ADR RD




Instruction/ Function
Number Keys Keys

Instruction LED’s
The instruction LED’s are illuminated to indicate the basic instruction for a given step of the
mnemonic program. When displaying a step in the program, one or more of these LED’s will be lit.

Status LED’s
The three status LED’s on the pocket editor are the SHF, ON, and RUN LED’s in the center.

• The SHF LED provides visual feedback that the user has pressed the shift (SHF) key.
• The RUN LED indicates when the D50 PLC is in the RUN mode.
• The ON LED indicates when a given contact or output point is turned On, when monitoring
and instruction or bit register.

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188 D320 PLC User's Manual

Register LED’s
The six register LED’s indicate which address type is being displayed, when displaying a data value or
address. The possible register types are R for external I/O, M for internal contacts, K for internal
retentive (Keep) contacts, F for system flags, W for data words, and TC for timer/counter done

Address/Data LED Display

The address/data LED display is a 5-digit 7-segment display capable of showing numerical and
character data. The display is used to show data values, register addresses, and step addresses.

• A 5-digit value is displayed to represent either a bit address (where the first three digits are the
word, and the last two are the bit), or a constant value that is a parameter for an instruction.
• A 4-digit value represents a word address for a register
• Function numbers and timer/counter channel numbers are represented with the first two
characters being Fn and ch, respectively.
• When displaying a step address in the mnemonic program, periods appear to the bottom-right
of each digit in the 5-digit address.

Instruction Keys
There are 12 instruction keys on the pocket editor that are used for entering the 25 basic instructions on
the D50 PLC. To enter certain of the basic instructions, more than one of the instruction keys may be
combined. Refer to the Basic Instruction table at the end of this appendix for details.

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 189

Function Keys
There are 8 function keys on the pocket editor, plus two functions that are accessed using the SHF key.
The 10 functions each have multiple uses, based on the mode of operation the pocket editor is being
used in.

Function Key Descriptions

Key Function Descriptions

DEL Delete a step of logic. To accept the Delete request, press the ENT key after the DEL key.
INS Insert a step of logic in front of the current step.
Clear the program.
Change the PLC mode between RUN/STOP.
ENT Enter a step of logic.
Switch between displaying instruction and step number.
Accept the requested function.
CLR Cancel key input.
Cancel the current display mode.
Release a forced output.
SHF Enable the shifted operation of each key.
SCH Search for an instruction, step address, or register.
PRE Return to the previously displayed step, or register.
NXT Advance to the next step or register.

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190 D320 PLC User's Manual

Operating Procedures
There are seven separate types of operations that the D50PGM10 pocket editor can perform. These
seven operations provide all of the functionality required to program, edit, monitor, and configure the
D50 PLC. The seven operations are as follows:

• Clear Program – Deletes the entire program memory from the D50 PLC.
• Add Instruction – Allows the user to write a new program step by step.
• Monitor Program – View the D50 mnemonic program, one instruction at a time.
• Edit Program – Performs inserting, deleting, and changing of program instructions.
• Error Checking – Check the syntax of the program for errors.
• Monitor I/O – Allows the user to monitor and force register values.
• Run/Stop PLC – Switches the PLC between the RUN and STOP modes.

Key Operation Summary

Function Key Operation Mode

Clear Program INS DEL ENT STOP
Basic [Op-code key] [Register Type] [Register No.]
Timer/Counter OUT [Op-code key] [Channel No.] [Set Value]
SHF FUN [Function No.] ENT
Add Instruction STOP
[Operand 1] ENT
[Operand 2] ENT
[Operand 3] ENT
Sequential NXT or PRE
Search by Step SHF 0 [Step No.] SCH
Monitor Program RUN/STOP
Search by Inst. [Enter Instruction] SCH
Search by Reg. SHF [Register Type] [Register No.] SCH
Insert Inst. [Enter Instruction] INS
Edit Program Delete Inst. DEL ENT STOP
Change Inst. [Enter Instruction] ENT
Error Checking SHF CHK RUN/STOP
Register Value SHF [Register Type] [Register No.] MON
Change: 0 [Register Value] ENT
Next: NXT
Monitor I/O Previous: PRE RUN
Force I/O Force On: SET ENT
Force Off: RST ENT
Clear Force: CLR
Run/Stop PLC

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 191

Clear Program
The Clear Program function will clear out the program memory from the D50 PLC. All of the register
memory will also be cleared, with the exception of the Keep (K) registers, and the Timer/Counter

• Function: Clear the program in the D50 PLC

• PLC Mode: STOP

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Remarks
INS AUX Switches to Auxiliary Mode
DEL ALL d Confirm delete all?
ENT End Complete delete all
Note: To cancel the clear after pressing the DEL key, press the CLR key.

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192 D320 PLC User's Manual

Add Instruction
The Add Instruction procedure allows the user to enter new mnemonic programs, one instruction at a
time. In the example below, the small rung of ladder shown is entered one step at a time, as described
in the Operating Procedure table.

• Function: Add new program instructions to the D50 PLC

• PLC Mode: STOP

Ladder Program

R0.1 R0.2 R15.3



Mnemonic Program
STR R0.1
OR R15.3
ANN R0.2
OUT R15.3

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Remarks
INS DEL ENT End Clears program
OR R 1 5 0 3 INS OR R 1503 OR R15.3
OUT R 1 5 0 3 INS OUT R 1503 OUT R15.3

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 193

Monitor Program
The Monitor Program procedure allows the user to view the currently running program in the D50
PLC. There are two ways to select the portion of the program to monitor, either by consecutively
selecting the next or previous step, or by searching for a particular step.

Sequential Step Monitor

Using the next step (NXT) and previous step (PRE) keys, each step of the program is displayed in
consecutive order, as is the state of the bit contact for that step, when applicable. The actual step
number of the instruction can be viewed by pressing the ENT key. In the example below, the small
rung of ladder shown is monitored one step at a time, using the NXT key as described in the Operating
Procedure table.

• Function: Step forward (and back) through the program instructions in the D50 PLC
• PLC Mode: STOP or RUN

Ladder Program
R0.1 K15.2


K15.2 R16.3 TIM

Ch = 30
SV = 30

K15.2 MUL
D = M15
S1 = R15
S2 = K3

Mnemonic Program
STR R0.1
OR K15.2
OUT K15.2
STR K15.2
ANN R16.3
TIM 30 30
MUL M15 R15 K3

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194 D320 PLC User's Manual

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Remarks
NXT STR R 00001 STR R0.1
NXT OR K 01502 OR K15.2
NXT OUT K 01502 OUT K15.2
NXT STR K 01502 STR K15.2
ENT Displays the step number
NXT Moves to the next step
ENT AND NOT R 01603 ANN R15.3
NXT OUT TIM Ch030 TIM 30 30
NXT 00030 TIM 30 30
NXT Fn039 MUL M15 R15 K3
NXT M 00015 MUL M15 R15 K3
NXT R 00015 MUL M15 R15 K3
NXT K 00003 MUL M15 R15 K3
Note: By pressing the PRE key at any time, the previous instruction will be displayed.

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 195

Search Step Monitor

The Search key (SCH) can also be used to monitor the program, by searching for either the exact step
number, or a contact or register within the step. In the example below, the small rung of ladder shown
is monitored by searching for various steps in the program.

• Function: Search for a specific step in the D50 PLC

• PLC Mode: STOP or RUN

Ladder Program
R0.0 LET
D = K0

M0.5 R0.0 INC

R D = K0

D = K0

== R15.1
A = K15.4 (OUT)
B = 20

R0.0 M8.15 R15.2


M0.1 M8.15 LET

D = K1

Mnemonic Program
STR R0.0
LET K0 0
STR M0.5
STR== K15.4 R15.1
OUT R15.1
STR R0.0
AND M8.15
OUT R15.2
STN M0.1
AND M8.15
LET K1 2

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196 D320 PLC User's Manual

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Remarks
SHF 0 9 9 9 SCH End Searches to End of program
SHF 0 0 SCH STR R 00000 Search for first step (step 0)
SHF 0 3 SCH AND DIF R 00000 Search for step 3
AND M 8 1 5 SCH AND M 00815 Search for instruction
SCH AND M 00815 Continue search
SHF 0 8 SCH STR R 00000 Search for step 8
NXT AND M 00815
PRE STR R 00000
PRE OUT R 01501

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 197

Edit Program
The D50PGM10 pocket editor provides the user the ability to insert, delete, or change an instruction in
the D50 PLC. Each of the three procedures is illustrated on the following pages.

Insert Instruction
In the example below, one contact is inserted in the rung of ladder, as shown.

• Function: Insert a new step into the D50 PLC program

• PLC Mode: STOP

Ladder Program
R0.1 R15.3


R0.1 M1.8 R15.3



Mnemonic Program
STR R0.1 STR R0.1
OR R15.3  OR R15.3
OUT R15.3 AND M1.8
OUT R15.3

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Remarks
OUT R 1 5 0 3 SCH OUT R 01503 Search for instruction to add after
AND M 1 0 8 INS AND M 108 Insert the new instruction
OUT R 01503 Next instruction will be displayed
PRE AND M 00108 Verify instruction was added

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198 D320 PLC User's Manual

Delete Instruction
In the example below, one contact is deleted from the rung of ladder, as shown.

• Function: Delete an existing step out of the D50 PLC program

• PLC Mode: STOP

Ladder Program
R0.1 M0.5 K15.4


R0.1 K15.4


Mnemonic Program
STR R0.1 STR R0.1
OR K15.2  OR K15.2
ANN M0.5 OUT K15.4
OUT K15.4

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Remarks
AND NOT M 5 SCH AND NOT M 5 Search for instruction to delete
DEL AND NOT M d.0005 Ready to delete – marked with d.
ENT OUT K 01504 Next instruction will be displayed

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 199

Change Instruction
In the example below, the address of one contact is changed in the rung of ladder, as shown.

• Function: Change an existing step in the D50 PLC program

• PLC Mode: STOP

Ladder Program

R0.3 M12.14 TIM

Ch = 10
SV = 240

R0.3 K0.3 TIM

Ch = 10
SV = 240

Mnemonic Program
STR R0.3 STR R0.3
AND M12.14  ANN K0.3
TIM 10 240 TIM 10 240

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Remarks
AND M 1 2 1 4 SCH AND M 01214 Search for instruction to change
AND NOT K 3 ENT AND NOT K 3 Enter the changed instruction
NXT OUT TIM ch010 View next instruction
PRE AND NOT K 00003 Verify instruction was changed

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200 D320 PLC User's Manual

Error Checking
The D50 has built-in error-checking routines that can check the PLC program for syntax errors such as
multiple output coils using the same reference, invalid coil addresses, and so on. The D50 pocket
editor can request an error check from the D50 PLC using the SHF and CHK keys.

To start the error check, press the SHF key, and then the CHK key. If errors are detected, the 5 digit
display will show an “E” followed by a two-digit error code. If no errors are detected, the current
instruction will be display with no change.

• Function: Check the program in the D50 PLC for syntax errors
• PLC Mode: STOP

Error Codes

Error Number Error Name Error Description

E10 I/O Overrange I/O address specified in an instruction is too high or low
E11 T/C Overrange T/C Channel number outside the range 0-255
E12 Word Overrange Word register address specified is too high or low
E13 Illegal Code An undefined function code has been used
E14 User Memory Error Error occurred while writing an instruction to the user memory
E15 System Operation Miscellaneous undefined error has occurred
E16 User Memory Failure User program checksum error – invalid memory
E17 I/O Mismatch Mismatch between physical I/O and program
E18 JMP/CALL A jump or call to an undefined label or subroutine
E19 LBL Number Error LBL instruction number has been duplicated
E20 JMPS/JMPE The JMPS/JMPE instructions are not properly paired
E21 FOR/NEXT The FOR/NEXT instructions are not properly paired
E22 SBR/RET The SBR/RET instructions are not properly paired
E23 END The END instruction is missing
E30 Not Found Instruction searched for was not found
E31 CPU Running Program may not be edited while CPU is in RUN mode
E32 Overrange Error An operation has tried to use a value that is out of range

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 201

Monitor I/O
There are two types of monitoring that the pocket editor can perform. The first type is bit monitoring,
which displays the state of a given contact or coil in the program. The second type of monitoring is
register monitoring, which displays the 16-bit value of any user-specified register address. The
monitor mode can also be used to force output bits to a given state, On or Off.

Bit Monitoring
I/O bits (contacts and coils) can only be monitored through the PLC program. At each step in the PLC
program, the ON LED will reflect the state of the bit address in that step of the program. If the ON
LED is lit, the bit address displayed is in the On state.

• Function: Monitor the state of a contact in the program

• PLC Mode: RUN

Ladder Program
R0.1 R15.0


Mnemonic Program
STR R0.1
ORN R0.1
OUT R15.0

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Remarks
OUT R 1 5 0 0 SCH OUT ON R 01500 Finds step, displays On/Off status

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202 D320 PLC User's Manual

Register Monitoring
Any valid register address can be monitored using the register monitor mode of the pocket editor. In
this mode, the register is continuously updated from the D50 PLC, and can be changed by the user.

To enter the monitor register mode, press the SHF key, the register address, and then the MON (DIF)
key. Use the NXT and PRE keys to move to the next or previous register address. To change the
value, press the 0 (NOT) key, followed by the new value and the enter (ENT) key. To display the
address of the register being monitored, press the ENT key. To exit the monitor register mode, press
the Clear (CLR) key.

• Function: Monitor/Change the value of a register

• PLC Mode: RUN

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Remarks
SHF W 0 MON 00000 Displays the current value of W0
NXT 00000 Displays the current value of W1
ENT W 00001 Displays the address W1
PRE W 00000 Displays the address W0
ENT 00000 Displays the current value of W0
0 C Enters the “Change Value” mode
1 2 3 123 Enter the new value for W0
ENT 00123 Displays the current value of W0
CLR End Exit monitor mode

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 203

Force Outputs
The states of output coils can be forced On or Off in the D50 PLC. The output to be forced must be an
output that has been programmed in the PLC. The SET and RST keys are used for Force On and Force
Off, respectively. Using the NXT or PRE keys will clear the force from the coil and move to the next
or previous instruction. The CLR key will remove the force while continuing to display that

• Function: Force an output to either an On or Off state

• PLC Mode: RUN

Ladder Program
R0.1 R0.3 R15.1

M0.0 R0.4 R15.2



R1.2 R17.3

Mnemonic Program
STR R0.1
AND R0.3
OUT R15.1
STR M0.0
OR K1.2
AND R0.4
OUT R15.2
STR R1.2
OUT R17.3

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Remarks
OUT R 1 5 0 1 SCH OUT R 01501 Finds step, displays On/Off status
SET ENT OUT ON R 01501 Force ON
RST ENT OUT R 01501 Force OFF
SET ENT OUT ON R 01501 Force ON
NXT STR M 00000 Release force, go to next step
OUT R 1 7 0 3 SCH OUT ON R 01703 Find instruction
RST ENT OUT R 01703 Force OFF
SET ENT OUT ON R 01703 Force ON
CLR OUT ON R 01703 Release force, continue to display

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204 D320 PLC User's Manual

Run/Stop PLC
When the RUN/STOP switch on the D50 PLC is in the RUN position, the mode can be overridden by
the pocket editor. To place the D50 PLC in STOP, press the INS key, followed by the RST key. To
return the PLC to the RUN mode, press the INS key followed by the SET key.

• Function: Clear the program in the D50 PLC

• PLC Mode: STOP

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Remarks
INS RUN AUX Switches to Auxiliary Mode
RST End PLC is stopped
INS AUX Switches to Auxiliary Mode
SET RUN End PLC switched to RUN

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 205

Instruction Codes
The following tables list the key sequences required to enter each of the mnemonic instructions
supported by the D50 PLC.

Basic Instructions

Mnemonic Display
Instruction Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display
Note: Instructions ANB, ORB, MCS, and MCR require no operand.

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206 D320 PLC User's Manual

Advanced Instructions

Instruction Function No. Instruction Function No.

STR ==S1, S2 FUN 1 ADD D, S1, S2 FUN 35
AND ==S1, S2 FUN 2 ADC D, S1, S2 FUN 36
OR ==S1, S2 FUN 3 SUB D, S1, S2 FUN 37
STR <> S1, S2 FUN 4 SBC D, S1, S2 FUN 38
AND <> S1, S2 FUN 5 MUL D, S1, S2 FUN 39
OR <> S1, S2 FUN 6 DIV D, S1, S2 FUN 40
STR > S1, S2 FUN 7 ADDB D, S1, S2 FUN 41
AND > S1, S2 FUN 8 ADCB D, S1, S2 FUN 42
OR > S1, S2 FUN 9 SUBB D, S1, S2 FUN 43
STR <= S1, S2 FUN 10 SBCB D, S1, S2 FUN 44
AND <= S1, S2 FUN 11 MULB D, S1, S2 FUN 45
OR <= S1, S2 FUN 12 DIVB D, S1, S2 FUN 46
STR >= S1, S2 FUN 13 WAND D, S1, S2 FUN 47
AND >= S1, S2 FUN 14 WOR D, S1, S2 FUN 48
OR >= S1, S2 FUN 15 XOR D, S1, S2 FUN 49
STR < S1, S2 FUN 16 XNR D, S1, S2 FUN 50
AND < S1, S2 FUN 17 XCHG D1, D2 FUN 51
OR < S1, S2 FUN 18 LDR D, Sr FUN 52
INCB D FUN 21 STR D== S1,S2 FUN 55
DECB D FUN 22 AND D==S1, S2 FUN 56
ABS D FUN 23 OR D==S1, S2 FUN 57
NEG D FUN 24 STR D<> S1, S2 FUN 58
NOT D FUN 25 AND D<> S1, S2 FUN 59
RLC D, N FUN 26 OR D<> S1, S2 FUN 60
RRC D, N FUN 27 STR D> S1, S2 FUN 61
ROL D, N FUN 28 AND D> S1, S2 FUN 62
ROR D, N FUN 29 OR D> S1, S2 FUN 63
SHL D, N FUN 30 STR D<= S1, S2 FUN 64
SHR D, N FUN 31 AND D<= S1, S2 FUN 65
LET D, S FUN 32 OR D<= S1, S2 FUN 66
BCD D, S FUN 33 STR D>= S1, S2 FUN 67
BIN D, S FUN 34 AND D>= S1, S2 FUN 68

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 207

Instruction Function No. Instruction Function No.

OR D>= S1, S2 FUN 69 DOR D, S1, S2 FUN 102
STR D< S1, S2 FUN 70 DXOR D, S1, S2 FUN 103
AND D< S1, S2 FUN 71 DXNR D, S1, S2 FUN 104
OR D< S1, S2 FUN 72 DXCHG D1, D2 FUN 105
DDECB D FUN 76 DIS D, Nd, Sr FUN 109
DABS D FUN 77 UNI D, Sr, Nd FUN 110
DNEG D FUN 78 MOV D, Sr, Ns FUN 111
DRLC D, N FUN 80 BMOV D, Sr, Ns FUN 113
DRRC D, N FUN 81 BFMV D, Ns, V FUN 114
DADD D, S1, S2 FUN 89 SUM D, S FUN 122
DADC D, S1, S2 FUN 90 JMP L FUN 123
DSUB D, S1, S2 FUN 91 CALL Sb FUN 124
DSBC D, S1, S2 FUN 92 LBL L FUN 125
DMUL D, S1, S2 FUN 93 SBR Sb FUN 126
DDIV D, S1, S2 FUN 94 JMPS FUN 127
DADCB D, S1, S2 FUN 96 SC FUN 129
DSUBB D, S1, S2 FUN 97 RC FUN 130
DSBCB D, S1, S2 FUN 98 CC FUN 131
DDIVB D, S1, S2 FUN 100 RET FUN 133
DAND D, S1, S2 FUN 101 END FUN 134

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208 D320 PLC User's Manual

Programming Examples
The following pages present some very basic programming examples, showing how to enter mnemonic
code into the D50 PLC using the pocket editor. Each example program is devided into three sections;
the ladder program, the equivalent mnemonic code, and the key sequence for entering the program
using the pocket editor

Example 1 – Basic Instructions

Ladder Program

M0.0 M0.2 M0.4


M0.1 M0.3

M0.4 M1.0 R15.2


M1.1 M1.2


Mnemonic Program
STR R0.3
STR M0.0
OR M0.1
STR M0.2
OR M0.3
OUT M0.4
STR M0.4
AND M1.0
STR M1.1
AND M1.2
OUT R15.2
STR F0.15

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 209

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Mnemonic Instruction
OR M 1 INS OR M 1 OR M0.1
OR M 3 INS OR M 3 OR M0.3
AND M 1 0 0 INS AND M 100 AND M1.0
STR M 1 0 1 INS STR M 101 STR M1.1
AND M 1 0 2 INS AND M 102 AND M1.2
OUT R 1 5 0 2 INS OUT R 1502 OUT R15.2
STR F 1 5 INS STR F 15 STR F0.15

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210 D320 PLC User's Manual

Example 2 – Timer Instructions

Ladder Program

R1.3 TIM
Ch = 255
SV = 100

M14.14 SST
Ch = 254
SV = 50

TC255 M5.2

TC254 M0.10

Mnemonic Program
STR R1.3
TIM 255 100
STR M14.14
SST 254 50
SET M5.2
RST M0.10

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Mnemonic Instruction
STR R 1 0 3 INS STR R 103 STR R1.3
OUT TIM 2 5 5 ENT OUT TIM ch255 TIM 255 100
1 0 0 INS 100 TIM 255 100
STR M 1 4 1 4 INS STR M 1414 STR M14.14
OUT SST 2 5 4 ENT OUT SST ch254 SST 254 50
5 0 INS 50 SST 254 50
STR TIM 2 5 5 INS STR TC 255 STR TC255
SET M 5 0 2 INS STR M 502 SET M5.2
STR TIM 2 5 4 INS STR TC 254 STR TC254
RST M 1 0 RST M 10 RST M0.10

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 211

Example 3 – Counter Instructions

Ladder Program

M0.10 UC
U Ch = 25
SV = 100


M0.12 DC
D Ch = 255
SV = 100


TC25 M0.11

TC255 M0.13

Mnemonic Program
STR M0.10
STR M0.11
UC 25 100
STR M0.12
STR M0.13
DC 255 100
SET M0.11
SET M0.13

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212 D320 PLC User's Manual

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Mnemonic Instruction
STR M 1 0 INS STR M 10 STR M0.10
STR M 1 1 INS STR M 11 STR M0.11
OUT CNT 2 5 ENT OUT CNT UC 25 UC 25 100
1 0 0 INS 100 UC 25 100
STR M 1 2 INS STR M 12 STR M0.12
STR M 1 3 INS STR M 13 STR M0.13
NXT OUT CNT dC DC 255 100
2 5 5 ENT OUT CNT dC255 DC 255 100
1 0 0 INS 100 DC 255 100
SET M 1 1 INS SET M 11 SET M0.11
STR TIM 2 5 5 INS STR TC 255 STR TC255
SET M 1 3 INS SET M 13 SET M0.13

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Appendix C: D50PGM10 Pocket Editor 213

Example 4 – Comparison/Advanced Instructions

Ladder Program
== INC
A = K0 D = K4
B = K1

A = 100
B = K3

Mnemonic Program
STR== K0 K1
OR== 100 K3

Operating Procedure
Key Sequence LED 5-Digit Display Mnemonic Instruction
SHF FUN 1 Fn 1 STR== K0 K1
K 0 K 0 STR== K0 K1
K 1 K 1 STR== K0 K1
ENT Fn. 1 STR== K0 K1
SHF FUN 3 Fn 3 OR== 100 K3
0 0
1 0 0 100 OR== 100 K3
K 3 K 3 OR== 100 K1
ENT Fn. 3 OR== 100 K1
SHF FUN 1 9 Fn 19 INC K4
K 4 K 4 INC K4
ENT Fn. 19 INC K4

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214 D320 PLC User's Manual

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Artisan Technology Group is your source for quality
new and certified-used/pre-owned equipment
DELIVERY Experienced engineers and technicians on staff Sell your excess, underutilized, and idle used equipment
• TENS OF THOUSANDS OF at our full-service, in-house repair center We also offer credit for buy-backs and trade-ins
MANUFACTURERS Remotely inspect equipment before purchasing with Visit us on the web at for more
SUPPORTED our interactive website at information on price quotations, drivers, technical
• LEASING/MONTHLY specifications, manuals, and documentation
Contact us: (888) 88-SOURCE | |

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