Principle 8: A Country'S Standard of Living Depends On Its Ability To Produce Goods and Services
Principle 8: A Country'S Standard of Living Depends On Its Ability To Produce Goods and Services
Principle 8: A Country'S Standard of Living Depends On Its Ability To Produce Goods and Services
The differences in living standards around the world are staggering. In 2003, the
average American had an income of about $37,500. In the same year, the average
Mexican earned $8,950, and the average Nigerian earned $900. Not surprisingly, this
Citizens of high-income countries have more TV sets, more cars, better nutrition,
Changes in living standards over time are also large. In the United States, incomes
have historically grown about 2 percent per year (after adjusting for changes in the cost
of living). At this rate, average income doubles every 35 years. Over the past century,
What explains these large differences in living standards among countries and over
time? The answer is surprisingly simple. Almost all variation in living standards is
services produced from each hour of a worker’s time. In nations where workers can
produce a large quantity of goods and services per unit of time, most people enjoy a
high standard of living; in nations where workers are less productive, most people
The fundamental relationship between productivity and living standards is simple, but its
standards, other explanations must be of secondary importance. For example, it might
be tempting to credit labor unions or minimum-wage laws for the rise in living standards
of American workers over the past century. Yet the real hero of American workers is
their rising productivity. As another example, some commentators have claimed that
increased competition from Japan and other countries explained the slow growth in U.S.
incomes during the 1970s and 1980s. Yet the real villain was not competition from
implications for public policy. When thinking about how any policy will affect living
standards, the key question is how it will affect our ability to produce goods and
that workers are well educated, have the tools needed to produce goods and services,
and have access to the best available technology. Productivity is important because a
country's standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services. The
greater a country's productivity (the amount of goods and services produced from each
Mankiw’s eighth principle of economics is: a country’s standard of living depends on its
ability to produce goods and services. He points out that there are vast differences
between the average incomes of different countries. In the US, average income has
increased about 2% per year adjusted for increases in the cost of living, he says, and
doubles about every 35 years. The explanation for this change is productivity, defined
as “the amount of goods and services produced from each unit of labor time.” The
growth rate of a nation’s productivity determines the growth rate of its average income,
and minimum wage laws. He claims that US productivity dropped in the 1970s which
accounts for the slow growth of average wages over that period. He concludes with this
workers are well-educated, have the tools needed to produce goods and services, and
Shalt Become the Manager of Thyself. “Human beings [are reduced] to an arbitrary
bundle of “investments,” skill sets, temporary alliances (family, sex, race), and fungible
body parts.” The goal of the entrepreneur of you is to find some way to make yourself
valuable enough to fill a slot in some corporate entity that will pay off on your
investments. It also supports the Ninth Commandment, Thou Shalt Know that Inequality
is Natural, because it tells the entrepreneur of you that if you fail, it’s your fault for being
insufficiently productive. The problem is always the workers; and never the owners of
capital for they can do no wrong. That comes from the Tenth Commandment, Thou
Shalt Not Blame Corporations and Monopolies, especially for investing their capital in
foreign countries so jobs are created there instead of in the US. After all, the free flow of
not median incomes, and not the incomes of the working people of the US. That
enables him to paint a false picture of the economy, and of the role of productivity in
increasing standards of living. The leading work on this issue was done by Larry Mishel
at the Economic Policy Institute. His April 2012 paper, The Wedges Between
Productivity And Median Compensation Growth is the seminal work on this issue.
Here’s an updated chart showing the disparity between wages and productivity. For a
paper. It’s important to note that Mishel is using the median wage growth for
According to Mishel, the gap in the chart from 2000 to 2011 is the result of three factors
2. Income shifted from labor to capital, accounting for 45% of the gap.
3. Output prices diverged from consumer prices, accounting for 16% of the gap.
discredit Mishel’s work. The only consideration that seems even questionable is 3, and
If you believe the Lawrence/Yglesias argument, policies that raise wages are secondary
to policies that raise productivity more generally. If you believe the Mishel argument,
reconnecting wages to productivity becomes central. Rather than stressing the need to
acquire more education and skills, you would support increasing the minimum wage and
allowing for more union organizing to put leverage in the hands of labor over capital.
You would support proper use of overtime laws to reduce wage theft, and paid family
and medical leave to keep wages strong during times of family stress.
But if productivity gains just leak out to the wealthy through financial engineering, all the
Mankiw doesn’t acknowledge the problems with his principle, problems which have
been evident for a long time as the chart shows. The source of this principle is the
neoclassical argument of William Stanley Jevons and John Bates Clark which I discuss
writers: “We have not read these authors; we should consider their arguments
preposterous if they were to fall into our hands.“ Certainly this principle is preposterous
One way to measure the improvement in the living standards of a country is by looking
at the growth rate of its gross domestic product (GDP) per capita.1 This measure can
be decomposed into:
The growth rate of GDP per hour worked (a measure of labor productivity)
The growth rate of the number of hours per capita (a measure of the extent of labor
The latest data released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) on changes in living standards and labor utilization reveal some
interesting facts about labor productivity in these countries.2 The figure below shows
the annual growth rate of labor productivity and labor utilization for the OECD countries
in 2014.
experienced a drop in labor productivity of about 2 percent. These numbers imply that
the improvement in living standards in Turkey—as measured by GDP per capita, which
A similar pattern emerges for Korea, New Zealand, Portugal and Iceland. All these
increase in the number of hours per capita, as labor productivity decreased in all these
countries. Low labor productivity growth could be the result of an increase in the
For example, Luxembourg and Ireland also experienced an improvement in their living
labor productivity. In Ireland, for instance, both labor productivity growth and an
Whether the increase in GDP per capita of a country has been driven mainly by
productivity or utilization is important for the prospects of growth of the country. To the
extent that productivity reflects advances in technology, increases in this measure are