Astm D 1149-07

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This standard describes test methods to evaluate the effect of ozone exposure on rubber and rubber compounds under different conditions.

This standard describes test methods to estimate the effect of exposure to ozone in controlled environments on various rubber and rubber compound materials under tensile strain conditions. The effect of natural light is excluded.

There are two test methods described: dynamic ozone cracking in a chamber and surface cracking in an ozone controlled environment.

Designation: D 1149 – 07

Standard Test Methods for

Rubber Deterioration—Cracking in an Ozone Controlled
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1149; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope ment. This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.1 These test methods are used to estimate the effect of safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
exposure, under surface tensile strain conditions, either dy- responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
namic or static, in an atmosphere containing specified levels of priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
ozone concentration, expressed as partial pressure (refer to bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Note 1), on vulcanized rubber, rubber compounds, molded or NOTE 1—A discussion and explanation regarding the measurement of
extruded soft rubber, and other specified materials, or as may ozone concentrations based upon parts of ozone per unit of air versus
be determined empirically. The effect of naturally occurring partial pressure is provided in Test Methods D 4575, specifically Appen-
sunlight or light from artificial sources is excluded. dices X1 and X2. Test Methods D 4575 is also recommended as a source
1.2 Previously published ASTM documents Test Method of background information regarding standards involving materials ex-
posed to ozone.
D 518 and Test Methods D 3395 have been included in these
test methods, D 1149, in 2007. Please refer to Note 2. 2. Referenced Documents
1.2.1 Test Method D 518 and Test Methods D 3395 have 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
henceforth been withdrawn and superseded by Test Methods D 518 Test Method for Rubber Deterioration—Surface
D 1149. When Test Methods D 1149 is cited, or otherwise Cracking
referenced, a notation shall be included to this effect. Please D 1171 Test Method for Rubber Deterioration—Surface
refer to section 3.2 for the appropriate references. Ozone Cracking Outdoors or Chamber (Triangular Speci-
1.3 The specified conditions of exposure to ozone in the
controlled environments are accelerated in comparison to D 1349 Practice for Rubber—Standard Temperatures for
outdoor exposure. These accelerated ozone test methods may Testing
not give results which correlate with outdoor exposure tests or D 3182 Practice for Rubber—Materials, Equipment, and
service performance. Procedures for Mixing Standard Compounds and Prepar-
1.4 All materials, instruments, or equipment used for the ing Standard Vulcanized Sheets
determination of mass, force, dimension, ozone concentration, D 3395 Test Methods for Rubber Deterioration—Dynamic
partial pressure, temperature, velocity, and gas exchange rate Ozone Cracking in a Chamber
shall have direct traceability to the National Institute for D 4575 Test Methods for Rubber Deterioration—Reference
Standards and Technology, or other internationally recognized and Alternative Method(s) for Determining Ozone Level in
organization parallel in nature. Laboratory Test Chambers
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information NOTE 2—Test Method D 518 and Test Methods D 3395 have been
only. Many of the stated SI units are direct conversions from incorporated into these test methods. They remain technically unchanged
and will be superseded by Test Methods D 1149. Please refer to Test
the U.S. Customary System to accommodate the instrumenta-
Method D 1171 for Test Method D 518 tests which are to be performed
tion, practices, and procedures that existed prior to the Metric outdoors.
Conversion Act of 1975.
1.6 This standard involves hazardous materials, specifically 3. Summary of Test Methods
ozone. It may also involve hazardous operations and equip- 3.1 There are two methods described:

These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D11 on
Rubber and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D11.15 on Degradation For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Tests. contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved Aug. 15, 2007. Published September 2007. Originally Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
approved in 1951. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as D 1149 – 99. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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D 1149 – 07
3.1.1 Method A—Dynamic Strain (formerly Test Methods 5. Apparatus
D 3395): 5.1 The apparatus employed to provide a controlled envi- Method A, Procedure A1 Dynamic Tensile Elonga- ronment containing specified concentrations of ozone and
tion (formerly Test Methods D 3395 Method A)—rectangular partial pressures, at specified temperatures, is described in 5.2,
test specimens are subjected to dynamic maximum amplitude being common to all test methods enumerated herein. The
tensile strain of 25 6 3 % at a fixed frequency of 0.5 Hz (30 ancillary equipment required to perform individual procedures
cpm). is described in their respective sections. Method A, Procedure A2 Dynamic Belt Flex Test 5.2 Ozone Test Apparatus:
(formerly Test Methods D 3395 Method B)—rectangular test 5.2.1 Test Chamber—General requirements for an accept-
specimens are affixed to a fabric belt which is continuously able ozone test chamber are adequate control and measurement
rotated over two vertically opposed pulleys that induce a of ozone concentration levels based upon partial pressure (refer
cyclical surface strain (due to flexing) during the moments of to Note 1); volume exchange rate; temperature; internal cham-
passage over the pulleys. ber circulation of the gas (air–ozone mixture, refer to Note 3);
3.1.2 Method B—Static Strain (formerly Test Method and internal chamber volume. An acceptable ozone test cham-
D 518): ber may be individually manufactured for a particular applica- Method B, Procedure B1 Static Strain (formerly Test tion, or a commercially manufactured chamber. The ozone test
Method D 518, Method A)—rectangular specimens are ex- chambers shall conform to the following requirements:
posed to a continuous elongation of 20 %. Method B, Procedure B2 Static Strain Looped Speci- NOTE 3—Dalton’s Law and the gas equation is used to express ozone
men Test (formerly Test Method D 518, Method B)— content as partial pressure. The partial pressure of ozone in a mixture with
air, P(O3), is given in millipascals (mPa).
rectangular specimens are mounted, in a looped fashion,
causing a continuous strain to be applied on the looped portion. The internal chamber shall be constructed of a Method B, Procedure B3 Static Percent Elongation material with minimal reaction to ozone, preferably stainless
Test (formerly Test Method D 518, Method C)—tapered speci- steel, contained within an integral external structure which
mens are exposed to specified percentages of elongation (10, provide unencumbered access to the mechanical, electrical,
15, and 20 %) during the course of exposure. display, and control devices. Method B, Procedure B4 Static Strain Triangular (1) The internal chamber shall be accessible through a door
Specimen (formerly Test Method D 1171)—triangular speci- having an adequate closure mechanism and seal to prevent loss
mens are mounted around a wooden mandrel causing a of partial pressure or adversely affect the ozone concentration
continuous strain to be applied to the looped portion. levels throughout the duration of a test. It is recommended that
3.2 The Procedures appear as follows: the door have a means by which to prevent inadvertent opening
Procedure—Description Sections during the intended duration of a test.
A1—Dynamic Tensile Elongation 7-10 (formerly D 3395 Method A) (2) The access door may be equipped with an observation
A2—Dynamic Belt Flex 11-14 (formerly D 3395 Method B)
B1—Straight Specimens 15-17/24 (formerly D 518/D 1149 Method A)
window. This shall be of tempered glass and shall be sealed to
(Static Elongation) prevent loss of partial pressure or adversely affect the ozone
B2—Bent Loop Specimen 18-20/24 (formerly D 518/D 1149 Method B) concentration level throughout the duration of a test.
B3—Tapered Specimens 21-23/24 (formerly D 518/D 1149 Method C)
(Static Elongation) (3) The internal chamber may be equipped with a source of
B4—Triangular Specimens 24 (formerly D 1171) illumination. It shall be situated in a manner so that neither the
temperature of the internal chamber, the ozone concentration
4. Significance and Use level, or partial pressure is adversely affected. Illumination is to
4.1 The significance of these test methods lies in the ability be used in a temporary fashion, intended for intermediate
to differentiate between the degrees of ozone resistance under viewing of the specimens. Long term use, in excess of a
the limited and specified conditions of the accelerated tests. consecutive 5-min period, or more than a total of 15 min,
The degree of resistance being judged by the appearance and during any given 24-h period, invalidates determinations and
magnitude of the formation of cracks in the surface of the therefore requires monitoring and reporting.
subject material. (4) The internal chamber may be equipped with shelves, or
4.2 In service, rubber materials deteriorate when exposed to racks, on which to place specimens. They shall be constructed
ozone. It is imperative to have test methods in which simple, of a material with minimal reaction to ozone, preferably
accelerated time/exposure, comparisons of the material’s abil- stainless steel. They shall be of a design that minimizes the
ity to resist cracking caused by ozone exposure can be effect on the introduction, circulation, exchange, or exhaust of
empirically evaluated. Such tests can be used for producer/ the gas (air–ozone mixture).
consumer acceptance, referee purposes, research, and develop- The internal volume of the chamber shall be no less
ment. than 0.11 m (4 ft3). The internal chamber volume may be
4.3 These methods are not necessarily suited for use in greater, provided the prescribed levels of ozone concentration
purchase specifications as there may be no correlation with and partial pressure are maintained (refer to and
service performance as actual service conditions (outdoor Note 1).
exposure) vary widely due to geographic location and, there- A means for generating, measuring, and controlling
fore, may not yield repeatable or reproducible results. ozone concentrations levels and partial pressure shall be

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D 1149 – 07
provided. The ozone generating source shall be isolated from (2) The fan blades shall be recessed from the chamber and
the internal chamber and within the integral external structure. separated, or enclosed, by a protective mesh or grid-like cage.
(1) The generation and introduction of ozone shall be by a A means of controlling the internal chamber tem-
means whereby ozone concentration levels in the internal test perature to within 6 1°C (6 1.8°F) of that established, or
chamber of between 25 and 200 pphm (parts per hundred desired, throughout the duration of a test, shall be provided.
million) 6 10 % at 100 kPa (atmospheric pressure at mean sea (1) The standard test temperature shall be 40 6 1°C
level, MSL) and the equivalent pressures of between 25 and (104 6 1.8 °F). Other temperatures may be established locally,
200 mPa 6 10 % are maintained throughout the duration of the agreed upon between customer and supplier, or between
test (refer to Notes 1 and 2). The preferred method of ozone laboratories. It is recommended that the standard temperatures
generation being either quartz UV, corona discharge (dielec- given in Practice D 1349 be followed.
tric), or a combination of both. (2) Testing at subnormal or elevated temperatures requires
(2) The test chamber ozone concentration levels and the use of refrigerated chambers or chambers having additional
pressures shall be either infinitely variable between those heating capability. These shall meet all other requirements as
prescribed or, at minimum, selectable at 25, 50, 100, 200 pphm described heretofore.
and mPa, respectively. Broader ranges of ozone concentration Chambers shall be equipped so that concentrations
and partial pressure are acceptable, provided the specified of ozone are safely exhausted from the internal test chamber so
concentrations of ozone and partial pressure are maintained as as not to introduce them to the proximal ambient atmosphere
specified. (refer to 1.4). This shall be accomplished by properly exhaust-
(3) The means of measurement of the ozone concentration ing the gas (air–ozone mixture) from the internal test chamber
shall be by any of the methods described in Test Methods before the opening of the access door. It is recommended that
D 4575, with ultraviolet (UV) absorption measurement being the gas be exposed to a suitable ozone destruction device, such
preferred as it has been shown to be more accurate and precise. as a catalytic unit, before it is vented to the atmosphere (refer The source of air may be ambient, or from a to 1.4).
compressed air supply. In either case, adequate filtration of
particulate matter from the source shall be provided. The 6. Hazards
moisture content of the air source shall be minimized, either 6.1 Warning—Ozone is a hazardous substance. Consult
through filtration, a desiccant, or by other means. and follow all applicable laws, rules, and regulations regarding The flow of the gases (air and ozone) shall be exposure to ozone.
introduced into the chamber in a manner that prevents strati-
fication or stagnation. METHOD A, PROCEDURE A1—TENSILE The gas (air–ozone mixture) exchange rate shall be ELONGATION TEST
of a magnitude such that no appreciable reduction in ozone
concentration or partial pressure results from the introduction 7. Apparatus
of test specimens.
7.1 Flexing Device:
(1) The exchange rate will vary with the gas (air–ozone
7.1.1 The device3 used for this test consists of a flexing
mixture) level, temperature, number of test specimens intro-
framework, a motor with gear head reducer, and an eccentri-
duced, and their reaction with ozone.
cally driven vertical shaft with a reciprocating stroke of 25 mm
(2) A gas (air–ozone mixture) exchange rate of 75 % of the
(1 in.). To the end of this shaft, a parallel bar is attached and to
total volume of the internal chamber per minute has been found
this a series of four dual clamps. Above and below the traveling
to be an acceptable and adequate rate, and shall be considered
bar are two stationary bars that contain four clamps each. These
to be the minimum acceptable rate of gas exchange.
constitute the flexing framework
(3) As indicated, this exchange rate will vary, dependent
7.1.2 The action of the flexing apparatus is to impart a
upon the enumerated variables, and the minimum exchange
straight-line motion to the clamps holding the test specimens;
rate shall be established locally, as agreed upon between
four specimens on the top bar, four on the bottom bar. This
customer and supplier, or between laboratories, but shall not be
motion is in the plane of the common centerline of each set of
less than that described in
opposing grips (see Fig. 1). A means of providing internal chamber circulation 7.2 Ozone Chamber—The ozone chamber shall conform to
of the gas (air–ozone mixture) shall be provided by an electric the requirements specified in Section 5. It shall be equipped to
fan capable of maintaining a constant velocity throughout the permit flexing of the specimens from 0 to 25 6 3 % extensions
duration of a test. The velocity shall be no less than 0.6 m/s at a rate of 0.5 Hz (30 cpm), refer to Fig. 1.
(2 ft/s) as measured at 50 6 1 mm (1.97 6 0.04 in.) from the
forward edge of the fan blades on the internal side of the
(1) The fan motor shall not be located within the internal 3
The sole source of supply of the apparatus (Model DynaStretchy) known to the
chamber. The fan motor shall employ an extension shaft, or committee at this time is Ozone Research Equipment Co., a Division of CCSi, Inc.,
1145 Highbrook Avenue, #500, Akron, OH 44301. If you are aware of alternative
drive mechanism, that isolates the motor from the internal suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters.
chamber with an ozone resistant seal that assures the integrity Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
of separation between the motor and the internal chamber. technical committee,1 which you may attend.

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D 1149 – 07

a—gear head and eccentric drive

b—traveling bar with specimen clamps, driven through roof of ozone chamber
c—stationary bars with specimen clamps
FIG. 1 Method A, Procedure A1, Dynamic Strain Ozone Tester

8. Test Specimens be cured between aluminum foil or polyester film4 0.1 mm in thickness.
The foil will adhere mildly to most commercial rubbers. At the time
8.1 The test specimens shall be rectangular strips 10.00 6 specimens are cut for ozone testing the foil can be removed easily. This
0.03 mm (0.40 6 0.01 in.) wide by 100 6 25 mm (4 6 1 in.) furnishes a “fresh” surface and the 24 h or other pre-test conditioning
in length, cut from test sheets that have been prepared in period, can be reckoned from the formation of this fresh “bloom-free”
accordance with Practice D 3182. The grain or direction of surface.
milling of uncured stock shall be in the lengthwise direction of
the specimen. Duplicate test specimens shall be tested when-
ever possible. 4
An uncoated, biaxially oriented polyethylene terephthalate film (boPET) has
NOTE 4—It is strongly suggested that all rubber sheets for ozone testing been found satisfactory for this purpose.

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D 1149 – 07
9. Procedure 10.1.6 Type of specimen and elongation or mounting type
9.1 Pre-Test Conditioning—Nominal Period: used during the test.
9.1.1 Prior to testing, condition all free-surface (that is, no 10.1.7 Elapsed time or number of test cycles to the first
foil specimens) for 24.0 6 0.5 h at 23 6 2°C in a sealed opaque observed cracking and/or a description of the character of the
container that has an ozone-free atmosphere. Different com- ozone cracking at the various observation. If testing to pass/
pounds are to be contained separately in the sealed opaque fail, report the total exposure time.
container. 10.1.8 If desired, a photograph may be taken to provide a
9.1.2 Select other pre-test conditioning periods consistent permanent record for evaluation.
with certain technical requirements or purchaser and seller
9.2 Operation of Test Apparatus:
11. Apparatus
9.2.1 By use of the slow-speed switch, accurately position
the reciprocating shaft at the mid-point of its stroke. Mount the 11.1 Belt Flex Device:
test specimens and clamp them in place so that no discernible 11.1.1 The test apparatus shall consist of a suitable metal
bend or bow is evident. Close the door to the ozone chamber framework to accommodate the belt and pulleys as specified
and allow a short period (5 min) for the ozone partial pressure below. The framework shall be equipped to accept either of two
to stabilize. Start the test, noting the time and date of starting sets of pulleys; one set, 63.5 mm (21⁄2 in.) in diameter and one
(61 min). set, 102 mm (4 in.) in diameter. The upper pulley of each set of
9.2.2 The standard ozone partial pressure shall be 50 6 5 two shall be powered to rotate the test belt at a cyclic frequency
mPa (equivalent to 50 pphm at 100 kPa atmospheric pressure). of 0.67 Hz (40 r/min) with the 63.5-mm diameter pulleys, and
Other partial pressures may be selected according to the at 1.04 Hz (62.5 r/min) when using the 102-mm diameter
particular objectives of any testing program. Refer to these as pulleys. Alternatively, the drive shaft may be rotated at 3.75 Hz
optional partial pressures. Measure the ozone partial pressure (225 r/min) to obtain the specified belt rotation rate. The lower
once a day for routine work and more often for special test pulley shaft shall be allowed to move up and down, having an
conditions. Conduct this analysis with the chamber containing 18-kg (40-lb) mass suspended from it to maintain sufficient
test specimens. If the number of specimens is kept at a tension on the specimen belt to achieve maximum conforma-
minimum, “empty” and “loaded” ozone partial pressures will tion of the test specimens and belt around each pulley.
closely agree. Determine the magnitude of the reduction of 11.1.2 The size of this test apparatus requires that a large
ozone partial pressure for “empty” versus “loaded” for each set rectangular box be used to house the device. Fig. 2 shows a
of operating variables employed. This will vary for each typical ozone chamber used for this test device. The dimen-
laboratory. Refer to Test Methods D 4575 for ozone analysis sions of this box are 1370 by 310 by 380 mm (54 by 121⁄4 by
procedures. 15 in.) with a volume of 0.16 m3 (104 in.3). Fig. 2 is a
9.2.3 The standard temperature shall be 40 6 1°C schematic diagram of the test apparatus.
(104 6 2°F). Higher temperatures cause acceleration in the 11.2 Ozone Chamber—The ozone chamber shall conform to
rate of ozone attack. These higher temperatures shall be the requirements specified in Section 5.
9.2.4 Make observations for detecting the appearance of
cracking at maximum extension and with sufficient frequency
to be able to detect the first appearance of ozone cracking. This
frequency will depend on the resistance to ozone attack of the
rubbers being tested. Recommended observation magnification
is 73. When comparisons are being made with a standard
reference material, exposures may be made for a fixed time and
the degree of cracking evaluated. Make observations in such a
way as to minimize ozone partial pressure changes (that is,
remove specimens quickly and keep the door closed as much as

10. Report
10.1 The report shall include the following:
10.1.1 Description of the specimens, identification of the
rubber compounds, time and temperature of vulcanization.
10.1.2 Conditioning time and temperature.
10.1.3 Date and time of the start of exposure.
10.1.4 Test chamber temperature, both nominal and that
measured on a daily basis.
10.1.5 Test chamber ozone partial pressure, in mPa, both
nominal and that measured on a daily basis. FIG. 2 Schematic Diagram of Method A, Procedure A2 Tester

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D 1149 – 07
11.3 The standard ozone partial pressure shall be 50 6 14. Report
5 mPa. Other partial pressures may be selected for special 14.1 The report shall include the following:
research test programs. 14.1.1 Description of the specimens, identification of the
rubber compounds, time and temperature of vulcanization.
12. Test Specimens 14.1.2 Conditioning time and temperature.
12.1 The specimen belt, to which the samples are either 14.1.3 Date and time of the start of exposure.
cured or cemented, shall be a one-ply belt of 1.1-kg/m2 (32- 14.1.4 Test chamber temperature, both nominal and that
oz/yd2) square woven cotton duck, 100 mm (4 in.) wide and measured on a daily basis.
2300 6 25 mm (90 6 1 in.) in circumference. The belt should 14.1.5 Test chamber ozone partial pressure, in mPa, both
be coated with a typical rubber friction or coat compound, 0.2 nominal and that measured on a daily basis.
mm (0.08 in.) thick. If the belt contains cut edges, these should 14.1.6 Type of specimen and elongation or mounting type
be coated with a flexible curing type cement or other material (cured or cemented) used during the test.
inert to ozone. This will reduce ozone decomposition by 14.1.7 Size of pulleys used.
contact with these surfaces. The rubber coat so applied should 14.1.8 Elapsed time or number of test cycles to the first
be cured. The test specimens shall be prepared by either cutting observed cracking and/or a description of the character of the
a specimen 100 by 25 mm (4 by 1 in.) from a standard tension ozone cracking at the various observation. If testing to pass/
sheet and cementing to the belt with the milled grain being fail, report the total exposure time.
parallel to the 100-mm (4-in.) specimen length; or a specimen 14.1.9 If desired, a photograph may be taken to provide a
shall be cured on the belt using a special mold. The latter is the permanent record for evaluation.
preferred method, since there is less difficulty in preventing
separation of the test specimen from the belt during flexing.
The test is carried out with duplicate specimens.
12.2 Fig. 3 shows a drawing of a multicavity mold used to 15. Apparatus
prepare molded specimens. 15.1 Mounting Block—A rectangular wooden block shall be
12.3 The cured specimen shall be 100 by 50 by 3 6 0.20 used for supporting the extended specimens. The block shall be
mm (4 by 2 by 0.13 in.), protected during cure by the use of 140 mm (5.5 in.) wide and approximately 380 mm (15 in.) long
aluminum foil or polyester film on the surface to be exposed, and shall have a thickness of not less than 22 mm (0.875 in.).
refer to Note 4. The block shall have the grain running lengthwise and shall be
suitably reinforced on the back to prevent warping. Both of the
13. Procedure 380-mm edges of the face carrying the specimens shall be
13.1 Prior to test, condition all free-surface test specimens rounded with a 3-mm (0.125-in.) radius. (Fig. 4 shows the
separately for 24.0 6 0.5 h at 23 6 2°C in a sealed opaque details of construction.) The block shall have a smooth finish
container that has an ozone-free atmosphere. and shall be painted with two coats of clear lacquer or spar
13.2 Install the belt, with the adhered specimens, on the 15.2 Fasteners—Aluminum tacks, or other suitable material
pulleys in the test chamber. Start the belt when the door is fasteners inert to ozone shall be used for fastening the
closed. For a chamber of the internal volume as mentioned in specimens to the edges of the wooden block.
11.1.2, a period of 30 min is required for the ozone partial 15.3 Angle Strips—Right angled aluminum molding strips
pressure to stabilize. Also for a chamber of this size the 13 by 22 mm (0.5 by .0875 in.) and of approximately No. 22
“empty” (no belt or test specimens) ozone partial pressure gauge thickness, for shielding the specimens where tacked and
should be set approximately 20 % higher than the intended bent over the edges of the block. Strips made from commercial
“test” ozone level (that is, set chamber at 60 mPa for a test aluminum sheet of Alloy No. 2-S are suitable.
pressure of 50 mPa). Make minor adjustments of pressure as 15.4 Ozone Chamber—The ozone chamber shall conform
the test proceeds. Additionally, a more stable ozone level will to the requirements specified in Section 5.
be obtained if voltage regulation is maintained on the ozone
generation equipment. Expose the specimens for a period of 16. Test Specimens
48 h as described in Test Methods D 1149 at 40 6 1°C 16.1 The test specimens shall be rectangular strips 25 mm
(104 6 2°F). (1 in.) in width by 150 mm (6 in.) in length cut from standard
13.3 During the 48-h period, observe the exposed speci- laboratory test sheets (refer to Practice D 3182) having a
mens at maximum test strain at intervals of 1 h for the first 6 h, thickness of 1.9 mm (0.075 in.) minimum and 2.5 mm (0.100
and thereafter at 24, 30, and 48-h periods. Examine with a 73 in.) maximum. The “milling grain” shall be in the lengthwise
magnifier and record the time of initial cracking. During this direction of the specimen.
examination take precautions to minimize ozone partial pres- 16.2 Duplicate test specimens shall be tested whenever
sure changes (that is, quick observation period, with the door possible.
open for a minimum time).
13.4 If desired, the exposure may be continued for the 17. Procedure
purpose of observing the rate of growth of the cracks or the 17.1 Firmly fasten the test specimens at one end to one long
development of any characteristics or unusual surface effects. side of the test block, spacing them 6 mm (0.55 in.) apart and

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D 1149 – 07

mm in. mm in.
(a) 584 23.0 (i) 27.78 1.094
(b) 457 18.0 (j) 25 1.0
(c) 292 11.5 (k) 19.05 0.750
(d) 228 09.0 (m) 18.92 0.745
(e) 102 04.0 (n) 12.7 0.50
(f) 76 03.0 (p) 6.3 0.25
(g) 51 02.0 (q) 3.17 0.125
(h) 38 01.5 (r) 1.65 0.065

FIG. 3 Method A, Procedure A2 Mold Schematic

using three aluminum tacks per specimen. Then draw the strips by means of screws on each of the long sides so that the 22-mm
across the face of the block in such a manner as to cause an (0.875-in.) leg covers the tacked ends of the specimens and the
extension of 20 %, measured between gage marks that shall be 13-mm (0.15-in.) leg covers the specimens at the bend on to the
100 mm (4 in.) apart and centered at the middle of each strip. face of the block.
Fasten the other end of each specimen in the same way to the 17.2 Follow the exposure and other procedures described in
opposite long side of the block. Mount the aluminum shields Section 24.

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D 1149 – 07

mm 350 190 380 90 140 3 22 32 12
in. 15.75 7.5 15.0 3.5 5.5 0.125 .0875 1.25 0.5

FIG. 4 Apparatus for Mounting Straight Rubber Test Specimens, Method B, Procedure B1

17.3 Alternate methods of mounting and stretching the be held in place by three 50 mm (2 in.) round head chromium
specimens are permitted providing they do not adversely effect plated or galvanized iron machine screws. These screws shall
the quality of the test. be fitted with washers on the underside of the base panel and
shall fit into a countersink. The screws shall pass through the
METHOD B, PROCEDURE B2—EXPOSURE OF BENT panel and through the crosspieces, 32 mm (1.25 in.) from each
LOOP SPECIMENS end of the crosspieces and through the center. These screws
shall protrude above the surface of the panel to a height of
18. Apparatus
about 35 mm (1.38 in.) and shall be used to fasten the wooden
18.1 Clamping Strips—Made of medium-soft wood for specimen strips securely to the base as described in 12.2.
clamping the specimens. Each strip shall be 13 mm (0.5 in.) in 18.4 All wooden panels, strips, and crosspieces, shall be
thickness, 25 mm (1 in.) in width, and 575 mm (23 in.) in painted with two coats of clear lacquer or spar varnish.
length. Holes shall be drilled through the 13-mm thickness of 18.5 Ozone Chamber—The ozone chamber shall conform
each strip at intervals of 40 mm (1.6 in.) starting 14 mm to the requirements specified in Section 5.
(0.6 in.) from one end. The holes shall be made approximately
4 mm (0.160 in.) in diameter, and shall match in paired strips. 19. Test Specimens
The strips shall be fastened together using appropriate round- 19.1 The test specimens shall be rectangular strips 25 mm
head chromium-plated or galvanized iron machine screws (1 in.) wide by 95 mm (3.75 in.) in length, cut from standard
fitted with nuts. laboratory test sheets (refer to Practice D 3182) having a
18.2 Clamping Devices—Made from aluminum also may be thickness of 1.9 mm (0.075 in.) minimum and 2.5 mm (0.100
used in place of the wood clamping strips. Several types of in.) maximum. The “milling grain” shall be in the lengthwise
metal angles and channels have been successfully used, the direction of the specimen.
following is an example: 19.2 Duplicate test specimens shall be tested whenever
18.2.1 The use of aluminum channels 3.5 mm (0.138 in.) possible.
thick by 298 mm (11.75 in.) in length by 19 mm (0.75 in.) wide
and 19 mm high, joined together to hold the specimens. The 20. Procedure
channel sides have three holes drilled 8.0 mm (0.31 in.) in 20.1 Loop the test specimens until their ends meet and then
diameter 32 mm (1.25 in.) from each end and 150 mm insert these ends between the paired wooden or aluminum
(5.875 in.) in the center of the channel. The channels shall be strips until they are flush with the underside of the strips. The
fastened together using appropriate hexagon head chromium- minimum distance between the specimens shall be 6 mm
plated or galvanized iron screws fitted with washers and wing (0.25 in.). Clamp the wooden strips together by means of
nuts. machine screws so that the specimens are firmly held in place.
18.3 Base Panel—Made of medium-soft wood upon which As a result of this procedure, 25 mm (1 in.) of each end of the
the clamped specimens are mounted. It shall be 530 mm specimen will be covered by the wooden strips, which will act
(24 in.) long, 205 mm (8 in.) wide, and at least 13 mm (0.5 in.) as a protective shield. The remaining 43 mm (1.75 in.) of the
thick. Three crosspieces each 205 mm (8 in.) long, 25 mm specimen shall form a loop having a varying elongation along
(1 in.) wide, and 6 mm (0.25 in.) thick, shall be fastened to the its length, as shown in Fig. 5.
base. The crosspieces shall be mounted 19 mm (0.75 in.) from 20.2 Mount the rack of clamped specimens on the cross-
each end of the panel and at the center. Each crosspiece shall pieces attached to the base panel by passing the protruding

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D 1149 – 07
21.3 Angle Strips—Aluminum strips 38 mm (1.5 in.) wide
and of approximately No. 22 gage, for shielding the specimens.
Strips made from commercial Alloy No. 2-S are suitable.
21.4 Ozone Chamber—The ozone chamber shall conform
to the requirements specified in Section 5.

22. Test Specimens

22.1 The test specimens shall be die-cut tapered strips
having outside dimensions as shown in Fig. 7, cut from
standard laboratory test sheets having a thickness of 1.9 mm
(0.075 in.) minimum and 2.5 mm (0.100 in.) maximum. The
grain shall be in the lengthwise direction of the specimen.
22.2 Duplicate test specimens shall be tested whenever

23. Procedure
23.1 Place an identification mark on the broad end of each
test specimen, using materials that will not have a deleterious
mm 95 25 3.2 effect on the specimens during aging and that shall not extend
in. 3.75 1 0.125 beyond the area covered by the aluminum angle strips.
FIG. 5 Cross-Sectional View of Mounted Looped Specimen 23.2 Superimpose upon the specimen a template conform-
Showing Elongation at Different Parts, Method B, Procedure B2 ing to the dimensions shown in Fig. 7, and mark the specimen
with a sharp pointed pencil to conform with the holes in the
machine screws of the panel between the paired wooden or
aluminum strips and fastening them with nuts and washers, as 23.3 Draw parallel lines on the frame at the desired distance
shown in Fig. 6. to give the required overall elongation in accordance with the
20.3 Follow the exposure and other procedures described in following table:
Section 24. Overall Elongation, %
Distance Between
Parallel Lines, mm (in.)
10 140 (5.50)

21. Apparatus 23.4 Fasten the stretched specimen to the frame in such a
manner that the fasteners or staples driven through the penciled
21.1 Mounting Frames—Wooden frames for mounting the
dots on the specimen will coincide with the awl points on the
test specimens shall have the following dimensions: inside
two lines. These awl points are spaced according to the holes
width, 100 mm (4 in.); overall width, 175 mm (7 in.); inside
in a template for the required elongation, as shown in Fig. 8.
length, 300 mm (12 in.); overall length, 380 mm (15 in.). For
Because of the taper, the elongation for any one area will vary
constructing the frames, 25 mm (1 in.) thick medium softwood
with the width of the strip. By placing bench marks at regular
shall be used, and the members shall be joined with dowels
using waterproof glue for the bond. The frame shall be planed intervals along the center line of the tapered strip prior to
smooth and painted with two coats of clear lacquer or spar stretching, it is possible to determine the percentage elongation
varnish. for any given area by measuring the distance between the
21.2 Fasteners—Aluminum tacks, size No. 6, made from bench marks after the strip has been elongated, and applying
Alloy No. 51-S, or stainless steel staples for fastening the the following formula:
specimens to the wooden frame. Elongation, % 5 @~La – Lo!/Lo# 3 100 (1)

FIG. 6 Assembled Panel, Showing Method of Mounting Looped Specimens

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D 1149 – 07
adhere to most commercial rubbers. At the time specimens are
cut for ozone testing, the foil or film can be easily removed
providing a fresh surface.
24.5 The foil or film covered sheets shall be stored in an
A B C ozone-free atmosphere for a minimum of 3 h at the agreed test
mm 25 6 125 temperature.
in. 1 0.25 5
24.6 Strip off protective foil or film, then extend specimens
FIG. 7 Die-Cut Tapered Specimen
for Procedures B1 and B3 to the prescribed elongation and
fasten them to their respective holders. Bend the specimens for
Procedure B2 in the form of a loop and fasten in the holder
heretofore described.
NOTE 5—Other types of specimens may be tested, but the results may
not agree with tests made with standard specimens. (See Test Method
FIG. 8 Template for Spacing Holes in Frame for Mounting D 1171 for use of a specimen having a triangular cross section.)
Elongated Specimens (Template Shown is for 15 % Elongation)
24.7 Initiate conditioning immediately after mounting
where: 24.8 Condition the mounted specimens for 24 h in an
La = length after stretching, and ozone-free atmosphere at the temperature at which they are to
Lo = length before stretching. be exposed to ozone.
23.5 After the specimens have been mounted, mount the 24.8.1 Minimize the time of exposure to ambient conditions
aluminum shield on each of the long sides so that the tacks during transfer to the ozone test chamber, which shall have
holding the specimens and the markings are covered. been preset to the agreed test temperature.
23.6 Follow the exposure and other procedures described in 24.8.2 Other conditioning times and procedures may be
Section 24. used, but shall be clearly indicated in the report.
24.9 Begin exposure at the proper temperature and ozone
partial pressure.
24.10 Make observations for detecting the appearance of
24. Procedures Common to Method B cracking with sufficient frequency to be able to detect the first
24.1 Standard ozone pressures shall be 25 mPa, 50 mPa, appearance of ozone cracking.
100 mPa, and 200 mPa with a 610 % tolerance on each 24.10.1 This frequency will depend on the resistance to
pressure (see Note 1 and Note 3) and refer to Section 5. ozone attack of the rubbers being tested. Recommended
24.1.1 Other partial pressures may be selected according to observation magnification is 73, except in the case of the
the particular goals of the test program, and they shall be triangular specimen where the magnification shall be 23 (refer
referred to as optional partial pressures. The ozone concentra- to Note 5).
tion or partial pressure shall be measured once a day for routine 24.11 When comparisons are being made with a standard
work and more often for special test conditions. This measure- reference material, exposures may be made for a fixed time.
ment shall be made with the ozone chamber “loaded” with Evaluate the degree of cracking using an agreed upon scale.
specimens. If specimens are loaded into a chamber that has
been exhausted of ozone, the ozone concentration should reach 25. Report
610 % of the selected ozone concentration within 15 min. 25.1 The report shall include the following:
24.1.2 Conduct an analysis with the chamber containing test 25.1.1 Description of the specimens, identification of the
specimens. When the number of specimens is kept at a rubber compounds, time and temperature of vulcanization.
minimum, “empty” and “loaded” ozone partial pressures will 25.1.2 Conditioning time and temperature.
closely agree. Determine the magnitude of the reduction of
25.1.3 Date and time of the start of exposure.
ozone partial pressure for “empty” versus “loaded” for each set
of operating variables employed. This will vary for each 25.1.4 Test chamber temperature, both nominal and that
laboratory. Refer to Test Methods D 4575 for ozone analysis measured on a daily basis.
procedures. 25.1.5 Test chamber ozone partial pressure, in mPa, both
24.2 The standard temperature shall be 40 6 1°C (104 6 nominal and that measured on a daily basis.
2°F). Temperature affects the rate of ozone degradation. Other 25.1.6 Type of specimen and elongation or mounting type
test and conditioning temperatures, elevated or subnormal may used during the test.
be selected and may be of significant importance. 25.1.7 Elapsed time or number of test cycles to the first
24.3 Adjust the ozone chamber to conditions for exposure observed cracking or a description of the character of the ozone
prior to the introduction of the specimens. cracking at the various observation, or both. If testing to
24.4 All rubber sheets for ozone testing shall be vulcanized pass/fail, report the total exposure time.
between aluminum foil 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) in thickness or 25.1.8 If desired, a photograph may be taken to provide a
polyester film of similar thickness.4 These films will mildly permanent record for evaluation.

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D 1149 – 07
26. Precision and Bias 27. Keywords
26.1 Since all methods and procedures yield essentially 27.1 chamber; cracking; deterioration; ozone; rubber; sur-
qualitative comparison data, candidate test compound versus a face; test
control, precision as normally expressed for quantitative mea-
surement test methods is not directly applicable.

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