Marketing Strategy of Mobile Package Service Xyz West Java Region
Marketing Strategy of Mobile Package Service Xyz West Java Region
Marketing Strategy of Mobile Package Service Xyz West Java Region
Abstract. The underperformance of XYZ company in West Java Region in the year 2015 to
2019, despite the massive increase of broadband services usage, had initiated this research to
be undertaken. This research used a mixed-method approach to determine the variables used
for customer segmentation. There is a total of seven variables used as a parameter in segmenting
customer behaviour. Big data analysis based on Call Data Records (CDR) Summary is
processed using K-Means clustering method. The result of the data analytic will be used as the
basis for determining the main marketing target and the right product tactics of XYZ Mobile
package services in West Java. The results of this research illustrated the behaviour of XYZ
West Java Region customers and highlighted what should be optimized to provide the right
mobile marketing product tactics to improve ARPU customers and eventually increase revenue.
Keywords: mixed-method, segmentation, K-means, big data, product tactics, mobile plan
1. Marketing
Marketing is the main reason a company expands its business. Without marketing, a
company could not thrive and grow. In a more modern concept, marketing has a broader
scope than sales, because sales activities only focus on the number of products that are
successfully sold and how to increase the next sales. While marketing activities
(marketing) is a comprehensive and complex system to support the business of the
company. Successful marketing activities will establish requests for products or services
(Kotler and Keller, 2016).
2. Marketing Strategy
The business strategy of a company is closely related to marketing. Whatever the
company's profit-related activities, they are inevitably executed based on the marketing
strategy. Marketing strategies define the target market and the related marketing mix. This
is a big picture of what the company will do in a specific market. It takes two interrelated
• Target Market – A group of homogeneous customers have a resemblance, similar,
that will be approached to be offered product/service from a company.
• Marketing Mix – Multiple variables that can be controlled, united by the company
to satisfy a targeted group (Perreault et al., 2017).
3. Segmentation
It is a process to identify market conditions as well as sorting market conditions
according to their needs, characteristics, or purchase patterns. A market segment is a
collection of some customers or consumers who share their needs, have similar interests,
and certainly have a considerable amount of interest. Therefore, the market needs to be
grouped into smaller parts, where the similarities of characteristics, buyers, and needs or
behaviors become the basis of the grouping. According to Kotler and Keller (2016), it can
be distinguished into the following variables based on customer characteristics:
• Geographic segmentation: a segment that divides the market into different
geographical units such as cities, provinces, regional, country, or environment
where the customer resides.
• Demographic segmentation: segmentation by dividing the market into groups
based on variables such as age, gender, occupation, family cycles, and customer
• Psychographic segmentation: a segment of market divided into different groups
based on classes such as motivation, perception, personality, lifestyle, social class
of customers.
• Behavioral segmentation is a segment of market divided into different groups
based on attitude, use, and response from customers.
After doing segmentation by identifying opportunities that exist in the market, the next
step is to evaluate which segments will be used as the target market. The target market is
a group of customers who share specific criteria and are in the same segment, of which the
company is set to direct all marketing activities for profit to. There are 2 (two) types of
primary targets that are shared based on demographic information – who they are and
customer behaviour information – what they do (Kingsnorth, 2016). It was reaffirmed by
Chaffey and Chadwick (2016) that the customer's targeting process can be done based on
the customer journey behaviour, such as the content, products or services that are
commonly accessed, and what activities can be done in social media.
5. Positioning
Positioning is the company's position from the customer's point of view compared to
similar competitors. This includes the brand image, benefits and advantages promised to
the customer, the product excellence (competitive advantages) which is the reason why
consumers buy the marketed products. The main point to note is that this positioning is not
what has been done to a product, but rather about what is done to attach the brand to the
memory of the target customer, the product must be perceived and enjoyed by the target
customer to get a clear picture of the product compared to similar competitors (Tien and
Anh, 2017).
6. Marketing Mix
Marketing a product or service in a company required an easy and flexible approach,
commonly referred to as marketing Mix (Marketing). Marketing Mix is a classic tool used
to help the planning of "what is offered to the customer" and "how to offer the product to
customers"(Kotler et al., 2017).
In the first phase, secondary data processing from the Statistical Central Bureau for
regional grouping based on the purchasing power of the public was carried out. The second
stage, using the customers’ Call Data Record (CDR) summary as secondary data to classify
behaviours of customers with minimum monthly usage of IDR 2,500.00 (two thousand five
hundred rupiahs) according to XYZ's minimum package value in the market
(, 25 May 2020). Data to be processed is as
many as approximately 8 million (eight million) Mobile Subscriber Integrated Service
Digital Network Number (MSISDN). Both stages are processed with K-Means clustering
using Jupyter notebook software.
2. Geographic and Demographic Segmentation
Based on the results of the literature review of several previous studies, a demographic
variable to facilitate the grouping of target markets is required, especially regarding the
needs, desires, and the consumption level of a product (Kotler, Keller, 2016). It is necessary
to know the purchasing power of people in one area as it will have an impact on the
marketing strategy of XYZ Mobile package service in the community. There are 4 (four)
indicators that are used as parameters of the Human Development Index (HDI), stating
how the population can access the development results in obtaining income, health,
education, and so on (Rory, 2019), (Nina, G.A., Rustariyuni, S.D., 2018). Per capita
consumption and expenditure of a month is the cost incurred for the consumption of all the
household members for a month either derived from the purchase, delivery, and production
itself divided by the number of household members in the household (Indikator
Kesejahteraan Rakyat, Welfare Indicators, 2015), (Nina, G.A., Rustariyuni, S.D., 2018).
Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) is an important indicator to determine the
economic condition of an area within a certain period, either based on the prevailing price
or the basis of constant price (Giovanni, R., 2018), (Amanaturrohim, H, Widodo, J., 2016).
The percentage of poor people, poverty is seen as an inadequacy on the economic side to
fulfil the basic needs of food and not food consumption measured from the side of
expenditure (BPS West Java).
4. K-Means Clustering
K-Means is the most popular method of clustering and often used to process data
analysis or data mining in the form of modeling without supervision (unsupervised) by
grouping the data system on a partition. The K-means method is the simplest and most
common clustering method. K-Means has the advantage of being easy to implement and
run, and the time it takes to learn this method is relatively fast, easy to adapt as well as
commonly used (U. R. Raval and C. Jani, 2016)
In this study, the K-Means Hard Clustering method will be done in which each data is
only used for 1 (one) cluster. The steps in performing clustering with K-Means are as
1. Specifying the number of clusters.
2. The clustering process starts with identifying the data to be clustered, xij (i = 1, 2, 3,…,
n; j = 1, 2, 3,…, m) with n as the amount of data to be clustered and m as the amount
of variable.
3. At the beginning of the literature, data will be inserted into the cluster randomly, ckj
(k = 1, 2, 3,…; j = 1, 2, 3,…).
4. Centroid calculation is performed on the existing data from each cluster using the
Euclidean method.
𝑑𝑖𝑘 = √∑𝒎
𝒋=𝟏(𝒙𝒊𝒋 − 𝒄𝒌𝒋 ) (1)
dik = range between data
xij = first data point (center of cluster)
ckj = second data point
m = amount of data attribute
5. Allocate each of the data to the nearest centroid.
6. Redo the fourth step when there is data cluster movement or if there is a change in the
centroid value.
7. A fixed centroid value means the clustering process is complete.
8. Using elbow analysis, by looking at the percentage result of the comparison between
the number of clusters that will form an elbow at one point by calculating the Within
Cluster Sum of Square Error (WCSS) to ensure the most appropriate cluster count of
the processed data
𝐶𝑛 𝑑𝑚
C = cluster centroids
d = data point in each Cluster
9. Validate cluster accuracy by performing the index silhouette measurements for Lot
samples, the average result of the Silhouette Index on the Lot clusters, and the overall
average Silhouette Index for the dataset. The Silhouette Index is calculated by using
the Silhouette Coefficient (SC),
where x is the average of the closest cluster distance (the average distance between the
samples with the closest cluster) and Y is the average distance of intra-cluster (the
average distance between the samples in the same cluster).
Table 2. Telecommunication services variables based on literature review
i = Interviewee /Informant
In the previous literature review for customer behavior segmentation, the variables are only
voice revenue, SMS revenue, broadband revenue, and digital service revenue. There are 3
(three) additional variables i.e. total Revenue, international Roaming Revenue, and Other
Revenues. Total revenue will be used as a value of Average rate Per User (ARPU) in
determining Customer Class (high or low-value customer) (Widodo and Ramantoko,2018).
In total there are 6 (six) variables used in determining segmentation based on customer
1. Voice Revenue
2. SMS Revenue
3. Broadband Revenue
4. Digital Service Revenue
5. International Roaming Revenue
6. Others
Segmentation of customer behavior will be done in each cluster based on the geographic
segmentation resulted from table 3 above. Whereas Cluster 1 consists of 15 (fifteen)
cities/districts area, Cluster 2 consists of The City of Bandung, and Cluster 3 consists of
the district of Bandung and Indramayu. Telkomsel classifies customers based on the
monthly Average Rate Per User (ARPU) value. There are 4 (four) customer classifications:
Silver customers (ARPU <100K IDR), Gold customers (100K IDR – 299K IDR), Platinum
customers (300K IDR – 999K IDR), and Diamond customers (ARPU ≥1000K IDR) for the
average use of 3 months. (,,, July 01
2020). With the launching of various new packages containing nominal value below IDR
50,000.00 with 30 days validity period such as As OMG! 4G
(, July 01, 2020), Kartu As Perdana Internetan
Puas 5K (, July 01, 2020),
SimPati Internet OMG! 4G (, July 01, 2020),
and also SimPati daily retail package (
simpati?page=2, July 01, 2020), daily As package
(, July 01, 2020). To refine the analysis in this
study, Silver class customers will be divided into two groups with ARPU of 2.5K IDR –
IDR 49.99K IDR and ARPU of 50K IDR – 99.99K IDR.
The following Fig. 1 describes the number of users (MSISDN) based on the Customer
class (ARPU) of each cluster,
Fig. 1 ARPU Comparison per Cluster
Fig.1 shows that the Silver Customer Class with ARPU of IDR 2.5K IDR – 49.99K
IDR dominates in all clusters 1, 2, and 3. Also, when viewed from each class of customers
(Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond), there is a resemblance to the number of
customers/users of Cluster 1 and Cluster 3 in each of ARPU magnitude. There is a
similarity in the purchasing power levels of XYZ mobile package services on these two
clusters. In Silver Customer Class (50K IDR – 99.99K IDR), Gold, Platinum, and
Diamond, the number of subscribers/users is dominated by customers from Cluster 2. This
indicates that in cluster 2 the purchasing power level of the mobile package service is
higher than in both cluster 1 and cluster 3. The dominant mobile package services used by
each customer class in each cluster can be seen in Table 5 below.
Table 5. Customers’ Dominant Services
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
ARPU Dominant Dominant Dominant
% % %
(IDR) Service Service Service
2.5K - 49.9K Voice 45,20% Voice, SMS 51,58% Broadband 46,82%
Broadband 36,10% Broadband 38,67% Voice 38,12%
Voice, SMS 10,41% Digital 9,64% Voice, SMS 7,88%
Digital 8,02% International 0,11% Digital 7,12%
Service Roaming Service,
International 0,05% International 0,05%
Roaming Roaming
50K - 99.9K Broadband 66,46% Broadband 75,30% Broadband 73,18%
Voice 24,10% Voice 16,84% Voice 18,89%
Digital 4,70% Digital 4,19% Digital 4,25%
Service, Service, Service,
Broadband, Broadband, Broadband,
Voice Voice Voice
Voice, SMS 4,25% Voice, SMS 1,90% Voice, SMS 3,03%
Others 0,46% Others 1,72% Others 0,61%
International 0,03% International 0,05% International 0,03%
roaming roaming roaming,
100K - Broadband 74,10% Broadband 62,70% Broadband 74,98%
Voice, SMS 16,66% Voice, 21,94% Voice, 12,58%
Broadband Broadband
Digital 5,34% Others 8,11% Digital 5,25%
Service, Service,
Broadband, Broadband,
Voice Voice
Others 3,82% Digital 5,81% Others 4,72%
International 0,08% International 0,14% Voice, SMS 2,37%
Roaming Roaming,
International 0,10%
300K - Broadband 63,63% Broadband 47,44% Broadband 60,23%
Voice, 20,45% Voice, 33,90% Voice, 22,46%
Broadband Broadband Broadband
Digital 9,32% Digital 8,08% Digital 9,82%
Service, Service, Service,
Broadband Broadband Broadband
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
ARPU Dominant Dominant Dominant
% % %
(IDR) Service Service Service
Voice, SMS, 2,74% Others, 5,40% International 2,82%
Broadband Voice Roaming,
International 2,07% International 3,69% Voice, 2,35%
Roaming, Roaming, SMS,
Broadband Broadband Broadband
Others 1,78% Voice, 1,49% Others, 2,32%
SMS, Voice,
Broadband Broadband
≥ 1000K Digital 46,16% Voice, 30,26% Digital 47,48%
(DIAMOND) service, Broadband Service,
Broadband Broadband
Voice, 19,27% Digital 27,34% Voice, 19,09%
Broadband Service, Broadband
Broadband 12,20% International 15,49% Broadband 14,67%
International 10,57% Others, 15,33% International 9,78%
Roaming Voice Roaming
Others, Voice 9,30% Broadband 10,25% Others, 7,26%
SMS, 2,49% SMS 1,32% SMS 1,74%
On the ARPU of 2.5K IDR – 49.99K IDR (Silver Class), Cluster 1 is dominated by
customers using voice service (45,20%), Cluster 2 by voice and SMS Services (51,58%),
and cluster 3 by broadband service (46,82%). On the ARPU of 50K IDR – 99.99K IDR
(Silver Class), the use of broadband service dominated as much as 66,46% in Cluster 1,
75,30% in Cluster 2, and 73.18% in Cluster 3. On ARPU of 100K IDR – 299.99K IDR
(Gold Class) is also dominated by customers who use broadband service as much as
74.10% in Cluster 1, 62.70% in Cluster 2, and 74.98% in Cluster 3. Broadband service also
dominates on the ARPU of IDR 300K IDR – 999,99K IDR (Platinum Class), 63.63% in
Cluster 1, 47.44% in Cluster 2, and 60.23% in Cluster 3. While on ARPU ≥1.000K IDR
(Diamond Class), is customers who use Digital service and broadband service dominated
in Cluster 1 (46.16%) and also on cluster 3 (47.48%), while voice and Broadband Services
use is 30.26% in Cluster 2.
Table 6 displays Mix Marketing Matrix, which results in customer segmentation in each
Cluster 1, 2, 3, the customer value, and also the mobile Service package used in Telkomsel
Regional West Java area.
Table 6. Marketing Mix Matrix
100K - 300K -
2.5K - 49.9K 50K - 99.9K ≥ 1000K
299.9K 999.9K
Single Package
√ √ √ √ √ √
Single Package
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Package Voice, √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Single Package
Digital Service
Single Package
International √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Package Digital √ √
Service, Voice
Package Digital
Service, √ √ √ √ √
Single Package
√ √ √ √ √ √ √
Package Voice, √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Package Digital
√ √ √ √ √ √
Package Voice,
√ √ √
Package Others, √ √ √ √ √
International √ √ √ √ √
100K - 300K -
2.5K - 49.9K 50K - 99.9K ≥ 1000K
299.9K 999.9K
Package Others,
Package SMS, √
Single Package
√ √
Increasing customer's Average Rate Per User (ARPU), broadband and digital
service penetration in Telkomsel West Java Region
Marketing Mix
Product The mobile package offers should be customizable; customers should be able to
make their selections according to their needs for voice, broadband, and digital
services (co-creation).
The largest market (56,81%) is the silver class customer's ARPU 2.5K-49.9K.
Price Need more mobile packages services variance less than 50K to attract customers
for increasing voice traffic, broadband, and digital usage services.
1. Conducting digital channel campaigns regarding XYZ Services on social media
platforms (Instagram, Facebook), Youtube Ads, celebgram endorsement, SMS,
pop up messages, outbound calls, and on an online media platform.
Promotion 2. Conducting traditional campaign regarding XYZ services by utilizing
Distributors Agents, Reseller Outlets, Mobile Grapari to bring services closer to
customers, using above the line promo media (billboards, billboards, video
profiles, TV and Radio Talkshow).
Utilizing both traditional channel distribution channels (Distributor Partners,
Place Reseller Outlets, Mobile Grapari) and digital media platform on social media, and
also MyTelkomsel application for improving customer satisfaction.
Improving big data analysis capability for the marketing team and hospitality for
People frontliner. Agility, adaptability, and technology update capability need to be
improved periodically for all XYZ's teams.
Process Do a periodic review process related to mobile packages service on the market.
Optimizing big data analysis and data mining for personalizing mobile package
service promotion to each customer.
Physical Focus on optimizing network quality and commercially developing 5G networks to
Evidence provide service excellence. Maintaining the quality of distribution channels, online
media campaigns (social media platforms, SMS), and offline as well as virtual
assistant services.
There are 17 mobile package services offered in XYZ West Java Region based on
customer behavior. Not all of the mobile package services are available in each cluster.
Some are single packages and some come in bundling packages available exclusively only
in Cluster 1, 2, or 3.
The different purchasing power levels of customers in each cluster can be distinguished by
comparing the number of MSISDN (Mobile Subscriber Integrated Service Digital Network
number) with the ARPU (Average rate Per User) value of these clusters. The four indicators
of the BPS affect the behavior of customers in the selection of Mobile package services
used in their activities. Segmentation by region/area will enable analysis and finding of
any indicators that eventually affect the winning in sales of an area. Some areas have high
rates of non-adoption of internet access, some of non-adoption is linked to demographic
features of users, such as older age, low income, and less education (Greenstein, 2020).
Sales transactions and promotion methods offered will be more directed, effective, and
focused. Geographical Segmentation will also facilitate mapping of which region/area will
be prioritized in product marketing.
Additional variables of customer behavior in this research i.e. International roaming
and others are used as differentiators and as a complement for previous researches. This
will refine customer grouping analyses based on their behavior.
By looking at the results of processing big data analysis of 3 (three) clusters in the XYZ
region of West Java area, it can be concluded that the broadband service becomes a service
of choice in almost all classes of customers. But even so, the legacy service is still the
favorite for some Silver class customers (ARPU 2.5K IDR – 49.99K IDR) on cluster 1
(voice) and cluster 2 (voice and SMS). Customers with ARPU value of 2.5K IDR – 49.99K
IDR are the customer group that uses XYZ Mobile package service the most. It is also
worth considering to add product variations to this customer class segment. Adding
bonuses and promo to keep them interested in increasing monthly usage. Digital services
need to be bundled with other services such as broadband and voice. This is needed to
increase the use of digital services. International roaming and others are very special
services and have their specific customers. Users of international roaming services are
dominated by Platinum class customers (300K IDR – 999,99K IDR) and Diamond
customers (ARPU ≥1.000K IDR). While another service is dominated by Silver customers
(ARPU <100K IDR) and Gold customers (100K IDR – 299K IDR). Looking at the results
of data analysis for this service, bundling offers with broadband service can be done. The
customer segment of this service user can be categorized as a niche market that requires
special treatment to be further explored.
Another product tactic is conducting digital channels and traditional campaigns
regarding XYZ Services on social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook) SMS, pop-up
messages, outbound calls, and utilizing Distributors Agents, Reseller Outlets, and Mobile
Grapari to bring services closer to customers. The mobile package offers should be
customizable by optimizing big data analysis and data mining. More and more
telecommunication businesses are ruined due to tight competition leading to a price war.
So, instead of falling in the price war with competitors, the writer suggests XYZ focuses
on optimizing network quality, commercially developing 5G networks to provide service
excellence, maintaining the quality of distribution channels, and online media campaigns
(social media platforms, SMS), and offline as well as virtual assistant services. In the
broadband internet industry access to broadband and the broadband quality are important
for consumer and social welfare (Boik, A., Takahashi, H., 2020).
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