G2 - Pok Zan Ayam Proses, Jeli, Kelantan

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SESI 2021 (ODL)

No. Content Pages

1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Background of the company 2
3.0 Business activities and products of the company 3
4.0 The practices and process of slaughtering at the company 4

5.0 Comparison of the slaughtering practices with the Malaysian 6

regulation, rules and standards
6.0 Recommendations and suggestions. 11
7.0 Conclusion. 13
8.0 References 14
9.0 Attachment 15


An abattoir, often known as a slaughterhouse, is a facility or property that has been

licensed and registered by the authority for hygienic slaughtering and inspection of animals,
as well as the processing and effective storage pf meat for human consumption. In Malaysia,
one of requirements for slaughterhouses to get halal certification is slaughtered animals are
halal animals such as chickens, cows, goat and camels and also slaughtered according to
Shariah guidelines.

To better understand the characteristics required for a slaughterhouse to obtain halal

certification, one site visit was conducted to meet the syllabus requirements for the subject
Halal Slaughtering Management (ISH 552). On 29 May 2021, one of our group members,
Nurain Nadia binti Mohd Lokman conducted site visit to one of the slaughterhouses premise
that slaughtering, processing and selling chickens on a small scale. Due to the Covid 19
pandemic, only one of the group members became a representative to interview the premise

The name of this premise is Pok Zan Ayam Proses and its location is in Jeli, Kelantan.
We agreed to choose this premise because we wanted to know how the slaughterhouse on a
small scale operate. In addition, if a company or premise already has halal certification, they
need to comply with the conditions and rules set by the authorities. Therefore, we will
examine whether this premise meet with the regulations or not. Through the review of site
visit that have been conducted, we found some issues that we will explain in this report.

The purpose of this study visit was not to find mistakes, but to give exposure to
students with outside companies and interact with them as well as get business information,
their experiences and also help them by giving suggestions to improve their existing
businesses. Throughout the study session of this visit, the premise owner took our group
members to visit several places in his premises. There was also some questions and answer
session held between the interviewer and the premise owner to help us complete the site
study report.


The name of this premise is Pok Zan Ayam Proses. According to the premise owner,
this premise has obtained halal certification from the Kelantan Islamic Religious Council
(MAIK) and obtained permission to run a poultry slaughtering business. Encik Arizan who is
the store owner is the only one who gets a slaughter certificate from the Kelantan Islamic
Religious Council (MAIK). They start slaughtering chickens at 6 am and open the shop as
early as 7.30 am because usually customers will come early.

Pok Zan Ayam Proses premises begins in 2010. It was located in Batu 6, Jeli,
Kelantan. At first, the owner of this premise is Encik Arizan bin Wahab and his wife has
started their business by selling vegetables. They sell vegetables that they grow themselves in
their home area. After a few years, they start growing their business by provide slaughtering
and process chicken. At first, they only take froze ready processed frozen chicken from the
supplier. After that, they take chickens from suppliers from Kedah and Perak. This is
because, in Kelantan, do not have enough chicken stock.

The supplier will deliver the chicken stock at the Pok Zan Ayam Proses Premises in
the early morning of 80 to 100 live chickens per day. For information, their slaughtering and
processing premise near with their shop that sells chicken. The chicken processing place is
behind their shop.


The business activity at the company Pok Zan Ayam Proses starting at 6.00 a.m.
every day. But it is different when Hari Raya, they need to start operating as early as 4.00
a.m. and they need to complete all chicken processing by 8.30 a.m. Usually, customers will
come starting at 7.45 a.m to buy the chicken. Regular customers for this premises are the
nearest satay store and restaurant.

Next, Pok Zan Ayam Proses also provides buying and selling process. Pok Zan Ayam
Proses will sell their chicken or poultry based on what buyer need. For example, buyer can
make a request to cut the chicken for some parts and seller will take it out from the freezer,
and cut the chicken based on the demand from buyer. This is to make sure the buyer satisfied
and they will add this shop in their list to buy poultry again.

Apart from that, they also accept order from customer. Some of customer will make
their order usually the day before the chicken is purchased. For instance, customer make the
request which is they just want drumstick only and seller cut the chicken and keep drumstick
to complete their order.

Lastly, to attract the customer, Pok Zan Ayam Proses also provide cash on delivery
(COD) services. Pok Zan Ayam Proses offers to the customer who want to buy chicken but
they cannot go to their shop. The customer just needs to call them and inform how much they
want. Pok Zan Ayam Proses only cover the area nearby with their premises.

On the other hand, the products of the company are chicken and vegetables. As we
know Encik Arizan plant the vegetables such as chili and eggplant near to his house.
Therefore, he selling the vegetables at his shop.


According to the information that have been collected during site visit to Pok Zan
Ayam Proses, we can conclude that there are 8 process that have to be followed in handling
the poultry. The processes are:

1) Receiving live chicken

The premise received live chicken regularly from suppliers at Perak and Kedah that will be
send to the premise early in the morning to be slaughter.

2) Slaughtering

The slaughtering process start at 6:00 A.M. during normal day and will start at 4:00 or 5:00
A.M. during special day that will be conducted by one slaughterman.The windpipe (throat),
food-tract (oesophagus) and the two jugular veins must be cut during slaughtering process.

3) Bleeding

After the chicken has been slaughtered, it will be put in one container so that it can bleeding
freely to gush out all the blood that still remain in the body. The reason of bleeding process to
ensure there is no blood left in the chicken body. For chicken the bleeding time must not less
than 3 minutes because if the bleeding period is too short, the blood will be dripped in the
region of weathering and pollution will occurred.

4) Scalding

Scalding is a process to damage follicles and facilitate removal of feathers from chicken skin
and can divided into 4 categories which is soft scald, semi scald, sub scald, and hard scald.
As for Pok Zan Ayam Proses premise the scalding method used is semi scald which is the
chicken will be scalding with water of 53-55 celcius in 1-2 minutes.

5) Defeathering

The chicken will be defeathering after scalding in the defeathering machine around 3

6) Washing

The chicken first will be washed before proceeding to evisveration to ensure there is no more
blood and feather on the chicken.

7) Evisvceration

Evisceration is a process of removing organs. The internal organs in the main cavities of the
body, especially those in the abdomen will be removed to ensure the chicken is free from
najs and safe to be consume by consumer.

8) Chilling

The chicken next will be put in the refrigerator. The reason is to preserve its quality as the
low temperature prevents/ discourages the growth and activity of detrimental bacteria which
results in spoilage of food when kept in normal atmospheric temperature.

Receiving live
Evisceration Chilling

Slaughtering Defeathering Cutting

Bleeding Scalding

Table 1


From the site visit observation, there are certain aspect that comply to the regulation
and also the are few aspects that did not follow with the requirement that already stated in
regulation. The reason of this comparison is to help Pok Zan Ayam Proses to improve their
premise and ensure the premise will follow all the requirement in the regulation in the future
to be one of the good slaughterhouse at their area. The aspect that has been compared to the
regulation which are that has already stated below:


Location of Pok Zan Ayam Process was separate away from indutstrial site, residential
home,waste disposal site, water intake point which is complied with the regulation.
According to the regulation:

Malaysia Halal Food MS1500

• 3.2.7. Premise effectively separated from pig farm

MPPHM 2014

• Separated from residential home/ workers’ quarters.


• Premise shall be located away from source of contamination including aeration ponds,
septic tanks and waste disposal sites.

PBN & PBT Regulation

• Location not near with flood area

• Must 100(m) away from water intake point

• Must 100(m) away from source of contamination


As for the premise there are many aspects do not comply with regulation such as there is no
window in the premise, the net used to cover the window insufficient, and there is a moss at
the wall. According to the regulation:

Malaysia Halal Food Standard MS1500

 3.2.6 Premise should be in good condition to eliminate potential breeding site

Food Act 1983

(19) Wall surfaces

 All walls in food premise shall be ~

a) in good condition,easily cleaned and where necessary dissenfected.

MPPHM 2014

• Workers shall practise code of ethics and Good Hygienic Practices (GHP) as stated in
the Food Hygiene Regulations 2009 and other related regulations.

• Workers shall wear proper and suitable attire.


• Ensure the premise is clean

• Interior wall made from waterproof and not easy to absorb material


For slaughterman, Pok Zan Ayam Proses has 1 Muslim slaughterman to perform the
slaughtering which already certified by (MAIN) which followed the requirement in
regulation. According to the regulation:

Malaysian Halal Food Standard MS1500 (

a) Perform by a practicing Muslim

b) Have certificate issued by competent authority

MPPHM (2014)

 Hold valid halal slaughter certificate/ card from MAIN/ JAIN

However, there are few aspect of the slaughterman did not meet with the requirement in the
regulation such Pok Zan Ayam Proses only has 1 slaughterman on duty of slaughtering which
is not enough and the slaughterman did not wear suitable attire during slaughtering the
chicken. According to the regulation:

MPPHM 2014

• Workers shall practise code of ethics and Good Hygienic Practices (GHP) as stated in
the Food Hygiene Regulations 2009 and other related regulations;

• Workers shall wear proper and suitable attire


• Wear outer garments, light coloured and suitable to the operation in a manner that
protect against the contamination of food

Malaysian Protocol Halal Meat & Poultry Production

• The number of slaughtermans should be adequate


For the tools and equipment Pok Zan Ayam Proses used sharp knife during slaughtering and
the equipment used for defeathering made from stainless steel which is complied with
requirement as stated in regulation. According to the regulation:

MPPHM 2014

• slaughtering knife or blade shall be sharp and free from najs, blood and other

• slaughtering knives shall be sufficient and are not made from bones, nails and teeth

• Equipment used must be clean and sanitary

• Equipment, machine appliances and processing aids which have been used or in
contact with najs mughallazah shall be religiously cleansed (sertu)

• Appliances/ brushes from animal hair are not allowed.

PBN & PBT Regulation

• Scalding, defeathering and evisceration must used stainless steel equipment, not rust
and easy to clean


For slaughtering process there are some aspects that Pok Zan Ayam Proses followed the
requirement in regulation such as the animal is halal, the animal still alive during
slaughtering, and the slaughtering done once only. According to the regulation:

Malaysia Halal Food Standard MS1500


• Animal to be slaughter is halal animal

• The animal to be slaughtered shall be alive at the time of slaughter
• Slaughtering shall be done once


• For poultry scalding shall only be carried out on animal that are deemed dead as a
result of halal slaughtering

However, there are some aspect that Pok Zan Ayam Proses did not complied with regulation
such as during the bleeding step, the chicken has been put in the container that full with other
chicken that had been slaughtered and in scalding step, the water turn into mutanajis water
which is the water already mixed up with the chicken blood. According to the regulation:

Code of Veterinary Practice for Poultry Processing Plant

• Poultry should be suspended for bleeding or placed in bleeding cones and should not
be placed on the floor after bleeding.

• The floor area of any bleeding section should be curbed or so constructed to prevent
the escape of blood to other areas

MPPHM 2014

• The definition of halal according to Trade Descriptions (Definition of Halal) Order

2011 and Trade Descriptions (Definition of Halal) (Amendment) Order 2012 is as
follows: ii) not been prepared, processed or manufactured using any instrument that is
contaminated with najs according to Shariah Law and Fatwa)

• Slaughtered animals are not dumped or piled to avoid the animal from being
suffocated to death


Based on the analysis of the data and information that has been collected and obtained
from the results of site visit, Pok Zan Ayam Proses has run its business well and is in a
moderate condition. However, there are some suggestions that can be applied by these
premises to improve their business.

First, looking at some of the pictures and videos that were recorded, after the
slaughterer slaughtered the chickens, they placed the chickens that had been slaughtered in a
large container. However, we found that the activity had some weakness because when
slaughter was done, the animals did not continue to die and will took time. So, their action of
placing the slaughtered chickens in a container that has been filled with a lot of chickens will
create the possibility that the chickens will die due to being crushed by other chickens and not
due to slaughter. Not only that, when the chickens were placed just like that, the blood could
not come out completely.

This needs to be corrected because if the chicken dies when crushed by other
chickens, the chicken will become a carcass. In Islam, the law of eating carcasses is haram
and not allowed in Islam. Therefore, we suggest that after the chickens are slaughtered, the
chickens should be placed in different containers without being crushed or hung. And a few
minutes after slaughter, workers can check the condition of the chickens and then collect
them as a whole in a container to proceed with the next process.

Secondly, we also found that there are some employees who do not adhere to the
proper dress code by wearing aprons, gloves and even headgear. This is very important
because there is a possibility of cross-contamination between the workers and the chickens.
In fact, wearing gloves can reduce the risk of transmission of germs or bacteria from humans
to the chickens. Therefore, the steps that need to be taken by premise owner is to require
employees to wear aprons, gloves and headgear. There is one thing that we commend to the
employees of this premise, they adhere to the rules not to wear any jewelleries whether rings,
bracelets, watches and others.

Third, from some of the photos taken, we found the used containers were rusty and
unsuitable for use. This is because, it can cause the presence of bacteria and germs as the area
is always wet and filled with water. Therefore, we recommend using suitable containers or
basins that use materials that are not easily moldy and rusty and also not brittle. Selection of
the suitable material can save costs from constantly buying to replace the already damaged.
In fact, the risk for the chickens to be contaminated with germs and bacteria can also be

Fourth, after examining each chicken processing process, we found that during the
scalding process, the soaking water used to boil the chicken was not completely changed
when wanting to boil other chickens. The water mixed with the previous chicken blood and
became dirty. The steps to be taken are, the water should be replaced and water mixed with
blood should be removed completely before adding another group of chicken.

Fifth, looking at the photos taken, there are some areas in the Pok Zan Ayam Proses
premises not completely covered with walls. Furthermore, close to the machine for removing
chicken feathers exposed to outdoor areas and close to trees. There is a possibility of cross
-contamination and small insect attacks such as mosquitoes, ants, flies and so on. Some
suggestions from us to build windows or add some nets around the exposed premises to
ensure no mixing with dirty materials.

Overall, although the premises were halal certified, many requirements were not
complied with. In fact, this premise needs improvement to prevent unwanted things from
happening such as the halal certificate being withdrawn or suspended. Ideally, they should
follow the regulations set out in the Malaysian Halal Certification Procedure Manual even if
they are a small -scale company.


In a conclusion, from this site visit we learn lots of thing which is by experiencing the
real situation in slaughterhouses. Even though we choose small scale company, we learn lots
of thing since their mistakes teach us to find the solution to solve the mistake by the
company. This is because, for the huge company, they will take of their product quality in
order to ensure customer continuity.

However, for small scale company, their prospect only people who lives near them. In
addition, when they the only one who provide the services at that palce, the customer has no
option to buy from them. But, that is not the reason for them to not comply with Shariah
guidelines and other regulations. Because, even the seller is Islam and known for selling halal
product it is not confirm whether the product is halalan toyyiban which is halal, safe and in
good quality.

This site visit will become a good experience for us, especially for halal students who
learn about halal and slaughtering management. We understand, for abattoir and
slaughterhouses to get halal certification, they need to comply the regulation set by
authorities such as JAKIM. For our site visit, Pok Zan Ayam Proses premise slaughters
chicken according to Shariah Guidelines. However, there are some things that need to be
improved by the premise to achieve halal standard. Therefore, the researcher has given some
suggestions to help this premise to improve


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Department of Standard Malaysia. (2009). Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) For Food
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Department of Veterinary Service. (2017). Code of Veterinary Practice for poultry Processing
Plant. Second Edition. Diagnostic and quality Assurance Divison. Retrieved from

Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia. (2020). Manual Prosedur Pensijilan Halal Malaysia
(Domestik) 2020. Retrived from http://www.halal.gov.my/v4/pdf/panduan/MPPHM

Kementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan. (2014). Garis

Panduan Pusat Penyembelihan ayam, itik dan lain-lain unggas di kawasan Pihak
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Book Services

Malaysian Standard Halal Food – Production, Preparation, Handling and Storage – General
Guidelines (Second Revision), (2009). Retrieved from


Figure 1: Slaughtering Process

Figure 2: Condition of chicken after slaughtering

Figure 3: Evisceration Process

Figure 4: Frozen chicken


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