Risks of Metabolic Screening
Risks of Metabolic Screening
Risks of Metabolic Screening
The Newborn Metabolic Screening Test checks for 37 rare but serious conditions your baby could have. In all of these disorders
there are no symptoms at birth, and in most of them by the time you have symptoms severe, irreversible damage has been
done. However, if caught early, all can be treated to prevent the majority of the damage. There are three general types of
disorders tested on the Newborn Metabolic Screening Test. They are: Metabolic Disorders (where the body does not produce
an enzyme required by the body, and substances normally metabolized build up in dangerous, even lethal amounts), Endocrine
Disorders (where the baby does not produce certain hormones required by the body), and Hemoglobin Disorders (where the
body does not correctly construct the hemoglobin in red blood cells, thus affecting how oxygen is used by the body, whether
enough oxygen is usable by the body, or other problems). Four of the most common individual diseases found by this test are
described in the table below (remember these are just 4 of the 37 conditions tested for):
Disorder What causes the disorder? How often does What happens if it is not found and How is it
it occur? treated? treated?
Phynylketonuria The body cannot break down One in 15,000 Children become mentally retarded. A special diet
(PKU) certain parts of proteins (the newborns
(metabolic disorder) amino acid phenylalanine)
Galactosemia The body cannot break down a One in 50,000 Children become very sick (and A special diet.
(metabolic disorder) certain sugar (galactose) found in newborns may die). Mental retardation,
dairy products and breast milk cataracts, and liver damage can
occur in untreated infants.
Congenital The thyroid gland does not One in 5,000 Children become mentally retarded Supplement of
Hypothyroidism produce enough of a special newborns and growth is slow a pill (thyroxine)
(endocrine disorder) hormone (thyroxine)
Sickle Cell Anemia An inherited abnormality in the One in 3,000 Children could have a range of Sometimes
(hemoglobin structure of hemoglobin in red newborns problems; from mild anemia to a education,
disorder) blood cells affects the body's life-threatening crisis. sometimes
ability to utilize oxygen and may special care.
cause several other problems.
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profuse, or in rare cases, result in severe injury or death. A vitamin K injection at birth may reduce this risk, but does have risks
of its own.
If your baby is identified as having phenylketonuria (PKU) or galactosemia, you will be referred to the Metabolic Clinic. The
Metabolic Clinic provides diagnostic and consultative services for children and adults with PKU, galactosemia, and other
metabolic disorders. Evaluation and management services are provided by a team which included a pediatrician/geneticist,
nutritionist, psychologist, social worker, genetic counselor, nurse, and secretary. Other consultants, such as neurology,
opthamology, and speech and hearing specialists, are available if needed. The Metabolic Clinic staff helps coordinate efforts to
purchase special metabolic formulas and medications with pharmacies, the WIC Program and other community agencies when
needed. The Metabolic Clinic is administered by the Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah
Medical Center. The clinics are held at Primary Children’s Medical Center. Call 801-585-2457 for more information. If your
baby has a hemoglobinopathy, you will be referred to the Hematology clinic. The hematology clinics are held at the Primary
Children's Medical Center.
test on your baby, or refuse it in writing. Please read the following options and sign the one you select:
________ (Initial) I certify that I have read the preceding information regarding the Newborn Metabolic Screening test and that all
my questions have been answered to my satisfaction.
detect and treat any of these conditions maternity care provider, therefore I perform the test on my infant. I hereby
within the first two weeks of life can refuse it from BetterBirth . I hereby
LLC release and hold harmless the midwife,
result in the effects listed in this assume all responsibility for obtaining BetterBirth, , and all other related
document, which I have read and the test and release and hold harmless parties from the outcome of this
understood. BetterBirth,LLC it’s agents, and all other decision, except in the case of gross
related parties from the outcome of this negligence. I understand there is a fee
Knowing and understanding the risks, I decision. I understand that the test can for this procedure that is not included in
hereby refuse the Newborn Metabolic be obtained for a minimum fee at my my other maternity care fees. I
Screening test for my infant and local health department and I plan to understand that it is my responsibility
declare that I am a member of a religion have my baby tested within the to immediately notify BetterBirth, LLCif I
opposed to this test, or that I have recommended 14-day limit. change address or phone numbers
personal objections to newborn ________________________________ within 60 days of the test so that I can
screening. Signature be notified of the results.
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