Flux Cored Wires (Elga)
Flux Cored Wires (Elga)
Flux Cored Wires (Elga)
Q U A L I T Y A N D K N O W - H O W I N W E L D I N G
Flux cored wires
What is a flux cored wire and
how is it made?
Elga flux cored wire are made from a metal strip Deposition rate per hour
that is first formed to a ”u” shape, filled with a dry kg/h
powder mix and further formed into a tube. The
6 rutile flux cored wire
tube is then drawn down to the required wire size. 5
This production method ensures that the final prod- 4
uct is of a constant high quality as well as elimi- 3
nating the possibility of incomplete powder fill. 2 solid wire
Flux cored wires manufactured from metal 1
strip have the additional benefit of high produc- 150 200 250 300
tivity when compared to wires that are made from
a seamless tube. This is due to the higher current
density of the wire.
Because the flux cored wire is a ”tube”, there
will be physical differences compared to a solid
wire. The current has a much smaller cross sec- seamless type butt type overlap type
tion to pass so the current density in a flux cored
wire becomes higher at the same current. This
will result in a productivity advantage for the flux
cored wire, as shown in the diagram.
The penetration also becomes wider and this
gives less risk of getting slag inclusions and lack
of fusion defects. The slag producing wires also
provides good properties in out of position weld-
ing at high currents.
Different wire types
How to use a flux cored wire
Electrode stick-out
The stick-out is the distance from the end of the Influence of increased volt
contact tip to the baseplate, including the arc-length. Current 230 A
24 V 27 V 31 V
This distance should be 15–25 mm. It is mainly
for ensuring a proper gas shield of the arc and
weld pool and also to ensure the desired penetra-
tion. Influence of increased current
Volt 26 V
180 A 220 A 280 A
Forehand or backhand welding
(push or pull)
Backhand and forehand welding gives different
results. In general backhand welding gives a deeper Influence of increased stick-out
Current 220 A / Volt 23 V
penetration and a more convex weld bead. Fore- 15 mm 25 mm 35 mm
hand welding gives a flatter bead but penetration
is decreased.
Too much angle in forehand welding will
result in excessive spatter and loss of penetration.
Too much angle in backhand welding will result
in very convex bead and can also result in snail-
trails (trapped shielding gas, under the slagcover).
Classification according to EN 758:1997 E
Symbol Min. yield strength Tensile strength Min. elongation Symbol Hydrogen content
N/mm2 N/mm2 % ml/100 g deposited
metal (max.)
35 355 440–570 22
38 380 470–600 20 H5 5
42 420 500–640 20 H10 10
46 460 530–680 20 H15 15
50 500 560–720 18
EN 758 – T 46 3 1Ni B M 4 H5
Standard number Tubular cored
Shielding gas
Storage recommendations
for FCW
The range of mild steel flux cored wires
As welded 1 2 3 4
Number of SR treatments on same testpiece
Examples of applications
Pipe 6”, 20 mm wall thickness. Position H-L045
Stress relieved at 620°C. for 3 h.
Bead Consumable Dia. Amp Volt
The stainless flux cored wires
Examples of applications
Cargo tank in chemical carrier, base material
Uranus 45N (duplex), plate thickness 19 mm,
welding position PF.
Bead Consumable Dia. Amp Volt
Corrosion in stainless
Weld spatter resulted in corrosion; weld This vessel corroded due to heat Corrosion initiated because slag
repairs were required after the affected tint (top) and a contaminated was not completely removed from
spots were ground out. surface that was improperly around a weld.
cleaned (bottom).
Trouble shooting guide
When the torch switch is The electromagnetic switch is not ON. Check coil voltage and if defective
ON, the wire is fed but replace it.
no arc is generated.
The earth cable is not connected. Connect the earth cable.
Blowholes are No, or too little shielding gas is fed. Check and correct the gasflow.
generated on the
weldbead. Air is mixed with the shieldinggas. Check the gas hose and its connections
for leakage.
Too much spatter. Welding parameters are incorrect. Adjust voltage in comparison with the
Unstable arc. The contact tip is worn out. Replace with a new tip.
Earth point is not correct. Move earth point to the start of welding.