Flux Cored Wires (Elga)

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User’s Guide

Flux Cored Wires

Q U A L I T Y A N D K N O W - H O W I N W E L D I N G
Flux cored wires

The use of flux cored wires started already in the

early sixties, so it is not a new process. Today it is
used in shipbuilding, offshoreconstruction and gen-
eral fabrication.
The development of wires and its produc-
tion has made the quality of flux cored wires very
high and stable. Since the wire diameters has be-
come smaller, down to 0,8 mm, the field of use
has increased and flux cored wires comes into
more and more types of steel fabrication.
The flux cored wires covers a large variety
of weld metal qualities and boosts the productiv-
ity, especially in out of position welding.


What is a flux cored wire and how is it made .. 4

Different wire types ........................................... 5
How to use a flux cored wire ........................... 6

Classification according to EN 758:1997 E ...... 7

Shielding gas ..................................................... 8
Ceramic backing ............................................... 8

Storage recommendations for FCW .................. 8

The range of mild steel flux cored wires .......... 9
Examples of applications ................................ 10

The stainless flux cored wires ........................ 11

The range of stainless flux cored wires .......... 11
Examples of applications ................................ 12

Corrosion in stainless ..................................... 13

Trouble shooting guide ................................... 14

Photo on page 5 – bottom, reproduced by courtesy of

Volvo Articulated Haulers AB.
Photographs on page 13 are reproduced by courtesy of
the Nickel Development Institute.

What is a flux cored wire and
how is it made?

Elga flux cored wire are made from a metal strip Deposition rate per hour
that is first formed to a ”u” shape, filled with a dry kg/h
powder mix and further formed into a tube. The
6 rutile flux cored wire
tube is then drawn down to the required wire size. 5
This production method ensures that the final prod- 4
uct is of a constant high quality as well as elimi- 3
nating the possibility of incomplete powder fill. 2 solid wire
Flux cored wires manufactured from metal 1
strip have the additional benefit of high produc- 150 200 250 300
tivity when compared to wires that are made from
a seamless tube. This is due to the higher current
density of the wire.
Because the flux cored wire is a ”tube”, there
will be physical differences compared to a solid
wire. The current has a much smaller cross sec- seamless type butt type overlap type
tion to pass so the current density in a flux cored
wire becomes higher at the same current. This
will result in a productivity advantage for the flux
cored wire, as shown in the diagram.
The penetration also becomes wider and this
gives less risk of getting slag inclusions and lack
of fusion defects. The slag producing wires also
provides good properties in out of position weld-
ing at high currents.

Different wire types

There are three main types of wires as outlined


Rutile flux cored wires

The rutile flux system provides both good welda-
bility and mechanical properties and, with some
wires, excellent impact values at –60°C. All of the
Elga rutile flux cored wires are fully positional,
and produce weld metal with less than 5 ml of
hydrogen per 100 g of deposited weld metal.
The new and unique rutile offshore
grade flux cored wire, DWA 55 LSR, is capable of
producing consistently good mechanical proper-
ties at –60°C, even after multi-cycle stress reliev-

Basic flux cored wires

The basic flux system gives very good weldmetal
quality and good crack resistance in restraint joints,
but the metal transfer in the arc is more globular
than spray and, consequently, the weldability is not
as good as the rutile wires.
The flux/slag system only allows these wires
to be used in the flat and horizontal positions, al-
though it is possible to improve the positional char-
acteristics of these wires by the use of a pulsed
power source.

Metal cored wires

The metal cored wires have no slag forming ele-
ments, only metal powder inside. This gives a higher
recovery. The arc is stable and gives very little spatter.
As there is no slag cover these wires have
limited positional applications. The metal cored
wires are very often used in mechanised and ro-
botic applications.

How to use a flux cored wire

Why a parameter box

When using a flux cored wire, we recommend that Recommended parameter range for DWA 50
you work within a parameter box, this will ensure Volt
the correct welding condition. It is important to 36 Ø
have the right relationship between current and 1,4
32 Ø
voltage to determine the right penetration and mm
28 1,6
minimise spatter. 24 mmØ
The arc voltage influences the arc length. If 20
the arc length is excessive the weld metal will be
contaminated by nitrogen and oxygen picked up 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
from the surrounding atmosphere, affecting the
mechanical properties.

Electrode stick-out
The stick-out is the distance from the end of the Influence of increased volt
contact tip to the baseplate, including the arc-length. Current 230 A
24 V 27 V 31 V
This distance should be 15–25 mm. It is mainly
for ensuring a proper gas shield of the arc and
weld pool and also to ensure the desired penetra-
tion. Influence of increased current
Volt 26 V
180 A 220 A 280 A
Forehand or backhand welding
(push or pull)
Backhand and forehand welding gives different
results. In general backhand welding gives a deeper Influence of increased stick-out
Current 220 A / Volt 23 V
penetration and a more convex weld bead. Fore- 15 mm 25 mm 35 mm
hand welding gives a flatter bead but penetration
is decreased.
Too much angle in forehand welding will
result in excessive spatter and loss of penetration.
Too much angle in backhand welding will result
in very convex bead and can also result in snail-
trails (trapped shielding gas, under the slagcover).

Stick-out (mm) Forehand Backhand

welding (push) welding (pull)

Classification according to EN 758:1997 E

Symbol Shielding gas Symbol Positions

M M2, mix gas acc. to EN 439 1 All positions

C C1, carbondioxide acc. to EN 439 2 All positions, except vertical down
N No shielding gas 3 Flat butt weld, flat fillet weld, horizontal-vertical fillet weld
4 Flat butt weld, flat fillet weld
5 Vertical down and positions according to symbol 3

Symbol Min. yield strength Tensile strength Min. elongation Symbol Hydrogen content
N/mm2 N/mm2 % ml/100 g deposited
metal (max.)
35 355 440–570 22
38 380 470–600 20 H5 5
42 420 500–640 20 H10 10
46 460 530–680 20 H15 15
50 500 560–720 18

EN 758 – T 46 3 1Ni B M 4 H5
Standard number Tubular cored

Symbol Temperature for min. Symbol Chemical composition %

average impact Mn Ni Mo
energy of 47 J
°C No symbol 2,0 – –
Mo 1,4 – 0,3-0,6
Z No requirements MnMo 1,4-2,0 – 0,3-0,6
A +20 1Ni 1,4 0,6-1,2 –
0 0 1,5Ni 1,6 1,2-1,8 –
2 –20 2Ni 1,4 1,8-2,6 –
3 –30 3Ni 1,4 2,6-3,8 –
4 –40 Mn1Ni 1,4-2,0 0,6-1,2 –
5 –50 1NiMo 1,4 0,6-1,2 0,3-0,6
6 –60 Z Any other agreed composition

Symbol Characteristics Types of weld Shielding gas

R Rutile, slow freezing slag Single/multiple pass Required

P Rutile, fast freezing slag Single/multiple pass Required
B Basic Single/multiple pass Required
M Metal powder Single/multiple pass Required
V Rutile or basic/fluoride Single pass Not required
W Basic/fluoride, slow freezing slag Single/multiple pass Not required
Y Basic/fluoride, fast freezing slag Single/multiple pass Not required
Z Other types

Shielding gas

The purpose of the shielding gas is to protect the

arc and the molten weldpool from the surround-
ing atmosphere. The type of shielding gas used
should be in accordance with that recommended
in the catalogue, as should the gasflow. Impact
values of the weld metal are dependent on low
Nitrogen levels, if the gas shield is incorrect then
the Nitrogen pick-up will increase and the values
will decrease.

Elga Optimator™ is a high

Ceramic backing performance multi stage regulator.

In most joint types it is possible and even advan-

tageous to use a ceramic backing. In one-sided
welding, both time and money are saved by the
use of backing. There are many different types of
ceramic backing each designed for its own par-
ticular joint. The most commonly used types are
shown in the sketches.

Storage recommendations
for FCW

The flux cored wires in the Elga program, DW,

Typical examples of ceramic
DWA, MX and MXA do not contain any binding backing applications.
agents or any hygroscopic ingredients, therefore,
the deposited weldmetal will always have a low
hydrogen level. But it is important to protect the
wire from rusting, because rust is hygroscopic.
As long as the wire is unpacked it is well protect-
ed, but an opened spool in the wirefeeder should
not be left for a longer time, to protect the surface
from rusting. Unpacked wire should be stored in
a dry place on a pallet, not directly on the floor.

The range of mild steel flux cored wires

Product name Wire type Shielding gas Impact value ° C

Elgacore DW 50 Rutile C1 –20

Elgacore DWA 50 Rutile M21 –20

Elgacore DWA 52F Rutile M21 –20

Elgacore DW 55E Rutile C1 –40

Elgacore DWA 55E Rutile M21 –40

Elgacore DW 55L Rutile C1 –60

Elgacore DWA 55L Rutile M21 –60

Elgacore DWA 55LSR * Rutile M21 –60

Elgacore DW 588 Rutile C1 –5

Elgacore DWA 51B Basic M21 –20

Elgacore MXA 100 Metal M21 –20

Elgacore MXA 200 Metal M21 –20

Elgacore MX 200 Metal C1 +/–0

Elgacore MX 100T Metal C1+M21 –20

Elgacore MXA 55T Metal M21 –60

* The new rutile wire that can be stress relieved.

Stress relieving at 620°C +/–10°, soak time 2 hrs

Impact energy J

130 DWA 55 LSR





As welded 1 2 3 4
Number of SR treatments on same testpiece
Examples of applications
Pipe 6”, 20 mm wall thickness. Position H-L045
Stress relieved at 620°C. for 3 h.
Bead Consumable Dia. Amp Volt

1 Elgatig 162 2,0 90 15

2 Elgatig 162 2,0 95 16

3 DWA 55LSR 1,2 175 23

4–7 DWA 55LSR 1,2 190 25

8–10 DWA 55LSR 1,2 175 23

Outer hull of a ship, plate thickness 16 mm,

position PF, single sided welding.
Bead Consumable Dia. Amp Volt

1 MX 100T 1,2 105 16

2 DWA 50 1,2 175 23,5

3–5 DWA 50 1,2 230 26

6–7 DWA 50 1,2 205 24,5

Highly restraint butt-joint, plate thickness 12 mm,

position PA, single sided welding with ceramic
Bead Consumable Dia. Amp Volt

1 DWA 51B 1,2 230 28

2 MXA 100 1,2 235 27

3–5 MXA 100 1,2 265 29

6–7 MXA 100 1,2 245 28

The stainless flux cored wires

Elga have a very comprehensive range of rutile flux

cored wires for the high alloyed materials. Within
each grade of stainless steel wire we have both a
L and a LP type.
The L type is for horisontal position and pro-
duce a smooth and well-contoured weld bead.
The LP wires have the same arc characteris-
tics as the L wires but can be used in all positions
due to the fast freezing rutile slag system.

The range of stainless steel flux cored wires

Product name Wire type Shielding gas AWS code

Cromacore DW 308L Rutile C1 / M21 E 308LT0-4 / -1

Cromacore DW 308LP Rutile C1 / M21 E 308LT1-4 / -1

Cromacore DW 308H Rutile C1 E 308HT0-1

Cromacore DW 308LT Rutile C1 E 308LT0-1

Cromacore DW 309L Rutile C1 / M21 E 309LT0-4 / -1

Cromacore DW 309LP Rutile C1 / M21 E 309LT1-4 / -1

Cromacore DW 309MoL Rutile C1 / M21 E 309LMoT0-4 / -1

Cromacore DW 316L Rutile C1 / M21 E 316LT0-4 / -1

Cromacore DW 316LP Rutile C1 / M21 E 316LT1-4 / -1

Cromacore DW 317L Rutile C1 / M21 E 317LT0-4 / -1

Cromacore DW 317LP Rutile C1 / M21 E 317LT1-4 / -1

Cromacore DW 329A Rutile C1 / M21 E 2209T0-4 / -1

Cromacore DW 329AP Rutile C1 / M21 E 2209T1-4 / -1

Cromacore DW 347 Rutile C1 / M21 E 347T0-4 / -1

Examples of applications
Cargo tank in chemical carrier, base material
Uranus 45N (duplex), plate thickness 19 mm,
welding position PF.
Bead Consumable Dia. Amp Volt

1 DW 329AP 1,2 125 24

2 DW 329AP 1,2 145 26,5

3 DW 329AP 1,2 145 26,5

4 DW 329AP 1,2 130 25

5 DW 329AP 1,2 145 26,5

6 DW 329AP 1,2 150 27

Cargo tank in chemical carrier, base material

316 LN, plate thickness 16mm, welding position PF.
Bead Consumable Dia. Amp Volt

1 DW 317LP 1,2 145 24

2 DW 317LP 1,2 185 27

3 DW 317LP 1,2 185 27

4 DW 317LP 1,2 170 26,5

Mild steel to 316 LN, ballast tank,

plate thickness 16 mm, welding position PA.
Bead Consumable Dia. Amp Volt

1 DW 309MoL 1,2 150 25

317LN Mild steel
2 DW 309MoL 1,2 190 27,5

3–5 DW 309MoL 1,2 200 28

Corrosion in stainless

Stainless steel is a metal that is resistant to corro-

sion but nevertheless, it can corrode. This corro-
sion can take place very quickly and it can cause
great damage. There are many different types of
corrosion that occur with stainless steels, e.g. pitt-
ing corrosion, crevice corrosion, deposit attack
corrosion, preferential attack corrosion, intergran-
ular corrosion and stress corrosion.
Iron embedded by a carbon steel wire To avoid these attacks on the steel and around
brush and construction work in the same the welding area, it is important to choose the right
area has initiated pitting corrosion on
stainless steel pipe. plate material and consumables. In general, the
analysis of the consumable should correspond to
the analyse of the plate. It is important to protect
the plate from welding spatter, grinding dust and
impurities in general.
The welding procedure itself must be care-
fully done in order to fulfill the mechanical and
metallurgical requirements. Extra considerations
has to be taken to the heat input, gasflow, joint-
preparation and bead planning. At Elga´s techni-
cal centre you can get all the help you need from
our highly qualified Welding Engineers.
Pitting corrosion occured where crayon
markings were made – and not later
removed – on a stainless steel vessel.

Weld spatter resulted in corrosion; weld This vessel corroded due to heat Corrosion initiated because slag
repairs were required after the affected tint (top) and a contaminated was not completely removed from
spots were ground out. surface that was improperly around a weld.
cleaned (bottom).

Trouble shooting guide

Defect Cause Correction

No wire is fed even Motor fuse blow. Replace with the specified fuse.
when the inching switch
is pushed. Breaking of the control cable or Check the cable with an instrument.
improper contact.

The governor circuit is defective. Replace the printed circuit card.

When the torch switch is The electromagnetic switch is not ON. Check coil voltage and if defective
ON, the wire is fed but replace it.
no arc is generated.
The earth cable is not connected. Connect the earth cable.

The relay for the electromagnetic switch Replace the relay.

is not operating.

Blowholes are No, or too little shielding gas is fed. Check and correct the gasflow.
generated on the
weldbead. Air is mixed with the shieldinggas. Check the gas hose and its connections
for leakage.

To large torch angle in backhand Reduce the angle.


Too much spatter. Welding parameters are incorrect. Adjust voltage in comparison with the

Too little shieldinggas. Correct gasflow.

Unstable arc. The contact tip is worn out. Replace with a new tip.

To large innerdia. of the contact tip. Replace with correct tip.

The liner is clogged with dirt. Clean the liner or replace.

Wrong welding parameters. Correct the parameters.

Undercut. Voltage is too high. Reduce the voltage.

Welding speed is too high. Reduce welding speed.

Earth point is not correct. Move earth point to the start of welding.

Overlap. Travel speed is too low. Increase welding speed.

Voltage is too low. Increase voltage, or reduce current to

get less weldmetal.

Fillet weld is Too high parameters. Reduce voltage and current.

falling down.
Wrong aiming point. Move the aiming point.

Travel speed is too low. Increase the travel speed.

Rootrun is cracking in Too high parameters. Decrease current to below 200A.

the middle.
(ceramic backing) Too high welding speed. Reduce welding speed.
If this does not help change to a basic
wire in the root.



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