DM3 Fast Finishers U8

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Students draw themselves as babies in the first picture frame.

Then they draw themselves doing three

Draw and color. things they could do when they were babies. Next, they draw how they look in the present in the
second picture frame and draw three things they can do now. Finally, they color the pictures.

When I was a baby I could...

Now I can...

Unit 8   Present, Past and Future   Lesson 4  Fast Finishers  Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable
Students point to and identify Dino and his grandfather. Then they identify and
Cut, sort and glue. color the devices on the right. Next, they cut them out and glue them onto the
corresponding Present or Past sections.


Long Ago

Unit 8   Present, Past and Future   Lesson 8  Fast Finishers  Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable
Students design a robot and draw it in the first frame. Then they draw
Design your own robot. and color four things it can do. Finally, they present their robot to the
class and describe it and what it can do.

It can...
My Robot

Unit 8   Present, Past and Future   Lesson 12  Fast Finishers  Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable
Students describe the scenes from the Judy's Adventure story. Then they cut the strips
Cut, glue and retell the story. out and glue the tabs together to make one long story strip. Students retell the story by
passing the story strip through the slots of the spaceship from Activity Book page 103.

Unit 8   Present, Past and Future   Lesson 13  Story Strip Template  Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable
Students look at Dino's invention and describe it. Then they draw their facial
Look, draw and color. features and hair on the blank face. Next, they think of their own invention,
draw it and color all the pictures. Finally, they show their invention to the class.

Look at my invention!

Look at my invention!

Unit 8   Present, Past and Future   Lesson 15  Fast Finishers  Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable

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