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Causewayed Enclosures

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Introductions to
Heritage Assets


May 2011
Fig. 1. Reconstruction based on the excavated evidence from the causewayed enclosure at Orsett, Essex.

INTRODUCTION Archaeologists have named this type of monument

based on the distinctive form of the earthworks
Causewayed enclosures, also known as ‘causewayed
defining the perimeter: the ditch, and to a lesser
camps’ or ‘interrupted-ditch enclosures’, are of great
extent the bank, were discontinuous, comprising short
importance in European and British prehistory.
stretches of varying length separated by causeways of
They represent the earliest known examples of the
intact ground (Figure 1). They are not the only form of
enclosure of open space. They date to the early
Neolithic enclosure: a few with continuous earthworks
Neolithic (4,000 BC – 3,300 BC), which also saw the
have proved to be of similar date. Nearly 80
introduction of agriculture and the domestication of
causewayed enclosures are now known in the British
animals, the manufacture of pottery, the first mining
Isles and more examples certainly await discovery, but
of flint and quarrying of other forms of stone for the
they will undoubtedly remain an extremely rare type
production of axes, and the construction of longhouses
of monument. The majority of those currently known
and ceremonial or ritual monuments including cursus
are found in England south of the River Trent, but a few
monuments and long barrows.
outliers have been identified in Wales, Scotland, Ireland
Recent research has shown that many causewayed and Cumbria (Figure 2). Curiously, eastern Yorkshire,
enclosures in the British Isles were constructed much of which has been well studied through aerial
within a relatively short period and most scholars photography and is known to possess a wealth of
now believe that the concept must have originated early Neolithic remains, has not yet produced a single
in mainland Europe and spread quickly through example of a classic causewayed enclosure. At Carn
France, Germany, Scandinavia and the British Isles. Brea in Cornwall and other areas where hard rocks
Causewayed enclosures in Kent seem to be earlier dominate the uplands, discontinuous drystone walls
than those in Essex, but those in Ireland are earlier without ditches (called ‘tor enclosures’) may have
still, suggesting the rapid transmission of ideas by sea. performed a similar purpose to the causewayed
The construction of an artificial boundary around an perimeters elsewhere.
area, creating a distinction between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’,
private and public, human and wild, and perhaps
sacred and profane, was to prove a profound social
and architectural development. Indeed, some scholars
believe that the act of enclosure was the primary
function of the monument, the process of construction
more important than the activities that took place in
the interior.

English Heritage Introductions to Heritage Assets Causewayed Enclosures 2

Fig. 2. Distribution of causewayed enclosures in England: a few more exist elsewhere in Fig. 3. The causewayed enclosure at Burford, Oxfordshire, whose ditch has been plotted
the British Isles and new examples still occasionally come to light. from aerial photography, exemplifies this form of monument at its simplest.

Most causewayed enclosures are oval in plan, with some Most causewayed enclosures on higher ground are centred just
sufficiently close to a circle to suggest that the builders were off summits so that they have a distinct orientation, perhaps
aiming for this basic shape. Most comprise a single circuit of signifying a link with a particular area of lower-lying land. Some
discontinuous bank and ditch (Figure 3). Some have two or occupy striking landforms (Figure 4), while the so-called ‘tor
three concentric circuits; in many cases, it remains uncertain enclosures’ of the South-West have been named because most
whether all were created or used at the same time. Where surround or incorporate these prominent landmarks. Many of
double lines of ditch are closely spaced and run precisely the examples known through aerial photography are in lower-
parallel to each other, these may have provided material for lying locations, frequently close to rivers or streams. Here too,
a central bank, the two ditch circuits thus forming a single enclosures were often sited on sloping ground, so that in some
boundary. Most circuits are between 0.4 hectares and 3.0 cases, parts of the circuit were seasonally flooded.
hectares in internal area, but the largest is around 10 hectares.
In some cases, perimeters incorporate natural barriers such as Causewayed enclosures usually contain a sparse scatter of pits
rivers and steep slopes, while a few (often called cross-ridge and post-holes. They were probably not permanently occupied
dykes) span the necks of spurs and promontories. (Figure 5). Modern investigations have supported early
interpretations which compared them to fairgrounds: places
Individual ditch segments are generally up to 20m long, but the where dispersed social groups could gather episodically on
longest are much longer, while the shortest could be described neutral ground to reaffirm their sense of community through a
as pits. Analysis of the few examples where the bank survives range of activities including feasting, crafts, and the performance
as an earthwork show that gaps in the bank were less frequent of rituals associated with death. On occasion, certain enclosures
than those in the ditch and did not always line up precisely were briefly used for defence (Figure 6). But not all enclosures
with those in the ditch. Early theories that every causeway hosted the same activities and sometimes the evidence is
represented an entrance have therefore been revised. Indeed, difficult to interpret. Some experts see the creation of the
careful analysis of plans shows that many enclosures had one monument as an end in its own right, the construction project
causeway picked out by a slight in-turn in the flanking ditch itself serving to give the builders a common focus. This may
segments, suggesting it to be the main, or only, entrance. Study explain why some enclosures seem to have been deliberately
of the few examples that survive as earthworks suggests demolished – the banks being pushed back into the ditches –
that the flanking bank segments may also have been larger. immediately after they were built.
Excavation has shown that the banks were not necessarily
simple dumps of material cast up from the ditch. Lines of
post-holes and stake-holes have been recognised, suggesting
that timber revetments were sometimes built to give the bank CHRONOLOGY
an impressive façade. Free-standing palisades, also discontinuous, In a few cases where multiple circuits are not concentric, a
formed parts of some perimeters. These constructional relative sequence of development - though not the absolute
elements were combined differently at different sites and dates - can be inferred from the eventual plan. Where the
the forms of many individual enclosures were modified circuits are concentric, it is only possible to prove whether
episodically. The ditch segments in particular were repeatedly they were contemporary with each other, or whether they
changed, through cleaning, recutting and partial in-filling; special represent successive enlargements or reductions in the original
deposits, including feasting debris, stone axes and human skulls, area, through excavation and radio-carbon dating.
were sometimes carefully placed in the ditch, apparently to
commemorate the event.

English Heritage Introductions to Heritage Assets Causewayed Enclosures 3

Fig. 4. The well-preserved causewayed enclosure on Combe Hill, East Sussex, seems to Fig. 5. Permanent settlement does not seem to have been characteristic of causewayed
have been sited at the head of the valley, a dramatic topographic feature. enclosures; the possible Neolithic longhouse at Freston, Suffolk, is unique.

The enclosure at Windmill Hill, near Avebury in Wiltshire, causewayed enclosures has grown erratically and currently
which has been extensively excavated, has three widely-spaced stands at nearly 80, the biggest jump occurring after the 1950s
circuits which were very probably constructed over a period due to increased aerial survey. This new technique revealed
of between 5 and 80 years in sequence from inner to outer. many low-lying causewayed enclosures whose earthworks had
They were eventually used together to define three separate, been erased by later ploughing (which in some cases began in
concentric spaces where different kinds of activity took place. prehistory). It is now clear that the few causewayed enclosures
Here, and elsewhere, the outermost circuit was a considerably still visible as earthworks have only survived because they
bigger earthwork, suggesting a change in the function of lie on high ground, above the ‘high-tide mark’ of later arable
the enclosure. agriculture, and that the true picture of Neolithic land-use is
virtually the reverse of what Curwen envisaged. Only one of
Sophisticated mathematical calibration of radiocarbon dates his original list, an enclosure discovered by chance through
available from excavated sites has recently transformed excavation in the 1920s at Abingdon in Oxfordshire, lies on
archaeologists’ perception of causewayed enclosures. The early lower ground, occupying a low promontory between two
Neolithic was once regarded as a period of revolutionary streams. This location, which Curwen regarded as anomalous,
change, but scholars from the 1980s onwards stressed the can now be seen to be typical, reflecting the relatively intensive
long time-span over which new items and concepts were use of river valleys in the Neolithic. However, analysis of
probably introduced, thus portraying the period as an evolution, biases inherent in the distribution pattern derived from aerial
not a revolution. The newly available dates, however, seem to survey, such as those caused by woodland cover and geology
necessitate a return to the earlier view that the period was unsuitable for the production of cropmarks, suggests that more
one of rapid change, for causewayed enclosures seem to have examples await discovery, perhaps through other prospection
sprung up throughout the British Isles within a period of only techniques. Excavation and geophysical survey in advance of
250 - 300 years, between about 3,800 and 3,500 BC. The modern construction projects - in other words, effectively
timespan over which individual monuments were used appears random sampling – occasionally lead to surprise discoveries.
to vary, with some perhaps being used for a single gathering
and others for several generations, undergoing remodelling at Many of the key excavations from which the interpretations of
each successive visit. causewayed enclosures derive have taken place on the chalk
hills of southern England, amongst the most important being
those at Windmill Hill in Wiltshire, Hambledon Hill (Figure 8)
and Maiden Castle in Dorset, and Whitehawk Camp in East
DEVELOPMENT OF THE ASSET TYPE Sussex. Excavations of low-lying enclosures, such as those at
AS REVEALED BY INVESTIGATION Etton and Haddenham in Cambridgeshire, where waterlogged
conditions sometimes preserve organic materials, have offered
In the 1920s, Alexander Keiller and O G S Crawford excavated different insights into the complex use of these monuments.
a causewayed enclosure on Windmill Hill, research which Even so, relatively few examples have been extensively
was eventually published by Isobel Smith in 1965 (Figure excavated using modern techniques, so much remains unknown.
7). A search for comparable sites began and in 1930, based
partly on Crawford and Keiller’s work, E C Curwen correctly
identified ten causewayed enclosures, all but one surviving in
earthwork form on the chalk hills of southern England. Curwen ASSOCIATIONS
inferred from this, and the comparable distribution of surviving
Associations with other prehistoric monuments enrich the
long barrows, that high ground was favoured for Neolithic
understanding of both causewayed enclosures and the
settlement, while the lowlands remained marshy and blanketed
monuments associated with them.
in impenetrable woodland. The number of certain or probable

English Heritage Introductions to Heritage Assets Causewayed Enclosures 4

Fig. 6. The distribution of flint arrowheads excavated outside the entrance to the Fig. 7. The complex enclosure on Windmill Hill, near Avebury, Wiltshire, has dominated
causewayed enclosure on Crickley Hill, Gloucestershire, clearly testifies to an attack. thinking about this type of monument for nearly a century.

Causewayed enclosures were associated with two other types have served to offer increased protection to the underlying
of early Neolithic monument: long barrows and cursuses. At Neolithic remains, making such associations important in terms
Hambledon Hill, a long barrow was built in the space between of preservation. Various accidental associations with later
the main circuit and one of the outlying causewayed cross-ridge monuments, from medieval chapels to 18th-century
dykes, while another occupied a spur on the opposite side of eye-catchers, exemplify the richly interwoven character of
the enclosure. These associations reinforced the excavators’ view the English landscape.
that the causewayed enclosure was linked with ritual practices
surrounding death. At Maiden Castle, the causewayed enclosure
is overlain by the tail of an extraordinary long mound, also of
Neolithic origin. Recent scientific dating shows that causewayed
enclosures and cursus monuments overlapped chronologically,
and in some cases physically (Figure 9).

When excavated, the upper levels of causewayed enclosure

ditches often prove to contain late Neolithic/early Bronze The most comprehensive modern overview of causewayed
Age material belonging to the transitional ‘Beaker period’ enclosures is A Oswald, M Barber and C Dyer, The Creation
around 2000 BC. In some cases, this may represent essentially of Monuments: Neolithic Causewayed Enclosures of the British
coincidental re-use of the same locality, but at Hambledon Hill, Isles (1999). Comparison with earlier overviews, such as E
one early Neolithic bank and ditch was deliberately remodelled C Curwen’s original article (‘Neolithic Camps’, Antiquity 4
in the Beaker period, potentially 1,500 years after it was first dug. (1930), 22-54) and Isobel Smith’s benchmark study (Windmill
Elsewhere, early Bronze Age round barrows were sited on top Hill and Avebury, Excavations by Alexander Keiller, 1925-1939
of the causewayed enclosure earthworks, again raising questions (1965)), will shed light on how perspectives have changed.
about whether these later monuments were deliberately sited Detailed reports have recently been published on the survey
in relation to the enclosures, or whether it was essentially and excavation of several remarkable enclosures around the
coincidence, reflecting the preference of the builders of both country: at Hambledon Hill in Dorset (R Mercer and F Healy,
types of monument for conspicuous locations. Some round Hambledon Hill, Dorset, England. Survey and Excavation of a
barrows have proved to be of Neolithic date, hinting that the Neolithic Monument Complex and its Surrounding Landscape
interval between the two phases of building may not always (2009); the partially waterlogged enclosures at Etton and
have been so long. Haddenham in Cambridgeshire (F Pryor, Etton: Excavations at
a Neolithic Causewayed Enclosure near Maxey, Cambridgeshire,
Certain Iron Age hillforts were superimposed upon causewayed 1982-7 (1998); C Evans and I Hodder, A Woodland Archaeology:
enclosures, around 3,000 years after the causewayed enclosures Neolithic Sites at Haddenham (2006); and a pair of enclosures
were built, leaving short stretches of the Neolithic earthworks at Kingsborough in Kent (M J Allen, M Leivers and C Ellis,
visible (Figure 10). It is possible that future excavations may ‘Neolithic Causewayed Enclosures and Later Prehistoric
reveal causewayed enclosures directly underlying, for example, Farming’, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 74 (2008), 235-
medieval castle defences. Such co-locations can again probably 322. Each of these publications and sites has profoundly
be explained as a reflection of a shared preference for hilltops, influenced archaeologists’ general thinking about this type of
and do not necessarily offer insights into the motivations of monument. For the social context in which the phenomenon
the later builders. In a few cases, aerial photographic evidence of causewayed enclosures took root, see Mark Edmonds’ two
suggests that Iron Age or Romano-British farming settlements publications: ‘Interpreting Causewayed Enclosures in the Past
incorporated the earthworks of causewayed enclosures into and the Present’ in C Tilley (ed), Interpretative Archaeology
their perimeters, testifying to the longevity of the Neolithic (1993), 99-142; Ancestral Geographies of the Neolithic:
earthworks. The superimposition of later banks may well Landscapes, Monuments and Memory (1999).

English Heritage Introductions to Heritage Assets Causewayed Enclosures 5

Fig. 8. The extensively researched complex of two long barrows, two causewayed
enclosures and numerous causewayed outworks on Hambledon Hill, Dorset, is unique.

Fig. 10. The Trundle West Sussex, as photographed in 1928. An Iron Age hillfort surrounds Fig. 9. At both Fornham All Saints, Suffolk, and Etton, Cambridgeshire, aerial photography
and partly overlies a larger causewayed enclosure with perhaps as many as five circuits. has revealed causewayed enclosures with several cursus monuments in close proximity.

Author: Al Oswald
Cover: The Trundle, West Sussex, as Figure 10
Figure 1: © Essex County Council/Frank Gardiner
Figures 2-5 and 7-10: © English Heritage
Figure 6: © after Philip Dixon

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