Ogra-Oil Terminal Inspection Checklist

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Name of the Terminal Date of Inspection

Address of Terminal Inspector Name


1 3.12.1 Availability of Hazardous Area classification drawings YES

Explosion Proof equipment (intrinsically safe certified apparatus and circuits) in Zone
2 3.12.2 (i) 0 & Zone 1 of Division 1

3 3.12.2 (ii) Presence of special selected industrial, Non sparking electrical equipments in Zone 2
of Division 2

Road & Accessibility System

4 6.1 a The roadway system to form complete ring around the entire site area, with
branch roads to have access of site from all sides. YES
5 6.2 All roads have minimum width of 10 ft. YES
6 6.3 Presence of Pedestrian Pathways in areas of high personnel concentration and traffic
movement. YES
7 a Adequate parking space for vehicles to load or unload, or to receive
clearance to enter or leave the site. YES
6.4 Car parks for personnel and visitors are minimum 50 feet from product
8 b handling/loading areas. YES
Product Tank Trucks Loading/Unloading System
Area consist of access platform and associated equipment shall be available for
9 7.1.1 a product loading and unloading. YES

10 7.1.1 b Availability of adequate area for parking the tankers. YES

Presence of suitable Canopy over loading or unloading facility that does not limit the
11 7.1.2 dissipation of heat or dispersion of flammable vapors and also does not restrict fire YES
-fighting access and control.
Provision of loading arms and suitable metering system for tank truck loading
12 7.1.3 facilities for measuring the quantity of product to be filled or decanted.

Loading gantries / unloading points are to be so arranged that

13 7.1.4 vehicles enter from one side and leave from the other without any need for reversing/ YES

14 7.1.5 a Position of loading/unloading truck shall be faced to main exit. YES

15 b Road corner radii shall have the minimum value of 12.5 meters.
16 7.1.6 a Loading area is fully paved, curbed and drained.
17 7.1.6 b Catch Pits and Drains are connected with oily/water drain System.
Electric bonding of Loading and un-loading facilities to protect against static
18 7.1.7 electricity hazards.

Railway Wagons Loading System

19 7.2.1 a Loading area are paved, curbed and drained. NA
20 7.2.1 b Catch Pits and Drains connected with oily/water drain System. NA
Minimum headroom clearance are:
21 7.2.2
a Over roadways 6,000 mm (19.6 ft) NA
b Over access-ways/ pipe racks 5,000 mm (16.4ft) NA
Electric bonding of Loading facilities to protect against static electricity hazards.
22 7.2.3 NA



Buildings and Protective Boundaries

23 8.1 a Installation/depot shall be protected on all sides by concrete/ brick wall having a
minimum height of 7 ft. YES
24 8.1 b 3ft high barbed wire fencing on the top of the wall.
Administration building shall be separated from product storage and handling areas by
25 8.1 c means of fencing. YES

26 9.1 Presence of diking around the tank to protect the adjoining property or
waterways from accidental oil spills. YES
Availability of slope not less than 1 percent away from the tank for at least 50 ft (15
27 9.1 i m) or to the dike base, whichever is less.

The volumetric capacity of the diked area is not less than the greatest amount of liquid YES
28 9.1 ii that can be released from the largest tank within the diked area assuming a full tank.

The outside base of the dike, at ground level, is YES

29 9.1 iii no closer than 10 ft (3 m) to any property line that is or can be built upon.

Walls of the diked area are be of earth, steel, concrete, or solid masonry designed to be YES
30 9.1 iv liquid tight and to withstand a full hydrostatic head.

Earthen wall 3ft or more in height have a flat section at top not less than 2ft wide. NA
31 9.1 iv

32 9.1 v Height of dike wall and provisions of access points during normal operations and
emergency. YES
33 9.1 v (b) Piping passing through dike walls shall be liquid tight and designed to prevent
excessive stresses.
34 9.1 V (c) Minimum distance between tank and the toe of interior dike wall is 5ft (1.5m).
One subdivision of dike for each group of tanks having an aggregate capacity not NA
35 9.1 (vi) a exceeding 15,000 bbl (2,385,000 L).

For Stable liquids tanks group one subdivision of diking having aggregate capacity not NA
36 9.1 (vi) b (2) exceeding 3570 bbls (567,750L) No Tank exceeding 2380
Presence of intermediate dike for two adjacent class I liquid Storage Tanks located in YES
37 9.1 (vi) c same common diked area and any of which having diameter greater than 150 ft (45m).

38 9.1 (vi) d Minimum height of Intermediate Dike is 18 inch (45cm). YES

Drainage water from diking is controlled to prevent flammable or combustible liquids
39 9.1 vii from entering natural water resources, public sewers and public drains.

Storage of Combustible materials, empty or full drums or barrels shall not be YES
40 9.1 viii permitted in diking area.


Installation of Underground Tanks

41 The distance from any part of tank to the nearest wall of any basement or pit shall not YES
be less than 1 ft. (0.3 m).

10.1 Class I Liquids

42 The distance from any part of tank to any property line that can be built upon shall not YES
less than 3 ft (0.9 m).

Underground tanks placed on firm foundations, concrete/sand pads as required by soil YES
43 10.2.1 a condition.

44 10.2.1 b Underground tanks are surrounded with at least 6 in. (15 cm) of noncorrosive inert YES
material such as clean sand or gravel well tamped in place.


45 10.2.2 a Underground tanks are covered with 2 ft (0.6 m) of earth, or with not less than 1 ft YES
(0.3 m) of earth on top of which a slab of reinforced concrete not less than 4 in thick
shall be placed.

Tanks subjected to traffic shall have; NA

A. 3ft of earth cover
46 10.2.2 b B. 18 Inch of well tamped earth plus 6 inch of reinforced concrete or 8 inch of asphalt


Venting for above ground &Underground storage Vessels.

Adequate venting system available with Atmospheric storage tanks to prevent
47 11.1 development of overpressure and vacuum.
Monitoring system to avoid overpressure/liquid height from pump discharging into
48 11.3 tank or vessel.
Arrangement of emergency relief venting system for each above ground tank storing
49 11.6 a Class I and Class II liquids.
Each compartment of compartmented tank have emergency relief valve.
50 11.6 b

Provision of Venting System for underground tanks (according to NFPA 30).

51 11.9


Prevention of Overfilling of Tanks (Above ground Storage Tanks)

Aboveground storage tanks receiving Class I liquids from mainline pipelines or

52 marine vessels are equipped with one of the following;

A. Manual monitoring to avoid over filling. (Tank gauged at frequent intervals and
53 12.1 (i) two way communication with the supplier).

12.1 B.Tanks equipped with a high level detection device (alarms etc.) that is independent
54 12.1 (ii) of any tank gauging equipment.

55 12.1 (iii) C.Tanks equipped with an independent high-level detection (Tank Radar Tank
Gauging) or and control system that will automatically shut down or divert flow when
the predefined high level limit is reached.

Prevention of Overfilling of Tanks (Underground Storage Tanks)

56 An underground storage tanks are equipped with;

A. Automatically shut off the flow of liquid into the tank when the tank is no more
57 12.2 (i) than 95 percent full.

B.Alert the transfer operator when the tank is no more than 90 percent full by
58 12.2 (ii) restricting the flow of liquid into the tank and triggering a high-level alarm.
C.Tanks gauged at frequent intervals by personnel continuously on the premises
during product receipt with two way communication maintained with the supplier so
that product in-flow in a tank can be promptly shut down or diverted.
59 12.2 (iii)






Fire Fighting - Water System

Equipment Protection (Uninsulated Equipment Enveloped in Flame)

Minimum recommended water spray application rates for fire fighting at petroleum
60 installations are as follows;

61 Vessels, equipment, structural steel, pipe racks, fin-fan coolers etc. is 10 L/min/m 2

62 Pumps handling flammable liquids in isolated areas is 10 L/min/m 2.

13.2.1 13.2.1 (i)
Pumps handling flammable liquids adjacent to cable runs, fin-fans, pressure
63 equipment, pipe racks etc. is 20 L/min/m 2.
Compressors handling flammable gases is 10 L/min/m 2.

Electrical and instrument cable trays, transformers, switchgear etc. is 10 L/min/m 2.


Equipment Protection (Equipment NOT Enveloped in Flame)

66 Minimum Recommended water rates for equipments and tanks close to and exposed
to radiation from fire.
67 Miscellaneous process equipments are 2 L/min/m2.

Fixed and floati ng roof tanks containing Class I liquids, Class II liquids and Class III
68 13.2.1 13.2.1 (ii) liquids are 2 L/min/m 2.

69 Pressurized tanks (general) are 5-12 L/min/m2.

70 Buildings such as warehouses, offices and laboratories are 2 L/min/m 2.

71 13.2.1 13.2.1 (a) Water spray shall not be applied to roof of floating roof tank.

72 13.2.1 13.2.1 (b) Application of fire proof coating to protect the structure.

Storage Ares

Presence of water protection system for the protection of adjacent tanks in case of fire
73 13.2.2 within the premises of 2 tank diameter of fire source.

Recommended water application rate for the vertical surface of floating roof tank in
74 contact with fire is 10L/min/m2.

Recommended water application rate for the vertical and inclined surface of fixed roof
75 uninsulated tank on fire is 10L/min/m2.

Capacity of fire pump is adequate for cooling tanks, foams and building protection.
76 13.2.3

77 13.2.5 a Loading and unloading facilities separated from above ground tanks, warehouses or YES
plant building or nearest property line of adjoining property that can be built upon by a
distance of 25 ft for Class I liquids.

78 13.2.5 b Tank Spacing as per Table 2A, 2B,2C,2D,2E of OGRA Gazette.

79 13.2.6 a No shut off valve in fire department connection.

80 13.2.6 b Availability of straightway check valve in each fire department connection.

81 13.2.7 Fire mains are not smaller than 6 in. (152 mm).

82 13.2.9 a Hydrant sited in accessible positions, usually adjacent to fire roads.

83 13.2.9 b Typical spacing between hydrant is 50m-100m.


84 13.2.9 c Availability of at least two hydrants per bund area.

85 13.2.9 d Presence of two outlets for each hydrants.

86 13.2.9 e Presence of heat and blast protection shield in potentially hazardous area
near hydrant.
87 13.2.10 Presence of sectional block valves in fire main system.

Check valves shall be installed in case more than one source of water supply.
88 13.2.11

Hydrants are of standard design and have at least a 4-in. (100 mm) diameter
connection with the main fire water circuit. A valve shall be installed in the hydrant
89 13.2.12

The center of a hose outlet not less than 18 inch above final grade or 12 inch above the
90 13.2.13 floor when installed in a hose house.

91 13.2.16 All new fire service mains are tested hydrostatically at at least 200 psi (13.8 bars)
pressure for two hours or 50 PSI in excess of maximum static pressure when pressure
exceeds 150 PSI.

Availability of minimum of 2 hours water supply for extinguishment, Cooling and

92 13.2.17 foam production.

Availability of Co2 and Dry Chemical Powder extinguish system for electrical
93 13.2.18 equipment fires.

Fire Fighting - Foam System

94 14.1 Presence of Automatically and manually actuated foam System.

Out Door Fixed Roof (Cone/Dome Tanks)

95 14.2.1 Fixed roof tanks exterior protection needs following measures to adopt.

96 i A: Availability of fixed foam discharge for surface protection;

97 a Discharge Outlets attached to the tank.

98 b In case of two discharge outlets are equally spaced around tank.
99 c Each outlet to deliver foam at approximately same rate.

Fixed foam discharge outlets are secured, located or connected in a way that tank
100 d contents overflowing cannot enter into foam lines.

101 e Fixed Foam discharge outlets are provided with effective and durable seal, frangible
under low pressure to prevent entrance of vapors into foam outlets and pipelines.

Availability of Fixed foam discharge outlet on fixed roof cone tanks as Per Table
102 B -14(1) of OGRA Gazette.

103 C Minimum discharge time and application rate for Fixed foam discharge Outlet on
Fixed roof storage tank are as per Table-14(2) of OGRA Gazette.

104 ii B: Availability of Sub Surface Application

105 a Discharge outlets are of open end of foam into the tank.

For Class I Liquids the maximum foam velocity at the point of discharge shall not
106 b exceed 10 ft/sec.

For Class II and Class III Liquids the maximum foam velocity at the point of
107 c discharge shall not exceed 20 ft/sec.

Availability of sub surface foam discharge outlets as per Table- 14(3) of OGRA
108 d Gazette.

Minimum discharge time and application rate for Sub surface application on Fixed
109 e roof storage tank are as per Table-14(4) of OGRA Gazette.
110 iii C: Foam Monitor and hand lines

111 a Monitor nozzles are not considered as the primary means of protection for
fixed roof tanks over 60 ft in diameter.
Foam hand lines are not considered as the primary means of protection for fixed roof
112 b tank over 30ft in diameter or those over 20 ft in height.

Minimum discharge time and application rate for foam monitor and hand lines on
113 c Fixed roof storage tank are as per Table-14(5) of OGRA Gazette.

The operation time of foam hand lines and monitor protection system shall be 65
114 d minutes.

Outdoor External Floating Roof Tanks

115 14.2.2 External Floating roof tanks shall be protected by means of "Fixed Discharge
Outlet" Method
116 Availability of fixed foam discharge outlets mounted above the top of the tank shell.
117 ii The required minimum application rates for top seal method with foam dam are as
per Table -14(6) of OGRA Gazette.
Outdoor Covered (Internal) Floating Roof tank

Presence of Primary protection Method;

118 14.2.3 i i) Full surface Area Fire
ii) Seal Area Fire
Design of foam system for full surface fire (class I liquids) for (internal) floating roof
119 (i) tank as given in point # 14.2.1 of this document.

For seal fire the design of foam discharge system is in accordance with
120 ii Table-14(6) using fixed foam discharge outlets.

The application rate of foam are as per rate specified in Table -2 of OGRA Gazette.
121 iii

Presence of foam fire extinguishing system, for indoor storage tanks having liquid
122 14.2.4 surface area of 400ft2 (37.2m2) or greater.

Tanks for storing liquid hydrocarbons are fitted with tank mounted fixed foam
123 (i) discharge outlets as per Table-14(1) of OGRA Gazette.

The minimum application rate of foam for indoor hydrocarbon storage tanks is (6.5
124 (ii) L/min / m2).

125 (ii) b Minimum discharge time for fixed foam discharge outlets are as per
Table-14(2), OGRA Gazette.
Availability of foam monitors (fixed/Portable) for protection of Loading/Unloading
126 14.2.5 Gantry.

Foam water Sprinkler System OR foam monitors (fixed/portable) are present to

127 protect the canopy area as well as total curbed area around the loading gantry or entire
length of truck or rail car.

Minimum application foam rate and discharge time for loading gantry protected by
128 (ii) monitor nozzles are as per Table-14(7) of OGRA Gazette.

Diked area are protected with fixed or portable foam monitors, or foam hose lines.
129 14.2.6

Minimum application rates and discharge times of foam for fixed discharge outlets on
130 diked area involving liquid hydrocarbon are as per Table-14(8), OGRA Gazette.

131 Foam Monitor and foam hose lines are outside the dike area.
132 14.2.7 Non diked spill areas

Minimum application rate and discharge time for spill fire protection using portable
133 i foam nozzle or monitors is as per Table-14(9) of OGRA Gazette.

Minimum number of fixed or portable hoses streams required are as per

134 ii Table-14(10) of OGRA Gazette for spill fires
Reserve supply of foam concentrate is available in separate tanks/canes on the
135 14.3 premises or available from an approved outside source within 24 hours.


All piping (except piping handling expended foam) shall be subjected to two hours
136 15.1 hydrostatic test at 200 psi or 50 psi in excess of maximum pressure whichever is

137 15.1 All horizontal piping are having proper drainage / venting system.

138 15.2 Operational test certificates are available for all devices and equipment.


Fire Water Pumps

Pressure gauge dial shall indicate pressure to at least twice the rated working pressure
139 of the pump but not less than 200 psi.

Compound Pressure gauge and Vacuum gauges connected to the suction pipe near
140 the pump with 1/4 in(6.25mm.) gauge valve.
Compound pressure and vacuum gauge indicate pressure at least twice the maximum
141 suction pressure of the pump but not less than 100 psi.

142 16.1.4 Availability of automatic relief valve for each fire water pump and set below the
shutoff pressure at minimum expected suction pressure.
143 i Provision of Discharge drain for automatic relief valve.

144 ii check for the minimum size of relief valve is 3/4 inch (19mm) for pump having rated
capacity not exceeding 2500 gpm (9462 L/min).
check for the minimum size of relief valve is 1 inch (25.4 mm) for pump having rated
145 iii capacity of 3000 to 5000 gpm (11,355 to 18,925 L/min).

146 16.1.5 Corrosion protection in corporate for steel pipe by means of galvanizing or painting
where corrosive water condition exist .
Check for the steel piping jointed by means of screwed, flanges, mechanical grooved
147 joints.
Availability of two fire pumps of similar capacity installed one as main and other as
148 16.3 backup pump.
Personnel Protection

149 17 Use of PPE for the personnel working.

150 17.2 Availability of appropriate clothing for the fire fighting personnel to counter the
effects of radiant heat and water.
151 17.3 Availability of wind socks at appropriate locations inside installation.

Fire Extinguisher

Maximum distance between the top of fire extinguisher and ground is 5ft (1.53m) for
152 18.2 extinguisher not exceeding 40 lb (18.14kg).

Maximum distance between the top of fire extinguisher and ground is 3 1/2 ft (1.07m)
153 b for extinguisher exceeding 40 lb (18.14kg).

The minimum clearance between the bottom of fire extinguisher and ground is 4 inch
154 C (10.02 cm).

Availability of Water Type or Multipurpose dry chemical type and wet chemical type
155 18.3 fire extinguisher for Class A hazards.

Availability of AFFF, FFFP CO2, Dry chemical extinguishers for Class B hazards.
156 i

157 ii Predict inspection manuals of the fire extinguishers.

Provision of Smoke detectors / water sprinkle system or hose real system or both for
158 19 the protection of other buildings and structures.


159 20 Method adopted for tanks foundations to avoid settlements (stone piling / concrete
piling etc.) YES RCC
160 20 Provision of flexibility in piping system connected with tanks to avoid tanks nozzle
161 20 Provision of electrical bonding for all tanks against static electricity hazard.

162 20.1.2 Proper venting point is provided in Atmospheric tanks to avoid inside pressure
Provision of temperature measurement of atmospheric tank to restrict the storage of
163 20.1.6 liquid at temperature at or above its boiling points.

164 20.2.2 Check for low pressure vessels operated above the design pressure.

165 20.2.4 Check for the height of vertical tank not exceeding 64 ft.

Provision of corrosion protection for above ground pipes by means of paints and
166 21.3 epoxies.

Underground system shall be protected by using protective coating or cathodic

167 21.3 protection system.


168 22.1 Provision of Effluent Discharge oily water in closed sewers.

Check for Effluent oily water collection system is run through the entire operations
169 22.2 area covering tank farms, loading and un-loading facilities, pump house, etc.

Emergency drainage systems connected to public sewers or discharged into public

170 22.4 waterways are equipped with traps.

171 22.5 Presence of oily water treatment System.

172 22.6 Provision of proper disposal of combustible waste.
173 22.7 Proper drainage of Diked area. YES
174 b Minimum size of 6 inch dia line is routed through the dike to a block
175 23 Any electrical equipment should not constitute a source of ignition in all areas where
class I, II, III are stored of handled.

176 Proper organization structure has been in-placed to manage the facilities.

Proper competence assessment and training program is in-placed to ensure suitability

177 of working personnel at facilities.

Working procedures and practices (loading / unloading, tanker inspection, fuel quality
178 check) has been in placed.

Certain performance monitoring KPIs has been established for integrity management
179 of assets and records for these KPIs are being maintained.

Risk management and hazards evaluation and management system has been in placed.

Terminal design has been made in accordance with international codes and standards.
181 And this design had been verified by independent third party.

Construction and commissioning of plant/assets was done in accordance with

international codes and standards. And this process had been witnessed and verified
182 by independent third party.

183 Proper inspection and preventive/predictive maintenance planning has been done.

184 Inspection and maintenance plans has been established.

185 Procedure of records keeping has been developed.

Procedure for Root Cause Analysis has been developed in case of significant failures
186 and lesson learnt need to be documented to avoid re- occurrences for the same.


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