RTU 200 - RTUtil Utilities Parte 1

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OMGILI IstelatonandUsers use EU RCA OLead (aa Za eh OF Release 2 REMOTA ABB CAIXA 4 UTA AR Gi ABB Network Partner AB S.P.1.D.E.R. RTU 200 RTU 200 Utilities S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU 200 RTUtil Installation and user's guide for RTU 200 Release 2 utilities Abstract This handbook intends to guide the users of S.P.LD.E.R. RTU 200 utilities It describes how to install the RTUtil software package on a personal com: puter (PC), The different links with RTU 200 stations are explained. For each utility the general task, the main menu and their sub menus are described. Document identity: 1KGT 1500020111 Revision: 1 S.P.LD.E.R. RTU 200 1 RTUtil_ RTU 200 Utilities Release 2 IKGT 150002 VOI] 1 Revision Document identity: AKGT 150 002 VO1I 1 Revision: 0 Date: 10/92 Revision: 1 Date: 05/93 All ights, in particular copyrights and other proprietary rights, are reserved. Copying of the document and/or distribution to third parties, and/or the use or disclo- sure to others of the documents thereof, are not permitted without the previous written approval by Asea Brown Boveri Copyright 1993 ABB Netzleittechnik GmbH Ladenburg/Germany Ab FREDED S.P.ALD.E.R. RTU 200 RTUTI_ RTU 200 Utilities Release 2 1KGT 160002 O11 1 Revision Document identity AKGT 150 002 Voli 1 Revision: 0 Date: 10/92 Revision: 1 Date: 05/93 All tights, in particular copyrights and other proprietary rights, are reserved, Copying of the document and/or distribution to third parties, and/or the use or disclo- sure to others of the documents thereof, are not permitted without the previous written approval by Asea Brown Boveri Copyright 1993 ABB Netzleittechnik GmbH Ladenburg/Germany An pn # a ‘SeaBrowe soveRs S.P.ILD.E.R, RTU 200 1-1 RTUtil RTU200 Utilities Release 2 1KGT 150002 Voll 1 Contents Contents 2 Introduction 2.1 Utlities for RTU 200 Release 2 ..... 2.2 Hardware Requirements ...-....-0++ 2.3 MS-DOS and Memory Requirements . . 2.4 About chapter 5 to 10 25 RTU 200 documents 2.0.2... eeeeee 3 RTUtil Instaliation 3.1 Copy Diskettes 3.2. Install RTUti aac 3.2.1 Staring Install 322 Define drive ...- 323° Define directories 3.3. Setting Environmentals . 3.3.1 RTUtl Environmentals 33.2 R2)-ENVAT.. 3.3.3. Adlitional PC Setups 3.4 Connection RTUti - RTU 200 3.1 RTU 200 serial interface connections - NO NNN oonae 3.4.2 NFK interface configuration basic subrack 3-10 3.4.3 RTU 200 with redundant line (23CM20) configuration... 3 - 13 3.4.4 RTU2J0 with loop configuration... eee 3-14 34.5 23LK2) Sub-line configuration 0.60 3-18 3.5 Serial Interfaces 3-17 351. PC serial interface COM 1/ COM2 cectesseseee 30d7 3.5.2 NFK Interface 232620 (X3, X4) ...... cence 3-18 3.5.3 MMK Interface 232620 .. 20s: eects 3518 3.5.4 Pot A/B23CM20 3-19 3.5.5 Interface A/B 23LK20 3-20 3.5.5 MMK Interface 23LK20 ........ 3-21 3.5.7 Interface 23WT20 modem 3-22 3.5.3 Interface 23WT21 modem 3-23 3.5.9 Standard wiring of 23LK20 and ‘23W120/21 modems .. 3-24 3.5.10 Loop cable DSTC 3002 - NFK.....- 1-2 Contents 3.6 3.7 SPIDER, RTU 20) RTUTiI RTU 29) Utilities Relaase 2 Test cable configurations RTUtil - RTU 200 3.6.1 23PK20 cable . 3.6.2 23PK21 cable . 3.6.3 23PK22 cable 3.6.4 23PK23 Adaptor cable 23CM20 3.6.5 23PK24 Adaptor cable 23WT20/21 .... 3.6.6 23PK25 Adaptor cable X6 - 23WT20/21 3.6.7 Adaptor 23ET22/23 - 23WT20/21 Configurations RTU 200 - RTUti 3.7.1 232620 MMK oo. 3.7.2 232620 NFK TTC Master mode 3.7.3. 232620 NFK TTC Slave mode ..... 3.7.4 232620 NFK TTC Listen mode .... 3.7.5 23CM20 A/B TTC Master mode 3.7.6 23CM20 A/B TTC Slave mode 3.7.7 23CMZ20 A/B TTC Listen mode 3.7.3. 23LK20 A/B TTC Master mode . 3.7.9 23LK20 A/B TTC Slave mode 3.7.10 23LK20 A/B TTC Listen mode 4 RTUtl Operation 41 42 43 4a Start RTUHi ...... Keyboard and F-keys 4.2.1 Handling 4.2.2 Handling2 . 7 RTU 200 files and RTUsi files . 4.3.1 KTU 200 files 43.2 RTUtI files Filehandling RTU 200 - RTUEI . . 4.4.1 Directory organizetion to store RTU station files .. 5 CONFIGURE (EDU) 51 5.2 53 54 EDU Ment oo... ccceeecee LOAD / STORE STATION 5.2.1 LOAD STATION . 5.2.2 STORESTATION CABINET STATION PARAMETER, 1KGT 159002 vor 1 BERSERK ee BRLESSRLRAEES BYOKOYHWOHWOKHEYHWAWY 20K. 5A8, ro FEADADRARARARARARERCCRREEBEFARGeeteteteeeeescorersrce S.PILD.E.R. RTU 200 RTUtil RTU200 Utilities Release 2 1KGT 189 002 VOI] 1 1-3 Contents 542 543 544 545 551 552 553 554 5.5.5 5.5.6 5.5.7 641 642 7a 72 73 74 Bas. Too : a | ASSEMBLY . 7 TRANSFER TRANSFER Menu KTU-INTERFACE ... DOS/RTU PATH ... TRANSFER ... 7.4.1 TRANSFER (COPY) . 742 DELETE STATION INFORMATION Station parameters Station Mentification (TERID) Modem Configurstion [TERMOD) TELEPHONE NO. LP PRINTER LP LOG PAGE... aa LP TEXTELEMENTS - Select rack ose eee 55.11 Seectasubnack.. Configure RTU 200 boards... Configure physical 1/0 process data points Configure virtual process data points... Block number calculation .. Configure process 1/0 point parameters ‘Network configuration for Sub-RTUs 23L.K20 Network configuration . Line Configuration .......ss08e0+ AP570 Protocol RP571 Protocol ..... Next level Sud-RTUs . GENERATE LIST PRINT UST .. 1-4 SPLD.ER. RTU 292 RTUtil RTU 29) Utilities Reicase 2 Contents 1KGT 153 302 V1 1 74.3 RENAME 7-8 75 FORMAT 7-8 7.9 RESTART .. 7-9 8 DIAGNOSTIC 8.1 DIAGNOSTIC Menu oo... cece eee 8-3 32. RTU-INTERFACE 8-4 3.3 CONFIGURATION 8-4 3.4 DIAGNOSE-FIFO . : 8-6 3.4.1 DISPLAY ONLY . 8-7 84.2 LOG + DISPLAY 8-8 8.4.3 FILE DISPLAY 8-8 3.4.4 Print Diagnostic message Log file . 8-8 9 ust 9.1 LIST Menu .. 9-2 92 STATION. 9-3 9.3 FORMAT . Pee: 94 PRINTOUT ooo. seeececeees 9-4 10 RP 570/RPS71 PROTOCOL (ITC) 10.1 TTC structure and message flow . wW-3 10.2 TTC Menu ........... 1-7 10.3 CONFIGURATION w-9 10.3.1 LOAD v-9 10.3.2 SAVE ....... — 12-10 10.3.3 COMMUNICATION INTERFACES la-h 10.3.4 MESSAGE PREFILTER sees 13-14 UART STATUS ERROR 13-14 10.3.5 MESSAGES ............ 13-15 10. 1 SINGLE MESSAGE 12-16 MESSAGE BLOCK 12-17 TRIGGER .. 19-19 FILTER ...... 13-20 10.3.6 DELETE MESSAGES .... 13-21 10.3.7 DISPLAY BUFFER 13-21 10.4 OPERATION .... 13-22 10.4.1 ONLINE START / STOP .... 13-22 ar i Sea tonmoote 0% 248 r00 RADAARAAAACAEAAREHCRHREREHSAEAATELELECELELELLECLELCELE S.P.LD.E.R. RTU 200 1-5 RTUtil RTUZ00 Utilities Release 2 1KGT 180002011 1 Contents 10.4.2 LOGFILE RECORDING ..... serrrirennarans, ADS E vote teens . sess 10-24 TOS: TRANSMIT scenic sstemiee sete? settee 1-24 105.11 SINGLE MESSAGE ONCE ¥ W-24 105.12 MESSAGE BLOCK ONCE . 10-24 SINGLEMESSAGE ?ERMANENT + 10-25 105.14 MESSAGE BLOCK PERMANENT ........ 10-25 10.5.2 Transmit message RRA Ys 10-26 10.5.3 TRIGGER/ FILTER ............. 10-27 1053.1 SELECTFILTER ON/OFF .....0....... 10-27 1053.2 UNSELECTFILTER ON/OFF ......... 10-27 10.533 STARTTRIGGER ON/OFF ........... 10-28 10534 STOP TRIGGER ON/OFF 10-28 10535 TRANSMITTRIGGER ON/OFF ......... 10-23 1053.6 START RECORDING AFTER STOP ........ 10-23 TOBA PRINT sovevsavanoranrunnconiee tt 19-23 2 105.5 SCROLL DISPLAY ... 19-23 10.5.6. SAVE DISPLAY BUFFER 10-3) 10.5.7 CLEAR DISPLAY BUFFER 10-32 19.5 LOGFILE wits BEM ansesere ISL 106.1 DISPLAY 19-31 10.6.2 PRINTER 19-32 AbD (00%: BAS. to 1-6 Contents W S.P.1.D.E.R, RTU 200 RTUtil RTU 200 Utilities Release 2 1KGT 180.002 Vo11 7 Figures 3 RTUtil Installation 1: Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Define drive ce Define directories ....... Figure 3 - 3: Environmental update a: 5: 6 Figure 3 ~ Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 Figure 3 ~ Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 ~ Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 - Figure 3 ~ Figure 3 ~ Figure 3 - 10: 11: Subsline network configuration with 23LK20 . 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: Directory structure proposal PC base memory layout NFK interface configuration basic subrack 23TP20 subrack with NFK and modem connectors .. 8: 23ET22 subrack with NFK and modem connectors 23CM20 board for redundant lines .. Loop configuration with DSTC 3002 ‘Sub-line network configuration example PC - COM 1/2 interface «2.0.2... MIN-D connector X3 and X4 (NFK) MIN-D connector MMK on 232620 .... MIN-D connector on 23CM20 board . 23LK20 interface A/B connector ...... MIN-D connector 23LK20 MMK 23WT20 interface 23WT21 interface pooaog E)O% 6) 21: Sub-RTU network configuration wi 9 of 23LK20 - 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31 23W720/21 modems Loop cable DSTC 3002 (1) - NFK 23PK20 cable 23PK21 cable 23PK22 cable ........... 23PK23 adaptor cable... eee. 23PK24 adaptor cable ‘23PK25 adaptor cable 23ET22 / 23 edaptor .. PC = MMK link o.oo eveeeeeeeeeeee PC - NFK link (TTC MASTER} 0% 8.706 RAVDEATRAAARACEEECeMerecceccncaetEeeseeencrecenreree S.PLLD.E.R. RTU 200 1-7 RTUtil RTU20O Utilities Release 2 1 KGT 150 002 VOI] 1 Contents Figure 3- 32: PC - NFK link (TTC SLAVE) Figure 3 - 33: PC - NFK link (TTC LISTEN} 3 : Figure 3- 34: TTC LISTEN mode .....-+..+ : 3-37 Figure 3 - 35: PC - 23CM20 link .. peer] 3-38 Figure 3- 36: PC - 23CM20 link (TTC SLAVE) 2000s, 3-39 Figure 3 - 37: PC - 23CM20 link (TTC LISTEN) . secu, 3°40 Figure 3 - 38: PC - 23LK20 link (TTC MASTER) .... 3-41 Figure 3 - 39: PC - 23LK20 link (TTC SLAVE) 0.0... eee 3-42 Figure 3- 40: PC - 23LK20 link (TTC LISTEN) . 5 3-43 4 RTUtil Operation Figure 4- 1: Main menu .....-+ See = Figure 4- 2: Screen layout: Handling 1 EDU) Figure 4 - 3: F-keys handling 1 (EDU) part 1 1 2: 3: Figure 4- 4: F-keys handling 1 (EDU) part 2 . Figure 4- 5: Handling 1 sequence example {EDU} 6: 7: 8: 9: Figure 4 - Figure 4 - 5: Screen layout handling 2 F-keys handling 2 part 1 .....0s0seesees Figure 4- 8: F-keys Handling 2 part 2 ........0c0c00+ Figure 4 - 9: Handling 2 sequence example oe Figure 4- 10; Loading a RTU 200 station .........-.-+ Figure 4- 11: RTU 200 configuration files cose Figure 4 - 12: File storage in EE-device 1 and 2 ..... Severna Figure 4- 13: Network- and DOS directory structure .....6-ss0ssereeee @= 17 Figure 4- 14: Loading from RTUEI : . . Figure 4- 15; Read back a loaded RTU 200 station .... 4-19 Figure 4- 16: Update an engineered RTU 200 station ..... Figure 4- 17: Update or edit a read back RTU 200 station ........--.... 4-21 5 CONFIGURE (EDU) Figure 5 - 1: RTU 200 station configuration ........-++++ Figure 5 - 2: RTU 200 station configuration sequence Figure 5 - 3: EDU start up menuls) Figure 5-4: LOAD station menu . Figure 5-5: STORE:station ment ......20:0s0sserreeee Figure 5 - 6: Cabinet and subrack selection menu Figure 5 - 7: Station parameter configuration menus [ Figure 5 - 9: Telephone numbers menu — . 8 aepeeaane EE Sow saaesone FS FS . 100%. AS. T0C 1-8 Contents Ss. P.LD.E.R, RTU 200 RTUtiI RTU 200 | Utilities Release 2 Figure 5 - 10: Local printer interface menu . Figure 5-11: 23820 Local printer connection . Figure S = 12: Local print page layout menu . ae Figure 5 = 13: Local print textelement configuration menu Figure 5-14: Subrack oveniew oo... cs ccssees, Figure 5-15: Subrack with configured RTU 200 boards Figure 5 - 16: physical process data point configuration window Figure 5 - 17: Virtual process date point configuration window Figure 5 - 18: process data point parameter configuration window Figure 5 - 19: RTU 200 Sue-RTU network configuration . Figure 5 - 20: Network configuration windows Figure S = 21: Configuration window Sub-line Figure 5 - 22: Configuration window direct connected Sub-RTU's Figure 5 - 23: Configuration window for next level Sub-RTU's 6 LUNK Figure 6-1: RTU 200 LAF and LAF files .., Figure 6 - 2: Virtual and process I/O data points Figure 6 - 3: The task of utility LINK . Figure 6-4: LINK start up menu... cee cece, Figure 6 ~ 5: Active LINK window with 13 linked PDP's 7 TRANSFER Figure 7-1: TRANSFER start up menu a Figure 7 - 2; COM 1/2 configuration window .. Figure 7 - 3: RP 570 Response time out Figure 7- 4: Change DOS/RTU path ..... Figure 7-5: Transfer (copy) files ....... Figure 7 - 6: RTU 200 files EE device assignment Figure 7-7: Format EE devices . 8 DIAGNosTIC Figure 8 - 1: DIAGNOSTIC start up menu cee Figure 8 - 2: Board discrepances shown in a subrack overview Figure 8 - 3: Desired board configuration Figure 8 - 4: Actual board configuration Figure 8- 5: Diagnostic messages window ............... Figure 8 - 6: Diagnostic message with selected help window IKGT 150.002 Voli) OK. BAS. r00 RRAVED ARACEAE eRMeteeeatacenBeeeennmenner He ne S.P.1.D.E.R. RTU 200 9 RTUfil RTU200 Utilities Release 2 1 GT 150002 VOI 1 Contents 9 UST Figure 9~ 1: LIST start up menu oo 2 . 9-2 10 RP 570/RPS71 PROTOCOL (TTC) Figure 10 - 1; TTC Operation modes ........0.0eeeecsesee aces . 10-2 P Figure 10 - 2: TTC software structure en 10-3 Figure 10 - 3: Filter operation cesensreeteenersrerueeeres Figure 10-4: TTC start up menu (line 2)... votes 10-7 Figure 10-5: Menu list CONFIGURATION . 10-9 Figure 10-6: Status message DEPAULT.CNF missing se. 10-10 Figure 10 - 7: COM 1/2 configuration window .......... see 10-11 = Figure 10 - 8: TTC Master mode and mult-croprline configuration... 10-12 Figure 10-9: carvior setup time delay... ce - 10-12 Figure 10 - 10: Master response time out : vores 10-18 Figure 10 - 11: Modem carrer setting times 10-15 Figure 10 - 12: SINGLE MESSAGE configuration windows example) ..... 10-15 Figure 10 - 13: MESSAGE BLOCK configuration windows (example) 10-17 Figure 10 - 14: Time delay between messages within block... + 10-18 Figure 10 - 15: TRIGGER message configuration windows (example) . 10-19 Figure 10 - 16: DISPLAY BUFFER configuration window . 10-21 Figure 10 - 17: Post storage messages in Display buffer after stop trigger .. 10 - 22 Figure 10 - 18: Log file configuration window 10-22 Figure 10 - 19: Information window if a second log file should be opened .. 10 - 23 Figure 10 - 20: ONLINE menu ... 10-24 Figure 10 - 21: Single message transmission window {example} ..... 10-24 Figure 10 - 22: Message block transmission permanent fexample] <. 10-25 Figure 10-23: Block delay time .......ccessececsreteseessseeveesse 10°26 Figure 10 ~ 24; Individual single message transmission example)... 10-26 Figure 10 - 25: menu to switch TRIGGER/FILTER ON / OFF .. 10-27 Figure 10 - 26: Printing ACTIVE/INACTIVE window bosses 10-28 Figure 10 - 27: Display buffer read-/write pointer management 10-29 Figure 10 - 28: SCROLL display window (example) cece 10-29 Figure 10 - 29: LOG file window with activated help information... 10-31 ABB oK, BAS.toc 1-10 Contents SMAPED SPL RTUFiI RTU 200 Uti Tables 4 RTUtil Operation Table 4- 1: RTU 200 file contents / FTAB allocation 5 CONFIGURE (EDU) Table 5 - 1: Boards in the basic subrack on predefined slots Teble 5 - 2: List of PDP- and NON PDP boards 8 DIAGNOSTIC Table 8 - 1: RTU 200; PDP and NON-PDP boards P.LD.E.R. RTU 200 lifies Release 2 IKGT 160002 voll 1 5-17 5-18 or Bas_10¢ RUBDARDVADAD ABRAM MesMeeneneeesseewasan ana n nnn 2 ese RTU 200 Utilities Release 2 2 Introduction = = = = = B = = ee eS = = = = = = = = » om. Taner 2 S.P.1.D.E,.R. RTU 200 2-1 RTUHil_RTU 200 Utilities Release 2 1KGT 180002 VO11 1 Introduction 2 Introduction 2.1 Utilities for RTU 200 Release 2 RTUti is @ software package of different utlities required / used to operate the SPLD.ER RTU 200 remote terminal units, RTUil runs on standard IBM or IBM compatible PC's. The version designation of the utilities have the following structure: 21x LL x= Version number 1 = Subrelease 2 = Release The images in the RTUtl users guide Release 2 are taken from ulliies of the version 3. They are named R2.1.3. In the following versions of the description the images keeps valid, until they have to be updated. LA RTs R2.1.x operates with remote terminal units RTU 200 R2 only. The RTU 232620 software package is identified by: WBLA2x. With x: software revision Use RTUtil R1.4.1 or higher for RTU 200 stations of Release 1 RTUtil includes the following utilities: @ CONFIGURE (EDU) @ LINK (DBV-Ediitor) @ TRANSFER # DIAGNOSTIC * ust @ RPS70 / RP 571 PROTOCOL amc) ‘The abbreviations in brackets are terms the skilled user may prefer. They have been estab- lished in the course of RTU 200 development. S.P.LD.E.R, RTU 200 2-2 . RTUtiL RTU 200 Utilities Release 2 Introduction AKGT 150002 vorl 2.2 Hardware Requirements RTUtil can be installed on standard I IBM or IBM compatible Personal Computers PC), The PC should have at least the following hardware configuration: Type: 286 (better performance with 386 or 486) Diskette station: 5.25" 03.5" Hard disk: 40 MB or more Serial Interfaces: COM 1 and /or COM 2 Display: Color or Monochrome Printer: Optional (LPI) The hard disk capacity for RTUtt itself is approx. 3,5 MB but the produced files for each engineered station and RP 570 protocol tecording etc. must be considered too. matrix printer. 2.3. MS-DOS and Memory Requirements RTUtil runs under MS-DOS executive. > Executive: MS-DOS 3.3 or higher It is recommended to use MS-DOS 5.x. Load DOS high and configure only the basic TRS's (Terminate and Stay Resident software), oK.T.wst2 4 4 4 4 t r c) \ ' ( ‘ ‘ ‘ ( ‘ ( q ( 4 ‘ i} 4 ty ( { 4 « ( ‘ 4 4 d a ‘memory is too small they stop and cannot be started. ‘ t a « q a a q « a q i a q : 7 | > | | S.PILD.E.R, RTU 200 2-3 RTUti RTU 200 Utllities Release 2 1KGT 150002 VO11 1 Introduction 0K: T NST? 2.4 About chapter 5 fo 10 ‘These 6 chapters tell most of what you need to know about working with the utilities, Each chapters describes one of the utilities. The structure of each chapter is: Shortintroduction about the utilities task. The interaction with the RTU 200 itself or the corresponding task within the RTU 200. CChapter.1 shows the complete menu tree down to the parameter windows. The task of each menu list line is described in short form. The sequence of the next paragraphs fol- lows the main menu from left to right. E.g. Paragraph: 63 64 65) 6.1 LINK Menu: UNK DISPLAY PRINT. EXIT ., [GENERATE LST Sub-function menu: |For Tet Each of the menu paragraphs follows the sub-function menu from top tobottom. Ifaddi- tional sub-sub-functions etc. are used they are included from top to bottom within the sub-function. The * =>’ indicates the menu line and the action. The function menu level within a paragraph is indicated by the paragraphs numbering level and position. e.g.: 6.4 PRINT => GENERATE LIST => Read configuration file ‘A danger-signal preceding text emphasizes essential information. Such information can be {an information hint how to handle or a caution about the consequences of particular actions etc, 2.5 RTU 200 documents ‘The RTUtil users guide does not explain the operation of RTU 200 and the S.P.L.D.E.R. RP 870/ RP 571 protocol. For information about RTU 200 functionality and operation refer to the other RTU 200 documents, RTU 200 Ufilities Release 2 SD 3 RTUtil Installation ° : ; 5 : S.P..D.E.R. RTU 200 3-1 RIUtI RTU 200 Utilities Release 2 1KGT 150002 VOli 1 Installation 3. RTUtil Installation 3.1 Copy Disketfes The software RTUtil R 2.1.x is supplied on: 6 diskettes 5.25" 12MB oot 6 diskettes 35" 1.44 MB. Both sets have the same contents on each diskette. Diskette Name Contents 1 R20PROG1 Installation and utility programs part 1 2 R20PROG2 Utility programs part 2 3 R2ORUCI Database files part 1 4 R20RUCZ Database files part 2 5 R20DATS Data files used for EDU 6 — R20DATA Data files used for EDU ‘The diskette ident names shall be copied too, if a backup of the diskettes is to be made, The INSTALLATION program checks each diskette ident before it copies its contents. Check that the original diskettes are write protected. 3.2. Install RTUfil ‘To install RTUtil on a PC one set of diskettes is needed. 3.2.1 Starting Install It is assumed that the installation will run on diskette station "A". Replace “A” with "B" if diskette station "B” is used. = Insert diskette 1 in drive A = Change prompt to A:\> = Type “INSTALL” 00K, TLNSTS 3-2 Installation S.P..D.E.R. RTU 200 RTUtil RTU 200 Utilities Release 2 AKGT 150002 voit 7 ‘The INSTALLATION program is stared and the ABB logo will appear. Approx. 10 seconds alter the logo is drawn the Dey *fine drive menu is displayed. The presentation can be aborted by . 3.2.2 Define drive CSOT pam MSTALLATION of RIU UEility-Prograns on a Hard disk ~ ARIALLATION copies all files and progrens on a Harddisk and ertend AUTOEXEC.BAT with all required environmental def initione. 5 ~ He creates a divectory vith subdirectories on the solected disk and/or copies on the existing director! ~ All les and programe occupy approx. 3.580.688 bytes on the selected isk, which shall have this freo capacity at least. = Select a disk or terminate INSTALLATION, | rove REMY | souecr ia | anor ga ~ INSTALLATION hav found the folloving free capacity fon the listed drives: (nin, 3 588 €88 Byte) Figure 3~ 1: Define dtive INSTALLATION calculates the free disk capacity of each available drive RTUtil requires approx. 3.5 MB of free disk capacity for R 2.1.x = Select the drive where RTUtil should be installed EINSTALLATION does not find enough free memory to install RTUtl a message is displayed, The user can abort INSTALLATION and change the configuration of the PC to get more free memory. lf there are already directories for RTUIil Release 2 on this PC the user can deesie to overwrite the files in these directories. Dom. F.msr3 RADRADEEITAACROCERePeeeeneaaaneceeeannsacsenesenrece S.P.1.D.E,R. RTU 200 3-3 RTUIil__ RTU 200 Utilities Release 2 1KGT 150.002 VOI 1 Installation 3.2.3 Define directories CSTE Definition of directory nanes for the storage of prosrans end files — ~ Path and directory nanes can be changed if desired, if {.e. the sane directory nenes already exist. ~ After selecting by ff INSTALLATION crextes, new directories if nevessary and starts to copy progrant and files. diok Ceelected): possibly extended uith pathnane Storage progran Files (*.EXE). Ectension of DOS conmand PATH Storage database flles (x.FUC), {Enotroment def inl ton R2EP} "TRELUME (A) Storage data files (#.DAT: ».HIL) in application language (i.e. Geran) (Enoiroment def, ROBEDU) (S) Storage data Files («.DAT: ».HIL) in english language Gnvironnent def, RZBEDU) Galternativ to (A) [nove MEME | cience WB | seuece gy | noon BE Figure 3 - : Define directories INSTALLATION shows a directory structure and default directory names which are needed for RTUtl . if desired the names and the path can be changed. If Release 1 and Release 2 of RTUtil are to be run on the same PC, the basic directories should have different names. install both RTUtil packages on different directories with differ. ent names. Check drive Check directory names Change path and names if desired Confirm drive and directories wuauad INSTALLATION checks for existing directories and ask to create the new directories if they do not exist. INSTALLATION starts copying the program and data files onto disk. Each copied file is shown ina list in the form "from -> to”. INSTALLATION asks for the next diskette when all files are copied. INSTALLATION checks the diskette name. WY aMPae 3-4 S.P.LD.E.R. RTU 200 RTUTI RTU 200 Utilities Release 2 Installation 1KGT 180.002 vorl 1 3.3 Setting Environmentals USES? — Generation of environmental definitions —- ~ Three enviromental definitions are required to run the utility programe. INSTALLATION can append the definitions to AUTOIXEC.BAT for you. = If you want to handle the extensione yourselt, INSTALLATION vrites ‘the instructions in a file R28-5NV.BAT (in the prograns directory). ~ Hore starting the utility progran, the cwelromectal definitions sett ‘Shell INSTALLATION nod ify AUTOEXEC. Bet For you 7 to | rove taza | sweet Qi | rae BD = Three definitions are esded: 7 SET PATH = path mane Assignnent to start the utility prograns {SET ROEDRP = path nane Assignaent to access the databace files = SET R2GHDU = path nane Assigneont to access the files ~ ROE ie sot to the Aplication Latguage directory (default). The other one (Ie, NSYSLAN) is also written ae a coment (KEW). Activate SYSLAN by editing “RD in the RZBEDY enviroment variab Figure 3- 3: Environmental update After copying all files INSTALLATION asks for diskette 1 again. INSTALLATION can expand the AUTOEXEC.BAT with the three environmental definitions. Otherwise updating shall be done ‘manually. INSTALLATION adds the three definitions to the end of AUTOEXEC. BAT. If updat- ing shall be done manually, INSTALLATION vrites the three environmental definitions in a separate batch file ‘R20-ENV.BAT’. ‘The file is stored in the program directory. RTUti_2 is the default program directory, = Choose manual or automatic update of the environmental. After updating AUTOEXEC.BAT or writing 'R20-ENV.BAT" INSTALLATION is finished. Re- start PC if AUTOEXEC.BAT was modified to activate the changes. (00K. sta PAAAAAAAABAAARASA CLES SCAKAABRAAKHLAHKHTAASEAFTCCECEEEELE S.PLD.E.R. RTU 200 3-8 RTUtil_RTU 200 Utilities Release 2 1KGT 150002 VOI) 1 Installation 3.3.1 RTUTil Environmentals RTUtil needs three environmental definitions: 1. Path extensions to find the programs 2. R20DBP to find the database files (directory ..\DB) 3. R20EDU to find the data files Girectory ..\SYSLAN or »\APLAN) The path extension depends on the application of the PC and the way RTUtil will be used. The environmental definition R20EDU can be point to the directory SYSLAN or APLAN. These directories contains the data files for the EDU. SYSLAN contains the system language lenglish) and APLAN contains the application language (e.g. german). The following directory organization is a proposal to operate RTUtil and to separate the pro- duced files: TUTIL2 TTC) DIAG program dactony sirectory rectory ttc1.CNF | diag.DFi 08 database deectory tte.0NF [— diag.DFI ite, T12 name KDA Cottci.T2 [2 name.b0C [ name.sT1 All other stations (One directory per station TIFDITFTIFTFIFIFTTITVIFIFIIFITTCECUCC CUCL PFS CeStet Figure 3 - 4: Directory structure proposal The RTUTIL_2 directory contains the RTU utility software and their files. ‘0K msT3

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