Laporan Praktikum DNS, HTTP Cisco Packet Tracer

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Nama : Fadia Alissafitri

NIM : 2010511046

Kelas :B


Lab 3.5.1
Throughout the course you will be using a standard lab setup created from actual PCs, servers, routers,
and switches to learn networking concepts. At the end of each chapter, you will build increasingly larger
parts of this topology in Packet Tracer.

Task 1: "Repair" and Test the Topology.

Add a PC with a display name of 1B to the topology. Configure it with the following settings: IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS Server Connect PC 1B to the Fa0/2 port of the S1-Central switch.

Connect the Eagle Server to the Fa0/0 port on the R1-ISP router. Turn on web services on the server by
enabling HTTP. Enable DNS services and add a DNS entry that associates ""
(without quotes) with the IP address of the server. Verify your work using feedback from the Check
Results button and the Assessment Items tab. Test connectivity, in realtime, by using ADD SIMPLE PDU
to test connectivity between PC 1B and the Eagle Server.

Note that when you add a simple PDU, it appears in the PDU List Window as part of "Scenario 0". The
first time you issue this one-shot ping message, it will show as Failed--this is because of the ARP process
which will be explained later. Double clicking the "Fire" button in the PDU List Window, send this single
test ping a second time. This time it will be successful. In Packet Tracer, the term "scenario" means a
specific configuration of one or more test packets. You can create different test packet scenarios by
using the New button--for example Scenario 0 might have one test packet from PC 1B to Eagle Server;
Scenario 1 might have test packets between PC 1A and the routers; and so on. You can remove all test
packets in a particular scenario by using the Delete button. For example, if you use the Delete button for
Scenario 0 the test packet you just created between PC 1B and Eagle Server will be removed--please do
this prior to the next task.

Konfigurasi IP Address dan Subnet Mask di PC 1B

Konfigurasi Default gateway dan DNS server di PC 1B

Menyalakan HTTP service di Eagle Server

Menyalakan DNS service dan memasukkan URL dan IP address DNS server
dari PC 1B di Eagle server
Task 2: Explore How DNS and HTTP Work Together.
Switch from Realtime to Simulation mode. Open a web browser from the desktop of PC 1B. Type in, press Enter, and then use the Capture / Forward button in the Event List to
capture the interaction of DNS and HTTP. Play this animation and examine the Packet contents (PDU
Information Window, Inbound PDU Details, Outbound PDU Details) for each event in the event list,
especially when the packets are at PC 1B or at the Eagle Server. If you receive a "Buffer Full" message,
click the View Previous Events button. While the processing of the packets by the switch and the routers
may not make sense to you yet, you should be able to see how DNS and HTTP work together.

Last Device At Device Type Keterangan Layer yang
-- 1B DNS DNS client mengirim Out Layers:
DNS query ke DNS 2, 3, 4, 7
server, port Fast
mengirimkan frame
ke IP address tujuan
1B S1-Central DNS Port Ethernet di In Layers:
Switch menerima 1, 2
frame, sumber MAC
address dari frame Out Layers:
ditemukan dalam 1, 2
MAC table Switch
dan frame
dikirimkan ke router
S1-Central 1A DNS MAC address tujuan In Layers:
dari frame tidak 1
sesuai dengan MAC
address dari port
penerima. PC 1A
S1-Central R2-Central DNS MAC address dari In Layers:
frame cocok dengan 1,2,3
MAC address dari
port penerima, Out Layers:
Router mencari IP 1,2,3
address tujuan di
routing table dan
routing table
mencari routing
entry ke address
R2-Central R1-ISP DNS Router ISP mencari In Layers:
IP address tujuan 1,2,3
dalam CEF table, lalu
router mengatur Out Layers:
MAC address tujuan 2,3
frame ke IP address
yang ditemukan di
adjacency table
R1-ISP Eagle_Server DNS DNS server In Layers:
menerima query 1,2,3,4,7
dan menemukan
domain yang sesuai Out Layers:
dengan nama query 1,2,3,4,7
dan mengirim
kembali jawaban
bahwa domain
Eagle_Server R1-ISP DNS Router ISP mencari In Layers:
IP address tujuan di 1,2,3
routing table dan
routing table Out Layers:
mencari routing 1,2,3
entry ke address
R1-ISP R2-Central DNS Router mencari IP In Layers:
address tujuan 1,2,3
dalam CEF table, lalu
router mengatur Out Layers:
MAC address tujuan 1,2,3
frame ke IP address
yang ditemukan di
adjacency table
R2-Central S1-Central DNS Sumber MAC In Layers:
address dari frame 1,2
ditemukan dalam
MAC table Switch Out Layers:
dan frame 1,2
dikirimkan kembali
ke PC
S1-Central 1B DNS PC menerima In Layers:
respons dari DNS 1,2,3,4,7
server, respons dari
DNS berisi IP
address untuk
domain yang
-- 1B HTTP HTTP client Out Layers:
mengirimkan 1,2,3,4,7
permintaan ke
-- 1B HTTP PC mengeluarkan Out Layers:
frame dari buffer 1
1B S1-Central HTTP Port Ethernet di In Layers:
Switch menerima 1,2
frame, sumber MAC
address dari frame Out Layers:
ditemukan dalam 1,2
MAC table Switch
dan frame
dikirimkan ke router
S1-Central R2-Central HTTP MAC address dari In Layers:
frame sesuai dengan 1,2,3
MAC address dari
port penerima, Out Layers:
Router mencari IP 1,2,3
address tujuan di
routing table dan
routing table
mencari routing
entry ke address
R2-Central R1-ISP HTTP Router ISP mencari In Layers:
IP address tujuan 1,2,3
dalam CEF table, lalu
router mengatur Out Layers:
MAC address tujuan 1,2,3
frame ke IP address
yang ditemukan di
adjacency table
R1-ISP Eagle_Server HTTP Server menerima In Layers:
data HTTP dan 1,2,3,4,7
mengirim kembali
data HTTP dari URL Out Layers:
yang diminta 1,2,3,4,7

Eagle_Server R1-ISP HTTP Router ISP mencari In Layers:

IP address tujuan di 1,2,3
routing table dan
routing table Out Layers:
mencari routing 1,2,3
entry ke address
R1-ISP R2-Central HTTP Router mencari IP In Layers:
address tujuan 1,2,3
dalam CEF table, lalu
router mengatur Out Layers:
MAC address tujuan 1,2,3
frame ke IP address
yang ditemukan di
adjacency table
R2-Central S1-Central HTTP Sumber MAC In Layers:
address dari frame 1,2
ditemukan dalam
MAC table Switch Out Layers:
dan frame 1,2
dikirimkan kembali
ke PC
S1-Central 1B HTTP PC menerima data In Layers:
HTTP yang diminta 1,2,3,4,7
dan menampilkan
konten di web

Lab 4.6.1
Throughout the course you will be using a standard lab setup created from actual PCs, servers, routers,
and switches to learn networking concepts. At the end of each chapter, you will build increasingly larger
parts of this topology in Packet Tracer, and analyze increasingly more complex protocol interactions.

Task 1: Repair and Test the Topology.

The server has been replaced. It must be powered on. Then configure it with the following settings: IP
Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DNS enabled,
with the association of with the server's IP address, HTTP enabled. Connect
the Eagle Server to the Fa0/0 port on the R1-ISP router using a crossover cable.

PC 1A has lost its IP address information. Configure it with the following settings: IP Address,
Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS Server Connect
PC 1A to the Fa0/1 port of the S1-Central switch using a straightthrough cable.

Verify your work using feedback from the Check Results button and the Assessment Items tab. Test
connectivity, in realtime, by using ADD SIMPLE PDU to test connectivity between PC 1A and the Eagle

Note that when you add a simple PDU, it appears in the PDU List Window as part of "Scenario 0". The
first time you issue this one-shot ping message, it will show as Failed--this is because of the ARP process
which will be explained later. Double clicking the "Fire" button in the PDU List Window, send this single
test ping a second time. This time it will be successful. In Packet Tracer, the term "scenario" means a
specific configuration of one or more test packets. You can create different test packet scenarios by
using the New button--for example Scenario 0 might have one test packet from PC 1A to Eagle Server;
Scenario 1 might have test packets between PC 1B and the routers; and so on. You can remove all test
packets in a particular scenario by using the Delete button. For example, if you use the Delete button for
Scenario 0 the test packet you just created between PC 1A and Eagle Server will be removed--please do
this prior to the next task.

Task 2: Explore How DNS, UDP, HTTP, and TCP Work Together
Switch from Realtime to Simulation Mode. Make sure Event Filter is set to display DNS, UDP, HTTP, TCP,
and ICMP. Open a web browser from the desktop of 1A. Type in the URL,
press Enter, and then use the Capture / Forward button in the Event List to capture the interaction of

You can examine the packet in two ways: by clicking on the packet envelope as it is displayed in the
animation, or by clicking on the Info column for that packet instance as it is listed in the Event List. Play
this animation and examine the Packet contents (PDU Information Window, Inbound PDU Details,
Outbound PDU Details) for each event in the event list, especially when the packets are at PC 1A or at
the Eagle Server. If you receive a "Buffer Full" message, click the View Previous Events button. While the
processing of the packets at the switch and the routers may not make sense to you yet, you should be
able to see how DNS, UDP, HTTP, and TCP work together by studying tracing the packets and using the
PDU Information window to look "inside" them.


Sesi Device Type Keterangan

1 1A – Eagle_Server DNS DNS melakukan pencarian alamat host dan
server DNS mencari nama domain
2 Eagle_Server – 1A DNS Alamat host dan nama domain ditemukan dan
dikirin kembali ke 1A
3 1A – Eagle_Server TCP TCP bekerja untuk memastikan keutuhan data
yang dikirim. HTTP client membuat koneksi
dengan server. Protocol TCP memecahkan
data menjadi paket kecil, lalu paket melewati
router dalam jaringan internet dan router
mencari rute sesuai untuk paket yang diterima.
Saat paket sampai di server, TCP bekerja mulai
dari layer paling bawah untuk menerjemahkan
sinyal menjadi logical data dan diteruskan ke
layer diatasnya untuk memastikan data yang
diterima sudah sesuai dengan protocol
4 Eagle_Server – 1A TCP Paket di eagle server kembali menuju 1A, 1A
menerima TCP SYN+ACK segment dan berhasil
memperoleh koneksi TCP. Perangkat kemudian
mengirim TCP ACK segment.
5 1A – Eagle_Server HTTP ,TCP HTTP client mengirim request HTTP ke server.
TCP mengawal pengiriman data HTTP ke server
untuk memastikan keutuhannya.
6 Eagle_Server – 1A HTTP, TCP Data HTTP Bersama dengan TCP ACK segment
dikirim kembali ke 1A. 1A berhasil
mendapatkan HTTP reply dari server.
7 1A – Eagle_Server TCP Perangkat menutup koneksi TCP, mengatur
status koneksi menjadi FIN_WAIT_1, lalu
mengirim TCP FIN+ACK segment ke server
8 Eagle_Server – 1A TCP Server menerima TCP FIN+ACK segment.
Koneksi TCP diputuskan, dan server mengirim
TCP segment kembali ke 1A.
9 1A – Eagle_Server TCP Perangkat menerima segment TCP dan
mengatur koneksi menjadi CLOSING, kemudian
mengirim TCP ACK segment ke server. Server
kemudian menerima segement dan mengatur
status koneksi menjadi CLOSED.

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