Top Secret S.I. - TSA1 The Web
Top Secret S.I. - TSA1 The Web
Top Secret S.I. - TSA1 The Web
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Now, as in the past, unseen forces are at work actions can give Admins and players alike an idea
shaping the destiny of mankind. The superpowers of how the organization operates. This history will
fight secret wars even as they negotiate new trea also help Admins who wish to run adventures in
ties. Political parties sabotage each other for con the past, such as in the Roaring Twenties or dur
trol of countries that follow secret policies ing the World Wars.
unknown to their citizens. Giant corporations ma
neuver to control their markets and crush their Sphere of Influence. The extent of Web's world
competitors. Billionaires, politicians, and terror wide activities is explained here. This file lists
ists do not hesitate to use their powers to meet Web's main resources and provides ideas for ad
their personal desires. venture settings.
These groups, vying for power and survival, are Limits of Power. This file lists the forces that act
the true forces that shape history. They work be against Web and explains what kind of losses they
hind the scenes, secretly influencing the actions of inflict.
nations, industries, and individuals. Yet behind
Organization. This file explains how Web is orga
them, there lurks another force, stretching its ten
nized and run, from top to bottom-a topic of much
tacles to envelop the world. It is perhaps the great
speculation by Orion agents. Entries include
est power mankind has ever felt. It is undoubtedly Web's officers and agents, who they report to, and
the greatest threat mankind has ever known.
what they know.
It is the Web.
Security. Admins who ensure Web operatives fol
low these security measures will give their PCs a
realistic and challenging espionage obstacle. Once
What Th is B o o k overcome, these procedures can be used against
Conta ins Regional Assets. This file lists the basic re
sources common to all of Web's six world regions.
This book reveals, for the first time, the entire Additional personnel and equipment are listed in
Web organization. Everything from its shadowy each region's individual dossier.
origins to its top leaders and current operations is
explained. Web's security measures, resources, Nexus. This file describes Web's world headquar
and limitations are outlined in detail. All this in ters and the special forces used to keep Web's di
formation provides the background for the adven rectors in line.
tures which follow.
Regional Dossiers. Each of these files explains
Warning: Players should not read the following Web's operations in a specific part of the world.
information. Doing so would give their characters These dossiers include locations of secret bases,
an advantage they would never have in the field. profiles of special agents, special equipment, and
The adventure and challenge of espionage comes other assets.
from running successful missions to uncover the
City Files. Web's regional headquarters are lo
enemy's identity and plans in time to stop him.
cated in these cities, each a major world capitol.
Each file includes the city's background, encoun
ter areas, a map, and other essential data.
Content Summary
Mission Outlines. Each regional dossier includes
Goal and History. This file outlines Web's ulti a number of missions for PCs to attempt, set in
mate objectives and its history. Web's previous that region.
Guidelines for Rules and Other
Administrators Resources
Administrators should read through the first half Besides this book, the only references the Admin
of this book to understand Web's entire operation. must have to play are the Players Guide and Ad
That will help them plan adventures and build ministrators Guide. The Orion Rising Sourcebook
them into globe-spanning campaigns. Admins (which contains a complete description of Web's
need to refer to the Regional Dossiers only when greatest foe, the Orion Foundation) would also be
running an adventure set there. useful, but isn't necessary. Extra information on
TOP SECRET/S.I.TM game equipment can be
Admins should not explain Web's structure to the
gleaned from the Equipment Inventory and the G4
players; they must figure it out themselves. No
File: Guns, Gadgets, and Getaway Gear.
matter how good they are, the PCs can never
learn everything about Web; the ruthless conspir Admins should feel free to expand the information
acy is too large and wide-spread. Even Web's own given here. Atlases will provide maps of other cit
directors don't know all of its activities! ies and countries. Encyclopedias offer short de
scriptions of countries and industries.
Web's vast resources, great secrecy, and devious
plots make it a powerful and appealing foe. Ad Newspapers, magazines, and news broadcasts can
supply a steady stream of adventure ideas. Using
ministrators should take care not to weaken Web
by revealing too much to the PCs or exposing Web his knowledge of the Web, the Admin can turn the
world's latest trouble spot into a Web operation
and its plans too quickly. A mysterious foe is more
and a mission for the PCs.
challenging than a known one. By revealing bits
of information about Web in each mission, Admins
will give their players a chilling sense of Web's
size and power as well as giving the players the
satisfaction of uncovering Web themselves.
As a rule, the higher a person's rank is in Web's
organization, the harder it should be to discover
his or her true identity. Only a few directors have
ever been exposed as criminals, and then only
long after their death. Only once has a director
been captured, and he killed himself with cyanide
before being interrogated. Similarly, Web's more
important bases and operations should be harder
to uncover because they are guarded more care
fully. Alert PCs may prevent an assassination, but
learning why it was ordered could take months of
Admins can also use this book to respond quickly
to unexpected moves by the players. With NPCs,
bases, contacts, and procedures right at his finger
tips, the Admin can see what resources Web has
near the PCs and how they might react.
IWeb's Goals and History�
Web seeks nothing less than complete subjugation Their methods of extending their influence were
of the entire world. Whether through direct control, as varied as the directors themselves-and very
intimidation, deception, or other means, the organi effective. They bought stocks in foreign companies
zation plans to master all political, financial, and for pennies on the dollar, having assurances from
military power in the world. This goal reflects the their cohorts that they would be allowed to reopen
personal ambitions of Web's top leaders. after the war. They extorted millions from refu
gees seeking to escape both before and during the
Their determination is also reflected by Web's
hostilities. Their munitions companies sold arms
methods. The organization will use whatever
to both sides. They used their legitimate positions
means are necessary to accomplish its goals. Spon
to swindle wealthy aristocrats who were anxious
soring crime, terrorism, revolution, and political
to safeguard their fortunes. They organized "free
unrest, Web undermines governments, companies,
dom fighters" who liberated all sorts of treasures,
organizations of all kinds, and eliminates anyone
thinking that they would be contributed to the
who stands in its way.
war effort. They robbed banks, killed opponents
If known, Web's goals and methods would be re and competitors, and used kidnapping and black
sisted at every turn. Therefore, an overriding mail to earn ransoms and other concessions.
goal-and method-of Web is secrecy. Web's ulti
Worst of all their crimes, was leaking vital infor
mate success depends on its concealment-for now.
mation to both the Allied Powers and the Central
Despite being a world-wide organization involving Powers at critical times to keep either side from
hundreds of thousands of people, Web's very exist gaining too great an advantage. In this way, they
ence, let alone its scope, is known only to a hand deliberately prolonged the war to buy time to com
ful of people. These few divide the spoils of Web's plete their plans. In doing so, they sacrificed hun
rise to dominate the world. The vast majority of dreds of thousands of lives.
Web's operatives, like the innocent victims they
prey on, will remain ignorant of the true goals and
power of the organization until it is to late. Formation of Web
ever all meet at the same time. The Web was born were lost. The links between those illegal activi
in secrecy and would stay that way. ties and Web itself were too tenuous to prove. Be
sides, no one in power wanted to believe the
rumors they heard.
Taking Root
A few of those who learned of Web recognized the
danger it posed to the world and banded together
Following the war, the directors recognized that
to stop it. This group of determined and wealthy
their newly acquired positions and power were
men, not entirely unlike Web's own directors,
vulnerable. In the twenties and thirties the Web
pooled their funds, lands, and possessions into a
remained relatively quiet as the directors solidi
shadowy organization, formed for the sole purpose
fied their holdings. Many of their efforts were
of destroying Web.
spent investing their fortunes into legitimate busi
nesses while planning and organizing their opera
Gradually, Web's directors became aware of the
tions. They also built vast networks of contacts
Orion Foundation. They viewed it as competition,
and informers, none of whom knew who they re
secretive, resourceful, and above the law-like
ally worked .for.
themselves. As Web's activities began to be neu
tralized by Orion agents, the directors realized
Despite their great power, the directors realized
they faced their greatest threat. They formed a
that they could not control world events-yet.
new directorship to deal solely with Orion, but
While they might influence the outcome of an
they knew the battle would involve them all,
election here or manipulate the price of stocks
range the world over, and last many years. It was
there, they could not prevent all the other forces
to be a race against time and a test of wills
in the world from exerting their own influences.
exactly the kind of contest Web savors. The direc
tors remain confident of their ultimate victory.
Web learned to take advantage of events as they
occurred. Constantly adapting their plans, the
directors tried to turn every situation to their ad
vantage. For example, when Prohibition became Expansion
law in the United State, Web saw an opportunity
to reap prime profits. Mustering its resources, Web The directors' preoccupation with Orion nearly
smuggled alcohol into the U.S. from all over the kept them from taking full advantage of World
world. They set up stills and a distribution net War II. In addition, as the war drew near, most of
work inside the U.S. (This smuggling experience the original directors reached their late seventies
later proved invaluable when Web set up a pipe and eighties and devoted considerable efforts to
line for illegal drugs.) luxurious retirements. They were also transfer
ring power to the next generation of Web leaders.
Several directors died without designating heirs.
The Greatest Threat This led to several brief, but intense, power strug
gles for the vacated positions.
'Ibward the end of the Great Depression in the
At the outbreak of war, Web was scrambling to put
thirties, Web's increased activities increased it's
its resources in place and formulate plans. Once
chance of exposure, and several people stumbled
again, the chaos of served Web well. The dark con
upon the organization. Most of them were hunted
spiracy emerged from the war stronger than ever,
down by cold assassins and murdered. A few sur
and truly monstrous in size.
vived to notify various authorities. Several inves
tigations were even conducted, but Web covered
its tracks quickly, and only a few minor operations
Below is a general description of Web's typical
Recent Growth activities . They are organized into categories, but
in reality all these assets work together in a web
too complex to untangle. (Specific assets are listed
In the years that followed, Web expanded all its
in following dossiers.)
operations, including its legitimate business and
financial holdings. Secret bases were constructed
throughout the world, including an overall com
mand center, code-named the Nexus. Web added Bases
international terrorism and modern weapons to its
arsenal. Web maintains bases in every city of one million
people or more throughout the world. Thousands
In the last decade the Web's activities have flour
of other cities unwittingly host safehouses, com
ished more than at any time before. Improved
munication centers, strongholds, motor pools, ar
technology, communications, and experience allow
mories, and repair shops. Rural areas conceal
it to strike regularly and brutally against govern
training camps, prisons, staging areas, retreats,
ments and companies all over the world. Seem
supply depots, and airstrips. Coastal lands and
ingly unconnected events are carefully
lakes shelter piers, docks, and fuel tanks. Moun
orchestrated to further the Web's mission. Now,
tain slopes conceal listening posts satellite track
the third generation of Web's leaders is emerging:
ing stations.
a vicious group with no less ambition than Web's
founders, but far more power to carry out their
evil designs.
Political Assets
These legal ventures serve �everal importa�t func
Criminal Assets tions. First, they are sound mvestments whIch
make back many times the amount of money put
into them. Second, they allow Web to expand its
Web runs dozens of crime organizations the world
power through legal channels. This power can be
over, though never directly. Some �re old and �ell
used to further Web's goals as well as supporting
established, like Mafia families, WIth monopohes
its illegal activities. For example, Web used �ttor
on their territories. Others are new gangs, fight
neys from one of its law firms to help an enVIron
ing to establish their dominance. Still other crimi
mental group keep an Alaskan wilderness area
nal assets are specialists in specific fields, such as
free from development. Neither the lawyers nor
safe-cracking, kidnapping, burglary, or arson.
the environmental group ever knew that they
kept the area open for a tracking and survival
Web's fastest growing crime area is drug running.
school Web operates there.
Cocaine and heroine are shipped from Latin
America and Asia to markets in North America
Third Web uses banks and trading companies to
and Europe. Rival drug lords are slowly bought
"launder" funds that were obtained from its crimi
out, recruited, or eliminated.
nal activities. Once "tainted" money has passed
through several legitimate businesses it becomes
Fanatical terrorist groups give Web a powerful
untraceable, and then is considered "clean." Since
tool for paralyzing governments. In a B:ddition to a
. law enforcement agencies increasingly use tax
few terrorist teams of its own, Web mamtams con
laws and money tracing to uncover criminals,
tacts with religious, political, and criminal terror
money laundering has become more important.
ists of every persuasion.
Finally, real businesses provide exce�lent covers
Criminal assets provide a steady flow of cash to
for Web's activities and personnel. DIrectors who
finance Web's operations and expansion. Web
head profitable corporations can enjoy extrava
reaps other benefits as well. Crime net�orks 1?ro
gant lifestyles without having to explain where
vide ready manpower and resources to ImmedI
their money comes from. Agents who work as
ately respond to any situation, from as�isting .
salesmen for an international pharmaceutIcal
agents on a mission, to stealing plutomum from
. company can regularly travel abroad without at
an unexpected train crash. Equally Important,
tracting attention. Web can install armor �nd ar
Web uses its criminal activities to test the loyalty,
maments on a ship easily if it owns the shIpyard.
and skill of potential recruits.
And so on.
Warsaw Pact troops. A South American drug lord, other country, or even another branch of their own
on the other hand, keeps an army of thousands of counter-intelligence services!
simple infantry. They must guard long jungle sup
Some of Web's agents are inevitably uncovered, but
ply lines and remote airfields.
are soon replaced by new recruits. Web also main
The Web Chairman controls additional forces. tains "sleepers" in foreign intelligence services.
They are used for especially vital missions, and to These agents may do nothing for Web for years,
back-up or support regional missions. These troops steadily rising in rank, before being "activated;'
are also used to destroy directors if they strike out
Web also relies heavily on the media, which un
on their own-something every director is well
wittingly supplies the organization with vital in
aware of.
formation day in and day out. Thousands of
Web's military equipment is almost always dis reporters working for newspapers, magazines, and
guised to look civilian. For example, many of its television networks cover the world more thor
vehicles are modified versions of civilian vehicles. oughly than any spy network does. Fast breaking
Armored cars are converted to personnel carriers. news often reaches the media first and reporters
Business jets are equipped with air-to-air missiles. can gain interviews and access in places that dip
Speed boats are armed with grenade launchers lomats and spies can't reach. In addition, the me
and machine guns. dia provides excellent cover stories for agents and
communications gear alike.
Web's extensive holdings in defense industries and
international arms dealing ensure that its mili Web's media assets include agents posing as re
tary forces are always well-equipped and know the porters and editors, taps on wire services, radio
capabilities of their opponents. In addition, Web and video production studios, satellite links, and
informers inside the armies, navies, and air forces literally thousands of subscriptions. Each day
of the world supply regular updates on tactics and newspapers and magazines of every description
equipment. In rare cases Web is even able to bor arrive at collection points to be scoured for infor
row assets from real armed forces! mation. Elsewhere, radio and TV news broadcasts
are recorded around the clock for analysis.
In addition to its operatives in foreign intelligence
Espionage Assets services and the media, Web maintains its own
espionage network. This network includes field
Web's directors have long understood that knowl agents, spy planes and ships, listening posts, and
edge is the key to making correct decisions. 'Ib en tracking stations. These sources feed information
sure they have as much information as to cryptologists who break codes and analysts who
possible-and as soon as possible-they devote a fit the pieces together. Powerful super computers
major portion of their resources to espionage. And help them sort through all the raw data they
they have been quite successful in the spy business. receive.
At one time or another Web has infiltrated every All of Web's espionage assets combine to serve
major espionage network in the world, including three main purposes. First, they provide Web with
America's CIA and FBI, Russia's KGB and GRU, a steady flow of information. Second, they alert
England's MI5 and MI6, West Germany's BnD, Web to any action that might expose or threaten
France's DGSE-and Orion's Ganymede Bureau. its activities. Third, they allow Web to feed false
Web's informers, double agents, and triple agents, information to whatever country or media it
work mostly at low and middle levels, but a few wishes. Using this propaganda tool, Web opera
high-level penetrations have been made. Few of tives undermine alliances, setting one country
these operatives know who they're really working against another and subtly influence public opin
for. Many believe they are in the service of an- ion on any topic.
which would allow them to act and react much
Li m i ts of Powe r faster.
For all its impressive power and assets, the Web is The Long Arm
vulnerable. There are limits to its influence and
abilities. Web's activities are restricted by many
of the Law
forces, such as police investigations, internal ri
valries, and Orion operations. The greatest of As a rule, Web avoids all entanglements with the
these restrictions are listed below. Administrators law, from federal agencies to local police. This
should bear them in mind when planning Web caution helps ensure the success of Web's criminal
operations. This list can also provide ways PCs activities. However, the law does catch up with
might uncover clues about Web activities, and them on occasion. Interpol has proved quite aggra
ways they can trip up Web agents and thwart vating in recent years, and local police do stumble
their plans. across Web's illegal operations as well. Web's
losses are usually only small operations, but even
they cost Web a great deal.
Slow Reactions Web spends tens of millions of dollars every year
covering its tracks from the law. It spares no ex
Web is a mammoth organization involving thou pense to ensure that small investigations never
sands of personnel. Its size alone delays its reac uncover any link to Web itself. And, of course,
tions to fast-changing events. In many ways Web every time the law intervenes, Web looses any
resembles the huge bureaucracies it manipulates. money it would have gained from the crime. Court
Intelligence must pass through several layers of cases, too, costs millions in attorney fees, bribes,
analysts before reaching decision makers. Experts and out-of-court settlements.
and other leaders must be consulted before plans Web's greatest loss from the long arm of the law,
are laid. Then, decisions must be approved by su however, is not financial. It is the loss of skilled
pervisors. Agents (and their equipment) must be agents. Web's agents are often forced into hiding
collected and briefed before missions and debriefed when police pick up their trail. Agents may have
afterwards. All these situations delay Web's abil to spend months in hiding, making them unavail
ity to act quickly. able for other missions. Agents may need to move
Web's intense secrecy also contributes to delays in to new regions, taking time to develop new covers
two ways. First, many Web personnel don't know and contacts. Some agents have even been retired
they're working for Web. Therefore, they must be (sometimes with extreme prejudice) when their
managed through indirect channels which are identities become too well known.
inherently slow. A Web director can't simply pick
up the phone and order a chopper pilot to fly a
mission if the pilot has never heard of Web. Cover counter-intelligence
stories have to be invented first, and the proper
"handlers" must be used. Web's intelligence efforts are under constant pres
Second, Web's high-level personnel are primarily sure from other intelligence networks. Every
concerned about keeping their covers intact and country where Web operates has its own internal
staying out of jail. Most of them are involved with counter-intelligence force. They keep their own
many illegal activities and take great pains to use agents (including double agents working for Web)
drop boxes, couriers, and other means to communi under regular surveillance. For example, Web
cate with each other rather than meeting directly, agents working for the CIA are always at risk
from routine investigations by the CIA and FBI. For example, some of Web's directors control mili
Intelligence services also hunt for foreign agents, tary forces that could defeat any one of the nations
which could uncover Web agents. For example, a in their regions. However, doing so would require
KGB search for British spy might uncover a Web open warfare which would guarantee Web's expo
agent. sure. Web might win several battles, but then
would face many other nations in an open war.
Although Web has infiltrated most major espio
nage networks, it is no guarantee that Web can Fear of exposure restricts Web agents on a per
avoid detection or gain vital information when sonal level, too. Every agent-and director-knows
needed. Intelligence services are secretive by na his usefulness to Web ends with his capture and
ture, too. These services are often divided into interrogation. Thus, they often act cautiously or
bureaus or departments which operate indepen retreat to protect their identities and missions.
dently and may not even know the departments
are doing. Even with agents in every department
and office, Web would be at risk from special Leg itimate Competition
Web's legitimate business assets are subject to the
same competitive market pitfalls every company
The Hunter Orion faces. Workers may strike or demand higher
wages. Real estate values may drop. Other com
The Orion Foundation poses a unique threat to panies may take over Web owned companies
the Web, for it alone knows of Web's existence, its through leveraged buyouts. Stocks may crash.
nature, and goals. By staying small and just as Competitors may release better products that
secretive as Web, if not more so, Orion manages to drive down sales. Web's companies may even go
stay hidden, striking Web unexpectedly-and very bankrupt through poor management or
effectively. corruption.
Over the years Orion has scored several major Web's other, illegal connections cannot always pro
blows against Web. In addition to exposing opera tect its legitimate businesses. Fear of exposure
tions, destroying valuable equipment, and elimi usually keeps Web from pouring money into ailing
nating agents, Orion has also managed to business, but that isn't the only reason. Some
infiltrate Web's operations on several occasions. times the resources just aren't available in time.
Other times, a product or service becomes obso
A healthy respect for Orion agents has grown into
lete. (For instance, Web's early electronics com
outright fear and paranoia in many parts of Web.
panies were doomed when transistors were
Great efforts are taken to avoid confrontations
invented because Web's factories made vacuum
with Orion. Those efforts tend to use up resources
that might be applied more profitably elsewhere.
Whenever one of its businesses goes bankrupt,
Web's directors try to use it as a lesson to their
Fear of Exposure other business managers. When some of Web's
corporate officers went to jail for violating import/
export laws, the directors even claimed to have
Time and again, fear of exposure has held back
engineered it, rather than admit they couldn't (or
Web's arm of destruction. The directors know that
wouldn't) keep their subordinates from behind
much of the world would unite against Web if its
bars. Despite these cover ups, the loss of revenue
true nature was revealed. Someday they will be
and influence from Web's business failures far out
too powerful to oppose, but until then, they must
weigh any lessons that might be learned.
avoid open confrontation.
The directors' rivalries tie up their attention and
Fouled Plans resources. They surround themselves with body
guards and they spy on each other. They expand
their operations, pushing into regions they hope to
Despite meticulous preparations, Web's plans do
take over. Even directors who aren't competing
occasionally fail, or work too well. Snipers miss. A
against any others must be prepared against as
little pressure on a politician may make him re
sassinations and takeover from their subordinates
sign unexpectedly. A soldier, tricked into believing
as well as other directors. All of these activities
his general is a traitor, may assassinate him in
keep Web from expanding, and in extreme cases,
stead of spying on him as he was told to do. Ballot
may even diminish it's effectiveness.
stuffing and election fraud may start a civil war.
Any plans that go awry cost Web dearly in delays
and losses of man power and equipment. The chaos
following a bungled operation may take months to
Org aniza t i on
sort out. Of course, Web often creates confusion to
further its plans, but when chaos strikes unexpect As Web grew larger over the years, it grew more
edly, Web is often forced to retreat. complex, too. Now, much like a multinational cor
poration, many layers of managers separate Web's
Web's plans go out of control for one of three rea
directors from their field agents. These managers
sons. First, the mission planners fail to correctly
have the responsibility of turning the director's
anticipate their victims' reactions. Second, over
zealous operatives act beyond their instructions plans into action. Thousands of supervisors stay
busy just keeping track of Web's activities and
("Hey, if one stick of dynamite is good, two must
trying to coordinate them.
be better, right?"). And third, separate Web units
working on the same mission fail to coordinate Below is an outline of Web's current structure.
their efforts because they don't know what the The way Web is organized reflects its chain-of
others are doing. command: a long, but direct line from the direc
tors down to the informers in the streets. Web's
Sometimes, Web units don't even know other units
organization does change occasionally, and there
are involved. Such a situation occurred when
are exceptions to the normal chain of command,
agents in Argentina and Britain both fueled a hot
especially in the case of effective agents. However,
political issue. Agents in each country expected
most of Web's personnel fit into this structure.
the other nation to back down. Before either side
realized the other was involved, the Falklands This outline shows Administrators the relation
War broke out. British convoys crossing the Atlan ships �etween Web personnel. Using them consist
tic and Argentine troops sealing their borders ently in play will help the PCs come to know their
shut down several lucrative Web operations. enemy. Over time, they'll learn how Web is orga
nized and how it operates. Don't explain Web's
organization to the players; they'll have more fun
Internal Rivalries figuring it out on their own.
which helps ensure all Web operatives understand and the pacts he has with other directors. Their
their positions. Common terms also allow Web ambition and rivalries ensure continued political
agents to talk more openly about their operations in-fighting on the board. However, the directors
without attracting suspicion. Web assigns people are shrewd enough to keep their differences be
and departments titles that describe their general tween themselves and out of the rank-and-file
activities. For example, thefts and burglary are most of the time.
handled by the "acquisitions division." Corporate
Every five years the directors elect one of their
terms also help integrate Web's legitimate busi
members to become chairman of the board. With
nesses with its covert operations.
out a doubt, he is the single most powerful figure
in Web. His responsibilities include guiding over
all policy, coordinating activities between regions,
Table of Organization and settling disputes between directors. The chair
man also maintains the Nexus, which gives him
Board of Directors: Web is run by a group of additional powers (see "The Nexus;' on pg. 21-24).
directors who inherited their positions from Web's Chairmen may not be elected again so that the
original founders. They hold the ultimate power in position rotates among the directors. That keeps
Web. A single word from one of them can condemn any one of the directors from becoming strong
a man or abort an operation. Together, they set enough to take over Web entirely.
Web's strategic plans to meet its goals. Individu
Regional Offices: The board has divided the
ally, each director oversees specific activities in
world into six geographic regions. These areas are
certain parts of the world, called regions.
described in detail in the Regional Dossiers start
The number of directors has grown steadily as ing on pg. 31. Each region is controlled by a few
Web's influence spread. There are currently 36 directors, usually six. Each director oversees spe
director positions, called "chairs." The exact num cific operations in his region, and must coordinate
ber of directors changes as new operations are with them with the other activities in his region.
added and when directors retire (voluntarily or
For the most part, the regional offices operate in
dependently of each other. Except for specific mis
Following an elaborate schedule, a dozen directors sions, their only contact is through the board.
meet each month. Over the course of a year each Although this separation reduces their efficiency
director attends at least four of these "board meet it also improves their security. The loss of even an
ings:' For security reasons, they never all meet entire region would not endanger or expose the
together. Such a meeting would be impossible, in others.
any event. Their high social status and positions
Directors are phasing out their old titles, such as,
in real businesses, governments, and militaries
"Director for Terrorism;' and adopting more
keep the directors' schedules quite full.
business-like terms, such as, "Director of Foreign
The founding directors never met in the same Marketing." The directors' titles in each region
place. However, that restriction has been relaxed. reflect Web's primary activities there.
The current directors enjoy the comfort, conven
Chief Executive Officers: Each director controls
ience, and security of their regional headquarters.
his staff through one or more operations man
Most board meetings are now held there or at the
agers, who are now called "presidents" or "CEOs"
Nexus, Web's worldwide headquarters.
(chief executive officers). They head the regions'
Officially, all the directors share equal power; at different "divisions" and see that their directors'
least that is what high-ranking Web personnel orders are carried out. Many of them are execu
believe. In fact, each director's true influence de tives and presidents in businesses that Web owns.
pends on his cunning, the scope of his activities, Others are crime bosses, terrorist leaders, merce-
nary captains, and station chiefs in foreign intelli they are breaking some laws, most of them never
gence services. know their true contributions or link to organized
crime. They manage junior partners in their of
As a rule these executives know of Web's existence
fices as well as clerks and secretaries. They usu
and have a good idea of its size. They know every
ally have many valuable contacts in business and
detail about their divisions and are familiar with
local governments.
the activities of the other divisions in their region.
Supervisors: These managers lead small teams.
These leaders know that the next generation of
Some, like counterfeit engravers and con artists,
Web leaders will be chosen from their ranks. They
are clearly illegal. Others, such as computer ana
are all tough, resourceful, successful, and wealthy.
lysts and yacht crews, are not. Most supervisors
Most are skilled administrators and negotiators.
lead middle-class lives, but are anxious to improve
Their styles may differ, but they share common
their social standing. Many joined Web's activities
traits of ambition, greed, and an ability to lead
after getting what they thought was a lucky break
whether through example, inspiration, or fear.
or timely opportunity. In fact, Web VPs carefully
Vice-Presidents: Each president is assisted by crafted the situations to recruit them.
several vice-presidents, depending on the size of
Foremen: Web's "muscle" is made up primarily of
his division. In most espionage networks, these
blue-collar workers. Their covers range from dock
vice-presidents would be called station chiefs.
yard foremen to steel mill workers to police ser
Most of them came up through the ranks and now
geants. They are motivated by ideology, politics, a
plan and direct operations rather than carry them
taste for adventure, and old-fashioned greed
out directly. They may lead special operations
many of the same motives that drive the directors!
themselves, though. Web's vice-presidents (VPs)
Each foreman commands great respect and loyalty
are all experienced criminals and experts in their
from a small group of workers. Web takes great
fields, which range from safecracking to real es
pains to keep these operatives from knowing any
tate development.
thing about the larger organizations they serve.
The VPs all know they are involved in criminal Not only does that protect security it slows down
activities. Most know their bosses have other Orion agents who, Web knows, may hesitate be
criminal connections, but few are aware of other fore eliminating someone who is being manipu
regional operations. Only a handful who are being lated by Web.
groomed for new president's positions are even
Commanders: Web's Armed forces retain their
vaguely aware of Web's existence.
military titles. Most of these men are hired merce
Managers: Managers actually run Web's day-to naries who use the ranks they attained in the
day affairs. Under the direction of a VP, each man service (or wish they attained). Some of these man
ager usually controls between one and a dozen agers hold jobs with provincial police, SWAT
field operatives, called "employees." Managers are teams, and reserve military units. A few are still
chosen for their expertise and abilities in specific in active armies and navies. All of these people
areas. Around half of them know they are in have access to firearms and explosives. They are
volved in illegal activities. That knowledge, and trained and experienced in combat. Web's own
their titles, depend on their assignments. Typical strike teams know much about the organization,
managers are listed here: often more than their VPs because they carry out
missions for many divisions and even the directors
Associates & Partners:These managers work in
Web's legitimate businesses as lawyers, stock bro
kers, financiers, and in professions. Many work in Employees: These are the men and women on the
private firms, or as consultants to large corpora street, the lowest level in Web's network. Called
tions. They usually draw huge salaries and live "field operatives" in intelligence circles, they in
luxurious lifestyles. Although they often realize clude informers, spotters, couriers, drivers, secu-
rity guards, secretaries, and agents. These opera Acquisitions
tives are paid very well for their work, which of theft & burglary
ten comes to them as "over time;' special auto theft
assignments, or temporary jobs. As a rule, they black marketing
are dedicated to their manager and morale for espionage
their work is high. industrial espionage
Of the thousands of Web's "employees;' only the Marketing (also called Advertising)
best agents have any idea of what they are in propaganda and disinformation
volved in. Many agents spend their entire careers market research
thinking they are working for another govern psychological warfare
ment or a special branch of their own service and
retire without learning the truth. A few particu Finance
larly skillful agents have earned great power money laundering
within Web, rivaling that of many VPs. These stock & securities fraud
agents, who usually report directly to regional payroll (internal disbursement of funds)
executives, know a great deal about the Web re
gion where they work. Manufacturing
drug processing
Operations base locations, or any other aspect of Web's activi
assassinations ties are only released to those operatives who need
demolitions the information to do their jobs.
Personal Identification: From the vice-president
level up, Web executives rely on personal identifi
special operations
cation as well as block keys and codes (see below)
Orion before making contact outside their Division. This
tracking procedure protects secrecy even when codes are
counter attack planning compromised. It also has the desired effect of r�
ducing links that might be traced between DIVI
sions and Regions.
S e c u rity Cut-Outs: Every level of Web's intelligence net
work uses cut-outs to separate themselves from
the others. The purpose of cut-outs is to create a
The success of Web's operations, and, indeed, its gap in the chain-of-command that cannot be traced
very survival depends on secrecy. If their criminal by investigators or exposed by traitors. A cut-out
activities were known, most Web operatives would can be anyone or anything that links employee� to
be tried and jailed. In many countries they'd be the organization but prevents them from knowmg
executed. Over the years Web has adopted several the true identity of their superiors and co-workers.
effective security procedures to protect its person Every cut-out must allow the employee to receive
nel, operations, and interests. instructions and pass information back. Web uses
All Web activities employ these procedures when four types of cut-outs.
ever possible. All operatives, from the "employee" 1. Go-betweens: These people, who are not deeply
level up, have been indoctrinated with the need involved in any operation, act as couriers, carry
for secrecy. (Personnel who aren't aware of their ing messages between Web personnel. Thus, an
criminal involvement usually don't know about .
industrial spy might only know that he receIved
the security arrangements around them-but money and instructions from someone called
they're there.) Web operatives have learned that "Ahmed" (the go-between) who got his orders from
leaks, blown covers, and other security breaches "Dr. Torrance;'
only happen once. The guilty party is usually
given an early "retirement" by agents from the 2. Cash: Law enforcement agencies are becoming
Personnel Division. quite adept at following the trails left by credit
cards, which Web uses extensively. To shake off
Web's paranoia about security has become a clue such investigations, Web agents deliberately use
to its activities. Orion agents have learned to take cash at critical junctures. For example, an agent
interest when common thieves and thugs show flying from New York to San Diego would stop in
abnormal and professional interest in security. Los Angeles, then pay cash for his tic�et to Sa�
Diego. His "credit trail" would then dIsappear m
Los Angeles.
Security Procedures
3. Dead Drops: Employees exchange messages and
material through a secret location, such as a par
Minimize Exposure: This basic doctrine dictates ticular mail box, under a park bench, etc. This
that Web operatives keep a low profile except procedure allows agents to communicate without
when performing official tasks. ever seeing each other.
Need to Know: Information about specific mis
4. Re-dialers: Web uses special high-tech devices to
sions, future plans, personnel cover identities, keep police from tracing its calls. Re-dialers are
- - - ---- - ----- - ,- '
1- _
- - - -
1- - - - - - - - - - -
programmed to receive calls, then automatically However, each legitimate key i s magnetized, much
dial another number and allow the two parties to like the strip on the back of credit cards. Special
converse. This prevents police from tracing the codes recorded on the keys are needed to gain ac
true destination of calls (although they can, and cess to more secure installations. The codes are
do, find the re-dialers). In emergencies, when Web difficult to duplicate and can be changed as often as
Agents know their phones are being tapped, they necessary. Only Web personnel of VP level and
can improvise a re-dialer with two public pay higher know of the codes embedded on the keys.
phones by taping the handsets together (earpiece
Oversight: Web routinely assigns several units or
to mouthpiece). For low-level operations and in
agents to the same job, who call the procedure
large cities, Web uses private answering services
"overkill;' Duplicate units are used to warn each
with operators.
other of surveillance, for back up if the first unit
Private Contractors: Whenever possible, Web fails, and to create competition. The overall effect
hires private investigators, gangs, thugs, and hit is to ensure the job gets done.
men to do its dirty work. Motivated only by their
Codes: Like any other intelligence agency, Web
pay, these minor criminals know nothing about
relies on codes to maintain secrecy. The complex
Web and thus can reveal nothing if caught. Indi
ity of codes increases with the rank of the people
viduals who are persuaded to do something for
using it and the importance of their mission.
Web without payment are called "donors;'
Thus, soldiers guarding a drug processing center
Legitimate Covers: Web employees from the di might use a few simple passwords. The pilots fly
rectors on down work very hard to establish and ing the drugs into a foreign country would use
maintain good covers. Web agents consider these scrambled map coordinates and infrared flashers.
six elements when developing a new cover. The drug dealers would use scrambled phones and
complex codes. The vice-president and president of
1. The cover must allow the agent to complete his
the drug operation would use one-time ciphers,
time clocks, and other sophisticated measures.
2. The cover must not restrict the Agent's travel.
Code-Names: Every Web operative has a code
3. The cover must not restrict the agent's actions. name, which is used to protect his or her identity.
Thus many agents have three names: their real
4. The cover must allow the agent to spend lots of
name, their cover name, and their code name.
money without raising suspicions.
Code-names are used in official communications
5. The cover must allow the agent to meet with a and when talking in public. Most agents take
wide variety of people. great pains selecting their code-names. Some male
agents use female names and vice versa to deliber
6. The cover must give the agent enough free time
ately confuse eavesdroppers. Other chose code
to complete his assignment.
names that reflect their personality or style, much
Block Keys: All Web executive officers, vice like a character tag.
presidents, and some managers, use special keys
Lookouts: As a rule, Web operations include a
to gain access to bases, equipment, and informa
lookout to warn operatives of approaching police,
tion. The keys serve as identity cards, but only to
suspects, or other disasters. Lookouts hardly ever
those with the proper lock. To identify themselves
know what they are guarding and always report
at Web bases, Web personnel must insert turn
through cut-outs.
their keys in locks embedded in large blocks of
stone or concrete. Practice Runs: Following the adage "practice
makes perfect:' Web managers routinely send
Made of a super-tough alloy, the keys are nearly
their employees on fake or useless missions. This
indestructible. Their precision machining makes
procedure accomplishes several things.
them difficult to duplicate, though it is possible.
1. Keeps agents' skills sharp. 4. Board: Web's highest level of security is re
served for communication between directors and
2. Keeps agents motivated because they feel in
information about the Nexus and Web's world
volved and useful. (Managers even present awards
wide operations. Few personnel below the rank of
and congratulations for these fake missions.)
president or vice president even know such a clas
3. Allows the manager to train and evaluate the sification exists.
agent for more difficult tasks.
4. Gives managers more evidence to use for con
trolling reluctant and black-mailed operatives. Reg i ona l Assets
5. Puts Orion and other intelligence agencies on
false leads. By following up on practice missions, Each of Web's separate regions draws on different
Orion spreads its resources thin and may not un resources, depending on what's available in its
cover Web's real operations. territory. The operations in each region also deter
mine what resources they need. Despite these dif
Preparation: Agents who carry arms are said to ferences, all the regions do share some common,
be "prepared." Web encourages and expects its basic assets. Web directors, executives, and agents
employees to use whatever force is needed to com can rely on these resources being available in
plete their missions, protect their covers, and keep every region. Of course, equipment or personnel
Web's operations secret. Web considers the use of engaged in an operation may not be available to
deadly force to be a fast, cheap, efficient, and per handle a crises that develops somewhere else.
manent solution to most problems. Every Web
Other assets take time to prepare before they can
operative carries a weapon (usually several) and
be used. Helicopters may fueled in advance, but
knows how to use it. (Obviously, employees who
they must file flight plans to protect their covers.
are being manipulated and don't know of their
Members of a strike team may be trained and
involvement will not be armed.)
waiting in their barracks, but they must be
briefed and transported before they can start a
new mission.
Security Classifications
Personnel Contacts
1 forgery expert (for licenses, passports, visas, At east one contact is maintained in each of the
etc.) following areas in every country, state or province
1 electronics repair facility within each region.
4 weapons experts (in separate locations) telephone service
2 strike teams (commandoes)
police department
1 surgical team (in separate locations)
4 interrogation teams fire department
Vehicles main political parties
television station
These assets are available in every country, state radio station
or province within each region. Styles and cover army
depend on local conditions. utility companies
cars, motorcycles, busses, trucks, and trailers.
jeeps and 4-wheel drive vehicles. bulldozer, back
hoe, and crane.
fishing boats, speedboats, yacht (except where
prop planes, twin engine planes, Lear jets. heli
I Nexus
Nexus is Web's nerve center for command and non-UN status. A small, but growing faction in
communication. From this secret complex, Web the organization feels that the establishment is
sends its agents on their missions. Its existence is getting too complacent, and that Nexus' exposure
shrouded in rumor and many people have specu is inevitable.
lated on its location.
In any case, the location of the Nexus has re
Nexus is in Switzerland. It is located beneath on mained a secret for decades. Ironically, on the
the shores of Lake Geneva, on the outskirts of the other side of Switzerland, Orion has a Western
town of Montreux, in the province (called Cantons European Branch office hidden inside a mountain,
by the Swiss) of Vaud. This region is nestled at the a base that Web has been aware of for two dec
foot of the Bernese Oberland, a mountainous area ades. Orion knows that Web knows of the moun
that connects with the Swiss Alps. tain base. Orion figures Web's inaction is due to
fear of Swiss reprisals. Orion is wrong. Web
On the southeast outskirts of Montreux, in the
doesn't wish to make waves in their "host coun
rough terrain abutting the lake, Nexus lies deep
try." Orion still doesn't know where Nexus is lo
underground in an old, forgotten area of hollowed
out rock which represents an unsuccessful attempt
at mining. Web engineers greatly increased the Nexus is located deep underground. Only a direct
underground area, even installing a sub-pen lead hit from the largest nuclear warhead currently
ing into Lake Geneva. From the lake, Web subma available would have any chance at knocking the
rines can take the Rhone River through southeast base out. The base is self-contained, with its own
France and into the Mediterranean Sea. water, air, and power supply, the latter coming
from a nuclear generator located at the deepest
The Nexus was built in 1921 and has been reno
vated many times, increasing its technology to
keep its state-of-the-art lead over the rest of the Entry into Nexus is accomplished in one of several
world. The current structure is the result of about ways. As mentioned earlier, submarines can enter
70 years of work and modifications. by the Rhone River-Lake Geneva route. A private
research firm, Web-owned, contains a secret un
Switzerland was chosen because of the Swiss stub
derground level which opens up into an under
bornness in keeping outside interference away
ground subway tube which runs the three miles to
from their country which guaranteed Web a base
the Nexus. While the occupants of the building do
of operations safe from foreign disruption. "We are
in fact carry out research, there are also 20 Squad
guarded by four million watchdogs!" one Web
ron Omega guards stationed in it, as well as 40
leader said of Switzerland back in 1943.
Generic Soldiers with M-16s and hand grenades.
There is speculation that Nazi Germany did not The front company is called the Ostfreisland
invade Switzerland during World War II because Corbert Research Center, a German-French joint
Web instructed Hitler not to. It is possible that research center specializing in electronics and
Web would have pulled its economic support of the optics.
Third Reich if Germany had invaded Switzerland.
Operation of the three 10-man subway cars is ac
Furthermore, it is not impossible that Web set up
complished by means of Web ID cards. The rail
France to fall so rapidly in the face of Hitler's Wer
tube can be flooded with poison gas or knock-out
macht, as a Web-inspired gesture of consolation
gas. The trains are NOT airtight. Each car has
("There, there, Adolfl You can't touch Switzerland,
hidden micro-phones and closed-circuit cameras.
but we will give you France instead!").
Another means of entry is by means of a highway
Switzerland is the largest European nation that is
tunnel with a secret shunting mechanism. Vehi
not a member of the United Nations. This assures
cles enter one end of the tunnel, while hidden
Web freedom from UN interference. Web attrib
cameras determine that the vehicle is indeed one
utes its record of Nexus' secrecy to Switzerland's
of Web's, and that no other vehicle is in a position The craft can hold 20 people. The WaterSpider can
to view the inside of the tunnel. The operator on act as a sub-marine, surface vessel, or short-range
duty in Nexus activates the mechanism, which aircraft. This is the chairman's escape craft in
opens up a panel in whichever side of the moun case of an all-out attack on Nexus.
tain wall the vehicle is passing by, and the car or
The sickbay contains 25 hospital beds, a triage
truck merely turns into the side of the mountain
area, a radiology lab, ten operating rooms, a
and goes down a ramp. This set-up is located five
trauma unit, bloodbank, organ bank, and twenty
miles east of the Nexus, and there is an under
outpatient care units.
ground tunnel with two checkpoints to get by be
fore the vehicle can enter Nexus. The tunnel can Level Two: This level contains another barracks
also be sealed off at both ends, and water from arrangement similar to Level One's dimensions.
Lake Geneva pumped in, drowning any unwanted Security for the entire complex is located here. It
intruders. is always manned by 18 Squadron Omega agents
and 12 security specialists.
There are five levels to Nexus, the topmost level is
Level One, the numbers increase as the levels de The security room has many banks of close-circuit
scend. Access to the lower levels requires either camera screens, tape recorders recording conversa
great position and influence in the organization or tions picked up from numerous hidden micro
special permission. phones, and alarm displays. Large electronic maps
of Nexus, the Montreux area, Swiss airspace, and
Movement between levels is accomplished by a 10
continental Europe dominate the room. All doors
passenger elevator and a cargo elevator. There is a
and exits can be electronically sealed from here,
squad of Squadron Omega guards stationed at
and any or all corridors can be flooded with knock
each elevator stop, as well as at each landing of
out gas.
the single emergency stairwell. These guards have
the right to challenge anyone and demand identi The main arsenal is located here, full of small
fication. Even the slightest hesitancy to show such arms, rifles, submachineguns, shotguns, heavy
identification is sufficient grounds for being shot machineguns, mortars, grenades, rocket
immediately. launchers, chemical weapons and other instru
ments of death. A very large gunsmith shop is
Level One: The main guard barracks, the sub
located off the arsenal. Two squads of Squadron
pens, vehicle storage and motor pool are located
Omegas permanently guard this section. Natu
here, as well as the sickbay and mission briefing
rally, a large ammunition storage area, enclosed
rooms. The barracks holds 75 Generic Soldiers and
by blastproof and fireproof walls, abuts the
their AK-47 rifles. There are lounges, cafeterias,
small arsenals, and supply rooms connected to the
barracks area. The subway tube ends on this level. This level also contains the main assembly hall,
All three exits to the outside can be cut off by mas where Web holds its "Business Meetings:' briefing
sive steel doors. its officials on Web's latest nefarious plans.
The subpen always contains six nuclear-powered Perhaps the most amazing area on this level, and
(not nuclear armed!) mini-subs, each able to hold indeed in the entire complex, is what is known as
25 passengers. A set of ASROC (Anti-Submarine the Junk Room. Never has such a name been so
Rockets) tubes guards the opening from unwel unjustly given. This vast area is a veritable mu
come underwater craft. This defense is supple seum of history. It is not one room, but a series of
mented by a pair of 5 " gun emplacements. open rooms adjoining each other.
One other unusual vehicle is berthed in the sub In the Junk Room are: a genuine Gutenberg Bible,
pen: the WaterSpider, a flying submarine. It is the one of the copies of the Magna Carta and the Dec
exclusive property of the chairman of the board. laration of Independence, some of Marie An-
toinette's jewelry, the bullets that killed the Arch racks, this living area also contains break rooms,
duke Ferdinand, Adolf Hitler, John F. Kennedy lounges, cafeterias, and even a movie theatre
and Martin Luther King, and paintings by (which shows first-run movies, of course!).
Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Titian, Rem
Large rooms on this level are devoted to the mas
brandt, and Picasso.
sive computer and communications equipment
Continuing the inventory, there is also an auto that handles not only Nexus but all of Web. This
graphed folio of Shakespeare's works, an unfin includes secure phone lines, microwave transmis
ished symphony by Beethoven, and an unknown sions, all-band radio transmissions, and satellite
piece of music by Mozart. communications.
In one of the more ghoulish parts of the exhibit The computer is actually a series of mainframes
are the bodies of Jimmy Hoffa, Adolf Hitler, Ame all connected to each other. This conglomeration
lia Earhardt, missing members of the Russian has tie-ins to all Web-connected computers world
Royal Family, a Pharaoh archaeologists have yet wide. In essence, Web has its own datanet, code
to discover, and an actual Cro-Magnon man frozen named Electric Silk.
in ice.
A vast control room exists on this level, complete
The vehicle section boasts of mint condition air with a series of electronic maps similar to the ones
craft including a Sopwith Camel, Spad XIII, in the Security area on Level Two. These maps
Fokker D-7, and Fokker DR-l Triplane, all from keep track of every Web operative world-wide.
World War 1. The World War II exhibit includes a
Web believes that "knowledge is power;' and has a
Spitfire, a P-5 l Mustang, an SBD Dauntless, a
vast room on this level called the Information As
TBF Avenger, a Zero, a Kate, an ME-109, a JU-87
similation Area. The IAA contains banks of televi
Stuka, a B-l7 Flying Fortress, and a B-24
sion screens, radio receivers, compact disc players,
piles of current magazines from all over the world,
The final section of the Junk Room contains per and up-to-date editions of the world's major daily
sonal effects from various historic figures: George newspapers. A group of 65 trained watchers/
Washington's wooden teeth, a shirt from Napoleon, observers occupy this area, their sole function be
a cigar from Winston Churchill, a lock of Stalin's ing to watch television, listen to the radio, and
hair, and other things of historical interest. read newspapers and magazines, taking notes on
their content.
The last room of significance contains Web's ar
chives dating back to the group's inception. 'Thns These notes are then taken to the Analysts, who
of paper, microfilm, and computer disks weave an plot the prevailing zeitgeist. They compile de
epic of calculated evil and world domination. tailed reports which are sent to Web's decision
Many unexplained events throughout the 20th makers, who use these reports to make policy.
century begin making sense when these papers
A smaller room adjoining the IAA contains elec
are perused.
tronic monitors that provide up-to-date stock
Some of the more interesting items: The true rea quotes and commodity market prices. Five ana
son John F. Kennedy was assassinated, the cause lysts monitor this room at all times.
of ship and plane disappearances in the Bermuda
A Global Weather Center is situated on this level,
Triangle, the real story behind UFOs, and the rea
which tracks world weather patterns and makes
son Hitler rose to power so easily.
long term projections. This helps Web predict crop
Level Three: This level contains another bar yields and how to manipulate the agricultural
racks arrangement. In addition, this level houses nations.
the living quarters of all non-combatants such as
Level Four: This level houses the offices, bed
analysts, doctors, and technicians. Like the bar-
rooms, and entertainment areas of Web's chair-
man of the board, directors, and vice- The advantage of Web lies in its ability to make
presidents. The accommodations are appropriately its moves with a world perspective. Nexus lies
luxurious. back and watches the world, then, armed with the
information gleaned from observation, moves like
This Level is the most heavily guarded (36 Squad
an expert chess player. In fact, Web's activity is
ron Omega guards) despite the fact that there is
comparable to a chess game. Web is the chess
another level below this one.
player, thinking three moves ahead, and has the
Level Five: This level contains the nuclear fission ability to see the entire board. Now, kill the chess
reactor that powers the building, all life-support/ player, and all you have left are individual pawns
environmental equipment, electric and communi and other pieces. Sure, the pieces still exist, but
cations junctions, supply rooms, alarm system the brain that forged them into an organized unit
maintenance controls, and most importantly, the is gone. The pieces must now fend for themselves.
research labs.
Furthermore, Web is very jealous about their in-
There are five main research labs: biochemical, . formation, information gathered from six decades
electronic, psycho/physiological/genetic, energy, of hard work. If Web goes, Nexus' main computer
and weapons. These labs are working on many has a fail-safe mechanism that sends an electro
new innovations for Web, some of the ideas being magnetic pulse through the wire, aimed at the
original, other ideas culled from stolen technology. computers based in each regional headquarters as
well as at all Web-owned facilities. The EMP will
Among the things Web is attempting to design:
purge all data from each systems' banks, then fuse
airborne plagues, laser rifles and pistols, airplane
the chips, rendering the computers useless.
and ship cloaking devices, cloning, miniature
atomic bombs, and genetic mutation (giving peo In essence, if Nexus goes, so does Web. Small cells
ple super-abilities by DNA alteration). of agents may band together and form small intel
ligence agencies, mercenary groups, and the like,
This level has been designed so that if an experi
but none of them would ever be able to achieve
ment went awry and threatened the existence of
even a fraction of the world-spanning grandeur
the entire complex, the Security room could jetti
that is Web.
son the entire laboratory or nuclear plant into the
lake. This process is possible since the labs and Nicholas Sanderson, the only Director to ever be
reactor face the lake, and are all mounted on vast captured alive by Orion, said "If Web goes, every
sliding rails. The labs can be shifted in five min one who worked for it will know it!" Looking past
utes, the reactor in ten. the bravado, Sanderson spoke the truth. If Web
were put out of commission, everyone from the
The final mechanism embedded in Nexus is a 50
street thugs on up to the heads of state would no
kiloton hydrogen bomb with a twenty minute
tice the shift in the balance of power.
countdown. If the lair is overrun by Orion, the
Chairman of the Board and two Directors can ini
tiate the countdown.
If Nexus was somehow put out of commission, Web
We b E q u i p m ent
as we know it would cease to be. Certainly, there
would still be crimes, political instability, and No world-wide espionage agency can function
widespread drug use, but it would no longer all be without some special equipment unique to that
coordinated for a larger purpose. The organiza particular group. Web is no exception. The follow
tion, standardization of equipment, and discipline ing listing contains equipment designed and used
that Web fosters would be absent, and the effi by Web in their never-ending quest for global dom
ciency of the smaller organizations would be ination. These items cannot be purchased, they
greatly impaired. are assigned to Web agents as needed.
The Web Watch: Patterned after the Orion wrist
watch, the Web Watch is far more versatile and MaxSpd Cielg Prot HPass Range
reflects the malicious nature of its designer. Be 190 19 - 40 14 1400
sides telling the time, date, and year, the watch is
also a calculator and a radio transmitter/receiver.
The Silk Ghost: The Ghost is Web's customized
Furthermore, a small knob on the side of the Ferrari 3.2 Mondial. Besides being a really great
watch pulls out to reveal a steel wire garrote, looking car for those assignments in Monte Carlo
which will spring back after the knob is released. and other glamour spots, the car is a multi
Its last feature is its ability to act as a timer deto purpose, high-speed arsenal.
nator for any sort of explosive. The primer cord is
concealed in the wrist band. To use, one end is Retractable twin .50mm machine guns are set in
attached to the explosive and the other end at the car's front end. A caltrop dispenser and an oil
tached to the watch itself. Maximum time delay dispenser lie concealed in the rear end of the car,
until detonation is 48 hours. each dispenser equipped with six doses.
The Black Widow's Bite: This ornate gold ring The Ghost has a sophisticated burglar alarm sys
has a spring-loaded needle which can inject a vic tem that can transmit a signal to a Web agent's
tim with anything from a sleep drug to a deadly Web Watch instead of emitting a loud siren noise.
poison. The ring holds enough for three doses. The To enter the car, the driver requires not only the
user can employ the ring as an extra dirty trick car keys, but also a Web agent ID card. The secu
during a fist-fight, or as an even dirtier trick rity system has a difficulty rating of - 45.
while shaking someone's hand. If used during me The car contains two secret compartments in the
lee combat, a successful hit results in the ring rear, each of which can hold the equivalent mass
puncturing the victim. In either case, the ring of two rifles. A two-way all-wave radio is con
injects the poison properly 90% of the time. cealed under the dash, and even the glove com
The Balloon Spider: The Balloon Spider is Web's partment requires an ID card to open.
most commonly used helicopter. It is patterned The engine is a supercharged, custom-designed
after the Sikorsky UH-60A Blackhawk, but with a piece of work, which is needed to carry the car's
souped-up engine. The copter is equipped with a extra weight of armor plating, and still achieve
silencing system to cut down 95% of rotor and en high speeds.
gine noise, plus radar absorbing paint that ren
ders it 85% invisible to radar. The Spider has a If worse comes to worst, the vehicle can self
sophisticated electronic countermeasure system to destruct with a 30-second delay. It explodes with
foul up incoming anti-aircraft missiles, as well as the equivalent force of twelve sticks of dynamite.
jamming radio transmissions. For ease of disguise, the car has rotatable license
The Spider is armed with twin .50mm machine plates (4 settings), a second layer of exterior paint
guns, and a rack of four air-to-air missiles. Option under the surface coating (the surface coating
ally, a tear gas/nerve gas delivery system can be burns off when a special solvent is squirted on it;
hooked up, which sprays an area equal to a foot the dispensers are located all over the car, ena
ball field. bling the paint job to be changed in 15 seconds),
and fiberglass molded parts to make it resemble
Pieces of molded fiberglass can be attached to the other sports cars.
Spider to make it resemble a traffic copter, a news
copter, a local law enforcement agency or govern
mental bureau copter. The fiberglass can be jetti Max
soned when the airship is about to initiate Spd Accl Hndl Brake Prot HPass Rnge
hostilities. 160 18 + 35 60 - 55 4 300
The Nerd Box: So named because of an abun extreme situations, the case acts as a radio
dance of sophisticated gadgets, the Nerd Box can detonated bomb, which is activated by an agent's
resemble a Walkman, a transistor radio, or a Web Watch. It explodes with the force of 10 grams
35mm camera. The Nerd Box is a multi-functional of plastique.
piece of equipment combining a minicamera, mini
tape recorder, bug detector, and radio signal
The bug detector has a range of 10', and the jam
mer works on walkie-talkie, citizens band, and
Certainly, each Web region has NPCs unique to
personal communications device within a 60'
the respective areas, but there exists a certain
breed of Web operative whose jurisdiction (and
Infrared Contacts: Resembling ordinary contact notoriety) is world-wide. The following people are
lenses, these IR lenses act as infrared goggles, a small part of Web's personnel who are not re
enabling the user to see heat patterns. They can stricted by internal boundaries. Bear in mind they
be custom manufactured to fit an agent who actu are not to be used lightly. Only large or unusual
ally needs contact lenses. cases are worthy of their attention.
Cyanide Tooth: Usually placed on agents who Head Business Overseer: As mentioned earlier,
are going on a very difficult mission with little Web has many legitimate business dealings. Many
chance of return, this tooth releases a dose of cya of the people who work in these businesses have
nide when the jaw is moved a certain way, fol no idea that they work for a megalomaniacal orga
lowed by a hard chomping down on the fake tooth. nization. However, Web needs someone who can
The poison works in ten seconds. run things on the legitimate side, but who also is
fully aware of who pulls the strings.
Poison Buckle: This ornate belt buckle has a
spring-loaded needle which injects the wearer
Begin Rules Section
with a dose of cyanide. To activate it, the wearer
presses a rhinestone set in the buckle's center. In a
�aylor Ashley Hathaway
fit of gallows humor some Web agents have nick
named this device "the Navel Destroyer."
Beeper Bomb: This bomb is disguised as a tele 52 75 71 65 56 63 73
phone beeper, the sort worn by so many business
men today. It has a timing mechanism that Sex: Female
enables the bomb to explode any where from 15 to Race: White
180 seconds. The Beeper Bomb explodes with the Nationality: English
force of five grams of plastique. Native Language: English
Age: 23
Agent's Briefcase This standard-sized briefcase
is an invaluable multi-purpose item. When held
Psychology: Cruelty (High), Loyalty (High), Pas
up to the body, it acts as body armor with the
sion (Some), Piety (None), Sanity (Total), Selfish
same protection as bulletproof glass. The briefcase
ness (Total).
also contains a built-in 35mm camera, a 9mm pis
tol equivalent to a 9mm FN Browning, and a bug Advantages: Attractive Appearance (3), Language
detector. Ability (2), Observation (3), Sixth Sense (2).
The briefcase's lock has a - 50 difficulty rating, Disadvantages: Addiction (Cocaine) (2), Allergies
and a very loud motion-sensitive alarm. The case (Cat hair) (2), Greed (3).
contains two 3" x 2" X 1 " secret compartments. In
Drawbacks: Addiction (cigarettes 2), Clumsiness
Skills: Basic Firearms, Pistol (5), Basic Melee,
(2), Enemy (KGB 4), Greed (3), Lechery (2).
Oriental Martial Arts (5), Cryptography (3), For
gery (4), Stealth (4), Driving/Auto (4), Fine Arts Skills: Electronics (4), Computer Technician (4),
(5), Photography (3), Social Chameleon (5), Basic Basic Firearms, Pistol (4), SMG (3), Rifle (2), Basic
Liberal Arts, BusinesslEconomics (5), Language Melee, Oriental Martial Arts (5), Fencing (3), Dis
(Japanese 4), Language (French 4), Language guise (5), Interrogation (4), Shadowing (5), Surveil
(Russian 4), Language (German 3). lance (3), Acting (5), Driving/Auto, Motorcycle &
Boat (4), First Aid (3), Lip Reading (5), Photogra
End Rules Section phy (4), PilotinglHelicopter (2), Skiing (3), Social
Chameleon (3), Swimming (4), Throwing (5), Basic
BACKGROUND: Taylor is Web's Overseer of Le Liberal Arts, Language (English 4), Language
gitimate Businesses. She graduated from Harvard (French 4), Language (Arabic 3), Language (Ital
University with an M.B.A. and is very good at ian 3), Language (German 1).
what she does. In fact, she is best described a vio
lent yuppie. She has not a shred of conscience, and End Rules Section
is quite bloodthirsty and unprincipled. She will do
anything and everything to keep her position and BACKGROUND: Nattily dressed in expensive
its benefits (read: money and valuables). European suits and silk ascots, Gregor cuts quite
a dashing figure. As Web's best recruiter world
She dresses impeccably, and drives expensive
wide (he prefers the business term "headhunter"),
sports cars. She has a large cocaine habit but has
his job is to jet set around the world, looking for
thus far kept it from ruining her job performance.
likely candidates to join Web.
She works in Chicago.
Chief Recruiter: Like any good team, Web needs Gregor looks for individuals who are highly placed
talent scouts, people who can pick prospective in the military, bureaucratic, and espionage cir
agents. cles. In the course of his recruiting efforts, he also
targets skilled people who are disillusioned with
Begin Rules Section their own countries' policies. He does not pay at
tention to any spies, mercenaries or terrorists he
Gregor Ivanovitch Petropavlovski hears about in the media; he reasons that compe
tent professionals are the ones that no one ever
60 64 56 72 75 62 60
Dismissed from the KGB seven years ago for be
Sex: Male ing too violent, Gregor has loyally served Web
Race: White since his departure from the Soviet Union.
Nationality: Soviet
Native Language: Russian Chief Public Relations Expert: In order for Web
Age: . 33 to be able to move about the world without being
noticed, the network needs someone in public
Psychology: Cruelty (1btal), Loyalty (1btal), Pas relations, law, and diplomatic know-how. The
sion (Some), Piety (None), Sanity (Some), Selfish Chief PR Expert handles both the legitimate and
ness (Some). covert aspects of Web.
Advantages: Empathy (2), Fearlessness (2), Light
Sleeper (2), Observation (3), Sixth Sense (2),
Thughness (2).
Begin Rules Section ing insufferably egotistical. As a result, he never
became a hot property. Bitter, he was recruited by
David Zusui Web, and has vowed vengeance on all cinema
related people and locales. Hollywood is first on
40 72 50 65 45 56 61
Chief Enforcer/Troubleshooter: Though Web
has expert agents in each of its regions across the
Sex: Male
world, there is sometimes need of someone who is
Race: White
not associated with any one area; a new face, so to
Nationality: American
Native Language: English
Age: 25
Begin Rules Section
Psychology: Cruelty (Some), Loyalty (High), Pas
sion (High), Piety (None), Sanity (High), Selfish Sabrina Goncalves
ness (1btaI).
Advantages: Acting Ability (2), Attractive Appear
66 74 74 68 72 70 74
ance (2), Observation (3), Photographic Memory
(6), Sensuality (2).
Sex: Female
Drawbacks: Cowardice (4), Deep Sleeper (2), Greed Race: Black
(3), Lechery (2), Phobias (Guns 2), Vision Impair Nationality: Brazilian
ment (glasses 2). Native Language: Portuguese
Age: 27
Skills: Basic Firearms, Basic Melee, Club (4), Con
cealment (3), Acting (5), Driving/Automobile, Mo Psychology: Cruelty (High), Loyalty (ThtaI), Pas
torcycle, ORV, & Boat (5), Fine Arts (3), Piloting/1 sion (High), Piety (Low), Sanity (Some), Selfish
engine (2), Sailing (5), Skiing (3), Social Chame ness (Some).
leon (3), Throwing (5), Basic Liberal Arts, History/
Advantages: Acute Hearing (2), Athletic Ability
Poli Sci (5), Law (4), AnthrolPsychiSoc (3),
(1), Attractive Appearance (2), Fearlessness (2),
BusinesslEconomics (3), Language (Japanese 4),
Light Sleeper (2), Night Vision (2), Sensuality (2),
Language (Spanish 3), Bribery (5).
Stamina (2).
End Rules Section Drawbacks: Addiction (Ginger Beer 2), Allergies
(Ragweed 2), Greed (3), Lechery (2), Phobia (Spi
BACKGROUND: David is a handsome, sharp ders 2), Traumatic Flashback (Seeing an adult
dressed hunk who has no principles, and is very, beat a child 2), Vision Impairment (Contact
very slick. Picture a dangerous lounge lizard. He Lenses 2).
has a glib tongue, and can talk himself out of
Skills: Basic Thol Use, Basic Mechanic, Electronics
many a jam. He is excellent as Web's PR man (he
(4), Computer Technician (4), Knife Throwing (3),
refers to himself as "damage control expert").
Bow and Arrow (2), Crossbow (4), Basic Firearms,
David has a massive ego, considers himself God's
Pistol (5), SMG (5), Shotgun (4), Rifle (5), Hand
gift to women, and excels in dodging issues and
Grenade (4), Basic Heavy Weapons, Machine Gun
(2), Basic Melee, Knife (5), Sword (4), Boxing (4),
Graduating from Suffolk University Law School Oriental Martial Arts (5), Cryptography (4), Demo
in Boston, Massachusetts, David tried to become litions (4), Disguise (5), Forgery (4), Interrogation
an actor, but failed, mostly because he did not wait (5), Lock-picking (4), Pickpocket (4), Shadowing (3),
until he became a valuable property before becom- Stealth (5), Surveillance (5), Acting (4), Driving/
Auto, Truck, Motorcycle, ORV, Boat, Tank (5), and dresses in rich clothing between assign
First Aid (3), Horsemanship (4), Photography (3), ments.
Pilotll engine, Multi-engine, Helicopter, Jet (3),
During missions, she is the ultimate professional.
Radio Operator, Scuba Diving (3), Social <? ha�e
Sabrina thinks on her feet, and can make weapons
leon (4), Swimming (2), Throwing (3), BasIc LIberal
and tools out of simple household tools, scraps of
Arts Basic Science, Chemistry (4), Language (En
wire and chewing gum. She does not show any
glish 4), Language (Spanish 4), Language (Russian
emotion when dispatching a victim, but if the mis
2), Language (Arabic 2).
sion calls for it, she can be quite a sultry vixen.
End Rules Section
Squadron Omega: Time and time again, Web
has run afoul of Orion's Titan Teams, groups of
BACKGROUND: Sabrina is a light-skinned
elite agents specially trained in commando and
black woman of stunning beauty and grace. She is
counter-terrorist operations. Despite the fact that
a deadly assassin, expert troubleshooter, and all
Web has contacts with numerous terrorist and
around jack-of-all-trades.
mercenary groups, the organization has found the
Sabrina was brought up in poverty, living in a need to have its own team of experts who have no
slum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She was beaten loyalty save to Web.
frequently by her alcoholic father, which pr��pted
Using "outside agencies" certainly has its advan
her to run away from home at age twelve. LIVIng
tages, but there are some great disadvantages
off the streets, Sabrina began getting some rudi .
also. Outside agencies are not as heaVIly screened
mentary knowledge in the skills listed above. A
as actual Web agents are. Outside agencies are
female Web agent happened upon Sabrina as the
loyal to themselves first. Loyalty to Web is mostly
urchin broke into the agent's hotel room and at
achieved by money and arms. If these resources
tempted to steal the agent's luggage. Rather than
are cut off, loyalty evaporates. Because these
just shooting the juvenile intruder, the ag�n� saw
groups are in fact outsiders, they cannot be
Sabrina's potential and arranged for the gIrl s
trusted with Web's secret resources and are there
fore not as effective as they could be. Some of the
Currently, Sabrina is the best of the best. As the outsider groups are just plain crazy and conse
Chief Enforcer, she is held in high rega�d and quently unreliable.
much dread by Web employees, for she IS the one
Therefore in answer to these points as well as
called to mete out punishment for insubordina
giving Web something to fight back the Titan
tion. Besides the role of in-house disciplinarian,
Teams, Web has come up with Squadron Omega.
Sabrina handles delicate missions that require an
Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet,
outsider, someone not even remotely recognized by
and Web sees the Squadron as the last word in
local authorities.
elite teams. The letter Omega also represents end
Despite her excellent skills, Sabrina hB;s her ings, and Web hopes that Squadron Omega ends
weaknesses. She is deathly afraId of spIders, hav Orion's Titan Teams.
ing been bitten by a particularly large o �e at age
There are three training sites for squadron
thirteen while sleeping in a gutter. SabrIna has an
Omega: the frozen northernmost areas of Fin�and;
attraction to ginger beer, a non-alcoholic carbon
Damascus, Syria; and the Libyan Desert. TraInees
ated drink that has a very strong ginger taste,
must attend each center for one year. At these
much stronger than ginger ale.
centers they learn: arctic survival and commando
Sabrina lives in an expensive apartment in Rio tactics, counter-counter-terrorism and city fight
de Janeiro, symbolically assuring her that she ing, and desert warfare, vehicle and weapons
has indeed risen above her impoverished roots. training.
She drives expensive cars, has expensive tastes,
The average stats for a member of Squadron Web dispatches Squadron Omega in groups of
Omega run from 55 to 65 per attribute. Skill eight, transported either by the Web's customized
levels of most Squadron Omega personnel start at helicopters or automobiles, as the situation dic
Level Three, where a skill level is required. The tates. There are three Omega deployment sites:
types of skills found in most Omegans run as fol Panama City, Panama; Helsinki, Finland; and
lows. Basic Firearms, Pistol, Rifle, SMG, Hand Kampala, Uganda. The teams can be anywhere in
Grenade, Basic Heavy Weapons, Basic Melee, the world in 12 hours, but are only called in when
Knife, Oriental Martial Arts, Four Specialty either an existing situation has degenerated and
Skills (Disguise, Interrogation, Lockpicking, and requires extra muscle, or when a mission is so
Shadowing being the four most popular skills), important that outside agencies or normal Web
Survival (Desert and Arctic), Driving/AutofI'ruckl agents would be insufficient to carry it out. The
Motorcycle/Boat, First Aid, Parachuting, Photog presence of an Orion Titan Team is just cause for
raphy, Piloting/1-enginelHelicopter, Radio Opera calling in Squadron Omega.
tor, Scuba Diving, Skiing, Swimming, Throwing,
Bear in mind that Squadron Omega is a fledgling
and three languages.
group which has not had much opportunity to
Squadron Omega teams are equipped with nylon prove itself. Web is anxious to pit their Squadron
helmets, bulletproof vests, silenced 9mm Uzis, Omega against Orion's Titan Teams, since the two
silenced 9mm FN Brownings, two throwing elite groups have yet to meet.
knives, Web Watches, and one suicide device. Of
course, in urban settings, the Omega members
look and dress like normal people.
I Regional Activiti es�
Orion divides the world into twelve Bureaus, each
given a code-name based on a sign of the Zodiac.
Web, on the other hand, has six regions, each
named after a mythological character from the
respective area.
Each region is split into twelve Divisions: Acquisi
tions, Marketing, Finance, Manufacturing, Sales,
Shipping, Research and Development, MIS (Man
agement Information Systems), Personnel, Legal,
Operations, and Orion. Each Division is in turn
broken into Departments. These Departments
handle Web's affairs, legal and otherwise.
The omnipresence of the American media is an
Each Division is unique, for each has its own prob
other obstacle that Web needs to overcome, since
lems, advantages, and overall special features.
the mysterious organization relies heavily on se
Each region emphasizes different Divisions, as the
crecy. The last thing Web wants is to see one of
demographics and geography dictate. The follow
their agents or operatives featured on one of those
ing section gives an overview Web regional activ
real-life crime shows!
ity world-wide, and how tasks for the more active
divisions have been shaping up as of late. The le The Acquisitions Division has been stressing Espi
gitimate businesses are not covered as much; onage and Industrial Espionage in the United
Web's illegalities are much more exciting and States. Industrial Espionage has been particularly
worth pursuing! active, with a pipeline of information going to the
Japanese and Soviet Union Web counterparts in
Incidentally, sharp-eyed readers may notice some
the Industrial Espionage Division.
of the regions have two sets of goals for a particu
lar nation. This is no accident. Not all of the Divi Auto Theft is also strong in the US, particularly
sions within a region necessarily like each other. in cities such as Boston, New York, Chicago, and
Many times, Divisions or even entire regions com Los Angeles. Expensive or trendy cars are at the
pete against each other. top of the list, such as BMW s, Porsches, Audis,
Corvettes, and Ferraris. Each of these cities have
an automotive "clearing house."
N o rt h A m e ri c a Black Marketing is strong in places that discour
age free enterprise, such as Cuba. Conversely, em
C o d ena m e : bargoed items such as Cuban cigars are provided
by Web to the rich and powerful, especially in the
H i a wa t h a Washington DC area. The Black Market is also
expanding to include foreign-made assault rifles,
to be sold in the United States.
Goals for North America: Introduce the possibil
ity of blatant terrorism in the USA. Keep a steady The Marketing Division uses its Psychological
flow of drugs into the US, and a steady flow of Warfare Department to get across the message to
technological secrets out of the country. Discredit the people of the United States that the pursuit of
any American politicians who are pushing for wealth is the highest goal anyone could strive for.
budget reforms, less military spending, and better Level-headed patriotism is subtly ridiculed, to be
education. Destabilize Mexico and present it as a replaced instead with either knee-jerk fanaticism
threat to America. Encourage violent separatist or contempt for one's country. There is evidence
activity in Quebec. that the Marketing Department sometimes rigs
television surveys so that trashy programs are i n California, and along Route 128 i n Massachu
made out to be popular, while programs that en setts.
courage thinking are done away with. Web would
Arms and Munitions is a bit worried due to the
truly like to see America become brain-dead.
recent East-West thawing. The Department fears
The Finance Division flourishes in the USA. In a drop in business. There are large Web-owned
sider trading, money laundering and stock fraud weapons facilities in the US and Canada, specifi
all remain active, especially in the Northeastern cally in Pittsburgh, Birmingham, Houston, Sacra
US and Texas. The Division owns an entire build mento, and Phoenix in the United States,
ing in Manhattan. Vancouver and Montreal in Canada.
The Forgery Division is especially active in Mex MIS has computer centers operating in Boston,
ico, where their most popular product is US citi Denver, San Diego, Montreal and Mexico City.
zenship papers. Many times, these papers are Data Analysis and Cryptography have a large fa
given to people in exchange for their loyalty to cility near Washington DC, in the state of Virginia.
The Communications Department is trying to
Regarding Manufacturing, most drugs that come launch a private Web communications satellite.
into the US are already processed, but those that They are experimenting with their own cable sta
are not are taken to secret sites in Florida, Texas, tion that beams subliminal messages to the view
California and Canada. Youth gangs and assorted ers. The Department is working closely with
thugs are hired as security, and are armed with Marketing on this idea.
illegal sub-machineguns provided by Black
Personnel loves working in North America. The
Recruiting Department has lots of candidates to
Sales, which controls Drug Trafficking, handles choose from. The Department especially looks for
the distribution of drugs to the pushers. This De extremist groups, especially well-meaning, misin
partment is strongly guarded by gangs recruited formed, or badly one-sided political groups. These
by Web. The "dispatch areas" exist in every North action groups are then run by Web behind the
American city of over 500,000 people. Web takes scenes.
much pride in Sales because of the enormous
Street gangs, thugs who are not moving up in
profit it shows. It has top priority, and whatever
their own criminal organizations fast enough, and
this Division wants, it gets, for Web sees the value
crooked cops all become unusual allies when Web
of using drugs to paralyze American and Cana
recruits them. There is even evidence that Web
dian will.
enlists racist elements of the Skinhead movement,
Shipping sometimes works with Manufacturing, plus former Klansmen and other hate groups just
transporting illegal aliens into the USA. Acquisi to stir up trouble and destabilize an area, or to
tions also works closely with Shipping in order to draw attention away from a large Web mission.
get its Black Marketing merchandise to its desti
As far as the Counter-Intelligence Department is
nations. The head of Shipping is aware of how
concerned, it must tread carefully around the FBI
much power he has, and gets quite pushy and
and CIA. Most of Web's operations against North
surly with his Web comrades. Shipping's latest
American Intelligence groups is subtle, and done
project is an attempt to buy up old shipyards that
through a third part, such as Puerto Rican inde
are out of business and use them for Web's foul
pendence terrorists or the Symbionese Liberation
Research and Development has two major re
The Legal Division's Defense Department has a
search facilities, one on each coast, blending in
whole stable of slimy, ambulance-chasing, cheap
with other high-tech businesses that are grouped
lawyers to get their hired lackeys out of jail. These
together; these sites are located in Silicon Valley
legal vultures give the law profession a bad name, (Hollywood) involved in films, television, sublimi
and are recruited from the ranks of the unscrupu nal commercials, several violent punk/heavy
lous and opportunistic. Sometimes, the Defense metal bands. Baker Shipbuilding (Norfolk, Vir
Department even manipulates freedom-protecting ginia). Phil D. Luker Investments <Wall Street,
groups into fighting for the Web's lackeys' rights New York). Roadluggers, Inc. (Denver, Colorado)
to free expression. Interstate trucking.
Legislation and Politics Departments maintain a
heavy lobbying contingent in Washington. Any
issue that would undermine Web's status is lob S o u t h and
bied against. In addition, Web uses other tactics
such as coercion, blackmail, and bribery are fre Cent ra l A m e ri c a
quently employed to preserve the sinister group's
freedoms. C o d ena m e :
Operations must move carefully in North America
due to the heavily structured societies that the
E I D o ra d o
Division must work in. Terrorism is the one De
partment that has the majority of this division's Goals for South and Central America: Perpetu
workload. Web has backed or is backing the Sym ate the Central American guerilla wars, keep dic
bionese Liberation Army, the Aryan Nations, vari tatorships in the area firmly in place. Preserve the
ous Separatist terrorist groups in Quebec, and South American drug cartels and increase produc
several Mexican revolutionary groups. tion. Get rid of the Amazonian rain forests, and
Special Operations keeps a constant surveillance plant a new Web base in that area.
on the United Nations Building in New York City. The region encompasses the entire continent of
A large Web safe house is located in Manhattan. South America, and the Central American nations
The Division is contemplating some terrorist of Guatemala, Belize, EI Salvador, Honduras, Nic
action against the UN building, but the Division aragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.
is unsure as how to proceed. As it stands, the Le
gal Department has several UN diplomats in its Theft and Burglary are well organized in this
pocket, and Web uses these people to vote against area, using many gangs of poor young people.
any resolutions that would help the world or These gangs are lured in with promises of money,
threaten Web's operating conditions. material goods, and respect. Every South Ameri
can capital has a "youth safe-house": supposedly a ·
Special Operations recently conducted operations youth shelter, but in reality a training area for
on the Caribbean island of San Cristobal, but was young thieves.
stopped by Orion.
The Black Marketing Department thrives. Places
Orion Division has narrowed down the possible such as Nicaragua, EI Salvador, Colombia, and
location of Orion's North American bureau to Chile all have a high demand for Black Market
Washington DC, New York, or Boston. The Track goods.
ing Department has made the finding of the true
location its top priority. Since South America is not exactly on the cutting
edge of industrial development, Industrial Espio
Orion, on the other hand, knows that Web's re nage is not given much of an operating budget.
gional headquarters is either in Chicago, Detroit The same goes for the regular Espionage Depart
or Milwaukee. ment; other than monitoring the constantly
Prominent Web-owned companies in the North changing governments and civil wars, this Depart
American region: Omnithrill Entertainments ment has little to do.
Some governments have actually hired Web's Mar A s mentioned earlier, the lesser per capita income
keting Division to aid them in spreading propa of this region makes recruiting easier. The Person
ganda against rebel groups. For instance, a nel Division has their hands full sifting through
crooked EI Salvadorian official hired Web to come likely candidates. Each nation in this region has a
up with an anti-rebel, anti-communist propaganda secret recruiting center in its capital.
campaign. Seeing the opportunity for maximum
The Recruiting Department is currently very ac
profit at minimum effort, Web also sold the same
tive in every country of this region regardless of
campaign to anti-government Sandanista rebels in
neighboring Nicaragua. Conversely,
EI Salvadoran rebels hired Web to launch an anti One example of Web's failure, however, is their
government campaign, and after it did so, Web attempt at recruiting the Meskito Indians in Cen
sold the same deal to Ortega's government in Nic tral America. The Indians would have nothing to
aragua. Colombian drug lords have hired Web to do with the evil organization, and when pressed,
spread anti-government lies to the peasants, so the Meskitos responded with violence and slaugh
that the people would not co-operate with the gov tered the Web recruiters. They have not been both
ernment's anti-drug efforts. ered since.
The Finance Division is downplayed, but Manufac The Counter-Intelligence Department has their
turing has a strong hold in South America, and is hands full, not with local intelligence groups, but
considered Web's "Bonus Baby:' The Drug Process rather with monitoring the CIA, Cuban DGI, and
ing Department is an elaborate, well-built and Soviet GRU. These groups play tough and are just
well-defended system that extends from Colombia as able to engage in dirty tricks. When it comes to
to Bolivia to Brazil. This Department is so secure, espionage, South and Central America is by no
that it practically operates in the open. Rival drug means an easy affair for Web.
lords do not bother Web, for the group gives money,
The Legal Division is focusing most of its opera
arms, and other help to them. Those drug lords
tions on drug-producing countries of this region,
that do not cooperate mysteriously disappear, to be
mostly to assure that the drug producers operate
quickly replaced by a boss sympathetic to Web.
unmolested. For Web, this means constant politi
The Sales Division works very closely with Manu cal pressure and a neverending flow of bribes.
facturing and, consequently, is also a very well
The Operations Division for the region is both a
supplied and profitable organization. It
wonder and a nightmare for Web. There is a con
co-ordinates the flow of drugs to all parts of the
stant demand for assassinations, kidnappings, and
world, and of all the regions, the South American
sabotage, enough to keep the Division well fi
Sales is the largest such Division. Its main office
nanced. On the other hand, the groups that hire
is in Medellin, Colombia.
Web or are hired by Web change so often, and are
Shipping's Smuggling and Contraband Depart consequently not very reliable.
ment keeps busy shipping arms to the many un
The Terrorism Department keeps groups like Co
rest groups in the region. Most of it is
lombia's National Liberation Army, Peru's Shin
accomplished by private firms that have been
ing Path, EI Salvador's Popular Revolutionary
bought out by Web. Weapons "clearing houses"
Army, and Argentina's Revolutionary People's
exist in Panama, Colombia, Uruguay, and Chile.
Army running, in return for their help when the
Research and Development's primary Department situation dictates. In addition, Web "consultants"
is Arms and Munitions, which does business with have been hired by the Medellin drug cartels in
the local governments and rebel groups alike. The the war against the Colombian government.
only problem encountered here is that many legit
The Special Operations Department is continuing
imate arms dealers cut into Web's profits by offer
with Operation: Lair, an operation that has been
ing cheaper wares.
active for the last 46 years. High in the Argentine on which region has the most aggressive Director
side of the Andes, a secret Web fortress-genetics at the time.
lab has a score of Nazi war criminals hiding out
The European Region is the oldest Web region,
since 1946. The former Reich officials have aged
having existed since the organization's inception
only one year for every five that has passed,
after World War II. Web's most experienced agents
thanks to a top secret genetic experiment. These
and best resources are found in the European
men are being groomed to seize power in Germany
should it ever reunite. The experiment is still not
over, for the Web Directors want to be absolutely The tearing down of the Iron Curtain has allowed
sure that everything is working correctly before Web to expand its operations into Central and
they use it on themselves. Eastern Europe. Web is also watching German
efforts toward reunification very closely.
Orion is aware of the location of Web's regional
headquarters in Buenos Aires. Evidence shows that Albania is the European na
tion most likely under Web's control. With the
Prominent Web-owned companies in the South!
crumbling of the Iron Curtain, Web may
Central American region: Ramos Pharmaceuticals
strengthen this Balkan nation's ties with China,
(Bogota, Colombia) dealing in drugs, legal and
ties which are already strong to begin with. Al
illegal. Balboa Air Freight (Panama City, Pan
bania is also the host of the Strand, Web's top se
ama). Buenaventura Cruise Lines (Rio de Janeiro,
cret fortress that serves as an incarceration/
Brazil). Santos, Costa, & Fertado (Brasilia, Brazil)
interrogation/experimentation center for captured
a company dealing in machinery manufacturing.
enemy agents, especially Orion agents.
A.Vita Armaments (Mendoza, Argentina) makers
of guns and ammo. The Acquisitions Division is very busy in Europe.
Auto Theft prospers greatly due to the popularity
of certain makes of German and Italian cars.
E u ro p e Many of these cars are stolen for clients in Africa,
the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. Automotive
Cod e na m e : "clearing houses" exists in Denmark, England,
Spain, France, West Germany, Italy, and Austria.
P ro m e t h e u s Black Marketing is especially active in Eastern
Europe and the Soviet Union, where demand for
Western-made items is high. With the recent open
Goals for Europe: Keep terrorism going strong
ing of East-West borders, there is much apprehen
in Northern Ireland, the Basque area, and Italy. sion by the director of the Black Marketing
Fire up anti-Turkish sentiments in Greece, possi Department that demand will fall as trade opens
bly starting a war there. Revive Nazism in Ger up.
many. Dissolve NATO and the Warsaw Pact.
Insure that a reunified Germany is not a demo Europe's new role as a place of great change in the
cratic society. Keep Soviet and American tensions nineties assures that Web's Espionage Depart
high. ment will be well-financed by the Directors. The
upcoming economic uniting of Western Europe in
The European Region covers all European nations 1992 will be closely monitored by Web. The Espio
from Iceland to the portion of the Soviet Union nage operation also keeps a close watch on NATO
west of the Urals. Turkey is not included in this (Brussels, Belgium), Interpol (Paris, France), the
region, it is part of the Africa and Middle East British MI-5 (London, England), the French
region. Malta, the island nation located south of DGSE, the Soviet KGB and GRU (Moscow, Soviet
Sicily, seesaws back and forth between the Euro Union), and the Hungarian AVB (Budapest, Hun
pean and AfricalMiddle East regions, depending gary).
The Industrial Espionage Department is focused One of Research and Development's latest efforts
primarily on West Germany and Switzerland, for is the creation of a satellite that can send special
the former's mechanical technology and the lat signals to televisions and radios in order to mes
ter's skill in optics. merize an entire continent and make the popula
tions subservient to Web. They are closely
Marketing works closely with the Legal Division,
working with MIS Division on this ambitious un
especially in Northern Ireland, West Germany,
dertaking. Web's higher-ups are skeptical that
Spain and Greece. Propaganda and Disinforma
such a far-fetched scheme can work on a large
tion do their best to fan the flames of dissent in
scale, but as mentioned before, the European re
Belfast and the Basque independence movement.
gion gets favored treatment, which is accompanied
The Department also pours heavy support into
by greater freedom and latitude.
radical political parties in West Germany. Web is
attempting to spark a new war between Greece The Data Analysis and Cryptography Depart
and Turkey by using the various media that the ments are run from the Nexus in Switzerland.
organization owns to inflame bitterness between Like their fellow workers in the North American
the two uneasy allies. region, the European Web personnel are trying to
launch a private communications satellite, but
The Finance Division is gearing up for the Euro
using the European Space Agency as their unwit
pean Unification of the Common Market. Their
ting pawns.
Stock and Securities Fraud Department is work
ing in the London Stock Exchange, trying very The numerous European intelligence agencies
hard to set things up so Web may financially con mentioned earlier makes Web's European
trol the European Alliance. Counter-Intelligence Department the busiest of all
six regions. Hundreds of times each year, incidents
Finance also keeps close tabs on Leningrad, the
involving Web's clashing with one of the European
Soviet Union's main commerce center. The Divi
agencies occur. The French DGSE and the Soviet
sion looks most carefully at the Soviet wheat har
KGB are the two groups that have been giving
vests, to see if perhaps the massive nation may be
Web the most difficulty lately. London's Scotland
manipulated by the weakness of a bad harvest.
Yard, Special Branch, is a constant source of irri
Western Europe Sales' Drug Trafficking Depart tation for Web's operations in the Metropolitan
ment maintains a pipeline of drugs receiving co London area.
caine from the South American region, opium
The Legal Division focuses primarily on the Leg
from Southeast Asia, and heroin from Afghani
islation and Politics Department. Working with
the Marketing Division, the Legal Division is
The Shipping Division is kept busy using its trying to destabilize superpower influence in Eu
Transportation Department for drug-running and rope, and have Web fill the vacuum. In some
its Smuggling and Contraband operation for weap ways, Web wants the USA and the USSR to keep
ons smuggling. The IRA receives many weapons troops in Europe. The enormous financial drain
from this Department. The Division owns several involved in keeping armies in Europe weakens
trucking, shipping, and air freight companies that both nation's economies, and makes the two su
cover the continent. perpowers that much weaker against Web's
machinations. The two armies also keeps ten
Research and Development maintain three sites
sions high between the two nations, and keeps
where the three Departments under its jurisdic
the munitions industry, an industry Web invests
tion carry out much of their work: a weapons
heavily in, afloat and strong.
plant north of Stockholm, Sweden; a private re
search facility on the Franco-Italian border; and On the other hand, Web does not want the Ameri
another research facility just outside Thessa can and Soviet presences in Europe to be too
loniki, on Greece's Aegean shores. strong, for this would interfere with Web's mobil-
ity. Thus, like numerous other situations around oners. The Strand has extensive interrogation
the world, Web must maintain a delicate balance. facilities, which includes drug administration,
torture chambers, sensory deprivation tanks, even
In further activities, Web's Legal Division is work
mock-ups of hotel rooms and homes (in order to
ing with Marketing's Propaganda and Disinforma
make the victim think that he is home safe again,
tion Department in West Germany, where Web
and lull him into speaking freely).
wishes to nurture a Neo-fascist sentiment. In
cluded in their platform is a revisionist view of The Strand also houses six Web helicopters and a
World War II, which includes a denial that the dozen Web ground vehicles. To facilitate surveil
Holocaust ever happened. lance-free communications with Nexus, there is a
secure phone line that extends from the Strand to
A high-ranking Web official is rumored to be a
member of the Soviet Politburo. This official is
opposed to Gorbachev's glasnost policies. The last Orion is not certain of Strand's existence, since a
thing that the Web wants is a US-USSR partner successful escape has never been effected against
ship against the organization. the installation. Orion does know that there is
some sort of installation in the Balkan area that is
Web also has extensive ties with the Sicilian Ma
used as a prison camp.
fia, though neither organization trusts the other.
Web is trying to take control of the underworld Prominent Web-owned companies in the European
gang, but, aside from some medium-level infiltra region: Igorigorovich Tractor Works (Kalinin, So
tion, has not succeeded. viet Union)-manufacturing tractors, trucks, en
gines. Vyvian, Neal, and Michaels Transportation,
The Operations Division's Special Operations De
Ltd. (Southampton, England)-A transportation
partment has a special section devoted exclusively
conglomerate that includes a cargo shipping line,
to the monitoring of the Soviet Union. Unlike the
a passenger cruise line, a trucking company, an
United States, the Soviet Union is a hard place to
air freight line, and several freight trains. Cabral
conduct mass surveillance of national infrastruc
& Amaral (Lisbon, Portugal)-Import/export com
ture. The central control center is located in Kiev.
pany. Nouvelle Amusements (Paris, France)
This "Soviet Operation" is responsible for keeping Magazines, films, radio stations, rock concerts,
track of army, navy and air force movements of tours. Scharnhorst & Gneiseneau (Aachen, West
the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. The Oper Germany)-Armaments, motorworks.
ations is also responsible for maintaining updated
photos and dossiers on Soviet energy generating
facilities, space program, Politburo members, se
cret intelligence agencies' activities, the dissident
Afri c a a n d t h e
community, food production, and transportation
capabilities, in which the latter includes railroads,
M i d d l e E a st
Aeroflot (the Soviet airline), bridges and high
ways, and trucking companies.
Cod e n a m e :
The Special Operations Department also runs the Gi lga mesh
Strand Web's maximum security facility. This se
cret base is located in Albania, ten miles north of
Goals for Africa: Ensure that South Africa's
the tiny village of Puke, nestled in the Dinaric
Alps. white minority government stays in power, while
also keeping SWAPO as a viable threat against
The Strand is manned by 24 Squadron Omega that government. Keep civil war going in Angola.
guards, 36 regular Web agents, and 72 Generic Prevent Mrican nations such as Kenya from en
Soldiers. This detention center can hold 200 pris- forcing an ivory ban, since Web derives part of its
Mrican income from black market ivory. Hamper The Acquisitions Division is a moderate sized unit
humanitarian aid to Ethiopia, thereby sowing in in this region. The Auto Theft, Theft & Burglary,
ternal discontent. Gain control of the Red Sea from and Industrial Espionage Departments are not
the Sinai peninsula to the Gulf of Aden. Keep Kha heavily emphasized. There is a thriving Black
daffy in power in Libya and encourage his incur Market Department which Web skillfully runs
sions into Chad, although Khadaffy can be very through their native intermediaries. The Depart
uncooperative, and may have to be replaced. ment is strongest in Turkey, Lebanon, Iran,
Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Zaire, Mozambique, and
Goals for Middle East: Create and assume full
control of a Palestinian state by destroying Israel.
Keep Lebanon in chaos. Use Cyprus as a sore The Propaganda and Disinformation arm of the
point between Greece and Turkey, hopefully Marketing Division is a valuable part of this re
sparking a renewed war between the two antago gion, for Web wants to win the "hearts and
nists. Keep Iran rabidly anti-Western and anti minds" of the Africans. Only through Propaganda
Soviet, while fueling more tensions with Iraq. can they convince the people that the superpowers
Create dissent among all of the Gulf States in the cannot be trusted, and that the populace must
Arabian peninsula. Gain military or economic support their own rulers, for the rule of the super
control of the Persian Gulf. Unite the two Yemens powers would be even worse.
and take control of them.
Propaganda and Disinformation is also involved
The Africa and Middle East Region encompasses in Iran, generating as much anti-American and
all of the African continent in addition to Israel, anti-Soviet feeling as possible. With the death of
Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the Ayatollah Khomeni, Web fears that Iran may
Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, lose its mindless revolutionary ardor.
Oman, the Yemens, Iraq, and Iran.
The Financial Division has little to do in Africa,
Africa and the Middle East are considered a vir though they do make investments in South Mrica,
tual playground by Web analysts. The area is and the Division monitors the commodities mar
made up of many Third World nations with ever ket to make sure that Web's investments remain
changing governments and alliances. With the solid. Whenever possible, they try to infiltrate
exception of Israel, South Africa, and Saudi Ara OPEC meetings. The Division is currently in
bia, the region lacks strong, cohesive forces to foil volved in an oil acquisitions project, which ties in
Web intervention. with a Shipping Division project mentioned below.
It has been confirmed that Web runs the African The Drug Processing Department has a special
nation of Uganda, in much the same way that it facility located on the border of Turkey and Syria
runs Panama and Albania. With the Middle East's in a little town called Antakya. This facility han
oil reserves, and the mineral wealth of Africa, dles the drug crops from Turkey. Since many Mos
specifically diamonds, gold, manganese, cobalt, lem nations have very strict anti-drug laws, this
chromium, and titanium, it is easy to see why Web Department must move even more carefully than
covets control of this region. The super-powers in the Western nations.
need such resources for their strategic needs. Add
The Sales Division distributes drugs throughout
to this the choke points of the Suez Canal, the
Africa, especially to markets in the northwestern
Straits of Gibraltar, and the Cape of Good Hope,
portion of the continent. The Drug Trafficking
and Africa takes on even greater strategic impor
Department also handles the crops grown inside
tance. While Web is certainly not about to fight a
the region, especially from Turkey.
conventional war with the US or USSR, denying
those resources and seaways to them is just as The Smuggling and Contraband Department han
crippling. dles arms shipments to Angolan rebels, the Lib
yan government, Arab terrorists based in
Lebanon, West Bank dissidents, and to SWAPO, and Mozambique, as well as being on the lookout
the SouthWest Africa People's Organization. The for possible CIA activity.
Department's main arms distribution centers are
Despite Web's cozy workings with South Africa,
located in Uganda, Liberia, Egypt, and Syria.
the Counter-Intelligence Department keeps close
Research and Development focuses mostly on its watch on the CID, Civil Intelligence Department
Arms and Munitions Department. Working with (Pretoria, South Mrica).
the Shipping Division, the Department makes
The Legal Department's Legislation and Politics
certain that all of the "clients" are well arrr �d.
Department is walking a fine line in the Middle
The Department also makes periodical repurts to
East. It wants all moderate Arab states to become
the Nexus, pointing out where potential "new
violently anti-Western, but not to the extent that
markets" may be opening up, and what "buying
these governments spurn Web's advances. This
incentives" Web may need to provide. Such incen
same Department is trying to put a government in
tives usually involve creating an atmosphere in
Turkey that would get Turkey out of NATO.
the target nation, that will necessitate the pur
chase of mass quantities of arms. Fortunately for In Africa, the Legislation and Politics Department
Web, it seems that the African and Middle East works with the South African government in
ern governments have a ready-made sUI=t>ly of keeping apartheid intact. Web needs to have the
"reasons." white minority government in power in South
Africa for one very important reason. Web invests
The MIS Division is rather weak in this area,
heavily in diamond mines, and the diamond pro
though a tight net of communications exists under
ducing nations keep prices stable. If the minority
the auspices of the Communication Department.
government stepped down, Web fears that the new
Several Marxist newspapers and small-time radio
order, in an effort to generate capi�al to help the
stations are owned by Web.
people out of poverty, would increase diamond pro
The Personnel Division has problems in this re duction. The resulting flood of diamonds would
gion. Poorer nations tend to have less resources to cause prices to drop, which would mean large fi
educate their people, and in Africa, many of those nancial losses for Web.
who get a good education feel that they need to
Legislation and Politics is also trying to take the
serve their countries, without any outside interfer
nation of Mozambique, which has been crippled by
ence. Add to this the fact that the number of
a protracted civil war. Mozambique is in a sham
Christian churches is growing faster in Africa
bles, and Web is considering entering into negotia
than any other place in the world except for Ko
tions with the beleaguered government. The terms
rea, the strong patriotism of the average Israeli,
would be that the government would turn over all
and the Islamic furor of the Moslem nations, and
power to Web, which in turn would rid the country
it all adds up to big problems for Web's member
of its rebels and restore industry, resources, utili
ship drives. Web is finding that it is hard to com
ties and general order.
pete with strong faith and traditions. Therefore,
the Recruiting Department deals mostly with ex The Operations Division is very busy. Whether it
tremist political groups, various malcontents, and is kidnapping or assassinating political reformers,
terrorist organizations. harassing black nationalist groups in South Africa
that wish to bring about change through peaceful
The Counter-Intelligence Department has run
means, or attacking Moslem mosques in Saudi
afoul of the Israeli Mossad, with Web getting the
Arabia, the Division is kept very active trying to
worst of the encounters. Shin Beth, Israel's inter
bring Africa and the Middle East firmly into
nal security service is even tougher than Mossad,
Web's camp.
and has caused even greater problems for Web.
The Counter-Intelligence Department also keeps SAVAK, the Iranian security force that operated
tabs on the Cuban and Soviet presences in Angola during the Shah of Iran's rule, has taken refuge in
this region's Special Operations Department. Web and in Singapore, Jakarta (Indonesia), Bangkok
is training this brutal agency for eventual deep (Thailand), Rangoon (Burma), and Bombay, Cal
cover operations back in Iran. cutta, Jamshedpur, and Ahmadabad (all located in
India). Each of the above-mentioned cities have
Prominent Web-owned companies in the Africa!
clandestine places to coordinate the two Depart
Middle East region: Smythe & Abercrombie, Ltd.
(Johannesburg South Africa)-Diamond mines.
B.O.Gart Transportation (Casablanca, Morocco) The Black Market Department is very strong in
Air freight, cargo ship line, trucking company. EI Pakistan, India, Burma, Thailand, Viet Nam, and
Fayid Oil (Ad-Dammam, Saudi Arabia). Great Indonesia. Bangkok, Thailand, called one of the
Cedar Produce (Beirut, Lebanon)-Fruit and Vege world's wickedest cities due to the large amounts
table import-exporting company. Kenyan Safari of brothels and drug dens, is firmly in Web's con
'!bur, Ltd. (Nairobi, Kenya)-Travel agency for all trol. Drug lords and crime bosses have been lured
of central Africa. Vegetable import-exporting into Web's influence, prompted by promises of bet
company. ter protection from authorities and more lucrative
The Industrial Espionage Department is weak in
As i a ! Au stra l i a this region, though they keep token monitoring
forces in Sydney, Perth, Singapore, Bangkok, and
C o d e n a m e : Ra tri Calcutta. The regular Espionage Department, on
the other hand, is quite strong. Pakistan's alliance
with the United States, India and Afghanistan's
Goals for Asia/Australia: Destabilize India,
friendship with the Soviet Union, and Viet Nam's
make it a stronger ally of the Soviet Union and troubles with China are reasons that Web main
use this as a rift between the Soviet Union and tains a strong espionage presence in this region.
the United States. Spark a war between India and
Pakistan. Keep Afghanistan in a state of disorder, Another target of the Espionage Department is
possibly goading the Soviet Union to invading it ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Na
again. Strengthen the drug trade from Southeast tions, headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand. This
Asia. Provoke war between Viet Nam and China. group, consisting of Indonesia, the Philippines,
Break up the ANZUS alliance. Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore, is an eco
nomic and military alliance. Web has accom
This region is comprised of Pakistan, Afghanistan, plished some low-level infiltration of the
India, Nepal, Bhutan, Ceylon, Bangladesh, Thai organization, and aspires to control the entire
land, Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Indo group at some future date.
nesia, Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, and Papua
New Guinea. Espionage also keeps a close eye on Australia and
New Zealand, and their role in the ANZUS
With the largest portion of the world's population (Australia-New Zealand-United States) alliance.
located in this region, Web has a tough time try
ing to keep business organized. Like the Africa The Marketing Division's Propaganda and Disin
and Middle East region, there are many Third formation is working hard in the capitals of Af
World nations in the Near East and Australia re ghanistan, Pakistan, India, Viet Nam, Australia
gion, which limits some of Web's activities and and New Zealand. In Afghanistan, Web is trying
increases others, as outlined below. to make sure that the Soviets keep interfering
with Afghan politics, so as to keep that nation
The Acquisitions Division's Theft and Burglary, unstable. In Pakistan, Web keeps camps for M
and Auto Theft Departments are busiest in Perth, ghan rebels, and also is on the verge of launching
Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane (in Australia) an anti-US campaign.
In India, the Department is trying to topple the gling and Contraband's customers. The Depart
current government and replace it with a radical ment's main storage and dispatch center for
administration. Further east, Web wishes to make illegal arms is located in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet
sure that Viet Nam does not warm up their rela Nam.
tions with the United States, and is using propa
Research and Development's Arms and Munitions
ganda to accomplish this.
Department has munitions plants in India, Paki
The Financial Division is not very strong in this stan, and Singapore. Vehicle Conversions runs
region, though they do run a few Money Lau�der plants in Darwin and Bangkok.
ing and Stock and Securities Fraud schemes m
The MIS Division runs Computer Centers in Syd
Sydney, Bangkok, and New Delhi. If any ot�er
. . ney, Jakarta, Bangkok, and New Delhi. Th.ese
area shows signs of making a financIal kIllmg,
sites also handle all Data Analysis duty, WIth the
Web will be sure to move in. The Financial Divi
site in New Delhi having the extra task of keeping
sion's current project is an attempt to gain a con
track of air and sea movements from the United
trolling interest in Indonesian oil fields.
States Naval/Air base at Diego Garcia, in the In
The Manufacturing Division's biggest priority is dian Ocean. Diego Garcia is a common port for
the Drug Processing Department. Drug �roc�ssing American aircraft carriers.
centers exist in Laos, Thailand, CambodIa, VIet
The Personnel Division maintains recruiting cen
Nam, Burma, and Indonesia. The vast majority of
ters in the capital of each nation in this region.
them are hidden in thick jungle areas and
Hordes of impoverished indigents as well as drug
guarded by small armies armed with a curious
dependent washouts are used as guards, thugs,
blend of M-16s and AK-47s obtained from the
and sometimes even disposable messengers (to be
Shipping Division. From this region drugs are
killed after they deliver the message). The Re
sent to Europe and North America. Governmental
cruiting Department is also responsible for getting
officials are bought off by the Legal Division.
drug lords and their private armies to sign up un
Like its counterparts in several other Web regions, der Web's banner.
this region's Forgery Department creates and sells
The Counter-Intelligence Department works hard
passports and citizenship papers for clients who
against CIA and GRU interference. The Depart
wish to move to a wealthier nation. The Counter
ment has headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan and
feiting Department is strong in this region, an�
Colombo, Sri Lanka. The Department does not
works mostly in Pakistan, Ceylon, and the entIre
worry much about the intelligence bureaus of the
Southeast Asian area.
nations in this region.
The Drug Trafficking Department is ver! bus�
The Legal Division's Legislation and Poli�ics De
distributing the processed drugs from thIS regIOn
partment is attempting to control the IndIan Par
to points in Europe and North America. Web owns
liament. The Department is also trying to get Web
several shipping companies in Thailand, India,
officials into the Afghan government. The nation
Malaysia, India, and Australia. Add�d to �hese
has been in chaos since the Russians left, and Web
shipping companies are a couple of aIr freIght .
would like to control Afghanistan, rebuilding the
companies based in India, Burma, and Austraha.
nation along Web's parameters, and making its
Web owns at least one trucking company in each
situation similar to Albania's.
nation of this region.
The Legislation and Politics Department is at
The Shipping Division works closely with the
tempting to use political means to di.ssolve ��
Sales Division, using the transportati0!l compan
ZUS. This is done mostly by supportmg pohtIcal
ies to ship arms and other contraband mto t�e
candidates that do not approve of the ANZUS ar
region. Drug lords, guerilla forces, and fanatIcal
rangement, and conducting terrorism campaigns
religious groups make up the bulk of the Smug-
against pro-ANZUS opponents.
The Operations Division is very busy in this re
gion, with numerous assassinations, bombings,
kidnappings, and other acts of terrorism. The As
F o r E a st a n d
sassination Department is especially active on
election days, where violence has been known to
Pa c i f i c
break out. A lot of this may be attributed to Web's
efforts at "going into politics:'
C o d e n a m e : R a i ko
The Orion Division has uncovered Orion's Oceania
Goals for Far East and Pacific: Remove the
and Antarctica Bureau headquarters in Sydney.
Aquino administration from the Philippines and/or
Web mistakenly believes that this headquarters
remove the American bases (Clark Air Force and
controls everything from Pakistan to New
Zealand, thus Web has not uncovered Orion's Subic Bay Naval) from the islands. Seize control of
as much Japanese industry as possible, eventually
Singapore headquarters, which controls Orion's
gaining financial dominance over Japan. Spark a
Asian Bureau.
second Korean war, this one's eventual result being
The Counter-Attack Planning Department has the unification of Korea under Web's control. En
organized several bloody reprisals against Orion. courage the Chinese intellectuals to rebel against
Like Mrica, there are many places where Web and the government. Encourage the Chinese govern
Orion can slug it out in the open terrain without ment to crack down on Chinese intellectuals. En
interference from local authorities. There have courage Taiwan to continue hostilities against the
been many pitched battles between Orion and Web mainland. Seize control of as much of Hong Kong
on the Australian Outback, the jungles of South as possible before China takes the colony over from
east Asia, and the slums of Bangkok. the British. Agitate Soviet Asian nationalist
groups to declare their independence through vio
Orion has narrowed down Web's regional head
lent means. Create a large foothold on Antarctica
quarters to somewhere between Burma and Indo
and begin exploitation of its resources.
nesia. Orion agent activity is heavy in that area,
and it is getting very tough for Web agents to The Far East and Pacific region consists of China,
move about. Taiwan, Mongolia, Asiatic Russia (east of the
Urals), North and South Korea, Japan, the Philip
Prominent Web-owned companies in the Near
pines, and the Pacific islands, which includes Fiji,
East/Australia region: Manado Petroleum (Indone
Tonga, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Nauru, Vanuatu, Solo
sia). Mangalore Transportation (Mangalore,
mon Islands, Western Samoa, the Federated
India)-One air freight line, a trucking company,
States of Micronesia, the Marianas, French Po
and a privately-owned railroad. Munro Mercantile
lynesia, and Hong Kong. The region recently had
Ltd. (Singapore, Malaysia)-an import-export busi
Antarctica added to its jurisdiction, since Web
ness with its own shipping line. Wan Nytin Bang
learned that Orion includes the icy continent in
kok, Ltd. (Bangkok, Thailand)-General suppliers
their field of operations.
of everything from foodstuffs to pharmaceuticals
to munitions. Dundee Automotive Works Ltd. This region covers a very large area, much of it
(Melbourne, Australia)-Automotive plant, builds water. Still, thanks to the presence of China, it is
some of Web's equipment. Morgana Investments, the second most populous Web region. This
Ltd. (Hong Kong)-Financial investments and presents Web with a special set of logistical prob
stockbrokers. lems to surmount, especially in the areas of trans
portation and communication.
The other problem that Web has in this region is
the oppressive, heavily structured societies of
China, North Korea, and to a lesser extent, the
Soviet Union, make some crimes harder to com to wall posters. A pro-Marcos campaign is under
mit, forcing Web to work closer with established way in the Philippines despite the fact that the
syndicates and groups of crooked officials already deposed President is dead.
in place.
Propaganda and Disinformation also sends exag
Due to Japan's continued dislike of opening up gerated and sometimes outright false Chinese
their country to foreign investors and influences, atrocity accounts to the populations of Taiwan and
Web's Acquisitions Division works extensively Hong Kong. The Finance Division focuses most of
with the Yakuza, the Japanese crime syndicate. its resources at 'lbkyo, Japan, and Hong Kong.
Auto Theft, Theft and Burglary, and Black Mar The Stock and Securities Fraud Department
keting Departments flourish in Japan with the where most of the action occurs. Through this De
Yakuza's help. partment, Web hopes to control financially control
Japan and Hong Kong. Web is even purchasing
The Industrial Espionage Department has exten
companies in the United States through Japanese
sively infiltrated Japanese manufacturing, in ad
dition to the industrial area around the Soviet city
of Novosibirsk, located on the banks of the Ob Another project that Finance is trying to bring to
River. Some unscrupulous elements of Japanese fruition is an attempt to corner the rice market in
manufacturing have contacts with Web's North hopes of subjugating Far East and parts of the
American and European Division's Industrial Es Near East.
pionage Departments, in order to get a peek at
Money from the region's profits is laundered in
what the United States and West Germany are
'lbkyo if the Yakuza helped earn it, and Hong
producing. The Far East's largest Industrial Espi
Kong for the rest of Web's regional profits.
onage center is located in 'lbkyo.
The Manufacturing Division is moving more cau
The Espionage Department does not work with
tiously in the Far East and Pacific region than in
the Yakuza. The Department keeps constant sur
any other Web region. The two main Drug Proc
veillance of the Soviet Naval bases at Vladivostok
essing Department sites are located 15 miles west
and Petropavlovsk, watching out for the KGB and
of Tashkent, Soviet Union and 10 miles north of
GRU. There is an Espionage station located in
Manila, Philippines.
Vladivostok, which handles all of Asiatic Russia.
The Forgery and Counterfeiting Departments are
The Espionage Department also keeps a close eye
very careful in this region. They do not want to
on China and the Koreas. A major Espionage cen
ruin Japan's economy, for this would cause disas
ter is located in Seoul.
trous financial repercussions world-wide, and Web
In other areas, the Black Market thrives in South has too much tied up in legitimate businesses. It
Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. would suffer as much as everyone else. These two
Auto Theft is not very popular in the Far East/ Departments are content to merely provide the
Pacific region, but Theft and Burglary do well, necessary papers that Web operatives need in or
with safe houses and merchandise collection cen der to move freely in places such as North Korea,
ters located in each national and provincial capi China, and the Soviet Union.
tal in the entire region.
Sales' Drug Trafficking, on the other hand, is
The Marketing Division has its hands full in keep working just fine, supplying drugs to Japan, South
ing border tensions high between the Soviet Un Korea, and across the Pacific to America. This
ion and China, China and Viet Nam, and North Department owns two cargo shipping lines in each
and South Korea. of the following nations: South Korea, Philippines,
Japan and Taiwan. The Department also has man
The Propaganda and Disinformation Department
aged to hire out two private railway cars on the
is responsible for everything from radio broadcasts
Trans-Siberian Railroad. The Web-owned railway
cars are never inspected or bothered by Soviet Intelligence Department, besides having to deal
customs people or armed forces. The official story with the GRU, KGB, and CIA, must also contend
is that the two cars belong to some high-ranking with smaller but no less dangerous groups such as
official in the Kremlin. the KCIA, Korean Central Intelligence Agency
(South Korean's main agency, and said to be very
The Shipping Division works with the Sales Divi
brutal), British elements in Hong Kong, the Koan
sion, both divisions using the same resources.
Choa Cho, also known as the Public Security In
Lately, the Smuggling and Contraband Depart
vestigation Agency, which is the Japanese secret
ments have been making a tidy profit shipping
service, and the People's Republic of China's own
arms to Chinese dissidents, Soviet ethnic national
intelligence forces.
ist groups, Communist insurgents in the Philip
pines, and Independence groups in certain Pacific The Recruiting Department focuses much of its
islands. attention on enlisting ruthless Japanese and Hong
Kong businessmen, ex-KCIA agents who still
The Research and Development Division co
want the excitement of espionage, Chinese stu
ordinates the Arms and Munitions Departments
dents (those who have been duped by Web's Propa
weapons plants in Hong Kong, Seoul, Osaka, and
ganda Department), the more violent members of
Taipei. These places also do the Vehicle Conver
Soviet ethnic groups, and Philippine Communists.
sions Department's work. In addition, the Depart
ment has purchased a defunct Japanese Through ballot-stuffing, intimidation, lobbying
automotive manufacturing plant and is turning and outright bribery, the Legal Department has
out Web specialty vehicles (see Web Equipment). been taking aim at the governments of the Philip
This plant, the former Banzai Motorworks (which pines, South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. The De
went under when they unveiled their newest car, partment's goal is nothing less than total political
the Kamikaze V) is located in Nagoya, Japan. of the targeted countries.
The New Equipment Department also runs a re One of the Legal Division's newer projects is an
search lab in Thkyo. The Industrial Espionage attempt at gaining control of land in Antarctica
Department makes frequent runs to the New through legal means. Using several dummy corpo
Equipment lab, bringing the R + D people all the rations and research foundations around the
latest Japanese technology that Web has stolen. world, Web is trying to petition the United Na
tions to allow private research unhindered by na
The Data Analysis, Cryptography, and Communi
tional interests, to establish itself on the icy
cations Departments run a joint center, a secret
underground base, on Rishiri island, a tiny island
20 miles due east of the northern tip of the large The Operations Department is running at full
Japanese island of Hokkaido. This base is loaded strength in this region. The Assassination Depart
with the highest level of technological equipment, ment is busy killing off anti-Marcos and pro-USA
and is used to monitor the Soviet Asiatic Fleet, candidates and officials in the Philippines. The
the Japanese Self-Defense Force, and the United Department also targets South Korean opposition
States' 7th Fleet. leaders and Chinese intellectuals, whenever ei
ther group attempts to change its respective gov
One skyscraper in Hong Kong is entirely Web
ernment and not seek Web for help.
owned, and has a similar arrangement as the se
cret base on Rishiri island. This installation The Terrorism Department maintains extensive
monitors China's armed forces traffic, Philippine ties with the Japanese Red Army Faction, Tai
military activity, and Pacific island happenings. wan's United Bamboo Gang (which actually car
ries out criminal acts for the Taiwanese
With the elements of three superpowers in this
government), the New People's Army, which is
region the Personnel Division is yet another divi
the communist insurgency in the Philippines,
sion that must tread very carefully. The Counter-
and various Mongolian independence groups. In -There is no war which occurs, no natural disas
fact, most of the work of the other Departments ter that erupts, no human tragedy that happens,
in this Division is carried out through these which Web cannot exploit.
-If people in power are usurped by their subordi
Every large organization has a set of laws, credos, nates then they probably did not deserve to be in
and just plain Standard Operating Procedures, power in the first place.
and Web is no exception. The following is a series
-Organized greed is good. Individual greed is to
of philosophies, standards, attitudes and beliefs
be used to lure people into Web.
that Web emphasizes to its members. Admins who
run Orion versus Web campaigns should familiar -No matter how unskilled or ill-educated, there is
ize themselves with this set of rules, and run Web a place for everyone in Web, even if that place is
NPCs in accordance with the "code:' acting as a one-way bomb delivery system.
Keep in mind that the opinions expressed below -There is no such thing as an innocent bystander.
are those of a fictitious, evil, group and not Compassion is a weakness. There is no profit in
meant to be taken as a set of values espoused by compassion.
the author or anyone else associated with this
-Use violence only when necessary, and in quan
tities needed to do the job as swiftly as possible,
regardless of the toll in lives and property.
-Me.rcy is for the weak. will involve a canal chase. Some typical hazards
the PCs might encounter during such a chase se
-Everyone has a price.
quence include lowered drawbridges, barges, ship
-Sometimes, the old ways are best. When possi- ping, various pleasure craft, swimmers, and the
ble, use the local methods to carry out a task. All ubiquitous tour boats.
suspicion must be diverted from Web.
Major cities include Amsterdam, The Hague (polit
-There is a rational non-Web explanation for ical capital), and Rotterdam. About 40% of the
every incident that we perpetuate while pursuing land is below sea level and guarded by dikes. Hol
our goals. It is our responsibility to feed these ex land's small size contributes to its large popula
planations to the world, in order to preserve our tion density, but the Dutch enjoy a high living
anonymity. standard. Industries include: textiles, machinery,
petroleum refinery, steel, foods, ships, and chemi
-Political issues are an excellent means of re
cals. Holland is famous for cheeses, tulip bulbs,
cruiting new blood. By taking an extreme position
wooden shoes, wind mills, dikes and canals. Dutch
on an issue, and spreading panic about what will
is the national language.
happen if nothing is done about the issue soon,
Web will find itself working side by side with The leaders of Orion are convinced that Amster
many groups who can be easily manipulated. dam is not a major center for Web activity. They
couldn't be further from the truth. Activity moni
tored at the Nederlandbank has lead them to be
C i ty F i l e lieve that the center of all Web operations in
Europe lies somewhere in Italy, probably Sicily.
Am ste rd a m Web agents make every effort to leave evidence
suggesting that the Italian Mafioso are behind
their crimes. More violent crimes, such as assassi
Amsterdam is the constitutional capital and larg nations, are blamed on the many terrorist organi
est city in the Netherlands. It is located on the zations which operate throughout Europe and the
Ijssel and Amstel rivers. Amsterdam is an impor Middle East. Consequently, Orion agents operat
tant world port, connected by canal to the North ing in Europe are unwittingly handicapped by
Sea and the Rhine river. The city has a major disinformation skillfully propagated by Web.
stock exchange and is one of the world's diamond Orion does suspect that the purge that put Presi
cutting centers. The International Schipol Airport dent Stursa in power in Albania was somehow
is located about 20 minutes from downtown Am orchestrated by the Web.
sterdam. Travel about the city can be accom The following are Web's major bases in the Neth
plished easy enough by cab, metro train, or canal erlands. There are, of course, several minor sta
boat. Points of interest include the 16th century tions as well, such as Katendrecht (see AM6).
city hall and the 17th century university. The Other European directors control at least one ma
Rijks Museum contains several Rembrandt mas jor base and three or four minor stations, depend
terpieces, and a Van Gogh collection is on display ing on how much power they wield.
at the Municipal Museum.
Nederlandbank, Amsterdam. Nederlandbank is
Amsterdam is built on piles and is crisscrossed by located on the Amstel River off of President
some 1500 miles of canals. These canals are Kennedy-Iaan. The bank was formerly Web's main
spanned by over 400 bridges. In fact, much of the center of operations in Holland, and as far as
country is cut by drainage canals. Artificial water Orion intelligence knows, it remains so. N eder
ways also connect the major rivers. More than landbank is actually a dummy base maintained to
50,000 people live off of barges that ply these wa give Orion agents something to spy on. 1b keep
ters. Invariably, any adventure in the Netherlands Orion forces duped, the Bank still carries out some
useful functions for Web. It launders illegal funds, ceals a secret elevator. Likewise, a broom closet at
such as drug money. Also, couriers from the the Souvenir Shop hides another cleverly dis
Nederlandbank act as Web representatives to vari guised elevator. The HQ has a vehicle entrance
ous criminal and terrorist organizations through which can be reached through the garage of a
out Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. nearby service station. The parking lot can double
Web agents whose identities are well-known to as a helipad as needed. The Miniature City Head
Orion and other intelligence agencies are often quarters is the communications and strategic
retired to the N ederlandbank. These are agents planning center for the whole of Europe.
who are not quite valuable enough to warrant an
Leven Wetenschap Laboratories, Amsterdam.
expensive identity change.
Leven Wetenschap Laboratories is one of the larg
Also stationed at the Bank is an elite unit of com est Web facilities in the world. Web has a number
mandoes called the Expendables. The Expenda of vital ongoing operations here including bacte
bles are all highly-skilled combat soldiers (Elite riological and chemical weapons factories, narcot
45). Agents who commit some crime against Web ics laboratories, and a bioengineering research
normally suffer a slow and painful death, however and development center. The base is code-named,
any which exhibit outstanding fighting abilities "Auschwitz;' the Death Camp. Several clinics in
are given the option of joining the Expendables Amsterdam deal in the black market as purveyors
instead. The Expendables are a death squad. Ex of human body parts, by-products of some of the
pendables are expected to give their lives if neces Death Camp's more heinous experiments. LWL is
sary to successfully complete their mission. located on the southwestern edge of Amsterdam
Expendables' missions have very low survival about 10 minutes from the Schipol airport. LWL
rates. But in between missions, Expendables live has the most modern security devices and is pa
like kings-all expenses paid! Any one surviving trolled around the clock by attack dogs and
two missions may return to active duty (his sins heavily-armed guards.
forgiven) or remain with the Expendables.
But not all of LW Laboratories' activities are ille
The Expendables are led by Captain Shimon gal, it has a very secure cover with legitimate
Yaffe. Yaffe's attributes are all 55. He has a 1- medical research, pharmaceutical manufacturing,
point Thughness advantage and a 3-point Sixth and so forth. LWL is even licensed by several gov
Sense advantage. Yaffe has survived 13 missions! ernments to research methods of countering vari
He is a former Mossad agent turned renegade. ous chemical and bacteriological weapons.
Most of the world's intelligence organizations
The President and Director of Research at LWL,
want Yaffe dead, including Orion. Yaffe has one
Baron Eric Van der Graaf, is the world's foremost
idiosyncracy, he has a fanatical hatred for the
authority on genetics. He possesses doctorates in
PLO. Palestinian radicals slaughtered his entire
medicine and chemistry. He has won two Nobel
family. Shimon Yaffe will kill without compunc
prizes: one for his work in genetics, and the other,
tion any Palestinian he meets.
a Peace Prize, for his many charities. Van der
The Miniature City. The true headquarters of Graaf is well-loved by his countrymen and the
Web in Europe lies beneath this tourist attraction media. The Baron is nephew to the current ruler
on the outskirts of Amsterdam. The attraction, of the Netherlands. He is an adroit speaker and
known as the Miniature City, is a scaled-down respected by his peers in the world political com
replica of Amsterdam. The City is a mechanical munity. Van der Graaf is often called upon to act
wonder with working lights, tiny moving vehicles, as an ambassador for the Crown. No legitimate
and so forth. Large goldfish swim in the miniature authorities in Europe will participate in any
canals. Entrance to the secret base can be reached clandestine operations against Lord Van der
through either the Cafe or the Souvenir Shop. An Graaf or his holdings. Furthermore, if Dutch au
antique phone booth at the back of the Cafe con- thorities apprehend the PCs attempting such
actions, the PCs can expect a long stay in the lo the billionaire, 'Ibn Kamerlingh Onnes. His men
cal prison. call him "The Captain:' Yaffe calls him "TKO:'
Van der Graaf actually uses his orphanages to The Kamerlingh Onnes Shipping Company is Web's
recruit vicious young toughs to act as his soldiers. primary naval base on the North Sea. All manner of
He calls his children the Schutz-stafIel, or SS! seacraft are modified at the Onnes Shipyards for
Most of the SS have the generic attributes of Web covert activities. Maintaining the shipping
Punks 30. For every 5 regular Troopers there will company's legal cover is Web's primary concern. All
be one Sergeant (Guard 40). A party of 10 or more illegal events at the Kamerlingh Onnes complex
troopers may also include one Lieutenant (Elite take place in areas that are wired with remote
45). Six of the most vicious SS (Elite 45 or better) control, self-destruct devices. In the unlikely event
act as the Baron's personal bodyguard. Schutz of a police or military raid, these areas and any evi
stafIel over 18 are normally transferred into Ka dence they hold will be blown to bits.
merlingh Onnes' operation. Because of their
'Ibn Kamerlingh Onnes is in his late forties but he
youth, Van der Graafs SS are usually underesti
still maintains the bull-like physique of a dock
mated by opponents.
worker. Kamerlingh Onnes' stats are: STR 70,
The Baron's homes for unwed mothers provide INT 45, REF 56, WIL 59, CON 54, MOV 63, DEX
babies for the black market and white slaves for 5 1 . He has a 2-point 'Ibughness advantage. The
unscrupulous men in the Middle East. But Van Captain is a dangerous foe and Van der Graafs
der Graafs worst crimes against humanity are Number Two man. In fact, the Captain knows
committed in the secret laboratories beneath more about Web than the Baron. The Kamerlingh
LWL. These experiments are reminiscent of Nazi Onnes family has been connected with Web since
death camps and have earned the Baron his nick its inception. TKO controls all smuggling, prosti
name, Frankenstein. Without any legal or moral tution, drug, and gambling rackets in the Rotter
constraints, the Baron has made unbelievable dam area. His personal army of smugglers and
breakthroughs in the area of bioengineering. His pirates owe loyalty to him only. Treat Kamerlingh
most recent success is a half-human killing ma Onnes' pirates as Generic Guards 40.
chine, code-named 'Ibdsoldat (Deathsoldier). Only
Yaffe dares call it Frankenstein's Monster!
At the moment, because of the many important M i n i - a dve nt u res
projects being conducted in Auschwitz's secret
labs, the site is ranked as the second most impor
NOTE TO THE ADMIN: The adventures are
tant Web base in the world, after Nexus. The so
phistication of the Death Camp's security designed to be played in sequence. They outline a
campaign to combat the evil Baron Van der Graaf.
measures back this claim up. The LWL base's se
curity is tighter than the best-defended CIA or
KGB installation. Auschwitz is also the base for a
company strength paramilitary unit, several ar AM1. King of D iamonds
mored cars, a VTOL fighter-bomber, five helicop
ter gunships, and a coastal patrol boat. SE'J!.UP: Prince William Harmensen, billionaire,
and heir-apparent to the Dutch throne. Besides
Kamerlingh Onnes Shipping Company, Rotter
being royalty, Harmensen owns an international
dam. Kamerlingh Onnes Shipping is a major
import-export conglomerate headquartered in Am
Dutch import-export firm in Rotterdam. Ka
sterdam. Harmensen is a business rival of 'Ibn
merlingh Onnes also includes the world's largest
Kamerlingh Onnes. He is sometimes called the
shipbuilding facility, the Onnes Shipyards. The
King of Diamonds because he controls most of the
Onnes Shipyards handle most of the Dutch govern
world market in that precious gem.
ment's naval contracts. The Company is headed by
Begin Rules Section THE PLOT THICKENS: Unknown to Web and
Orion, Prince William has extensive resources of
Prince William Harmensen his own. His small but effective intelligence serv
ice has warned him of the planned assassination
8TR REF INT WIL CON MOV DEX attempt. He has ordered his own ninja force to
47 73 67 51 68 60 70 prepare a surprise for any unwelcome guests. But
the PCs aren't on the guest list either.
Advantages: Presence, 'Ibughness, and Language.
The Prince's wife, Haruko, is a ninja (Martial
Skills: Martial Arts (5) Arts, Level 4), daughter of the clan leader, Isamu
'Ibrashiroi. She has these advantages: Attractive
End Rules Section Appearance, Night Vision, and Sensuality. Her
attributes are all 55. Her dowry were the 24
Harmensen was one of the chief architects of free ninja who now serve Harmensen. The band is led
trade borders. Web Directors hate him and his by her brother, Mikio, a Level 5 Martial Artist.
ideas and getting him out of the way will place Mikio's advantages include: Fearlessness, Night
Baron Van der Graaf in line for the Throne. Orion Vision, Sixth Sense, and Toughness. Mikio's at
has learned that Web plans to assassinate Harmen tributes are 50 except Strength and Reflexes
sen when he visits his new construction project, a which are 65. Their cousins (Level 2 ninjas) have
skyscraper on Amstelveenseweg, near the airport Elite Soldier 45 attributes and the Night Vision
cut-off. Web assassins will be a 10-man combat advantage.
squad. The PCs must save the Prince. Informants
RESULTS: If they survive, the Player Characters
warn that Web agents have infiltrated local police
should find the Prince to be a valuable ally.
and military, so the PCs are on their own.
The missing Orion agent, Coleman, is currently
AM2. Spare Parts under sedation in one of the clinic's private rooms.
Coleman is scheduled to go under the scalpel to
SET,.UP: An Orion agent, Andrew Coleman, has
disappeared. His last report indicated some new Eijkman's nightmare operation gets donations in
merchandise was entering the black market: hu two ways. First, people who are kind enough to
man body parts. Coleman suspected someone was voluntarily (or involuntarily) sign waivers donat
kidnapping orphans, vagrants, and other persons ing their bodies to medicine, coincidentally fall
who wouldn't be missed and using them for some victim to fatal accidents or violent crime. Second,
purpose too horrible to contemplate. He wasn't sure body parts left over from Baron Van der Graafs
if Web was involved. According to Coleman's file, more heinous experiments (see LWL and AM3) are
his contact in the Amsterdam black market was a delivered to the Braun's Butcher Shop by truck.
man named Harry Fagel. The PCs' mission is to The parts are then carted to the clinic through a
find Coleman. Fagel is the logical starting point. sewer tunnel that runs under the street. The shop
is operated by Wernher Braun (Guard 40) and his
THE PLOT THICKENS: The PCs will arrive at
son, Karl (Average 35). Karl normally drives the
Fagel's house just in time to see three men crash
truck. Braun's records show that the cafeteria at
in his door. The men are armed with silenced auto
LW Laboratories has an account with them. But
matic weapons. The thugs were hired by Web
this is not particularly suspicious, as other eating
(Though this will not be apparent to the PCs) to
establishments all across town also purchase
silence Fagel for good. After dealing with the bad
meats from the shop.
guys, the PCs will find Fagel near death. His last
cryptic words are, "Frankenstein lives!" Search RESULTS: If the PCs succeed in rescuing Col
ing the premises, the PCs will find an open safe in eman they will learn of his suspicion regarding
the wall. The safe contains an empty file labeled, Van der Graaf. Coleman suspects that Van Der
"Louis Eijkman, M.D." Eijkman's address is on Graaf is somehow connected to the body parts
the desk pad. racket. Eijkman will kill himself rather than be
captured. If the Brauns are captured, hidden snip
The address, 36 Sarphatistraat, is a private medi
ers will kill them on the spot. No trace of the snip
cal center, Eijkmanziekenhuis. A sign indicates
ers will be found.
that surgical transplants are the specialty of the
house. Observant PCs will note a butcher shop WHAT NEXT?: The Players are left with few
across the street. Most of the hospital's orderlies clues, perhaps events in AM3 will provide them
and nurses are unwitting accessories to the hei with some intelligent leads.
nous crimes being committed by Dr. Eijkman and
his senior associates. The receptionist, Carina
Persson, is actually an undercover reporter (Aver AM3. Frankensteined
age 35). A snitch named Fagel told her that with a
little digging she might uncover some dirt on Eijk
SET,.UP: LWL is responsible for some of the
man. Eijkman knows she's a journalist though
world's leading genetics research. An American
and he intends for her to learn the whole horrible
geneticist, Tamara Webb, told a former professor
truth-under his scalpel. Louis Eijkman's attrib
of hers, Dr. Newman McCart (now a valued Orion
utes are all 35 except for his Intelligence which is
scientist), that she suspected something terrible
55. Eijkman's computer files show only patients'
was going on in some of the restricted areas of the
names and addresses, all are very wealthy. There
LWL facilities. Dr. McCart tells this to the PCs.
is no connection to LWL or Web. The computer has
He wants them to check out her story as a favor to
forged records, where necessary, to show the origin
him. He thinks the girl just has an overworked
of some "merchandise" on the premises.
imagination. He chuckles when he tells them her
boss' nickname: Frankenstein. They set up a meet
with Tamara. AM4. Spetsnaz
THE PLOT THICKENS: They arrive at her Mermaids
apartment building to find the doorman dead; his
neck broken. The elevator operator is gasping his
SET-UP: Following a known Web agent takes the
last breath as they reach him. The man's chest
PCs to a busy shipbuilding complex, Katendrecht
has been crushed. When they reach Tamara's floor,
Shipyards, in Rotterdam. Or if the PCs are here
they will hear her screaming. Her door has been
investigating possible connections to the Spare
smashed off its hinges. They rush in to do battle
Parts affair, they will spy the agent entering the
with a seven-and-a-half-foot-tall monster. It is hu
man but there's no life in its vacant eyes. The gi
ant doesn't feel their bullets or any other damage THE PLOT THICKENS: Anyone investigating
they do to him. He bats them around like children, will find that the Shipyards did belong to 'Ibn Ka
grabs Ms. Webb in one arm, then jumps out the merlingh Onnes before they were bought out by
fourth-story window. Looking outside, the heroes an unidentified investments firm. On first appear
will see the monster push Tamara ahead of him ances, the place looks normal until the PCs start
into an unmarked van. The van speeds off. counting guards. The guards are too numerous for
such a small operation. Also, the bulge under
The giant is the first of Van der Graafs new
their jackets indicates the guards carry another
Deathsoldiers, the results of careful genetic engi
weapon, probably a submachinegun. More careful
neering and controlled exposure to radiation. Cap
scrutiny will reveal surveillance cameras and
tain Yaffe laughingly named the Baron's creation
other high-tech security measures.
Frankenstein's Monster. The Monster's physical
stats all average 79. He has these Advantages: Katendrecht is normal except for the huge central
Acute Senses, Fearlessness, Stamina, and 'Ibugh building which hides a submarine bay. A tunnel
ness-8 (double the normal maximum)! links the sub bay to the North Sea. There is also
an underground monorail tube that leads to Ka
RESULTS: While limping out of the apartment
merlingh Onnes Shipping. The entire facility is
complex, the battered PCs will spy a known Web
mined with explosives which can be detonated by
agent, but not a very good one, Edward Kluge, the
remote control, if the base is compromised.
Jackal. About this time the police will arrive, and
in the confusion the PCs will lose sight of Kluge. In the sub bay is an Alfa Class submarine, the
(Eddie's stats are the same as a Punk 30.) Leningrad, the Soviet's most sophisticated attack
submarine. Most of the Leningrad's crew are Web
WHAT NEXT?: Other than the coincidental ap
agents, including two squads of women Spetsnaz
pearance of Eddie, the PCs have only two clues:
(Generic Elite Soldiers/45). Expert divers, these
Van der Graaf and his Leven Wetenschap Labora
deadly mermaids provide security for the sub. One
tories. Obviously, they will have to investigate
of the Spetsnaz, Anya Kirov, only pretends loyalty
Van der Graaf, but very discreetly. If they even
to Web. She is actually one of the KGB's top
tell their SD, he will likely order them to keep
away from the reputable Baron. The PCs know
they can track down Eddie. He isn't really cut out The Web's plan is to arm the submarine with a
for this kind of work and can be found with little special cruise missile that can be launched from a
effort. The Web keeps him around because he has conventional torpedo tube. The cruise missile's
no conscience or ambition. warhead will contain one of Frankenstein's pet
germs. The missile will be launched in full view of
a U.S. AWACs plane. The missile will hit a major
East Coast city. Web hopes that World War III will
RESULTS: The PCs need to capture the subma have surprise on their side. If captured, each SS
rine intact; it plays a vital role in the next adven has a hidden cyanide tablet.
ture (AM5). They will find the sub's Captain, Yuri
THE PLOT THICKENS: One of the girls, Denise
Zinoviev, and key crew members locked in the
Windaus, wants out of the SS and away from the
brig. All are loyal to Russia.
Baron. He has begun to show more than a fatherly
interest in her. One of the PCs will capture her
imagination and she will become infatuated with
AM5. Voyag e of the him. She will do her best to protect her "new love"
Leningrad in hopes he will rescue her from Frankenstein's
cold embrace.
SET,.UP: The PCs should be aboard the Lenin RE SULTS: With Denise's help, the PCs should
grad. The Soviet sub was only part of the Web's be able to defeat the other SS. She knows all
nefarious plot; two other submarines are out there about the Baron's operations. He will want her
somewhere, cruising toward their launching dead.
points. Records aboard the Leningrad indicate the
WHAT NEXT?: Repeated attempts to kill Denise
Web has captured both a U.S. Los Angeles Class
and the PCs should convince them that their only
attack sub, and a French Rubis Class. They are
option is to take the war to the Baron.
armed with the Germ Warhead Missiles.
THE PLOT THICKENS: The Leningrad's radio
equipment has been sabotaged. Unknown to the AM7. Extreme
PCs, Web has leaked to the press that terrorists
have captured the Leningrad. Now every major Prejudice
fleet in this hemisphere is searching for the Lenin
grad with orders to destroy her. It might be possi SET,.UP: By now, even the PCs' Section Director
ble to jury-rig the radio some way, but this will should be convinced that Baron Eric Van der
take some time. Graaf is an evil creature. He will order the Baron
be "Terminated with Extreme Prejudice". The
RESULTS: If the PCs manage to eliminate the
PCs will be part of a Titan Team going in to end
two Web subs without getting themselves killed,
Frankenstein's reign of terror forever. The Pcs
then they will gain great fame back at the Bu
should be heading for the Baron's lab.
reau. Also, Captain Zinoviev and his men, now
firm believers in the Orion cause, will want to join THE PLOT THICKENS: The PCs should be glad
the secret war against the Web. to hear that they will have still more help on their
mission: Prince Harmensen and his ninjas will
also be accompanying them. The electricity for the
AM6. Child's Play entire neighborhood will be knocked out just be
fore they go in. Bogus emergency calls will keep
police busy on the other side of town. At this late
SET,.UP: By now the Baron has had enough of the
hour, only a skeletal force will be defending the
PCs; he wants them dead. He sends his own spe
complex: 30-50 regular security personnel (Guards
cial warriors to do the job, the young Schutz
40) and two squads (20 men) of Expendables (Elite
staffel. The hit team will equal the PCs in
45). Shimon Yaffe and Kamerlingh Onnes (if still
number. They will pretend to be a group of teens
alive) are meeting in Rotterdam at the moment.
out on a lark and will dress appropriately. The
Defending the Baron's person are two dozen
girls are carring pistols and frag grenades in their
Schutz-staffel (with attributes from 30 to 50) and
purses. The boys have small submachineguns un
two Deathsoldiers.
der their jackets. The SS are Guards 40. The SS
Once the shooting starts, the Baron will be in con BACKGROUND: The "Good" Doctor is actually
stant communication with his troops. If they report one of the Web's most ruthless directors. A sadistic
they are losing or suddenly stop transmitting, Van and merciless egomaniac, the Baron is feared by
der Graaf will be escorted by his bodyguards to a all his criminal associates, except Yaffe and On
private boat docked at the back of the building. nes. Van der Graafs role model is Adolph Hitler.
Denise knows the location of the getaway boat. The
heavily-armed and armored speedboat will only Begin Rules Section
have room for Van der Graaf, one of his monsters,
and three of his deadliest SS. The others are fa Don Arturo Toscanini
natics and will blindly attack the PCs' force.
RESULTS: If the PCs thought to bring a boat or
60 60 50 50 55 55 55
helicopter, they can pursue Dr. Frankenstein, oth
erwise he will escape. The defeat he suffered at
Sex: Male
the PCs hands will cause him to lose his director
Race: White
ship. Still the PCs can count on him returning
Nationality: Italian
someday to haunt them again.
Native Language: Italian
WHAT NEXT?: Unless they were taken care of in Age: 45
an earlier adventure, the PCs will still have Ka
Psychology: Cruelty (High), Loyalty (Some), Pas
merlingh Onnes and Yaffe to contend with. Onnes
sion (High), Piety (Some), Sanity (Some), Selfish
will inherit Van der Graafs directorship.
ness (High)
Advantages: Artistic Ability, Fearlessness
N PCs Disadvantages: Addiction (3), Nicotine
Skills: Knife Throwing (2), Basic Firearms, Orien
Begin Rules Section tal Martial Arts (2)
Baron Van der Graaf
End Rules Section
48 66 22 77 69 35 44 BACKGROUND: 'Ibscanini is the head of one of
the Italian Mafia's oldest families. He is mixed up
Sex: Male in every kind of criminal activity. His involvement
Race: White in organized crime is no secret to anyone, but only
Nationality: Dutch Orion suspects he is a major figure in Web.
Native Language: Dutch
Age: 47
Psychology: Cruelty (High), Loyalty (Some), Pas
sion (Some),Piety (None), Sanity (Low), Selfishness
Advantages: Presence
Disadvantages: Lechery
Skills: Basic Firearms, Martial Arts(2), Basic Sci
ence(2), Biology, Chemistry, Medicine
End Rules Section
Corniche, is the showcase of Cairo, featuring
C i ty F i l e many Western-style buildings and entertain
C a i ro The final area which bears mentioning is the City
of the Dead, a vast ocher-colored zone that has no
municipal services. It is a vast ancient graveyard
Egypt (or the United Arab Republic) is a nation of that lies to the east of Cairo proper. Despite the
over 42 million people. It is considered a moderate illegality of it, over 250,000 Carenes (natives of
Arab nation which has made a separate peace Cairo) dwell here.
with Israel, which is considered an enemy state by
most Arab countries.
Cairo is the capital of Egypt and has existed in Re a dy, Se t, G o !
one form or another for over one thousand years.
Arabs, Turks, and Africans make up most of the
population. Ninety percent of these people are
Muslim and almost 10% are Coptic Christians. It
Administrators' Briefing
has a population of eight million.
Web is indeed in Egypt and the following caper
Standing on the eastern shore of the Nile, only
marks the opening of their new branch office. Sev
five miles from the pyramids of Giza and 500
eral Web agents doing some amateur archaeologi
miles north of Aswan High Dam, Cairo is a mix of
cal digging while on vacation a year ago, came
rich and poor, Eastern and Western, ignorant and
upon a lost tomb from the time of Ramses III. Web
educated. Temperatures range from 90-110 F in
moved in swiftly, clearing out large portions of the
the daytime to 65-75 F at night, with a comfort
complex and establishing a base here, while sell
able, dry atmosphere.
ing an occasional artifact via the black market.
Most buildings are two to four story affairs made The site has proven to be an excellent source of
of fired brick covered with plaster. Wood is scarce. revenue for Web, and this base is self-supporting.
Cairo has a Metro, above-ground trollies, and are
Locals had to be used as guides and workmen.
now starting to use more buses. Cairo Almaza
Web hit upon the idea of disguising themselves as
Airport lies in Heliopolis, a northeast suburb of
odd strangers, not of this world. At the right dra
Cairo. There are railroad lines that run from
matic moment, they revealed themselves as ava
Cairo to points north and south. The Egyptian
tars of the old gods, who some of the poor residents
Pound is the national currency and is further di
of Cairo still revere out of superstitious ignorance.
vided into 100 piasters.
However, Web outsmarted themselves. Though
Cairo was built in 969 A.D. by a dissident Islamic
this charade did in fact guarantee the silence of
sect from Tunisia, adjacent to the city of AI
most of the workers, some misguided souls, in reli
Fustat, founded in 641 A.D. The latter was burnt
gious ecstacy, began announcing to others about
to save Cairo from the Crusaders. The three oldest
the wondrous return of the old gods. It therefore
areas of Cairo constitute an interior slum.
became necessary for Web agents to terminate
The largest area is Fatimid City, followed by Bu these folks. Disguised as Set, or one of his min
laq (which has a population density of 171,000 per ions, these assassins struck at night and not only
square mile), and finally Misr'al-Qadimah, the silenced the misguided babblers, but also ampli
section with the absolute poorest people. fied their reputation as gods who do not tolerate
loose lips.
The Azbakiyah section of the city is the modern
downtown area. AI-Kurnish Street, also called the
A blond man with a French accent smiles and be
Players' Briefing gins speaking. "Good day to all of you. On behalf
of all of the Vega bureau, I hope you had a fine
cruise. I do hope you went easy on the purser, I
You and your fellow Orion agents are faced with a
mean after all, he is one of us, you know. Come to
situation seldom encountered, something so rare
think of it, half the passengers on board were! A
you are unsure exactly how to react.
nice way to move many of our employees without
Orion has sprung for an all-expense paid two a big fuss, no? Now, you and your team are here in
week ocean cruise on the Mediterranean. And to Cairo to solve a case that is tres bizarre.
make it more bizarre, you and your comrades did
"In an area of Cairo called Misr AI-Qadimah, we
not even have any vacation time accumulated.
have a, how-you-say, stool pigeon. Though Egypt is
Far be it from you to protest, right? Therefore, you for the most part a moderate Arab nation, it does
magnanimously accept the offer and jet off to Lis not hurt to keep eyes and ears everywhere, oui?
bon, where the ship is due to depart. The two
"But I digress! Our stoolie is quite agitated lately.
weeks fly by, flavored by shipboard romance, sun
He claims there have been a series of bizarre
ning on the deck, sipping exotic mixed drinks,
deaths in the poorer section of the city. What
gambling in the ship's casino, and just plain rest
makes them bizarre is that the few who were in
ing. You feel regret when the ship pulls into port
the vicinity at the times of the murders swear that
at its last stop: Cairo, Egypt.
they saw the ancient, jackal-headed god of evil,
Mter the PA system announces disembarkation, a Set, leave the scene of the murder. The entire
second message follows, asking [PC in charge of slum area is paralyzed by superstitious fear.
the team] to report to the purser's office.
"Now, under normal circumstances, such a thing
The purser, a big man with a friendly face, hands would not concern Orion. After all, we cannot in
a package over to the correct agent once identifica vestigate every bizarre crime that happens on
tion has been verified. "A thousand pardons, but earth, can we? However, the case takes a new turn
this package apparently has been sitting in my that demands our involvement.
office for the last two weeks. Only now has it been
"Our labs here analyzed a sample of the poison
brought to the forefront of my mind. I do hope that
used on the victims, sent to us by our stoolie. It is
no inconvenience has been incurred by my sloppi
a complex chemical substance that is virtually
ness:' the man says, oozing as much charm and
untraceable. The technology to create it is far be
obsequiousness as humanly possible.
yond the locals' means. Mes amis, this is no mere
The outside label features a return address with a ritualistic killing. We suspect that our foe, Web, is
post office box number in Casablanca, Morocco up to its old tricks.
(allow every PC to make an INT check to recall
"You are ordered to rendezvous with our stoolie
that Orion's North Africa Bureau HQ is in Casa
for further information, information you will need
blanca). The package contains a portable video
to find out if Web is indeed working in Cairo. If
disc player and a single disc. Instructions on the
they are, you must ascertain why they are here
machine tell the PC to stare at the tiny red light
and put an end to it.
at the top of the machine for retina scan ID. Once
this is done, the machine hums to life and the "All of your equipment has been stored on the
briefing begins. If anyone other than the agent ship, and the purser will give it to you if you tell
who was given the package undergoes the retina him that you are here on behalf of Miss Pansy
scan, the machine explodes with the same force as Wednesday. Once equipped, you have been given
a hand grenade. clearance to leave the ship, bypassing customs.
"Proceed to the Ramses bar and ask for Haran trance) time to arrive at the door and cut off the
Daoud, a local storyteller. He is your stoolie. Be PCs' escape route.
careful with him, for he is fearful of being found
Web Assassins: Treat as Generic Soldiers, with
out by the locals. If you people make us lose our
level 3 skills in Pistol, Blowgun, Boxing, Shadow
best contact in northeast Mrica, we will be most
ing, Stealth and Driving/Automobile. All are
upset and most likely ship all of you to Iceland.
armed with silenced .45 Obregons and blowguns
Au revoir and good luck!"
with six thorn darts each. The poison on the darts
Ten seconds later, the machine shorts out in a takes five turns to work, wherein the victim must
flurry of sparks. Ten more seconds, and the unit roll a 114 CON check or die. The two men in the
bursts into flame. room have jackal masks. All four men are Arabic.
They have no ID, but one does have a set of car
From Stool Pigeon to They know where the new Web base is, but are
D ead D uck fanatically loyal. Any Interrogation Skill Checks
made are done at 1/4 effectiveness. The keys fit a
Range Rover parked two blocks up the street.
You and your team walk down Abu Assu'ud
There is a hand grenade under the driver's seat,
Street, in the oldest and poorest section of Cairo.
ready to go off if anyone sits down. If PCs actually
Your feet kick up dust as you shoo away urchins
say that they are searching the car for traps, it is
who beg for coins. People stare at you suspiciously
easily found and rendered harmless.
from shadowy recesses.
The only things of note are a map of Cairo and
You easily find the dive called Ramses. Smack in
vicinity (which includes the pyramids of Giza), and
the middle of this slum section, it looks squalid
a matchbook from the Nile Hilton with "303"
and sinister. Two Arabs flanking the entrance eye
scribbled on the inside cover. If the PCs study the
you with disdain as you walk in. The bartender is
map they notice that someone made notes on it.
more cooperative and gives you directions to the
Five miles on the main road past the pyramids
room upstairs.
and five miles to the north off the road is a circle
Daoud's room is dimly lit by a smoky oil lamp, and drawn in blue magic marker.
the shades are drawn. A man in typical Arab garb
sits motionless at a rickety desk and does not ac
knowledge your presence. The Nest
There is good reason for this, for as the PCs close
in, they see the Daoud's face contorted in a horror Set up at the location marked on the map are six
stricken death gasp, a tiny black thorn imbedded tents arranged in a circle with a single large tent
in his forehead. A Skill Check using Medicine or in its center. A sign on the perimeter of the camp
1/4 First Aid scores reveal that he died a scant reads: "Oxford University Archaeological Dig.
hour ago. Admins should make a secret INT check Unauthorized personnel forbidden." There are
for any PC with Sixth Sense advantage. A success three land rovers parked near a stack of crates,
ful roll means that the PC in question is aware the latter under a protective tarpaulin. A thin
that they are not alone in the room. man clad in tan workclothes and pith helmet
walks up to the party if they opt for the direct
Hiding in the Arab's closet and behind a curtain
are two Web assassins, here to see who visits the
deceased. They will attack five turns (10 seconds) "I say, chaps, but are the lot of you illiterate or
after the party enters the room. This gives their what? I mean, the sign IS quite clear, don't you
two spotters outside (the ones flanking the en- think? Now run along and let my students' pur-
suit of knowledge continue unmolested, there's a Map 3. Cairo
good sport!" He chatters away in a condescending
manner, waving his clipboard at them and fidget
ing with a whistle around his neck. If the PCs
refuse, he blows it, which brings out the occupants
of the tents. "Well, I suppose we must do this the
hard way then, eh?" he smiles smugly.
Each tent in the circle contains two Web lackeys
with the stats of Generic soldiers, armed with sub
machineguns. The man with the whistle, a British
national named Graham Idle, has base attributes
of 55 plus level four Pistol skill. He is armed with
a 9mm Luger and has a Web ID card stashed in
his helmet's sash. He will attempt to duck into the
central tent while the lackeys take on the
If the PCs choose to sneak up to the camp at night,
there are always four guards on duty at the perim
eter. Should Idle have a chance to react before be
ing attacked, he will dash underground, mobilize
the troops, and run things from the Control Room.
The Underground
PCs who did not use a card to gain access and ven and its environs in a 400 yard radius. Engaging
ture more than 5' into the room are attacked by the device requires a password or the previously
darts launched from the dark statue. Two darts mentioned computer failure.
fire every two turns with a 50% chance to hit.
They are coated with 20/5 poison. Barracks. Two dozen bunk beds and as many
lockers set up in what was once a burial room.
The statue of Set swings out and reveals a door to What once smelled like ancient death now smells
room five. The mechanism is well hidden, needing like dirty gym socks. If this isn't desecration then
a 1/4 INT roll to find. Sliding a Web card in Set's what is? There is always one shift of off-duty cen
mouth opens the door. tral control personnel here, sleeping.
Store room. Stationery, spare computer parts, Dayroom. A freezer filled with frozen food, a mi
blank passport books, racks of clothing of various crowave, a soda machine, a coffee machine, and
styles, and makeup kits are stored here for Web two long tables make this burial preparation room
agents. look hideously anachronistic. A set of shelves has
playing cards, books, and board games ready to
Arsenal. Fifty 9mm FN Brownings, 50 Uzis, and help Web personnel pass their free time. The north
six clips worth of ammo for each weapon are kept door is steel, difficulty rating of 45.
here. There is also a crate of 50 hand grenades, a
dozen throwing knives and a gallon of 20/5 Hall. This is new construction, consisting of steel
poison. wall and floors lit by mercury lamps. As the PCs
walk down the 300 yards of straight hall, they can
Central control. This chamber clearly had some smell the newness of the place.
religious significance, now obliterated by Web. All
artifacts have been moved out, radios and com The hall leads to a hangar, home to a pair of black
puters moved in. A large map of Africa and the Sikorski UH-60A Blackhawk helicopters. Each
Middle East stands on the far wall. This is a nerve ship is armed with twin .50 caliber machineguns
center for Web's regional operations. There are and a rack of four rockets.
always four technicians (treat as Generic Thugs
armed with Brownings) and three sentries (treat Exit is accomplished by a pair of hangar doors
as Generic Soldiers with Uzis) on duty. operable from the Control Room. The doors are
well hidden by camouflage, which also hides a
A central monitor and panel controls all the doors battery of antennae, radar dishes and solar pan
and alarms in the base. The computer can be set els, the latter used to power the station.
up to give the PCs the names and locations of
many of the Web operatives on the continent. A Ready room. Here hang a dozen masks of Set,
PC must make a 1/2 Computer Technician roll to the jackal-headed god, and his snake-headed min
pull it off. Failure unleashes a virus that ruins all ions. Also, a dozen black cloaks line the walls of
data, and an automated self-destruct sequence this room. A dozen blowguns, hundreds of thorns,
begins counting down "One hundred-twenty . . . and a large bottle of the same poison that killed
one hundred-nineteen . . ." Haran Daoud are also kept here. A large book on
Egyptian mythology lies on a small table. The
This room also features a powerful radar station, door to the west is one of the steel type with a lock
satellite tracking equipment, and controls for difficulty of 60.
what appears to be a hangar doors of some sort.
Corridor. If a card was not used to gain access,
A successful search for secret panels reveals a self the corridor floor cracks open and each half begins
destruct mechanism that blows the entire base pulling back at the rate of 10 feet per five turns.
As the floor opens, it reveals a large pit filled with
scorpions, snakes, and spiders. Anyone falling in
takes 3dlO worth of attacks. Treat scorpions as
spiders for poison and damage purposes. The auction is to be held in the old section of town
(the Medina), which happens to be close to the har
Treasure room. Behind another steel door (diffi bor. The Clan Ferguson is lying at anchor under
culty 70) lies the plundered wealth of this lost the name S.S. Prometheus. Beside it is a specially
tomb. Gold statues, jeweled scarabs, elaborately built yacht belonging to Web, the Black Widow. It
painted sarcophagi, ancient scrolls, burial tools, is a mobile Web base as well as a sea piracy
and handsome ebony carvings of Set are carefully platform.
stored. Each has a small identification tag indica
ting its value. The total worth of these artifacts is Alternately, the Admin could run this as a Web
about $23 million. adventure, with the players playing Web agents
assigned to guard the auction from an Orion Titan
Team and the local police.
representatives as his prisoners. His name is
B a tt l e g ro u n d Yusef Bar-David, a man of Arab-Israeli parentage.
Here is an unique opportunity to have a joint Web If the Admin wants, let half of the party play
Orion adventure. A wealthy, power-mad maniac Orion agents and the other half Web agents. The
has kidnapped several Orion and Web agents. In roleplaying possibilities are endless!
addition, he has several Mossad agents and PLO
Disadvantages: Ego Signature (Business Card),
N PCs Gambling, Lechery.
Skills: Basic Firearms, Pistol (5), SMG (5), Basic
Melee, Knife (3), OMA (4), Disguise (4), Interroga
Begin Rules Section
tion (5), Stealth (4), Surveillance (3), Drive/All ve
hicles (3), Fine Arts (3), Photography (4), Pilotl1
Jean-Paul Descartes:
engine & helicopter (3), Social Chameleon (5), Phi
losophy (4), Languages: French (5), English (4),
STR INT REF WIL CON MOV DEX Arabic (4), Hebrew (3)
68 75 40 74 62 54 58
End Rules Section
Sex: Male
Race: White BACKGROUND: Jean-Paul is Web Operations
Nationality: French Manager for Middle EastINorth Africa sector. A
Native Language: French sharp fellow who was kicked out of the French
Age: 57 Deuxieme Bureau (Military Intelligence) for atroc
ities committed during the 1957 Suez Crisis.
Psychology: Cruelty (High), Loyalty (High), Pas
sion (High), Piety (None), Sanity (Some), Selfish REACTION: Jean-Paul is a brutally efficient
ness (Some). veteran of the espionage world who bears a strong
Advantages: Ambidexterity, Fearlessness, Pres grudge against France and England. He's a wily
ence, Stamina, Thughness (4). fox who despite his age is still a formidable physi
cal opponent.
t--- --
� r.- r--
Ground Level
1 300 yards
® Floor
Subterranean level f'"
f-- hole
r- _ rent
ONE SQUARE = 1 0' 7
- • Subterranean Level 1 1
1 6 1
© 3 I I
- I" •
<i Chair I�
1 1 1 2
® Statue I I©I � 5 Q
� Door
11 1 1 J ..
• Column
4 "�.I ..
Jean-Paul is wanted by INTERPOL. He sneaks BACKGROUND: Elise is a top-class Web assas
over to Monte Carlo whenever he can. He is slated sin. Fooling people with her slight, diminutive
to take over the Cairo office from Graham Idle. build, Elise is able to lull her victims into a false
His current hangout is Casablanca, Morocco. state of confidence. Elise does her job in order to
get back at the Arabs for a raid on her home, and
Begin Rules Section at the Western powers for their inactivity in the
face of Arab aggression.
Elise Weintraub:
REACTION: Elise is a perfect example of the sort
STR INT REF WIL CON MOV DEX of person Web manipulates well. Scarred from the
40 76 70 65 55 78 73 Arab attack on her kibbutz, she served in the Mos
sad until drummed out for repeatedly disobeying
Sex: Female orders and endangering her teammates.
Race: White
Nationality: Israeli Divesting herself of morals and compassion, she
Native Language: English now allows Web to use her (and, in a way, she uses
Age: 27 Web) to kill people. Cold and ruthless, she will use
all her skills, advantages and weapons at her dis
Psychology: Cruelty (High), Loyalty (Thtal), Pas posal to get the job done.
sion (None), Piety (None), Sanity (Some), Selfish
ness (Some).
but in general, one U.S. dollar equals 1 ,800 ru-
C i ty F i l e piahs. Foreign currency is rarely accepted outsIde
major banks and hotels. Throughout the CIty (B:nd
J a ka rta the country) prices double for non-locals and trIple
for foreigners.
Under the army's scrutiny, the police run Jakarta. Before reaching the inner sanctum, however,
Directly or indirectly, the Jakarta police regulate visitors must pass a broad wall of security. Block
everything from utilities to judicial functions. keys are scanned magnetically as people enter
Hampered by rampant corruption and poor train the building, before they even reach the locks.
ing, they benefit from a central command without An elite team of commandoes guards the build
jurisdictional boundaries. What they lack in so ing around the clock, roaming the halls and roof.
phisticated equipment they make up in sheer They are backed up by heavily armed teams
manpower. The chief of police can call on more working nearby as railroad crews. The building
than 20,000 policemen. Army intelligence handles also includes a carbon dioxide deluge system to
sensitive matters and limited foreign espionage. quench fires and suffocate intruders. Web keeps
the entire block (which it owns one way or an
Apart from tourist attractions, foreigners always other) under constant surveillance. Rotating
attract attention; crowds are everywhere. Many "employees," from rickshaw drivers parked on
journalists, diplomats, and businessmen meet in the corner to passing train conductors note any
cars for privacy (and air conditioning). Numerous unusual activity.
food stalls and cheap hostels dot the city where
anyone can meet. There are crowds there, too, but Web's top managers in Jakarta, can draw on a
experienced travelers know the crowds will ignore wide variety of assets for information and muscle.
them after a few minutes. (See map for specific An ocean going yacht, Gadis, lies less than two
encounter areas.) miles from the headquarters in Ancol Bay. The
situation room receives duplicate radar images
Directors in Bangkok, Sydney, Hanoi, Manila, from Halim international airport. Lear jets and
Kuala Lumpur, and Jakarta run Web's Asian oper helicopters sit ready on the tarmac at Kemayoran
ations. Their regional headquarters is in Jakarta, field. Cargo ships in Sunda Kelapa can provide
where they meet to set policy and plan major oper shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile coverage and
ations. The regional office is located in the colo mortar fire, if needed. Managers at Pertamina,
nial district between Kota train station and Jalan the national oil company, have instant access to
Gunung Suhari. (The office is not marked on the millions of dollars, rupiahs, and yen. A huge net
map so Admins may show the map to players.) work of informers has access to every major hotel
Part of the 18th century brick building serves as a and airline registry. Thousands of taxi drivers and
municipal warehouse, providing its cover. A rail shopkeepers can maintain surveillance anywhere
way siding links the building to the Kota station in the city.
tracks. That, and being situated between both
harbors as well as near two major thoroughfares
and Kemayoran airport, makes the office as acces
sible as possible in Jakarta. ARI. Operation
Inside, past clerk-filled offices and above the bus
Sea Serpent
tling warehouse, concealed vault doors lead into
the Web office. The accommodations are cramped,
This mission calls on a handful of Orion agents to
but quite luxurious. The second and third floors uncover a Web plot that threatens all of Southeast
hold apartments for the staff, a gourmet kitchen,
Asia. If implemented, Web's plans for piracy on
and rooms for visiting executives, as well as pri
the high seas would cripple economies and devas
vate suites for the six regional directors. The
tate whole industries, in addition to giving Web
working areas in the basement, a rare feature in
control of major sea lanes. Finally, the agents
Asian buildings, include offices, the situation
must find a way to halt this plot.
room, a communication center, power generators,
and a fresh water well.
Summoned to Orion's Libra Bureau, the PCs re from the waters began telling strange tales of
ceive their mission assignment aboard HMS Ma great sea serpents rising from the depths at night
jestic, the Bureau's headquarters in Singapore. to attack them. These stories were discarded as
Admins can give this information to the players superstitious ramblings.
through written reports, a briefing by section di
rector Mariko Tamauri, or through a series of in Lately, however, Soviet spy trawlers, a British sub
terviews with various naval attaches and Orion marine, and American planes have all picked up
staff members. unknown submarines in the region several times.
Each contact only lasted for a short while before
For more than a decade now, ever since the im the sub slipped away again. Gradually, the survi
pending fall of Saigon in the Vietnam War, a vors' serpentine stories sounded more plausible. Is
steady flow of refugees has plunged into the Gulf it possible some major power is using submarines
of Thailand and the South China Sea seeking to against helpless refugees? If so, who? And why? If
escape their war-torn homelands. Mostly from Web is involved, as is suspected, what do they hope
Kampuchea now, these "boat people" continue to to accomplish? And how can they be stopped? This
flee by the thousands every month. They put to is the concern of operation Sea Serpent.
sea in rusty cargo ships, fishing boats, barges,
rafts, outrigger canoes-virtually anything that After the briefing, the PCs are free to begin their
floats. Few of them survive their ordeal at sea. investigation in any way they wish. With numer
ous on-going missions, the Libra Bureau can only
Many overloaded vessels are lost in heavy seas. provide limited support. Admins should grant rea
Others go down in sudden storms, especially dur sonable requests for general information, contacts,
ing the monsoon months. Still others drift help cover stories and documents, and equipment. PCs
lessly on strong currents and never make landfall. may consider (or NPCs may suggest) several ways
Worst of all the fates to befall the refugees are the of gathering additional information. Several possi
pirates that murder and pillage for the valuables bilities are outlined below in sections AR2-AR4.
carried aboard. Most escapees bring all their
money and valuables with them. Some even carry
their entire family's fortunes. Though most refu
gees' fortunes consist of only a handful of coins, AR2. HMS India Makes
the few merchants and wealthy ones with bags of
gold or jade and ivory lure the pirates. Contact
launch. He is willing to let the PCs explore Ja learn if the sub actually enters the harbor, be
karta until then or to give them a tour, if they cause Ascot will not bring his large nuclear sub
wish. marine too close to shore.
RESULTS: From their exploration or tour, the WHAT NEXT?: Though the agents may suspect
PCs should learn about Jakarta (see the City File the sub is Indonesian, they should realize that
above). The PCs leave Tanjung Priok harbor in a may not be true. If the mysterious sub knew it
launch, supposedly for sightseeing and fishing. was being followed by India it may have come
Yount guides them to the India, which surfaces here deliberately to cast suspicion on Indonesia.
only long enough for them to climb aboard. To learn more about Indonesia's submarine fleet,
the PCs may want to attend the naval conference
The India's skipper, Lloyd Ascot, welcomes them in Jakarta (see AR3). They may also wish to con
aboard. He does not hesitate to tell them his opin duct their own surveillance, where they would be
ion of the piracy issue. He believes any vessel free to engage the pirates (see AR4).
caught in the act of piracy should be sunk immedi
ately. Of course, international law and his opera
tions orders do not allow such rash action.
AR3. Tanjung Priok
Mter a week of picking up nothing but cargo
ships, oil tankers, and fishing fleets, the India's Naval Conference
sonar picks up a torpedo run, followed by an explo
sion 30 to 40 miles away. Ascot slows to a stop,
SET UP: Posing as diplomats, journalists, or
listening. Despite any urging from the PCs, he
United Nations officials, the PCs attend a Naval
resists the temptation to find out what sank. His
conference at the Tanjung Priok Naval base in
patience pays off. In a few hours, the India begins
Jakarta. There, the PCs can interview Naval offi
tracking a stealthy submarine, slipping away
cers from several nations about piracy in South
from the area of the explosion. India's sonar opera
east Asia.
tors identify the sub as one of the new Shoal class
boats built by Fabriknor in Sweden. They are on
THE PLOT THICKENS: During the conference,
the open market, so any country could have one.
between long-winded lectures on hydro-dynamics
and logistics, word comes in that a large cargo
The India follows the mysterious sub for several
ship exploded and sank in the South China Sea.
days, loosing and regaining contact as the two
The ship, Adri 14, was well known as a modern
subs weave through currents and islands. During
vessel; many officers privately speculate that it
the chase, the PCs learn first hand that these wa
was blown up. The PCs can meet and question
ters are both very dangerous and beneficial for
many officers in the conference. Commander Oc
submarines. The shallow waters, coral reefs, and
tav, the executive officer on an Indonesian sub,
strong currents make navigating hazardous. How
proves most helpful. He is well-respected, and very
ever, those same currents, trenches in the sea
floor, and even islands provide excellent hiding
places. Ascot guesses that an experienced crew in
RESULTS: The PCs can learn much from Com
a small, modern diesel-electric sub, like the one
mander Octav and the other officers. Encourage
they're following, could travel from Thailand to
the players to ask questions, role-playing their
Australia undetected.
interviews to gain the information.
The India follows the sub back to the Java Sea,
The pirates' tactics vary. Near the coasts they
and, to everyone's surprise, right to the Tanjung
swoop down in powerful speedboats. Further out
Priok harbor in Jakarta. However, the PCs do not
to sea they approach disguised as fishing vessels, and sophisticated diesel-electrics built in West
navy patrol boats, or even other refugees. Mter Germany and Sweden. In electric mode they are
looting the cargoes, they invariably slaughter the nearly as quiet as nuclear subs, but at a fraction
passengers, or simply sink their boat. of the cost. Their small size allows them to make
use of every reef, trench and island to hide in. The
Unfortunately, the small navies in the surround pride of the fleet are its four new Shoal class subs,
ing countries have neither the resources nor moti built by Fabriknor in Sweden. Most of the fleet is
vation to protect the boat people. In many cases, based at Tanjung Priok Naval base.
they are even out-gunned by the pirates.
WHAT NEXT?: By now, the pes should begin to
In addition to refugees and huge fishing fleets, understand the problems of preventing piracy on
thousands of large ships ply the Asian ocean car the high seas. They should also realize that whole
rying every conceivable cargo, from new cars to industries and economies would be devastated if
microchips. If pirates decided to attack them, the sea lanes were closed. However, they still need
stealing small cargos, or even commandeering to uncover the plot that is brewing and who is be
whole ships, the local navies would not be able to hind it. If they haven't already, the pes may de
protect the sea lanes. Escorting all the cargo ships cide to search for the pirates, either on their own
would require billions of dollars and more ships (see AR4) or aboard HMS India (see AR2).
than the countries have.
At this point the pes may want to file reports
All of the Southeast Asian countries have subma with Orion's Libra bureau. They may also explore
rines in their Navies, but Indonesia has the larg Jakarta to learn more about the city.
est fleet. Most of its 38 boats are relatively new
Map 5. C ity of Jakarta
t To Cengkareng Airport
(under construction)
captive and from piecing together entries in the
AR4. Pirate Ambush log book and papers strewn in the cabins, the PCs
can learn about the submarines' role in piracy in
these waters.
SET UP: The PCs charter or buy a yacht or fish
ing boat to conduct their own surveillance of areas Most of the pirates now submit to a master pirate
known to be pirate-infested. (Appropriate aircraft known only as Kombar. Though they resent the
would be too expensive and could not stay in the loss of their independence, the pirates admit that
area for more than 12-18 hours at a time.) their successes have risen substantially since he
took over. Under Kombar, a few pirates now work
All vessels are cheaper in Jakarta, where licens with submarines. Evidence clearly shows that at
ing requirements are less strict than in Singapore. least two subs are involved. The subs have been
Libra Bureau officials also inform the PCs that developing and practicing tracking and intercep
fewer questions are asked in Jakarta. Wherever tion techniques on refugee boats for several
the PCs obtain their ship, Libra provides an expe months now. The subs are rumored be about to
rienced navigator and helmsman, and two crew conduct a final test, code-named Adri 14, tracking
men, if necessary. Of course, the PCs are free to and sinking a large cargo ship in the Java Sea.
hire their own crew. The PCs will have to take
precautions if they wish to arm themselves and In addition, the pirates now keep track of all cargo
their ship. ships passing through their territory. The pirates
relay the ships courses and speeds to subs through
THE PLOT THICKENS: Several days after en underwater radios. A careful search of the &hip
tering either the Gulf of Thailand, South China reveals an encoded low-band hydrophone, manu
Sea or Java Sea the PCs see a smoking ship on the factured by Fabriknor in Sweden.
horizon. As they draw near, they see bodies lying
on the bullet-riddled deck. A survivor waves WHAT NEXT?: PCs who haven't attended the
weakly for help. Sharp-eyed PCs may notice that naval conference in Jakarta (AR3) or tracked the
nothing on the ship is burning; that is, all the mysterious submarines (AR2) may do so now. PCs
smoke seems to come from various containers. may also wish to investigate Fabriknor.
RESULTS: When the PCs arrive at the Fabriknor
shipyards, they are met by a polite, but rather AR6. Final Voyag e
unhelpful engineer, Erik Tabor. Upper manage
ment assigned Tabor to brush off the PCs' ques
tions to protect the privacy of Fabriknor's clients. SET,.UP: The PCs discover that Ajar-Laut's head
Tabor somehow manages to answer every question quarters is off Jalan Diponegoro, south of Mer
with a lengthy engineering dissertation. deka Square in Jakarta. Any inquiry the PCs
make about Adri-14 (the ship that blew up in the
During a tour of the shipyards, where a Shoal Java Sea during the Naval conference and the
class submarine is being built (Tabor won't say code name of the final sub test mentioned by the
who for), a worker suddenly opens fire at the PCs captured pirate) reveals that Adri 14 was a ship
from the hatch in the sub's conning tower. If the owned and operated by Ajar-Laut.
PCs return fire, the assassin ducks down inside
the sub. If the PCs don't pursue him, Fabriknor THE PLOT THICKENS: When the PCs reach
security guards do. They eventually emerge with Ajar-Laut's headquarters, they find it deserted.
the assassin's body, though not until loosing four Everything is gone, even the light bulbs hanging
of their own. from the ceiling fixtures. Any casual inquiries to
people on the street, or calls to the Ministry of
After this incident, the President of Fabriknor Shipping, the Harbormaster, or Commander Octav
himself, Brent Thorsen, appears to apologize to reveal that Ajar-Laut owns and operates one ship
the PCs, promising a full investigation of the besides Adri-14. Adri-16 is scheduled to leave its
matter. He invites them to return the next day, dock in Ancol bay, any minute now.
when he'll be happy to answer their questions,
after he has had a chance to see to his employees By now the PCs have enough evidence to piece
safety. together Web's plot. Through the Ajar-Laut com
pany, Web purchased a Shoal submarine. It, and
The next day, Mr. Thorsen confirms that Fa submarines crewed by agents who infiltrated In
briknor has sold four Shoal class submarines to donesia's navy years ago, began developing pi
Indonesia. Although several are on order for other racy tactics. Increased attacks on refugees helped
countries, no other navy in Southeast Asia has finance the whole operation. In a final test, Web
them yet. However, a private shipping company, submarines tracked, seized, and sank a large
Ajar-Laut, took delivery of the first sub on a rush cargo ship, Adri-14. Now, they plan to begin prey
order a few months before Indonesia received it's ing on cargo and cruise ships plying the major
first Shoal. Ajar-air also purchased several dozen shipping lanes of Southeast Asia. The whole oper
encoded low-band hydrophones underwater radios ation is led by an agent named Kombar.
usable by ship or subs. The president of Ajar-Laut
explained that he needed the sub and hydrophones When he learned of the PCs' investigation, he
to train crews for Indonesia's navy, and others, tried to have them assassinated. When that failed,
before they took delivery of their own boats. The he decided to dissolve Ajar-Laut completely, tak
president's name was Kombar. He paid 80 million ing all evidence of the operation with him. Once at
in cash for submarine. sea, Kombar can transfer his staff and any incrim
inating evidence to Web's Shoal class submarine
WHAT NEXT?: The PCs need to rush back to Ja and scuttle the Adri-16. If Kombar escapes, he can
karta, where Ajar-Laut's headquarters is. After run the piracy operation from somewhere else; it
the failed assassination attempt, Kombar and his might take years to find him again.
Web agents must be alerted to the PCs' investiga
tion, so time is of the essence. RESULT: A wild dash through Jakarta's packed
streets ensues if the PCs hope to have any chance
of reaching Adri-16 before it departs. When they out of Jakarta. Alerted by Web's extensive net
reach Ancol Bay, they find several luxurious work, assistant chief of police, Gobor Asam directs
yachts and a large empty dock. Adri-16 left 15 the operation. (This mini adventure could be used
minutes ago, under the command of Captain Kom to expand Operation Sea Serpent when the PCs
bar. Smoke from its stacks is still visible on the race from Jalan Diponegoro on the south side of
horizon. Jakarta to Ancol Bay, on the north side.)
The PCs can try to pursue and overtake the Adri- THE PLOT THICKENS: Gobor can track the
16 themselves, an unlikely proposition; they can PCs and respond to their actions quickly, because
call in a Titan Team; or they can contact Com the police force does not rely on the city's tele
mander Octavo If a Titan Team is called in, attack phones, but on their own high frequency radios.
helicopters sink the Adri-16 with loss of all hands. Gobor begins by throwing minor obstacles in the
Web's Shoal class submarine and the traitorous PCs' path. If possible, he would like the PCs to
Indonesian crews disappear, and their fate is think their delays were caused by bad luck, not
never learned. Web's piracy plot is destroyed, how deliberate efforts. However, he steadily increases
ever. the frequency and severity of attacks until the
PCs are stopped.
If the PCs explain the situation to Commander
Octav, he takes immediate action. Assuming com RESULT: Traffic lights turn red in front of
mand of his Shoal class submarine, Kupang, he them-and stay that way, blocking the PCs with a
takes off after Web's submarine, inviting the PCs steady stream of traffic. Next, Gobor engineers a
along. If they accept, he sends a helicopter to pick minor accident. A plainclothes policeman swerves
them up. After sinking the Web submarine, forces and brakes, forcing the PCs (or the bus they're in,
the Adri-16 back to port, where Kombar is ar etc.) to hit him. Several pedestrians feign injury to
rested. In the following weeks the Indonesian distract the PCs. Then Gobor directs policemen to
Navy roots the traitors out of the ranks. chase and apprehend the PCs for traffic violations.
If they resist, a running gun battle ensues.
WHAT NEXT?: If the PCs call in a Titan Team,
their mission is deemed a marginal success. If WHAT NEXT?: The PCs' success at evading and
they involved the Indonesian Navy, they receive overcoming the obstacles depends on their clever
hearty thanks and rewards from Orion for saving ness and resourcefulness. Jakarta is a big,
the cost of mobilizing a Titan Team and covering crowded city, so it is possible to elude the police,
its tracks, and from the Navy for bringing traitors even when there are so many of them. Remember,
to justice and saving several of the Shoal subma though, that westerners stand out. Gobor halts the
rines which might have been stolen. In Com operation as the PCs are stopped or it's no longer
mander Octav, the PCs gain a valuable contact, needed. (For example, once the Adri-16 leaves
possibly even an Orion recruit, who soon receives port, Web no longer needs to keep the PCs from
command of his own submarine. reaching the dock.) If they suspect they were delib
erately stalled, the PCs could begin an investiga
tion to discover who was behind the effort. More
M i n i Adve nt u re realistically, they might develop contingency
plans and resources, such as stashing extra motor
Fi le: Roa d b lock cycles around the city, to overcome the next delay.
BACKGROUND: Asam is an assistant chief of
When the Japanese left Hong Kong after World
C i ty F i l e War II, the population was not much over half a
million. 'lbday it is well over five million, most of
H o n g Ko n g it squeezed onto Hong Kong island, Kowloon, and
the southern portion of the New Territories known
as New Kowloon. Some of this weight of popula
tion was caused by the People's Republic of China,
By rights of a 1898 treaty, Hong Kong is a colony which relaxed its border controls to allow crowds
under control of Great Britain until July, 1997, at of Chinese to flood Hong Kong. It was shortly af
which time the vast majority of the colony will ter this influx of Chinese, in fact, that Web estab
revert to direct control by the mainland Chinese lished Hong Kong as its Pacific and Far Eastern
government. Its 1034 square kilometers consist of Region headquarters. Although Cantonese is the
three territories: Hong Kong island proper, the
most widely spoken language of Hong Kong, En
Kowloon peninsula across the beautiful "fragrant glish is widely used. An agent speaking nothing
harbor:' and the large (948 square km) New Terri but English could make herself understood in
tories. The New Territories include not only a Hong Kong, but not quite so easily or quickly as
large amount of farmland, but also a scattering of she would in Singapore (A character has INT%
islands along the coast, some of them unpopu chance of finding an ad hoc translator every min
lated. Lantau Island, sparsely populated and ute spent searching for one. Characters with the
much larger than Hong Kong Island itself, is a Presence Advantage add 10% to their chances.)
part of the New Territories. Hong Kong's economy relies heavily on tourism
Both Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon penin and trade (both legal and contraband) and so a
sula are almost entirely urban, with the heart of significant proportion of the population of Hong
the city, Hong Kong Central, along the northern Kong Central and Kowloon is just visiting the
coast of the island, connected to Kowloon and the colony.
rest of the mainland by the Star Ferry and several Hong Kong serves as a bastion of furious capital
sampan across the harbor surface, and the more ism on the doorway to the People's Republic of
expensive MTR, or Mass Transit Railway, a sub China, and so acts as a marketplace for goods to
way opened in 1980. and from the mainland. Tremendous volumes of
Although it never really gets cold, even in the money change hands in Hong Kong, one of the
middle of winter, Hong Kong is not as tropical as attractions the city holds for Web's money
south-east Asia. Agents coming to Hong Kong laundering enterprises.
from Singapore or such areas as Bangkok or Ma Retail prices in Hong Kong, like those in Singa
nila should be prepared for cool temperatures in pore and other high-tourist cities in the Orient,
January and February. In the summer, the wet are inflated. Shopkeepers expect visitors to bar
season, Hong Kong can get pretty hot and humid, gain the price down to something more reason
particularly in July and August. Worse, Hong able. Hong Kong's official monetary unit is the
Kong is vulnerable to typhoons from early June to Hong Kong dollar, currently worth anywhere from
mid-October. Although these can cause considera fifteen to twenty cents, U.S. The exchange rate
ble damage, the people of Hong Kong have effec varies wildly within the city, with the worst rates
tive safety defenses against them. Libra being offered at the Hong Kong airport. Money
headquarters strongly advises any Orion agents in changers in Kowloon give better rates, and even
the path of a typhoon postpone their mission until they can be bargained down on large sums.
the storm is passed, seeking shelter in the Orion
safehouse in residential (northern) Kowloon, ten Hong Kong was founded by English smugglers,
blocks from the Yaumati Typhoon Shelter. and, true to its heritage, the city has a thriving
Black Market, principally in contraband and
drugs. Indeed, the Web president of drug opera sors around the perimeter that have a 80% chance
tions in Hong Kong has such an influence on cer of detecting the emergency Orion Cards that
tain areas of the black market that his credit (in Orion Foundation operatives often carry on them.
the form of small black-and-gold plastic chits) is (The Administrator should roll once when any
not an unusual means of exchange (either alone or group of agents enters or leaves the 'Ibmb com
in addition to Hong Kong dollars) in opium trans plex. If the sensors fail to register one card, the
actions. card is most likely too far away from a Web sen
sor; other card-carrying operatives in the same
Hong Kong is a business's dream, with a very low
group won't trip the sensors either.)
tax rate and minimal tariffs. But this lack of tax
base means poor city service for residents: the In Laichikok, located in northern Kowloon, is the
streets usually need repair, utilities sometimes Sung Dynasty Village, a modern recreation of a
break down, and the police force is crucially under Chinese village from 960-1279 AD. The village is
staffed. Thus, another attraction Hong Kong holds closed except on weekends or public holidays.
for Web (and extra-legal Orion agents, for that mat
West of Hong Kong Island is Lantau, twice the
ter) is the custom of police bribery. Once, a police
size of Hong Kong but populated by only 20,000,
officer was given a commendation and publicity
mostly Chinese farmers. The normal ferry port is
just because he did not accept a bribe. (Hong Kong
Mui Wo (Silvermine Bay), and there are paths
police officers should be considered at half their
around the island. Lantau boasts the largest
WIL rating for purposes of resisting bribes.)
statue of Buddha, costing HK$20 million, at the
This is not to say that in the absence of bribes the spectacular Po Lin monastery. On the south side of
police do not try their best to solve crimes (particu the island is hidden a small valley in the hills. It
larly violent crimes), but in these cases, the short is here that the Web headquarters docks for re
age of police funding becomes apparent. Worse, pairs and maintenance. For more details, see the
the Hong Kong police have very weak connections description of the Floating Princess below.
to the world's intelligence community, handicap
ping their responses to crises on the scale that
Orion agents find familiar.
Ang e l s o n H i g h
Coincidentally, both Singapore (the Orion head
quarters in the region) and Hong Kong maintain
large "Tiger Balm Gardens." These tourist attrac SE1!UP The PCs are assigned to Libra Bureau,
tions were constructed by the Haw Par brothers the department of Orion with authority in the Far
with a few of the millions of dollars they had East. (See TS3: Orion Rising for more details on
earned from their Tiger Balm medicaments. These Libra Bureau.) They are asked to meet with Emile
gardens are spectacular for their beauty and the Wu, Orion's Angel in Hong Kong.
wild displays of Chinese imagination (such as two
An "Angel" is a friend of the Orion Foundation
enormous Sumo wrestlers). The Hong Kong gar
who keeps track of possible Web activity in a field
dens have an impressive jade collection appended
or region. Wu manufactures and sells camera film.
onto them.
He has sent a message to Libra Headquarters,
In Kowloon, a popular tourist attraction is the Lei asking to meet with an Orion representative.
Cheng Uk 'Ibmb and Museum. This late Han Dy Mariko Tamuri, head of Libra operations, assigns
nasty (25-220 AD) tomb is open daily, except the job to one of the PCs, preferably a character
Thursdays. Web keeps a few operatives around who speaks Chinese or has experience in Hong
here, and Web cameras monitor the place continu Kong, but certainly one with good interpersonal
ously. There are just enough clues here to bait a skills, and assigns the rest of the PCs to accom
trap for Orion agents, who might suspect that the pany the representative.
tomb houses the Web headquarters. There are sen-
Begin Rules Section unearthed the existence of the Web as well as of
Orio� . Wu occasionally tips Orion dff to Web plots
Emile Wu that mterfere with his business.
REACTION: If you'd see him practicing Kendo,
the art of sword fighting, you'd understand Wu
45 60 57 72 47 51 59
very well. He is bold, assertive, and a natural
leader. But Wu is, above all, a gentleman. He is
Sex: Male
greedy to the end, but polite about it. His goal is
Race: Oriental
not me�ely to make huge amounts of money, but to
Nationality: Hong Kong .
do It WIth proper style. He never raises his voice
Native Languages: Canton, English '
and he is gracious in both victory and defeat.
Age: 53
When the PCs meet with Emile Wu, he is the per
�sychology: Cruelty (Some), Loyalty (Low), Pas fect gentleman. He sees the agents in his lavish
SIon (Low), Piety (Some), Sanity (High), Selfish
boardroom, with a spectacular 20th-story window
ness ('lbtal)
view of Hong Kong Central and the Harbor be
�dvantages: Bilingual Background (2), Connec y�nd. �e is clearly fit and healthy for his age,
tions (2), Wealth (3). WIth shghtly graying hair and simple wire-rim
glasses. He is dressed in a quiet dark blue suit. He
Di�advantages: Enemy (2), Greed (3), Vision Im
is not armed, but does not mind if a PC carries a
paIrment (2).
Skills: Pistol (2), Sword (3), Martial Arts (1), Social
"I am gratified that you have granted me this au
Chameleon (4), BusinesslEconomics (5), Chemistry
dience:' he says in a rumbling bass voice free from
any accent. "Evidence suggests that a man will
enter Hong Kong today carrying with him several
End Rules Section
�illion dollars in American currency, and that he
BACKGROUND: Wu is an affluent Hong Kong �s responsible for .a large amount of the drugs flow
mg through my CIty. Furthermore, I believe him to
businessman. Some ten years back, as he was
be an operative for The Web, and that you and
making a name for himself in the film manufac
your superiors in Orion might therefore be inter
turing business, he was contacted by a "middle
ested in apprehending him.
management" errand-runner on behalf of a
criminal cartel, who offered him attractive incen "I am prepared to tell you who this man is and
tives if he would use his company as a front for where he might be found. But in return I would
some of the cartel's drug traffic. Wu listened pa like 75% of the drug money he is carryi�g:'
tiently, asked questions about how exactly his
Wu is ready to negotiate his cut, down to half his
company could be used, and then with equal po
real a�king price. But he would rather get hi;
liteness declined the offer. The Web has not asked
drug rival some other way if Orion declines the
This has not stopped Wu from implementing Web's
If the PCs ask for advice from Libra, Tamuri will
proposal himself, however. He has put his facili
order them to accept Wu's offer. Capturing Web
ties to criminal purposes to such a degree that the
drug-runners is one of Libra's top priorities.
dark side of his holdings is now more profitable
than his legitimate operations. Wu'� i�or�ation: Jacob Kanasone is a Japanese
retaIl dIstributor of fine shirts with a world-wide
Two years ago, Wu realized that many of his com
market share. Kanasone's appearances in Hong
petitors in the criminal underground were con
Kong are ostensibly to meet with his manufactur-
nected to one another. He did research and
ers. But the drug trade ebbs and flows around his garage. The bodyguard is carrying a large brief
visits, and he travels with an unusually well case. The Administrator is encouraged to draw up
armed bodyguard for a shirt salesman. If Kana complete statistics for Kanasone (INT 69, MOV
sone, a Japanese, has set up a drug operation in 60, Pistol 3, Bullet-proof vest) and his large body
Hong Kong, distributing drugs, presumably with guard (STR 65, CON 75, WIL 52, DEX 63, Stam
the shirts, to recipients world-wide, a multi ina, Toughness 3, Pistol 4, Martial Arts 4). Both
national criminal organization is indicated, ergo are packing handguns. The bodyguard will at
the connection with Web. tempt to intercept any attacks on Kanasone.
Kanasone will be arriving in two hours, at the Kai Kanasone has a second bodyguard, 30' ahead and
Tak airport just across the harbor in Kowloon. Wu dressed much less conspicuously. If Kanasone is
has a recent picture of the man, a photo of a very attacked, it will take this second bodyguard (CON
healthy, cocky-looking Japanese man in his late 70, MOV 65, Peripheral Vision, Pistol 4, Martial
twenties. Arts 2) a round to react. He will try to attack by
sharpshooting targets of opportunity at a distance.
Libra matriarch Tamuri will yield her usual over
caution to the urgency of this situation, ordering A fight in the parking garage will produce inter
the agents to intercept Kanasone and bring him in esting effects. First, non-silenced gunshots will
to the Orion Hong Kong safehouse in northern produce ear-splitting echoes throughout the park
Kowloon. The agents are restricted to any equip ing complex. PCs will not be able to hear anything
ment they are carrying, as well as anything they (including one another) for 1d10 rounds after any
might be able to buy in Hong Kong in an hour of gunshot. Secondly, there will be a line of 1-2 cars
shopping. Alternatively, Wu suggests, he has some slowly moving by every 2d10 rounds. These cars
equipment they might need. Wu in fact can outfit will only be moving 10 kilometers per hour, but
the characters with a range of standard gadgets, they will certainly give the battleground an inter
such as weapons, vehicles, or surveillance equip esting dynamic landscape. If Kanasone is losing,
ment, for normal prices. These are stock items he might try to hijack a car and escape.
which have been modified very carefully by one of
After two minutes of combat, airport security (four
Wu's technicians. Activated by a broadcast signal,
guards, armed with melee weapons) will arrive on
miniature self-destruct heat-packets in the equip
a roll of 1-4 on a d10. This chance is rerolled every
ment will cause the tools to deform slightly. Wu's
half-minute the PCs continue to stick around the
guns would misfire, his electronics would go on
the fritz, his vehicles would cough and die. This
feature is well-disguised. A suspicious agent Wu's information is essentially correct. Kanasone
would need both the metalworking and electronics is working for the Web, smuggling heroin in the
skills, as well as several hours in a shop, to find fabric of the cheap shirts he retails. He is carrying
the traps. a little more than two million american dollar on
him, as payment for the next shipment.
Wu's operatives will have the room under surveil
lance. Should the PCs attempt to contact Libra Kanasone really doesn't know a lot about any
Bureau while they are in the building, Wu's peo other Web operations. He can indicate a couple of
ple will be able to track the signal frequency, and his suppliers and customers, but that's about it.
monitor that frequency throughout the rest of the Oh, yes. Kanasone suddenly remembers that he
adventure. Wu will then be one-up on the agents. knows one item that might interest Orion agents.
He will try to bargain with the following piece of
At the airport, the PCs will have no trouble spot
information: The transmission from his superior,
ting Kanasone, dressed in bold tourist patterns
letting him know when to pick up the shirts, was
and sporting a wide, easy grin. Accompanied by a
made from a boat of some sort. Usually, the trans
muscular Japanese in a poorly-tailored pin-stripe
mission is from somewhere in the western
suit, Kanasone is crossing to the airport parking
hemisphere, but this time it originated not far Security was tight when extending invitations.
from Hong Kong, maybe 50 kilometers west. Few of the attendants' superiors even know where
the conference is taking place. Kanasone's boss
THE PLOT THICKENS: Fifty kilometers west made a serious error, broadcasting the pick-up in
of Hong Kong is Lantau Island. (See above for structions when pulling into Lantau. Kanasone
more details on the island.) If the PCs ask for or compounded that error by using sophisticated elec
ders, they will be directed to Lantau to reconnoi tronics to track the signal, and revealing the loca
ter and determine why a distant Web agent is tion as a bargaining chip when captured. Web has
suddenly in Libra's dominion. gone to great lengths to keep this meeting a sur
prise, and the conference should move to Floating
The answer is that Web is holding a conference.
Princess before Orion has a chance to do anything.
The vice-presidents in narcotics are meeting to
develop and coordinate a team strategy based on a All this means that security is a little sloppy once
new means of drug shipment. Although slower Web personnel actually arrive on Lantau. Once on
than many other ways to move narcotics, this new the island, Orion agents will have little trouble
means can transport several hundred tons of cargo finding the Web base. There are too many signs of
and is virtually undetectable. This new technology recent habitation, too many rumors among the
requires a new set of policies, and hence this meet locals of rude tourists exploring the south-west
ing. Hong Kong was chosen as a meeting ground corner of the island, for the PCs to have much
because the new technology is used in the local trouble finding the high cove on the southern
Web headquarters, making the base virtually im coast due south of N gong Ping. Just wandering
mune to discovery. The headquarters is the Float about with an observant eye and an open ear, an
ing Princess, and the conference will end with a agent needs to roll INT-10% to uncover the cove.
tour of the facility. This will take 5-14 hours.
When the PCs finally discover the Web outpost, If the PCs contacted Orion while in Wu's office,
they have a couple of choices. If the agents want to then his organization is monitoring their calls. If
charge in, guns blazing, firing at Web middle he hears about the PCs entering the Floating
management, let them. There are Web security Princess, he'll disapprove. Although Wu is not a
guards in the area, armed with no-nonsense auto member of Web, many of his drug suppliers and
matic weapons, who will arrive to return fire in 3- distributors are, and he would rather not see their
30 rounds. And if the Orion agents manage to operations so seriously disrupted. He will contact
survive, Libra Bureau will do its best to make a drug-runner he believes to be high in Web's or
sure the characters never get another field assign ganization and inform that person about the Orion
ment. agents infiltrating the meeting. This news will get
back to the Floating Princess, but not for 12 hours.
Or they could try to infiltrate the meeting. There
If the agents purchased any equipment from Wu,
are strangers here from all over the globe, cer
he will order the self-destruct signal, and all the
tainly a few more won't stick out. As long as the
equipment will malfunction throughout the rest of
PCs don't draw attention to themselves, an Acting
the adventure.
skill roll will get a character into the meeting for
a little while. The details of the Floating Princess and her opera
tions are left to the Administrator. If the agents
Or the characters could wait and attempt to eaves
pay attention and are clever, they can reap great
drop from cover. This won't reveal a lot of informa
benefits from the mission, uncovering a host of
tion, but will keep the PCs safe from detection.
Web's local secrets while aboard the craft. Bear in
An hour after the PCs arrive, something happens. mind that, while security is tight, with the confer
One of the clouds above the island descends. The ence on board the Hong Kong headquarters, the
cloud dissipates, and a transparent dirigible can Floating Princess is a new craft, barely in operation
be seen close to the ground. This is the Floating for six months, and standard procedures are still
Princess. being revised. PCs with Acting or high WIL stand
a good chance of bluffing their way into many non
RESULTS: The Floating Princess is a helium
sensitive areas of the ship, where either Stealth or
filled dirigible, with the front and back ends ele
brute force would be less likely to succeed.
vated. The body of the craft is made of a
transparent mylar-derivative, coated in radar A firefight in the local Web headquarters should
absorbent material. When it generates a cumulus be a Bad Move. There are 80 active Web combat
cloud effect, it is completely hidden from agents, all armed with long knives and clubs
detection. It bounces all transmissions off the (guns are generally frowned upon in such close
stratosphere, so that it cannot be tracked by radio quarters as a dirigible gondola) and proficient in
triangulation. It has a few emergency launch vehi their use. If the PCs have been identified as en
cles, but it usually descends to ground here to pick emy agents, they are in serious jeopardy, espe
up or release passengers. cially if their equipment is malfunctioning. A
long-distance dive into the sea may be the best
The PCs must act quickly. Orion does not have the
strategy. A safer way down would be to use one of
time to call in a Titan Team strike force to deal
the emergency launch vehicles (the dirigible ver
with this problem; if the dirigible leaves, it will be
sion of a lifeboat) to glide down to earth, perhaps
difficult to track and impossible to relocate. If con
with some Web files or computer disks along for
tacted, Libra Bureau reluctantly allows the PCs
the ride.
their discretion as to whether or not to sneak
aboard and reconnoiter the dirigible. They could
WHAT NEXT: If the agents' equipment malfunc
do this either with Stealth or by pretending to be
tioned but they survived, Wu intends to make
delegates or support staff (technicians, soldiers,
himself scarce. He will leave a trail indicating
that he has fled to the People's Republic of China,
but he is actually lying low in the darker parts of
Hong Kong's Chinatown.
B u s m a n 's H o l i d ay Begin Rules Section
Andrew Michalski
SE'l!UP: This adventure takes place on the Batan
Islands. An Orion Foundation sleeper agent, code STR INT REF WIL CON MOV DEX
named Trapdoor, has been quietly observing Web 36 71 68 78 41 52 70
from the inside. Trapdoor occasionally sends Sag
ittarius Bureau information about Web activities Sex: Male
in the Philippines. The current news is that a Race: White
large number of combat agents have been sent to Nationality: Dual: Britain and Japan
the Batans, a small chain of islands north of the Native Language: English
Philippines. Sagittarius assigns the PCs to join Age: 37
Trapdoor's investigation. Is Web planning a mili
tary take-over? Or could it be a security build-up Psychology: Cruelty (1btal), Loyalty (High), Pas
for a directorate meeting? sion (some), Piety (None), Sanity (High), Selfish
ness (Low)
THE PLOT THICKENS: After several false
Advantages: Empathy (2), Presence (3)
leads, the PCs come across an island where an
eight-block square mock-up of a city, with signs Disadvantages: Cowardice (4), Distinctive Fea
and features in both English and Swahili, has re tures (1)
cently been constructed. The city is under huge
Skills: Basic Melee (3), Interrogation (4), Hypnosis
camouflage tarps to keep hidden from above, and
(5), Psychology (5), Philosophy (4), Medicine (3),
is a fair distance from the coastline. This is a
Surgeon (3), French (0), Japanese (2), Hawaiian (0)
model of a section of downtown Nairobi, populated
by Web agents acting as if they were native Ken
End Rules Section
yans. (For a map of Nairobi, see TS3, Orion Ris
ing.) The combat troops are rehearsing the
BACKGROUND: Andrew Michalski was born to
kidnapping of some official.
an British couple of Polish descent. He constantly
quarrelled with his parents over petty concerns,
RESULTS:· Again, combat with a heavy contin
but soon Andrew came to realize that he enjoyed
gent of Web's soldiers is not recommended. A Ti
the provocation, the taunting, as an end to itself.
tan Team might be called in, though, and Orion
Psychological assault became Andrew's hobby.
certainly has enough information now to prevent
the actual kidnapping. During his college years, Andrew took pains to
demonstrate those types of behavior that might
WHAT NEXT: Trapdoor was supposed to join with characterize a well-adjusted but sadistic psycho
the PCs, and hasn't. Has he (or she) been spotted? path. He was graduated from Oxford with a doc
(Sleeper agents who broadcast coded messages are torate in clinical psychology, and was immediately
often put in peril; they are by necessity too out-of contacted by the Web. He accepted a position as
touch to know if their codes have been broken.) interrogator, and soon found himself working in
Sagittarius would relay secondary orders to the the Far East, under a President known to her sub
PCs to find out what happened to Trapdoor, and ordinates by the codename Dragon-Egg.
free him if he's being held captive.
Dragon-Egg is currently the President of the Far Andrew dresses entirely in black, period. His face
East Region in charge of Personnel, Recruiting, never betrays emotion, period.
and Counter-intelligence. One of her jobs is to
REACTION: If a Player Character meets An
keep tabs on Orion agents. Indeed, she had riddled
drew, it most likely means that the agent has
Ganymede, Orion's scientific branch, with so
been captured in the Far East and must be elimi
many double agents that Web's technical branches
nated. Andrew will uses a number of his favorite
have grown to expect the information she passes
techniques to interrogate the character, and then
on to them.
implant some post-hypnotic commands. These
Dragon-Egg's success is due in large part to her mental blocks can be overcome on a one-time basis
dedicated efforts to avoid violence and bloodshed by making a 1/2 WIL roll. Each time the agent
whenever possible. "Web uses war:' she insists, overcomes a mental block, he has a cumulative 1%
"not causes it." If given a choice, she doesn't kill chance of breaking the block permanently. But
Orion agents. She gives them to Andrew. each time an agent tries to ignore a mental block,
whether he succeeds or not, his INT and REF are
Andrew is a Vice-president in charge of Preven
reduced by 1 1-20 points for two hours.
tive Maintenance. When an Orion agent or some
other target needs to be eliminated, he sends out Andrew has stopped using his skills to make dou
one of his two agents (one is Chinese, the other is ble agents against Orion. The targets subcon
American) to capture the target. Andrew then sciously wanted to be caught, and so proved to be
uses psychological methods (sometimes with more greater security risks than information sources.
physical interrogation techniques) to break the
victim. Sometimes, Andrew uses aversion therapy,
or post-hypnotic suggestions, to defuse the threat
that the target might pose.
People of Buenos Aires are called Portenos. The
C i ty F i l e population is mostly Spanish and Italian, but one
can find communities of English, French and Ger
B u e n o s A i re s man people, as well as smaller groups of Poles,
Russians, Portuguese, Syrians, and Turks.
Five expressways radiate out of Centro and con
Originally called Santa Maria del Buenos Aires nect with the General Paz Expressway, which cir
(St. Mary of the Good Air), by the 16th century cles most of the city Qike a Beltway). The city is
Spanish settlers, Buenos Aires is the largest city the terminus of all major national railroads, with
in the southern hemisphere, and the sixth largest four major railroad stations, which in turn are
city in the world. It was founded in 1580. connected by five subway lines.
Located on the western shore of the Rio de la The city has two international airports and a mili
Plata, it covers 77 square miles and boasts of a tary airport. The harbor is entirely man-made,
population of 3,000,000, while its entire metropoli and is one of the biggest ports in the world. It has
tan area covers 1500 square miles and has a popu five interlocking basins and docks. Darsena Norte
lation 8,400,000. It is the political, cultural, (North Dock) is the Naval Base, Darsena Sur
industrial, commercial, and military capital of (South Dock) handles combustible cargo, and
Argentina. Puerto Madero accommodates river trade.
The city is arranged in a quadrangle pattern, a Buenos Aires is a congested city, and is notorious
pattern common in many Spanish New World cit for traffic violations. There are Collectivos (mini
ies as decreed by the Laws of the Indies, adopted buses) and taxicabs which help alleviate conges
in 1680. As a result, streets run at right angles to tion.
each other, and enclose city blocks of about 330 The Federal Police, administered by the National
square feet. Ministry of Internal Affairs, maintains public or
Buenos Aires has a long summer (December der and ensures public safety. City Police control
March), abrupt temperature changes in autumn traffic and parking, with infractions going to the
(March-June), and spring (Sept-Dec). Average an Municipal Tribunal. There are 50 district police
nual temperature is 60 F, January is the warmest stations, with the Central Office in Centro, and
with 75 F, September and March are electrical the Mounted Police HQ in Barrio Norte.
storm season, with heavy rains during March. There are four major morning papers (one, The
The regions of the city include: Standard, is in English), two evening papers, four
television stations, and thirteen radio stations.
CENTRO-Coincides with the original settlement.
Streets are narrow and run perpendicular. Part of
the Centro includes the Capital Zone, which holds
many government buildings, banks, newspapers, D o n 't C ry fo r M e ,
and the City Cathedral.
BARRIOS-There are 50 distinguishable barrios,
Arg e n t i n a
or neighborhoods. LaBoca, on the waterfront, is
mostly Italian. The Cathedral and San Thlmo bar
rios coincide with the original city. Barrio Norte Players' Briefing
used to be the upper income area, until most of the
rich moved to the northern suburbs. Most of the
Your team of agents has been staying at the Hotel
luxurious mansions of that area have been con
Argentina and it has been a tense time, since all
verted into museums, embassies, and clubs.
you can do presently is wait for your contact, an four in the morning. The words "for extra secu
unnamed Orion agent, to get in touch with you. rity" is jotted in Spanish on the maps's edge.
You were not told much during your briefing, only
Sharp-eyed PCs may notice that the first set of
something about information that may run Web
numbers are latitude/longitude co-ordinates that
out of South America.
are actually located on the river. The dates may be
Your team takes turns manning the hotel room, tougher, since Europeans list the day before the
awaiting the phone call. Finally, the phone rings. month. So, June 10th 1990 at 4 am will appear as
The time is eleven at night. 10 6 90 04 00. Admins should feel free to draw up
a little playing aid, putting in the right date.
It is your contact and she sounds desperate. "Meet
me at the phone booth at the north end of the Ave The contact is dead. If her coat is searched, a 9mm
nue Carlos Noel, near the Ship Museum. Hurry! FN Browning is found, as well as a piece of paper
It's urgent!" The phone clicks off. The point of ren with the words "Old Ironsides" hastily scribbled
dezvous is 15 minutes away by car. upon it.
The dock area is deserted, cold and damp, and fog This is a trick. The woman was a Web cut-out.
limits your vision. Still, you make out a lit phone While the clue is genuine, it is meant to mislead
booth just north of the Park of Diversions. There the PCs. Web is trying to confuse the PCs by using
is a figure standing in it. When you are about 50 the truth. Well, partially the truth. There IS a
yards from it, the figure turns and sees you. This Web base under the park, but it is more like a
turns out to be the last thing she sees, as the safe-house. The real base is located under the
booth explodes with a short "pop" and a quick Buenos Aires Wagnerian Association. Web is in
flash of yellow-white light. the midst of a large drug deal, and the last thing
that they need is Orion interference, so they have
From the nearby park borders, equidistant from
decided to "throw" them the safehouse and hope
your team and the booth, someone is shooting at
that this satisfies them. This is assuming that the
you. You hear no noise but the ricochets of the
Orion agents do not get killed by the usual inter
ference that Web personnel are so famous for.
The drug deal entails a $4 billion shipment of co
Administrators' Briefing caine slated to be distributed all over the southern
hemisphere. Web is sending a powerful yacht and
the speedboat as escorts for the tramp ship which
The PCs are under attack by six Web lackeys,
is carrying the shipment. The yacht, the Fudd, is
equal to Generic Soldiers and armed with 9mm
docked a mile down in the south area docks.
INA 953 SMGs and .45 Balister Molina pistols.
They are hiding in the trees in the park's northern Kimberly, the real contact, was held up in traffic.
edge. The booth had been rigged to explode, but She will arrive 10 minutes after the explosion.
was supposed to go off only when the PCs reached Unfortunately, the police arrive only five minutes
it. It detonated prematurely. after the blast. Little does she know, but she is
being tailed by four Web Generic Thugs.
The thugs have no ID, one pair of binoculars, one
flashlight, and a pair of keys. Anyone with a Kimberly Andrews is a U.S. Orion agent. She
DrivinglBoat skill knows that the keys are for a knows the PCs' names and faces, and is supposed
boat. Sure enough, 1/4 mile south down the dock, is to meet with them and give them the location of
a 40' powerboat. Aboard is another pair of thugs Web's Section HQ when she finds it. She has found
similarly armed. The boat has nothing unusual, it, or so she thinks, located underneath the Consti
except for a map of the Rio De La Plata (The River tution Plaza Park. Some Web agents, however,
Platte), a set of co-ordinates, and a set of numbers spotted her and are giving chase. They monitor
which are a date, in fact two days from now at her calls by a parabolic mike and will arrive at
the meeting spot first in order to arrange a sur
prise. Rendezvous- Take Two
repair, disguise/costume creation, and document Map 6. Buenos Aires
forging. Other rooms include eight small cells, a
cafeteria, a small control room with a shortwave
radio and an secure phoneline, a small office for
the house leader, and an arsenal.
The arsenal holds: 24 9mm INA 953 submachine
guns, 24 .45 Balister Molina pistols, 3,840 rounds
of 9mm ammo, and 960 .45 caliber ammo. There is
also 24 grenades, 48 lbs. of plastique, and 48 deto
nators, 24 of them are radio controlled, 24 are
timer detonators. Any equipment from captured
PCs is stored here.
There are only 10 people manning the safe house
on a continuous basis. Nine of them are the equiv
alent of Generic Soldiers, except that their attrib
utes are 50, and they all have level 3 skill in Auto
Driving, Surveillance, Stealth, Radio Operator,
and First Aid.
The tenth individual is Estaban Perez, leader of
the house. He knows of the true regional HQ, but
will act and talk as if this safe house is the HQ.
His stats are all 60, except for WIL, which is 75.
He has level 4 skills in Pistol, Interrogation, Auto
Driving, Boxing, Stealth, and Surveillance. A .45
Balister hangs at his hip in a closed holster, and
he has a Web ID card. He is very paranoid and
totally distrusts Orion agents.
If the PCs were captured, they are drugged on
arrival and each locked up in a cell. They will
each be interrogated separately in Perez's office,
with two Web thugs on hand for guard duty. As a • Parks
rule, four thugs are on duty at a time, and they
==0 Railroad
usually hang out in the control room and cafete
ria. The remainder are sleeping in the barracks.
1 Hotel Argentina 6 Ship Museum
Mter interrogation, PCs will be slated for termi
nation in eight hours. During this time, the PCs 2 Recoleta Cementery 7 Federal Police
should try and devise a plan for getting out. Perez
3 Wagner Association 8 Government House
will not believe that any PC is going to turn
traitor. 4 Constitution Plaza Station 9 Railroad Hospital
Should the PCs be the ones invading the safe 5 Constitution Plaza Park
house, Perez will alert the main HQ of the breach
and effect his own escape through a secret exit
that leads into the sewers, while his men battle to
defend the safe house. There are no incriminating
documents in this facility, except for a memo that
clearly states that a massive cocaine shipment is At a point five miles from Buenos Aires, the Fudd
coming from upriver in two days on a boat called will pull alongside the El Dorado and take on
the El Dorado. This coincides with the information $500 million worth of cocaine. When loading is
found on board the speedboat at the beginning of complete, the Fudd drops back half a mile astern
the adventure. The memo is on Perez's desk. and paces the old boat.
Any Admin who would like to give the players a The eventual destination of the riverboat is the
chance to figure out where the main HQ is can do Puerto Madero (see City File), which handles river
one of the following: let Perez or Pacheco foolishly traffic. The chief port official on duty at this hour
gloat that the safehouse is NOT the real HQ, or is in the pocket of Web, so once the boat reaches
have Perez or Pacheco perfectly whistle parts of the locks, it is home free, and it is the PCs that
the "Flight of the Valkyries" by Wagner. risk arrest, for the official will call the authorities
on them.
Once the El Dorado reaches the locks, the Fudd
The Snow Storm pulls away and heads for Rio de Janeiro with its
assigned delivery.
Two days later, the El Dorado comes chugging
downriver through the cold predawn mist. Head
ing upriver is a sleek yacht, the Fudd. The Fudd Postscript . . . and
passes the riverboat, and when there is a mile
between the ships, executes a smooth 180 degree Wag ner
turn and follows behind the older ship. The ren
dezvous area is 10 miles upriver. There will be trucks at the Puerto Madero area,
awaiting the boat. Each has two crew, Generic
El Dorado is manned by 12 men with Generic
Thugs armed with silenced .45s. Loading takes an
Thug stats. They are armed with Uzis and throw
hour. The vehicles will be discreetly guarded by 12
ing knives. In the boats hold are sacks of tobacco,
Web agents, spread out in four cars. If PCs do not
in the center of which are large packages of pure
stop the trucks before they reach the private ga
rage, they have failed.
The main HQ is run by Paulo Gianelli (see NPC
The Fudd section), and contains 54 Web personnel of all
sorts. They have a motorpool with 10 trucks, 24
autos, and 12 motorcycles. A secret vehicle entry
The Fudd is a luxury yacht, a Nauticat 40 cruis
opens up 1/4 mile west of the complex in a private
ing yacht. It carries radar, sonar, a powerful all
parking garage.
band radio, and two concealed .50 calibre
machineguns, one fore and one aft. Each of the three international airports has a
Gates Lear jet Longhorn 28, a Cessna Conquest
There are 14 Web lackeys, treat as Generic Sol
441 , and a Bell 212 helicopter, all of these crafts
diers. They all carry M-16s. Obviously, the Fudd
bear the logo of Gaucho Airways, a Web fronted
has no wish to open up with weapons fire, for they
organization. The PCs may find this out if they do
do not wish to attract attention. If the PCs make a
a bit of research or just plain snooping.
move at the rendezvous area, the Fudd will open
fire. Once the boats get within two miles of The main HQ is located under the Wagnerian As
Buenos Aires, they will restrain themselves, sociation, and is a vast underground complex.
though they may attempt to board the motorboat. There is a fully equipped hospital, a training area,
Bear in mind that the motorboat is faster and an arsenal three times the size of the safe house's,
more maneuverable than the Fudd. and a command center with a battery of radios,
radar stations, microwave transmitters, encrypt You will be stationed on board the SS Cerebus, an
ing machines, homing beacons, computers, status Orion multi-operations ship that resembles a su
boards and other neat high-tech equipment. It pertanker. The ship has six Bell AH-1T Sea Cobra
resembles a war room. helicopters at the ready, two unarmed minisubs,
eight 30' powerboats, as well as a battery of the
There is room for 120 people in here. The HQ coor
most sophisticated electronics intelligence equip
dinates all activity for Web's South and Central
ment. The ship will be stationed 100 miles due
American Sector. Gianelli has a mansion in the
northwest of the Falklands.
Barrio Norte, and he commutes often. His cover is
a member of the board of directors for the Wagner Secrecy is of utmost importance. Orion wish nei
ian Association. ther the British nor the Argentineans to know
what it going on, for it would only serve to draw
ADMIN NOTE: This mission may seem tough,
attention to an already volatile area. When you
but a few things must be kept in mind. First, this
find the Web, knock them out ASAp, with a mini
is a large Web facility. Second, people who deal
mum of big explosions.
with drugs play hardball. Web agents are going
to play this one very carefully. No quarter, no Web is sending a freighter with 100 hired thugs
breaks are to be given by them to Orion agents. dressed in Argentine Army uniforms and armed
Prisoners are not to be taken to the main HQ for with 9mm INA 953 submachine guns. It is meant
any reason! to be a raid.
PC agents should be experienced and highly The vessel's route goes from Buenos Aires to the
skilled. It wouldn't hurt if the players themselves Falklands. It takes five days to arrive there, and
were experienced with the Top Secret/S.I.TN the ship has already been underway for two days
system. when the PCs take their position. It will pass the
pes' ship on the fourth day, and come within ten
Admins may want to have a copy of Orion Rising
miles of it.
and the G4 File: Guns, Gadgets and Getaway Gear
in order to get maximum enjoyment and results The PCs best bet is to board the ship and disable
from this mission. The stats for the boats, planes, it. If the ship slips by and lands, the PCs must
and weaponry featured in this mission can be grab the invaders and show the British that the
found in the G4 File. raiders are not Argentinean. The troops will land
in old landing craft from the ship, which will be
anchored 10 miles offshore.
M i n i -Adve n t u res 'Ib make the actual interception more difficult,
throw the following red herrings into radar range:
a) a transport plane making a refueling stop from
Chile, bound for Antarctica, b) a cruise ship sail
Return to the Falklands ing round Cape Horn bound for Rio and coming
within 50 miles of the Falklands, c) a Venezuelan
ADMIN NOTE: This adventure is ideal for use oil tanker approaching with 75 miles of the is
with the TOP SECRET® game Commando lands.
Web is attempting to formulate an incident be
tween the British and the Argentineans, hoping to
gain a foothold in the confusion. Your mission is to
stop them before they reach the Falklands. The
trouble is that Orion doesn't know how they in
tend to incite the event.
Rio People N PCs
ADMIN NOTE: This mission is designed for Web
Begin Rules Section
agents, though other agents may be used instead.
"It would appear that one of our organization's top Paulo Gianelli
field agents plans to defect to Orion. Why he
wishes to do this is a mystery. We are not here to STR INT REF WIL CON MOV DEX
figure out human nature; we are here to termi 66 54 50 64 70 60 52
nate the fellow with extreme prejudice.
Sex: Male
As it happens, it is time for the Carnival of Rio.
Race: White
We hear that the traitor is dressed as a Marxist
Nationality: Italy
guerilla, his contact as a clown. They are supposed
Native Language: Italian
to meet behind the last float of tonight's parade.
Age: 37
We want you to find these two in the massive
crowd, and eliminate them, making it look natu
Psychology: Cruelty (High), Loyalty (Some), Pas
ral, of course."
sion ('Ibtal), Piety (Low), Sanity (Some), Selfish
This is a set-up. Orion has planted the false infor ness (Some).
mation about the defection. Actually, the "defec
Advantages: Acute Smell, Ambidexterity, Lan
tor" and the contact are both Orion agents, and
guage Ability, Night Vision.
the last float, which shows a large paper-mache
hunter killing a lion, is an Orion vehicle with Disadvantages: Addiction(2) Nicotine, Enemy(4)
seven Titan Team members. Use Generic Soldier his brother & Orion, Traumatic Flashback(2), Un
stats for all nine Orion agents, but the defector mistakable Feature: Sneer.
and contact have base 65 scores, and level four
Skills: Basic Firearms, Pistol (3), Knife (4), Basic
skill in Pistol, Submachinegun and Shadowing.
Melee, Martial Arts (4), Interrogation (5), Pick
The Titan Team will spill out, guns ready, when
pocket (3), Safecracking (4), Stealth (4), Driving/
the PCs approach the "bait."
Auto, Truck, Motorcycle, ORV, Boat (3), Lip
The "defector" is dressed in a gorilla suit and a Reading (4), Throwing (4), BusinesslEconomics (4),
Groucho Marx face (get it? Marxist gorilla!). His English, Spanish, French (4).
contact is dressed like Bozo. The Titan Team are
dressed like the Seven Dwarves. Everyone is End Rules Section
armed with silenced M-lO Ingrams.
BACKGROUND: Paulo is the Section Director
Admins should have fun with this one. Describe
for the Central/South American bureau. His
costumes that come close to the descriptions given
to the PCs. Feel free to throw in random drunks brother is Vittorio Gianelli, otherwise known as
Stiletto, the Bureau Chief of Orion's West Euro
(who throw things of their own), street kids, pick
pean Bureau. When they were boys their family,
pockets, ladies of the evening, weirdos in all sorts
which worked for the Sicilian Mafia, was killed in
of costumes, annoying tourists, and more.
a shootout with the Italian Police. Vittorio, ap
In some way, this scenario should be played with a palled at his family's activities, devoted his life to
sense of humor. Allow the PCs the first opportunity doing good to atone for his family's misdeeds. Paul
to react, since we do not want a trash-the-player went the other way, swearing vengeance against
bloodbath. The float of the Hunter (otherwise all law and order groups.
known as Orion!) should be a big clue!
REACTION: Paul hates his brother and would BACKGROUND: Juan is Web's main drug con
like nothing more than to kill him in a face-to-face nection. He is a Columbian drug lord, but it is
fight. He knows that his brother is in Orion, but certain that Hollywood did not have him in mind
not where or in what role. He will interrogate any as the archetypical drug lord. He is not glamorous;
Orion agents about his brother. He knows his he is grossly fat, unshaven, slovenly, and uncouth.
brother's codename, since it was a childhood nick He is also ruthless, which is how he got to this
name. position, and he DOES know drugs.
nizational capacity by calling upon the Illinois
C i ty F i l e State Police or the Cook County Sheriff's Depart
ment. Jnterstate crime is handled by the Federal
Ch icago Bureau of Investigation (the FBI) or the Drug En
forcement Agency (DEA). The Orion Foundation
maintains a small base of operations in Chicago in
order to handle any local criminal activity that
With over 5,000,000 residents, "The Windy City" threatens the world-at-Iarge.
is the third largest metropolis in the United
States. In Chicago, one can find a good percentage Each of Chicago's outlying suburbs maintains its
of the goods and activities available in the much own police force of varying size. The state of Illi
larger New York City without having to end�re nois sponsors an intra-state cousin of the FBI
New York's rampant crime rate and suffocatmg known as the Illinois Bureau of Investigation (the
pace. IBI) to coordinate police agencies operating within
different parts of the state.
Unlike both New York and Los Angeles, Chicago
is a fairly self-contained city, with all its outlying Infamous as a haven for gangsters and other orga
areas nearby and easily accessible. nized criminals during the 1920s, Chicago no
longer lives up to its dangerous image. The gang
Local traffic conditions allow for relatively pain sters are still there and are certainly not power
less driving almost everywhere within the city less, but their influence is nothing like it was
and its environs. during the early part of the century, when the mob
controlled virtually the entire city government. In
The one geographic feature of note that dominates any case, the mobsters tend to keep to themselves
the landscape in and around Chicago is Lake and operate behind a veil of non-violent crimes
Michigan, which forms much of the c�ty'� ea�tern like drug trafficking, gambling, and prostitution.
border. The lake is the source of the CIty s drmkmg
water and is deep enough to provide Chicago with Street crime is obviously a problem in a city the
harbors capable of handling the trans-oceanic size of Chicago. But it isn't nearly the problem one
shipping that comes down the St. Lawre�ce sys would expect. With the exception of a few danger
tem. Lake Michigan also serves as a major source ous areas, the streets of Chicago are much safer
of recreation and diversion. than their New York counterparts. Part of the rea
son why Web maintains such a strong presence in
Like most cities its size, Chicago is home to a vast Chicago is that it can do so discreetly.
assortment of racial and ethnic cultures.
Most of the city is serviced by the famous "EI"
Particularly well-represented are Mrican Ameri trains ("EI" meaning "elevated"). The trains run
cans, Hispanics, Irish, Catholics, and Italians. on four separate lines and provide direct access to
Neighborhoods predominantly inhabited by each every major location in town and in the neighbor
of these groups can be found within the city limits. ing suburbs to the north and west. One of the EI
lines dips below ground and becomes a subway for
English is not universally spoken in Ch�cago, a few stops in the downtown area.
though the city is far more lingually umted than
either New York or Los Angeles. Buses service the regions that are not directly
accessible by the El.
Chicago has its own vast police force which en
forces all local laws. In times of need, the Chicago Taxi cabs and parking (even in the downtown
Police Department can bolster its forces and orga- area) are both relatively plentiful.
Chicago boasts two international airports:
O'Hare, until recently the world's busiest airport,
located in the northwestern corner of the city;
and Midway, located to the south. Midway is
much closer to downtown, but offers a relatively
limited selection of services. In 1984, an express
El line was opened connecting O'Hare with the
Loop. Midway is difficult to reach using public
transportation. Wrigley FieldJWrigleyville: Wrigleyville is a
middle-class neighborhood of young professionals.
Inter-state train service is accessible at Union Sta It is so named because its most noteworthy geo
tion, downtown. Greyhound and other interstate graphical feature is Wrigley Field, home of the
buslines have terminals scattered all over the city. Chicago Cubs.
The following are some of the more prominent Uptown: Uptown is one of Chicago's lowerllower
landmarks and places in Chicago. middle class neighborhoods. It is located within
walking distance of Wrigleyville.
Sears Tower: This modernist skyscraper is cur
rently the world's tallest building. Comiskey Park/Bridgeport: Bridgeport is
chiefly inhabited by working and middle class
The Loop: This is the area that Chicagoans call Irish. Comiskey Park, home of the Chicago White
"downtown." So named because of the "looping" Sox, is nearby, as are the Illinois Institute of Tech
EI tracks overhead, the loop is home to hundreds nology, and the Robert Taylor Homes housing
of storefronts and businesses. projects.
Thousands commute into the loop each morning to Humboldt Park: This is one of Chicago's many
work. Hispanic neighborhoods.
The Magnificent Mile: Situated near the loop EvanstonlNorthwestern University: Evanston
along Michigan Avenue, this is Chicago's glamor is a large suburb that borders Chicago to the
ous shopping and fine hotel district. Most of the north. Almost a microcosm of its parent city,
city's finer theaters are also located nearby. Evanston is home to those of a wide variety of eth
nic backgrounds and income levels.
Water Tower Place: Named after a nearby water
tower which was one of the few buildings to sur Evanston is also the home of the renowned North
vive the great Chicago Fire, Water 'Ibwer Place is western University.
the city's finest shopping mall. It is an obligatory
stop for tourists and visitors. Web headquarters its North American division in
Chicago for a couple of reasons. First, as major
Museum District: Just south of the loop lies a international cities go, Chicago is rather discreet.
cluster of museums built in the architectural style Both New York and Los Angeles house small
of ancient Rome: the Field Museum of Natural hordes of espionage agents of almost every affilia
History, the John G. Shedd Aquarium, and the tion, making it difficult to conduct operations of
Adler Planetarium. Located just across the street any sort in these cities without attracting undue
from the Field Museum and also built in the neo attention. Another factor which favors Chicago is
classical style, is Soldier Field, home of the Chi that many organized criminals who are affiliated
cago Bears. with Web are strongly tied to various Chicago syn
dicates. The deciding factor, however, was the ease
with which the Web managed to infiltrate and The Foundation sends sensitive messages to its
corrupt the Chicago city government. agents scattered about the city through the "Cash
Station" ATM network, which has terminals scat
Currently, the Web has strong influence in the tered all over Chicago. Each Orion agent has a
Chicago City Council, the Chicago Police Depart Foundation ID card similar to a Cash Station cash
ment, the Cook County Sheriffs Department, and card and an associated five-digit Personal Identifi
the Cook Country Democratic Party Board. This cation Number. All the agent need do is stick his
mass-scale political power brokering has allowed or her ID card into any Cash Station terminal and
Web to slowly convert a number of businesses and punch in the appropriate PIN to read his or her
labor unions into unwitting Web pawns and affili messages. These messages are sent into the ATM
ates. In Chicago and the surrounding Cook system using the equipment aboard the Artemis.
County area, Web has a great deal of control over If a message is urgent, one of the Orion agents
both the outcomes of criminal and civil trials and aboard the yacht will call the intended recipient
the legislative process in general. And although and claim to be his or her Aunt Iris or Uncle Sa
Web does not have any moles inside the mayor's muel (depending upon whether the caller is male
office itself, it can often influence the mayor by or female). Thus, whenever an agent receives such
manipulating the labor unions and big businesses a call, he or she immediately heads to a Cash Sta
it controls. tion terminal to check the messages.
Players' Briefing Map 7. Ch icago
ALL ORION OPERATIVES IN THE MIDDLE the parked aircraft. Three options immediately
OVER TO TOP WEB OFFICIALS. COURIER 1) The PCs can trick the gate staff into letting
ARRIVING AT 6:00 PM ON MIDWAY AffiLINES them aboard the plane by inventing an appropri
FLIGHT #427. COURIER TRAVELLING UN ate cover story ("We're from the FBI, we must
DER THE NAME "MR. McCOY." YOU AND search that plane" or "I was on the last flight and
YOUR ASSOCIATE(S) ARE TO PREVENT COU lost my wallet"). If so, give the head of the gate
RIER FROM TURNING MICROFILM OVER TO crew a WIL check to see through the deception
ASSISTANCE SINCE WEB IS FAMILIAR WITH 2) The PCs can knock out members of the gate
MOST OF OUR CHICAGO-BASED OPERA crew and take their uniforms. This will provide
TIVES. immediate access to the plane. There are enough
nooks and crannies in the terminal to give the
ORION CENTRAL. PCs plenty of opportunities to jump the staffers
without attracting attention. Any PC inflicting
lasting harm on an innocent, however, will cer
It is currently 5:47 PM, Monday. Midway Airlines tainly face disciplinary action from Orion. Assume
flies exclusively out of Midway Airport, which is all the staffers have Attributes set at 20 and none
the PCs' first logical stop. If flight #427 is on time, of them have any skills.
there is no way that the player characters can
make it down to Midway in time to intercept the 3) Finally, the PCs can simply attempt to sneak
courier, though there may still be a clue or two at aboard without attracting the crew's attention.
the airport. Proceed to ACH2. This requires a successful Stealth Skill Check.
tance to the adventure. They are simply present to
give the players something to think about (the ACH4. Tickets, Please.
letter codes are McCoy's attempts to solve a jum
bled word puzzle found in the in-flight magazine).
If the PCs try' to call the ticket agency, they get an
Midway airlines has recently installed credit card answering machine. The agency is closed until 9
activated cellular telephones in front of each seat a.m. the next morning. If the PCs want informa
on all their aircraft. It is the telephone resting in tion fast, they are going to have to break into the
front of seat 3D that holds the real clue. Each tele ticket offices. 400 N. Wabash is a fifteen minute
phone has its own ID# printed on the receiver. The drive from Belmont Harbor and a thirty-five min
ID# of McCoy's phone is 3246178D. If the PCs ute drive from Midway Airport.
take this ID# back to the Artemis, they can get a
complete list of all the calls McCoy made while The offices of the ticket agency are located on the
aboard the plane. 17th floor. The PCs must pick the lock (successful
Lockpicking Skill Check) to enter. Use the map of
There is one other clue that the PCs can pick up at
the standard office included with the TOP
the airport. Anyone asking around at the rental
SECRET/S.I.TM boxed set for the office interior.
car counters finds that an M. McCoy rented a dark
blue Mitsubishi just after Flight #427 touched
Papers of varying degrees of import are strewn all
down. Again, this clue isn't very helpful, but it
over the office and its two desks.
gives the players something to think about.
On one of the desks is a handwritten note which
reads: "M. McCoy-one ticket for Bears game,
Bears sideline, front row, between the 40s. Deliver
ACH3. Back at the to downtown Hyatt Regency room 2011 at 6:30
Artemis PM." Next to the note is a small pile of tickets for
the Bears game. A quick glance at the tickets will
reveal that the game is scheduled for this evening
Once the PCs have the cellular telephone ID#, at 8:00 PM.
they can either call Foundation headquarters
aboard the Artemis (normally, such a sensitive N one of the remaining tickets are for seats in the
communication would not be conducted over the front row on the Bears sideline. The last such
phone lines, but this is clearly an emergency) or ticket was delivered to McCoy.
they can take the code in personally (Belmont
Harbor is a thirty five minute drive from Mid By the time the PCs reach the ticket agency, it
way). will certainly be too late to intercept the delivery
to the Hyatt. The PCs will probably want to check
Once they have the code, the Foundation staffers out room 201 1 anyway. Go to ACH5.
can quickly access AT&T's computers to find that
Mr. McCoy made one call during the flight. The
number called was (312) 555-1329, which turns
out to be the phone number of a ticket agency lo
cated at 400 N. Wabash Avenue. The PCs will cer
tainly want to follow up this lead. Go to ACH4.
in the downtown museum cluster (ten minute
ACH5. The Grand Hotel drive from the Hyatt or the ticket agency).
Any shot that is fired during this chase that
ACH1. Confronting misses has a 20% (2 in 10) chance of striking and
wounding an innocent bystander. If any of the PCs
McCoy fires such a shot, he or she is severely disciplined
by the Foundation and receives NO Fame and
Fortune Points for this adventure.
If the PCs do deduce McCoy's identity, they will
undoubtedly confront him. As soon as the PCs
McCoy has the following attributes: STR 45, INT
move on him, McCoy recognizes the threat, draws
40, REF 60, WIL 55, CON 40, MOV 52, DEX 50.
a Walther PPK, and rushes out onto the field! If
the PCs pursue, McCoy is not afraid to fire. If the
Use the same statistics for two Chicago-based Web
PCs did not deduce McCoy's identity but instead
couriers if they should become involved in the
noticed the pass, all three Web agents rush out
onto the field when confronted.
Both McCoy a�d the couriers leave immediately
Once t�e combatants are down on the field, you
afte� the pass IS made. They'll go in separate di
can spIce up the chase with the following obsta
rectIons. In order to follow either party out of the
cles. Throw in an obstacle any time you feel it is
stadium, the agents must make a successful INT
appropriate, though the obstacles should probably
- 10 roll to follow the Web agents through the
be used in the following order:
throng of fans as they exit. If this roll fails, the
party in question slips away unseen. After they
1) The .combatan�s must push their way through a
leave the game, the Web couriers walk back to a
marchlI�g band lmed up along the sideline. Any
. room at the nearby Drake hotel, view the film
one faIlmg a STR + 10 Attribute Check has his or
and transmit its data back to Web HQ. There �re
her movement reduced by 112 for this round.
plenty of spots where Orion agents can jump them
before they get back to the hotel.
2) The combatants must leap over a bench and
push their way through a sea of Chicago Bears
McCoy is going back to his room, where he will
standing along the sideline. Anyone that does not
pick up his things and head out to the airport.
make a successful REF Attribute Check followed
by a successful STR Attribute Check has his or
her movement reduced by 3/4 for this round.
4) Finally, the combatants must dodge a sea of STR INT REF WIL CON MOV DEX
tacklers who are trying to bring down Bear run 50 62 55 65 40 52 58
ning back Neal Anderson. Anyone who fails to
make a successful REF - 15 Attribute Check is Psychology: Cruelty (Some), Loyalty (Total) Pas
knocked to the ground and is not allowed to move sion (High), Piety (None), Sanity (High), Seifish-
dur�ng this round. He or she also undergoes the ness (High)
eqUIvalent of a hand-to-hand attack (Basic Melee
Score of 32).
Advantages: Attractive Appearance (2), Presence the most powerful political figures in the entire
(3), Wealth (3) city. Pundits believe that he could easily stage a
successful bid for the mayor's office if she should
Disadvantages: Overweight (1) ever so desire. For the time being, Tyler is stalling
such a move in order to avoid attracting too much
Skills: Basic Firearms (1), Pistol (4), Basic Melee attention.
(1), Fencing (4), Boxing (3), Interrogation (5),
Stealth (2), Driving/Automobile (1), Basic Liberal An ex-"golden gloves" boxing champion, Tyler
Arts (1), HistorylPoli. Sci (5), Law (4) was recruited into the Web while an under
graduate at Chicago's Loyola University. By the
Weapon: Sword cane, Walther PPK time he was attending Northwestern University's
law school, Tyler was already planning major Web
End Rules Section operations in North America.
Anthony Tyler is the head of Web's North Ameri After he went on to achieve prominence in the
can division. An alderman in the Chicago City Chicago political arena, Tyler became an obvious
Council representing the 21st ward, Tyler is one of candidate to head up the North American branch.