Sizes: Fingerless Knit Gloves - Knit
Sizes: Fingerless Knit Gloves - Knit
Sizes: Fingerless Knit Gloves - Knit
Make 1st finger: Knit next Thumb: Join yarn to base of Size Man only: 17th rnd: K27.
9 (10) sts. Slip all but last 9 (10) sts thumb and K18 (20) from safety Kfb. K16. Kfb. Knit to end of rnd.
onto a length of yarn. Turn. Cast pin. Pick up and knit 2 sts at base 80 sts.
on 2 sts. Turn. Knit last 9 (10) sts. of Thumb. Divide these 20 (22) sts 18th rnd: Knit.
Divide these 20 (22) sts onto onto 3 needles. Knit in rnds until
3 needles. Join in rnd. Knit to end work from pick up rnd measures Both sizes: Next rnd: K41 (47).
of rnd. Knit 9 rnds. Cast off. 2¼ (2½)" [5.5 (6) cm]. Cast off.*** Slip last 18 (20) sts onto safety
pin (for thumb opening). Knit to
Make 2nd finger: Slip next LEFT GLOVE end of rnd.
6 (8) sts from length of yarn. Work from ** to ** as given for
Turn. Cast on 2 sts. Turn. Knit last Right Glove. Work from *** to *** as given for
6 (8) sts. Pick up and knit 2 sts at Right Glove.
base of first finger. Divide these Shape thumb gusset: 1st rnd:
16 (20) sts onto 3 needles. Join K23 (27). Kfb in each of next 2 sts.
in rnd. Knit to end of rnd. Knit Knit to end of row. 56 (64) sts.
9 rnds. Cast off. 2nd and alt rnds: Knit.
3rd rnd: K23 (27). Kfb. K2. Kfb.
Make 3rd finger: Slip next Knit to end of rnd. 58 (66) sts.
6 (7) sts from length of yarn. 5th rnd: K23 (27). Kfb. K4. Kfb.
Turn. Cast on 2 sts. Turn. Knit last Knit to end of rnd. 60 (68) sts.
6 (7) sts. Pick up and knit 2 sts 7th rnd: K23 (27). Kfb. K6. Kfb.
at base of second finger. Divide Knit to end of rnd. 62 (70) sts.
these 16 (18) sts onto 3 needles. 9th rnd: K23 (27). Kfb. K8. Kfb.
Join in rnd. Knit to end of rnd. Knit Knit to end of rnd. 64 (72) sts.
9 rnds. Cast off. 11th rnd: K23 (27). Kfb. K10. Kfb.
Knit to end of rnd. 66 (74) sts.
Make 4th finger: Slip last 12 sts 13th rnd: K23 (27). Kfb. K12. Kfb.
from length of yarn. Pick up and Knit to end of rnd. 68 (76) sts.
knit 3 sts at base of third finger. 15th rnd: K23 (27). Kfb. K14. Kfb.
Divide these 15 sts onto 3 needles. Knit to end of rnd. 70 (78) sts.
Join in rnd. Knit to end of rnd. Knit 16th rnd: Knit.
7 rnds. Cast off.