Telling The Time: A. Match The Time Expressions To The Correct Number of Minutes 'Before' or 'After' The Hour
Telling The Time: A. Match The Time Expressions To The Correct Number of Minutes 'Before' or 'After' The Hour
Telling The Time: A. Match The Time Expressions To The Correct Number of Minutes 'Before' or 'After' The Hour
A. Match the time expressions to the correct number of minutes 'before' or 'after' the
........ 1. Ten to... a. 5 minutes before the hour
d 2. Half past...
........ b. 25 minutes after the hour
e 3. Quarter past...
........ c. 15 minutes before the hour
c 4. Quarter to...
........ d. 30 minutes after the hour
b 5. Twenty-five past…
........ e. 15 minutes after the hour
a 6. Five to...
........ f. 10 minutes before the hour
1. .......
i 2. .......
d 3. .......
b 4. .......
g 5. .......
6. .......
j 7. .......
h 8. .......
a 9. .......
c 10. .......
a. I t's five past b. I t's quarter to c. I t's twenty d. I t's twenty-five e. I t's ten past
four. four. past seven. past six. nine.
f. It's ten to two. g. I t's half past h. I t's twenty-five i. It's quarter j. I t's quarter past
ten. to three. past eight. three.