Telling The Time: A. Match The Time Expressions To The Correct Number of Minutes 'Before' or 'After' The Hour

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NAME: Alvarado Torres Karen Joana

ESL / EFL RESOURCES Telling the Time

A. Match the time expressions to the correct number of minutes 'before' or 'after' the

........ 1. Ten to... a. 5 minutes before the hour

d 2. Half past...
........ b. 25 minutes after the hour

e 3. Quarter past...
........ c. 15 minutes before the hour

c 4. Quarter to...
........ d. 30 minutes after the hour

b 5. Twenty-five past…
........ e. 15 minutes after the hour

a 6. Five to...
........ f. 10 minutes before the hour

B. Write the time in numbers

1. It's twelve thirty. 12:30

........................ 7. It's five to eight. 7:55

2. It's two fifteen. ........................

2:15 8. It's ten past six. ........................

3. It's nine forty-five. 9:45

........................ 9. It's half past ten. 10:30

4. It's eight twenty-five. 8:25

........................ 10. It's quarter to eleven. 10:45

5. It's quarter past four. 4:15

........................ 11. It's five to seven. 6:55

6. It's twenty past three. 3:20

........................ 7:35
12. It's twenty-five to eight. ........................

C. Match the clocks to the times.

1. .......
i 2. .......
d 3. .......
b 4. .......
g 5. .......

6. .......
j 7. .......
h 8. .......
a 9. .......
c 10. .......

a. I t's five past b. I t's quarter to c. I t's twenty d. I t's twenty-five e. I t's ten past
four. four. past seven. past six. nine.

f. It's ten to two. g. I t's half past h. I t's twenty-five i. It's quarter j. I t's quarter past
ten. to three. past eight. three. © 2020 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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