Engl231 Teaching in Grammar Context (Final)

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Lea B.

Ebol ENGL231 J1/C2-AP2

BSED/E-2 MWF 10:30AM-12:30PM

Read this chapter in the book, Teaching grammar in context by David Nunan
https://lenguasvivas.org/campus/files/0 28/teachinggrammarincontext.pdf

Write down 5 major ideas from David Nunan’s article. Then make a 3-5 sentence
discussion on each.

Five (5) major ideas from David Nunan’s article:

1. Learners are exposed to authentic samples of language so that the
grammatical features being taught are encountered in a range of different
linguistic and experiential context.

 Authentic language shows how grammatical forms to operate in the “real-

world”, rather than in the mind of a textbook writer or opposed to artificial
practices and drills. It allows learners to encounter target language items
such as comparative adjectives and adverbs from the given example in
the article; an interaction with other closely related grammatical and
discoursal elements. In addition, language is acquired by communicating
in meaningful ways using language in context and goes on in terms of
operating grammatical forms.

2. It is not assumed that once a learners have been drilled in a particular

form they have; acquired it, and drilling is seen only as a first step
towards eventual mastery;

 Learners that are introduced to drills especially in a particular form does

not mean they already acquired it. But only seen as a first step towards
eventual mastery. However, it is viewed that learners will benefit from
drills and practices in a classroom setting or learning environment because
it deepens their understanding and increases familiarity with the material.
Similarly, drills are useful to reinforce and practice more rote knowledge
and skills. Through both methods, learners are activating knowledge
through application. Such approach; inductive approach to learning, this
activate the exploration which learners are given access to data, and
applications for themselves. Information will be more deeply processed
and stored if learners are given an opportunity to work things out for
themselves, rather than simply being given the principle or rule.

3. There are opportunities for recycling of language forms, and learners are
engaged in tasks designed to make transparent the links between form,
meaning, and use;

 Educators need to provide tasks that will help learners see that effective
communications involved achieving harmony between functional
interpretation and formal appropriacy that dramatizing the relationship
between grammatical items and the discoursal contexts. But as Celce-
Murcia and Olshtain point out, only a handful of grammatical rules are free
from discoursal constraints. Supplementing form-focused exercises with
an approach that dramatizes for learners that different forms enable them
to express different meanings; that grammar allows them to make
meanings of increasingly sophisticated kinds, to communicate, make
corrections for errors when produces an utterance (self-correction). Apply
an approach that provide opportunities for learners to explore grammatical
structures in context and the use of appropriate delivery of grammatical
resources such as the usage the links between form, meaning, and use.
This will allow learners to learn how to form structure correctly and use
them to communicate in meaning.

4. Learners are given opportunities to develop their own understandings of

the grammatical principles of English by progressively structuring and
restructuring the language through inductive learning experiences which
encourage them to explore the functioning of grammar in context;

 This could only be mean that a learner has given an opportunity to work
things out for themselves and also allow the things they would like to
know during in an exploration activity through progressive structuring and
restructuring the language through inductive learning experiences. The
principle of teaching language in ways that make form/function
relationships transparent allows a learner to develop their own
understanding that will help them enable to structure and restructure of
form function/function relationship through pedagogical tasks created or
implemented that involves inductive learning experiences. In addition,
learners have to take greater responsibility for their own learning.

5. Over time, learners encounter target language items in an increasingly

diverse and complex range of linguistic and experiential environments.

 From the tasks, drills, and information provided to learners it is possible

for them to encounter target language items using appropriate
methods/approaches and principles that will help them acquire and to
evaluate their own understanding. It is important to give drills and
practices that will let a learner explore and at the same time learning
because this will help incorporate and develop their knowledge and skill.
Introducing diverse and complex range of items on a language will be
beneficial to learners because it harnessed and sharpen their knowledge
on the application of effective communication and or in a social setting.
This will allow them to improve their vocabulary and the correct use of
grammar as they acquire and learn the language.

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