Benefit of Training and Development

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[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.

12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603



Dr. Dhanonjoy Kumar *1, Humaira Siddika 2
Associate Professor Department of Management, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh
Research Scholars, Department of Business Administration, University of Kalyani, India

Training and development is incredibly vital for ensuring effectiveness of the employees in an
organization. The organizations have stretched understood so as to their most precious asset is
their human capital where many are convinced for the large investments in employee training
and development. This study aims to investigate the significance of training along with
development program and its benefits to employees and organization. It focuses on the relative
importance of training and development program and their impact on the overall organizational
success. To do so, 50 bank employees from Agrani Bank Limited (ABL) have been interviewed
through a structured questionnaire. The sample has taken from the Kushtia and Jhenaidah district
followed by stratified random sampling. The study has found that training and development
program increase the skill, ability and intellectuality of the bank employees. The study also has
proposed some suggestions related with the present field.

Keywords: Training and Development; Human Capital; Bank; Human Resource Management
And Employee.

Cite This Article: Dr. Dhanonjoy Kumar, and Humaira Siddika. (2017). “BENEFITS OF
International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 5(12), 77-88.

1. Introduction

Human capital is an important asset for organizations under intense competition. Training and
Development function enables human capital to unleash their dexterity. A profound training
program acts as a vehicle to enhance employee skills and enable them to perform better in their
job. Training and development is indispensable strategic tool for enhancing employee
performance and organizations. It aims to improve employee’s skills by making them learn new
techniques of doing work. Thus, it helps updating their knowledge of doing work which results
in increasing their efficiency and hence, results in increasing productivity of an organization.

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[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603
Organizations can develop and enhance the quality of the current employees by providing
comprehensive training and development. The general benefits received from employee training
are: increased job satisfaction and morale, increased motivation, increased efficiencies in
processes, resulting in financial gain, increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods,
increased innovation in strategies and products and reduced employee turnover.

Bank is such a type of a financial institution with the intention of collecting society’s surplus
cash and giving a part of that as a loan to investors for earning a profit. Training is crucial not
only to augment the efficiency but also to encourage the workers through letting them know how
regarding the importance of their job along with providing the information which is needed to
perform their jobs (Elnaga and Imran, 2013). Present study feels the importance of conducting a
descriptive research to determine the effect of training and development on employees by giving
special emphasis on the banking sector of Bangladesh.

2. Objectives of the Study

1) To determine the significance of training and development program on employees’

2) To explore the relationship between training and development on employees’
3) To pinpoint some guidelines for assessing the employees’ performance.

3. Literature Review

Many researchers have conducted research works on different aspects regarding the impact of
training and development programs on bank and other organizations. Several important empirical
research findings have been taken into consideration.

Abdullah, H. (2009) in a study discovered that three major challenges to the effective
management of Human Resource Training and Development. These include a shortage of
intellectual HRD professionals to manage HR Training and Development activities, coping with
the demand for knowledge workers and fostering learning and development in the workplace. It
is hoped that the findings of this study will provide HR professionals with a clear understanding
and awareness of the various challenges in managing effective HR training and development.
Hence, relevant and appropriate policies and procedures can be developed and implemented for
an effective management of HR Training and Development.

Khan, R. A. G. (2011) in their study concluded that on the job training, training design
along with the style of its delivery have significant effect on the organizational performance and
all these have positively affect the organizational performance. It means it increases the overall
organizational performance.

According to a study conducted by Falola, H. O., Osibanjo, A. O., and Ojo, S. I. (2014) it was
revealed that there exists a strong relationship between training and development, employees’
performance and competitive advantage. Here, the summary of findings indicates that there lies
strong relationship between the tested dependent variable and independent construct. However,

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[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603
the bank management should not cave in in their quest to train their staff in order to develop new
ideas that will keep improving and retaining employee performance.

Tahir, N. et. al. (2014) identified in their study that training and development is an important
aspect of HRM. Thus, it is vital for organization ensuring the presence of skilled and capable
employees for improved performance and employees will be than competent when they have the
knowledge and skill of doing the task. Training and development would provide opportunities to
the employees to make a better career life and get better position in organization. In doing so,
organizations efficiency would be increased. On the other hand, employees are the resources and
assets of an organization if they are skilled and trained would perform better than those who are
unskilled and untrained.

Ampomah, P. (2016) the study found that employees are aware of the purpose of training in the
organization, the training objectives are clear to them before the training as well as the selection
criteria. The study also found out that employees are motivated through training; and training
and development results into higher performance. The study recommended that training and
development of all staff should be vigorously pursued and made compulsory.

Olaniyan, D.A. and Ojo, L. B. (2008) in their study concluded that the need for improved
productivity has become universally accepted and that it depends on efficient and effective
training is not less apparent. It has further become necessary in view of advancement in the
modern world to invest in training. Thus the role played by staff training and development can
no longer be over-emphasized. Staff training and development are based on the premise that staff
skills need to be improved for organizations to grow. Training is a systematic development of
knowledge, skills and attitudes required by employees to perform adequately on a given task or

Training becomes inevitable the moment an organization realizes the need for improvement and
expansion in the job. But often times, organizations embark on job enlargement and enrichment
to promote employees' morale, motivation and satisfaction when in the fact the real problem with
work performance lies in capacity development.

However, the study results help the management to identify the challenges effects of employees’
training on organizational performance, hence determine the areas where improvements through
training can be done. It also help the management in planning for the development and
implementation of effective and efficient training needs that lead to increased performance of the

No study has found that found that identified the effects of training and development on
employees’ performance with reference to banking sector very especially in the context of
Bangladesh. Thus, the study has motivated to work with the identified gap.

4. Methodology of the Study

The study was empirical in nature followed by descriptive research. A research design has been
considered for carried out this descriptive study.

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[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603
Collection of Data: Both primary and secondary have been used in this study. The primary data
have been collected through personal interview by using a structured questionnaire on 50 bank
employees from some selected districts of Bangladesh. Secondary data was collected directly by
the researcher from different secondary sources like annual reports of selected banks, related
books, journals, articles, seminar paper, publications from national and international research
institutions, report of different financial institutions, public records and statistics, different
research reports etc.

Sampling Design: Stratified random sampling technique was used to collect data from the
respondents. To collect response from the employees, the Agrani bank Ltd. in Bangladesh was
considered as per convenience of the study. A total of 50 respondents of both male and female
were taken from Kushtia and Jhenaidah districts. There are 31 Agrani bank branches situated in
Kushtia (21) and Jhenaidah (10) districts (Annual Report, 2015). Out of 31 branches only 10
branches were selected for data collection where 5 branches were from Kushtia and 5 branches
were from Jhenaidah. From each district 25 responses were collected separately.

Techniques of Data Analysis: Selected parameters were used to analyze the application of
training and development program of Agrani bank Ltd. employees in Bangladesh. All data was
processed through computer based Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) developed by
Nie et al., (1975). Before feeding the data into computer, all data were converted into numerical
codes and the details of these coding are recorded in a code book. For conducting this descriptive
study, some statistical tools like such as frequency distribution, reliability test and regression
analysis were carried out. Here, employees’ benefit was considered as dependent variable and
there were four independent variables (knowledge development, skill development, performance
of the employees and further training improves employees’ efficiency).

5. Conceptual Framework

Knowledge Development: This involves having the more experienced employees coach the less
experienced employees (Devanna, Fombrun and Tichy 1984; McCourt and Eldridge 2003, 256;
Torrington et al. 2005, 394 - 395). It is argued that mentoring offers a wide range of advantages
for development of the responsibility and relationship building (Torrington et al. 2005, 394 –
395). The practice is often applied to newly recruited graduates in the organization by being
attached to mentor who might be their immediate managers or another senior manager.

Orientation: This is yet another training and development method. This involves getting new
employees familiarized and trained on the new job within an organization. During this process,
they are exposed to different undertakings for example the nature of their new work, how to take
on their identified tasks and responsibilities and what is generally expected of the employees by
the organization.

Conferences: As a training and development method involves presentations by more than one
person to a wide audience. It is more cost effective as a group of employees are trained on a
particular topic all at the same time in large audiences. This method is however disadvantageous
because it is not easy to ensure that all individual trainees understand the topic at hand as a
whole; not all trainees follow at the same pace during the training sessions; focus may go to

Http:// ©International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH [80]

[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603
particular trainees who may seem to understand faster than others and thus leading tot under
training other individuals.

Role Playing: Involves training and development techniques that attempt to capture and bring
forth decision making situations to the employee being trained. In other words, the method
allows employees to act out work scenarios. It involves the presentation of problems and
solutions for example in an organization setting for discussion.

Skill Development: Nadler (1984:1.16) noted that all the human resource development activities
are meant to either improve performance on the present job of the individual, train new skills for
new job or new position in the future and general growth for both individuals and organization so
as to be able to meet organization’s current and future objectives. There are broadly two different
methods that organizations may choose from for training and developing skills of its employees.
These are on-the-job training given to organizational employees while conducting their regular
work at the same working venues and off-the-job training involves taking employees away from
their usual work environments and therefore all concentration is left out to the training.
Examples of the on-the-job training include but are not limited to job rotations and transfers,
coaching and/or mentoring. On the other hand, off-the-job training examples include
conferences, role playing, and many more as explained below in detail. Armstrong (1995) argues
that on-the-job training may consist of teaching or coaching by more experienced people or
trainers at the desk or at the bench. Different organizations are motivated to take on different
training methods for a number of reasons for example; (1) depending on the organization’s
strategy, goals and resources available, (2) depending on the needs identified at the time, and (2)
the target group to be trained which may include among others individual workers, groups,
teams, department or the entire organization.

Performance of the Employees: Job rotation and transfers (McCourt and Eldridge 2003, 356)
as a way of developing employee skills within organization involves movements of employees
from one official responsibility to another for example taking on higher rank position within the
organization, and one branch of the organization to another. For transfers for example, it could
involve movement of employees from one country to another. These rotations and transfers
facilitate employees acquire knowledge of the different operations within the organization
together with the differences existing in different countries where the organization operates. On
the other hand, it was identified a research that there exists a significant relationship between
employees payment and their job satisfaction (Kumar, D. and Siddika, H., 2017).

Employees’ Efficiency: These are a number of methods which may be used to develop the skills
required within an organization. These course and programs are usually a set of defined and
known programs where the contents, durations and all the details about the training are clear to
both the organization and the personnel to be trained. Unlike informal trainings and programs,
formal training and programs can be planned earlier and also plan for their evaluation.
Employees may undertake these courses and programs while completely off work for a certain
duration of time or alternatively be present for work on a part-time basis. These programs can be
held within the organization (in-house) or off the job. Off the job is argued to be more effective
since employees are away from work place and their concentration is fully at training.

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[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603
Depending on the knowledge needed, organization’s structure and policies, the trainers too may
be coming within the corporation or outside the organization.

Benefits of Training Program:

Training: As one of the major functions within HRM, training has for long been recognized and
thus attracted great research attention by academic writers (see e.g. Gordon 1992, Beardwell,
Holden and Claydon 2004). This has yielded into a variety of definitions of training. For
example, Gordon (1992, 235) defines training as the planned and systematic modification of
behavior through learning events, activities and programs which result in the participants
achieving the levels of knowledge, skills, competencies and abilities to carry out their work
effectively. According to McGhee (1996) training therefore can be explained as a planned and
systematic effort by management aimed at altering behavior of employees, in a direction that will
achieve organizational goals. A formal training program is an effort by the employer to provide
opportunities for the employee to acquire job-related skills, attitudes and knowledge.
Development: Krietner (1995) development is “a systematic process of training and growth by
which individuals gain and apply knowledge, skills and attitude to manage work organizations
effectively”. Development perspective examines the current environment, the present state, and
helps people on a team, in a department and as part of an institution identify effective strategies
for improving performance. In some situations, there may not be anything “wrong” at the present
time; the group or manager may simply be seeking ways to continue to develop and enhance
existing relationships and job performance. In other situations, there may be an identifiable issue
or problem that needs to be addressed; the Development process aims to find ideas and solutions
that can effectively return the group to a state of high performance.

The main purpose of training is to acquire and improve knowledge, skills and attitudes towards
work related tasks. It is one of the most important potential motivators which can lead to both
short-term and long-term benefits for individuals and organizations. There are so many benefits
associated with training. Cole (2001) summarizes these benefits as below:

High morale – employees who receive training have increased confidence and motivations;
 Lower cost of production – training eliminates risks because trained personnel are able to
make better and economic use of material and equipment thereby reducing and avoiding
 Lower turnover – training brings a sense of security at the workplace which in turn
reduces labor turnover and absenteeism is avoided;
 Change management – training helps to manage change by increasing the understanding
and involvement of employees in the change process and also provides the skills and
abilities needed to adjust to new situations;
 Provide recognition, enhanced responsibility and the possibility of increased pay and
 Help to improve the availability and quality of staff.

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[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603

Source: Jehanzeb, K and Bashir, N. A. (2013).

6. Analysis and Findings

Table 1: Reliability Analysis of Data

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.774 9
Source: Field Survey

From table-1 we see that the Cronbach’s alpha value (α) was found 0.774, which was higher than
the minimum acceptable level 0.70 suggested by Nunnally (1978). Thus, the data has found
reliable for the study.

Regression Analysis was carried out to determine the relationship between training and
development and employees’ performance. A null hypothesis has been taken here:
Ho: There is a no relationship between Training and development program and employees’

Table 2: Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .927 .859 .846 .29369
Source: Field Survey

a. Predictors: (Constant), You think further training is needed., Impact of training methods
on skill, Impact of training on the performance of the employees, Training help
knowledge development.

Table 3: ANOVAb
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 23.639 4 5.910 68.517 .000a
Residual 3.881 45 .086
Total 27.520 49
Source: Field Survey

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[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603
a. Predictors: (Constant), You think further training is needed., Impact of training methods on
skill, Impact of training on the performance of the employees, Training help knowledge

b. Dependent Variable: From training program employees and organizations will be benefitted.
From the ANOVA output it was found that the significance value has come 0.000 which is less
than p value (0.05) at 5% level of significance. For this, null hypothesis has been rejected and it
has proved that there exists a significance relationship between Training and development
program and employees’ performance.

Table 4: Coefficientsa
Un standardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta tSig.
1 (Constant) .090 .094 .956.344
Training helps knowledge 1.005 .318 .956 3.164
Impact of training methods on -.031 .076 -.035 -.413 .682
skill development
Impact of training on the -.033 .102 -.035 -.324 .748
performance of the employees
Further training improves .029 .300 .027 .096 .924
employees’ efficiency
a. Dependent Variable: From training program employees and organizations will be benefitted.
Source: Field Survey

Tables 2, 3 and 4 represent the regression analysis. The analysis shows that the R-Square value is
0.859. It indicates that a good proportion of variation (86%) exists between the dependent
variable is explained by the total variation of the 4 independent variables. From all the
independent variables significant values of only one variable, like – training helps to knowledge
development significant value are less than the P value 0.05. It indicates that “Training helps
knowledge development” has a significant impact on the bank employees.
Respondents’ demographic profile also has been summarized in this study through descriptive
statistics which is shown in below:

Table 5: Distributions of the Respondents by Age

Age Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
26 Years to 30 Years 19 38.0 38.0
31 Years to 35 Years 15 30.0 68.0
41 Years to 45 Years 3 6.0 74.0
46 Years to Above 13 26.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field Survey

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[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603
The frequency distribution and percentages of the respondents’ age (in year) are shown in table
5. The majority of the banks employees, 19 belong to age group of 26-30 years, 15 bank
employees belong to the age group of 31-35 years. It is also observed that a moderate number,
13, of bank employees are with age of 46 years and above. Only 03 bank employees belong to
age group 41-45 years.

Table 6: Distribution of the Respondents Sex

Gender Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Male 45 90.0 90.0
Female 5 10.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field Survey

Of the 50 respondents in this study, 45 were male and 05 were female.

Table 7: Distribution of the Respondents by Experience

Experience Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
1 Years to 5 Years 31 62.0 62.0
6 Years to 10 Years 3 6.0 68.0
11 Years to 15 Years 4 8.0 76.0
16 Years to 20 Years 1 2.0 78.0
21 Years to Above 11 22.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field Survey

As shown in the table 7, the 11 or 22% of the respondents were highly experienced (more than
21 years to above). Majority 31 or 62% respondents have 1-5 years job experience, 3 or 6% have
the experience of 6-10 years, 4 or 8% have experience of 11-15 years, and only 01 or 2% have
the experience of 16-20 years.

Table 8: Distribution of the Respondents Education

Education Level Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Masters and Above Degree 43 86.0 86.0
Bachelor Degree 5 10.0 96.0
SSC and HSC Pass 2 4.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field Survey

Data in table 8 shows that the majority of the bank employees, 43 or 86%, obtained masters
degree and above and 5 or 10 % have bachelor degree. Very few bank employees 2 or 4.0% are
under graduate.

Http:// ©International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH [85]

[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603
7. Managerial Implications

One interesting finding from the study was identified that training and Development has a crucial
impact on the performance of employees with regards to their job. So, there is no doubt that
raining is very essentials for all employees. Because its developed employee skill, knowledge,
intellectuality and employee’s commitment. This is how, organizations need to ensure proper
training program in order to breakdown the monotonous situation of the employees and it creates
the mental satisfaction which may relates to increase the loyalty and commitment level of the
employees in their working environment.

In case of Agrani bank Ltd., presently it increases their expenditure of training courses or
workshops which entrusted with the responsibility of designing course curriculum, reading
materials, and course contents for conducting training for the purpose of enhancing
professionalism and administrative efficiency of the executives and officers of the Bank
conducted by Agrani Bank Training Institute (ABTI). In this study, one of the observations of
researcher was identified that that there is a positive change among the staff after attending the
training. But the employees, who have gone through training, have to be evaluated continuously
to understand change in their learning levels. Besides these, Foundation training course also
could be applied with importance on the employees of Agrani bank Ltd. for ensuring better
interaction among them as well as with the organization.

8. Recommendations and Conclusion

Training is an important and imperative tool for the organization to restore the performance of all
the personnel for organizational growth and success. It is beneficial to both employers and
employees of an organization. An employee will become more efficient and productive if he is
trained well. In this study we take the fact of observation that training leads to important benefits
for employees and organizations. Throughout this study we can come to a point that it is very
beneficial for the organizations to develop the employee development programs. An organized
and efficient development program with supportive apparatuses will significantly assist the
organizations to retain the most valued human resource, especially those who have a lot of
experience with the organization. So, for the organizations, it is also required to evaluate the
success of employee training and development program. If organizations are capable to support
all employees in meeting their requirements then both, employees and organizations will get the
long term benefits. Thus, the implications of our proposed recommendations in the organization
could bring a remarkable change in employees’ performance which tends to organization
efficiency and country’s growth as well.

But this study has been carried out with only 50 employees as sample size with respect to Agrani
Bank Ltd. within a short period of time. Again, here analysis has carried out limited statistical
tools and with only 5 variables which may not enough for a descriptive study. So, our study
proposes to conduct further research in broader areas with more sample size in longer time
period and more variables by applying some other statistical tools to get more insights.

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[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603

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[Kumar et. al., Vol.5 (Iss.12): December, 2017] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1133603
Table 1: Training helps to knowledge development
Comment Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes 41 82.0 82.0
No 2 4.0 86.0
No Comments 7 14.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field Survey
Table 2: Impact of training methods on skill development
Comment Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes 36 72.0 72.0
No 3 6.0 78.0
No Comments 11 22.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field Survey
Table 3: Impact of training on the performance of the employees
Comment Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes 38 76.0 76.0
No 3 6.0 82.0
No Comments 9 18.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field Survey
Table 4: Do you think that further training is needed?
Comment Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes 42 84.0 84.0
No 1 2.0 86.0
No Comments 7 14.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field Survey
Table 5: From training program employees and organizations will be benefitted
Comment Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes 40 80.0 80.0
No 2 4.0 84.0
No Comments 8 16.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field Survey

*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: djoysk@

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