Stress Questionnaire: A Question Applies To You. Take Your Time, But Please Be Completely Honest With Your Answers
Stress Questionnaire: A Question Applies To You. Take Your Time, But Please Be Completely Honest With Your Answers
Stress Questionnaire: A Question Applies To You. Take Your Time, But Please Be Completely Honest With Your Answers
Because everyone reacts to stress in his or her own way, no one stress test can give you a complete diagnosis of
your stress levels. This stress test is intended to give you an overview only. Please see a Stress Management
Consultant for a more in depth analysis.
Answer all the questions but just tick one box that applies to you, either yes or no. Answer yes, even if only part of
a question applies to you. Take your time, but please be completely honest with your answers:
Yes No
1 I frequently bring work home at night
2 Not enough hours in the day to do all the things that I must do
6 I feel that there are too many deadlines in my work / life that are difficult to meet
11 I often nod or finish other peoples sentences for them when they speak slowly
12 I have a tendency to eat, talk, walk and drive quickly
13 My appetite has changed, have either a desire to binge or have a loss of appetite / may skip meals
14 I feel irritated or angry if the car or traffic in front seems to be going too slowly/
I become very frustrated at having to wait in a queue
15 If something or someone really annoys me I will bottle up my feelings
Most of us can manage varying amounts of pressure without feeling stressed. However too much or excessive
pressure, often created by our own thinking patterns and life experiences, can overstretch our ability to cope
and then stress is experienced.
4 points or less: You are least likely to suffer from stress-related illness.
5 - 13 points: You are more likely to experience stress related ill health either mental, physical or both. You would
benefit from stress management / counseling or advice to help in the identified areas.
14 points or more: You are the most prone to stress showing a great many traits or characteristics that are
creating un-healthy behaviours. This means that you are also more likely to experience stress & stress-related
illness e.g. diabetes, irritable bowel, migraine, back and neck pain, high blood pressure, heart disease/strokes,
mental ill health (depression, anxiety & stress). It is important to seek professional help or stress management
counseling. Consult your medical practitioner.