Makalah BHS Inggris Insanul
Makalah BHS Inggris Insanul
Makalah BHS Inggris Insanul
1.1 Background
In the world of electricity, we know a device called an electric motor and an electric
generator. In simple terms, an electric generator functions to convert mechanical energy into
electrical energy while an electric motor functions to convert electrical energy into
mechanical energy. From the two functions of each of these tools there is a relationship. A
generator will work with electrical aids to drive the generator but. But on a large scale,
generators such as those in hydropower plants will be assisted by a turbine to drive the
generator. From the function of this generator, it makes this tool indispensable in everyday
life. There are two types of generators, namely direct current (DC) generators and alternating
current (AC) generators. The fundamental difference from this second generator is in the
In everyday life, more and more electronic equipment uses electricity as the main source.
If there is a power outage in just one day, then some human activities will be hampered.
Therefore, in this paper I try to explain about an electric generator, namely a direct current
(DC) generator.
1.2 Destination
Faraday disc
Portable generator
between the ends of an electric conductor moving perpendicular to the magnetic field. He
built the first electromagnetic generator based on this effect using a copper disc rotating
between the horse's magnetic poles. This process produces a small direct current.
The design of the device, which was dubbed the "Faraday disc", was inefficient due to
this the flow of electric current in the opposite direction on the part of the disc that is not
affected by the magnetic field. The current that is induced directly under the magnet will flow
back to the part of the disc outside the influence of the magnetic field. This reverse current
limits the energy supplied to the conducting wire and induces the heat generated by the
copper disc. The further developed homopolar generator solves this problem by using a
number of magnets arranged around the edges of the disc to maintain a stable magnetic field
effect. Another drawback is the very small electrical voltage generated by this device, due to
The dynamo was the first electric generator capable of delivering power to industry,
and is still the most important generator used in the 21st century. Dinamo uses the principle
The first dynamo based on the Faraday principle was created in 1832 by Hippolyte
Pixii, a French appliance maker. This tool uses a permanent magnet which is rotated by a
"crank". The rotating magnet is positioned in such a way that the north and south poles pass
through a lump of iron wrapped in wire. Pixie found that the rotating magnet produced a
pulse of current in the wire every time a pole passed through the coil. Furthermore, the north
and south poles of the magnet induce currents in opposite directions. By adding a
However, both designs suffer from the same problem: they induce a "spike" of
current followed by no current at all. Antonio Pacinotti, an Italian scientist, improved this by
replacing the spinning coil with a "toroidal" one, which he created by wrapping an iron ring.
This means that a portion of the coil continues to pass through the magnet, making the
current smooth. The Zénobe Gramme reinvented this design a few years later when designing
commercial power plants for the first time, in Paris in the 1870s. The design is now known as
the dynamo Gramme. Several versions and other improvements have been made, but the
basic concept of turning the never-ending wire loop remains at the heart of all modern
electrical energy. Generates DC / direct current. DC generator has only one ring that is split
in the middle so it is called a commutator. The DC generator consists of two parts, namely
the transformer, namely the DC generator consisting of two parts, namely the stator, which is
the stationary DC engine part, and the rotor part, which is the rotating DC engine part. The
stator part consists of: motor frame, stator winding, charcoal brush, bearing and terminal box.
While the rotor consists of: commutator, motor winding, rotor fan and rotor shaft.
Simple Dc Generator
Caption :
In the picture, a simple DC generator with a pole conductor,by rotating the
rotor (conductor) then the conductor will arise EMF.
The ABCD coil is located in such a magnetic field that the sides AB and
C-D are located perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic flux.
The ABCD coil is rotated at a constant angular speed to its axis of
rotation which is parallel to the A-B and C-D sides.
The induced emf formed on the A-B side and the C-D side corresponds to
the change in magnetic flux which is cut by the ABCD coil every second.
Induction voltage generator
If the rotor is rotated under the influence of a magnetic field, there will be
a cross-section of the magnetic field by the winding of the wire in the rotor.
This will create an induced voltage. The greatest induced stress occurs when the
rotator occupies the position shown in Figures 1.3 (a) and (c). At this position,
the maximum magnetic field intersection occurs by the conductor. Meanwhile,
the position of the anchor in Figure 1.3 (b) will produce zero induced voltage
because there is no intersection between the magnetic field and the conductors
on the anchor or rotor. This field area is called the neutral region. When the
ends of the rotor winding are connected to a commutator with one ring in Figure
1.4. (2) with two halves, a DC electricity with two positive waves is generated.
The rotor of the DC generator will produce an alternating induced voltage. A
commutator functions as a rectifier for the AC voltage. The amount of voltage
produced by a DC generator is proportional to the number of turns and the
magnitude of the excitation current (field amplifier current).
Rotor voltage is generated through the drag & commutator rings
Types of DC Generators
DC generator with separate amplifier, that is, when the magnetic current is obtained
from a direct current power source outside the generator. Separate amplifier DC generators
are only used under certain circumstances. With the separation of the magnetic current source
from the generator, it means that the size of the magnetic current is not affected by the current
This is called a DC generator with a self-amplifier, when the magnetic current for the
magnetic poles comes from the DC generator itself. The effect of the values of the generator
voltage and current on the amplifier current depends on how the magnetic amplifier windings
vehicle has 3 sets of important components, namely Akki, Alternator and Regulator. The
alternator itself consists of components such as a combination of magnetic poles called the
be supplied to the battery by converting / converting the AC voltage to DC voltage. While the
regulator has a function as a voltage regulator and limiter which consists of a series of diodes
called a rectifier and two internal fans (internal fans) to produce air circulation.
The alternator model for each type of car is different, but most alternators have a built-
in regulator (IC built in), but for the old type it has an outside regulator. Unlike the old
model, this type which has this built-in IC can be easily repaired by opening the top cover.
Another type is the alternator pulley model which is tied / fastened to the axis of the
rotor. This type of alternator does not have an external fan that is part of the pulley but
already has 2 internal fans for cooling air circulation, unlike the old alternator types which
alternator varies, from the smallest one with a power of 35 A to the largest on the market,
namely 220A. Because it functions as an electric power generator to the battery, if there are
additional car devices or accessories that require a large / large electric load, simply replace
the alternator instead of the battery. Because if you increase the electric power in the battery
but the power distribution is smaller, the battery will still come low. So the greater the
electric load used, the greater the power from the alternator that must be used.
A bicycle dynamo is a small generator that can produce a small electric current. In a
bicycle dynamo, the working principle is that the movement energy is converted into
electrical energy. The dynamo of this bicycle only turns on the front and rear lights, the
brightness of the lights is determined by the speed of the rotating wheels which results in the
namo also being fast and the electric current will also be large too. The core of a bicycle
dynamo is a rotating magnet and a fixed coil. When the bicycle wheel is rotated and the
dynamo will rotate so that the wheel will rotate the magnet usually the dynamo can produce a
tension of 6 to 12 Volts. So with a dynamo on a bicycle it can make it easier for us to use a
bicycle at night .
of joining two metal parts using heat energy obtained from AC or DC power sources with the
addition of a filler metal. The thermal power source partially melts the base metal and
filler metal. The thermal power source melts some of the base metal and filler logs so that a
permanent connection is difficult to separate. Electric welding work has a large enough risk
Welding tools must be available because their function cannot be replaced by tools
commonly available in rural areas. Welding equipment should be of the type of electric arc
welding that can use electricity from MHP. Laskarbit (oxyacetylene) is not recommended for