How To Make A Jack Plane: Overcoming Prejudice
How To Make A Jack Plane: Overcoming Prejudice
How To Make A Jack Plane: Overcoming Prejudice
Carpenters throughout the developing world are involved in a wide range of activities,
from boat building to roofing, to making furniture and ox-carts. They all face the same
basic problems, but the scale of each problem varies from country to country and
from area to area. The high cost of tools and equipment is a major factor is starting
up or expanding a carpentry shop. It is very unlikely that you will see new tools in a
small workshop, except where they have been donated by an agency. The majority of
tools have been handed down from generation to generation since the time when
foreign exchange was less of a problem, or when training institutions presented tools
to graduates. The tools you will see are old, worn out, broken, but highly valued
examples of imported steel tools.
Traditional skills are being lost throughout the world as Western mass-produced tools are
equated with excellence. (In fact the West only switched from wooden tools recently
because metal tools were cheaper to mass produce. Many craftspeople treasure the
wooden planes that they have left.) This was not always the case: tool-making skills were
once commonplace all over the African continent. Blacksmiths not only forged a wide range
of utilitarian and ceremonial objects, but they were also able to mine the ore and smelt it into
iron long before this technology reached Europe. Sadly, ‘development’ has made many of
these skills redundant; popular western-style furniture needs to be made from western-style
Traditional African woodworking tools have now been replaced almost completely by tools
developed by Western manufacturers, but the skills to make these tools have not been part
of the development process. This has left carpenters in most East African countries, for
example, totally dependent on purchasing mass-produced hand tools, which unnecessarily
drains the country, as well as the pockets of the artisans, of foreign exchange.
Overcoming prejudice
Mass produced tools are usually durable. They will last for many years of hard work, they
have a good weight and precise adjustment mechanisms, and their quality can be assured.
Their major disadvantage is cost, which puts them out of reach of the majority of individuals
and institutions.
On the other hand, most hand tools can be made using locally available materials and
techniques which are well within the abilities of competent artisans. They are cheap to
make and to repair. They allow a carpenter to build up a comprehensive kit of tools, which in
turn can dramatically increase the range of woodworking methods available. They do need
careful maintenance – but then so do metal tools.
The most effective way to change attitudes is to educate the younger members of society,
although the benefits may not be apparent for many years. Secondary schools, youth
polytechnics, technical colleges, and teacher training colleges are all institutions where
carpentry is taught in formal training environments, and where locally made tools could be
Making planes
All woodworking planes have a number of similar elements, and if you are to make a plane
that works well then you need to understand the function of each element. This applies to
plough, rebate, moulding, smoothing and jack planes.
How to make a jack plane Practical Action
The frog
A large mouth allows the split to develop, and will
leave a rough surface on cross-grained timber
(see below). A well-placed cap iron will also help
to give a finer finish by breaking the fibres in the
shaving and taking away the strength that would
be needed to form a split.
The throat
Shavings leave the plane through the throat. On a
jack plane this is the opening at the top of the
stock. It is essential that this opening is large
enough for the shaving to pass through easily, or
the plane will ‘choke up’ and require constant
clearing. A common fault is that the fixing device is
placed too close to the front of the throat.
The blade
This must be straight and flat to fit tightly onto
the frog. The cutting edge must be ground to an
angle of 25 degrees or there will be no clearance behind the cutting angle.
The hand hold: The plane must be comfortable to hold. This means that there should be no
sharp edges on the upper surface, and if a handle is to be fitted it should fit the hand and not
get in the way of the blade.
How to make a jack plane Practical Action
Hold the stock of the plane with one finger underneath the mouth. Put the blade into the
throat and let it rest on your finger, so that it does not project below the sole of the plane.
Place the wedge between the blade and the crossbar. Tap the wedge gently with a hammer
to tighten it.
2.) If the plane is not cutting, hit the top of the blade gently and tap the wedge to tighten it
3.) If the plane is cutting too deeply, hit the back of the plane to bring back the blade, and tap
the wedge gently to tighten it again.
Look along the bottom of the plane to make sure the cutting edge is parallel to the sole. If
one corner is too high then tap the opposite side of the blade. Repeat these actions until the
plane cuts a fine, even shaving.
To remove the blade, simply hit the back of the stock until the wedge becomes loose.
How to make a jack plane Practical Action
The stock of the plane is made of two pieces of timber. The mouth and throat are cut equally
from both pieces. The crossbar passes through holes in the side of the throat and acts
against the wedge to hold the blade in position. The wedge fits behind the crossbar and
holds the blade in position. A blade can be bought from a hardware shop, or it can be forged
by a blacksmith from high carbon steel. A cap iron can be fitted, but it is not essential.
Cutting list
Plane the two inside edges to form a well-fitting joint. There should be no visible gaps
between the two pieces.
How to make a jack plane Practical Action
Mark out the front of the throat and the frog as shown in the drawings.
How to make a jack plane Practical Action
Place the two parts of the stock together with a small piece of scrap timber below the join.
Line up the two halves of the throat and position a clamp at each end so that the shoes are
above and below the join. This prevents the two pieces sliding across each other. Next,
place one clamp across the front, and another across the back, and tighten until some of the
glue is squeezed out of the joint. The first clamps can now be removed and placed on the
back of the plane. Check that the throat is still aligned. Wipe off the excess glue with a wet
rag, and allow it to set for six hours.
Plane the sides of the stock down to the gauge lines. Mark one side as the face side. Plane
the top and bottom of the stock square to the new face side. Use a 25mm chisel to true up
the front and back of the throat. Check that the frog is flat using a plane blade or a straight
Square a line on the sole of the plane, 15mm behind the back of the mouth, and continue
this line on both sides of the plane.
How to make a jack plane Practical Action
How to make a jack plane Practical Action
Check the gauge lines by holding the handle up to the stock. Chop out the mortise to a depth
of 20mm. Carefully pare the sides of the mortise to the gauge line. Fit the handle into the
stock, but do not glue it in place yet.
How to make a jack plane Practical Action
How to make a jack plane Practical Action
Useful Addresses
This technical brief was originally written for the Appropriate Technology magazine Volume
24/Number 2 September 1997 Technical Brief No 21 and Volume 24/ Number 3 Technical
Brief No 22, by Aaron Moore.
The information in this brief is from How to Make Carpentry Tools: An Illustrated Manual by
Aaron Moore, Practical Action Publications 1992.