Computer System & Organization: Unit-I

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Computer System & Organization

Introduction to computer System

What is Computer?

A computer is an electronic device that can be

programmed to accept data (input), process it and
generate result (output).

A computer along with additional hardware and software

together is called a computer system.

Computers are being used extensively nowadays

in everyday life/every field In the form of laptop,
desktop, smartphone etc.
Functionalities of a computer
Any digital computer performs five functions.

1. Take data as input

2. Stores data/instructions
3. Process those stored data
4. Generate the output
5. Control all above steps
Input/Output Units
Input Unit
The devices through which control signals are
sent to a computer are termed as input devices.
These devices convert the input data into a
digital form that is acceptable by the computer
Output unit
The device that receives data from a computer
system for display, physical production, etc., is
called output device.
It converts digital information into human
understandable form
Input Devices

Input devices can send data or information to a computer or another


Keyboard: It is an input device which sends data in to the

computer. The data send depends on the key pressed by
the user.

Mouse: A mouse is a small handheld input device which

controls a cursor in a graphical user interface. It can move and
select text, files, folders etc. on our computer according to the
user input.
Scanner: Scanner optically reads and document, file or image
and then changes it into digital signal and sends to the
Microphone: it receives audio generated by some input source
and sends the same to a computer.
Webcam: it sends the captured images to a

Graphics Tablets: This input device is used to

draw using hand.

Barcode reader: It is used to read the barcode

of various items and feed the same to

Joystick: these input devices are used

to control video games.
Output Devices

A device that can receive data from computer or another

device and create output with that data is called output
Examples of various output devices are as :

Monitor: A monitor is an output device that is responsible for

receiving data from a computer and displaying that
information as text or images for users to see.

Speakers: Receives sound signal from a computer and then

plays that sound signal and thus we hear songs or music or
any other audio.
Projector: Gets data from a computer and displays or
projects the same information onto a screen or a wall.
Projector cannot directly accept data from a user and
send that data to another device.
Both Input / Output Devices

An input/output device is capable of receiving data from

users or another devices and also sending data to another
devices or computers.
That means a devices which can be used as both input
device and output device are called Input / Output (I/O)
devices. Some examples of input/output devices are as:

USB drive: Also known as pen drive or flash stick works as

both input device to computer and as an output device. USB
drives receive or save data from a computer as an input and
it can also send data to a computer or another device.

FAX machine: FAX machine has a scanner which is an input

device and a small printer to provide output.
Modems: It is used to transmit and receive data from
one computer to another computer or other devices
using telephone lines

CD-RW drives and DVD-RW drives: Receives data from a

computer as input to copy onto and save into writable
CD or DVD. We also use CDs or DVDs to transfer data to
a computer.

Touch Screen: Touch screen is both input and output

device. By touching the screen input is provided and
being a screen, it is used as an output device.

Headsets: Headset consists of speaker as an output

device and microphone functions as an input device.
• CPU is the main control centre and processing
• It also called brain of the computer.

• The CPU is given instructions and data through


• The CPU fetches the program and data from the

memory and performs arithmetic and logic
operations as per the given instructions and
stores the result back to memory.
Components of CPU

a.Control unit

• The Control unit Controls and guides the

interpretation, flow and manipulation of all
data and information.
• The CU sends control signals until the
required operations are done properly by
ALU and Memory.
• CU acts as a Supervisor by controlling
and guiding the operation taking place.
b.Arithmetic/Logic Unit
• The ALU performs all the four
arithmetic operations such as addition
multiplication, division and

• And also Performs logical decisions

such as (<,>,=<+,>=,!=). The result of a
logical decision is either TRUE or
c. Registers

• Most modern CPUs have a small amount

of special storage units called registers
that can be accessed faster than main
• Registers are part of the CPU chip and they
are limited in size (a register is less than 64
bits in size.)
• CPU uses register to temporary hold some
information while processing taking place.

• Memory attached to the CPU is used

for storage of data and instructions
and is called internal memory.

• The internal memory is also called the

Primary memory or Main memory.

• Memory is a collection of cells, each

with a unique physical address.
Memory Units
Every higher unit memory is equal to 210 of its lower unit.

Types of Memory
Computers have two types of memories namely

1. Primary memory.
2. Secondary memory.


The primary memory is an essential component of a

computer system. Program and data are loaded into the
primary memory before processing. The CPU interacts
directly with the primary memory to perform read/ write
It has two types
i) Random access memory (RAM)
ii) Read only memory (ROM).
Random Access Memory (RAM)

The memory cells can be accessed for

information transfer from any desired
random location.
• Memory in which each location can be
accessed and changed. (Read and Write)
• RAM is volatile Memory. (when power goes
off the content of RAM get erased.
• RAM is the fastest and Costliest Memory.
• The Storage Capacity of the RAM is high.

1. Static Ram
2. Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

Static Ram
• It offer faster access time (about 10 nanoseconds) than DRAM
• It requires the constant flow of the power to retain the data
inside it.
Dynamic RAM
• It is the most common type of memory in use today. Inside a
dynamic RAM chip, each memory cell holds one bit of
information and is made up of two parts: a transistor and
a capacitor.
• It has the access time ranging from below 20 to 70
Read Only Memory (ROM)
• Memory in which each location can be
accessed but not changed.(Read Only)
• ROM is Non-volatile.
• It is slower and cheaper than RAM.
• The capacity of ROM is comparatively
smaller than RAM.

1. Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM)

PROM is read-only memory chip that data can be written
only once by a user. The information is burned using
special equipment called a ROM burner.

2.Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EPROM is a special kind of read only memory chip that
has the opportunity to erase the programmed data( by
using UV Radiation). It takes 20 minutes for erasing the
3.Electrically Erasable Programmable Read
Only Memory (EEPROM)
It can be erased electrically and reprogrammed
about ten thousand times. Selective bytes can
be erased.

4.Flash EEPROM
It is like EEPROM but very fast comparatively.
It erase fully and not selectively.

• The Primary memory has limited storage capacity and is

either volatile (RAM) or read-only (ROM). Thus, a computer
system needs auxiliary or secondary memory to
permanently store the data or instructions for future use.

• The secondary memory is non-volatile and has larger

storage capacity than primary memory.

• It is slower and cheaper than the main memory.

• But, it cannot be accessed directly by the CPU. Contents of

secondary storage need to be first brought into the main
memory for the CPU to access.

• Examples of secondary memory devices include Hard Disk

Drive (HDD), CD/ DVD, Memory Card, Pen Drive etc.
System Bus
The system bus is an electronic pathway
composed of connecting cables and that
connects the major components of a computer
1. The data carrying part of system bus is called data
2. The control instruction carrying part of system bus is
called Control bus.
3. The memory address carrying part of system bus is
called Address bus.
4. A separate type of bus called I/O bus connects the
Input, Output and other external devices to the

• Modern mobile system are small computers in your hand.

• It has less computing power compared to their bigger
• It handles different types of applications such as making
calls, offering camera utilities, handling touch sensitive
screen, display audio, video ,graphical content.
• It has little battery based power.
Mobile System
a Mobile Phone is essentially a two-way radio, consisting of
a radio transmitter and a radio receiver.
Mobile System

Mobile Phone Components

1. Mobile Processor ( Mobile CPU)
2. Display subsystem (A keyboard / Display screen)
3. Camera Subsystem
4. Mobile System Memory
5. External Storage (SD card or micro SD card
6. A microphone
7. A speaker
8. Power Management (battery)
Mobile System organization
Display subsystem Camera Unit
Touch interface (Image
RF Transceiver
keyboard Display screen

Radio signal
Communicati APU
on processor (Application
(digital processing unit) Storage
processor) GPU (Graphic
Battery Battery
pack Mgmt



ADC DAC Memory

MIC Speaker
Mobile System organization

1. Mobile Processor ( Mobile CPU)

• This is the brain of the smartphone.
• It receives commands, make instant calculations, play audio/
video, stores information and sends signals throughout the
It has two sub Processor Types
a. Communication Processing Unit
• This subsystem is responsible for making and receiving Phone calls
on a mobile handset.
• It has a digital signal processor that helps it work with RF
Transceiver and the audio system.
b. Application Processing Unit(APU)
• This subsystem is responsible for governing, controlling all types
of operations taking place on a mobile system by running various
types of mobile applications.
2. Display subsystem (A keyboard / Display screen)
This subsystem is responsible for providing display
facilities, touch sensitive interface and touch
sensitive keyboards.
3. Camera Subsystem
• This subsystem is designed to deliver a tightly
bound image processing package and enable an
improved overall picture and video experience.
• It has an integrated Image Processor to ensures
things like instant image capture , high resolution
support etc.
4. Mobile System Memory

A mobile system also needs memory to work. It has two

a) RAM
• The installed apps first loaded in the RAM and
then executed.
• The RAM does not store information once the
device is turned off.
b) ROM (using Flash EEPROM or EEPROM only)
• This is the internal storage.
• It is not accessible for users to write.
• It is read only memory.
5. External Storage
• It is also called expandable storage.
• It comes in the form of SD card or micro SD card
• It can be removed easily
• It can be used to store picture, video, music etc.

6. Power Management (battery)

• It is responsible for providing power to a mobile system.
• It has a battery management system that works with a battery
charger and a battery unit, and provides power to the mobile
7. A microphone
It has a ADC- A analog-to-digital converter is a system that converts an analog
signal, such as a sound picked up by a microphone into a digital signal.
8.A speaker
It has a DAC-a digital-to-analog converter is a system that converts
a digital signal into an analog signal.
A computer system consists of hardware and software for
its proper functioning.

Hardware :
• It represent the Physical and tangible components of
the computer.
Definition: Physical component of computer is Called

• It represent the set of programs that govern the
operation of a computer system and make the hardware
Definition : A set of instructions given to a computer to
solve any problems is called software.
Types of software:
1. Application software: It handles
specialized/ common tasks a user wants to
E.g.banking application , hotel management,
word processing etc.
2. System software: It controls the basic
functions of a computer and hides the
complexity of computer system from user
and application software.
E.g. Operating System, Compiler, Interpret
3.Utility software

It assist Operating System in carrying out certain

specialized tasks are called utility software.
The software that controls internal computer
operations is called System Software.

It is classified in to two Categories:

1. Operating System.
2. Language Processor.
System Software
An Operating System (OS) is a
system program that controls and
manages the computer resources so
that application software can run on

Example: Microsoft Windows, Linux,

MAC OS, Apple’s i-Phone OS etc.
• In any computer or mobile device, the operating
system can be termed as the back bone .
• This is because it has to be there before other
programs can be run.
• It works as a middleman (interface) between
hardware and user.

At the simplest level, an operating system does two

•It manages the hardware resources of the computer
system. These resources include such things as the
processor, memory, disk space, etc.

•It provides a stable, consistent way for applications to

deal with the hardware without having to know all the
details of the hardware.
System Software
• Processor management
Loads, schedules and execute process/programs.
• Memory management
Allocates /De-allocation of memory for program execution.
• Device management
Communicate and controls various I/O devices.
• Storage management
Manages and controls the storage device to provide space
to program for execution & data save.
• Application interface
API/drivers provide a way for applications to make use of
hardware subsystems
• User interface
structure for interaction between a user and the computer
2. Language processor

A language processor is a special type of a computer

software that can translate the source code in to an object
code or machine code.

Source code: High level programming language (C, Java,

Object Code: Binary code (0 or 1)
System Software
These are of 3 types Language processors
* Assembler * Compiler * Interpreter

It translates an assembly language program into machine

It convert high-level language code to machine code in one

It translates and executes instruction written in a
computer program line -by -line, unit by unit.
Application Software
2) Application software
An application software is the set of programs
necessary to carry out operations for a specified

It has two categories:

1. General Purpose application software (Package)

These are ready to use software for daily use

e.g. word processor,spread sheet,presention,DBMS

2.Specific Purpose application
software (customized)

Software's which are designed for

specific task

e.g. Payroll, Hotel Mgmt, Hospital

Mgmt, Stock Mgmt etc.
(3) Utility software
It assist Operating system in carrying out certain specialized
tasks are called utility software.

 Test Editor: This utility program is used for crating editing

text files.
 Antivirus - An anti-virus scans the system for any virus
and if detected, gets rid of it by deleting or isolating it.
 Compression tools - Compression tools are utilities that
assist operating systems in shortening files so that they
take less storage area.
 Disk Defragmentation: It speed up disk access by
rearranging the files and free space on your computer so
that files are stored in contiguous unit and free space is
consolidated in one contiguous block.
Working Hierarchy in a Computer
Memory units
What does a Computer Understands
Computers do not understand natural languages nor programming languages.
They only understand the language of bits. A bit is the most basic unit in
computer machine language. All instructions that the computer executes and
the data that it processes is made up of a group of bits. Bits are represented in
many forms either through electrical voltage, current pulses, or by the state of
an electronic flip-flop circuit in form of 0 or 1.
1 Bit = Binary Digit(0 or 1)
8 Bits = 1 Byte
1024 Bytes = 1 KB (Kilo Byte)
1024 KB = 1 MB (Mega Byte)
1024 MB = 1 GB(Giga Byte)
1024 GB = 1 TB(Terra Byte)
1024 TB = 1 PB(Peta Byte)
1024 PB = 1 EB(Exa Byte)
1024 EB = 1 ZB(Zetta Byte)
1024 ZB = 1 YB (Yotta Byte)
1024 YB = 1 (Bronto Byte)
1024 Brontobyte = 1 (Geop Byte)

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