Ijahss0305019 22 28
Ijahss0305019 22 28
Ijahss0305019 22 28
Website: https://www.ijahss.in/
ISSN(Online): 2582-3647
Volume 3; Issue 5; Sep-Oct 2021; Page No. 22-28
Open Access Original Paper
Top Management Commitment as an Important Factor in the Success of Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) System in State Owned Companies
Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe, Indonesia
This research is expected to find out whether top management commitment has an influence on the success of Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) system and what the impact is on the quality of resulted accounting information. This research
is hoped to become an evident that the research model presented may become a solution in solving problems and give
benefits in developing knowledge related to the success of ERP system which affects to the resulted accounting
information quality. Methodology used in the research was explanatory research, to get basic answers on causes and
effects by analyzing the causes of a problem. Data collection was done by handing out questionnaires to state owned
companies in Indonesia, and the data were analysed with SEM PLS. Results show that top management commitment has
an influence on the ERP system and also gives impact to the resulted output that was making accounting information
Keywords: Top Management Commitment, the Success of ERP System, the Quality of Accounting Information.
Citation: Marjulin (2021). Top Management Commitment as an Important Factor in the Success of Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) System in State Owned Companies. International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies, 3(5), 22-28.
The purpose of accounting report is to store the needs of financial report to those that require, as a main tool in
delivering information to the users; the information has to be reliable [1]. Reliable information is very useful for market
efficiency [2]. Reliable information is necessary for the accountability of accounting information and finance [3].
Accounting plays a big role in promoting accountability, efficiency, and the effectiveness of the service from public
sectors [4]. Both in public sectors and state ones, accounting information is planned to give service to the constituent who
are expected to produce reliable, on time and complete financial information [4].
Information cannot be separated from a system, current information system is something that cannot be separated
from business practice [5]. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is an application from information system. ERP
system is a series of fully integrated system and supports all the automation in all standard business processes existing in
an organization, ERP system will increase productivity and work performance by offering integration, standardization,
and simplification of some business transactions [6]. This is also supported by Moon [7] that ERP system is corporate
information system which is designed to integrate and optimize business process and transactions in a company, ERP
system is an industry based-concept and system and universally accepted by industries as a practical solution to establish
a company with integrated information system.
Shehab et al., [8] claimed that ERP is a business management system which contains a set of comprehensive
software, and is used when applied successfully to run and integrate all business functions in an organization. ERP
system is related to the increase of complexity and the change of business environment which affects to the special
attention in dealing with business risks [9]. Hence an implementation of a system needs / is determined by a strong
commitment from top management [10]. If the commitment from top management is poor, it will cause failure in ERP
project system [11].
A phenomenon happened in Indonesia which is stated by Widodo, [12] says that Indonesia needs to implement e-
budgeting, e-catalog and electronic cash flow system. Then, to establish an integrated information system ideally the
commitment from all sectors in state owned companies is needed [13]. When all sectors have a good will so that state
owned companies may develop professionally, professional commitment factor becomes a key factor [14]. In addition, in
Indonesia there is no reliable database system especially data about work batch including state owned companies that
results in lacking information in the number of work opportunities. Ministry of Manpower has never had such
information [15]. In government sector in Indonesia also this thing is still not fully integrated although it has
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sophisticated information system [16].
Literature References
Top Management Commitment and the Measurement
Top management commitment is one’s self dedication for one purpose or relation, a commitment needs internal
motivation, an individual driven by internal direction. A person tries to satisfy himself with the work without the needs to
be given rewards for his special action [17]. According to Chalk [18] commitment from management is needed for
information system development. Englund & Bucero [19] claimed that management commitment is participation from
top management in formulating the goal of information system development.
Top management commitment helps building trust with employees, the effect from all of them is that employees are
able to give a qualified idea and implement a strategy in daily activities in an organization. Top managers always focus
on skill development and the capacity of the employees by involving them in training program designed specifically to
increase productivity and quality of products and services [20]. The involvement of top management strongly influences
information system thus affecting the financial performance [21].
Based on arguments stated, it can be said that top management commitment is a form of participation from top
management for the establishment of an organization, top management commitment is implemented in financial and non-
financial support to reach the goals of the company.
Sheard [22] said that an important point from top management commitment is a development process and decision
making while top management commitment is a basis in the implementation of information system. Cooper [23] claimed
that top management commitment can be measured by:
Chalk [18] stated that there are some things that can be seen to measure top management commitment:
1) Directing, which means directing details of work plan towards needed actions
2) Approving, discussing work plan to prepare goals and then approving the results of discussion
3) Measuring, setting the point of control, where all managers are responsible to measure the reached outcome and
report to the managers above them every time lower or higher than expected outcomes appear so that actions of
improvement can be made.
ERP system is multi module, a solution of business packing application that enables organizations to integrate
business process and corporate performance, general data distribution, resource organization and actual information
access provision [29], hence if there is a poor condition in the information system planning, it may decrease the quality of
operational thus making the produced information have poor quality [30]. The success of ERP system is defined as a
statement in that the condition of a system can produce accounting information based on users’ needs. Quality may be
defined as a success/victory [31, 32, 33, 34, 35].
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An existence of ERP system may decrease the high cost on structures, increase existing organization business
performance, improve customer care, simplify a complex business system, manage global business, reduce time and
improve organization integration and efficiency.
According to Delone dan McLean [31, 32] a success of a model consists of six components of information system
success which are 1) System quality. 2) Information quality. 3) Use, 4) User satisfaction. 5) Individual impact. 6)
Organizational. Following to this, Davis [34] stated that The Technical Acceptance Model (TAM) describe factors which
direct to the actual acceptance and usage of technology in the highest level. Furthermore Saarinen [36] argued that there
are four dimensions to measure the success of ERP system which are: 1) Development- process satisfaction. 2) System-
use satisfaction. 3) System-quality satisfaction. 4) Organizational impact of information systems. Shanks et al, [10] said
the success of ERP system is mainly connected with on time ERP project finishing and within the budget for acceptable
standard in the first two stages (planning and implementation) from ERP process model.
Eppler [40] stated there are two dimensions to measure quality of information which are quality of information
content, and quality of information access. Assessing quality of information content consists of completion, concision,
clarity, precision, consistency, application and time precision. Indicators of information access quality are as follows:
traceability, maintenance, interactivity, speed, safety, currency, accessibility and comfort. According to Mc. Leod [41]
developer of user information system defined output given by information processor by considering basic dimensions of
information which are accurate, relevant, punctual, and complete. These four dimensions will add values to the
Furthermore Cabrera [47] said that top leader has to be responsible to the expansion of long term strategic view in
particular changes in an organization which means responsible in managing changes and give full attention on issues
related to humans, and how information system can influence ways in which organised work is planned.
A research done by Shanks et al [10] in Australia and China concluded that top management commitment is a
determining factor to the success of ERP implementation. Ganesh & Mehta [11] also claimed that poor top management
commitment is the failure factor in ERP project in small and middle enterprise in India. The same thing was also found in
Indonesia that top management commitment is a determining factor to achieve success in implementing ERP [48]
Ponte & Pilar [55] said that a system is a foundation to support satisfaction to information demand from
organization, information system provides information for the process of decision making. Wongsim & Gao [56] also
concluded that information system can provide reliable accounting information system. The same this is also stated by
Nicolaou [57] who concluded the same.
Result of the research done indicated that similar to the hypothesis where there is an influence of contingency system
and factors on the success of information system. Hence the influence of a system on the second factor from system
effectiveness is measured from the top management commitment thus resulting in reliable accounting information as
information system output.
Image of Framework
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Top Success of Accounting
Management System ERP Information
Commitment Quality
Hypothesis is a temporary answer on the problem which has been stated earlier, then the hypotheses in this research
are as follows:
1) Top Management Commitment has an influence on the success of ERP system
2) The Success of ERP System has an influence on the accounting information system
Sugiyono [58] stated that object of a research is an attribute or an adjective or a value from someone, something or
some activity which have variations. Objects of this research are top management commitment, the success of system
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and accounting information quality. Research methodology which was used is
explanatory research. Sekaran & Bougie [59] said explanatory research is a research done to acquire description,
systematic image, accurate and factual about facts, adjectives and the relations between variables which are analysed.
Ho.γ1 = 0 : Top management commitment does not have any influence on the success of ERP system
Ha.γ1 ≠ 0 : Top management commitment has an influence on the success of ERP system
Hypothesis test result indicated that top management commitment along with the success of ERP system is shown by
path coefficient 0.741, and with t-count as much as 4,445. The resulted statistic values are bigger than t-critic (1.96). This
result means top management commitment has significant influence on the success of ERP system. Thus the result of this
research supports what have been done previously that top management commitment has a significant influence on the
success of ERP system just like what has been done by Shanks et al [10], Ganesh & Mehta [11] and even Hartijasti [48]
Ho.β21 = 0 : The success of ERP system does not have any influence on the quality if accounting information
Ha.β21 ≠ 0 : The success of ERP system has an influence on the quality if accounting information
Hypothesis test results show that the influence of success variable of ERP system on the quality of accounting
information system is shown in path coefficient value as much as 0.897 with t count 22.191. T statistic values whish are
resulted are bigger than t critic (1.96). This means that the success of ERP system significantly influences the quality of
ERP system, this research supported the research done previously by Taber et a1, [54], Sajady et a1, [51] dan Wongsim
& Gao [56].
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Based on research results and discussion it can be concluded that top management commitment has an influence on
the success of ERP system, the accomplishment of system ERP success also gives direct impact on the quality of
accounting information system which is resulted.
In anticipating the reappearance of the same problems related to delayed ERP system, it is suggested that state
owned companies especially to increase the commitment of top management on the existing problems especially by
giving support both financially and non-financially. Eventually it is expected the next researcher to gain the same
result/conclusion to increase confidence in the research had been done and to increase the sample of the research to
produce a more optimum result, then the next researcher may use different research unit and and research location used
from this research in order to strengthen the support given to previous related research.
The results of hypothesis testing indicate that the relationship between Management Commitment and ERP System
Success is indicated by the path coefficient value of 0.741 with a t-count value of 6.445. These results indicate that
Management Commitment has an effect on the success of the ERP system, but the effect is not optimal because there are
still several Indonesian SOEs whose management is not yet fully committed to the optimal success of the information
system because it is collided with standard company operational standards.
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