Ce 701 Geotech Engineering
Ce 701 Geotech Engineering
Ce 701 Geotech Engineering
Subject Name : GEOTECHNICAL ENGG. I Subject Code : CE-701 Subject Name : GEOTECHNICAL ENGG. I Subject Code : CE-701
Max. Marks : 20 Time : 1:30 hours Max. Marks : 20 Time : 1:30 hours
Note : All questions carry equal marks .Attempt any two questions from each unit.. Note : All questions carry equal marks .Attempt any two questions from each unit..
Q.1) What are the factors affecting Coefficient of Permeability also State Darcy's Q.1) What are the factors affecting Coefficient of Permeability also State Darcy's
law and explain the validity of the law? (5) law and explain the validity of the law? (5)
Q.2) A soil strata consists of 3 layers of thickness 1m, 1.5m and 2m having the Q.2) A soil strata consists of 3 layers of thickness 1m, 1.5m and 2m having the
coefficient of Permeability of 2×10–3 cm/s, 1.5×10–3 cm/s and 3×10–3 cm/s coefficient of Permeability of 2×10–3 cm/s, 1.5×10–3 cm/s and 3×10–3 cm/s
respectively. Estimate the average of coefficient of permeability in the respectively. Estimate the average of coefficient of permeability in the
direction. i) Parallel to the bedding plane ii) Normal to the bedding plane (5) direction. i) Parallel to the bedding plane ii) Normal to the bedding plane (5)
Q.3) In a deposit of sand 10 m thick, water table is 2m below ground surface. Q.3) In a deposit of sand 10 m thick, water table is 2m below ground surface.
Above the water table, soil is saturated with capillary water. Saturated unit Above the water table, soil is saturated with capillary water. Saturated unit
weight of sand is 21 kN/m3. Plot the variation of Total stresses, Neutral weight of sand is 21 kN/m3. Plot the variation of Total stresses, Neutral
stresses and Effective stresses over the depth of 10m. (5) stresses and Effective stresses over the depth of 10m. (5)
Q.1) Explain about Newmark’s influence chart with its sketch. (5) Q.1) Explain about Newmark’s influence chart with its sketch. (5)
Q.2) Derive the equation of stress distribution in soils according to Q.2) Derive the equation of stress distribution in soils according to
Boussinesq. (5) Boussinesq. (5)
Q.3) Explain the contact pressure distribution in sand and clays(5) Q.3) Explain the contact pressure distribution in sand and clays(5)