Compiler Construction: University of Central Punjab
Compiler Construction: University of Central Punjab
Compiler Construction: University of Central Punjab
Compiler Construction
Project (Phase-1) (Section All)
Fall (2021)
Detail Example
1 Identifiers Start from _ or Letter and contains at least one “_”. Other _rate2, rate_,
rules for ID will remain same. rat_e2 …etc
2 Numbers [ + | - ] ? (D+) (\.D+)?, and exponent numbers. 3.43433E+13,
3 Operators !=, <>, =:= , ==, *, +, /,-, >>,<<, ++, =+, &&, ||, =>, =<,
%, :, :: , --
4 Punctuations [,{,< , >,},]
5 Keyword loop, agar, magar, asm, else, new, this, auto, enum,
operator, throw, bool , explicit, private, true, break,
export, protected , try, case, extern, public, typedef,
catch, false, register, typeid, char, float, typename,
class, for, return, union, const, friend, short, unsigned
goto, signed, using, continue, if, sizeof, virtual, default,
inline, static, void, delete, int, volatile, do, long, struct,
double, mutable, switch, while, namespace
Task Description:
For this assignment, you have to implement a lexical analyzer, also called a scanner. This assignment includes
following parts:
1 Write “RE” & generate “FA” for each class described above. Document 25 5 Nov
Note: (Late will be penalty of deduction of 25% of total marks per day)
Language (For Development): C++
Note: Student cannot use built-in data structure. Student can use his own data structure Hash Table, Linked
List which he/she developed in data structure course. In this case student has to show me the code before
using it.
Evaluating Criteria:
1. Source code should reflect the detail given in documents (other parts).
2. A text file with valid source code will be input of the scanner and Token file will be output of the scanner
3. All points discussed in the class related to scanner implementation should reflect in the assignment.
4. Application should not do which is not supposed to do.
Sourcecode.txt Token.txt