The Pains of Growing Up: Speech Is Human Vocal
The Pains of Growing Up: Speech Is Human Vocal
The Pains of Growing Up: Speech Is Human Vocal
Often this exercise will be set as part of studying public speaking skills. The purpose is to have
the student directly experience the power of masterfully crafted language. Through their
interpretation the techniques and skills of the original orator are learned.
"My son", I remember Dad admonished, "you get to be different. You are a grown up child now. Don't be hard on
your younger sister. Don't hit her anymore," he said, when I once hit Alice.
A grown up I mused to myself so I can now go to Disco join friends and have the real taste of life". But he again
interrupted, "My son, remember you are still young, a little boy".
Life is a series of surprises. What I used to enjoy when I was a kid will no longer be the same. Eventually and
gradually things will take a shift. Doing things with Dad's assistance will slowly mean doing it on your own. Taking
a risk may mean Yes; that's ok; or no, you should learn better, next time. Less supervision but more reprimands. . .
failure of success I am starting on my own. Discovering things, using my discretion, deciding by myself are all parts
of this painful process. I fail occasionally. I get discouraging remarks. I learn new ways. I experiment with peer
groups. These characterize a teenage life. A bandwagon I am, I like to be equal with my members. What they have, I
must also; what they do too. And to all these Dad prones, Mom disapproves, society condemns. . .
As I feel my way to independence in the little part of my brain, I have some reservation. . . What? Will this ever win
my old's approval?
If not them misunderstanding is possible. Human as I am go against their standards different from mine.
Inexperienced go against their standards different from mine. Inexperienced as I am I react opposite to what they
expect to me. Uncertain as I am, I refrain to conform to what they desire. As a result we end up hostile to each one.
Disobedient, recalcitrant and stubborn, they brand me. I feel short, misunderstood and unloved, I find solace and
approval with my peer. They understand, they accept me because we have similar standard, we have the same world.
they like me because we very well approve each other.
I want to be on my own, my parents are not ready to accept this fact. A child no more, an adult neither, I feel lost.
We became alienated from each one. Growing is really painful just as advancing in years for parent is so.
All I ask of you is continue holding me- I still need you. Open communication line. Stop filling my days with 'Don't
and No'. Listen to my unworded desire. You will always be part of me. Let us both put life and love to our days as
we journey together to the mystery of life.
An oration is a speech delivered in a formal and dignified manner. A skilled public
speaker is known as an orator. The art of delivering speeches is called oratory. ... The
term oration sometimes carries a negative connotation: "any impassioned, pompous, or long-
winded speech" (Oxford English Dictionary).
Believe in Yourself
Why is it we don’t believe it ourselves?
That as soon as things get tough in our lives we start doubting ourselves
We start thinking that we may not make it
Stressing, worrying, imagining things that may go wrong in the future
We need to understand, the human mind is the most powerful tool we own, but it can also be the
And we need to learn how to take control of the direction of our mind and our emotions
You mind is going to provide you your greatest challenges in life, because it is so powerful
So, if you can conquer your mind, you can pretty much conquer anything else around you,
When writing the story of your life – make sure YOU hold the pen
Make sure not only that you hold the pen, but you write the script from your heart. Be brave
when writing your script, it’s your story and there are NO LIMITS to what you can have, what
you can do or what you can be.
It’s easy to be all positive and consistent when everything is going your way
But that’s not life, that’s not realistic!
Are you going to be one of the very few to stand up when things are tough, when everything is
going against you.
Will you be able to believe in what’s right, and what brings results to your life.
YOUR story is valuable!
YOUR story of success!
THERE WILL ALWAYS BE DOUBTERS, and people below you, and people trying to put you
down so they can feel higher, but you gotta STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF.
BELIEVE in your mind. Have some tunnel vision.
Then one day you will have your moment.
Because ANYTHING is possible if you just BELIEVE!