Experiment Projectile Motion: Objectives
Experiment Projectile Motion: Objectives
Experiment Projectile Motion: Objectives
Projectile Motion
A projectile is any object that is thrown with some initial velocity and is subject to
uniform acceleration due to gravity. You may have observed one when you watched or
played any sport involving balls e.g., basketball, tennis, soccer, etc. Although the ball’s
motion might be complicated at some time, you will always notice that arching motion
as it flies unimpeded. We may model its motion by arguing the following,
2. The most significant contribution to produce the motion of the projectile is gravity.
The first statement urges us to use vectors in specifying our projectile’s state, i.e.
position vector and velocity vector. The second statement simplifies our model such
that the projectile will experience uniform acceleration along the vertical (downward)
direction. With these, we can write the horizontal (x-axis) and vertical (y-axis) equations
of motion separately as,
ax = 0 ay = −g (1)
vx = vx0 vy = vy0 − gt (2)
x = x0 + vx0 t y = y0 + v0y t − 21 gt2 (3)
Note the convention used in setting up the coordinate system. These equations can
be used to compute the curve of the trajectory of the projectile in space by eliminating
the time parameter in the x(t) and y(t) equations. One yields the following equation,
y(x) = y0 + tan(θ)(x − x0 ) − (x − x0 )2 (4)
2v02 2
cos (θ)
Projectile Motion 1
1st Semester, A.Y. 2021–2022 Physics 71.1
One can see that the trajectory looks like a parabola. In the experiment, we can
confirm this by obtaining a data set of heights (y) for every horizontal displacement
(x − x0 ). Furthermore, we can set a the y = y0 in the equation above and yield an
equation for the effective range x = R of the projectile,
v02 sin 2θ
R= (5)
We can confirm this relation by predicting the effective range of the projectile launched
at some angle of elevation θ and initial speed v0 .
– https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/projectile-motion
– can be used on both laptop and mobile phone
– click the play button on the sample screenshot to use
*Note: PhET Interactive Simulations are developed by the University of Colorado Boulder
and are available at https://phet.colorado.edu.
Physics 71.1 1st Semester, A.Y. 2021–2022
8. - Allows user to choose projectile type. Any choice will do fine. Make
sure that Air Resistance is toggled OFF.
3. Launch the projectile by clicking the shoot button. Drag the Time-Range-Height
crosshairs to the landing spot to measure the range of that trial.
1. Select a launch angle among those used in Part 1, then adjust the angle of the
cannon to this value.
2. Launch the ball by clicking the shoot button. Drag the Time-Range-Height crosshairs
to any point along the trajectory to measure the horizontal(range) and verti-
cal(height) of that point. Repeat this step for other horizontal distances.
3. Do the same for different initial velocities (15 (m/s) and 20 (m/s).
Projectile Motion 3
1st Semester, A.Y. 2021–2022 Physics 71.1
2. Use Microsoft Excel or any spreadsheet software to add a best-fit line and R2 value
for each plot. (Skip this step if you are offline.)
Physics 71.1 1st Semester, A.Y. 2021–2022
Name: Date:
Group members: Instructor:
Data Sheet
Rexpt (m)
10 (m/s) 15 (m/s) 20 (m/s)
Projectile Motion 5
1st Semester, A.Y. 2021–2022 Physics 71.1
Physics 71.1 1st Semester, A.Y. 2021–2022
1. Are your graphs consistent with the expected behavior based on Equations 4 and
5? Explain.
3. Try turning on Air Resistance in the simulation. What are the effects of air resis-
tance on the range and final height of a projectile?
Projectile Motion 7
1st Semester, A.Y. 2021–2022 Physics 71.1
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