Makalah (Deducing Meaning From The Context)
Makalah (Deducing Meaning From The Context)
Makalah (Deducing Meaning From The Context)
Besides, in the learning process teachers should be expected to use English as the
language introduction, lack of initiative and creativity of teachers and the lack of time for
students to practice vocabulary on each meeting. In addition, teaching techniques of the
teachers do not support the students’ activity and communication in analyzing the passage
that is being taught. In efforts to understand the passage, the students tend to translate the
reading in word by word. This is surely not a good solution because translating word by word
will make the meaning of the sentence is blurred. Interpreting word by word means that we
try to connect unrelated words with the context of the sentence. Also, always opening the
dictionary every single time will waste a lot of time.
One way to improve students' understanding towards English reading text is through
“Deducing meaning from context". This technique will help students understanding the
reading without opening the dictionary if they find difficult vocabularies they can't translate.
Those difficult vocabularies can not be translated through images or other mediabut can only
be guessed through the context of the sentence.
Reading is a complex language skill. Readers do not only just read and identify the
symbols in a reading text, but the reader are also able to associate with their understanding
and apply reading ideas in daily life (Jufri, 2007; Jufri 2017). “Reading Skills" need to be
taught to students because between mother tongue (Indonesian) and foreign language
purpose, namely understanding, is one way that can be used to achieve that goal. It is
necessary to be done because it is proven that a good reading text is a reading text that 60%
of the vocabulary is understood. In fact, the reading text in the book package or in a
vocabulary support book there were many students did not understand. Way intended is to
use the "deducing meaning" method from context” especially for vocabulary that is
impossible to explain in a way others, for example demonstration, real object or use pictures.
In deducing meaning from this context, the teacher uses a sentence context in which there is
According to Johan (1996), to find the meaning of words in the context of reading is
by looking at the words or phrases that precede or follow the word itself so that it can be
known the functions, types of words, and finally the meaning of the word. This selection
a. Sentences that used for lead students to answer questions should use vocabulary that
b. The content of the sentence should not make students actually feel confused and
c. Vocabulary that is being the target of solving is easier vocabulary to be known when
d. Vocabulary that is being the target of solving must be the "key word" in the reading.
Williams (1996) said that to help students find the meaning of the words or phrases from
the context of the sentence, teacher guidance is needed. Therefore, the context of the
given sentence must use comprehensible vocabulary for the student. Next, Johan (1996)
said that in certain context, the meaning of a vocabulary is found without need to open the
dictionary, for example by paying the attention to the use of the form of equation
the information given in a text, using one’s personal experiences and knowledge of the
interpretation of the text that goes beyond the literal information given. Although there is
a large amount of overlap between the two terms, deduction can be thought of as a more
based on the given information, while inference leaves more room for guesswork.
conclusion about the facts, but what are some examples of deduction in English grammar?
Here are some examples of deductions that you can share with your students.
Sally's shoes are untied, she might have been in a rush to get here.
Susan has been very busy at work, she may not be able to come this evening.
Children are taught to deduce hidden meanings in the texts they read throughout Key
Stages 1 and 2, with the deduction challenges growing more difficult as students’ reading
comprehension skills improve. In KS1 (Years 1 and 2), students are given passages of text,
often with accompanying pictures or auditory clues, and asked to make deductions and other
types of simple inference based on what is being said and done in the text. In KS2 (Years 3,
4, 5 and 6), students move on to make more complex deductions, such as deducing
characters’ thoughts and feelings. They must also then justify those deductions with
evidence from the text. One important thing to note is that students will not be able to
deduce hidden meanings in texts until they are first able to understand the literal meaning.
As such, deduction is always one of the later reading comprehension skills focused on at
Learning how to deduce hidden meaning in reading texts is important for a number of
reasons, including:
It makes children better able to understand hidden meanings in other areas where
written conversations.
It gives students the ability to extract more meaning from a text, which creates
big part of being a writer is creating meaning that goes beyond the words on the
page. A reader who can deduce that information is able to see the ‘whole picture’
It makes reading more fun! Readers who are good at deduction, and particularly
further meaning within concepts and characters in texts, have been shown to find
reading more enjoyable than those who are not so good at deduction.
The Models of Deduction
1: Must
When children learn to make deductions from a text or situation, they will use must when
they feel sure that something is true because there’s very strong evidence. For example,
2. Can't
This model of deduction is the complete opposite of the above. We use can’t when we
In the classroom, we use might, may or could to say that we think something is possible
Again, we use could when something is likely to happen depending on other factors, but
Munby in Alderson (2000: 10) states that there are 19 micro skills which must be
mastered by the students to help them comprehend the text better and effective. One of those
micro skills is the context. In line with Munby, one of the micro skills for reading
comprehension proposed by Brown (2001: 306) is develop and use a battery of reading
strategies, such as scanning and skimming, detecting discourse markers, guessing the
meaning of words from context, and activating schemata for the interpretation of text. One of
the ways to guess the meanings of the unfamiliar words without having to open the dictionary
is by understanding the context that exists in the reading text. The students as the learners are
using context to gain meanings of the unfamiliar words. They are expected to predict the
meanings of the unfamiliar words from the context using clues such as knowledge of words
parts and relationship pattern.
Talking about context, Mikulecky and Jeffries (1997: 119) state that context is the
sentence or sentences around a word. The context can tell the readers a lot about a word.
Moreover, context can help them understand new words or unfamiliar words. When reading a
difficult text, the students may not know the meanings of the words find in the text. However,
they actually guess the meanings of the words from the context. With guided practice from
the teacher, the students will use context clues to determine meanings of the unfamiliar words
found in the reading text.
According to DeLuca (2010), there are some benefits using deducing meaning of
unfamiliar words from the context in reading an English text. First, using the context of
surrounding words and sentences, students will be able to figure out the meaning of new and
unfamiliar words and to enhance reading enjoyment. Second, students will practice looking
for new and unfamiliar words in prepared sentences and use context to determine meanings
of words. Third, after reading an English text, students will choose new and unfamiliar words
and will use context to determine the meaning of these words. Fourth, students will only use
dictionaries to check if their meanings are correct. Fifth, students will be able to share
information with the class in order to improve their abilities to articulate information in a
According to Nation and Coady in Richards and Renandya (2002: 262), there are five
procedure steps of deducing meaning of unfamiliar words from the context. They are
described as follows:
In step 5, the guess needs to be the same part of speech as the unknown word. Moreover, the
learner should try to see if the unknown word can be analyzed into part. For example, the
word unlock becomes un + lock and to check if the meaning of the parts matches the meaning
of the unknown word. Finally, the guess should be tried out in the context to see whether it
makes sense, and a dictionary may be consulted to confirm the guess.
Eralingua: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Asing dan Sastra Volume 2 No.1 Maret 2018
Poerwadarminta W.J.S. 1996. Kamus Umum Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta; Balai Pustaka.
Yusri, Y., Mantasiah, R., & Jufri, J. 2018. The Use Of Two Stay Two Stray Model in English
1(1), 39-43
Disusun Oleh :
Kelompok 1
Anggota :
1. Aulia Sari
2. Naura Naziva
3. Anisya
4. Bella Safira
5. Taufiqurrahman Ramadani