Acknowledgement: As An Integral Part of The Summer Internship Program of The Course
Acknowledgement: As An Integral Part of The Summer Internship Program of The Course
Acknowledgement: As An Integral Part of The Summer Internship Program of The Course
First of all it was my external or industrial guide neeraj Sir who has
influenced me a lot in choosing such a project. Both these people are
from my training centre IBM cies, Lucknow. Mr. Neeraj Singh was my
faculty at ibm cies. He helped me with every necessary and minute
details of the project and has worked day in and day out in completing
the project in the due course of time.
Finally once again I thank all these people and full heartedly
acknowledge their support which had made this summer training and
project of mine a success.
Text to speech has been design to meet the need of wide variety of learners in
school and at home use speaking notepad technology to gain access to important
information. The goal of this tutorial is to give those who use, or help others use
Speaking notepad background information about the technology, ideas for how to
use it, and information about acquiring digital text.
Text to speech software tools are similar in that they speak text on a computer.
However, they vary widely in their functionality. When evaluating which program
would work best for you, think about the set of features that will give you the
support you need. To the left are links to a list of possible features available in
speaking notepad software. The links are organized by function. No one program
will contain every feature
All sincere efforts have been made to keep the project simple. One, who is
equipped with elementary computer knowledge, can get acquainted with the
facilities offered with the facilities offered by the site.
Arrays in C#:-An Array is a collection of values of a similar data type.
Technically, C# arrays are a reference type. Each array in C# is an object
and is inherited from the System. Declaration, Accessing the values stored
in an array, Instantiating and accessing Jagged Arrays.
Inheritance in C#, Implementing inheritance in C#, Constructor calls in
Inheritance, Calling Constructors of the base-class explicitly, protected
Access Modifier.
Polymorphism:-Polymorphism is the ability for classes to provide
different implementations of methods that are called by the same name.
List Box Control, Adding items to the list box, Accessing items in the list
box, Removing items from the list box, List Box Events, Combo Box
Control, Image List Control, Attaching An Image List to different
controls, Date Time Picker, Windows Standard Dialog Boxes, Open File
Dialog Box, Save File Dialog Box, Font and Color Dialog Boxes
Multithreading in C# and Working With The File System & Streams
What is Multithreading, Instance members of the System. Threading.
Thread class, Thread Priority, Thread Execution Control, Thread
Synchronization, Obtaining the Application’s Environment Information,
Obtaining the paths of various Windows Standard folder, System.IO File
class, System.IO File Info class, System.IO Directory and System.IO
Directory Info classes, Creating, deleting and checking for the existence of
directories, Getting the contents (files and sub-directories) of a directory.