Batterycontacts Duracell
Batterycontacts Duracell
Batterycontacts Duracell
The following will be a general discussion of Music wire is best used for smaller springs.
materials used in both compression springs as well It comes in wire sizes from .004 inches to .125
as stamped cantilever type springs used in battery inches in increments of .001 of an inch. Wire is
contact applications. The five basic materials drawn in many sizes, which allows a designer more
discussed will be music wire, stainless steel, options in spring design. Temperatures over 1210˚C
spring brass, phosphor bronze, and beryllium- (2500˚F) can cause the spring to relax, depending
copper. Each of these materials has many different upon the loading. For example: if a spring is loaded
alloys. Their composition and manufacturing to 90,000 PSI 1210˚C (2500˚F), it can cause a 5% drop
processes differ to a slight degree to yield different in spring force. Manufacturers can provide data to
performance results. Scientists and engineers have aid designers in this area.
The following pages will provide a brief overview. has its own procedure and chemical composition,
All five materials can be used to make wound which can affect the outcome of the finished
compression springs; however, music wire and product. Wire is drawn through multiple dies to
other high carbon steels as well as stainless steels form and harden the wire. This process cold works
are seldom used to make stamped contacts because the wire. The cold work is what produces the
tooling costs would be too great. tensile strength of the wire. So each batch of wire
Music Wire The purchaser must test each batch to make sure it
Materials chart
99% iron
Music 1% carbon
Wire small amounts
28 - 30 230 - 399 11.5 - 12 250 8 - 12 C41 - 60
other elements
Stainless 12-20% Cr
Steel 14-18% Ni
28 - 30 100 - 335 10 - 12 288 - 343 8 - 12 C35 - 57
Spring 70% Cu
Brass 30% Zn
15 - 16 70 - 95 5-6 180 50 - 100 C25 - 30
94-96% Cu
4-6% Tn 15 - 16 95 - 110 NA 200 30 - 75 B94 - 98
some Zn
Beryllium 98% Cu
Copper 2% Be
17 - 20 180 - 200 NA 400 15 - 60 C39
Contact performance is based on many factors and If the contact force is not high enough this point
conditions. Contact force, the area of contact and contact could produce high contact resistance and
the quality of contact is a large factor. The base arching. Arching can then further deteriorate the
material, its conductivity and the type of plating contact surface, which can cause pitting, and
materials used for both of the mating surfaces further corrosion. Arching also produces oxides,
have a large effect on the performance of the which can also increase contact resistance. Raising
contact. The effects of corrosion due to atmospheric the contact force can cause more of these high
conditions and other corrosive conditions can points to make better contact. Adequate contact
severely deteriorate contact performance, as can force can flatten out these contact points and lower
oxide build up on contact surfaces. Contact the contact resistance.
performance is also influenced by the shape of the
contact mating surfaces and how they interconnect. Dimple Features in Stamped Contacts
Circular dimple type contact areas are usually good
Scientists have spent considerable time studying
practice to enhance contact pressure. With stamped
and documenting this subject. An excellent
contacts a circular dimple can easily be added
reference guide on this subject is Electrical Contacts
during the stamping process. The size and curvature
Principle and Applications edited by Paul Slade and
will vary with each application. The effectiveness of
published by Marcel Decker. This text explores the
the dimple used must be tested and modified to
above subjects in great detail.
yield the desired results for each unique
Contact Force and Pressure application. If the dimple is too small and too sharp
in the atmosphere. The presence of oxides can act Figure 3 displays the relationship between
as an insulator that raises the contact resistance. different copper alloys and their conductivity.
Over a period of time oxides can completely block The table shown in Fig-4 (overleaf) also shows the
the electrical signal. Helical springs do not lend strength of copper alloys. If you compare this data
themselves to creating dimple features like stamped you will observe how the conductivity decreases
contacts. Creating a wiping action with a helical as the strength increases. This is also true for other
spring is also not easy. materials such as steel. This information was taken
Hard 41-50 67-78 66-79 74-88 95-108 73-88 Hard gold is the best finish for most contact
Spring 48-57 82-91 81-89 92-108 111-117 83-97 applications. Noble metals are less prone to film
conductivity and that is why they are used for Palladium and palladium-nickel alloys are used in
plating. However these elements are very soft place of gold where cost is a concern. Palladium is
so they are usually alloyed with other materials, about 1/3 to half the cost of gold. It however can
reducing their conductivity but raising their develop films in polluted environments.
resistance to wear.
Tin and tin lead alloys are relatively inexpensive but
used to enhance the conductivity of base materials Nickel is also an inexpensive material but develops
and also coat the base material to protect from thick oxide coatings which must be broken by high
corrosion. There are two main ways to add precious contact force and whipping action of the contact.
metal to a base material, plating and cladding. Since nickel is used to plate most batteries nickel is
Inlaying or cladding a plating material into a base an obvious choice for the mating contact. Using the
material can be done by skiving a groove into the same material removes the possibility of galvanic
substrate material into which a strip of plating corrosion and wear challenges, plus using the same
material is placed. Rolling the material to the plating on mating surfaces creates similar wear.
desired thickness also bonds the material together. Plating hardness also plays a roll in picking adequate
Inlaying can also be done for wire by pressing the plating. High conductivity is desired but high
substrate material in the form of rods into tubes conductivity is usually related to softness, which in
of the plating material. The composite is drawn turn means low wear resistance. Again we see there
through dies to the desired wire diameter. Inlayed is a trade off between conductivity and hardness.
materials are very expensive, but remove the need The table opposite (Fig-5) shows relative hardness
to plate after the spring or contact is manufactured. values for electro-deposited plating alloys.
properties required for contact force whilst being resistance, resistance to strength relaxation and
aware of its conductivity. Conductivity can then be so on. The more a material is worked the more
enhanced by plating the base material, and dimple it costs; for example, full hard material is more
features introduced to improve contact pressure, expensive than half-hard. The thickness of the stock
lowering contact resistance. Plating can enhance material and the tolerance required by the designer
the interconnection, however it can introduce can affect the cost. A tighter tolerance can drive up
added cost, oxidation and corrosion problems. cost. A tolerance of (+) or (-) .0005 will have a
Each interconnection problem is different greater cost than (+) or (-) .001. Cladding a material
and must be treated so. or adding an inlay into a base material will increase
to plating.
Tooling and Manufacturing The forming stations place the bends and forms
needed. There is a tool made for each blank and
Tooling for wound springs includes a spring
form. Each blank and forming tool must be made
winding machine and the arbor needed to wind the
and heat-treated. The harder the base material the
spring. The daily volume needed dictates how many
more expensive the tool will be because it will
machines are needed or how many shifts need to
require a more sophisticated tool steel and heat
run. If it takes 10 seconds to wind a spring then 6
treating to stand up to the work required. The
springs can be wound per minute and 360 springs
larger the number of forms and blanks and the
per hour. Calculations like these must be made to
more complicated each form and blank is, the more
determine the number of machines or number of
expensive the tool will be. The tolerance associated
shifts. The number of springs made per hour
with each blank and form also increases the cost.
dictates the piece part price because there is a
The speed of the die and the number of stations
machine time cost per hour. This cost is based on
dictate the time it takes to make each part. The
the people needed to set up the machine, check
more parts that can be made per hour the lower
the finished product and maintain the machine.
the cost. Once the tool is paid for, costs will include
For most requirements, contracting spring winding
the machine time, the material needed and the
to spring manufacturing companies is the best
maintenance of the tool. This is usually included
option, eliminating the need to purchase machines
in the piece part price. Just as with spring winding,
and train people to set them up, run them and
most of the time it is better to farm out this work
maintain them. It is also easier to design a spring
to a stamping house because they have the
in such a way that it may be bought off the shelf.
expertise and the presses. Once the design is
There are many companies that make and stock
complete a stamping house can quote the price
certain sizes that are commonly used for known
of the tool and a piece part price for the part.
applications, lowering the cost dramatically.
Tooling for stamped contacts is more complicated.
This requires a stamping press as well as the design Plating can be done in different ways. Barrel or
and manufacture of a stamping tool. Further costs batch plating can be done with contacts that will
include the maintenance of that tool and the set not tangle or can be easily untangled. Barrel plating
up cost to install the tool in the press when parts is also used where the whole contact is plated -
are needed. Tools can be designed with multiple excellent for wound springs. A de-tangling feature
capacity. They could be designed with one contact can be designed into the spring by having some
per strip or as many as four contacts per strip. A dead coils in the middle. Dipped plating is done
one capacity tool is less expensive than a two or when the contacts are still on the stamping strip
four capacity tool because each stamping station and they are dipped into the plating and only a
must be duplicated so many times. Each tool has selected area is plated. This is commonly done in
blanking stations and stamping stations. The strip the electronic connector industry. The contacts are
is fed into the tool and is carried by carriers left on the strip. They are made on the strip in the
through the die. Each time the die opens and closes same spacing or pitch that they are assembled into
the strip moves to a different station. The blanking the insulator. After plating they are pressed into the
stations remove material not needed in the part. insulator and the strip is broken away.
The cost of plating is dictated by the cost of the price of the contact. This is because it could take
precious metal used, the time it takes to plate and hours of a toolmaker’s time to produce all the
the cost of that time. Cost of plating materials such blanks and bends necessary to make the contact.
as contact material can vary day to day. The more Sample charges of wound springs are usually
sophisticated the plating alloy is the higher the much less. This usually requires a set up charge
cost. The plating demands sometimes require a base comparable to a few hours of running time.
coat and a flash coat. This is obviously an added
The tooling and set up charge is the largest up
cost. Barrel plating is usually less expensive because
front cost. The longer a tool is run the smaller the
it requires less prep time and many parts can be
part price becomes because it eliminates the human
done simultaneously, however it has added cost if
factor to set the tool up. If a tool can be run
the contacts need to be de-tangled. Dip plating uses
without human supervision or with minimal
less plating but requires more handling costs and
supervision this can also reduce part cost. A spring
set up time. This process is very time consuming
machine can only produce one spring at a time.
because there the number of contacts that can be
To up the capacity, more spring machines must be
dipped at once is limited, increasing costs further.
purchased. A stamping die can be made with one
Again this process is best left to companies that are
to four part capacities. This cuts the cost
experts in this area. There are many environmental
dramatically because it is doing the same work
requirements to deal with if one wishes to do their
and spending the same time to produce more parts.
own plating. Once the plating requirements are
This, however, may require a bigger machine with
known and the spring or contact design is complete
higher force capacity. It can also require more
a plating company can supply a piece part quote.
quality control costs and higher maintenance.
Volume needs dictate the part capacity of the tool.
Secondary Operations
It would be more cost effective to build a one-part
Secondary operations, aside from plating, can be
capacity tool for small volumes; higher volumes
costly because they usually require handling and
would demand higher capacity tooling.
fixtures. This should be avoided whenever possible.
Each time a human being handles a part it becomes A spring or stamping supplier should not only
more expensive. Secondary operations can be supply a part price but there should be price breaks
cutting contact strips into lengths, separating the based on different levels of volume. The higher the
strip from the contact, or bending contact tails after volumes the less the price. The designer should get
assembly. For springs, secondary operations could several quotes from different suppliers and base
be grinding the ends of springs and welding or them not only on price but the quality of the work
soldering elements to the spring. and the supplier’s reliability to meet deadlines and
supply parts that meet specification. The price will
Volumes increase if the parts have to be scrapped, returned
or reworked. Sometimes paying a little more for a
Volumes are the biggest variable in cost. The higher
part from a more reliable supplier is actually more
the volume the lower the cost of a part. When
cost effective.
prototyping a stamped contact a sample charge
could be astronomical compared to the high volume