Determination of Frying Temperature and Vacuum Pressure

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Determination Of Frying Temperature – Yuniarti et al

J. Tek. Pert. Vol 4. No. 3: 129 - 132



Yuniarti1, Susinggih W2, Nur Hidayat2 and Anang L2.

1. Dept. of Postharvest Handling & Processing, Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology East
Java, J1. Karangploso, PO Box 188, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.

2. Dept. of Food Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya University,

J1. Veteran, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.

Pineapple is a very cheap fruit and easily to be found throughout the year in Indonesia. Fruit
processed as crispy chips is mostly prefered by the consumers. Jackfruit and pineapple crispy
chips are popular processed fruit in East Java. These two kinds of fruit have high reducing
sugar, so that they must be fried by vacuum frier. For this time being, simple vacuum frier have
been successfully produced by some local workshops in relatively cheap price. It is a benefit for
the farmers and home industry owners to increase the added value of pineapple fruits.
Unfortunately, the proper technology for producing pineapple chips using this simple frier is
still unknown. The aim of this research was to determine the frying oil temperature and vacuum
pressure of the simple frier used to produce qualified pineapple chips which was prefered by the
consumers. Research was designed in a factorial randomized block with the first factor frying
temperature 1. e. 1)90 °C, 2)l 00 °C and 3)110°C, while the second factor was vacuum pressure
of the fryer 1. e. 1) –500 mm Hg, 2) -600 mm Hg and 3) -700 mm Hg, replicated 3 times.
Pineapple variety used was Queen, harvested at farmer's orchard in Kedawung, Blitar regency,
East Java at 70-80% ripe. Each combination treatment used 3 kg of fruit flesh slices of 2 cm x 2
cm on 2 mm thickness. Total fruit flesh needed was 81 kg. Observation was done on water,
reducing sugar and starch content of the chips produced. Preference test was done using hedonic
scale scoring to evaluate preference's consumer to the crispiness, colour, taste and flavour of the
product. Collected data was then analyzed using LSD test. Result showed that the best
temperature for frying oil was 90°C, while the best vacuum pressure for frier was -700 mm Hg.
Using this method, pineapple chips which were produced had water content 4.85%, reducing
sugar content 20.52% and starch content 4.22%. Scores result for preference test were 5.7 (like)
for crispiness, 6.20 (like) for colour, 5.60 (like) for taste and 6.30 (like) for flavour.

Keywords: Pineapple, simple vacuumfrier, frying temperature, vacuum pressure.

Based on a paper presented at the “7th ASEAN Food Conference 2000” in Manila, Philippines,
19 - 22 November 2000.

Pineapple is a cheap fruit and easily workshops with relatively cheap price. It is
to be found throughout the year in a benefit for the farmers and home industry
Indonesia. Popular processed fruits which owners to increase the added value of
usualIy found are juice dehydrated fruit, pineapple fruit. Unfortunately, proper
jam, jelly and wine (Mulyohardjo, 1984). technology for producing pineapple chips
Lately, fruit crispy is mostly prefered by the using this simple frier is still unknown.
consumers in East Java, especially jackfruit To develop processing industries in
and pineapple chips. These two kinds of farmer's scale in East Java, the proper
fruit have high reducing sugar, so that they processing technology is needed to gain
must be fried by vacuum frier. In this time qualified chips which are prefered by the
being, simple vacuum friers have been consumers. Two main factors determine
successfully produced by some local fruit chips quality are temperature of frying

Determination Of Frying Temperature – Yuniarti et al
J. Tek. Pert. Vol 4. No. 3: 129 - 132

oil and the pressure of vacuum frier. For Preference test was also done including:
producing jackfruit chips, oil temperature • Stage of crispiness, colour, taste
and vacuum pressure needed are 90°C and - and flavour of chips produced using
600 mm Hg. The aim of this research was hedonic scale scoring method, with
to determine temperature of frying oil and scores criteria as follows:
vacuum pressure of the simple vacuum frier 7 = like very much
to be used in producing pineapple chips. 6 = like
5 = like mildly
MATERIALS AND METHODS 4 = neither like or dislike
Research was conducted from July 3 = dislike mildly
1995 to January 1996, at Postharvest 2 = dislike
Laboratory of Institute of Agriculture 1 = dislike very much.
Technology Assessment Karangploso and
Agriculture Product Processing Laboratory RESULT AND DISCUSSION
of Brawijaya University, in Malang. Result on quality evaluation and
Pineapple fruits of Queen variety were consumer's preference test towards
picked at farmer's field in Kedawung, Blitar pineapple chips are presented in Table 1.
regency, at 75-85% ripe. Frying temperature showed a
The used vacuum frier was made significant effect to reducing sugar content
by local workshop, consisted of frying tank, of pineapple chips produced, but were not
cooling tank, water pump, water tank, significantly different to the water and
thermocontrol, ejector and gas stove. The starch content. It was proved that higher
capacity of this frier was 3 kg of fruit flesh frying temperature would resulted lower
sliced as raw material. Every frying process reducing sugar content. It might be caused
needed around 60 - 90 minutes for fl-ying by Maillard reaction during frying process,
the material. which resulted high loss of sugar.
This research used a factorial Frying temperature was not
randomized block design with the first significantly affect to the consumer's
factor frying temperature 1. e.: 1) 90°C, 2) preference, but vacuum pressure would
100°C and 3) 110°C, while the second affect scores of crispiness, colour and
factor was vacuum pressure i. e.: 1) - 500 flavour. The use of lower pressure would
mm Hg, 2) - 600 mm Hg and 3) - 700 mm shorten frying time so that better colour and
Hg, replicated three times. Harvested flavour of the product will be obtained. It
pineapple fruits were then peeled, their eyes was similar with it's water content, product
and hearts removed, then cut into slices of 2 with lower water content would have better
cm x 2 cm with 2 min on thickness. For crispiness.
each one combined treatment needed 3 kg For combination treatment, Table 1
of sliced fruit, which was then fried using showed that lower water content of chips
simple frier. Total fruit flesh needed was 27 were resulted by the use of lower pressure.
x 3 kg of sliced fruit = 81 kg. Pineapple Lower pressure of the frier would resulted
chips produced was then observed on it's faster water loss, consequently water
quality including: content of the product would be lower. In
• Water content using oven method general, reducing sugar lowered in lowering
by Rangana, 1979 pressure from - 500 mm Hg to - 700 mm
• Reducing sugar content using Hg. During the decrease of water content,
spectrophotometer by Nelson the certain Aw would be reached. This
Somogyi method, in Sudarmadji et. specific Aw might be enhance Maillard
al, 1984 reaction, so that the sugar would be
• Starch content using direct acid damaged. According to Loncin et. al., 1968,
hydrolysis according to AOAC Maillard reaction will reach a maximum
method, 1970. rate at Aw 0.6 to 0.7.

Determination Of Frying Temperature – Yuniarti et al
J. Tek. Pert. Vol 4. No. 3: 129 - 132

The analysis result showed, that the best REFERENCES

combined treatment was the use of 90°C A. O. A. C., 1970. Official Methods of
frying temperature and - 700 mm Hg Analysis of the AOAC
vacuum pressure. By using this method, (Association of Official Analytical
pineapple chips produced would have Chemists). The AOAC,
preference's score as much as 5.70 (like) for Washington, D. C.
crispiness, 6.20 (like) for colour, 5.60 (like)
for taste and 6.30 (like) for flavour. Lonci, M., Bimbenet, J. J. and Lenges, 1,
1968. Influences of the activity of
CONCLUSION water on the spoilage of foodstuffs.
The best flying temperature and J. Food Technol. 3, 131-142.
vacuum pressure which were needed to
produce pineapple crispy chips using Mulyohardjo, M., 1984. Nenas dan
simple vacuum frier were 90'C and - 700 Teknologi Pengolahannya. Penerbit
mm Hg. Liberty. Yogyakarta.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Rangana, S., 1979. Manual of Analysis of

The authors wish to thank DR. Fruit and Vegetable Products.
Rogetio A. Panlasigui and the Committee Tata-Me Graw Hill. New Delhi,
of the 7th ASEAN Food Conference who India.
financially supported the presentation of
this paper. Sudarmadji, S., Haryono, B. dan Subardi,
1989. Analisa Bahan Makanan dan
Pertanian. Penerbit Liberty.
Table 1. Pineapple Chip Characteristics Produced By Different Frying Temperature and
Vacuum Pressure of Simple Vacuum Frier
Frying Vacuum Water Sugar Starch Crispiness Colour Taste Flavour
Temperatur Pressure Content Content Content
(°C) (mm Hg) (%) (%) (%)
90 5.64 a 21.37 a 4.12 a 5.33 a 5.50 a 5.40 a 5.77 a
100 5.50 a 20.72 b 4.34 a 5.37 a 5.27 a 5.40 a 5.53 a
110 - 5.03 a 19.98 c 4.22 a 5.43 a 5.07 a 5.17 a 5.47 a
- -500 4.08 a 20.97 a 4.86 c 4.66 c 4.66 c 5.00 a 5.21 b
-600 4.46 a 21.04 a 5.36 b 5.23 b 5.23 b 5.36 a 5.55 ab
- -700 4.15 a 20.07 b 5.90 a 5.93 a 5.93 a 5.60 a 6.00 a
90 -500 6.16 a 21.92 a 3.70 a 4.78 a 4.78 a 5.11 a 5.33 a
-600 5.91 a 21.67 a 4.43 a 5.46 a 5.46 a 5.46 a 5.64 a
-700 4.85 ab 20.52 b 4.22 a 5.70 a 6.20 a 5.60 a 6.30 a

100 -500 8.83 a 21.28 a 4.44 a 4.90 a 4.70 a 5.20 a 5.20 a

-600 4.26 ab 21.21 a 4.61 a 5.20 a 5.20 a 5.40 a 5.40 a
-700 3.40 b 19.69 c 3.98 a 6.00 a 5.90 a 5.60 a 6.00 a

110 -500 6.44 a 19.71 c 4.10 a 4.90 a 4.50 a 5.70 a 5.10 a

-600 4.38 ab 20.23 b 4.32 a 5.40 a 5.00 a 5.20 a 5.60 a
-700 4.28 ab 19.99 bc 4.23 a 6.00 a 5.70 a 5.60 a 5.70 a

Note: Any two means having the same letters in the same column are not significantly
different at 5% level of LSDt

Determination Of Frying Temperature – Yuniarti et al
J. Tek. Pert. Vol 4. No. 3: 129 - 132

Table 1. Pineapple Chip Characteristics Produced By Different Frying Temperature and

Vacuum Pressure of Simple Vacuum Frier

Frying Vacuum Water Sugar Starch Crispiness Colour Taste Flavour

Temperatur Pressure Content Content Content
(°C) (mm Hg) (%) (%) (%)
90 5.64 a 21.37 a 4.12 a 5.33 a 5.50 a 5.40 a 5.77 a
100 5.50 a 20.72 b 4.34 a 5.37 a 5.27 a 5.40 a 5.53 a
110 - 5.03 a 19.98 c 4.22 a 5.43 a 5.07 a 5.17 a 5.47 a
- -500 4.08 a 20.97 a 4.86 c 4.66 c 4.66 c 5.00 a 5.21 b
-600 4.46 a 21.04 a 5.36 b 5.23 b 5.23 b 5.36 a 5.55 ab
- -700 4.15 a 20.07 b 5.90 a 5.93 a 5.93 a 5.60 a 6.00 a
90 -500 6.16 a 21.92 a 3.70 a 4.78 a 4.78 a 5.11 a 5.33 a
-600 5.91 a 21.67 a 4.43 a 5.46 a 5.46 a 5.46 a 5.64 a
-700 4.85 ab 20.52 b 4.22 a 5.70 a 6.20 a 5.60 a 6.30 a

100 -500 8.83 a 21.28 a 4.44 a 4.90 a 4.70 a 5.20 a 5.20 a

-600 4.26 ab 21.21 a 4.61 a 5.20 a 5.20 a 5.40 a 5.40 a
-700 3.40 b 19.69 c 3.98 a 6.00 a 5.90 a 5.60 a 6.00 a

110 -500 6.44 a 19.71 c 4.10 a 4.90 a 4.50 a 5.70 a 5.10 a

-600 4.38 ab 20.23 b 4.32 a 5.40 a 5.00 a 5.20 a 5.60 a
-700 4.28 ab 19.99 bc 4.23 a 6.00 a 5.70 a 5.60 a 5.70 a
Note: Any two means having the same letters in the same column are not significantly
different at 5% level of LSD t

Determination Of Frying Temperature – Yuniarti et al
J. Tek. Pert. Vol 4. No. 3: 129 - 132


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