Main Causes of Air Pollution

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Air pollution can be defined as

 The presence of toxic chemicals or compounds (including those of biological origin)
in the air, at levels that pose a health risk, and which lower the quality of the air or
cause detrimental changes to the quality of life (such as the damaging of the ozone
layer or causing global warming)

What Causes Air Pollution?

Air pollution is the most urgent environmental problem in most parts of the world, because
air pollution causes far the majority of the health problems related to environmental


 Most often, it is caused by human activities such as mining, construction,
transportation, industrial work, agriculture, smelting, etc. contribute to the global
pollution of the air every single day

 However, natural processes such as volcanic eruptions and wildfires may also
pollute the air, but their occurrence is rare and they usually have a local effect,

Road traffic giving lots of noise, but emitting lots of air pollution as well. Especially
ultrafine soot particles and nitrogen oxides.
 The sources of smog and soot are similar. “Both come from cars and trucks, factories,
power plants, incinerators, engines, generally anything that combusts fossil fuels such as
coal, gas, or natural gas

Effects of Air Pollution

Air pollution has serious effects on the human health. Depending on the
level of exposure and the type of pollutant inhaled
Particulate matter and ground level ozone makes us sick and makes us die prematurely

these effects can vary, ranging from simple symptoms like coughing and the
irritation of the respiratory tract to acute conditions like asthma and chronic
lung diseases.
Skin problems and irritations can develop due to prolonged exposure to
several air pollutants, and a variety of cancer forms may develop after
inhaling air contaminants.

How to Help Reduce Air Pollution

 The less gasoline we burn, the better we’re doing to reduce air pollution and
harmful effects of climate change
 Make good choices about transportation. When you can, walk, ride a bike, or
take public transportation. For driving, choose a car that gets better miles per
gallon of gas, or choose an electric car.
 Support leaders who push for clean air and water and responsible steps on
climate change
 The noxious, the nitrogen oxides, can be removed by catalytic converters, and
the particles can be removed by particulate filters. By combining catalytic
converters and particulate filter systems in the exhaust gas system, the
pollution can reduce by more than 90%.
 For new vehicles, we can introduce emission limits

How to Protect Your Health

- Smog and soot

We’ve made progress over the last 50 years improving air quality in the United States
thanks to the Clean Air Act

But how about all existing vehicles? Here the trick is to introduce low emission zones
that the zones covering city areas, sensitive city areas with lots of people. And these
areas will restrict how many vehicles can go in, or how old a vehicle can be. So the
oldest vehicles can not enter the sensitive city environment and this has been a very
efficient tool in Europe to limit the air pollution in cities from old vehicles.

But we have other sources than just traffic. We have non-road mobile machinery or
construction machinery used on construction sites. This machinery is typical on the
whole day, causing lots of global air pollution. Exposure to people working on the site
and of course the pollution is spreading to the city environments around the sites.

Again, which are diesel engines and thereby which are pollution with particulate
matter and nox. Again, from a technical point, easy removable by installing catalytic
converters and particulate filters. However, this is only done if it is required and this is
where the management point of view comes into it.

By deciding again, or regulating that all new, non-road mobile machinery, construction
machinery, needs to have low emissions. You can make sure that they automatically
have installed air pollution control equipment before they are sold.

Shipping is a huge pollution source but an international pollution source as well

We have very local air pollution problems as well, where we need solutions on a city
basis. That is, for example, residential burning in residential neighborhoods.

When you have intensive burning of wood, you can have the same pollution levels as
you have in the rush hour here on the most polluted street in the center of

Another sector is farming. Farming emits a huge amount of ammonia. Ammonia is not
really toxic in itself, but in the atmosphere, it leads to the formation of a particulate
matter. And thereby contributing significantly to mortality and mobility in the
population. Solucion : That can be done from a technical point of view by just
reducing the pH a little bit in the manure, thereby avoiding the ammonia evaporation.

It's mainly vapor water coming out of chimneys. Because we have very strict
regulations for power plants and industrial facilities for ages in the developed part of
the world. China and other regions

The air pollution management stations are a very important management tool to
follow the development in the air pollution, and to find the effects on different
pollution reduction things, like low emission zones, like new filters. Did they work? Do
they limit the pollution? What more needs to be done to follow and to obey and fulfill
the limit values? And that's why we need monitoring. Monitoring and knowledge is the
way to better management.

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