Ichimaru Pharcos Co., LTD.: Requests Concerning With Intellectual Property Rights and Others
Ichimaru Pharcos Co., LTD.: Requests Concerning With Intellectual Property Rights and Others
Ichimaru Pharcos Co., LTD.: Requests Concerning With Intellectual Property Rights and Others
"C9@$κD%(:E%80-.-$&)*:)% % % % % % % $%"$%
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NF-κB and Photo-Aging1) to 7)
Human body has the genetic information of about twenty-two thousand genes and has been
maintained by the information. The gene exhibits its function by expressing the appropriate
amount of information where and when the information is needed. When the information is not
necessary, the gene is locked so as not to exhibit its function. The key to unlock the gene is
called “Transcriptional factor.” One of the representative transcriptional factors is “Nuclear
factor-kappa B <NF-κB>.”
NF-κB is activated in response to various stimulus events to increase the expression of
various genes involved in immunity, proliferation, apotosis, inflammation and so on (Fig. 1). In
9-HQ(R% % % % % % % % M:2R(QQ(.*-:%Z%[\
a normal condition, NF-κB unlocks a
gene only when the gene expression is
necessary. When a cell is led to an
abnormal condition by inflammation
etc., NF-κB is activated enormously to
excessively enhance the gene
expression (Fig. 2). It has been
considered that such excessive gene
expression induces various disorders.
In fact, it has been reported that excess 9;J;''(HG (Q-/:.% -2
9@$κD%2-H%R*2;$'/II-H. OAJ;''*V;%9@$κD
activation of NF- κ B leads to the
@*)C?% M:2R(QQ(.*-:% (:E% OAJ;''*V;% 9@$κD%
occurrence of cancer, rheumatism,
psoriasis and so on. Therefore, NF-κ
B inhibitors are now under development extensively in the world.
OI*E;HQ*'% % % % @*KH-KR('.%
** "5
3 *** #
N **
4 4
F-:.H-R [\D ML$" X9@$] F-:.H-R [\D ML$" X9@$]
OI*E;HQ*'% % % % % % % @*KH-KR('.%
" "
*** ***
4C3 4C3
4 4
F-:.H-R 9@$WD F-:.H-R 9@$WD
*** <%8^4C4"
NF- κ B exists also in skin epidermal keratinocyte and dermal fibroblasts, and it has
been confirmed that NF- κ B is expressed excessively by stimuli such as ultraviolet
radiation and inflammation to result in an increase in the transcriptional activity (Fig.3).
Excess expression of NF- κ B induces inflammatory cytokines in the cells which
further induces the expression of NF- κ B. That is, uncontrollable spiral production of NF-
κ B occurs. Excess expression of NF- κ B increases the production of bFGF (basic
Fibroblast Growth Factor), a cell growth factor (Fig. 4), which causes epidermal thickening due
to hyperproliferation and abnormal keratinization of epidermal keratinocytes and
pigment deposition due to melanocyte proliferation. It is considered that such
changes lead to photo-aging of the skin (Fig. 5).
We confirmed that NF-κB played a major role in photo-aging, verified that various
photo-aging symptoms could be
prevented by NF- κ B inhibitors
(Fig. 6) and published the results *.
We have confirmed at the same
time that the inhibition of the NF-
κB action does not give adverse
effects on normal skin functions 7).
It can be expected that NF-κ
B inhibitors have the capability to
safely protect the skin from
[\%=$> [\%=a>% a%
@*)CN% TU*:% _(Q();% KG% [\% (:E% MQIH-V;Q;:.
*124th Japan Pharmaceutical Society meeting (2004)
104th meeting of Japanese Dermatological Society (2005)
J.Pharmacol. Exp. Ther (2005)
Cynaropicrin and Biobenefity7) 8)
Since it can be expected that NF-κB inhibitors have the capability to protect the skin from
photo-aging, a screening test of the candidates was performed on the basis of the inhibitory
activity on the increment of NF-κB gene transcription stimulated by TNF-α (Tumor Necrosis
Factor-α) in a cell. In the screening test, we found that artichoke extract had a powerful
inhibitory activity on the increment of NF-κB transcription. Thus,
C = =C
C= =
F"BP??dN% % ,Se!5N%
artichoke extract was purified by silica gel
with powerful inhibitory action on an
increase in NF-κB transcription, it can be
expected to have a powerful capability to
protect the skin from photo-aging. The 54
comparison of a capability to inhibit an D*-K;:;2*.G
increase in NF- κ B transcription between ?4 FG:(H-I*JH*:
Biobenefity and cynaropicrin alone revealed
that both compounds had almost the same 4
capability on the basis of cynaropicrin unit D*-K;:;2*.G 4 " ? ! 5 3 =c>
(Fig. 8). Therefore, it was cleared that the FG:(H-I*JH*: 4 ? 5 N N # =μ,>
powerful effect of cynaropicrin was exhibited
also in Biobenefity. @*)C#% F-QI(H*'-:% K;.b;;:% FG:(H-I*JH*:
Cynara scolymus L. (Compositae)9) to 12)
Biobenefity inhibits NF-κB Hypertranscription in skin and below mentioned prevention of
photo-ageing was observed.
Photo-Aging $(!)$*+,!
PGI;HU;H(.*:*i(.*-: ●% M:0*K*.-HG%O22;J.%-2%K@1@%8H-E/J.*-:%
● M:0*K*.-HG%O22;J.%-2%OI*E;HQ(R%,;R(:-JG.;%
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % 8H-R*2;H(.*-:%
8H-R*2;H(.*-: ●% M:0*K*.-HG%O22;J.%-2%D"N%,;R(:-Q(%F;RR%8H-E/J.*-:
●% S0*.;:*:)%O22;J.%-:%P/Q(:%TU*:%
● MQIH-V;Q;:.%O22;J.%-2%TU*:%OR('.*J*.G%-:%P/Q(:%
2/+0$1 TU*:
N$21 κH
; 101*$ :&*+174&%01*$'*7'
Inhibitory Effect of NF-κB Hypertranscription
Biobenefity is applied 1 to 3% as final concentration. As control, 50% 1,3-Butylene Glycol
was applied.
293 cells (human embryonic kidney cells, Riken) were seeded on a 12-well dish using DMEM
(Sigma) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (Thermo Trace). At 24 hours after seeding, firely
luciferase reporter vector, pGL-3-BasicVector with a base sequence of NF-κB binding site and
an internal standard, pRL-TK Vector expressing renilla luciferase were transfected into the cells
with Fugene-6 transfection reagent (Roche Diagnostics). Twenty-four hours later, a test sample
was added and 2 hours later, TNF-α was added to make the final concentration 0.5 ng/mL.
Twenty-two hours later, cell contents were extracted to assay luciferase activity in the extract
with Luciferase Assay System (Promega) by a luminometer (Promega TD-20/20 Luminometer).
The amount of NF-κB expressed was obtained by dividing the assay value of firefly luciferase
(amount of NF-κB transcribed) by the assay value of renilla luciferase (amount of cells). The
amount of NF-κB expressed in the addition of TNF-α was defined as 100 to calculate the
relative value in the treatment of each test sample.
The effect of Biobenefity on TNF-α dependent NF-κB transcription was shown in Fig.9.
Although amount of NF-κB Hypertranscription was caused by stimulation of NF-α, NF-κB
Hypertranscription was strongly inhibited by concentration of Biobenefity.
According to this result, Biobenefity is expected to inhibit photo-aging by inhibitory effect of
NF-κB hypertranscription.
4 ?4 54 N4 #4 "44 "?4
Inhibitory Effect of bFGF Production (NF-κB)
bFGF (basic Fibroblast Growth Factor) is produced excessively at the inflammatory sites
and the skin exposed ultraviolet rays to enhance abnormal proliferation (hyperkeratinization) of
the hyperkeratinization, which leads to dry skin due to the thickness of the horny layer and
abnormal differentiation of epidermal keratinocyte, and to pigment deposition. It has been
known that NF-κB is expressed excessively at the occurrence of inflammation to increase bFGF
production. Therefore, a substance that inhibits NF-κB dependent bFGF production can be
expected to prevent horny layer thickness, dry skin and pigment deposition due to inflammation
and ultraviolet irradiation (photo-aging).
Using epidermal keratinocyte expressing NF- κ B excessively, the inhibitory effect of
Biobenefity on bFGF production was examined.
Biobenefity is applied 3% as final concentration. Also, cynaropicrin of active component
was applied as same concentration as Biobenefity. As control, 50% 1,3-Butylene Glycol was
Normal human epidermal keratinocyte (Kurabo NHEK) was seeded on a 12-well plate
(Corning) with serum-free medium EpiLife-KG2 (Kurabo) and preincubated for 24 hours at 37°C
under 5% CO2 condition. Thereafter, pCMV-p65 Vector expressing p65, a subunit of NF-κB,
was transfected into the cells with Fugene-6 transfection reagent (Roche Diagnostics) so that the
cells are changed to those that can express active NF-κB strongly. After further 24-hour
incubation, the medium was changed to fresh one. Then a test sample was added and the cells
were further incubated for 48 hours. After the incubation, the supernatant of the culture
medium was isolated to determine bFGF with bFGF EIA kit (Cytimmune). At the same time,
the number of cells was counted with Cell Counting Kit-8 (Dojindo) to calculate the amount of
bFGF per cell, which was used for the evaluation.
The inhibitory effect of Biobenefity on bFGF production is shown in Fig. 10. In the
modified cells with strong expression of NF-κB, the amount of bFGF produced was significantly
increased. Biobenefity inhibited bFGF production significantly in the cells. The addition of
cynaropicrin also inhibited bFGF production like the addition of Biobenefity, confirming that
cynaropicrin played a major role in the inhibitory effect of Biobenefity.
It was confirmed by above-mentioned results that Biobenefity inhibited bFGF production
caused by excess NF-κB. Therefore, it can be expected that Biobenefity improves the aging
skin symptoms such as abnormal keratinization and pigment deposition due to inflammation
and ultraviolet irradiation.
=F-HH;'I-:E%.- **
4 4C3 " "C3 ?
8H-E/J.*-:%(Q-/:.%-2%K@1@%=:)Z"4 %J;RR'>%jj%I^443
Inhibitory Effect of Epidermal Melanocyte Proliferation (NF-κB)
Biobenefity is applied 3% as final concentration. Also, cynaropicrin of active component
was applied as same concentration as Biobenefity. As control, 50% 1,3-Butylene Glycol was
Normal human epidermal OI*E;HQ(R%Q;R(:-JG.; OI*E;HQ(R%J;RR%
keratinocyte (Kurabo NHEK)
was seeded on a 12-well plate
(Corning) with serum-free
medium EpiLife-KG2 (Kurabo)
F0(:);%9@$κD% %
and preincubated for 24 hours at
37°C under 5% CO2 condition.
Thereafter, pCMV-p65 Vector =M:E/J;%IN3%);:;>%
expressing p65, a subunit of NF-
κ B, was transfected into the
cells with Fugene-6 transfection F/R./H;%'/I;H:(.(:.%
reagent (Roche Diagnostics) so &EE
that the cells are changed to
those that can express active F-/:.%:/QK;H%-2%J;RR'
NF-κB strongly. After further @*)C%""%F;RR%F/R.*V(.*-:%,;.0-E%
24-hour incubation, the medium
was changed to fresh one. Then a test sample was added and the cells were further incubated
for 48 hours and the supernatant of the culture medium was isolated.
Human epidermal melanocyte (Kurabo NHEM) was seeded on a 24-well plate (Corning)
with low-serum medium Medium 154S (Kurabo) and incubated for 24 hours at 37°C under 5%
CO2 condition. Thereafter, the medium was changed to a medium prepared by mixing Medium
154S without a proliferation promoter and the supernatant of epidermal keratinocyte culture
medium collected in the previous test at the volumetric ratio of 1 to 4 and the cells were
incubated for a further 72 hours (Fig. 11). After the completion of incubation, the cells were
isolated and the number of cells was counted with a blood cell counter.
The inhibitory effect of Biobenefity on epidermal melanocyte proliferation is shown in Figs.
12 and 13. The addition of the culture medium supernatant of epidermal keratinocyte with
excessive expression of NF-κB to the medium for the cultivation of epidermal melanocyte
significantly increased epidermal melanocyte proliferation. On the other hand, the culture
medium supernatant obtained from epidermal keratinocyte incubated in the addition of
Biobenefity did not increase epidermal melanocyte proliferation. In the addition of cynaropicrin,
the inhibition of epidermal melanocyte proliferation was also observed like in the addition of
Biobenefity. Thus it could be confirmed that cynaropicrin also played a major role in the effect
of Biobenefity.
It was confirmed by above-mentioned results that Biobenefity inhibited epidermal
melanocyte proliferation caused by excess NF- κ B. Therefore, it can be expected that
Biobenefity improves the pigmentation such as black spot and freckle to inflammation and
ultraviolet irradiation.
9-HQ(R%J;RR%=R-b%9@$κD> F-:.H-R%=9@$κD%;AJ;''*V;%J;RR%>
!c%D*-K;:;2*.G% FG:(H-I*JH*:%
=9@$κD%;AJ;''*V;%J;RR%> =9@$κD%;AJ;''*V;%J;RR%>%
9-HQ(R%J;RR **
4 " ? ! 5 3
X0;%:/QK;H%-2%J;RR'%=k%"4 %J;RR'ZQL>%%%jjI^4C43
Whitening Effect on Human Skin
Biobenefity is diluted 20 times by 50% 1,3-Butylene Glycol, adjusted to 5% solution and use
as test sample. 50% 1,3-Butylene Glycol is used as control.
The test detail is explained to volunteers in advance, and after confirming consent, they
cooperated in these tests. Test sample and control was applied on both cheeks twice a day for 3
months. Volunteers were allowed to use their general cosmetic items during this test. The test
was conducted from December 20, 2004 to March 22, 2006
Black (dark) value was measured before application, after application and one to three
months later by MEXAMETER MXI8 (Courage + Khazka electronic GmbH, Germany).
Transition of melanin index of 5 volunteers is shown in Fig. 14. Melanin index was down on
skin applied with Biobenefity improved.
According to this result, Biobenefity has a whitening effect on human.
?44 ?34
"34 ?44
,(R;%F%=!4'> ,(R;%_%=54'>
?34 ?34
?44 F-:.H-R%
"34 "44
4 " ? !%Q-:.0 4 " ? !%Q-:.0
Inhibitory Effect of B16 Melanoma Cell
We investigated melanin production inhibition test on B16 melanoma cells for Biobenefity
Biobenefity is applied 1% and 2% as final concentration. As control, 50% 1,3-Butylene Glycol
was applied.
B16 melanoma cells were used. MEM culture medium (GIBCO BRL) including 5% fetal
bovine serum (ThermoTrace) were used and cultured at 37℃ and 5% CO2. 2 x 105 B16
melanoma cells were planted in a 60 mm plastic culture dish and were pre-cultured 24 hours.
Then they were transferred to a fresh culture medium and test materials were added. The cells
were collected by processing with trypsin after culturing for three days. Cells were dissolved in
1N NaOH and 10% DMSO and then absorbance was measured at 420nm. At the same time, the
number of the cells were measured, and amount of melanin per cell were measured and
Amount of melanin in medium was shown in Fig. 15. Biobenefity was observed to have
significant inhibition effect of melanin production.
According to results, Biobenefity is expected to have strong whitening effect.
Improvement Effect of Skin Elasticity on Human Skin
A decrease in skin elasticity finally leads to aging symptoms such as wrinkles and pouches.
It has been considered that such decrease in skin elasticity is caused by the degradation and
denaturation of dermic components such as collagen due to the action of active oxygen and due to
inflammation. A decrease in elasticity due to epidermal hardness can be also considered to be
one of the causes. Since bFGF produced by the action of NF-κB increases epidermal thickness,
there is a possibility that bFGF decreases skin elasticity by hardening the skin. Thus an
improving effect of Biobenefity with an inhibitory action on NF-κB on skin elasticity was
Biobenefity is diluted 20 times by 50% 1,3-Butylene Glycol, adjusted to 5% solution and use
as test sample. 50% 1,3-Butylene Glycol is used as control.
5 volunteers at age 20s to 40s that gave us written informed consent were enrolled in this
study. Each test sample was applied around the left and right eyes of each subject twice a day
for 3 months. Volunteers were allowed to use their general cosmetic items during this test. The
test was conducted from December 20, 2004 to March 22, 2006.
Before and at 3 months after the commencement of the application, the elasticity of the skin
was measured by a skin viscosity and elasticity meter ! Cutometer (CUTOMETER SEM474,
COURAGE + KHAZAKA Electronic GmbH). The elasticity was calculated by the change of the
skin condition when the skin was sucked for 5 sec by instantly reducing the pressure to 500 mb
and thereafter the negative pressure was instantly released, which were done twice.
The test was performed several times each in right and left application sites, and the
percentage of the change of the mean values between the value before the commencement of the
application and that at 3 months after the commencement of the application was calculated to
obtain the rate of the change (Ur/Uf). The measurement was performed 20 min after
acclimation in an air conditioning room (room temperature: 20"C and humidity: 50%) after
washing the face.
The change of elasticity before application and 3 months later of 5 volunteers is shown in
Fig.16. According to application of Biobenefity, elasticity were improved for 5 volunteers
compared with control.
According to this result, Biobenefity has improvement effect of elasticity.
,(R;%F%=!4'> ,(R;%_%=54'>
4C3 4C3
4C53 4C53
4C5 4C5
4C!3 4C!3
4C! 4C!
4C?3 4C?3
4C? 4C?
4 !%Q-:.0 4 !%Q-:.0
NF-κB and Action of Skin Pore14 to 17)
Improvement Effect of Pore on Human Skin
Biobenefity is diluted by purified water, adjusted to 5% solution and use as test sample. 50%
1,3-Butylene Glycol is used as control.
Fifteen male and female healthy volunteers in their
twenties to forties that gave us written informed consent were
employed as subjects in the present study. Each test
substance was applied overall on left and right face twice a day
for 2 months after face washing. There was no limitation on
the usage of cosmetics other than the test substance. The test
was performed during June 9, 2005 and August 16, 2005.
Before the commencement of application, and 1 and 2
months after the commencement application, the number of
the prominent skin’s pores around the nose and the cheek was
counted by a Roboskin Analyzer RSA-50 (Inforward, right
The measurement was performed after 20-min acclimation in a constant temperature and
humidity controlled room (temperature: 20"C and humidity: 50%) after face washing.
The images of the skin’s pores before the commencement of application and the
representative improvement images of the skin’s pores 2 months after the commencement of
application at each application site of 15 subjects are shown in Fig. 17 and Fig. 19, respectively,
and the change of the number of the skin’s pores opened is shown in Fig. 20. Nine of 15 subjects
showed a decrease in the number of the skin’s pores opened at the Biobenefity application site
and three other subjects showed a tendency towards improvement. It was only three subjects
that showed no improvement (Fig. 18). There was no subject whose symptom was aggravated
compared with the pre-application condition.
From these results, it can be expected that Biobenefity shows an improving effect on the
prominent skin’s pores.
D;2-H;%&IIR*J(.*-:% ?%,-:.0%L(.;H%
D;2-H;%&IIR*J(.*-:% ?%,-:.0%L(.;H%
D;2-H;%&IIR*J(.*-:% ?%,-:.0%L(.;H%
D;2-H;%&IIR*J(.*-:% ?%,-:.0%L(.;H%
MQIH-V;Q;:. X;:E;:JG%.-b(HE'%*QIH-V;Q;:. 9-%MQIH-V;Q;:.
#44 544
Visiable pore (Number)
"N4 !N4
644 N44
"?4 !?4
#4 ?#4
54 544 ?54
!44 B44
?44 #44
4 544 N44 4
4 " ?%Q-:.0 4 " ?%Q-:.0 4 " ?%Q-:.0 4 " ?%,-:.0
""44 "?44
344 "444
"444 D*-K;:;2*.G
#44 F-:.H-R%
Stability Test
Change of Absorbance value at 410 is shown in Fig. 21 and concentration of cynaropicrin is
shown in Fig.22. Biobenefity is stable at any condition.
According to this result, Biobenefity does not have time dependent change and is
significantly stable product.
" "?4
4C# "44
F--R%8R(J; N4
4C5 S*:E-b%T*E;
34℃ 54
4 4
4 " ? ! 4 " ? !
,-:.0' ,-:.0'
@*)C?"%L-:)%.;HQ%'.(K*R*.G%"% % % @*)C??%L-:)%.;HQ%'.(K*R*.G%?%
2. Thermal stability
Biobenefity was heated in a water bath at 90℃. After cooling down, absorbance value was
measured at 410 nm.
Thermal stability of Biobenefity is shown in Fig.
23. The increase of absorbance of Biobenefity and
4 " ? ! 5 3 N
3.pH Stability
pH of Biobenefity is adjusted from 3 to 10 by HCl and NaOH. Absorbance value at 410nm
were determined.
Absorbance value of Biobenefity is shown in "
it was almost stable on color, but over pH8 the
color was darkened. Color tone was also changed a
little by little. Precipitation was not observed at 4C5
Compatibility Test
Biobenefity was diluted to 5 %, and the test samples were adjusted by purified water as
shown on the each table. After 24 hours later, mixed solution was evaluated.
Results are shown on table 1 to 3.
% Ingredients Result
2.8 Stearyl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride ○
Cation 3.0 Cetyltrimehylammonium Chloride ○
2.7 Lauryltrimethylammonium Chloride ○
10.0 Triethanolamine Lauryl Sulfate ○
25.0 Sodium Laureth Sulfate ○
25.0 Triethanolamine Laureth Sulfate ○
6.25 Laureth-6 Carboxylic Acid ○
10.0 Sodium N-Cocoyl-N-methyl Taurate ○
10.0 Potassium N-Cocoyl Glycinate ○
7.5 Sodium Lauroyl Methylaminopropionate ○
25.0 Sodium Tetradecenesulfonate ○
10.0 Polyethylene Glycol (50) Oleyl Ether ○
10.0 Coconut Tatty Acid Diethanolamide ○
Nonion 10.0 Sorbeth-60 Tetraoleate ○
10.0 Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Monooleate (20E.O.) ○
10.0 Polyoxyethylene Hydrogenated Castor Oil (60E.O.) ○
Silicone 10.0 Polyoxyethylene・Methylpolysiloxane Copolymer ○
3.5 Lauryl Dimethylaminoacetic Acid Betaine ○
Ampholytic 4.0 Sodium N-Cocoyl-N-Carboxymethyl-N-Hydroxyethyl Ethylenediamide ○
2.9 Lauroyl Amide Propylhydroxysulfobetaine ○
○<%1--E+% % △<%TR*)0.%X/HK*E*.G+% % ×<%8H;J*I*.(.;%
2.Compatibility of 5% of Biobenefity with other ingredients
% Ingredients Result
50 Glycerin ○
50 1,3-Butylene Glycol ○
Solvent 50 Propylene Glycol ○
50 Isopropyl Alcohol ○
50 Ethanol ○
0.1 Carboxyvinyl polymer ○
Synthetic 1 Polyvinylpyrrolidone ○
polymer 1 Polyvinyl Alcohol ○
1 Polyethylene glycol (6000) ○
1 Sodium alginate ○
1 Carboxymethyl cellulose ○
1 Cationic cellulose ○
0.1 Bio Sodium Hyaluronate HA12 ○
1 Hydroxypropyl cellulose ○
Phospholipid 1 Lipidure-PMB ○
Vitamin-C 2 Ascorbyl Glucoside ○
derivative 2 Pacificos VAP ○
○<%1--E+% % △<%TR*)0.%X/HK*E*.G+% % ×<%8H;J*I*.(.;%
3.Compatibility of 5% Biobenefity with other our products
Subject Specification
Appearance Light brown to yellowish brown liquid, having
characteristic odor.
Terpenoid Positive
Heavy metals 20 ppm max.
Arsenic 2 ppm max.
Residue on Evaporation 0.18 w/v% min.
Butylene Glycol
INCI Name Water
Cynara Scolymus (Artichoke) Leaf Extract
CAS Number 84012-14-6
EINECS Number 281-659-3
analyzed. Cynaropicrin showed the
/)01O%01*$ :
inhibitory effect on an increase in TNF-$ /)01O%01*$ IFJκH
Q&%$.+*)%01*$'(04M R4S&%<%01*$
dependent NF- κ B transcription. (*2) Q&%$.+*)%01*$
3$,>/(/#$*' I-)+4-.
Since TNF- α dependent NF- κ B ?@'(&+,-$%+$(A
IFJκH ()*
!"#$%$&$'" "#0*M+%.,
transcription is increased by an increase in
phosphorylation of I-κB (*1) (Fig. 26), the @*)C?N% &J.*V;% IH-J;''% -2% 9@$ κ D% (:E% M:0*K*.-HG
action site of cynaropicrin was presumed to
be the downstream of this step. Thus using the cells transfected with p65 gene (*3) to express
active NF-κB, the action of cynaropicrin on the steps after activation of NF-κB was examined.
As the result, cynaropicrin inhibited the increase in NF-#B transcription even in the cells
strongly expressing active NF-κB. The inhibitory degree was almost the same as that in TNF-
α dependent NF- κ B transcription (Fig. 27), suggesting that the inhibitory action of
cynaropicrin on the increase in NF-κB transcription occurs mainly at the steps after activation
of NF-κB.
Using an immune staining method, the intracellular localization of NF-κB at the increase
in TNF-α dependent NF-κB transcription was examined. The histological image revealed
that the transfer of cytoplasmic NF-κB to the nucleus by stimulation of TNF-α was blocked by
cynaropicrin (Fig. 28). Thus it was cleared that the inhibitory action of cynaropicrin, namely
Biobenefity on the increase in NF-κB transcription was produced by blocking the transfer of
active NF-κB into the nucleus (Fig. 26).
9@$WD%=IN3> $ a a a a
FG:(H-I*JH*: $ $ ! 5 #
@*)C?6%M:0*K*.*-:%-2%9@$WD%0GI;H.H(:'JH*I.*-: -2%JG:(H-I*JH*:
X9@$α% $% a a
FG:(H-I*JH*: $% $ a
*1: It has been said that 1-#B blocks the transfer of NF-κB into the nucleus by binding with NF-
*2: Degradation of I-κB is induced by signal phosphorylation by IKK complex.
*3: NF-κB is a dimer of p65 and a cells transfected with p65 gene expresses a large amount of
active NF-κB.
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