STRATEGO WP2 Background Reports Combined

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Project No: IEE/13/650

Creating National Energy Models

for 2010 and 2050

Work Package 2

Background Report 1
Authors: David Connolly, Work Package 2 Coordinator
Kenneth Hansen
David Drysdale
Contact: Aalborg University, Denmark
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
DK- 2450 Copenhagen
T: +45 9940 2483
© 2015

Deliverable No. D 2.2: Public Document.

The STRATEGO project (Multi-level actions for enhanced Heating & Cooling plans) is
supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The sole responsibility for the
content of this document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the
opinion of the funding authorities. The funding authorities are not responsible for any
use that may be made of the information contained therein.


Heat Roadmap Europe Website:
Online Maps:

Page 1
Nomenclature ............................................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5
2 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Key Principles ........................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Energy system analysis tool: EnergyPLAN ............................................................ 9
2.3 Creating EnergyPLAN country models ................................................................. 11
2.3.1 Data collection ......................................................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Boundary conditions ................................................................................................ 12
2.4 Specific issues for the reference models .............................................................. 14
2.4.1 Definition of primary energy supply .......................................................................... 14
2.4.2 Energy industry own use.......................................................................................... 15
2.4.3 Adjustments of CO2 emissions ................................................................................. 16
2.4.4 Hydropower capacities and production .................................................................... 17
2.4.5 Pumped hydro and hydro storage ............................................................................ 18
2.4.6 Electric grid capacity and costs ................................................................................ 19
2.4.7 Electricity interconnection capacities and costs........................................................ 19
2.4.8 Individual boilers & costs ......................................................................................... 19
2.4.9 District heating definition .......................................................................................... 20
2.4.10 Centralised and decentralized district heating plants ............................................... 21
2.4.11 District heating boiler capacities ............................................................................... 21
2.4.12 District heating pipe costs ........................................................................................ 22
2.4.13 Cooling unit costs .................................................................................................... 22
2.4.14 Renewable waste .................................................................................................... 23
2.4.15 Vehicle numbers and costs ...................................................................................... 23
2.4.16 Oil and gas storage capacities ................................................................................. 23
2.4.17 Manual adjustments during calibration ..................................................................... 23
2.5 Specific issues for the business-as-usual models ................................................ 24
2.5.1 Energy demand changes ......................................................................................... 24
2.5.2 Electricity capacity changes ..................................................................................... 25
2.5.3 Cost changes in the BAU ......................................................................................... 27

Page 2
3 Hourly EnergyPLAN models for each country ............................................................. 28
3.1 2010 Reference models ....................................................................................... 28
3.1.1 Primary energy supply ............................................................................................. 28
3.1.2 Electricity capacities and production ........................................................................ 30
3.1.3 Heating and cooling production................................................................................ 33
3.1.4 Transport energy demand ........................................................................................ 37
3.1.5 Industry energy demand .......................................................................................... 39
3.1.6 CO2 emissions ......................................................................................................... 40
3.1.7 Socio-economic costs .............................................................................................. 41
3.1.8 Comparison between the STRATEGO models and the 2010 statistics .................... 43
3.1.9 Summary of the 2010 reference models .................................................................. 45
3.2 2050 Business-as-usual models .......................................................................... 47
3.2.1 Population................................................................................................................ 47
3.2.2 Primary energy supply ............................................................................................. 48
3.2.3 Electricity capacities and production ........................................................................ 49
3.2.4 Heating and cooling production................................................................................ 52
3.2.5 Transport energy demand ........................................................................................ 54
3.2.6 Industry energy demand .......................................................................................... 55
3.2.7 CO2 emissions ......................................................................................................... 56
3.2.8 Socio-economic cost ................................................................................................ 57
3.2.9 Comparison between the STRATEGO models and the 2050 statistics .................... 58
3.2.10 Summary of the 2050 business-as-usual models ..................................................... 62
4 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 64
5 References ................................................................................................................. 66
6 Appendices ................................................................................................................. 69
6.1 Appendix A - Technical Data ................................................................................ 69
6.1.1 2010 Reference Models ........................................................................................... 69
6.1.2 2050 Business-As-Usual Models ............................................................................. 77
6.2 Appendix B – EnergyPLAN Cost Database Version 3.0 ....................................... 79
6.3 Appendix C – Data Sources ................................................................................. 94

Page 3

CHP Combined heat and power

CO2 Carbon dioxide
IEA International Energy Agency
JRC Joint Research Centre
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PES Primary Energy Supply
NTC Net Transfer Capacity
NHCPs National heating and cooling plans
IRES Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources
EC European Commission
BAU Business-as-usual
RES Renewable Energy Sources

Page 4
1 Introduction
The future energy system will be a lot more complex than energy systems from the past. One of the
most significant changes in the future will be the high proportion of renewable energy, which will
transform the dynamics of the energy system. Renewable resources such as wind, solar, and wave
power are intermittent so their production varies significantly over relatively short time-horizons, such
as minutes and hours. Therefore, when we design and analyse the future energy system, it is
essential to consider these short-term variations that can occur.

To do so, it is very common to apply energy system analysis computer programs. These can account
for the complex interactions that occur within the many sectors of an energy system to identify how
different technologies can work together in a sustainable way. In this report, one such computer tool
is presented and subsequently, an hourly energy model is created for five of the STRATEGO
countries: Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Romania, and the United Kingdom. The modelling
represents each country under three difference contexts:

- The current situation, which is represented by the year 2010 and called the ‘reference’ model
- A future situation for the year 2050, which is based on the European Commission’s current
projects for that member state. This is referred to as the ‘business-as-usual’ model
- Alternative heating and cooling scenarios based on the new knowledge created in
STRATEGO WP2 such as the potential for energy savings (see Background report 3a & 3b),
district heating and district cooling (see Background report 4, 5, 6 & 7), and renewable energy
(see Background report 8 & 9). These scenarios are based on the reference and business-
as-usual models created here, but they are presented and analysed in the Main Report titled
“Enhanced Heating and Cooling Plans to Quantify the Impact of Increased energy Efficiency
in EU Member States”.

The main objective here is to present the methodology and results applied to create the 2010
reference and 2050 business-as-usual scenarios. This report begins by outlining the methodology
applied (section 2): this describes the modelling tool and the key characteristics inherent within it,
followed by a description of the key assumptions applied to the data when creating a model of the
existing and future situations, which are represented by the years 2010 and 2050 respectively.
Section 3 then presents some of the key results obtained after these models were complete such as
the energy consumed, cost of energy supply, and the carbon dioxide emissions. Based on these
results, some initial reflections are reported for each country in section 3.1.9.

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2 Methodology
The methodology describes how new hourly models of electricity, heat, cooling and transport were
created in STRATEGO WP2 for different EU member states. It begins by outlining the key principals
defined to create suitable national heating and cooling strategies for the STRATEGO project (section
2.1). These key principals are essential to ensure the most sustainable and cost-effective solutions
are implemented in society. Based on these key principals a suitable energy systems analysis tool
is identified to carry out the study, which is called EnergyPLAN (section 2.2). Afterwards, the
methodology describes how a new hourly model is created in EnergyPLAN for an EU member state
(section 2.3). Finally, the methodology ends with a detailed discussion about some specific issues
that became apparent during the analysis relating to both the 2010 reference (section 2.4) and 2050
business-as-usual models (section 2.5).

2.1 Key Principles

There are a wide variety of energy tools available to analyse various technologies and their impacts
[1]. Naturally there are numerous assumptions and perspectives built in to these tools during their
development. These have a significant impact on the results a model produces and thus the
recommendations that are made based on them. In this section, some of the most significant pre-
conditions defining the model that is chosen is this study are presented, which are:

 The analysis should consider the whole energy system.

 The model should account for short-term variations in production, long-term transitions in
technology, and radical technological change.
 The results should include a socio-economic perspective.

Resources Conversion Exchange Demand

and Storage



Fuels Electricity



Figure 1: Interaction between sectors and technologies in today’s energy system.

Page 6
The methodology designed in this study to assess heating and cooling strategies for EU members
includes the whole energy system (not just one energy sector); the reason being that the scenarios
will be designed for a future energy system which will differ from today. Today’s energy system
(Figure 1) is largely a linear system with direct relationships between resources and demand;
whereas in the future the energy system will consist of more interactions between resources,
conversion technologies, and demands, in a less linear system. Therefore when making a change
to one energy sector in the scenario analysis it is critical to understand how this will influence the
other energy sectors, for example like the 100% renewable energy system structure displayed in
Figure 2.

Resources Conversion Demand


Fuel Storage

Fluctuating Mobility
Wind etc. Electrofuels Power


Fuels Heat Pump Cooling
(or Quad)


Solar etc.

Figure 2: Interaction between sectors and technologies in a future smart energy system (a 100% renewable
energy concept [2].

Over time fluctuating renewable energy, such as wind and solar, will become more dominant in the
energy system meaning that there will be more short-term fluctuations of intermittent renewable
energy sources (IRES). Therefore in this study, the heating and cooling strategies need to be
analysed in short time periods of one hour intervals. By modelling the scenarios in one hour intervals,
it is possible to understand how the energy system will operate realistically while ensuring that the
demand for electricity, heat, cooling, and transport is always met, even when different parameters
are modified.

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In addition to these short-term time steps, the analysis must also consider long-term horizons so that
there is time for the technologies in the energy system to change. For example, many power plants
have lifetimes in excess of 25-30 years, so to allow change to occur time horizons often need to
exceed these lifetimes. In this study, the heating and cooling strategies will be analysed for a time
horizon as far as 2050, thus leaving sufficient time for these changes. Furthermore, the type of
technological change required in the future is not minor alternatives, but radical technological
change. This has already been demonstrated by the difference between today’s energy system and
the future energy system (Figure 1 and Figure 2 respectively). For example, building an energy
system around fossil fuels is radically different to an energy system based on intermittent renewable
energy such as wind and solar power. The model used to analysed different heating and cooling
strategies in STRATEGO must therefore be able to account for these radical changes. Otherwise it
is locked in to the existing way of doing things.

One of the most important outputs from the scenario analysis is economic costs. In this study the
socio-economic cost of the energy system as a whole is assessed. The heating and cooling sectors
are components of this total cost. The socio-economic cost is assessed because it is assumed that
the future energy markets will reflect more than today the benefits from less pollution, lower GHG
emissions, resource depletion, land-use change, waste, and security of supply, and this can be
included and reflected in socio-economic cost results.

Furthermore in today’s energy system the costs are largely from fuels, for power stations, transport
and so on. These fuels are often traded on markets with a focus on profit generation. However in the
future energy system it is expected that a renewable energy system will be based largely on
investments rather than fuels. This is expected to cause a modification of organization types involved
in the energy system; potentially opening up opportunities for different investment types for example
energy investment co-operatives. The idea of the scenario analysis is therefore to design the energy
system not for profits of one organization but for the citizens in society. The main focus for society is
on the overall cost for energy, the types of resources being used (directly related to the environmental
impact), the number of jobs created, and the balance of payment for the country (debt burden to
society), among other interests. These are some main examples of the metrics of concern to society,
and that can be used to determine a good or bad energy system.

This study will not consider the limitations associated with existing institutional arrangements. This
is a critical component in a transition to a 100% renewable energy system and will need to be
analysed further.

In order to complete the scenarios focusing on the factors mentioned above, a number of complex
technical and economic analyses need to be carried out: for example, assessing the relationships
between different energy sectors within the context of short term and long term time horizons. To do
the analysis in line with these key considerations, the EnergyPLAN tool will be utilised.

Page 8
2.2 Energy system analysis tool: EnergyPLAN

The EnergyPLAN tool is an energy system analysis tool that has been designed explicitly to assist
the design of national or regional energy systems. Different planning strategies can be modelled in
the tool, and analysed. The tool was introduced in 1999 at Aalborg University, Denmark, and has
been continually developed since this time, and has been used for numerous energy system
analyses, ranging from entire energy systems for whole countries, to specific technologies, and on
a regional basis. It is now a very complex tool that is capable of handling a wide range of
technologies, costs, and regulation strategies related to an energy system. The tool is freeware and
can be downloaded The algorithms used to create the tools are described in
detail in the user manual found at the same website. The algorithms are not discussed here.

EnergyPLAN was developed within the conceptual framework of a 100% renewable energy system.
In this context the tool is designed to allow all energy sectors to be modelled as 100% renewable,
and this can be achieved by any pathway envisioned by the user. For all users of the tool,
EnergyPLAN considers all sectors in the energy system being: electricity, heating, industry, cooling
and transport, as outlined in Figure 3. It is up to the user to determine how each sector is modelled
within a 100% renewable energy system, producing results for socio-economic costs, technical
feasibility, and so on.

Figure 3: Flow chart of resources, conversion technologies, and demands considered in EnergyPLAN

One unique feature of the tool is that it includes all the new renewable energy technologies that are
already on the market or are currently in development, since its main purpose is for research and for

Page 9
forecasting long-term scenarios. This means it is not locked into current technology options and is
capable of assessing radical technological changes, which will likely become feasible in the future.

The core functionality of EnergyPLAN is to model energy systems as they operate in the real world,
by simulating the energy system on an hourly basis over time. This functionality is essential in order
to ensure that the intermittent nature of renewable energy is able to fit appropriately and reliably in
the modelled energy systems; ensuring that the energy system component requirements, including
electricity production and demand, heating, cooling, and transport, are satisfied.

The results generated from EnergyPLAN include among others: Primary Energy Supply (PES);
renewable energy penetrations; greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; energy system costs.
EnergyPLAN can calculate costs from both a business-economic and socio-economic perspective,
however in this study, socio-economic costs will be assessed. These are estimated by annualising
all costs in the energy sytem using Equation 1 below.

𝐼𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 = (𝐼𝐶) { [1−(1+𝑖)−𝑛 ] + 𝑂 & 𝑀𝐹𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 } (1)

The formula consists of total Investment costs (I), the installed capacities (C), lifetimes (n); interest
rate (i) (assumed to be 3% in this study); and the annual fixed operation and maintenance costs
(O&MFixed) as a percentage of the total investment. Applying this formula allows for various scenario
analyses where different combinations of technologies can be modelled and the costs can be
compared with each other. The key issue here is that the socio-economic costs represent the cost
to all of society as a collective and not to a single individual or organisation within society. In this
way, EnergyPLAN identifies the costs to society so that suitable regulations and policies can be
identified to replicate this ‘optimum’ situation in reality.

A key difference between EnergyPLAN and other energy planning tools is that EnergyPLAN can
optimise the technical operation of a modelled energy system rather than identifying the optimum
situation within regulations for an individual sector. This means that it can identify the total socio-
economic cost of the entire energy system on an optimal technical operation with all sectors
operating. The tool analyses how the overall system operates rather than focusing on maximizing
specific investments within specific market frameworks. In addition, the tool does not analyse the
system from only one technological viewpoint that operates in isolation.

The technical optimisation strategy minimizes the import and export of electricity and seeks to
identify the least fuel-consuming option, which will also reduce the overall CO2 emissions. If
preferred, it is also possible to choose a ‘market-economic’ simulation strategy, which identifies the
least-cost option based on the business-economic costs for each production unit (i.e. business
economic profit) [5, pg.69].

The socio-economic costs can be calculated for the entire energy system, but with different operation
strategies. In this report the technical optimisation strategy is applied because the aim is to identify
the socio-economic consequences when creating an efficient renewable energy system of the future
instead of optimising according to business-economic profits.

Page 10
2.3 Creating EnergyPLAN country models

When developing reference energy system models for a number of countries, several phases are
included. These are shown in Figure 4.

4. Adjustment to
2. Reorganisation &
1. Data collected data & EnergyPLAN
preparation of data 3. Entry of data into
from energy models to match
for input into EnergyPLAN
statistics model with real-
world data

Figure 4: Steps to create a new model in EnergyPLAN

Firstly, data is collected from energy statistics in order to get a picture of how the energy system is
structured. The second phase contains a reorganization and preparation of the statistical data in
order to input it to the energy system modelling tool and after running the modelling tool output data
is created. The data is then entered into the model in EnergyPLAN in the third phase. This data is
then affected by all of the regulations and interpretations made within the model during the
simulation. Hence, a fourth and important calibration phase is required aligning the statistical and
modelled data in order to replicate the existing energy system as best as possible. A perfect
replication is never possible because the model is affected by the data collected (its availability and
accuracy) and the optimizations performed in the modelling tool. Hence, small differences between
the original statistics and modelled data are expected.

2.3.1 Data collection

In this study a model of the current situation is necessary for each member state in order to define
and understand the energy system being analysed such as the mix of power plants, types of boilers,
and the vehicles in the system. This is referred to as the ‘reference’ system and it forms the basis
for future assumptions applied in the scenarios (see Main Report). In the reference system some
key components of the energy system that are defined include the electricity, heat, cooling, and
transport demands. These demands will need to be satisfied in each of the future scenarios.

To complete the reference scenarios data was collected from numerous sources across three main
groups: energy demand and supply data; hourly energy distribution data; and cost data.

The type of data collected for energy demand and supply data include e.g. electricity demand,
consumption and production by different plants. It includes energy data for transport, industry and
heating as well. The purpose is to collect sufficient data to be able to create a model of the existing
energy system for the various countries in an energy system analysis tool.

The primary source of energy demand and supply data was collected from the International Energy
Agency [4], which provide energy balance data for each of the studied countries. The resolution of
that data is sufficient to cover over 80% of the energy demand data required for the reference
models. The remaining 20% was sourced from other sources such as EUROSTAT [5], ENTSO-E
[6], Enerdata [7], Odyssee [8] and other sources (see Appendix C – Data ). For example power plant

Page 11
capacities were unavailable from the IEA so this was sourced from Enerdata. For a full list of the
types of data collected and the sources, including comments about some of the data see Appendix
C – Data Sources.

To analyse an energy system on an hourly basis, hourly distributions must be obtained for demands
and productions that vary from hour to hour. For example, this includes all demands such as
electricity, heat, cooling, and transport as well as production from sources such as wind, solar, and
wave power. This is a very large task since each year includes 8760 hours (or 8784 for a leap year)
so the methodology required to build these hourly distributions are elaborated on in detail in
Background Report 2.

Cost data is sourced from a cost database that is continuously maintained at Aalborg University and
can be downloaded from This database covers costs for all the
technologies in the energy system divided into investments, operation and maintenance (O&M) and
lifetimes as well as costs for the purchase, transport, and handling of fuels. For certain technologies
or costs specific methodologies had to be developed and these are described in Section 2.4. A
summary of the fuel costs, investment costs, and operation and maintenance (O&M) costs used in
this study are presented in Appendix B – EnergyPLAN Cost Database Version 3.0.

During the project, issues were encountered for data collection since the initial primary data source
(Enerdata) was found to be inconsistent compared to other databases, such as the IEA energy
balances. The Enerdata databases supplied the information required for most sectors and energy
system phases, but after communication with the local partners and their feedback on the reference
system data, a decision was made to switch to a different primary data source (the IEA energy
balances [4]). The reason for this was that most of the local partners used the IEA data for their own
national energy statistics and that the IEA data seemed more in accordance with other databases.
This change required a significant restructuring of the reference models and prolonged the data
collection phase. Other data sources, including Enerdata, were used to complement the IEA data to
describe the complete energy system, which you can read more about in Section 2.4 - Specific
issues for the reference models.

2.3.2 Boundary conditions

The data used in the STRATEGO reference models is governed by a set of boundary conditions in
order to allocate the right amounts of energy demand and production to the right countries. These
conditions apply to e.g. technologies and fuels, but also the geographical borders and
import/export/transit of demands and fuels. These are explained in more detail below.

The technologies and fuels included in the energy system models can be illustrated by Figure 5

Page 12
Foreign energy
for: production
of secondary
fuels, fuel Foreign
extraction, end-of-life
manufacturing treatment
production, etc.

Figure 5: Boundary definition of the national energy system

The system includes the different phases of resources (fuel input), conversion/transformation,
exchange and storage as well as the final demand. This means that phases taking place outside the
country such as extraction of the fuels are not included and similarly that the phases after the final
consumption in foreign countries (e.g. end-of-life treatments, etc.) are not included. This is not
included as no data exists for these phases taking place outside of the countries. Furthermore, the
energy consumed outside the country would be included in another country’s energy balance.

Another issue that needs to be taken into account when using energy statistics concerns the
methodology used for assessing issues such as trade of fuels and energy between countries. In the
present study the general methodology described in [9] and used by IEA and Eurostat was applied.
The method applied is the “physical energy content” and for clarification a few of the main
assumptions are outlined below.

The focus in the study is on physical flows of electricity while less emphasis is put on the actual
countries of origin and destination. Hence, transit electricity is included in the data inputs and the
destination countries of the trade are assumed to be the neighbouring countries. The same applies
for gas as it is difficult to keep track of origin and destinations when these energy carriers are
transmitted over large distances.

The external energy trade data should be, at least partly, for domestic use, and hence the fuel data
should exclude import and export if possible. The electricity and fuel limitations are therefore

The fuels included in the energy balances do not take into consideration how much primary fuel was
consumed in country A for production of secondary fuels that are exported to country B. Examples
of this can be the amount of biomass or crude oil that was consumed in country A to produce a fuel,
such as biofuel or petrol, that is exported to country B. In this case only the import/export of the
secondary fuel is included in the energy balances. This can make the fuel consumption seem higher
in a country than it actually is due to e.g. large refinery industries that allocates the conversion losses

Page 13
from primary to secondary fuel to the country where it is located rather than where the secondary
fuel is actually consumed.

For international marine bunkers fuel for “All ships, irrespective of the country of registration, should
be included but the ships must be undertaking international voyages” [9]. In the study international
aviation and navigation (sea) is included based on the IEA definitions, see more in [9].

2.4 Specific issues for the reference models

There are some additional key issues and definitions that were encountered in the methodology
when constructing the reference models. These additional issues are described in this section along
with an explanation of the solution chosen.

2.4.1 Definition of primary energy supply

Primary Energy Supply is a key metric when assessing an energy system, since it shows the energy
consumed from primary energy sources in the country that are either renewable or non-renewable.
Non-renewable primary energy is important to measure since it is only available once. Non-
renewable primary energy is relatively simple to measure but the primary energy of renewable
energy is more difficult to measure.

Table 1: Primary energy equivalents and conversion efficiencies for electricity generation (gross production) of
renewable energy sources [10]
Energy source Zero Direct equivalent Physical energy Substitution Technical
equivalent method (as content method method (as conversion
method applied by UN (as applied by applied by US efficiencies (as
statistics) Eurostat and EIA) applied in LCA
IEA) databases, e.g.
GaBi 2012)
Hydro n.a. 100% 100% 39.7% 85%

Wind n.a. 100% 100% 39.7% 40%

n.a. 100% 100% 39.7% 13.4%
Solar (thermal
n.a. 100% 33% 39.7% 12.4%

Geothermal n.a. 100% 10% 39.7% 22.4%

Biomass (solid) n.a. 28.6%

Biogas &
n.a. 26.2%

Waste n.a. 17.7%

Nuclear n.a. 100% 33% 33% 33%

Imported Source specific, i.e.
n.a. 100% 100% 100%
electricity country specific

Page 14
There are a number of methods to measure renewable primary energy and these measures have
been compared with each other in a study prepared by PE International and Ecofys [10]. Table 1
taken from the report, presents the different approaches to applying primary energy for renewable

This study follows the IEA method for quantifying primary energy supply, which is the physical energy
content method. The method uses the normal physical energy value of the primary energy form for
non-renewable fuels, or the “fuel input” basis [9]. For non-renewable fuels the primary energy is the
total energy consumed at the secondary energy production plant; for example at a coal power plant.
For primary electricity, which is produced by hydro, wind, solar etc. the primary energy is simply the
gross electricity generation figure [9]. As shown in the Table 1 the primary energy equivalent values
for most renewable electricity is 100%. Meaning that 1 MJ primary energy produces 1 MJ of
electricity. In the case of electricity generation from primary heat (nuclear and geothermal), the heat
is the primary energy form [9]. For solar (thermal electric) and nuclear plants the primary energy is
inputted from the gross electricity generation using a thermal efficiency of 33% [9]. The thermal
efficiency for geothermal is 10%, and this figure is only an approximate value and reflects the
generally lower-quality steam available from geothermal sources [9].

In this study the total Primary Energy Supply is calculated using the following equation:

Total primary energy supply

= Primary energy production + Imports - Exports + Int.marine bunker fuels
+ Int.aviation bunker fuels + stock changes + statistical difference

For electricity, the import and export is calculated based on the energy content in the electricity rather
than based on the fuel consumed to produce this electricity.

International aviation and marine bunkers are added to the total primary energy supply in this study
although in the IEA energy balance these numbers are excluded. This is to ensure that the fuel
required for international aviation and marine transport is accounted for.

Stock changes refer to the amount of fuel that is provided from the stockpile for use in the particular
year (this is a positive addition to total primary energy supply) or can be the amount that is added to
the stockpile in the year, which would make the stock change value a negative number.

In general when data is collected both for total primary energy supply and for total primary energy
consumption, these values should match. However this is often not the case, due to different parties
collecting the data, reporting errors, or other unidentified reasons. This results in a statistical
difference. In this study, any statistical difference was added to the primary energy supply in order
to avoid under accounting.

2.4.2 Energy industry own use

The energy industry often consumes the fuels which they produce or import for secondary energy
production, since they require energy and this is a quick and convenient source of energy for them.

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The energy consumed by the enterprise may be purchased directly for consumption or be taken from
the energy commodities it extracts or produces.

IEA define energy for own use as “the quantities of energy commodities consumed within the fuel
and energy enterprises that disappear from the account rather than appear as another energy
commodity” [9].

The energy is used in for example fuel extraction, or in the conversion or energy production plant
and they do not enter into the transformation process of the main energy product that is sold from
the plant. Examples include the use of charcoal to heat charcoal manufacture facilities and the use
of biogases to heat sewage sludge or other biogas fermentation vessels. This energy own use can
either be considered a loss to the system or a consumption. In this study energy industry own use
of electricity, heat and fuels are included under total consumption since the energy industry is also
an end-user of energy and if it did not consume this energy then it would import other energy from
outside its operations. This is consistent with the IEA which explain that although the data is provided
separate from the energy for main product, by its nature, it is part of the final consumption of the
industry sector [9].

Pumped hydro is also included within the energy industry own use category by the IEA and in this
study the net electricity consumed by pumped hydro is also included in total consumption.

2.4.3 Adjustments of CO2 emissions

In this study the energy system of each country was modelled in EnergyPLAN which then calculates
the CO2 emissions of the energy system. The CO2 emissions should be very similar to the data
provided by IEA since the majority of energy data is from IEA. However in some instances the CO 2
emissions were different and this is most likely because EnergyPLAN uses average emission factors.
For example, for coal there is only one emission factor in EnergyPLAN, but there can be numerous
types of coal with different emission factors. Therefore for some countries the CO2 emission factors
for different fuels were modified in order to generate similar CO2 emissions from EnergyPLAN
compared with the IEA statistics. It is assumed that the differences in emission factors is due to the
different fuel mixes in each category, for example, in the United Kingdom the proportion of different
types of coal may be different meaning the average emission factor is different. In Table 2 the
emission factors for the fuels for each country are presented, as well as the total CO 2 emissions of
the energy system of each country.

Table 2: CO2-emission factor applied in the different reference system models

Country (kg/GJ) Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Coal 98.5 98.5 98.5 105 95
Fuel oil 72.9 72.9 72.9 72.9 70
Natural gas 56.9 56.9 56.9 56.9 53
LPG 59.64 59.64 59.64 59.64 59.64
Waste 90 90 90 90 90

The emission factors for the majority of the fuels are taken from [11]. For the changes to the emission
factors the new values are still within possible realistic values that are reported by The Climate
Registry [12]. The emission factor for waste is taken from the IPCC report on Greenhouse Gas
Inventories [13].

Page 16
2.4.4 Hydropower capacities and production

Hydropower is an important form of renewable electricity and it will become more important in the
future, due to its abilities to work within a system with increasing fluctuating production. However
collecting data for hydroelectricity is difficult, mainly because of the different definitions of
hydropower especially between ‘dammed’ and ‘run-of-river’ hydro, which can lead to inconsistent
reporting in different databases. In addition, quantifying hydro storage capacity is also difficult.

In this study, IEA provided the total hydropower production values and the pumped hydro losses,
but hydropower capacities and pumped hydro storage and production data was provided by
Enerdata, and run-of-river production data was provided by ENTSO-E. Overall, the IEA hydro
production data was used as the basis for calculating any uncertain data points, such as the run-of-
river production data when this data was unclear from ENTSO-E. Sometimes a specific piece of
hydro data was unavailable from all the data sources; therefore additional data sources were
required, for example for run-of-river hydro production for Italy.

When making adjustments to the hydro data due to inconsistencies between dammed and run-of-
river data in the databases, the aim was to make all the changes so that the production data was
within range of average hydroelectricity capacity factors. However, this often varied depending on
the specific data available within a country.

In Italy run-of-river hydro capacity value was provided by Enerdata however no data was provided
by ENTSO-E for electricity production. Therefore it was assumed that run-of-river hydro exists in
Italy but ENTSO-E defines the power production as dam hydro. Therefore a production value needed
to be quantified for run-of-river, and therefore for Italy the production value was determined by using
data from another source which explained that run-of-river accounts for approximately 40% of total
hydro production [14]. Therefore the run-of-river production data was increased and the dam hydro
production was decreased by the same amount.

In Croatia, run-of-river production data was provided by ENTSO-E, as it was for the other countries,
however a run-of-river production capacity was not provided by Enerdata. Therefore a production
capacity was estimated for run-of-river hydro in Croatia. The capacity was estimated based on an
average run-of-river capacity factor, and was assumed to be 300 MW with a capacity factor of 74%.
The dam capacity was decreased to 1542 MW with a 47% capacity factor.

Another small adjustment was made for the United Kingdom hydro data where the dam production
data was increased to 1.6 TWh in order to fit the IEA data. In Romania the run-of-river hydro capacity
was too low to fit the production data therefore the capacity was increased by 2115 MW and thus
the dam hydro was decreased by 2115 MW as well.

All the final data and assumptions are deemed to be suitable and accurate for the reference models,
and and the data assumptions are presented in Appendix A - Technical Data and Appendix C – Data
. The final capacity factors for hydro power in each country, after the adjustments is presented in
Table 3.

Page 17
Table 3: Hydro power capacity factors for the reference models
Capacity factors 2010 HR 2010 CZ 2010 IT 2010 RO 2010 UK
Run-of-river 74% 67% 50% 51% 90%
Dam 47% 16% 38% 27% 14%

Another important factor for hydro electricity production is the amount of water that can be stored for
dammed hydro. This data is often difficult to find or simply not reported. Data was provided only for
Croatia but for the other countries it was estimated. The energy storage capacity of the dammed
hydro in each country was conservatively assumed to be a month of water as if operating at full
capacity (31 days). The storage capacity was calculated simply by multiplying the production
capacity of the dammed hydro by 744 hours in which it would operate at full capacity (31 days). This
is deemed a conservative estimate since in the Nordic hydro system (Norway, Sweden, Finland) the
average storage ranges from around 74 days in Finland up to around 110 days in Norway if operating
at full capacity [15].

2.4.5 Pumped hydro and hydro storage

Although pumped hydro is often reported with other hydro data, it is not an electricity generation
technology but rather an electricity storage technology. It is actually a net consumer of electricity as
opposed to a producer.

If pumped hydro was included in electricity production it would be double counting since the
electricity that pumped hydro produces when it operates was actually already produced elsewhere
in the electricity system, for example by wind power. Therefore it cannot be included as a production
source. It often runs according to economic reasons as opposed to technical reasons in which the
main electricity system operates. The technology is typically used when the cost of the marginal
thermal power station exceeds the cost of operating the pumped hydro.

When modelling the energy system in EnergyPLAN the pumped hydro production is sometimes
different to reality. When using the technical simulation in EnergyPLAN, pumped hydro is often not
even required in the models. This is because of the way pumped hydro is used in real-life versus the
way it is modelled in EnergyPLAN, which determines its own ‘optimal’ technical operation. The most
significant difference is most likely caused by EnergyPLAN’s lack of detailed modelling for peak load
power plants, which are often the plants replaced by pumped hydro in today’s energy system.

In this study, the pumped hydro storage capacity was estimated since no data was available. It was
estimated that the pumped hydro storage would be able to hold enough water to produce electricity
for 10 hours at full capacity. This is a typical capacity for many pumped hydro plants today, since
they were originally designed to allow baseload plants to continue operating during the low demand
periods at night. For example, a large pumped storage plant in Germany has a 100 MW capacity
and can hold 8.5 GWh of water [16], meaning that it could theatrically run at full capacity for 8.5
hours. Therefore in this study this is rounded up to 10 hours of storage.

Page 18
2.4.6 Electric grid capacity and costs

The electric grid capacity data was collected from ENTSO-E using the national annual maximum
load in each country as a proxy for electric grid capacity. The maximum load values of each country
are specified in the System Adequacy Retrospect 2010 report [17], and represent the point of
national maximum load at a specific date and hour during the 2010 year. Identifying an electric grid
capacity and assigning a suitable cost is a very large task in itself, so this proxy is used in
STRATEGO to reflect costs increases that will be required as electricity demand increases in the
future. However, a more detailed investigation is required in the future to validate this, which is
beyond the scope of this study.

2.4.7 Electricity interconnection capacities and costs

The capacities for interconnection cables between the study countries and other countries were
collected from ENTSO-E [18]. The values are indicative values for Net Transfer Capacities (NTC).
The values are for Winter 2010/2011 on a working day peak hours. There are usually two different
values for capacities between countries due to the different load demand requirements of the
countries. In these situations the highest value is used for the interconnection capacity.

Interconnections onshore are assumed to be equal to electric grid costs since onshore grid
connections are essentially extensions of one grid to another grid. Offshore interconnection costs
are based on current installed cables between €0.4-1.2 million per MWe and hence, 1.2 M€/MWe is
applied as a conservative estimate based on real-world projects [[19], [20]]. The O&M costs were
assumed to be 1% of the investment costs.

2.4.8 Individual boilers & costs

The individual boilers are located in residential and non-residential buildings. Residential buildings
are split into single-family and multi-family buildings. In this study the number of buildings is used as
a proxy for the number of individual boilers. The boiler capacities used for the different types and
building sizes are presented in Table 4 below. The same boiler sizes were assumed for multi-family
buildings and non-residential buildings, since both are likely located in similar sized urban buildings.

Table 4: Boiler capacities for different boiler types

Oil burner Natural gas Biomass boiler
(mineral oil fired, boiler (automatic
<10 % FAME) stoking)
Single-family 22.5 11.5 12.5
Average Heat production Multi-family 400 385 550
capacity for one unit (kW) building
Non-residential 400 385 550

The number of single-family buildings and multi-family buildings are based on data from Entranze
[21]. The different boiler types within the residential groups of individual boilers have been
proportioned according by energy used for space heating of dwelling stock from Entranze database,
for example between natural gas, coal, biomass.

Page 19
The number of non-residential buildings in each country was used as a proxy for the number of
boilers installed for the service heating. Non-residential buildings include buildings such as schools,
hospitals, offices, hotels, shops, cultural buildings and so on. Industry buildings are not included.
Data for the number of non-residential buildings was collected from numerous data sources. The
number of non-residential buildings in the Czech Republic and Italy were collected from local data
sources: the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic [22] and ENEA [23] respectively.
The data for the UK was estimated based on the Carbon Reduction in Buildings (CaRB) project [24],
which was carried out over four years by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(EPSRC) and the Carbon Trust. This project determined the number of non-residential buildings in
the UK and from this an estimate of heated non-residential buildings was determined [24].

The number of non-residential buildings in Croatia were estimated based on the JRC data [25] and
Odyssee data [8]. The data was calculated by using an average boiler capacity of 100 kW based on
the JRC project. In addition the number of hours in which boilers are typically operated was taken
from the Italian data from the JRC project, which is 1154 hours heating per year. The Odyssee
database provided the total heat consumption from boilers for Croatia. This equalled 2.5 TWh (based
on boiler efficiencies see Appendix A - Technical Data. The fuel mix for Croatia boilers was based
on Czech Republic data from the JRC so the number of different non-residential boilers could be
calculated by fuel. The resulting number of non-residential buildings in each country is presented in
Table 5.

Table 5: Number of non-residential buildings in each country

Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
21,863 97,254 144,383 73,322 1,150,000

2.4.9 District heating definition

The heat and district heating data, in particular the production data, may differ from one source to
the next due to how district heating is defined. In the IEA manual [9] the “Gross production of heat is
the amount produced and sold”. The IEA data includes all the heat and district heat that is produced
at CHP plants, district heating boilers, waste incineration plants and industrial sites and is either used
on-site or sold to other consumers (for example this could be to the public district heating network or
to other industries). Heat for own use by energy industries is included in the total heat produced in a
country and this is an additional heating demand that is consumed onsite and is not converted into
another energy commodity.

An example that illustrates the importance of the heat and district heating definitions is for Italy. In
the IEA data, the total heating production in 2010 was 57 TWh. This is the gross heat production.
Around 18 TWh is consumed by the energy industry as own use. The remaining 39 TWh is produced
and circulated via industrial CHP and CHP plants and boilers. It is consumed by industry and
residential and service buildings (36 TWh and 3 TWh, respectively).

The net production of 39 TWh supplied from CHP and boilers and industry corresponds with data
from Eurostat (that collects their data in the same way as IEA) [5].

Page 20
In contrast, the total district heat production in 2011 according to EuroHeat & Power and ENEA (The
Italian Government Energy Agency) was around 7.32-7.75 TWh, of which the industrial production
is between 1.6-3.3 TWh [26]. Although IEA show that 57 TWh of heat is consumed in Italy we can
assume that the sold heat data from the other databases is what is recorded as sold, and other heat
trade has been excluded in the overall balance. In the IEA data 3 TWh of heat is sent to residential
and service buildings which corresponds with the other databases. And the remaining proportion is
assumed to be a small amount of the industrial heat which is recorded. It is assumed that the vast
majority of heat produced in Italy remains officially unrecorded since it remains within industry.

Thus, the actual reason for the differences can be related to 1) whether the heat is supplied to the
public district heating network or not and 2) where the measurements are taken in the district heating
system. This may be the case for Euroheat & Power and ENEA’s method for assessing the district
heat production where only the district heat supplied to the public network is accounted for, hence
leaving out the district heating that never reaches the public network as it is used onsite (own use)
or supplied to other industries via more local and smaller scale district heating networks, such as
those sometimes in an industrial area. However, it is important to notice that different data sources
provide different district heating data and this should be taken into consideration when assessing
the results of this study.

2.4.10 Centralised and decentralized district heating plants

Centralised and decentralised CHP plants have the ability to operate in different ways, which in turn
has an impact on the rest of the energy system. Centralised plants are usually large CHP units which
are located near a cooling source such as a river, the sea, or a cooling tower. Due to the presence
of a cooling source, the centralised CHP plants can operate in condensing (i.e. electricity only) mode.
In contrast, smaller decentralised plants typically don’t have a cooling source so they must always
produce heat when they are producing electricity.

All power plants and CHP plants were modelled as centralised plants, as opposed to decentralised
plants, in the reference scenarios. The reason for this is that in the energy statistics only one type of
plants are listed, so these were assumed to be centralised plants since the majority of electricity and
heat production usually comes from centralised plants.

2.4.11 District heating boiler capacities

The district heating capacity plants consist of boilers, waste incineration plants, industrial plants and
CHP plants. From the statistics it is generally possible to obtain data for thermal capacities for CHP
plants and industrial CHP. However, it is more difficult to collect data for thermal capacities for boilers
and waste incineration plants. The methodology for assessing district heating boiler capacities in this
report is to identify the peak boiler demand (for any hour during the year) by running the given
scenario and adding 20% capacity to this. Hence, the district heating boiler capacity is assumed to
be peak demand multiplied by 120% for each model. No thermal capacities are required for waste
incineration plants in EnergyPLAN as this is modelled by production (and waste input) rather than
available capacities. Typically waste incineration plants are operated at baseload since their primary
function is typically as a waste management service rather than energy production. Hence,
production rather than capacity is sufficient for EnergyPLAN.

Page 21
2.4.12 District heating pipe costs

District heating pipes are the pipes that distribute the hot water from heating plants throughout the
city to end-users of the heat. The costs for district heating piping were determined by using the data
from Table 6 below.

Table 6: District heating piping cost data [27]

Low-temperature district
Cost data Conventional district heating network
heating network
Specific Investment
72,000 522,000
costs (1000 €/TWh)
Technical lifetime
40 40
Average Fixed O&M
900,000 3,960,000
Variable O&M
0 0

In the reference scenarios the data for conventional district heating in existing buildings was used.
In future scenarios, investment costs will be taken from the mapping work being carried out in
STRATEGO which is in Background Report 6.

2.4.13 Cooling unit costs

There are two distinct types of cooling units: individual and network. Individual cooling systems are
installed by an inhabitant independently of the people in the neighbouring area, and can be either
small units (single-family) or large units (multi-family or non-residential). Today, individual cooling is
provided predominantly by individual heat pumps. The investment cost of a small two kW individual
heat pump for cooling in a single-family house is assumed to be €2,000 with a lifetime of 20 years
[27]. For a larger 300 kW heat pump for an entire residential multi-family building or non-residential
building the investment costs are assumed to be €195,000 and a lifetime of 15 years [28]. The
number of homes with an individual cooling unit is based on the saturation rate for the cooling
demand (see Background Report 4)

A network cooling solution is district cooling, where cold water is supplied by a central cooling system
and subsequently shared between buildings using a common pipe and a heat exchanger in each
building. There are very few large systems in operation in Europe today, with the larger systems in
the cities of Stockholm, Helsinki, and Paris [29]. The cost for central cooling supply is based on
Swedblom et al. [28], who reported an investment cost of €195,000 for a 300 kW air-cooled chiller
plant. The number of full load hours is assumed to be 1200 hours/year, with a fixed O&M cost of 4%
of the investment and variable O&M costs of 2 €/MWh. Also, a lifetime of 15 years is assumed [28].
The cost of the district cooling network is taken from the mapping work being carried out in
STRATEGO which is in Background Report 6, while the cost of the heat exchanger for each building
is assumed to be €5,500 in single-family homes and €22,000 in multi-family and services buildings
both with a lifetime of 20 years based on similar costs for district heating equipment [27].

The district cooling costs therefore comprise of the three different parts, respectively the supply
technology, network costs (pipes, etc.) and the energy transfer station (the heat exchanger in each

Page 22
2.4.14 Renewable waste

In this study all waste fractions are included as renewable sources, even though in reality some
waste fractions are based on oil products and therefore non-renewable. As a result, an average CO2
emission factor was applied for the consumption of waste to acknowledge this non-renewable

This was not interrogated in detail here due to the small scale consumption of waste resources
compared to the total energy resources. In the study, waste is hence included as a renewable source,
but it still has CO2-emissions, see Section 2.4.3 - Adjustments of CO2 emissions.

2.4.15 Vehicle numbers and costs

Vehicle stocks in each country were sourced from the Odyssee database [8]. Stocks were provided
for motorcycles (petrol); cars (gasoline, diesel, LPG and electric); light vehicles 3 tonne payload
(gasoline, diesel, LPG and electric); trucks (diesel); and buses (gasoline, diesel, LPG, electric). Data
was unavailable for other vehicle types. In the United Kingdom the other vehicles account for 2%,
but the types of vehicles they are and the fuels they consume are uncertain [30].

The number of vehicles is multiplied by the investment costs for the different types of vehicles. The
investment, O&M and lifetimes are from the cost database, see Appendix B – EnergyPLAN Cost
Database Version 3.0. A weighted average total investment cost, operation and maintenance cost,
and vehicle lifetimes are quantified for all the vehicles.

2.4.16 Oil and gas storage capacities

Oil storage data for Czech Republic, Italy and United Kingdom was collected from the IEA document
entitled “Energy Supply Security: The Emergency Response of IEA Countries - 2014 Edition” [31].
The oil storage for each country is presented in Appendix A - Technical Data. Oil storage sometimes
includes crude oil plus oil products. Oil storage in Croatia was provided via the JANAF website that
manages an oil pipeline in Croatia [32] and storage for Romania was estimated based on a 90 days
reserve of net imports amount from the previous year [33]. Gas storage capacities are provided by
the Enerdata database [7].

2.4.17 Manual adjustments during calibration

During the calibration of the reference system models several data issues were encountered and
needed to be changed in order to calibrate the models towards an improved replication of the current
energy systems. These are listed below along with an explanation of why they needed to be

 The Croatian CHP capacity was increased from 227 MW to 675 MW. This was required in order
to deliver sufficient heating from CHP plants and this alteration was discussed with and approved
by the local partner.

Page 23
 The Italian CHP thermal capacity was increased from 4868 MW to 7000 MW in order to be able
to produce sufficient CHP district heat. The electrical capacity of CHP plants remained the same.

 In Romania the full load hours for nuclear power were too high (above 100% capacity factor) and
therefore it was assumed that the nuclear capacity of 1300 MW provided by Enerdata was too
low. The capacity was increased to 1400 MW [34].

 The UK CHP thermal capacity was changed to industrial CHP so that all district heat was
assumed to be provided from industrial CHP (no district heat production from public CHP).
 Stock of electric cars in UK was reduced (originally 83600 based on Enerdata) to 8360 assuming
it was a data entry error since the statistics reported almost no EV electricity consumption. This
only affected the energy system costs.
 No data for offshore wind production was available, and since the UK has offshore wind capacity
a production was calculated based on an average capacity factor of 30% [35]. This factor is lower
than what might be expected in the future.

2.5 Specific issues for the business-as-usual models

This section contains a description of the methodology for projecting the 2010 reference models to
the year 2050, based on a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario from the current modelling carried out
by the European Commission [36].

The BAU models are used as a projection of what the future 2050 energy systems might look like if
we continue on the path that we are currently following and implement existing policies, both
nationally and internationally. It is hence used for both comparisons to the alternative 2050 energy
system scenarios and as a baseline situation for the year of 2050. The alternative energy system
models will therefore build on top of the 2050 BAU models in order to improve the energy systems,
but with the 2050 demands and capacities.

2.5.1 Energy demand changes

The BAU models were based on the 2010 reference models for each country and projected towards
2050 based on the current modelling carried out by the European Commission [36]. A number of key
changes were implemented in the 2010 models to reflect the 2050 situation, such as the demands
within a number of sectors and the electric production capacities, since the electricity sector is
undergoing the largest changes according to the projections applied. The demand changes were
assessed within the sectors of electricity, heating and cooling, transport and industry according to
the European Commission [36]. The methodology for developing the 2050 energy demands can be
found in [36], but is generally based on already adopted national and international policies and
agreements. The projections furthermore build on macroeconomic assumptions and population
projections as well as developments in fuel prices and energy technologies. The changes that are
applied to the 2010 reference models to reflect the 2050 BAU situation are listed in Table 7 below.

Page 24
Table 7: Energy demand changes within electricity, district heating, individual heating, cooling, industry and
transport between the 2010 references and the 2050 BAU systems [36]
Energy demand changes (%) Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Electricity demand* 40% 33% 36% 62% 25%
Individual heating 12% 6% -1% 14% -6%
District heating** 16% -1% -3% 29% 39%
Cooling 6% 6% -1% 7% -6%
Industry*** 30% 31% 6% 22% -7%
Transport 7% 17% 1% 39% -5%
Oil storage -9% 3% -21% 20% -20%
Gas storage 14% 21% 1% 12% -20%
* Electricity demand includes final consumption (e.g. electric heating, individual heat pumps, Centralised heat pumps,
centralised electric boilers, PHES pumps), own use (industries) and electricity losses
** District heating demand includes own use (industries), residential and services, industry and heat losses
*** Industrial demand includes fuel for main product, own use and non-energy use

The largest changes take place in Romania and Croatia, which experience higher demands for all
demand categories, while the United Kingdom experiences a reduction in demands for all categories
except electricity and district heating demand. The electricity demand increases for all countries,
including a 62% increase in Romania, and is the demand with the largest impact on the energy

The energy demand changes present by the European Commission [36] are either based on the
sector (e.g. industry, residential) or fuel (heat, electricity, etc.). Hence, these have to be interpreted
here to convert the 2010 reference models to 2050 models. The demand changes for electricity,
district heating as well as cooling are all based on fuel changes, while the industrial energy demand
and the transport energy demand are based on the changes for the sectors. The individual heating
changes are based on the changes for both the residential and services sector and how large their
share of the heating demand is in the 2010 reference model. No data was given for cooling by the
European Commission [36] and hence best estimates based on the changes for individual heating
and electricity were applied. The cooling demand is relatively limited compared to the overall energy
system demands, so the impacts on fuel consumption and costs will not be influenced as much by
cooling compared to other demand changes. All of the actual energy demands used to both the 2010
reference models and 2050 business-as-usual models are presented in Table 8.

Table 8: Energy demands for reference and BAU models broken down by category and country

Energy demands Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom

Electricity 18.8 26.3 70.4 94.0 343 467.4 58.1 93.8 381.3 476.6
Individual heating 15 16.7 61.4 64.8 369.2 367.1 64.6 73.8 477.1 448.7
District heating 3.5 4 35.9 35.5 57 55.3 27.5 35.6 15.8 22
Cooling 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.6 49.3 48.9 1.8 1.9 6.1 5.7
Industry 28 36 125 156 451 474 104 124 531 644
Transport 23.7 25.5 67.9 79.3 503.6 506.4 54.9 76.1 621.9 591

2.5.2 Electricity capacity changes

When changing the demands it was found that the electricity capacities installed in the 2010
reference models were insufficient to meet the future demands. Hence, the electricity producing

Page 25
technology capacities were also projected towards 2050 based on data from the European
Commission [36]. The technologies and how they might develop until 2050 is included in Table 9

Table 9: The changes in electricity capacities for different technologies in the STRATEGO countries [36]
Electricity capacity changes (%) Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Condensing power plants 86% -15% -37% -41% -23%
Centralised CHP 118% 43% 29% 42% >2000%
Nuclear power plants 0% 110% 0% 62% -8%
Geothermal power plants 0% 0% 96% 0% >2000%
Wind power plants 1112% 118% 434% 935% 1194%
Hydro (excluding pumped) 23% 24% 10% 25% 11%
Water supply 23% 24% 10% 25% 11%
Solar >2000% 11% 1298% >2000% >2000%

The actual electric capacities for the reference models and the BAU models are listed in Table 10.
The changes in Table 9 are based on the changes presented by the European Commission [36],
but the actual capacities applied in the reference models are based on Enerdata data [7]. Hence,
the changes have been applied to the original data using the changes from the European
Commission to project the BAU models.

Table 10: Electricity capacities for different technologies for the reference and BAU models

Electricity Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom

capacities (MW)
Condensing 1454 2702 7767 6572 52806 33240 8138 4839 66560 51034
power plants
Centralised CHP 675 1471 2688 3846 17443 22587 3079 4370 0 7155
Nuclear power 0 0 3900 8177 0 0 1400 2264 10865 10030
Geothermal power 0 0 0 0 728 1429 0 0 0 0
Wind power plants 89 990 215 468 5814 31043 462 4783 5378 69586
Hydro (excluding 1842 2274 1056 1305 13977 15385 6382 7970 1524 1690
Water supply 7.11 8.78 1.15 1.43 34.13 37.57 9.87 12.33 1.75 1.94
Solar 0 606 1959 2179 3484 48694 2 3132 77 9193
Wave and tidal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3536

All the STRATEGO countries increase their electric capacities, which is in accordance with the
increasing demands that were previously identified. The largest changes in electricity capacities take
place in Croatia where all technologies present in the 2010 reference experience growth and results
in a doubling of the 2010 capacity. The smallest increase takes place in the Czech Republic, with
the overall electric capacity increasing by 26%, while the remaining countries are somewhere in
between those two countries. For most countries the power plant capacity decreases and is replaced
by more CHP plant capacity making the overall thermal capacities more or less similar to the 2010
reference models. The large-scale boilers which are associated with the CHP plants the capacity is
changed according to peak demand during the BAU year, multiplied by 120% (see section 2.4.11).
The nuclear capacities increase for the Czech Republic and Romania while it decreases for the
United Kingdom.

Page 26
For renewable sources such as solar and wind, large increases in capacity are present in all
countries. Wind capacities in all countries increase by at least 100% compared to the 2010 capacity,
while the solar capacity increases by more than 2000% for some countries, but should also be seen
in the light of the very low capacities in the 2010 models. It is assumed that all the wind power
changes in Romania, Czech Republic and Italy are onshore wind [36] while the wind power changes
in Croatia and United Kingdom consists of both onshore and offshore capacities.

For hydro power capacities, the data applied was only for river-hydro and dammed hydro leaving
pumped hydro as constant compared to the 2010 reference. This is both due to the data availability,
but also because pumped hydro in this study is viewed upon as a storage technology rather than an
electricity production technology, and storage capacity changes were not assessed in the BAU
scenario. In order to utilize the increased dammed hydro capacity the water supply was increased
accordingly with the same change.

The industrial electricity capacity did not change compared to the 2010 reference models as this is
more related to the change in the industrial sector rather than the electricity demand as such. The
same applies for the waste incineration plants that have the same capacity as in the reference

For the BAU models a few other assumptions had to be implemented regarding the minimum grid
stabilization capacity and the import/export of electricity. For the minimum grid stabilization capacity
of power plants and CHP plants, it is assumed that a similar capacity must remain online as in the
2010 reference models. This resulted in very similar capacities to the reference models. However,
due to the changing electricity demands new problems regarding the grid stabilization were
identified. The import and export in the reference models were calibrated to replicate the actual net
import/export for 2010 for the different countries, but as the BAU models are supposed to represent
an energy system in 2050, the EnergyPLAN tool was allowed to control the amount of import and
export that should take place in 2050.

In the 2050 BAU models the fuel distributions remain the same as in the 2010 reference models.
This means for example, that a country with a higher CHP production will have the same fuel ratio
between the different types of fuel, but the consumption of each fuel will increase proportionately. A
detailed breakdown of the new 2050 business-as-usual models is provided in Appendix A - Technical

2.5.3 Cost changes in the BAU

The socio-economic costs are updated automatically when EnergyPLAN is run with the new energy
demands and components. However, to reflect developments in the various technologies simulated,
new costs based on projections for the year 2050 are using in the 2050 BAU models. The new costs
for the year 2050 are presented in Appendix B – EnergyPLAN Cost Database Version 3.0.

Page 27
3 Hourly EnergyPLAN models for each country
In this section the results for each country are presented for the reference model and the business
as usual (BAU) scenario, by presenting various capacities, demands, and production results from
EnergyPLAN after the models are run.

3.1 2010 Reference models

The reference model results are presented below in order to understand how the different energy
systems are constructed and what the key characteristics and issues of the energy systems of the
countries are. The results presented include the primary energy supply, electricity demand and
production, electricity capacities, heating and cooling demand and production, transport energy
demand, industry, CO2-emissions as well as an overview of the socio-economic costs. A list of some
of the inputs and results are displayed in Table 11, while more detailed data can be found in Appendix
A - Technical Data.

Table 11: Summary table of key inputs and results from the different energy systems
Category Unit Croatia Czech Italy Romania United
Republic Kingdom
Total domestic electricity TWh 19 70 343 58 381
Total heat demand TWh 22 109 498 113 569
District heat demand TWh 3 36 57 28 16
Transport demand TWh 24 73 520 56 636
Average power plant efficiency % 45 38 27 31 40
CHP electricity efficiency % 35 19 43 25 10
CHP heat efficiency % 35 40 12* 48 0**
Hydro capacity MW 2135 2203 21,521 6474 4268
Hydro production TWh 8 3 51 20 4
Industrial electricity production TWh 0 9 25 2 39
Industrial district heating TWh 0 4 31 3 16
Interconnections MW 3250 7300 8105 1900 2450
Number of buildings (residential 1000s 998 1976 8989 4353 22103
and services)
Number of light vehicles 1000s 1,517 4,496 36,751 4,320 28,346
Number of busses/trucks 1000s 41 105 1,220 134 580
* The Italian CHP heat efficiency is lower than what might be expected in reality. This might be due to the way the fuels
and energy production from CHP plants are reported as the CHP plants should be reported according to operation mode.
However, in some cases the statistics might have been reported according to plants instead and this might include
condensing operation at a CHP plant which would improve the electric efficiency and reduce the heating efficiency.
** This value is 0 as there is no CHP heating production, only industrial district heating production

3.1.1 Primary energy supply

The primary energy supply (PES) is a measure of the energy consumed in a country before any
conversion or transformation processes. The total Primary Energy Supply is presented in Table 12
below, and a breakdown into primary energy supply by fuel mix, for each country can be seen below
in Figure 6.

Page 28
Primary energy supply - reference
Electricity Import(+)/Export(-)

80% Geothermal heat

Solar heat

60% Geothermal elec.

Solar elec.

40% Wind

20% Waste
Biomass (excl. waste)

0% Nuclear
Natural Gas
-20% Oil
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 6: Primary energy supply shares out of the total for each country by fuel types. *A negative value for net
import/export electricity indicates export while a positive is import.

Primary energy supply per capita - reference

Electricity Import(+)/Export(-)
50 Geothermal heat
Solar heat
Geothermal elec.

30 Solar elec.
20 Hydro
Biomass (excl. waste)
Natural Gas
-10 Oil
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 7: Primary energy supply per capita by fuel type for the STRATEGO countries

Page 29
Table 12: Total Primary Energy Supply for each country
Category Unit Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Primary Energy Supply TWh 98 524 2100 406 2588

The results show that the majority of energy resources are from fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas).
The Czech Republic has a particular large share from coal. The renewable shares (including hydro
power) for the countries are 14% for Croatia, 7% for Czech Republic, 9% for Italy, 17% for Romania
and the share for the United Kingdom is 3%. The primary energy supply per capita is shown in Figure
7 below.

The primary energy supply per capita shows that the least amount of energy per capita is consumed
in Romania and Croatia with around 20 MWh/capita/year, while the Czech Republic has the highest
consumption of around 50 MWh/capita/year of which the largest share is coal. In Italy and UK large
shares of gas and oil are consumed.

3.1.2 Electricity capacities and production

The total electricity capacities for each country are presented in Table 13 below, and the split
between the different electricity production technologies are shown for each country in Figure 8
below. The results show that the majority of the capacity is placed in condensing power plants in all
the countries. The Czech Republic and the UK have the highest share of nuclear capacity. Croatia
and Romania also have a significant share of hydro capacity while all the countries have small shares
of wind power. The renewable capacity in the UK is the lowest of all the countries.

Electricity capacities - reference


90% PHES Pump

80% Hydro with a Dam

70% Run of the River Hydro

Wave and Tidal
Wind Power
40% Geothermal Power Plants
30% Nuclear Power Plants

20% Industrial CHP

CHP plants
Condensing power plants
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 8: Electricity capacity shares out of the total capacity divided by technology type for the STRATEGO

Page 30
Table 13: Total electricity capacity for each country
Category Unit Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United
Electricity capacities MW 4,565 20,232 107,251 19,976 93,201

The electricity capacity per capita is shown in Figure 9 below. As shown, the Czech Republic has
the highest installed electricity capacity per capita with just below 2 kW installed per person. Croatia
has the least installed electricity capacity at just around 1 kW installed per person.

The total domestic electricity production for the different countries is presented in Table 14, and the
production is split between the different production technologies for each country in Figure 10 below.
The electricity production structure is rather different between the STRATEGO countries, and there
are no general trends for the electricity production structures of the STRATEGO countries. For
example, Croatia has a large share of hydro production supplemented by import, power plants and
CHP production. In a very different system the UK is dominated by a large share of thermal power
production at condensing power plants supplemented by some industrial production and nuclear
power. The renewable electricity shares for the different countries, assuming that all the import is
non-renewable, are: Croatia 45%, Czech Republic 4%, Italy 20%, Romania 32% and UK 4%. The
high renewable electricity shares for Croatia and Czech Republic are due to hydro power. Overall,
the electricity production structure has a large influence on the overall fuel consumption and primary
energy supply for each country.

Electricity capacity per capita - reference


2.0 Hydro with a Dam

Run of the River Hydro
Wave and Tidal

Wind Power
1.0 Geothermal Power Plants
Nuclear Power Plants
0.5 Industrial CHP
CHP plants
Condensing power plants
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Figure 9: Electricity capacity per capita by technology type for the STRATEGO countries

Page 31
Table 14: Total electricity production and net import/export
Category Unit Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United
Total electricity TWh 14 92.5 348 63 434
Net import (import minus TWh 4.8 -15 44.2 -2.3 2.7
*Electricity production includes the electricity produced for export

Electricity production - reference

Net Import(-)/Export(+)*
80% Run of the River Hydro
Hydro with a Dam
Wave and Tidal

40% Solar Power

Offshore Wind
20% Onshore Wind
Geothermal Power Plants
Nuclear Power Plants
Industrial CHP
CHP Plants (incl. Waste)
-40% Condensing Power Plants
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 10: Electricity production shares out of the total production divided by technology type for the
STRATEGO countries. *A negative value for net import/export indicates import while a positive is export. It is
hence possible to see how large a share of the total electricity demand is covered from import of electricity or
how large a share of the total production is exported to other countries.

The electricity capacity per capita is shown in Figure 11 below. As shown, the Czech Republic
consumes the most electricity per capita. Excluding net exported electricity the country consumes
around 8 MWh per person per year. Around 1.4 MWh is net exported. Romania has the lowest
electricity production per capita of around 3 MWh per person. A small amount of this is net exported
electricity. Croatia produces around 3.3 MWh and it has a net import of around 1.1 MWh.

Page 32
Electricity production per capita - reference
Net Import(-)/Export(+)*
10 Run of the River Hydro
Hydro with a Dam
Wave and Tidal

6 Solar Power
Offshore Wind
4 Onshore Wind
Geothermal Power Plants
Nuclear Power Plants
Industrial CHP
CHP Plants (incl. Waste)
-2 Condensing Power Plants
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Figure 11: Electricity production per capita by technology type for the STRATEGO countries. *A negative value
for net import/export indicates import while a positive is export. It is hence also possible to see how large a
share of the total electricity demand is covered from import of electricity or how large a share of the total
production is exported to other countries.

3.1.3 Heating and cooling production

The total heating production is presented in Table 15, and the heating production breakdown into
different heat sources is shown for each country in Figure 12 below. In all the STRATEGO countries
the heating production is produced mainly from individual units rather than collective systems. The
largest share of district heating is in the Czech Republic where 34% of the total heat is supplied via
district heating systems. On the opposite side the UK has a district heating share of around 10% of
the total heat supply, including the industrial sector. For all the countries a large share of individual
gas boilers is present, especially in the UK where 79% (437 TWh) of the total heat is supplied in this
manner. Furthermore, only relatively small shares of electric heating are used for meeting the heat
demand. Biomass boilers also supply significant shares of the heating in some countries (38% of the
total heat supply in Romania), and it is important to note that biomass may be underrepresented in
some statistics due to its local nature. For example, wood consumed from local forests that are
owned by individual consumers can be missed in the statistics.

Page 33
Heating production - reference

90% Solar Thermal

Heat Pumps
Electric Heating
Biomass Boilers
60% Gas Boilers

50% Oil Boilers

Coal Boilers
DH - Geothermal
DH - Industrial CHP
20% DH - Solar Thermal
10% DH - Boilers
DH - CHP Plants
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 12: Heating production shares out of the total production divided by technology type for the STRATEGO

Heating production per capita - reference


10 Heat Pumps
Electric Heating
8 Biomass Boilers

Gas Boilers

6 Oil Boilers
Coal Boilers

4 DH - Geothermal
DH - Industrial CHP

2 DH - Boilers
DH - CHP Plants

Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 13: The heating supply per capita for the STRATEGO countries

Page 34
Table 15: Total heat production for each country
Category Unit Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania
Total heat production TWh 22 112 498 113 574

The heating supply per capita is presented for each country in Figure 13 below. The results show
that the Czech Republic has the highest demand per capita and that he UK and Italian heating supply
per capita are similar despite the differences in climate. The lowest heating per capita is in Romania
and Croatia, which are around half the supply of the Czech Republic.

The district heating production is broken down by technologies in Table 16 and Figure 14 below to
demonstrate the large variations between the countries. In Croatia, Czech Republic and Romania
CHP plants deliver the majority of the district heating while district heating produced at industrial
sites produce more than 50% of the total production in Italy and the majority in the UK.

Table 16: Total district heat production for each country, including district heat for residential, services, and
Category Unit Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania
Total district heat
TWh 3.6 36.5 60 27.5 17.5

District heating shares - reference

Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

DH - CHP Plants DH - Boilers DH - Industrial CHP

Figure 14: District heating shares out of the total district heating supply. The numbers in the figure represents
the annual district heating production in TWh for the different technology types.

The total cooling production is presented in Table 17 below, and the breakdown into individual
cooling and district cooling is presented in Figure 15 for each country. The cooling production (only
for space cooling) is at a much lower level compared to the heating supply, varying between 1-49

Page 35
TWh/year for the different STRATEGO countries. Italy is the country with the highest cooling demand
around 49 TWh/year and almost all of it is supplied via individual cooling.

Table 17: Total cooling production for each country

Category Unit Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United
Total cooling TWh 1 2 49 2 6

Cooling - reference



30 District cooling
Individual cooling



Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Figure 15: Cooling supply for the STRATEGO countries

The cooling demand per capita is shown for each country in Figure 16 below. When comparing the
cooling supply per capita Italy also has the highest demand followed by Croatia, while the three other
countries have demands that are far lower. These differences in cooling demands could also be
expected due to different climatic conditions. Cooling is a service that can be seen more as a comfort
service compared to heating, which in many cases in European is more of a necessity.

Page 36
Cooling supply per capita - reference




District cooling
0.4 Individual cooling




Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 16: Cooling supply per capita for each of the countries

3.1.4 Transport energy demand

The total transport energy demand is presented in Table 18 below, and the breakdown of transport
energy into different fuels is shown in Figure 17 for each country below. The transport energy is
almost solely delivered from fossil fuels (between 96-99%). The most common fuel is diesel followed
by petrol and jet fuel. The jet fuel in the UK is higher than for other countries, most likely due to the
high volumes of visitors from other countries since 94% of the total jet fuel is for international aviation.
Only small shares of biofuels and electricity (for rail) are consumed in the transport sector. The
transport sector energy demands do prove certain general trends unlike other sectors, such as
heating and electricity, since the fuel shares to a large degree are similar between the countries. The
transport energy demand is strongly correlated with the population, but differences do occur when
looking at the demand per capita, see Figure 18 below. The UK and Italy have the highest demand
that is almost three times higher than the Romanian demand per capita.

Table 18: Total transport energy demand for each country

Category Unit Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United
Total transport energy TWh 24 73 531 58 640

Page 37
Transport energy demand - reference










Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Jet fuel Diesel Petrol Heavy fueloil Natural gas LPG Biodiesel Bioethanol Electricity

Figure 17: Transport energy demand shares out of the total demand by fuel types for the STRATEGO countries

Transport energy demand per capita - reference



Natural gas
Heavy fueloil
Jet fuel

Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 18: Transport energy demand per capita for the different STRATEGO countries

Page 38
3.1.5 Industry energy demand

The total industrial energy demand is presented in Table 19 below, and the breakdown in to different
energy sources for industry is presented in Figure 19. The figure indicates that oil, gas and electricity
(produced from other energy resources) are the most common fuels. A substantial share of coal is
consumed in the industrial sector in the Czech Republic compared to the other countries, which was
also reflected by the primary energy supply. The industrial energy demand in the energy statistics is
categorized within different categories (production of their main products, own use, sold heat and
electricity and non-energy use). The main products consume between 50-65% of the total fuels for
the different countries, the own use is responsible for between 11-27% of the total fuels, the sold
heat and electricity consumes between 1-16% of the total fuels while the non-energy purposes
consume between 12-21% of the total fuels, see also Appendix A - Technical Data. It should be
noted that for industries waste consumption was classified as biomass. The industrial energy
demand per capita indicates that the largest fuel consumption is in the Czech Republic while the
other countries have a demand in the same range.

Table 19: Total industrial energy demand for each country

Category Unit Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania
Total industrial energy
TWh 33 152 657 135 673

Industry energy demand - reference

Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Coal Oil Gas Biomass/waste District heat Electricity

Figure 19: Industrial energy demand out of the total industrial energy demand by fuel types for the STRATEGO

Page 39
Industry energy demand per capita - reference



Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Coal Oil Gas Biomass/waste District heat Electricity

Figure 20: The industrial energy demand per capita in the reference models

3.1.6 CO2 emissions

The total CO2 emissions from the energy system and per capita are shown in Table 20 and Figure
21 below, respectively. The CO2-emissions in the STRATEGO countries vary according to the fossil
fuel consumption in the country. The lowest amount of CO2 per capita is emitted in Romania emitting
around 4 t/capita/year followed by Croatia while the Czech Republic by far has the largest emission
per capita around 12 t/capita. Compared to the average EU28 emissions of 8.2 t/capita, only Czech
Republic have higher emissions. The UK and Italy’s emissions are around the same level per capita
and the other countries have lower emissions [37]. The high Czech Republic emissions are due to
the large amounts of coal consumed in the country.

Table 20: Total CO2-emissions for each country

Emissions (Mt) Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Total CO2 20 126 461 82 552

Page 40
CO2 per capita - reference



Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

EU-28 average per capita

Figure 21: Average CO2-emissions per capita for the STRATEGO countries

3.1.7 Socio-economic costs

The total socio-economic costs of the energy system in each country are presented in Table 21
below, and the breakdown into different cost components is presented in Figure 22 below. The socio-
economic costs are noticeably different between the STRATEGO countries in terms of absolute total
costs (Table 21). However, the socio-economic costs composition is rather similar between the
countries as around 40-50% is from investments, around 20% from operation and maintenance, 20-
30% is from fuel costs while the remainder (less than 5%) is from CO2 costs (Figure 22).

Table 21: Total socio-economic costs

Czech United
Category Unit Croatia Italy Romania
Republic Kingdom
Total socio-economic Billion
11 39 264 41 250
costs Euro/year

Page 41
Socio-economic costs shares - reference



70% CO2

Operation & Maintenance
(including vehicles)
30% Annual investments
(including vehicles)


Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 22: Annual socio-economic cost shares out of the total costs by cost type

When only investigating the investments and O&M costs for the various countries it is clear that the
vehicle costs associated with all the transport vehicles make up a large share of the total costs
(between 20-40%). Costs for individual heating solutions (e.g. boilers, HP, solar thermal) are
responsible for 5-30% of the total costs and the collective electricity and heating production
technologies are between 10-60% of the total costs (collective here refers to centralised plants,
distinguishing them from individual plants in the building, such as a boiler for example). The district
heating pipes are for all countries less than 1% of the total costs despite having a district heating
share of up to 34% in the Czech Republic. The socio-economic costs per capita for each country are
presented in Figure 23 below. Although the composition of the socio-economic costs is rather similar,
the overall costs per capita are significantly higher in Italy, Czech Republic and UK than in Romania
and Croatia.

When comparing the socio-economic costs per capita, Romania comes out as the country with the
lowest costs around 2000 EUR/capita/year while Italy, UK and Czech Republic all have annual costs
of 3500-4500 EUR/capita/year. The explanation for this difference is twofold; the first reason is that
Romania consumes less energy per capita (see the description of the primary energy supply)
compared to most of the other countries and the other reason is that inhabitants in Romania own
fewer transport vehicles in average than inhabitants in the other STRATEGO countries. The number
of average vehicles (including motor cycles, cars, light vehicles, trucks and busses) in Romania is
0.29 per capita while it is 0.47 in Croatia, 0.59 in UK, 0.63 in Czech Republic and it is as high as
0.94 vehicles/capita in Italy. This has a significant impact on the overall costs, since vehicle
investments compose a large share of the total costs in an energy system.

Page 42
Socio-economic costs per capita - reference




3000 CO2/capita

2500 Fuel/capita



Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 23: Socio-economic costs per capita by cost type for the STRATEGO countries

3.1.8 Comparison between the STRATEGO models and the 2010 statistics

Primary energy supply STRATEGO & statistics

Electricity Import(+)/Export(-)
Wave and tidal
2000 Geothermal heat
1500 Solar heat

Geothermal elec.
Solar elec.
0 Hydro








Biomass (excl. waste)

Natural Gas
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 24: Primary energy supply for all STRATEGO countries based on statistical data and STRATEGO

Page 43
Electricity production STRATEGO & statistics

Net Import(-)/Export(+)*

300 Total Hydro

Wave and Tidal

200 Solar Power

Wind Power
Geothermal Power Plants
0 Nuclear Power Plants
Industrial CHP








CHP Plants (incl. Waste)
Condensing Power Plants

Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Figure 25: Electricity production for all STRATEGO countries based on statistical data and STRATEGO

CO2 STRATEGO & statistics















Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Figure 26: CO2 emissions for STRATEGO models and statistical data for the reference models for the five
STRATEGO countries

Page 44
When modelling the data for generating the results a calibration phase is required to align the
statistics and modelled data in order to replicate the existing energy system as best as possible, but
a perfect replication is rarely possible since the model is affected by the data collected (its availability
and accuracy) and the simulations performed in the modelling tool. An example of the differences
between the statistics and modelled data can be seen below in Figure 24 and Figure 25 for all the
STRATEGO countries: illustrating the differences between statistical data and modelled data within
the areas of primary energy supply and electricity production.

The percentage differences for the reference models between statistical data and STRATEGO
models can be seen for primary energy supply in the Table 22 below.

Table 22: The difference in percentage between the primary energy supply based on the statistical data and the
STRATEGO models (a negative number indicates that the STRATEGO data is lower than the statistical data)
Primary Croatia Czech Italy Romania United
energy supply Republic Kingdom
Coal -3% 1% 4% 1% 4%
Oil 11% 4% 18% 2% 9%
Natural Gas -7% -4% -1% 2% -1%
Nuclear -1% 1% 5% -1% 6%
Biomass (excl.
waste) -2% 2% 14% 1% 8%
Waste 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Hydro power 0% 0% 6% 2% -1%
Wind 1% 4% 1% 1% -2%
Solar elec. 0% 5% 5% 0% 69%*
elec. 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Solar heat -1% 0% -11% 0% 0%
heat 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Total -3% -3% -1% -1% -1%
* The solar electricity production in UK is almost negligible (0.05 TWh/year) and hence the large differences

In the same manner are calibrations carried out for electric capacities, electricity production, heating
and cooling supply and transport energy demand for all the five STRATEGO countries. The data
used in the models is presented in Appendix A - Technical Data. These aspects all influence the
overall primary energy supply as illustrated above. For the remainder of the report the EnergyPLAN
model results will be presented unless otherwise stated.

3.1.9 Summary of the 2010 reference models

The reference energy systems for each country inform the research about the specific
characteristics. Important characteristics from the reference scenario for each country are presented

Page 45
All countries
 Fossil fuels are more than 80% of the total primary energy supply for all the countries
 Oil derived fuels dominate the transport energy demand, with very small contributions from
biofuels and electric vehicles
 The largest renewable source in the five countries is hydro power, which is especially present
in Croatia and Romania
 Industrial primary energy supply is sourced mostly from fossil fuels, and around 20% from
 CO2-emissions are between 4-12 t/capita/year, while the EU28-average is around
 Electricity production is dominated by thermal production in most of the countries, except for
in Croatia that has a large share of hydropower
 All countries have more individual heating than district heating with the highest district heating
share in buildings being 33% in Czech Republic and the lowest is 3% in UK
 Investment costs account for between 40 - 50% of socio-economic costs. Fuel costs account
for 20 – 30% of the total socio-economic costs.
 Vehicle costs account for between 30-40% of the total investment and operation &
maintenance costs.
 The electricity and collective district heat production technologies and grids account for
between 40-60 % of the total investment and operation & maintenance costs.
 District heating pipes account for less than 1% of the total socio-economic costs

 The renewable share of the PES in Croatia is 14%
 Croatia has the lowest total primary energy supply of all the countries. However it only has
the second lowest primary energy supply per capita after Romania
 The majority of PES is sourced from oil and natural gas
 Croatia has a net import of electricity of 25% of its total consumption
 Croatia has large condensing power plant and dammed hydroelectric power capacities
 Croatia has 61% domestic renewable electricity production, excluding import
 Croatia sources heat mostly from individual gas boilers followed by oil and biomass boilers,
and district heat
 Croatia has the second lowest CO2 emissions per capita

Czech Republic
 The renewable share of PES in Czech republic is 7%
 The Czech Republic has the highest PES per capita of all the countries.
 The majority of PES is sourced from coal followed by oil, natural gas, and nuclear
 The Czech Republic has a net export of 15% of its produced electricity
 The Czech Republic has a high condensing power plant and nuclear capacity
 The Czech Republic has 4% domestic renewable electricity production
 The Czech Republic source heat mostly from individual gas boilers followed by district
 The Czech Republic has the highest CO2 emissions per capita

Page 46
The renewable share of PES in Italy is 11%
Italy has the second highest PES of all the countries, and third highest PES per capita
The majority of PES is sourced from oil and natural gas
Italy has a net import of 13% of its electricity consumption
Italy has a high condensing power plant capacity,
Italy has 23% domestic renewable electricity production
Italy sources heat mostly from individual gas boilers with smaller shares from oil and biomass
boilers and district heating
 Italy has a comparatively large cooling demand than the other countries

 The renewable share of PES in Romania is 17%
 Romania has the lowest PES per capita of all the countries
 Romania has a net export of 4% of its electricity production
 Romania has the highest amount of biomass PES of all the countries but the majority of PES
is from coal, oil, and natural gas,
 Romania has 34% domestic renewable electricity production
 Romania sources heat mostly from biomass boilers, followed by gas boilers and district
 Romania has the lowest CO2 emissions per capita

United Kingdom
 The renewable share of PES in the United Kingdom is 4%
 The United Kingdom has the highest PES of all the countries and the second highest PES
per capita
 The United Kingdom has a net import of 1% of its electricity consumption
 The majority of PES is sourced from oil and natural gas,
 The United Kingdom has 4% domestic renewable electricity production
 The United Kingdom source heat mostly from natural gas boilers with minimal district heating
 The United Kingdom has the largest aviation fuel consumption, mostly from international
 The United Kingdom has the second highest CO2 emissions per capita

3.2 2050 Business-as-usual models

The results from the BAU models are described below in the same structure as for the reference

3.2.1 Population

Population forecasts according to [38]were applied to calculate the energy productions or demands
per capita in 2050 in the BAU systems. The forecasts and differences compared to the reference
data are shown in Table 23.

Page 47
Table 23: Population for each country in 2010 (ref) and 2050 (BAU)
Population Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
(million) Republic
Total 4.30 3.83 10.46 11.07 59.19 67.06 20.30 17.97 62.51 77.18
% change -11% 6% 13% -11% 23%

The population in Croatia and Romania decreases by around 11%, while the other countries
experience increases, especially in the UK where the population growth between 2010 and 2050 is
expected to be 23%.

3.2.2 Primary energy supply

The primary energy supply for the BAU 2050 energy system scenario was calculated and the results
are presented here. The non-renewable and renewable primary energy supply for each country is
presented in Table 24.

Table 24: Primary energy demand of the energy system of each country in reference and BAU scenarios
energy Croatia Italy Romania UK
80 107 504 563 1867 1864 339 429 2497 2128
Renewable 13 20 35 38 189 265 69 93 89 216
5 0 -15 9 44 10 -2 1 3 58
Total 98 127 503 610 2100 2140 406 523 2588 2518

The results show an increase of primary energy supply for each country. Although the primary energy
supply from renewable energy sources increases for all countries, the non-renewable energy also
increases. Overall the energy system of each country depends heavily on non-renewable energy in
the BAU scenario. This is largely for transport, individual heating for residents and services, and
industry. The breakdown of primary energy supply into the different energy carriers in the BAU 2050
scenario is shown in Figure 27 below.

Page 48
Primary energy supply Ref & BAU
Electricity Import(+)/Export(-)
Geothermal heat
Solar heat

60% Geothermal elec.

Solar elec.
40% Wind
20% Waste
Biomass (excl. waste)
0% Nuclear
Natural Gas
-20% Oil
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 27: Mix of fuels in the primary energy supply for the 2010 reference and 2050 BAU models for each country

The results show that the majority of primary energy is from coal, oil and natural gas. Renewable
energy has not penetrated the systems much in the BAU 2050 scenario. In the United Kingdom,
electricity is exported since there is a lot of wind power and the system has not been altered to
accommodate it. This electricity is exported as primary energy and since it leaves the system it is a
negative value.

3.2.3 Electricity capacities and production

The changes in the BAU 2050 scenario are related to the electricity supply and capacities and the
results are presented here. The electricity capacities are projected according to the changes in the
European Commission’s recent energy forecasts [36]. The electricity capacity for each STRATEGO
country is illustrated in Table 25 and Figure 28.

Table 25: Electricity capacity of each country in reference and BAU scenarios
Electricity capacity Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania UK
Total 4.6 8.6 20.2 25.2 107.2 165.4 20.0 27.9 93.2 160.7

Page 49
Electricity capacities - BAU

90% PHES Pump

80% Hydro with a Dam

70% Run of the River Hydro

Wave and Tidal
Wind Power
40% Geothermal Power Plants
30% Nuclear Power Plants

20% Industrial CHP

CHP plants
Condensing power plants
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Figure 28: Electricity capacity for the 2050 Business-as-usual models

The figure shows that more renewables have been installed in all of the countries compared to the
2010 systems replacing thermal electricity power plants, except for in Croatia where both the
renewable sources and the power plant capacities increase. Especially for wind and solar power
large increases occur where wind capacities grow by a factor 10 in some of the countries while solar
power increases even more, but from an almost non-existing capacity in 2010. In the UK the total
wind capacity increases from around 5,000 MW in 2010 to almost 70,000 MW in 2050. In Italy the
wind capacity is also larger in 2050 while the solar power capacity experiences the largest growth
from around 6,000 MW in 2010 to around 30,000 MW in 2050. In Czech Republic the Nuclear
capacity is assumed to double from 4,000 MW to around 8,000 MW with smaller increases in wind
and solar capacity. Hydro power capacities increases in all countries between 10-25% compared to
the 2010 capacities.

In Table 26 the results for each country for electricity production from non-renewable and renewable
electricity technologies are presented for the reference and BAU models. The electricity production
from different sources for each STRATEGO country is illustrated in Figure 29. The electricity
production in 2050 is affected by the capacity changes, but is optimised in EnergyPLAN hour-by-
hour for the full year.

Table 26: Electricity production from different technologies for each country in reference and BAU scenarios

Page 50
Electricity production Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Total thermal 5.7 11.9 60.6 32.8 277 264.7 30.6 35.2 358.6 236.8
Nuclear Power Plants 0.0 0.0 28.1 58.9 0.0 0.0 12.3 19.9 62.0 57.3
Renewable sources 8.5 14.8 3.8 5.2 71.1 151.2 20.5 36.4 13.6 161.2
Net import/export 4.8 0.0 -14.9 -8.9 44.2 10.2 -2.3 -1.1 2.7 -57.5
Total electricity production 14.1 26.7 92.4 97 348.1 415.9 63.4 91.4 434.3 455.3

Electricity production - BAU

Net Import(-)/Export(+)*
Run of the River Hydro
Hydro with a Dam
Wave and Tidal
60% Solar Power

50% Offshore Wind

Onshore Wind
Geothermal Power Plants
Nuclear Power Plants
Industrial CHP
10% CHP Plants (incl. Waste)
0% Condensing Power Plants
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 29: Electricity production in 2050 business-as-usual for the STRATEGO countries

The results show an increase in domestic electricity production for all countries. The largest changes
occur in Croatia where the total electricity production is increased from 14 TWh to 27 TWh due to a
reduced import of electricity and a growing electricity demand. In Czech Republic the nuclear
production is increased significantly while the export of electricity is lower than in 2010. Smaller
changes also occur in Italy and Romania while the largest change in the UK is related to the wind
power production that increases from around 10 TWh in 2010 to almost 130 TWh in 2050 with 75
TWh of this being onshore wind power.

In the UK there is an increase in surplus electricity that would need to be exported or would be
curtailed through wind for example. It is due to a large increase in wind capacity without adjusting
the rest of the energy system to accommodate it, for example by implementing a Smart Energy
System approach [39]. During the year the wind production exceeds the electricity demand on
numerous occasions. An example of this is shown in Figure 30 for the first 400 hours of 2050 for the
UK. This emphasises the importance of long-term strategic energy planning in the future, so that the

Page 51
entire energy system can work together to ensure that changes are made to account for variations
in renewable energy output.

90000 PV
80000 Offshore
70000 Wind
60000 CHP

50000 PP
40000 Hydro
30000 CSHP
20000 River
10000 Nuclear
0 Demand

Figure 30: Hourly electricity production by plant type and the total electricity demand for the first 400 hours of
the 2050 BAU model of the UK

3.2.4 Heating and cooling production

The heating and cooling sectors also changes compared to the 2010 reference models based on
the changing demands. The total heating production in the reference and BAU scenarios can be
seen in Table 27 and the technology shares in Figure 31. The changes are however smaller than in
the electricity sector, but in general the heating production increases due to more district heating and
rather constant production in individual production technologies. The total heat production actually
decreases in the UK, but only by a small margin. The cooling production for the STRATEGO
countries undertake smaller changes, but are almost similar to the production in the 2010 models,
see Figure 32.

Table 27: Total heat production for the reference and BAU scenarios for each country
Heat production Croatia Czech Italy Romania United
(TWh) Republic Kingdom
Total 22 25 112 117 498 493 113 133 574 551

Page 52
Heating production - BAU
DH - Geothermal
Solar Thermal
Heat Pumps
Electric Heating
60% Biomass Boilers

50% Gas Boilers

Oil Boilers
Coal Boilers
DH - Industrial CHP
DH - Solar Thermal
10% DH - Boilers
0% DH - CHP Plants
Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Figure 31: The heating production in the 2050 business-as-usual scenarios

Cooling - BAU



30 District cooling
Individual cooling



Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Figure 32: Cooling production in the STRATEGO countries in the business-as-usual models

Page 53
3.2.5 Transport energy demand

When calculating the BAU transport changes, only the absolute transport energy demand is changed
and the change is equally the same for each transport energy source. Therefore the proportion of
energy sources for transport is the same as for the reference and therefore this is snot shown here.
The change in total transport energy demand is shown in Table 28.

Table 28: Total transport energy demand for the reference and BAU scenarios for each country
Transport energy Czech United
Croatia Italy Romania
demand Republic Kingdom
Total 24 26 73 85 531 534 58 80 640 608

Only the United Kingdom decreases in transport energy demand in the BAU scenario, and all the
other countries increase in energy demand, with Romania increasing the most by 39%.

Since the population of each country changes in the BAU scenario the energy consumption per
capita changes. And this is shown in Figure 33.

Transport energy demand per capita - BAU



Natural gas
Heavy fueloil
Jet fuel

Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Figure 33: Transport energy demand per capita in the business-as-usual scenarios

The transport energy demand increases for most of the countries, except for the UK where the
energy demand for transport decreases by 5%. At the same time the demand increases by up to
39% in Romania which makes the transport energy demand per capita more evened out in the 2050
BAU compared to the 2010 references. The energy demand per capita is between 6-8
MWh/capita/year for most countries while Romania‘s energy demand per capita is just above 4

Page 54
3.2.6 Industry energy demand

When calculating the BAU industry changes, only the absolute industry energy demand is changed
and the change is equally the same for each industry energy source. Therefore the proportion of
energy sources for transport is the same as for the reference and therefore this is snot shown here.
The change in total transport energy demand is shown in Table 29. The United Kingdom decreases
industrial energy consumption by around 7%, whereas all the other countries increase their
production by between 6% (Italy) and 31% (Czech Republic). Since the population of each country
changes in the BAU scenario along with the changing demands the energy consumption per capita
changes, which is shown in Figure 34.

The industrial energy demand increases slightly in Italy and by more than 30% in Croatia, Czech
Republic and Romania. In the UK however the industrial energy demand decreases by 7% making
it the country with the lowest energy demand in the industrial sector. The fuel shares of the total
demand are unchanged compared to the 2010 fuel demands.

Table 29: Total industry energy demand for the reference and BAU scenarios for each country

Industry energy demand Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Total 33 41 156 187 675 696 138 160 673 648

Industry energy demand per capita - BAU






Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Coal Oil Gas Biomass/waste District heat Electricity

Figure 34: Industry energy demand per capita in the 2050 business-as-usual scenarios

Page 55
3.2.7 CO2 emissions

CO2 emissions from the BAU 2050 scenario are presented in Table 30 below for each country. The
results show that for Croatia, Italy, and Romania, the CO 2 emissions increase in the BAU scenario.
The emission reduction from increasing the renewable electricity in these countries is not enough to
counter the increase in emissions from the fossil dependent power plants, and from increased
emissions in transport, industry and heating. In the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and Italy
the emissions decrease; the Czech Republic decreases CO2 emissions due to an increase of nuclear
power and decrease of fossil power plants. The UK decreases emissions due to a significant
increase in renewable electricity, particularly wind, and reductions in overall transport energy
demand. For all countries there are still a high proportion of emissions coming from transport,
individual heating from residents, and industry.

Table 30: Total CO2 emissions from the energy system of each country

CO2 emissions Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom

Mt Ref BAU Ref BAU Ref BAU Ref BAU Ref BAU
Total 20 28 126 110 461 459 82 99 522 462

The CO2 emissions per capita are depicted in Figure 35 below.

CO2 per capita - BAU




Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

EU-28 average per capita

Figure 35: CO2 emissions per capita in the 2050 business-as-usual scenarios

It shows that the CO2 emissions per capita increases for Croatia and Romania while it decreases in
the remaining three countries. The explanation is a combination of the fuel consumption in the 2050
BAUs (see 3.2.2) and the population forecasts. For both Croatia and Romania the population

Page 56
forecasts assume that the population will decline by 11% in 2050 compared to 2010 while the other
countries will experience an increase between 6-23% [38]. This affects the CO2 emitted per capita
while also the increasing amount of renewables and the nuclear production in Czech contributes to
the CO2 reductions per capita.

3.2.8 Socio-economic cost

The socio-economic costs were quantified for the BAU 2050 system using updated 2050 prices to
reflect developments in the different technologies and infrastructures (see Appendix B –
EnergyPLAN Cost Database Version 3.0). The annual socio-economic cost for the reference and
BAU scenarios are presented in Table 31 below. The annual cost for all countries increases. The
cost is distributed between investments, fuels and O&M etc. in the same way as for the reference
system. Fuels account for between 35% - 40% of the total cost, and investments account for between
30% - 40% of the cost.

Table 31: Total annual socio-economic cost of the energy system of each country

Annual cost
Czech United
based on 2011 Croatia Italy Romania
Republic Kingdom
Billion € Ref BAU Ref BAU Ref BAU Ref BAU Ref BAU
Total 11.4 16.6 39.0 54.3 264.5 331 41.1 62.1 250.3 281.1

The breakdown of socio-economic costs in the BAU scenario for each country is shown in Figure
36. As shown, the socio-economic cost shift from investment costs to higher fuel and CO 2 costs for
most countries.

Socio-economic costs shares - BAU

Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK

Annual investments Operation & Maintenance Fuel CO2

Figure 36: Breakdown of socio-economic cost for each country in the BAU scenario

Page 57
The socio-economic cost per capita in the BAU scenario for each country is shown in Figure 37. As
shown, the socio-economic cost per capita for each country change where the Romanian cost
increases per person since the population decreases by around 11% by 2050. Whereas the socio-
economic cost per person in Italy and the United Kingdom decrease and this is due to higher
populations of 13% and 23%, respectively.

Socio-economic costs per capita - BAU





3000 Fuel/capita

2000 Investment/capita


Croatia Czech Italy Romania UK
Figure 37: Socio-economic cost per capita for each country in the BAU scenario

3.2.9 Comparison between the STRATEGO models and the 2050 statistics

This section includes a comparison for the years 2010 and 2050 between the STRATEGO models
in this study and the European Commission’s recent energy forecasts [36]. These energy forecasts
were used as the source for projecting the 2010 data in this study to 2050 for both energy demands
and electricity production capacities, so a comparison is therefore relevant between the resulting
2050 energy systems.

The comparison of the total primary energy supply shows that the 2010 models are very similar, with
the average difference in the region of 2%. For the 2050 models the differences are larger, especially
for the UK where the EC model projects a large decrease in coal consumption. Generally, the primary
energy supply is somewhat smaller in the 2050 EC models than in the 2050 STRATEGO BAU
scenarios modelled here with an average difference in the region of 13%. Possible reasons for the
differences can be different fuel distributions (e.g. the amount of coal consumed in thermal power
plants), energy technology efficiencies and differences due to the time-steps considered:
EnergyPLAN is an hour-by-hour model whereas PRIMES looks at the annual energy balance.

Page 58
Primary energy supply STRATEGO & EC
























Croatia Croatia Czech Czech Italy 2010 Italy 2050 Romania Romania UK 2010 UK 2050
2010 2050 Republic Republic 2010 2050
2010 2050

Solids Oil Gas Nuclear Electricity Renewable energy forms

Figure 38: Primary energy for STRATEGO and EC scenarios for 2010 and 2050


























Croatia Croatia Czech Czech Italy 2010 Italy 2050 Romania Romania UK 2010 UK 2050
2010 2050 2010 2050 2010 2050
Figure 39: CO2-emissions for STRATEGO and EC scenarios for 2010 and 2050

Page 59
The differences in primary energy supply also affect the CO 2 emissions for 2050. For the scenarios
in this study, the 2010 and 2050 emissions are rather similar, but there are significant reductions for
EC projections, in particular for Italy and the UK. This is most likely due to the same reasons that the
primary energy supply varies in both studies.

When comparing the demand side between the two types of models, STRATEGO and EC, they align
to a large degree. Below in Figure 40 is the final electricity demand for each country in 2010 and
2050 illustrated showing that the STRATEGO and EC models are almost identical with the average
difference being less than 0.1%.

In relation to transport (Figure 41), the differences are somewhat larger than for electricity and district
heating where the overall average difference is 0.5%. The extreme high is in Italy, where fuel
consumption for transport is 6% higher in the STRATEGO models than in the EC model.

The objective when forecasting energy demand and supply as far away as 2050 is not to identify
exact quantities for demand and supply, but instead the main purpose is to create a context by
answering questions such as:

 Is the energy demand increasing or decreasing?

 What is causing the energy demand to change? For example, this typically includes a
breakdown of how the electricity, heating, cooling, industry, and transport sectors are
 Is there more or less renewable energy?
 What type of power plants exist in 2050?

Based on the comparison between the STRATEGO and EC results, the key conclusions are that:

 The energy demands in STRATEGO and EC scenarios are rather similar for both 2010 and
 The supply side (primary energy) is rather similar for 2010, but more than 10% different in
 Differences in the supply side are most likely caused by factors such as differences in fuel
distributions and technology efficiencies, which are not available in the report from the
European Commission so they cannot be replicated, along with a different approach towards
modelling the energy system (i.e. hour-by-hour vs. annual)
 Overall, the models produced in STRATEGO provide a sufficiently accurate context for the
European energy system in 2050, based on the recent projections of the European

Page 60
Final electricity demand - STRATEGO & EC


















Croatia Croatia Czech Czech Italy 2010 Italy 2050 Romania Romania UK 2010 UK 2050
2010 2050 2010 2050 2010 2050
Figure 40: Final electricity demand for STRATEGO and EC scenarios for 2010 and 2050

Transport final demand - STRATEGO & EC


























Croatia Croatia Czech Czech Italy 2010 Italy 2050 Romania Romania UK 2010 UK 2050
2010 2050 2010 2050 2010 2050
Figure 41: Fuel consumption for transport for the STRATEGO and EC scenarios for 2010 and 2050

Page 61
3.2.10 Summary of the 2050 business-as-usual models

A business-as-usual (BAU) scenario is re-created here based on the current modelling carried out
by the European Commission [36]. Energy demands have been updated to reflect this future
scenario along with electricity production capacities. Only the electricity supply is updated since the
electricity system undergoes radical change between now and 2050, primarily due to the introduction
of wind and solar power. Other energy supply mixes have been kept very similar to the original
design in the 2010 reference models, as the data required for 2050 was not available. New supply
units are only added when it is necessary for the secure operation of the new energy system. For
example, additional boiler capacity is added to the district heating system if the heat demand
increases, to ensure that there is not a shortfall in heat supply.

This means that in terms of demand, the 2050 models developed here change by the same
proportion as those proposed by the European Commission, but on the supply side there are minor
differences since it is only the electricity system that is updated. These new 2050 BAU models will
act as a starting point when analysing the new heating and cooling strategies in STRATEGO.

Also, there are some key differences between the 2010 and 2050 models developed in this study
which is outlined below for all countries.

All countries
 Electricity demand increases between 25-62%
 There are less power plants in all countries except Croatia
 CHP capacities increase in all countries
 There is a large increase in fluctuating renewables such as wind and solar power
 For all countries there are still a high proportion of emissions coming from transport, individual
heating for buildings, and industry
 Demand for all fuel types increase due to increasing demands for electricity, heating, cooling
and transport and industry
 The thermal power capacity almost doubles between 2010 and 2050 with large increases for
both condensing power plants and CHP plants
 Carbon dioxide emissions increase in Croatia in 2050 due to the additional fossil fuel
 Fluctuating renewable capacity in wind and solar power increases to a combined share of
20% of the total electricity capacity

Czech Republic
 There is less coal in the Czech Republic's electricity supply in 2050, primarily due to a growth
in nuclear power which replaces some thermal plant production.
 Carbon dioxide emissions decrease in 2050, most likely due to the conversion from coal to
nuclear power in the electricity sector
 Transport energy demand increases leading to a higher overall demand for oil products

Page 62
 The renewable electricity production increases in the form of wind, solar and geothermal
 Carbon dioxide stays almost constant due to the higher share of renewable sources despite
the overall growing fuel demand
 Renewable electricity capacities increase to 63% of the total capacity while the overall share
of renewable fuels of the total fuel consumption is only 15%

 The overall fuel demand increases primarily based on fossil fuel consumption for
 More renewable sources are installed for electricity production in the form of wind and solar
 Transport demand grows by around 40% between 2010 and 2050

United Kingdom
 There is a very large growth in wind power in the UK in 2050. The rest of the system is not
altered sufficiently to support it, so there is some surplus electricity production which must be
exported or curtailed.
 Carbon dioxide emissions decrease in 2050 as wind power is installed in the electricity sector
replacing fossil fuel consumption at thermal plants.
 UK is the only country experiencing a decreasing transport demand while also the heating
demand is reduced slightly compared to 2010

Page 63
4 Conclusion
The EnergyPLAN model was able to accurately model the current 2010 and future 2050 energy
systems in each of the STRATEGO countries based on statistical inputs and projections. Small
deviations did appear in some of the sectors for the reference models, but these are deemed
negligible in comparison to the overall energy system. For the 2050 BAU models larger differences
occurred for some countries due to the methodology applied to develop these, i.e. the final demands
and electricity capacities were projected while other factors such as fuel distributions at thermal
plants and CO2-emissions per energy unit remained similar to the 2010 inputs.

The 2010 and 2050 STRATEGO models provided a detailed overview of the heating and cooling
sectors in each of the countries that enable further analysis and scenarios. It became clear that the
heating sectors are significantly larger than the cooling sectors in terms of energy demand in all the

The models demonstrate that each of the countries rely on different production technologies to meet
their heating and electricity demands: for example, the UK almost solely relies on individual natural
gas boilers to provide heating while a larger share of district heating is installed in the Czech
Republic. It is therefore important to focus the analysis and create scenarios based on the specific
country context rather than implementing common solutions across countries.

Some of the main results from the 2010 reference models are that:

 Fossil fuels represent the majority of the energy demand with a share above 80% of the
primary energy supply in all of the STRATEGO countries;
 The largest renewable source is hydro power that produces a large share of the electricity
demand in some of the countries;
 All the STRATEGO countries have more individual heating than district heating with the
highest district heating share being 33% in Czech Republic and the lowest representing 10%
in the UK
 The fuels for transportation and industry sectors are dominated by fossil fuels where oil
delivers the majority of the energy demand in the transport sector and oil, gas and electricity
are important in the industrial sector.
 The renewable share of electricity can be rather high for some countries, but as a share of
the total primary energy renewables are still limited

For the 2050 BAU models some of the main results are that:

 Electricity demand is projected to increase significantly by between 25-62% in the

STRATEGO countries
 In 2050 the fluctuating renewable sources such as wind and solar power increases and
replaces condensing power plants in most of the countries while the CHP plant capacities
also increase in all countries
 The EnergyPLAN model can accurately model the future 2050 situation in each of the
STRATEGO countries. There are small differences on the supply side in 2050, which are

Page 64
most likely caused by factors such as differences in fuel distributions and technology
efficiencies, which are not available in the report from the European Commission so they
cannot be replicated, along with a different approach towards modelling the energy system
(i.e. hour-by-hour vs. annual). However, changes in the overall context of the energy system
are captured by the model, so these smaller changes on the supply side are unlikely to have
a significant impact during the next part of the analysis.

The hourly energy models from the year 2010 and 2050 will form the basis for the remaining analysis
in the STRATEGO project. These will act as a starting point, so that the energy system can be
combined with inputs from the other work streams in STRATEGO to create long-term heat strategies
for each of Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Romania, and the United Kingdom (See Background
Report 2).

Page 65
5 References

[1] D. Connolly, H. Lund, B. V. Mathiesen, and M. Leahy, “A review of computer tools for
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[2] D. of D. and Planning, “Smart Energy Systems,” 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14-Sep-2010].

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modelling of 100% renewable solutions, Second edi. ELSEVIER, 2014, p. 362.

[4] International Energy Agency, “Energy balances of OECD countries,” 2014.

[5] E. Commission, “Eurostat - Statistics database,” 2014. [Online]. Available:

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[7] Enerdata, “Energy Research Services,” 2014. [Online]. Available:

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Statistics Manual,” 2005.

[10] PE International and Ecofys, “Primary Energy Demand of Renewable Energy Carriers Part 1,”
pp. 1–18, 2014.

[11] Ó. B. Howley M, Dennehy E, “Energy in Ireland 1990 - 2009,” 2010.

[12] The Climate Registry, “Climate Registry Default Emissions Factors,” pp. 1–34, 2012.

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[14] Terna, “Terna - electricity production,” Electricity production, 2010. [Online]. Available:

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[16] T. Beyer, “Goldisthal Pumped-Storage Plant: More than Power Production,” Hydro Review
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[18] ENTSO-E, “Indicative values for Net Transfer Capacities (NTC) in Continental Europe,”
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[20] B. R. M.-T. Normark B, Heoelsaeter O-H, “Review by the International Expert Commission.
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[21] Entranze, “Share of single-family dwellings in total stock,” 2013. [Online]. Available:

[22] Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, “National Energy Efficiency Action
Plan according to EED Art. 24 (2).”

[23] ENEA, “Piano d’azione italiano per l'efficienza energetica 2014,” 2014. [Online]. Available:

[24] K. Lomas, T. Oreszcyn, D. Shipworth, A. Wright, and A. Summerfield, “Carbon Reduction in

Buildings (CaRB) - Understanding the social and technical factors that influence energy use in
UK homes,” 2006.

[25] European Union, “JRC IE Heat and Cooling market database,” 2013.

[26] Euroheat & Power, “DHC & Statistics,” 2011. [Online]. Available:

[27] Danish Energy Agency, “Technology Data for Energy Plants: Individual Heating Plants and
Energy Transport,” 2012.

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[30] UK Department for Transport, “Vehicle licensing statistics 2012,” 2012. [Online]. Available:

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[31] International Energy Agency, “Energy Supply Security: The Emergency Response of IEA
Countries - 2014 Edition,” 2014.

[32] JANAF, “The JANAF system,” 2014. [Online]. Available:


[33] EIA, “U.S. Energy Information Administration,” 2014. [Online]. Available:,&syid

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[35] G. Hughes, “The Performance of Wind Farms in the United Kingdom and Denmark,” 2012.

[36] P. Capros, A. De Vita, N. Tasios, D. Papadopoulos, P. Siskos, E. Apostolaki, M. Zampara, L.

Paroussos, K. Fragiadakis, and N. Kouvariatakis, “E3M-Lab, IIASA-GAINS model, IIASA-
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[37] EUROSTAT, “Air emissions accounts totals in NACE Rev. 2 bridging to emission inventory
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[Online]. Available:

[39] Aalborg University - Department of Development and Planning, “Smart Energy Systems,”
2015. [Online]. Available:

Page 68
6 Appendices

6.1 Appendix A - Technical Data

This appendix presents a compilation of the data that was produced from the reference system

6.1.1 2010 Reference Models

Primary energy supply

Table 1: The primary energy supply for the STRATEGO countries divided by fuel types
Primary energy supply (TWh) Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Fossil fuels 79.9 419.5 1867.3 302.5 2310.2
Coal 8.9 225.9 194.1 83.3 379.4
Oil 40.1 103.3 822.8 94.6 883.3
Natural Gas 30.9 90.3 850.4 124.6 1047.5
Nuclear 0.0 84.4 0.0 36.9 186.3
Renewable sources 13.1 35.1 188.9 69.1 88.7
Biomass (excl. waste) 4.4 28.2 95.2 48.2 63.1
Waste 0.1 3.08 21.17 0.36 10.90
Hydro 8.3 2.8 54.4 20.2 3.5
Wind 0.1 0.35 9.23 0.31 9.96
Solar elec. 0.0 0.65 2.00 0.00 0.13
Geothermal elec. 0.0 0.0 5.4 0.0 0.0
Solar heat 0.1 0.05 1.40 0.00 1.13
Geothermal heat 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wave and tidal 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Import/export electricity 4.8 -15.17 44.17 -2.15 2.66
Total 97.8 523.8 2100.4 406.3 2587.9

Electricity and heating demands

Table 2: Annual electricity and heating demands and district heating losses
Czech United
Demands (TWh) Croatia Italy Romania
Republic Kingdom
Electricity 18.83 77.72 392.24 61.04 436.93
Including electric heating 1.9 5.8 32.59 2.29 53.45
Including electric cooling 0.42 0.52 16.42 0.6 2.02
District heating for residential.
2.33 19.16 2.36 15.89 5.17
services & other
District heating for industry 0.72 11.62 54.67 6.12 10.66
District heating transmission and
0.45 5.97 0.85 5.75 0.16
distribution losses
Total district heating
3.05 30.77 57.03 22.01 15.82
Total district heating
3.50 36.74 57.88 27.76 15.98

Page 69
Electricity capacities and production
Table 3: Electricity capacities by technologies for the STRATEGO countries
Electric capacities (MW) Czech
Croatia Italy Romania United Kingdom
Thermal plants 2341 11955 75704 11638 71113
Condensing power plants 1454 7767 52806 8138 66560
CHP plants 675 2688 17443 3079 0
Industrial CHP 212 1500 5455 421 4553
Nuclear Power Plants 0 3900 0 1400 10865
Renewable sources 2224 4377 31547 6938 9723
Geothermal Power
0 0 728 0 0
Wind Power 89 215 5814 462 5378
Solar 0 1959 3484 2 77
Wave and Tidal 0 0 0 0 0
Run of the River Hydro 300 297 4633 2500 255
Hydro with a Dam 1542 759 9344 3882 1269
PHES Pump 293 1147 7544 92 2744
Total 4565 20232 107251 19976 91701

Table 4: Electricity production divided by technologies

Electricity production (TWh) Croatia Italy Romania United Kingdom
Total thermal 5.68 60.57 276.97 30.60 358.61
Condensing power plants 2.85 40.59 174.84 17.58 319.88
CHP plants (incl. Waste) 2.38 11.55 76.96 10.64 0.00
Industrial 0.45 8.43 25.17 2.38 38.73
Nuclear Power Plants 0.00 28.09 0.00 12.30 62.03
Renewable sources 8.46 3.79 71.10 20.53 13.63
Geothermal Power Plants 0.00 0.00 5.44 0.00 0.00
Wind Power 0.14 0.35 9.23 0.31 9.96
Onshore 0.14 0.35 9.23 0.31 5.74
Offshore 0 0 0 0 4.22
Solar 0.00 0.65 2.00 0.00 0.13
Wave and Tidal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hydro 8.32 2.79 54.43 20.22 3.54
Hydro with a Dam 6.40 1.04 30.72 8.88 1.58
Run of the River Hydro 1.92 1.75 23.71 11.34 1.96
PHES Pump 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net import* 4.70 -14.73 44.17 -2.39 2.66
Total. excl import/export 14.14 92.45 348.07 63.43 434.27
* A negative number indicates export while a positive is import

Page 70
Heating and cooling supply
Table 5: Heating and cooling supply by technologies
Heating supply (TWh) Croatia Czech Italy Romania United Kingdom
District Heating Supply 3.63 36.52 56.95 27.53 17.45
DH - CHP Plants 2.38 23.85 21.12 20.42 0.00
DH - Geothermal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DH - Boilers 1.25 8.78 4.02 4.39 1.63
DH - Solar Thermal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DH - Industrial CHP 0.00 3.67 30.53 2.72 15.82
DH - Waste 0.00 0.22 1.28 0.00 0.00
DH - Industrial Excess 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DH - Heat Pumps 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Individual Heating 18.39 75.35 441.12 85.88 556.50
Coal Boilers 0.13 6.92 0.04 0.12 7.91
Oil Boilers 3.84 0.45 49.92 4.51 47.41
Gas Boilers 8.74 44.43 317.54 36.52 437.45
Biomass Boilers 3.72 13.79 39.63 42.44 4.31
Heat Pumps 0.00 3.91 0.00 0.00 4.84
Electric Heating 1.9 5.8 32.59 2.29 53.45
Solar Thermal 0.06 0.05 1.40 0.00 1.13
Total Heat Production 22.02 111.87 498.07 113.41 573.95
Cooling supply (TWh)
Individual cooling 1.26 1.56 49.26 1.8 6.06
District cooling 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.0 0.00
Total cooling 1.26 1.56 49.30 1.8 6.06

Transport energy demand

Table 6: Transport energy demand divided by fossil fuels, biofuels and electricity
Transport (TWh) Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Fossil fuels 23.75 67.89 503.57 54.93 621.88
Jet fuel 1.29 4.25 48.07 2.95 142.90
Diesel 13.80 40.20 272.88 35.87 276.14
Petrol 7.79 21.61 119.51 15.72 178.42
Heavy fueloil 0.09 0.00 39.51 0.05 23.06
Natural gas 0.02 0.86 8.08 0.12 0.00
LPG 0.75 0.97 15.51 0.22 1.35
Biofuels 0.03 2.69 16.51 1.34 13.65
Biodiesel 0.03 2.01 15.09 0.80 9.54
Bioethanol 0.00 0.68 1.42 0.54 4.11
Electricity 0.27 2.20 10.67 1.36 4.08
Total 24.04 72.78 530.74 57.63 639.60

Vehicle stocks and types

Table 7: Stock of vehicles by motorcycles, light vehicles, trucks and busses
Vehicle type Fuel type Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Motorcycles Petrol 160,000 920,000 9,570,000 90,000 1,230,000
Light vehicles Petrol 945,400 3,386,100 20,716,600 2,609,800 20,253,100
(cars, 3t Diesel 649,400 1,618,000 17,234,600 2,261,500 11,225,300
LPG 47,100 4,600 2,412,800 25,900 51,400

Page 71
payload Electric 200 0 8,800 0 12,260
Trucks Diesel 36,400 85,700 1,124,900 93,400 470,100
Busses Petrol 0 2,000 600 0 600
Diesel 4,800 17,300 94,800 40,900 109,700
TOTAL 1,843,300 6,033,700 51,163,100 5,121,500 33,352,460

Industrial energy demand

Table 8: Industrial energy demand broken down by fuels for industrial products, own use, sold heat and electricity,
and non-energy use
Industry (TWh) Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Industrial products 16 95 369 78 300
Coal 2 23 21 8 23
Oil 4 5 40 8 55
Gas 6 27 120 32 103
Biomass/waste 1 6 5 3 4
District heat 1 11 55 6 11
Electricity 4 23 128 20 105
Industrial own use 9 21 111 37 155
Coal 0 4 0 1 8
Oil 5 3 62 14 58
Gas 2 1 8 10 62
Biomass/waste 0 0 0 0 0
District heat 0 5 18 3 1
Electricity 1 9 23 10 26
Industrial sold heat & electricity 1 8 84 5 124
Coal 0 2 0 1 20
Oil 0 0 33 1 7
Gas 1 2 48 3 64
Biomass/waste 0 3 3 0 33
Non-energy use 7 32 111 18 95
Coal 0 3 2 0 0
Oil 2 28 103 9 88
Gas 5 1 7 9 7
Biomass/waste 0 0 0 0 0
Total 33 156 675 138 673
Coal 2 33 23 10 50
Oil 12 36 238 31 207
Gas 14 31 182 54 236
Biomass/waste 1 10 8 4 37
District heat 1 16 73 9 12
Electricity 4 31 151 30 130

Page 72
Socio-economic costs
Table 9: Annual socio-economic costs by cost type
Socio-economic costs (Billion Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Annual investments 5.56 16.30 119.23 19.10 109.19
Operation & Maintenance 3.12 10.21 82.3 11.08 61.87
Fuel 2.53 9.99 58.77 9.58 70.98
CO2 0.30 1.91 7.00 1.24 8.39
Electricity Trading -0.18 0.60 -2.80 0.08 -0.11
Total 11.35 39.03 264.51 41.10 250.3

Electricity and heating efficiencies

Table 11. Efficiencies for heating and electricity units
Efficiencies (%) Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Collective units
Condensing power plants 38 35 44 33 46
CHP – electricity 35 19 43 25 10
CHP - thermal 35 40 12 48 0
Waste incineration - electricity 0 8 23 0 0
Waste incineration - thermal 0 85 7 0 0
District heating boilers 76 86 66 64 0
Heat pumps 300
Nuclear power plants 33
Geothermal power plants 10
Other Renewable sources 100
Individual units
Coal boiler 65
Oil boiler 80
Gas boiler 85
Biomass boiler 65
Heat Pump Electricity 300
Direct Electricity 100
Solar 100

Electricity, heat and fuel losses

Table 12: Electricity, heating and fuel losses for the different STRATEGO countries
Losses (%) Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Coal 0.01 0.28 0 0.33 0.55
Oil 0 0 0 0.14 0
Gas 1.8 1.7 0.7 3.1 1.7
Waste 0 0 0 0 0
Biomass 0 0 0 0 0
Electricity 11 6 6 12 7
District heating 12 15 0 19 0

Page 73
Hydropower capacities and production
Table 13: The hydropower capacities and capacity factors for the different STRATEGO countries
Run-of-river Dam (excl. pumped hydro) Pumped hydro
Country Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity
(MW) factor (MW) factor (MW) factor
Croatia 300 74% 1542 47% 293 5%
Czech Republic 297 67% 759 16% 1147 8%
Italy 4633 50% 9344 38% 7544 7%
Romania 2500 51% 3882 27% 92 33%
United Kingdom 255 90% 1269 14% 2744 13%

Table 14: Hydropower production by type and sources for data

Hydropower type & Pumped hydro storage
production (TWh)
Run- Productio Electricity
Country TOTAL Dam Efficiency Source & notes
of-river n (TWh) loss (TWh)
Total is from IEA and dam & run-
Czech 2.8 1.0 1.8 0.8 -0.2 80%
of-river is from ENTSO-E
Total is from IEA and dam and
run-of-river (40%) is from Terna
Italy 51.1 30.7 20.4 4.5 -1.2 79%
(Italian electricity transmission
grid operator)
Total hydro is from IEA and dam
3.6 1.6 2 3 -1.1 73% is calculated from run-of-river
(ENTSO-E) and IEA total
Total is from IEA and dam & run-
Croatia 8.3 6.4 1.9 0.14 -0.05 75%
of-river is from ENTSO-E
Total is from IEA and dam & run-
Romania 20 9 11 0.3 0 unknown
of-river is from ENTSO-E

Thermal storage
Thermal storage for district heating is based on an assumption of four hours of average district heat

Table 15: Thermal storage and average district heating demand for the STRATEGO countries
Thermal storage Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Thermal storage(GWh) 4.4 44.5 71.4 34.6 19.9
Average district heating demand 395 3621 3007 2823 589

Hydro storage
Table 16: Dammed and pumped storage capacities in GWh
Hydro storage (GWh) Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Dammed storage 4100 1425 12667 4575 3000
Pumped storage 2.9 11.5 75.4 0.9 27.4

Page 74
Oil storage
Table 17: Oil storage for the STRATEGO countries
Country Unit Amount Notes
Czech Million barrel 26.3 Split between crude oil and refined products
Italy Million barrel 163.5 Converted from 26 mcm using US barrels. Split into
one-third crude and two-thirds finished products
United Kingdom Million barrel 83 Includes Oil and product stocks. Main storage
facilities for crude and oil products in the United
Kingdom are located at refineries.
Croatia Million barrel 11 Strategic oil storage capacity of 1,540,000 m3 and
202,000 m3 of petroleum derivatives
Romania Million barrel 11 Based on 90 days reserve of net imports amount
from the previous year

Gas storage
Gas storage data was collected from the Enerdata database. Data was collected for the underground
natural gas storage capacity.

Table 18: Gas storage capacities for the STRATEGO countries

Country Unit Amount

Czech Billion cubic metre 3.1
Italy Billion cubic metre 14.3
United Kingdom Billion cubic metre 3.9
Croatia Billion cubic metre 0.6
Romania Billion cubic metre 2.7

Grid capacities
Table 19: Electric grid capacities based on the national annual maximum load for 2010
Unit Electric grid capacity (national annual maximum
Czech MW 10,384
Italy MW 56,425
United Kingdom MW 60,100
Croatia MW 3,121
Romania MW 8,464

Table 20: Onshore and offshore electricity transmission interconnections
Country Onshore cable (MW) Offshore cable (MW)
Czech 7300 N/A
Italy 7605 500
United Kingdom N/A 2450
Croatia 3250 N/A
Romania 1900 N/A

Page 75
Heating units in buildings
The number of individual boilers (excluding boilers for district heating production), district heating
substations and electric heating units.

Table 21: Number of heating units divided by the building types (single-family residential, multi-family residential,
Units (1,000) Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Residential – single-family 936 1699 6899 4189 20737
Coal 5 95 1 4 221
Oil 166 7 739 188 1631
Gas 403 797 5006 1615 15988
Biomass 131 189 478 1436 121
District heating substations 126 404 44 827 222
Electric heating 103 122 604 119 2298
Residential – multi-family 43 193 2045 91 239
Coal 0 11 0 0 3
Oil 8 1 219 4 19
Gas 18 90 1484 35 184
Biomass 6 21 142 31 1
District heating substations 6 46 13 18 3
Electric heating Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
Non-residential 22 97 144 73 1150
Coal 0 5 0 0 12
Oil 4 0 15 3 90
Gas 9 46 105 28 887
Biomass 3 11 10 25 7
District heating substations 3 23 1 14 12
Electric heating 2 8 13 2 12

Minimum power plant and CHP operation

Table 22: Minimum power plant and CHP operation in the reference models in order to ensure a stable electricity
Minimum operation Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Minimum grid stabilisation production 50 50 50 50 50
share (%)
Minimum power plant operation (MW) 291 1553 10561 1628 13612
Minimum power plant operation (% of 20 20 20 20 20
Minimum CHP operation (MW) 68 269 1744 308 0
Minimum CHP operation (% of total) 10 10 10 10 0

Page 76
6.1.2 2050 Business-As-Usual Models

Primary energy supply BAU

Table 25: The primary energy supply for the STRATEGO countries in the BAU scenario divided by fuel types
Primary energy Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
supply (TWh)
Fossil fuels 79.9 106.9 419.5 385.9 1867.3 1863.9 302.5 369.2 2310.2 1955.7
Coal 8.9 22.5 225.9 158.2 194.1 181.4 83.3 92.5 379.4 247.5
Oil 40.1 46.3 103.3 125.3 822.8 837.4 94.6 124.2 883.3 831.8
Natural Gas 30.9 38.1 90.3 102.5 850.4 845.1 124.6 152.6 1047.5 876.5
Nuclear 0.0 0.0 84.4 176.9 0.0 0.0 36.9 59.7 186.3 172.0
sources 13.1 20.1 35.1 38.3 188.9 265.4 69.1 92.5 88.7 216.4
Biomass (excl.
waste) 4.4 5.1 28.2 29.9 95.2 91.6 48.2 55.7 63.1 56.3
Waste 0.1 0.09 3.08 3.08 21.17 21.17 0.36 0.36 10.90 10.90
Hydro 8.3 12.1 2.8 3.7 54.4 63.3 20.2 28.0 3.5 4.1
Wind 0.1 1.69 0.35 0.75 9.23 49.29 0.31 3.19 9.96 128.93
Solar elec. 0.0 0.97 0.65 0.73 2.00 27.94 0.00 5.17 0.13 15.14
elec. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.4 10.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Solar heat 0.1 0.07 0.05 0.06 1.40 1.39 0.00 0.00 1.13 1.07
heat 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wave and tidal 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.0
electricity 4.8 0.12 -15.17 8.95 44.17 10.19 -2.15 1.14 2.66 57.52
Total 97.8 127.0 523.8 610.0 2100.4 2139.5 406.3 522.5 2587.9 2401.7

Page 77
Electricity production BAU
Table 4: Electricity production divided by technologies
Electricity Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania United Kingdom
Total thermal 5.68 11.86 60.57 32.83 276.97 264.71 30.60 35.18 358.61 236.76
power plants 2.85 8.16 40.59 12.75 174.84 159.19 17.58 16.03 319.88 191.16
CHP plants
(incl. Waste) 2.38 3.25 11.55 11.65 76.96 80.31 10.64 16.77 0.00 6.87
Industrial 0.45 0.45 8.43 8.43 25.17 25.21 2.38 2.38 38.73 38.73
Nuclear Power
Plants 0.00 0.00 28.09 58.90 0.00 0.00 12.30 19.89 62.03 57.27
sources 8.46 14.79 3.79 5.22 71.10 151.21 20.53 36.37 13.63 161.22
Power Plants 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.44 10.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wind Power 0.14 1.69 0.35 0.75 9.23 49.29 0.31 3.19 9.96 128.93
Onshore 0.14 0.96 0.35 0.75 9.23 49.29 0.31 3.19 5.74 74.32
Offshore 0 0.73 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.22 54.61
Solar 0.00 0.97 0.65 0.73 2.00 27.94 0.00 5.17 0.13 15.14
Wave and Tidal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.04
Total hydro 8.32 12.13 2.79 3.74 54.43 63.31 20.22 28.01 3.54 4.11
Hydro with a
Dam 6.40 9.76 1.04 1.58 30.72 37.21 8.88 13.85 1.58 1.94
Run of the River
Hydro 1.92 2.37 1.75 2.16 23.71 26.10 11.34 14.16 1.96 2.17
PHES Pump 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net import* 4.70 -0.12 -14.73 -8.95 44.17 -10.19 -2.39 -1.14 2.66 -57.52
Total, excl.
import/export 14.14 26.65 92.45 96.95 348.07 415.92 63.43 91.44 434.27 455.25
* A negative number indicates export while a positive is import

Page 78
6.2 Appendix B – EnergyPLAN Cost Database Version 3.0

Energy cost database as of 30th January 2015 freely downloadable from

Page 79
The EnergyPLAN cost database is created and maintained by the Sustainable Energy Planning
Research Group at Aalborg University, Denmark. It is constructed based on data from a wide variety
of sources, with many of the inputs adjusted to fit with the required fields in the EnergyPLAN model.
Below is a list of all the different sources currently used to construct the cost database. The result is
a collection of investment, operation & maintenance, and lifetimes for all technologies for the years
2020, 2030, and 2050. Where data could not be obtained for 2030 or 2050, a 2020 cost is often

 Danish Energy Agency. Energistyrelsen. Available from: [accessed 25

June 2012].
 International Energy Agency. World Energy Outlook 2010. International Energy Agency,
2010. Available from:
 Danish Energy Agency. Forudsætninger for samfundsøkonomiske analyser på
energiområdet (Assumptions for socio-economic analysis on energy). Danish Energy
Agency, 2011. Available from:
 Howley M, Dennehy E, Ó'Gallachóir B. Energy in Ireland 1990 - 2009. Energy Policy
Statistical Unit, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, 2010. Available from:
 Lund H, Möller B, Mathiesen BV, Dyrelund A. The role of district heating in future
renewable energy systems. Energy 2010;35(3):1381-1390.
 Bøckman T, Fleten S-E, Juliussen E, Langhammer HJ, Revdal I. Investment timing and
optimal capacity choice for small hydropower projects. European Journal of Operational
Research 2008;190(1):255-267.
 Danish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Plants. Danish Energy
Agency,, 2010. Available from:
 Motherway B, Walker N. Ireland's Low-Carbon Opportunity: An analysis of the costs and
benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland,
2009. Available from:
 International Energy Agency. Energy Technology Data Source. Available from: [accessed 15 March 2012].
 Narional Renewable Energy Laboratory. Technology Brief: Analysis of Current-Day
Commercial Electrolyzers. Narional Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2004. Available from:
 Mathiesen BV, Blarke MB, Hansen K, Connolly D. The role of large-scale heat pumps for
short term integration of renewable energy. Department of Development and Planning,
Aalborg University, 2011. Available from:
 Danish Energy Agency and Technology Data for Energy Plants: Generation
of Electricity and District Heating, Energy Storage and Energy Carrier Generation and
Conversion. Danish Energy Agency and, 2012. Available from:

Page 80
 Joint Research Centre. Technology Map of the European Strategic Energy Technology
Plan (SET-Plan): Technology Descriptions. European Union, 2011. Available from:
 Gonzalez A, Ó'Gallachóir B, McKeogh E, Lynch K. Study of Electricity Storage
Technologies and Their Potential to Address Wind Energy Intermittency in Ireland.
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, 2004. Available from:
 Mathiesen BV, Ridjan I, Connolly D, Nielsen MP, Hendriksen PV, Mogensen MB, Jensen
SH, Ebbesen SD. Technology data for high temperature solid oxide electrolyser cells, alkali
and PEM electrolysers. Aalborg University, 2013. Available from:
 Washglade Ltd. Heat Merchants. Available from: [accessed 12
September 2012].
 Danish Energy Agency and Technology Data for Energy Plants: Individual
Heating Plants and Technology Transport. Danish Energy Agency and, 2012.
Available from:
 COWI. Technology Data for Energy Plants: Individual Heating Plants and Energy
Transport. Danish Energy Agency, 2013. Available from:
 Department for Biomass & Waste, FORCE Technology. Technology Data for Advanced
Bioenergy Fuels. Danish Energy Agency, 2013. Available from:
 COWI. Alternative drivmidler i transportsektoren (Alternative Fuels for Transport). Danish
Energy Agency, 2012. Available from:
 IRENA. Renewable Energy Technologies: Cost Analysis Series - Concentrating Solar
Power. IRENA, 2012. Available from:
 COWI. Alternative drivmidler i transportsektoren (Alternative Fuels for Transport). Danish
Energy Agency, 2013. Available from:
 Mathiesen BV, Connolly D, Lund H, Nielsen MP, Schaltz E, Wenzel H, Bentsen NS, Felby
C, Kaspersen P, Hansen K. CEESA 100% Renewable Energy Transport Scenarios towards
2050. Aalborg University, 2014. Available from:
 COWI. Alternative drivmidler i transportsektoren (Alternative Fuels for Transport). Danish
Energy Agency, 2008. Available from:

Page 81
1 Introduction

The EnergyPLAN tool contains five tabsheets under the main ‘Cost’ tabsheet, which are:
 General
 Investment and Fixed OM
 Fuel
 Variable OM
 External electricity market

The Investment and Fixed OM tabsheet further contains ten sub-tabsheets that relates to different
technology groups such as Heat and Electricity, Renewable Energy, Heat infrastructure, Road
vehicles, Additional, etc.

Within each of these, the user can enter over 200 inputs depending on the range of technologies
being considered in an analysis. When completing an energy systems analysis, it is often necessary
to change the cost data in EnergyPLAN for a variety of reasons: for example, to analyse the same
system for a different year or to analyse the sensitivity of the system to different costs. To
accommodate this, EnergyPLAN enables the user to change the cost data within a model, without
changing any of the data under the other tabsheets. To do so, one has to go to the Cost-> General
tabsheet and activate one of the two buttons “Save Cost Data” or “Load New Cost Data”.

When activating one of these buttons, the user will be brought to the ‘Cost’ folder where one can
either save a new cost data file or load an existing one. It is important to note that when you are
saving a file, you should always specify a filename with .txt at the end of the name, as otherwise it
may not save correctly.

Page 82
Even with this function, collecting cost data is still a very time-consuming task and hence, the
EnergyPLAN Cost Database has been developed. This database includes cost data for almost all of
the technologies included in EnergyPLAN based primarily on publications released by the Danish
Energy Agency. This document gives a brief overview of this data.

Page 83
2 EnergyPLAN Cost Database
To date, the EnergyPLAN Cost Database consists of the following files:

 2020EnergyPLANCosts.txt
 2030EnergyPLANCosts.txt
 2050EnergyPLANCosts.txt

The file name represents the year which the costs are for. These are recommended based on the literature reviewed by the EnergyPLAN
team and it is the users responsibility to verify or adjust them accordingly. To date, the principal source for the cost data has been the Danish
Energy Agency (DEA) [1], although a variety of other sources have been used where the data necessary is not available. Below is an
overview of the data used to create the EnergyPLAN Cost Database, although it should be noted that this data is updated regularly, so there
may be slight differences in the files provided.

2.1 Fuel Costs

The fuel prices assumed in the EnergyPLAN Cost Database are outlined in Table 32. Since the DEA only project fuel prices to 2030, the
fuel prices in 2040 and 2050 were forecasted by assuming the same trends as experiences in the period between 2020 and 2030. These
forecasts can change dramatically from one year to the next. For example, between January and August of 2012, the average oil price was
$106/bbl, which is much closer to the oil price forecasted for 2020 than for the 2011 oil price.

Table 32: Fuel prices for 2011, 2020, 2030, 2040, and 2050 in the EnergyPLAN Cost Database [2, 3].
(2009- Oil Natural Gas Coal Fuel Oil Diesel Petrol Jet Fuel Straw Wood Chips Wood Energy Crops Nuclear
€/GJ) (US$/bbl) Pellets
2011 82.0 5.9 2.7 8.8 11.7 11.9 12.7 3.5 4.5 9.6 4.7 1.5
2020 107.4 9.1 3.1 11.9 15.0 15.2 16.1 3.9 5.1 10.2 4.7 1.5
2030 118.9 10.2 3.2 13.3 16.6 16.7 17.6 4.3 6.0 10.9 5.2 1.5
Projected assuming the same trends as in 2020-2030
2040 130.5 11.2 3.3 14.7 18.1 18.2 19.1 4.7 6.8 11.5 5.7 1.5
2050 142.0 12.2 3.4 16.1 19.6 19.7 20.6 5.1 7.6 12.2 6.3 1.5

Page 84
Fuel handling costs were obtained from the Danish Energy Agency [3]. They represent the additional
costs of handling and storing fuels for different types of consumers as well as expected profit

Table 33: Fuel handling costs for 2020 in the EnergyPLAN Cost Database [3].
2009 - €/GJ Centralised Power Decentralised Power Plants Consumer
Fuel Plants & Industry
Natural Gas 0.412 2.050 3.146
Coal - - -
Fuel Oil 0.262 - -
Diesel/Petrol 0.262 1.905 2.084
Jet Fuel - - 0.482
Straw 1.754 1.216 2.713
Wood Chips 1.493 1.493
Wood Pellets - 0.543 3.256
Energy Crops 1.493 1.493

The cost of emitting carbon dioxide is displayed in Table 34 and the CO2 emission factors used for
each fuel are outlined in Table 35.

2.2 Carbon Dioxide Costs and Emissions

Table 34: Carbon dioxide prices for 2011, 2020, 2030, 2040, and 2050 in the EnergyPLAN Cost Database
2009-€/Ton CO2 Price
2011 15.2
2020 28.6
2030 34.6
Projected assuming the same trends
as in 2020-2030
2040 40.6
2050 46.6

Table 35: Carbon dioxide emission factors for different fuels in the EnergyPLAN Cost Database [4].
Fuel Coal/Peat Oil Waste LPG
Emission Factor (kg/GJ) 98.5 72.9 56.9 32.5 59.64

Page 85
2.3 Variable Operation and Maintenance Costs
In the Operation tabsheet, the user inputs the variable operation and maintenance costs for a range
of technologies. Variable O&M costs account for the additional costs incurred at a plant when the
plant has to run such as more replacement parts and more labour. Those available in the
EnergyPLAN Cost Database are outlined in Table 36.

Table 36: Variable operation and maintenance costs assumed for 2020 in the EnergyPLAN Cost
Sector Unit Variable O&M Cost (€/MWh)
District Boiler* 0.15
Heating CHP* 2.7
and Heat Pump 0.27
Systems Electric Heating 0.5
Hydro Power 1.19
Condensing* 2.654
Geothermal 15
GTL M1 1.8
GTL M2 1.008
Electrolyser 0
Pump 1.19
Turbine 1.19
V2G Discharge
Hydro Power
Individu CHP Accounted for under individual heating costs in the Additional
al Heat Pump tabsheet
Electric Heating
*These costs need to be calculated based on the mix of technologies in the energy system, which can
vary substantially from one system to the next.

2.4 Investment Costs

Table 37 outlines the investment costs in the EnergyPLAN Cost Database for the different
technologies considered in EnergyPLAN. Note that different technology costs are expressed in
different units, so when defining the capacity of a technology, it is important to use the same unit in
for the technical input as in the cost input.

Table 37: Investment costs for 2020, 2030, and 2050 in the EnergyPLAN Cost Database.
Unit: M€/Unit Unit 2020 2030 2050
Small CHP MWe 1.2 1.2 1.2
Heat & Electricity

Large CHP MWe 0.8 0.8 0.8

Heat Storage CHP GWh 3.0 3.0 3.0
Waste CHP TWh/year 215.6 215.6 215.6
Absorption Heat Pump MWth 0.4 0.4 0.4

Page 86
Heat Pump Group 2 MWe 3.4 3.4 2.9
Heat Pump Group 3 MWe 3.4 3.3 2.9
DHP Boiler Group 1 MWth 0.100 0.100 0.100
Boilers Group 2 & 3 MWth 0.075 0.100 0.100
Electric Boiler MWth 0.100 0.075 0.075
Large Power Plants MWe 0.99 0.98 0.9
Nuclear MWe 3.6 3.6 3.0
Interconnection MWe 1.2 1.2 1.2
Pump MWe 0.6 0.6 0.6
Turbine MWe 0.6 0.6 0.6
Pump Storage GWh 7.5 7.5 7.5
Industrial CHP Electricity TWh/year 68.3 68.3 68.3
Industrial CHP Heat TWh/year 68.3 68.3 68.3
Wind Onshore MWe 1.3 1.3 1.2
Wind Offshore MWe 2.4 2.3 2.1
Photovoltaic MWe 1.3 1.1 0.9
Wave Power MWe 6.4 3.4 1.6
Tidal MWe 6.5 5.3 5.3
Renewable Energy

CSP Solar Power MWe 6.0 6.0 6.0

River Hydro MWe 3.3 3.3 3.3
Hydro Power MWe 3.3 3.3 3.3
Hydro Storage GWh 7.5 7.5 7.5
Hydro Pump MWe 0.6 0.6 0.6
Geothermal Electricity MWe 4.6 4.0 4.0
Geothermal Heat TWh/year 0.0 0.0 0.0
Solar Thermal TWh/year 386.0 307.0 307.0
Heat Storage Solar GWh 3.0 3.0 3.0
Industrial Excess Heat TWh/year 40.0 40.0 40.0
Biogas Plant TWh/year 240 240 240
Gasification Plant MW Syngas 0.4 0.3 0.3
Biogas Upgrade MW Gas Out 0.3 0.3 0.3
Gasification Gas Upgrade MW Gas Out 0.3 0.3 0.3
Liquid and Gas Fuels

2nd Generation Biodiesel Plant MW-Bio 3.4 2.5 1.9

Biopetrol Plant MW-Bio 0.8 0.6 0.4
Biojetpetrol Plant MW-Bio 0.8 0.6 0.4
CO2 Hydrogenation Electrolyser MW-Fuel 0.9 0.6 0.4
Synthetic Methane Electrolyser MW-Fuel 0.0 0.0 0.0
Chemical Synthesis MeOH MW-Fuel 0.6 0.6 0.6
Alkaline Electrolyser MWe 2.5 0.9 0.9
SOEC Electrolyser MWe 0.6 0.4 0.3
Hydrogen Storage GWh 20.0 20.0 20.0

Page 87
Gas Storage GWh 0.1 0.1 0.1
Oil Storage GWh 0.0 0.0 0.0
Methanol Storage GWh 0.1 0.1 0.1
Individual Boilers 1000 Units 6.1 0.0 0.0

Individual CHP 1000 Units 12.0 0.0 0.0


Individual Heat Pump 1000 Units 14.0 0.0 14.0

Individual Electric Heat 1000 Units 8.0 0.0 0.0
Individual Solar Thermal TWh/year 1700.0 1533.3 1233.3
Bicycles 1000 Vehicles 0.0 0.0 0.0
Motorbikes 1000 Vehicles 6.0 6.0 6.0
Road Vehicles

Electric Cars 1000 Vehicles 18.1 18.1 18.1

Conventional Cars 1000 Vehicles 20.6 20.6 20.6
Methanol/DME Busses 1000 Vehicles 177.2 177.2 177.2
Diesel Busses 1000 Vehicles 177.2 177.2 177.2
Methanol/DME Trucks 1000 Vehicles 99.2 99.2 99.2
Diesel Trucks 1000 Vehicles 99.2 99.2 99.2

Desalination 1000 m3 Fresh Water/hour 0.1 0.1 0.1

Water Storage Mm3 0.0 0.0 0.0
*Power plant costs need to be calculated based on the mix of technologies in the energy system, which
can vary substantially from one system to the next.

2.5 Fixed Operation and Maintenance Costs

Unit: % of Investment Unit 2020 2030 2050
Small CHP MWe 3.75 3.75 3.75
Large CHP MWe 3.66 3.66 3.80
Heat Storage CHP GWh 0.70 0.70 0.70
Waste CHP TWh/year 7.37 7.37 7.37
Absorption Heat Pump MWth 4.68 4.68 4.68
Heat Pump Group 2 MWe 2.00 2.00 2.00
Heat & Electricity

Heat Pump Group 3 MWe 2.00 2.00 2.00

DHP Boiler Group 1 MWth 3.70 3.70 3.70
Boilers Group 2 & 3 MWth 1.47 3.70 3.70
Electric Boiler MWth 3.70 1.47 1.47
Large Power Plants MWe 3.12 3.16 3.26
Nuclear MWe 2.53 2.49 1.96
Interconnection MWe 1.00 1.00 1.00
Pump MWe 1.50 1.50 1.50
Turbine MWe 1.50 1.50 1.50
Pump Storage GWh 1.50 1.50 1.50
Industrial CHP Electricity TWh/year 7.32 7.32 7.32

Page 88
Industrial CHP Heat TWh/year 7.32 7.32 7.32
Wind Onshore MWe 3.05 2.97 3.20
Wind Offshore MWe 2.97 3.06 3.21
Photovoltaic MWe 2.09 1.38 1.15
Wave Power MWe 0.59 1.04 1.97
Tidal MWe 3.00 3.66 3.66
Renewable Energy

CSP Solar Power MWe 8.21 8.21 8.21

River Hydro MWe 2.00 2.00 2.00
Hydro Power MWe 2.00 2.00 2.00
Hydro Storage GWh 1.50 1.50 1.50
Hydro Pump MWe 1.50 1.50 1.50
Geothermal Electricity MWe 3.50 3.50 3.50
Geothermal Heat TWh/year 0.00 0.00 0.00
Solar Thermal TWh/year 0.13 0.15 0.15
Heat Storage Solar GWh 0.70 0.70 0.70
Industrial Excess Heat TWh/year 1.00 1.00 1.00
Biogas Plant TWh/year 6.96 6.96 6.96
Gasification Plant MW Syngas 5.30 7.00 7.00
Biogas Upgrade MW Gas Out 15.79 17.65 18.75
Gasification Gas Upgrade MW Gas Out 15.79 17.65 18.75
2nd Generation Biodiesel Plant MW-Bio 3.01 3.01 3.01
Liquid and Gas Fuels

Biopetrol Plant MW-Bio 7.68 7.68 7.68

Biojetpetrol Plant MW-Bio 7.68 7.68 7.68
CO2 Hydrogenation Electrolyser MW-Fuel 2.46 3.00 3.00
Synthetic Methane Electrolyser MW-Fuel 0.00 0.00 0.00
Chemical Synthesis MeOH MW-Fuel 3.48 3.48 3.48
Alkaline Electrolyser MWe 4.00 4.00 4.00
SOEC Electrolyser MWe 2.46 3.00 3.00
Hydrogen Storage GWh 0.50 0.50 0.50
Gas Storage GWh 1.00 1.00 1.00
Oil Storage GWh 0.63 0.63 0.63
Methanol Storage GWh 0.63 0.63 0.63
Individual Boilers 1000 Units 1.79 0.00 0.00

Individual CHP 1000 Units 0.00 0.00 0.00


Individual Heat Pump 1000 Units 0.98 0.00 0.98

Individual Electric Heat 1000 Units 1.00 0.00 0.00
Individual Solar Thermal TWh/year 1.22 1.35 1.68
Bicycles 1000 Vehicles 0.00 0.00 0.00

Motorbikes 1000 Vehicles 5.00 5.00 5.00


Electric Cars 1000 Vehicles 6.99 4.34 4.34

Conventional Cars 1000 Vehicles 4.09 4.09 4.09

Page 89
Methanol/DME Busses 1000 Vehicles 9.14 9.14 9.14
Diesel Busses 1000 Vehicles 9.14 9.14 9.14
Methanol/DME Trucks 1000 Vehicles 21.10 21.10 21.10
Diesel Trucks 1000 Vehicles 21.10 21.10 21.10

2.6 Lifetimes
Unit: Years Unit 2020 2030 2050
Small CHP MWe 25 25 25
Large CHP MWe 25 25 25
Heat Storage CHP GWh 20 20 20
Waste CHP TWh/year 20 20 20
Absorption Heat Pump MWth 20 20 20
Heat Pump Group 2 MWe 25 25 25
Heat Pump Group 3 MWe 25 25 25
Heat & Electricity

DHP Boiler Group 1 MWth 35 35 35

Boilers Group 2 & 3 MWth 20 35 35
Electric Boiler MWth 35 20 20
Large Power Plants MWe 27 27 27
Nuclear MWe 30 30 30
Interconnection MWe 40 40 40
Pump MWe 50 50 50
Turbine MWe 50 50 50
Pump Storage GWh 50 50 50
Industrial CHP Electricity TWh/year 25 25 25
Industrial CHP Heat TWh/year 25 25 25
Wind Onshore MWe 20 25 30
Wind Offshore MWe 20 25 30
Photovoltaic MWe 30 30 40
Wave Power MWe 20 25 30
Renewable Energy

Tidal MWe 20 20 20
CSP Solar Power MWe 25 25 25
River Hydro MWe 50 50 50
Hydro Power MWe 50 50 50
Hydro Storage GWh 50 50 50
Hydro Pump MWe 50 50 50
Geothermal Electricity MWe 20 20 20
Geothermal Heat TWh/year 0 0 0
Solar Thermal TWh/year 30 30 30

Page 90
Heat Storage Solar GWh 20 20 20
Industrial Excess Heat TWh/year 30 30 30
Biogas Plant TWh/year 20 20 20
Gasification Plant MW Syngas 25 25 25
Biogas Upgrade MW Gas Out 15 15 15
Gasification Gas Upgrade MW Gas Out 15 15 15
2nd Generation Biodiesel Plant MW-Bio 20 20 20
Liquid and Gas Fuels

Biopetrol Plant MW-Bio 20 20 20

Biojetpetrol Plant MW-Bio 20 20 20
CO2 Hydrogenation Electrolyser MW-Fuel 20 15 15
Synthetic Methane Electrolyser MW-Fuel 0 0 0
Chemical Synthesis MeOH MW-Fuel 20 20 20
Alkaline Electrolyser MWe 28 28 28
SOEC Electrolyser MWe 20 15 15
Hydrogen Storage GWh 30 30 30
Gas Storage GWh 50 50 50
Oil Storage GWh 50 50 50
Methanol Storage GWh 50 50 50
Individual Boilers 1000 Units 21 0 0

Individual CHP 1000 Units 10 0 0


Individual Heat Pump 1000 Units 20 0 20

Individual Electric Heat 1000 Units 30 0 0
Individual Solar Thermal TWh/year 25 30 30
Bicycles 1000 Vehicles 0 0 0
Motorbikes 1000 Vehicles 15 0 15
Road Vehicles

Electric Cars 1000 Vehicles 16 16 16

Conventional Cars 1000 Vehicles 16 16 16
Methanol/DME Busses 1000 Vehicles 6 6 6
Diesel Busses 1000 Vehicles 6 6 6
Methanol/DME Trucks 1000 Vehicles 6 6 6
Diesel Trucks 1000 Vehicles 6 6 6

2.7 Additional Tabsheet

The additional tabsheet under the Investment and Fixed OM tabsheet can be used to account for
costs which are not included in the list of technologies provided in the other tabsheets. Typically
these costs are calculated outside of the EnergyPLAN tool and subsequently inputted as a total. In
the past, this section has been used to include the costs of the following technologies:

 Energy efficiency measures

 Electric grid costs
 Individual heating costs

Page 91
 Interconnection costs
 Costs for expansion of district heating and cooling

Some of these costs vary dramatically from one energy system to the next and hence they are not
included in the cost files which can be loaded into EnergyPLAN. However, below are some costs
which may provide a useful starting point if additional costs need to be estimated.

2.7.1 Heating
Individual heating can be considered automatically by EnergyPLAN or added as an additional cost.
To use the automatic function, you must specify an average heat demand per building in the
Individual heating tabsheet. Using this, in combination with the total heat demand, EnergyPLAN
estimates the total number of buildings in the energy system. This is illustrated in the Cost-
>Investment and Fixed OM ->Heat infrastructures window. The price presented in Table 37 above
represents the average cost of a boiler in a single house, which is used to automatically estimate the
cost of the heating infrastructure. This is a fast method, but it can overlook variations in the type of
boilers in the system. For example, some boilers will be large common boilers in the basement of a
building rather than an individual boiler in each house.

To capture these details, we recommend that you build a profile of the heating infrastructure outside
of the EnergyPLAN tool and insert the costs as an additional cost. Below in Table 38 are a list of
cost assumptions you can use if you do this.

Page 92
Table 38: Individual heating unit costs for 2020 in the EnergyPLAN Cost Database [5].
Parameter Oil Natural Biomass Heat Heat Electric District
boiler gas boiler pump pump heating heating
boiler air-to- brine- substation
water to-
Capacity of one unit (kW th) 15-30 3-20 5-20 10 10 5 10
Annual average efficiency (%) 100 100-104 87 330 350 100 98
Technical lifetime (years) 20 22 20 20 20 30 20
Specific investment (1000€/unit) 6.6 5 6.75 12 16 4 2.5
Fixed O&M (€/unit/year) 270 46 25 135 135 50 150
Variable O&M (€/MWh) 0.0 7.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Table 39: District heating network costs for 2020 in the EnergyPLAN Cost Database [5].
Technology Low-temperature DH network
Heat density an consumer (TJ/km2 land area) 45-50
Net loss (%) 13-16
Average Technical lifetime (years) 40
Average Investment costs (1000 €/TJ) 145
Average Fixed O&M (€/TJ/year) 1100
Branch Piping (1000€/substation) 3

3 References
[1] Danish Energy Agency. Energistyrelsen. Available from: [accessed 25
June 2012].
[2] International Energy Agency. World Energy Outlook 2010. International Energy Agency,
2010. Available from:
[3] Danish Energy Agency. Forudsætninger for samfundsøkonomiske analyser på
energiområdet (Assumptions for socio-economic analysis on energy). Danish Energy
Agency, 2011. Available from:
[4] Howley M, Dennehy E, Ó'Gallachóir B. Energy in Ireland 1990 - 2009. Energy Policy
Statistical Unit, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, 2010. Available from:
[5] Danish Energy Agency and Technology Data for Energy Plants: Individual
Heating Plants and Technology Transport. Danish Energy Agency and, 2012.
Available from:

Page 93
6.3 Appendix C – Data Sources
In this appendix is a table that provides overview of most of the data categories, the sources and relevant comments.

Data category Sub-category Source Comments

Total IEA, 2010

Fuels IEA, 2010
energy supply
Statistical differences IEA, 2010
Total IEA, 2010
Offshore wind No data available No data - calculated by using an average offshore capacity factor of 30%

Onshore wind IEA, 2010 The capacity factors for onshore wind is between 8% (RO) and 18% (UK). Around 18% for most countries.

Solar PV IEA, 2010

In IEA only a total hydro production number and not separated into different types. Other sources for
Hydro Total IEA, 2010
the individual hydro types - the overall production however matches
The efficiency for hydro dam is assumed to be 90% and this is used to calculate the water supply so that
Hydro dam IEA, 2010
it matches with the production data.
ENTSO-E country
Electricity Hydro run-of-river
We subtract the pumped hydro because of the methodology that IEA uses for pumped hydro. In IEA the
electricity consumed for pumped hydro is only the loss (difference between electricity for pumping it up
Hydro Pumped IEA, 2010 and the production) while in other places the electricity consumption is higher (the pumping up) and
therefore the production is also higher (production when the water is released).
Calculated; Croatia was provided by Tomislav Novosal worked out by Goran Krajacic. The hydro dam storage is
Hydro storage Croatia personal calculated as 31 days of storage
Geothermal IEA, 2010 Enerdata and IEA are similar for geothermal production
Nuclear production too high for Romanian capacity of 1300 MW at 33% efficiency therefore capacity
Nuclear IEA, 2010
scaled up to 1400MW
Thermal production IEA, 2010 The total thermal for IEA and Enerdata total electricity production are almost identical

Page 94
CHP IEA, 2010
PP IEA, 2010
Industrial (CHP + power Also includes electricity produced from waste in auto-producer. This waste is not included in the waste
IEA, 2010
only) incineration plants. Small amount.
Import/export IEA, 2010
Total IEA, 2010
Individual electric heating Mapping team Calculated by mapping team about heat markets. It is based on the share of electric heating out of the
and Heat pumps (Urban) total heating demand and then proportioned between heat pumps and direct heating.
Mapping team We use the data from the mapping team. Some difference when comparing to the JRC numbers.
Electric cooling
(Sven) Electricity consumption based on a COP of 3.
Centralised heat pump Almost nothing for all countries
and electric boiler
Transport IEA Road and rail electricity - for rail also the "non-specified" and "pipeline transport"
consumption Only the loss from pumped is included as a storage method (electricity consumed minus production).
PHES pump IEA This is how IEA does it. It is different for other sources (ENTSO-E and Enerdata) that accounts the total
electricity consumed to "pump up" the water.
Includes only losses values as defined by IEA
Losses IEA, 2010

EnergyPLAN The electricity consumption for bioenergy plants is based on the EnergyPLAN outputs as no other data is
model available. Small amounts.
The electricity demand is the total consumption + own use + losses (including the statistical difference)
Electricity demand Own calculation

Thermal Enerdata

CHP Enerdata
Electricity PP Enerdata
production Hydro total Enerdata 2010 was a very high hydro year in Romania.
Assuming that the PHES is part of this group as well. Hence we subtract the PHES from the Enerdata dam
Hydro (dam) Enerdata
Enerdata/own No data for Croatia and Romania, hence we calculated it by estimating a typical capacity factor
Hydro (run-of-river)

Page 95
Hydro (pump) Enerdata
Solar Enerdata
Wind onshore Enerdata
Wind offshore Enerdata
Geothermal Enerdata Assuming an efficiency of 100% between production and "fuel used" in PES
Nuclear IEA Assuming an efficiency of 33% to calculate the "fuels" used in nuclear
Electric efficiencies for PP and CHP are calculated based on the fuel input and electricity output from
Thermal efficiencies IEA, 2010
plants in IEA
Thermal Centralised boilers IEA, 2010 Based on fuel input and heat output
production CHP - thermal IEA, 2010 Based on fuel input and heat output
efficiencies Danish Energy Based on different projects and state of the art knowledge
Individual boilers, HP Agency,
Fuel input Fuel mix is based on IEA fuel input. Available for the required technologies (Power plants, CHP, boiler and
Thermal production IEA, 2010
distributions industrial production).
Electricity We use a fixed net import/export based on the monthly data
Import/export IEA, 2010
Adding up the heat "delivered" to the consumer, including individual heating + solar + geothermal + DH
Total IEA, 2010
demand Individual IEA, 2010 Based on data from the mapping team and the efficiencies we assume
District heating IEA, 2010
Total IEA, 2010 Adding up the heat produced at the plant, including individual heating + solar + geothermal + DH
IEA, 2010, IEA for both individual heat demand (heat market) and fuel consumption
Individual boilers Halmstad
Heating IEA, 2010,
production Ind. Electric heating Halmstad
IEA, 2010,
Individual HP Halmstad

Page 96
CHP District heating IEA, 2010
Boiler District heating IEA, 2010
Heat pump District
IEA, 2011
Electric boilers IEA, 2012
It is assumed that all the DH losses are in CHP, while some in reality also might happen at boilers, but
District heating losses IEA, 2010
only one total number from IEA.
Adding up waste input for heating plants + CHP and calculating the elec and thermal efficiency based on
Waste IEA, 2010
the outputs
Losses IEA, 2010 District heating losses given in IEA database
Geothermal heating IEA, 2010 Not included in the model now as the tool needs to be updated to be able to include this
Industrial DH IEA, 2010 The IEA data provides industrial heating that is sold to the network.
Halmsted Includes both residential and services
Individual cooling University;
demand University of
Very low amounts
Cooling JRC report (Heat
demand & and cooling
production demand and
District cooling

Cooling COP JRC number We use a COP of 3 to calculate the cooling electricity demand in individual cooling

Industry Total IEA, 2010

energy Fuels IEA, 2010
demand Various IEA, 2010 Non-energy use
Total IEA, 2010
Transport Petrol IEA, 2010
Diesel IEA, 2010

Page 97
IEA, 2010 + IEA Domestic aviation fuel from IEA, 2010 while the international aviation fuel is from the online database.
Aviation fuel
IEA, 2010 + IEA Domestic navigation fuel from IEA, 2010 while the international navigation fuel (marine bunker) is from
Navigation (sea) fuel
online the online database.
Electricity IEA, 2010 Divided into road and rail (rail also includes non specified and pipeline transport)
EV characteristics The EV characteristics are based on a Nissan LEAF model
(battery and grid Nissan LEAF
capacity) model

Fuel losses are the difference between total primary energy supply (including statistical difference) and
Coal, oil, gas, biomass fuel input to energy transformation plants and final consumption (e.g. industry, residential etc.)
Fuel losses IEA, 2010

The biogas production is based on the input to transformation plants rather than the total production in
Biogas production IEA, 2010 the country, hence we do not include the (rather small) biogas loss when it is transmitted from
production to consumption at the plants
Total emission Enerdata No data from IEA
Howley M, When the PES matches the statistics we calibrate the model by changing the CO2 content in the fuel
Dennehy E, types.
Ó'Gallachóir B.
Energy in Ireland
CO2 CO2 content for different 1990 - 2009.
fuels Energy Policy
Statistical Unit,
Energy Authority
of Ireland, 2010

Gadd H, Werner S. We calculate it by using 4 hours of average DH demand based on the DH demand from EP (a mix of the
Daily Heat Load distribution and the demand)
Storage Thermal storage Variations in
Swedish District
Heating Systems.
In Review 2013

Page 98
IEA report on RO is based on 90 days of storage
Oil storage energy security of
Gas storage Enerdata
The Pumped hydro is only used as a storage option in IEA, but the capacities and actual storage is from
Hydro pumped storage Enerdata
Dam hydro storage Calculated The dam hydro capacity is assumed to be 31 days of full operation
For min CHP and PP we use around 10% as default. It is changed for some countries during the calibration
min CHP, grid in order to create a system in balance. Minimum grid stabilisation production share of 50% for all
regulations Estimations
stabilisation countries.
University of
Electricity demand Zagreb; Aalborg
University of
Heat demand Zagreb; Aalborg
University of
District heating Zagreb; Aalborg
University of
Import/export of
Zagreb; Aalborg
University of
Cooling demand Zagreb; Aalborg
University of
Natural cooling Zagreb; Aalborg
University of
Solar thermal Zagreb; Aalborg
University of
Onshore wind Zagreb; Aalborg

Page 99
University of
Offshore wind Zagreb; Aalborg
University of
PV Zagreb; Aalborg
University of
Hydro water inflow Zagreb; Aalborg
University of
Hydro production Zagreb; Aalborg
University of
Transport Zagreb; Aalborg
Aalborg Historical 2009 price distributions are used. UK uses distribution for UK, while HR, CZ, RO uses AT
Price distributions
University distribution. IT uses IT.
University of Constant production throughout the year
Geothermal power
Industry district heat Aalborg Constant for all countries.
production University
All the sources, numbers, etc., can be found in the cost database. In general the costs include
Investments, O&M, From AAU cost investments, O&M and the lifetime of the technology, CO2 and ngas and electricity exchange according
lifetime database to the model. No taxes are included.
JRC, ENTRANZE, calculating the amount (single-family, multi-family and services) and the costs
Ind. Boilers
ENTSO-E, P.51 Split between onshore/offshore interconnections and with around 10 times higher costs for offshore
Interconnections Poyry Report for than onshore. The onshore interconnections are assumed to have similar costs to electric grid.
DEA (cost
Electricity grid

Page 100
Danish Energy The costs are based on the stock of different types of vehicles, (cars, trucks, busses driven by different
Agency fuels) and the investments, O&M and the associated lifetimes
Transport vehicles drivmidler) and
stock from
Danish Energy It is assumed that the EV charging station costs are 1,000 EUR/EV
EV charging stations
University of
District heating pipes
Large power plants and These are calculated by proportioning the total capacity by fuel consumption and thereby creating
Cost database
centralised boilers different plant types with different costs

Page 101
Project No: IEE/13/650

Creating Hourly Profiles to Model both Demand

and Supply

Work Package 2
Background Report 2
Authors: David Connolly, Work Package 2 Coordinator, Aalborg University
David Drysdale, Aalborg University
Kenneth Hansen, Aalborg University
Tomislav Novosel, FAMENA, University of Zagreb
Contact: Aalborg University, Denmark
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
DK- 2450 Copenhagen
T: +45 9940 2483
© 2015

Deliverable No. D 2.2: Public Document.

The STRATEGO project (Multi-level actions for enhanced Heating & Cooling plans)
is supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The sole responsibility
for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect
the opinion of the funding authorities. The funding authorities are not responsible
for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


Heat Roadmap Europe Website:
Online Maps:

Page 2
Nomenclature ............................................................................................................................ 4
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5
2 Methodology and Results .................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Demands ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Electricity .............................................................................................................. 8
2.1.2 Heat ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.3 Cooling ................................................................................................................13
2.1.4 Transport .............................................................................................................16
2.2 Supply.........................................................................................................................17
2.2.1 Wind Power .........................................................................................................17
2.2.2 Solar ....................................................................................................................21
2.2.3 Wave Power ........................................................................................................25
3 Discussion and Conclusion ................................................................................................28
Appendix A: Typical Heating Season in each STRATEGO Country ...................................31

Page 3
Variable Description
ABM Agent based modelling
CDD Cooling degree day
EV Electric vehicle
HDD Heating degree day
HWH Hourly hot water demand
HWY Yearly hot water demand
MW Megawatt
PJ Petajoule
PV Photovoltaic
SHH Hourly space heating demand
SHY Yearly space heating demand
THH Hourly total heat demand
THY Yearly total heat demand
TSO Transmission System Operator

Page 4
1 Introduction
To analyse an energy system on an hourly basis, hourly distributions must be obtained for
demands and productions that vary from hour to hour. For example, this includes all demands
such as electricity, heat, cooling, and transport as well as production from sources such as wind,
solar, and wave power. This is a very large task since each year includes 8760 hours (or 8784 for
a leap year) so a methodology required to build these hourly distributions needs to be applied and
a specific methodology is elaborated in detail in this report.
The focus here is at the national level, rather than for example at the building level. Many studies
in the past have developed hourly distributions for electricity, heating, and cooling demands at
the building level [1-4], but the novelty of this methodology is to develop these distributions at a
national level. These are necessary for national energy strategies that are often carried out to
investigate issues such as new technologies, targets, and policies [5-7].
The main distributions for non-dispatchable components in the energy system are presented in
Table 1. All of the major branches on the demand side of the energy system are non-dispatchable,
since the consumer expects their energy demands to be met at the time required. On the supply
side, the non-dispatchable components considered here are wind, solar, and waves. This is not
a complete list, since other distributions could be necessary depending on the capabilities of the
energy systems analysis tool. However, the aim here is to cover the key sectors that are usually
non-dispatchable. The complexity associated with each distribution varied significantly depending
on the type and availability of data, but even if the distribution is relatively simple to create, a brief
description is included here for completion.
Table 1: Distributions created in this study for non-dispatchable components in the energy system.

Demand Supply
Electricity Wind Power
Heating Solar Electricity (Photovoltaic)
Cooling Solar Thermal
Transport Wave Power

After creating the distributions, some are compared against existing data: these are the
distributions for heating, wind, and solar (PV and thermal). The results suggest that each
technique provides a good approximation of the demand or supply that it presents. To quantify
this, the distributions were calculated using the methodology defined here for different countries.
Subsequently, they were compared with historical data, to examine if the distributions created
here produced similar results to the data measured locally. Overall, the distributions that could be
validated demonstrated very similar trends to the historical data, but there are differences in the
exact values at each hour. The similarly was quantified using a regression analysis, but the values
did not correlate very well with a visual comparison of the distributions, so this should only be
seen as a guide. Considering the original purpose, which was to develop hourly distributions for
national energy modelling, we concluded that these distributions are sufficiently accurate for
creating and evaluation national energy strategies. The electricity demand is based on measured
data, so this did not need to be validated, while the remaining distributions, which are transport
and wave power, were not validated since no local measurement data was obtained to do so.

Page 5
2 Methodology and Results
Each distribution has a single value representing each hour of the year, which results in a total of
8760 hours (or 8784 if it is a leap year). Each data point represents a value between 0-100% of
the maximum hourly value over the year. For example, Figure 1 illustrates how an hourly
distribution of the Irish electricity demand for January 2007 is distributed over the month. By
normalising the data in this way, it is possible to use the hourly distribution for different total values.
For example, Figure 2 illustrates how the normalised distribution in Figure 1 is used to represent
three different total electricity demands over the month of January. This enables various different
scenarios to be easily compared using the same distribution in an energy system analysis tool.
Similarly, the normalised distribution can be adjusted based on an installed capacity by adjusting
the peak hourly value recorded during the year, which can also be required depending on the
methodology in the energy system analysis. Finally, by normalising the distributions it is also
possible to compare different countries with one another, independent of scale or annual totals.
This can expose the different challenges facing countries, depending on the resources and
demands that are present. In the following section, the data collected and any proceeding
adjustments applied are described for each hourly distribution. Once again, these distributions
are designed for national energy system analysis tools, and hence the focus is on national data
and behaviour rather than the building level for example. Therefore, after describing the
methodology, it has been applied here to different EU member states to demonstrate how the
hourly distributions can be applied and to validate the results. The member states considered at
different points in the study are Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Romania, and
the United Kingdom.

Figure 1: Distribution of Irish electricity demand for January 2007 [8].

Page 6
Figure 2: Distribution modified by the total Irish electricity demand required for January 2007 [8].

After describing the method for each distribution the authors attempt to validate the results based
on case studies that have some existing data. It is very difficult to verify the hourly data produced
in this study, since in almost all cases the hourly data is not available for a variety of reasons,
such as 1) it is not measured, 2) it is not publicly available or 3) it is measured at an individual
plant level and not at a national aggregation. As a result the validation is only done for the heat
demand, wind power, solar photovoltaic, and solar thermal supply. For these validated
distributions, the comparisons are made based on qualitative visual comparison as well as by
carrying out a regression analysis comparing the two distributions in order to quantify the
correlation. However the regression analysis is only used as an additional test where the visual
test is the main comparison. The regression analysis cannot capture the distribution behaviour in
which we try to compare such as long term trends and likeness. The regression analysis
determines absolute correlation which is not necessary in the tests since we only need generic
behavioural distributions during the year, we are not trying to replicate old data with the
distributions, but rather we try to create model distributions for future application.
The electricity demand does not need to be validated since it is based on measured data from
the various transmission system operators (TSOs) around Europe, while it is not possible at
present to validate the cooling demand, transport demand, or wave power since no verified hourly
production data could be obtained. In this way, the hourly distributions should be seen as a best
estimate based on existing knowledge of what type of hourly variations can be expected in the
future, rather than a recreation of what is being recorded today.

Page 7
2.1 Demands
A different hourly distribution is typically required for each of the main end-user sectors: electricity,
heating, cooling, and transport.

2.1.1 Electricity

Both the annual and hourly electricity demand is available and easily accessible for all EU
countries and most European countries outside the Union. The annual electricity demand can be
obtained from several sources like the International Energy Agency [9], national reports and the
European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity [10]. Hourly electricity
demand can usually only be obtained from two sources, either from the national TSO or, if the
data is available for the modelled country, from the European Network of Transmission System
Operators for Electricity [10]. For the purpose of this report the second option was used. The
hourly data is publicly available online for all of the observed countries. Figure 3 demonstrates
the electricity demand for Romania for the first week of January and June.

Figure 3 Hourly distribution curve for electricity demand

2.1.2 Heat

Hourly heat demand data is usually only available in countries with district heating systems and
even in this case, it is usually not publicly available information. To overcome this, heat degree
days (HDD) are typically used to evaluate variations in heating demands at different locations.
HDD are measured based on the outside temperature at a specific location. The temperature
within a building is usually 2-3°C more than the temperature outside, so when the outside

Page 8
temperature is for example 15°C, then the inside temperature of a building is usually 17-18°C.
Therefore, once the outside temperature drops below 15°C outside, then the inside temperature
drops below 17-18°C and the space heating within a building is usually turned on. The outside
temperature used to estimate the space heating demand, for example, in this case 15°C, is
referred to as the set-point. HDD are calculated based on the difference between the set-point
and the outside temperature, with the difference reflecting the amount of heat that is required at
that time [11, 12]. To create an hourly distribution, the same methodology is applied for each hour
of the year by comparing the temperature measured outside with the set-point. If the outside
temperature is above the set-point, then the HDD for that hour is assumed to be zero. As a result,
the results are very sensitive to the set-point that is assumed. Different values are typically used
depending on a number of factors such as the climate and the typical level of house insulation in
the area [11].
Space heating is usually not required during the summer months of the year, since the heat
absorbed during the warm days and hours is enough to keep the buildings warm during colder
periods. Once again, this is evident on district heating systems, as their operators often shut down
the supply of space heating in the summer months. For example, district heating systems in the
Czech Republic usually stop supplying space heating for June, July and August (see Appendix
A). When the hourly distribution is created based on outside temperature data, there can be some
hours in the summer where the outside temperature is above the set point, even though it is very
unlikely that people use their heat systems during these hours. To account for this, the space
heating demand is set to zero for all hours outside of the typical heating season. The result is an
hourly distribution of space heating which can be replicated for any location in the world that
records outside temperature, which is very common and publicly available information. However,
HDD only represent variations in the hourly space heating demand (SHH) and not in the hot water
Hot water is required for cooking, cleaning, showering, and bathing in buildings. Unlike space
heating, hot water demands do not vary significantly over the year. This is evident during the
summer months on district heating systems, when the space heating is switched off and the only
demand being met is hot water [13, 14]. Based on these experiences, it is assumed here that hot
water is a constant demand over the entire year. The demand for hot water is estimated here by
identifying what percentage of the total annual heat demand, THY, is hot water, HW Y%. This data
is currently available from the ENTRANZE database [15]. This total demand for hot water is then
evenly distributed over each hour of the year, to identify the hourly demand for hot water, HW H. It
is assumed that each hour in the year has the same constant demand for hot water. This can then
be added to hourly space heating demand, SHH, developed with the HDD data, to provide an
hourly distribution for the total heat demand (THH).

 HWY %
1  HWY %
HWH  (1)
This methodology has been applied to the five EU member states based on the assumptions
outlined in Table 2. An example of the resulting hourly distributions is presented in Figure 4 for
the United Kingdom, demonstrating the short-term hourly variations that occurs over the year.

Page 9
Many of the extreme changes are concealed if hourly data is replaced with daily average, as
displayed in Figure 5, outlining the importance of hourly considerations when simulating the
heating sector.
Table 2: Assumptions for the hourly heat distributions developed in this study to apply the
Space District
Hot Water
Country Heating heating
Assumptions distribution
Annual Hot Resulting Ratio of Network
O Heating Water Demand Peak to Baseload Losses (% of
Set-point ( C)
Season (% of total heat Demand (from annual heat
demand) equation 1) production)
15th September
Croatia 16 16% 22 14%
to 15th May
Czech Conditional:
16 18% 15 16%
Republic see Appendix A
All Year: see n/a (assume
Italy 16 13% 34
Appendix A 15%)
Romania 16 28% 14 19%
see Appendix A
United 1 October –
st n/a (assumed
16 20% 15
Kingdom 30th April 15%)

Finally, when this heating distribution is used to model future heating scenarios, it is likely that
heat savings will need to be taken into account due to measures such as better insulation, doors,
and windows. In these future scenarios, the relationship between space heating and hot water
demands will need to be recalculated based on the new demands after these savings are
These hourly distributions represent the heat demand in the building, so it does not reflect the
demand for heat from a district heating system. If an hourly profile is required to represent the
demand form district heating plants, then network losses must also be considered. These are
added as an additional baseload demand in the same way as hot water, but this time using the
annual network losses over the year. Typically these network losses are in the region of 15% [16],
but can sometimes be calculated for different countries from annual energy balances [9]. As
displayed in Table 2, the data required is not always available to do so.

In order to validate the methodology used for the creation of the heat demand distribution, hourly
values for a district heating plant in Italy have been used. Using the method described above a
calculated hourly heat distribution was calculated for Italy. This calculated demand is compared
with the reference real world demand.

Page 10
Figure 4: Hourly heat demand distribution for the United Kingdom.

Figure 5: Daily heat demand distribution for the United Kingdom.

Page 11
Figure 6: Comparison of reference and calculated heat demand in Brescia in Italy for January

Figure 7: Hourly comparison of the heat demand on an Italian district heating system. The identity
of city cannot be revealed due to a data confidentiality agreement.

Page 12
Figure 6 shows the heat demand in January 2012 (744 hours) for the calculated and reference
distributions, on an hourly basis. The 24-hour moving average is also shown for both distributions.
The reference distribution is based on heat demand in Brescia in Italy for the year 2012. In order
to compare the two curves, the original data provided by the district heating plant had to be
separated into the hot water and space heating demands. The calculated hourly distribution also
had to be modified in order to accommodate to the heating regulations of Italy where the heating
is active from 05:00 to 23:00 (see Appendix A: Typical Heating Season in each STRATEGO
Country). The results show that there is some correlation between the hourly distributions with
an R2-value of 0.36.
Figure 7 demonstrates the comparison between the reference and the calculated data sets for
the first week of January (168 hours). It can be seen that the two data sets follow similar trends,
with a slightly higher difference in the last two days. The R2-value comparing the two distributions
is 0.44. This is because the peaks and troughs during the period are at slightly different times and
locations in the figure.

2.1.3 Cooling

The cooling distribution is created using a similar methodology as the heating distribution. The
Cooling Degree Days (CDD) are estimated using the same approach as HDD, but the set-point
is usually different and the cooling demand occurs when the outside temperature is above the
set-point, rather than below. The key challenge when applying the CDD methodology to create
an hourly distribution is the lack of knowledge about cooling demands. Today cooling is mostly
provided using air-conditioner units (heat pumps) that consume electricity. As a result, cooling
demand is usually measured in terms of how much electricity is consumed by these air-
conditioning units, rather than based on the cooling demand within the buildings. The only true
measure of cooling demand is available from district cooling networks, but currently there are
relatively few large-scale district cooling networks in place. In total there are approximately 100
district cooling systems in Europe, but these are still relatively small compared to the overall
demand: in 2009 the verified district cooling demand was approximately 9 PJ compared to a total
cooling demand of approximately 700 PJ in Europe [13]. It was not possible to obtain hourly
demand data from the existing district cooling systems during this work, but general
characteristics of cooling demands have recently been reported by Frederiksen and Werner [13]
and also in the RESCUE project [17].
The RESCUE project analysed hourly cooling demand from approximately 50 buildings spread
across different district cooling systems in Europe. Surprisingly, their results indicated that the
demand for ‘comfort cooling’ began at temperatures as low as 9OC, and became fully linear to
ambient temperature at approximately 15-17OC. As a result, the set-point for estimating the district
cooling distribution should be in this region when calculating the CDD.
The RESCUE analysis also indicated that on average 56% of the cooling demand was identified
as baseload (i.e. non-weather dependent) [17], indicating that very large proportions of cooling
are required throughout the year. This is likely due to the high number of services buildings that
make up the cooling demand, which require cooling for non-weather dependent applications such
as offices and IT applications. The non-weather dependent share can be used in the same way
as the hot water share for heating in equation 1.

Page 13
Table 3: Assumptions for the hourly cooling distributions developed in this study to apply the
Country Space Cooling Assumptions Baseload Assumptions
Set- Peak Cooling Demand (% Annual Baseload Resulting Ratio of Peak
point of peak after CDD Demand (% of total to Baseload Demand
(OC) methodology) cooling demand) (from equation 1)
Croatia 17 100% 56% 7
16 100% 56% 13
Italy 17 100% 56% 7
Romania 17 100% 56% 10
15 85%* 56% 10
*A peak was removed from the UK data since it was considered an outlier: it represented a day where the
average temperature from the six locations across the UK was 29°C, primarily due to a temperature of
39°C recorded in Glasgow. This is an extremely high temperature for the UK so it is unlikely that cooling
units will be designed to meet this once-off peak demand.

Once again, this methodology is applied here to the five different countries using the key
assumptions outlined in Table 3. The set-point was varied between the countries depending on
their climate since it is assumed that the buildings in warmer countries have better natural cooling
than the buildings in colder countries. This was monitored by calculating the ratio between the
peak cooling demand and the baseload cooling demand during the year. Data reported by
Frederiksen and Werner for the district cooling system in Helsingborg (Sweden) indicates that this
ratio is approximately 8 [13], and hence a similar scale was purposely maintained here. An
example of the resulting hourly distribution is presented in Figure 8 for the Czech Republic. As
expected the cooling demand is baseload during the winter months and peaks in the middle of
summer. Once again, the hourly distribution in Figure 8 displays much larger variations than the
daily distribution equivalent displayed in Figure 9. Many buildings use electricity to supply this
cooling demand so accounting for these variations is important for the short-term balancing of the
electricity grid. If district cooling is used instead of electricity to meet the cooling demand, then
district cooling network losses of approximately 10% of the annual district cooling production
should be added [13]. Validation for the cooling distribution method is not possible in this study
due to a lack of reference data.

Page 14
Figure 8: Hourly cooling demand distribution for the Czech Republic.

Figure 9: Daily cooling demand distribution for the Czech Republic.

Page 15
2.1.4 Transport

A variety of approaches for the creation of annual energy consumption of the transport sector
have already been described in the past [18-20]. Hourly data is usually more difficult to obtain,
especially data adequate for energy planning. The agent based modelling (ABM) tool MATSim
[21] has been used in this work for this purpose. The hourly distribution curve for the energy
consumption of the transport sector has been created based on a case study for Croatia. MATSim
is a data intensive tool requiring a broad range of input data from demographic information, activity
plans, detailed transportation network and the definition of facilities. The created case study has
been focused on Croatia’s four largest cities namely Zagreb, Split, Rijeka and Osijek which
together encompass the majority of the total population. The quality of the obtained results is very
sensitive to the quality of the provided inputs. The best possible would be if each single agent
represented one surveyed person, but this would be highly impractical and the data would be
impossible to get. Therefore the inputs have to rely on surveys conducted amongst a limited
number of participants and set of data that is usually available in an aggregated form. In order to
reduce the number of input data and simplify the preparation of MATSim inputs some
assumptions had to be made. The only two activities foreseen by the model are work and home
and there are no holydays throughout the year. Figure 10 represents the distribution of work and
home locations for the four modelled cities and the created network.

Figure 10: Distribution of home and work locations.

Page 16
The detailed explanation of the methodology is available in our previous work [22]. The obtained
distributions for the four individual cities as well as the aggregated curve are presented in Figure
11. It is not possible to validate the transport distribution method in this study due to a lack of

Figure 11: Hourly distribution of energy demand in transport.

2.2 Supply
Hourly distribution files are developed for three different types of renewable resources: wind,
solar, and wave power. For solar, both solar PV and solar thermal are created separately.

2.2.1 Wind Power

In order to create an hourly distribution of electricity production from wind, hourly wind speed data
has to be gathered first. These data can be obtained from measurements, computer tools like
Meteonorm [23], national databases [24, 25] or similar sources.
For the purpose of this work, hourly wind speeds for one year have been gathered for six locations
within every modelled country using the Meteonorm tool [23]. If we take the UK as an example,
the data has been collected for Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Edinburgh and Glasgow. The
gathered values represent hourly wind speeds at an elevation of 10m above ground. Figure 12
presents the gathered raw data for the six selected locations in the UK for the first week of July.

In order to utilize the gathered data in an energy system modelling tool such as EnergyPLAN, the
wind speeds had to be converted into energy production. To accomplish this, power curves for
three different wind turbines have been used, one 2MW turbine at an elevation of 80m and a 3MW
and a 5MW turbine at elevations of 100m. Power curves of different wind turbines are readily
available online [25-27]. The three utilized power curves are presented in Figure 13. Equation 2
has been used to calculate the wind speeds at the elevations of 80m and 100m based on the
ones collected from Meteonorm.

Page 17
Figure 12: Raw wind speed data.

Using Equation 2 and the presented power curves, the electricity production for every individual
location is calculated. The aggregated distribution curves for the whole countries are then
calculated as an average of the six individual ones. Figure 14 presents the average wind speeds
at 100m and the aggregated distribution curve for electricity production from wind for the UK for
the first week of July.

wsh  ws10   
 10 
ws h  wind speed at desired height  m / s 
ws10  wind speed at 10m  m / s  (2)

h  height at which the wind speed is being calculated  m 

  roughness of terrain coefficient

Page 18
Figure 13: Power curves for different wind turbines.

Electricity production from offshore wind power is handled in much the same way with the
exception that offshore wind data is used and there is less available data for these cases. Data
measured on islands, offshore platforms or buoys has been used here. If we take Italy as an
example, the offshore wind data for 4 locations has been used. The hourly data has again been
recalculated to fit the necessary heights and the appropriate power curves have again been
utilized to calculate the electricity production. Figure 15 presents the average wind speeds and
the aggregated electricity production curve for the four available locations in Italy for the first week
of June.

Figure 14: Comparison of the average wind speed and aggregated distribution curve.

Page 19
Figure 15: Comparison of offshore wind speeds and the aggregated distribution curve.

Figure 16: Comparison of actual wind electricity generation with calculated generation for January
2010 in the UK (excluding Northern Ireland).

Page 20
The UK is used as a case study to validate the wind power distribution. To validate the accuracy
of the calculated distribution with actual real world electricity generation, data was extracted from
the Elexon database [28]. Elexon is involved in the operation of the wholesale electricity market
in the UK. They collect 5 minute interval electricity generation for wind for the UK, excluding
Northern Ireland. Figure 16 below compares a calculated distribution with the Elexon data on an
hourly basis in January 2010. A moving average over 24 hours is also shown for each distribution.
This shows the daily trend and this distribution is used for the comparison. January was selected
because later in 2010 numerous wind farms began operation and this skews the comparison. This
is because when the distribution is calculated, the total electricity capacity for that year is included
from January to December, even if the capacity was not operating in January.
As shown in the figure, on a 24 hour moving average distribution the areas where there are peaks
and troughs in wind production is relatively similar between the distributions. The R2-value
comparing the two 24-hour distributions for January is 0.38 showing that there is some correlation
between the two distributions. This correlation is not higher since the peaks and troughs in wind
occur at slightly different times and locations in the figure. But the important comparison in this
study is that the general trend is followed even if at slightly different times. The hourly R2-value
over the month is 0,22, and this is also because the peaks and troughs do not match within the
exact same hour, but the trend is similar.

2.2.2 Solar

When it comes to solar power there are two aspects that need to be considered, solar thermal
collectors and photovoltaics (PV). The idea behind the generation of the hourly distribution of
energy production from both is very similar. For the case of PV, the electricity output will match
the solar insolation quite well. For this reason, hourly solar insolation is used to develop the hourly
distribution. This data can be obtained from tools like Meteonorm [23]. The insolations are usually
available for flat surfaces and tilted plains. The optimal slope and also the optimal azimuth of the
surface for maximum annual solar insolation can be obtained from PVGIS for Europe and Asia
The average insolation, and with that the average PV distribution curve, can be created as a
combination of the two. For the Czech Republic as an example, solar insolations on flat surfaces
and surfaces tilted to the optimal angle obtained from PVGIS have been collected for 6 locations
using Meteonorm. The distribution is then created for every location individually as an average of
the insolation on the tilted and flat planes. The aggregated distribution curve is calculated as an
average of the 6 individual ones. The curves can be calibrated according to the calculated total
annual electricity production varying the ratios between the two types of insolation (flat surface
and tilted plane). The aggregated curve for the Czech Republic for the first week of January and
July are presented in Figure 17.

Page 21
Figure 17: PV distribution for the Czech Republic.

The solar thermal distribution can usually be created the same way as PV if the tool used to model
the system handles thermal storage separately from the hourly distribution curve. If the tool uses
the hourly distribution of solar thermal production as an input into the energy storage and the heat
demand as an output, for example as the tool EnergyPLAN does, the hourly distribution for solar
thermal can again be modelled as a function of the hourly solar insolation on a flat and tilted
In order to validate the methodology related to the distribution of energy production from PV, a
calculated distribution was compared with actual real world electricity generation using German
solar data. Real world data was extracted from the Amprion database. Amprion GmbH is a
transmission system operator and operates the German extra-high voltage grid from Lower
Saxony down to the Alps. Amprion collect solar production data every 15 minutes in West
Germany. Data collected for Hanover and Frankfurt for the calculated distribution was compared
with the Amprion data and this is shown in Figure 18 and Figure 21. Data was only available for
the second half of 2010 (July 1 to December 31 2010).
In Figure 18 the hourly solar distribution is shown for the reference and calculated distributions.
In addition, a moving average over one week (168 hours) is shown for each distribution in order
to demonstrate the longer term trend.

Page 22
Figure 18: Comparison of reference solar electricity generation with calculated generation for July
1st to December 31st in 2010 for West Germany.

Overall the figure shows a general downward trend in solar production from July to December for
both distributions. This is expected as the seasons shift from summer to winter. For the hourly
distribution from July to December there is a similar trend and the R2-value is 0.67, but there are
some additional peaks in the reference distribution. Since the actual distribution includes most of
West Germany and covers a broader area, the solar capacity is higher than compared with the
calculated distribution which only includes two cities. But in general the trends follow each other
and there are peaks and troughs occurring around the same periods. The weekly average
production (168 hours) comparison shows a similarity between the distributions with an R2-value
of 0.83. If all solar data from this area in Germany was included in the calculated distribution (like
it is in the Amprion dataset) then it is likely that the distributions would be closer.
The hourly distributions over the July month over 744 hours are shown in Figure 21 below. The
R2-value for the hourly comparison in this month is 0.55. As explained above, the peaks of the
reference distribution are higher since the dataset covers a broader area in Germany and thus
has a higher production capacity, increasing the peaks. But in general the trend is similar.
The methodology related to the creation of the solar thermal distributions has been validated on
a case of the Marstal plant in Denmark. Hourly values for the solar heat available has been
obtained from [30] and compared to the distribution created using the described methodology. It
should be noted that hourly solar radiation values were not available for the exact location of the
plant and the closest available point has been used, Sydfyns in Demark.

Page 23
Figure 19: Comparison of reference solar electricity generation with calculated generation for July
1st to July 31st in 2010 for West Germany.

Figure 20: Comparison of reference solar thermal generation with calculated generation for 2010.

Page 24
Figure 21: Hourly comparison of the reference and calculated distributions.

The hourly solar thermal distribution in 2010 is shown in Figure 22. The hourly distributions are
shown along with the weekly moving average distribution over 168 hours.
It can be seen that the distributions over a weekly moving average are similar during the year with
an R2 value of 0.79. The R2-value for the hourly distribution over the entire year is 0.42. The
reason for this low value is due to the different timing and location on the figure of the peaks and
troughs, but in general the trend is similar.
Figure 21 presents the comparison of the first week of August for the reference and the calculated
data. The two data distributions demonstrate the same trends and similar peeks for most of the
observed days. The R2-value between the two hourly distributions is 0.3 showing a small
correlation, due to different locations and peaks and troughs in the timing and figure. Greater
differences can be noted in the first and the last day in the week. Overall the trend appears similar
between the two distributions.

2.2.3 Wave Power

Unlike wind power where the three-bladed turbine has become the primary technology, it is very
unlikely that there will be a standard design for future wave generators. This is due to the fact that
wave power depends on two parameters: wave height and wave period. It is difficult to develop a
wave generator that is able to operate across locations, since the relationship between these two
parameters can vary depending on the local wave conditions.

Page 25
(a) (b)
Figure 22: Pelamis wave generator (a) and its power matrix: output in kW (b).

M5 Data
Figure 23: Scatter diagram for M5 data buoy off the coast of the United Kingdom. The data was
gathered by the Marine Institute in Ireland [32].

Currently, the expected electricity production from a wave power device across a variety of wave
periods and wave heights is reported using a power matrix [31]. For example, Figure 22 presents
a wave power matrix for the Pelamis device. It is important to note that the wave height and wave
period can vary and it is important to make sure that the data being measured is the same as
required by the power matrix. For example, the wave period can often be the peak period (T p),
energy period (Te), or mean period (Tz), while the wave height can often be the deterministic
significant wave height (H1/3), spectral significant wave height (Hm0), or maximum wave height
When multiple power matrices are available, the suitability of the device for a particular site can
be evaluated by completing a scatter diagram of the data. The hourly wave height and hourly
wave period recorded at the site in question should be plotted against one another as illustrated
in Figure 23. If the power matrix and recorded data from the site in question overlap each other

Page 26
significantly on the scatter diagram, then the wave energy generator being investigated is a good
choice for that particular location. As seen in Figure 23, the Pelamis is a good match for the M5
site available here.

Figure 24: Hourly wave power output for the UK based on the Pelamis wave device (Figure 22) and
wave data from the M5 data buoy (Figure 23).

Once the most suitable wave power device has been chosen, and the power matrix obtained, the
hourly wave height and wave period data recorded at the site must be converted into an hourly
power output. This was carried out here using a freeware tool developed as part of this study
called WavePLAN, which can be downloaded as part of the EnergyPLAN tool [33]. An example
of the hourly power production from the Pelamis wave device is provided in Figure 24. This curve
represents the power for a single type of device at a single location. At present the key limitation
for hourly wave power output is the availability of more hourly wave data across more locations.
Additional data could not be obtained in this study since it was either unavailable or required a
fee to be provided.

Page 27
3 Discussion and Conclusion
In the future intermittent renewable energy will provide much larger shares of the primary energy
supply and therefore this needs to be accommodated in future energy system modelling. The
challenge is to determine how the energy demand and supply will fluctuate in the future. This
study aimed to develop a methodology for developing energy demand and supply hourly
distributions for different sectors of the energy system of a country. A methodology was developed
for calculating demand and supply side distributions. The demand side included electricity, heat,
cooling and transport. And the supply side included wind power, solar PV and solar thermal, and
wave power.
Where possible the methodology was tested and validated using real world data compared with
calculated data using the methodology. This was carried out for heat demand, wind power, and
solar PV and solar thermal. Validation was not necessary for the electricity distribution, and for
the cooling and transport demand it was not possible to validate since there is very limited real
world data available.
Overall the validation showed that the main trends between the reference and calculated
distributions were similar. There were variations between the distributions which are expected,
but the main aim was to capture the key characteristics in the distributions over time, for example
between seasons, in different weather events and in day-night shifts. Therefore, this methodology
can provide a general picture of the short-term hourly variations that can be expected for supply
and demand of a national energy system. However, if local bottom up data is available then it
should be prioritised since there are differences between the exact values during each hour.
This is the first study of its type carried out for European countries and therefore the hourly
distributions created using this methodology should be seen as a best estimate. The main
purpose of the distributions is to determine what type of hourly variations can be expected in the
future based on existing knowledge, rather than a recreation of what is being recorded today,
which was done in the validation.
The methodology developed in this study has been used to calculate demand and supply
distributions for five European countries in the Main Report of this STRATEGO project (UK,
Romania, Italy, Czech Republic, and Croatia). Depending on the results from these countries the
methodology developed in this may be refined further.

Page 28
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Page 30
Appendix A: Typical Heating Season in each STRATEGO Country
This information was collected from the local partners in STRATEGO.
Czech Republic
Two requirements need to be fulfilled to start delivering heat to customers:
1) The heating season is defined by law from 1st September to 31st May
2) Within this period, if the average daily outside temperature (at 7:00, 14:00 and two times at 21:00
hours) is below 13 degrees Celsius with stable weather forecast, then the district heating utilities
starts delivering the heat. If the average temperature raises above 13 degree Celsius for 2 days
(with stable forecast) then they stop delivering the heat.

The heat season is usually from the 15th September to the 15th May.

Italy is quite a particular case in Europe regarding heating demand. While several north European
Countries might be considered uniform regarding climatic zones, in Italy this cannot be the case.
Its geography and extension in the north-south direction lead to a condition where cities located
in the north require space heating for several months each year, while territories located in the
south might not require space heating at all.
The operation of district heating in Italy is regulated by a law. The territory is divided into 6 climatic
zones based on a degree days classification (degrees days are calculated considering 20°C as
normal temperature):

 Zone A: territories presenting a number of degree-days not higher than 600

 Zone B: territories presenting a number of degree-days higher than 600 and lower than 900
 Zone C: territories presenting a number of degree-days higher than 900 and lower than 1400
 Zone D: territories with a number of degree-days higher than 1400 and lower than 2100
 Zone E: territories presenting a number of degree-days higher than 2100 and lower than 3000
 Zone F: territories presenting a number of degree-days higher than 3000

Space heating is permitted in each zone according to this calendar:

 Zone A: max 6 hours per day from December 1st to March 15th
 Zone B: max 8 hours per day from December 1st to March 31st
 Zone C: max 10 hours per day from November 15th to March 31st
 Zone D: max 12 hours per day from November 1st to April 15th
 Zone E: max 14 hours per day from October 15th to April 15th
 Area F: no limitation

Page 31
The above permitted hours have to be between 5 am and 11 pm. For buildings connected to
district heating (and other particular type of heating devices), the limitation regarding the max
number of hours of daily operation does not apply. the limitation concerning the period of operation
during the year is still applicable. If certain conditions apply, then the Mayor might extend the
operating allowed period.

In Romania, the beginning of the period for district heating is considered after registration for 3
consecutive days, (between 06.00 pm - 06.00 am), the outside average daily air temperature of
+10°C or less, but not later than November 1st.
Termination of district heating is done after 3 consecutive days in which the average outside air
temperature exceeds +10°C, between 6.00 am, - 6.00 pm, but not earlier than April 15th.

United Kingdom
The heat season is usually from the 1st of October to the 30th April, usually beginning when a
daytime peak temperatures of 16°C or less occurs for two or more consecutive days.

Page 32
IEE EHP Stratego
Quantifying the Cost of Heat Savings in EU Member States
Background Report 3a
- Confidential –
IEE EHP Stratego
- Confidential –

By: Dr. Kjell Bettgenhäuser, Willemijn Pouwels, Thomas Boermans

Date: 10 February 2015

Project number: BUIDE15000

© Ecofys 2015 by order of Euro Heat and Power

ECOFYS Germany GmbH | Am Wassermann 36 | 50829 Cologne | T +49 (0)221 27070-100 | F +49 (0)221 27070-011 | E | I
Managing Director C. Petersdorff | Register Court: Local Court Cologne | Chamber of commerce Cologne HRB 28527 | VAT ID DE 187378615
Table of contents

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to BEAM² 1

2 Overview of inputs 2
2.1 Age groups 2
2.2 Reference building geometries 2
2.3 Thermal quality of building envelopes 2
2.3.1 Croatia 3
2.3.2 Czech Republic 5
2.3.3 Italy 6
2.3.4 Romania 7
2.4 Investment costs 8
2.5 Climate data 8
2.5.1 Croatia 8
2.5.2 Czech Republic 9
2.5.3 Italy 9
2.5.4 Romania 9
2.6 Retrofit-, new building and demolition rates 9

3 Output of the simulations 10

3.1 Croatia 11
3.1.1 Reference path 11
3.1.2 Efficiency path 12
3.1.3 Investments 12
3.2 Czech Republic 13
3.2.1 Reference path 13
3.2.2 Efficiency path 13
3.2.3 Investments 14
3.3 Italy 14
3.3.1 Reference path 14
3.3.2 Efficiency path 15
3.3.3 Investments 15
3.4 Romania 16
3.4.1 Reference path 16
3.4.2 Efficiency path 16
3.4.3 Investments 17

4 Conclusion 18

ECOFYS Germany GmbH | Am Wassermann 36 | 50829 Cologne | T +49 (0)221 27070-100 | F +49 (0)221 27070-011 | E | I
Managing Director C. Petersdorff | Register Court: Local Court Cologne | Chamber of commerce Cologne HRB 28527 | VAT ID DE 187378615
1 Introduction

Euroheat & Power, through the DHC+ Technology Platform, is the coordinator of the STRATEGO
project. The STRATEGO project is a European co-funding project developed in the framework of the
Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, having the contract n°. IEE/13/650/SI2.675851.
The purpose of the project “Multi level actions for enhanced Heating and Cooling plans – STRATEGO”
is to bridge the gap between EU policy, national objectives and effective actions taken at regional and
local levels.
Ecofys contributed already, led by the University of Aalborg and in cooperation with Halmstad
University and PlanEnergi, to the pre-study of the STRATEGO project, called “Heat Roadmap Europe
2050 – second pre-study for the EU-27” commissioned by Euroheat & Power.
After finalisation of the study and its publication in 2013, Ecofys was contracted in this STRATEGO
project to calculate building stock energy demand paths for the countries Czech Republic, Italy,
Romania and Croatia. Based on input from country experts we developed a reference path and an
efficiency path for each of the countries.

1.1 Introduction to BEAM²

For the scenario calculation the Built Environment Analysis Model BEAM² is been used. Ecofys
developed this model over the last years as model for international building stocks. Results of the
model are energy demand, CO2-emissions and energy costs for space heating in the built
environment, which then can be presented for different types of buildings, building ages, climate
zones etc. Input to the model calculation is a database containing international building stock data
distinguished by climatic regions, building type/size, building age, insulation level, energy supply,
energy carrier, energy costs and emission factors. This can be applied in a scenario tool used for
calculating the development over time of the building stock as a function of demolition rate, new
building activity, refurbishments and energy-efficiency measures in retrofits. The tool is thereby fully
flexible to be applied to any country world-wide, once the relevant input data are assessed and
incorporated. The model was used so far in various projects (e.g. the European Commission, Eurima
etc.) and contributed to the perception and reputation of Ecofys in Europe.
For more information on the BEAM² model also see

BUIDE15000 1
2 Overview of inputs

In the following paragraphs the input into BEAM² is shown per topic.

2.1 Age groups

For each country the experts have provided different building statistics per age group. These age
groups differ per country also resulting in a different number of age groups per country. Table 1
shows the age groups used for each country.

Table 1 Age groups used for each country

Age Groups Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania

Age group I before 1945 before 1946 before 1946 before 1970
Age group II 1946 - 1969 1946 - 1980 1946-1990 1971-1990
Age group III 1970 - 1989 1981 - 2000 1991-2006 1991-2014
Age group IV 1990 - 1999 2001 - 2011 2007-2012 since 2015
Age group V 2000 - 2008 since 2012 since 2012
Age group VI since 2008

2.2 Reference building geometries

Because of missing data from the country experts the dimensions of the reference buildings for the
non-residential buildings are taken from an average European building and the same for each
country. This counts as well for attached single family homes and small and large multifamily homes.
For detached single family homes the dimensions for a Romanian or Czech Republic home are equal
to each other as are the dimensions for an Hungarian and Italian dwelling. Values are again taken
from a European average.

2.3 Thermal quality of building envelopes

In the following paragraphs the u-values for the different reference buildings per age group are
shown per country. These values are taken from the country experts. The u-values used in the
simulations for the reference efficiency scenario and the high efficiency scenario are shown in Table
2. These u-values are taken from Renovation tracks for Europe up to 2050.

BUIDE15000 2
Table 2 U-values for different envelope parts
Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania
[W/m2.K] [W/m2.K] [W/m2.K] [W/m2.K]
Ref High Eff Ref High Eff Ref High Eff Ref High Eff
Wall 0.30 0.15 0.30 0.12 0.30 0.15 0.30 0.12
Roof 0.39 0.15 0.43 0.12 0.43 0.15 0.43 0.12
Floor 0.35 0.15 0.35 0.12 0.35 0.15 0.35 0.12
Windows 1.3 0.85 1.3 0.85 1.3 0.85 1.3 0.85

In order to connect the technical specifications to real actions, this paragraph gives a brief overview
on retrofit and new building measures.

For insulation a u-values of 0,43 W/(m²K) is equivalent to approx. 9cm in standard insulation, while a
u-value of 0,30 W/(m²K) means 12cm insulation and 0,15 W/(m²k) is equivalent to approx. 26cm of
standard insulation (mineral wool or EPS/XPS).

Windows are either used in “standard” quality with an u-value of 1,3 W/(m²K), which is a standard
triple-glazing with a simple wooden frame, or as “high performance” window with 0,85 W/(m²K),
which is equivalent to a very good triple-glazing with a passive-house frame.

Concerning the assumed ventilation strategies a share of buildings in new buildings and renovations
are assumed with ventilation systems and heat recovery. As starting point we assume that 90% of
new buildings and 95% of all renovations are done without ventilations systems (and hence without
heat recovery). The share of ventilations systems and heat recovery increases then in all countries
and scenarios up to 25% in 2020 and remains constant. For the heat recovery systems a heat
recovery rate of 85% is used.

2.3.1 Croatia

Building Age Wall [W/m2K] Roof [W/m2K] Floor [W/m2K]

SFH Detached I 1.28 1.14 0.93 4.4

SFH Detached II 1.46 1.14 0.93 4.4
SFH Detached III 1.28 1.16 0.93 3
SFH Detached IV 0.83 0.69 0.65 2.4
SFH Detached V 0.34 0.29 0.65 1.8
SFH Attached I 1.28 1.14 0.93 4.4
SFH Attached II 1.46 1.14 0.93 4.4
SFH Attached III 1.28 1.16 0.93 3
SFH Attached IV 0.83 0.69 0.65 2.4
SFH Attached V 0.34 0.29 0.65 1.8
MFH Small I 1.28 1.14 0.93 4.4
MFH Small II 1.46 1.14 0.93 4.4
MFH Small III 1.28 1.16 0.93 3
MFH Small IV 0.83 0.69 0.65 2.4

BUIDE15000 3
Building Age Wall [W/m2K] Roof [W/m2K] Floor [W/m2K]

MFH Small V 0.34 0.29 0.65 1.8

MFH Large I 1.28 1.14 0.93 4.4
MFH Large II 1.46 1.14 0.93 4.4
MFH Large III 1.28 1.16 0.93 3
MFH Large IV 0.83 0.69 0.65 2.4
MFH Large V 0.34 0.29 0.65 1.8
Office I 1.28 1.14 0.93 4.4
Office II 1.46 1.14 0.93 4.4
Office III 1.28 1.16 0.93 3
Office IV 0.83 0.69 0.65 2.4
Office V 0.34 0.29 0.65 1.8
Wholesale and
retail trade I 1.28 1.14 0.93 4.4
Wholesale and
retail trade II 1.46 1.14 0.93 4.4
Wholesale and
retail trade III 1.28 1.16 0.93 3
Wholesale and
retail trade IV 0.83 0.69 0.65 2.4
Wholesale and
retail trade V 0.34 0.29 0.65 1.8
Education I 1.28 1.14 0.93 4.4
Education II 1.46 1.14 0.93 4.4
Education III 1.28 1.16 0.93 3
Education IV 0.83 0.69 0.65 2.4
Education V 0.34 0.29 0.65 1.8
Hotels and
restaurants I 1.28 1.14 0.93 4.4
Hotels and
restaurants II 1.46 1.14 0.93 4.4
Hotels and
restaurants III 1.28 1.16 0.93 3
Hotels and
restaurants IV 0.83 0.69 0.65 2.4
Hotels and
restaurants V 0.34 0.29 0.65 1.8
Healthcare I 1.28 1.14 0.93 4.4
Healthcare II 1.46 1.14 0.93 4.4
Healthcare III 1.28 1.16 0.93 3
Healthcare IV 0.83 0.69 0.65 2.4
Healthcare V 0.34 0.29 0.65 1.8
Other NonRes I 1.28 1.14 0.93 4.4
Other NonRes II 1.46 1.14 0.93 4.4
Other NonRes III 1.28 1.16 0.93 3
Other NonRes IV 0.83 0.69 0.65 2.4
Other NonRes V 0.34 0.29 0.65 1.8

BUIDE15000 4
2.3.2 Czech Republic

Wall [W/m2K] Roof [W/m2K] Floor [W/m2K]
Building Age [W/m2K]

Not Already Not Already Not Already Not Already

Building retrofit retrofit retrofit retrofit retrofit retrofit retrofit retrofit
ted ted ted ted ted ted ted ted
SFH Detached I 1.47 0.93 1.39 0.95 2.35 1.43 2.85 1.8
SFH Detached II 1.68 0.96 1.37 0.99 1.3 0.69 3.33 1.92
SFH Detached III 0.59 0.38 0.57 0.38 1.2 0.37 2.9 1.5
SFH Detached IV 0.3 0.19 0.43 0.19 0.59 0.33 1.54 0.83
SFH Attached I 1.47 0.93 1.39 0.95 2.35 1.43 2.85 1.8
SFH Attached II 1.68 0.96 1.37 0.99 1.3 0.69 3.33 3.33
SFH Attached III 0.59 0.38 0.57 0.38 1.2 0.37 2.9 1.5
SFH Attached IV 0.3 0.19 0.43 0.19 0.59 0.33 1.54 0.83
MFH Small I 1.47 0.83 2.94 0.85 1.38 0.8 2.85 1.8
MFH Small II 1.56 0.88 1.51 0.91 1.47 0.85 3.33 2.01
MFH Small III 0.9 0.55 0.57 0.56 0.87 0.54 3.44 2.03
MFH Small IV 0.59 0.19 0.39 0.19 0.58 0.19 1.9 1.2
MFH Large I 1.47 0.83 2.94 0.85 1.38 0.8 2.85 1.8
MFH Large II 1.56 0.88 1.51 0.91 1.47 0.85 3.33 2.01
MFH Large III 0.9 0.55 0.57 0.56 0.87 0.54 3.44 2.03
MFH Large IV 0.59 0.19 0.39 0.19 0.58 0.19 1.9 1.2
Office I 1.47 0.83 2.94 0.85 1.38 0.8 2.85 1.8
Office II 1.56 0.88 1.51 0.91 1.47 0.85 3.33 2.01
Office III 0.9 0.55 0.57 0.56 0.87 0.54 3.44 2.03
Office IV 0.59 0.19 0.39 0.19 0.58 0.19 1.9 1.2
Wholesale and
retail trade 1.47 0.83 2.94 0.85 1.38 0.8 2.85 1.8
Wholesale and
retail trade 1.56 0.88 1.51 0.91 1.47 0.85 3.33 2.01
Wholesale and
retail trade 0.9 0.55 0.57 0.56 0.87 0.54 3.44 2.03
Wholesale and
retail trade 0.59 0.19 0.39 0.19 0.58 0.19 1.9 1.2
Education I 1.47 0.83 2.94 0.85 1.38 0.8 2.85 1.8
Education II 1.56 0.88 1.51 0.91 1.47 0.85 3.33 2.01
Education III 0.9 0.55 0.57 0.56 0.87 0.54 3.44 2.03
Education IV 0.59 0.19 0.39 0.19 0.58 0.19 1.9 1.2
Hotels and
restaurants 1.47 0.83 2.94 0.85 1.38 0.8 2.85 1.8
Hotels and
restaurants 1.56 0.88 1.51 0.91 1.47 0.85 3.33 2.01
Hotels and
restaurants 0.9 0.55 0.57 0.56 0.87 0.54 3.44 2.03
Hotels and
restaurants 0.59 0.19 0.39 0.19 0.58 0.19 1.9 1.2
Healthcare I 1.47 0.83 2.94 0.85 1.38 0.8 2.85 1.8
Healthcare II 1.56 0.88 1.51 0.91 1.47 0.85 3.33 2.01
Healthcare III 0.9 0.55 0.57 0.56 0.87 0.54 3.44 2.03
Healthcare IV 0.59 0.19 0.39 0.19 0.58 0.19 1.9 1.2
Other NonRes I 1.47 0.83 2.94 0.85 1.38 0.8 2.85 1.8
Other NonRes II 1.56 0.88 1.51 0.91 1.47 0.85 3.33 2.01

BUIDE15000 5
Wall [W/m2K] Roof [W/m2K] Floor [W/m2K]
Building Age [W/m2K]

Not Already Not Already Not Already Not Already

Building retrofit retrofit retrofit retrofit retrofit retrofit retrofit retrofit
ted ted ted ted ted ted ted ted
Other NonRes III 0.9 0.55 0.57 0.56 0.87 0.54 3.44 2.03
Other NonRes IV 0.59 0.19 0.39 0.19 0.58 0.19 1.9 1.2

2.3.3 Italy

Building Age Wall [W/m2K] Roof [W/m2K] Floor [W/m2K]
SFH Detached I 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1
SFH Detached II 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
SFH Detached III 1 1 1 1.1
SFH Detached IV 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8
SFH Attached I 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1
SFH Attached II 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
SFH Attached III 1 1 1 1.1
SFH Attached IV 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8
MFH Small I 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1
MFH Small II 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
MFH Small III 1 1 1 1.1
MFH Small IV 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8
MFH Large I 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1
MFH Large II 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
MFH Large III 1 1 1 1.1
MFH Large IV 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8
Office I 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1
Office II 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Office III 1 1 1 1.1
Office IV 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8
Wholesale and
retail trade I 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1
Wholesale and
retail trade II 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Wholesale and
retail trade III 1 1 1 1.1
Wholesale and
retail trade IV 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8
Education I 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1
Education II 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Education III 1 1 1 1.1
Education IV 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8
Hotels and
restaurants I 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1
Hotels and
restaurants II 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Hotels and
restaurants III 1 1 1 1.1
Hotels and
restaurants IV 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8

BUIDE15000 6
Building Age Wall [W/m2K] Roof [W/m2K] Floor [W/m2K]
Healthcare I 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1
Healthcare II 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Healthcare III 1 1 1 1.1
Healthcare IV 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8
Other NonRes I 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1
Other NonRes II 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Other NonRes III 1 1 1 1.1
Other NonRes IV 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8

2.3.4 Romania

Building Age Wall [W/m2K] Roof [W/m2K] Floor [W/m2K]
SFH Detached I 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
SFH Detached II 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
SFH Detached III 0.71 0.33 0.42 2
SFH Attached I 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
SFH Attached II 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
SFH Attached III 0.71 0.33 0.42 2
MFH Small I 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
MFH Small II 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
MFH Small III 0.71 0.33 0.42 2
MFH Large I 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
MFH Large II 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
MFH Large III 0.71 0.33 0.42 2
Office I 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Office II 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Office III 0.71 0.33 0.42 2
Wholesale and
retail trade I 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Wholesale and
retail trade II 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Wholesale and
retail trade III 0.71 0.33 0.42 2
Education I 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Education II 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Education III 0.71 0.33 0.42 2
Hotels and
restaurants I 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Hotels and
restaurants II 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Hotels and
restaurants III 0.71 0.33 0.42 2
Healthcare I 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Healthcare II 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Healthcare III 0.71 0.33 0.42 2
Other NonRes I 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Other NonRes II 0.83 0.5 0.5 2.56
Other NonRes III 0.71 0.33 0.42 2

BUIDE15000 7
2.4 Investment costs

Similar to the insulation values the investment costs are taken from the report Renovation tracks for
Europe up to 2050. The investment costs are shown in Table 3. The investment costs for insulation
are split into a fixed and a variable part, the latter being dependent on the thickness of the

Table 3 Investment costs

Croatia Czech Republic Italy Romania

Fixed Variable Fixed Variable Variable Variable

Fixed Fixed
costs costs costs costs costs costs
costs cost
[€/m²] [€/m²/c [€/m²] [€/m²/c [€/m²/c [€/m²/c
[€/m²] s[€/m²]
m] m] m] m]
Wall 16.3 1.1 17.5 1.2 18.8 1.3 17.5 1.2
Roof 14.1 1 15.1 1.1 16.3 1.2 15.1 1.1
Floor 17 1 18.2 1.1 19.3 1.2 18.2 1.1
Window 119.43 N.A. 187.5 N.A. 167.03 N.A. 187.5 N.A.
Window High 140.5 N.A. 222 N.A. 196.5 N.A. 222 N.A.

2.5 Climate data

For each country a reference city is picked to provide the climate data used for the calculations.

Table 4 Reference city for climate data

Country Reference city

Croatia Zagreb
Czech Republic Ostrava
Italy Milan
Romania Bucharest

2.5.1 Croatia

In its building legislation Croatia recognises two climate zones (continental and maritime). For the
simulations in this model we have used Zagreb as it is quite centralized and has the largest
population in the country. It also has a substantial heating and cooling demand. 1

Email Tomislav Novosel - University of Zagreb

BUIDE15000 8
2.5.2 Czech Republic

For the Czech Republic three cities where taken into account for the climate data; Ostrava, Plzeň or
Prague. Prague is the in the warmest region of Czech Republic and was advised against. The data
used is for Ostrava.

2.5.3 Italy

Milan was chosen as the reference city for Italy. In Milan energy demand is significant both for
heating in winter and for cooling in summer. Other cities, located in southern regions, might have a
demand for ambient heating during winter season not really significant for the scope of Stratego

2.5.4 Romania

Romania has four climate zones of which the Stratego cities are located in two of them. Bucharest is
also located in one of these two climate zones and is also part of an area with high population
density. Therefor Bucharest is chosen as a reference city.3

2.6 Retrofit-, new building and demolition rates

Table 5 show the rates for retrofit, new construction and demolition used in the simulations. The
rates are not different for the reference scenario or the high efficiency scenario and are based on
information from the country experts.

Table 5 Rates per annum for retrofit, construction and demolition

Rates Retrofit New building Demolition

Croatia 1,0% p.a. for all buildings 1,0% p.a. for all buildings 0,5% p.a. for all buildings

For all components of the

0,95% p.a. for SFH and
Czech building envelope increasing
0,65% p.a. for MFH and non- 0,2% p.a. for all buildings
Republic from 1,0% p.a. to 1,5% p.a.
residential buildings
(0,1% p.a. increase per year)

Italy 3,0% p.a. for all buildings 1,0% p.a. for all buildings 0,35% p.a. for all buildings
0,64% p.a. for residential
For all components of the
Romania buildings 2,0% p.a. for non- 0,2% p.a. for all buildings
building envelope 1,7% p.a.
residential buildings

Email Luca Bertagna - A2A Calore & Servizi S.r.L. - Gruppo A2A
Email Gabriela Crisan-Badea – Tractabel Engineering

BUIDE15000 9
While new buildings and retrofits both have a direct positive impact on costs, energy demand is
lowered by retrofitting buildings, but it increases by new builds. Therefore a high retrofit rate typically
leads to increasing investments per energy saving over time (€/kWh saved), mainly due to the fact
that the worst performing buildings are retrofitted at first and saving are decreasing over time, while
a high new building rates increases both investments and energy use and hence influences this
equation as well.

BUIDE15000 10
3 Output of the simulations

The simulations generate multiple results for each country, which are shown in the following graphs.
Detailed information is given in the provided Excel output-file, this section just gives an overview
over the output parameters per country:

> Floor area per building type

> Useful heating demand per building type
> Hot water demand per building type
> Useful cooing demand per building type
> Investment costs for the building envelope

These results are provided for two scenarios, the reference path and the efficiency path, the
difference coming from the different u-values and investment costs per path. For each path similar
retrofit, new building and demolition rates are assumed.

3.1 Croatia

3.1.1 Reference path

Croatia - Reference
1.8E+10 2.0E+08


1.6E+10 1.8E+08
Useful Heating
1.4E+10 1.6E+08 Demand [kWh/a]

1.4E+08 Hot Water

1.2E+10 Demand [kWh/a]
1E+10 Useful Cooling
1.0E+08 Demand [kWh/a]
8.0E+07 Floor area [m2]
4E+09 4.0E+07
2E+09 2.0E+07

0 0.0E+00
2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

BUIDE15000 11
3.1.2 Efficiency path

Croatia - Efficiency
1.8E+10 2.0E+08

1.6E+10 1.8E+08
Useful Heating
1.4E+10 1.6E+08 Demand [kWh/a]

1.4E+08 Hot Water

1.2E+10 Demand [kWh/a]
1E+10 Useful Cooling
1.0E+08 Demand [kWh/a]
8.0E+07 Floor area [m2]
4E+09 4.0E+07
2E+09 2.0E+07

0 0.0E+00
2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

3.1.3 Investments


Wall, Roof, Cellar -

2.5E+08 Reference
Wall, Roof, Cellar -
Windows - Reference

1.5E+08 Windows - Efficiency



2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

BUIDE15000 12
3.2 Czech Republic

3.2.1 Reference path

Czech Republic - Reference

8E+10 5.0E+08

Useful Heating
4.0E+08 Demand [kWh/a]
3.5E+08 Hot Water
Demand [kWh/a]
Useful Cooling
4E+10 2.5E+08 Demand [kWh/a]

2.0E+08 Floor area [m2]


0 0.0E+00
2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

3.2.2 Efficiency path

Czech Republic - Efficiency

8E+10 5.0E+08


Useful Heating
4.0E+08 Demand [kWh/a]
3.5E+08 Hot Water
Demand [kWh/a]
Useful Cooling
4E+10 2.5E+08 Demand [kWh/a]

2.0E+08 Floor area [m2]


0 0.0E+00
2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

BUIDE15000 13
3.2.3 Investments

3.3 Italy

3.3.1 Reference path

Italy - Reference
3E+11 4.0E+09


2.5E+11 Useful Heating
Demand [kWh/a]
Hot Water
2E+11 Demand [kWh/a]
Useful Cooling
1.5E+11 2.0E+09 Demand [kWh/a]

Floor area [m2]


0 0.0E+00
2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

BUIDE15000 14
3.3.2 Efficiency path

Italy - Efficiency
3E+11 4.0E+09

2.5E+11 Useful Heating
Demand [kWh/a]
Hot Water
2E+11 Demand [kWh/a]
Useful Cooling
1.5E+11 2.0E+09 Demand [kWh/a]

Floor area [m2]


0 0.0E+00
2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

3.3.3 Investments


Wall, Roof, Cellar -

1.0E+10 Reference
Wall, Roof, Cellar -
Windows - Reference

6.0E+09 Windows - Efficiency



2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

BUIDE15000 15
3.4 Romania

3.4.1 Reference path

Romania - Reference
8E+10 9.0E+08

7E+10 8.0E+08
Useful Heating
Demand [kWh/a]
Hot Water
6.0E+08 Demand [kWh/a]
5.0E+08 Useful Cooling
4E+10 Demand [kWh/a]
Floor area [m2]

1E+10 1.0E+08

0 0.0E+00
2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

3.4.2 Efficiency path

Romania - Efficiency
8E+10 9.0E+08


7E+10 8.0E+08
Useful Heating
Demand [kWh/a]
Hot Water
6.0E+08 Demand [kWh/a]
5.0E+08 Useful Cooling
4E+10 Demand [kWh/a]
Floor area [m2]

1E+10 1.0E+08

0 0.0E+00
2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

BUIDE15000 16
3.4.3 Investments


Wall, Roof, Cellar -
1.6E+09 Reference
Wall, Roof, Cellar -
1.4E+09 Efficiency

1.2E+09 Windows - Reference

1.0E+09 Windows - Efficiency





2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

BUIDE15000 17
4 Conclusion

This sections gives a brief overview of the scenarios results.

The floor area development in all countries follows a linear path, since the new building and
demolition rates are assumed as constant over the period until 2050. Furthermore there is no
difference between the reference and the efficiency path, since the difference in retrofit depth is not
visible in the total floor area development.

In contrast to this the heating demand is decreasing in all scenarios due to energy efficiency
measures in the building stock. The additional energy demand of new buildings is overcompensated
by the retrofit efficiency gains. In most countries the curve is almost linear, except for Italy. Here we
see that building from the worst performing age group are fully retrofitted and then buildings form
the next age group undergo renovation. Since the energy demand before renovation is lower for the
second age group, the reduction in energy demand is decreasing over time. This is the effect we see

The cooling demand stays more less the same in all scenarios and sometimes is increasing a bit,
especially for the efficiency paths. This is due to the fact that functions like night cooling needs to be
optimized in high energy efficient buildings, otherwise the higher tightness and lower transmission
leads to a situation where the buildings heats up especially during summertime and does not cool
down again when it would be possible during night-time. Since this issue is not especially addressed
in the scenarios the results are reasonable.

Hot water demands are increasing slowly due to new buildings being constructed.

The overall investment costs for the building envelope are split up by insulation and windows. In
general the investments for the efficiency paths are between 50-100% higher than for the reference
path due to higher efficiency standards.

BUIDE15000 18
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T: +49 (0) 221 27070-100

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Project No: IEE/13/650

Applying the Ecofys Results in the Energy

Modelling and the Cost of Heat Savings for the
United Kingdom

Work Package 2

Background Report 3b
Authors: David Connolly, Work Package 2 Coordinator
Kenneth Hansen
David Drysdale
Contact: Aalborg University, Denmark
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
DK- 2450 Copenhagen
T: +45 9940 2483
© 2015

Deliverable No. D 2.2: Public Document.

The STRATEGO project (Multi-level actions for enhanced Heating & Cooling plans)
is supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The sole responsibility for
the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the
opinion of the funding authorities. The funding authorities are not responsible for any
use that may be made of the information contained therein.


Heat Roadmap Europe Website:
Online Maps:

Page 2
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 Quantifying the Cost of Heat Savings in Buildings for the Czech Republic, Croatia, Italy
and Romania ....................................................................................................................... 5
3 Quantifying the Cost of Heat Savings in Buildings for the UK ............................................... 9
4 Comparing the Cost of Heat Savings and Heat Supply for Each STRATEGO Country ...... 17
5 Discussion and Conclusion ................................................................................................ 21
6 References ........................................................................................................................ 23

Page 3
1 Introduction
Background Report 3a of the STRATEGO project calculated the cost of implementing heat savings
for four different STRATEGO countries between now and the year 2050, along with the resulting
heating and cooling demand. The four countries included in Background Report 3a are Czech
Republic, Croatia, Italy, and Romania. These results are used as inputs for the energy modelling,
when developing the heating and cooling strategies in the main STRATEGO report. This report
explains how the results from Background Report 3a are interpreted for the energy modelling and
afterwards, how they are used in combination with a literature review to estimate the costs of heat
savings in the United Kingdom (Section 4), which is the fifth STRATEGO country.

Page 4
2 Quantifying the Cost of Heat Savings in Buildings for the Czech
Republic, Croatia, Italy and Romania
The Background Report 3a of the STRATEGO project presents the total investment costs required
in the building envelope to reduce the heat demand between today (i.e. 2014) and the year 2050.
Four countries, including Czech Republic, Croatia, Italy, and Romania are all calculated separately,
with investments divided between measures 1) existing buildings and new buildings and 2)
between investments in the walls/roof and investments in windows. An example for the Czech
Republic is provided in Figure 1 and Figure 2 below, which display the heat demand and
corresponding investments in heat savings respectively.

These total investment costs were annualised to include these in the energy modelling in the Main
Report using a lifetime and an interest rate. It is assumed that the windows have a lifetime of 25
years, the walls/roof/cellar measures have a lifetime of 40 years, and the interest rate is 3%. The
investment costs are annualised using equation 1 below, which includes the total investment costs
(I), the lifetime (n), and the interest rate (i). The resulting annualised costs are presented for all four
countries in Figure 3.

 i 
I Annual  I  n 
1  (1  i ) 

Czech Republic - Efficiency

8E+10 5.0E+08

Useful Heating
4.0E+08 Demand [kWh/a]
3.5E+08 Hot Water
Demand [kWh/a]
Useful Cooling
4E+10 2.5E+08 Demand [kWh/a]

2.0E+08 Floor area [m2]


0 0.0E+00
2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050

Figure 1: Efficiency pathway in Czech Republic.

Page 5
Figure 2: Investments in Czech Republic.


Heat Savings (% of Today's Heat Demand)






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Heat Savings (% of Today's Heat Demand)

Figure 3: Accumulated Annualised costs for Czech Republic, Croatia, Italy, and Romania. Today’s heating
demand refers to the year 2014.

After quantifying the total costs for the energy savings, the levelised cost of heat savings (i.e.
€/kWh of heat saved) was also calculated so the different countries could be compared with one
another. The method used to calculate the cost of heat savings is described below using the Czech
Republic efficiency path as an example (see Figure 1 and Figure 2).

Page 6
1. We calculate the heat demand (space heat and hot water) per floor area (m2) for every year
from 2014 to 2050, by dividing the total square meters of all the buildings by the total heat
demand of all the buildings.

For example, in 2015 the total floor space is calculated as being 362,422,144 m2 (2,428,408 m2
more than 2014). In 2015 the total space and hot water heat demand is 75.4 TWh (71.9 TWh
space heating and 3.5 TWh hot water). Therefore in 2015 the heat demand per floor space is 208

2. We then quantify the ‘expected heat demand without savings’ by multiplying the total floor
area of 2015 (362,422,144 m2) by the unit heat demand (i.e. kWh/m2) from the previous
year (2014).

For example, in 2014, the previous year, the heat demand was 212 kWh/m2. This is multiplied by
the total floor area of 2015 (362,422,144 m2). This suggests that if no heat savings were
implemented, then the heat demand would have been 76.9 TWh in 2015.

3. We then subtract the actual heat demand of 2015 from the expected heat demand, which is
based on the 2015 floor area and the heat demand (kWh/m2) of the previous year (2014).

For example, the actual heat demand in 2015 is 75.4 TWh. The difference between the actual and
the expected is 1.5 TWh, which is assumed to be the amount of heat saved in 2015 due to the
investments made in heat savings in the year 2015.

4. For each year the total investment costs are also annualised as described earlier in
equation 1 and as presented for each country in Figure 3.

In the Czech Republic example, the total investment in heat savings in 2015 is €1080 million (see
Table 1). Annualised, this is a total investment cost of M€51/year.

Table 1: Example of total investment costs in renovations measures and the annualised cost for 2014

Total investment in 2014 Annualised cost in 2014

Component Building type
(M€) (M€)
Wall, Roof, Cellar retrofit 410
Insulation 32
Wall, Roof, Cellar new buildings 333
Windows retrofit 156
Windows 16
Windows new buildings 123
Total 1021 48

5. By dividing the annualised costs of the previous year (i.e. 2014) by the total savings in that
year (i.e. 2015), it is possible to estimate the unit cost of heat saved (i.e. €/kWh)

For the Czech Republic, the investment in heat savings in 2014 is M€48/year in 2014, while the
heat saved in 2015 equates to 1.5 TWh/year, so the levelised cost of heat saved is €0.033/kWh.

6. This process is repeated for all efficiency scenarios for all years in Czech Republic, Croatia,
Italy and Romania.

7. Finally, the unit cost of heat saved (i.e. €/kWh) is plotted against the unit heat demand (i.e.
kWh/m2) for each year, which is discussed in more detail in section 4.

Page 7
The results for each country are shown below in Figure 4. The results suggest that heat savings
are the most cost effective in the Czech Republic, then Croatia, and finally Italy and Romania have
similar costs.

Unit Cost of Various Heat Supplies CZ HR IT RO



Unit Cost of Heat Savings (€/kWh)






200 160 120 80 40 0
Heat Intensity for Residential and Services Buildings (kWh/m2)

Figure 4: Heat intensity compared to the unit cost of heat savings and various forms of heat supply in the Czech
Republic, Croatia, Italy, and Romania. The methodology used to estimate the unit cost of heat supply from
various technologies is discussed in section 4.

Page 8
3 Quantifying the Cost of Heat Savings in Buildings for the UK
The UK is not included in Background Report 3a, so a literature review was carried out to establish
if the cost of heat savings is already reported for the UK. This led to a study by Element Energy
called “Review of potential for carbon savings from residential energy efficiency” written for The
Committee on Climate Change [1].

This study only considers the residential sector whereas the Ecofys analysis included both
residential and services buildings.

According to the main data source used in the Element Energy study, in the United Kingdom the
heating energy demand for residential space heating and hot water was approximately 400 TWh in
2010 [2], of which ~80% was supplied by natural gas. Based on 27.4 million dwellings, the average
household heat consumption equates to 15,150 kWh of heating each year. The average residential
dwelling floor area in the UK in 2010 was around 92 m2 [3], so the average unit heat consumption
was estimated as 161 kWh/m2.

In the Element Energy study, heat saving potentials were determined for different measures in the
UK. Since housing types are varied in the UK and not all measures are relevant for each housing
type, the extent of heat savings were quantified for each measure for a range of different UK house
types. The UK residential building stock was segmented into groups in order to carry out this study.
In total there were 135 different house types. The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) was
applied for the calculation of the residential heating [1][4].

The SAP methodology calculates the annual heating (space and hot water) and electricity
consumption (excluding consumer appliances) demand for each of the different house types before
and after the energy saving measure is introduced [1]. The disaggregation and segmentation of the
housing stock was determined from the English Housing Survey (EHS), which determined the
different types of homes in the UK. The house types vary in terms of size, tenure and fuel.

Element Energy developed a Housing Energy Model (HEM) that was used to calculate the heat
savings from each measure. HEM calculates the technical potential for each measure and this is
used to determine the potential for heat energy savings associated with each specific measure,
which can vary across the house types. The assessment was carried out for each building
segment in the stock, but the heat savings were only measured for the housing segments in which
they were installed.

The results from the study are used as the basis for the calculations in this report. There are two
main components in the calculations, being 1) the additional cost for additional measures and their
corresponding heat savings (i.e. €/kWh saved) and 2) the cumulative reduction of the country’s
domestic residential unit heat demand (i.e. kWh/m2). This ensures that the results for the UK can
be directly compared with those obtained for the other STRATEGO countries in Figure 4.

The weighted average cost from each measure across the total UK stock is presented in Figure 5.
The installation cost of the measure is different for different house types. Therefore the cost is
determined based on the house type attributes such as wall area, loft area and thickness, glazing
area [1], with the results converted into a weighted average. The different house types also affect
the annual fuel savings for each measure which are also weighted, which is shown in Figure 6.

Page 9
After the weighted average cost of each measure is determined, then they are annualised in order
to compare each measure with one another, which is also shown in Figure 7. These annualised
costs are used in in this study to determine the unit cost of heat savings (i.e. €/kWh). These costs
are per measure so they are multiplied by the total number of dwellings to establish the impact at a
national level.

To determine the unit cost of heat savings (i.e. €/kWh saved) for each measure, the following steps
are carried out:

1. The “number of houses with each measure” was estimated based on the total heat savings
for each measure (Figure 8) and the average heat savings for each dwelling (Figure 6).

total heat energy savings by the measure in the UK

number of houses with the measure  (2)
weighted average heat energy savings by the measure

2. The “total annualised cost of the measure in the UK” is determined by multiplying the cost
per household for each measure (Figure 7) by the number of houses with the measure
(equation 2):

total annualised cost of the measure in the UK 

(annualised cost per installation)  (number of houses with the measure)

3. Finally, the unit cost of heat savings is calculated based on the total annualised costs
(equation 3) divided by the total annual energy savings due to the measure (Figure 8). As
shown in Figure 8, the results are presented in terms of fuel savings, as opposed to heat
savings. Since this study focuses on reductions in the heat demand, the fuel savings are
converted into heat savings. Different efficiencies are assumed for the different types of
heating units, depending on the fuel they consumed. The same efficiencies are used here
as in Background Report 4, which are 65% for solid fuel, 85% for natural gas, 80% for oil,
and 100% for direct electric heating. The different fuel mix used in the Element Energy
study was extracted from the UK Energy Data file [2]. Using this fuel mix and the
efficiencies, the average efficiency was calculated as 85%. This efficiency is assumed
when converting from fuel savings to heat savings for the individual measures.

total annualised cost of the measure in the UK

cost per kWh saved  (4)
total annual heat savings of the measurein the UK

The resulting weighted average heat energy savings per measure, total annual heat energy
savings by each measure, the number of houses with each measure, and the corresponding costs
are presented in Table 3.

Page 10
Figure 5: Breakdown of weighted average cost of installation of measures [1].

Figure 6: Breakdown of weighted average fossil fuel and electricity savings [1].

Page 11
Figure 7: Annualised cost per installation of measure [1].

Figure 8: Total potential for annual energy savings across stock [1]

An important note is that this study excludes all of the behavioural and heating supply measures,
such as installing a condensing boiler and decreasing the temperature by 1°C. To be in line with
the analysis in Background Report 3a, only measures relating to the building envelope were
included such as insulation and improvements to the windows. The resulting measures included
are outlined in Table 2. Also, Figure 9 presents the overlapping savings data which corrects the
savings when different measures are combined in one dwelling, so they can counteract some of
the savings by each other, thus lowering the overall savings. The figure shows that this is only
occurs for the boilers, and so all the measures included in this study do not have an overlapping
effect. As a result, the overlapping affect is not considered here.

Page 12
Table 2: Measures included in the study.

Component Measure
Hot Water tank insulation from none
Hot water tank Hot Water tank insulation from jacket
Hot Water tank insulation from foam
Cavity Wall Insulation - Easy to treat
Cavity Wall Insulation - Hard to treat with Cavity Wall Insulation
Cavity Wall Insulation - Hard to treat with Solid Wall Insulation - Internal
Solid wall insulation - Internal
Walls & doors
Cavity Wall Insulation - low impact
Solid wall insulation - External
Cavity Wall Insulation - Hard to treat with Solid Wall Insulation - External
Insulated doors
Loft (50-124mm)
Loft (125-199mm)
Loft (50-124mm) - Hard to treat
Loft (125-199mm) - Hard to treat
Suspended timber floor
Solid floor
Single to double glazing
Windows Pre 2002 double to double glazing
Post 2002 double to double glazing
Building air Draught proofing
tightness Reduced infiltration

Figure 9: Comparison of technical potential savings versus overlapping savings removed [1].

Page 13
Table 3: Heat savings per measure in the UK, including number of dwellings receiving each measure along with the corresponding cost for each measure,
including unit cost of heat savings.

average Annual Number of
annualised Unit cost
annual heat heat dwellings
Component Measure cost for the (€/kWh
savings per savings in receiving
UK (€ saved)
measure UK (TWh) measure in UK
Hot Water tank insulation from none 2067 0.09 41,152 0.06 0.0007
Hot water tank Hot Water tank insulation from jacket 519 1.3 2,459,016 3.4 0.003
Hot Water tank insulation from foam 162 0.3 1,578,947 2.2 0.008
Cavity Wall Insulation - Easy to treat 3726 6.4 1,712,329 58.7 0.009
Cavity Wall Insulation - Hard to treat with Cavity
3573 8.1 2,261,905 77.5 0.01
Wall Insulation
Cavity Wall Insulation - Hard to treat with Solid
4475 0.3 76,046 23.9 0.07
Wall Insulation - Internal
Walls & doors Solid wall insulation - Internal 5062 24.3 4,789,916 2,165.5 0.09
Cavity Wall Insulation - low impact 281 0.2 606,061 24.9 0.15
Solid wall insulation - External 5657 13.2 2,330,827 2203.3 0.17
Cavity Wall Insulation - Hard to treat with Solid
2637 1.3 483,871 324.8 0.25
Wall Insulation - External
Insulated doors 179 1.7 9,523,810 391.4 0.23
Loft (50-124mm) 676 4.3 6,289,308 86.2 0.02
Loft (125-199mm) 272 0.1 312,500 4.3 0.05
Loft (50-124mm) - Hard to treat 736 0.1 115,607 15.8 0.19
Loft (125-199mm) - Hard to treat 349 0.04 121,951 16.7 0.39
Suspended timber floor 817 3.8 4,687,500 96.3 0.025
Solid floor 851 12.8 15,000,000 1130.3 0.089
Single to double glazing 2340 4.7 2,000,000 630.2 0.13
Windows Pre 2002 double to double glazing 1038 17.9 17,213,115 5541.8 0.31
Post 2002 double to double glazing 230 1.7 7,407,407 2334.1 1.37
Building air Draught proofing 451 0.4 943,396 19.4 0.046
tightness Reduced infiltration 434 9.4 21,568,627 443.2 0.05

Page 14
Overall by implementing these measures the UK could save around 112 TWh (or 28%) of heat
demand per year out of 400 TWh based on the 2010 demand, assuming that the floor area
remains the same, at a total annualised cost of around €16 billion/year.

All the measures are ranked from cheapest to the most expensive. The results shown in Table 4
and Figure 10 show the cheapest measures first up to the most expensive. Table 4 provides the
new heat density (kWh/m2) after each measure is installed in the UK. Before any of the measures
are installed the heat density is 161 kWh/m2. Figure 10 shows the measures being installed one
after the other in this order. On the x-axis the reduction in heat energy of the total UK heat demand
is calculated as each measure is implemented. Each measure is added to the previous measure
and the cumulative energy savings for the UK housing stock are determined until all the measures
have been implemented. When plotting each measure on the chart, the measures are added to
each other as if they are installed sequentially in the UK building stock and thus the energy savings
keep accumulating. Although the energy savings accumulate along the x-axis, the unit cost of each
measure is not accumulated on the y-axis. Instead, it reflects the cost of the measure individually.

Table 4: Unit heat demand (kWh/ m2) as each measure is installed, starting with hot water tank insulation to post
2002 double to double glazing.

Hot Hot Hot Susp Cavity Wall

Cavity Cavity Wall
Water Water Water Loft ende Reduce Loft Insulation - Hard
Wall Insulation -
tank tank tank (50- d Draught d (125- to treat with
Insulatio Hard to treat
insulatio insulatio insulatio 124m timbe proofing infiltrati 199mm Solid Wall
n - Easy with Cavity
n from n from n from m) r on ) Insulation -
to treat Wall Insulation
none jacket foam floor Internal
161 161 160 158 155 153 151 151 148 147 147
Loft Pre
Cavity Cavity Wall Loft
(50- 2002
Solid wall Single to Wall Solid wall Insula Insulation - Hard (125-
Solid 124mm double Post 2002 double
insulation double Insulatio insulation - ted to treat with Solid 199mm
floor )- to to double glazing
- Internal glazing n - low External doors Wall Insulation - ) - Hard
Hard to double
impact External to treat
treat glazing
142 133 131 131 125 125 125 124 117 117 116

Page 15
United Kingdom Unit Cost of Various Heat Supplies



Unit Cost of Heat Savings (€/kWh)






200 160 120 80 40 0
Heat Intensity for Residential Buildings (kWh/m2)

Figure 10: Heat demand per square metre against cost for marginal savings. Note that this does not include all
of the savings presented in Table 3 since the scale on the axes is the same as in Figure 4.

Page 16
4 Comparing the Cost of Heat Savings and Heat Supply for Each
The building envelope is usually much more efficient in newer buildings than in older buildings, due
to improved building regulations over time. Therefore, when heat savings are implemented in older
buildings, there is usually a shorter payback than when buildings are implemented in newer
buildings. As a result, heat savings are usually implemented in older buildings first, so in the
beginning heat savings are extremely cost effective from a private and socio-economic
perspective. However, over time the number of older buildings that need renovating becomes less
and less, so the payback of heat savings reduces, with previous studies concluding that the cost of
further heat savings will eventually surpass the cost of supply [5]. On the broader energy system
level it is at this point that it is more cost-effective to consume heat within the building rather than to
add a new heat saving measure. The key question remaining is at what point does the cost of heat
savings exceed the cost of heat supply?

Here, the balance between the cost of heat savings and the cost of heat supply is compared for the
STRATEGO countries. This comparison is based on the unit cost of heat savings obtained in
sections 2 and 3, with the unit cost of heat supply. Therefore, the unit cost of heat supply has to be
calculated. The levelised cost was determined for 1 kWh of heat for oil boilers, natural gas boilers,
biomass boilers, air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, electric heating, and district
heating. The assumptions used to estimate the levelised costs of heating are provided in Table 5,
while the resulting levelised costs for heat are displayed in Figure 11.

Table 5: Cost assumptions to estimate the levelised cost from various individual heating technologies. These
are the costs of single-family heating units for new buildings based on the year 2020 [6][7].

Heat Heat
Oil Natural gas Biomass Pump Pump Electric District
Heating System
Boiler Boiler Boiler Air Ground Heating Heating
Source Source
Specific investment
6.6 5 6.75 12 16 8 2.5
Technical lifetime (years) 20 22 20 20 20 30 20
Annual Investment*
444 251 454 672 874 408 202
Fixed O&M (€/unit/year) 270 46 25 135 135 80 150
Efficiency 100% 102% 87% 330% 350% 100% 98%
Annual Fuel Consumption#
15 15 17 4.5 4.3 15 15
2010 Fuel Cost+ (€/MWh) 32 36 32 65” 65” 65” 36”
2050 Fuel Cost+ (€/MWh) 65 54 41 83” 83” 83” 51”
Annual District Heating
Pipe Costs (€/MWh)^
*Using equation 1 and assuming an interest rate of 3%
#Annual a heat demand of 15 MWh/year
+Based on the cost from the Euroepan Commission [8], with the addition of fuel handling costs [6]. Carbon dioxide costs

are not included here.

^Based on the cost of conventional district heating networks in existing areas [7].
“Assuming the electricity/heat is produced from a combined cycle gas turbine and based on the cost assumptions in the

EnergyPLAN Cost Database [6].

Page 17
2010 2050 Unit Cost of Various Heat Supplies


Unit Cost of Heat Production (€/kWh)






Oil Natural Gas Biomass Air Source Ground Source Electric District
Boiler Boiler Boiler Heat Pump Heat Pump Heating Heating
Figure 11: Unit cost for different years and costs for different heat sources.

The result suggest that the unit cost of heat supply is in the region of €0.06-0.11/kWh depending
on the type of technology and the fuel price. These levelized costs are good for approximations,
but they should only be seen as a guide since they do not account for the synergies that can be
utilised in the energy system. For example, the electricity price for heat pumps and electric heating
could vary significantly depending on the mix of technologies for electricity production. Here these
unit prices are used as guide and compared with the unit cost of heat savings to establish an initial
estimate for the level of heat savings feasible in each country.

Figure 12 displays these unit costs of heat supply against the unit costs of heat savings identified
in sections 2 and 3. The results indicate the level of heat savings can vary dramatically depending
on the specific cut-off point that is defined and the country that is being considered. For example, if
the lowest estimated cost of heat supply is chosen, then the level of heat savings is 0-60%
depending on the country chosen, while if it is the highest cost of heat supply, then the level is 20-
60%. This illustrates the dangers of using a unit cost approach when defining a specific level.
However, on the contrary, the unit costs approach also provides some valuable insights.

Page 18
CZ HR IT RO UK Unit Cost of Various Heat Supplies


Unit Cost of Heat Savings (€/kWh)






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Heat Savings (% of Today's Heat Demand)

Figure 12: Comparison between the unit cost of heat supply and the unit cost of heat savings, along with the
corresponding level of heat savings for each STRATEGO country. Note: today’s heat demand refers to the year
2014 for Czech Republic, Croatia, Italy and Romania, but to the year 2010 for the UK.

Table 6: Heat Savings feasible in each country at based on the levelized cost of heat savings compared to the
levelized cost of heat supply.

Heat Savings Heat

Cost of Heat Cost of Heat Heat Intensity
Feasible (% of Intensity
Supply €0.06/kWh Supply €0.11/kWh (kWh/m2)
Today’s (kWh/m2)
CZ 60% 66 60% 66
HR 35% 70 45% 60
IT 0% 100 40% 55
RO 3% 120 50% 50
UK 10% 150 20% 130
*This is the maximum level of heat savings that is technically feasible even with very strong policy support
between today and 2050 (see Background Report 3a).

The results show that for four countries (UK, Croatia, Italy, Romania) the cost of renovations
reaches a point in which it can be argued that it is cheaper to supply heat rather than install more
heat saving measures. However, as shown in Figure 12, the Czech Republic is able to reduce its
heat demand significantly at a relatively cheap cost, and it never crosses the threshold for the cost
of supplying heat. There is a slight upward trend at the end of the modelled data, so if more heat
saving measures are installed, then it is likely that the cost of heat savings would eventually
surpass the cost of the heat supply for the Czech Republic, but this point is currently unknown,

For the four countries in the Ecofys analysis (see Background Report 3a), which are the Czech
Republic, Croatia, Italy, and Romania, it is assumed as a starting point in the analysis that the level
of heat savings is approximately 40-50%. Afterwards, the heat savings will be increased and

Page 19
decreased using an whole energy systems analysis approach with the EnergyPLAN tool, to
establish the cheapest level of savings from an energy systems perspective.

The UK profile in Figure 12 is different to the other countries, since the cost of renovating the
dwellings increases much faster, and overall less savings can be achieved with similar renovations
measures (insulation and windows). The point at which the cost of heat savings surpasses the
cheapest heat supply is at around 10% heat savings, which is at a heat intensity of 150 kWh/m2,
while it crosses the most expensive heat supply threshold at 20% heat savings, which is at a heat
intensity of 130 kWh/m2 (see Table 6). This is very different to the other countries, which is most
likely related to the methodology. For example, some key considerations between the two
methodologies are:

 The UK study does not consider new buildings or demolition of old buildings. The building
stock remains the same in the study. In comparison, the Ecofys method increases the floor
area every year since it considers demolition and new building rates, whereas the floor area
in the UK remains the same
 The Ecofys method includes residential and service buildings, whereas the UK study
includes only residential dwellings
 The Ecofys method calculates heat demand per year based on installation of insulation and
windows every year, whereas the UK study calculates the savings from different measures
as a total for the UK stock, and this does not consider the time horizon in which that occurs.
 The Ecofys study is based on a modelling tool that uses some key parameters, such as
demolition rate, new build rate etc. Whereas the UK study is based on detailed analysis of
the buildings stock and real-life potential for renovations and associated costs.

It is very unlikely that the UK varies this much from the other countries. In other words, it is unlikely
that all other countries can potentially reach a heat intensity as low as 50-65 kWh/m2, but the UK
can only reach 130 kWh/m2 (see Table 6). Due to these differences, the cost of heat savings in the
UK is not based on the costs identified here in section 3. Instead, it will be assumed that the heat
intensity in the UK can be reduced to a similar level as the other STRATEGO countries, which is
conservatively assumed here to be 70 kWh/m2, and that the cost of these savings measures in the
UK is the average of the costs in the other four STRATEGO countries. Assuming a 70 kWh/m 2
corresponds to a total heat demand reduction in the UK of ~40%, while the average cost for the
other four STRATEGO countries will only be available after the cheapest level of heat savings is
identified in the energy system analysis in the main study for the other four countries. The level of
UK savings will be varied at different levels in the same way as the other countries to see if this
40% level is a reasonable assumption from an energy system perspective, but again the
corresponding costs will be the average of the other four countries and not the costs identified here
in section 3.

Page 20
5 Discussion and Conclusion
Identifying a balance between the cost of heat supply and heat savings is a very difficult task.
When comparing unit costs, small changes in the assumptions can have a large impact of the level
of heat savings defined as optimal. In addition, these numbers could potentially hide many of the
challenges relating to the implementation. An extreme example could be an historical building
where it is technically possible and economically viable to renovate from an energy perspective,
but due to the cultural value of the building’s façade, it is not possible to implement these
measures. As a result, it is often important to go beyond the numbers when analysing the realistic
level of heat savings that can be implemented in the future. Below are some reflections on the
context of the numbers developed in this report.

Firstly, the numbers in Figure 12 and Table 6 are average numbers for the entire building stock, so
there will be differences between the buildings in each country. For example, new buildings
typically have a higher unit cost per heat saved than an existing building. For example, if you install
a triple-glazing window with a very low insulation level in a new building, then it will be an
improvement on the standard double-glazing window that usually goes into new buildings.
However, if you put the same triple-glazed window into an existing building, then the window will
cost the same price, but it will now most likely replace a single-glazed window in the exiting house
rather than the double-glazed window that is typically in new houses. Therefore, for the same
investment, you have obtained higher savings.

Furthermore, it is likely that more heat savings can be achieved in the rural areas than in urban
areas, since the passive solar heat gain is usually higher for rural dwellings. For example, in the
urban areas many buildings are located close together and the buildings can be four, five or more
stories high, so the passive solar heat gain can be relatively low. Also, in rural areas it is easier to
develop individual renewable heat sources such as solar thermal and solar PV, since there is more
roof area per person available. This means that in the urban areas, there will likely be less heat
savings on average, while in rural areas, there will likely be more heat savings on average.

Also, even if a lot of heat savings are implemented, it is still unlikely that the ‘dispatchable’ heat
production unit can be removed completely (i.e. the boiler or heat pump). For example, to become
a Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) is not only a matter of heat savings, but it also typically
requires some form heat supply. The main heat supply in a NZEB is often solar thermal or solar
photovoltaic panels, but since their production is intermittent, some form of ‘dispatchable’ or
‘controllable’ heat supply is still necessary, since the space heating and/or hot water demands
cannot rely solely on solar in the winter for example. For this, some typical options could be heat
pumps, electric heating, boilers, or district heating. It is very unlikely that the ‘backup’ unit will ever
be completely removed since there is a risk that the solar cannot supply the hot water when
necessary. This is an important consideration since once the ‘backup’ unit is in place, the cost of
supplying heat from the unit is much lower than if you also include the original investment cost.

Finally, it is important to appreciate that savings are usually an extremely economic solution for the
energy system, since they eliminate the need for the rest of the supply chain, such as the fuel
production, transportation, and maintenance. However, in some cases the heat supply available
will take place with or without heat savings. For example, even if there is no heat demand in the
buildings, there will still be excess heat available from the thermal power plants which could be

Page 21
used to heat the buildings. These synergies are only visible when the energy system is analysed
from a holistic perspective in the main report.

In conclusion, the results in this study demonstrate that the cost of heat savings is likely to surpass
the cost of heat supply as more heat savings are implemented. However, this economic balance
between heat savings and heat supply is still unclear after comparing the unit cost of heat supply
and the unit cost of heat savings. The balance varies significantly depending on the country and on
the cut-off point defined for the cost of heat supply. Therefore, instead of defining an exact level
here, the unit costs are used as a starting point when analysing different levels of heat savings in
each of the STRATEGO countries.

Although a literature review was carried out to identify specific costs for the UK, these results were
significantly different to those reported in Background Report 3a for the other four STRATEGO
countries. Therefore, the scale and cost of heat savings in the UK is based on the average cost of
heat savings from the other four countries.

Page 22
6 References

[1] Element Energy, “Review of potential for carbon savings from residential energy efficiency. Final
report for The Committee on Climate Change.,” Cambridge, 2013.

[2] Department of Energy and Climate Change, “Energy Consumption in the UK (ECUK) Domestic data
tables,” 2014. [Online]. Available:
the-uk. [Accessed: 20-Oct-2014].

[3] Enerdata, Ademe, and European Energy Network, “ODYSSEE database on energy efficiency data &
indicators,” 2014. [Online]. Available:

[4] Department of Energy and Climate Change, “Guidance Standard Assessment Procedure,” 2014.
[Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20-Oct-2014].

[5] D. Connolly, H. Lund, B. V Mathiesen, S. Werner, B. Möller, U. Persson, T. Boermans, D. Trier, P. A.

Østergaard, and S. Nielsen, “Heat Roadmap Europe: Combining district heating with heat savings to
decarbonise the EU energy system,” Energy Policy, vol. 65, pp. 475–489, 2014.

[6] Aalborg University, “EnergyPLAN cost database,” 2014. [Online]. Available:

[7] Danish Energy Agency, “Technology Data for Energy Plants: Individual Heating Plants and Energy
Transport,” 2012.

[8] P. Capros, A. De Vita, N. Tasios, D. Papadopoulos, P. Siskos, E. Apostolaki, M. Zampara, L.

Paroussos, K. Fragiadakis, and N. Kouvariatakis, “E3M-Lab, IIASA-GAINS model, IIASA-GLOBIOM
model, and EuroCARE, EU energy, transport and GHG emissions trends to 2050 - reference scenario
2013,” 2014.

Page 23
Project No: IEE/13/650

Quantifying the Heating and Cooling Demand

in Europe

Work Package 2
Background Report 4
Authors: Urban Persson
Sven Werner
Contact: Halmstad University
S-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden
T: +46 0 3516 7405
© 2015

Deliverable No. D 2.2: Public Document.

The STRATEGO project (Multi-level actions for enhanced Heating & Cooling
plans) is supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The sole
responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the funding authorities. The funding authorities
are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained


Heat Roadmap Europe Website:
Online Maps:

Page 2
1 European heating demands ................................................................................. 4
1.1 Background ...................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1 Method and data ....................................................................................... 4
1.1.2 Results ...................................................................................................... 8
1.1.3 Some conclusions ....................................................................................11
1.2 European cooling demands .............................................................................11
1.2.1 Background ..............................................................................................11
1.2.2 Method .....................................................................................................12
1.2.3 Intermediate estimations ..........................................................................12
1.2.4 Results .....................................................................................................15
1.2.5 Some conclusions ....................................................................................19
Appendix ..............................................................................................................23

Page 3
1 European heating demands
1.1 Background
Building heat demands for space heating and hot water preparation in residential and service
sectors are quantified in the Stratego project by use of international energy statistics, a set of
default conversion efficiencies for fuels used in final consumption, and a separate inquiry on
electricity used for heating purposes. The assignment is to estimate the current heating
demands in European buildings by country and by NUTS3 region using a top-down approach,
partly to establish national and regional average values, partly to provide input data for the
specific purpose of creating a high resolution heat demand density map for Europe in order to
identify future possibilities for district heating systems. In the following, an account is given for
the establishment of country and regional average values, while a separate section (see
Background report 5 & 6) is dedicated to the approach and measures used to create the Pan-
European heat demand density map.

Building heat demands account for significant shares of total energy use in European Union
Member States today and the provision of energy services to meet these demands may utilise
several different fuel supply sources and energy carriers. As will be presented in the following,
fossil fuel supply sources are, on average, dominating alternatives in EU28 at current, where
coal, oil products, and natural gas especially, represent 68% of the total supply to the building
heat market (78% including electricity, which often is generated by use of fossil fuels). This
indicates that the European building sector has an important role to play in the future
decarbonisation of the European energy system, since there is plenty of room for
improvements in this sector. One such improvement could be obtained by replacing some of
the current fossil supply with recovered excess heat from energy and industry activities, as
well as with renewable heat resources. District heating, which at current account for only a
minor share of the total EU28 building heat market (12%), represent a key technology for the
viability of such an approach.

One would perhaps think that building heat demands are a main issue mainly in Northern
Member States, where colder climates and longer winter seasons emphasise the demand for
these energy services, but since building heat demands reflect levels of building insulation,
levels of energy services available and desired, levels of comfort etc., no such clear division
exist in Europe today. Quite contrary, building heat demands are substantial also in central
and, to some extent, as well in Southern Member States. In the future, by refurbishments of
the current building stock and by new construction of low energy houses, the heat demands of
European buildings are expected to decrease. However, since in parallel, specific buildings
spaces and the use of domestic hot water are expected to increase, the future heat demands
of European building remain difficult to predict. In this section, focus is on the current situation
and the reference year for all statistical information used is 2010.

1.1.1 Method and data

To assess heat demands for space heating and hot water preparation in EU28 residential and
service sector buildings, the approach within the Stratego project centres on the use of national
level energy statistics (corrected energy balances for the year 2010 from the International
Energy Agency (IEA, 2014)) and a separate survey on electricity used for heating purposes.
The objective is to establish national volumes of fuel and energy supply to European buildings
for heating purposes and, by use of default conversion efficiencies, assess the end-use heat
demands to which this supply correspond (i.e. the EU28 building heat market). As can be seen
in Table 1, default conversion efficiencies are set to reflect current average performance to be
expected from individual boilers (using different fuel sources) and electrical appliances (heat
pumps and resistance heaters) in contemporary building installations today. To facilitate a

Page 4
comprehensive understanding of the distribution between the residential and the commercial
& public services sector, all data is in this context separated with respect to the residential
sector (including non-specified (other) sector), the service sector, and the EU28 total.

Table 1. Fuel supply sources and energy carriers extracted from international energy statistics and
anticipated average conversion efficiencies in local boilers and electrical appliances. Default values set to
reflect average performance in contemporary building installations at current
Fuel supply sources and energy carriers Average conversion
Coal and coal products 65%
Peat 60%
Crude, NGL, and feedstocks 80%
Oil Products 80%
Natural gas 85%
Geothermal (heat) 100%
Solar/wind/other 100%
Biofuels and waste 65%
Heat (District heat) 100%
Electricity for heat pumps (residential sector) 300%
Electricity for resistance heaters (residential 100%

Table 2. Shares of electricity in residential sector heat demands (HD), by EU28 Member States, used data
sources, and relative distribution of electrical heat demand in terms of heat pumps and other electric
Member Share of electricity Data source, Heat Other
States in residential HD share of electricity in residential pumpsa electric
[%] HD [%] [%]
Austria 6 (Kranzl et al., 2012) 33 67
Belgium 3 (Entranze, 2014b) 0 100
Bulgaria 14 (Entranze, 2014b) 10 90
Croatia 6 (Entranze, 2014b) 0 100b
Cyprus 27 (CYSTAT, 2011) 0 100
Czech 8 (Zahradník et al., 2012) 30 70
Denmark 3 (Entranze, 2014b) 14 86
Estonia 3 (Entranze, 2014b) 0 100
Finland 17 (Kiuru et al., 2012) 6 94c
France 13 (Entranze, 2014b) 2 98
Germany 7 (Kockat and Rohde, 2012) 17 83
Greece 7 (Entranze, 2014b) 0 100
Hungary 4 (Entranze, 2014b) 0 100
Ireland 5 (Entranze, 2014b) 0 100
Italy 6 (Zangheri et al., 2012) 0 100
Latvia 1 (Entranze, 2014b) 0 100
Lithuania 0 (Entranze, 2014b) 0 100
Luxembourg 5 (Entranze, 2014a) 0 100
Malta 77 (Valletta, 2014) 0 100b
Netherlands 2 (Entranze, 2014b) 82 18
Poland 1 (Entranze, 2014b) 1 99
Portugal 19 (Entranze, 2014b) 0 100
Romania 1 (Atanasiu et al., 2012) 0 100
Slovak 3 (Entranze, 2014b) 30 70
Slovenia 1 (Entranze, 2014b) 0 100b
Spain 18 (Entranze, 2014b) 25 75
Sweden 26 (Entranze, 2014b) 68 32
United 9 (Palmer and Cooper, 2012) 4 96
All data on relative shares, heat pumps versus Other electric, gathered from (Entranze, 2014a) unless otherwise noted
No Entranze data available. Assumed distribution.
No Entranze data available. Used data source: (Statistics Finland, 2008). NOTE; Shares refer to Residential and Service sector

Page 5
Since, in international energy statistics, electricity use in residential and service sectors never is specified
in terms of electricity used for electrical or heating purposes, alternative information sources are used in
the Stratego assessments to better estimate this share of the total building heat demand. For the residential
sector assessments, the Entranze portal (Entranze, 2015) with associated country reports and publications
(Atanasiu et al., 2012; Entranze, 2014a, b; Kiuru et al., 2012; Kockat and Rohde, 2012; Kranzl et al., 2012;
Zahradník et al., 2012; Zangheri et al., 2014; Zangheri et al., 2012), have been the main information sources
used for this end. Where available, also some national reports (CYSTAT, 2011; Palmer and Cooper, 2012;
Statistics Finland, 2008; Valletta, 2014) were used. As detailed in

Table 2, national shares of electricity used for heating purposes in the residential sector are
established by a selection of these sources, however mainly by use of (Entranze, 2014b).

Table 3. Electricity supply for final consumption in service sector, anticipated average electricity for heating
purposes, total service sector heat market, and calculated electricity shares of service sector heat demands
(HD), by EU28 Member States, data for 2010
Electricity Electricity for Total heat market - Total heat Share of
supplya heating (19.7%)b excluding electricityc market electricity in
Member States [EJ] [EJ] [EJ] [EJ] service HD
Austria 0.047 0.009 0.068 0.078 12
Belgium 0.080 0.016 0.109 0.125 13
Bulgaria 0.029 0.006 0.011 0.017 34
Croatia 0.019 0.004 0.011 0.015 25
Cyprus 0.008 0.002 0.002 0.003 46
Czech Republic 0.050 0.010 0.070 0.080 12
Denmark 0.039 0.008 0.047 0.055 14
Estonia 0.009 0.002 0.008 0.010 18
Finland 0.064 0.013 0.014 0.026 48
France 0.512 0.101 0.379 0.480 21
Germany 0.555 0.109 0.781 0.890 12
Greece 0.065 0.013 0.014 0.027 48
Hungary 0.041 0.008 0.078 0.086 9
Ireland 0.026 0.005 0.031 0.036 14
Italy 0.308 0.061 0.341 0.402 15
Latvia 0.009 0.002 0.014 0.016 11
Lithuania 0.010 0.002 0.013 0.015 13
Luxembourg 0.007 0.001 0.010 0.011 12
Malta 0.0023 0.0004 0.0000 0.0004 100
Netherlands 0.126 0.025 0.244 0.269 9
Poland 0.157 0.031 0.164 0.195 16
Portugal 0.059 0.012 0.016 0.028 41
Romania 0.027 0.005 0.045 0.050 11
Slovak Republic 0.029 0.006 0.049 0.055 10
Slovenia 0.011 0.002 0.009 0.011 19
Spain 0.302 0.060 0.088 0.148 40
Sweden 0.118 0.023 0.086 0.109 21
United Kingdom 0.351 0.069 0.278 0.347 20
EU28 Total 3.061 0.604 2.982 3.586 17
a As reported in (IEA, 2014).
b Average share for space and water heating of 19,7% for EU27 tertiary sector in 2007, according to (Bertoldi and Atanasiu,
c As reported in (IEA, 2014) and by use of default conversion efficiencies for fuel transformations according to Table 1.

An important piece of information for the residential sector assessments was also the division
of electricity used for heating purposes with respect to heat pumps and “other electric” (mainly
resistance heaters), available in (Entranze, 2014a). By this division at national level, it is
possible in the Stratego assessment to estimate the often-obscure actual heat demand
represented by heat supply from heat pumps. Since, according to Table 1, a default conversion
efficiency of 300% is designated electrical heat pumps in this context, the corresponding heat
demand satisfied by this technology is anticipated at three times the electrical supply.

Page 6
For the Stratego service sector assessment, another approach was used since the Entranze
data refers mainly to the residential sector only. Additionally, information on end use
distributions of Member States service sector electricity use is very rare in general (no coherent
data source seem to be available at current), which further necessitated an alternative
approach. Based on a EU27 average value for the tertiary sector in 2007 (19.7% of all
electricity use designated to space and water heating herein, according to (Bertoldi and
Atanasiu, 2009)), electricity volumes for heating purposes are assessed by applying this share
uniformly to total electricity supplies for final consumption per Member State (IEA, 2014), as
detailed in Table 3. By subsequently adding hereby calculated volumes of electricity used for
heating purposes to total Member State heat markets excluding electricity (IEA, 2014),
assessments of total service sector heat markets are made available. From this, national
shares of electricity use in service sector total heat demands, albeit somewhat granular, may
be established.

Hereby, national level assessments of total fuel and energy volumes supplied and used for
heating purposes in EU28 residential and service sector buildings are possible to estimate.
Based on this, the next step involves national and regional population statistics, to assess
specific heat demands (per-capita values), regional climate index factors (European Heating
Index (EHI)), to adjust national values to regional conditions, and a proper regional division of
the European continent to capture local conditions. Population statistics was gathered from
Eurostat, on Member State level from (ES, 2014b) and on regional level from (ES, 2013), while
geographical data on NUTS3 regions, the third level of European administrative units, were
retrieved from the Eurostat/GISCO portal (ES, 2014a). According to 2010 (EU27) and 2008
NUTS classification, 35 European countries contain a total of 1453 defined regions today,
among which 1302 are found in main land continental EU28 Member States (ES, 2010, 2011).

Avg. Specific Heat Demand Adjustment interval by

regional climate index factor


























Figure 1. Average EU28 and Member State specific heat demands for final consumption of space
heating and hot water preparation, with indicated adjustment interval by adaption of regional climate
index factors. Data for year 2010.

To compensate for climatic variations within single Member States, present in countries with
far north south stretches or large topological differences, regional climate conditions relative
national climate conditions are anticipated by use of the European Heating Index (Werner,
2005). Typical index factor values range from ~0.6 in Southern Europe to ~1.5 in Northern

Page 7
Scandinavia (relative average European conditions at 1.0). By this procedure, average national
specific heat demands are increased by a factor ~1.3 (e.g. regions in northern Italy, Greece,
and Sweden), and decreased by a factor ~0.7 (e.g. regions in southern Spain, Italy, Greece,
and France), in most extreme instances, see Figure 1. (See also Figure 12 in the Appendix for
a continental EU28 map of used index factors per NUTS3 region and Member State). Hereby,
average national specific heat demands are adjusted and related to NUTS3 region population
counts, whereby estimates of local climate adjusted regional heat demands are made
available, as illustrated in Figure 13 in the Appendix.

As also visible in Figure 1, national average specific heat demand values range from
approximately 10 to 50 GJ per-capita, with a EU28 national average at ~28 GJ per-capita. In
preparation for visual representation, finally, all data was assembled in a relational database
and spatially analysed within the ArcMap 10.1 GIS interface (ESRI, 2014).

1.1.2 Results

When compiling all reported fuel supplies and energy volumes from the considered sources
and calculating the corresponding end use heat demand in EU28, the results show that a total
annual energy supply of 15.5 EJ was supplied to buildings in residential and service sectors
during the year 2010, as illustrated at left in Figure 2. Natural gas and oil products dominate
the supply, followed by biofuels and waste, district heat, and electricity, respectively, while
geothermal and other renewable sources are strictly marginal.

16 16 100%


15 15 12%
1.55 90%
14 14
13 1.57 13 12%
12 12 1.60
1.75 70% 9%
11 11 0.5%
Heat 0.06 1.57
0.02 0.1%
10 10
Biofuels and waste 1.14 60%
9 9 0.06
Solar/wind/other 8 8 50%
Geothermal 7 7.31 7 47%
Natural gas 6 6
5 5 30%
Oil products
4 4
Coal and coal products 3 3 20%
2 2.70 2
2.16 10% 16%
1 1
0 0.51 0 0.33 3%
EU28 Total EU28 Total EU28 Total
Figure 2. EU28 residential and service sector building heat market in 2010. At left, fuel and energy
supply for final consumption to provide useful heat, by origin of fuel supply and energy sources. At
centre, useful heat demand after local conversions. At right, distribution of residential and service sector
building end use heat demands by fuel supply source and energy carrier.

In terms of useful heat demand, see Figure 2 at centre, the total residential and service sector
building heat market constitute an energy volume of approximately 13.1 EJ, after e.g.
conversion heat losses in local boilers and high thermal efficiencies of individual heat pumps.

Page 8
This volume is higher than previous assessments performed in the Heat Roadmap Europe
context ((Connolly et al., 2014; Connolly et al., 2013), where a corresponding EU27 end use
heat demand of 11.8 EJ is assessed for the same year. Three plausible explanations for this
difference are (i) use of corrected 2010 data, (ii) use of unique default conversion efficiencies
per fuel and energy source (instead of uniform conversion efficiencies for all sources), and (iii)
higher detail of electricity used for heating purposes.

Once more, it is apparent that fossil fuel supply sources dominate the European building heat
market at current, representing some 66% of the total end use heat demand, while district
heating represents 12% (with a useful heat volume of 1.57 EJ) and the electric heat demand
accounting for 12% (1.60 EJ), as presented in Figure 2 at right.

In Figure 3, the total end use heat demand, i.e. the EU28 residential and service sector building
heat market, is presented by fuel supply and energy volumes for each Member State, and it is
clear that Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy, represent largest national heat
markets at current.

Coal and coal products Peat Crude, NGL and feedstocks

Oil products Natural gas Geothermal
Solar/wind/other Biofuels and waste Heat
Electric heat demand
















United Kingdom

Czech Republic

Slovak Republic


Figure 3. Stratego assessment of the EU28 residential and service sector building heat market in
2010, by Member States and fuel supply sources and energy carriers, data for year 2010.

As a complement to Figure 3, the results for the assessed EU28 residential and service sector
building heat market is presented also in numerical form in Table 5 in the Appendix. If
considering the relative shares of fuel supply sources and energy carriers used on respective

Page 9
Member State heat markets, as depicted in Figure 4, a wide variety of national preferences is
visible. The use of peat, for example, is limited essentially only to a few Member States (Ireland
and the Baltic States), which is also the case for coal (however, approximately a 27% heat
market share for coal in Poland). The use of oil products is pronounced in some instances
(more than 50% national heat market share in Greece), while being a more or less abandoned
alternative in e.g. the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, the Netherlands, Lithuania, and
Hungary. Natural gas, on the other hand, account for substantial heat market shares in several
countries today, especially so in the Netherlands (83%), the United Kingdom (77%), Italy
(72%), and Hungary (69%), and the average national heat market share for natural gas among
all EU28 Member States is 32%.

Coal and coal products Peat Crude, NGL and feedstocks

Oil products Natural gas Geothermal
Solar/wind/other Biofuels and waste Heat
Electric heat demand
Czech Republic










United Kingdom


Slovak Republic



Figure 4. Distribution of EU28 Member States end use heat demands for space heating and hot
water preparation in residential and service sector buildings. By fuel supply source and energy carrier,
data for year 2010. Note that this is an updated version of the same graph, which was reference by the
European Commission in October 2014 (EC, 2014).

In terms of renewable heat sources, geothermal heat reaches marginal heat market shares
only in a couple of Member states today (e.g. Bulgaria, Hungary, and Slovenia), while largest
volumes are found in France (~3.5 PJ annually). On national scale, the relative heat market
share of 20% for solar/wind/other sources in Cyprus is without competition the highest in
Europe today, although largest volumes of this category appear in Germany (20.3 PJ), Greece
(7.7 PJ), and Spain (7.6 PJ). Biofuels and waste reaches highest national heat market shares
in Latvia (37%), Romania (34%), and Estonia (30%), which is far above the average national
heat market share of 13% for this environmentally important resource. Finally, district heating
reaches half of total national heat market shares in some Northern Member States (54% in
Denmark, 51% in Estonia, 49% in both Sweden and Lithuania), but account for significant
national heat market shares also in Bulgaria (29%), Poland (28%), Austria, the Czech

Page 10
Republic, and the Slovak Republic (all three at approximately 24%). Electricity for heating
purposes on national European heat markets averages at 15% (12% of total EU28 building
heat market) and is most pronounced in the Republic of Malta (80%), Sweden (38%), Cyprus
(32%), and in Portugal (26%). However, largest electric heat demand volumes appear in
France (285 PJ), Germany (282 PJ), the United Kingdom (210 PJ), and Spain (185 PJ).

1.1.3 Some conclusions

The major conclusions from these Stratego estimations to quantify building heat demands for
space heating and hot water preparation in residential and service sectors are that:
1. Use of international energy statistics, default conversion efficiencies for fuels and
energy carriers used in final consumption, and a separate inquiry on electricity used for
heating purposes, allow estimations of the current building heat demands for space
heating and hot water preparation in European residential and service sectors

2. The EU28 building heat market is anticipated at 13.1 EJ for the year 2010. Natural gas
represents close to half of this market at current (47%) and fossil fuel sources dominate
the useful heat demand in general (66%). District heating represents 12%, the electric
heat demand 12%, biofuels and waste 9%, while coal and coal products, as well as
geothermal and other renewable resources, are only marginally utilised

3. Residential and service sector building heat demands in 1302 EU28 NUTS3 regions,
established by using a top-down approach based on national per-capita values and
compensated for regional climate conditions, provides input data for creating a Pan-
European heat demand density map at square kilometre grid cell resolution

4. Four Member States (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy) represent
largest total heat demand volumes, all with national building heat markets above one
EJ per year, while relative shares of fuel supply sources and energy carriers used on
EU28 Member States national heat markets are widely distributed

5. Benchmarking to previous assessments performed in the Heat Roadmap Europe

project suggests that the use of corrected 2010 data, unique default conversion
efficiencies, and a deeper assessment of electricity used for heating purposes, provides
a more realistic, and slightly higher, assessment of the EU28 building heat market

1.2 European cooling demands

1.2.1 Background

The assignment within the Stratego project is to estimate the current cooling demands in
European buildings by country and by location by a bottom-up method for planning and
modelling purposes. Another specific purpose is to provide input for creation of a detailed cold
density map for Europe in order to identify the Pan-European possibilities for district cooling

The main delimitation is that only space cooling demands for getting lower indoor temperatures
in buildings during summers are considered. Other cold demands in buildings as refrigerators
or freezers are not included in these estimations.

The cold currently generated for space cooling can either be generated in each room by
individual cooling devices (room air-conditioners – RAC), by central cooling (central air-
conditioning – CAC) in each building, or by district cooling systems in dense urban areas.

Page 11
1.2.2 Method

The current cooling demand by country is the product of three parameters: the average specific
cooling demands, the building spaces used, and the saturation rates. The latter are the
proportions of building spaces currently having cooling devices installed.

The full cooling demands constitute of the products of the specific cooling demands (per
building space area) and the building space areas. The current cooling supplies constitute of
the products of the cooling demands and the saturation rates. Cooling supplies are almost
always lower than the full cooling demands, since all cooling demands are not met by cooling
supplies. Hence, higher indoor temperatures are mostly accepted during warm summer days.

Building spaces are divided into residential and service sector building spaces, since the
average specific cooling demands in service sector buildings are normally higher than in
residential buildings. Service sector buildings constitute of all buildings excluding residential,
industrial, and agricultural buildings. Typical service sector buildings are used for offices,
education, hotels, health care, trade, sports etc.

Specific cooling demands, building space floor areas, and saturation rates have been gathered
from various literature sources. Aggregated estimations of the European cooling demands
have earlier been very rare, but during 2014 several new estimations have been published,
giving a possibility to benchmark the Stratego estimations obtained here with other
independent estimations.

All cooling demands and supplies are here expressed as useful cold to be used inside
buildings, except when otherwise is clearly stated. Cold is defined as heat removal. This cold
use interface is equivalent to cold deliveries from chiller evaporators or from district cooling
systems. Hereby, cooling demands and supplies are not generally expressed as electricity
input to chiller compressors.

1.2.3 Intermediate estimations Specific cooling demands

By tradition, cooling supplies as the output from cooling devices are seldom measured, making
it difficult to estimate the actual cooling demands in buildings. This statement is also valid for
the electricity supply used as input to these cooling devices. This electricity supply is normally
just a part of all electricity delivered and measured for a building when cooling is applied.

Some literature information about cooling demands in Europe have been published, but many
of these published demands are not measured, but theoretically estimated by combining
climate data with standard efficiencies for cooling devices. Hence, gathering existing cooling
demands in Europe is not an easy task and a proper Pan-European survey of cooling demands
and supplies by countries and by locations has never been published before.

However, one exception exists with respect to measurements of cooling supplies. When district
cooling systems are used, the cooling supplies are regularly measured in order to create
invoices for these cold deliveries. Hereby, these systems can provide information about
aggregated and average cooling demands. These systems deliver cold to mostly service
sector buildings.

In total, twenty annual cold deliveries have been gathered from district cooling systems and
these values consider both aggregated deliveries and deliveries to specific buildings. These
values are presented in Figure 5 as red squares with the European Cooling Index (ECI) as
independent variable. This index was defined and presented in (Dalin et al., 2005) as an

Page 12
indicator of local cooling demands at a time when proper actual specific cooling demands were
not available. The values considering six specific buildings from (Swedblom et al., 2014) have
also smaller diagonal black squares. These twenty values are grouped into three main clusters.
The highest cluster consists of three highest values and these were obtained from one Spanish
and two Italian district cooling systems. The intermediate cluster represents some French
district cooling systems, while the remaining values with ECI values between 45 and 85
constitute the lowest cluster based on information from district cooling systems in Finland,
Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland. The average red line represents the best linear fit to these
twenty values.

Cooling demand,
180 Calculated electricity
input from various
160 literature sources
Electricity input for
140 office buildings from
y = 1.22x - 43.05 FP7-Inspire project
120 R² = 0.88
Measured DC deliveries
in various DC systems
RESCUE 2014,
80 customer measurement
60 Linear (Calculated
electricity input from
40 various literature
Linear (Measured DC
20 deliveries in various DC
y = 0.39x - 13.34 systems)
0 R² = 0.60
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
European Cooling Index, ECI

Figure 5. Estimated specific cooling demands for service sector buildings with direct use of district
cooling or use of electricity input to compressor chillers.

Further fifty-three values have been gathered from various literature sources considering
electricity input to cooling devices in service sector buildings for various locations or countries.
These values are represented by the diagonal green squares in Figure 5. Twenty-seven of
these values have been cited from (INSPIRE, 2014) and consider country averages. These
values have also smaller diagonal black squares. The average green line represents the best
linear fit to these fifty-three values.

Energy efficiency ratio (EER) is the performance indicator for cooling devices expressing the
ratio between the output cooling energy from the evaporator and the input electricity to the
compressor. The average seasonal ERR (SEER) can be estimated from Figure 5 by the ratio
between the slopes for the two average lines. This SEER estimate amounts to 3.1 and this is
a very plausible value. Hence, the two average lines in Figure 5 support each other. Hereby,
the average red line in Figure 5 can be used to estimate the European cooling demands in
service sector buildings.

The corresponding detailed information about specific cooling demands is currently not
available for residential buildings in Europe. In both (Dalin et al., 2005) and (Tvärne et al.,

Page 13
2014), the residential cooling demands were assumed to be 45% of the service sector cooling
demands. The same estimation of 45% was also obtained when comparing residential and
office buildings in (INSPIRE, 2014). Therefore, the same ratio of 45% will also be used here in
the Stratego project. National building spaces

Areas of residential building spaces are rather well accessible from various national statistical
authorities. They have gathered them for many years, since this information have had
substantial political and governmental interests. The same has not been valid for service sector
building areas, giving a considerable unavailability of information about these buildings.

Service sector Residential sector


Building Floor Areas (million m2)


















United Kingdom

Czech Republic

Slovak Republic


Figure 6. Estimated building space areas in residential and service sector buildings in the EU28
member states.

However, the European Energy Performance for Buildings Directive and the Ecodesign
Directive has created a research demand for more information about the European buildings,
including the service sector buildings. This has given a better supply of information about the
European buildings from EU institutions, projects, and clusters as JRC, INSPIRE, BPIE,
ENTRANZE, ODYSSEE, and EPISCOPE (formerly TABULA). However, the INSPIRE project
did only review residential and office buildings, so the whole service sector was not reviewed.
The quality of this new information is sometimes very low with no references to original
information sources. Different sources are also quoting each other, giving some circulation of
low quality information. Another problem is that the national rules and standards for calculating
building space areas are different from country to country.

Page 14
Estimated building floor areas are presented in Figure 6. The service sector areas have been
estimated as the averages from six different groups of estimations, while the residential areas
have been estimated as the averages from eight different groups of estimations. National saturation rates

Gathered saturation rates are presented in Figure 7. Values for service sector buildings have
been estimated as the averages from four different groups of estimations. Ten percent was
assumed as a default value when no information was available at all for a specific country.
Values for residential buildings have been estimated from averages of seven different groups
of estimations.

Several of these estimations can be questioned and this reveals the low quality level for current
saturation rates. This is also the explanation for many literature sources to only provide
estimations of the European cooling demands on an aggregated European level, as in (Tvärne
et al., 2014).
Saturation Rates (according to various literature sources)

Service sector Residential sector

Czech Republic










United Kingdom



Slovak Republic



Figure 7. Estimated saturation rates for cooling supply to residential and service sector buildings
in the EU28 member states.

1.2.4 Results

Country estimations of total floor areas, European cooling index, specific cooling demands,
cooled areas, and the current cooling supplies are summarised inTable 4. The aggregated
values for EU28 reveal that 10% of all building areas are cooled and that these cooling supplies
cover 16% of the total cooling demand. The latter proportion is higher than the former since
cooling supplies are more common when the cooling demands are high.

Page 15
Table 4. Country estimations of total floor areas, European cooling index (ECI), specific cooling demands,
cooled floor areas and current cooling demands by country. Each national ECI estimation considers the
estimation for each capital city.

Total floor areas Specific cooling demands Cooled floor areas Current cooling supplies
Service Residen- Total ECI Service Residen- Average Service Residenti Total Service Residen- Total
Country sector tial sector tial sector al sector tial
Mm2 Mm2 Mm2 kWh/m2 kWh/m2 kWh/m2 Mm2 Mm2 Mm2 TWh TWh TWh
Austria 114 338 452 106 83 38 49 17 6 23 1 0 2
Belgium 105 402 507 77 50 23 28 15 10 25 1 0 1
Bulgaria 64 225 288 116 95 43 54 41 35 76 4 1 5
Croatia 32 149 181 85 59 27 32 3 40 44 0 1 1
Cyprus 8 44 52 160 145 65 77 1 36 37 0 2 2
Czech Republic 89 316 405 89 64 29 37 22 4 27 1 0 2
Denmark 122 295 418 59 30 13 18 10 4 14 0 0 0
Estonia 12 38 50 65 37 16 21 1 0 1 0 0 0
Finland 104 206 310 72 45 20 28 13 4 17 1 0 1
France 911 2571 3482 95 71 32 42 255 110 365 18 4 22
Germany 1594 3723 5317 98 74 33 46 239 58 297 18 2 20
Greece 141 486 627 161 146 66 84 85 49 134 12 3 16
Hungary 99 327 426 123 103 46 59 10 10 20 1 0 1
Ireland 43 174 216 32 0 0 0 7 2 8 0 0 0
Italy 421 2686 3107 133 114 51 60 295 304 599 34 16 49
Latvia 17 68 85 79 53 24 29 2 1 3 0 0 0
Lithuania 30 84 114 85 59 27 35 3 1 4 0 0 0
Luxembourg 5 27 32 81 55 25 29 1 0 1 0 0 0
Malta 4 17 21 143 126 57 70 0 11 11 0 1 1
Netherlands 295 702 997 65 37 16 22 60 30 90 2 0 3
Poland 385 951 1336 95 71 32 43 39 6 44 3 0 3
Portugal 52 619 671 104 81 36 40 23 31 54 2 1 3
Romania 59 442 501 137 119 53 61 7 17 24 1 1 2
Slovak Republic 38 150 188 117 96 43 54 4 1 5 0 0 0
Slovenia 28 67 95 116 95 43 58 3 11 13 0 0 1
Spain 349 2019 2368 147 130 59 69 299 202 501 39 12 51
Sweden 155 451 606 73 46 21 27 22 6 28 1 0 1
United Kingdom 736 2107 2843 74 47 21 28 107 50 157 5 1 6
EU28 6011 19684 25695 103 74 37 45 1584 1039 2623 145 47 192
26% 5% 10% 33% 7% 16% European cooling demand map

The information from Figure 5 about the correlation between the average specific cooling
demands for service sector buildings and the European cooling index (ECI) makes it possible
to generate a European map from locations with known estimations of ECI. This map is
provided in Figure 8 based on 80 locations in Europe. It is important to understand that this
map only presents average demands and that individual demands vary from these average
demands. The highest demands of 140 kWh/m2 are found in southeast Europe, while near
zero demands are found in northwest Europe. Ireland should have no cooling demands, while
the demands in the Nordic countries are around 30-40 kWh/m2, explaining the basic conditions
for the large district cooling systems in Stockholm and Helsinki.

The information from Figure 8 will be used to identify high agglomerations of cooling demands
giving high cold densities in European cities in order to investigate the possibilities for extended
and new district cooling systems.

Page 16
Figure 8. The average specific cooling demands in kWh/m 2 for service sector buildings for various
locations in Europe. The map has been generated by using the red average line in Figure 5 together with
estimated ECI for 80 different locations according to (Dalin et al., 2005). Average annual specific cooling demands

The average annual specific demands estimated here in Stratego are benchmarked in Figure
9 with two other sources: (EURAC, 2014) and (Tvärne et al., 2014). The average specific
demands from (EURAC, 2014) was estimated by multiplying the electricity inputs from that
study (64 TWh/year for service sector buildings and 18 TWh/year for residential buildings) with
the SEER estimate of 3.1 in this study and by dividing with the building floor spaces estimated
in this study. The conclusion from the comparison in Figure 9 becomes that the Stratego
estimations will be somewhat lower than in the two other studies.

Page 17
Average Specific Cooling Demands in the EU28
(when cooling is applied)

Average Specific Cooling Demand

[kWh cold/m2]

110 Service sector
40 85
69 74

20 36 37


Figure 9. Three different estimations of the average annual specific cooling demands in EU28,
when cooling is applied, from two external sources and this Stratego estimation. Current annual European cooling supplies

The current annual European cooling supplies estimated here in Stratego are benchmarked in
Figure 10 with four other sources: (EURAC, 2014; Kemna, 2014; Pardo et al., 2012 ; Tvärne
et al., 2014). The conclusion from Figure 10 becomes that the Stratego estimations will be the
lowest, somewhat lower than three other estimations, while (Pardo et al., 2012 ) have provided
the highest estimations.

Current Cooling Supplies in the EU28 Close to 2010


Current Cooling Supplies [TWh/year]



250 57
56 Residential
200 56
374 Service sector
100 198
164 145


Figure 10. Five different estimations of the current cooling supplies in EU28 close to 2010 from four
external sources and this Stratego estimation.

Page 18 Annual full European cooling demands

The annual full European cooling demands estimated here in Stratego are benchmarked in
Figure 11 with two other sources: (EURAC, 2014; Tvärne et al., 2014). The conclusion from
Figure 11 becomes that the Stratego estimations will be about the same as the estimations as
in (Tvärne et al., 2014), while (EURAC, 2014) have provided much higher estimations.

Full European Cooling Demands in the EU28

(by assuming 100% saturation rates)
Cooling Demand [TWh cold/year]


1000 Service sector
704 722

513 446

Figure 11. Three different estimations of full European cooling demands in EU28, by assuming all
saturation rates to be 100%, from two external sources and this Stratego estimation.

1.2.5 Some conclusions

The four major conclusions from these Stratego estimations of European cooling demands
become then:
1. Information about individual and aggregated cold deliveries in several European
district cooling systems has made it possible to estimate the average annual cooling
demands in Europe.
2. These estimations can for the first time ever provide cooling demands by countries
and by locations in Europe.
3. The obtained estimations by locations can also be used to identify urban areas with
high cold densities as input for studies of the possibilities for extended and new district
cooling systems in Europe.
4. Benchmarking with other recent studies of aggregated European cooling demands
reveals that the Stratego estimations will be somewhat lower than estimations
obtained in other studies.

Page 19

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Brussels. Available at: (
Zahradník, P., Karásek, J., Šestáková, Z., Sebi, C., 2012. The challenges, dynamics and
activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic. D2.1 of WP2
from Entranze Project, Entranze.
Zangheri, P., Armani, R., Pietrobon, M., Pagliano, L., Boneta, M.F., Müller, A., 2014. Heating
and cooling energy demand and loads for building types in different countries of the EU. D2.3.
of WP2 of the Entranze Project, Entranze.
Zangheri, P., Pagliano, L., Sebi, C., 2012. The challenges, dynamics and activities in the
building sector and its energy demand in Italy. D2.1 of WP2 from Entranze Project, Entranze.

Page 22
Table 5. Stratego assessment of the EU28 residential and service sector building heat market in 2010, by
Member States and fuel supply sources and energy carriers. All values in PJ

Natural Gas

Coal &Coal



Biofuels &

Total Heat




Member States
Austria 1.6 0.005 - 53.8 74.1 0.3 6.6 48.2 67.0 29.7 281
Belgium 3.6 - - 137.8 207.1 - 0.5 7.1 4.9 23.4 384
Bulgaria 5.3 - - 2.3 4.6 1.4 0.4 19.6 19.6 14.1 67
Croatia 0.3 - - 11.0 26.7 0.3 0.2 8.8 8.3 6.8 63
Cyprus 0.003 - - 5.6 - 0.0 2.5 0.3 - 4.1 13
Czech Republic 16.2 - - 1.1 136.0 - 0.4 33.3 68.5 34.9 290
Denmark 0.3 - - 18.4 34.8 - 0.5 27.0 112.0 13.9 207
Estonia 0.2 0.1 - 1.3 3.0 - - 12.0 20.4 2.8 40
Finland 0.02 0.3 - 42.1 2.7 - 0.04 41.9 120.3 58.0 265
France 10.7 - - 402.9 794.0 3.5 2.4 232.4 147.5 285.4 1879
Germany 29.6 - - 739.5 1204.7 2.2 20.3 213.6 325.7 282.2 2818
Greece 0.1 - - 74.4 14.0 0.5 7.7 16.5 1.9 19.9 135
Hungary 4.1 - - 5.1 177.0 3.3 0.2 21.2 33.0 14.2 258
Ireland 6.3 6.4 - 57.5 40.8 - 0.3 1.2 - 9.2 122
Italy 0.1 - - 143.5 971.7 3.2 5.3 94.1 8.4 117.3 1344
Latvia 1.3 0.01 - 3.1 8.5 - - 22.2 23.3 2.0 60
Lithuania 2.5 0.5 - 1.9 8.0 - - 16.5 30.7 2.2 62
Luxembourg 0.0 - - 8.3 13.6 - 0.04 0.5 2.6 2.1 27
Malta - - - 0.8 - - 0.04 0.0 - 3.2 4
Netherlands 0.2 - - 16.6 513.9 - 1.0 9.5 36.3 43.7 621
Poland 217.9 - - 47.9 197.0 0.6 0.4 79.1 231.6 40.2 815
Portugal - - - 31.8 17.6 0.0 2.0 19.4 0.8 24.8 97
Romania 0.3 0.005 - 13.0 111.8 0.8 0.0 99.3 56.5 8.3 290
Slovak Republic 9.0 - - 1.1 77.4 0.0 0.2 1.8 31.0 8.9 129
Slovenia - - - 17.7 4.9 0.7 0.3 11.5 5.8 2.5 43
Spain 5.8 - - 159.6 225.9 0.5 7.6 68.7 - 184.9 653
Sweden 0.3 - - 22.9 6.4 - 0.4 19.8 196.1 152.5 398
United Kingdom 18.5 - - 136.5 1338.6 - 4.1 11.6 18.6 209.8 1738
EU28 Total 334 7 0 2157 6215 17 63 1137 1571 1601 1310
Shares [%] 3 0 0 16 47 0 0 9 12 12 100

Page 23
Figure 12. Regional climate index factors by NUTS3 regions in EU28 Member States. Based on the
European Heating Index (EHI).

Page 24
Figure 13. End use heat demands for space heating and domestic hot water preparation in
residential and service sectors, by EU28 NUTS3 regions. Heat demands adjusted to local conditions by
adaption of regional climate index factors based on the European Heating Index (EHI).

Page 25
Project No: IEE/13/650

Mapping the Heating and Cooling Demand in


Work Package 2

Background Report 5
Authors: Bernd Möller
Contact: University of Flensburg
Munketoft 3b
Raum MV 014
24937 Flensburg
Tel: +49 (0) 461/805-2506
Fax: +49 (0) 461/805-2505
© 2015

Deliverable No. D 2.2: Public Document.

The STRATEGO project (Multi-level actions for enhanced Heating & Cooling
plans) is supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The sole
responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the funding authorities. The funding authorities
are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained


Heat Roadmap Europe Website:
Online Maps:

Page 2
1. Mapping the Heating and Cooling Demand in Europe .................................................... 4
1.1. Objectives ............................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Method.................................................................................................................... 5
1.3. Data input ............................................................................................................... 6
1.4. Analysis of urban tissue: land use, settlement density and energy demand ............ 6
1.5. Heat demand model................................................................................................ 7
1.6. Cooling demand model ......................................................................................... 11
References ......................................................................................................................... 13

Page 3
1. Mapping the Heating and Cooling Demand in Europe
Mapping the heating and cooling demand is a basic requirement and precondition for the
formulation of energy policies as well as the implementation of directives that aim at the
integration of energy systems by means of efficiency in end use and supply as well as
renewable energy. It is required for the analysis of expansions of major energy infrastructures
like gas or electric grids. Although the main focus in this project is the development of district
heating and cooling systems, a thorough knowledge of the location and intensity of heating
and cooling demands, as well as the efficiency potentials greatly facilitates the formulation of
sustainable energy development policies and their follow-up measures.

Studies of the potentials of developing district heating and cooling (DHC) grids require a
geographically explicit quantification of heating and cooling demands (Persson et al., 2014).
The high costs of distribution networks, the investments in heat and cooling transmission, as
well as the geographically determined sources of district energy require heating and cooling
demands to be mapped. Further, while seeking to increase the energy efficiency of the built
environment, the present location and amount of final energy demand cannot be granted.
Finally, trends of urbanization and structural change make the location and distribution of
heating and cooling demands even more interesting.

In previous studies (Connolly et al., 2013; Gils 2012) the potential for developing DH schemes
was assessed using small-scale statistics as well as geographical representations of heating
demands at a spatial resolution of 1km2, typically using a distribution of heat demand on
population and specific land use. But within one km2 the typical urban tissue of towns and
cities varies, and smaller settlement structures disappear. Hence the actual geometry of
district energy grids, their cost-determining densities and the connectivity between grids
cannot be represented to a degree, which is needed for improved potential and cost
assessments beyond the 1km resolution. While avoiding the Modifiable Area Unit Problem
(Openshaw, 1984), which occurs if statistics are compared by using variable geographical
entities, and offering a practical scale of analyses on the European level, the 1km2 grid studies
did not allow for a precise delineation of DHC systems because most urban and semi-urban
settlement structures show high variability within one square kilometer. Neither are they
suitable for local and regional studies.

DHC distribution infrastructures follow the building and population distribution. Heating and
cooling demand, within a country and for the residential sector, are the function of available
building area per capita and specific thermal demand per area. Therefore, knowing these
ratios, heating and cooling demand can be mapped taking departure in the location of
buildings. Mapping the building matrix of all member states of the European Union in a limited
study like the present necessitates a simple yet robust tool. The present Pan-European Atlas
of sub-1km2 resolution attempts to distribute the demand for cooling and heating in residential
and service sector buildings on such a small scale, that the delineation of actual DHC grids
becomes feasible. Along with demands the costs of such systems are being mapped in the
same geographical entities, so that studies of marginal costs of a cumulative supply of thermal
services become feasible. This has been realized on a smaller scale for Denmark (Möller and
Nielsen, 2014), and has been attempted without a spatial explicit model of DHC demands in
Europe (Persson and Werner, 2011).

Page 4
A basic hypothesis is that district heating and cooling can be developed everywhere, where
there is a sufficiently high demand density. All demands below a given threshold could be
supplied at lower costs compared to individual heating and cooling solutions. So far, with the
exemption of Denmark, Sweden and Finland, where more than half of the heat demand is
covered by collective systems, most heat demand seems to be out of reach for such systems.
Collective cooling systems do only exist in a few places yet. At the same time, assuming
empirical cost data from the Scandinavian countries, somewhat near-optimal system designs
and costs can be assumed and transferred to the rest of Europe.

Mapping of heating and cooling demand is the precondition to describe the possible supply
and its costs for all urban areas (cities, towns, suburbs as well as villages larger than 1-2 km2
and typically exceeding a population of 200. Furthermore, the agglomeration of such
prospective DHC systems is to be analyzed, as there are economies of scale but also
limitations of transport distances prevailing in this kind of studies.

1.1. Objectives

For the 5 target countries (CZ, HR, IT, RO and UK) the heat demand in residential and service
sector buildings is to be mapped. Cooling demands are to be mapped for service sector
buildings. Mapping is done on a sub-1km2 basis, which means that gridded data down to the
100m resolution are used to better describe what happens within the 1km scale, which is the
output resolution for all subsequent studies. Publicly available geographical data compliant to
the EU INSPIRE directive is to be used to the widest possible extent.

1.2. Method

Raster-based Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are used to model and map heating
and cooling demand as distribution functions of population, land use and soil sealing in a
combined top-down and bottom-up manner. National energy statistics, combined with small-
scale statistics on the NUTS3-level are used to calculate specific or absolute heating and
cooling demand values on a per-capita (heat) or per-m2 (cooling) basis. Where HRE2 used a
1km resolution for the analysis, the computational basis used in the Stratego project is the
100m resolution, at which several publicly available datasets exist, which represent the small
scale geography of urban areas. The results are re-aggregated to the 1km scale.

In the case of heat demand, population density per 1 km2 is distributed to population densities
per hectare (ha), derived by multi-linear regression modelling from a 1km2 population grid as
well as geographical data that describes the qualitative and quantitative pattern of settlements.
Cooling demand is more complex to model because of several basic differences from heat
demand. Firstly, a large part of the theoretical cooling demand is and will remain to be unmet,
resulting in a cooling demand and a cooling consumption value for a specific building. Then,
cooling demand currently mostly happens in service sector buildings such as shops and
offices, whose locations cannot be mapped specifically on a European scale. The statistical
model is therefore vital to find the likely distribution of service sector building areas within
urban areas.

ArcGIS version 10.2.1 with Spatial Analyst was used to carry out the extensive analyses in
the raster domain. All calculations were done using Model Builder, which is the graphical
modelling interface in ArcGIS. All results were saved to a file-based Geodatabase. ArcGIS in

Page 5
its latest version is OGC-compliant, i.e. it follows the recommendations of the Open Geospatial
Consortium Inc. for GIS interoperability, which allows users to “access data and services from
many different sources, regardless of the technology used by those sources. In addition, users
can share their content with others, including non-Esri users, thus contributing to the larger
goals of the open data movement.” (GeoCommunity, 2015).

1.3. Data input

Three central data themes form the data basis for representing the geographical distribution
of heating and cooling demands within the European heating and cooling atlas. First, the
population is mapped using the GEOSTAT 2011 1km population grid (GISCO, 2014). Second,
the urban tissue is mapped qualitatively using Corine 2006 land use grid with 100m resolution
(EEA, 2014a), while a quantitative measure for urban land use is the degree of soil sealing,
mapped by the European Environment Agency at a 100m resolution grid (EEA, 2014b).

As a general spatial reference, a 1km grid by GEOSTAT (Eurostat, 2014), which is INSPIRE-
compatible (IINSPIRE, 2014) and which uses the ETRS89 datum and a Lambert Azimuthal
Equal Area projection to maintain area representation.

Additional data used is a NUTS3 administrative boundary layer originating from ESRI’s ArcGIS
Online service (ESRI, 2014), which had to be adjusted to the 2010 Eurostat data used in
Background Report 6, plus the Open Street Map background layer service via ArcGIS (OSM,

Hence, all data used for distributing heat and cooling demand are either publicly available,
owned by public institutions or the public domain.

1.4. Analysis of urban tissue: land use, settlement density and energy

An initial analysis was carried out to see if there is a spatial relation between land use and
settlement density expressed by, among others, soil sealing. Soil sealing is mapped by the
EEA and defined as the degree of imperviousness of surfaces, using a scale from 0 - 100%
within a given geographical unit, here 1 hectare (ha).

By geo-statistically overlaying land cover and soil sealing it can be seen in Figure 1 that there
is a close relation between soil sealing and urban land use associated to built-up areas, in
particular the CORINE land cover classes 111 (Continuous urban fabric), 112 (Discontinuous
urban fabric) and 121 (Industrial or commercial units). More than 90% in average of all soil
sealing happens in urban built-up areas.

Within the 1 ha resolution, most details like the distribution of buildings and other sealed
surfaces like roads etc. in smaller cities and in fringes of larger metropolitan areas would be
leveled out by the coarse raster resolution. The overall urban structure, given by the
boundaries to the lesser developed and green areas, is represented very well by the soil
sealing grid, and explicitly by the land cover grid. It is here assumed that the population
accounted for within a 1km2 raster cell is distributed only to the cells of 1 ha resolution, which
have urban land cover (CORINE codes 111 and 112). Furthermore it has been assumed that
the distribution of people follows the distribution of soil-sealing. Because the actual distribution
between building footprint area and other sealed areas is different from one city to another,

Page 6
and from country to another, and specific heat demand is a function not only of the population
density, but also building qualities and the available floor area per capita, the distribution has
to be adjusted to actual data using small-scale statistics, see Background Report 6.




50% 133

40% 132
20% 123
10% 122

Figure 1: Percentage of CORINE land cover classes for bands of soil sealing. It can, among others, be
seen that the urban land use class 111 (continuous urban) predominantly is featuring high percentages
of soil sealing.

1.5. Heat demand model

Heat demand in buildings of the residential and service sectors are mapped separately. While
the distribution of residential heat demand is assumed to be proportional to population, service
sector heat demand typically can be located looking at urban functions.

First, the population represented by the GEOSTAT 2011 grid was distributed to 100m
resolution. This is done using soil sealing as a proxy to the intensity of the built environment,
which again follows population density. A regression done for the Netherlands shows the
following relation between soil sealing and population (PDOK, 2015) it shows the average
population density for each degree of soil sealing, see Figure 2. Please observe the values of
the standard deviation also, which tell that in low and high density areas the deviation is higher.

Page 7
According to the results for the analysis of urban tissue above, from the CORINE maps the
land cover codes 111 (Continuous urban fabric), 112 (Discontinuous urban fabric) and 121
(Industrial or commercial units) were extracted to exclusively map built-up areas. Within these,
as a proxy for building density the degree of soil sealing was used.



Population denisty (1/ha)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Degree of soil sealing (%)

Figure 2: Average population density by degree of soil sealing for the Netherlands, where 100m
population data is available.

As there are other urban land cover types with high degrees of soil sealing, such as roads,
parking lots and public places, which may be larger than 0.5 to 1 ha and therefore show in a
100m grid, some adjustment has to be made. To remove linear structures such as roads,
boundary cleaning was used, see Figure 3. The boundary cleaning was used twice. It also
was effective at removing smaller groups of 1-4 cell clusters, which may represent larger non-
built-up areas. The evaluation of effective removal of roads etc. was based on a spot checks
in several urban areas followed by comparison to aerial photographs (various sources, ESRI).

To distribute population over built-up areas, population in a 100m cell is calculated multiplying
the ratio of soil sealing in a 100m cell and the sum of soil sealing in a 1km cell with the
population count per 1km cell. The result is an approximation of real population density,
assuming that the population of the GEOSTAT grid lives in the above mentioned land use
classes only. When re-aggregating the final results to 1km grid size, the original population
and therefore heat demand is maintained, only the heat demand densities are adjusted to a
better distribution of the built environment.

Page 8
© OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA

Figure 3: Effects of boundary cleaning of the soil sealing layer in Boolean prepresentation (left). The
layer on the right hand side shows only the larger compounds of areas with urban development. The
sealed road surfaces, which are visible in the original layer, as well as smaller built-up areas, are
removed. The sample is from the Derby area, UK.

Residential heat demand for the 100m resolution model is modelled using the per-capita heat
demand data on the NUTS3 level, see Background Report 4, using the population per 100m

Service sector heat demand is modelled using a calculated plot ratio of service sector
buildings. The plot ratio accounts for the building area per ground surface area. It is modelled
using an ordinary least square statistical model, which applies three variables found by
experiment using real building densities from the Danish heat atlas (Möller and Nielsen, 2013):
population density has an influence on service sector density because it is assumed that
services are located in the proximity of population, which is however not the case for very
large office districts, such as parts of the city of Paris, or extensive shopping areas near large
cities. Second, the degree of soil sealing reveals patterns of urbanity, which also is assumed
to be related to the occurrence of service sector buildings. Thirdly, the average soil sealing
density within a defined neighbourhood of 300m is another variable with influence on the
service sector plot ratio. The resulting multi-linear regression model and its parameters are
shown in Table 1. The overall adjusted R2 value is 0.097, which seems very low, but if the
resulting plot ratios are re-aggregated to 1km resolution, the R2 becomes 0.616, which is very
acceptable. This shows that the uncertainty lies in locating the actual service sector buildings
exactly within the 100 possible 1-hectare cells of a 1 km2 grid. Here the model can only place
10 out of 100 cells correctly; placing the remaining cells almost at random. Comparing the
100m model with the actually registered buildings in Denmark it can be observed that the plot
ratio is somewhat lower, hence the plot ratio and hereby the heating and cooling demand
densities predicted are conservative.

The model has low standard errors, the probability and robustness values show highly
significant p-values (P< 0.01). Low Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) values (< 7.5) indicate low
redundancy among explanatory variables, even though soil sealing above 87% and the
neighbourhood mean soil sealing are closely related, but that does not seem to have an effect
on the small geographical scale applied here.

Page 9
Table 1: Results from the multiple linear regression model of service building areas.
Variable Coefficient StdError t- Probability Robust_SE Robust_t Robust_Pr VIF
[a] Statistic [b] [b] [c]
Intercept -19785 193032 ###### 0.000 1917 -10.35 0.000 -------

POP 31.167 1.612 19.32 0.000 1.654 18.84 0.000 1.086

SOILSEAL 228.96 21.04 10.87 0.000 22.05 10.38 0.000 1.108

GRIDCODE 46.672 5.133 9.091 0.000 6.079 7.678 0.000 1.197

As the model is based on the relations between population and soil sealing in Danish towns
and cities, the resulting sums of building areas in the service sectors need to be adjusted for
other member states to result in appropriate geographical distributions of service building
areas. This is done using the data from Figure 13 in Background Report 4.

Figure 4: Extract from the 100m Heat Atlas showing heat demand in the Prague area, Czech Republic.

Using the model coefficients from Table 1, the service sector plot ratio is calculated for all
EU28 member states and used to model the service sector heating and cooling (see below)
demands. Finally, residential and service sector heat demands are added. The outcome is a
heat demand map of 100m resolution, in GJ/ha or GJ/cell. It can be seen in Figure 4 how well
the geographical delineation of towns and cities is replicated. However, great care has to be
taken in using the data on a very local scale as the model only suggests high accuracy of this
hitherto unprecedented scale. Nevertheless, the authors believe that the resulting Pan-
European sub-1km Heat Atlas may be a further development of the 1km heat atlases of the

Page 10
Heat Roadmap Europe Pre-study 2 as it better represents the geography of heat demand and
collective heat supply areas.

1.6. Cooling demand model

The basis for calculating cooling demands form the statistics of service sector area and the
European Cooling Index (ECI), see Background report 4. For the distribution of cooling
demand the service sector plot ratios developed in the previous section are used, which are
multiplied with the ECI values (in kWh/m2).

It can be observed that service sector buildings and their cooling demands are confined to
smaller areas predominantly in urban centres. The areas are often less coherent than the
prospective district heating areas. Therefore great care has to be taken to model the potentials
and costs of district cooling.

The cooling demand model is a first, rough estimate. First, the ECI values are based on
average building efficiency and intensity of use. Second, the distribution of the service sector
buildings is based on statistics from Denmark only, which is a small country where zonal
planning is rather efficient, but also where accessibility and socio-economy is rather different
from other EU countries.

Figure 5 shows the result of the model of service sector plot ratio compared to the mapped
plot ratio using the Danish national building register used in the heat atlas by Möller and
Nielsen (2013).

Figure 5: Comparison of registered plot ratio of service sector buildings (left) and modelled plot ratio
(right) for Copenhagen, Denmark. The urban pattern is well represented by the model, although it may
underestimate high-density areas, while increasing their area. Note that service sector buildings in rural
areas are excluded because of the land cover mapping, which only includes urban areas.

Figure 6 shows an example of the cooling demand mapped at 100m resolution. The model
suggests that cooling demand is much less coherently located than heat demand, which is
because service sector buildings are confined to specific locations in urban and suburban
centres as well as commercial zones. It has to be realized despite the high resolution that the
model is not able to locate exactly where cooling demand is located within 1 km 2. Hence the

Page 11
cooling demand map will be aggregated to 1 km2 resolution, while the cost-supply analysis
uses the 100m resolution.

Finally, the large unknown is the difference between cooling demand and the actual rate of
which it is met. The choice was therefore to only look at service sector buildings and to rather
underestimate the cooling demand density.

Figure 6: detail of the mapped cooling demand at 100m resolution for the city of Zagreb. Cooling demand
is less coherent and confined to centres as well as service areas, it appears. It is not possible with the
model to map exactly where cooling demand is located, but it gives a rather representative image of the
distribution of urban cooling demand in the service sector.

Page 12
Connolly D,Mathiesen BV, Østergaard PA, Möller B, Nielsen S, Lund H, Persson U, Werner
S, Grözinger J, Boermans T, Bosquet M, Trier D, Heat Roadmap Europe 2050: Second pre-
study for the EU27. Dept. of Development and Planning, Aalborg University, Denmark (2013)

EEA (European Environment Agency) Corine Land Cover 2006 raster data . (Last
accessed Nov. 13, 2014)

EEA (European Environment Agency) EEA Fast Track Service Precursor on Land Monitoring
- Degree of soil sealing.
service-precursor-on-land-monitoring-degree-of-soil-sealing (last accessed Dec. 2, 2014).

ESRI, Environmental Systems Research Institute. ArcGIS Online (last accessed Jan. 20, 2015)

Eurostat, GEOSTAT project. (last accessed
Nov 10th, 2014)

GeoCommunity Article on (last accessed Jan 28,

Gils HC, A GIS-based Assessment of the District Heating Potential in Europe. 12. Symposium
Energieinnovation, 15 - 17.2.2012, Graz/Austria

GISCO, the Geographical Information System at the Commission, (last accessed Nov. 10, 2014).

INSPIRE, Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community. (Last accessed Jan. 30, 2015)

Möller B, Nielsen S, High resolution heat atlases for demand and supply mapping.
International journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 01 (2014) 41-58.

Openshaw S, The Modifiable Areal Unit Problem. Geobooks, Norwich, England (1984)

OSM, OpenStreetMap (last accessed Jan. 20, 2015)

PDOK, Publieke Dienstverlening Op de Kaart (public mapping services),

(last accessed Jan. 30, 2015)

Persson U, Möller B, Werner S, Heat Roadmap Europe: Identifying strategic heat synergy
regions. Energy Policy 74 (2014) 663-681.

Persson U, Werner S, Heat distribution and the future competitiveness of district heating.
Applied Energy 88 (2011) 568-576.

Page 13
Project No: IEE/13/650

Quantifying the Potential for District Heating and

Cooling in EU Member States

Work Package 2

Background Report 6
Authors: Bernd Möller, University of Flensburg
Sven Werner, Halmstad University

Contact: University of Flensburg

Munketoft 3b
Raum MV 014
24937 Flensburg
Tel: +49 (0) 461/805-2506
Fax: +49 (0) 461/805-2505

Version 3 (additional data for each country with updated costs and description)
© 2016

Deliverable No. D 2.2: Public Document.

The STRATEGO project (Multi-level actions for enhanced Heating & Cooling plans) is
supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The sole responsibility for the
content of this document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the
opinion of the funding authorities. The funding authorities are not responsible for any
use that may be made of the information contained therein.


Heat Roadmap Europe Website:
Online Maps:

Page 2
1. Potential for district heating and cooling and their corresponding distribution costs.................. 4
1.1. Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Potentials for district heat development .............................................................................. 4
1.3. Identification of potential district heating systems .............................................................. 5
1.4. Potentials for district cooling development ......................................................................... 6
2. Assessment of investment costs for heat and cold distribution ................................................. 7
2.1. Background ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.2. Method ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3. Intermediate estimations .................................................................................................... 7
2.4. Result ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.5. Cost-supply analysis ......................................................................................................... 10
References ...................................................................................................................................... 16

Page 3
1. Potential for district heating and cooling and their corresponding
distribution costs

1.1. Objectives
For the five Stratego target countries: CZ, HR, IT, RO and UK the prospective DH areas are to be
delineated and their properties are to be mapped. The costs of establishing district heating and
cooling grids are to be calculated on the basis of empirical, analytical cost models. Using the mapped
potentials for district heating and cooling in combination with the cost mapping and the properties of
prospective district heating and cooling grids, cost-supply analysis is to be carried out, which yields
tabular results for export to energy systems analysis as well as a graphical representation of the
economic constraints of utilizing the potential to develop district energy systems.

1.2. Potentials for district heat development

Potentials for the development of district heating are assessed initially using heat demand density
as a single criterion. Where ever heat demand is falling into categories of 0 – 30, 30 – 100, 100 –
300 or above 300 TJ/km2, it is being summarized for a whole country. This first assessment of
potentials leaves out the connectedness of systems, the size of operations and its location relative
to renewable energy sources. What can be seen in Table 1 is how the potentials are distributed for
the five countries. With current district heating technology, which may require heat demand densities
above 100 TJ/km2, the potential is highest in the UK, in relative and absolute terms. A country like
Croatia however has just 12% of is present heat demand located in sufficiently dense areas, and
size and location of the country in a warmer climate also mean that the absolute heat market is very
small. With advanced 4th generation district heating systems (4DH), the required heat demand
densities are lower, increasing the shares of heat demand likely to be covered with 4DH systems to
57 to 86%.

Table 1: Heat demand by heat demand density classes, which explain the suitability for developing district heating,
in PJ and in %.

Member State CZ HR IT RO UK
Heat demand density 0 - 30 TJ/km2 (PJ) 28 13 46 60 46
Heat demand density 30 - 100 TJ/km2 (PJ) 95 28 321 91 306
Heat demand density 100 - 300 TJ/km2 (PJ) 110 8 664 95 1,075
Heat demand density > 300 TJ/km2 (PJ) 24 0 954 2 118
Heat demand in built-up areas, sum (PJ) 256 48 1,124 248 1,545
Heat demand, total (PJ) 290 63 1,344 290 1,738
Heat demand in rural areas (PJ) 34 14 219 42 192
Heat demand in rural areas, % 12% 23% 16% 14% 11%
DH Almost Impossible (0 - 30 TJ/km2) 10% 20% 3% 21% 3%
Potential for 4DH (30 - 100 TJ/km2) 33% 44% 24% 31% 18%
DH Currently Possible (100 - 300 TJ/km2) 38% 12% 49% 33% 62%
DH Highly Feasible (>300 TJ/km2) 8% 0% 7% 1% 7%
Cumulative Above 30 TJ/km2 79% 57% 80% 65% 86%
Cumulative Above 100 TJ/km2 46% 13% 56% 34% 69%

Page 4
1.3. Identification of potential district heating systems
In order to find coherent areas with heat demands, which could comprise prospective district heating
areas, a clustering process is required. By means of contingency mapping, connected cells are
grouped to individual heat supply areas, see Figure 1. A threshold of 1 km is used to interconnect
neighbouring areas. The result is a clustering of heat demand into larger, coherent areas, which may
comprise prospective district heating systems, depending on their demand densities and the
resulting costs of district heat supply.

Figure 1: Prospective DH systems by size (sum of gross annual heat demand) around the city of Prague, Czech
Republic. This mapping allows for a quantification of potentials and costs by several system variables, one of
which is the size of a system, which may be related to the heat production technologies used. Furthermore,
systems located less than 1 km apart are considered coherent, i.e. they could be connected to agglomerated

For each of these areas a number of attributes can be derived from the map, or attached from other
map layers using spatial analysis. By means of zonal statistics by district heat supply area, the sum
of heat demand, the area and the average heat demand densities are fused to the heat supply area
layer. The attributes are then used in the cost-supply areas in order to establish relationships of
potentials and costs by various system properties, such as system size in terms of area or heat
demand, as well as access to renewable energy sources etc.

Table 2 shows the heat demand of the five targeted countries by prospective DH system size, which
is the sum of heat demand within each individual, coherent area. While very large systems above
10 PJ/a comprise about 20% of the non-rural heat demand in the Czech Republic, in the UK this is
more than half. Romania is predominantly rural, which means that about half of the heat demand is
located in areas, which have less than 0.3 PJ annual heat demand. Systems in the size of 3 to 10

Page 5
PJ/a are underrepresented in all countries, where only about 10% of the heat demand is located in
cities with a cumulative heat demand of this magnitude.

Table 2: Heat demand by district heating system size for the 5 Stratego countries, in PJ.

Heat demand by DH
system size, PJ
< 0.3 PJ 87 20 283 116 155
0.3 - 1 PJ 51 8 152 38 138
1 - 3 PJ 38 8 140 36 176
3 - 10 PJ 25 - 99 30 196
> 10 PJ 55 12 451 28 881
Sum (excl. rural) 256 48 1,125 248 1,546

1.4. Potentials for district cooling development

District cooling is much less developed in Europe and also the potentials for developing district
cooling systems are much lower, in general. From Table 3 it follows that Croatia and the UK have
significant potentials for district cooling under current conditions, while with the advent of advanced
district cooling systems by far the most cooling demand could be covered by these systems. Please
observe that the threshold levels for possibility are different than for district heating.

Table 3: Cooling demand by cooling demand density as a means to identify potential district cooling areas, in PJ
and in %.

Member State CZ HR IT RO UK
Cooling Demand (PJ) by Cooling Density, < 30 TJ/km 1.41 0.19 0.83 0.01 0
Cooling Demand (PJ) by Cooling Density 30 - 100 TJ/km2 18.65 0.26 23.27 12.21 8.70
Cooling Demand (PJ) by Cooling Density 100-300 TJ/km2 0.53 9.16 133.58 0.03 42.28
Cooling Demand (PJ) by Cooling Density >300 TJ/km2 0.00 2.00 1.93 0 18.64
Cooling Demand (PJ) by Cooling Density, sum 20.60 11.60 159.60 12.25 69.62
Cooling demand, rural areas (< 30 TJ/km2) 7% 2% 1% 0% 0%
DC Almost Impossible (30 - 100 TJ/km ) 91% 2% 15% 100% 12%
Potential for advanced DC (100 - 300 TJ/km ) 3% 79% 84% 0% 61%
DC Currently Possible (> 300 TJ/km ) 0% 17% 1% 0% 27%
Cumulative Above 30 TJ/km2 93% 98% 99% 100% 100%
Cumulative Above 100 TJ/km2 3% 96% 85% 0% 88%

Page 6
2. Assessment of investment costs for heat and cold distribution

2.1. Background
The assignment is to estimate the average investment costs for heat and cold distribution as a
function of the heat and cold densities for modelling and planning purposes. This aim is achieved by
elaborating the basic theory of heat and cold distribution costs presented in section 11.4 of the
international textbook of (Frederiksen & Werner, 2013).

2.2. Method
The expected output from this estimation analysis is to obtain the specific investment cost for heat
and cold distribution as a function of heat and cold densities. This output is achieved in five steps:
 Estimation of the investment cost per metre of trench length by pipe dimension and ground
 Estimation of the average investment cost with respect to typical ground conditions.
 Estimation of the average pipe dimension from the linear heat density
 Estimation of the average investment cost from the average pipe dimension as a function of
the land area density as heat or cold demand per land area
 Final estimation of the specific investment cost per heat and cold sold as a function of the
heat and cold densities.

2.3. Intermediate estimations

The two first two steps are presented in Figure 2, showing the investment cost for district heating
pipes per trench length. The information is based on the Swedish cost level of 2007. Hereby, the
cost level includes also a learning process for putting the pipes efficiently into the ground as achieved
in mature district heating countries. Small pipes are normally used in areas with single family areas,
with a high proportion of green areas. Wider pipes are normally used in inner city areas with higher
building densities and higher construction costs, as presented in Figure 2. These ground conditions
are considered when creating the average cost line by using the marked dots in Figure 2. This
estimated linear average cost line will have the following composition:

Average investment cost = 130 + 2858*(average pipe diameter in m) [EUR/m]

The third step will utilize the experienced relation between the linear heat densities and the average
pipe dimensions in 134 Swedish heat distribution networks or parts of networks as presented in
Figure 11.8 in (Frederiksen & Werner, 2013). The linear heat density is the heat sold annually divided
by the corresponding trench length. This relation can be written as

Average pipe dimension = 0.0486 * LN (linear heat density in MWh/m) + 0.063 [m]

The fourth step is obtained by combining the average cost line in Figure 2, the relation above for the
average pipe dimension, and an effective width of 65 m. The latter assumption for the effective width
is based on Figure 11.10 in (Frederiksen & Werner, 2013) showing that the effective width is almost
constant at that level for plot ratios above 0.4. The effective width is needed since the linear densities
are equal to the product of the effective width and the land area densities. The intermediate result
from the fourth step is presented in Figure 3.

Page 7
Figure 2: The investment cost for distribution pipes per trench length by pipe dimension and ground conditions
based on Swedish experiences for the 2007 cost level.

Figure 3: The estimated average distribution costs for district heating and district cooling as a function of the
heat and cold densities, respectively.

The average cost line for district cooling was estimated with pipe dimensions that are wider than the
corresponding pipe dimension for district heating. The used upscaling factor was the square root of
five, since the flows in district cooling networks are about five times higher than in district heating

Page 8
networks at same demand levels. This higher flow level appear since the temperature differences in
district cooling networks are about one fifth of the temperature differences in district heating

2.4. Result
The final fifth and resulting step in the estimation is presented in Figure 3. The specific average
investment costs were estimated by dividing the average investment costs in Figure 2 by the
corresponding linear densities as defined in (Frederiksen & Werner, 2013). The linear densities were
again estimated by the product of the land area densities with the assumed constant effective width
of 65 m.

These specific average investment costs are consequentially being used within the STRATEGO
project for overall assessments and feasibility studies for new or extended district heating and district
cooling networks.

Figure 4. The specific investment cost per heat or cold annually sold as function of the heat and cold densities,
both related to the corresponding land area.

From Figure 4 it follows that district cooling systems are more expensive to install for the same
amount of energy delivered. The highest sensitivity to energy density is in the low density areas at
the threshold to economic feasibility. It can be expected that the geographical boundaries between
collective and individual heating or cooling systems are subject to high cost sensitivity also, as the
cost curves suggest.

Page 9
2.5. Cost-supply analysis
In cost-supply analysis, the marginal costs of cumulative utilization of a potential are given. A cost-
supply curve establishes a mathematical relation between the amount of a given resource (in this
case heating or cooling demand) and their costs (here the annualized investment costs to utilize the
resource). The basic assumption is that the most economical portions of a resource are used first,
to be followed by marginally less attractive, in economic terms. Cost-supply curves of district heating
and cooling therefor allow for establishing the costs of supply especially for supply, whose cost highly
depends on the potentials used. Because the potentials of district energy highly depend on the
location, distribution and distance to sources, it is obvious to use GIS-based cost-supply modelling.
The inputs to this are a) the quantification of costs, b) the quantification of supply available at these
costs, and c) several other attributes to be used to further specify the cost-supply relations, such as
member state, size of system, or the availability of renewable energy sources. All these data can be
retrieved from the Heating and Cooling Atlas.

Investment costs have been annualized using a technical lifetime of 30 years and a socio-economic
interest rate of 3%.

Figure 5 shows the cost-supply curves for the five countries participating in work package 2 of the
Stratego-project as per cent of total urban heat demand. In the UK, the Czech Republic and in Italy
about 25% of the total demand in villages, towns and cities can be supplied at less than 1.5 €/GJ
annual heat demand. At a threshold of 2 €/GJ the share rises to 50 – 70% in these countries, which
is well consistent with Persson and Werner (2011). For Romania the costs are on a higher level
because of the low demand densities, while in Croatia the cost-supply curve in Figure 5 is very steep
initially and the costs are generally very high, while the economic potential is very small for both
countries. Generally, the steeper the cost curves, the higher i the cost sensitivity to geographical
factors. It has to be added that the feasibility also depends on the costs of heat supply, and that the
specific investment costs are here assumed to be the same for all countries despite different levels
of labour costs etc.

Page 10

Average annualized costs of DH distribution


investments [€/GJ]




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Cumulative utilisation of DH potential

Figure 5: Cost-supply curves for district heat distribution for the 5 STRATEGO countries showing the average,
annualized costs of developing district heating distribution infrastructure.

Costs of distributing district cooling are generally higher, partly because the higher specific costs but
also because of generally lower cooling demand densities; see Figure 6. At a threshold of 2€/GJ
(annualized) the UK may have 22% of its potential cooling demand covered with district cooling,
while Croatia may just be at 3% and the other Stratego countries are left with minute potentials at
this level. At 2.5 €/GJ, Italy reaches 4%, Croatia 44%, and the UK 56%. Italy reaches 42% at 3€/GJ,
while the economic potential remains zero in the Czech Republic and in Romania. However, one
great uncertainty is the degree of connectedness of the cooling demand in towns and cities, which
along with the fact that all above figures relate to the potential cooling demand, makes any results
uncertain and indicative only.

Page 11

Average annualised costs of DC distribution investments








0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Cumulative utilization of DC potentiall

Figure 6: Cost-supply analysis of district cooling grids showing average annualised costs of establishing DC
grids in the five Stratego countries.

DH potential by size of system

Using the prospective supply system properties, cost-supply curves can be produced for different
system types as well. Accordingly, Figure 7 presents a cost-supply curve for the Czech Republic by
prospective district heating system size. Each curve features a more or less distinct turn at which
costs increase disproportionally. This indicates a point where the economic (under most optimistic
conditions) and the total potential can be separated. Usually the economic potential, it follows from
this example, is about half of the total. Depending on the threshold for economic feasibility, which is
subject to an overall economic assessment, because other cost factors, such as the production costs
of district heat, need to be included, the economic potential for a given location and system size can
be derived for systems of different size. It can be seen that larger systems, because they are usually
located in denser urban areas of bigger towns and cities, have lower distribution costs than smaller
systems. It shows that in the Czech Republic systems > 10PJ/a have a heat supply market of 38PJ/a
at an annualized distribution cost of 1.5€/GJ, while another 10PJ/a can be found in systems of 1-3
and 3-10 PJ/a, respectively. For smaller systems the steeper curves furthermore indicate greater
uncertainties in the economic potentials.

The economic potentials for district heating in Croatia require generally higher investments in
distribution grid infrastructure. Assuming cost thresholds of 2.5 €/GJ, the biggest systems may
realize 5PJ/a, while another 3PJ is available in smaller systems, see Figure 8.

Page 12
Italy shows good economic potentials for the development of district heating systems, see Figure 9.
At 2 €/GJ, almost all of the heat demand in the largest cities can be covered, while the share is 50-
70% for systems between 0.5 and 10 PJ. Even the smallest systems < 0.3 PJ/a may represent a
potential market.

Romania, because it is predominantly rural, has a rather small district heating potential. However,
almost all of the heat demand in the biggest city of Bucharest can be covered by district heating, as
well as the major part in systems between 1 and 10 PJ annual demand, see Figure 10.

Finally, the heat market of the UK is greatly dominated by large cities, which comprise 80% of the
economic potential at 1.5 €/GJ annualized costs, see Figure 11.

CZ > 10PJ/a CZ 3-10 PJ/a CZ 1-3 PJ/a CZ 0.5-1 PJ/a CZ < 0.5 PJ/a


Annualized average distribution costs [€/GJ]









- 20 40 60 80 100 120
Cumulative heat demand [PJ]

Figure 7: The cost-supply curve for district heating potentials in the Czech Republic by prospective district
heating system size.

Page 13
HR > 10PJ/a HR 3-10 PJ/a HR 1-3 PJ/a HR 0.5-1 PJ/a HR < 0.5 PJ/a

Annualized distribution costs [€/GJ heat demand]








- 5 10 15 20 25
Cumulative heat demand [PJ]

Figure 8: Cost-supply curve for district hearting potentials in Croatia by prospective district heating system size.

IT > 10PJ/a IT 3-10 PJ/a IT 1-3 PJ/a IT 0.5-1 PJ/a IT < 0.5 PJ/a

Annualized distribution costs [€/GJ heat demand]







- 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Cumulative heat demand [PJ]

Figure 9: Cost-supply curves for district heating potentials in Italy by prospective district heating system size.

Page 14
RO > 10PJ/a RO 3-10 PJ/a RO 1-3 PJ/a RO 0.5-1 PJ/a RO < 0.5 PJ/a

Annualized distribution costs [€/GJ heat demand]









- 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Cumulative heat demand [PJ]

Figure 10: Cost-supply curves for district heating potentials in Romania by prospective district heating system

UK > 10PJ/a UK 3-10 PJ/a UK 1-3 PJ/a UK 0.5-1 PJ/a UK < 0.5 PJ/a

Annualized distribution costs [€/GJ heat demand]







- 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
Cumulative heat demand [PJ]

Figure 11: Cost-supply curves for district heating potentials in the United Kingdom by prospective district
heating system size.

Page 15
Frederiksen S and Werner S, District Heating and Cooling. Studentlitteratur, 2013.

Persson U, Werner S, Heat distribution and the future competitiveness of district heating. Applied
Energy 88 (2011) 568-576.

Page 16
Project No: IEE/13/650

Quantifying the Excess Heat Available for

District Heating in Europe

Work Package 2
Background Report 7
Authors: Urban Persson

Contact: Halmstad University

S-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden
T: +46 0 3516 7405
© 2015

Deliverable No. D 2.2: Public Document.

The STRATEGO project (Multi-level actions for enhanced Heating & Cooling
plans) is supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The sole
responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the funding authorities. The funding authorities
are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained


Heat Roadmap Europe Website:
Online Maps:

Page 2
Section Description Page

1 Background ......................................................................................................... 4
2 Method ................................................................................................................ 5
3 Data .................................................................................................................... 7
4 Results ................................................................................................................ 8
5 Conclusions .......................................................................................................11
Appendix ............................................................................................................14

Page 3
1 Background
In terms of quantifying the excess heat available for district heating systems, the approach
within the Stratego project is to assess these availabilities on facility level and aggregate found
volumes to regional and national levels for planning and modelling purposes. Since explicit
information on excess heat from unique thermal power generation plants and fuel
transformation processes in industrial activities are principally unavailable in international
energy statistics, and very seldom quantified and reported in general, this task poses a
methodological challenge for the project. The chosen approach to meet this challenge, which
corresponds to that developed and used in the Heat Roadmap Europe project (HRE, 2014),
rests on the idea to use publicly available carbon dioxide emission data on facility level in
combination with a reversed calculation sequence to establish primary energy inputs and
anticipated excess heat volumes from considered activities.

The purpose of quantifying excess heat available for district heating systems in this context is
two-fold and aims to illustrate the vast European potential of the long neglected and often
disregarded domestic resource of excess heat. First, determining the geographical locations
of considered activities is pre-conditional for any regional or national assessments of future
heat synergy collaborations, where increased shares of current excess heat available from
these plants and activities are to be recovered and distributed in district heating networks.
Second, quantification of annual excess heat volumes available from these plants is essential
to provide an idea of the magnitude and extent by which these assets may be utilised to replace
current heat supply to meet building heat demands.

It should be underlined that anticipated annual excess heat volumes in the following represent
maximal levels of rejected secondary heat from the considered activities, levels that due to a
multitude of reasons (e.g. thermo-dynamical, geographical, infrastructural, and seasonal) very
well may prove difficult to realise fully in unique heat recovery projects. For the local projects
within the Stratego project, as well as for any local heat synergy collaboration in future Europe,
it is recommended to carry out detailed assessments of available excess heat from any
plausible source. Such detailed assessments should ideally be based on actual energy and
thermo-dynamical data (temperature levels, state-of-matter etc.), include sensitivity analyses,
and as well address organisational aspects such as collaboration agreements with mutually
beneficial allocation of synergy benefits to all involved parties.

Page 4
2 Method
The methodological approach used to quantify excess heat available for district heating
systems in this report is mainly based on the use of publicly available carbon dioxide emission
data from the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) (EEA, 2013a),
energy statistics from the International Energy Agency (IEA, 2012) and a reversed calculation
sequence. The approach has previously been partly documented in (Connolly et al., 2014;
Connolly et al., 2013; Connolly et al., 2012), as well as in (Persson, 2015), and with full detail
in (Persson et al., 2014). The most significant steps in this methodology can be summoned
according to the following key bullets:
 Retrieve geographical coordinates and annual carbon dioxide emissions on facility
level from the E-PRTR dataset
 Establish characteristic carbon dioxide emission factors, per Member State and per
main activity sector, by use of IEA energy statistics on fuel use and standard carbon
dioxide emission factors (See Appendix, Table 6 and Table 5, respectively)
 Calculate primary energy supply on facility level based on annual carbon dioxide
emissions and characteristic carbon dioxide emission factors
 Apply default recovery efficiencies (see Table 1) to calculated primary energy supplies
to assess theoretically available annual excess heat volumes on facility level

The excess heat activities considered in this report includes large scale (> 50 MW) thermal
power generation (TP) fuel combustion plants, fuel supply and refineries (FSR), and industrial
facilities within six significant energy-intensive industrial sectors; chemical and petrochemical
(CPC), iron and steel (IS), non-ferrous metals (N-FM), non-metallic minerals (N-MM), paper,
pulp and printing (PPP), and the food and beverage sector (FB). The report also considers
Waste-to-Energy (WTE) facilities, although annual excess heat volumes available from
European waste incineration plants are calculated by an alternative approach. By performing
a separate and dedicated study on the European WTE sector, annual capacity data from 410
facilities was gathered from several complementary sources (CEWEP, 2014; IndustryAbout,
2014; ISWA, 2012). For this sector, annual excess heat volumes are therefore assessed based
on found capacities, a default recovery efficiency of 60%, and an anticipated average energy
content of waste at 10.3 MJ/kg from European waste incineration (CEWEP, 2013). Considered
main activity sectors and corresponding default recovery efficiencies are detailed in Table 1.

Table 1. Main activity sector category labels and corresponding default recovery efficiencies (ηheat). Default
values set to reflect the maximal excess heat recovery potential from considered main activity sectors at
current conditions
Main activity sector category Abbreviation 𝜼𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒕
Thermal Power – Main Activity TP-MA 50%
Thermal Power – Auto-producer TP-AP 60%
Thermal Power – Waste-to-Energy TP-WTE 60%
Fuel supply and refineriesa FSR 50%
Chemical and petrochemicalb CPC 25%
Iron and steelc IS 25%
Non-ferrous metals N-FM 25%
Non-metallic mineralsd N-MM 25%
Paper, pulp and printing PPP 25%
Food and beveragee FB 10%
Not including NACE main economic activities: Extraction of crude petroleum, Extraction of natural gas.
Not including NACE main economic activities: Extraction of salt, Growing of citrus fruits.
Not including NACE main economic activities: Mining of iron ores, Other mining and quarrying n.e.c.
Not including Annex I activities: Opencast mining and quarrying, Underground mining and related operations, and NACE main economic activity;
Quarrying of ornamental and building stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and slate.
Including NACE main economic activities; Manufacture of oil and fats, Manufacture of starches and starch products, Manufacture of sugar, and
Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals.

Page 5
Fuel input to thermal power generation in both power-only and cogeneration facilities are
compiled with respect to main activity (MA) and autoproducer (AP) facilities. By excluding
nuclear energy in the assessment, which is motivated partly since there is a generally weak
interest for recovery of nuclear excess heat today, an additional excess heat volume of
approximately 6.7 EJ rejected from European nuclear facilities (operating at average total
conversion efficiencies of 33%) is neglected here. According to (IEA, 2012), only 5.0 PJ, from
a total primary energy supply of 10.0 EJ, was recovered as usable heat during the year 2010,
which reflects very low utilisation levels at current. Additionally, several other plausible sources
for excess heat recovery, such as sewages, exhaust air ventilation shafts, and server stations,
are omitted in this assessment focusing on energy and industry sectors. See for example
(Ebrahimi et al., 2014, 2015) for investigations on the use of excess heat from server stations,
and (CEC, 1982; McKenna and Norman, 2010; Morandin et al., 2014; Persson and Werner,
2012; Rattner and Garimella, 2011; Swithenbank et al., 2013) for some general references on
excess heat recovery from energy and industry sector activities in district heating systems.

The total annual carbon dioxide emission volume from considered excess heat activities
amounts to 2.02 billion metric tonnes (see Table 2), which by validation (comparison to
corresponding main activity sectors greenhouse gas emissions sent by countries to the
UNFCCC (EEA, 2013c) and to verified 2010 EU ETS data reported through the Community
Independent Transaction Log (CITL) (EEA, 2013b)), proved reasonable. Although not fully
compatible, since UNFCCC main activity sector data includes all sub-sectors and EU ETS data
includes combustion installations with rated thermal inputs > 20 MW, both sources indicate
European carbon dioxide emission volumes of about 2.2 billion tons from stationary
combustion in given sectors for 2010.

All gathered data, carbon dioxide emissions, energy statistics, and geographical coordinates,
are assembled in a relational database to allow systematic calculations, where after spatial
representation of each considered facility and the creation of continental and national maps
are managed and performed within the ArcMap 10.1 GIS interface (ESRI, 2014). In this
Background Report, these maps are withheld at a continental scale, while national maps for
five Stratego countries are presented in the Country Reports.

Page 6
3 Data
The E-PRTR dataset includes annual facility reports on land, water, and air emissions, and is
publicly available through the European Environmental Agency (EEA). In this data compilation,
general, sectorial, and quantitative (emissions) information on European energy and industry
sector facilities are stored together with e.g. geographical coordinates, which enables spatial
determination of each emitting site. For the purpose in this report, study facilities were retrieved
from the dataset by structured query language (SQL) selection on carbon dioxide emissions
to air and mainly for the year 2010. Since Croatia, the 28th European Union Member State
since July 1, 2013, is not included in the used version of the E-PRTR dataset, corresponding
information on carbon dioxide emissions from Croatian energy and industry sector activities
were gathered mainly from the European Union Transaction Log (EC, 2014) and from some
national reports on fuel use. As detailed in Table 2, the assessments in this report are hereby
based on carbon dioxide emissions from 2712 facilities in all.

Table 2. Count of energy and industry sector facilities extracted from the E-EPRTR dataset and additional
sources, with reported annual carbon dioxide emissions aggregated to national level, mainly for 2010
Member Count of Count of Count of
Count of facilities [n] CO2 [Mt]
State TP facilities WTE facilities Industrial facilities
AT 59 33 22 10 27
BE 97 55 28 16 53
BG 34 33 20 - 14
CY 5 5 3 - 2
CZ 76 73 45 3 28
DE 485 497 175 84 226
DK 55 22 17 30 8
EE 9 14 7 - 2
EL 39 61 22 - 17
ES 230 120 99 10 121
FI 89 61 52 3 34
FR 333 119 57 126 150
HR 57 9 10 - 47
HU 42 22 24 2 16
IE 21 16 13 1 7
IT 311 196 130 52 129
LT 8 6 5 - 3
LU 7 2 1 1 5
LV 3 1 1 - 2
MT 2 2 2 - -
NL 99 90 42 13 44
PL 155 195 94 1 60
PT 40 28 14 2 24
RO 68 48 33 - 35
SE 123 51 41 28 54
SI 8 7 3 1 4
SK 32 21 14 1 17
UK 225 236 106 26 93
EU28 Total 2712 2024 1080 410 1222

Excess heat activities in industrial sectors dominate the selection and are present in all
Member states, with the exception of the Republic of Malta (MT) if considering WTE facilities
as a special branch of thermal power generation. Nineteen Member States currently have
waste incineration plants in operation, while dedicated thermal power generation plants are
present in all Member States.

Page 7
4 Results
In this section, the results from the performed assessments are presented in a main result map
and two tables, considering all main activity sectors for EU28 (in the Appendix, see Figure 2,
Figure 3, and Figure 4, divisional maps detailing energy sector, waste incineration, and
industrial sectors facilities respectively, are also available). The main result map, Figure 1,
depicts the geographical locations of all considered activities from all main activity sectors, as
well as anticipated annual excess heat volumes on facility level by use of a scaled legend. A
general observation form this map is that excess heat activities are widely distributed over the
European continent today, albeit both highly concentrated clusters as well as vacancy areas
are visible.

Figure 1. EU28 excess heat facilities by main activity sectors and assessed annual excess heat
volumes. Thermal power generation activities > 50 MW. Sources: (CEWEP, 2014; EEA, 2013a;
IndustryAbout, 2014; ISWA, 2012).

Persson et. al. (2014) concluded, when performing spatial analysis on regional level to
determine the geographical correlation between European excess heat sources (same data
source used) and high heat demand density locations (to identify heat synergy regions), that a
majority of current excess heat facilities are located inside, or in close vicinity of, large urban
zones and major city areas. From a heat recovery and heat distribution perspective, district
heating systems being principally local energy infrastructures, this key circumstance suggest
general viability of many future heat synergy projects.

Page 8
As presented in Table 3, a total primary energy supply of 26.2 EJ is anticipated to have been
used in the 2712 considered facilities, which, given applied default recovery efficiency values,
correspond to a total excess heat volume of approximately 11.3 EJ for the year 2010.
Comparison to corresponding main activity sectors primary energy volumes reported by the
International Energy Agency (IEA, 2012), amounting to 24.8 EJ in the same year (not including
Croatia), indicate a plausible 5% overestimation by the performed reversed calculation
sequence. However, given the continental analytical scope withheld and default recovery
efficiency values set principally to reflect highest possible recovery levels, this minor deviance
is considered negligible. Other possible deviances in the results may be due to inclusion of
large-scale thermal activities (> 50 MW) and fuel combustion activities in industrial sectors
only. Given the presence of excess heat also from smaller boilers, as well as from industrial
exothermic chemical processes, these estimates are considered conservative.

Table 3. Primary energy supply (PES), and excess heat (EH) by EU28 Member State as assessed by the
reversed calculation sequence. Excess heat specified by sectors: Thermal power (TP), Waste-to-Energy
(WTE), and Industrial (Ind)
Member State
[PJ] [PJ] [PJ] [PJ] [PJ]
AT 456 167 63 21 84
BE 805 313 157 17 138
BG 382 180 161 - 19
CY 66 29 26 - 3
CZ 812 353 288 5 61
DE 6119 2707 1980 161 566
DK 285 139 103 23 12
EE 153 74 71 - 3
EL 733 335 277 - 59
ES 1704 705 458 15 233
FI 685 275 181 2 92
FR 1712 645 236 90 319
HR 125 42 23 - 19
HU 306 136 106 3 27
IE 227 102 88 1 13
IT 2839 1263 879 43 341
LT 100 42 21 - 21
LU 35 13 8 1 4
LV 13 4 2 - 2
MT 25 13 13 - -
NL 1348 583 366 46 171
PL 2171 975 809 0 165
PT 373 147 76 10 61
RO 613 252 177 - 75
SE 594 217 82 30 106
SI 81 37 34 0 3
SK 258 90 41 1 48
UK 3229 1477 1140 40 297
EU28 Total 26248 11316 7865 508 2943

As is also visible in Table 3, excess heat from thermal power generation is, at current, by far
the richest source to exploit for future heat synergy collaboration, and approximately 70% of
all available excess heat originates in main activity and autoproducer power plants.
Corresponding relative shares for WTE incineration and industrial excess heat out of total
volumes are 4% and 26% respectively. Seven Member States (Germany (23%), Spain (6%),
France (7%), Italy (11%), the Netherlands (5%), Poland (8%), and the United Kingdom (12%))
account for a major share of the total primary energy supply (~72%), which is correspondingly
reflected in anticipated excess heat availabilities.

Page 9
From a sectorial perspective, i.e. by main activity sectors, as presented in Table 4, it is clear
that main activity thermal power generation plants account for a majority of both total excess
heat volumes (68%) as well as thermal power generation main activity sector volumes (91%).
Among industrial main activity sectors, fuel supply and refineries (however depicted together
with energy sector facilities in Figure 2) represent highest annual excess heat availabilities (9%
of the total excess heat volume and 36% of total industrial sectors volumes), while Non-metallic
minerals facilities account for 5% of the total excess heat volume and 20% of total industrial
sectors volumes.

Table 4. Total count of facilities, annual carbon dioxide emissions, primary energy supply (PES), and excess
heat (EH) by main activity sector as assessed by the reversed calculation sequence
Count of CO2 PES EH
Main activity sector facilities [n] [Mt] [PJ] [PJ]
Chemical and petrochemical 242 123 1868 467
Food and beverage 59 9 145 14
Fuel supply and refineries 116 155 2118 1059
Iron and steel 144 166 2101 525
Non-ferrous metals 35 13 204 51
Non-metallic minerals 454 173 2398 600
Paper, pulp and printing 172 79 908 227
Thermal Power Generation - AP 82 28 354 212
Thermal Power Generation - MA 998 1257 15305 7653
Thermal Power Generation - WTE 410 21 847 508
EU28 Total 2712 2024 26248 11316

Page 10
5 Conclusions
The major conclusions from these Stratego estimations to quantify the excess heat sources
available for district heating systems are that:
1. Publicly available carbon dioxide emission data on facility level (e.g. from the European
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR)) may be used in combination with
energy statistics and a reversed calculation sequence to assess annual volumes of
rejected excess heat from fuel combustion processes in European energy and industry
sector facilities

2. Default recovery efficiencies, set here to reveal maximal volumes of rejected secondary
heat, may in local heat synergy projects be altered, reduced, and used to characterise
viable and realistic excess heat recovery levels

3. For the local projects within Stratego, as well as for local heat synergy collaboration in
general, it is recommended to retrieve actual and detailed data on energy and thermo-
dynamical properties (temperature levels, state-of-matter etc.) of excess heat to be
recovered from considered activities

4. Local heat synergy projects should address also organisational aspects such as
collaboration agreements, where mutually beneficial allocation of synergy benefits to
all involved parties is a key priority

5. Approximately 26.2 EJ of primary energy was supplied to 2712 considered energy and
industry sector facilities in EU28 during the year 2010. A total excess heat volume of
11.3 EJ is anticipated to have been rejected from these activities during this year

6. Excess heat activities in industrial sectors dominate the selection in terms of number
of facilities, while main activity thermal power generation plants constitute the major
share of annual excess heat volumes. Nineteen EU28 Member States currently have
waste incineration plants in operation

7. Seven Member States (Germany, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and
the United Kingdom) account for 72% of the total primary energy supply, which is
correspondingly reflected in anticipated excess heat availabilities.

Page 11
CEC, 1982. Energy - Waste heat from industry for district heating, EUR 8116, Directorate-
General Energy, Commission of the European Communities. Luxembourg.
CEWEP, 2013. CEWEP Energy Report III (Status 2007-2010): Results of Specific Data for
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December 2012, Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants. Würzburg/Brussels.
CEWEP, 2014. Country Reports: 2010 Country Report on Waste Management,
Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants. Available at:
Connolly, D., Lund, H., Mathiesen, B.V., Werner, S., Möller, B., Persson, U., Boermans, T.,
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heating with heat savings to decarbonise the EU energy system. Energy Policy 65, 475-489.
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Roadmap Europe 2050 - Second pre-study for EU27. Euroheat & Power, Brussels. Available
at: (
Connolly, D., Vad Mathiesen, B., Alberg Östergaard, P., Möller, B., Nielsen, S., Lund, H.,
Persson, U., Werner, S., Nilsson, D., Trier, D., 2012. Heat Roadmap Europe 2050 - First pre-
study for EU27. Euroheat & Power, Brussels. Available at: (
Ebrahimi, K., Jones, G.F., Fleischer, A.S., 2014. A review of data center cooling technology,
operating conditions and the corresponding low-grade waste heat recovery opportunities.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 31, 622-638.
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waste heat recovery in data centers using absorption refrigeration. Applied Energy 139, 384-
EC, 2014. Climate Action: European Union Transaction Log. Overall ETS Period
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Available at (2015-01-15):
EEA, 2013a. The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR).
Downloaded data category (2013-07-08): European Environment
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EEA, 2013b. European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) data from CITL.
Downloaded data category (2013-02-27): European Environment Agency.
Available at: (
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Monitoring Mechanism. Downloaded data category (2013-07-08):
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ESRI, 2014. Understanding our world, Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc.
Available at: (

Page 12
HRE, 2014. Heat Roadmap Europe - A low-carbon heating and cooling strategy for Europe,
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IEA, 2012. Energy Balances of OECD and Non-OECD Countries for 2010 (2012 Edition).
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Page 13
Table 5. Standard carbon dioxide emission factors from stationary combustion, by fuel type. Source: (IPCC,
Fuel type Standard carbon dioxide emission factors (sfCO2) [g,CO2/MJ]
Coal and coal products 94.6
Peat 106.0
Crude, NGL and feedstock 73.3
Oil products 74.1
Natural gas 56.1
Biofuels 101.2a
Average value of standard carbon dioxide emission factors for fuel categories "Municipal wastes (non-biomass fraction)": 91.7, "Municipal wastes (biomass fraction)": 100.0,
and "Wood - wood wastes": 112.0.

Table 6. Characteristic EU28 Member State carbon dioxide emission factors by main activity sector.
Weighted mean average values based on standard carbon dioxide emission factors and national
compositions of fuel use. Sources: (IEA, 2012; IPCC, 2006)
Characteristic carbon dioxide emission factors (fCO2) [g,CO2/MJ]
AT 77.3 82.8 - 73.3 72.2 73.0 58.2 79.6 80.6 60.9
BE 71.2 77.1 - 73.3 56.4 70.5 57.6 82.9 90.5 60.9
BG 90.5 61.9 - 73.3 70.4 68.1 77.6 72.9 90.4 63.8
CZ 93.8 93.0 - 73.3 85.3 84.8 59.6 70.6 89.4 61.0
CY 74.1 76.1 - nab na na na 79.2 na na
DK 85.9 91.1 - 73.3 58.7 58.0 56.1 75.3 82.0 65.1
EE 94.1 84.9 - na 61.3 56.1 68.9 86.3 65.0 63.1
FI 90.2 90.3 - 73.3 73.7 84.7 79.3 80.4 94.1 77.8
FR 73.7 86.7 - 73.3 71.6 83.4 64.2 67.3 75.4 67.0
DE 89.3 79.1 - 73.3 65.5 77.8 59.9 75.4 72.6 63.0
EL 85.5 69.8 - 73.3 68.7 57.2 78.6 77.1 65.7 85.3
HR 75.0 64.4 - 73.3 56.7 61.5 73.6 76.6 63.9 63.2
HU 76.1 72.5 - 73.3 56.5 88.5 56.1 73.9 61.6 62.4
IE 70.7 61.2 - 73.3 67.5 74.1 65.7 83.6 69.2 74.0
IT 71.0 64.9 - 73.3 58.2 77.1 58.3 66.7 57.3 58.8
LT 59.7 68.2 - 73.3 57.8 73.4 na 87.1 60.5 59.7
LU 59.2 101.2 - na 62.3 59.2 na 75.3 56.1 64.6
LV 58.1 71.1 - na 67.9 60.5 56.1 84.5 83.5 65.8
MT 74.1 na - na na na na na na na
NL 70.0 77.1 - 73.3 65.5 80.0 56.1 59.1 56.6 57.5
PL 93.8 89.7 - 73.3 85.4 79.6 76.8 77.3 91.6 77.3
PT 76.0 70.3 - 73.3 70.6 61.6 78.6 76.7 96.7 78.2
RO 83.5 85.0 - 73.3 62.9 76.1 na 68.6 58.4 62.8
SK 81.9 94.3 - 73.3 64.9 87.4 59.1 72.8 90.9 56.5
SI 92.3 85.1 - na 65.8 59.6 62.7 67.6 66.8 61.9
ES 71.3 65.6 - 73.3 62.5 77.7 64.3 68.6 77.0 73.1
SE 92.9 99.1 - 73.3 66.0 86.4 82.2 81.7 99.2 68.9
UK 75.3 79.1 - 73.3 57.9 81.1 60.7 70.0 59.0 58.6
EU28 Total 81.8 77.7 - 73.3c 66.5 79.0 64.6 72.2 83.3 65.2
Characteristic carbon dioxide emission factors not established for TP-WTE. Separate analysis and data used for this main activity sector.
Notation “na” for “no activity”, indicating zero reported volumes of fuel use in respective main activity sector in (IEA, 2012).
Standard carbon dioxide emission factor of 73.3 g,CO 2/MJ for crude, NGL, and feedstock used for main activity sector FSR in all Member States where activity is present,
according to (IEA, 2012).

Page 14
Figure 2. EU28 energy sector excess heat facilities by main activity sectors and assessed annual
excess heat volumes. Thermal power generation activities > 50 MW.

Page 15
Figure 3. EU28 waste incineration excess heat facilities by main activity sector and assessed
annual excess heat volumes.

Page 16
Figure 4. EU28 industry sectors excess heat facilities by main activity sectors and assessed annual
excess heat volumes.

Page 17
Subcontract report for the STRATEGO-project

Estimating the Renewable Energy

Resources Available in EU Member States

Jyllandsgade 1
DK–9520 Skørping
Tel. +45 9682 0400
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Vestergade 48 H, 2nd floor
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Tel. +45 9682 0400
Fax +45 8613 6306

Postal address:
A.C. Meyers Vaenge 15
DK - 2450 København SV
Visitors address:
Frederikskaj 10 A, 1st fl, 1.143
DK -2450 Copenhagen SV
Tel.: +45 2224 2562
December 2014
VAT no.: DK7403 8212
Table of contents

1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3
2 Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Numbers and decimals ..................................................................................................... 3
2.2 A note on a particular reference: Atlas of EU biomass potentials .................................... 3
3 Countries ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Croatia .............................................................................................................................. 6
3.1.1 Data on renewable electricity and heat potentials ................................................. 9
3.1.2 References ............................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Czech Republic ................................................................................................................ 14
3.2.1 Data on renewable electricity and heat potentials ............................................... 18
3.2.2 References ............................................................................................................ 19
3.3 Italy ................................................................................................................................. 23
3.3.1 Data on renewable electricity and heat potentials ............................................... 25
3.3.2 References ............................................................................................................ 26
3.4 Romania .......................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.1 Data on renewable electricity and heat potentials ............................................... 31
3.4.2 References ............................................................................................................ 32
3.5 United Kingdom .............................................................................................................. 35
3.5.1 Data on renewable electricity and heat potentials ............................................... 38
3.5.2 References ............................................................................................................ 39
4 References ....................................................................................................................... 43
4.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 43
4.2 Croatia ............................................................................................................................ 43
4.3 Czech Republic ................................................................................................................ 44
4.4 Italy ................................................................................................................................. 44
4.5 Romania .......................................................................................................................... 44
4.6 United Kingdom .............................................................................................................. 45

Contact person at PlanEnergi:

Daniel Trier
Tel.: +45 9682 0400

Quality assurance
Page 2 of 45
1 Introduction
The purpose of the project “Multi level actions for enhanced Heating and Cooling plans – STRATEGO” is to
bridge the gap between EU policy, national objectives and effective actions taken at regional and local lev-
els. The STRATEGO project is a European co-funding project developed in the framework of the Intelligent
Energy Europe Programme, having the contract no. IEE/13/650/SI2.675851. This report is the outcome of
the subcontract under the second work package (WP2) in STRATEGO, “Supporting the development of en-
hanced NHCPs” in which PlanEnergi has been appointed to estimate the renewable heat and electricity
potentials in 5 targeted EU member states.

WP2 in the STRATEGO-project specifies a need for identifying national energy data on the potentials of
renewable energy, within Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Romania, and the UK. This information is compiled
in the present report, Renewable Electricity and Heat Potentials.

The authors wish to thank those national contact-points, who have been kind enough to supply data during
the process of estimating the potentials for renewable energy in the five target countries.

2 Methodology
No other comprehensive dataset on the potentials for RE heat and electricity has been identified for the
countries in this study; hence, the compiled information is based on data from many different references.
Consequently, discrepancies have been identified among the different references, when there have been
mismatches between numbers. In these cases, the most probable number has been selected, while alterna-
tive numbers have been kept as secondary options. This methodology has been chosen, in order to ac-
commodate for the sometimes very large differences between numbers. In the tables under each country is
a version with the given energy-data – numbers in capacity [MW] and production [TWh]. A similar table
describes the references in [square brackets], including the alternative numbers found. Where there has
only been identified a single reference, this is indicated by a single bracketed number in the corresponding
cell in the reference-table.

Some national partners in the STRATEGO-project have provided input to the data upon request. These data
have been useful, since documentation on the national languages has often proven to be more detailed
and plentiful than the more readily available English-language reports used in the screening.

2.1 Numbers and decimals

It is the intention to provide detailed and specific data with this report. Nonetheless, it has not always been
possible to obtain precise numbers on all data points. Consequently, numbers without decimals in this re-
port should be interpreted as approximate, while numbers with decimals can be considered more precise.
While two decimals have been applied as a standard, it has been chosen to deviate from this rule, in cases
where the original reference has only one decimal.

2.2 A note on a particular reference: Atlas of EU biomass potentials

A significant reference used as a supplement to the national sources when finding the future biomass po-
tentials is “Atlas of EU biomass potentials - Spatially detailed and quantified overview of EU biomass poten-
tial taking into account the main criteria determining biomass availability from different sources”. Will
Page 3 of 45
hereafter be referred to as Biomass Atlas. It has been deemed relevant to describe this resource in further
detail below, since its numbers and assumptions in some occasions is found to vary significantly from other
sources. The information in this section is largely based on contents of the Biomass Atlas.

One purpose of the Biomass Atlas is to identify different biomass feedstocks and make an inventory of data
to quantify and map the technically constrained biomass potentials. This also includes estimates of alterna-
tive uses of by-products and waste in order to estimate the share that is available for bioenergy purposes
and the share that competes with other uses. From this, the 2020 and 2030 potentials are quantified in the
report according to different scenarios.

The Biomass Atlas uses three main categories for biomass; Biomass from agriculture, Biomass from forestry
and Biomass from waste. Under each of these categories, there is a range of subcategories of dedicated
biomass production such as biofuel crops, woody and grassy crops, stem wood production and by-products
and waste categorized in primary, secondary and tertiary levels. In the data for the STRATEGO project the
following categories for biomass is used: Energy crops (residual), Energy crops (dedicated land), Wood,
Waste (renewable and fossil) and Biogas. From the national sources used under each country, it has been
difficult to find these exact categories, and many numbers are therefore sums from other categories found
in the used sources. The numbers from the Biomass Atlas are therefore presented as a separate table in
order to compare the found numbers from the national sources (when available) and in order to have a
uniform approach to find the numbers under each category.

When estimating the future potential it should at first be realised that the EU policy ambitions go far be-
yond current consumption of renewable energy. From the report it is stated that the European Commission
(2008) calculated that 17.5 million hectares of land would be required to reach the 10 % biofuels target,
which would amount to about 10 % of the total Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) in EU27*. The report fur-
ther states,

“It is clear that the pressure on land will increase strongly under a growing biomass demand. This may
cause adverse effects on biodiversity as it may lead to the further intensification of existing land uses, both
in agricultural and forest lands, but also the conversion of non-cropped biodiversity-rich land into cropped or
forest area. The conversion of biodiversity rich grasslands for example is meant to be prevented with the
sustainability scheme for biofuels to be introduced together with the approval of the biofuels target of 10 %.
The RES directive states that biofuels shall not be made from raw material obtained from land with recog-
nized high biodiversity value, such as undisturbed forest, areas designated for nature protection purposes or
highly biodiverse grasslands. However, the big question is how this land resource is exactly defined and
identified (e.g. mapped) and whether not being accountable to the renewable energy target provides
enough protection to valuable ecosystems in markets offering very high prices to biomass feedstock.

In addition, there is also an increasing resistance against using existing arable land for the production of
biomass at the expense of food and feed production. There are indications that this will endanger the food
security situation, especially in third world countries, and that indirect land use changes may take place by
bioenergy production pushing food and feed production into uncultivated areas causing loss of valuable
natural habitats (e.g. tropical rain forest and savannah) and tremendous releases of greenhouse gas (GHG)
stocks in the soil.”

* st
Their starting point was that 50 % of the production would come from cultivation of rotational biomass crops for 1 generation
technology biofuels. The other 50 % would come from ligno-cellulosic by-products and perennial biomass crops or imports from
outside the EU. For conversion of this ligno-biomass feedstock they assumed 2 generation biofuel technology to become com-
mercially available before 2020.
Page 4 of 45
The estimations of biomass potential in the Biomass Atlas are made for different scenario situations taking
into account different sustainability criteria. Two scenarios are applied for 2020 and 2030:

1. Reference scenario
2. Sustainable scenario

The sustainability criteria are applied in the reference storyline following the ‘Directive on the promotion of
energies from renewable sources’† and therefore only apply to biofuels and bioliquids. The potentials used
in the datasheet are from the sustainable scenario from 2020. The potential is in both scenarios based on
three main themes:

1. Estimating the land potential for bioenergy cropping and for agro-waste potentials
The results are based on the CAPRI‡ model, which predicts future land use changes in the EU-27 re-
lated to agricultural production including those for domestic biofuels. The CAPRI model’s 2020
baseline runs with the EC report ‘Prospects for Agricultural Markets and Income in the EU 2010-
2020. This outlook takes into account the most recent Health Check reform, the 2020 RES targets
and the most recent OECD-FAO projections on agricultural prices, population and development.

In order to reach the EU 2020 targets, the mix of biofuel feedstock will change. A priority is given to
the most sustainable crop mix per region, taking into account the mitigation requirements set in
both the reference and sustainability scenario. The estimation of the mitigation requirement is de-
scribed in the next step.

2. Estimating the minimum GHG mitigation requirement per scenario for bioenergy cropping poten-
First, in the reference scenario a minimal GHG mitigation requirement for biofuel of 50 % is as-
sumed. A much stricter mitigation is assumed in the sustainable scenario as it should include the
indirect land use change impacts of biofuels (iLUC) related emissions. The GHG mitigation is as-
sumed to reach 70 % in 2020 and 80 % in 2030, which both applies on biofuels and on cropped bi-
omass for heat and electricity production.

The estimation of the minimal GHG requirement is built on the approach developed by EEA/ETC-
SIA§ study. An estimate of GHG payback and mitigation ability is made for all crops, including the
iLUC effect and taking into account the type of feedstock and related bioenergy delivery pathway.

3. Excluding high biodiverse land and land with high carbon stock
In the reference scenario biofuel crops cannot be cropped on highly biodiverse areas or area with
high carbon stock. In the sustainable scenario this applies to all cropped biomass. The land available
for biomass cropping is therefore reduced compared to the reference scenario. Both the Natura

Directive 2009/28/EC - RES Directive

The CAPRI (Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact) model is a tool for ex-ante impact assessment of agricultural and
international trade policies with a focus on the European Union. It is an economic partial comparative static equilibrium model for
agriculture. The core of the model consists of two interlinked modules: about 250 regional aggregate programming models cover-
ing the EU27, Norway and Western Balkans at the NUTS 2 level and a global spatial multi-commodity model for agricultural com-
modities. These together allow calculation of a wide range of economic and environmental indicators.
EEA: European Environment Agency
ETC/SIA: The European Topic Centre for Spatial information and Analysis. ETC/SIA is supporting the European Environment Agency
(EEA) in developing seamless European wide spatial reference data. ETC/SIA's main working area is the analysis of Land use and
land cover.
Page 5 of 45
2000** (farmland) and the HNV farmlands†† were regarded as highly biodiverse areas and agricul-
tural areas with high carbon stock. These areas were therefore not taken into account in biomass
cropping areas in the sustainable scenario.

In short, the stricter sustainability criteria in the Biomass Atlas lead to a lower cropping potential in 2020
and 2030.

3 Countries

3.1 Croatia
On the 1st of July 2013, Croatia became the 28th member of the EU after a decade of carrying out all the
reforms needed to bring it into line with EU laws and standards.

The energy statistics carried out within EU are mostly focused on EU27, while Croatia is not included. This
can explain the difficulties finding Croatian energy data, which were encountered during this study.

The energy plans made for Croatia is limited to forecasts for 2020 or 2030, so the available numbers for
these years have been used, where available. Elsewhere data from The European Commission report ‘EU
Energy, Transport and GHG Emissions - Trends to 2050 - Reference Scenario 2013’ has been used.

It was not possible to collect any data for the biomass potential in the future. It is therefore agreed that
AAU will collect remaining data through local contacts in Croatia.

Full-load hours (FLH) and solar performance are presented in the tables below.

Full-load hours
2,010.00 2,050.00 Difference [>100 % means larger than 2010]
Onshore Wind 1,564.67 3,666.67 2,101.99 234%
Offshore Wind 1,544.12 3,666.67 2,122.55 237%
Photovoltaic 840.91 1,523.10 682.19 181%
Concentrated Solar Power
Direct Geothermal
River Hydro
Hydro 4,439.47 5,306.91 867.43 120%
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable) Solar-check
Given information Calculated ESTIF 2012 numbers
Type Capacity Production Performance
Area m2 Capacity Area Radiation
MW TWh kWh/m2
Individual Solar Thermal MWh/m2
Solar Thermal 728.79 83.70 0.06 119,600 510.03 84.00 120,000 1.15 to 1.65
Geothermal 535.38

Assumptions and crosscheck results are described in the following.

Natura 2000 is a network of nature protection areas in the territory of the European Union. It comprises various types of protect-
ed areas, mainly Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs), but it also includes Marine Protected
Areas (MPAs) and some special forms defined on a national basis.
High Nature Value Farmland. By definition, in HNV farmland agriculture supports, or is associated with, either a high species and
habitat diversity or the presence of species of European conservation concern, or both.
Page 6 of 45
Onshore/Offshore wind:
The accumulated wind capacity in [1] and [3] is 89 MW. From [4], the onshore/offshore distribution is given
to be 3 % offshore, 97 % onshore, hence the results of 86 MW onshore and 3 MW offshore. Croatia has
installed more wind capacity since 2010. According to [9], (from 2012), onshore wind power was 179.60

According to [1], the accumulated wind capacity in Croatia will be 1,079 MW in 2050. This is lower, than
what is stated in the national plan for 2020 by [2] and in [HR5]: 1,200 MW in 2020 in total.

In [4], the onshore/offshore distribution is estimated to 71 % offshore, 29 % onshore. Therefore the results
of 348 MW onshore and 852 MW offshore. The same method has been applied for the annual production
shown in TWh.

From 2010 to 2050 there is seen an increase in FLH by more than 200 % for both onshore and offshore
wind. The numbers are the same in the used references, so this can be explained due to technical devel-
opment and higher share of offshore wind.

The 2010 number from [1] states a capacity of 0 MW. Therefore, 2012 data from [7] has been used, which
gives the following data: PV on grid = 3.9 MW and PV off grid = 0.5 MW, hence total = 4.4 MW. [7] has also
been used for the production in 2010 with 2012 data.

For the capacity and generation from photovoltaics in 2050 [1] has been used for both numbers. For com-
parison, [HR4] states a number of 250 MW in year 2030. [HR1] states the technical potential to electricity
generation from photovoltaics and solar thermal power plants to be around 33 TWh/year. The economic
potential to produce solar electricity would amount to around 0.3 TWh/annum, which is the equivalent of
around 200 MW of generating capacity.

The increase by 181 % in FLH may be due to technical development, since all used numbers are from [1].

The capacity in 2010 is from [1], whereas the production is from [HR2] and [2], given to be 8,309 GWh.

The capacity potential in 2050 is from [1]. In [1] the production potential is 8.74 TWh, but in [HR1] the
technically exploitable water potential resources in Croatia are estimated at 12.45 TWh/year with a fore-
cast for 2030 of 7.03 TWh (25.31 PJ).

An increase of 120 % in FLH can be explained by difference in use of source for 2010 and by technical de-

Individual solar thermal:

The numbers for individual solar thermal are in both 2010 and 2050 from [HR3]. For 2010, 2012 numbers
are available with 0.5 PJ. In 2050 the potential in [HR3] is 12.21 PJ in 2030-numbers.

Solar thermal:
The capacity for 2010 is from [8] with 2012-data: 119,600 m2 and 83.70 MW. The production in 2010 is
taken from [HR2].

The potential for 2050 is from [HR1]. The technical potential to produce heat from solar collectors and the
use of passive solar energy (solar architecture) amounts to 175 TWh/annum (630 PJ/year). The economic
potential is stated to be 7 % of technical potential.
Page 7 of 45
In the solar check, the performance is calculated to 510 kWh/m2, which seems to be a reasonable number
for the region, where the solar radiation is 1.15 to 1.65 MWh/m2.

The capacity is from [HR1] with 2007-data: Total installed heat capacity from supply of geothermal energy
2007 from space heating = 33.66 MW, from space heating and hot water preparation = 113.90 MW. From
[HR1] the production in 2007 corresponded to 702.31 TJ = 0.2 TWh. In [HR2] the number is 0.08 TWh.

For the potential in 2050 [HR1] is used with 2030 forecast of 8.54 PJ.

Energy crops, residual:

In [HR1], the agricultural residue is given to be 22.93 PJ. AAU will find 2050-data through local contacts.

Energy crops, dedicated land:

In [HR4] and [HR2] a number for energy forests was given and used as 2010 data of 12.88 PJ. AAU will find
2050-data through local contacts.

The number of 16 TWh in 2010 is given in [HR2]. From [HR1] the following numbers are listed, supporting
the data:
 Cord wood = 24.33 PJ
 Wood residue = 8.65 PJ
 Abbaino = 2.01 PJ
 Wood industry residue = 17.89 PJ
 Roads, water management, etc. = 4.80 PJ
 Total = 57.68 PJ = 16.02 TWh

AAU will find 2050-data through local contacts.

From [HR2] a production of 319 TJ is given. AAU will find 2050-data through local contacts.

The production of biogas in 2010 is in [HR2] = 298 TJ.

For the potential in 2050 data from [HR5] is used: Croatia sets up a goal by this Strategy of 20 % of total
conditional cattle heads for energy purposes from agricultural production in 2020 and to produce around
2.6 PJ of energy from biogas, i.e. 100 million m3 of biogas.

Total biomass:
The total biomass is the sum of the shown numbers. It is stated in [HR5] that Croatia defines a goal to use
around 15 PJ of biomass for energy purposes in 2010, and 26 PJ in 2020. Part of this biomass shall be used
in biomass-fired, preferably cogeneration, power plants with a collective electricity capacity of 85 MW in

Page 8 of 45
3.1.1 Data on renewable electricity and heat potentials

Croatia: Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable Energy Resources - HR

2010 Potential (2050)
Renewable Electricity
Capacity Annual Production Capacity Annual Production
(MWe) (TWh/year) (MWe) (TWh/year)
Onshore Wind 86.28 0.14 348.00 1.28
Offshore Wind 2.72 0.00 852.00 3.12
Photovoltaic 4.40 0.00 606.00 0.92
Concentrated Solar Power - - - -
Direct Geothermal - - - -
Wave - - - -
Tidal - - - -
Hydro Storage Hydro Storage
(GWh) (GWh)
River Hydro
Hydro 1,900.00 8.44 2,346.00 12.45
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable)
Renewable Heat
Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage
(MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh) (MWe) (TWh/year) (GWh)
Individual Solar Thermal n/a 0.14 n/a 3.39
Solar Thermal 83.70 0.06 n/a 12.25
Geothermal 147.56 0.08 n/a 2.37

Bienergy (All High Priority)

2010 Potential (2050)
Annual Consumption Annual Consumption
(TWh/year) (TWh/year)
Energy Crops: Residual 6.37 AAU collects through contact in Croatia
Energy Crops: Dedicated Land 3.58 AAU collects through contact in Croatia
Wood 16.02 AAU collects through contact in Croatia
Waste: Renewable & fossil 0.09 AAU collects through contact in Croatia
Biogas 0.08 0.72
Total 26.14

Page 9 of 45
3.1.2 References

Croatia: Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable Energy Resources - HR

2010 Potential (2050)
Renewable Electricity
Capacity Annual Production Capacity Annual Production
(MWe) (TWh/year) (MWe) (TWh/year)

[1]+[2] + [3]: [1]:

139 GWh in total 1079 MW cumulated [1]:
2291 GWh in total
[4]: [2]:
Onshore/off shore distribution National plan 2020: 1200 MW [4]
3% off shore, 97% onshore in 2020 in total Onshore/off shore distribution:
Onshore/off shore distribution
Estimated 71% off shore, 29%
Onshore Wind 3% off shore, 97% onshore
[4] onshore
[9]: (2012-data) Onshore/off shore distribution:
[9]: (2012-data)
Wind power: 0,329 TWh (total) Estimated 71% off shore, 29% [HR1]:
Wind power (On shore): 179,6
onshore Forecast 2030 = 15,84 PJ wind
[HR1]: energy
Total wind production 2007 = [HR5]: -> 4,4 TWh in total
125,67 TJ 2020: 1,200 MW

Onshore/off shore distribution [4]
3% off shore, 97% onshore Onshore/off shore distribution:
[1]+[3] [1]
Estimated 71% off shore, 29%
[9]: onshoreshore, 29% onshore
[4]: [4]
Offshore Wind (2012-data)
Onshore/off shore distribution Onshore/off shore distribution:
Wind power (On shore): 179,6 [HR5]:
3% off shore, 97% onshore Estimated 71% off shore, 29%
MW It is expected that the installed
capacity of the wind power in
the Republic of
[9]: (2012-data) Croatia in 2020 amount 1,200
Wind power (Off shore): Not on MW
the list.

Page 10 of 45

The technical potential to
electricity generation from
[1]: photovoltaic (PV) systems and
0 MW [1]: solar
0 TWh thermal power plants amounts
Photovoltaic [7]: (2012-data) to around 33 TWh/annum.
PV on grid: 3,9 MW [7]: PV (2012-data)
250 MW till year 2030
PV off grid: 0,5 MW 3,7 GWh The economic potential to
Total: 4,4 MW produce solar electricity would
amount to
around 0.3 TWh/annum, which
is the equivalent of around 200
MW of electricity-generating

[10]: [10]:
Solar radiation in Croatia is Solar radiation in Croatia is
between 1,200 and 1,600 between 1,200 and 1,600
kWh/m2 kWh/m2

[8]: [8]: Areas of at least 2000 Areas of at least 2000

Concentrated Solar Power
Not on the list Not on the list kWh/m²/y are needed for CSP kWh/m²/y are needed for CSP
plants due to economic plants due to economic
constraints. constraints.

Croatia is therefore unsuitable Croatia is therefore unsuitable

for CSP for CSP
Direct Geothermal [1] [1] [1] [1]
Wave [1] [1] [1] [1]
Tidal [1] [1] [1] [1]
Hydro Storage Hydro Storage
(GWh) (GWh)
River Hydro
8,744 TWh

[1] Technically exploitable water
Hydro [1] potential resources in Croatia
are estimated at 12.45
8309 GWh

Forecast 2030: 7,03 TWh (25,31

PJ) Page 11 of 45
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable)
Renewable Heat
Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage
(MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh) (MWe) (TWh/year) (GWh)
[HR3]: [HR3]:
Individual Solar Thermal* n/a n/a
2012 0,5 PJ 12,21 PJ in 2030
The technical potential to
produce heat from solar
collectors and the use of
[8]: (2012-data)
passive solar
Solar Thermal:
Solar Thermal [HR2] n/a energy (solar architecture)
119600 m2
amounts to 175 TWh/annum.
83,7 MWth
(630 PJ/annum)

Economic potential = 7% of
technical potential
Total installed heat capacity
0,079 TWh
from supåply of geothermal
Geothermal energy 2007: n/a
[HR1]: Forecast 2030: 8,54 PJ
Space heating = 33,66 MW
702,31TJ = 0,195 TWh (2007)
Space heating and hot water
preparation = 113,9 MW
Large-scale heat pumps

2010 Potential (2050)
Annual Consumption Annual Consumption
(TWh/year) (TWh/year)
Energy Crops: Residual Agro residue = 22,93 PJ AAU collects through contact in Croatia
Energy Crops: Dedicated Land Energy forests = 12,88 PJ AAU collects through contact in Croatia

Cord wood = 24,33 PJ
Wood residue = 8,65 PJ
Abbaino = 2,01 PJ
Wood industry residue = 17,89
Roads, water management, etc.
= 4,80
Wood Total = 16,022 TWh AAU collects through contact in Croatia
Waste: Renewable & fossil 319 TJ Production AAU collects through contact in Croatia Page 12 of 45
Croatia sets up a goal by this
Strategy of 20% of total
conditional cattle heads for
energy purposes from
agricultural production in 2020
and to produce around 2.6
PJ of energy from biogas, i.e.
[HR2]: 100 millions m3
Biogas 298 TJ Production of biogas.


Croatia defines a goal to, along

with the existing incentive
measures and removing the
existing administrative barriers,
use around 15 PJ of biomass in
energy purposes in 2010, while
in 2020 double, around 26 PJ.
Part of this biomass shall be
used in many biomass fired
power plants of total power of
85 MW in 2020, preferably
Total cogeneration plants.

Page 13 of 45
3.2 Czech Republic
For Czech Republic, several references were necessary to use to find the needed data. Both national and EU
references have been used. It was necessary to use three national references on biomass data in order to
get an overview of the data available.

FLH and solar performance are presented in the tables below.

Full-load hours
2010 2050 Difference [>100 % means larger than 2010]
Onshore Wind 1,562.79 1,502.14 -60.65 96%
Offshore Wind
Photovoltaic 314.49 1,069.27 754.77 340%
Concentrated Solar Power
Direct Geothermal
River Hydro
Hydro 2,590.53 3,111.28 520.75 120%
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable) Solar-check
Given information Calculated ESTIF 2012 numbers
Type Capacity Production 2
Area m 2 Capacity Area Radiation
MW TWh kWh/m
Individual Solar Thermal* MWh/m2
Solar Thermal 220.11 1,859.44 1,639.33 845% 463.40 0.10 661,969 154.09 299.13 427,327
Geothermal 5,427.33 13,880.00 8,452.67 256%
Large-scale heat pumps 1,232.50

Assumptions and crosscheck results are described in the following.

Onshore wind:
Czech Republic does not have a shoreline; therefore all wind capacity is onshore. In [1] and [2], the wind
capacity in 2010 is 215 MW. In [5] the wind capacity is 218 MW. The production in 2010 was 0.34 TWh,
according to [1], [2] and [5].

The potential for wind capacity and production in 2050 is both from [1].

There is no positive development in FLH, which might be explained by the lack of shoreline in Czech Repub-
lic. Hence, it might be difficult to utilize the wind technology more than it is today. The FLH in 2010 are rela-
tively low, but the used references have more or less the same numbers. Local wind conditions might be
the reason for this, but an exact explanation has not been identified.

In [1] the 2010 capacity is 1,959 MW. From [5] there is in (2010):
 PV on grid: 1,958.7 MW
 PV off grid: 0.4 MW
 Total: 1,959.1 MW

The potential for 2050 is from [1].

The used numbers are from the same reference, [1]. Therefore, an assumption on technical development
might be the explanation for the increase in FLH by 340 %.

Page 14 of 45
The 2010 data from [1] gives a number for the capacity of 1,077 MW. From [CZ1] the number is 1,048 MW
from 2009.

The production in 2010 from [1] is 2.79 TWh. In accordance with this, 2.79 TWh is also given by ‘Ministry of
Industry and Trade and Energy Regulatory Office Data 2013 preliminary for 2007 to 2013’. In [CZ1] the
number is 2.17 TWh in 2009/28/EC.

The potential for 2050 is in [1] equal to 1,330 MW. To support this, the 2020 target in [CZ2] is 1,097 MW. It
should be noted that this target does not raise capacity significantly, compared to the installed capacity in
2010. The production potential in 2050 is also given by [1] to 4.14 TWh/year. To compare, the following
targets are given in [CZ2] to be:
 2.53 TWh/year in 2040
 2.53 TWh/year in 2030
 2.61 TWh/year in 2020-target

The FLH for use of hydro increase by 120 %. The numbers used for the calculation are from [1] – the differ-
ence is therefore attributed to technical development.

Hydro pump back:

The hydro pump back for 2010 is given in [CZ1]. No sources were available for the potential in 2050.

Solar thermal:
In [5] the thermal solar collector area is given to be 661,969 m2 with a capacity of 463 MW. In [CZ1] the
number is only 216 MW. The production is given from [CZ1] to 273 TJ (0.08 TWh).

For the potential of capacity in 2050 only 2020 data is available from [CZ2], with 747 MW as 2020 target.
The production potential for 2050 is also from [CZ2] with the following national targets:
 1.39 TWh/year 2040
 0.97 TWh/year in 2030
 0.38 TWh/year (2020-target)

The number for FLH in 2010 is very low. There has been used two different references, which might explain
the rather large increase in FLH of 845 %. The difference in references also explains the very low perfor-
mance of solar thermal in 2010.

In [5] the geothermal capacity is 4.50 MW, but in [CZ1] the number is 0 MW in 2010. For the production in
2010 in [1] and [CZ1] the number is 0 TWh. In [5] the geothermal energy is equivalent to 2.10 ktoe (0.02

For the 2050 potential, [CZ2] have been used with 50 MW as the 2020-target. For the production the fol-
lowing data is given by [CZ2]:
 0.69 TWh/year (2040)
 0.47 TWh/year (2030)
 0.18 TWh/year (2020-target)

The FLH in 2010 seem reasonable, despite two different sources have been used. The too large number of
FLH in 2050 is due to the capacity is 2020-data, while the production is the 2040-target.
Large scale heat pumps:
Page 15 of 45
The capacity and production in 2010 is given by [CZ1]. Again is [CZ2] used for the potential of 2050 with the
following data for production:
 4.36 TWh/year (2040)
 3.72 TWh/year (2030)
 1.83 TWh/year (2020 - target)

Energy crops, residual:

The residual energy crops is given from [CZ4], Table 16: 13.50 PJ agricultural residues. The potential for
2050 is from [CZ5] with a residual of 35 PJ. In [11], the residual related biomass is 1,510 ktoe in 2030, which
corresponds to 17.56 TWh.

Energy crops, dedicated:

The data for 2010 are taken from [CZ4], Table 17: 161.17 PJ biomass potential from energy crops. In [CZ5],
the potential for dedicated land in 2050 is 214 PJ. In [11], related to dedicated land (without forests) = 539
ktoe = 6.27 TWh.

In [CZ3] the 2010 data is given:
Wood for electricity and heat 2008: 16.11 PJ or 4.48 TWh (wood for electricity alone in 2010 is 0.64 TWh).

Some additional data for 2010 is given in [5] for solid biomass:
Primary energy production: 2.09 Mtoe (24.31 TWh)
Heat consumption: 1.64 Mtoe (19.07 TWh, whereof 0.06 Mtoe to DH)
Gross electricity production:
 Electricity only plants: 0.6 TWh
 CHP plants: 0.9 TWh
 Total: 1.5 TWh

For the 2050 [CZ5] is used with a potential from wood (forestry) of 50 PJ. In [11], the wood related data is
6.22 Mtoe in 2030, equal to 72.29 TWh.

The number for 2010 is from [CZ3], with waste = 0.73 TWh/year of which municipal solid waste (MSW) is 59
GWh and industrial waste is 2 GWh.

In [CZ1] waste = 0.82 TWh/year (2009) and in [5], the Municipal Waste (Renewable share) is from Primary
energy production equal to 62.70 ktoe (0.73 TWh) with gross electricity production:
 Electricity only plants: 11 GWh
 CHP plants: 25 GWh
 Total: 36 GWh

In [11] the total MSW in 2030 is 806 ktoe = 9.37 TWh.

For the potential in 2050 data from 2020 – 2040 were available from [CZ2]:
 6.14 TWh/year (2030+2040)
 1.45 TWh/year (2020)

In [11] the following data for 2050 potential is available:

 MSW = 220 ktoe in 2030 = 2.56 TWh
 MSW landfill = 360 ktoe in 2030 = 4.19 TWh
Page 16 of 45
 In total 6.75 TWh

In 2010 the data from [CZ3] is used with biogas = 2.06 TWh/year. Biogas solely for electricity production is
266.87 GWh.

In [CZ2], the biogas = 1,329 TWh/year in 2009.

From [5] a more detailed division for biogas is given:

 Landfill gas: 29.5 ktoe (0.34 TWh)
 Sewage sludge: 35.9 ktoe (0.42 TWh)
 Other biogas: 111.3 ktoe (1.29 TWh)

With gross electricity production:

 Electricity only plants: 361 GWh
 CHP plants: 275 GWh
 Total: 636 GWh
 The potential for 2050 is from [CZ2]

Biomass Atlas:
The results from the Biomass Atlas are seen in the table below. The numbers here are higher than the
numbers shown from the national references from Czech Republic, describes in the biomass categories
above. An explanation to this can be that the numbers in the national references are less detailed than the
numbers in the Biomass Atlas.

Biomass Atlas

REF2020 SUS2020 REF2030 SUS2030

Energy crops, residual 24 24 28 27
Energy crops, dedicated 1 0 1 0
Wood 68 59 66 59
Waste 12 12 11 11
Biogas 27 27 21 21
Total 131 121 127 119

Page 17 of 45
3.2.1 Data on renewable electricity and heat potentials

Czech Republic: Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable Energy Resources - Czech Republic

2010 Potential (2050)
Renewable Electricity
Capacity Annual Production Capacity Annual Production
(MWe) (TWh/year) (MWe) (TWh/year)
Onshore Wind 215.00 0.34 468.00 0.70
Offshore Wind n/a n/a n/a n/a
Photovoltaic 1,958.70 0.62 2,180.00 2.33
Concentrated Solar Power - - - -
Direct Geothermal - -
Wave - - - -
Tidal - - - -
Hydro Storage Hydro Storage
(GWh) (GWh)
River Hydro
Hydro 1,077.00 2.79 1,330.00 4.14
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable) 0.59
Renewable Heat
Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage
(MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh) (MWe) (TWh/year) (GWh)
Individual Solar Thermal n/a n/a
Solar Thermal 463.40 0.10 747.00 1.39
Geothermal 4.50 0.02 - 50.00 0.69
Large-scale heat pumps 400.00 0.49 4.36

2010 Potential (2050)
Annual Consumption Annual Consumption
(TWh/year) (TWh/year)
Energy Crops: Residual 3.75 9.72
Energy Crops: Dedicated Land 44.77 59.44
Wood 4.48 13.89
Waste: Renewable & fossil 0.73 6.14
Biogas 2.06 7.53
Total 55.78 96.72

Page 18 of 45
3.2.2 References

Czech Republic: Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable Energy Resources - Czech Republic

2010 Potential (2050)
Renewable Electricity
Capacity Annual Production Capacity Annual Production
(MWe) (TWh/year) (MWe) (TWh/year)
[1] + [2]: [1] + [2]:
Onshore Wind 215 MW 0.335 TWh [1] [1]
[5]: Wind power: 218 MW [5]: Wind power: 0.336 TWh
Offshore Wind n/a n/a n/a n/a
[1]: 1,958.7 MW
[5]: (2010)
[1] + [2] + [5]:
Photovoltaic PV on grid: 1,958.7 MWp [1] [1]
PV: 615.7 GWh (2010)
PV off grid: 0.5 MWp
Total: 3,483.5 MWp
[10]: Solar radiation in Czech [10]: Solar radiation in Czech
Republic is around 1000 Republic is around 1000
kWh/m²/y kWh/m²/y
[8]: [8]: Areas of at least 2000 Areas of at least 2000
Concentrated Solar Power Not mentioned Not mentioned kWh/m²/y are needed for CSP kWh/m²/y are needed for CSP
plants due to economic plants due to economic
constraints. constraints.
Czech Republic is therefore Czech Republic is therefore
unsuitable for CSP unsuitable for CSP
[5]: [1]:
Direct Geothermal Geothermal electricity plants: Geothermal (and other
Capacity installed: 0 MW renewables): 0 GWh
Wave [1] [1] [1] [1]
Tidal [1] [1] [1] [1]
Hydro Storage Hydro Storage
(GWh) (GWh)
River Hydro

Page 19 of 45
[1]: 2.79 TWh in 2010
[1]: 2.79 TWh in Ministry of [1]: 4.138 TWh/year
[1]: 1,330 MW
1.077 MW in 2010 Industry and Trade and Energy [CZ2]:
Hydro Regulatory Office Data 2013 2.53 TWh/year in 2040
[CZ2]: 1,097 MW in 2020 target
[CZ1]: preliminary for 2007 to 2013, 2.53 TWh/year in 2030
1.048 MW in 2009 production in GWh 2.61 TWh/year in 2020-target
[CZ1]: 2.17 TWh in 2009/28/EC

Hydro Pump Back (if applicable)
Renewable Heat
Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage
(MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh) (MWe) (TWh/year) (GWh)
Individual Solar Thermal n/a n/a

[5]: Thermal solar collectors:

[CZ2]: 1.39 TWh/year 2040
661,969 m2 [CZ1]: [CZ2]:
Solar Thermal 0.972 TWh/year
463.4 MWth 273 TJ = 0.1 TWh 747 MW 2020 target
0.375 TWh/year (2020-target)
[CZ1]: 216 MW

[1]: [CZ2]:
[5]: Geothermal Capacity: 4.5 [1]: 0 TWh
0 GWh 0.694 TWh/year (2040)
MW [5]: Geothermal Energy using: [CZ2]:
Geothermal 0.472 TWh/year (2030)
2.1 ktoe 50 MW 2020-target
[CZ1]: 0.175 TWh/year (2020-target)
[CZ1]: 0 MW [CZ1]: 0 TWh/year
0 GWh

4.361 TWh/year (2040)
Large-scale heat pumps [CZ1] [CZ1]
3.722 TWh/year (2030)
1.826 TWh/year (2020 - target)

2010 Potential (2050)
Annual Consumption Annual Consumption
(TWh/year) (TWh/year)
[CZ5]: Residual 35 PJ
[CZ4]: Table 16: 13.5 PJ
[11]: Residuel related: 1510
agricultural residues
Energy Crops: Residual ktoe in 2030 = 17.56 TWh

Page 20 of 45
[CZ5]: Dedicated land 214 PJ
[CZ4]: Table 17: 161.17 PJ
[11]: Related to dedicated lan
biomass potential from
(without forests) = 539 ktoe =
Energy Crops: Dedicated Land 6.27 TWh
[CZ3]: Wood for elctricity and
heat 2008: 16.11 PJ or 4.48
(wood for electricity alone in
2010 is 0.642 TWh) [CZ5]:
[5]: Solid biomass: Primary Wood (forestry) 50 PJ
energy production: 2.09 Mtoe
(~24.4 TWh) [11]:
Heat consumption: 1.64 Mtoe Wood related:
(0.06 Mtoe to DH) 6,216 ktoe in 2030
Gross electricity production: = 72.29 TWh
Electricity only plants: 0.595
CHP plants: 0.898 TWh
Total: 1.493 TWh

[CZ3]: Waste = 0.73 TWh/year

of which:
Solid municipal waste 59,000
[CZ2]: 6.14 TWh/year
Industrial waste 2,000 MWh
[CZ1]: Waste = 0.82 TWh/year
1.45 TWh/year (2020)
[11]: MSW = 220 ktoe in 2030 =
[5]: Municipal Waste
3 TWh
(Renewable share):
MSW landfill = 360 ktoe in 2030
Primary energy production:
= 4.19 TWh
62.7 ktoe (~ 0.7 TWh)
In total 6.75 TWh
Gross electricity production:
(Fall in MSW landfill potential)
Electricity only plants: 11 GWh
CHP plants: 25 GWh
Total: 36 GWh
[11]: Total MSW in 2030: 806
ktoe = 9.37 TWh
Waste: Renewable & fossil

Page 21 of 45
Biogas = 2,06 TWh/year
Biogas solely for electricity
production 266.868,3 MWh

Biogas = 1,329 TWh/year

Landfill gas: 29,5 ktoe (~0,3
Sewage sludge: 35,9 ktoe (~0,4
Other biogas: 111,3 ktoe (~1,3

Gross electricity production:

Electricity only plants: 361 GWh
CHP plants: 275 GWh
Total: 636 GWh

Page 22 of 45
3.3 Italy
Data from Italy has been collected from national data, the national STRATEGO partner and EU-28 statistics
and projections.

FLH and solar performance are presented in the tables below.

Full-load hours
2010 2050 Difference [>100 % means larger than 2010]
Onshore Wind 1,569.66 1,868.45 298.79 119%
Offshore Wind 3,157.89
Photovoltaic 549.28 1,774.42 1,225.14 323%
Concentrated Solar Power 1,800.00 2,333.33 533.33 130%
Direct Geothermal 6,963.73 6,000.00 -963.73 86%


River Hydro 4,300.16 4,300.16 0.00 100%

Hydro 1,965.17 1,899.18 -65.99 97%
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable) 1,197.99 1,262.14 64.15 105% Solar-check
Given information Calculated ESTIF 2012 numbers
Type Capacity Productio Performance
Area m2 Capacity Area Radiation
MW n TWh kWh/m2
Individual Solar Thermal* MWh/m2
Solar Thermal 878.14 1,094.26 216.12 125% 1,743.00 1.50 2,503,949 599.05 2,356.01 3,365,730
Geothermal 3,875.74 2,367.42 -1,508.31 61%
Large-scale heat pumps

Assumptions and crosscheck results are described in the following.

Onshore wind:
Two different references were used between 2010 [5] and 2050 [1]. Despite this, the 19 percentage-points
increase in FLH of onshore wind seems plausible.

Offshore wind:
FLH not calculated due to lack of installed offshore wind capacity in 2010.

Differences in the assumptions of the two different references (2010: [5] 2050: [1]), might explain the sig-
nificant increase in FLH. The 2010-numbers on FLH seem quite low.

Concentrated solar power:

A moderate, but not unrealistic increase in FLH, despite three different references (2010: [5] and [IT4]
2050: [IT6])

Direct Geothermal:
The decrease in FLH could be caused by the deployment of geothermal resources with lower yield and/or
different operating pattern than current installed capacity. Since [5] is used for 2010-numbers and [IT3] is
used for 2050 (although the projection is limited to 2030), the explanation might simply be the difference in
assumptions between the references.

River Hydro:
Since numbers on hydro were limited for 2050, and aggregated in the references, it has been necessary to
extract these using a combination of different references. The results are in the same order of magnitude,
but different from, the numbers provided by the Italian STRATEGO partner.

Page 23 of 45
An aggregate number for hydro was given in the reference. This is subtracted the numbers found in the
category “River Hydro”. The results are in the same order of magnitude, but different from, the numbers
provided by the Italian STRATEGO partner.

Hydro pump back:

Minor difference between 2010 [IT5] and 2050-numbers [IT9] and [IT10], despite applying three different

Solar thermal:
2020-numbers have been applied for 2050, due to lack of data. Additionally, the solar thermal categories
have been merged, since it has not been possible to distinguish between individual and large-scale solar
thermal. The performance of 599 kWh/m2/year appears reasonable, and the difference in FLH can be at-
tributed to the three different references applied, [5], [IT1] and [IT2].

As with geothermal electricity, the FLH for geothermal heat decreases. The reason can be that two different
references are used, but might also be explained as described above: The deployment of geothermal re-
sources with lower yield and/or different operating pattern than current installed capacity.

Large-scale heat pumps:

References are limited to the assumed production in 2050, specifically connected to geothermal heat.

Biomass Atlas:
All biomass categories are aggregated under this description. The Biomass Atlas has been applied as main
reference for all biomass-categories. It is worth noticing the significant differences between these numbers,
and numbers found in [IT11]. Generally, the focus on sustainable cropping is visible in the numbers from
the Biomass Atlas, which tends to be higher than [IT11], when utilising residual and waste-resources, and
lower when utilising dedicated land.

Biomass Atlas

REF2020 SUS2020 REF2030 SUS2030

Energy crops, residual 128 114 126 82
Energy crops, dedicated 42 0 4 0
Wood 74 69 75 69
Waste 19 19 15 15
Biogas 67 67 76 76
Total 329 269 296 242

Page 24 of 45
3.3.1 Data on renewable electricity and heat potentials

Italy: Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable Energy Resources - IT

2010 Potential (2050)
Renewable Electricity
Capacity Annual Production Capacity Annual Production
(MWe) (TWh/year) (MWe) (TWh/year)
Onshore Wind 5,814.00 9.13 29,031.00 54.24
Offshore Wind 0.00 0.00 1,900.00 6.00
Photovoltaic 3,470.00 1.91 45,505.00 80.75
Concentrated Solar Power 5.00 0.01 3,000.00 7.00
Direct Geothermal 772.00 5.38 2,000.00 12.00
Wave - - - -
Tidal - - - -
Hydro Storage Hydro Storage
(GWh) (GWh)
River Hydro 4,902.80 21.08 5,593.63 24.05
Hydro 12,303.70 24.18 14,037.37 26.66
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable) 7,659.10 9.18 96.00 10,300.00 13.00 125.00
Renewable Heat
Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage
(MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh) (MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh)
Individual Solar Thermal
1,752.80 1.54 39,551.08 43.28
Solar Thermal
Geothermal 418.00 1.62 8,800.00 20.83
Large-scale heat pumps 4.17

2010 Potential (2050)
Annual Consumption Annual Consumption
(TWh/year) (TWh/year)
Energy Crops: Residual 185.38 126.16
Energy Crops: Dedicated Land 41.69 3.73
Wood 16.25 75.37
Waste: Renewable & fossil 46.42 15.31
Biogas 96.06 75.68
Total 385.80 296.25

Page 25 of 45
3.3.2 References

Italy: Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable Energy Resources - IT

2010 Potential (2050)
Renewable Electricity
Capacity Annual Production Capacity Annual Production
(MWe) (TWh/year) (MWe) (TWh/year)
Onshore Wind [5] [1] [1]
Wind power: 5,814.3 MW

Offshore Wind [6]: (2010-data) [IT4] [IT6] [IT6]

Wind power (Off shore): Not on
the list.
[5]: (2010)
PV on grid: 3,470 MWp
Photovoltaic [5] [1] [1]
PV off grid: 13.5 MWp
Total: 3,483.5 MWp
Concentrated Solar Power 5 MW (Archimede (prototype), [IT4] [IT6] [IT6]
commissionning date 2010)
[5]: Geothermal electricity
[IT3]: 2030-numbers. In a 2030-numbers. In a favorable
Direct Geothermal [5] favorable scenario scenario
Capacity installed: 882.5 MW
[1]: 1,353 Mwe
Net capacity: 728.1 MW
[1]: 12.181 TWh
Wave [1] [1] [1] [1]
Tidal [1] [1] [1] [1]
Hydro Storage Hydro Storage
(GWh) (GWh)
Scaled according to 2050
Scaled according to 2010-
numbers from [1] and 2010
River Hydro [IT5] [IT5] production and 2050 capacity
numbers from [IT6]
Italian partner: 33 TWh
Italian partner: 7,800 MW
[1]: Subtracted the calculated
[1] subtracted river hydro
Hydro [IT5] [IT5] river hydro
Italian partner: 31.7 TWh
Italian partner: 17,000 MW
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable) [IT5] [IT5] [IT7] [IT8] [IT9] [IT10] [IT10]

Page 26 of 45
Renewable Heat
Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage
(MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh) (MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh)
Individual Solar Thermal
[5] and [IT1]
2,413 MWth in 2012 and 2.12
[5]: Thermal solar collectors: TWh [IT2]
2,503,949 m2 1,752.8 MWth in 2010 and Local partner. Based on 2020-
Solar Thermal Based on 2020-numbers
1,752.8 MWth unknown TWh numbers
Scaled according to 2012-
numbers: 1.54 TWh

Geothermal [5] [5] [IT3] [IT3]

Number only refers to heat
Large-scale heat pumps
pumps connected to

2010 Potential (2050)
Annual Consumption Annual Consumption
(TWh/year) (TWh/year)
[11] Note large difference from
Energy Crops: Residual [IT11]: 108.2 TWh
[11] Note large difference from
Energy Crops: Dedicated Land [IT11]: 46.5 TWh
[11] [11]
Note large difference - [5]: 38.9 Note large difference from
Wood TWh [IT11]: 35 TWh
[11] [11]
Note large difference - [5]: 9.1 Note large difference from
Waste: Renewable & fossil TWh [IT11]: 3.5 TWh
[11] [11]
Note large difference - [5]: 5.2 Note large difference from
Biogas TWh [IT11]: 127.9 TWh
Note large difference to [1]
7,033 ktoe - 81.8 TWh Note large difference to [1]
Total production 2050: 10,050 ktoe - 116.9 TWh

Page 27 of 45
3.4 Romania
Five different references have been used on national basis, but international reports have also been used in
order to collect the data.

FLH and solar performance are presented in the tables below.

Full-load hours

Type Difference
2010 2050 Difference [>100 % means larger than 2010]
Onshore Wind 662.44 1,994.04 1,331.60 301%
Offshore Wind 659.11 1,996.65 1,337.55 303%
Photovoltaic 769.23 1,178.96 409.73 153%
Concentrated Solar Power
Direct Geothermal


River Hydro
Hydro 3,111.24 3,828.48 717.25 123%
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable) Solar-check
Given information Calculated ESTIF 2012 numbers
Type Capacity Production Performance
Area m2 Capacity Area Radiation
MW TWh kWh/m2
Individual Solar Thermal* 15.01
Solar Thermal 73.00 0.00 104,700 9.55 77.49 110,700
Geothermal 2,436.83

Assumptions and crosscheck results are described in the following.

Onshore/Offshore wind:
From [1] the cumulated wind in 2010 is 462 MW. In [4], the onshore/offshore distribution is 3 % offshore
and 97 % onshore. Comparable numbers are found in [2] with 400 MW cumulated and [5] with 388 MW
cumulated wind power. The same references are used for the production in 2010 with [1] as main source.
From [4] the onshore/offshore distribution is assumed to be 3 % offshore and 97 % onshore. From [5] the
production is 0.31 TWh.

The potential for 2050 is from [1]. Where [4] is used for distribution of onshore 20 % and 80 % offshore.
The offshore is lower than Croatia due to short shoreline in Romania. Therefore, the numbers in [4] from
2020 have been used.

The FLH in 2010 are rather low. The increase in FLH can be explained with an expectation of better utiliza-
tion of wind in the potential. The used numbers are from [1] in both 2010 and 2050.

In [5] 2010-data is found for the capacity: PV on grid = 1.3 MW, PV off grid = 0.6 MW, in total = 1.9 MW.
The production is also found from [5].

The potential for 2050 is found in [1] with 3,788 GWh. In [RO1] the number is 1.2 TWh electricity from solar

The used reference in 2010 is [5], whereas the used reference for the 2050-data is [1]. This may explain the
increase in FLH together with technical development.

Page 28 of 45
Direct geothermal:
From [1] the potential for geothermal (and other renewables) is 18 GWh. In the table, this is not included
since the share of geothermal is unclear.

The capacity and production in 2010 is from [1] with [2] supporting the production found in [1].

Reference [1] is also used for the potential in 2050 with 25,169 GWh. In [RO1] the Romanian technically
developable hydropower potential is 36,000 GWh/year from which, 30,000 GWh/year (taking into consid-
eration the economic potential) can be exploited.

Individual solar thermal and solar thermal:

It was not possible to find any data on individual solar thermal, therefore the data for the individual solar
thermal and solar thermal has been merged. In [5] for 2010 capacity, the thermal solar collector area is
104,700 m2 with a capacity of 73.3 MW.

The production in [RO2] is 4 TJ from solar thermal. The very low performance seen in the crosscheck table
can be explained by use of different sources.

For the 2050 potential [RO1] gives a number for solar energy of 60 PJ/year heat.

The performance of solar thermal is much too low to be realistic. This can only be explained by difference
in references, since the capacity is given in [5] and the production in [RO2].

From [5], the geothermal capacity is 153.2 MW. The production in 2010 is also from [5] with geothermal
energy using of 32.1 ktoe, corresponding to 0.37 TWh. In [RO2], the 2010 number is 962 TJ.

In [RO1] the potential for 2050 is found to be for geothermal energy = 7 PJ heat.

Energy crops, residual:

For residual energy crops, reference [11] is used. However, this is only a number for the straw potential
from 2004 of 1,351 ktoe = 15.71 TWh. The potential for 2010 might therefore be higher than this number.

In [RO3], the agricultural residues - biomass potential is in 2004 for the future in Romania to be 247.21 PJ.
An alternative number is found in [11], where residues related biomass is 3,621 ktoe in 2030, which corre-
sponds to 42.11 TWh.

Energy crops, dedicated:

In [RO5], biomass from agriculture in 2008 used for energy is 65 PJ, equal to 18.06 TWh. For the potential in
2050, the estimated biomass potential from agricultural biomass = 200,935 TJ in [RO3]. In [11] the number
is much lower, where dedicated land (without forests) is 666 ktoe in 2030 = 7.75 TWh.

The number for solid biomass in [5] is used as reference for wood, where solid biomass contributes to the
primary energy production by 3,459 Mtoe (2011-data), which is 40.22 TWh.

The potential of wood in 2050 is found in [RO3], where the potential for biomass wood forestry = 49,241 TJ
+ wood waste = 20,432 TJ, which corresponds to 19.35 TWh.

In [11] the wood related in 2030 is much higher with 13,420 ktoe = 156.08 TWh.
Page 29 of 45
From [RO2] the energy production from waste is 1,284 TJ, which only equals 0.36 TWh. The number from
[11] is much higher, where the total MSW in 2010 is 1,792 ktoe = 20.84 TWh.

In [RO3], the urban waste potential amounts to 22,805 TJ = 6.34 TWh. In [RO4], the municipal waste elec-
tricity CHP = 17 ktoe, municipal waste heat = 110 ktoe, which is 1.48 TWh/year

In [11] the number is much higher with total MSW = 940 ktoe in 2030, which is 10.93 TWh.

In [5] the following data is found on biogas:
 Landfill gas: 0 ktoe
 Sewage sludge: 0 ktoe
 Other biogas: 3.0 ktoe (0.03 TWh)

Gross electricity production:

 Electricity only plants: 0 GWh
 CHP plants: 1 GWh
 Total: 1 GWh

The future potential is found from [RO3], where the biogas potential = 24,620 TJ or 6.84 TWh

Biomass Atlas:
The data from the Biomass Atlas is seen in the Table below. The found data for the biomass in 2010 and the
potential in 2050 deviates from the numbers given in the Biomass Atlas. More sources have been used in
order to find data from national sources and these have not been as detailed as the data in the Biomass
Atlas, i.e. there have not been the same detail level of categories. It has not been possible to find back-
ground data on the used sources in order to find which categories are behind each number.

Biomass Atlas

REF2020 SUS2020 REF2030 SUS2030

Energy crops, residual 83 77 55 53
Energy crops, dedicated 8 0 6 0
Wood 156 142 93 85
Waste 13 13 12 12
Biogas 6 6 17 17
Total 266 238 184 167

Page 30 of 45
3.4.1 Data on renewable electricity and heat potentials

Romania: Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable Energy Resources - RO

2010 Potential (2050)
Renewable Electricity

Capacity Annual Production Capacity Annual Production

(MWe) (TWh/year) (MWe) (TWh/year)

Onshore Wind 447.89 0.30 3,826.40 7.63

Offshore Wind 14.11 0.01 956.60 1.91
Photovoltaic 1.30 0.00 3,213.00 3.79
Concentrated Solar Power - - - -
Direct Geothermal - - 0.02
Wave - - - -
Tidal - - - -
Hydro Storage Hydro Storage
(GWh) (GWh)
River Hydro
Hydro 6,275.00 19.52 7,836.00 30.00
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable)
Renewable Heat

Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage
(MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh) (MWe) (TWh/year) (GWh)

Individual Solar Thermal

73.30 0.00 n/a 16.67
Solar Thermal
Geothermal 153.20 0.37 n/a 1.94

2010 Potential (2050)
Annual Consumption Annual Consumption
(TWh/year) (TWh/year)
Energy Crops: Residual 15.71 68.67
Energy Crops: Dedicated Land 18.05 55.82
Wood 40.22 19.35
Waste: Renewable & fossil 0.36 6.33
Biogas 0.03 6.84
Total 56.32 157.01

Page 31 of 45
3.4.2 References

Romania: Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable Energy Resources - RO

2010 Potential (2050)
Renewable Electricity

Capacity Annual Production Capacity Annual Production

(MWe) (TWh/year) (MWe) (TWh/year)
[1]: 462 MW cumulated
[1] [1] [1]
[4]: Onshore/off shore
[4]: Onshore/off shore [4]: Distribution of onshore 20 [4]: Distribution of onshore 20
Onshore Wind distribution % and 80 % offshore (lower % and 80 % offshore (lower
3% off shore, 97% onshore
3% off shore, 97% onshore than Croatia due to short shore than Croatia due to short shore
[2]: 400 MW cumulated
[5]: Wind power: 0.306 TWh line, numbers from 2020) line, numbers from 2020)
[5]: Wind power: 388 MW
[4]: Onshore/off shore [1] [1]
distribution [4]: Distribution of onshore 20 [4]: Distribution of onshore 20
[4]: Onshore/off shore
Offshore Wind 3% off shore, 97% onshore % and 80 % offshore (lower % and 80 % offshore (lower
[6]: (2010-data) than Croatia due to short shore than Croatia due to short shore
3% off shore, 97% onshore
Wind power (Off shore): Not on line, numbers from 2020) line, numbers from 2020)
the list.
[5]: (2010)
[1]: 3,788 GWh
PV on grid: 1.3 MWp
Photovoltaic [5]: PV: 1.0 GWh (2010) [1] [RO1]: 1.2 TWh electricity from
PV off grid: 0.6 MWp
solar energy
Total: 1.9 MWp
[10]: Solar radiation in Romania [10]: Solar radiation in Romania
is between 1000 and 1500 is between 1000 and 1500
kWh/m²/y kWh/m²/y
Areas of at least 2000 Areas of at least 2000
[8]: [8]:
Concentrated Solar Power kWh/m²/y are needed for CSP kWh/m²/y are needed for CSP
Not on the list Not on the list
plants due to economic plants due to economic
constraints. constraints.
Romania is therefore unsuitable Romania is therefore unsuitable
for CSP for CSP
[1]: Geothermal (and other
[1]: 0 MW
[1] + [RO2]: 0 GWh renewables): 18 GWh
[5]: Geothermal electricity
Direct Geothermal [5]: Geothermal electricity Not included since it is [1]:
plants: 0 GWh questionable whether or not it
Capacity installed: 0 MW
is Geothermal.

Page 32 of 45
Wave [1] [1] [1] [1]
Tidal [1] [1] [1] [1]
Hydro Storage Hydro Storage
(GWh) (GWh)
River Hydro

[1]: 25,169 GWh

[RO1]: The Romanian hydraulic
potential technically
developable is 36,000
Hydro [1] [1] + [2] [1] GWh/year from which,
30,000 GWh/year (taking into
consideration the developable
economic potential) can be

Hydro Pump Back (if applicable)

Renewable Heat

Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage
(MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh) (MWe) (TWh/year) (GWh)
Individual Solar Thermal [5]: Thermal solar collectors: [RO2]: 4 TJ solar thermal [RO1]: Solar energy 60 PJ/year
Solar Thermal 104,700 m2 production heat
[5]: Geothermal:
[5]: Geothermal: [RO1]: Geothermal energy = 7
Geothermal Energy using: 32.1 ktoe n/a
Capacity: 153.2 MW PJ heat
[RO2]: 962 TJ

2010 Potential (2050)
Annual Consumption Annual Consumption
(TWh/year) (TWh/year)
[RO3]: Agricultural residues -
[11]: Straw potential from biomass potential in 2004 in
2004: Romania = 247.21 PJ
Energy Crops: Residual
1,351 ktoe = 15.71 TWh [11]: Residues related = 3,621
ktoe in 2030
= 42.11 TWh
[RO3]: Agricultural biomass =
200,935 TJ
Biomass from agriculture in
Energy Crops: Dedicated Land [11]: Dedicated land (without
2008 used for energy = 65 PJ =
18.06 TWh
666 ktoe in 2030 = 7.75 TWh

Page 33 of 45
Solid biomass:
Primary energy production:
Biomass wood forestry = 49
241 TJ + Wood wastes = 20 432
Heat consumption: 3,942 Mtoe
Wood (0,035 Mtoe to DH)
Gross electricity production:
Wood related in 2030:
Electricity only plants: 0,048
13420 ktoe = 156.08 TWh
CHP plants: 0,062 TWh
Total: 0,110 TWh
Municipal Waste (Renewable
share): [RO3]:
Primary energy production: Urban Wastes potential: 22 805
ktoe TJ = 6,335 TWh

Gross electricity production: [RO4]:

Electricity only plants: GWh Municipal waste electricity CHP
Waste: Renewable & fossil CHP plants: GWh = 17 ktoe, municipal waste heat
Total: GWh = 110 ktoe
--> 1,48 TWh/year
1284 TJ = 0,357 TWh [11]:
Total MSW = 940 ktoe in 2030
[11]: = 10.93 TWh
Total MSW in 2010: 1792 ktoe
= 20.84 TWh
Landfill gas: 0 ktoe
Sewage sludge: 0 ktoe
Other biogas: 3,0 ktoe (~0,035
Biogas Biogas potential = 24 620 TJ =
6,84 TWh
Gross electricity production:
Electricity only plants: 0 GWh
CHP plants: 1 GWh
Total: 1 GWh
Note large difference to [1]
Total 7033 ktoe - 81.7937 TWh

Page 34 of 45
3.5 United Kingdom
In order to find the resource potentials for renewables in United Kingdom, it has been necessary to use
several references to find the needed data. Most references have been from government publications, but
also references from EU and other references from the United Kingdom have been used.

It was necessary to use two governmental references on biomass data in order to get full overview of the

Most 2010 data for United Kingdom is from the government publication “Digest of United Kingdom energy
statistics (DUKES) 2011” [UK4]. These data are deemed highly reliable.

FLH and solar performance are presented in the tables below. For onshore wind production in 2050 only
the capacities has been found in the references, so the FLH has been assumed based on 2020 numbers
[UK8]. For offshore wind production, the FLH has been estimated based on [1]. For marine energy, the pro-
duction has been estimated based on [UK8].

Full-load hours
2010 2050 Difference [>100 % means larger than 2010]
Onshore Wind 1,768.03 2,300.00 531.97 130%
Offshore Wind 2,271.10 3,000.00 728.90 132%
Photovoltaic 429.13 1,009.35 580.23 235%
Concentrated Solar Power
Direct Geothermal
Marine Energy 3,000.00

River Hydro
Hydro 2,185.89 3,046.35 860.47 139%
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable) Solar-check
Renewable Heat Given information Calculated ESTIF 2012 numbers
Capacity Production Performance
Area m2 Capacity Area Radiation
MW TWh kWh/m2
Individual Solar Thermal MWh/m2
Solar Thermal 374.00 534,043 0.00 496.77 709,673
Geothermal 4,652.00 4,652.00 0.00 100%
Large-scale heat pumps

Assumptions and crosscheck results are described in the following.

Onshore wind:
The potentials for onshore wind in 2050 have been deduced from the total wind potential of 67,334 MW
from [1] where the offshore potential in 2030 of 40,000 MW from [UK8] has been deducted. FLH for 2020
(2,300 hours) have been used to calculate the annual production on 63 TWh/year.

Offshore wind:
The potential for offshore wind of 40,000 MW in 2030 [UK8] have been used for the 2050 potential. FLH
from [1] (3,000 hours) have been used to calculate the annual production on 120 TWh/year.

Marine energy:
For United Kingdom is has been difficult to find potentials divided into wave and tidal, since most refer-
ences aggregate them into marine energy or ocean energy. The potential for marine energy production in
2050 has been estimated based on a capacity potential on 27,000 MW from [UK8] and 3,000 FLH for ma-
rine energy in 2020.

Page 35 of 45
For United Kingdom is has been difficult to find present capacities and productions divided into river hydro
and hydro (reservoir), so the data has been aggregated into hydro. The potentials for 2050 on 1,769 MW
and 5.4 TWh/year are from [1].

Hydro pump-back and hydro storage:

The hydro pump back capacity for 2010 from [UK5] is used for 2050 since no usable references where
found for the potential in 2050. The hydro storage for 2010 on 3,139 GWh/year is also used for 2050. For
the hydro storage on 3,139 GWh/year there were used 4,212 GWh of electricity. It is assumed that the
2010 numbers will be valid for 2050 since the technical potential for hydro in the United Kingdom seems to
be utilised, especially when considering environmental concerns.

Solar thermal:
In [5] the solar thermal collector area is stated to be approximately 534,000 m2 with a capacity of 374 MW.
It has been difficult to find other present capacities and productions as well as potentials for 2050. Howev-
er, it is assumed that the technical and economic potential for solar thermal is higher for 2050 than 2010.
Data on the 2012 capacity from the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) also suggest that
the potential is higher.

In [5] the geothermal capacity is 2 MW thermal in 2010 and the production is 0.01 TWh/year. The thermal
capacity potential in 2050 from [1] is 26 MW, where [UK9] is much higher with 100,000 MW. The potential
for 2050 from [1] is deemed the most plausible. This potential and FLH in 2010 [5] on 4,652 hours have
been used to calculate the annual production on 0.1 TWh/year.

Large-scale heat pumps:

It has not been possible to find any data on capacity nor production in 2010 from large-scale heat pumps,
and it is likely that it is due to the lack of any large-scale heat pumps in the present system. In [UK6] the
production potential for 2050 is 12 TWh/year.

Energy crops, residual & dedicated:

The consumption of residual and dedicated energy crops on 5.5 TWh/year in 2010 is from [UK4] and con-
sists of the categories straw, short rotation coppice (SRC), and other plant-based biomass. For 2050 the
potential on 18.3 TWh/year is from [UK2] and consists of the category perennial energy crops. The alterna-
tive potential on 152.7 TWh/year for 2050 from [UK3] seems very high.

The consumption of wood on 6.7 TWh/year in 2010 is from [UK4] and consists of the categories wood and
wood waste. For 2050 the potential on 20.7 TWh/year is from [UK2] and consists of the categories forestry
and forestry waste. The alternative potential on 6.9 TWh/year for 2050 from [UK3] seems very low.

The consumption of renewable and fossil waste on 11.7 TWh/year in 2010 from [UK4] consists of the cate-
gories waste (municipal solid waste, general industrial waste and hospital waste) and tyres. The potential
on 97.3 TWh/year in 2050 is from [UK3].

The present consumption in 2010 is on 24.4 TWh/year cf. [UK4] if combining the categories landfill gas,
sewage gas, and poultry litter, meat and bone, and farm waste. The categories poultry litter, meat and
bone, and farm waste is allocated to biogas since it is deemed the best use of the “resource”. For 2050 the
potential on 38.3 TWh/year is from [UK2] and consists of the category “agricultural residues”. The alterna-
Page 36 of 45
tive potential on 20.8 TWh/year for 2050 from [UK3] seems too low compared to the present consumption
on 24.4 TWh/year.

Biomass Atlas:
The results from the Biomass Atlas are seen in the Table below. The numbers here are a bit higher com-
pared to the numbers shown from the governmental references for the United Kingdom. The total poten-
tial for 2050 from the governmental references is 175 TWh/year, which is relatively close to 198 TWh/year
for the sustainable 2030 potential from the Biomass Atlas.

Biomass Atlas

REF2020 SUS2020 REF2030 SUS2030

Energy crops, residual 69 62 60 42
Energy crops, dedicated 5 0 6 0
Wood 67 63 66 62
Waste 47 47 36 36
Biogas 43 43 58 58
Total 232 215 226 198

Page 37 of 45
3.5.1 Data on renewable electricity and heat potentials
Red numbers indicate that 2010-numbers are used, due to lack of available data

United Kingdom: Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable Energy Resources - UK

2010 Potential (2050)
Renewable Electricity
Capacity Annual Production Capacity Annual Production
(MWe) (TWh/year) (MWe) (TWh/year)
Onshore Wind 4,036.70 7.14 27,334.00 62.87
Offshore Wind 1,341.20 3.05 40,000.00 120.00
Photovoltaic 76.90 0.03 9,193.00 9.28
Concentrated Solar Power - - - -
Direct Geothermal - - 9,500.00
Marine Energy 3.05 27,000.00 81.00
Hydro Storage Hydro Storage
(GWh) (GWh)
River Hydro
Hydro 1,648.30 3.60 1,769.00 5.39
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable) 2,800.00 3,139.44 2,800.00 3,139.44
Renewable Heat
Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage
(MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh) (MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh)
Individual Solar Thermal
Solar Thermal
Geothermal 2.00 0.01 26.00 0.12
Large-scale heat pumps 12.00

2010 Potential (2050)
Annual Consumption Annual Consumption
(TWh/year) (TWh/year)
Energy Crops: Residual
Energy Crops: Dedicated Land 5.51 18.31
Wood 6.73 20.67
Waste: Renewable & fossil 11.65 97.33
Biogas 24.35 38.25
Total 48.25 174.56

Page 38 of 45
3.5.2 References

United Kingdom: Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable Energy Resources - UK

2010 Potential (2050)
Renewable Electricity
Capacity Annual Production Capacity Annual Production
(MWe) (TWh/year) (MWe) (TWh/year)
[UK4]: Wind Onshore (DUKES): 67,334 MW [1] - 40,000 MW
4,036.7 MW [UK8]= 27,334 MW
[UK4]: Wind Onshore (DUKES):
[1]: Wind (On- & Offshore): [1]: Wind (On- & Offshore):
7,137 GWh Based on 2300 full load hours
5,204 MW 67,334 MW
Onshore Wind [1]: Wind (On- & Offshore): per MW in [UK8] for onshore
[5]: Wind power (On- & [UK8]: Offshore Wind: >40 GW
10,183 GWh wind in 2020.
Offshore): 5,378 MW. [6]: Wind in 2030.
[5]: Wind power: 10.18 TWh
power (Offshore): 1,341 MW = Onshore Wind: 10-19 GW (23-
4,037 MW. 45 TWh) in 2020.
[UK4]: Wind Offshore (DUKES):
1,341 MW Based on 3000 full-load hours
[UK4]: Wind Offshore (DUKES): [UK8]: Offshore Wind: >40 GW
[6]: (2010-data) per MW in [1] for on- and
3,046 GWh in 2030.
Offshore Wind Wind power (Off shore): offshore wind in 2050. Wind
[4]: Wind (On- & Offshore): [1]: Wind (On- & Offshore):
1,341.2 MW (On- & Offshore): 204340 GWh
10,183 GWh 67,334 MW
[1]: Wind (On- & Offshore): (67334 MW)
5,204 MW
[UK4]: (DUKES) Solar
photovoltaics: 76.9 MW
[1]: (2010) [UK4]: (DUKES) Solar
Solar: 77 MWp photovoltaics: 33 GWh
Photovoltaic [1]: Solar: 9,193 MW [1]: Solar: 9,279 GWh
[5]: (2010) [4]: Solar: 33 GWh (2010)
PV on grid: 77 MWp [5]: PV: 33.2 GWh (2010)
PV off grid: 2 MWp
Total: 79 MWp
[10]: Solar radiation in UK is [10]: Solar radiation in UK is
below 1000 kWh/m2 below 1000 kWh/m2
Areas of at least 2000 Areas of at least 2000
[8]: [8]: kWh/m²/y are needed for CSP kWh/m²/y are needed for CSP
Concentrated Solar Power
Not on the list Not on the list plants due to economic plants due to economic
constraints. constraints.
UK is therefore unsuitable for UK is therefore unsuitable for
[1]: Geothermal (and other
[5]: Geothermal electricity [1]: renewables): 8,898 GWh
Direct Geothermal plants: Geothermal (and other [UK9] Not included since it is
Capacity installed: 0 MW renewables): 0 GWh questionable whether or not it
is Geothermal.

Page 39 of 45
[5]: Ocean energy:
Wave: 0.5 MW Limpet
0.8 MW Oyster 2
0.75 MW E.ON Pelamis P2
Tidal: 0.25 MW Open Center [UK8]: Marine energy: 27 GW in
Turbine 2050 Based on 3,000 full load hours
Only test sites
Marine Energy 1.2 MW SeaGen per MW in [UK8] for marine
0.1 MW Pulse Stream 100 [1]: Other renewables (tidal energy in 2020.
1 MW Atlantis AK 1000 etc.): 3,536 MW
0.5 MW DeepGen Tidal
[1]: Other renewables (tidal
etc.): 0 MW
Hydro Storage Hydro Storage
(GWh) (GWh)
River Hydro
[UK4]: (Small scale & Large
scale excl. pumped storage):
[UK4]: (DUKES)
511 GWh + 3,092 GWh = 3,603
(Small scale & Large scale excl.
pumped storage): 195.4 MW + [1]: Hydro (pumping excl.): [1]: Hydro (pumping excl.):
Hydro [1]: Hydro (pumping excl.):
1,453 MW = 1,648 MW 1,769 MW 5,389 GWh
3,604 GWh
[1]: Hydro (pumping excl.):
2010 seams to be a dry year in
1,595 MW
UK, based on the data in DUKES

[UK5]: (DUKES)
Pumped Storage: 3,139 GWh
No reference found. 2010-data No reference found. 2010-data
Hydro Pump Back (if applicable) [UK5] (Electricity used in pumping at
is used. is used.
pumped storage stations: 4,212
Renewable Heat
Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage Capacity Annual Production Thermal Storage
(MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh) (MWth) (TWh/year) (GWh)
Individual Solar Thermal
[5]: Thermal solar collectors:
534,043 m2
Solar Thermal
373.8 MWth

[5]: Geothermal: [1]: Geothermal: 26 MWth Same full load hours as in 2010,
Geothermal Geothermal:
Energy using: 0.8 ktoe [UK9]: 100 GWth and capacity based on [1].
Capacity: 2 MW
Large scale heat pumps (either
Large-scale heat pumps ground source or marine) in the
RESOM model:
12 TWh/yr

Page 40 of 45
2010 Potential (2050)
Annual Consumption Annual Consumption
(TWh/year) (TWh/year)
Energy Crops: Residual

[UK4]: (DUKES) Straw, SRC, and

other plant-based biomass: 474 [UK2]: Perennial energy crops:
ktoe (~5.51 TWh/yr) 65.9 PJ/yr (assumed 2030)
[UK1]: Perennial Energy Crops: Alternative:
2.2 PJ [UK3]:
Biodiesel from oilseed rape, Perennial energy crops: 550
tallow and used cooking oil: 2.2 PJ/yr
Bio-ethanol from sugar beet:
0.8 PJ
Energy Crops: Dedicated Land Straw: 3.0 PJ

[UK4]: (DUKES)
Wood waste: 220 ktoe
Wood: 359 ktoe
Total: 579 ktoe (~6.73 TWh/yr)
[UK2]: Forestry and forestry
[UK1]: Wood: 15.0 PJ
residues: 74.4 PJ/yr (assumed
Wood waste: 4.5 PJ
[5]: Solid biomass:
Primary energy production:
[UK3]: Forestry and forestry
1.32 Mtoe (~15.35 TWh)
residues: 25 PJ/yr
Heat consumption: 0.81Mtoe (-
Mtoe to DH)
Gross electricity production:
Electricity only plants: 4.68
CHP plants: 0.58 TWh
Wood Total: 5.25 TWh

Page 41 of 45
[UK4]: (DUKES)
Waste* and tyres: 1002 ktoe ()

*Municipal solid waste, general

industrial waste and hospital

MSW, Tyres and "other" plant
based biomass: 54.6 PJ

Municipal Waste (Renewable
Primary energy production:
557,6 kt

Gross electricity production:

Electricity only plants: 1157
GWh [UK3]:
CHP plants: 441 GWh Wastes: 350.4 PJ (assumed
Waste: Renewable & fossil Total:
[UK4]:1598 GWh
(Dukes) 2030)
Landfill gas: 1574 ktoe (~18,31
Sewage gas: 224 ktoe (~2,61
Poultry litter, meat and bone,
and farm waste: 296 ktoe
(~3,44 TWh/yr)
Total: 24,35 TWh/yr

Landfill methane: 65.0 PJ
Sewage gas: 10.2 PJ
Poultry litter: 5.9 PJ
Other Meat, bone & farm
waste: 6.5 PJ

Landfill gas: 1492,6 ktoe (~17,4
Sewage sludge: 258 ktoe (~3,0 [UK2]:
TWh) Agricultural residues: 137.7
Other biogas: 0 ktoe PJ/yr (assumed 2030)

Gross electricity production: Alternative:

Electricity only plants: 5137 [UK3]:
GWh Agricultural residues: 75 PJ/yr.
CHP plants: 575 GWh
Biogas Total: 5712 GWh

Page 42 of 45
4 References

4.1 General
[1] European Commission. 2013. EU Energy, Transport and GHG Emissions - Trends to 2050 - Reference
Scenario 2013.
[2] EWEA European Wind Energy Association. 2013. Eastern winds - Emerging European wind power
[3] EWEA, The European Wind Energy Association. Annual Report 2010. Powering the energy debate.
[4] EWEA, The European Wind Energy Association. 2011. EU Energy Policy to 2050 - Achieving 80-95 %
emissions reduction
[5] EurObserv'ER. 2012a. The State of Renewable Energies in Europe 2012 Edition.
[6] EurObserv'ER. 2012b. Wind power barometer. http://www.eurobserv-
[7] EurObserv'ER. 2014a. Photovoltaic Barometer. http://www.eurobserv-
[8] EurObserv'ER. 2014b. Solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometer. http://www.energies-
[9] EurObserv'ER. 2014c. Wind energy barometer.
[10] Breyer, Christian & Gerhard Knies. 2009. "Global Energy Supply Potential of Concentrating Solar
Power." In Proceedings SolarPACES 2009, Berlin, 2009. http://www.trec-
[11] Alterra & IIAS. 2012. Biomass Futures - Atlas of EU biomass potentials.

4.2 Croatia
[HR1] AgriPolicy - Enlargement Network for Agripolicy Analysis. 2009. Analysis of Renewable Energy and its
Impact on Rural Development in Croatia
[HR2] IEA. 2014. International Energy Agency Statistics Database.
[HR3] Embassy of Belgium in Croatia - Economic and Commercial Office. 2012. Renewable Energy in Croa-
[HR4] Inteligentna Energija. Biomass EuVET 2012. BIOMASS IN CROATIA Report on the situation of biomass
(production, supply, use) as fuel in Croatia, and RES in education as an answer to renewable market
[HR5] Croatia. Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship. 2009. Energy Strategy of the Republic of
Page 43 of 45
4.3 Czech Republic
[CZ1] Czech Republic. Ministry of Industry and Trade. 2010. National Renewable Energy Action Plan for the
Czech Republic.
[CZ2] Association for the District Heating of the Czech Republic (ADH CR). 2014. State energy concept data
(version September 2013). Data sent 17th of September 2014 via email.
[CZ3] Czech Biomass Association (CZ Biom). 2011. 4Biomass - Study on Biomass Trade in the Czech Repub-
[CZ4] BSREC, BIOMASA, CRES, Innoterm, ISPE & SEVEn. n.d.. Accelerated Penetration of Small-Scale Bio-
mass and Solar Technologies - Maps and databases on the biomass potential in BULGARIA, CZECH
[CZ5] Czech Biomass Association (CZ Biom). 2009. 4Biomass - Country Study on Political Framework and
Availability of Biomass. The estimated maximal technical potential will be reached in the year 2050.

4.4 Italy
[IT1] IEA SHC. 2014. Solar Heat Worldwide.
[IT2] CNES. 2008. Rapporto prelimiare sullo stato attuale del solare termico nazionale.
[IT3] UGI. 2011. Previsioni di crescita della geotermia in Italia fino al 2030.
[IT4] GSE. 2009. Piano di Azione Nazionale per le energie rinnovabili.
[IT5] Terna. 2010. Impianti di generazione.
[IT6] ENEA. 2010. Le fonti rinnovabili.
[IT7] ENEL. 2014. ENEL website.
[IT8] ProgettoDighe. 2014. ProgettoDighe website.
[IT9] RSE. 2011. Valutazione del potenziale dei sistemi di accumulo di energia mediante centrali di
pompaggio idroelettrico per il sistema idroelettrico italiano.
[IT10] Italian District Heating Association (AIRU). 2014. Data sent 19th of September 2014 via email.
[IT11] ITABIA. 2008. Goals of bioenergy in Italy.

4.5 Romania
[RO1] Harghita Energy Management Public Service & UEM-CARDT. Romania National Report.
[RO2] IEA. 2014. International Energy Agency Statistics Database.
Page 44 of 45
[RO3] BSREC, BIOMASA, CRES, Innoterm, ISPE & SEVEn. n.d.. Accelerated Penetration of Small-Scale Bio-
mass and Solar Technologies - Maps and databases on the biomass potential in BULGARIA, CZECH
[RO4] Romania. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment. 2010. Biomass Master Plan for
[RO5] ENERO - Center for Promotion of Clean and Efficient Energy in Romania. 2009. Market development
biomass Romania survey: Scenarios Study Biomass Romania.

4.6 United Kingdom

[UK1] United Kingdom. UK Energy Research Centre. 2010. The UK bio-energy resource base to 2050: esti-
mates, assumptions, and uncertainties.
[UK2] United Kingdom. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. 2007. UK Biomass strategy
2007. Found in [1]. (Scenario: Future High (no date - assumed 2030))
[UK3] United Kingdom. Royal Commission for Environmental Pollution. 2004. Biomass as a renewable re-
source. Found in [1].
[UK4] United Kingdom. Department of Energy and Climate Change. 2011. Digest of United Kingdom energy
statistics (DUKES) 2011.
[UK5] United Kingdom. Department of Energy and Climate Change. 2014. Historical electricity data: 1920 to
[UK6] United Kingdom. Department of Energy and Climate Change. 2013. The future of heating: meeting
the challenge.
DECC-The_Future_of_Heating_Accessible-10.pdf (Explicit in [UK7])
[UK7] Redpoint. 2013. Modelling to support The future of heating: meeting the challenge - report by
[UK8] United Kingdom. Department of Energy and Climate Change. 2011. UK Renewable Energy Roadmap.
[UK9] Renewable Energy Association. 2012. Deep geothermal resource has potential to produce up to 20 %
of UK electricity and heat for millions.

Page 45 of 45
Project No: IEE/13/650

Mapping the Renewable Heat Resources in


Work Package 2
Background Report 9
Authors: Bernd Möller
Contact: University of Flensburg
Munketoft 3b
Raum MV 014
24937 Flensburg
Tel: +49 (0) 461/805-2506
Fax: +49 (0) 461/805-2505
© 2015

Deliverable No. D 2.2: Public Document.

The STRATEGO project (Multi-level actions for enhanced Heating & Cooling plans) is
supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The sole responsibility for the
content of this document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the
opinion of the funding authorities. The funding authorities are not responsible for any
use that may be made of the information contained therein.


Heat Roadmap Europe Website:
Online Maps:

Page 2
1 Biomass mapping .................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Sustainable biomass resources ........................................................................................ 4
1.2 Biomass from agriculture .................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Biomass from forestry ....................................................................................................... 6
2 Mapping geothermal heat resources relative to district heating potentials ................................ 9
3 Mapping sources of ambient heat in surface and sewage water bodies ................................. 11
References ............................................................................................................................ 13

Page 3
1 Biomass mapping
The availability of sustainable biomass in the EU is difficult to quantify as it depends on many factors.
The operation of biomass and other fuel markets; the available economic incentives; and also the
pace of technological change in the renewable energy system all influence the type, amount and
geographical origin of biomass, which will contribute to achieve the 20% target for renewable energy
supply in 2020. The European Commission states that “The projected contribution of biomass thus
hinges heavily on assumptions.” (EC, 2015).

Biomass resource assessments differ greatly for the same area or country, because of the many
different methods used, because of heterogeneous data, uncertainties in the empirical data base,
as well as different perceptions on the technology implied (BEE, 2015).

This means that it is not possible on none of the three levels: ecology, agro-forest economy, and
technology to reach agreement on the absolute amounts of biomass, let alone their geographical
distribution in a given country or region. Several reports, however, comprise national and sometimes
regional accounts for future available biomass for energy purposes (AEBIOM, 2011; AEBIOM, 2014)
and also formulate limits of sustainable biomass use (EEA, 2006).

A regionalized account of all biomass resources for the purpose of quantifications of the amounts of
available and economically feasible biomass is therefore discouraging to attempt. A simple way of
quantifying biomass for energy would be to map the amounts of biomass from forestry operations
as well as agricultural residues on the basis of empirical data on current and past management
practices. However, a significant proportion of this potential is already being used for energy and
non-energy purposes, often outside a quantifiable supply chain. Also, the use of biomass for energy
purposes usually brings along a change of management practices, so empirical yield and waste
potential data cannot be used. Then, the present management practices and their resulting biomass
extraction ratios do not in general represent a state of equilibrium in either an economic or ecologic
sense. Finally, the processes and their variables which describe the proportions of biomass that can
be harvested on an economic basis in the regional biomass for energy markets are largely unknown
on a European scale. Any attempt to map a regional distribution of sustainable and economically
available biomass resources is therefore a major challenge.

1.1 Sustainable biomass resources

Sustainability of biomass for energy implies a long-term maintenance of carbon stock and
biodiversity. This can only be achieved in forestry when maintaining forest volumes, forest density
(in terms of standing volume per area as well as forest area per land area), and forest area and
forest ecosystems. Any shift towards lower carbon stock results in a depletion, which should be
avoided. For the agricultural sector, this implies the maintenance of soil texture (amount of organic
matter, humus) and hence fertility as well as the land available as arable land. It also includes indirect
land use change (ILUC) effects, which result from the shift of crops and their substitutes from one
part of the world to another, like it is often seen with the replacement of domestic fodder with imported
soy beans e.g. due to an increase in domestic energy crops. Any addition to the biomass resource
potential should therefore avoid changing land use, the intensity of land use, as well as the present
carbon stock per land use unit, assuming that the present land use is sustainable, which can be
argued about.

Page 4
Wood for biomass is increasingly imported from neighboring regions such as the Baltic area, Russia
or even traded globally from North America or elsewhere. The present study only includes domestic
wood resources from within the EU28 and focuses on the local availability, which excludes long
distance transport.

Biomasses used for the production of biofuels are also excluded from the study, which primarily
looks at the fuel demands for the heating and power generation sectors.

1.2 Biomass from agriculture

Emphasis is here on residues from agriculture, which are marginal to agricultural production.
Dedicated energy crops are not included, partly because they may be too costly for district heat
generation, partly because of increasing issues of sustainability. On a large scale, only the waste
products of the main agricultural crops, here mainly straw from cereals, are included here.

Assuming that land use remains unchanged and that the present productivity is not increased for the
sake of biomass for energy production, the gross potential of straw can be assessed using the
present area of arable land and the present productivity of cereal production, as well as the ratio of
straw production to cereals production. In Denmark, where the use of straw for energy purposes is
probably at its highest development stage, about 40% of the cereals yield is available as straw in a
long-term average (Statistics Denmark, 2014).

Straw production among the 28 member states was assessed using Eurostat agricultural statistics
dating from 2009 to 2013 (where available). An average productivity of cereal production was derived
using the 5-year averages of annual production divided by the area on which cereals were planted
in that period. Then, agricultural areas were mapped by extracting the “Arable land” land use class
from the 2006 Corine land cover database (EEA, 2014). The potential production of cereals, to which
the possible straw production is proportional, is hence the locally available arable field area times
the productivity achieved in each country. It is here assumed that cereals or similar crops, which
would produce similar wastes as straw, are planted on all arable lands, which e.g. does not seem to
be the case for the UK. This method further assumes that productivity is the same within a given
country and that the national productivity is unchanged. It includes those factors, like the intensity,
the degree of mechanization, the economic efficiency etc. of cereal production in a given country,
but assumes that cereals can be planted on all arable land.

Since the exact location is neither important nor possible to know, the resulting potential of straw is
here summarized within a 30km radius around each location on the map. The distance refers to the
distance at which straw usually is transported for small scale applications such as district heating
plants. The resulting map, see Figure 1, shows the regional maximal availability of straw from

A few restraints have to be considered. First, the present method assumes that all available arable
land is used for cereals. Although the Corine land use classification distinguishes quite well between
land use and types of agriculture, arable land may also be used for other crops. Neither is it possible
to include on this scale the fertility of soils, which effectively reduces the potential to grow cereals.

Page 5
Figure 1: Straw resources from biomass within a distance of 30km of each location. This map shows densities of
straw wastes from cereal production from all possible arable lands.

1.3 Biomass from forestry

Similar to the agricultural biomass potential assessment above, the resources of forestry biomass
have been based on land use as well as recent productivity. However, forest land use cannot easily
be expanded, and forestry management is highly affected by conservation and environmental
protection. Therefore the present method of biomass resource assessment from the European forest
sector excludes national conservation areas (domestic denominated areas), (EEA, 2015a) as well
as areas subject to the Natura2000 directive (EEA, 2015b). Also, although the distribution of forests
of different densities and species highly depend on the local and regional geography, a uniform
productivity is being applied within each country.

Forest distribution by density is done using the forest density map available at 1km resolution from
the European Forest Institute (EFI, 2014). It shows the percentage of forest coverage and density
combined for each square kilometre, resulting in a count of dense hectares per km 2. That means if
there are patches of forest within a km2, or heterogeneous forest density within that area unit, the
value of the grid is still a count of hectares. Only the total density was used, disregarding the

Page 6
difference between deciduous and coniferous species, for which no distinction is made in the
Eurostat table of forest productivity.

From the forest density maps those areas are excluded, which are Natura2000 areas or domestic
conservation areas (except IUCN code “V”, which comprises many areas of protected landscape
character, where forestry operations are not affected by conservation legislation). This is done mainly
to reduce the high pressure on remaining natural forests as well as national parks or smaller habitat
areas, from which no commercial forest extraction is expected (in fact the Danish Nationalpark Thy
is a major source of wood chips from sustainable forest management and the gradual modification
of the national park area to near-nature state forest, which may take decades to implement).

The Eurostat tables for forest increment and felling, which contain productivity data since 1990, were
used to derive long term averages (20 years) of the increment due to net forest volume and area
growth as well as the extraction of timber. This should level out storm events as well as major
changes in management practices, which are significant in particular for some member states in the
East of Europe under the structural change towards a more commercial timber production.

This study assumes that across Europe, 20% of the annual felling and a further 10% of the net
increment can be used for energy purposes. This includes the sustainable use of felling residues,
which can be up to 50%, which otherwise would be left in the forest, as well as the extraction of
predominantly young, non-commercial timber in thinning operations as part of forest management.
A wood resource extraction ratio (m3/(ha*a) was calculated using the actual forest management
statistics in combination with these assumptions. The extraction ratio was multiplied with the forest
density map that excludes conservation areas, as well as a heat value of wood residues to derive
an energy density map. Finally, a 30km radius was applied for accounting locally available biomass
resources, see Figure 2. Although forest residues can be economically transported over larger
distances, the emphasis is here on locally available resources. And since no allocation of resources
on specific locations is made, a further increase of distances is not necessary. The resulting map
shows the regional availability of forest resources under the chosen constraints.

The present method neglects the fact that in some areas the biomass is already used in existing
bioenergy schemes or otherwise a commercial commodity that is not available for energy purposes.
Further, the productivity rates are calculated as national averages, while the real forest sector is
rather heterogenic, with high-intensity areas as well as low-productivity forest. Cross-border flows of
timber are not considered across the external EU borders. Finally, not all of the wood in the periphery
of Europe is equally accessible for transport to energy plants, e.g. in Northern Scandinavia.

Page 7
Figure 2: Potential biomass resources from forestry including thinning as fraction of annual increment and
logging residues as share of annual felling. The map shows densities by accounting for forest biomass available
within a radius of 30km around each location.

The total amounts of straw and wood for energy purposes in the five Stratego countries are given in
Table 1. The figures reflect the current productivity of the forest sector and the assumed productivity
in the agricultural sector. The rationale is that while changes in forest productivity take decades to
implement, the change of crops on available arable land could be accomplished within much shorter
times. Of course the emphasis on straw and other waste materials as marginal products implies that
there is a market for the crops produced. The same applies for forest products and is linked to forest
and agricultural policies, which, as stated before, are not necessarily operating at optimum at present

Table 1: Biomass amounts in TWh/a in the target countries.

Member state Forest biomass Straw

CZ 22.26 6.08
HR 10.57 0.82
IT 23.64 16.16
RO 30.68 10.74
UK 7.72 18.25

Page 8
2 Mapping geothermal heat resources relative to district heating
Geothermal heat of sufficient temperature and volume may be found under large parts of Europe. In
order to assess the potential for geothermal energy, underground temperature (enthalpy) is only one
of several selection criteria. The bedrock permeability and the presence of water influence the heat
flow as well. That means that a study of the geothermal heat supply is based on interpreted
information on the geological conditions. Still, a great deal of uncertainty remains. The GeoDH
project (GeoDH, 2015) has mapped reservoirs and other conditions that indicate favourable
conditions for geothermal heat. For the present assessment of geothermal energy sources the
GeoDH project kindly made available the geographical data layers that are the basis of geothermal

Figure 3: Map of suitable geothermal areas, which are characterised by hot sedimentary aquifers or other
potential reservoirs.

From the several layers available in the GeoDH GIS, “hot sedimentary aquifers” and “other potential
reservoirs” were chosen, as they are deemed suitable for geothermal district heating and cooling.

Page 9
Further, the temperature levels at certain depths are relevant to look at, where one would look for
temperatures exceeding 60°C and located no deeper than 3km (GeoDH, 2015).

It was found that the map below (Figure 3) is not concise, as e.g. the city of Lund in Sweden has
installed a geothermal district heating system, while it is not located within one of the favourable
areas. For further development of the model a more advanced method like the one used for the
Geoelec project (Geoelec, 2014) could be made available for the present atlas.

To assign the geothermal heat potentials to district heating potentials, the heat demand in
prospective district heating areas of different size was summarized by location within geothermal
areas, seeTable 2. Also, for each prospective district heating system an attribute of geothermal
potential has been assigned if it lies within a geothermal area.

Table 2: Heat demand located in potential geothermal areas by the size of district heating system (in PJ annual
heat demand)

< 0.3 PJ 0.3-1 PJ 1-3 PJ 3-10 PJ >10 PJ Total

CZ 6.59 5.80 13.25 3.70 - 29.342
HR 11.48 5.32 2.24 - 12.08 31.119
IT 110.93 53.48 70.09 42.50 319.51 596.506
RO 15.19 2.78 6.03 3.63 27.83 55.449
UK 18.98 13.00 22.96 15.48 33.38 103.812

Page 10
3 Mapping sources of ambient heat in surface and sewage water bodies
Ambient heat as a source of heat to be used by means of large-scale heat pumps has been mapped
using land-use mapping (Corine) of surface water bodies exceeding 1 hectare in size as well as
rivers (EEA) and their network hierarchy. The rationale is that surface water, still or running may be
used as low-temperature heat reservoirs. The size and vicinity of lakes, the access to coastal waters,
as well as the run-off volume of rivers are assumed to be relational to the contribution to heat that is
possible to deliver by heat pumps. A series of factors makes an absolute assessment of heat
quantities extremely difficult, which is why the accessibility of surface water is here expressed on a
scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). While the total potential of heat recoverable from the environment
is related to the net solar radiation, the following factors limit this: environmental considerations,
technical feasibility, water rights, alternative uses, as well as temperature levels.

Proximity to surface water has been mapped in a focal statistics function, which summarizes the
number of 1ha cells per km2 within a radius of 5km. Hereby a density surface, which describes the
area of lakes and coastal waters within the given radius, is produced. By reclassification to a scale
of 1 to 5 a linear relation between the water area within reach of a heat pump and each prospective
location of a district heating system has been established, where a value 5 indicates the highest
availability of surface water.

Figure 4: Map of surface water proximity for Romania.

For rivers, the European river network database (EEA) was used, which describes the river network
hierarchy by means of the Strahler method, where the rank of rivers is increased from values of 1
onwards every time two rivers of the same order intersect. This results in an approximation of the

Page 11
run-off volumes of all rivers in Europe, which is thought to be proportional to the amount of low-
temperature heat that can be extracted from rivers by means of heat pumps.

In order to assign the potential of river- and lake-based heat pumps, the highest potential score
available at each prospective district heating system was related to these by means of a spatial
statistics operation. Figure 4 shows the surface water proximity assessment in five classes relative
to urban areas in Romania.

Heat extracted from sewage water by means of large heat pumps is assumed to be proportional to
the population of towns and cities. A report by the heat pump manufacturer Ochnser (2012) assumes
that 5% of heat demand can be covered in towns and cities with more than 10.000 people. Table 3
shows the potential of sewage water heat, which has been calculated using the population count
(Geostat, see chaper 2.7) and calculated heat demand for each prospective district heating system
with more than 10,000 inhabitants within the DH system boundaries.

Table 3: Heat extractable from urban sewage systems by means of heat pumps.

Country Heat demand covered by sewage water (PJ)

CZ 1.37
HR 0.28
IT 7.61
RO 1.39
UK 13.87

Page 12
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Biomass Energy Europe (2015): Political Framework and User Requirements of Biomass Resource
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European Commission (2015): Agriculture and Rural Development, Biomass Potential.


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European Environmental Agency (2014): Corine 2006, Coordination on Information on the

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European Environmental Agency (2015a): Domestic denominated areas. Geodata downloaded from (November 2014)

European Environmental Agency (2015b): Habitats directive , Article 17 habitats and species
conservation status at the European level for the 2007-2012 reporting period. Geodata downloaded
from (November 2014)

European Forest Institute (2014): Forest Map of Europe. Geodata downloaded from
(November 2014)

Eurostat (2014): Eurostat agricultural and forestry sector statistics.

GeoDH (2015): The GeoDH Project. Geodata on geothermal potential. (October

Geoelec (2014): The Geoelec Project. (January 2015)

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