In Reliable Processing of Big Data in Hotels Management
In Reliable Processing of Big Data in Hotels Management
In Reliable Processing of Big Data in Hotels Management
Abstract. The paper contains results obtained in area of big data analysis for
hotel revenue management. Authors challenge the area of hotel management
since they have and still improve skills in this area. The paper presents the new
results obtained for previously developed Advanced Hotel Management
Framework. We use comparatively the new tool “ Analytics” de-
veloped by the company B.V. in 2016 for hotels involved in a
global partnership program. We learned available features and data from the
“ Analytics”. The performed case study is associated with a mini-
hotel situated in Cambodia. We studied data related with booking percentage
depending from tourists’ countries of origin, book window percentage, cancela-
tion of reservation percentage, guests’ review rating, as well as special genius
guests’ program percentage. After that we tried to find statistical dependencies
between a managed value of room daily rate and available big data. In conclu-
sion, the obtained results are discussed.
1 Introduction
Tourism including hotel industry consists 10% of the world economy in a sense of
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) as it is stated in United Nations World Tourism Or-
ganization (UNWTO) Report 2018 [1,2]. Big data collected at booking systems sites
could help to organize a competitive strategy for cost-effective hotel management
system and hospitality industry development [3,4]. However, opportunities provided
by big data request careful using since any prognosis models have to be completely
tested before its implementation for business decision-making [5]. So we need to
define reliability of big data in sense of its supporting of hotel business sustainabil-
ity [6].
The tasks related with revenue management systems have been specified and partly
solved before the “big data” term became a hot topic. For example, a framework for
revenue hotel management has been developed in [7]. The paper [7] was published in
2009 and predicted the main components of the modern tools for big data analysis,
including forecasting module which scans and analyzes of historical booking and
occupancy patterns and current reservations and fits a quantitative forecasting, and
optimization module for predictions and decisions allocation.
A detailed literature review in area of hotel revenue management (RM) is provided
in [8]. The elements of the hotel system discussed in the paper include hotel RM cen-
ters, data and information, the pricing and non-pricing RM tools, the RM software,
and the RM team. The stages of RM process have been identified as goal setting,
collection of data and information, data analysis, forecasting, decision making, im-
plementation and monitoring. Special attention was paid to ethical considerations in
RM practice, the connections between RM and customer relationship management,
and the legal aspect of RM. The paper [8] provides a review of forecast mathematical
models based on big data that produce recommendations for the optimal levels of
prices, rate structures, overbookings and help the revenue manager take proper deci-
sions [9]. These mathematical models include the following: deterministic linear pro-
gramming, integer programming, dynamic programming, Markov model, bid-price
methods, price setting method, expected marginal revenue technique, stochastic pro-
gramming, probabilistic rule-based framework, Monte Carlo simulation, fuzzy goal
programming, and robust optimization [10].
There are some important and successful researches in area of big data using for
hotel management. In [11] authors discuss how to convert data into knowledge by
investigation the perceptions that managers have of the value and reliability of using
big data to manage of hotel revenue on the base of pricing decisions [12]. The paper
[11] represents some general findings which entail the following barriers in big data
application: data overload, tensions between automated and manual decision making,
fast and frequent decision making, managers behavior based on belief in local insights
and instincts. It provides a clear message concerning a need for automated revenue
systems to be flexible enough for managers to import the local data, information, and
knowledge that they believe leads to revenue growth [13]. Whilst the academic litera-
ture has shown to place its faith in the increasing automation of revenue management
decision-making using big data and analytics which should require no user input, the
research [11] has placed this under a question.
The paper [14] states that the advent of the era of large data is the development of
the hotel industry transformation opportunities, but also for the construction of the
wisdom of the hotel made a series of new problems, the use of large data will funda-
mentally change the current status of hotel management, the birth of a new model of
hotel management.
An alternative approach for operational hotel management which is based on de-
pendability has been proposed in paper [15]. Advanced Hotel Management Frame-
work (AHMF) [15] contains three the following main parts: strategic planning, opera-
tion and maintenance, as well as infrastructure management and assets management.
More issues related with safety and security assurance in critical areas, including hos-
pitality industry, can be found in [16,17].
Based on the above analysis we can observe the present gap between academic in-
vestigations targeted to design some ideal hotel big data analysis tools and already
existing industrial products [18,19]. The most impressive results in area of big data
analytics for hotel management are obtained by the company B.V.
In this paper we discuss features of the “ Analytics” tools provided by
the company B.V. The main feature of the “ Analytics” is
representation of collected statistic to support decision making in hotel management.
To use big data from the “ Analytics” we hypothesize and check some
dependencies between management decisions and rooms revenue amount. We are
going to understand opportunities which are provided by modern big data analysis
tools in area of hotel revenue management. The paper objective is to get decision
making strategy for hotel management with support of the “ Analytics”
tools. To achieve this paper objective, the following sections are included.
Firstly, in Section 2, we learn features of global reservation services focusing on Features of the “ Analytics” are analyzed in details.
Secondly, in Section 3, we make case study of a mini-hotel operation in Cambodia.
We analyze big data available from the “ Analytics” and extract statis-
tics which can be directly appropriate for managerial decision making.
After that, in Section 4, we hypothesize some dependencies related with decision
making (stated room daily rate) and hotel revenue. Another checked hypothesis is
about dependency between hotel revenue and number of tourists looking for a hotel in
your area.
Conclusions made at the final part of the paper are directed to support of hotel
managerial decision making and demonstrate some constrains in big data using for
reliable and sustainable decisions making.
Fig. 1 demonstrates countries distribution different from the market. Tourists from
Cambodia and France represent about 50% of tourist market in Kep, however, in the
considered case study they take only 15% and 13% respectively. It can be explained
by conservatism of local Cambodian tourists who like to stay at the hotel operated by
local Cambodian owners. The same explains the lower percentage of French tourists
many of whom are sensitive form the point of view of French language. Russian tour-
ists also like when hotel staff can speak in Russian and it explains why they submit
more than 10% of bookings against 1.4% at the market. Concerning New Zealand
(10% of booking against 0.6% at the market) and Swiss (8.7% against 2.4% at the
market) tourists the higher percentage can be explained by good value for money
since tourists from these countries are conservative from the point of view of unnec-
essary spending of money. The detailed Booker Insights report provides also infor-
mation separated by countries concerning average daily rate, average length of stay,
and cancelation rate. These data are important for prognosis of behavior of tourists
depending from a country of origin.
Fig. 2 represents the Bookwindow Information related with percentage of reserva-
tions depending from a book window (how many days in advance a room has been
booked). A large book window provides more opportunities from a point of view of a
room daily rate specification. Also, room daily rate shall take into account local and
global festivals and days off. General analytics say that only few guests make reserva-
tion for more than 30 days in advance. A diagram on Fig. 2 shows that about 70% of
all bookings have been made just before guests check-in. It is not perfect since risk of
empty rooms is increased, but from the other hand it pushes to more precise setting of
room daily rate for the actual date. Also, the Bookwindow Information report repre-
sents a diagram with average daily rate per a book window.
Fig. 2. Case Study: Book window percentage
But an issue is the hotel has to provide discounts for its own expenses. It means
that the price for Genius gest is only 90% (sometimes even 85%) from the stated at
the daily room rate. From the one hand it entails a general hotel revenue
decreasing. But from the other hand many users are involved in Genius
program and these users appreciate when a hotel supports this program. So involve-
ment of a hotel in Genius program can increase the total hotel revenue despite the fact
that daily room rate decreases. What is important to remember, daily room rate shall
take into account a risk of 10% or 15% decreasing for Genius guests. For the consid-
ered case study (Fig. 5) Genius gests consist about 70% of all guests what is a great
amount for reservations.
The Ranking Dashboard (Fig. 6) presents the following factors influencing to the
hotel revenue score in comparison between your hotel and average rate at the market:
Conversion is the percentage of the hotel page views that converted into reserva-
Average Daily Rate combined revenue earned from sold rooms divided by the
number of sold rooms;
Cancelations shows the percentage of all reservations that were canceled (Fig. 3);
Review Score is calculated using the ratings left by guests (Fig. 4);
Property Page Score shows how complete the hotel page is in regards to infor-
mation and pictures;
Reply Score takes into account the hotel answering guests as soon as possible.
Fig. 6. Case Study: Ranking for revenue influencing factors
Taking into account the above six factor can affect the hotel revenue amount, it
makes a sense to consider the associated dependency. However, cancelation percent-
age, review score, property page score, and reply score can affect only indirectly to
revenue. So it looks impossible to find dependencies between revenue score and indi-
rect factors. What seems prospective for big data analysis are conversion percentage
and average daily rate. In the next Section we consider hypothesis related with de-
pendency of the hotel revenue score from conversion rate and daily rate.
Let’s state the Hypothesis 2 (H2): There is a relationship between the rooms’ reve-
nue S and daily search results R.
Values of daily search results ri and daily room revenue si are defined for every day
during four month (120 pairs of values). Performed calculation gives us
r(S,R) = -0.172. It means that there is not a statistical co-relation between revenue
amount S and daily search results R.
5 Conclusions
In this paper we analyzed features and data provided by “ Analytics”
which is modern powerful tools for hotels big data analysis. There are the following
important data which can be extracted by partners from extranet:
Daily search results;
Number of property page views;
Number of booking;
Room daily rates and average room daily rate;
Revenues and average revenue;
Percentage of booking cancelations.
Aggregated are available for different date ranges (7, 14, 30, 60, 90, or 365 days).
Data can be compared with your hotel results during the last year as well as with av-
erage market data of average data of the hotels from your nearest pre-defined compet-
itors set.
In the paper we tried to get decision making strategy for hotel management with
support of the “ Analytics” tools. In fact, the hotel manager has only one
“control button” which is room daily rate on the specific date. We stated two hypothe-
Hypothesis 1 (H1): There is a relationship between the rooms’ revenue S and daily
room rate C;
Hypothesis 2 (H2): There is a relationship between the rooms’ revenue S and daily
search results R.
Despite our perception both hypotheses turned out not true, what is confirmed by
low values of regression coefficients (r(S,C) = 0.354 and r(S,R) = -0.172).
However, states, that data contained in the “ Analytics”
is harnessed by a proprietary logic that converts it into a prioritized list of actionable
business advice. Also, thinks that partner hotels can quickly peruse the
opportunities, select the most relevant options for their property, and instantly imple-
ment them to enhance their listing and grow their business through
After making the suggested adjustments, partners can then return to the analytics
dashboard to easily monitor the results of their efforts, track their progress over time,
and identify new areas for potential growth. In practice there are not any models
which support the above statements.
Our conclusion is that big data for hotel management can be used only as a starting
point for basic analysis. Reliable and sustainable decision making strategy shall addi-
tionally take into account experience, perception and intuition together with macro
and micro economic trends. Discussing the hotel decision making strategy, we should
remember the manager has only one the real tool to affect the revenue amount. This
tool is the daily rate per room. Of course, there are many issues affecting the daily
rate, but all the hotels activities are concentrated in this variable.
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