Ductile Moly Rings and PVD: Ring End Gap Chart

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To identify a moly top ring look for silver-grey plated finish with black phosphated top and
bottom surfaces. If there is a dot on the flat side of the ring, make sure it faces up. Rough hone
cylinders to within .0762mm, intermediate hone to within 0.0127mm with 220 grit and final
hone with a 400 grit and a 10 to 12 RA finish with a 20° to 22° crosshatch.

To identify a chrome top ring the face will have chrome plating, the top and bottom of the ring
will be a reddish/brown. Chrome on any of the rings is not advisable with nikasil bores. There
instructions must be followed for maximum ring seal. A torque plate must be used unless the
bolt holes are not part of the cylinder. The first stone is a 525 (220 grit) stone, honed until there is
.0254mm left from final bore. The bore must be round to 0.00508mm, checked 360 degrees from
the bottom to the top of the bore. Continue with a 525 (220 grit) stone , 50% load until
RING RACCOMENDATIONS 0.00508mm is left from final bore. Then use the 525 stone at 20% load to final bore size.
Failure to check ring gap can result in severe engine failure. The best ring gap for any particular
engine and application varies. Increased clearence is generally needed for forced induction,
nitrous, filled, blocks, endurance racing and other extreme applications. The final end gap
suitable for the engine is the full resoinsibility of the engine builder. If you have any technical
questions please contact us at www.italianrp.com


1) Install torque plate on engine (if applicable) and torqued to specifications as machine shop.
2) Piston ring should be below and square to the deck.
3) Measure ring end gap with a feeler gauge.


A torque plate must be utilized for boring and honing.
All rings
GAS NITRED The honing must be done slow to minimize heat build-up. No hand honing. Final bore need to
To identify a gas nitrided top ring the entire ring will be a light be less than plus or minus 0.00508mm out of round, checked 360 degrees around the bore from
gray. For maximum ring seal a torque plate must be used, unless Rz = 59 -138μ in the bottom to the top of the cylinder. This should be checked with a dial bore gauge. The exper-
the bolt holes are not part of the cylinder. Begin with a 525 (220 (=1.5 - 3.5 μm) tise of your machine shop is critical to the proper finish on you block bore. When you receive the
Grit) stone, done until there is 0.0254mm left from final bore. The block back from the machine shop it will appear clean, the block still needs to be cleaned. The
bore must be round to .00508mm, checked 360 degrees from Ra = 15 -35μ in could be material trapped in the honing grooves of the block that are not visible. Failure to clean
the bottom to the top of the bore. Then switch to a 625 (280 grit) (=0.4 - 0.9 μm) the block could lead to premature ring weare and blow-by.
stone, 50% load utili .00508mm is left from final bore. Then use 35-40 degree crosshatch
the 625 stone at 20% load to final bore size.
Determining ring gap
To determining the ring end gap look for your apllication in the table on the left.
RING END GAP CHART Note: If the ring gap is less than the minimum specified for your bore size, it will be necessary to
APPLICATION TOP RING SECOND RING OIL RING file fit the rings to achive proper end gap.
Street 0.1016 - 0.2032 mm
Bore x .0045 mm 0.381 mm
Hi performance Bigger than top ring Ring filing procedures
Drag Racing 0.1016 - 0.2032 mm 1) Ring gap shoul be filed using a ring filling tool
Bore x .0050 mm 0.381 mm
Road Racing Bigger than top ring 2) Ring gap should be filed in an inward direction and square to the sides
Nitrous 0.1016 - 0.2032 mm Ring sets are manufactured to fit specific bores. For every 0.0254mm over the intended bore size,
Bore x 0.0055 mm 0.381 mm
Turbo Charged Bigger than top ring ring gap will increase by 0.0797mm
Top ring installation
if the ring has a dot or laser marking then this side will face up. If there is no dot look for an
inner bevel and install this facing up. If there is neither a bevel or any other marking the
ring can be installed either way (non directional).

Second ring installation

If the ring has a dot or laser marking this side will face up. If there is no dot look for an inner
bevel and install this facing down. If you do not see either refer to the diagram below
It is very important not to install the 2nd ring upside down otherwise it will pump oil into
the combustion chamber.

Oil ring installation

Install the expander into the ring groove followed by the rails. The rails should be offset
about 180°

Top Rings oil support rail



second rings UP



Oil support rail installation

In application where the pin bore protrudes into the oil ring groove a rail support needs to
be used. Install the rail support at the bottom of the oil ring groove with the dimple in the
pin bore facing down.

Due to the nature of the application, these parts are sold without any express warranty or
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es, including, but not limited to, damage, or loss of property or equipment, loss of profits
or revenue, cost of purchased or replacement goods, or claims of customers of the
purchase, which may arise and/or result from sale, installation or use of these parts.The
sole obligation of ItalianRP shall be limited only to the products to be found defective, in
either workmanship or material, after inspection performed by our company. This Limited
www.italianrp.com Warranty applies only to the original purchaser of the product and only covers the replace-
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