Equipo Separado TWA-TWE
Equipo Separado TWA-TWE
Equipo Separado TWA-TWE
Air Handlers
5 - 20 Tons - 60 Hz
The Trane reputation for quality and Designing the Details Filters
reliability in air conditioning is appar- Careful attention was given to design- The 5, 7½ and 10 ton air handlers are
ent with Odyssey™ light commercial ing the details — from control wiring supplied with 1" throwaway filters as
split systems. These Trane systems to the access panels. Odyssey units standard. The filter racks were
are designed to meet your job feature time-saving colored and num- designed to easily convert for installa-
requirements every time...and at a bered wiring and removable panels tion of 2" filters. The 15 and 20 ton air
competitive price. which allow complete access to all handlers have 2" filters as standard.
Odyssey has Trane quality and reli- major components and controls. All UL Listed and ARI Certified
ability built-in; couple that with out- outdoor units feature external high Trane meets or exceeds all nationally
standing efficiency, flexibility and and low pressure switches for easy recognized agency safety and design
installation ease and you have an diagnosing and servicing of the unit. standards. Each condensing unit is UL
unbeatable combination for years of Service valves with gauge ports are designed, approved and labeled in ac-
worry-free service and operation. provided on all units. cordance to UL Standards: UL 1995 for
Manufacturing Control Standardized Cabinets central cooling air conditioners, refrig-
Trane’s exclusive control over the In addition, all cabinets have been eration and air conditioning condens-
design and manufacturing of all major standardized. When you are servicing ing and compressor units. Each air
components is unique in the industry. an outdoor unit or an air handler, all handler is designed, approved and la-
This approach assures us total control components are in the same location beled in accordance to UL 465 and UL
over both the quality and reliability of from unit to unit. 1995 standard for heat pumps. Each
these components. And allows us to unit is certified in accordance with ARI
custom match components to deliver Standard 340/360.
the best in split system performance.
Introduction 2
Features and Benefits 4
Application Considerations 6
Selection Procedures 7
Model Number Description 8
General Data 9
Performance Data 11
Cool and Heat Performance 11
Fan Performance 21
Controls 30
Electrical Power 31
Dimensional Data 41
Mechanical Specifications 55
Features and
Condensing Units Options Trane split systems have been speci- Air Handlers Offer More
The 7½ and 10-ton single compressor fied in thousands of applications and Flexibility
models feature single refrigeration you’ll find Oydessy will win you even Flexibility is a key to meeting chang-
circuitry, lowering job installation more jobs with its small manageable ing market requirements. Odyssey
costs by requiring only one set of cabinet. This light, compact design split systems offer not only heat
refrigerant lines. These units are ideal will save time and money for rigging pumps but also convertible air han-
for the low cost, new construction and installation. And the compactness dlers. The air handlers can be
jobs as well as renovation and will permit Trane’s unit to replace installed either vertically in a mechani-
replacement buildings. almost any unit — effortlessly. cal room or horizontally above a ceil-
In addition, Odyssey includes 15 and Each heat pump unit can operate to ing. And it doesn’t require any
20-ton dual compressor units to give 50° F as standard in the cooling mode. removal of panels to make either air-
true stand-by protection; if one com- An accessory Head Pressure Control flow application work. These air han-
pressor fails, the second will automat- gives you the capability to operate to dlers have a double sloped
ically start-up. Also, the first 0° F. All heat pumps offer these acces- condensate drain pan that allows for
compressor can be serviced without sories: either airflow configuration. And the
shutting down the unit since the drain pan can easily be removed for
refrigerant circuits are independent. • Head Pressure Control cleaning. All the air handlers feature
factory installed belt drive and ball
Dual compressors are not just for pro- • Coil Guard Kits bearing evaporator fans with adjust-
tection, they also save energy costs.
• Isolators both Rubber-in-Shear able sheaves for maximum airflow
Most buildings are designed for the
and Spring Type performance. In fact, the standard
peak load requirements yet the build-
motor on the 10-ton air handler will
ing usually operates at less than peak • Anti-Short-Cycle Kit deliver 4000 cfm at 1.4" ESP. Plus
load. During light load conditions,
• Time Delay Relay oversized motors are available for
only one compressor functions to
higher static applications.
maintain the space comfort thus
reducing the need for energy. For
instance, the EER of the 15 ton unit at
ARI conditions is 10.1 and at part load
conditions it is 11.6.
Features and
Odyssey — A Complete
Split System
Odyssey delivers the flexibility to
select a complete system that meets
your particular job requirements. Air
handlers are designed, tested, and
rated with outdoor units to let you
select the proper match between
capacity and load. Heat pumps can
also be matched with Trane built-up
air handlers. Also, these matched sys-
tems can be quickly engineered for
specific applications using Trane’s
computerized selection and load pro-
Typical Horizontal Air Handler Application Typical Vertical Air Handler Application
Model Number
TWA 090 A 3 0 0 D A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Digits 1,2,3 - Product Type Digits 8 - Electrical
TWA = Split System Heat Pump Characteristics
1 = 208-230/60/1
Digits 4,5,6 - Nominal Gross
3 = 208-230/60/3
Cooling Capacity (MBh)
4 = 460/60/3
090 = 7 1/2 Tons
W = 575/60/3
120 = 10 Tons
180 = 15 Tons Digits 9,10 - Factory Installed
240 = 20 Tons Options
00 = Packed Stock
Digits 7 - Major Development
0S = Black Epoxy Coated Coil
A = Single Compressor Digits 11 - Minor Design Sequence
B = Dual Compressor D = Fourth
Digits 12 - Service Digit
A = First
TWE 090 A 1 0 0 C A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Digits 1,2,3 - Product Type Digits 8 - Electrical
TWE = Split System Heat Pump/ Characteristics
Cooling Air Handler 1 = 208-230/60/1
3 = 208-230/60/3
Digits 4,5,6 - Nominal Gross
4 = 460/60/3
Cooling Capacity (MBh)
W = 575/60/3
060 = 5 Tons
090 = 7 1/2 Tons Digits 9,10 - Factory Installed
120 = 10 Tons Options
180 = 15 Tons 00 = Packed Stock
240 = 20 Tons
Digits 11 - Minor Design Sequence
Digits 7 - Refrigerant Circuit C = Third
A = Single
Digits 12 - Service Digit
B = Dual
A = First
1 Cooling Performance is rated at 95° F ambient, 80° F entering dry bulb, 67° F entering wet bulb. Gross capacity does not include the effect of fan motor
heat. ARI capacity is net and includes the effect of fan motor heat. Certified in accordance with the Unitary Large Equipment certification program, which is
based on ARI Standard 340/360-00.
2 Condensing unit only gross cooling capacity rated at 45° F saturated suction temperature and at 95° F ambient.
3 ARI net cooling capacity is calculated with matched blower coil and 25 feet of 1 3/8" or 1/2" OD interconnecting tubing.
4 EER is rated at ARI conditions and in accordance with DOE test procedures.
5 Integrated part load value is based on ARI Standard 340/360-00. Units are rated at 80° F ambient, 80° F entering dry bulb (DB), and 67° F entering wet bulb
(WB) at ARI rated cfm.
6 Sound rating shown is tested in accordance with ARI Standard 270 or 370.
7 Refer to refrigerant piping applications manual for line sizing and line length.
8 Refrigerant (operating) charge is for condensing unit (all circuits) with matching blower coils and 25 feet of interconnecting refrigerant lines. All units are
supplied with a small nitrogen holding charge only.
ARI tested and certified with various heat pumps per ARI Standard 340/360-00 certification program. Refer to performance data section in this catalog.
1 Ships wired for 208-230/60/3. Field convertible to 460/60/3.
2 TWE060A1 has motor RPM of 3450 for oversized motor.
3 TWE120A1 does not have an oversized motor option.
Table GD-2: General Data —Air Handlers (continued)
10 Ton 15 Ton 20 Ton
Dual Circuit Dual Circuit Dual Circuit Dual Circuit
TWE120B1 TWE120B31,BW TWE180B3,B4,BW TWE240B3,B4,BW
System Data
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2
Suction Line (in.) OD 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8
Liquid Line (in.) OD 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2
Indoor Coil -Type Plate Fin Plate Fin Plate Fin Plate Fin
Tube Size (in.) .375 .375 .375 .375
Face Area (sq. ft.) 11.2 11.2 16.3 21.6
Rows/FPI 4/12 4/12 3/12 3/12
Refrigerant Control Expansion Valve Expansion Valve Expansion Valve Expansion Valve
Drain Connection Size (in.) 1 PVC 1 PVC 1 PVC 1 PVC
Indoor Fan - Type Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal
No. Used/Diameter x Width (in.) 1/15 x 15 1/15 x 15 2/15 x 15 2/15 x 15
Drive Type/No. Speeds Belt/Adjustable Belt/Adjustable Belt/Adjustable Belt/Adjustable
CFM 4000 4000 6000 8000
No. Motors 1 1 1 1
Motor HP - Standard/Oversized 2.00/- 2.00/3.00 3.00/5.00 5.00/7.50
Motor RPM 1725 1725 1735/1750 1750/3470
Motor Frame Size 56HZ 56HZ 145T 184T
Filters - Type/Furnished Throwaway/Yes Throwaway/Yes Throwaway/Yes Throwaway/Yes
(No.)/Size Recommended (4) 16 x 25 x 1 (4) 16 x 25 x 1 (8) 15 x 20 x 2 (4) 16 x 25 x 2
(4) 16 x 20 x 2
ARI tested and certified with various heat pumps per ARI Standard 340/360-00 certification program. Refer to performance data section in this catalog.
1 Ships wired for 208-230/60/3. Field convertible to 460/60/3.
10 SSP-PRC001-EN
Performance Data
7 1/2, 10 Tons
Table PD-1: Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) 7 1/2 Ton TWA090A Heat Pump with 7 1/2 Ton TWE090A Air Handler
Ambient Temperature
Enter. 85 95 105 115
DB Entering WB
(° F) 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
2700 75 84.1 67.2 92.8 56.3 102.1 37.7 81.2 65.7 89.5 55.0 98.5 36.4 78.0 64.2 86.1 53.6 94.8 35.2 74.7 62.5 82.4 52.1 90.9 33.8
80 84.6 78.6 93.0 64.5 102.1 49.6 81.8 77.2 89.8 63.2 98.5 48.3 78.8 75.7 86.3. 61.7 94.8 46.9 75.6 74.1 82.6 60.0 91.0 45.5
85 86.9 86.9 93.1 75.8 102.2 61.3 84.4 84.4 89.9 74.4 98.7 60.0 81.7 81.7 86.4 72.9 95.0 58.6 78.9 78.9 82.9 71.3 91.1 57.2
90 91.2 91.2 93.7 87.3 102.3 72.9 88.7 88.7 90.6 85.9 98.7 71.5 86.0 86.0 87.3 84.5 95.1 70.0 83.1 83.1 84.0 83.0 91.3 68.5
3000 75 87.5 70.3 94.4 54.8 103.7 38.4 82.7 68.8 91.1 53.4 100.0 37.1 79.4 67.2 87.5 51.9 96.1 35.7 75.9 65.6 83.7 50.4 92.2 34.3
80 86.5 82.9 94.6 67.5 103.7 51.2 83.6 81.4 91.1 65.9 100.0 499 80.5 79.9 87.6 64.4 96.2 48.5 77.0 77.0 83.9 62.8 92.3 47.1
85 89.6 89.6 94.7 79.7 103.8 64.0 87.1 87.1 91.4 78.3 100.2 62.6 84.3 84.3 87.9 76.7 96.4 61.3 81.3 81.3 84.3 75.2 92.5 59.9
90 94.1 94.1 95.7 92.4 92.4 103.9 76.4 91.5 92.5 91.0 100.3 75.0 88.6 88.6 88.7 88.7 96.5 73.6 85.6 85.6 85.7 85.7 92.6 72.1
3300 75 87.0 73.3 95.7 56.6 104.9 39.0 83.9 71.7 92.3 55.2 101.2 37.6 80.6 70.1 88.6 53.7 97.3 36.2 77.1 68.5 84.8 52.2 93.3 34.8
80 88.1 87.0 95.8 70.1 105.0 52.8 84.7 84.7 92.4 68.6 101.2 51.4 81.9 81.9 88.8 67.0 97.4 50.0 78.9 78.9 85.0 65.4 93.4 48.6
85 92.0 92.0 96.1 83.4 105.1 66.5 89.3 89.3 92.8 82.0 101.4 65.2 86.4 86.4 89.2 80.4 97.6 63.8 83.3 83.3 85.6 78.9 93.6 62.4
90 96.6 96.6 97.5 97.2 105.2 79.9 93.9 93.9 93.9 93.9 101.5 78.5 90.9 90.9 91.0 91.9 97.7 77.0 87.8 87.8 87.9 87.9 93.7 75.5
3600 75 88.2 76.1 96.8 58.3 106.0 39.5 85.0 74.6 93.3 56.9 102.2 38.1 81.6 73.0 89.6 55.4 98.2 36.7 78.1 71.3 85.7 53.9 94.1 35.3
80 89.3 89.3 96.9 72.7 106.1 54.2 86.6 86.6 93.4 71.2 102.3 52.9 83.7 83.7 89.8 69.6 98.3 51.5 80.6 80.6 85.9 68.0 94.3 50.1
85 94.1 94.1 97.4 87.0 106.2 69.0 91.3 91.3 94.0 85.6 102.5 67.6 88.3 88.3 90.4 84.0 98.4 66.1 85.1 85.1 86.7 82.5 94.4 64.6
90 98.9 98.9 98.9 98.9 106.4 83.2 96.0 96.0 96.1 96.1 102.6 81.8 92.9 92.9 93.0 93.0 98.7 80.3 89.7 89.7 89.8 89.8 94.8 78.8
1 Dry coil condition. Total gross capacity (MBh) shown to the left is not applicable. In this case the Sensible Heat Capacity (SHC) is the total capacity.
Table PD-2: Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) 10 Ton TWA120A Heat Pump with 10 Ton TWE120A Air Handler
Ambient Temperature
Enter. 85 95 105 115
DB Entering WB
(° F) 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
3600 75 114.6 90.1 126.2 76.3 138.8 51.1 110.6 88.1 121.8 74.5 134.0 49.4 106.2 85.9 117.1 72.6 128.9 47.7 101.7 83.6 112.2 70.6 123.4 45.8
80 115.0 104.8 126.4 85.8 138.8 66.4 111.1 102.8 122.0 83.9 134.0 64.6 106.9 100.7 117.3 81.9 128.9 62.6 102.6 98.5 112.4 79.8 123.5 60.6
85 117.1 117.1 126.5 100.7 138.8 81.2 113.7 113.7 122.0 98.6 134.0 79.3 110.1 110.1 117.4 96.5 129.0 77.4 106.3 106.3 112.5 94.3 123.6 75.3
90 122.7 122.7 126.9 115.2 138.9 95.9 119.2 119.2 122.7 113.2 134.2 94.0 115.5 115.5 118.2 111.1 129.1 92.1 111.7 111.7 113.5 109.0 123.7 90.0
4000 75 116.7 94.0 128.5 73.3 114.1 52.1 112.5 91.9 123.9 71.4 136.1 50.4 108.1 86.7 119.1 69.3 130.8 48.5 103.5 87.5 114.0 67.2 125.2 46.5
80 117.5 110.2 128.6 89.5 141.1 68.5 113.4 108.1 124.0 87.6 136.1 66.6 109.2 106.0 119.2 85.5 130.8 64.6 104.9 103.8 114.2 83.4 125.3 62.6
85 120.7 120.7 128.6 105.4 141.1 84.5 117.1 117.1 124.1 103.4 136.2 82.6 113.4 113.4 119.3 101.2 131.0 80.7 109.5 109.5 114.4 99.0 125.4 78.6
90 126.6 126.6 129.5 121.4 141.2 100.5 122.9 122.9 125.2 119.4 136.3 98.6 119.1 119.1 120.7 117.3 131.1 96.6 115.0 115.0 115.9 115.2 125.5 94.5
4400 75 118.5 97.7 130.3 75.5 142.9 53.0 114.2 95.6 125.6 73.6 137.8 51.1 109.6 93.4 120.7 71.6 132.4 49.2 105.0 91.1 115.5 69.4 126.7 47.1
80 119.7 115.3 130.4 93.0 142.9 70.4 115.6 113.2 125.8 91.0 137.8 68.5 11.3 111.1 120.8 89.0 132.5 66.5 106.5 106.5 115.7 86.8 126.8 64.5
85 123.9 123.9 130.5 110.0 143.0 87.7 120.2 120.2 125.9 107.9 138.0 85.8 116.3 116.3 121.1 105.8 132.6 83.8 112.2 112.2 116.1 103.6 126.9 81.7
90 129.9 129.9 131.9 127.4 143.1 104.8 126.1 126.1 127.5 125.4 138.1 102.9 122.2 122.2 122.0 122.0 132.7 100.9 117.9 117.9 117.8 117.8 126.9 98.5
4800 75 120.0 101.3 131.9 77.7 144.5 53.6 115.6 99.1 127.1 75.7 139.4 51.7 111.1 96.9 122.1 73.7 133.8 49.8 106.3 94.7 116.7 71.5 128.0 47.7
80 121.7 120.2 132.0 96.3 144.5 72.2 116.7 116.7 127.2 94.4 139.3 70.3 112.8 112.8 122.2 92.3 133.9 68.3 108.7 108.7 116.9 89.8 128.0 66.2
85 126.7 126.7 132.2 114.4 144.6 90.7 122.9 122.9 127.6 112.4 139.5 88.8 118.8 118.8 122.7 110.3 134.0 86.8 114.6 114.6 117.6 108.0 128.2 84.7
90 132.9 132.9 134.1 133.2 144.7 109.0 129.0 129.0 128.9 128.9 138.5 106.9 124.9 124.9 124.8 124.8 134.1 104.8 120.5 120.5 120.4 120.4 128.2 102.6
1 Dry coil condition. Total gross capacity (MBh) shown to the left is not applicable. In this case the Sensible Heat Capacity (SHC) is the total capacity.
SSP-PRC001-EN 11
Performance Data
15, 20 Tons
Table PD-3: Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) 15 Ton TWA180B Heat Pump with 15 Ton TWE180B Air Handler
Ambient Temperature
Enter. 85 95 105 115
DB Entering WB
(° F) 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
5400 75 167.8 134.1 185.1 112.3 203.6 75.2 161.9 131.2 178.6 109.7 196.4 72.7 155.5 128 171.6 106.9 188.9 70.1 148.8 124.7 164.3 104 181.1 67.5
80 168.7 157 185.4 128.9 203.7 99.1 163 154.1 178.9 126.2 196.5 96.4 156.9 151.1 171.8 122.9 189.1 93.7 150.4 147.9 164.6 119.8 181.4 90.8
85 173.3 173.31 185.7 151.5 203.9 122.5 168.4 168.41 179.2 148.6 196.8 119.8 163 163.01 172.3 145.5 189.4 117.1 157.3 157.31 165.1 142.4 181.8 114.3
90 182 182.01 186.8 174.4 204.1 145.5 176.9 176.91 180.6 171.6 197 142.7 171.4 171.41 174 168.7 189.6 139.8 165.7 165.71 167.2 165.6
182 136.8
6000 75 170.9 140.3 188.3 109.4 206.8 76.7 164.8 137.3 181.5 106.6 199.3 74.1 158.3 134.2 174.4 103.7 191.6 71.3 151.3 130.8 166.9 100.7 183.7 68.5
80 172.3 165.5 188.4 134.5 206.8 102.3 166.5 162.6 181.7 131.6 199.5 99.7 160.3 159.5 174.7 128.5 191.8 96.9 153.5 153.51 167.2 125.3 184 94.1
85 178.8 178.81 188.9 159.2 207.1 127.9 173.6 173.61 182.3 156.3 199.8 125.2 168 168.01 175.3 153.2 192.2 122.5 162.1 162.11 168 150 184.4 119.7
90 187.9 187.91 190.7 184.5 207.3 152.7 182.5 182.51 184.4 181.7 200 149.9 176.8 176.81 176.9 176.91 192.5 146.9 170.8 170.81 171 171.01 184.7 144
6600 75 173.5 146.3 190.9 113 209.3 77.8 167.2 143.2 184 110.2 201.7 75.1 160.5 140 176.7 107.3 193.9 72.3 153.5 136.6 169.1 104.2 185.8 69.5
80 175.6 173.7 191.1 139.9 209.4 105.4 169 169.01 184.3 137 201.9 102.7 163.3 163.31 177 133.8 194.1 100 157.3 157.31 169.5 130.6 186.2 97.2
85 183.6 183.61 191.7 166.7 209.8 133 178.1 178.11 184.9 163.7 202.3 130.3 172.3 172.31 177.9 160.6 194.3 127.2 166.2 166.21 170.5 157.5 186.4 124.2
90 192.9 192.91 194.3 194.31 210 159.6 187.3 187.31 187.5 187.51 202.6 156.7 181.4 181.41 181.6 181.61 194.9 153.8 175.2 175.21 175.4 175.41 187 150.8
7200 75 175.7 152 193.1 116.5 211.5 78.8 169.4 148.9 186.1 113.7 203.7 76 162.6 145.6 178.6 110.7 195.8 73.3 155.5 142.2 170.9 107.7 187.6 70.4
80 178.2 178.21 193.4 145.1 211.6 108.4 172.7 172.71 186.4 142.1 204 105.7 166.9 166.91 179 139 196.1 102.9 160.7 160.71 171.3 135.7 188 100.1
85 187.8 187.81 194.2 173.9 212 138 182.1 182.11 187.4 170.9 204.2 134.8 176.1 176.11 180.2 167.8 196.4 131.8 169.8 169.81 172.8 164.6 188.4 128.8
90 197.4 197.41 197.5 197.51 212.3 166.3 191.6 191.61 191.7 191.71 204.7 163.4 185.4 185.41 185.6 185.61 196.9 160.4 179.1 179.11 179.3 179.31 188.9 157.4
1 Dry coil condition. Total gross capacity (MBh) shown to the left is not applicable. In this case the Sensible Heat Capacity (SHC) is the total capacity.
12 SSP-PRC001-EN
Performance Data
7 1/2 Ton
Table PD-5: Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) 7 1/2 Ton TWA090A Heat Pump Only
Outdoor Suction Temperature Degrees F
In Degrees F 30 35 40 45 50 55
65 Head press PSIG 168 173 179 185 191 197
Cap. Btuh/1000 81 89 97.2 105.8 114.5 123.4
Unit KW 5.56 5.69 5.83 5.97 6.13 6.28
75 Head press PSIG 194 199 205 211 217 224
Cap. Btuh/1000 77.8 85.3 93.1 101.1 109.4 117.8
Unit KW 6.09 6.23 6.38 6.54 6.7 6.87
85 Head press PSIG 221 227 234 240 247 254
Cap. Btuh/1000 74.1 81.3 88.7 96.3 104.2 112.3
Unit KW 6.71 6.87 7.03 7.2 7.38 7.56
95 Head press PSIG 252 258 265 272 279 286
Cap. Btuh/1000 70.3 77.1 84.1 91.4 98.9 106.7
Unit KW 7.43 7.6 7.77 7.95 8.14 8.33
105 Head press PSIG 285 292 299 306 314 322
Cap. Btuh/1000 66.1 72.6 79.3 86.3 93.5 101.1
Unit KW 8.23 8.41 8.6 8.79 8.98 9.18
115 Head press PSIG 321 328 336 343 351 360
Cap. Btuh/1000 61.8 67.9 74.3 81 88.1 95.5
Unit KW 9.12 9.32 9.51 9.71 9.91 10.12
Performance data calculated at 15° F subcooling and 20% superheat and does not include capacity loss
due to refrigerant lines. .
Table PD-6: Capacity Curves 7 1/2 Ton TWA090A Heat Pump Only
SSP-PRC001-EN 13
Performance Data
10 Ton
Table PD-7: Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) 10 Ton TWA120A Heat Pump Only
Outdoor Suction Temperature Degrees F
In Degrees F 30 35 40 45 50 55
65 Head press PSIG 167 172 178 183 189 195
Cap. Btuh/1000 110.6 121.1 132.1 143.7 155.9 168.6
Unit KW 7.87 8.04 8.22 8.41 8.61 8.83
75 Head press PSIG 192 197 202 208 214 221
Cap. Btuh/1000 105.4 115.4 126.1 137.3 149.1 161.4
Unit KW 8.56 8.75 8.95 9.16 9.38 9.62
85 Head press PSIG 219 224 230 236 243 250
Cap. Btuh/1000 100 109.6 119.9 130.7 142 153.9
Unit KW 9.38 9.59 9.82 10.05 10.3 10.55
95 Head press PSIG 248 254 260 267 274 281
Cap. Btuh/1000 94.5 103.7 113.5 123.8 134.7 146.1
Unit KW 10.35 10.58 10.82 11.07 11.59
105 Head press PSIG 281 287 293 300 307 315
Cap. Btuh/1000 88.8 97.6 107 116.8 127.1 137.8
Unit KW 11.45 11.7 11.96 12.22 12.48 12.74
115 Head press PSIG 316 322 329 336 343 351
Cap. Btuh/1000 83.1 91.4 100.3 109.6 119.2 129.2
Unit KW 12.69 12.95 13.21 13.48 13.73 13.98
Performance data calculated at 15° F subcooling and 20% superheat and does not include capacity loss
due to refrigerant lines.
14 SSP-PRC001-EN
Performance Data
15 Ton
Table PD-9: Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) 15 Ton TWA180B Heat Pump Only
Outdoor Suction Temperature Degrees F
In Degrees F 30 35 40 45 50 55
65 Head pressure PSIG 168 173 179 185 191 197
Capacity BTUH/1000 161.3 177.1 193.6 210.6 228.1 245.8
Unit KW 10.9 11.16 11.43 11.71 12.01 12.32
75 Head pressure PSIG 193 199 205 211 217 224
Capacity BTUH/1000 154.9 169.9 185.5 201.5 218 234.8
Unit KW 11.94 12.22 12.51 12.82 13.14 13.47
85 Head pressure PSIG 221 227 233 240 247 254
Capacity BTUH/1000 147.7 162 176.8 192.1 207.8 224
Unit KW 13.16 13.46 13.78 14.11 14.46 14.81
95 Head pressure PSIG 252 258 265 272 279 286
Capacity BTUH/1000 140.1 153.7 167.8 182.4 197.5 213.1
Unit KW 14.56 14.89 15.23 15.59 15.95 16.32
105 Head pressure PSIG 285 292 299 306 313 321
Capacity BTUH/1000 131.9 144.8 158.2 172.2 186.8 202.1
Unit KW 16.14 16.49 16.85 17.23 17.61 18
115 Head pressure PSIG 321 328 335 343 351 360
Capacity BTUH/1000 123.3 135.5 148.3 161.8 176 190.9
Unit KW 17.88 18.25 18.64 19.03 19.43 19.83
Performance data calculated at 15° F subcooling and 20% superheat and does not include capacity loss
due to refrigerant lines.
SSP-PRC001-EN 15
Performance Data
20 Ton
Table PD-11: Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) 20 Ton TWA240B Heat Pump Only
Outdoor Suction Temperature Degrees F
In Degrees F 30 35 40 45 50 55
65 Head pressure PSIG 183 190 196 203 211 219
Capacity BTUH/1000 217.4 237.4 258.4 280.5 303.5 327.5
Unit KW 16.09 16.51 16.96 17.44 17.96 18.5
75 Head pressure PSIG 209 216 223 231 239 248
Capacity BTUH/1000 206.8 226 246.3 267.6 290 313.3
Unit KW 17.58 18.05 18.56 19.11 19.68 20.28
85 Head pressure PSIG 238 245 253 261 270 279
Capacity BTUH/1000 196 214.4 233.9 254.5 276 298.3
Unit KW 19.35 19.88 20.44 21.03 21.65 22.27
95 Head pressure PSIG 269 277 285 294 303 313
Capacity BTUH/1000 185 202.6 221.3 240.9 261.4 282.6
Unit KW 21.39 21.97 22.57 23.2 23.83 24.47
105 Head pressure PSIG 304 312 320 329 339 349
Capacity BTUH/1000 173.8 190.6 208.4 227.1 246.5 266.5
Unit KW 23.68 24.31 24.95 25.6 26.24 26.87
115 Head pressure PSIG 341 349 358 368 378 388
Capacity BTUH/1000 162.4 178.5 195.4 213 231.2 249.9
Unit KW 26.23 26.89 27.56 28.22 28.86 29.46
Performance data calculated at 15° F subcooling and 20% superheat and does not include capacity loss
due to refrigerant lines.
16 SSP-PRC001-EN
Performance Data
7 1/2 Ton
Table PD-13: Gross Heating Capacities (MBh) 7 1/2 Ton TWA090A Heat Pump with 7 1/2 Ton
TWE090A Air Handler at 3000 CFM
Outdoor Heating Capacity (BTUH/1000) at Total Power in Kilowatts at
Temperature in Indicated Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature Indicated Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature
Degrees F
60 70 75 80 60 70 75 80
-18 35.2 32 30.9 30.1 5.4 5.9 6.2 6.5
-13 36.8 34 33.1 32.5 5.5 6 6.3 6.6
-8 38.7 36.4 35.7 35.2 5.6 6.1 6.4 6.7
-3 41.1 39.2 38.7 38.3 5.7 6.2 6.5 6.8
2 44.1 42.5 42 41.8 5.8 6.3 6.6 6.9
7 47.5 46.3 45.9 45.7 5.9 6.5 6.8 7.1
12 51.3 50.3 50 49.9 6 6.6 6.9 7.2
17 55.6 54.8 54.5 54.3 6.2 6.7 7.1 7.4
22 60.3 59.6 59.3 59.1 6.3 6.9 7.2 7.6
27 65.5 64.7 64.4 64.2 6.4 7 7.4 7.7
32 71 70.2 69.9 69.6 6.6 7.2 7.5 7.9
37 76.7 75.8 75.4 75 6.7 7.4 7.7 8.1
42 82.7 81.7 81.2 80.7 6.9 7.5 7.9 8.3
47 89 87.8 87.3 86.7 7 7.7 8.1 8.5
52 95.7 94.4 93.7 93.1 7.2 7.9 8.3 8.7
57 102.7 101.2 100.5 99.7 7.3 8 8.4 8.9
62 109.9 108.2 107.4 106.6 7.5 8.2 8.6 9.1
67 117.3 115.5 114.6 113.8 7.7 8.4 8.8 9.3
72 124.8 122.9 122 121.1 7.9 8.6 9 9.5
SSP-PRC001-EN 17
Performance Data
10 Ton
Table PD-14: Gross Heating Capacities (MBh) 10 Ton TWA120A Heat Pump with 10 Ton
TWE120A Air Handler at 4000 CFM
Outdoor Heating Capacity (BTUH/1000) at Total Power in Kilowatts at
Temperature in Indicated Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature Indicated Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature
Degrees F
60 70 75 80 60 70 75 80
-18 29.9 42.3 46.5 49.9 7.4 8.4 9 9.5
-13 39.4 47.5 50.6 53 7.7 8.6 9.1 9.6
-8 46.9 52.6 54.8 56.7 7.9 8.8 9.2 9.7
-3 53.7 57.8 59.4 60.7 8.1 9 9.4 9.9
2 60.3 63.1 64.2 65 8.3 9.1 9.6 10
7 66.9 68.6 69.2 69.7 8.5 9.3 9.7 10.2
12 73.4 74.3 74.6 74.7 8.7 9.5 9.9 10.3
17 80.2 80.3 80.2 80.2 8.9 9.6 10.1 10.5
22 87.1 86.6 86.3 86 9 9.8 10.2 10.7
27 94.2 93.2 92.6 92.2 9.2 10 10.4 10.9
32 101.7 100.2 99.5 98.9 9.4 10.2 10.6 11.1
37 109.1 107.2 106.4 105.6 9.5 10.4 10.9 11.4
42 116.7 114.4 113.5 112.7 9.7 10.6 11.1 11.6
47 124.6 122.1 121.1 120.1 9.9 10.8 11.3 11.9
52 132.8 130.1 129 127.9 10.1 11.1 11.6 12.1
57 141.1 138.3 137.1 136 10.4 11.3 11.9 12.4
62 149.6 146.7 145.3 144.1 10.6 11.6 12.1 12.7
67 158.3 155.2 153.8 152.5 10.9 11.9 12.4 13.1
72 167.4 164.1 162.6 161.2 11.2 12.2 12.8 13.4
18 SSP-PRC001-EN
Performance Data
15 Ton
Table PD-15: Gross Heating Capacities (MBh) 15 Ton TWA180B Heat Pump with 15 Ton
TWE180B Air Handler at 6000 CFM
Outdoor Heating Capacity (BTUH/1000) at Total Power in Kilowatts at
Temperature in Indicated Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature Indicated Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature
Degrees F
60 70 75 80 60 70 75 80
18 71 65.3 63.5 62.2 11.6 12.6 13.1 13.5
-13 73.8 69 67.5 66.5 11.8 12.7 13.2 13.8
-8 77.4 73.4 72.2 71.5 11.9 12.9 13.5 14
-3 81.8 78.7 77.8 77.3 12.1 13.2 13.7 14.3
2 87 84.6 84 83.7 12.3 13.4 14 14.6
7 93.1 91.2 90.8 90.7 12.6 13.6 14.2 14.9
12 100 98.6 98.3 98.3 12.8 13.9 14.5 15.2
17 107.8 106.7 106.4 106.5 13 14.2 14.8 15.5
22 116.5 115.5 115.3 115.3 13.3 14.5 15.1 15.8
27 126 125.1 124.9 124.8 13.6 14.8 15.5 16.2
32 136.3 135.4 135.1 134.9 13.9 15.1 15.8 16.6
37 146.8 145.8 145.4 145 14.1 15.4 16.1 16.9
42 157.9 156.7 156.1 155.6 14.4 15.8 16.5 17.3
47 169.7 168.2 167.5 166.8 14.7 16.1 16.9 17.7
52 182.2 180.4 179.6 178.8 15.1 16.5 17.2 18.1
57 195.2 193.2 192.2 191.2 15.4 16.8 17.6 18.5
62 208.7 206.4 205.3 204.2 15.7 17.2 18 18.9
67 222.6 220 218.8 217.6 16.1 17.6 18.4 19.3
72 237 234.2 232.9 231.7 16.5 18 18.8 19.7
SSP-PRC001-EN 19
Performance Data
20 Ton
Table PD-16: Gross Heating Capacities (MBh) 20 Ton TWA240B Heat Pump with 20 Ton
TWE240B Air Handler at 8000 CFM
Outdoor Heating Capacity (BTUH/1000) at Total Power in Kilowatts at
Temperature in Indicated Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature Indicated Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature
Degrees F
60 70 75 80 60 70 75 80
-18 64.1 89.6 97.7 103.6 14.7 17.1 18.3 19.4
-13 81.2 97.6 103.4 107.6 15.4 17.4 18.5 19.5
-8 94.5 106.1 110.1 113.1 15.9 17.8 18.8 19.8
-3 106.6 114.7 117.5 119.5 16.3 18.1 19.1 20.1
2 118.3 123.8 125.6 126.9 16.7 18.5 19.4 20.4
7 130.1 133.4 134.5 135.1 17.1 18.8 19.7 20.7
12 141.9 143.6 144 144.2 17.5 19.2 20.1 21.1
17 154.1 154.4 154.4 154.2 17.9 19.6 20.5 21.6
22 166.7 166 165.5 165 18.2 20 21 22
27 179.9 178.3 177.6 176.8 18.6 20.4 21.4 22.5
32 193.7 191.5 190.5 189.5 19 20.9 21.9 23.1
37 207.6 204.8 203.6 202.5 19.4 21.4 22.4 23.6
42 221.9 218.8 217.4 216.2 19.9 21.9 23 24.2
47 237 233.5 232 230.7 20.4 22.4 23.6 24.8
52 253 249.3 247.6 246.2 20.9 23 24.2 25.5
57 269.6 265.7 263.9 262.3 21.4 23.6 24.9 26.2
62 286.8 282.6 280.6 278.9 22 24.3 25.5 26.9
67 304.4 299.9 297.8 295.8 22.7 25 26.3 27.6
72 322.8 317.9 315.6 313.4 23.4 25.8 27 28.4
20 SSP-PRC001-EN
Performance Data
5 Ton
Table PD-17: Evaporator Fan Performance 5 Ton TWE060A, TWE060B - Air Handler
External Static Pressure (Inches of Water Gauge)
.10" .20" .30" .40" .50" .60" .70" .80" .90" 1.00" 1.10" 1.20"
1600 578 0.34 625 0.38 676 0.43 727 0.48 778 0.52 828 0.57 879 0.62 930 0.67 963 0.70 995 0.74 1028 0.77 1060 0.8
1700 601 0.35 648 0.4 696 0.44 744 0.49 792 0.54 841 0.59 889 0.64 937 0.69 971 0.73 1005 0.77 1039 0.81 1073 0.84
1800 625 0.36 671 0.41 716 0.46 762 0.51 807 0.56 853 0.61 898 0.66 944 0.71 979 0.76 1015 0.8 1050 0.84 1085 0.88
1900 642 0.4 687 0.45 731 0.5 776 0.55 820 0.6 865 0.66 909 0.71 951 0.75 987 0.80 1023 0.84 1059 0.89 1095 0.93
2000 659 0.44 703 0.49 746 0.54 790 0.6 833 0.65 877 0.7 920 0.75 957 0.8 994 0.84 1031 0.89 1069 0.93 1106 0.98
2100 674 0.48 722 0.54 770 0.6 817 0.65 857 0.7 897 0.75 936 0.8 973 0.85 1009 0.89 1046 0.94 1082 0.99 1119 1.04
2200 689 0.52 741 0.59 793 0.65 845 0.71 881 0.76 917 0.8 953 0.85 989 0.9 1024 0.95 1060 1 1096 104 — —
2300 710 0.57 761 0.63 812 0.7 863 0.76 897 0.81 932 0.86 966 0.91 1001 0.96 1035 1 — — — — — —
2400 730 0.61 780 0.68 830 0.75 880 0.82 913 0.87 946 0.91 979 0.96 1013 1.01 — — — — — — — —
Table PD-18: Low Static Fan Drive 5 Ton TWE060A, TWE060B Air Handler1
Motor Sheave Nominal
Turns Open RPM
0 752
1 708
2 663
3 619
4 574
5 530
1 Field supplied components required:
Blower Sheave: Fixed Pitch (7.8 inch Pitch Diameter),
Blower Sheave: 0.625 inch Bore, Single Groove, "A" Belt.
Belt: A48
SSP-PRC001-EN 21
Performance Data
7 1/2 Ton
Table PD-19: Evaporator Fan Performance 7 1/2 Ton TWE090A, TWE090B - Air Handler
External Static Pressure (Inches of Water Gauge)
.10" .20" .30" .40" .50" .60" .70" .80" .90" 1.00"
1.5 HP Standard Motor 1.5 HP Standard Motor and Low Static Drive Kit 1.5 HP Standard
and Field Supplied Motor and Sheaves
Low Static Drive1
2400 429 0.45 475 0.51 522 0.58 569 0.65 615 0.71 662 0.78 708 0.84 755 0.91 783 0.98 811 1.05
2550 453 0.48 496 0.55 539 0.61 582 0.68 626 0.74 669 0.81 712 0.87 756 0.94 785 1 814 1.08
2700 476 0.52 516 0.58 556 0.65 596 0.71 636 0.77 676 0.83 716 0.9 758 0.96 787 1.02 816 1.11
2850 500 0.55 537 0.62 573 0.68 610 0.74 646 0.8 683 0.86 720 0.92 759 0.99 788 1.05 819 1.14
3000 524 0.59 557 0.65 590 0.71 624 0.77 657 0.83 690 0.89 723 0.95 760 1.01 790 1.07 821 1.17
3150 546 0.62 577 0.68 609 0.75 640 0.81 672 0.87 703 0.94 735 1.00 768 1.07 798 1.15 829 1.25
3300 568 0.65 598 0.72 628 0.79 657 0.85 687 0.92 717 0.99 746 1.05 776 1.12 807 1.22 837 1.33
3450 589 0.67 618 0.75 647 0.83 676 0.91 705 0.99 733 1.07 762 1.15 791 1.23 820 1.33 849 1.42
3600 611 0.69 639 0.79 666 0.88 694 0.97 722 1.06 750 1.16 778 1.25 806 1.34 834 1.43 862 1.51
1 Field Supplied Low Static Drive (use Table PD-21)
Data includes pressure drop due to wet coil and 1" filter.
Fan motor heat (MBh) = 3.15 x BHP.
Trane’s factory supplied motors, in commercial equipment, are definite purpose motors, specifically designed and tested to operate reliably and
continuously at all cataloged conditions. Using the full horsepower range of our fan motors as shown in our tabular data will not result in nuisance tripping
or premature motor failure. Our product’s warranty will not be affected.
2400 840 1.11 868 1.18 896 1.25 924 1.32 952 1.39 890 1.46 1009 1.52 1037 1.59
2550 843 1.15 872 1.23 901 1.31 930 1.38 959 1.46 988 1.54 1016 1.61 1045 1.69
2700 846 1.19 876 1.28 905 1.36 935 1.45 965 1.53 995 1.62 1024 1.7 1054 1.79
2850 849 1.23 880 1.33 910 1.42 941 1.51 971 1.6 1002 1.7 1032 1.79 1063 1.88
3000 853 1.27 884 1.37 915 1.48 946 1.58 978 1.68 1009 1.78 1040 1.88 1071 1.98
3150 860 1.35 891 1.45 922 1.56 958 1.66 984 1.76 1014 1.86 1044 1.94 — —
3300 868 1.43 898 1.54 929 1.64 959 1.74 990 1.85 1020 1.95 1049 2.01 — —
3450 879 1.52 908 1.61 937 1.71 966 1.8 995 1.9 1025 2 — — — —
3600 890 1.6 918 1.69 945 1.78 973 1.87 1001 1.96 — — — — — —
Table PD-20: Low Static Fan Drive 7 Table PD-21: Low Static Fan Drive Kit
1/2 Ton TWE090A,B Air
7 1/2 Ton TWE090A,B Air
Motor Sheave Nominal Motor Sheave Nominal
Turns Open RPM Turns Open RPM
0 598 0 733
1 563 1 690
2 528 2 647
3 493 3 604
4 458 4 561
5 422 5 518
1 Field supplied components required:
Blower Sheave: Fixed Pitch (9.8 inch Pitch Diameter),
Blower Sheave: 1.00 inch Bore, Single Groove, "A" Belt.
Belt: A55
22 SSP-PRC001-EN
Performance Data
10 Ton
Table PD-22: Evaporator Fan Performance 10 Ton TWE120A1, TWE120B1 - Air Handler
External Static Pressure (Inches of Water Gauge)
.10" .20" .30" .40" .50" .60" .70" .80" .90" 1.00" 1.20" 1.40" 1.60"
3200 — — — — 570 0.67 603 0.75 636 0.83 670 0.91 703 1.00 736 1.08 756 1.14 784 1.2 838 1.32 890 1.49 942 1.66
3400 — — 560 0.71 592 0.79 623 0.88 652 0.95 685 1.04 716 1.12 743 1.18 762 1.24 790 1.3 844 1.43 895 1.59 948 1.8
3600 557 0.77 583 0.84 613 0.92 643 1.01 667 1.07 700 1.16 730 1.23 750 1.27 768 1.34 797 1.41 850 1.55 900 1.69 954 1.94
3800 579 0.94 605 1.01 634 1.09 663 1.18 683 1.24 710 1.29 738 1.37 762 1.42 785 1.49 813 1.56 861 1.72 911 1.87 — —
4000 602 1.11 628 1.17 656 1.26 683 1.35 698 1.4 720 1.43 747 1.5 773 1.58 801 1.64 829 1.71 872 1.89 922 2.04 — —
4200 626 1.23 651 1.31 677 1.4 703 1.48 714 1.53 741 1.59 765 1.66 790 1.72 815 1.81 841 1.9 888 2.08 — — — —
4400 649 1.36 674 1.45 698 1.53 723 1.62 729 1.65 761 1.76 784 1.81 807 1.87 830 1.98 852 2.09 — — — — — —
4600 669 1.52 692 1.62 714 1.69 735 1.77 747 1.82 782 1.92 798 1.99 815 2.06 — — — — — — — — — —
4800 689 1.69 711 1.79 729 1.85 746 1.92 764 1.98 802 2.09 — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
1 Field Supplied Low Static Drive (use Table PD-23)
Data includes pressure drop due to wet coil and 1" filter.
Fan motor heat (MBh) = 3.15 x BHP.
Trane’s factory supplied motors, in commercial equipment, are definite purpose motors, specifically designed and tested to operate reliably and
continuously at all cataloged conditions. Using the full horsepower range of our fan motors as shown in our tabular data will not result in nuisance tripping
or premature motor failure. Our product’s warranty will not be affected.
SSP-PRC001-EN 23
Performance Data
10 Ton
Table PD-24: Evaporator Fan Performance 10 Ton TWE120A3, AW; TWE120B3, BW - Air Handler
External Static Pressure (Inches of Water Gauge)
.10" .20" .30" .40" .50" .60" .70" .80" .90" 1.00" 1.20"
3200 — — — — 570 0.67 603 0.75 636 0.83 670 0.91 703 1.00 736 1.08 756 1.14 784 1.2 838 1.32
3400 — — 560 0.71 592 0.79 623 0.88 652 0.95 685 1.04 716 1.12 743 1.18 762 1.24 790 1.3 844 1.43
3600 557 0.77 583 0.84 613 0.92 643 1.01 667 1.07 700 1.16 730 1.23 750 1.27 768 1.34 797 1.41 850 1.55
3800 579 0.94 605 1.01 634 1.09 663 1.18 683 1.24 710 1.29 738 1.37 762 1.42 785 1.49 813 1.56 861 1.72
4000 602 1.11 628 1.17 656 1.26 683 1.35 698 1.40 720 1.43 747 1.5 773 1.58 801 1.64 829 1.71 872 1.89
4200 626 1.23 651 1.31 677 1.4 703 1.48 714 1.53 741 1.59 765 1.66 790 1.72 815 1.81 841 1.9 888 2.08
4400 649 1.36 674 1.45 698 1.53 723 1.62 729 1.65 761 1.76 784 1.81 807 1.87 830 1.98 852 2.09 904 2.27
4700 669 1.52 792 1.62 714 1.69 735 1.77 747 1.82 782 1.92 798 1.99 815 2.06 837 2.18 862 2.29 922 2.45
4800 689 1.69 711 1.79 729 1.85 746 1.92 764 1.98 802 2.09 812 2.17 822 2.24 844 2.39 872 2.48 939 2.64
1 Field Supplied Low Static Drive (use Table PD-25)
Data includes pressure drop due to wet coil and 1" filter.
Fan motor heat (MBh) = 3.15 x BHP.
Trane’s factory supplied motors, in commercial equipment, are definite purpose motors, specifically designed and tested to operate reliably and
continuously at all cataloged conditions. Using the full horsepower range of our fan motors as shown in our tabular data will not result in nuisance tripping
or premature motor failure. Our product’s warranty will not be affected.
3200 890 1.49 942 1.66 1001 1.84 1051 2.03 1106 2.24 1162 2.44
3400 895 1.59 948 1.80 1009 1.98 1057 2.17 1111 2.37 1165 2.57
3600 900 1.69 954 1.94 1016 2.13 1065 2.31 1115 2.51 1167 2.7
3800 911 1.87 959 2.15 1024 2.35 1070 2.54 1120 2.73 1169 2.92
4000 922 2.04 965 2.36 1031 2.57 1077 2.76 1124 2.95 — —
4200 941 2.29 984 2.54 1039 2.73 1083 2.91 1129 3.10 — —
4400 960 2.53 1003 2.71 1047 2.89 1090 3.06 — — — —
4600 979 2.67 1020 2.86 1061 3.06 — — — — — —
4800 997 2.8 1036 3.02 — — — — — — — —
24 SSP-PRC001-EN
Performance Data
15 Ton
4500 637 1.4 662 1.44 687 1.49 701 1.53 717 1.58 732 1.63 747 1.64 754 1.65 782 1.67 817 1.76 873 1.96
4800 642 1.42 667 1.51 692 1.54 706 1.63 722 1.64 737 1.65 752 1.66 767 1.68 795 1.73 831 1.82 887 2.02
5100 647 1.45 672 1.52 697 1.57 713 1.66 726 1.68 740 1.70 761 1.72 783 1.77 811 1.85 843 1.96 900 2.19
5400 652 1.47 677 1.54 702 1.6 719 1.69 730 1.72 742 1.75 769 1.78 798 1.87 827 1.98 856 2.09 914 2.37
5700 653 1.48 679 1.56 706 1.67 725 1.75 741 1.80 758 1.84 786 1.92 815 2.02 843 2.14 872 2.27 932 2.57
6000 655 1.49 681 1.59 709 1.74 731 1.8 752 1.87 774 1.94 803 2.05 831 2.17 860 2.29 889 2.44 950 2.78
6300 658 1.51 687 1.63 716 1.79 741 1.89 765 1.98 792 2.09 823 2.22 853 2.35 883 2.49 913 2.64 974 2.96
6600 663 1.54 693 1.68 723 1.84 750 1.97 778 2.09 811 2.24 843 2.39 875 2.53 906 2.69 936 2.84 997 3.15
6900 670 1.62 700 1.77 735 1.98 767 2.15 799 2.29 832 2.44 865 2.61 900 2.79 934 2.98 967 3.16 1019 3.48
7200 677 1.7 707 1.86 747 2.12 785 2.33 819 2.49 853 2.65 888 2.83 926 3.05 963 3.27 997 3.49 1041 3.81
1 Field Supplied Low Static Drive (use Table PD-27)
Data includes pressure drop due to wet coil and 2" filter.
Fan motor heat (MBh) = 3.15 x BHP.
Trane’s factory supplied motors, in commercial equipment, are definite purpose motors, specifically designed and tested to operate reliably and
continuously at all cataloged conditions. Using the full horsepower range of our fan motors as shown in our tabular data will not result in nuisance tripping
or premature motor failure. Our product’s warranty will not be affected.
3 HP
5 HP Oversized Motor and Sheaves
Motor and
4500 929 2.19 986 2.46 1035 2.74 1084 3.01 1132 3.28 — —
4800 943 2.29 999 2.56 1046 2.83 1095 3.11 1143 3.38 — —
5100 957 2.48 1012 2.76 1058 3.04 1105 3.31 1152 3.57 — —
5400 972 2.67 1024 2.96 1070 3.24 1116 3.51 — — — —
5700 990 2.89 1038 3.18 1083 3.46 1127 3.74 — — — —
6000 1008 3.11 1052 3.39 1096 3.68 1138 3.96 — — — —
6300 1025 3.3 1069 3.61 1113 3.92 1152 4.21 — — — —
6600 1042 3.49 1087 3.83 1130 4.16 — — — — — —
6900 1063 3.81 1107 4.15 1146 4.49 — — — — — —
7200 1085 4.14 1127 4.47 — — — — — — — —
SSP-PRC001-EN 25
Performance Data
20 Ton
5 HP Standard Motor and Field 5 HP Standard Motor and Low Static Drive Kit
Supplied Low STatic Drive1
6400 — — — — 570 1.41 612 1.57 654 1.7 696 1.83 743 2.06 781 2.25 808 2.4 835 2.55 883 2.86
6800 — — — — 593 1.58 635 1.74 677 1.90 722 2.08 762 2.29 794 2.46 820 2.61 846 2.76 894 3.07
7200 — — 573 1.58 615 1.75 657 1.92 700 2.09 747 2.33 781 2.52 806 2.66 831 2.81 856 2.96 904 3.29
7600 — — 603 1.84 651 1.98 694 2.15 731 2.38 766 2.57 795 2.74 819 2.88 844 3.02 869 3.17 919 3.55
8000 585 1.97 633 2.11 686 2.21 730 2.39 761 2.66 785 2.81 809 2.95 832 3.09 857 3.23 882 3.37 933 3.8
8400 619 2.2 657 2.35 710 2.54 752 2.73 778 2.94 801 3.09 823 3.23 848 3.39 873 3.55 899 3.71 947 4.14
8800 652 2.43 680 2.60 733 2.86 773 3.07 794 3.22 816 3.36 837 3.50 863 3.68 889 3.86 915 4.04 960 4.47
9200 682 2.76 723 2.98 760 3.19 790 3.37 811 3.52 834 3.68 858 3.84 884 4.01 909 4.2 932 4.4 975 4.83
9600 711 3.08 766 3.36 787 3.52 807 3.67 828 3.82 852 3.99 878 4.17 904 4.35 929 4.53 949 4.75 990 5.2
6400 930 3.16 976 3.52 1021 3.89 1066 4.26 1111 4.62 1156 4.99 1201 5.36
6800 941 3.4 986 3.78 1030 4.16 1075 4.55 1119 4.93 1164 5.31 — —
7200 951 3.65 995 4.04 1039 4.44 1083 4.84 1127 5.23 1171 5.63 — —
7600 963 3.94 1007 4.34 1050 4.75 1093 5.16 1136 5.57 1179 5.98 — —
8000 975 4.23 1018 4.65 1060 5.07 1103 5.49 1145 5.91 1187 6.34 — —
8400 989 4.57 1032 5.01 1074 5.44 1117 5.87 1159 6.31 1200 6.73 — —
8800 1002 4.92 1045 5.36 1087 5.81 1130 6.26 1172 6.70 — — — —
9200 1016 5.28 1058 5.73 1099 6.17 1141 6.62 1182 7.07 — — — —
9600 1030 5.65 1071 6.09 1111 6.54 1152 6.99 1192 7.43 — — — —
Table PD-29: Low Static Fan Drive Kit Table PD-30: Low Static Fan Drive 20
20 Ton TWE240B Air
Ton TWE240B Air
Handler1 Note:
1 Field supplied components required:
Motor Sheave Nominal Motor Sheave Nominal
Motor Sheave: Variable Pitch (4.3-5.5 inch
Turns Open RPM Turns Open RPM Pitch Diameter),
0 857 0 712 1.125 inch Bore, Single Groove, "B" Belt.
1 831 1 686
2 805 2 660 Blower Sheave: Fixed Pitch (13.4 inch
3 779 3 634 Pitch Diameter),
4 753 4 609 1.4375 inch Bore, Single Groove, "B" Belt.
5 727 5 583 Belt: B67
6 701 6 557
26 SSP-PRC001-EN
Performance Data
5 - 20 Ton
Table PD-31: Standard Motor and Sheave/Fan Speed (RPM) - Air Handler
Sheave Position
Tons Unit Model No. 6 Turns 5 Turns 4 Turns 3 Turns 2 Turns 1 Turns Closed
Open Open Open Open Open Open
5 TWE060A1 — 714 773 833 892 952 1011
7 1/2 TWE090A3 — 726 787 847 908 968 1029
10 TWE120A1, B12 — 702 760 819 877 936 994
TWE120A3, AW3 — 710 761 812 863 913 964
TWE120B3, BW3
15 TWE180B3 760 795 831 866 902 937 —
20 TWE240B4 862 894 926 958 990 1022 1054
1 Factory setting is 3.0 turns open.
2 Factory setting is 4.0 turns open.
3 Factory setting is 4.5 turns open.
4 Factory setting is 6.0 turns open.
Table PD-32: Oversized Motor and Sheave/Fan Speed (RPM) - Air Handler
Sheave Position
Tons Unit Model No. 6 Turns 5 Turns 4 Turns 3 Turns 2 Turns 1 Turns Closed
Open Open Open Open Open Open
5 TWE060A1 — 828 897 966 1035 1104 1173
TWE060A3, A4, AW — 863 934 1006 1078 1150 1222
TWE060B3, B4
7½ TWE090A1 — 845 915 986 1056 1127 1197
TWE090A3, AW — 847 908 968 1029 1089 1150
10 TWE120A1, B1 — 878 941 1004 1066 1129 1192
TWE120A3, AW1 — 915 969 1023 1077 1131 1185
TWE120B3, BW1
TWE120A3, AW2 — 733 776 819 863 906 949
TWE120B3, BW2
15 TWE180B 946 981 1016 1052 1087 1122 1157
20 TWE240B — 991 1040 1091 1140 1190 1239
1 High Static Motor with 6 1/2" Fan Sheave.
2 High Static Motor with 8’ Fan Sheave.
SSP-PRC001-EN 27
Performance Data
5 - 20 Ton
Table PD-33: Electric Heat Discharge Plenum and Grille Airflow (CFM)
Tons Unit Model No. Electric Heater Airflow (CFM)
Model No. Minimum Maximum
5 TWE060A1, B1 BAYHTRL117A 2000 2400
TWE060A3, B3 BAYHTRL315A 2000 2400
TWE060A4, B4 BAYHTRL415A 2000 2400
7 1/2 TWE090A1, B1 BAYHTRL117A 3000 3600
BAYHTRL123A 3375 3600
TWE090A3, B3 BAYHTRL315A 2625 3600
BAYHTRL325A 3000 3600
TWE090A3, B3 BAYHTRL415A 2625 3600
BAYHTRL425A 2625 3600
10 TWE120A1, B1 BAYHTRL117A 3500 4800
BAYHTRL123A 4000 4800
TWE120A3, B3 BAYHTRL315A 4000 4800
BAYHTRL325A 3500 4800
TWE120A3, B31 BAYHTRL415A 3500 4800
BAYHTRL425A 3500 4800
15 TWE180B3 BAYHTRM330A 5250 7200
TWE180B4 BAYHTRM430A 5250 7200
20 TWE240B3 BAYHTRM330A 7000 9600
TWE240B4 BAYHTRM430A 7000 9600
1 When wired for 460 Volt.
2 10 Ton with 6.5 inch sheave.
3 10 Ton with 8 inch sheave.
Table PD-34: Discharge Plenum and Grille Assembly Throw Distance (ft) - Air Handler
Unit Tons Model No. CFM Louver Angle Deflection Position
Straight 20º 40º 55º
5 TWE060A 1600 42 31 26 20
TWE060B 1800 46 37 29 22
2000 48 43 33 24
2200 51 50 36 25
2400 54 57 39 29
TWE090A 2400 52 43 35 29
TWE090B 2700 55 48 38 31
3000 58 53 42 32
3300 62 57 46 35
3600 66 60 50 37
TWE120A 3200 56 46 38 30
TWE120B 3600 62 51 42 33
4000 66 57 47 35
4400 71 62 52 38
4800 76 67 56 42
15 TWE180B 4900 47 38 32 25
5400 52 44 37 29
6000 57 49 41 32
6600 61 53 43 34
7200 65 57 46 35
20 TWE240B 6400 56 46 38 30
7200 62 51 42 33
8000 66 57 47 35
8800 71 62 52 38
9600 76 67 56 42
Throw distance values are based on a terminal velocity of 75 FPM.
Throw distance values at other terminal velocities may be established by multiplying throw distances in
the table above by throw factor:
28 SSP-PRC001-EN
Performance Data
5 - 20 Ton
Table PD-35: Static Pressure Drop Through Accessories (inches of water column)1 - Air Handlers
Tons Unit Model No. CFM Return Grille Discharge Electric Heaters (kW)
Plenum and 5-10 15-20 25-30 35-50
5 1600 0.12 0.21 0.08 0.08 0.14 —
TWE060A 2000 0.18 0.33 0.13 0.13 0.19 —
TWE060B 2400 0.28 0.47 0.19 0.19 0.37 —
7½ 2400 0.08 0.27 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.12
TWE090A 3000 0.13 0.4 0.06 0.12 0.17 0.23
TWE090B 3600 0.18 0.58 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32
10 3200 0.07 0.43 0.06 0.13 0.19 0.26
TWE120A 4000 0.11 0.66 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
TWE120B 4800 0.15 0.95 0.14 0.28 0.42 0.57
15 4800 0.09 0.23 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.08
TWE180B 6000 0.15 0.34 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.17
7200 0.2 0.49 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.24
20 6400 0.11 0.43 0.06 0.06 0.13 0.19
TWE240B 8000 0.17 0.66 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3
9600 0.23 0.95 0.14 0.14 0.28 0.42
1 Return air filter ESP included in Fan Performance Table data.
2 At louver opening angle of 42 degrees. For ESP at other angle openings, see accessory Installer’s Guide.
SSP-PRC001-EN 29
30 SSP-PRC001-EN
SSP-PRC001-EN 31
32 SSP-PRC001-EN
Table ED-5: Unit Wiring with Electric Heat (Single Point Connection) - 5,7 1/2 and 10 Ton Air Handlers
Heater Maximum Fuse To Use Unit Control Minimum or HACR Circuit
Model No. Heater With Unit Power Supply Stages Circuit Ampacity2 Breaker Size2, 6
KW Rating1
BAYHTRL106A 4.33/5.76 1 33/37 35/40
BAYHTRL112A 8.65/11.52 TWE060A1 208-230/1/60 1 59/673 60/70
BAYHTRL117A 12.98/17.28 TWE060B1 1 88/97 90/100
BAYHTRL123A 17.30/23.04 2 111/1273 125/150
BAYHTRL106A 4.33/5.76 1 34/38 35/40
BAYHTRL112A 8.65/11.52 1 60/683 60/70
BAYHTRL117A 12.98/17.28 TWE090A1 208-230/1/60 1 86/98 90/100
BAYHTRL123A 17.30/23.04 TWE090B1 2 112/1283 125/150
BAYHTRL129A 21.65/28.80 2 138/1583 150/175
BAYHTRL106A 4.33/5.76 1 31/41 40/45
BAYHTRL112A 8.65/11.52 1 63/733 70/80
BAYHTRL117A 12.98/17.28 TWE120A1 208-230/1/60 1 89/101 90/110
BAYHTRL123A 17.30/23.08 TWE120B1 2 115/1313 125/150
BAYHTRL129A 21.65/28.80 2 141/1613 150/175
BAYHTRL305A 3.75/5.00 1 17/19 20/20
BAYHTRL310A 7.45/9.96 TWE060A3 208-230/3/60 1 30/34 30/35
BAYHTRL315A 11.25/14.96 TWE060B3 1 43/49 45/50
BAYHTRL325A 18.71/24.92 2 69/793 70/80
BAYHTRL305A 3.75/5.00 1 20/22 20/25
BAYHTRL310A 7.45/9.96 1 33/37 35/40
BAYHTRL315A 11.25/14.96 TWE090A3 208-230/3/60 1 46/52 50/60
BAYHTRL325A 18.71/24.92 TWE090B 2 72/823 80/90
BAYHTRL335A 26.20/34.88 2 97/1124 100/125
BAYHTRL305A 3.75/5.00 1 21/23 25/25
BAYHTRL310A 7.45/9.96 1 34/38 35/40
BAYHTRL315A 11.25/14.96 TWE120A3 208-230/3/60 1 47/53 50/60
BAYHTRL325A 18.71/24.92 TWE120B3 2 73/833 80/90
BAYHTRL335A 26.20/34.88 2 98/1134 100/125
BAYHTRL405A 5 1 10 15
BAYHTRL410A 9.96 TWE060A4 460/3/60 1 17 20
BAYHTRL415A 14.96 TWE060B4 1 25 25
BAYHTRL425A 24.92 2 40 40
BAYHTRL405A 5 1 11 15
BAYHTRL410A 9.96 1 19 20
BAYHTRL415A 14.96 TWE090A35 460/3/60 1 26 30
BAYHTRL425A 24.92 TWE090B35 2 41 45
BAYHTRL435A 34.88 2 56 60
BAYHTRL405A 5 1 12 15
BAYHTRL410A 9.96 1 20 20
BAYHTRL415A 14.96 TWE120A35 460/3/60 1 27 30
BAYHTRL425A 24.92 TWE120B35 2 42 45
BAYHTRL435A 34.88 2 57 60
BAYHTRLW05A 5 1 8 15
BAYHTRLW10A 9.96 1 15 15
BAYHTRLW15A 14.96 TWE060AW 575/3/60 1 21 25
BAYHTRLW25A 24.92 2 33 35
BAYHTRLW05A 5 1 11 15
BAYHTRLW10A 9.96 1 17 20
BAYHTRLW15A 14.96 TWE090AW 575/3/60 1 23 25
BAYHTRLW25A 24.92 2 36 40
BAYHTRLW35A 34.88 2 48 50
BAYHTRLW05A 5 1 10 15
BAYHTRLW10A 9.96 1 16 20
BAYHTRLW15A 14.96 TWE120AW 575/3/60 1 22 25
BAYHTRLW25A 24.92 TWE120BW 2 35 35
BAYHTRLW35A 34.88 2 47 50
NOTES: 2 Any power supply and circuits must be wired and protected in accor-
1 kW ratings are at: 208/240V for 208-230V air handlers. dance with local codes.
• 480V for 460V air handlers 3 Field wire must be rated at least 75 C.
• 600V for 575V air handlers 4 Field wire must be rated at least 90 C.
For other than rated voltage, capacity = ( Voltage )2 x Rated Capacity. 5 With motor field converted to 460V.
Rated Voltage
6 The HACR circuit breaker is for U.S.A. installations only.
SSP-PRC001-EN 33
Table ED-6: Unit Wiring with Electric Heat (Single Point Connection) - 15 and 20 Ton Air Handlers
Heater Heater To Use Unit Control Minimum Maximum Fuse
Model No. KW Rating1 With Unit Power Supply Stages Circuit Ampacity2 or HACR Circuit
Breaker Size2,6
BAYHTRM310A 7.50/10.00 1 38/42 40/45
BAYHTRM320A 14.96/19.92 1 64/72 70/80
BAYHTRM330A 22.50/29.92 TWE180B3 208-230/3/60 2 90/102 90/110
BAYHTRM350A 37.42/49.84 2 142/1624 150/175
BAYHTRM310A 7.50/10.00 1 45/49 50/50
BAYHTRM320A 14.96/19.92 1 71/79 80/80
BAYHTRM330A 22.50/29.92 TWE240B3 208-230/3/60 2 97/109 100/110
BAYHTRM350A 37.42/49.84 2 144/1694 150/175
BAYHTRM410A 10 1 21 25
BAYHTRM420A 19.92 1 36 40
BAYHTRM430A 29.92 TWE180B4 460/3/60 2 51 60
BAYHTRM450A 49.84 2 81 90
BAYHTRM410A 10 1 24 25
BAYHTRM420A 19.92 1 34 40
BAYHTRM430A 29.92 TWE240B4 460/3/60 2 54 60
BAYHTRM450A 49.84 2 84 90
BAYHTRMW10A 10 1 17 20
BAYHTRMW20A 19.92 1 30 30
BAYHTRMW30A 29.92 TWE180BW 575/3/60 2 42 45
BAYHTRMW50A 49.84 2 67 70
BAYHTRMW10A 10 1 20 25
BAYHTRMW20A 19.92 1 32 35
BAYHTRMW30A 29.92 TWE240BW 575/3/60 2 45 50
BAYHTRMW50A 49.84 2 70 80
1 kW ratings are at: 208/240V for 208-230V air handlers.
• 480V for 460V air handlers
• 600V for 575V air handlers
For other than rated voltage, capacity = ( Rated Voltage )2 x Rated Capacity.
2 Any power supply and circuits must be wired and protected in accordance with local codes.
3 Field wire must be rated at least 75 C.
4 Field wire must be rated at least 90 C.
5 With motor field converted to 460V.
6 The HACR circuit breaker is for U.S.A. installations only.
34 SSP-PRC001-EN
SSP-PRC001-EN 35
Typical Wiring
Heat Pump
36 SSP-PRC001-EN
Typical Wiring
Heat Pump
SSP-PRC001-EN 37
Typical Wiring
Heat Pump
38 SSP-PRC001-EN
Typical Wiring
Heat Pump
SSP-PRC001-EN 39
Typical Wiring
Air Handler
Air Handler
40 SSP-PRC001-EN
Dimensional Data
7 1/2 Ton
SSP-PRC001-EN 41
Dimensional Data
10 Ton
42 SSP-PRC001-EN
Dimensional Data
15 Ton
Note 1
Minimum clearance for proper operation is
36" (914 mm) from walls, shrubbery, privacy
fences, etc. Minimum clearance between ad-
jacent units is 72" (1828 mm).
SSP-PRC001-EN 43
Dimensional Data
20 Ton
Note 1
Minimum clearance for proper operation is 36"
(914 mm) from walls, shrubbery, privacy fenc-
es, etc. Minimum clearance between adja-
cent units is 72" (1828 mm).
44 SSP-PRC001-EN
Dimensional Data
5 Ton
SSP-PRC001-EN 45
Dimensional Data
7 1/2, 10 Ton
Figure DD-6 — 7 1/2 & 10 Ton TWE090A, 120A; TWE 090B, 120B Air Handlers
46 SSP-PRC001-EN
Dimensional Data
5 - 10 Ton
SSP-PRC001-EN 47
Dimensional Data
15, 20 Ton
48 SSP-PRC001-EN
Dimensional Data
15, 20 Ton
SSP-PRC001-EN 49
Dimensional Data
Figure DD-10 — Electric Heater for 5, 7 1/2 and 10 Ton Air Handlers
50 SSP-PRC001-EN
Dimensional Data
Table DD6 — Discharge Plenum and Grille Dimensions (in.) For Use w/ Electric Heat
Tons Model No. A B C
5 BAYPLNM025 37-15/16 21-15/16 29
7½ BAYPLNM026 47-1/2 25 29
10 BAYPLNM027 63-1/2 25 29
15 BAYPLNM028 79-1/2 27-11/16 35
20 BAYPLNM029 92-1/2 30-7/16 35
SSP-PRC001-EN 51
Dimensional Data
52 SSP-PRC001-EN
Heat Pumps
SSP-PRC001-EN 53
Air Handlers
54 SSP-PRC001-EN
Heat Pumps sure cutout devices shall be provided. Condenser Fan and Motor(s)
Evaporator defrost control provided in Direct-drive, statically and dynami-
indoor blower coil unit shall prevent cally balanced 26 or 28 inch propeller
Units shall be assembled on heavy
compressor slugging by temporarily fan(s) with aluminum blades and elec-
gauge steel mounting/lifting rails and
interrupting compressor operation tro-coated steel hubs shall be used in
shall be weather proofed. Unit shall
when low evaporator coil tempera- draw-through vertical discharge posi-
include a hermetic scroll or reciprocat-
tures are encountered. tion. Either permanently lubricated
ing compressor(s), plate fin con-
Refrigeration System — Dual totally enclosed or open construction
denser coil, fans and motors, controls
Compressor type motors shall be provided and
and holding charge of nitrogen. Oper-
TWA180B, TWA240B units shall have shall have built in current and thermal
ating Range shall be between 115° F to
two separate and independent refrig- overload protection. Motor(s) shall
50° F in cooling as standard from fac-
eration circuits. Each refrigeration cir- have either ball or sleeve bearing
tory. Units shall be UL 1995 listed and
cuit shall have an integral subcooling type.
rated in accordance with ARI Standard
340/360. circuit. A refrigeration filter drier shall Controls
be provided as standard. Units shall Heat pump units shall be completely
have both a liquid line and suction gas factory wired with necessary controls
Unit casing shall be constructed of 18
line service valve with gauge ports. and contactor pressure lugs or termi-
gauge zinc coated heavy gauge, gal-
TWA180B, TWA240B units shall have nal block for power wiring. Control
vanized steel. Exterior surfaces shall
two Trane direct drive hermetic scroll wiring shall be 24-volt control circuit
be cleaned, phosphatized and finished
compressors with centrifugal oil which includes fusing and control
with a weather-resistant baked
pump and provide positive lubrication transformer. Units shall provide exter-
enamel finish. Units surface shall be
to all moving parts. Motor shall be nal location for mounting a fused dis-
tested 500 hours in salt spray test.
suction gas-cooled and shall have a connect device. Time delay timers to
Units shall have removable end pan-
voltage utilization range of plus or prevent compressors in dual com-
els which allow access to all major
minus 10 percent of nameplate volt- pressor units from simultaneous start-
components and controls.
age. Crankcase heater, internal tem- up and anti-recycle timers are avail-
Refrigeration System — Single perature and current-sensitive motor able as optional accessories.
Compressor overloads shall be included for maxi- Defrost Controls
TWA090A, TWA120A units shall have mum protection. Scroll type compres- Electronic timed initiated, tempera-
a single refrigeration circuit. Each sor shall provide inherently low ture terminated defrost system with
refrigeration circuit has an integral vibration and noise by having no suc- choice of 50, 70, or 90 minute cycle.
subcooling circuit. A refrigeration fil- tion and discharge valves. External Timed override limits defrost cycle to
ter drier, expansion valve and check high and low pressure cutout devices 10 minutes.
valves shall be provided as standard. shall be provided. Evaporator defrost
The TWA090A, TWA120A units shall Low Ambient Operation
control provided in indoor blower coil
have both a liquid line and suction gas Standard units shall start and operate
shall prevent compressor slugging by
line service valve with gauge port. to approximately 50° F when matched
temporarily interrupting compressor
TWA090A, TWA120A units shall have with Trane air handlers and coils.
operation when low evaporator coil
one direct drive Trane hermetic scroll Optional head pressure control acces-
temperatures are encountered.
compressor with centrifugal oil pump sory permits operation to 0° F.
Condenser Coil
providing positive lubrication to mov-
Coils shall be internally finned or
ing parts. Motor shall be suction gas-
smooth bore 3/8" copper tubes
cooled and shall have a voltage utili-
mechanically bonded to configured
zation range of plus or minus 10 per-
aluminum plate fin as standard. Coil
cent of nameplate voltage. Crankcase
shall be factory pressure and leak
heater, internal temperature and cur-
tested to 420 psig air pressure. Metal
rent-sensitive motor overloads shall
grilles with PVC coating for coil pro-
be included for maximum protection.
tection is optional.
Scroll type compressor shall provide
inherently low vibration and noise by
having no suction and discharge
valves. External high and low pres-
SSP-PRC001-EN 55
56 SSP-PRC001-EN
SSP-PRC001-EN 57
Literature Order Number SSP-PRC001-EN
File Number PL-UN-000-SSP-PRC001-EN-0805
Supersedes PL-UN-000-SSP-PRC001-0205
Stocking Location Webb/Mason
A business of American Standard Companies
For more information, contact your local district Trane has a policy of continuous product and data improvement and reserves the right to change design
office or e-mail us at comfort@trane.com and specifications without notice.