Materials Marketplace Final Report
Materials Marketplace Final Report
Materials Marketplace Final Report
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................ 7
Project background, objectives and importance to Vietnam ............................... 7
Activities Undertaken by the Partnership ............................................................ 9
Based on these activities, the partnership has reached the following key
findings: ............................................................................................................. 10
Recommendations ............................................................................................ 13
Support .............................................................................................................. 14
1. Introduction..................................................................................................... 16
Circular Economy background and global context ..................................... 16
Objectives and scope of the study ............................................................. 17
Plastic and Paper Material Flows in Vietnam ............................................. 18
1.3.1. National policy context ......................................................................... 18
1.3.2. Economic context ................................................................................ 22
1.3.3. Environmental Context ........................................................................ 27
1.3.4. Summary: Obstacles and Opportunities .............................................. 29
2. Study activities and results ........................................................................... 30
Desk Study – results .................................................................................. 31
2.1.1. Scope ................................................................................................... 31
2.1.2. Legal framework .................................................................................. 31
2.1.3. Role of authorities ................................................................................ 38
2.1.4. Observation ......................................................................................... 39
2.1.5. Stakeholder mapping ........................................................................... 39
2.1.6. Waste generation ................................................................................. 46
2.1.7. Solid waste composition ...................................................................... 48
2.1.8. Solid waste collection and transportation ............................................ 49
2.1.9. Recycling ............................................................................................. 50
2.1.10. Major waste treatment ....................................................................... 51
2.1.11. Cost of waste disposal ....................................................................... 53
2.1.12. Materials and material flow ................................................................ 55
Analysis of interviews and surveys ............................................................ 58
2.2.1. The survey ........................................................................................... 58
2.2.2. The activities, motivation and constraints under a circular economy ... 68
2.2.3. In-depth interviews ............................................................................... 72
Case studies .............................................................................................. 77
2.3.1. Group 1: Product user, distributor, consumer ...................................... 77
2.3.2. Group 2: Producer ............................................................................... 78
2.3.3. Group 3: Waste Service Provider ........................................................ 81
2.3.4. Group 4: Other stakeholders ............................................................... 82
Identification of future challenges and recommendations .......................... 84
2.4.1. SWOT analysis .................................................................................... 84
2.4.2. Recommendations ............................................................................... 85
3. References ...................................................................................................... 88
Annex 1. List of persons participated in the interviews & surveys ............. 88
3.1.1. Interview .............................................................................................. 88
3.1.2. Survey .................................................................................................. 90
Annex 2. Survey results ............................................................................. 97
3.2.1. All respondents .................................................................................... 97
3.2.2. Plastic ................................................................................................ 100
3.2.3. Paper sector ...................................................................................... 104
Annex 3. List of relevant legislation in Vietnam........................................ 109
Annex 4. Background ............................................................................... 113
3.4.1. Vietnam Economy .............................................................................. 113
3.4.2. Plastic sector in the world .................................................................. 114
LDPE Low Density Polyethylene
BCTMP Bleaching Chemical Thermo- Mechanical Pulp
BSKP Bleached Softwood Kraft Pulp
UKP Unbleached Kraft Pulp
Eliminating waste from the industrial supply web by reusing materials to the
maximum extent possible promises production cost savings and less resource
dependence. The benefits of a circular economy are not merely operational but
strategic, not just for industry but also for customers, serving as sources of both
efficiency and innovation. And its implementation unlocks a wealth of previously
unavailable data on material flows. The data, which brings companies and
governments together to identify economically and environmentally beneficial
opportunities, is a key component of this project.
The founders of the partnership – the Vietnam Business Council for Sustainable
Development (VBCSD), the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI),
the United States Business Council for Sustainable Development (US BCSD) and
Pathway21, a United States developer of cloud-based reusable materials
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
marketplaces for industry – used P4G startup funding to research, evaluate and
map specific gaps in the Vietnam waste, reuse and recycling ecosystem to inform
the design and configuration of the Vietnam Materials Marketplace. It is important
to identify these regional gaps and stakeholder value propositions because the
ability to solve operational, environmental, and economic problems will drive
participation in the marketplace.
The Vietnam plastic sector discharges an estimated three million tons per year into
the environment, including 0.28-0.73 million tons/year (Jenna Jamberg report2) that
end up in the ocean. Of these plastic flows, 0.7-1.0 million tons are being recycled
back into production, another 1.3 million tons are sent to waste treatment and
disposal facilities, most of which are not classified as engineered. Both paper and
plastic industries depend heavily on imported scrap to meet the needs of their
customers, while the country struggles to adequately recycle comparable materials
from the domestic market. But even with a 100 percent capture of domestic paper
and plastic scrap the country would still need to import large volumes to meet the
needs of the paper and plastic industries, requiring establishment of an efficient
material import system that covers environmental as well as market needs.
Solid and Industrial Hazardous Waste Management Assessment, KGGTF
Jenna R. Jambeck et al.,Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
We have learned that companies and policy makers in Vietnam want to transform
waste to value, but they struggle to make connections, especially across industries,
material types and districts. It is difficult to get data needed for decision-making and
companies lack the tools to identify, qualify, and track reuse opportunities.
Government ministries struggle to know what materials should be allowed into the
country to support manufacturers needs and which to reject as waste being dumped
on the country. A scalable, multi-sided platform for material reuse is needed to
address these challenges and enable a circular economy that will create jobs and
new sources of revenue.
Without data on the flow of paper and plastics in Vietnam, companies and policy
makers have real challenges knowing where to invest, commit resources, and how
best to enact or enforce policies. The data collected by the VCCI/VBCSD owned
and operated Vietnam Materials Marketplace platform, will drive plastic and paper
waste up the value chain in their highest and best use, reducing environmental
impact and using circular economy principles to grow Vietnam’s economy in a
sustainable and resilient way.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
● Markets
• Domestic supplies of paper and plastics are falling dramatically short
of meeting the needs of the Vietnamese private sector and this gap is
projected to grow as the economy grows;
• Manufacturers are currently unable to source enough quality materials
domestically or internationally to meet their needs;
• Recently established regulations aimed at preventing the import of
waste streams have had the unintended consequence of blocking
viable materials from reaching manufacturers;
i. Pulp and paper manufacturers, numbering more than 150
nationally, are urgently seeking quality-verified sources of fiber
to import in order to meet the needs of their customers totaling
nearly 200,000 tons per month;
ii. Domestically, plastic materials for industrial use (including
primary and recycled) meet only 20% of the demand; 80% of
input materials for manufacture is imported. Projections do not
show current effort bridging that gap. By 2025, Vietnam can
provide up to 4 million ton of original resin (if all investment
projects come into operation as planned) while the demand in
2018 was already 5.9 million tons. In 2018, 8.3 million tons of
plastic products were produced from 6.9 million tons of resins
and around 1.4 million tons of recycled plastic scrap.
• Materials Marketplace survey results:
i. 74% of those surveyed were positive about the development of
a material marketplace;
ii. 37% of respondents expressed interest in engaging with the
iii. The rates from respondents from the plastic sector (83% and
49%) are higher than that from the paper sector (72% and 37%).
Except for high interest from large producers (77%) in the
material market, the interest of respondents is unrelated to the
size of operation;
iv. 7% of respondents, equally from consumers and producers,
confirmed that they have required and/or received requirements
on ratio of recycled materials in their plastic products.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
● Waste Management
• Solid Waste Management is a public and government priority, yet there
is very little data available on current practices to drive improvement
• Most waste is disposed of in insufficiently designed and poorly
controlled landfills causing significant environmental problems;
• Vietnam needs to start a phased approach of gradual improvements to
its solid waste management; it will be more difficult l to leapfrog from
the existing simple system and very low-cost recovery levels into
advanced modern and expensive solid waste management systems;
• Without adequate planning for needed regulations and monitoring
processes it will be more difficult to enact and enforce the controls
necessary to curb pollution while balancing the economic needs of a
growing manufacturing base;
• The institutional and regulatory framework for waste collection,
treatment and disposal and planning of waste infrastructure are
3 Circular No.01/2019/TT-BTNMT from March 8, 2019 of MONRE regulating the suspension of enforcement of some provisions of Circular
No.08/2018/TT-BTNMT and Circular No.09/2018/TT-BTNMT of MONRE promulgates national technical regulations on environment. Accordingly,
the Circular regulates to stop enforcing some provisions to shorten the clearance time for a business.
Resolution No.09/2019/NQ-CP from February 3, 2019 of the Prime Minister from the Government meeting No.1, chapter on management of
import and use of imported scrap as production materials. This assigned MONRE to be in charge of state management of solid waste and requested
MONRE to review, complete, supplement, develop legal documents on environmental protection in importing scrap for production purposes.
Particularly for plastic scrap, it is allowed to import as raw materials for the production of plastic sticks only by December 31, 2024.
Government’s Decree No.40/2019/ND-CP from May 13, 2019 on amending and supplementing several articles of regulations of LEP (Decree 40).
The Decree amends and supplements a number of Decrees including Decree No. 38/2015/ND-CP on managing waste and scrap. Decree 40 approves
supplementing list of 3 groups of industrial production types with risk of environment pollution. Treating, recycling waste, using imported scrap to
make material for production is under the group 2. In compliance with new regulation, scrap imported to make production material must satisfy
regulation at Clause 1, Article 76 of LEP. On the Conditions for import of organizations and individuals, Decree 40 indicates that organizations,
individuals which have facilities using imported scrap must meet requirements before importing scrap to make production material
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
● Recycling
• Recycling is rudimentary and dominated by the informal sector,
causing substantial environmental problems in the craft villages where
recycling takes place. In addition, there is significant illegal discharge
of waste due to low public awareness;
• The source of domestic plastic scraps collected does not meet the
actual demand. The Vietnam Plastics Association (VPA) has proposed
amending some contents of the plastic scrap import list in Decision
73/2014/QD-TTg and QCVN 32:2010 and setting up the “Recycling
Environment Fund” from contributions by enterprises involved in scrap
recycling activities. Charges are from VND 50,000 to VND 100,000 per
ton of raw material calculated on the basis of the import volume. It is
expected that the fund will process from VND 500 to 1000 billion per
year. This fund will be used for the construction of wastewater
treatment plants for plastic recycling craft villages, raising awareness
and support waste sorting at source, destruction of unqualified
imported scrap lots, inspection for compliance of environmental
legislation in recycling plants;
• Plastic reduction, recycling and alternative policies are considered
government priorities as they can reduce the generated waste and
leakage of such waste into the environment, rivers and the ocean.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
● Establishing a circular economy in Vietnam is a government priority: in May
2019 Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc added the goal of establishing a
circular economy model as a national objective in the Directive No.13 on
Sustainable Development. The need of building circular economy was
repeated in the Prime Minister’s message at the National Launching
Ceremony against Plastic Waste in June 2019;
● In April 2019, Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc issued a Guiding
No. 161/LDCP to all government agencies, the private sector and the public
focusing on dealing with plastic waste, building and scaling up good models,
propose initiatives and actively participate in specific actions like changing
habits, reducing, sorting, collecting, reusing, recycling plastic waste, and
promoting the circular economy and green growth;
● According to the need of building socio-economic development strategy in
the period 2021 – 2030, compatible with implementation of sustainable goals
and responding to climate change, a working group on circular economy was
established and led by the Minister of MONRE. The working group will make
a proposal focusing on promoting circular economy in Vietnam, submit to the
Party in order to integrate into socio-economic development strategy, in
which secondary marketplace is an important element for the success of the
● MONRE, which is in charge of waste management, is amending the Law on
Environmental Protection to make more favorable conditions for waste
management and transaction.
Corporate Support
● Support is being sought from Circulate Capital, a newly formed $100 million
impact investment management firm dedicated to financing innovation,
companies, and infrastructure that prevent the flow of plastic waste into the
world's ocean while advancing the circular economy. Companies investing in
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
1. Introduction
Circular Economy background and global context
Moving towards a more circular economy is a way to use fewer natural resources,
reduce pollution, tackle climate change, and enhance consumer satisfaction, while
also improving the bottom line. The rational path, however, is not always the path
of least resistance. In an economy where disposability and linear throughput reigns,
shifting the system will take leadership, collaboration, innovation and commitment.
From plastics, to electronics, to food and fashion, incremental steps are being taken
to drive more circularity into material value chains. It is time to accelerate that
Eliminating waste from the industrial supply web by reusing materials to the
maximum extent possible will cut costs and reduce reliance on resources. However,
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
the benefits of a circular economy are not merely operational but strategic, both for
industry and for customers. Economies will benefit from substantial net material
savings, mitigation of volatility and supply risks, drivers for innovation and job
creation, and improved land productivity and soil health.
● To review legal framework, assess the role of the authorities and recommend
on the deployment of a circular economy model in the plastic and paper
● To assess the willingness of stakeholders, including buyers, sellers of
recycled plastic and paper materials and supporting service providers, to
participate in a circular economy materials marketplace program;
● To establish an initial database of buyers, sellers and supporting service
providers for further development on a secondary materials market of the two
industrial sectors.
This study and survey were conducted by EPRO Consulting JSC with the plastic
and paper sectors in the form of desk study, questionnaire survey (312 samples
from 103 consumers, 171 producers, 69 waste service providers, amongst them 29
have more than one role in material flow) and face to face interviews (14 face-to-
face interviews, of which 2 were waste service providers, 6-producers, 1-product
users and 3-business association representatives, NGO and 2-governmental
authorities). The desk study and survey showed 10 provinces with highest number
of medium and large enterprises that expressed their interest in the material market
in the following order: Hochiminh City, Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Hanoi, Hai Phong,
Hung Yen, Long An, Bac Ninh, Phu Tho and Thanh Hoa.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam plastic and paper material flow is mainly under management of two
ministries – the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) and the Ministry of Natural
Resources and Environment (MONRE). MOIT is responsible for performing state
management functions related to plastic and paper industry and trade development.
MOIT has been assigned the task of management of production and quality for the
business of these sectors. MONRE has responsibility for environment management
and governance, including the environmental performance of all players.
Institutional regulatory frameworks for environmental protection and waste
management have, in general, been well established in Vietnam, but not in the case
of the scrap specifically. While MONRE sees scrap as a waste, waste service
providers and producers consider it as materials/inputs for their production. Vietnam
allows the import of scrap only for final production. These scrap materials are mainly
post-use waste from other countries. Importing of scrap is becoming a challenge for
the Government of Vietnam (GoV) to control due to complexity in types and high
volumes of scrap from the international market.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
In Vietnam, there are three main levels of environmental legislation: (i) The National
Law on Environmental Protection (LEP) 1993, amended in 2005 and 2014 and
under revision in 2019, (ii) Regulatory instruments issued by the national
government, and (iii) regulatory instruments issued by ministries and provincial
● The basic legal framework for environmental protection in Vietnam is the Law
on Environmental Protection (LEP), which was adopted by the National
Assembly in late 1993 and took effect in January 1994. The LEP stipulates a
separate chapter on environmental protection in manufacturing, trading and
service provision (chapter 7) and on waste management (chapter 9) with an
Article 76 on Environmental protection during import of scrap. With regards
to waste management, there have been in LEP definitions on different terms
on waste such as waste, scraps, discarded products, waste management and
waste reuse, recycling etc. However, it has been observed that there is no
clear distinction between waste and scrap in Vietnam as usually defined in
other countries. For scrap, the current LEP identified that import scrap from
other country to Vietnam must comply with environmental regulations and
listed under the imported items regulated by Prime Minister.
● The second group of legislation consists of regulatory instruments issued by
the government, such as decrees, decisions and regulations. They provide
instructions on how to implement as well as operationalize the LEP.
• The Decree No.38/2015/ND-CP is the most important regulation for
waste and scrap management. This Decree has no further guidance
on scrap management except importing scrap for production. The
Decree stipulates that: (i) only organization or individuals directly using
scraps as production raw materials and/or (ii) undertaking the
entrusted import of scraps for organizations or individuals using
imported scraps as production raw materials can import scraps. This
clause is being considered to narrow down to only organizations and
individuals with actual production, i.e. the entrusted entity is planned
not to be eligible for importing scrap.
• Decision 73/2014/QD-TTg provides a list of 36 scrap categories to
import, mainly for plastic, glass, paper and steel production. The list
includes 7 categories for plastic scraps with HS code of 3915 and 4
categories for paper scraps with HS code is 4707. The Government is
reviewing and planning to ban import of mixed paper scrap with HS
code 4707900. From June 2017 to June 2018, around 780,000 tons of
mixed scraps was imported to Vietnam by 13 paper companies,
accounted for 37% of total import scrap in 2018.
• Incentives are provided under Circular Number 121/2008/TT-BTC for
land use, tax, R&D and training. More than that, the public procurement
is encouraged to prioritize recycled products under Decree
19/2015/ND-CP. Vietnam has many orientation policies to support
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
waste circulation. This includes Master plan for regional solid waste
treatment (in northern, central and southern Vietnam, 2009),
Development of environmental industry to 2015 and vision to 2050
(2009), Development of mechanism to support investment in
environmental protection (2009), National strategy on solid waste
management to 2025 and vision to 2030 (2012) etc. However, the
impact of these policies are unknown.
● The third group of legislation comprises regulatory instruments issued by
ministries and provincial governments, such as standards, regulations, rules,
directives and circulars. The scrap importers need to comply with
environmental requirements under Circular Number 41/2015/TT-BVMT4.
According to this circular, the importer must present a certificate for meeting
importing conditions on environmental protection, sample-testing results
granted by the conformity certification organization named on the
list of those designated by the MONRE and a certificate for compliance to
quality requirements (less than 2% impurities, less than 20% humidity…).
Circular No.08/2018/TT-BTNMT5 promulgated technical standards for
imported plastic scrap (QCVN32:2018/BTNMT) and paper scraps
(QCVN33:2018/BTNMT) and procedure for testing and certification.
However, due to its complicated requirements in logistics (checked by four
authorities, including DONRE from location of importer), this contributed to
the blocking of 21,591 containers at ports. The Circular Number
01/2019/TT-BTNMT6 simplified requirements on logistics on 8 March 2019.
In August 2018, six staff members of two service companies were arrested
for faking paper to import 10,000 containers. The Prime Minister issued
Directive Number 27/CT-TTg7 to stop granting new or renewed certificates
for entrusted entities in importing scrap and requested MONRE to shorten
the list of scrap to import. Right after this, MOIT issued Directive 06/CT-BCT
to its provincial Department and Circular 41/2018/QC-BCT 8regulating list of
scrap categories to be terminated with trading, import and re-export. While
the plastic scrap is not regulated under this decision, it is effective with paper
scrap. The ban on importing plastic scrap by 2024 was regulated under
Directive Number 2227/VPCP-KTTH on importing scrap at ports.
Circular Number 41/2015/TT-BTNMT dated 9 September 2015 on environmental protection in importing scrap as materials for
Circular No.08/2018/TT-BTNMT dated 14 September 2018 of MONRE on promulgating national technical standards on
6 Circular Number 01/2019/TT-BTNMT dated 8 March 2019 on deactivate some regulation under Circular 08/2018/TT-BTNMT
7 Directive 27/CT-TTg dated 17 September 2018 on urgent measures to strengthen management on import and usage of scrap as
materials for production
Circular 41/2018/TT-BCT dated 6 November 2018 on regulating list of scrap categories to be temporally terminated with trading,
import and re-export
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
In general, policies are aimed at environmental protection. However, the policy and
regulatory system in Vietnam lacks a robust framework to support recycling
activities or mechanisms to promote the segregation of waste at the source, key to
any sustainable waste-to-resource approach. Moreover, there is no clear distinction
between waste and scrap. The effectiveness of monitoring and enforcement is
not known.
Vietnam is revising the Law on Environmental Protection in 2019. Among the topics
for revision are the distinctions between waste and scrap. In order to avoid being a
waste dumping site of the world, the national policy framework will be revised
with more strict conditions and guidance on importing of scrap as materials for
Under the two studied sectors, the categories of paper scrap to import for production
will be narrowed by removing some categories. The import of plastic scrap for
production will not be allowed after December of 2024. It is also noted that the
entrusted importer of scrap will no longer be eligible to perform, but only waste
service producers.
The legal framework for waste and scrap recycling is developing to support national
resources with strict conditions from international resources. Waste and scrap flow
in the plastic sector will remain within the domestic market while that of the
paper sector will continue with the international market with more strict
conditions. The number of intermediate to international markets will be
While the legislation at the central level is opened for scrap collection, transportation
and treatment, the local authority has developed provincial and regional waste
management plans with strict control and permission for waste flow from other
provinces. Without a clear revision of the legal framework to support
circulation of waste and scrap, flows may be impacted by cross province
business, which is currently different from one province to others.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
The Vietnam plastic and paper industries are both rapidly growing sectors in the
Vietnamese economy with annual growth rate of 16-18%. In 2018, the production
of the two sectors was 8.3 million tons and 3.7 million tons of (semi and final
product). However, both sectors face insufficient materials for production and that
requires outreach to the international market. According to preliminary figures, the
plastic sector is much more dependent on international resources. Up to 77% of the
materials are imported, while that of paper sector is 57%. The production of paper
is much more dependent on imported scrap (49% of material demand) than that of
plastic sector (7% of material demand). The development of the plastic sector
will depend largely on availability, quality and prices of imported resin while
that of the paper sector will depend on imported scrap.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Plastic sector
The plastic industry is growing rapidly in Vietnam. The industry experienced annual
growth rate of 16-18% (after telecommunications and textiles). In the 1990s, plastic
consumption in Vietnam was only 3.8kg/year/person. However, it has grown 10
times as fast in the subsequent 20 years, reaching reached to 41 kg/year in 2015.
According to the Vietnam Plastic Association (VPA) and the Chemical Master Plan,
by 2023, the volume of plastic input materials for production is projected at 10 million
tons, of which 2.6 million tons (26%) will come from domestic sources and the
remaining 7.4 million tons will be imported.
In 2018, Vietnam imported 6.5 million tons of plastic resin and scrap to produce 8.3
million tons of products (See table 8 for more information).9 The material flow in the
plastic sector is presented below.
The material flow in the plastic sector showed a gap of around 2.1 million tons (Input-output). While the data is
collected from official sources including VPA, MOIT, MONRE and calculated based on maximum possible rate of
domestic scrap (700-1000 Ktons), this can only be explained by improper registration and reporting of import and
export plastic scraps and recycled resin as well as estimation of recycle scrap ratio within the country of the VPA.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Since China banned imports of plastic waste, the outreach to the scrap material
market seems to be more attractive to Vietnamese companies. In 2018, the Custom
of Vietnam stopped 10,000 containers at the border. Two waste service companies,
Truong Thinh and Hong Viet, were identified as trying to import 13,000 tons of
plastic waste to Vietnam with fake papers. This might explain the data gap in
material flows with undiscovered cases. The import of plastic scrap plays an
insignificant role in the development of the sector, but it creates trouble for
management and will not be continued after 2024.
Under decision 1621/QD-TTg dated 18 September 2013 on the master plan for
development of the Vietnam chemical sector to 2020 with orientation to 2030, seven
investment projects were listed for providing materials for the plastic sector. In the
long run, Vietnam’s plastic sector will be less independent on imported materials,
which aligns with the national policy of not importing plastic scrap for production
by 2024. In November 2018, Nghi Son oil refinery officially started operation with a
design capacity of 370 thousand tons of polypropylene per year, which will meet
nearly 50% of domestic demand, and 400 thousand tons of PET plastic pellets,
officially put into production and business in Vietnam in September 2018. By 2020,
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
the domestic supply for plastic materials is expected to l meet 44% of demand,
significantly reducing dependence on imported raw materials.
The table below presents the investment plan for plastic materials in Vietnam.
Paper Sector
According to statistics of the General Department of Customs, Vietnam's paper
consumption demand increased by 8-10% in 2018, during which the demand for
packaging paper increased 15% per year. The paper consumption market for
packaging is expected to grow at an average of 9% until 2025. The total export
turnover of Vietnam's paper and paper products in the first 10 months of 2017
reached US$602.39 million, an increase of 45.7% over the same period in 2016
(VCCI, 2018). Despite such a high growth rate, the annual import volume is still
expected to be 2 million tons. In general, Vietnam is in a trade deficit for paper and
paper scraps (total imports are three times larger than exports), because the
domestic supply is not enough to meet domestic production demand.
Similar to the plastic sector, the material flow in paper sector in 2018 also showed
a balance between inputs and outputs of 145,000 tons. This is 4% of input
materials, and is acceptable. The material flow is presented below
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Unlike the plastic sector, where most materials are imported in the form of resin, the
paper sector mainly imports paper scrap rather than pulp. Only particular pulp of
BCTMP, BSKP and UKP is imported. Annually, the country is exporting an
additional 10 million tons of chip wood as raw materials for paper production. The
table below presents sector projections by the Vietnamese Pulp and Paper
Association (VPPA), in which the volume of scrap being collected and imported
increases over the year to meet production demands. However, the amount of
imported scrap increases from 46% in 2015 to 60% in 2030.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Table 3. List of mix paper scrap importers and import volume (ton)
Source: VPPA, 2018
In general, the import of scrap for production has not been performed as regulated.
According to the Custom of Vietnam, within the first six months of 2018, Vietnam
imported 4,027 million tons of scrap with value of 1,232 billion USD, about the same
values of 2016 (4,783 million tons, 1,041 billion USD). Among this imported scrap,
1,062 million tons is paper scrap and 0,278 million tons is plastic scrap. Also, in the
first six months of 2018, Vietnam had 240 importers, which included 90 for plastic
and 78 for paper scraps. Many imported containers either had not been inspected
or did not meet environmental requirements and were detained at ports. The
number of importers has been reduced to 86 and is being published by Custom of
Vietnam, where the slow process will cost the importer 40-50 USD per day per
High economic growth has come at a cost. The rapid growth of the paper and plastic
industry in Vietnam has resulted in considerable pollution, which poses increased
risks to the environment and human health. The paper and plastic recycling industry
involves a multi-step process in which scraps are converted into products or resins,
producing significant amounts of waste pollutants.
Recently, however, the fast growth of the industry and growing public awareness of
the risk of pollution to human health and the environment have attracted increased
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam became one of the alternative waste dumping sites when China stopped
importing waste starting 1 January 2018. MONRE (environmental protection), MOIT
(import-export) and Custom of Vietnam faced a difficult task in identifying and
certifying the import of scrap for production only. Thousands of scrap containers
have been blocked at ports due to not meeting quality standard for import or not
being imported with proper documents. Sampling and checking procedures are
challenging when mixed categories of scraps are imported. Due to environmental
concerns and limited resources, the government is working on simplifying the
checking procedure. At the same time, it is shortening the list of eligible scrap
items to import to ensure compliance on environmental protection.
For plastic and paper waste that is unrecyclable, landfill or burining is the only
option. There is no treatment plant for plastic incineration nor RDF so far. Currently
Vietnam has one pilot initiative from Dow Chemical to utilize four tons of plastic
waste for road making 1km in Hai Phong city. Vietnam is discharging an estimated
0.28 – 0.73 million tons of plastic waste into oceans annually. According to MONRE,
there are 12.36% of plastic waste and 5.05% of paper waste in landfill.
In Vietnam, there is no central data bank on volume and composition of solid waste.
While the data on total volume of domestic waste in urban area is available over the
years and maintained by Ministry of Construction, data on other categories of non-
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
hazardous waste as domestic waste from rural area, industrial waste, medical
waste, construction waste and hazardous waste are not publicly available in total,
but only with ad-hoc values. According to data collection system of Ministry of
Construction, the domestic MSW has increased by 11.7% per year since 2005. In
2018, the volume of domestic municipal collected was 40,460 tons per day, in which
24.4% of collected waste is either handled by waste recycling units, being
composted or incinerated, the remaining waste is sent to landfill. This leads to
estimation of at least 1.38 million tons of plastic waste and 564 tons paper waste
remains in landfills. The unavailable data on waste generation at national scale
may lead to mis-calculation of waste volume to be treated and disposed.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
● Desk study: Review legal framework, assess the role of the authorities and
recommend on the deployment of a circular economy model in the plastic and
paper industries. During this activity, the material flow, related contents under
circular economy model was identified to prepare interview and survey plan.
● Interview and questionnaire survey: Assess the willingness to participate in a
circular economy model of stakeholders, including buyers, sellers of recycled
plastic and paper materials, and supporting service providers and establish
an initial database of buyers, sellers and supporting service providers for
further development on a secondary materials market of the two industrial
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Decision No. 43/2007/QĐ-BYT on ● Regulates the list of medical wastes, which are allowed for collection for
the management of medical wastes recycling. According to this, waste plastic bottles containing nonhazardous
chemicals and other plastic containers not containing hazardous substances
are considered recyclable plastic wastes to be collected
Circular No. 07/2012/TT-BTNMT ● Providing the criteria, order of and procedures for recognition of environment
friendly plastic bags, in which exemption of environmental protection fee is
applied for environment friendly plastic bags
Letter No 19/VBHN-BCT on detailing ● Domestic waste and recycle paper and plastics is not listed as good with
Law on Trading, services to be limited trading or trading with conditions
banned, limited and with conditions
Import and export plastic and paper scrap
Directive No. 27/CT-TTg on some ● The recent ban on importing waste plastic of China brings special interest of
urgent measures to strengthen the Vietnam producers, importers and its associations in participating in the
management of import and use of plastic recycled industry as most of them are from private sector with high
imported scrap as raw materials for business flexibility and sense. The quantity of imported recycled plastics,
production including waste plastic in first nine months of 2018 was 175,000 tons, nearly
double of that in whole 2017. In response to this issue, the Prime Minister has
issued the Directive No. 27/CT-TTg on some urgent measures to strengthen
the management of import and use of imported scrap as raw materials for
production. According to this regulation, there is no permission for the import
of scraps only for preliminary processing
Circular No. 41/2015/TT-BTNMT ● Procedure and types of imported scrap. It includes requirements on checking,
dated September 9, 2015 issued by custom approval with papers, certificates on environmental protection that
Ministry of Natural Resources and prolong the storage time at custom. The recent promulgation of Circular
Environment on environmental 03/2018/TT-BTNMT revising some item in Circular 41/2015/TT-BTNMT
protection in importing scraps for use simplifies list of goods and checking procedures
as raw materials
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Circular 08/2018/TT-BTNMT National Technical Regulations on Environment for imported plastic scraps QCVN
32:2018 was issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
(improved from the National Technical Regulation on Environment to import waste
plastic for production QCVN 32:2010/BTNMT)
This sets the requirements on detailed contents of the contract on importing plastic
scraps and compulsory commitments; types, pre-cleaning, classification and
labeling of plastic scraps legitimate for being imported.
According to this regulation, plastic scraps are legally imported including:
● Plastic discards from production process, which are unused;
● Plastic packaging (PET) containing drinking water;
● Uses plastics appear in forms of blocks, lumps, bars, strips;
● Other plastics which are cut into small pieces and cleaned;
Plastic scraps are not allowed to be imported including:
● Used plastics which are not satisfied applied regulations;
● Plastic covers of used equipment, electric equipment such as television,
computer, office appliances containing flammable resistant;
● Unfinished combustion plastic
National Technical Regulations on Environment for imported paper scraps as
production materials (QCVN 33:2018/BTNMT) mentioned that:
Impurities that are not mixed in imported paper scraps include:
● Chemicals, inflammables, explosive substances, and hazardous medical
● Materials containing or contaminated with radioactive substances exceed the
exemption level prescribed in QCVN 05: 2010/BKHCN - National technical
regulation on radiation safety - exemption from declaration and licensing
issued together with Circular No. 15/2010 / TT- BKHCN dated September 14,
2010 of the Minister of Science and Technology.
● Hazardous impurities (According to the Environmental Protection Law 2014,
hazardous impurities are wastes containing toxic, radioactive, infectious,
flammable, explosive, corrosive, poisonous or hazardous properties other
Unwanted impurities are allowed to be mixed in imported paper scrap (no more
than 2% of the shipment volume):
● Adhesives such as dust, soil, sand; lanyards and materials used to package
imported paper scraps.
● Residues of chemicals against fungi, mold, and insects used to preserve
paper scraps before shipping.
● Other impurities that are commonly used with paper such as pins, plastic,
adhesives and other materials that stick or leave from imported paper waste:
The total amount of these impurities does not exceed more than 2% of the
volume of the shipment.
● Humidity: not exceeding 20%
Decree 187/2013/ND-CP detailing Waste plastics, paper, recycled resins, pulp can be exported as normal goods.
Law on Trading, international trading, Concerning about the environmental pollution issues from pulping waste paper,
buying, selling, processing and storing the Vietnam Paper Association recently proposed to the Ministry of Industry and
abroad) Trade to increase control measures on importing and exporting recycled pulp.
Decision No 73/2014/QD-TTg on list Waste and waste materials cannot be imported for trading, but production. The
of waste materials to be imported waste and waste materials can only be imported with Ministerial level permission
(Article 5 of Decree 187/2013/ND-CP). MONRE is providing the permission to the
entity that directly use (or with authority of producer) for production (Decree
38/2015/ND-CP on waste and waste material management). The permission is
provided case by case with reference to the Decision No 73/2014/QD-TTg on list
of waste materials to be imported as production materials including 36 types, of
which the main groups are plastic, glass, paper, and metal. Imported paper scrap
groups include the following types of scrap:
● Recovered paper (waste and scrap) or paperboard: Kraft paper or kraft
paperboard or corrugated or unbleached paper or paperboard.
● Waste paper or waste paperboard: Other paper or paperboard made mainly
of pulp obtained from bleached, untreated chemical processes.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Official Letter No. 3738/TCHQ-GSQL On June 26, 2018, the General Department of Customs sent an official dispatch
dated 26/06/2018 of the General to the Customs Departments of the provinces and cities across the country
Department of Finance and the requesting the sending of imported scrap samples to the Customs Inspection
Ministry of Finance on the Department for analysis and assessment of suitability and environmental technical
management of imported scrap. regulations before customs clearance. This inspection process applies to all
imported scrap shipments. Dispatch takes effect immediately from the date of
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Decision No. 10508 / QD-BCT Setting the target to 2025 to achieve the domestic recovery rate of 65%. By
approving the Planning on 2025, there is no license and gradually eliminating outdated paper and pulp
development of Vietnam's paper factories with a scale of less than 10,000 tons/year
industry by 2020, with a vision to 2025
Circular No. 12/2015/TT-BTNMT The Circular specifies the maximum allowable values of pollution parameters in
issuing national technical standards pulp and wastewater of paper industry when discharging into the receiving
on environment, including QCVN 12- sources. Specifically, technical regulations on the maximum allowable value of
MT:2015/BTNMT on pulp and pollution parameters in pulp and waste water of paper industry when discharged
wastewater that revised based on into receiving sources; coefficient of receiving source Kq, coefficient of waste
QCVN 12:2008/BTNMT discharge Kf
Decision No. 3892/QD-BCT is issued Detailed objectives are set for the plastic production (pipes, packages and
on September 28, 2016 by Minister of other products) in Hai Phong, Hanoi, Hung Yen, Bac Ninh and Hai Duong and
Industry and Trade approving of biodegradable and recyclable plastic container production is encouraged
master plan for industrial development
in the Red River Delta by 2025 with
the vision toward 2030
Decree No. 68/2017/NĐ-CP issued on Provides the regulations on fields, sectors, production and business units, which
May 25, 2017 on management and are encouraged for moving into industrial clusters at Article 3. Those include
development of industrial clusters production and business units polluting or having highly-polluted potentials,
which locate in craft villages, residential areas, cities should move into industrial
clusters. There is policy of preferences and supports on investment provided to
craft village clusters
Resolution No.09/2019/NQ-CP from This assigned MONRE to be in charge of state management of solid waste and
February 3, 2019 of the Prime Minister requested MONRE to review, complete, supplement, and develop legal
from the Government meeting No.1, documents on environmental protection in importing scrap for production
chapter on management of import and purposes. Particularly for plastic scrap, it is allowed to import as raw materials for
use of imported scrap as production the production of plastic sticks only by December 31, 2024
Table 4. Summarized the relevant contents of legal context Observation
The issuance of the QCVN 32:2018 and QCVN 33:2018 on quality requirements for
importing plastic scrap and paper scrap generated heated discussion about
importing regulation. Current legislation also states that imported waste materials
must not contain impurities greater than 2%, and moisture less than 20% (Circular
08/2018/TT-BTNMT). However, it is difficult for the customer to validate this value
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
with mix materials. China banned a number of waste materials to be imported, thus
they came to Vietnam and were stopped by customs. In September 2018, the
government promulgated Directive Number 27/CT-TTg on urgent measures to
strengthen the management of importing waste materials for production. The
directive requires MONRE to review and shortlist the waste materials categories to
be imported in the 4th quarter of 2018. MONRE is considering a revision of Decision
73/2014/QD-TTg, in which the category for mix waste paper, coded HS 47079000
and the entrusted entity for importing waste materials are no longer valid. Both the
Vietnam Paper and Plastic Associations recommended that the Vietnam
Government view the availability of waste materials to be imported as an
opportunity rather than risk without compromise to the environment. The following
reactions of stakeholders were observed:
• Firstly, the limitation of scrap importers may cause challenges for
domestic trade (Decree 38/2015/ND-CP dated April 24, 2015).
According to the Decree, subjects allowed to import scraps include
individuals or organizations directly using imported scrap as production
materials; and individuals or organizations that receive import
consignment for organizations and individuals using imported scraps
as raw materials for production. However, the Prime Minister's
Directive No.27/CT-TTg requested limiting the importers and only
individuals or organizations that directly use imported scrap as raw
materials. Since the industry structure in Vietnam is small and medium
enterprises, not all enterprises have the capacity to import scraps
by themselves. It is very important to create conditions for individual
organizations to import in the form of a mandate to supply individuals
and organizations. The policy should be expanded to facilitate
domestic trade as well as to support small and medium-sized
enterprises in production.
• Secondly, prohibiting the import of some types of scrap, especially
mixed paper scrap, will considerably affect the operation of the paper
industry (Decision 73/2014/QD-TTg dated December 19, 2014 of
Prime Minister). The suspension or ban of imports will force businesses
to seek other sources of raw materials, leading to an increase in input
costs. Besides, the suspension of import or import of mixed paper
scraps will lead to interruption in production and business. In addition,
the import of mixed paper scraps is necessary to ensure the quality of
paper packaging in domestic production. Furthermore, if imports of
mixed paper scrap are banned, the structure of the industry will likely
shift in the direction of increasing import; export may decline because
enterprises cannot maintain production and business activities to serve
export and domestic demand, as well as compete with other countries
in the world.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Besides MONRE and MOIT, depending on the investment stage, other relevant
stakeholders may be MPI (planning and investment), MOST (science and
technology), MOF (finance).
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Each line Ministry has its line Department at the provincial level. The People
Committee, differing slightly from province to province, will decide the authorities of
local department.
2.1.4. Observation
The authorities between MONRE and MOIT are clear, but overlap in two main areas
of import-export scrap and waste recycling service. Under the scope of import-
export, both Ministries are responsible for scraps entering Vietnam. While MONRE
needs to make sure scrap is not waste by its checking procedure, MOIT needs to
make sure that scrap follows custom procedure. This double responsibility causes
much time and cost to importers and producers. This was simplified by Circular
01/2009/TT-BTNMT and Resolution 09/ND-CP. However, the question of double
responsibility of handling domestic scrap as waste or materials remains.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
No. Name of company Province Region Dealing with Role in value chain
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
25 BOPP:
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Domestic waste: The annual growth rate of Domestic MSW is 11.7% and is
presented below.
Sorting of household solid waste has not yet become a popular practice in Vietnam,
but rather has only been experimented on household garbage under some pilot
projects major cities. With underdeveloped infrastructure and unsystematic
management, in many cases, separated wastes have been collected and disposed
together, thus reducing the effectiveness of these programs, indicating that people
have not taken up the habit of separating wastes. However, households and
garbage collectors to sell to recycling craft villages have sorted some recyclable
solid waste. Spontaneous sorting of recyclable solid waste is continuously carried
out from the originating places to gathering points until final landfills. Cities that have
piloted sorting wastes at source such as Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi and Da Nang have
yielded results but have not advanced beyond pilot level.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Industrial waste: most recyclables are sorted right where they are generated for
reuse and recycling. As a result, recyclables are used as materials for production in
the industries themselves. Other scraps which are non-reusable for such production
processes but could possibly be used for secondary production will be gathered
and sold to recycling units. The rest will be moved to the waste storage of
companies or collecting units to transport to treatment facilities.
Medical waste: In the health sector, most medical solid waste is sorted according
to the regulations of the MOH in all central hospitals as around 95% of hospitals
have implemented this segregation nationwide (MONRE, 2011).
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Solid waste sorting at source has not been widely carried out in Vietnam; therefore,
in most urban areas only unsorted wastes are collected. There are two forms of
waste collection: basic waste collection (people put wastes in boxes/packages
which are then picked up by street cleaners with small rubbish carts) and secondary
waste collection (street cleaners put municipal wastes in rubbish carts, take them
to garbage compress trucks, and transport them to treatment areas or rubbish
containers in markets/residential areas.
Hochiminh City has two major transfer stations: Quang Trung transfer station
receives 1,084 tons/day; Tong Van Tran transfer station receives 820 tons/day.
Rubbish from these transfer stations are taken to Da Phuoc and Phuoc Hiep solid
waste treatment complexes and Vietstar rubbish treatment plant.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Urban areas currently don’t have rubbish transfer sites for solid waste collection.
Hanoi does not have any rubbish transfer site while the distance between Hanoi
and Nam Son landfill is around 50 km. Other cities don’t have any rubbish transfer
site like in Hochiminh City. Most urban areas have only rubbish rally sites, which fail
to meet standards on environmental sanitation.
Solid waste collection and transportation are being socialized in several areas. Only
in city-level urban areas does URENCO collect, transport and treat MSW. However,
joint stock or private companies are also involved in the work. In Hanoi, in addition
to URENCO, which plays the key role, nearly 30 private and collective units take
part in collecting, and transporting municipal wastes.
In town-level urban areas, only cooperatives, private organizations are responsible
for collecting and transporting wastes with fees negotiated with local people under
the guidance of local administrations.
The waste management flow in Vietnam can be described in the Figure below.
2.1.9. Recycling
There is still no official, consistent and scientifically based data regarding the
recycling rate of any kind of waste at a national level in Vietnam. However, the
National Environment Report 2011 estimated the recycling rate of municipal solid
waste at around 8-12% by volume. This recycling activity is implemented mainly by
the informal sector in craft villages (MONRE, 2011). According to a 2011 JICA
study, materials that typically are recycled are papers, plastics and metals, and the
recycling rate is around 8.2%. These recyclables are usually collected by waste
scavengers and transported to recycling craft villages. About 90% of them are
transformed into plastics, paper, and metal products while 10% becomes waste
after recycling (MONRE, 2011).
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
The amount of recycled paper scrap and plastic scrap in 2018 were 1,602 tons and
700-1000 tons respectively according to the VPPA and VPA.
Recycling technologies in craft villages are mainly manual and outdated, causing
serious environmental pollution. In addition, wastes from craft villages are not
treated but dumped directly into the environment with municipal wastes and taken
to landfills.
Recycling technologies in craft villages are mainly manual and outdated, causing
serious environmental pollution. In addition, wastes from craft villages are not
treated but dumped directly into the environment with municipal wastes and taken
to landfills. Many recycling establishments are not located in craft villages but in
urban areas. Hochiminh City has 302 recycling establishments in the city, mainly in
district 11. Of these establishments, 67 recycle plastics, 15 recycle crystal, 9 recycle
metals, 7 recycle paper, and 2 recycle rubber (Source: Hochiminh city DONRE,
2.1.10. Major waste treatment Landfilling
According to the National Environment Report in 2011, landfilled solid waste
accounted for 76-82% of collected waste, of which about 50% was controlled landfill
and 50% uncontrolled (MONRE, 2011). The study conducted by MOC/JICA in 2018
on solid waste in Vietnam (Tran Khanh Long, 2019) showed that the percentage of
landfilled domestic solid waste in Vietnam is about 76.4% of collected waste, while
24.6% has been either recycled, composted or incinerated.
This means, with 40,460 tons per day of collected domestic MSW in 2018, the
amount of plastic waste and paper waste in landfills were 1,380 tons and 564 tons
respectively (76.4% of collected waste is landfilled, of that, 12.36% is plastic and
5.05% is paper).
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project Composting
As reported by MONRE (2011), around 60-65% of urban solid wastes are food
wastes, which are easy to turn into compost. However, because organic wastes,
from which compost can easily be produced, are not discharged or inputted
separately into the compost production facilities, approximately 35-40% of the solid
waste input become residual by-products that must be disposed of in landfills. Most
composting plants have not been operating at full capacity. Some plants have even
stopped operations due to difficulties related to capital, production technology and
markets. The lack of at-source separation of waste materials leads to low-quality
compost products that don’t meet local requirements. Production costs are high
while product price remains low. Consequently, the market for compost is still very
limited. Neither plastic nor paper waste was used as materials for composting. Incineration
According to JICA study (Wada H., 2016) there are 44 incinerators nationwide.
These burning technologies with different scales from 10 tons/day to 150 tons/day
have been applied in some localities - particularly in cities, in densely populated
urban areas or districts, and in communes. The advantage of this method is that
waste is treated thoroughly. The method eliminates the possibility of polluting waste,
reducing the volume and weight of waste to a minimum. It also spares the land the
impact of treatment facilities; shortens the processing time; and enables the
recovery of thermal energy. Neither plastic nor paper waste were used as materials
for incineration. Incineration can be polluting if emissions are not well scrubbed and
residual ash is not disposed of properly.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project Waste-to-energy
Until 2016, there was only one waste incineration for electricity plant in Nam Son,
Hanoi, with capacity of 20MW and 75 tons of waste per day. This plant treats only
industrial and hazardous waste. In late 2017, Can Tho operated the first domestic
waste incinerator with a capacity of 7.5MW and of 400 tons of waste per day. The
most popular waste-to-energy method in Vietnam is biogas production from
husbandry. There are around 500,000 biogas tanks nationwide, mainly in rural
areas at the household scale with volume below 10m3. These small biogas tanks
are usually used for cooking and lighting in households but are not yet applied for
electricity production. Only a few modern cities collect methane and other gases
from dumping sites. A number of provinces are considering waste to energy as an
option from landfill. However, plastic incineration is not yet considered.
The costs of solid waste disposal vary from region to region and depend on
treatment technology and capacity. The standard cost for solid waste treatment
issued by MOC served as a basis for local authorities and a waste treatment
company to design the pricing mechanism for the treatment. It is shown in table 2.
Table 3 provides a summary of the cost of waste disposal in some major cities of
Vietnam. In the case of Hanoi, waste treatment service providers were paid around
VND69,000 per ton for disposal at a landfill and VND330,000-380,000 per ton for
Location Company Price (VND/ton) Daily Treatment
Capacity Technology
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Apart from waste treatment cost the waste generator should also bear a cost for
waste collection and transportation to the waste treatment places. The solid waste
transport and collection fee depends on the distance, and is between VND 30,000-
50,000 per ton. The solid waste disposal service contracts are renewed every five
years, while the contract on the transport fee is renewed every year. Table 4
summarizes the solid waste transport fee in some major cities of Vietnam.
Location Criteria Unit price (VND) Note
1 Hochiminh Normal truck with capacity of 10 tons per 196,669 per trip
city time
2 Hanoi For household (HH) 3,000- 6,000 per HH per month Decision
Commercial HH with waste volume <1m3 90,000-130,000 per HH per m UBND
3 Lang Son Trip based fee 160,000 per trip Decision No.
4 Bac Ninh Normal truck with capacity of 10 tons per 187,886 per trip Decision No.
time 745/QD-UBND
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
796,680 tons of plastic products and semi-finished products such as plates, sheets,
film, foil, tubes, tableware, kitchenware, bath, and shower-baths were also imported
in 2018.
Recycling plastic scrap occupies only a small part in the whole value chain.
VPA, Plastic Industry Report 2018
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
(import –
Category export) Domestic TOTAL
Input 7312 2,000 9,312
Resin 5900 1,000 6,900
Imported product/semi-finished
product 797 797
Recycled scrap 615 700-1,000 1,615
Product 4610 3,690 8,300
Resin 807 807
Plastic product/by product 3,803 3,690 7,439
Waste to recycle 1,000 1,000
Recycled scrap 700-1,000 700-1000
Waste to disposal 2,110
Landfill 1,380 1,380
Disposed to ocean 730 730
Balance (In - Out) (2,098)
Table 12. Material flow of plastic sector (1000 tons)
Source: VPA, this study
The above table showed a negative balance of 2.1 million tons between inputs and
outputs. This may be caused by a missing import record or excessive estimation of
waste. However, even when the waste volume is reduced, the balance remains
negative. This means the inputs values for plastic sector was not properly
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
In 2018, the paper sector produced 3.7 million tons of semi-finished and final paper
products and 185 tons of pulp from 4.2 million tons of pulp and paper scraps. 57%
of materials were imported.
(per 1000 tons) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2022 2026 2030
Recycled paper domestically 965 1066 1372 1602 3184 5218 6420
Imported 810 832 1356 2069 5195 7827 9630
Total input to
production 1775 1898 2728 3671 8379 13045 16050
Pulp capacity 200 200 200 200 420 1550 2500
Production 442 473 494 524 700 1000 1230
Consumption 152 175 180 185 380 1400 2400
Imported 290 298 314 339 320 180 220
Exported 0 580 1390
Paper capacity 2345 2420 3773 5109 8722 13525 15456
Production 3506 3797 4265 4946 7695 10474 13318
Consumption 1392 2506 2810 3674 7671 11798 14495
Imported 1737 1898 1962 2088 1803 1768 2007
Exported 155 158 498 809 1779 3092 3184
Table 13. Overview of material consumption in paper sector
Paper scrap is the major source for production, counting to 88% of materials in
2018. It is expected to increase to 93% by 2030. The volume of waste paper
collection increased over the year and meets around 40% of material demand.
Pulp demand is 12% of the needs. Certain types of pulp - BCTMP, BSKP and UKP
- need to be imported.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Table 15. Inputs for paper production in paper craft village in Vietnam
(Average for 1 ton of paper product)
Source: Nguyen Mau Dung (2010)
The survey was conducted with 2,787 samples, randomly taken from national
statistical database and 9 related Ministries, NGOs and Associations. The sample
size per target group and response is presented below.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
The survey received responses from 312 entities, including 103 consumers, 171
producers and 69 waste service providers (amongst them 29 have more than one
role in material flow). It is estimated that a bias of ±11% (precision 95%) is applied
for this research. The number of producers in the plastic and paper sectors is
estimated at 1,200 and 2,400 (statistics 2015).
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
With the characteristics of long experience in business and not under state-owned
management, the material flow, including recycle material flow, could be
strengthened with market mechanisms rather than regulatory controls. Although the
small size of the sector plays a significant role in both the plastic and paper sectors,
in order to secure resources and commitment to participate in the material
market, the starting phase should be with large scale (with some extension to
medium), then independent from the size.
Along with the value chain of materials, more respondents from production and
waste service provided support to the development of market than those from
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
consuming group. Aside from especially high interest among large producers (77%)
in the material market, the interest of respondents is independent from the size of
Although only 5% of respondents could not answer whether the material market
should be developed for Vietnam, the survey showed 61% of respondents uncertain
whether they are interested. In order to attract sufficient numbers of participants to
the materials market, it is important to start with a strong awareness campaign,
particular to consumer groups. The reasons for the above results are listed
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
To develop mechanism on
· Technology to easily connect between stakeholders
· Encourage those who have good measures to maintain the market
· Appropriate purchasing price
· Develop an appropriate mechanism to encourage and support enterprises to collect and recycle
· Propagating and mobilizing people to separate waste at source; Developing policy to support units to
classify recyclable waste.
· Manage the number of sources generated, collection and use
· Utilize sources of materials and scraps
· Need to ensure public competition
· Awareness of public and enterprises
To advise on policy
· Policies on collection and import of recycled materials should be clear for each plastic group
· Stable policy, do not change tax due to lack of money, do not add environmental requirements only to
make difficulty to enterprises
· Guidelines and policies to classify waste from consumers.
· Need to have policies to support and develop the market.
· High taxes apply to this market, to limit release to the environment which consider the "landfill" of
imported from other countries
· There must be strict management in terms of waste plastic treatment technology and corresponding
production lines
· Policies to support enterprise to recycle and propagate people to classify waste at source
· Suitable policies for recycling enterprises. Measures to avoid environmental pollution
· Price policy and communication information, management policies: Simplify procedures and reporting
· Governmental policy
· Legal procedures for collection, treatment, recycling, import and export of scraps
· The legal corridor to stabilize price
· Change in production scale of enterprises directly produce plastic and paper products
· No corruption, no relationship in family
· Having good production facilities, good machines with sewage systems ensuring standards of
domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater, stable prices
· Investment on technology
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
· Plastic scraps market
· Market of paper scraps
· Scraps material market
· Supply sources of scraps and recycling plastic
· Quality of recycled plastic sources used for packaging
· Market of PP recycling plastic material
· Environmentally friendly materials, recycling technologies and applications made from recycled
· Appropriate quality and price
· Demand of recycled paper scrap market, environmental protection in recycling activity
· Price
· Environmentally friendly products
· Governmental policy on recycling scraps
· Policy of scrap import targeted right subjects
· Import of scraps
· Legislation
· Procedures for importing plastic scraps and licensing to eligibly import waste materials as production
· License for importing plastic scraps
· Preferential policies when using recycled materials
· Limit deforestation for paper production
· Governmental policy
· Technology and equipment for recycling plastic and paper products
· Waste treatment
· Environmentally friendly recycling method
· Using recycling materials for production
· Treatment of plastic wastes discharges into environment annually
· Inputs of products
· Waste
· Environment protection
· Classification and treatment of toxic waste
· Join hand in an effort to build a clean, beautiful and green environment
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
The above feedback can be summarized for the development of the materials
market as follows:
· The objective of market place: The materials market is not limited to
connections between buyers and sellers but thanks to this, purchase costs should
be lower, more transparent and the sector will be more competitive. Besides, it is
also expected that the waste collection and recycle ratios in the country will be
improved, i.e. less waste will be discharged to the environment. More than that, the
materials market will structure the scrap purchasing system, promote waste
reduction at source, support the development of legislation in waste transportation
and even treatment of persistent plastic waste.
· The governance: The opinions of key leaders and participants varies and covers
all possible stakeholders, including the government (MONRE, MOIT), NGOs (VCCI,
Associations) and enterprises. Some said only public while other mentioned only
private or a combination. However, scrap is under strict government management.
Therefore, a material market should be presented with public-private partnership.
· The activity: A materials marketplace for Vietnam is not just a trading platform.
The platform is expected to be a joint effort by stakeholders to provide information
and impact on the choice of waste treatment technology, on policy and compliance
of the participating stakeholders.
The respondents come from all over the country. Below is the list of ten provinces
with the highest number of respondents of large and medium scale.
Figure 16. Locations with large and medium scale respondents with interest
in material market
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Figure 18. Constraints for not increasing higher ratio of recycle materials
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
No because it contains This might affect quality of products Import materials for
information for users All are consumed by clients, no recycle production
For recycling unit Daily transfer to consumer
recycling bottle, dispose label No equipment
sold as scrap paper Defect product is collected for sale, but
Sold to recycled units not recycled by ourselves
Defect items to return to Pre-process recycled products
Not able to reuse Selling products from original resin
Intermediate user, sold is sold No demand
Recycle To sell as scrap
Fiber dilution system Under trial
Waste separation for No recycle to ensure quality
treatment No recycling of used product
Sold to recycled units
sold as scrap
Client requirement
Paper label is required by law
Improvement in production to
reduce paper demand
Intermediate user
Purchased by demand
Package is a requirement
Only recycled paper is used
Dependent on consumer
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Constraint Might not meet quality Change in material, change in cost By client
for higher requirement High cost, slow supply Price of Kraft paper reduced
ratio of Paper to meet quality High cost for secondary treatment while waste paper increased
recycle standards Quality of product will be impacted High cost for secondary
materials Food packaging must meet Pharmacy and food sector require no or treatment
requirements on hygiene very little recycle ratio of materials Quality of product reduces
Difficult for product quality management along with number of recycle
Reduce quality of products Not to high quality paper
Recycle many times means lower quality Must meet quality
Always ensure product quality requirement
Must meet quality requirement Not enough resource for
Quality reduces when ratio of recycle production
increase Most recycled paper is
Limited wasted PP in country imported
Not enough resource for production Limited resources, limited
Reduce equipment lifetime collection for recycle
Wish to have lots of materials for Lack of waste material
production sources
Limited resources, limited collection for Limited choice, thus limited
recycle products
Need equipment and space Difficult to import waste
Always wish to have regular activity material
Limited choice, thus limited products Difficult condition for
Wish to renew waste material import importing waste plastic
Import of waste plastic is difficult by law
Difficult condition for importing waste
Shipping does not accept waste to
Client requirement
Table 18. Motivation and constraints for taking activity under circular
In-depth interviews were conducted with members and partners of VCCI between
March 30 and April 23, 2019. In total, 14 face-to-face interviews were conducted, of
which two were waste service providers, six were producers, one a product user,
three industry organizations/NGO, and two, governmental authorities.
Following are the key findings and critical issues raised by stakeholders:
All the stakeholders consulted recognized the importance of increasing the use of
recyclable materials and the potential environmental problems posed by the
production processes. They understand that production using virgin materials,
including pulp and plastic resins, is expensive and likely to become mores.
Meanwhile, the use of recycled materials aligns with the trend of the circular
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
economy. At the same time, it reduces production costs and has great potential to
positively impact the environment.
It is worth mentioning that although the input materials are scrap, the finished
products that we provide for the market are highly qualified and meet export
standards. (In-depth interview, one manufacturer).
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Many businesses including those in packing, paper and plastics fields have
been short of material for production and in danger of shutdown after the
government tightened scrap import regulations which severely limited or
delayed access to materials. About 5,000 containers worth US$10,000 each
are stuck at ports. Businesses have to pay US$50-100 demurrage charges
per day, suffer significant production interruption and are falling behind in
scheduled goods delivery. These present significant hardships and put them
in danger of losing business and even bankruptcy. (In-depth interview, one
business association representative).
The company signed a supply contract for the year 2018. However, the
company has been short of goods for delivery because of material shortage
while domestic recycled plastics could not be used to make up the difference
because of low quality. (In-depth interview, one manufacturer).
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Even companies consulted that have a quality tracking system and well-managed
internal production processes from beginning to end are interested in a service that
offers ongoing insight to where their by-products are going.
The main question raised by stakeholders is how the material marketplace will work.
Who will be in charge of running it and what are the requirements for joining?
Most of the companies interviewed believed that the policy framework for
environmental protection has, in general, been well established and managed in
Vietnam except in the case of scrap and recycling. The regulations that do affect
the recycling industry, including paper and plastics, are mostly governed by the
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
MONRE and the Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) under MONRE at the
central level, and the Department(s) of Natural Resources and Environment
(DONRE) at the city and provincial levels. The LEP has encouraged the recovery,
processing and recycling of post-production waste. In addition, the Green Growth
strategy in 2012 and Vietnam's Renewable energy development strategy to 2030
vision of 2050 also has the ambition for Vietnam to change community awareness
on the issue of waste circulation. However, Vietnam still lacks specific regulations
and guidelines for supporting implementation. The amount of waste generated is
growing in Vietnam but the programs and infrastructure for collection and reuse are
not keeping up. Vietnam has not yet developed standard classifications of waste
from the variety of sources due to a lack of technology and resources. Therefore,
the government could have a critical impact in promoting the development of the
circular economic model and recycling industry. In addition to legal documents, the
government should soon issue standards, regulations and guidelines related to
recycling/reuse. This work should also create incentives for businesses to process
and consume recycled products.
It was clear that those interviewed, especially those on the government side, worry
that the country could turn into “an international dumping ground.” This fear is
driving the approach to regulation.
Vietnam has a demand for scrap as material for production, but it only
benefits the processors. (In-depth interview, one government officer).
Vietnam has to start saying no to scrap import because the country is not
able to deal properly with solid waste. (In-depth interview, one government
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Case studies
2.3.1. Group 1: Product user, distributor, consumer
For the Vietnamese market, the following activities will be implemented to achieve
the targets:
Design: In 2019, the goal is to create bottles containing at least 10% of rPET. The
ratio is intended to be increased up to 20%, 30% in the coming years. However,
Coca-Cola Vietnam has faced a number of difficulties in achieving the set targets:
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
At Lee & Man Vietnam, solid waste contaminants (plastic, metal) discharged during
the sorting of paper scraps are evaluated for reuse/recycle. Non-reusable waste is
processed at the factory with the ash being purchased by a cement company to
produce cement or other companies to produce unburnt bricks.
Plastic scraps
We observed two models of imported plastic scraps handling during the on-site
work. The first involves a medium-to-large company located in an industrial zone;
input materials are several thousand tons/month. In this case, we visited Vinatic
JSC. The second model involves a small operation at the craft village level. In
Vinatic JSC, 98-99% purchased scraps are recyclable; impurity is only 1-2%, which
include labels, metal and paper. The company sets up a team to inspect the imports
and photos will be taken before putting scraps into containers for delivery. At the
craft village level, an average of only 70-75% of imported plastic scraps can be
recycled to produce plastic granules, the remaining 25-30% is wastes, which will be
classified for the second time. Metal accounts for about 5% of contaminants. The
rest are other components such as paper, adhesive tape, labels, etc.; only about
5% is soil and/or water. After the second classification, the non-recyclable materials,
which are about 12-15%, will be treated at landfill sites.
The first one is “legal” recycling, implemented by licensed enterprises (by MONRE
for importing and recycling plastic scraps); those enterprises are usually located in
industrial zones with modern equipment with advanced technology and operation
standards. The second one is smaller business entity, without MONRE’s license,
normally located at craft villages. Although both use imported material for
production, the significant differences between the two models are the investment
cost, production capacity, economic and environmental benefits. The table below
compares the costs and benefits of the two recycling models.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Recycling activity Dry production of granulation technology Wet technology, normal heating: Sorting -
with magnetic heating system, only pure cutting, grinding and washing - drying -
PE plastic smell, without smoke. melting and extruding - granulating
Washing steps are not applied, so water
is only used to cool down the plastic
Price of input materials VND 6,000-7,000/kg for domestic scraps VND 12,000/kg for imported scraps
VND 12,000-14,000/kg for imported
Operating cost: electricity, 10% Classification cost (for 20 tons): VND
workers, transportation, 12,000,000/20 tons
etc. Worker (for 15,5 tons): VND 900/kg
Electricity (for 15,5 tons): VND 600/kg
Transportation fee (from export port to
factory): VND 13,000,000/container 20
In total: 14.6%
Output products VND 20,000 - 25,000/kg VND 21,500/kg
Capacity: 4,000 tons/month VND 330,000,000/15.5 tons/month
Benefit = (VND 20,000/kg * 4,000,000) - 10% = 330 mil - 240 mil - 12 mil - 13 mil -
management cost - cost of input material (900+600)*15,500
(3,200 ton * 12 mil/ton + 800 ton * 6 = VND 45 mil/month
mil/ton) = US$ 2,000/month
= VND 28.8 bil/month = US$ 100/ton
= US$ 1.25 mil/month
= US$ 306/ton
Table 19 Comparison of two plastic recycling models
Vietnam only meets 20% of the demand for plastic materials, so the remaining 80%
must be imported. Of this 80% of imported materials, virgin and recycled resin make
up the majority while plastic scraps occupy only a small portion. Domestic plastic
scraps sources are also collected such as plastic bottles, buckets, plastic pots ...
but the volume is very small and highly contaminated in comparison with imported
plastic scrap. Currently, plastic recycling enterprises are eager to use more recycled
materials/scraps, due to their low cost and high domestic demand. The price of
domestic scraps is about USD 2.6-3.0/kg, while the price of imported scraps is
nearly double. Primary plastic granules cost about VND 30,000/kg, while recycled
plastic granules (high quality) are about VND 22,000/kg. The difference is about
USD 350/ton.
There is risk related policies which are changed too fast without any roadmap, which
strongly affects access to the input materials. This regulation, mentioned in the
Resolution 09/2019, only allow intermediate production, such as producing plastic
pellets from scrap, until 2024. Therefore, the company must invest in more
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
equipment to produce final products (such as packaging material), which may cause
high competition in the market, due to number of companies producing final product.
With URENCO Hanoi, one of the primary waste collectors and landfill operators,
recycling activities are very limited due to the fact that most recyclable materials
such as metal, plastic, paper, etc. were already collected manually by scavengers
which are then sold to recycling companies. In several sub-companies such as
URENCO10, URENCO 11, URENCO13, recycling activity is only segregation of
recyclable materials as scraps.
Treatment price by incineration is VND 400,000/ton for domestic waste and VBD
500,000/ton for industrial waste, excluding transportation fee.
Amount of waste collected is 300 ton per day, amount of collected for recycling is
30%, the ratio is expected to be 50% in Quarter 3 of 2019. Within amount of 50%
recyclable materials collected, plastic and nylon bag are 35%, metal is 10%, paper
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
and glass are 5%. The 50% remain includes 25-30% are brick, stone, soil and 15%
is organic wastes, which are pilot to produce compost.
Plastic scraps are collected and recycled within the company (PE, PP, PET, PVC,
excluded LDPE and HDPE). Recycled products are plastic pellets (for trading in
domestic market) and straps (for internal use). Paper scraps are collected then are
sold to recycling units.
In both VPPA (Vietnam Paper and Pulp Association) and VPA (Vietnam Plastics
Association), data collected reflects that the total amount of domestic scraps
collected is not significant; in 2018, domestic paper scraps collected was 640,000
tons and plastic was 700,000 tons. This is not a systematic collection process; it is
done by individual scavengers and junk shops at three levels:
• 1st level: scavengers and waste pickers who directly collect recyclable
materials at households, waste gathering points and even in landfills;
• 2nd level: junk shops which purchase recyclable materials from scavengers
and waste pickers. Greenhub in Hanoi has found that many Vietnam
provinces have small-scale junkshop networks in each ward and district;
• 3rd level: big scraps dealers which purchase recyclable materials from the
junk shop networks in large scale. In an example provided by Greenhub and
Viet Trung Environmental Technology Co., Ltd, almost the entire amount of
plastic scraps in one set of junk shops is routinely transferred to dealers in
Hung Yen, where two plastic scraps recycling craft villages are located.
Since the collected domestic supply of recyclable material is not sufficient, both the
paper and plastic industries have to import input materials for production. In 2018,
the plastic manufacturing industry in Vietnam imported more than 5 million tons of
plastic materials from the Middle East, Korean, Taiwan and the USA. Most was
virgin, primary plastic with plastic scraps being less than 10%. Domestic source
collected accounted for only around 40% of the paper industry’s demand. The rest
- about 3 million tons per year - had to be imported.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
In 2018, total production capacity of the Vietnam paper industry was 3.6 million tons,
mostly for domestic consumption, with only 640,000 tons exported to China.
According to VPA, in 2018 the plastic industry’s total production was 8.3 million
tons, of which total plastic material (plastic pellets) exported is 897,000 tons. The
remaining 7.4 million tons was plastic products exports and domestic consumption.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
In order to better understand the present status of the recycling sector and the
potential for the introduction of a marketplace for recycled materials and waste-to-
resource approaches, it is useful to map out strengths (S), weaknesses (W),
opportunities (O) and threats (T). In this connection, the SWOT analysis below
attempts to synthesize the main features of the sector:
Strengths Opportunities
- Vietnam has favorable natural and political - The potential for leveraging informal waste
conditions to develop market place for sector members as a vehicle to support the
recycling material. adoption of waste segregation practices and in
- Existence of a small recycling rate based on order to expand waste collection coverage.
informal networks of informal workers and the - Some waste segregation practices (albeit
existence of a number of small and medium- limited) already exist, which could be
sized companies working with recyclables leveraged and up-scaled, both formally and
along the recyclables value chain. informally.
- High growth rate of paper and plastic industry. - Demand for recycled products including paper
- Abundant and cheap human resource is also and plastic remains high as Vietnam economy
an advantage to the development of the is developing and population is rising.
industry. - Production capacity of recycled based
- High willingness of stakeholders to participate materials (paper and plastic) remains low,
in marketplace. technology is backward, domestic production
has not met consumption demand, especially
for those products of highest demand.
Domestic production of plastic and paper now
only meets partly of the demand.
- Paper and plastic industry is still highly
attractive for investment. The increasing
number of foreign investors in the industry
shows the interest level of foreign investors in
the industry.
Weaknesses Threats
- Lack of a strategy, vision and goals for - Unclear policy direction on recycling industry
recycling sector, including targets for the development, scrap management and waste
conversion of waste into resources. collection and separation.
- Scrap collection system and rate in Vietnam - Lack of a policy and regulatory framework
are low developed. supportive of waste-to-resource approaches.
- Paper and plastic production technology is - Limited awareness of stakeholders at all levels
still backward, leading to inefficient production on circular economy and recycling and 3R
and environmental pollution. principles.
- Paper and plastic enterprises are not active in - Limited experience existent in the country in
establishing their own domestic collection implementing waste-to-resource approaches.
system. - Vietnamese enterprises have to face with
- Paper and plastic industry is tightly regulated increasing competition from imported
by the Government. products, especially for high quality paper and
- Most recycling enterprises are still dependent plastic segment which Vietnamese producers
on external sources for input materials. The have not been capable of production; and for
proportion of imported input is still very high, product segment, where demand has been
which has negative impacts on production nearly saturated.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
2.4.2. Recommendations
Implement programs and tools for gathering data on material flows across
entire supply chain.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam needs to push forward the successful implementation of: (i) National
Strategy on Cleaner Production in Industry for minimization of solid wastes in
production; (ii) Controlling strictly scrap import to avoid illegal waste import as
required by LEP 2014; (iii) Formalization of recycling activities through the
development of recycling industry as directed by the National Strategy and Action
Plan on Green Growth; (iv) Improvement of waste management infrastructure
through an effective implementation of promulgated solid waste management
master plans.
This study highlights the challenge and opportunity that exists for companies that
will seek to maintain both a high rate of profit and a commitment to meeting the
environmental demands of the region. Basic changes in the strategy of a company
are revealed through the environment concern of the company’s shareholders and
the belief that a “Green” company is a compulsory condition for cutting down the
cost and a key to market share increase. Many enterprises now regard environment
management and recycling as a strategic tool for enhancing competitive advantage.
However, given the fact that the current public understanding about circular
economy and recycling is still low, entrepreneurs also see little benefits/motivations
in going green. Programs enabling companies to try these concepts and then
rewarding and incentivizing them to adopt circular economy practices should be
developed, tested and executed. Establish an innovation center or innovation zones
using material data gathered from the identified by-product streams and fueled by
internal/external investment. It would provide an opportunity for regulation flexibility
and technology proof of concept and provide valuable material for outreach and
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
tightening import regulations on scrap has had a big impact on the paper and plastic
manufacturing industry and other related industries. Business associations such as
VCCI, VPA, VPPA etc. can and should play a key role in business sector
development and act as an important bridge between the government and the
business community. A Circular Economy oversight committee should be
established, made up of industry, government (state & district), NGOs and led by
VCCI. This group would be chartered with striking the most effective balance
between pollution control, economic development and social justice. This group
would maintain a constant dialogue with government on policies affecting the
business sector, such as economic, trade, financial, environmental, social and legal
policies. Without a clear and efficient mechanism for hearing them and programs
that drive executable change, the involvement of the business community is likely
to remain inadequate.
Near-Term Recommendations
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
3. References
Annex 1. List of persons participated in the interviews &
3.1.1. Interview
No Day Location Time Stakeholder Address Note Interviewer Content Contact Email
1 30.03.19 Hanoi 9.00- Vinacolour Office: Room Produce Linh 1,2,3 Mr. Nguyen cuong.nm@
11.00 Co., Ltd 510-ĐN2, My and Manh Cuong, vinacolour.c
Dinh II Zone, recycle Director
Cau Giay plastic
Factory: Lot
CN7, Thach
Zone, Quoc
Oai, Thach
That District
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
No Day Location Time Stakeholder Address Note Interviewer Content Contact Email
2 08.30- Phu Giang Tam Tao, Phu Recycle Linh, Thanh 1,2,3 Mr. Hoang HP: 0989
10.00 Paper and Lam paper Trong Phuong, 612 960
Packaging Commune, Production Email: trong
Bac Ninh
Company Tien Du Manager phuongvkpc
3 14.00 - Vinatic JSC Lot CN4, Import Linh, Thanh 1,2,3 Mr. Huynh Van Nhut.huynh-
04.04.19 15.30 Nam Cau plastic Nhut, Logistic van@vinatic
Kien scraps, Director
Industrial recycle
Zone, Kien plastic
Thuy Nguyen
4 09.04.19 10.00- Cocacola No. 485, Beverage Linh, Loan 1,2,3 vu@cocacol
11.30 Vietnam Hanoi , Large
Ms. Vu Thanh
Highway, consumer
Linh Trung
Ward, Thu
Duc District
5 17.04.19 Hanoi 8.30- Vietnam Pulp No. 58, Vu Associati Linh, Thanh, 1,5 024 6654 2872 024 6654
10.00 and Paper Trong Phung, on, not Bob Ms. Dang Van 2872
Association Thanh Xuan sure Son Secretary
Trung Ward, about General
Thanh Xuan their role Mr. Le Huy Du
District and view 0942050470
6 10.30- Hanoi Urban 282 Kim Ma, Public Linh, Thanh, 1,2,3 Mr. Dao Duc Daoduckhan
12.00 Environment Ba Dinh, waste Bob Khanh h76@gmail.
Company Hanoi treatment 0904735642 com
(URENCO) facility
7 13.30- Industrial 25 Ngo Industrial Linh, Thanh, 1,4,5 Mr. Nguyen
15.00 Safety Quyen, Hanoi waste Bob, Andy, Sinh Thanh
Techniques Trung 0982085757
Agency -
Division of
l Industry
8 15.30 - Lee & Man BIDV Paper Linh, Thanh, 1,2,3 Ms. Doan Minh Doanminhn
17.00 Việt Nam building, 35 producer Bob, Andy, Ngọc goc1210@g
Hang Voi, (member Trung 0969966188
Hanoi of VCCI)
9 18.04.19 Hung 8.30- VietTrung Minh Khai, Recycle Linh, Thanh, 1,2,3 Mr. Nguyen moitruongvi
Yen 10.00 Environmenta Nhu Quynh, plastic Bob, Andy, Viet Tung, ettrungetc@
l Technology Van Lam, Trung Director
Co., Ltd Hung Yen 0912340285
10 10.30- JP Road B1, Recycle Linh, Thanh, 1,2,3 Mr. Do Van
12.00 CORELEX Section B, paper Bob, Andy, Son
(VIETNAM) Pho Noi A Trung 0979068188
CO.,LTD. Industrial
Park, Lac
Van Lam
11 Bac Ninh 14.30 - HUNG Dong Sai Waste Linh, Thanh, 1,2,3 Mr. Nguyen moitruongdo
16.00 PHAT Village, Phu treatment Bob, Andy, Van Tuyen thi@hungph
URBAN Lang facility Trung Deputy Director
ENVIRONM Commune, 0986892486
ENT CO., Que Vo
LTD District, Bac
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
No Day Location Time Stakeholder Address Note Interviewer Content Contact Email
12 19.04.19 Hanoi 08.30- Tổng cục Môi Room B411, Waste Thanh, Bob, 1,4 024 37956868
10.00 trường-Vụ no.10, Ton managem Andy, Trung (ext:
Quản lý chất That Thuyet ent 3286/3287)
thải (policy Mr. Nguyen
and Thanh Lam
13 10.30- GreenHub Room 1008, Linh, Thanh, 3, 4 Ms. Nguyen
12.00 Planning and Bob, Andy, Thu Trang,
Investment Trung Deputy
Ministry Director:
Building, 0988366070
Alley 7
Ton That
14 23.04.19 Hanoi 15.00- Vietnam 156 Nam Kỳ Associati Linh, Thanh 1,5 Ms. Huynh Thi hongmyvpa
17.30 Plastic Khởi Nghĩa, on, very My 68@gmail.c
Association Quận 1, active in 0908249864/02 om
Thành phố waste 8 3521 8552
Hồ Chí Minh market
3.1.2. Survey
No Company Activity
1 Hospital 71 Thanh Hoa Treatment and health care
2 74 Central Hospital Medical
3 Miza JSC Paper production
4 Song Tinh Co., Ltd Waste purchasing and transporting, Aluminium recycling
5 HANOI PRINT SCIENTECH ., JSC Printing and relating services
6 Da Nang Urban Environment Company Public sanitary, waste collection, transportation and
7 Alim Hanoi JSC. Garment
8 Di Dai Hung JSC Production of plastic household and packaging
9 Huong Quynh Cam Hung Co., Ltd Production of plastic product
10 Tran Phu Printing JSC. Printing industry production, paper bags production; import,
export and trade of printing materials and equipment;
services related to printing; warehousing and storage of
11 Minh Thong Production, Trading and Production and sale of PET plastic billet, bottle and cap
Service Co., Ltd
12 TRUONG BAO SON TRADING AND Fast delivery shipping
13 Jasan Vietnam Co., Ltd Production and export of high quality socks
14 PUNGKOOK Ben Tre Co., Ltd Processing fashionable bags and backpacks
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
No Company Activity
15 Hong Hai Dang Plastic Production and Producing and trading plastic packaging for pharmaceutical
Trading Co., Ltd and food industry
16 Tuan Thinh Packaging Trading Co., Ltd Trading services
17 Phong Dai Paper Co., Ltd - Taiwan Carton box production
18 Thuan Duc JSC. Production of plastic products (PP packaging, shopping
19 Yamoto Industries Vietnam Co., Ltd Production of motorcycle, brake and throttle wires
20 Tin Nghia Vietnam Printing Co., Ltd Printing
21 Globe Exchange Co., Ltd Trading plastic materials and chemicals for plastic industry
22 Industrial Safety Techniques and State management of industrial safety and industrial
Environment Agency - MOIT techniques
23 Tam Diep Urban Environment Company Collection, transportation and treatment of domestic waste
24 Thien Tan Paper Co., Ltd Collection and entrusted import recycling paper
25 NIPPO MECHATRONICS Co., Ltd Production of electronic components
26 DHG Phamarceutical JSC. Producing and trading in pharmaceutical products
27 Thanh Tien Production, Trading and garment
Service Co., Ltd
28 PHARMACEUTICAL AND MEDICINAL Producing and trading in pharmaceutical products
29 Binh Minh Plastic JSC. Production of plastic pipes and accessories: PVC-U, PE, PP-
30 Yongfeng Vietnam Packaging Co., Ltd Producing and processing knitted mesh plastic bags
31 JP Corelex (Vietnam) Co., Ltd Production of high quality tissue
32 Thuan An Production Co., Ltd Production of paper, paper packagings
34 Hanoi Plastic Bag Production JSC Production of exported plastic packaging and bag
35 Hoanh Chuong Co., Ltd Commercial production, processing of plastic products (PVC,
36 Tan Thanh Plastic Co., Ltd Production of và kinh doanh bao PP
Production and sales of PP packagings
37 Hanoi-Thanh Hoa Beer Co., Ltd Production and sales of beer bottles, cans, box, pet
38 Tan Hong Phat Packaging and Transport
Service Co., Ltd
39 30-4 Hospital Medical examination and treatment for public security
officers and soldiers according to regulations
40 Phu Thinh Printing and Trading Service Printing and relating services
Co., Ltd
41 SML Vietnam Co., Ltd Production of printing label
42 Bac Ha Co., Ltd Kraft paper production
43 Phu Giang Paper and Packaging Company Production and trading of paper and carton packaging
44 May Yes Vina Co.Ltd Textile and garment production
45 Soc Trang Public Works JSC Public service
46 Sagasiki Vietnam Co., Ltd Production, export and trading
47 An Binh Dang Co., Ltd
48 An Thai Thinh Production and Trading Co., Production of PP packaging
49 Tin Thanh Packaging JSC Producing complex soft plastic packaging
50 Binh Dinh Pharmaceutical and Medical Manufacturing and trading pharmaceutical products and
Equipment JSC medical equipment
51 Asia Pacific Engineering Compounds Co. Producing technical plastic pellet from recycling plastic
Ltd materials
52 Cheng Long Binh Duong Paper Co., Ltd Paper production
53 Hoa Chan JSC Production and trading plastic pellet
54 CX Technology JSC (Vietnam) Production of speaker components
55 Dea Young Vina Co., Ltd Production of rubber label of sports shoes
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
No Company Activity
56 Dunam Chemistry Vina Co., Ltd Production and process of plastic pellets and color plastic
57 Garthern Việt Nam Co., Ltd Production of electronic components
58 Muc Son Paper Co., Ltd Production and trading of paper packaging, kraftt
59 Sai Gon Paper Co., Ltd Production of carton and houshold paper from recycling
60 Sai Gon Mien Trung Paper Co., Ltd Paper production
61 WINNER (VIET NAM) SHOE MATERIAL Production and process of shoes
62 Binh Sơn Refining and Petrochemical JSC Production of petrolium products
63 Lee & Man Co., Ltd Production of paper packaging
64 TCI Branch - An Khang Packaging Factory Production and trading of packaging
65 TCT Liksin - Liksin Packaging Factory Printing and producing composite film packaging
66 Liksin Paper Packaging Printing Factory Production of packaging, paper boxes, wrinkled paper
67 Lucky Start Plast Co., Lts Production of products from PP materials
68 URENCO Quang Binh Collection, transportation and treatment of domestic waste
69 New Vietnam JSC Production of car components
70 A CHAU LIMITED LIABILITY Production and trading of chemicals and plastic
71 Phu An Production and Trading Co., Ltd Production and trading of plastic products, plastic machinery
and equipment
72 Phuc Tan Phat Co., Ltd Production of paper packaging
73 VIETNAM COLOUR TRADING AND Production and trading of plastic materials
74 Tam Tan Co., Ltd Production of PET bottle billet, HDPE cap
75 Tamron Optical JSC (Vietnam) Production of optical lenses
76 Thai Kodama Co., Ltd (Vietnam) Production of ABS, HIPS, PE, PP plastic sheets for
household appliances production
77 Thuy Tu Co., Ltd Recycling plastic scraps
78 Tipharco Pharmaceutical JSC Production and trading pharmeceuticals
79 Chan Sinh Production and Trading Co., Ltd Production of plastic film
80 Green Future Trading and Service Co., Ltd
81 YAMAHA MOTOR PARTS Manufacturing spare parts and accessories for motor
MANUFACTURING VIETNAM CO., LTD vehicles and engines
82 Youngin vina Binh Duong co, LTD Producing shoes, semi-finished products and accessories
83 YoungTex Vina JSC Processing garments
84 Asia Nutrition Technologies Co., Ltd Production of animal feed
85 Giang Bien Trading Co., Ltd Production and export of Taiwanese joss paper
86 Hoa Lan Co., Ltd Production of paper products
87 Non Nước Viet Travel Co., Ltd Travel and production of joss paper
88 Trieu Dai Phat Co., Ltd Production of paper packging
89 Duyet Cuong Co., Ltd Production of joss paper
90 Phu Vuong Co., Ltd Production of joss paper
91 MTV SX Giấy Huy Tiến On., Ltd Production of joss paper
92 Tang Hung Production Trading and Service Production of toiler paper and tissue
Co., Ltd
93 Long Du Production Co., Ltd Production of paper stamp
94 Viet Khanh An Co., Ltd Production of joss paper
95 Phuc Tien Co., Ltd Production of paper packging
96 Hong Thien Packaging and Core Barrer Producing paper core tubes
Production and Trading JSC
97 Tan Trung Dat Co., Ltd Production of paper packging
98 Ngoc Lan Paper Trading and Production Production of writing paper and printing paper
Private Company
99 Br Vina Packaging Co., Ltd Production of paper packging
100 Nhat Lai Environment Sanitary Service and Collection and transportation of domestic waste
101 Nghe An URENCO Collection and treatment of domestic waste
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
No Company Activity
102 Ninh Bình Environment and Urban Service Collection and transportation of domestic waste
103 Ben Tre Pharmaceutical JSC Production and trading of food
104 Cat Loi JSC Printing packaging, producing filter and accessories cigarette
105 HA LONG CANNED FOOD JOINT STOCK Producing canned tuna
106 MJ APPAREL Co, Ltd Production and processing of garments
107 Plastic Additive JSC Production of additives for plastic industry
108 Dong Hai Ben Tre JSC Production of Kraf industry paper, packaging carton
109 Hung Phat Urban Environment Co. Ltd Collection, transportation and recycling waste, purchasing
110 Viet Trung Environmental Technology Co., Production of plastic film and packaging
111 Can Tho Mechanical Electrical Mechinery Production of packaging carton
112 Dương Liêen Nghi Co., Ltd Trading of paper scraps
113 Xuan Mai Paper Co., Ltd Paper production
114 Hoang Tan Production and Trade of Production of soap
Business JSC
115 Donanewtower Natural Drink and Food Production of beverage
116 Transworld Logistics Company Logistics
117 Kosin Việt Nam Co., Ltd Processing paper splint
118 Tai Thanh Phat Co., Ltd Collecting and purchasing scraps
119 Thai Duc Phat Co., Ltd Collecting and purchasing scraps
120 Lac Tien Phat Co., Ltd Purchasing scraps
121 Phong Nghia Private Company Purchasing scraps
122 Loc An Trading and Service Corperation Trade of scraps
123 Thanh Phat Co., Ltd Purchasing scraps
124 KSA Polymer Hanoi JSC Production of canvas, paper tube, nylon
125 Wipro Unza Việt Nam Co., Ltd Production of cosmetic
126 Sông Xanh Co., Ltd Landfilling waste
127 Phuc An An Scraps Trading and Service Purchasing scraps
Co., Ltd
128 Do An Trading and Service Co., Ltd Supplying foam
129 A Chau Packaging JSC Production of packaging
130 Vinh Hue Paper JSC Paper production
131 Bai Bang Paper Company Production of writing paper and printing paper
132 Minh Hoang Co., Ltd Production of wood chips and paper
133 Chau Thanh JSC Social and public service
134 Kokuyo Viet Nam Co., Ltd Paper production
135 Vpp Hoang Son Co., Ltd Paper production
136 Minh Phuc Paper Co., Ltd Paper production for garment and leather, shoes industry
137 Thanh Phat Plastic and Paper Packaging Production of printing paper
Co., Ltd
138 Phuc Quan Co., Ltd Paper production
139 Nguyen Vuong Packaging Production Co., Paper production
140 Gia An Packaging Production and Printing Production of plastic product
Co., Ltd
141 Phuc Khanh Packaging Production and Production of packaging
Trading Co., Ltd
142 Duc Nguyen Phat Production and Trading Production of paper packaging
Co., Ltd
143 Dai Cat Packaging Production Trading and Paper production
Service Co., Ltd
144 Tan Thuan Thanh Production and Trading Paper production
Co., Ltd
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
No Company Activity
145 Son Nhat Packaging Production Trading Production of paper and plastic packaging, labels
and Printing Co., Ltd
146 Cheng Neng Co., Ltd Paper production
147 Deal Easy Paper Co., Ltd Paper production
148 Eltete Vietnam Co., Ltd Paper production
149 Thai Nhat Paper Packaging Co., Ltd Paper production
150 Kinh Thuan Co., Ltd Paper production
151 Gia Gia Nghi Co., Ltd Paper production
152 Trung Chang Tin Co., Ltd Paper production
153 Hai Thanh Co., Ltd Food processing
154 PORTSERCO Logistics JSC Transportation and warehousing
155 Hoai Nhon Seafood JSC Trading of petroleum, shipbuilding and hotel restaurants
156 Guyomarc'H Viet Nam Co., Ltd Production of animal feed
157 Vinh Truong JSC Paper production
158 Vinh Hoan JSC Production of seafood
159 Yazaki Vietnam Co., Ltd Production of conductor in cars
160 Nghenh Phong VN Co., Ltd Production of exported sole
161 Kmc Chain Viet Nam Co., Ltd Production of aluminium
162 Manh Quang Engineering Co., Ltd Production of motorcycle sprocket
163 Yamazaki Technical Viet Nam Co., Ltd Production of car ram body
164 Ohara Plastic Viet Nam Co., Ltd Production of car plastic accessories
165 Cap Vina Co., Ltd Production of car lever
166 Yahon Co., Ltd Paper production
167 Hapaco Yen Son JSC, Van Yen Paper Paper production
168 Tissue Paper Trading Production Company Paper production
169 Taisun Co., Ltd (Vietnam) Production of baby diapers and sanitary napkins
170 Dong Vuong Phat Paper Packaging Paper production
Production Co., Ltd
171 Ojitex Viet Nam Co., Ltd Production carton paper
172 Toan Luc Co.,Ltd Paper production
173 Duong Gia Packaging Trading and Service Paper production
Co., Ltd
174 SK Plastic Production Tranding and Production of plastic cladding
Service Co., Ltd
175 Nhu Hoa Production and Trading Co., Ltd Production of recycled plastic resin
176 Quynh Quyen Hung Yen Production and Purchasing plastic pellet from small craft villages
Trading Co., Ltd
177 Ngoc Tram Hung Yen Trading and Purchase and production of plastic
Production Co., Ltd
178 Nam Son Hung Yen Co., Ltd Production and trading of plastic
179 Truong Thuy Trading and Production Production of recycling plastic pellet
Private Company
180 Hoang Thien Tin Co., Ltd Printing label
181 Woori Electric Co., Ltd Processing telephone components
182 Phu Lam Plastic Industry JSC Production of leatherette fabric and PVC film
183 Huyen Linh Paper Co., Ltd Paper production vệ sinh và giấy ăn
184 Yuen Foong Yu Dong Nai Paper Co., Ltd Carton box production
185 Huu Phat Facility Pressing and gringing plastic
186 Hiep Phat Plastic Production and Trading Purchasing plastic pellet
Co., Ltd
187 Tan Hung Plastic Producion and Trading and purchasing plastic pellet
Investment Co., Ltd
188 Refine Viet Nam Co., Ltd Production of jumbo packaging
189 Lan Cuong Plastic Recycling Facility Plastic recycling
190 Dong Do Plastic and Chemical Co., Ltd Plastic recycling
191 Dai Tin Production and Trading Co., Ltd PE Plastic recycling
192 Phu Huu Production and Trading Co., Ltd Printing sản phẩm màng nhựa
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
No Company Activity
193 Trinh Nghien JSC Plastic recycling
194 Hoang Ha Paper JSC Purchasing paper scraps, producing roll paper
195 Dai Luc Quang minh JSC Collecting and purchasing scraps
196 An Hung Co., Ltd Paper production
197 Long Vi Paper Factory Paper production
198 Bao Quan Environment Co., Ltd Collection and transportation of domestic scraps
199 Shun An Environment Technology Co., Ltd Production of plastic pellet
200 Tuan Dat Trading and Production Co., Ltd Production of plastic packaging and bottle
201 Nidec Servo Vietnam Co., Ltd Production of electronic components
202 Nidec Sankyo Viet Nam Co., Ltd Electronic components
203 Greystones Data Systems Viet Nam Co., Electronic
204 Wondo Vina Co., Ltd Textile
205 MSV Co., Ltd Textile
206 PNG Vietnam Co., Ltd Textile
207 F.L.D VIET NAM CO.,LTD Textile
208 Pho Hien Garment JSC Textile
209 Phuong Nguyen Trading Co., Ltd Trading, purchasing and importing plastic
210 Dong Nai Viet Vinh Shoes Co., Ltd Production of shoes
211 Fashy Vien Dong Co., Ltd Garment
212 Jungwoo Vina Co., Ltd Textile
214 Tongkook Vietnam Spinning Co., Ltd Spining
215 Thang Long Shoes JSC Production of shoes
216 Thanh Luan Shoes Production Company Production of shoes
217 Thanh Tri Garment JSC Sewing clothes
218 Hai Phong Paper JSC Production of paper roll
219 Hai Duong Paper JSC Paper production
220 Foster (Quang Ngai) Electronic Co., Ltd Electronic
221 Samyang Vina Co., Ltd Production of shoes
222 Hochiminh Oncology Hospotal Medical service
223 Tan Luong Vietnam Co., Ltd Trading plastic
224 Trung Thien Production and Trading Co., Production of plastic pellet, pipe
225 Hoang Minh Packaging Corporation Production of plastic pellet
226 Longhi Technology VietNam Co., Ltd Production of plastic pellet
227 Trong Khang Trading and Production Co., Production of plastic pellet
228 Win Vina Co., Ltd Sewing swimming clothes
229 Hong Seng Thai Vina Co., Ltd Textile
230 Hop Thanh Co., Ltd Sewing workwear clothes
231 Song Hong Garment JSC Textile
232 HQ Collecting and Purchasing Scraps Collecting and purchasing scraps
233 Sao Viet Nhat Import and Export JSC Production of papre product
234 Ha Phuong Production and Trading Co., Production of joss paper
236 Proceeding Co., Ltd Garment
237 Viet Tien Garment Corporation Production of clothings
239 Vina Korea Co., Ltd Garment
240 Viet Hung Packaging Co., Ltd Production of paper packaging
241 Vietnam Paper Corporation Paper production
242 Vy Tuyen Co., Ltd Production of plastic pellet
243 Phuong Ha Co., Ltd Production of packaging carton
244 Petrovietnam Packaging JSC Production of plastic packaging
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
No Company Activity
245 Tien Thanh JSC Production of paper packaging
246 Duc Thinh JSC Production of paper packaging
247 Trung Viet Huy Hoang Packaging and Paper production
Printing Co., Ltd
248 Hung Thinh Paper Co., Ltd Bac Ninh Paper production
249 Phuc Anh Paper Co., Ltd Production of toiler paper and tissue
250 Rkw Vietnam Co., Ltd Production of packaging plastic
251 PQ Vina Co., Ltd Paper production
252 Tan Viet Phat Paper JSC Paper production
253 Yotsuba Dress Vietnam Company Garment
254 Nam Dinh Garment Textile Joint Stock Textile
255 Sung Yin Vina Co., Ltd Garment
256 Tai Ryong Việt Nam Co., Ltd Garment
257 Nguyen Huy Co., Ltd Paper production
258 Tham Trang Co., Ltd Production of paper packaging
259 Angel Vietnam JSC Production of plastic
260 Lien Son Paper Co., Ltd Paper production
261 Minh Thanh Plastic Trading Service and Production of recycling plastic pellet
Production Co., Ltd
262 Asian Chemicals Plastic Co., Ltd Production of primary plastic pellet
263 Khai Thanh Trading and Production JSC Production of yarn, cotton, blanket, pillow, cushion
264 Sam Hwan Vina Co., Ltd Production of plastic belt
265 Tung Duong Packaging Co., Ltd Production of packaging
266 Mai Tan Dat Co., Ltd Trading, purchasing plastic packaging scraps
267 Phan Thiet Public Works Co., Ltd Public service
268 Binh Phuong Green Environmental Treatment of hazadous waste and industrial waste
Technology Co. Ltd
269 Minh Thong Production, Trading and Collection, transportation and treatment of domestic waste
Service Co., Ltd
270 Truong Giang Garment JSC Garment
271 Huu Tri Production Trading and Service Collecting and purchasing scraps
Co., Ltd
272 Gia Quang Environment Treatment Trading Collecting and purchasing scraps
and Service Co., Ltd
273 Park Corp Việt Nam Co., Ltd Production of leather bag
274 Young Il Viet Nam Co., Ltd Paper production
275 Binh Phuoc Environment JSC Collection, transportation and treatment of hazadous waste
and industrial waste
276 Hieu Lap Garment Co., Ltd Garment
278 Viet Xanh Service and Trading JSC Production of products from paper and board
280 Can Tho Sadico JSC Production of plastic
281 Tan Phu Plastic JSC Production of plastic
282 Oai Hung Production JSC
283 Tan Hiep Loi Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd Production of plastic packaging
284 Tran Bao Environment Co., Ltd Purchasing scraps
285 Dien Bien Urban Environment and Collection and transportation of domestic waste
Construction JSC
286 Vinh Yen Environment and Urban Service Collection and treatment of solid waste
287 Dong A JSC Production of carton board
288 Minh Dung Packaging Private Company Production of packaging
289 Ha Hung Co., Ltd Production of packaging
290 Phuc Lai Co., Ltd Producing and printing plastic packaging
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
No Company Activity
291 Tan Thuan Thien Packaging Production Production of packaging
Co., Ltd
292 Goldsun Printing and Packaging JSC Production of packaging
293 Ngoc Viet Paper JSC Paper production
294 Sao Mai Corporation Paper production
295 FC Vietnam Co, Ltd Production of plastic
296 Vinh Thanh Co., Ltd
297 HACAMY PLASTIC-CONTRUCTION Production of household plastic
298 Saigon Plastic Color Co., Ltd Production of plastic
299 Tam Sao Production and Trading Co., Ltd Production of plastic packaging
300 Thuan Tri Plastic Packaging Production Production of plastic packaging and plastic household
and Trading Co., Ltd
301 Uong Bi Environment and Public Works Service of domestic waste
302 Viet Long Investment and Construction Treatment of domestic waste
303 Quang Nam Uran Environment Co., Ltd Treatment service of domestic waste
304 Tan Ngoc Phat Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd Production of plastic packaging
305 Vi Lam Trading Company Paper production
306 Dai Phu Si Environment Treatment JSC Industrial waste services
307 A Chau Environment Co., Ltd Transportation and collection of waste
308 Oriya Viet Nam Co., Ltd Production of writing paper and printing paper
309 Tae Kwang Vina Industrial Co., Ltd Producer for Nike
310 Flexicon Viet Nam JSC Production of industrial thread
311 Tropical Hospoital Clinic
312 S& K Vietnam Co., Ltd Packaging paper
Table 21. List of survey respondents
Number of respondent 312
Consumer only 93 Cosumer 103
Producer only 142 Producer 171
Waste service only 48 Waste service 69
Consumer & Producer 8
Consumer and waste 0
Producer and waste 19
Consumer, producer and waste 2
Ownership Consumer Producer Waste All
State-owned 14 9 7 28
Private 41 121 58 196
Joint venture 2 8 1 11
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
FDI 46 33 3 77
Operation size Consumer Producer Waste All
Large 48 27 10 77
Medium 25 30 8 58
Smalll 28 86 26 127
Super small 2 27 25 49
N/A 0 1 0 1
Year of establishment Consumer Producer Waste All
More than 20 years 30 23 7 55
10-20 years 35 83 18 123
5-10 years 22 45 23 81
Less than 5 year 8 16 11 32
No information 8 4 10 21
Consumer Respondents Role
Food and beverage 7 7% End user 0%
Textile and foodware 45 42% Intermdiate user 0%
Electtronics 7 7%
Chemical & Printing 12 11% End user 0
Other industry 26 24% Intermdiate user 0
Public and home use 8 7%
Multiple sector 2 2%
Producers Respondent
Paper: Finishing only 47 27%
Paper: Scrap to hydraulic 38 22%
Plastic: Extrusion 35 20%
Plastic: Injection molding 19 11%
Plastic: Blow molding 15 9%
Paper: Pulp to paper making 10 6%
Plastic & Paper: Not describe 8 5%
Plastic: CNC 7 4%
Plastic: Rolling, pulling, thread making 5 3%
Plastic: Vacum forming 5 3%
Paper: Kraft (Sunphate) 4 2%
Plastic: Resin forming 4 2%
Plastic: 3D 2 1%
Plastic: Rotation molding 2 1%
Paper: Cold soda 1 1%
Plastic: Weaving 1 1%
Paper: BCTMP 0 0%
Paper: soda 0 0%
Paper: CTMP 0 0%
Waste service Respondent Service Only service
provided: ALL provided: ALL
Collecting 55 80% 3%
Transportation 34 49% 0%
Sorting 31 45% 0%
Resin/pulp/paper production 18 26% 4%
Pre-treatment 15 22% 0%
Trading 12 17% 9%
Import 11 16% 3%
Landfill 7 10% 0%
Export 3 4% 0%
Incineration 2 3% 1%
Waste hanndling and treatment Consumer: Producer: ALL Waste: ALL All: ALL
Sold to recycle 78% 43% 50% 53%
In-door recycling 56% 48% 69% 49%
Outsouce to collect 38% 30% 19% 30%
Disposal 47% 21% 50% 28%
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Return to supplier 0% 3% 0% 2%
Most handling in quantity Consumer: Producer: ALL Waste: ALL All: ALL
Most: Sold to recycle 46% 31% 25% 37%
Most: In-door recycling 29% 40% 46% 35%
Most: Disposal 14% 9% 21% 12%
Most: Outsouce to collect 10% 18% 8% 15%
Most: Return to supplier 0% 2% 0% 2%
Activity Consumer Producer
Requirement on ratio of reccycled 10% 7%
Recycle used plastic/paper items 8% 18%
Reduction of demand (only consumer) 13% 0%
Reuse waste material (Producer) 0% 31%
Activities under circular econoy 24% 44%
Motivation Consumer Producer
Lower purchase cost 64% 48%
Compliance 52% 13%
Greenner conssumer / supply chain 40% 29%
No motivation listed 0% 0%
Constraint Consumer Producer Waste All
Quallity requirement 48% 59% 23% 66%
Availability of scrap (producer, waste) 0% 34% 50% 45%
Higher purchase cost 39% 29% 0% 34%
Compliance 42% 24% 0% 32%
Investment cost (waste) 0% 0% 70% 30%
Capacity of recycle, recovery 19% 7% 7% 18%
Technology (producer, waste) 0% 5% 17% 11%
Capacity of collection system 16% 0% 0% 7%
Capaciity of producer 13% 0% 0% 6%
Support to market development Consumer Producer Waste All
Yes, to develop 71% 74% 87% 74%
No, not to devvelop 20% 22% 12% 21%
No answer 9% 4% 1% 5%
Interest in market Consumer Producer Waste All
Yes, interested 31% 52% 59% 44%
No, not interested 4% 1% 1% 2%
Dont know 65% 47% 39% 54%
Interest in market Consumer Producer Waste All
Large 27% 81% 50% 43%
Medium 44% 33% 63% 38%
Small & Supersmall 27% 50% 61% 47%
Smalll 21% 53% 54% 45%
Super small 100% 41% 68% 51%
Location (Medium and Large
No Consumer Producer Waste All
1 Ha Noi Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi
Minh City
2 Ho Chi Minh Binh Duong Dong Nai Dong Nai
3 Dong Nai Hung Yen Binh Duong Binh
4 Binh Duong Long An Hung Yen Ha Noi
5 Hai Phong Dong Nai Ha Noi Hai
6 Thanh Hoa Hai Phong Long An Hung
7 Long An Bac Ninh Bac Ninh Long An
8 Da Nang Ha Noi Vinh Phuc Bac Ninh
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
3.2.2. Plastic
Number of respondent 178
Consumer only 61 Cosumer 67
Producer only 52 Producer 73
Waste service only 44 Waste service 60
Consumer & Producer 5
Consumer and waste 0
Producer and waste 15
Consumer, producer and waste 1
Ownership Consumer Producer Waste All
State-owned 13 4 7 22
Private 20 45 49 99
Joint venture 1 2 1 4
FDI 33 22 3 53
Operation size Consumer Producer Waste All
Large 38 16 9 56
Medium 19 11 7 36
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Smalll 9 37 21 57
Super small 1 9 23 29
N/A 0 0 0 0
Year of establishment Consumer Producer Waste All
More than 20 years 23 9 5 36
10-20 years 18 34 14 56
5-10 years 17 20 21 51
Less than 5 year 5 8 10 20
No information 4 2 10 15
Consumer Respondents Role
Food and beverage 4 6% End user 7%
Textile and foodware 37 54% Intermdiate user 93%
Electtronics 6 9%
Chemical & Printing 3 4% End user 5
Other industry 13 19% Intermdiate user 62
Public and home use 5 7%
Multiple sector 1 1%
Producers Respondent
Plastic: Extrusion 35 48%
Plastic: Injection molding 19 26%
Plastic: Blow molding 15 21%
Plastic: CNC 7 10%
Plastic: Rolling, pulling, thread 5 7%
Plastic: Vacum forming 5 7%
Plastic & Paper: Not describe 4 5%
Plastic: Resin forming 4 5%
Plastic: 3D 2 3%
Plastic: Rotation molding 2 3%
Plastic: Weaving 1 1%
Waste service Respondent Service provided: Only service provided:
Collecting 49 82% 2%
Transportation 31 52% 0%
Sorting 27 45% 0%
Resin/pulp/paper production 16 27% 5%
Pre-treatment 14 23% 0%
Trading 11 18% 10%
Import 7 12% 0%
Landfill 7 12% 0%
Incineration 2 3% 2%
Export 2 3% 0%
Materials to Producers Consumer Producer Waste
PETE/PET 13% 29% 47%
HDPE 15% 42% 42%
LDPE 12% 32% 33%
PVC 15% 23% 33%
Disposal, incineratiion 0% 0% 23%
Recycled plastic resin 0% 15% 17%
PP 16% 48% 8%
PE 0% 0% 7%
Recycled plastic 9% 0% 3%
PS 1% 11% 3%
Not described (import) 0% 0% 0%
Mícelaneous 0% 19% 0%
Not specified 61% 0% 0%
Source of materials Consummer
Consumer purchases100% from 47 70%
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Hai Phong 3 3 0 0
Thanh Hoa 4 0 0 0
Bac Ninh 0 2 3 3
Table 23. Survey results from plastic sector
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
facilities using imported scrap as production materials. With the above provisions,
in the areas where there are no seaports, officials of DONRE must move to seaports
to check the goods of enterprises.
Directive No. 27/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister from September 17, 2018 on a
number of urgent solutions to strengthen the management of import and use of
imported scrap as production materials13.
Official Letter No. 3738/TCHQ-GSQL from June 26, 2018 of the General
Department of Customs (under the Ministry of Finance) on the management of
imported scrap. This requires provincial Customs Departments to send imported
scrap samples to the Customs Inspection Department for quality analysis and
assessment according to QCVN before customs clearance. This inspection process
applies to all imported scrap shipments.
Decision No.491/QD-TTg from May 07, 2018 of the Prime Minister on adjustments
to National Strategy for General management of solid waste to 2025 with vision to
2050 emphasized that generated solid waste must be managed in the direction of
being considered as a natural resource, classified and collected in accordance with
the selected treatment technology; Encouraging the treatment of waste into raw
materials, fuels, environmental friendly products, waste treatment combined with
energy recovery, saving land and suitable to natural and economic conditions of
specific region and country.
Directive 27 requests relevant agencies to tighten control of the import of scrap materials and use imported scrap in production,
- Do not grant new certificate, not extend the certificate for the unit entrusted to import scrap materials as production
- Request MONRE to review, complete, supplement, develop legal documents on environmental protection in importing
scrap in the prescribed direction tight environmental protection conditions for establishments using imported scrap as
production materials.
- Request MONRE to submit to the Prime Minister for promulgation the list of imported scrap as production materials
according to the shortened process.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Apart from above mentioned policy, the recycling industry including paper and
plastic is affected by the following laws and regulations:
- Circular No.31/2016/TT-BTNMT on environmental protection of industrial
clusters, concentrate businesses, service providers, craft villages,
production, commercial and service establishments
- Decision No.10508/QD-BCT approving the Planning on development of
Vietnam's paper industry by 2020, with a vision to 202516
- Decision No 2992/QD-BCT on master plan for plastic sector to 2020 with
vision to 2025
Organization, individual importing scrap can fulfill procedures at either importing border gate management custom agency or at
custom agency where the plant or facility using imported scrap (production facility) is located; can select place of inspection on the
imported scrap quality at either importing border gate or at custom agency where the plant or facility using imported scrap is
located or at site of the production facility using imported scrap.
Imported scrap shall be discharged from ship only upon satisfying with following request: (i) Organizations, individuals receiving
goods on E-manifest must obtain valid Certificate of Satisfaction for environment in field of importing scrap to make production
material; (ii) Organizations, individuals receiving goods on E-Manifest must obtain Certificate of Deposit to imported scrap for the
scrap declared on E-Manifest as regulated at point b clause 3 Article 57 of Decree 40/2019/ND-CP.
Custom agencies are liable for inspecting the aforesaid conditions before allowing the discharge.
Conditions for organizations and individuals importing scrap materials:
- Satisfying requirements on liability for environment protection regulated at Clause 2 and Clause 3 Article 76 of
Environment protection law;
- Accomplishing report on environment impact approved by Ministry of Natural Sources and Environment which contains
declaration of using imported scrap to make production material; being granted with certificate of environment
protection work completion or toxic waste license which contains declaration of using scrap to make production material
for projects having come into operation.
- Newly-built projects should meet requirement regulated at Article 16b and Article 17 of Decree No. 18/2015/ND-CP
- Obtaining Certificate of Qualification on environment protection in field of importing scrap to make production material
in compliance with applicable law.
It sets the target to 2025 to achieve the domestic recovery rate of 65%. By 2025, there is no license and gradually eliminating
outdated paper and pulp factories with a scale of less than 10,000 tons/year.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
The strategy encourages and supports communities to develop model of ecological urban center, green countryside, green house
model, waste material sorting model at source by the method of reduction - recycling - re-using (3R) to improve the energy using
efficiency. It also aims at boosting activities of recycling and reusing domestic waste materials including: (i) Developing and issuing
Recycling Law, regarding domestic waste materials as natural resources aiming to minimize the amount of waste materials to be
treated by burying; (ii) Developing modern recycling industry to be friendly with environment, studying to include this sector in the
environmental planning industry; (iii) Applying technology of classification and recycling of waste garbage at urban centers and new
industrial parks into energy, constructional materials and fertilizer and (iv) Technically and financially supporting to modernize
recycling activities in the handicraft villages. By 2020, removing the technology that is old, obsolete and harmful to workers’ health
and causes environmental pollution in the recycling handicraft villages.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
Annex 4. Background
3.4.1. Vietnam Economy
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam lies at the crossroads of two major biogeographic
realms: the Palearctic realm’s Himalayan and Chinese sub-regions and the Indo-
Malayan realm’s Sudanic sub-region. The country extends over 1,650 km from
north to south between 23°30’N and 8°30’N covering a total area of 329,314 km2,
with a maximum width of approximately 600 km and a minimum width of little more
than 50 km. The country shares its border with China to the north, Laos to the
northwest, Cambodia to the southwest and the East Sea to the east. Three quarters
of the country is hilly or mountainous, while its lowland areas include two major river
deltas: the Red River in the north and the Mekong River in the south. A narrow
coastal plain runs along much of the country’s 3,260 km coastline. With a population
of more than 90 million, 65% of who live in a predominantly rural agrarian society
(GSO, 2017), Vietnam is one of the most densely populated agriculture based
countries in the world.
Vietnam has been undergoing a series of political and economic reforms to move
towards a more market-based economy since 1986. Vietnam has transformed itself
from an agro-based, poor country that was isolated internationally to an industrial
economy dominated by state owned enterprises (SOEs) and collectives to what is
now a globally integrated country fueled by foreign direct investment (FDI) and
private investment.
The Vietnamese economy grew rapidly at an average rate of 7.6% from 1991-2010
and 6% during the period of 2010-2018. This growth has continued to date and it
has greatly elevated Vietnam’s international standing from its former placing in 1990
when the country was amongst the world’s poorest with a GDP per capita of US$98
(ADB 2008). Rapid economic growth has resulted in Viet Nam transitioning to a
lower middle-income country (as defined by the World Bank) with a per capita GDP
of US$2,052 in 201418. The country has made significant progress on human
development indicators, particularly on education, health and living standards, as
reflected in the steady increase of its human development index (HDI) over the last
From a once-closed economy, Vietnam now trades with over 100 countries.
Vietnam’s accession into Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Associations
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), and
especially the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2006 marked its integration into
the world economy.
Vietnam Materials Marketplace Startup Project
The plastic sector is a rapidly growing one worldwide to meet the demand.
According to world plastic report, the average global consumption of plastic is at 45
kg/person/year with annual growth rate of 4% during the period of 2005-2015.
Current plastic consumption is predicted to grow by 4-5% per year in the coming
period (2016-2020). With a population of 4.3 billion people (60% of the world
population), Asia is believed to be the main driver of worldwide plastics growth in
the near future, where China, India and Southeast Asia are the world’s targeted
markets. With plastic usage per capita of 36 kg/year, lower than global indicator of
45 kg/year, Asia promises numerous enlargement places for the plastics industry.