Visvesvaraya Technological University Belagavi: Scheme of Teaching and Examinations and Syllabus

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Scheme of Teaching and Examinations and Syllabus

M.Tech Structural Engineering (CSE)
(Effective from Academic year 2020 - 21)
Scheme of Teaching and Examinations – 2020 - 21
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Sl. Teaching Hours
Course Course Code Course Title Examination Credits
No per Week

Activities (SDA)

Duration in hours

Total Marks
SEE Marks
CIE Marks

1 PCC 20CSE11 Advanced structural analysis 03 -- 02 03 40 60 100 4

PCC 20CSE12 Matrix methods of Structural 03 -- 02 03 40 60 100 4

PCC 20CSE13 Advanced Design of RC 03 -- 02 03 40 60 100 4
4 PCC 20CSE14 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 03 -- 02 03 40 60 100 4

5 PCC 20CSE15 Structural Dynamics 03 -- 02 03 40 60 100 4

6 PCC 20CSEL16 Structural Engineering Lab -1 -- 04 -- 03 40 60 100 2

7 PCC 20RMI17 Research Methodology and IPR 02 -- -- 03 40 60 100 2

TOTAL 17 04 10 21 280 420 700 24

Note: PCC: Professional core.

Skill development activities:
Students and course instructor/s to involve either individually or in groups to interact together to enhance the learning and application
The students should interact with industry (small, medium and large), understand their problems or foresee what can be undertaken for
study in the form of research/ testing / projects, and for creative and innovative methods to solve the identified problem.
The students shall
(1) Gain confidence in modelling of systems and algorithms.
(2) Work on different software/s (tools) to Simulate, analyse and authenticate the output to interpret and conclude. Operate the simulated
system under changed parameter conditions to study the system with respect to thermal study, transient and steady state operations, etc.
(3) Handle advanced instruments to enhance technical talent.
(4) Involve in case studies and field visits/ field work.
(5) Accustom with the use of standards/codes etc., to narrow the gap between academia and industry.
All activities should enhance student’s abilities to employment and/or self-employment opportunities, management skills, Statistical
analysis, fiscal expertise, etc.
Internship: All the students have to undergo mandatory internship of 6 weeks during the vacation of I and II semesters and /or II and
III semesters. A University examination shall be conducted during III semester and the prescribed credit shall be counted for the same
semester. Internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for the award of degree. Those, who do not take-
up/complete the internship shall be declared as fail in internship course and have to complete the same during the subsequent University
examination after satisfying the internship requirements.
Note: (i) Four credit courses are designed for 50 hours Teaching – Learning process.
(ii) Three credit courses are designed for 40 hours Teaching – Learning process.
Scheme of Teaching and Examinations – 2020 - 21
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Teaching Hours /Week Examination

Activities (SDA)

Total Marks

SEE Marks
Duration in

CIE Marks
Course Course Code


Course Title

PCC 20CSE21 Advanced Design of Steel
1 03 -- 02 03 40 60 100 4
PCC 20CSE22 Finite Element Method of
2 03 -- 02 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 20CSE23 Earthquake resistant Structures 03 -- 02 03 40 60 100 4
4 PEC 20CSE24X Professional elective 1 04 -- -- 03 40 60 100 4
5 PEC 20CSE25X Professional elective 2 04 -- -- 03 40 60 100 4
6 PCC 20CSEL26 Structural Engineering Lab-2 -- 04 -- 03 40 60 100 2
7 PCC 20CSE27 Technical Seminar -- 02 -- -- 100 -- 100 2
TOTAL 17 06 06 18 340 360 700 24
Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective.

Professional Elective 1 Professional Elective 2

Course Code Course title Course Code under Course title
under 20CSE24X 20CSE25X

20CSE241 Analysis and Design of Plates and 20CSE251 Design of Industrial Structures
20CSE242 Design of Precast & Composite 20CSE252 Advances in Artificial Intelligence
20CSE243 Advanced Concrete Technology 20CSE253 Structural Health Monitoring

20CSE244 Advanced Design of Pre-stressed 20CSE254 Design of Tall structures

Concrete Structures

1. Technical Seminar: CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee comprising of HoD as Chairman, Guide/co-guide, if any, and a
senior faculty of the department. Participation in the seminar by all postgraduate students of the same and other semesters of the
programme shall be mandatory.
The CIE marks awarded for Technical Seminar, shall be based on the evaluation of Seminar Report, Presentation skill and Question and
Answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.

2. Internship: All the students shall have to undergo mandatory internship of 6 weeks during the vacation of I and II semesters and /or
II and III semesters. A University examination shall be conducted during III semester and the prescribed credit shall be counted in the
same semester. Internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for the award of degree. Those, who do not
take-up/complete the internship shall be declared as fail in internship course and have to complete the same during the subsequent
University examination after satisfying the internship requirements.
Scheme of Teaching and Examinations – 2020 - 21
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Teaching Hours /Week Examination

activities (SDA)
Mini –Project/

Total Marks

SEE Marks
Duration in

CIE Marks
Course Course Code


Course Title

1 PCC 20CSE31 Design of Bridges 03 -- 02 03 40 60 100 4

2 PEC 20CSE32X Professional elective 3 03 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3

3 PEC 20CSE33X Professional elective 4 03 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3

4 Project 20CSE34 Project Work phase -1 -- 02 -- -- 100 -- 100 2

5 PCC 20CSE35 Mini-Project -- 02 -- -- 100 -- 100 2

Internship 20CSEI36 Internship (Completed during the

intervening vacation of I
6 03 40 60 100 6
and II semesters and /or
II and III semesters.)

TOTAL 09 04 02 12 360 240 600 20

Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective.

Professional elective 3 Professional elective 4

Course Code under Course title Course Code Course title

20CSE32X under

20CSE321 Design Concepts of Substructures 20CSE331 Fracture Mechanics for Structural

20CSE322 Optimization Techniques 20CSE332 Design of Masonry Structures
20CSE323 Stability of Structures 20CSE333 Retrofitting And Rehabilitation Of
20CSE324 Reliability Analysis of Structures 20CSE334 Green Building Technology
1. Project Phase-1: Students in consultation with the guide/co-guide if any, shall pursue literature survey and complete the
preliminary requirements of selected Project work. Each student shall prepare relevant introductory project document, and present
a seminar.
CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee comprising of HoD as Chairman, Guide/co-guide if any, and a senior faculty of the
department. The CIE marks awarded for project work phase -1, shall be based on the evaluation of Project Report, Project
Presentation skill and Question and Answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.
SEE (University examination) shall be as per the University norms.
2. Internship: Those, who have not pursued /completed the internship shall be declared as fail in internship course and have to
complete the same during subsequent University examinations after satisfying the internship requirements. Internship SEE
(University examination) shall be as per the University norms.
Scheme of Teaching and Examinations – 2020 - 21
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Teaching Hours /Week Examination

Total Marks

Duration in

CIE Marks

SEE Marks
Course Course Code Course Title

Field work

Viva voce

1 Project 20CSE41 Project work phase -2 -- 04 03 40 60 100 20

TOTAL -- 04 03 40 60 100 20

1. Project Phase-2:
CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee comprising of HOD as Chairman, Guide/co-guide, if any, and a Senior faculty
of the department. The CIE marks awarded for project work phase -2, shall be based on the evaluation of Project Report
subjected to plagiarism check, Project Presentation skill and Question and Answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.
SEE shall be at the end of IV semester. Project work evaluation and Viva-Voce examination (SEE), after satisfying the
plagiarism check, shall be as per the University norms.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE11 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
 Strength of Materials
 Structural Analysis

Course objectives:
Students will be given provided with the knowledge of mathematics, science, and
engineering in the in the analysis of following structural systems curved beams,
Beams on elastic foundation, shear centre and unsymmetrical bending and buckling
of non-prismatic columns and beam column.

Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Curved Beams
Curved beams, Introduction, assumptions, derivation of
WINKLER BACH equation, Radius to the neutral surface of
simple geometric figures, Limitation, Stress distribution in 10 Hours
open curved members such as Hooks and chain links,
Stress distribution in closed rings and chain links.
Deformations of open and closed rings.
Beams on Elastic Foundations
Governing differential equation for elastic line,
Interpretation of constants, Infinite beam with point load,
10 Hours
moment & UDL with problems. Semi-infinite beams with
point load and moment UDL with problems over fixed and
hinged support conditions.
Module -3
Shear Centre
Concept of shear center in torsion induced bending of
beams, expression to the Shear Centre for Symmetrical and
Unsymmetrical Sections, Derivation of shear centre for 10 Hours
angles, channel, semicircular and built-up sections with
numerical problems

Module -4
Unsymmetrical Bending (Asymmetrical Bending)
Theory behind unsymmetrical bending, Assumptions,
obtaining the stresses in beams, simply supported and
cantilever unsymmetrical beams subjected to inclined 10 Hours
loading, Deflections of unsymmetrical simply supported
and cantilever beams with numerical problems.

Module -5
Buckling of Non Prismatic Columns and Beam-Column
Principle behind Euler’s theory of buckling, Governing
differential equation applied to buckling of columns and
evaluation of constants for various boundary conditions,
Obtaining the characteristic equation for the buckling load 10 Hours
of non-prismatic compound columns, Analysis of Beam-
column, conceptual theory of magnification stresses and
deformations subjected to axial and different types of lateral
loads with numerical problems.
Course Outcomes: Students will be able to
 Apply Winkler Bach and Strain Energy principles to obtain stresses and
deformation in curved members
 Derive the expressions to Foundation pressure, Deflection, Slope, BM and SF of
infinite and semi-infinite Beams resting on Elastic Foundation
 Obtain the equations for the shear centre for symmetrical and unsymmetrical
from fundamental.
 Extrapolate the bending theory to calculate the stresses and deformations in
unsymmetrical bending.
 Develop the characteristic equation for the buckling load of compound column
and stresses and deformations in beam-column
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Text Books
1) Krishna Raju N & Gururaj D R “Advanced mechanics of solids and structures”,
NAROSA Publishers Company Delhi.
2) Srinath L.S. “Advanced Mechanics of Solids”, Tenth Print, Tata McGraw Hill
publishing company. New Delhi, 1994.

Reference Books
1) Vazirani V N and Ratwani M M “Advanced theory of structures and Matrix Method”.
5th Edition, Khanna publishers, Delhi 1995.
2) HetenyiM.”Beams on elastic foundation” 3rd printing, University of Michigan, USA,
3) Alexander Chatjes “Principles of Structural stability theory”, Prentice – Hall of
India, New Delhi, 1974.
4) Sterling Kinney “Indeterminate Structural Analysis”, Oxford & IBH publishers
Matrix methods of Structural Analysis
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE12 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
 Engineering Mechanics
 Strength of Materials
 Structural Analysis
 Matrix Algebra

Course objectives:
 To understand basic concepts of Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis
 To analyse the behavior of plane trusses, continuous beams, and portal

Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Basic concepts of structural analysis and methods of
solving simultaneous equations: Introduction, Types of
framed structures, Static and Kinematic Indeterminacy,
Equilibrium equations, Compatibility conditions, Principle L1,L2,
8 Hours
of superposition, Energy principles, Equivalent joint loads, L3,L4
Methods of solving linear simultaneous equations- Gauss
elimination method, Cholesky method and Gauss-Siedal
Fundamentals of Flexibility and Stiffness Methods:
Concepts of stiffness and flexibility, Local and Global
coordinates, Development of element flexibility and element
stiffness matrices for truss, beam and grid elements, Force- L1,L2,
8 Hours
transformation matrix, Development of global flexibility L3,L4
matrix for continuous beams, plane trusses and 1rigid
plane frames, Displacement-transformation matrix,
Development of global stiffness matrix for continuous
beams, plane trusses and rigid plane frames.
Analysis using Flexibility Method: Continuous beams, L2,L3,
8 Hours
plane trusses and rigid plane frames L4,L5
Analysis using Stiffness Method: Continuous beams, L2,L3,
8 Hours
plane trusses and rigid plane frames L4,L5
Direct Stiffness Method: Stiffness matrix for truss
element in local and global coordinates, Analysis of plane L2,L3,
8 Hours
trusses, Stiffness matrix for beam element, Analysis of L4,L5
continuous beams and orthogonal frames.
Course outcomes:
Upon completing this course, the students will be able to:
 Formulate force displacement relation by flexibility and stiffness method
 Analyze the plane trusses, continuous beams and portal frames by
transformation approach
 Analyse the structures by direct stiffness method

Question paper pattern:

The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks,
there will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from
each module, students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:

1. Weaver, W., and Gere, J.M., Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, CBS
Publishers and distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
2. Rajasekaran, S., and Sankarasubramanian, G., Computational Structural
Mechanics, PHI, New Delhi, 2001.
3. Martin, H, C., Introduction to Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966.
4. Rubinstein, M.F., Matrix Computer Analysis of Structures, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1966.
5. Beaufait, F.W., Rowan, W. H., Jr., Hoadely, P. G., and Hackett, R. M.,
Computer Methods of Structural Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, 1970.
6. Kardestuncer, H., Elementary Matrix Analysis of Structures, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1974.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE13 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course on reinforced concrete.

Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students to learn principles of Structural
Design, to design different types of structures and to detail the structures. To
evaluate performance of the structures
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
L1, L2,
 Design of R C slabs by yield line method
8 Hours L3, L4,
 Design of flat slabs
 Design of grid or coffered floors L1, L2,
 Design of continuous beams with redistribution of 8 Hours L3, L4,
moments L5
Module -3
L1, L2,
 Design of R C Chimneys 8 Hours
L3, L4,
Module -4
 Design of R C silos L1, L2,
8 Hours
 Design of R C bunkers L4, L5
Module -5
Introduction, Requirements of good formwork, Materials for
forms, choice of formwork, Loads on formwork, Permissible
stresses for timber, Design of formwork, Shuttering for 8 Hours L1, L2
columns, Shuttering for slabs and beams, Erection of
Formwork, Action prior to and during concreting, Striking
of forms. Recent developments in form work.
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
1. Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills
2. Understand the principles of Structural Design.
3. Design and develop analytical skills.
4. Summarize the principles of Structural Design and detailing
5. Understands the structural performance.
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Hsu T. T. C. and Mo Y. L., “Unified Theory of Concrete Structures”, John
Wiley & Sons, 2010
2. Krishnamurthy, K.T., Gharpure S.C. and A.B. Kulkarni – “Limit design of
reinforced concrete structures”,Khanna Publishers, 1985
3. Lin T Y and Burns N H., “Reinforced Concrete Design". Wiley, 2004
4. Park & Paunlay.,"Reinforced Concrete Structures". Wiley, 2004
5. Punmia B.C, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, “Comprehensive RCC
Design”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi
6. Purushothaman. P., “Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements : Behaviour
Analysis and Design”, TataMc Graw Hill, 1986
7. Sinha. N.C. and Roy S.K., “Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete”, S. Chand
and Company Limited, NewDelhi, 2003
8. Unnikrishna Pillai and Devdas Menon., “Reinforced concrete Design’, Tata
McGraw Hill PublishersCompany Ltd., New Delhi, 2006
9. Varghese, P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete”, Prentice Hall of
India, 2007
10. Varghese. P. C., “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”, Prentice-Hall
of India, New Delhi, 2000
Recommended Reading:
1. Krishna Raju. N., “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”, CBS Publishers &
2. Pillai S. U. and Menon D., “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill,
3rd Ed, 1999
3. Relevant IS Code Books
4. Shah.H.J, “Reinforced Concrete”, Vol-1 and Vol-2, Charotar, 8th Edition –
2009 and 6th Edition – 2012 respectively.
5. Gambhir.M.L, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, PHI Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, 2008
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE14 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Basics of Mathematics, Strength of Materials
Course objectives:
Course objectives: The objective of this course is to make students to learn principles
of Analysis of Stress and Strain, To predict the stress-strain behaviour of continuum.
To evaluate the stress and strain parameters and their inter relations of the

Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Theory of Elasticity: Introduction: Definition of stress and
strain and strain at a point, components of stress and strain
at appoint of Cartesian and polar coordinates. Constitutive 8 Hours L1, L2
relations, equilibrium equations, compatibility equations
and boundary conditions in 2-D and 3-D cases.

Transformation of stress and strain at a point,Principal
stresses and principal strains, invariants ofstress and
strain, hydrostatic and deviatric stress,spherical and 8 Hours L2, L3
deviatric strains max. shear strain.

Module -3
Plane stress and plane strain: Airy’s stress function
approach to 2-D problems of elasticity, simple problems of
bending of beams. Solution of axisymmetric problems, 8 Hours L2, L3
stress concentration due to the presence of a circular hole
in plates.

Module -4
Elementary problems of elasticity in three dimensions,
stretching of a prismatic bar by its own weight, twist of
circular shafts, torsion of non-circular sections, membrane L2, L3,
8 Hours
analogy, Propagation of waves in solid media. Applications L4
of finite difference equations in elasticity.

Module -5
Theory of Plasticity: Stress – strain diagram in
simpletension, perfectly elastic, Rigid – Perfectly plastic,
Linear work – hardening, Elastic Perfectly plastic, Elastic
Linear work hardening materials, Failure theories, yield 8 Hours L1, L2
conditions, stress – space representation of yield criteria
through Westergard stress space, Tresca and Von-Mises
criteria of yielding

Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
 Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
 Understand the principles of stress-strain behaviour of continuum
 Design and develop analytical skills.
 Describe the continuum in 2 and 3- dimensions
 Understand the concepts of elasticity and plasticity
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each
module, students will have to attend five full questions from each module.

Reference Books:
1. Timoshenko &Goodier, “Theory of Elasticity”, McGraw Hill
2. Srinath L.S., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, 10th print, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing company, New Delhi, 1994.
3. Sadhu Singh, “Theory of Elasticity”, Khanna Publishers
4. Verma P.D.S, “Theory of Elasticity”, Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd
5. Chenn W.P and Hendry D.J, “Plasticity for Structural Engineers”, Springer
6. Valliappan C, “Continuum Mechanics Fundamentals”, Oxford IBH Publishing
7. Sadhu Singh, “Applied Stress Analysis”, Khanna Publishers
8. Xi Lu, “Theory of Elasticity”, John Wiley.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 20CSE15 CIE Marks 40

Hours/Week 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students to learn principles ofStructural
Dynamics, To implement these principles through different methods and to apply the
same for free and forced vibration of structures. To evaluate the dynamic
characteristics of thestructures
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Introduction: Introduction to Dynamic problems in Civil
Engineering, Concept of degrees of freedom, D’Alembert’s
principle, principleof virtual displacement and energy
principles .
8 Hours L1, L2, L5
Dynamics of Single degree-of-freedom systems:
Mathematical models of Single-degree-of-freedom systems
system, Free vibration response of damped and undamped
systems including methods for evaluation of damping.

Response of Single-degree-of-freedom systems to harmonic
loading including support motion, vibration isolation,
Numerical methods applied to Single-degree-of-freedom 8 Hours L3, L4, L5
systems – Duhamel integral.
Principle of vibration measuring instruments– seismometer
and accelerometer.
Module -3
Dynamics of Multi-degree freedom systems: Mathematical
models of multi-degree-of-freedom systems, Shear building
L1, L2, L4,
concept, free vibration of undamped multi-degree-of- 8 Hours
freedom systems – Natural frequencies and mode shapes –
Orthogonality of modes.
Module -4
Response of Shear buildings for harmonic loading without
damping using normal mode approach. Response of Shear
8 Hours
buildings for forced vibration for harmonic loading with
L3, L4, L5
damping using normal mode approach.
Module -5
Approximate methods: Rayleigh’s method, Dunkarley’s
method, Stodola’s method.
Dynamics of Continuous systems: Flexural vibration of 8 Hours L2, L4
beams with different end conditions.
Stiffness matrix, mass matrix (lumped and consistent).
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are ableto:
 AchieveKnowledgeofdesignanddevelopmentofproblemsolvingskills.
 Understand the principles of StructuralDynamics
 Design and develop analyticalskills.
 Summarize the Solution techniques for dynamics of Multi-degree freedom
 Understand the concepts of damping instructures.

Question paper pattern:

The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each
module, students will have to attend five full questions from each module.

Reference Books:
1. Dynamics of Structures – “Theory and Application
toEarthquakeEngineering”- 2nd ed., Anil K. Chopra, Pearson Education.
2. Earthquake Resistant Design ofBuildingStructures,Vinod Hosur,
WILEY (India)
3. Vibrations, structural dynamics- M. Mukhopadhaya : Oxford IBH
4. Structural Dynamics- Mario Paz: CBS publishers.
5. Structural Dynamics- Clough & Penzien: TMH
6. Vibration Problems in Engineering Timoshenko, S, Van-Nostrand Co.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSEL16 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 1:3:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
42 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Prerequisites: Concrete Technology, Special Concrete, Structural Analysis,
Structural Dynamics

Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students to learn principles of design of
experiments, To investigate the performance of structural elements. To evaluate the
different testing methods and equipments.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
1. Experiments on Concrete, including Mix design 12 Hrs
2. Testing of beams for deflection, flexure and shear 12 Hrs
L1, L2,
3. Experiments on vibration of multi storey frame models for 12 Hrs L3, L4,
Natural frequency and modes. L5, L6
4. Use of Non destructive testing (NDT) equipments – Rebound 06Hrs
hammer, Ultra sonic pulse velocity meter and Profometer
Course outcomes:On complete of this course the students will able to
 Achieve Knowledge of design and development of experimenting skills.
• Understand the principles of design of experiments
• Design and develop analytical skills.
 Summarize the testing methods and equipment’s.
Course Code 20RMI17 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 1:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Credits 02 Exam Hours 03
Research Methodology: Introduction, Meaning of Research, Objectives of Research, Motivation
in Research, Types of Research, Research Approaches, Significance of Research, Research
Methods versus Methodology, Research and Scientific Method, Importance of Knowing How
Research is Done, Research Process, Criteria of Good Research, and Problems Encountered by
Researchers in India.
Defining the Research Problem: Research Problem, Selecting the Problem, Necessity of
Defining the Problem, Technique Involved in Defining a Problem, An Illustration. ∎
Reviewing the literature: Place of the literature review in research, Bringing clarity and focus to
your research problem, Improving research methodology, Broadening knowledge base in
research area, Enabling contextual findings, How to review the literature, searching the existing
literature, reviewing the selected literature, Developing a theoretical framework, Developing a
conceptual framework, Writing about the literature reviewed. Research Design: Meaning of
Research Design, Need for Research Design, Features of a Good Design, Important Concepts
Relating to Research Design, Different Research Designs, Basic Principles of Experimental
Designs, Important Experimental Designs. ∎
Design of Sampling: Introduction, Sample Design, Sampling and Non-sampling Errors, Sample
Survey versus Census Survey, Types of Sampling Designs.
Measurement and Scaling: Qualitative and Quantitative Data, Classifications of Measurement
Scales, Goodness of Measurement Scales, Sources of Error in Measurement Tools, Scaling, Scale
Classification Bases, Scaling Technics, Multidimensional Scaling, Deciding the Scale.
Data Collection: Experimental and Surveys, Collection of Primary Data, Collection of Secondary
Data, Selection of Appropriate Method for Data Collection, Case Study Method. ∎
Testing of Hypotheses: Hypothesis, Basic Concepts Concerning Testing of Hypotheses, Testing
of Hypothesis, Test Statistics and Critical Region, Critical Value and Decision Rule, Procedure for
Hypothesis Testing, Hypothesis Testing for Mean, Proportion, Variance, for Difference of Two
Mean, for Difference of Two Proportions, for Difference of Two Variances, P-Value approach,
Power of Test, Limitations of the Tests of Hypothesis.
Chi-square Test: Test of Difference of more than Two Proportions, Test of Independence of
Attributes, Test of Goodness of Fit, Cautions in Using Chi Square Tests. ∎
Interpretation and Report Writing: Meaning of Interpretation, Technique of Interpretation,
Precaution in Interpretation, Significance of Report Writing, Different Steps in Writing Report,
Layout of the Research Report, Types of Reports, Oral Presentation, Mechanics of Writing a
Research Report, Precautions for Writing Research Reports.
Intellectual Property: The Concept, Intellectual Property System in India, Development of TRIPS
Complied Regime in India, Patents Act, 1970, Trade Mark Act, 1999,The Designs Act, 2000, The
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act1999, Copyright
Act,1957,The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001,The Semi-Conductor
Integrated Circuits Layout Design Act, 2000, Trade Secrets, Utility Models, IPR and Biodiversity,
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 1992, Competing Rationales for Protection of IPRs,
Leading International Instruments Concerning IPR, World Intellectual Property Organisation
(WIPO),WIPO and WTO, Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, National
Treatment, Right of Priority, Common Rules, Patents, Marks, Industrial Designs, Trade Names,
Indications of Source, Unfair Competition,
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Advantages of PCT Filing, Berne Convention for the Protection
of Literary and Artistic Works, Basic Principles, Duration of Protection, Trade Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPS) Agreement, Covered under TRIPS Agreement, Features of the
Agreement, Protection of Intellectual Property under TRIPS, Copyright and Related Rights,
Trademarks, Geographical indications, Industrial Designs, Patents, Patentable Subject Matter,
Rights Conferred, Exceptions, Term of protection, Conditions on Patent Applicants, Process
Patents, Other Use without Authorization of the Right Holder, Layout- Designs of Integrated
Circuits, Protection of Undisclosed Information, Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights,
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Discuss research methodology and the technique of defining a research problem
• Explain the functions of the literature review in research, carrying out a literature search,
developing theoretical and conceptual frameworks and writing a review.
• Explain various research designs, sampling designs, measurement and scaling techniques and also
different methods of data collections.
• Explain several parametric tests of hypotheses, Chi-square test, art of interpretation and writing
research reports
• Discuss various forms of the intellectual property, its relevance and business impact in the
changing global business environment and leading International Instruments concerning IPR.

Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question is for 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions in one full question) from each
• Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.∎
1. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, C.R. Kothari, Gaurav Garg, New Age International,
4th Edition, 2018.
2. Research Methodology a step-by-step guide for beginners. Ranjit Kumar, SAGE Publications, 3rd
Edition, 2011. (For the topic Reviewing the literature under module 2),
3. Study Material, (For the topic Intellectual Property under module 5), Professional Programme
4. Property Rights, Law and Practice, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Statutory Body
Under an Act of Parliament, September 2013.
Reference Books
1. Research Methods: the concise knowledge base, Trochim, Atomic Dog Publishing, 2005.
2. Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper, Fink A, Sage Publications,

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE21 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
 Engineering Mechanics
 Strength of Materials
 Structural Analysis
 Design of Steel structures
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
1. Understand the background to the design provisions for hot-rolled and cold-
formed steel structures, including the main differences between them.
2. Proficiency in applying the provisions for design of columns, beams, beam-
3. Design structural sections for adequate fire resistance
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Laterally Unrestrained Beams:
Lateral Buckling of Beams, Factors affecting lateral
stability, IS 800 code provisions, Design Approach. Lateral
buckling strength of Cantilever beams, continuous beams, 8 Hours
beams with continuous and discrete lateral restraints
,Mono-symmetric and non-uniform beams – Design
Examples. Concepts of -Shear Center, Warping, Uniform
and Non-Uniform torsion.
Beam- Columns in Frames:
Behaviour of Short and Long Beam - Columns, Effects of
Slenderness Ratio and Axial Force on Modes of Failure,
Biaxial bending, Strength of Beam Columns, Sway and 8 Hours
Non-Sway Frames, Strength and Stability of rigid jointed
frames, Effective Length of Columns-, Methods in IS 800 -
Module -3
Steel Beams with Web Openings:
Shape of the web openings, practical guide lines, and Force
distribution and failure patterns. Analysis of beams with 8 Hours
perforated thin and thick webs, Design of laterally
restrained castellated beams for given sectional properties.
Vierendeel girders (design for given analysis results)
Module -4
Cold formed steel sections:
Techniques and properties, Advantages, Typical profiles,
Stiffened and unstiffened elements, Local buckling effects, 8 Hours
effective section properties, IS 801& 811 code provisions-
numerical examples, beam design, column design.
Module -5
Fire resistance:
Fire resistance level, Period of Structural Adequacy,
Properties of steel with temperature, Limiting Steel 8 Hours
temperature, Protected and unprotected members, Methods
of fire protection, Fire resistance Ratings.
Numerical Examples.
Course outcomes:
After studying this course, students will be able to:

 Able to understand behavior of Light gauge steel members

 Able to understand design concepts of cold formed/unrestrained beams
 Able to understand Fire resistance concept required for present days.
 Able to analyze beam column behavior
Question paper pattern:
IS 800: 2007, IS 801-2010, IS811-1987 and BS5950 – part 8 to be allowed along
with Steel Tables in Exam.
The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:
1. N. Subramanian, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford, IBH
2. Duggal,S.K. Design of Steel Structures, Tata McGraw-Hill
3. IS 800: 2007, IS 801-2010 , IS 811-1987
4. BS5950 Part- 8,
5. INSDAG Teaching Resource Chapter 11 to
6. SP 6 (5)-1980
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE22 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
 Computational structural Mechanics
 Theory of Elasticity

Course objectives:
 To provide the fundamental concepts of the theory of the finite element method
 To develop proficiency in the application of the finite element method
(modeling, analysis, and interpretation of results) to realistic engineering
problems through the use of softwares

Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Basic concepts of elasticity, Kinematic and Static variables
for various types of structural problems, approximate
methods of structural analysis–Rayleigh–Ritz method,
Finite difference method, Finite element method. Variation
method and minimization of Energy approach of element
formulation, Principles of finite element method,
8 Hours L1, L2
advantages and disadvantages, Finite element procedure,
Finite elements used for one, two and three dimensional
problems, C0, C1 and C2 type elements, Element aspect
ratio, Mesh refinement vs. higher order elements,
Numbering of nodes to minimize bandwidth.

Nodal displacement parameters, Convergence criterion,
Compatibility requirements, Geometric invariance, Shape L1, L2,
function, Polynomial form of displacement function, 8 Hours
L4, L5
Generalized and Natural coordinates, Lagrangian
interpolation function, shape functions for one, two &three
dimensional elements.
Module -3
Isoparametric elements, Internal nodes and higher order
elements, Serendipity and Lagrangian family of Finite
Elements, Sub-parametric and Super- parametric L1, L2,
elements, Condensation of internal nodes, Jacobian 8 Hours
L4, L5
transformation Matrix, Development of strain-displacement
matrix and stiffness matrix, consistent load vector,
numerical integration.
Module -4
Application of Finite Element Method for the analysis of one L1, L2,
& two dimensional problems: Analysis of plane trusses and 8 Hours L3, L4,
beams, Application to plane stress/strain, Axisymmetric
problems using CST and Quadrilateral Elements
Module -5
Application to Plates and Shells, Non-linearity: material,
geometric and combined non- linearity, Techniques for Non- 8 Hours L1, L2
linear Analysis.
Course Outcome:
After successful completion of this the course, students shall be able to:
 Explain the basic theory behind the finite element method.
 Formulate force-displacements relations for 2-D elements
 Use the finite element method to analyze real structures.
 Use a Finite Element based program for structural analysis
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:
 Zeinkeiwich, O.C. and Tayler, R.L., The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics,
 Krishnamoorthy,C.S., Finite Element Analysis: Theory and programming, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd., 2017
 Desai, C., and Abel, J. F., Introduction to the Finite Element Method: A Numerical method for Engineering
Analysis, East West Press Pvt. Ltd.,1972
 Cook, R.D., Malkas, D.S. and Plesha., M.E., Concepts and applications of Finite Element Analysis, John
Wiley and Sons., 2007
 Reddy, J., An Introduction to Finite Element Methods, McGraw Hill Co., 2013
 Bathe K J, Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, Prentice Hall
 Shames,I.H. and Dym,C.J., Energy and Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics, McGraw Hill,
New York,1985
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE23 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
 Structural Dynamics
Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students to learn principles of engineering
seismology, To design the reinforced concrete buildings for earthquake resistance. To
evaluate the seismic response of the structures
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Introduction to engineering seismology, Geological and
tectonic features of India, Origin and propagation of seismic
waves, characteristics of earthquake and its quantification
– Magnitude and Intensity scales, seismic instruments.
Earthquake Hazards in India, Earthquake Risk Evaluation 8 Hours L1, L2
and Mitigation. Structural behavior under gravity and
seismic loads, Lateral load resisting structural systems,
Requirements of efficient earthquake resistant structural
system, damping devises, base isolation systems.

The Response history and strong motion characteristics.
Response Spectrum – elastic and inelastic response spectra,
tripartite (D-V-A) response spectrum, use of response
spectrum in earthquake resistant design. Computation of L2, L3,
8 Hours
seismic forces in multi-storied buildings – using procedures L4, L5
(Equivalent lateral force and dynamic analysis) as per IS-

Module -3
Structural Configuration for earthquake resistant design,
Concept of plan irregularities and vertical irregularities, Soft
storey, Torsion in buildings. Design provisions for these in
IS-1893. Effect of infill masonry walls on frames, modeling
concepts of infill masonry walls. Behaviour of masonry L2, L4,
8 Hours
buildings during earthquakes, failure patterns, strength of L5
masonry in shear and flexure, Slenderness concept of
masonry walls, concepts for earthquake resistant masonry
buildings – codal provisions.

Module -4
Design of Reinforced concrete buildings for earthquake
resistance-Load combinations, Ductility and energy
absorption in buildings. Confinement of concrete for L2, L4,
ductility, design of columns and beams for ductility, ductile 8 Hours
detailing provisions as per IS1893. Structural behavior,
design and ductile detailing of shear walls.

Module -5
Seismic response control concepts – Seismic demand,
seismic capacity, Overview of linear and nonlinear
procedures of seismic analysis. Performance Based Seismic L2, L5,
8 Hours
Engineering methodology, Seismic evaluation and L6
retrofitting of structures.
Course Outcome: On completion of this course, students are able to:
 Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
 Understand the principles of engineering seismology
 Design and develop analytical skills.
 Summarize the Seismic evaluation and retrofitting of structures.
 Understand the concepts of earthquake resistance of reinforced concrete

Question paper pattern:

The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Dynamics of Structures – Theory and Application to Earthquake Engineering-
2nd ed. – Anil K. Chopra, Pearson Education.
2. Earthquake Resistant Design of Building Structures, Vinod Hosur, WILEY (india)
3. Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Duggal, Oxford University Press.
4. Earthquake resistant design of structures - Pankaj Agarwal, Manish Shrikande -
PHI India.
5. IS – 1893 (Part I): 2002, IS – 13920: 1993, IS – 4326: 1993, IS-13828: 1993
6. Design of Earthquake Resistant Buildings, Minoru Wakabayashi, McGraw Hill
7. Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, T Paulay and M J
N Priestley, John Wiley and Sons.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE241 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours

Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students to learn different methods of
analysis and design of plates and shells, To critically detail the plates, folded plates
and shells. To evaluate the performance of spatial structures.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Introduction to plate theory, Small deflection of laterally
loaded thin rectangular plates for pure bending. Navier’s
and Levy’s solution for various lateral loading and boundary 10 Hours L1, L2
conditions (No derivation), Numerical examples

Energy methods for rectangular and circular plates with
clamped edges subjected to symmetric loadings. 10 Hours L2, L3

Module -3
Introduction to curved surfaces and classification of shells,
Membrane theory of spherical shells, cylindrical shells, 10 Hours L2, L3
hyperbolic paraboloids, elliptic paraboloid and conoids

Module -4
Axially symmetric bending of shells of revolution, Closed
cylindrical shells, water tanks, spherical shells and
Geckler’s approximation. Bending theory of doubly curved 10 Hours L2, L3
shallow shells.

Module -5
Design and detailing of folded plates with numerical
examples Design and Detailing of simple shell problems – L2, L3,
spherical domes, water tanks, barrel vaults and hyperbolic 10 Hours
paraboloid roofs
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
• Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
• Understand the principles of Analysis and Design
• Design and develop analytical skills.
• Summarize the performance of shells
• Understand the concepts of energy principle.
Question paper pattern:
 The question paper will have ten questions.
 There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from
each module.
 Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a
 The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question
from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Timoshenko, S. and Woinowsky-Krieger, W., “Theory of Plates and Shells” 2nd
Edition, McGraw-Hill Co., New York, 1959
2. Ramaswamy G.S. – “Design and Constructions of Concrete Shell Roofs” – CBS
Publishers and Distributors – New Delhi – 1986.
3. Ugural, A. C. “Stresses in Plates and Shells”, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1999.
4. R. Szilard, “Theory and analysis of plates - classical and numerical methods”,
Prentice Hall,1994.
5. Chatterjee. B.K. – “Theory and Design of Concrete Shell”, – Chapman & Hall,
New York-third edition, 1988.
Design of Precast & Composite Structures
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE242 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Basics of Strength of materials, Structural Analysis

Course objectives:
1. Understand the concepts and techniques of precast construction and Select or
design precast elements suitable for project specific requirements
2. Design precast systems to ensure integrity and safety of the structure and to
avoid progressive collapse and Design composite floors and beam elements
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Concepts , components, Structural Systems and Design
of precast concrete floors
Need and types of precast construction, Modular
coordination, Precast elements- Floor, Beams, Columns
and walls. Structural Systems and connections. 8 Hours L1,L2
Design of precast Concrete Floors:
Theoretical and Design Examples of Hollow core slabs,.
Precast Concrete Planks, floor with composite toppings with
and without props.
Design of precast reinforced and prestressed Concrete
Theoretical and Design Examples of ITB – Full section 8 Hours L3,L4
precast, Semi Precast, propped and unpropped conditions.
Design of RC Nibs
Module -3
Design of precast concrete columns and walls 8 Hours L3,L4
Design of braced and unbraced columns with corbels
subjected to pattern and full loading. Design of Corbels
Design of RC walls subjected to Vertical, Horizontal loads
and moments, Design of vertical ties and horizontal joints.

Module -4
Design of Precast Connections and Structural Integrity
Beam bearing, Beam half Joint, Steel Inserts, Socket
Connection, Structural integrity, Avoidance of progressive 8 Hours L3,L4
collapse, Design of Structural Ties.

Module -5
Design of Steel Concrete Composite Floors and Beams
Composite Floors:
Profiled Sheeting with concrete topping, Design method,
Bending and Shear Resistance of Composite Slabs,
Serviceability Criteria, Design Example
8 Hours L3,L4
Composite Beams:
Elastic Behaviour, Ultimate Load behavior of Composite
beams, Stresses and deflection in service and vibration,
Design Example of Simply Supported beams.

Course Outcomes:

Question paper pattern:

The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Hass A.M. – Precast Concrete – Design and applications Applied Science, 1983.
2. David Sheppard – “Plant cast, Precast and Prestressed concrete – McGraw Hill;
3. NBC – 2005 ( Part I to Part VII) BIS Publications, New Delhi, IS 15916- 2011,IS
11447,IS6061 – I and III
4. R.P. Johnson: Composite Structure of Steel and Concrete (Volume 1), Blackwell
Scientific Publication (Second Edition), U.K., 1994.
5. IS: 11384-1985, Code of Practice for Composite Construction in Structural Steel
and Concrete.
6. INSDAG Teaching Resource Chapter 21 to 27:
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE243 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Prerequisites: Knowledge of Material Science and Concrete Technology

Course objectives: The objective of the course is to provide students to obtain an in-
depth knowledge of a wide variety of advanced topics in concrete technology and
practice. Concrete, being the popular materials for the construction material for civil
infrastructure building, is undergoing significant changes in the recent times, in
relation to the constituent materials used, production technology, testing methods
and performance requirements.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level

Fibre reinforced concrete:

History, mechanism, different types of fibres, Aspect ratio,
Volume of fibres, orientation of fibres, balling effect,
properties of fibre reinforced concrete, applications of fibre
reinforced concrete. Types of Fibre reinforced concrete. 10 Hours

Ferro cement:
Definition, different materials used, casting techniques,
properties of Ferro cement, applications.

Light Weight Concrete:
Introduction, classification, properties, strength and
durability, mix proportioning and problems

High Density Concrete: 10 Hours

Radiation shielding ability of concrete, materials for high
density concrete, mix proportioning, properties in fresh and
hardened state, placement methods.
Module -3
Ready mix concrete:
Concept, ready mix concrete plants, difficulties faced and
their solution , use of admixtures in ready mix concrete,
economics and quality control aspects of ready mix
concrete. 10 Hours
High Performance Concrete:
Constituents, mix proportioning, properties in fresh and
hardened states, applications & limitations

Module -4
Polymer concrete:
Polymers, resins, polymerization, different types of polymer
concrete like polymer impregnated concrete, polymer
concrete (Resin concrete) and polymer modified concrete,
their properties and applications.
Self-compacting concrete: 10 Hours
Development of SCC, basic principles and requirements ,
workability tests for SCC, mix design of SCC, acceptance
criteria for SCC, adoption of SCC in the precast industry,
present status of SCC

Module -5
Concrete from Industrial wastes:
a. Blast furnace slag cement concrete
b. Fly-ash concrete 10 Hours
c. Silica fume concrete
d. Recycled aggregate Concrete
Course outcomes:
a. On complete of this course the students will able to understand the
construction material, meeting the demanding performance requirements
based on men, machines and materials.
b. Innovative special concrete with mixes, applications and limitations
c. Testing methods developed to increase the scope of concrete usage as an
advanced material

Question paper pattern:

The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:

1. Aitcin P.C. “High performance concrete”, E and FN, Spon London 1998
2. Kumar Mehta.P, Paul J.N.Monterio, CONCRETE, “Microstructure,
Properties and Materials”- TataMcGraw Hill
3. Rixom.R. and Mailvaganam.N., “Chemical admixtures in concrete”, E and
FN, Spon London 1999
4. Rudnai.G., “Light Wiehgt concrete”, Akademiaikiado, Budapest, 1963.
5. Short A and Kinniburgh.W, “Light Weight Concrete”, Asia Publishing
House, 1963
6. Aitcin P C “High Performance Concrete”, E and FN, London.
7. Andrew short and William Kinnibargh- ''light weight Concrete''-applied
science publishers ltd London.
8. GyulaRudani- by "Light weight concretes "Publishing house of the
Hungarian academy of sciences, Budapest (Hungary).
9. Kong, Evans, Cohen and Roll- "Hand book of structural concrete" Pitman
pub.Inc., 1020,Plain street, Marsh field, Massachusetts.
10. Sidney Mindness and Francis young_- ''Concrete" Printice Hall inc.
Englewood cliffs. New Jersey.

Recommended Reading:

1. Krishnaraju.N-"Design of concrete mixes" CBS Publication and distributors,

2. Mehta P K & P J M Monteiro, “Concrete”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey (Special
Student Edition by Indian Concrete Institute Chennai)
3. Neville. A. M “Properties of Concrete”, ELBS Edition, Longman Ltd., London
4. Rafat Siddique “Special Structural Concretes”, Galgotia publications, New
5. Santhakumar A R, “Concrete Technology”, Oxford University Press.
6. Shetty M S “Concrete Technology”, S. Chand publishing House Ltd., New
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE244 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours

Course objectives:
This course will enable students to
 Design pre-stressed elements
 Understand the behavior of pre-stressed elements.
 Understand the behavior of pre-stressed sections
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Shear and Torsional Resistance:
Shear and principal stresses, ultimate shear resistance,
design of shear reinforcement, Torsion, Design of
reinforcement for torsion.
Anchorage Zone Stresses in Post-Tensioned Members:
10 Hours L1, L2
Introduction, stress distribution in end block,
investigations on Anchorage zone stresses, Magnel and
Guyon’s Methods, Comparative Analysis, Anchorage zone

Tension Members:
Introduction, Ties, Pressure pipes – fabrication process,
analysis, design and specifications. Cylindrical containers
construction techniques, analysis, design and
specifications. 10 Hours L2, L3

Compression Members:
Introduction, Columns, short columns, long columns,
biaxially loaded columns, Design specifications.
Module -3
Statically indeterminate Structures:
Introduction, Advantages of continuous members, effect of
prestressing in indeterminate structures, methods of L2, L3,
10 Hours
analysis for secondary moments, concordant cable profile, L4
Guyon’s theorem, Ultimate load analysis, Design of
continuous beams and portal frames.
Module -4
Slab and Grid Floors:
Types of floor slabs, Design of one way, two way and flat L1, L2,
10 Hours
slabs. Distribution of prestressing tendons, Analysis and L3
design of grid floors.
Module -5
Composite Beams:
Introduction, types of composite beams, analysis for
stresses, differential shrinkage, serviceability limit state.
Design for flexural and shear strength.
Precast Elements: L1, L2,
10 Hours
Introduction, Prestressed concrete poles-manufacturing L3
techniques, shapes and cross sectional properties, design
loads, designs principles. Railway sleepers-classification
and Manufacturing techniques, design loads, analysis and
design principles. Prestressed concrete pavements, slab
and wall panels.
Course Outcomes:
After studying this course, students will be able to:
 Analyse , Design and detail PSC elements
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Srinath. L.S., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Delhi Co ltd., New
2. Krishna Raju, “Prestressed concrete”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Book – Co., New
3. T.Y. Lin and Burn, “Design of prestress concrete structures”, John Wiley,
New York.
4. S. Ramamrutham, “Prestressed concrete”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE251 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours

Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students to learn principles of Design of industrial
building, To design different components of industrial structures and to detail the structures.
To evaluate the performance of the Pre-engineered buildings

Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Analysis of industrial building for Gravity and Wind load.
Analysis and design of framing components namely, girders, L2, L3,
10 Hours
trusses, gable frames L4

Analysis and design of gantry column (stepped column / column L2, L3,
with bracket), purlins, girts, bracings including all connections. 10 Hours
Module -3
Analysis of transmission line towers for wind load and design of L2, L3,
towers including all connections. 10 Hours
Module -4
Forms of light gauge sections, Effective width computation of
unstiffened, stiffened, multiple stiffened compression elements of cold L1, L2,
formed light gauge sections. Concept of local buckling of thin elements. 10 Hours
Limiting width to thickness ratio. Post buckling strength.

Module -5
Concept of Pre- engineered buildings, Design of compression and L2, L3,
10 Hours
tension members of cold formed light gauge sections, Design of L4
flexural members (Laterally restrained / laterally unrestrained).

Course outcomes: On completion of this course, students are able to

• Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
• Understand the industrial building and the components.
• Design and develop analytical skills.
• Summarize the principles of Structural Design and detailing
• Understands the concept of Pre- engineered buildings.

Question paper pattern:

The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.

Reference Books:
1. Bureau of Indian Standards, IS800-2007, IS875-1987, IS-801-1975. Steel Tables, SP 6
(1) – 1984
2. N Subramanian- “Design of Steel Structure” oxford University Press
3. B.C. Punmia, A.K. Jain “Design of Steel Structures”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
4. Ramchandra and Virendra Gehlot “ Design of Steel Structures “ Vol 1 and Vol.2,
Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur
5. Duggal “Limit State Design of Steel Structures” TMH
Advances in Artificial Intelligence
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE252 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours

Course objectives:
 To learn the difference between optimal reasoning Vs human like reasoning • To
understand the notions of state space representation, exhaustive search, heuristic search
along with the time and space complexities
 To learn different knowledge representation techniques
 To understand the applications of AI: namely Game Playing, Theorem Proving, Expert
Systems, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Introduction: What is AI? Foundations of AI, History of AI,
Agents and environments, The nature of the Environment, 10 Hours L2, L3
Problem solving Agents, Problem Formulation, Search
Knowledge and Reasoning: Knowledge-based Agents,
Representation, Reasoning and Logic, Prepositional logic,
First-order logic, Using First-order logic, Inference in First- 10 Hours L2, L3
order logic, forward and Backward Chaining

Module -3
Learning: Learning from observations, Forms of Learning,
Inductive Learning, Learning decision trees, why learning 10 Hours L2, L3
works, Learning in Neural and Belief networks
Module -4
Practical Natural Language Processing: Practical
applications, Efficient parsing, Scaling up the lexicon, 10 Hours L3, L4
Scaling up the Grammar, Ambiguity, Perception, Image
formation, Image processing operations for Early vision,
Speech recognition and Speech Synthesis

Module -5
Robotics: Introduction, Tasks, parts, effectors, Sensors,
Architectures, Configuration spaces, Navigation and motion 10 Hours L3, L4
planning, Introduction to AI based programming Tools

Question paper pattern:

The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig: “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”,2nd
Edition, Pearson Education, 2007
2. Artificial Neural Networks B. Yagna Narayana, PHI
3. Artificial Intelligence , 2nd Edition, E.Rich and K.Knight (TMH).
4. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems – Patterson PHI.
5. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming- Fourth Edn, Giarrantana/ Riley,
6. PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence. Ivan Bratka- Third Edition – Pearson
7. Neural Networks Simon Haykin PHI
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE253 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours

Course objectives:
1. Learn the fundamentals of structural health monitoring.
2. Study the various vibration-based techniques for structural health monitoring.
3. Learn the structural health monitoring using fiber-optic and Piezoelectric sensors.
4. Study the structural health monitoring using electrical resistance and electromagnetic

Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Introduction to Structural Health Monitoring Definition of
structural health monitoring (SHM), Motivation for SHM,
SHM as a way of making materials and structures smart,
SHM and biomimetics, Process and pre-usage monitoring
as a part of SHM, SHM as a part of system management,
Passive and active SHM,NDE, SHM and NDECS, Variety
and multidisciplinarity: the most remarkable characters of
SHM, Birth of the SHM Community. 10 Hours L2, L3
Vibration-Based Techniques for SHM Basic vibration
concepts for SHM, Local and global methods, Damage
diagnosis as an inverse problem, Model-based damage
assessment, Mathematical description of structural
systems with damage, General dynamic behavior,
Statespace description of mechanical systems, Modeling of 10 Hours
damaged structural elements, Linking experimental and
analytical data, Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) for mode
pairing, Modal Scaling Factor (MSF), Co-ordinate Modal
Assurance Criterion (COMAC), Damping, Expansion and
reduction, Updating of the initial model, Damage
localization and quantification, Change of the flexibility
matrix, Change of the stiffness matrix, Strain-energy-based
indicator methods and curvature modes, MECE error
localization technique, Static displacement method, Inverse
eigen sensitivity method, Modal force residual method,
Kinetic and strain energy-based sensitivity methods, Forced
vibrations and frequency response functions, Solution of
the equation system, Regularization, Parameter subset
selection, Other solution methods, Variances of the
parameters, Neural network approach to SHM, The basic
idea of neural networks, Neural networks in damage
detection, localization and quantification, Multi-layer
Perceptron (MLP), A simulation example, Description of the
structure, Application of damage indicator methods,
Application of the modal force residual method and inverse
eigen sensitivity method, Application of the kinetic and
modal strain energy methods, Application of the Multi-
Layer Perceptron neural network, Time-domain damage
detection methods for linear systems, Parity equation
method, Kalman filters, AR and ARX models, Damage
identification in non-linear systems, Extended Kalman
filter, Localization of damage using filter banks, A
simulation study on a beam with opening and closing crack,
Applications, I-40 bridge,,Steelquake structure, Application
of the Z24 bridge, Detection of delamination in a CFRP plate
with stiffeners.

Module -3
Fiber-Optic Sensors Classification of fiber-optic sensors,
Intensity-based sensors, Phasemodulated optical fiber
sensors, or interferometers, Wavelength based sensors, or
Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG), The fiber Bragg grating as a
strain and temperature sensor, Response of the FBG to
uniaxial uniform strain fields, Sensitivity of the FBG to
10 Hours L2, L3
temperature, Response of the FBG to a non-uniform
uniaxial strain field, Response of the FBG to transverse
stresses, Photoelasticity in a plane stress state, Structures
with embedded fiber Bragg gratings, Orientation of the
optical fiber optic with respect to the reinforcement fibers,
Ingress/egress from the laminate, Fiber Bragg gratings as
damage sensors for composites, Measurement of strain and
stress variations, Measurement of spectral perturbations
associated with internal stress release resulting from
damage spread, Examples of applications in aeronautics
and civil engineering, Stiffened panels with embedded fiber
Bragg gratings, Concrete beam repair
Module -4
SHM with Piezoelectric Sensors The use of embedded
sensors as acoustic emission (AE) detectors, Experimental
results and conventional analysis of acoustic emission
signals, Algorithms for damage localization, Algorithms for
damage characterization, Available industrial AE systems,
New concepts in acoustic emission, State-the-art and main
trends in piezoelectric transducer-based acousto-ultrasonic
SHM research, Lamb wave structure interrogation, Sensor
technology, Tested structures (mainly metallic or composite 10 Hours L2, L3
parts), Acousto-ultrasonic signal and data reduction
methods, The full implementation of SHM of localized
damage with guided waves in composite materials,
Available industrial acoustoultrasonic systems with
piezoelectric sensors, Electromechanical impedance, E/M
impedance for defect detection in metallic and composite
parts, The piezoelectric implant method applied to the
evaluation and monitoring of viscoelastic properties.

Module -5
SHM Using Electrical Resistance Composite damage,
Electrical resistance of unloaded composite, Percolation
concept, Anisotropic conduction properties in continuous
fiber reinforced polymer, Influence of temperature,
Composite strain and damage monitoring by electrical
resistance, 0° unidrectional laminates, Multidirectional
laminates, Randomly distributed fiber reinforced polymers, 10 Hours L3, L4
Damage localization. Low Frequency Electromagnetic
Techniques Theoretical considerations on electromagnetic
theory, Maxwell‘s equations, Dipole radiation, Surface
impedance, Diffraction by a circular aperture, Eddy
currents, Polarization of dielectrics, Applications to the
NDE/NDT domain, Dielectric materials, Conductive
materials, Hybrid method, Signal processing, Time-
frequency transforms, The continuous wavelet transform,
The discrete wavelet transform, Multiresolution, Denoising,
Application to the SHM domain, General principles,
Magnetic method, Electric method, Hybrid method.

Question paper pattern:

The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Daniel Balageas, Claus-Peter Fritzen, Alfredo Güemes, Structural Health
Monitoring, WileyISTE, 2006.
2. Douglas E Adams, Health Monitoring of Structural Materials and Components-
Methods with Applications, John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
3. J.P. Ou, H.Li and Z.D. Duan, Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent
Infrastructure, Vol-1, Taylor and Francis Group, London, U.K, 2006.
4. Victor Giurglutiu, Structural Health Monitoring with Wafer Active Sensors,
Academic Press Inc, 2007.
5. Smart Materials and Structures, Gandhi and Thompson
6. Structural Health Monitoring: Current Status and Perspectives, Fu Ko Chang
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE254 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
 Special Concrete
 Structural Dynamics

Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students to learn principles of stability of tall
buildings, To design the tall buildings for earthquake and wind resistance. To
evaluate the performance of tall structures for strength and stability
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Design Criteria: Design philosophy, loading, sequential loading,
and materials – high performance concrete, fiber reinforced
concrete, lightweight concrete, design mixes. Loading and 10 Hours L1, L2
Movement: Gravity loading: Dead and live load, methods of live
load reduction, Impact, Gravity loading, Construction loads
Wind loading: static and dynamic approach, Analytical and wind
tunnel experimentation method. Earthquake loading: Equivalent L1, L3,
lateral force, modal analysis, combinations of loading, working 10 Hours
L4, L5
stress design, Limit state design, Plastic design.

Module -3
Behavior of Various Structural Systems: Factors affecting
growth, Height and structural form; High rise behavior, Rigid
frames, braced frames, in-filled frames, shear walls, coupled 10 Hours L2, L3
shear walls, wall-frames, tubular, cores, Futigger – braced and
hybrid mega system.
Module -4
Analysis and Design: Modeling for approximate analysis, accurate
analysis and reduction techniques, analysis of building as total structural
L2, L3,
system considering overall integrity and major subsystem interaction, 10 Hours
analysis for member forces; drift and twist, computerized general three L4
dimensional analyses.

Module -5
Stability of Tall Buildings: Overall buckling analysis of frames,
wall frames, approximate methods, second order effects of gravity
of loading, P-Delta analysis, simultaneous first order and P-Delta
analysis, Transnational, Torsional instability, out of plum effects,
stiffness of member in stability, effect of foundation rotation. L2, L3,
10 Hours
Structural elements: sectional shapes, properties and resisting L4, L5
capacities, design, deflection, cracking, pre-stressing, shear flow.
Design for differential movement, creep and shrinkage effects,
temperature effects and fire
Course outcomes: On completion of this course, students are able to:
• Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
• Understand the principles of strength and stability
• Design and develop analytical skills.
• Summarize the behavior of various structural systems.
• Understand the concepts of P-Delta analysis

Question paper pattern:

The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.

Reference Books:
1. Taranath B.S, “Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings”- McGraw Hill
2. Wilf gang Schuller, “High rise building structures”- John Wiley
3. Bryan Stafford Smith & Alexcoull, “Tall building structures Analysis and Design”- John
4. T.Y Lin & D.Stotes Burry, “Structural concepts and system for Architects and Engineers”-
John Wiley
5. Lynn S.Beedle, “Advances in Tall Buildings”- CBS Publishers and Distributors.
6. Dr. Y.P. Gupta – Editor, “Proceedings National Seminar on High Rise Structures- Design
and Construction practices for middle level cities”- New Age International Limited
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSEL26 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 1:3:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
42 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours

Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students
To analyze the structure using FE based Software
To learn principles of design
To investigate the performance of structural elements.
To design the structural components using excel sheets
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
1. Static and Dynamic analysis and design of Multistory 12 Hrs
Building structures using any FE based software
2. Design of RCC and Steel Tall structures using any FE based L1, L2,
12 Hrs
software L3, L4,
L5, L6
3. Analysis of folded plates and shells using any FE software. 06 Hrs
4. Preparation of EXCEL sheets for structural design 12 Hrs

Course outcomes: On complete of this course the students will able to

 Achieve Knowledge of design and development of programming skills.
 Understand the principles of structural analysis and design
 Design and develop analytical skills.
 Summarize the performance of structures for static and dynamic forces.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE31 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
 Structural Analysis
 Highway Engineering
 Design of RC Structures
Course objectives:
The students will be exposed to the Engineering aspects of concrete bridges
Various loads that act on the bridges as per IRC.
Analysis for the maximum BM and SF at critical section using load distributing
 Design of various components using limit state method with reinforcement
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Introduction & Design of Slab Culvert
Bridge Engineering and its development in past, Ideal site
selection for Bridges, Bridge classifications, Forces acting
on Bridge. Analysis for maximum BM and SF at critical 8 Hours L2, L3
sections for Dead and Live load as per IRC class A, B, AA
tracked and wheeled vehicles. Structural design of slab
culvert using limit state method with reinforcement details.
Box Culvert
Introduction to box culvert, advantage of structural
continuity, Analysis for maximum BM and SF at critical
sections using moment distribution method for various load 8 Hours L2, L3
combinations such as Dead, Surcharge, Soil, Water and
Live load as per IRC class A, B, AA tracked and wheeled
vehicles. Structural design of box culvert using limit state
method with reinforcement details.
Module -3
T Beam Bridge
Components of T Beam Bridge, Load transfer mechanism,
Proportioning the of Components, Analysis of Slab using
Pigeauds Method for maximum BM and SF at critical
sections for Dead and Live load as per IRC class A, B, AA
tracked and wheeled vehicles and design of Slab using limit
state method with reinforcement details. Analysis of Cross
Girder for maximum BM and SF at critical sections for Dead 8 Hours L3, l4
and Live load as per IRC class A, B, AA tracked and wheeled
vehicles and design of slab using limit state method with
reinforcement details. Analysis of Main Girder using
Courbon's Method for maximum BM and SF at critical
sections for Dead and Live load as per IRC class A, B, AA
tracked and wheeled vehicles and design of Main Girder
using limit state method with reinforcement details.
Module -4
PSC Bridge
Introduction to Pre & Post Tensioning, Proportioning of
Components, Analysis & Structural Design of Slab,
Analysis of Main Girder Using Courbon’s Method for IRC 8 Hours L3, L4
Class AA, Tracked vehicle, Calculations of Prestressing
Force, Calculations of Stresses, Cable profile, Design of End
Block, Detailing of Main Girder.
Module -5
Balanced Cantilever Bridge
Introduction & Proportioning of Components, Analysis of
Main Girder Using Courbon’s Method for IRC Class AA,
Tracked vehicle Design of Simply Supported Portion, 8 Hours L3, L4
Cantilever Portion, Articulation, using limit state method
with reinforcement details.

Course outcomes:
After studying this course, students will be able to:
 Describe historical growth, select ideal site and bridge, calculate values of design
parameters of slab culvert at critical section as per IRC, design and detailing
required for the execution of the project.
 Carry out analysis of box culvert as per IRC to obtain the values of design
parameters and to design and detail the components following IS code procedure.
 Demonstrate the use of Pigeauds Method and Courbon's Method in the analysis
of T beam bridge as per IRC, design to obtain the safe dimensions various
components, optimum reinforcement required following IS code procedure.
 Display the use of Courbon's Method in the analysis of PSC bridge as per IRC,
design to obtain the safe value of prestressing force, obtain the dimensions of
various components to keep the stresses within codal provisions following IS code
 Analysis a balanced cantilever bridge as per IRC and to obtain the safe values of
design parameters and to design and detail the components as per IS code
Question paper pattern:
 The question paper will have ten questions.
 There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each
 Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from
each module.

Text Books:
1. Essentials of Bridge Engineering by Dr D Johnson Victor, Oxford & IBH Publishing
Co New Delhi
2. Design of Bridges by Dr N Krishna Raju, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co New Delhi
1. Principles and Practice of Bridge Engineering by S P Bindra, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
New Delhi
2. IRC 6 -1966 Standard Specifications And Course Code Of Practice For Road
Bridges Section II Loads and Stresses, The Indian Road Congress New Delhi
3. IRC 21 - 1966 Standard Specifications And Course Code Of Practice For Road
Bridges Section III Cement Concrete (Plain and reinforced) The Indian Road
Congress New Delhi
4. IS 456 - 2000 Indian Standard Plain and Reinforced Concrete Course Code of
Practice (Fourth Revision) BIS New Delhi
5. IS 1343 - Indian Standard Prestressed Concrete Course Code of Practice BIS New
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE321 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours

Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students to learn principles of subsoil exploration,
To design the sub structures. To evaluate the soil shear strength parameters.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Introduction, Site investigation, In-situ testing of soils,
Subsoil exploration, Classification of foundations systems. L2, L4,
General requirement of foundations, Selection of foundations, 8 Hours
Computations of Loads, Design concepts.

Concept of soil shear strength parameters, Settlement
analysis of footings, Shallow foundations in clay, Shallow L2, L4,
foundation in sand & C-Ф soils, Footings on layered soils and 8 Hours
sloping ground, Design for Eccentric or Moment Loads

Module -3
Types of rafts, bearing capacity & settlements of raft
foundation, Rigid methods, Flexible methods, soil structure
interaction, different methods of modeling the soil. Combined L2, L4,
footings (rectangular & trapezoidal), strap footings & wall 8 Hours
footings, Raft – super structure interaction effects & general
concepts of structural design, Basement slabs

Module -4
Deep Foundations: Load Transfer in Deep Foundations, Types L2, L3,
8 Hours
of Deep Foundations, Ultimate bearing capacity of different L4, L5
types of piles in different soil conditions, Laterally loaded piles,
tension piles & batter piles, Pile groups: Bearing capacity,
settlement, uplift capacity, load distribution between piles,
Proportioning and design concepts of piles.

Module -5
Types of caissons, Analysis of well foundations, Design
principles, Well construction and sinking. Foundations for
tower structures: Introduction, Forces on tower foundations, L2, L3,
8 Hours
Selection of foundation type, Stability and design L4, L5
considerations, Ring foundations – general concepts.
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
• Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
• Understand the principles of subsoil exploration
• Design and develop analytical skills.
• Identify and evaluate the soil shear strength parameters.
• Understand the concepts of Settlement analysis.
Question paper pattern:
 The question paper will have ten questions.
 There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each
 Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a
 The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question
from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Swami Saran – “Analysis & Design of Substructures”- Oxford & IBH Pub. Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
2. Nainan P Kurian – “Design of Foundation Systems”- Narosa Publishing House, 1992.
3. R.B. Peck, W.E. Hanson & T.H. Thornburn – “Foundation Engineering”- Wiley Eastern
Ltd.,Second Edition, 1984.
4. J.E. Bowles – “Foundation Analysis and Design”- McGraw-Hill Int. Editions, Fifth Ed.,
5. W.C. Teng – “Foundation Design”- Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1983.
6. Bureau of Indian Standards:IS-1498, IS-1892, IS-1904, IS-6403, IS-8009, IS-2950, IS-
11089, IS-11233, IS-2911 and all other relevant codes
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE322 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours

Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students to learn principles of optimization,
To implement the optimization Concepts for the structural engineering problems. To
evaluate different methods of optimization.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Introduction: Introduction to optimization, engineering
applications of optimization, Formulation of structural
optimization problems as programming problems.
Optimization Techniques: Classical optimization
L1, L2,
techniques, single variable optimization, multivariable 8 Hours
optimization with no constraints, unconstrained
minimization techniques and algorithms constrained
optimization solutions by penalty function techniques,
Lagrange multipliers techniques and feasibility techniques.
Linear Programming: Linear programming, standard form
of linear programming, geometry of linear programming
problems, solution of a system of linear simultaneous L2, L4,
equations, pivotal production of general systems of 8 Hours
equations, simplex algorithms, revised simpler methods,
duality in linear programming.

Module -3
Non-linear programming: Non-linear programming, one
dimensional minimization methods, elimination methods,
Fibonacci method, golden section method, interpolation L2, L3,
8 Hours
methods, quadratic and cubic methods, Unconstrained L4, L5
optimization methods, direct search methods, random
search methods, descent methods
Module -4
Constrained optimization techniques such as direct
methods, the complex methods, cutting plane method,
L2, L3,
exterior penalty function methods for structural 8 Hours
L4, L5
engineering problems. Formulation and solution of
structural optimization problems by different technique
Module -5
Geometric programming: Geometric programming,
conversion of NLP as a sequence of LP/ geometric
8 Hours L4, L5
Dynamic programming: Dynamic programming
conversion of NLP as a sequence of LP/ Dynamic
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
• Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
• Understand the principles of optimization.
• Design and develop analytical skills.
• Summarize the Linear, Non-linear and Geometric Programming
• Understands the concept of Dynamic programming

Question paper pattern:

 The question paper will have ten questions.
 There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from
each module.
 Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a
 The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question
from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Spunt, “Optimum Structural Design”- Prentice Hall
2. S.S. Rao, “Optimization – Theory and Practice”- Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. Uri Krisch, “Optimum Structural Design”- McGraw Hill
4. Richard Bronson, “Operation Research”- Schaum’s Outline Series
5. Bhavikatti S.S.- “Structural optimization using sequential linear
programming”- Vikas publishing house
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE323 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
 Strength of Materials
 Finite Element Analysis
 Theory of Elasticity

Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students to learn principles of stability of
structures, To analyse the structural elements for stability. To evaluate the use of
strain energy in plate bending and stability.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Beam – Column
Differential equation. Beam column subjected to (i) lateral
concentrated load, (ii) several concentrated loads, (iii)
continuous lateral load. Application of trigonometric series, 8 Hours L1, L2
Euler’s formulation using fourth order differential
equation for pined – pined, fixed – fixed, fixed – free and
fixed – pinned column.
Buckling of frames and continuous beams. Elastic
Energy method:
Approximate calculation of critical loads for a cantilever.
Exact critical load for hinged – hinged column using energy
8 Hours L2, L3
approach. Buckling of bar on elastic foundation. Buckling
of cantilever column under distributed loads.
Determination of critical loads by successive
approximation. Bars with varying cross section. Effect of
shear force on critical load. Column subjected to pulsating

Module -3
Stability analysis by finite element approach
Derivation of shape function for a two nodded Bernoulli–
Euler beam element (lateral and translation of) – element
stiffness and element geometric stiffness matrices –
assembled stiffness and geometric stiffness matrices for L2, L3,
a discretised column with different boundary condition 8 Hours L4
– calculation of critical loads for a discretised (two
elements) column (both ends built in). Buckling of pin
jointed frames (maximum of two active DOF) – symmetrical
single bay portal frame.

Module -4
Lateral buckling of beams
Differential equation –pure bending – cantilever beam with
tip load – simply supported beam of I section subjected to L1, L2,
8 Hours
central concentrated load. Pure Torsion of thin – walled bars L3
of open cross section. Non – uniform Torsion of thin – walled
bars of open cross section.

Module -5
Expression for strain energy in plate bending with in
plate forces (linear and non – linear).
Buckling of simply supported rectangular plate– uniaxial
L1, L2,
load and biaxial load. Buckling of uniformly compressed 8 Hours L3
rectangular plate simply supported along two opposite
sides perpendicular to the direction of compression and
having various edge condition along the other two sides.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
 Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
 Understand the principles of strength and stability
 Design and develop analytical skills.
 Appraise the Stability analysis by finite element approach.
 Understand the concepts of lateral buckling of beams.
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Stephen P. Timoshenko, James M Gere, “Theory of Elastic Stability”-2nd
Edition, McGraw – Hill, New Delhi.
2. Robert D Cook, “Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis”-
3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
3. S. Rajashekar, “Computations and Structural Mechanics”-Prentice – Hall,
4. Ray W Clough and J Penzien, “Dynamics of Structures” - 2nd Edition, McGraw
Hill, New Delhi
5. H.Zeiglar, “Principles of Structural Stability”-Blaisdall Publications
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE324 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours

Course objectives:

1. To impart the concept knowledge on data analysis and probability in the context
of structural engineering.
2. To demonstrate uncertainty in structural engineering with respect to randomness
of variables and knowledge of probability distributions.
3. To demonstrate principles of structural reliability in order to assess safety due to
randomness of variables.
4. To perform computations of structural reliability using various methods at
component and system level.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Preliminary Data Analysis:
Graphical representation- Histogram, frequency polygon,
Measures of central tendency- grouped and ungrouped L2,
8 Hours
data, measures of dispersion, measures of asymmetry. L3,L4
Curve fitting and Correlation: Fitting a straight line, curve
of the form y = abx, and parabola, Coefficient of correlation.
Probability Concepts:
Random events-Sample space and events, Venn diagram
and event space, Measures of probability interpretation, 8 Hours L2, L4
probability axioms, addition rule, multiplication rule,
conditional probability, probability tree diagram, statistical
independence, total probability theorem and Baye’s
Module -3
Random variables:
Probability mass function, probability density function,
Mathematical expectation, Chebyshev’s theorem. 8 Hours L2, L4
Probability distributions: Discrete distributions- Binomial
and Poison distributions, Continuous distributions-
Normal, Log normal distributions.
Module -4
Reliability Analysis:
Measures of reliability-factor of safety, safety margin,
reliability index, performance function and limiting state. L2,
8 Hours
Reliability Methods-First Order Second Moment Method L3,L4,L5
(FOSM), Point Estimate Method (PEM), and Advanced First
Order Second Moment Method (Hasofer-Lind’s method).
Module -5
Simulation Techniques:
Monte Carlo simulation- Statistical experiments,
Confidence limits ,sample size and accuracy, Generation of L2,L3,L4
random numbers- random numbers with standard uniform 8 Hours L5
distribution, continuous random variables (normal and
lognormal), discrete random variables. System reliability:
series, parallel and combined systems.
Course Outcomes: Students will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of statistics for probabilistic analysis and importance
of uncertainty (randomness) in structural analysis and design.
2. Apply the theoretical principles of randomness of variables in structural
engineering through density functions.
3. Analyze components of structure to assess safety using concepts related to
structural reliability by various methods.
4. Evaluate the safety reliability index at system level.

Question paper pattern:

The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each
module, students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Ranganathan, R. (1999). “Structural Reliability Analysis and design”- Jaico
publishing house, Mumbai, India.
2. Devaraj.V & Ravindra.R,(2017),’Reliability based Analysis and Design for Civil
Engineers’, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, India
3. Ang, A. H. S., and Tang, W. H. (1984). “Probability concepts in engineering
planning and design”- Volume –I, John Wiley and sons, Inc, New York.
4. Ang, A. H. S., and Tang, W. H. (1984). “Probability concepts in engineering
planning and design”-Volume –II, John Wiley and sons, Inc, New York.
5. Milton, E. Harr (1987). “Reliability based design in civil engineering”- Mc Graw
Hill book Co.
6. Nathabandu, T., Kottegoda, and Renzo Rosso (1998). Statistics, “Probability
and reliability for Civil and Environmental Engineers”- Mc Graw Hill
international edition, Singapore.
7. Achintya Haldar and Sankaran Mahadevan (2000). “Probability, Reliability and
Statistical methods in Engineering design”- John Wiley and Sons. Inc.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE331 CIE Marks 40
Hours/Week 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Prerequisites: Concrete Technology and Mechanics of Deformable Bodies

Course objectives: This course will enable students to

1. To compute the stress intensity factor, strain energy release rate and the stress
and strain fields around a crack tip for linear and nonlinear materials.
2. Know experimental methods to determine the fracture toughness.
3. Use the design principles of materials and structures using fracture mechanics

Teaching RBT
Modules Hours Level
Stress concentration in elastic materials
Theory of stress concentration in elastic materials, stress
concentration factors around circular and elliptic holes. 8 Hours L1,L2
Influence of ratio of radii on stress concentration factor in
elliptic hole.
Linear Elastic Fracture mechanics
Modeling a crack as a flat elliptic hole by Inglis and the
limitations of the model, Griffith theory of brittle fracture 8 Hours L2,L3
Theories of linear elastic fracture mechanics, stress
intensity factors, Irwin’s definition. Fracture toughness
KIc, KIIc, KIIIc & corresponding values of GC.
Module -3
Elasto-plastic fracture mechanics
Crack-tip plasticity in metals. Irwin’s modification for
8 Hours
elasto-plastic material. L2,L3,L4
J integral, CMOD, CTOD. Mixed mode problems and
evaluation of critical fracture parameters.
Module -4
Fracture of Concrete
Limitations of theories of linear elastic fracture mechanics
in concrete, Review of concrete behaviour in tension and 8 Hours L2,L3,L4
Kaplan’s experiments, concept of fracture energy,
definition of a quasi-brittle material, concept of softening.
Module -5
Advanced concepts in fracture behavior of concrete
Definition of fracture energy by RILEM, Influence of size
8 Hours
on fracture behavior, Bazant’s size effect law.
Size dependent & independent fracture energies.
Application of fracture mechanics in design of concrete
Course outcomes:
After studying this course, students will be able to:
 Apply principles of fracture mechanics.
 Design concrete structures using fracture mechanics approach.
 Explain the importance of fracture mechanics.
 Take special care of very large sized structures.

Question paper pattern:

 The question paper will have ten questions.
 There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from
each module.
 Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a
 The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question
from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Timoshenko & Goodier, “Theory of Elasticity”, McGrawHill
2. Valliappan S. "Continuum Mechanics Fundamentals" (1982), Oxford IBH, ND. New
3. Broek, D., "Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics", 4th edition, Martinus Nijhoff
4. T. L. Anderson, “Fracture Mechanics- Fundamentals and Applications”, CRC press
5. Srinath L.S., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, 10th print, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
company, New Delhi,1994
6. Bhushan L Karihaloo “Fracture mechanics and structural concrete “,John Wiley&Sons
7. Zdenek P. Bazant, Jaime Planas, “Fracture and Size Effect in Concrete and Other
Quasibrittle Materials” CRC press
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE332 CIE Marks 40
Number of
Lecture 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Prerequisites: Construction Technology and Strength of Materials
Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to make students
 To learn performance of masonry structures,
 To design the masonry structures for earthquake resistance.
 To evaluate the strength and stability of the masonry structures
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Introduction, Masonry units, materials and types:
History of masonry, Masonry units – Brick- Types of bricks,
Tests conducted on bricks. Other masonry units - stone, clay
block, concrete block, laterite block, stabilized mud block 8 Hours L1,L2
masonry units Masonry materials – Classification and
properties of mortars, selection of mortars. Cracks - Cracks in
masonry structures, Type of crack, causes and prevention of
Strength of Masonry in Compression:
Behaviour of Masonry under compression, strength and elastic
properties, influence of masonry unit and mortar
Characteristics, effect of masonry unit height on compressive
strength, influence of masonry bonding patterns on strength,
prediction of strength of masonry in Indian context, Failure
theories of masonry under Compression. Effects of slenderness 8 Hours L2,L3
and eccentricity, effect of rate of absorption, effect of curing,
effect of ageing, workmanship on compressive strength

Masonry Bond Strength and Masonry in Shear and Flexure

Bond between masonry unit and mortar, tests for determining
flexural and shear bond strengths, factors affecting bond
strength, effect of bond strength on compressive strength,
orthotropic strength properties of
masonry in flexure, shear strength of masonry, test procedures
for evaluating flexural and shear strength

Design of load bearing masonry wall

Permissible stresses: Types of walls, permissible compressive
stress, stress reduction and shape modification factors,
increase in permissible stresses for eccentric vertical and
lateral load, permissible tensile stress and shear stresses.
Design Considerations: Effective height of walls and columns,
openings in walls, effective length, effective thickness, L2,L3,
8 Hours
slenderness ratio, eccentricity, load dispersion, arching action L4,L5
in lintels. Problems on design considerations for solid walls,
cavity walls, wall with pillars.
Load considerations and design of Masonry subjected to
axial loads: Design criteria, design examples of walls under
UDL, solid walls, cavity walls, solid wall supported at the ends
by cross wall, walls with piers.

Design of walls subjected to concentrated axial loads: Solid

walls, cavity walls, solid wall supported at the ends by cross
wall, walls with piers, design of wall with openings. Design of
walls subjected to eccentric loads: Design criteria – stress
distribution under eccentric loads – problems on eccentrically L2,L3,
8 Hours
loaded solid walls, cavity walls, walls with piers. L4,L5
Design of Laterally and transversely loaded walls: Design
criteria, design of solid wall under wind loading, design of shear
wall – design of compound walls.


Earthquake resistant masonry buildings:

Behaviour of masonry during earthquakes, concepts and
design procedure for earthquake resistant masonry, BIS codal
provisions. In-filled frames: Types – modes of failures L2,L3,
8 Hours
Reinforced brick masonry L4,L5
Methods of reinforcing Masonry, Analysis of reinforced
Masonry under axial, flexural and shear loading
On completion of this course, students are able to:
 Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
 Understand the principles of design and construction of masonry structures
 Design and develop analytical skills.
 Summarize the masonry Characteristics.
 · Evaluate the strength and stability of the masonry structures.
Reference book

 Henry, A.W., “Structural Masonry”, Macmillan Education Ltd., 1990.

 K.S. Jagadish, “Structural masonry”, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt.
 Dayaratnam P, “Brick and Reinforced Brick Structures”, Oxford & IBH, 1987.
 M. L. Gambhir, “Building and Construction Materials”, Mc Graw Hill
education Pvt. Ltd.


 IS 1905–1987 “Code of practice for structural use of un-reinforced masonry-

(3rd revision) BIS, New Delhi.
 SP 20 (S&T) – 1991, “Hand book on masonry design and construction (1st
revision) BIS, New Delhi.
Question paper pattern:

 The question paper will have ten questions.

 There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from
each module.
 Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a
 The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question
from each module.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE333 CIE Marks 40
Number of SEE Marks
Lecture 03 60
Total Number of Exam Hours
40 03
Lecture Hours

Course objectives:
1. Learn the fundamentals of maintenance and repair strategies.
2. Study the quality assurance, serviceability and durability of concrete.
3. Know the various materials and techniques used for repair of structures.
4. Educate the different repair, strengthening, rehabilitation and retrofitting
5. Instruct the various health monitoring and demolition techniques.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Maintenance: Repair and Rehabilitation, Facets of
Maintenance, importance of Maintenance various aspects of
Inspection, Assessment procedure for evaluating damaged
structure, causes of deterioration.
8 Hours L2, L3
Repair Strategies: Causes of distress in concrete structures,
Construction and design failures, Condition assessment and
distress-diagnostic techniques, Assessment procedure for
Inspection and evaluating a damaged structure,
Serviceability and Durability of Concrete: Quality assurance for
concrete construction, concrete properties – strength,
permeability, thermal properties and cracking. – Effects due to 8 Hours L2, L3
climate, temperature, chemicals, corrosion – design and
construction errors – Effects of cover thickness and cracking.

Module -3
Materials and Techniques for Repair: Special concretes and 8 Hours L2, L3
mortar, concrete chemicals, special elements for accelerated
strength gain, Expansive cement, polymer concrete, Sulphur
infiltrated concrete, ferro cement, Fibre reinforced concrete.
Bacterial concrete, Rust eliminators and polymers coating for
rebars during repair, foamed concrete, mortar and dry pack,
vacuum concrete, Gunite and Shotcrete, Epoxy injection,
Mortar repair for cracks, shoring and underpinning. Methods
of corrosion protection, corrosion inhibitors, corrosion resistant
coating and cathodic protection
Module -4
Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting Techniques: Repairs to
overcome low member strength, Deflection, Cracking, Chemical
disruption, weathering corrosion, wear, fire, leakage and
marine exposure, Repair of Structure – Common Types of
Repairs – Repair in Concrete Structures – Repairs in Under 8 Hours L2, L3
Water Structures – Guniting – Shot Create – Underpinning.
Strengthening of Structures – Strengthening Methods –
Retrofitting – Jacketing.

Module -5
Health Monitoring and Demolition Techniques: Long term
health monitoring techniques, Engineered demolition
techniques for dilapidated structures, Use of Sensors – Building 8 Hours L3, L4

Question paper pattern:The question paper will have ten questions; each question
carries equal marks, there will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub
questions from each module, students will have to attend five full questions from each
Reference Books:
1. Concrete Technology by A.R. Santakumar, Oxford University press
2. Defects and Deterioration in Buildingts, E F & N Spon, London
3. Non-Destructive Evaluation of Concrete Structures by Bungey - Surrey University
4. Maintenance and Repair of Civil Structures, B.L. Gupta and Amit Gupta, Standard
5. Concrete Repair and Maintenance Illustrated, RS Means Company Inc W. H. Ranso, (1981)
6. Building Failures : Diagnosis and Avoidance, EF & N Spon, London, B
7. Mehta, P.K and Montevic. P.J., Concrete- Microstructure, Properties and Materials, ICI, 1997.
8. Jackson, N., Civil Engineering Materials, ELBS, 1983.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 20CSE334 CIE Marks 40
Number of SEE Marks
Lecture 03 60
Total Number of Exam Hours
40 03
Lecture Hours

Course objectives:
1. Exposure to the green building technologies and their significance.
2. Understand the judicial use of energy and its management.
3. Educate about the Sun-earth relationship and its effect on climate.
4. Enhance awareness of end-use energy requirements in the society.
5. Develop suitable technologies for energy management.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Overview of the significance of energy use and energy
processes in building - Indoor activities and environmental
control - Internal and external factors on energy use and
8 Hours L2, L3
the attributes of the factors - Characteristics of energy use
and its management - Macro aspect of energy use in
dwellings and its implications.
Indoor environmental requirement and management -
Thermal comfort - Ventilation and air quality – Air-
conditioning requirement - Visual perception - Illumination 8 Hours L2, L3
requirement - Auditory requirement.

Module -3
Climate, solar radiation and their influences - Sun-earth
relationship and the energy balance on the earth's surface
- Climate, wind, solar radiation, and temperature - Sun 8 Hours L3, L4
shading and solar radiation on surfaces - Energy impact on
the shape and orientation of buildings.
Module -4
End-use, energy utilization and requirements - Lighting and
day lighting - End-use energy requirements - Status of
energy use in buildings Estimation of energy use in a
building. Heat gain and thermal performance of building
envelope - Steady and non steady heat transfer through the 8 Hours L3, L4
glazed window and the wall - Standards for thermal
performance of building envelope - Evaluation of the overall
thermal transfer

Module -5
Energy management options - Energy audit and energy
targeting - Technological options for energy management. 8 Hours L3, L4

Question paper pattern:

The question paper will have ten questions; each question carries equal marks, there
will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module,
students will have to attend five full questions from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Bryant Edwards (2005): Natural Hazards, Cambridge University Press, U.K.
2. Carter, W. Nick, 1991: Disaster Management, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
3. Sahni, Pardeep (eds.) 2002, Disaster Mitigation Experiences and Reflections,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
4. Bryant Edwards (2005): Natural Hazards, Cambridge University Press, U.K.

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