SEC-435-LAB 3: Course: SEC-435-901 Digital Forensics
SEC-435-LAB 3: Course: SEC-435-901 Digital Forensics
SEC-435-LAB 3: Course: SEC-435-901 Digital Forensics
3. Keyword search
From above figure we can see there are different searching criteria are defined
so for this task I have select substring match it will search thoroughly and will
find every file that contains the mention content.
5. Create report
Once all the steps done the last step is always to maintain report so here we
have plenty of report option available, you can see from above figure-8 the
html results generated report.
Hands on project 8-2
This project is linked with previous task the same tool “autopsy” will use in this
task as well and in this task the file to examine is different from the task 1 and in
this task we will use the different search parameter or filter to find the results
although rest of other things will remain same like tagging the findings and
generating the report.
1. Start autopsy and create new case
Figure-09 creating new case
3. Keyword search
Figure-11 search keyword with exact match
As compare to task 1 here the search filter is selected as Exact match so only
files with exact keyword match in their meta data will came up as result.
5. Additional mark
6. Generate report
Figure- 14 generate report
Here, you can see that 2nd file is created from spider.jpg to spider2.bmp after
open these three files in Irfanview there no as such difference came up except
size, the jpg file is relatively less in size as 63KB where are bmp files are
6076KB each.
5. Open flower.gif file
Yes, there is major difference is size and in jpg content of image get static as in gif
image flower was blossom.
3 & 4. Hide txt file in bmp file & fill pass phrase
Figure-24 Hide txt file in bmp file & fill pass phrase