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Elementary Education Program

Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Design Document for Lesson Plan

Name: Katie Freije & Tiphany Parisi

Grade Level: 1
Concept/Topic: Creating a positive classroom environment for all students.
Length of Lesson (in minutes): 25-30 minutes

Learning Objectives: What are your learning objectives? (What new understandings will the
students have as a result of this lesson? Make sure learning objectives are measurable.)

- Students will be able to demonstrate how we should treat new students and each other

Under which standards from North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NC-SCOS) do these
learning objectives fall?

NH.CMT.1 Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication.

● NH.CMT.1.1 Use simple phrases and short sentences in short social interactions.
● NH.CMT.1.2 Carry out short interactions on familiar topics, such as family, friends, and
activities, with people from the target culture or communities of learners of the same
target language.

Key Tasks/Activities: What are the key activities or tasks that you plan to use? What is your
rationale for why you have selected these particular tasks/activities to meet your learning

● Reading the book “The Name Jar” by Yangsook Choi

○ We want to begin the lesson by reading this book to introduce our vocabulary,
activity, and main goals of the lesson
○ We want students to understand how to treat their peers and how they could treat
a new student
○ Reading aloud will allow us to stop and ask questions that will reinforce simple
phrases that could be used in short social interactions
● About Me Jar
○ We will have students write down one fact about themselves on a slip of paper
and then place it in the jar
■ We are having the students do facts instead of names because they are all
familiar with each other
○ Students will write something about themselves, family, friends, or activities to
put in the jar
○ They will then be able to take one of the papers and create a short interaction out
of the fact they wrote
Elementary Education Program
Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Anticipating Students’ Responses: How do you anticipate that students will respond to your
planned activities/tasks? This does not mean their response affectively, but instead their
response academically (e.g., What prior knowledge or conceptions might they bring? How do
you think they will approach or solve the task(s)?). When necessary, please insert images of your
handwritten anticipated approaches/strategies. Be specific - use your anticipated responses to
help you plan your questions in the lesson plan.

- When introducing this topic, students will express that they just recently gained a new
- Students will talk about how they would want to be treated if they entered a new class
- Students might share different countries or places they have gotten souvenirs from

Responding to Students’ Responses: Describe how you will provide scaffolding for students
who are stuck, and describe how you will extend the thinking of students who have a firm grasp
on the target content/objectives.

● When reading the book we will ask students to turn to a partner to help answer our
● When completing the About Me Jar activity we will walk around the classroom and assist
with spelling and coming up with ideas that they could write about
○ We will look to the standards and suggest they write about their family, friends, or
an activity they participate in
● For some students we will need to write their fact on the paper for them and have the
copy it below

Development of Practices among Students: Which disciplinary practices does your lesson aim
to develop? (e.g., “construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others”, “develop
and use models”) How do the task(s) develop the target practice(s)?

● Design learning environments that enable student collaboration

○ By having the students listen to a book about great student interaction and
collaboration will not only inspire them but show them an example to follow
○ We will discuss how to create an inviting environment and how this can turn into
great student collaboration
○ The About Me Jar will give students examples of how they introduce themselves
and reinforce good student collaboration
Elementary Education Program
Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Assessment: Describe your assessment plan for the targeted learning objective(s). What specific
data/information will you use, and how will that data/information tell you that the students
have/have not met the objective?

● We are using the About Me Jar as our assessment. We will be looking to make sure that
students are writing a fact about themselves, their family or friends, or an activity they
participated in.
● When the students are writing their facts we will go around the room and ask them about
their facts. This will help us determine if it is something they could use in a short
interaction with each other

Vocabulary/Language Function: Define vocabulary that students will need to know in order to
access the content and goals of your lesson. Be precise and careful with your language. Please
attend to three types of vocabulary:
● Content vocabulary (e.g., obtuse, molecule, civil rights)
● Academic language (e.g., represent, model, compare)
● Key non-content vocabulary that is necessary to understand the task/activity
- Introduce - to lead to or make known by a formal act, announcement, or
recommendation (Miriam Webster, Introduce)
- Nickname - a usually descriptive name given instead of or in addition to the one
belonging to a person, place, or thing (Miriam Webster, Nickname)
- Identity - the distinguishing character or personality of an individual (Miriam Webster,
- Relieved - experiencing or showing relief especially from anxiety or pent-up emotions
(Miriam Webster, Relieved)
- Souvenir - something kept as a reminder (as of a place one has visited) (Miriam
Webster, Souvenir)

Classroom Management Plan: Explain how you will motivate students to engage in the lesson,
how you will set and enforce expectations, and how you will ensure that transitions are smooth
and efficient.

● Teacher will give an overview of the lesson. Explain to students that we will read a story
out loud, review the story as a class, include time for pair-sharing and have a fun activity
at the end.
● Reinforcing students are abiding by “rule #3” in the classroom if they begin having side
conversations during read aloud- which reminds them that Rule #3 means to listen and
respect others while speaking
● We have the students move around the room minimally to create a more seamless lesson

Elementary Education Program
Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Identity definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved December

1, 2021, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/identity.

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Introduce definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved

December 1, 2021, from

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Nickname definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved

December 1, 2021, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nickname.

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Relieved definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved December

1, 2021, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/relieved.

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Souvenir definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved

1, 2021, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/souvenir.

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